How to politely refuse a guy a walk. How beautifully to send a guy off so that he is not offended: a few proven phrases. How to send a guy off by correspondence or SMS

It is often difficult to refuse a young person. I want him not to be offended and understand the seriousness of the situation. it delicate issue and we want to offer several options for solving it for those who are faced with it. Here it is important to know how to send a guy off so that he is not offended, how to behave and what to do.

When a man comes on the street

There are girls that no guy can easily walk past on the street. Such attention is often boring. You can protect yourself by wearing a wedding ring, it will have a calming effect on most.

But sometimes this does not help, then you have to explain:

  • "I am in a bad mood";
  • "I'm married".

If that doesn't work, and you still don't want to be rude, cheat:

  • Ask for a phone number and say you'll call back;
  • Give your number, but change a couple of digits in it. Of course, this is not fair, he will call a stranger, perhaps at the wrong time. But so many girls were saved from annoying attention.

It happens that nothing helps, act more decisively:

  • "I'll scream now";
  • "If explanations are not enough, I will call the police, they will explain to you."

The main thing is not to go into conflict, speak confidently, but not loudly, you do not know who you are dealing with.

How to politely send a guy off?

Much harder to handle with familiar people, for example, if this is a neighbor or friend, you don’t want to offend him, because then how to look into the eyes when you meet. We'll have to give a neat, but clear rebuff.

For this:

  1. Speak in private, do not take quarrels out of the hut, especially when mutual friends. Offer to take a walk or meet in a cafe;
  2. Start with an apology. This will not humiliate your dignity in any way - ordinary courtesy. But do not overdo it, do not give vain hopes;
  3. Appreciate his friendship and the fact that in that very status he is expensive.

The main thing choose correct phrases correct and specific. Just don't say, "Let's be friends!" Everyone knows - no more offensive than words, they act worse than the most rude refusal.

You probably won't be able to help him anymore. different compliments in exchange for consent will not smooth the situation now. Now leave him alone for a while.

Common Mistakes

In such situations, women make the same mistakes:

  • They do not give a clear answer, fearing to offend, they begin to bustle around the bush. Speak directly, clearly and accessible, specifically denoting the boundaries of communication. Otherwise, he will grab any thread, any the right word and then you will be to blame for not explaining correctly;
  • They are playing for time, throwing phrases: “We will decide later, I have no time!” No, here and now, well, at least tomorrow in a cafe;
  • They insult and humiliate. Some arrogant persons, with their nose upturned, make a sharp “fi” towards the fan and throw contemptuous expressions. What for? A person can have a wound for life. You have to be a diplomat, it is not known, you may still have to turn to him for help;
  • A day after the rejection, they begin to flirt: wink and smile as a sign of friendship - this gives you reason to hope for more.

These are standard mistakes that will not lead to good and it will be your fault if he tries to have an affair again.

How to send a guy off beautifully?

You can approach the problem with a sense of humor, talk about topics that he himself will try to get away from:

  • Tell me how you want to get married, how gorgeous it will be beautiful wedding. It is unlikely that the boyfriend will like it. But you risk, what if he agrees? Although there is little chance of such a development of events, he may really be in love;
  • Start talking about money, describe your needs: car, apartment, vacation on exotic islands;
  • Invite to visit, before that arrange a terrible defeat at home. Dress up in scary clothes, because this is your normal home “outfit”, and be sure to treat you with tea;
  • Ask a friend to flirt with him, captivate. Let her kiss him the moment you approach and everything becomes clear.

Or write in a letter about your intention, this is often easier to explain.

How to send a guy by correspondence?

it really easy way- use SMS or social networks, wrote a letter and forgot. There are no long conversations, no clarifications, and you do not feel discomfort, because you do not need to look into his eyes.

There are two strategies:

  1. A quick but respectful denial. A short SMS, polite and accessible, is enough:
  • “Lesha, I’m interested in you, but we are very different”;
  • “Andrey, your feelings are dear to me, but I cannot share them”;
  • “Pavlik, I hope you will meet more mutual love”;
  • "I know you're partial to me, but I'm cold."
  1. Long and romantic correspondence. As in the old days, we take a sheet of paper and describe our experiences, that it’s hard to refuse such a good person, and so on:
  • “I need time to figure it out, for this I will take a break and will not communicate. If you can, don't be offended. It does not oblige you to anything, live a full life ”;
  • “We had a good time, talked and walked, but I realized that you want more. I can't reciprocate, but I don't want to lose a friend either. If you can, forgive me, and then time will tell.”

It is probably more interesting to conduct a long correspondence than to refuse with one strict phrase. Maybe that flatters you. But those who choose the first option act much more humanely.

  • Be consistent, do not give back under any pressure;
  • Do not insist on communication: "We can meet, go for a walk, go to the cinema, call up." For him, this is torment, even if he agrees. It is better to let it be forgotten, to find solace. Do not call, do not write - have respect;
  • Prepare for the conversation in advance, think about how to answer better, what words to use, because you know this person;
  • Use clear definitions: "I'm taking a break," "We're breaking up forever," "I need to think." This is a straight forward text.

