What is the condition during pregnancy. Emotions of a pregnant woman. What should men do if all their efforts and worries lead to the opposite results?

A pregnant woman and her husband should know the features different periods pregnancy and, if possible, take them into account in family life.

For anyone who has ever encountered a pregnant woman, it is no secret that her character is changing, and quite strongly.

But if this pregnancy for you and your entire family - the first, then you may be surprised and even shocked by how much the psyche of the expectant mother changes.

Many traditional cultures (for example, Chinese, Indian, Roman) were characterized by a completely special treatment to pregnant women.

Special conditions were created for them, as they would say now - perinatal clinics, in which the expectant mother was surrounded only by beautiful things, sounds, even smells. It was believed that a calm, aesthetically sustained atmosphere could harmonize internal state pregnant woman - both physical and mental, mental.

Setting and psychological climate big city often far from ideal conditions, which our ancestors aspired to, and which many literate future parents are striving for now. But the pace of the big city - ragged, nervous, oversaturated - still makes itself felt. There are too many things around us - impressions, a wide variety of information, people, with their conflicting internal states.

Often all this does not contribute to the calm, harmonious mood of a pregnant woman.
Let's try to imagine the dynamics of the emotional state of a pregnant woman, linking the changes taking place in her psyche with such a tangible thing as the gestational age.

First trimester

Big changes

It happens that a woman does not yet know about her pregnancy, but already feels that something is happening to her. Moreover, for most women, the changes in the first trimester of pregnancy are by no means simple.

Many pregnancy experts consider the first trimester to be revolutionary.
Too much changes in the metabolism, and in the hormonal status, and in the physiological, and of course, in the psychological sensations.

There is still much to get used to: for example, changing taste preferences, may begin to like a completely different color scheme and music of those genres that previously did not evoke a response.

In my opinion one of significant factors defining psychological condition a pregnant woman is an early toxicosis.

It is very difficult to enjoy life and be pleasant in communication when you feel sick almost all the time, and that’s all. familiar products stink unbearably. (I apologize for the harshness of expressions).

More than a third of women who perceive the world through a veil of nausea for the first three months.

As a rule, overt toxicosis is associated with a depressed state, sharp drops moods and even depression.

You can’t call a calm first trimester in any way. An experienced midwife I know said that the situation of the first three months of pregnancy is revolutionary. This is when "the tops cannot, but the bottoms do not want."

And to realize the fact that soon enough to become a mother is not easy for everyone. Moreover, the child can be planned, and even long-awaited - but the human, and especially the female, psyche is arranged in such a way that it takes time to realize and accept pregnancy.

And you should not condemn yourself and execute yourself for the minutes of confusion and anxiety in those first hours and days when you just found out that you are pregnant.

A good, in my opinion, way to talk with friends, acquaintances, women who have already given birth. And from many women who have gone through the path of pregnancy and become good mothers, you will definitely hear about difficult attitude to pregnancy at the beginning.

The fact that you were not immediately happy does not mean at all that you will not love the child, and that you will not become a mother at all, but a viper.
Just give yourself (and, of course, the baby's father) some time. To big things you get used to it gradually. And this tiny child inside you is a very big event.
The main task of a pregnant woman is to accept the fact of pregnancy at least by the end of the first trimester and begin to actively enjoy it.

Everything is disgusting:
Speaking in more loyal medical language, which does not reflect the essence of the process, a woman's taste preferences and there are quirks. In one of the Oriental languages ​​there is even special word denoting the whims of a pregnant woman.

It would seem that what is the connection with the psyche - solid physiology.

But if in the morning you can’t drink your favorite coffee with pleasure simply because you feel sick, this can be just a blow to the foundations of life.

You feel that some side of life is slipping away from you and you can’t habitually enjoy the taste of your favorite food. What used to bring pleasure taste sensations- at times sheer flour, and there is no desire for anything.

It will take a few weeks, and you will be quite comfortable with these changes.
True, I have not had to meet people who would like the state of toxicosis.
Increased sensitivity to smells and its effect on the psychological state:
A pregnant woman may feel strong and unpleasant odors everywhere. The refrigerator stinks especially, and sometimes the food being cooked.
Favorite perfumes and smells of close acquaintances may become disgusting.

Toxicosis can sometimes spread to the husband.

Irresistibly want to sleep:
Sleep comes in a huge wave and covers you. You sleep very deeply, sometimes so deeply that it is difficult to wake up. Sleep can be dreamless, but you can also have amazingly vivid dreams.

In general, if you sleep - sleep well. "The soldier is sleeping, but the service is going on." Many discomfort and the experiences of the first trimester of pregnancy are easily treated with sleep.

Mood swings:
Emotional condition pregnant women in the first trimester is quite bumpy.
Happy, euphoric states are replaced by periods of depression and depression. These mood swings usually don't have a good reason. External events are often just an excuse to go outside. strong emotions.

Don't be scared or surprised by these mood swings - they are due to drastic changes in your hormonal state.

Sometimes there is confusion, uncertainty about the future, a feeling that you can not cope:

It can be difficult to get used to the idea that very soon your life will change, that next summer you will not be able to plan as usual. The thought of those new things and events that are coming to you can cause uncertainty.

Uncertainty on many everyday issues also does not add confidence. Indeed, often the relationship between the future father and mother is determined and formalized precisely with the onset of pregnancy.

Second trimester

Quiet mid-pregnancy:

Getting used to the "new format" of your body.

