Trapezoidal character nails. The shape of the nails will tell everything about your character. Long rectangular nails

Palmists and even psychologists are convinced that ladies' hands will tell more about a woman than she herself will be able to say at the first meeting. The secrets of our character and addictions hide not only the lines on the palm, but also the shape of the nails, as well as what color of varnish you most often prefer. So, NameWoman will try to solve women's secrets in a new way ...

Nail shape and character of a woman: 4 main criteria

1 ... First of all, it is worth considering the length of the nail plate. This is a keratinized area that is tightly attached to nail bed layer of cells. Nail plate considered middle length, if it occupies half of the last phalanx of the finger, short - if less, long - if more.

In the case of an extended nail plate the woman is usually very restrained and has an amazing peace of mind. She belongs to creative natures, running from routine. However, if the nail plate is greatly elongated, then mistrust and excessive closeness from other people are added to the above qualities.

A shortened nail plate refers to those characteristics of the shape that indicate a highly developed analytical side of the personality. The tendency to analyze and criticize those around them turns into grumbling and intractability in such people. Of strengths - resourcefulness, sense of humor, intelligence.

2 ... People whose nail shape is characterized by an excess of width in relation to the length of the nail plate are extremely restless and fussy, in addition, they are often quite unceremonious and like to be overly curious.

3 ... Very hard and slightly bent up nails give out such a person's trait as greed and intolerance for the shortcomings of other people. On the other hand, those with soft nails are very compliant, but their softness also reflects weak willpower.

4 ... Owners of oval-shaped nails are romantic natures who need special attention and care, they themselves are very kind, become good wives and moms. Most often, they do French manicure, indicating good taste and love for the classics. It looks neat on nails during a formal celebration, an important reception, a party, a wedding, and is applicable on a weekday. With a short free tip of the nail, it always remains at the peak of fashion, as it is easy to work and care for.

Owners of a manicure with rectangular marigolds are inquisitive, distinguished by determination and a clear knowledge of what they want. The nature of such women allows them to be good leaders. However, in personal relationships, since the owner of rectangular or square-shaped nails is disappointed, most likely she will not give the man a second chance.

Nails almond-shaped give out creative and cheerful natures. It is never boring with the one who prefers such a manicure.

Sharp claw nails are preferred by female predators. They will not expect the first steps from a man. These women are proactive and decisive. Unfortunately, the main qualities of their character include jealousy, sometimes for absolutely no reason.

Character by the color of the nails. What is your favorite nail polish talking about?

- White lacquer ... Displays a harmonious state. If you often choose this trendy varnish as an option for a nude manicure or for coloring the tip of the nail during french manicure, then, most likely, you do not need any changes, but only work to improve what you already have.

- Red varnish ... Simultaneously symbolizes sexuality and a certain kind of aggression, possibly irritability. Craving for red varnish suggests that a woman really needs love.

- Raspberry varnish ... A girl with such marigolds is extremely demanding of herself and of others, an idealist.

- Pink varnish ... If this color is your favorite, is the leader in the wardrobe and in the interior around you, then most likely you are still a sentimental and romantic girl by nature. A person who chooses pink nail polish is looking for a protective man who will take care of her and ... will resolve all material issues.

- Yellow varnish ... Like green and orange, this color in a manicure reflects courage. female character... If you love experimenting with such varnishes, then the last thing that worries you is the opinion of others. Yellow varnish is chosen by girls who are cheerful, easy-going, but prone to irrational actions and are very afraid of loneliness.

- Gold lacquer ... Reflects self-confidence, authority, the desire to control others.

- Green varnish ... Character by the color of nails in in this case turns out to be extremely positive and balanced. Green varnish speaks well developed intuition, about a woman's striving for harmony, oh positive outlook to the world.

- Blue varnish ... Women who choose this color are as logical as possible, very smart and rational, they often strive to suppress their own passion, they are characterized by selectivity in terms of communication with people. Generally girls fans blue varnish - "less is better."

- Purple varnish ... On the one hand, this color speaks of very high demands, and on the other hand, it reflects a woman's ability to self-sacrifice, the ability to help others, to give, to support.

- Brown lacquer ... The character of a woman who prefers this color in a manicure is very extravagant. A lover of brown nail polish is very susceptible to various passions and desperately needs attention and admiration. It is very important for her to be loved male sympathy for her the strongest source of inspiration.