Remember that you have a living person in front of you, imagine how you would feel in his place, a break is always difficult. The main thing is not to be rude, not to humiliate, no one knows what will happen next, you may still regret your decision.

What is happening is certainly stressful for you. But nothing terrible happened, it is your right and choice, you just need to be able to get out of the situation so that everyone is as happy as possible. To do this, we have given several options for how to send a guy off so that he is not offended and gave some other recommendations.

Video: how to politely refuse a guy?

In this video, psychologist Marina Sokolova will tell you how to refuse a guy in a relationship as painlessly as possible, so that he is not offended:

It is unpleasant when a stranger sticks to you, whose obsession is annoying. And it is especially difficult when feelings appear in a good guy who does not want to bring pain with his indifference. The material will tell you how to correctly send a guy off so that he is not offended.

Psychological features

Relationships between men and women are very complex. For thousands of years, the brightest minds in the world have tried to unravel the mystery of the views on life of the opposite sexes. However, even today, despite tons of books and millions of recommendations from experts, this question remains open. Speaking the same language, it is sometimes very difficult for a girl and a guy to understand each other.

Research scientists have shown that women and men often cannot agree because of completely different brains. Experts say, having learned about some features male psychology, the girl will even understand how to send the guy off so that he is not offended.

The difference between different genders thing is strong half humanity is accustomed to think briefly, concretely and logically. Meanwhile, the daughters of Venus perceive the world through the prism of feelings and emotions. Therefore, nature itself has a misunderstanding between men and women.

Terrible reputation

The art of flirting is very subtle. Sometimes, trying to get rid of the attention of uninteresting young man, the girl uses all the sewing methods known to her. Often on the pages of glossy magazines you can find various ways ignoring. However, many of them expose the lady as an unreasonable, unbalanced person. Over time, rumors that you, at the first meeting, do not produce the most best impression, can harm the future.

Before you decide that he is not offended, you need to put the unwanted suitor in a certain category. Depending on what type of people the gentleman belongs to, expressions and words should be selected. Most often, girls have to refuse overly kind strangers - this is the first category.

In the second, three types can be placed. Sometimes new wave warm feelings rolls on former lover. It rarely happens that emotions for you appear in a person you know. It is difficult to answer with a refusal who knows all your pluses and minuses.

Stranger Theory

There are many cases when girls get tired of unnecessary courtship of the opposite sex. If subtle hints do not give a result, then direct refusal should be used. However, not everyone knows how to send a guy off so that he is not offended.

But with a stranger, you can not bother for a long time. Usually people who make acquaintances on the streets, in public transport or in clubs, do it out of boredom and very rarely try to continue communicating with a girl later.

To an unpleasant young man, after he gives his name, you can say: “We already know each other. I recently gave you my number. You never called. Sorry, I don't want to talk again." You can also say to annoying types: “I'm sorry, but I have to refuse you. My friend liked you. She stood next to me a few minutes ago, but she had already gone home. I'll give her your regards."

Lethal Weapon - Intelligence

Certainly one of better ways- intelligence and erudition. If a girl devotes a lot of time to books and little knowledge of computer games, then the potential gentleman immediately desire will disappear communicate with her. Usually men try not to build a relationship with a woman who is much higher than their level of intelligence. The strong half of humanity avoids such persons for many reasons. Among them - rarely a guy will be happy if his beloved constantly corrects his mistakes, especially in front of other people. Probably, clever woman and earn more money- Cavaliers don't like it either.

Therefore, erudition and intelligence are one of the the best options how to send a guy off so that he is not offended. Suppose an obsessive stranger decides to start a conversation with you on the street. The first thing that will scare him might be: “You remind me of Edward Rochester with your straightforwardness. Too bad I don't look like Jane Eyre."

ladies' secrets

Not every modern young man will be able to support the literary, it should be noted, very interesting topic. Even fewer gentlemen will not hesitate to ask what exactly the interlocutor had in mind.

You can use other book characters. For example, an overly angry and annoying guy can be compared to Heathcliff from the novel Wuthering Heights. And feel free to call the self-confident and pompous boyfriend the name of the main character of the bestseller “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen. For example, to an unwanted beau, you might say, "I'm no more infatuated with you now than Elizabeth Bennet was with Mr. Darcy in the first part of the book." Such comparisons are best example how to send a guy off so that he is not offended. Other favorite book heroes will help you beautifully, literary and intellectually.

Language magic

If you are unfamiliar with these characters, then you can turn to star series and films. For example, the courtship of an uninteresting guy can be answered as follows: “I don’t know how our relationship will develop further, but now I feel for you what Elena felt for Damon in the first seasons ... Perhaps you have a brother?”