For many who are accustomed to taking care of themselves, future mothers, a change in the volume of the waist and hips causes mental shock. varying degrees gravity. Of course, you guessed that your figure would change, and even expected it. But when suddenly your favorite skirt or trousers become small - this is a surprise.
Accept and love the changes in your body, feel beautiful and loved in a new way - this is what you should strive for in the second trimester of pregnancy.
Changes in attitude towards the physical side of love:
A child grows inside you - a whole person - and few sensations remain the same. This is especially true of gender relations.
Being alone with your husband, you will again and again feel that someone else is with you. And for some couples, these feelings can interfere.

Jumps in the level of self-esteem:

Often, the expectant mother can feel almost like a queen, and in the next moment - an uninteresting Cinderella.
Euphoria is replaced by doubt.
The pendulum swings hormonal background pregnancy.
Often, waves of strong emotions roll over unimportant reasons.
You need to accept these changes in yourself, as you accept the movements inside you as a child.

Amazing calm and harmony:

If all the changes mentioned above have taken place, the pregnant woman has every opportunity to simply enjoy life, herself, the child, listen to new sensations and enjoy her new states.
In many cultures, a woman with a rounded belly is a symbol of beauty, harmony, and the fullness of life.

In the middle of pregnancy, you can experience states of blissful peace, wholeness, harmony.
Cherish these moments.

third trimester

Dive into yourself

Those psychological features and the conditions that occur at the end of pregnancy have a "main theme line" of introspection.

If everything in the family is safe, if a woman is sure that pregnancy is not a disease, and childbirth is not surgery if the support of close and attentive doctors is obvious, changes occur in the emotional world of a pregnant woman, and they are very important for subsequent harmonious motherhood.

In the last two months of pregnancy, you can regularly observe how a pregnant woman seems to be sensitively listening to something inside herself.
And there is something to listen to - after all, at this time, the movements of the baby in the stomach are very, very noticeable.

The concept of "binary psyche of a pregnant woman" perfectly explains many conditions of the end of pregnancy. Mom is gradually getting used to the fact that she is not alone. And this someone inside her now obviously has his own desires. Sometimes he doesn’t let him fall asleep, pushes and spins, and sometimes he wants to sleep irresistibly, because the baby in his stomach fell asleep. The rhythms of sleep and wakefulness in mother and baby are connected. But the baby sleeps much more, and this can cause increased drowsiness Mom.

Immersion in inner feelings:
Suddenly you are distracted and focus on the movements of the baby inside your womb. And it is these, sometimes not at all strong movements, that become the most important thing in the world for you. As if the focus of the setting changes (like a camera or video camera), and what is inside you becomes distinct, and the rest of the world, as it were, loses its sharpness. It becomes irrelevant.

Dreams and fantasies about the future child:

Often a pregnant mother can think and guess - what will he be like, this little man, whom no one has ever seen or held in his arms.
These thoughts may interfere with sleep or be expressed in vivid colorful dreams.

Decreased sociability:
You may stop wanting to visit noisy companies, museums and exhibitions. This is normal, and is associated with an increasing focus on the house and the unborn child.
Do not be afraid of reducing sociability, and overpower yourself. Just everything has its time
And vice versa, there may be a desire to do everything, complete and transform:

Many pregnant women on the most last dates suddenly there is tremendous activity - as if a jet engine was turned on.

I want to finish everything, do everything, surpass myself.
The approaching birth is like a mountain range, and what lies beyond it is unknown, despite all the active preparation.
Therefore, I want to do everything here and now, while you are still on this side.
This is a good rush, but it is important not to drive yourself and others around trying to finish repairs, finish your diploma or quarterly report.

An overtired woman may not have the strength to give birth.

Therefore, measure the load with the amount of time and effort.

Instinctive avoidance of everything unpleasant, ugly:

A woman at the end of pregnancy instinctively avoids difficult situations. Intricate relationships, spectacles overloaded with strong effects.
The expectant mother has a clear sense of "right" and "wrong". And the cat of the wrong one almost feels sick - as during toxicosis.

Increased psychological fatigue, avoiding unnecessary impressions is only one of the reasons why a woman moves away from everything inharmonious.
You have just regained your natural sense of proportion.

Learn to trust your intuition, sense of proportion and taste. This will help you a lot in the first months of your baby's life.

Nesting instinct:
All or almost all of the interests of a pregnant woman in recent weeks before childbirth, they focus around the house - around the hole, where the cub will soon appear.
Moreover, such a period can be experienced even by the most homeless and mismanaged persons, for whom household has always been a burden.

Pronounced changes in intellectual activity:
99% of women experience serious difficulties in thinking strictly, consistently and relatively quickly logically in the last 2 months of pregnancy.

A few words to actively working expectant mothers

Major changes in emotional palette pregnant woman:
There are changes that are common to most pregnant women. They may appear on the most different terms pregnancy, with different intensity.
If you have not shown any of what is listed in this article, then you are just that happy exception that confirms the rule.

Qualities of the psyche of a pregnant woman that can make life difficult:

Tears can appear from the most insignificant experiences and impressions, in those places in books and movies in which you have never cried before.
Do not be ashamed of your tears - this has already increased the overall emotional sensitivity, which will help you understand your baby in the future.

Anxiety that comes up periodically is most often associated with the thought “Something might be wrong” - with the baby, with the course of childbirth, with family relationships. It is necessary to be able to cope with anxiety, and each pregnant woman does this in her own way. It is worth remembering that the presence of anxiety is absolutely normal. So, don't worry about worries!

Often the words of another person, spoken with authority and inner strength, make an indelible impression on a pregnant woman. If you know this feature behind you - try to take your husband with you to all sorts of "difficult" places, feel free to use his protection, be married.