- Gray lacquer ... A woman who uses this color in manicure most often is logical and very cold-blooded. Wherein strong character is not shown on display, the lover of gray nail polish avoids unnecessary attention, which many perceive as a sign of shyness or shyness.

- Black lacquer ... Usually a woman who constantly chooses the color of the night for a manicure has a whole bunch of complexes, unresolved problems and internal contradictions. Those around her may not even be aware of the constant struggle inside her, seeing in front of them a selfish, uncompromising and oppressive nature. The reason for the latter lies in the fact that black varnish reflects the desire of a woman with the inability or unwillingness to give anything in return.

Try using the information above on the color of the varnish in order to get necessary changes in your life and in your character ...

In the shape, length of nails, their appearance, you can tell a lot about a person and his character. Palmists and doctors have long considered appearance human hands, fingers and nails in particular. We are talking about the natural form, and not the one that turned out as a result of build-up or manicure. Now it has become easy to give a new look to your fingers without changing the essence of character.

A good doctor in shape and color can easily determine a person's illness, while not taking any tests.

From an aesthetic point of view, beautiful and well-groomed nails always show a person as neat, taking care of his appearance individual.

What are the forms

Short. Man with short nails characterized as disciplined, inclined to lead people, loves order and knows how to think logically. If they are very short, then the person is more aggressive, and the location on thick fingers indicates a person's backwardness and his unwillingness to learn.

Nails of medium length, represent a person from a good side. It's easy for them to find mutual language with others, like to think adequately and are realistic.

A person who has long nails is always restrained and calm in all situations. Shows judgment in his actions. If they are very long, then it is very difficult to understand such a person, and sometimes almost impossible. His character is very secretive, he is not sure of himself, rarely trusts people.

If by the width of the nail, more than the length, we are talking about a person with a very versatile character. He may flare up sharply or behave inappropriately. Few people love such persons, but they will not cause harm. They also like to argue very much.

If there are irregularities on the nails or they are bent, their owner is a predator that can rush at its prey. If the fingers are thin, you are dealing with an embittered and unpleasant individual. And rather, everything is not all right with his health.

People who watch out for opportunities to quarrel have nails. short and hard... They are also prone to longevity.

Ingrown toenails in people who are not prone to empathy and kindness. Their sensitivity is practically at zero.

The weak and the timid belong thin, but long nails... They rarely, it turns out, find a common language with others. And they often become the subject of ridicule.

Little rounded and long - indicate that a person has a great mind. They are always accurate, logical and responsibly approach the tasks set.

An immoral person, an evil, cunning and cunning person belongs thick and curved nails of great length... You should not get involved with such people, it is better to bypass them.

If a person suffers from heart problems, then his nails will long, with blue tint at the ends.

Soft palms combined with short and pale nails talk about a deceitful character, such a person is only capable of criticism. Weak as a person.

Wide and square - appear in kind, sincere, empathic individuals. Their glass is always half full.

People with poor health thin nails ... They don't show much interest in life.

A sociable person can be small and square nails ... However, he can be aggressive and quick-tempered.

A person who often experiences nervous stress and easily succumbs to them is the owner fan shaped nails... As a rule, everyone is very nervous and takes everything to heart.

Typically, people who seek to reshape their nails not only want to look their best in this way, but also subconsciously hide their true nature. Personalities with poor health They are trying in every possible way to hide it, so as not to stand out from the rest and not to show everyone their weaknesses. A sensitive and subtle nature, most often, they try to change to a tougher and more aggressive one. This is done so that no one can enjoy trust and do not use such people for their own selfish purposes. Through the study psychological behavior individuals, it became possible to distinguish between their characteristics and separate parts body, facial expressions and gestures. IN modern society everyone tries to adapt to environmentso as not to be rejected. In a world where the strongest win, the weak try to pretend and go on rash acts, which later only make things worse and still give them away true face... New studies human body make it easy to determine real essence any individual. Such sciences are developing rapidly every day.

Methods for determining diseases by nails, which we will discuss in this article, will help to take timely measures to get rid of the health problem that has arisen.

An experienced physician can determine a person's health status, not only by the color of the skin of the face and the presence of edema, circles under the eyes, but also by the condition of the nails.