All of these topics will show how smart you are, although this may seem arrogant to some. If the guy responds to such comparisons no less intellectually, then perhaps you should not ignore his courtship?

There are many options, Phrases that will help gently hint, you need to choose depending on the situation. Another one from effective methods, which can be applied to strangers - change of subject. Today there are two actual reasons stop flirting with a girl. These are the films "50 Shades of Grey" and "Twilight". Usually men have a negative attitude towards such melodramas. Therefore, the gentleman will immediately lose the desire to communicate with their fan. But here it is worth noting that he may consider you a mediocre person.

Bad conversationalist

It is worth noting that many guys perceive the girl’s refusal as a challenge, and after that they become even more aggressive and persistent. You should behave coldly, do not flirt, do not take the initiative.

The next option is to keep changing themes. Choose stories that are not interesting to your interlocutor. For example, a partner tells you about his work, and you answer him: “How do you like the weather today?” Subsequently, even the most stubborn person is tormented to conquer you. Another answer to the question of how to send a guy off is phrases. So that he constantly throws him comic remarks in response. You can also use an aphorism from the popular series "Friends". One of the heroes, Ros, once, on the offer to write down the phone number of a girl who was not interested in him, said: “If this is fate, I will guess it.”

Nothing more than friends

If you need to send off a former loved one or acquaintance, then a number with erudition, intelligence or jokes will certainly not work. It should be noted that it is very difficult to deny feelings to a good person whom you have known for a long time. However, there are many phrases that will help make this task easier. For example, you can say to such a guy: “You know that I am a very complex person. Now I'm not ready for a relationship. And I'm sorry that I can't even give you hope that we'll be together in the future."

Another example of how to tell a guy off so he doesn't get offended can be based on respect. Tell the gentleman about your feelings like this: “I'm having fun, interesting and comfortable with you. However, as soon as we start dating, our friendship will deteriorate. I do not want to lose you".

Rough, but effective following words: "I can't reciprocate your love. Therefore, let's better now part as friends, between whom there was a misunderstanding, rather than later become people who met and hated each other.

Relationship ending

In any case, no matter under what circumstances you send off a young man, you should remember that there is a very sensitive nature next to you. Rude and cruel words can permanently cripple the heart. Therefore, one should be tactful, patient and merciful.

Psychologists advise on similar situations behave calmly and calmly. No need to lie and invent nonsense. If you decide to reject the offer of a fan, then there is a specific reason for this, which follows in condensed text voice.

Also, experts recommend that before discussing the question of how to send a guy off without offending, remember how you were refused. In this case, you will become kinder and more kind-hearted. Instead of saying, "I'm tired of your advances," you can say, "I understand how you feel about me. But I can't accept them."

After a break in relations, it is better to move away from the gentleman for a while. Let him cool down and think about the situation. And if a young man stops communicating or pretends that you are unfamiliar, it means that it is easier for him to survive the pain.

What to do if an unfamiliar young man who you do not like wants to meet you on the street? Or a familiar guy fell in love and wants a serious relationship? How to politely send a guy off so that he is not offended and understands that there is no point in persisting. In our article, we have collected the most delicate, soft, beautiful, original and tough ways to say “no” to a man. You will learn how to properly refuse a young man on the street, via SMS. In addition, we will talk about the most common mistakes girls make.

Most instances merge after simple phrases:

  • "I'm not in the mood";
  • "I have a boyfriend";
  • "I'm married".

In the latter case attentive men may notice the absence wedding ring. If it exists or if there is an imitation of it, then the matter is greatly simplified.

There are also more persistent guys who continue to pull the strap of communication, despite your refusal. In this case, you need to dryly and strictly explain to him that you are not on the way:

  • “Sorry, but you drive me crazy”;
  • "I just made it pretty clear that I don't want to get to know each other."

At the same time, it is important to behave culturally: do not break into a shout and do not be rude. This can provoke conflict. Just speak dryly, make a formidable expression on your face. These words and intonations are enough.

But there are some individuals who do not understand even such formulations. Worse still, they are often drunk. In such a situation, it becomes even scary. What if I tell him now, and he will hit or start insulting? To get rid of insolent, use proven methods:

  • Give him a fake phone number. But do not give the number of your friend or boyfriend, you can create a conflict;
  • Take his number and say you'll call;
  • Find the nearest security guard or police officer and ask him for help;
  • Say you're about to start screaming.

Several original ways

Sometimes just saying "I'm not in the mood" is not enough. Most easy way out out of the situation - to answer harshly and rudely. But sometimes it can't be done. For example, you good mood and you don’t want to spoil it or the environment is not suitable, the people around you may misunderstand everything.

In such a situation, you can answer harshly, but at the same time you must observe culture and politeness. You can call the guy aside, explain to him in private that you are not a couple. The main condition for politeness is a smile and a quiet tone.

If this does not help, then you can use a few funny and original refusals, so you keep the culture of communication and send the guy off.