Resentment, tendency to unmotivated tears:
These “nothing” tears can frighten and perplex your loved ones. It is worth treating these “precipitations” as calmly as possible.
The best way- remember your own, as a rule, far from calm state before menses. Treat these “precipitations” as short-lived.
Try to be distracted, switch attention, do not get stuck in a tearfully offended state.
Do not give your husband a reason to think that your character is irreparably spoiled.
Men endure brief "grievances" of pregnant wives easily. Protracted - much worse.
Don't attach great importance such insults. They arise from scratch and are only a projection of your inner state.

Strengths emotional world pregnant woman:

Sensitivity and Intuitiveness:
A pregnant woman is like a sensitive sensor that captures emotions from the state of other people.
Opportunities for empathy and empathy in pregnant women are much better than in all other people.

Manifestation of creative abilities:
A mother expecting a child, unexpectedly for herself and others, can begin to draw, sew original clothes write poetry and even music.
Variety Creative skills can make themselves felt during pregnancy.
And science does not yet know that the reason for this is the first manifestations of talents intrauterine child, or the reliable fact that, starting from the middle of pregnancy, the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain increases in a woman. BUT right hemisphere traditionally associated with creativity fantasy.

A special relationship to her husband and home, a manifestation of design abilities:
The expectant mother suddenly becomes interested and important in many things that earlier, moving at a fast pace of a big city, could lack attention, time and energy.
You become extremely indifferent to the situation in your home. A lot of thoughts are caused by the task of the situation and colors of the entire living space that you plan for the child.
Design ability in last trimester pregnancies flourish.

And the psychological state of a pregnant woman depends on the feeling of comfort or discomfort around.

May appear Attentive attitude to her husband and the desire to take care of him, almost maternal.
It is good if you manage to strengthen and make your relationship saturated during pregnancy. After all, the first months of your baby's life may require both of you to immerse yourself in completely different things and concerns.
Let the period of pregnancy (at the end of toxicosis) become a real “honey semester” for you. This reserve of tenderness for each other will be very, very useful to you.

What should not be forgotten:

  • Remember that mother and baby are connected by a single hormonal current through the placenta, which means that the baby knows all the basic states and emotions of the mother, as they say, from the inside.
  • Remember that the unborn child is "made" with a large margin of safety, and a single stressful situation can't hurt him. Only systematic, day-to-day repetitive stress can cause any disturbances in the development or physical well-being of the baby. This means that systematic stress should be avoided as much as possible both at home and at work.
  • If you find it difficult to give up one or the other bad habit, or an activity that may not be useful for the unborn child - think that 9 months of pregnancy is such a small period of time (although it often seems huge). And it is in these 9 months that the prerequisites are laid

What situations should be avoided:
  • Watching aggressive TV shows, and just too scary or strong stories is not the best activity for a pregnant woman.
  • Overwork of all kinds and chronic stress of a pregnant woman are contraindicated.

What should be done:

  • It is important to secure the support of reliable and calm specialists in the management of pregnancy and childbirth as early as possible. This will help you feel like you are in good hands and in control.
  • Try to find time for good rest, and. last but not least, full-fledged walks.
  • To understand that systematic overload in work (study) is not at all what is useful for the psyche of a future mother and a prenatal child.


  • Many women enjoy the state of pregnancy. It seems to them very comfortable psychologically and physically.
  • Almost all pregnant women are beautiful both externally and internally.
  • Those future mothers who managed to accept and love the changes that pregnancy brings with it simply glow from the inside.
  • And there are no women whose psychological state would not be changed by pregnancy.
  • We highly recommend that you familiarize the future dad with the materials of this article, and in general all the relatives with whom you closely communicate.
  • There are many things that your husband will not be able to think of on his own, simply because he is not a pregnant woman, and he does not even have those internal organs that would help him understand your condition.

Psychologically, the future dad needs much more intellectual and emotional stress in order to get closer to the process of pregnancy, closer to the “non-idle” wife and unborn child.

I would like to say that one should not think that all these truly volcanic changes will pass by themselves after childbirth.
The psyche of a nursing mother and her emotional states are completely special topic, but many of the changes that have occurred to a woman during pregnancy persist during breastfeeding.
Moreover, almost all changes during pregnancy are internal preparation for motherhood, a unique “school for mothers”, the program of which was written by the Creator himself.
Carrying a child and being a mother is very interesting.

Ekaterina Burmistrova,

child, family psychologist. (Published in My Child Magazine, No. 11, 2008.)

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Anxiety, depression and intrusive thoughts- all this happens to every pregnant woman from time to time.

No matter how the pregnancy proceeds, almost every woman has “heavy” thoughts, doubts, fears from time to time, and depression can occur. Here you need to understand that this is due hormonal changes, the vulnerability of the psyche of a pregnant woman and the fact that natural fear, anxiety to a certain extent prepare a woman for the role of a mother.

Pregnancy is a wonderful and at the same time very exciting period in the life of every woman. And that's okay. It's a natural state female body, during which there are a lot of changes: physiological, hormonal, psychological.
The whole body is rebuilt to fulfill the super-mission: to endure and give birth to a child. During this period, a woman requires a special attitude towards herself, she needs the support and attention of loved ones.

The woman is physiologically and psychologically involved in the creation new personality. A lot of information and interesting studies have already been collected about the prenatal period. We know that the child feels the emotions of the mother. And it is mom and dad who create a space of love for the development and growth of the child.

Harmonious for a woman and a family is the state when the pregnancy is carried by two. Only a woman carries a child, and a man carries a woman. Such a waiting period brings the family closer and minimizes the anxiety of the woman. But we are not talking about hyper-custody over a woman, when she is literally strangled with attention and pitied from all sides, interfering with the natural rhythm of her life.

Every person needs a sense of fear in order to assess and avoid dangers. And the fear of a pregnant woman prepares her for the responsible process of giving birth and raising a child in the future. This is how the instinct to protect yourself and your child from possible threats.