What do nails say about human health?

Even in ancient times, each fingernail was associated with the state of health of a certain internal organ the human body.
Healthy nails have pink color, flat surface, a little natural shine... The slightest deviations from this indicate the appearance of health problems.

Video: 5 things that nails tell about your health

How to identify a disease by fingernails?

When determining the disease, one should take into account the change in nails according to:

  • Nail plate drawing
  • Lunula state
  • Shape of nails
  • Color nails

Diagnostics by the condition of nails

Plate pattern

  • White spots - low hemoglobin, lack of vitamins, reduced immunity, possible problems with the central nervous system

If only on the index fingers, then there may be excessive deposition of calcium salts

  • Black spots are a sign of endocarditis
  • The nail changes greatly due to fungus and psoriasis
  • Paired horizontal stripes - lack of protein in the diet. Kidney disease that removes excess protein from the body
  • Division across into two halves, speaks of advanced disease kidneys. The bottom of one half is usually milky, the top is normal
  • The line that does not appear from physical impact is formed when high temperature, fever. They indicate diseases that have already been transferred, the deeper the line, the more serious the disease
  • Black spots that did not appear from the injury indicate liver disease, inflammation of the heart membrane
  • A beige or brown formation under the nail, warns of the possibility of cancer
  • Yellow or brown spots on the nail at the edge of the nail, may appear due to psoriasis
  • White spots in the form of flakes or crumbling grooves, warn of the appearance of fungal diseases
  • Brittle and flaking nails, a sign of a violation thyroid gland... Moreover, if hair falls out, the skin peels off, it may indicate the presence of vitamin deficiency and hormonal imbalance
  • Small numerous dimples - a sign of psoriasis
  • Nail tears or deep grooves - may be dysbiosis or intestinal ulcer

Lunula state

we observe the state of the lunula

Lunula are white semicircles on the nails, on the border with the cuticle

  • If the lunula disappeared - problems with the lungs
  • If only on index finger - it means that the pancreas, liver, colon are not working well. There may be diseases of the small pelvis. Spheres of ENT
  • On the middle finger, the disappearance of the hole, informs of a vegetative-vascular disease, a violation heart rate, hypertension or hypotension, this is a harbinger of cardiovascular failure
  • If on ring finger no or the hole decreases, this may be a violation endocrine system, lymph nodes, this is a call to a mandatory examination of the body
  • On the little finger, the hole disappears quickly, as this is a sign of a problem with the small intestine. May disappear in hypertensive patients suffering from cardiac arrhythmias

Video: Nail Diagnosis

Diagnosis of toenails

The toes as well as the hands can say a lot about the state of a person's health:

  • Large of both legs are responsible for the brain
  • Right index finger - lungs (large intestine), adrenal glands. Left - heart (small intestine), thyroid gland
  • The middle toe of the right foot is connected with the internal and external genitals. Left - sense organs, pineal gland
  • The ring finger of the right foot diagnoses the kidneys, bladder, testes and ovaries
  • Left toenail-head and spinal cord, pituitary gland
  • Pinky fingernail on right leg responsible for the health of the spleen, stomach, pancreas. Left nail - liver gall bladder, thymus
  • According to the condition of the toenails, you can learn about vascular diseases
    Thickened nails thumbs legs that cannot be cut with scissors speak of chronic disease arteries and veins
  • The bluish discoloration of the toenails indicates severe circulatory disorders and thrombosis.
  • Fragility and delamination of the nail is a sign of a fungal disease

Nail shape and health

We check the health by the shape of the nails

An important factor in the diagnosis is the shape of the nails.
The outlines of the nail plate are considered: in shape, pattern, size, concave or convexity.