  1. Family man. Tell us about your family (real or fictional). You have two, three, six children, a handsome husband and loving family. And you can turn the persistence of the newly-minted gentleman into an insult:
    • "Do you think I'm a slutty girl?";
    • “In your opinion, is it permissible for a girl not to value her family, to cheat on her husband?”
  2. Commercialism. Go straight to the conversation about money, find out how much he earns, where and by whom he works, there is an apartment and a car. At the same time, show contempt for his achievements: "Ford - nonsense, two-room apartment - f-and-and." As proof, demand to buy your favorite ring with emeralds.
  3. Loquacity. Guys don't like stupid and talkative girls. What are you talking about with your girlfriend? Talk to a guy about the same topics: dresses, cosmetics, stupid guys, your beautiful mother. Seize the initiative of communication completely, do not let him insert a word.
  4. Silence. Don't make eye contact, don't answer questions, or use the standard wording: "Yes," "No," "I don't know." An advanced method is to completely ignore its existence. Leave all questions unanswered, you can pick up the phone and pretend that you are talking to your mother or girlfriend. Realizing that he looks stupid, talking to the wall, the annoying guy will leave on his own.

hard options

Real case from life.

– May I meet you?

- Not.

“Where are you going, shall I accompany you?”

I am looking for a quiet place for the grave.

- What, why?

- I killed a man, I think to drip.

Some individuals do not understand either the first time, or the second, or the third. Sometimes a young man deserves a rude rejection because of his boorish speech or outright stupidity. To answer harshly and not run into a conflict, it is enough to say ordinary phrases, but at the same time turn on metal and irritability in your voice. At the same time, it is advisable not to insult him, not to give him negative ratings and especially not to swear.

How to correctly send off a friend or acquaintance who has fallen in love

The most a difficult situation– when you see that . There are two main differences. First, you want to keep friendly or warm relationship. Secondly, you will still see each other, if the refusal turns out to be unclear, vague, then the courtship will continue. Wherein simple courtesy in denial of the relationship will not save. Because the relationship is not destroyed by rudeness, but by the fact that you do not like him. You need to send it off neatly, but clearly and clearly, and at the same time maintain his self-esteem.

How to make the waiver clear:

  1. Don't pull. If you saw manifestations of sympathy and courtship, then either immediately decide on serious relationship, or cool the ardor of a buddy. The longer you wait, the more hope your friend has. Then it will become much more difficult to achieve cooling of its pressure.
  2. Don't flirt with him. Sometimes you use coquetry as a way to cheer up a man, maintain a relationship. But in the case of an acquaintance in love, this will warm up his hopes. Your refusal will not cause the proper result.
  3. Be serious. Don't smile, but speak with warmth and love. In order not to offend, apologize to him, explain that you do not want to offend him. You can smile and joke after he says that he understood everything.

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How to make a refusal soft and tactful:

  1. Retire. Of course, you can’t do this in public, and even more so with mutual friends. You can take him aside, or you can offer to take a walk together. As an option - to explain in personal correspondence in in social networks.
  2. Polite, but specific. Apologies and assurances of friendly sympathy can easily smooth the situation. But at the same time, it is not necessary to create the impression that you like him as a man.
  3. Praise him, appreciate the friendship. You can not praise him in all respects, just say a couple of compliments. But friendship with him can be praised 100%. Remind him how you helped each other, how you overcame together various problems how you have fun chatting.

Formulations. The most important thing is to choose the correct wording for " main phrase" so that the refusal is not offensive.

In order to "sweeten the pill" you can make a young man. This will help build relationships.

How to send a guy off by correspondence or SMS?

The easiest way to refuse a pen pal is to write a message on the Internet (in classmates or VK) or SMS. You save time, you can refuse with one phrase, and failure does not bring discomfort. There are two failure strategies.

  1. Polite, but long refusal. You can pretend to be a busy person, you work two jobs, have children, and your life is constantly something going on. Over time, he will get tired of it, and he will stop pestering you. But another outcome is also possible - he will understand that you are making excuses and a “serious conversation” will begin.
  2. A quick but polite rejection. You can choose another tactic - to refuse quickly and immediately. At the same time, it is desirable to maintain cultural and politeness of communication:
    • “I liked talking with you, but we are not suitable for each other”;
    • “I’m not in the mood for meetings and relationships, I’m sorry”;
    • “I have already found a young man”;
    • “I figured out myself and realized that we are not a couple.”

How to say no to an ex boyfriend

The most common mistake is hard and abrupt rejection. Or vice versa, too soft and unstable. Select golden mean- quiet, cold conversation, complete indifference and insensitivity. It will be difficult if you, but still retain sympathy for him. Then it is better to refuse at a distance, by correspondence or SMS.

To give weight to the refusal, you can argue it. List what you don't like and why you decided to end the relationship permanently. Does he not take care of himself, is too harsh with your loved ones, does not compromise? When he starts to assure you that he has changed, explain to him that it's too late.