If you feel that you cannot cope with your fears and feelings on your own, and they do not give you rest day or night; perhaps that is why relations with relatives begin to deteriorate or depression covers you - look for professional help at a psychologist. Your psychological state affects the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

Have an easy pregnancy and positive mood during this period. In Russian there is a very poetic expression about a pregnant woman - "a woman in position." Hope for the best and it will surely come.

A pregnant woman and her husband should know by heart the features of different periods of pregnancy and, if possible, take them into account in family life.
For anyone who has ever encountered a pregnant woman, it is no secret that her character is changing, and quite strongly.
But if this pregnancy is the first for you and your entire family, then you may be surprised and even shocked by how much the psyche of the expectant mother changes.
Many traditional cultures (for example, Chinese, Indian, Roman) had a very special attitude towards pregnant women.

Special conditions were created for them, as they would say now - perinatal clinics, in which the expectant mother was surrounded only by beautiful things, sounds, even smells. It was believed that a calm, aesthetically sustained environment can harmonize the internal state of a pregnant woman - both physical and mental, mental.

The situation and the psychological climate of a big city are often far from the ideal conditions that our ancestors aspired to, and which many literate future parents are striving for even now. But the pace of the big city - ragged, nervous, oversaturated - still makes itself felt. There are too many things around us - impressions, a wide variety of information, people, with their conflicting internal states.

Often all this does not contribute to the calm, harmonious mood of a pregnant woman.
Let's try to imagine the dynamics of the emotional state of a pregnant woman, linking the changes taking place in her psyche with such a tangible thing as the gestational age.

First trimester Big changes.

It happens that a woman does not yet know about her pregnancy, but already feels that something is happening to her. Moreover, for most women, the changes in the first trimester of pregnancy are by no means simple.
Many pregnancy experts consider the first trimester to be revolutionary.
Too much is changing in metabolism, and in hormonal status, and in physiological, and of course, in psychological sensations.

There is still a lot to get used to: for example, taste preferences change, you may start to like a completely different color scheme and music of those genres that previously did not evoke a response.

In my opinion, one of the significant factors that determine the psychological state of a pregnant woman is early toxicosis.

It is very difficult to enjoy life and be pleasant in communication when you feel sick almost all the time, and even all the usual products stink unbearably. (I apologize for the harshness of expressions).

More than a third of women who perceive the world through a veil of nausea for the first three months.
As a rule, overt toxicosis is associated with depression, mood swings and even depression.

You can’t call a calm first trimester in any way. An experienced midwife I know said that the situation of the first three months of pregnancy is revolutionary. This is when "the tops cannot, but the bottoms do not want."

And to realize the fact that soon enough to become a mother is not easy for everyone. Moreover, the child can be planned, and even long-awaited - but the human, and especially the female, psyche is arranged in such a way that it takes time to realize and accept pregnancy.

And you should not condemn yourself and execute yourself for the minutes of confusion and anxiety in those first hours and days when you just found out that you are pregnant.

A good, in my opinion, way to talk with friends, acquaintances, women who have already given birth. And from many women who have gone through the path of pregnancy and become good mothers, you will definitely hear about the difficult attitude towards pregnancy at the beginning.

The fact that you were not immediately happy does not mean at all that you will not love the child, and that you will not become a mother at all, but a viper.
Just give yourself (and, of course, the baby's father) some time. You get used to big things gradually. And this tiny child inside you is a very big event.
The main task of a pregnant woman is to accept the fact of pregnancy at least by the end of the first trimester and begin to actively enjoy it.

Everything is disgusting:

Speaking in a more loyal medical language, which does not reflect the essence of the process, a woman's taste preferences change and quirks appear. In one of the eastern languages ​​there is even a special word for the whims of a pregnant woman.

It would seem that what is the connection with the psyche - solid physiology.

But if in the morning you can’t drink your favorite coffee with pleasure simply because you feel sick, this can be just a blow to the foundations of life.

You feel that some side of life is slipping away from you and you can’t habitually enjoy the taste of your favorite food. What used to bring pleasant taste sensations is at times a real flour, and you don’t feel like eating anything.

It will take a few weeks, and you will be quite comfortable with these changes.
True, I have not had to meet people who would like the state of toxicosis.
Increased sensitivity to smells and its effect on the psychological state:
A pregnant woman can smell strong and unpleasant odors everywhere. The refrigerator stinks especially, and sometimes the food being cooked.
Favorite perfumes and smells of close acquaintances may become disgusting.

Toxicosis can sometimes spread to the husband.

Irresistibly want to sleep:
Sleep comes in a huge wave and covers you. You sleep very deeply, sometimes so deeply that it is difficult to wake up. Sleep can be dreamless, but you can also have amazingly vivid dreams.
In general, if you sleep - sleep well. "The soldier is sleeping, but the service is going on." Many discomforts and experiences of the first trimester of pregnancy are easily treated with sleep.

Mood swings:
The emotional state of a pregnant woman in the first trimester is rather uneven.
Happy, euphoric states are replaced by periods of depression and depression. These mood swings usually don't have a good reason. External events are often only an excuse for strong emotions to come out.

Don't be scared or surprised by these mood swings - they are due to drastic changes in your hormonal state.

Sometimes there is confusion, uncertainty about the future, a feeling that you can not cope:

It can be difficult to get used to the idea that very soon your life will change, that next summer you will not be able to plan as usual. The thought of those new things and events that are coming to you can cause uncertainty.

Uncertainty on many everyday issues also does not add confidence. Indeed, often the relationship between the future father and mother is determined and formalized precisely with the onset of pregnancy.