There are many options for the shape of nails changed as a result of the disease, we will consider the main ones:

  • Bent, depressed finger all over nail coating, reports a chronic or hereditary alcohol addiction
  • A flat and short nail testifies to heart disease.
  • A nail in the form of hour glasses, formed from diseases of the bronchi, heart, lungs The swollen last phalanges warn of cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, ulcers, thyroid problems
  • The increased area of \u200b\u200bthe nail - a problem with the lungs
    It is important to understand here that the shape must be viewed in the comparative period: it was narrow, but it became wide - it speaks of a problem. The presence of natural indicators is not considered
  • A flat nail warns of respiratory problems. If additional changes appear, it is possible bronchial asthma... Additional foliation of the marginal rim, diagnoses helminthic invasion
  • A pipe-shaped nail bent inward is a harbinger of cancer. You should not make the diagnosis yourself, but you should make an appointment with the doctor
  • Triangular nails predict spine disease
  • Concavity in the center of the nail and a bluish tinge indicate anemia.
  • A bright pink, rounded, magnifying glass nail - a sign of respiratory illness

Nail color and health

The state of health also depends on the color of the legs:

  • Yellow nails - the liver is out of order
  • The surface is red - erythremia possible
  • The entire white surface or partly not reaching the lunula warns of liver cirrhosis
  • Purple and blue nails - congenital heart disease

Diagnostics by nails photo and description

Dividing the nail in half - eczema, psoriasis

Transverse grooves - sign improper care behind the nails. Also formed due to the transferred stress, infectious disease and other already transferred serious diseases... Due to poor nutrition and lack of zinc in the body

The longitudinal line is rare. It appears due to acute malnutrition, severe arterial disease, with arthritis, lichen planus. Vertical grooves, may be the result of excess carbohydrate intake, iron deficiency, bowel disease

White nails, a sign of liver cirrhosis, thyroid disease

Half white, half pink nails warn of kidney failure

Health on hand nails table

Changes in the nail plate Possible disease
White nails Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis
Yellowish, thickened, slow growing nails Lung problems
Yellowish nails with a slight bluish discoloration at the base Diabetes
Half white, half pink nails Renal failure
Red nails Problems with heart
Pale and white nails Anemia
Furrows or splitting of the nail surface Psoriasis or arthritis
Thickening of the terminal phalanges of the fingers Lung disease
Black lines under the nail Melanoma
Red, jagged lines along the nail fold Lupus, a connective tissue disorder

Without professional knowledge it is very difficult to diagnose a disease from photographs of nails. The violations of the nail plate listed in the article give help only in the direction that you should pay attention to your health. In case of drastic changes natural nails, you need to see a doctor.

Video: Diagnosis by nails

Did you know that you can determine the character by the shape of the nails? Palmists claim that the shape of the nail plate is directly related to a person's character and can tell a lot about personality. Is it so?

In the article:

How to find out the character by the shape of the nails?

If you are, then you need to learn to understand all the features of human hands. After all, any bend of a finger, a line can be a treasure useful information... It is also very important to pay attention to the shape of a person's nails.
Before proceeding with the analysis, you need to make sure that this is indeed the natural shape of the nail plate. In particular, this applies to women, since with the help of nail extension it is possible to correct natural shape... This will interfere with accurate and correct analysis.

There are 5 of the most popular forms in total:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • trapezoidal;
  • oval;
  • fan-shaped.

It is worth noting that if it is difficult for you to decide what shape of nails a person has (you cannot choose between several options), then, most likely, he / she has some qualities, and others, to one degree or another.

Today it is possible to model any shape of nails from a master. However, this is not a guarantee that, along with the desired shape, you will acquire qualities that are not originally inherent in your nature.

What does the oval shape of the nails say?

nail shape

A woman with this shape of the nail plate is very dreamy, sensitive, sentimental and emotional. Quite often, they tend to idealize themselves, and the people nearby, and the world in which they live. Unfortunately, this sometimes complicates life, since they are not always able to perceive other people's weaknesses, shortcomings and solve problems diplomatically.

However, they are fairly fair, defend their point of view and do not tolerate cruelty towards others. Such ladies often feel guilty towards their family and friends. Often they rush from one extreme to another, so their behavior and character are not always easy to understand for other people.

Square shape

The owner of such marigolds is very balanced and it is almost impossible to get them mad. These ladies are cold, at times phlegmatic, but at the same time very witty, have a developed logical thinking, are curious and very suspicious. They are freedom-loving and value independence in relationships.

Such women will never dwell on the past, they always try to go forward, are very assertive, sometimes they are even ready to go over their heads to achieve a goal.

However, if they are making an important decision, rest assured they have weighed the pros and cons carefully. Often such ladies become good leaders, as they can give valuable advice and show personal example subordinates.