You can not go to the individual and criticism. This will cause unnecessary emotions and lead to a quarrel. Build in your head polite communication, a clear rejection and follow this plan. Try to avoid irritability in your voice. In order not to get angry yourself, do not get involved in discussions of cause and effect. They explained their position - said goodbye and dispersed.

Common Mistakes

According to psychologists, girls make 3 classic mistakes when they refuse a guy.

  1. Lack of specifics. Girls often try to be polite and keep a cordial relationship. But at the same time, politeness and sympathy for a person are confused with abstract allusions. Speak directly, explain how you want to see the relationship with him.
  2. The opposite behavior. That is, send the guy off and after a minute wink and smile. This creates the impression that your refusal is just a joke. In this case, the guy will begin to achieve with double perseverance. Often this mistake is made with friends and acquaintances. I want to continue friendly relations to make amends. As a way to keep relationships, they choose coquetry.
  3. Play for time. This applies not only to delaying the “serious conversation”, but also to refusals like “I don’t have time right now.” Such formulations relieve you of excessive attention for a while, but later the situation will return to its previous course.
  4. Harshness and insults. Girls make such a mistake when the boyfriend does not understand half-hints and polite refusal. Why ruin a relationship with a person? Maybe your paths will cross, and it will be useful to you. What if you like it later? It will be very difficult to build relationships after a rude rejection.

He likes all your photos, tirelessly scribbles SMS and reads the classics with expression. With all his merits, one thing confuses you - the guy does not like or even causes hostility. Don't like it - piss off. You can make a “lapel” competently, without offending anyone.

I don't deserve you

vacancies No

if "ex" returned

friend suddenly appeared

complete ignore

scandal girl

let's get married

your troubled

How to send a guy off beautifully: by correspondence, on the street, everywhere

reel in the web

hey passerby

refuse him a date

universal formula

How to refuse a guy in a relationship: strategy and tactics

It's good that you're wondering how to send a guy off so he doesn't get offended. Many do not think about it, believing that refusal is a matter of life. Like, that's the way it is in nature. Spring is followed by summer. Grass turns green after rain. The guy offers and the girl refuses. Indeed, you can not bother and be like everyone else. There is another option - to send the guy off correctly.

I don't deserve you

What's more, he's a good guy. Cares, tries, economic. Not gay. He pays for the cafe. Ironing shirts. But it stands across the throat and that's it. In every sense, an exemplary guy needs to be sent off gently - laying a straw, picking up the right words without hurting your ego.

Beautifully refusing a guy means retreating in the style of "I'm not worthy of you." Tell me that such an exemplary man as he is worthy best girl in the world - not you. insist that best option development of relations - friendship. This good guy for sure, with all the heroism and selflessness inherent in him, he will try to “dissuade” you. Be steadfast: "You are an example perfect man. And you are worthy of loving and devoted girl. I am not that kind of girl. We'd better be friends."

There are no vacancies

Another option to beautifully send off a guy is to screw “My heart belongs to another” between compliments. Lawless Heart. I love, they say, one - oblique and lame. And you, of course, are a hot guy. This is how - full of confidence, energetic and inspired - and you need to leave a man. True, there is a danger that the "ideal" will try to compete for your heart, that is, from a sluggish boyfriend will turn into an active one.

If "ex" returned

It happens that the “exes” return - they felt sad, remembered, impatient. The “exes” usually return beautifully - with repentance, an armful of flowers and a picture of a brighter future. And exactly at the very moment when you finally stopped crying and decided to start new life. Give a second chance or not - look at the situation. If the situation is unwatchable...

The first option is gentle. You can politely send off a guy who once rode a tank like this: “Thank you very much for leaving. Only because of this I met a man whom I fell in love with. I'm sorry, there's no place in my life for you."

The second option is hard. Coldly and distantly, with a feeling of barely concealed boredom, say: “You know, your lover was so-so. It was only when I compared them that I realized the difference. Now I won't settle for anything less."

A friend suddenly appeared

If a friend suddenly turned out to be an underground admirer who mustered the courage into fists and stunned him with an offer to meet, use maximum diplomacy.

You already know that it is beautiful to refuse a guy in a relationship - it means to raise self-esteem. Invite a friend to a private meeting, take your hand, look into your eyes and say: “I appreciate our friendship. There can be many guys. Friends like you are one in a million. Let's continue our friendship. We've been so great at it. Moreover, there is no passion between us.” Have no illusions - you are unlikely to remain friends. By the way, are you really sure that friendship is not the basis for a relationship?

Nietzsche wrote: good marriage rests on friendship." Indeed, the foundation of relationships is trust, understanding and respect - in essence, friendship. Communication, due to emotions, attraction and passion, psychologists call delusion. These are fleeting feelings that are not enough for a strong union.