Second trimester

Quiet mid-pregnancy:
Getting used to the "new format" of your body.
For many who are accustomed to taking care of themselves, future mothers, a change in the volume of the waist and hips causes mental shock of varying severity. Of course, you guessed that your figure would change, and even expected it. But when suddenly your favorite skirt or trousers become small - this is a surprise.
Accept and love the changes in your body, feel beautiful and loved in a new way - this is what you should strive for in the second trimester of pregnancy.
Changes in attitude towards the physical side of love:
A child grows inside you - a whole person - and few sensations remain the same. This is especially true of gender relations.
Being alone with your husband, you will again and again feel that someone else is with you. And for some couples, these feelings can interfere.

Jumps in the level of self-esteem:

Often, the expectant mother can feel almost like a queen, and in the next moment - an uninteresting Cinderella.
Euphoria is replaced by doubt.
The pendulum of the hormonal background of pregnancy swings.
Often, waves of strong emotions roll over unimportant reasons.
You need to accept these changes in yourself, as you accept the movements inside you as a child.

Amazing calm and harmony:
If all the changes mentioned above have taken place, the pregnant woman has every opportunity to simply enjoy life, herself, the child, listen to new sensations and enjoy her new states.
In many cultures, a woman with a rounded belly is a symbol of beauty, harmony, and the fullness of life.

In the middle of pregnancy, you can experience states of blissful peace, wholeness, harmony.
Cherish these moments.
third trimester
Dive into yourself

Those psychological features and conditions that occur at the end of pregnancy have a "main thematic line" - immersion in oneself.
If everything in the family is safe, if a woman is sure that pregnancy is not a disease, and childbirth is not a surgical operation, if the support of close and attentive doctors is obvious, then changes occur in the emotional world of a pregnant woman, and they are very important for subsequent harmonious motherhood.

In the last two months of pregnancy, you can regularly observe how a pregnant woman seems to be sensitively listening to something inside herself.
And there is something to listen to - after all, at this time, the movements of the baby in the stomach are very, very noticeable.

The concept of "binary psyche of a pregnant woman" perfectly explains many states of the end of pregnancy. Mom is gradually getting used to the fact that she is not alone. And this someone inside her now obviously has his own desires. Sometimes he doesn’t let him fall asleep, pushes and spins, and sometimes he wants to sleep irresistibly, because the baby in his stomach fell asleep. The rhythms of sleep and wakefulness in mother and baby are connected. But the baby sleeps much more, and this can cause increased drowsiness in the mother.

Immersion in inner sensations:
Suddenly you are distracted and focus on the movements of the baby inside your womb. And it is these, sometimes not at all strong movements, that become the most important thing in the world for you. As if the focus of the setting changes (like a camera or video camera), and what is inside you becomes distinct, and the rest of the world, as it were, loses its sharpness. It becomes irrelevant.

Dreams and fantasies about the future child:
Often a pregnant mother can think and guess - what will he be like, this little man, whom no one has ever seen or held in his arms.
These thoughts may interfere with sleep or be expressed in vivid colorful dreams.

Decreased sociability:
You may stop wanting to visit noisy companies, museums and exhibitions. This is normal, and is associated with an increasing focus on the house and the unborn child.
Do not be afraid of reducing sociability, and overpower yourself. Just everything has its time
And vice versa, there may be a desire to do everything, complete and transform:

Many pregnant women in the very last stages suddenly show tremendous activity - as if a jet engine was turned on.
I want to finish everything, do everything, surpass myself.
The approaching birth is like a mountain range, and what lies beyond it is unknown, despite all the active preparation.
Therefore, I want to do everything here and now, while you are still on this side.
This is a good rush, but it is important not to drive yourself and others around trying to finish repairs, finish your diploma or quarterly report.
An overtired woman may not have the strength to give birth.
Therefore, measure the load with the amount of time and effort.
Instinctive avoidance of everything unpleasant, ugly:
A woman at the end of pregnancy instinctively avoids difficult situations. Intricate relationships, spectacles overloaded with strong effects.
The expectant mother has a clear sense of "right" and "wrong". And the cat of the wrong one almost feels sick - as during toxicosis.

Increased psychological fatigue, avoiding unnecessary impressions is only one of the reasons why a woman moves away from everything inharmonious.
You have just regained your natural sense of proportion.

Learn to trust your intuition, sense of proportion and taste. This will help you a lot in the first months of your baby's life.
Nesting instinct:
All or almost all the interests of a pregnant woman in the last weeks before giving birth are concentrated around the house - around the hole, where the cub will soon appear.
Moreover, even the most homeless and mismanaged persons, for whom the household has always been only a burden, can experience such a period.

Pronounced changes in intellectual activity:
99% of women experience serious difficulties in thinking strictly, consistently and relatively quickly logically in the last 2 months of pregnancy.

A few words to actively working expectant mothers

The main changes in the emotional palette of a pregnant woman:
There are changes that are common to most pregnant women. They can appear at various stages of pregnancy, with different intensity.
If you have not shown any of what is listed in this article, then you are just that happy exception that confirms the rule.

Qualities of the psyche of a pregnant woman that can make life difficult:
Tears can appear from the most insignificant experiences and impressions, in those places in books and movies in which you have never cried before.
Do not be ashamed of your tears - this has already increased the overall emotional sensitivity, which will help you understand your baby in the future.

Anxiety that comes up periodically is most often associated with the thought “Something might be wrong” - with the baby, with the course of childbirth, with family relationships. It is necessary to be able to cope with anxiety, and each pregnant woman does this in her own way. It is worth remembering that the presence of anxiety is absolutely normal. So, don't worry about worries!