Character by rectangular nails

The owners of such marigolds are extremely hardworking, filled with energy, incorrigible optimists. You will definitely not get bored with them, as they are extravagant, they love experiments and thrills.

Such ladies are very active, always in sight, they are often envied. But at the same time, girls with rectangular nails are very trusting, sometimes naive, often opening their souls wide open. With age, these girls get used to relying only on their own strengths and rarely ask for help from others.

Trapezoidal nail plate

Women with such nails are often selfish. They are absolutely confident in themselves, have high self-esteem, as a result, others often shun them. But at the same time, such ladies are extremely impressionable, bright, creative people... They are dreamy and vulnerable, but they hide these qualities behind ambition.

Fan-shaped nails

The spatulate shape of the nails suggests that their owner is a hospitable hostess, a real keeper of the hearth. She is sure that the family and calm atmosphere in the house - the most important things in life.

The more the nails expand closer to the ends, the more vulnerable and impressionable the girl is. She is often subject to experiences and outbursts of emotions. Such ladies easily reason on philosophical themes, clearly know their purpose, have an excellent sense of humor and are very active.

Additional features

Not only the shape of the nails can tell about a girl, but also their thickness, length, color. If a representative of the fair sex has a short nail plate, this suggests that she is quite energetic, brave, and fighting.

Perhaps she is not devoid of excessive scrupulousness and often finds fault with the shortcomings of others. Often such people become real leaders, as they are demanding of themselves, the people around them and are very disciplined.

Short thick nails are most often found in centenarians and in people with a bad temper.

If a person naturally has long nails, then this speaks of his secrecy, extravagance, unpredictability. Such people adore comfort and ostentatiousness, they often tend to envy.

If the plate is uneven, twists a little, this indicates a willful, aggressive character. The same rating can be given to the owner of sharp, bent nails in combination with thin fingers.

Flesh color speaks of solid character, constancy and good nature.

Dark pinks signal passion, strong sexual energy, rigidity of character.

Bluish at the base and wide at the ends - health problems, lack of energy, constant stress and fatigue.

The shape of the nails and the character of a person are probably interconnected and the desire to change the shape of the plate can be triggered by a subconscious need to change something in oneself. Of course, it is highly doubtful that your character will improve as a result of changing the shape of the nail plate. But perhaps this is the first step towards a radical change in your life.

An interesting test, how to determine the character of the nails or the shape of the nails and the character of a person, what is he?

So, today the character is in the shape of the nails. We look at the photo and find our own nail shape and read

How to determine? It's very simple - we look at your nails and the shape that suits you best is your shape. Next, we look for her in the list and voila! We read and make sure that this is about you! This is useful not only in order to find out about yourself what you already knew. Perhaps you want to get to know a person better ...

P.S. do not forget to join our group in If you have long and rectangular nails, then you are most likely a very sociable person who, among other things, has a sharp mind. You enjoy new acquaintances and are excited about new experiences, and you are always trying to broaden your horizons.
When it comes to work, your main motto is "Measure seven times - cut once." You study the issue from all sides and accept the most optimal solution... The main thing is to think over everything, down to the smallest details.

Wide and flat "color \u003d" red "]
You are a person with a clear mind who analyzes everyone and everything. You think before you speak, and people often turn to you for advice, listen carefully to your opinion. You are well versed in the characters of people, and you can always rely on your instincts.
Such people like to create something new, they know that the work will pay off later. First of all, they are interested in practicality and usefulness, so they like to invent smart solutions for difficult problems.

Short and rounded

Chances are you are energetic, creative person with great (possibly hidden) talent. You radiate joy and positiveness, so people are always happy to make contact with you. Once you make a new friend, you stay true to him all your life and do everything to protect the people you love.
There are a few things that you love more than anything else. The spirit of adventurism plays within you, and if something once captured your mind, you will never back down until you achieve it. Someone says that you are a little stubborn, but you know what you want!

Unusual cuticles

This means that you are a very bright person who avoids the word "ordinary" like some kind of plague. You always find non-standard solutions.
Your motto is "Work like this, rest like this, rest!" You know how to have fun, so whatever you do, by definition, cannot be boring.

ps: Remember that each person is unique and adorable in their own right, and this is just a cute attempt at classification.