How to send off an annoying guy: all means are good

If a guy is not imbued with a refusal either from the first or from the tenth time, but continues to bend his line, push diplomacy into the box.

Complete ignore

You can’t send the guy off gently and persuasively - turn on ignore. Penetrates impenetrable. Live like it doesn't exist, and it won't exist for you pretty quickly. You can count the heroes talking to the walls on your fingers.

Scandal Girl

Or vice versa - concentrate on sticky. Demand, be jealous, throw tantrums. Bring down on him all the unbearable burden of character - and from the importunate there will be only heels sparkling on the horizon. And if you haven’t rushed to your heels, take this treasure in an armful and take it to the registry office.

Let's get married

By the way, about the registry office. Tell the obsessive that you dream of a bunch of rosy-cheeked kids. What do you want to live in big house with all relatives up to the third generation. That you sleep and see how your spouse chirps sweetly in the kitchen with your mother. Guess where the annoying boyfriend will be tomorrow? On the opposite side earth.

Problematic yours

Mom's apartment needs urgent repairs. Sick grandmother needs care. The salary is only enough for food, but it would also be necessary for treatment at the dermatological dispensary. The vast majority of guys will not withstand such a load. And if you survived, cynically draw a line: “You know, I need a man who will solve all my problems. Yes, I'm a materialistic trash, so stay away from me.

How beautiful to send a guy off in any situation: from correspondence to the street

To refuse a guy without offending him is, in principle, simple. And you can do it in any situation, except for the one where the guy doesn't get it quickly.

Rewind web rod

With the rating of which you can find the link - a unique thing. Here it is convenient not only to get acquainted, but also to leave. The ardor of a web partner can be cooled by the message that you have a boyfriend. To the question "Then what are you missing here?" answer "I communicate with my friends." You can beautifully send off a guy by correspondence different lies for good: “Sorry, I realized that a lesbian”, “Mortgage and three loans – can you help?”. "I am undergoing treatment with a venereologist." Write whatever. Or don't write at all. Anything is possible on a dating site.

Hey passerby, come on

Now you will learn how to send off a guy who, having become adept at pickup truck courses, intends to meet you on the street, in mall and other public places. First of all, a reference to haste and busyness: "Sorry, I'm in a hurry." If the persecution continues, involve the “male shoulder” in the case: “Do you think for married girl is it okay to meet guys on the street?”, “Are you sure you want to meet me? I have great guy- Handsome and muscular. I can introduce you." It has been proven that suitors of various colors disappear at the speed of dissolving sugar in boiling water, smelling the spirit of a potential boyfriend. At worst, you can pretend to be transgender or crazy.

Deny him a date

You can refuse a date with a guy, referring to employment: “Unfortunately, I’m busy with my studies (work, raising a child, volunteering in a shelter) and I don’t go on dates now.” The tactic of eternal employment works with the same efficiency as ignoring. Format exclusively business relations can be described as follows: “I can have lunch with you / you with pleasure, but I spend dinners with my boyfriend.” You can limit yourself to a neutral phrase: "For a number of reasons, I cannot accept invitations." And no "Maybe next time." He decides that he was not persistent enough.

Universal Formula

And we came to the lapel formula, which every girl needs to memorize. This is a universal answer to the question of how to refuse a guy so that he is not offended. Remember: “Compliment. Program. Compliment".

“You are beautiful and smart (compliment). But I can't go on a date with you (program). I'm sure a lot of girls dream about dating you (compliment)." Merge beautifully, leaving behind not broken, but delighted hearts.

How not to refuse a guy: 3 popular mistakes girls make

Everyone makes mistakes, but a girl who sends a guy off must behave like a sapper in a minefield. At the very least, you definitely shouldn't make these mistakes:

  • speak rudeness;
  • say one thing and do another;
  • to speak, like a pitchfork to write on the water.

He opens your soul wide open, and you were rude to him? Offended guy- it is dangerous. Well, if revenge turns out to be just gossip behind your back. How to refuse a guy so that he is not offended, you now know. Through a compliment.

You say “There can only be friendship between us,” and you wink fervently with your eye and playfully twitch your leg? Of course, the search for phrases on how to send a guy off beautifully will become endless. Be consistent in words and deeds.

“You know, I like being alone. It nourishes and inspires me. And what is the feeling of freedom! Inspires. Independence is mine life principle. I have chosen this path and I am walking this path.” If you are trying to get out of an awkward situation through "a lot of beeches", you are pulling the cat by the balls. More plot in the text.

Being in demand is nice. So thank the same. Pump up the self-esteem of the guy who pumped your self-esteem with his attention or feelings.

Nowadays, the development of the ability to qualitatively and clearly "reject" guys is becoming relevant for girls, and to do it beautifully and with dignity, without descending to the level of rudeness and direct negativity. It concerns absolutely various situations, for example, when sympathy obsessively shows good man, but the girl does not like the quality intimate relationships, as well as for those who cause an exceptionally persistent feeling of hostility. Moreover, the ability to “reject” guys does not include a simple refusal, since many men perceive it as flirting or arouses even greater interest due to the inaccessibility of the girl (it is the state of struggle, conquest that fuels male interest).