Often the words of another person, spoken with power and inner strength, make an indelible impression on a pregnant woman. If you know this feature behind you - try to take your husband with you to all sorts of "difficult" places, feel free to use his protection, be married.

Resentment, tendency to unmotivated tears:
These “nothing” tears can frighten and perplex your loved ones. It is worth treating these “precipitations” as calmly as possible.
The best way is to remember your, as a rule, far from calm state before menstruation. Treat these “precipitations” as short-lived.
Try to be distracted, switch attention, do not get stuck in a tearfully offended state.
Do not give your husband a reason to think that your character is irreparably spoiled.
Men endure brief "grievances" of pregnant wives easily. Protracted - much worse.
Do not attach great importance to such insults. They arise from scratch and are only a projection of your inner state.

Strengths of the emotional world of a pregnant woman:
Sensitivity and Intuitiveness:
A pregnant woman is like a sensitive sensor that captures emotions from the state of other people.
Opportunities for empathy and empathy in pregnant women are much better than in all other people.

Manifestation of creative abilities:

A mother who is expecting a child unexpectedly for herself and those around her can begin to draw, sew original clothes, compose poetry and even music.
A variety of creative abilities can make themselves felt during pregnancy.
And science does not yet know that the reason for this is the first manifestations of the talents of an intrauterine child, or the reliable fact that, starting from the middle of pregnancy, the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain increases in a woman. And the right hemisphere is traditionally associated with fantasy creativity.

A special relationship to her husband and home, a manifestation of design abilities:
The expectant mother suddenly becomes interested and important in many things that earlier, moving at a fast pace of a big city, could lack attention, time and energy.
You become extremely indifferent to the situation in your home. A lot of thoughts are caused by the task of the situation and the color scheme of the entire living space that you are planning for the child.
Design abilities in the last trimester of pregnancy flourish.

And the psychological state of a pregnant woman depends on the feeling of comfort or discomfort around.
An attentive attitude towards her husband and a desire to take care of him, almost maternal, may appear.
It is good if you manage to strengthen and make your relationship saturated during pregnancy. After all, the first months of your baby's life may require both of you to immerse yourself in completely different things and concerns.
Let the period of pregnancy (at the end of toxicosis) become a real “honey semester” for you. This reserve of tenderness for each other will be very, very useful to you.

What not to forget:

Remember that mother and baby are connected by a single hormonal current through the placenta, which means that the baby knows all the basic states and emotions of the mother, as they say, from the inside.
Remember that an unborn child is “made” with a large margin of safety, and a single stressful situation cannot harm him. Only systematic, day-to-day repetitive stress can cause any disturbances in the development or physical well-being of the baby. This means that systematic stress should be avoided as much as possible both at home and at work.
If you find it difficult to give up this or that bad habit, or an activity that may not be useful for the unborn child - think about the fact that 9 months of pregnancy is such a short period of time (although it often seems huge). And it is in these 9 months that the prerequisites are laid

What situations should be avoided:

Watching aggressive TV shows, and just too scary or strong stories is not the best thing for a pregnant woman.
Overwork of all kinds and chronic stress of a pregnant woman are contraindicated.
What should be done:
It is important to secure the support of reliable and calm specialists in the management of pregnancy and childbirth as early as possible. This will help you feel like you are in good hands and in control.
Try to find time for a good rest, and. last but not least, full-fledged walks.
To understand that systematic overload in work (study) is not at all what is useful for the psyche of a future mother and a prenatal child.


Many women enjoy the state of pregnancy. It seems to them very comfortable psychologically and physically.
Almost all pregnant women are beautiful both externally and internally.
Those future mothers who managed to accept and love the changes that pregnancy brings with it simply glow from the inside.
And there are no women whose psychological state would not be changed by pregnancy.
We highly recommend that you familiarize the future dad with the materials of this article, and in general all the relatives with whom you closely communicate.
Your husband will never be able to figure out a lot of things himself simply because he is not a pregnant woman, and he does not even have those internal organs that would help him understand your conditions.

Psychologically, the future dad needs much more intellectual and emotional stress in order to get closer to the process of pregnancy, closer to the “non-idle” wife and unborn child.
I would like to say that one should not think that all these truly volcanic changes will pass by themselves after childbirth.
The psyche of a nursing mother and her emotional states are a completely separate topic, but many of the changes that have occurred to a woman during pregnancy persist during breastfeeding.
Moreover, almost all changes during pregnancy are internal preparation for motherhood, a unique “school for mothers”, the program of which was written by the Creator himself.
Carrying a child and being a mother is very interesting.
Ekaterina Burmistrova,
child, family psychologist. (published in the magazine "My child", No. 11, 2008.)....

Each woman differently accepts the child growing in her. And, at the same time, a woman accepts each child differently. Pregnancy for pregnancy is not necessary even for the same mother. We are changing, the perception of the world around us is changing, the world itself is changing. Therefore, every time we are different, and different children we give birth to.

Of course, everyone knows that pregnancy must be spent contemplating the beautiful, thinking about the eternal, in peace and joy. But does any of us succeed? modern women? We are living people, we are overwhelmed with emotions, we are overwhelmed with feelings, and we cannot spend time in an imperfect world. perfect pregnancy. The question is how to relate to these experiences! If this is just the emotional instability of pregnant women, then it is best to treat it with humor.

Start over.

For the health of the unborn child, the mother needs positive emotions and lack of stress. Then what is needed to make a pregnant woman laugh and rejoice?