Guys usually get attention from girls. pleasant emotions, but not in cases where it becomes too intrusive or the self-proclaimed groom delivers only problems and spoiled mood with his courtship. Having accepted the idea that persistence is the key, many people literally do not let a girl pass, call at the wrong time or too often, meet in all possible locations or being overly intrusive at parties and clubs.

Before choosing a refusal tactic, it is necessary to analyze which category the obsessive admirer belongs to - this will make it possible to choose the appropriate behavior model. Some situations dictate methods themselves, for example, if a virtual acquaintance is seeking attention, then you need to use suitable phrases for correspondence, and possibly blocking a contact, instead of a personal meeting. If excessive activity comes from a friend, on the contrary, a conversation in person will help to place the right accents in a relationship.


There are many options on how to “reject” a guy so that he is not offended and do it beautifully, and most of them help to maintain a warm future relationship if both are interested in this. Honesty should be in the first place, therefore, at the first signs of attention, it is necessary to inform the man that this format of communication does not suit you or that you are busy. It’s better to always be proactive and say a similar text when the guy is just trying to walk you home or has begun to call more often for minor reasons. Explain your refusal to a man who has been caring for a girl for a month and this moment standing under her house with flowers can be quite difficult, because there is a complete misunderstanding why all the actions were taken before.

If you have a conversation in calm environment, then an adequate young man will understand and accept your position. The main thing is to do without lies, if you do not have a husband or boyfriend, then you do not need to refer to the fact that you are busy, it is better to report that now you are not ready for romantic relationship, while it is important to note something good in the youngest person. Do not bind a person, express your understanding of the situation if he stops communicating with you completely, because it is not easy to be friends with someone you like.

In case of return ex boyfriend and his active actions upon your return, it is useless to meet with him to explain his own disinterest. It's better to limit yourself telephone conversation or a message, the meaning of which is reduced to gratitude for participating in your destiny, as well as for the fact that your relationship is over.

With all the guys, if you want to part beautifully, you need to speak politely, pay attention to their dignity. It is important to control emotions, speak confidently, politely, without coquetry (no matter how it breaks through, because attention is pleasant). Show kindness and understanding - a person has the right to know why his courtship is not relevant to you, perhaps he can change something or turn his attention to more the right girl. It is possible to move on to radical and harsh words only after intelligent communication and respectful treatment did not bring results, and you again observe obsessive admirer who did not draw conclusions.

Sometimes you can do without words at all, especially it works well for unfamiliar guys or harassment on the street. You can silently ignore any attempts at contact or look in his direction with a seriously condemning look - the conversation, as well as the duration of communication with such girls, are of little interest to guys on early stages. The main thing is not to confuse this with ostentatious indifference, which is part of what only fuels interest. If the young man is adequate enough, then you can smile, as if apologizing, which will let him understand the impossibility of continuing, but at the same time leave a pleasant aftertaste (the reason why is not in this case he figured it out on his own).


It's not always worth sticking with high degree the seriousness of observing all the rules of etiquette, many informal places for communication allow the use of humor in order to "reject" a new obsessive admirer. Moreover, this often turns out to be a more effective tool than a thorough and polite explanation of all the reasons why it is impossible to satisfy his interest in the person of the girl.

For example, a girl may rejoice loudly and for a long time that, finally, her child has a father. It's seriously mind-boggling if the flirtatious attempt happens in a bar. You need to develop the topic immediately, verbosely and violently - plan a trip to baby store tomorrow, a trip to my mother for the weekend and the obligatory presence at the matinee in the kindergarten. It is unlikely that the guy will believe in this, but, having considered the girl insane, he will definitely move away, and she will have something to laugh at. The option with a child can be replaced by paying utility bills or digging ten acres of a garden, do not forget about the shelves that have fallen off.

Joke like guys usually joke, remove all female flirting and smiles from under the eyelashes. Laugh out loud, pat him on the shoulder, tell dirty jokes. If a girl says that she is busy, then some guys may be persistent, but if she directly tells about the problematic relationship, which she is going to easily solve at his expense, then this already causes hostility. Guys allow such behavior only on their part, but they are not ready to be used by girls.

And you can also give free rein to your feminine nature and talk all the time and about everything that even your friends would not be interested in. Manicures, seasonal haircuts, hair removal principles, and pineapple pie baking can all be dumped in an incoherent stream on the head of an unsuitable romantic. The girl gets a moral discharge, and the guy gets tension and shock, which soon makes him leave and find the one that will sit and listen with admiration to his stories.