Basically, nothing special:

    remind her husband a couple of times a day that he loves her,

    that he also loves his child - to show interest in the lifestyle of his pregnant wife (which means taking responsibility for walks before bedtime, evening massages, freshly squeezed juice in the morning, nuts and fruits in a vase on the table and joint attendance of classes in a swimming pool)

But what is most terrible - in order for a pregnant woman to burst into tears and fill with tears all the surrounding hollows and hollows, nothing special is needed either!

It is quite normal for a pregnant woman to boil over nothing, cry for the same reason and laugh the same way - not seeing anything funny.

What should men do if all their efforts and worries lead to the opposite results?

It would be completely wrong to be offended and go with friends to drink beer. It is necessary to treat your wife like a child, comforting which is almost impossible, but necessary. In no case should you torment a woman with the question: “Darling, what happened?”

Yes, nothing happened! There is no answer to this question while waiting for the baby!

It's ok for physiological pregnancy! After a certain period of time, she will throw herself on your neck with the assurance that it is with you that she is infinitely happy.

But if there is no concern on your part, then it will not rush. It's one thing to cry about nothing. And then, as if nothing had happened, ask: “Poor thing! You probably didn't get enough sleep today? Did you run for flowers, did you make juice? And it’s a completely different thing, when a tear rolled down again, to think that no one gave flowers, squeezed juice - that means he doesn’t love me, and in general nobody needs me, etc. And having wound yourself, and even not without a reason, to cry and cry forever.

You can joke about it. It is only necessary to remember that every tear brings suffering to your child, who lives inside with mother's emotions. And if we also take into account that his heart beats 2 times faster than ours, then he lives in his dimension for a much longer period of time in tears than we are here outside.

I will give examples of real family situations, where wise dads diverted streams of tears from their future children with thoughtful and beautiful deeds. You can’t call them indifferent husbands!

Remember the fairy tale about the ax that hung in the basement and scared the whole family with the possibility of falling on the head of the unborn child, when there was no pregnancy yet? The situation is one on one!

This all happened after a massive attack with massages, walks, flowers, etc. The reason was the TV. Broadcast about the next hostilities on future mother made a strong impression. With the words: “That’s how you give birth to a boy, and then he will be taken into the army, and he will end up in the war zone ... !!!” she gave herself up to sobs. All the assurances of the future father that he might not end up in this area, or maybe the girl would be born at all, did not lead to any result. The husband felt homesick, and it already began to seem to him that the ax would certainly fall on his head, when a minute later he heard a deep breath and an amazing phrase: “Oh, well, okay! Will you drink tea?" This was repeated several times. He realized that pregnancy is a diagnosis. However, the television was replaced by guitar songs, reading and discussion of carefully selected literature. After a while, he honestly admitted that there were fewer tears and life became easier.

The second situation was quite funny.

Coming from work future dad to the question: “Will you eat?” - answered that he had a snack at work, so he was not hungry. He did not expect the consequences. The range of accusations was too wide. He went from being bad husband he deliberately makes his wife laugh in front of the whole team when he eats before leaving home, to the point that he never loved her at all and did not want a child. Thinking about how to avoid a repetition of this, the Pope came to the conclusion that joint dinner necessary. And so that both sides were ready for him, he began to call back and find out the situation with neutral phrases: “Have you cooked dinner yet?” If the dinner was ready, he was full of praise, and if not, he said: “How good! And I just wanted to invite you to dine in one chic place!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to such dads, who not only can console and reassure, but are even able to remove the reasons for tears! It just needs to be stated that dads who are expecting their first child are doing such things. When a woman is waiting for a second, etc. child, they still make fun of the emotional instability of pregnant women more than they help to cope with it.

Of course, we are women and we ourselves are already experienced and we understand what the state of pregnancy brings with it. We try our best to control ourselves. Tears are no longer shedding. But the fact of the matter is that they do not pour only from the outside. But from the inside they continue to disturb the child. Unfortunately, there are more significant reasons for this.

Rather, we acquire more solid skills in finding causes. It is already clear to ourselves that it is ridiculous to sob over trifles, but it is not possible to restrain sobs. Then an accusation is brought against the husband, more like not only good reasons for tears, but also a clear desire to ignite conflict and offend. After all, it is always clear that "... the least love goes to our most beloved people."

Men, God bless you! In this case, it is important to remember that this is the same "dinner" or "ax".

Only in subsequent pregnancies is it already more sophisticated. These are the same female hormones like fireworks scattered throughout the body. Here you can only hope that you have accumulated wisdom, so as not only not to fall for the bait of discord yourself, but also to stop your wife. And then she immediately believes in what she says.

But now in your hands already emotional nutrition not just one child! This will also leave its mark on the elders. remember simple recommendations at the beginning of our conversation. Do not be shy once again say that the whole family is loved by you. The same juices, massages, walks and flowers will help your wife to smile again, and your children to be carefree happy in a strong and loving family.

Happiness and smiles to you!

I think that all of you have heard one way or another that pregnant women should not worry and worry. The fact that all the emotions of a pregnant woman are transmitted to the child.

There is truth in these words. However, in most cases, the interpretation of these words takes on a very simplified, and, unfortunately, often even harmful form. Now I am talking about those situations when the pregnant woman herself and her entourage understand this “you can’t worry”, how you need to ignore, ignore or suppress “negative” emotions. And often pregnant women become hostages of these installations. Conflict situation at work, tired, quarreled with her husband, mom calls for the fifth time in a day ... no, don’t get angry, don’t be offended, it can harm the child, smile, only positive ... As if, becoming pregnant, a woman loses the right to complex emotions, which are already tabooed by our society, and even more so during pregnancy, since the woman now has added responsibility for the life, health and development of the baby.

It takes a lot of strength and resources to suppress and not experience "negative" emotions. In fact, it still doesn't quite work. A sense of guilt and fear are added that, experiencing something there, harmed the child. Unfortunately, this is a scenario familiar to many during pregnancy. Is it so? How true are these settings and what to do about it?

Let's figure it out. Did you notice that I put the word "negative" in quotation marks? You may have heard or read that emotions are neither positive nor negative. I ask you once again to try to hear and experience the fact that negative emotions can not be. I am now focusing on this, because I am faced with the fact that many women, turning to me for advice and knowing this fact very well in theory, still do not let it inside themselves. And they continue to fight with their anger, resentment, guilt, fear.

Naturally, each of us has our own reasons from childhood and family system in which we grew up. And yet. Emotions are just emotions, they are not good or bad. Emotions are markers of your needs. Emotions accompany the emergence and cycle of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of needs. Every emotion is good and necessary. It is natural to get angry when your boundaries are violated, be it psychological, physical, temporal, territorial, or any other. It's natural to feel disgusted when you have too much of anything in contact with a person (his scent, his concern, his expectations of you, etc.).

Just like any other emotion. Ignoring and suppressing those emotions that a particular society or person refers to as "negative" does not entail anything but additional tension and somatization of these emotions.

When, for example, there seems to be no anger, but just a sore throat often. Or, "I have no fears, I'm not afraid of anything", that's just the uterus in good shape all the time.

The worst thing you can do when you get pregnant is to start ignoring most of your life trying to catch that ghostly positivity and be in it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

During pregnancy, it is absolutely normal to experience a whole range of emotions. Emotions are represented in our body in the form of hormones. The hormones of a woman come to the child with blood. A child needs different hormones to grow and develop. And it’s good if the whole spectrum of hormones and emotions is presented, if already in utero the child gets the experience that adrenaline, norepinephrine, etc. We feel that after stress comes relaxation.

Pregnancy- it's not a disease. Is not emotional illness. There is no need to stop and stop experiencing your life if you become pregnant.

What then do these words mean that pregnant women should not worry? Do they make sense?

To answer these questions, I need to tell you a little about the psychology of pregnancy. During pregnancy, the subcortical structures of the brain begin to work more actively, which means that the sensitivity and emotionality of a woman increase. And this is what often happens during pregnancy. If in a woman's life there is a certain aspect of reality that she was quite able to ignore and with which she "put up" in a non-pregnant state, during pregnancy the same situations begin to evoke emotions and feelings that cannot be ignored. For example, if before pregnancy it was quite possible to live "normally" with a husband, despite the absence intimacy, pleasures and diversity in sex, the presence of constant abuse and disrespect for personal boundaries, with mom, despite the frequent devaluation of personal differences, lack of respect and instructiveness, etc. etc., then, having become pregnant, pain, resentment, anger, despair, unfortunately, or, fortunately, will still attract attention.

And again, the worst thing you can do is try to keep ignoring.

As I said, the emotional state of a pregnant woman differs from her non-pregnant state in the direction of greater sensitivity. Emotions seem to be more on the surface, closer, brighter, more changeable. This is natural during pregnancy. it female height and development in the knowledge of one's feminine. This is an expansion of the boundaries of the emotional sphere. However, for many women this becomes challenging task and they make desperate attempts to collapse into a previous non-pregnant state in which everything is already known and adjusted. Usually attempts to stop Life and development do not lead to anything good.

By virtue of all of the above, in the state of pregnancy, a woman becomes more vulnerable, more vulnerable. Often habitual defense mechanisms stop working as smoothly as they did before pregnancy. Some psychologists say that pregnancy is a regression to what is usually called a child's condition. I don't really like this wording, but some might like it. I am more impressed by paying attention to those phenomena that are more pronounced in women during pregnancy: greater vulnerability, vulnerability, tearfulness, the need for security, a greater need for care and rest, a greater need for emotional intimacy.

What do we have? During pregnancy, a woman becomes more emotional and more vulnerable. And at the same time, the One whose life continues to happen in the same way (and as you know, life, it is different, and the most various events, including in it there is death, loss, separation, moving, etc.) and in which the protective mechanisms of the psyche no longer work so effectively. The one that experiences life more vividly and needs more protection and support.

The best option is when a pregnant woman, oh, God, no, in no case, DOES NOT worry ... when a pregnant woman EXPERIENCES all her feelings, emotions, new sensations and has support in this. When her feelings and emotions are not devalued or judged. When she can cry to someone and share her fears with someone. With those who are in contact with her. With someone who is not afraid of her feelings, emotions, her condition and her vulnerability. With someone who is simple and at the same time very difficult, he can live his life next to a woman who carries a child under her heart, while remaining alive, experiencing her and himself with all the innovations that are born in this contact.

It's great if a pregnant woman has close people who have the qualities that I described above. Husband, mother, sister, friends. I see it as a task, including for myself, to develop in our country a culture of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period and the formation of a community of perinatal specialists who can help women at this difficult and at the same time very beautiful life stage.

Why am I talking specifically about another living person, next to the pregnant woman? Because the experience takes place in contact. Out of contact, alone, without the ability to experience, emotions are not experienced, but stuck, when the next touch or immersion in complex emotions brings nothing but a new round of old pain. And then really, it's time to talk about possible harm the hormones that are released.

Therefore, I want to encourage women, especially pregnant women, those who will be pregnant to ever take care of their emotional sphere. Do not ignore, do not suppress, do not act out in the usual patterns, but look for an opportunity to survive. Learn to experience difficult emotions while remaining resilient. This is exactly the kind of experience that is good for the child inside. Experience that fear (adrenaline), anger (norepinephrine) and all other complex, stressful emotions are experienced. That it ends. That mom can handle what happens in life, which means I can handle it too. So the world is good and safe for me, no matter what happens in it.