The ability to politely “send off” a guy sometimes works better than harshness and direct confrontation. So, if you have a boyfriend or husband, then you can refer to them, and make the phrase into the wording of an apology, saying that they will not understand or approve of this invitation. Refusal of an invitation to a cafe or other options for spending an evening together should be well justified by your employment (and you don’t need to throw out a lengthy wording, tell me that you need to write and erase a report), as well as feeling unwell or fatigue.

Regarding their physical sensations it is also quite possible to voice details about the desire to sleep, eat, take off your shoes, reduce a headache or an attack of gastritis - the more physiological the reason sounds, the faster the guy’s ardor cools. The main thing is to add an apology to each phrase - this is precisely a tribute to politeness, and appeals to his understanding, but if you simply list your problems, then this can be perceived as an offer to solve them, which is absolutely not necessary, especially if the child and headache invented.

But not all guys are able to maintain a polite conversation, and some lose from refusal, starting to resent and be rude. Stay in this situation on your line of behavior, continue to answer politely, but shortening phrases, you can limit yourself to monosyllabic answers or leave a last comment about the uninterestingness of this conversation.

You can get rid of an unwanted acquaintance and “reject” a guy by leaving the wrong phone number, which may not always work if he immediately dials in front of you to leave his. You can get around this nuance by writing down the number on a piece of paper, and while he is dialing it, he will retreat. Although in many cases even this will not be needed, few of the guys start checking the number, because they have already received the correct cherished numbers and continue to charm the girl, but at the same time they already let her leave at any time, believing that the next meeting is secured. Or, alternatively, you can ask for the number of a young man, promising to call and continue the conversation later, because now you are in a hurry.

There is another option for a polite refusal, which is useful for acquaintances, employees and other people, the intersection with which is possible further in life. This is a long-term path of permanent employment, that is, with each invitation, you must refer to a delay at work, the need for an urgent trip, the urgency of repairs, and a huge bunch of different things that require your attention all the time. Over time, a person will understand that in your life there is simply no time or priority for him, perhaps he himself will lose his unsatisfied interest, while the girl herself does not say unpleasant words.

Phrases on how to "send off" a pen pal

Cyberspace makes compulsive harassment possible, even through text and social media, but that doesn't make it any less unpleasant. The constantly ringing signals of messengers, the inability to concentrate make us look for ways to politely “send off” a guy by correspondence.

Specific phrases depend on the individual situation, so if you used to communicate a lot, but now you no longer like the direction of communication, then you can stop attacking with messages by writing about what you enjoyed while discussing common topics but now you're more determined to live real life.
Such a statement helps to cool the ardor of Internet friends, since everyone understands that no messages can withstand real events. It is important that a person who is annoying online does not have the opportunity to arrange your real meeting.

For a polite refusal, the following phrases are suitable:

“I like talking with you, but we are not suitable for each other”;

"I'm not in the mood for a relationship, so I'm sorry";

"I have a boyfriend";

“Having understood myself, I realized that we are not a couple”

Talk about how you are too busy right now to communicate, and constant messages distract you from work. You can also voice your unwillingness to communicate in principle, you can refer to the fact that you are sleeping or on a trip - the inability to verify these facts gives space for options.

You can beautifully “send off” a pen pal using wording about the need for a break, time for reflection. But direct bans on communication act as an activating agent, so if you are in the heat of the moment and said something like that, then get ready to increase your attention. In this case, excellent opportunities for blocking contact will help, otherwise importunity can spoil a lot of nerves.

How not to refuse: girls' mistakes

The desire for politeness and modesty sometimes has the opposite effect and girls can not "rebuff" bad guy. There are a number common mistakes, thanks to which guys think that this is just part of flirting and they need to be persistent. Gaze in the eye is perceived as increased interest, and laughter at the guy’s jokes is a response to his flirting, so these reactions should be controlled, but it’s better not to show them at all if you are going to stop communicating.

So you should not flirt and wait until the young man himself guesses about the inappropriateness of showing attention. It is optimal to say about your unwillingness to interact immediately, or at least ignore the interest shown. Refusal uttered with a smile, downcast eyes, uncertainty in the voice are perceived as encouragement. But this does not mean that you should immediately be rude and use foul language. Quite adequate guys deserve a human explanation, even if before that the girl met a dozen boors.

You can train your ability to refuse, not only to guys, but to any people in situations that do not suit you. A firm and direct refusal, said once, but with the right facial expression and intonation, leaves little option for normal person. If you continue to be persecuted even after that, then this may be a signal of personal violations of the fan, and then it is better to ignore such an interlocutor. If the conversation concerns old acquaintances or friends, then you should not conduct it among people or in correspondence. Respect for a person requires your personal meeting and discussion of all options and consequences.

An explanation of the reasons for the refusal, even if briefly, is necessary for the person to have a complete image. Avoid using criticism of the individual, his preferences or views in such explanations, it is better to explain this with personal positions and impossibilities or unwillingness. Until specifics appear, you may get the feeling that the girl is just being naughty.