Medical examination in 1 month. Calendar of visits to doctors in the first year of a child's life. One-year-old baby: ophthalmologist

Newborn first examination at the clinic. Within a month, your baby has grown and become stronger. He must add at least 400g. and grow by about 3cm. He focuses his gaze on a stationary object, begins to smoothly follow a moving object, listens to the voice of the mother, begins to smile when he sees her or hears the voice of his mother. lying on his stomach.

Newborn first examination at the clinic

At 1 month you will have your first visit to the children's clinic. Probably, the district nurse has already left you an invitation for an appointment, perhaps, she gave directions for an ultrasound scan of the head, hip joints, bodies abdominal cavity and kidney and audioscreening.


Ultrasound of the brain is recommended for all children at the age of 1 month in order to detect abnormalities in the functioning of the child's central nervous system in time, the first examination is screening, i.e. is carried out for all children, in the future, ultrasound for children is carried out according to the prescription of a neurologist.

Ultrasound of the hip joints (also recommended for all children) helps to identify such a serious abnormality as congenital dislocation of the hip and cure the child in the first year of life if the child has hip dysplasia (delayed head formation thigh bones), they will explain to the mother how to do gymnastics and massage to the child.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys allows you to identify congenital anomalies development of these organs. The most frequent diagnoses, exposed to children by ultrasound of the abdominal organs: hepatoegaly (enlarged liver), splenomegaly (enlarged spleen) - this may not mean anything special, but requires further ultrasound monitoring of the child. Children with this diagnosis are referred to a gastroenterologist. Those children who have found abnormalities in the ultrasound of the kidneys are referred to a nephrologist.

Audio screening - examination of your child's hearing is carried out in the maternity hospital, but if for some reason it was not carried out in the maternity hospital, or in your child questionable result- you will be offered to examine the child at the clinic.

It will be more convenient for you and your baby to undergo ultrasound and audioscreening before the doctor's appointment so that they can evaluate the results of the examination.

What to take with you to the clinic?

Two diapers (one for the changing table, the other for the scales), sanitary napkins, a rattle, a pacifier (if your child is used to it), a spare "diaper", in the summer - a bottle of water.

Examination results (ultrasound, audioscreening).

And, of course, a notebook with your questions, it would be nice to write down the doctor's recommendations and the characteristics of your child there - you will get something like a mother's diary.

Newborn first examination at the polyclinic doctor's examinations

At the polyclinic, you will be examined by a pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon and vaccinated against viral hepatitis B.

You need to make an appointment with a neurologist, ophthalmologist, and surgeon in advance.

  • Oculist reveals congenital and inflammatory diseases of the eye and lacrimal ducts. The most common congenital dacryocystitis (impaired patency of the nasolacrimal duct and inflammation of the lacrimal sac) and conjunctivitis. If necessary, he prescribes treatment. The optometrist also detects changes in the fundus, which also reflects the state of the child's central nervous system. A neurologist will definitely pay attention to this.
  • Neurologist will examine the child, check reflexes, measure the circumference of the head and chest, evaluate the results of an ultrasound of the head and examination of the fundus and, if necessary, prescribe treatment for your child.
  • Surgeon he will check if the child has hernias, and in boys he will examine the external genitalia. Will give his recommendations.
  • Orthopedist will check the condition of the musculoskeletal system in order to exclude congenital diseases (for example, clubfoot, dislocation of the hip), this is where the results of ultrasound are needed.

Examination by a pediatrician

At the pediatrician's appointment, the child will be weighed, measured for height, the doctor will examine him, assess his physical and neuropsychic development, will give recommendations.

Usually, from 1 month, all children are prescribed vitamin D in a dose of 500 IU - 1 drop of solution (now vitamin Dz is used - water-soluble) - 1 time per day - to prevent rickets. The doctor will definitely tell you about this, perhaps your child will need a different dose or, for some reason, you do not need vitamin D, you will also find out about this at the appointment.

If everything is in order for your child, the pediatrician will send you for a vaccination against viral hepatitis B. This hepatitis vaccine is the second for your child - the first one was given in the hospital, on the first day after birth. There were no reactions to this vaccination during my practice. The instruction for one of the vaccines is placed under the heading "Vaccines" This vaccination must be entered in the vaccination certificate. Probably to next appointment you will be given directions to

Next time you will be examined at the clinic at 2 months.

In this article:

From the first moments of life, a newborn is faced with many medical procedures. Even healthy baby this fate does not pass by - from birth he is constantly monitored, the parameters of the body are measured, the development of organs and systems is studied. Doctors in 1 month of a child's life try to identify all pathologies in child's body: congenital defects development and beginning disease. Many problems diagnosed on initial stage are easier to treat.

After leaving the walls of the hospital, the newborn comes under the close attention of a pediatrician and a local nurse at home. The first examination of the child at 1 a month will pass in the children's clinic. The pediatrician will not only examine the little patient, but will also tell the young parents what kind of doctors a newborn needs to undergo at 1 month.

Medical examination of a newborn in the first month of life

The first visit to the newborn by the doctor takes place the day after discharge from the hospital. The pediatrician will come without a special call: he will inform the clinic about the arrival of the newborn at the place of residence medical staff maternity hospital. In the first month of life, the specialist will come to the baby once a week. If the child's condition raises any concerns (for example, the baby has a cold or is not breastfeeding well), visits will be more frequent. The district nurse will also visit the newborn - also up to 4 times during the month.

For the arrival of the pediatrician, you need to prepare in advance, write down all the questions that interest the young mother on this moment so as not to forget anything. The doctor should be comfortable examining the child. As a rule, during the examination, the baby should be completely undressed, since the specialist needs to assess the condition of his skin and mucous membranes, heart rate and breathing, muscle tone and reflexes.

During the visit, the doctor advises the young mother on nutrition and baby care. Later, the specialist will invite the parents with the baby to the clinic for a routine examination of the baby at 1 month.

The first examination by a pediatrician in a polyclinic is the most interesting for young parents. During it, the doctor will not only examine the baby, but also carry out a control measurement and weighing the baby. Most often, in the first month of life, babies gain 500-700 grams and add 2-3 cm in length. After the examination, the district nurse writes out referrals for consultations of narrow specialists, analyzes and additional examinations as well as in vaccination room.

What kind of doctors do you need to undergo?

The list of doctors who need to go through a newborn at 1 month is not small.


The main task of the neuropathologist is to monitor the neuropsychic and mental development of the child, as well as to control his motor activity. At 1 month old, a neurologist checks the presence of congenital reflexes and their gradual fading in a child. The baby may have an increased or, on the contrary, decreased tone muscles, which will become the basis for the appointment of a baby massage.

If in doubt, the doctor will prescribe a referral for an ultrasound of the brain. You need to undergo an examination immediately, while the child's fontanelle remains open. In the future, the doctor will evaluate the development of new skills by the baby, for example: the ability to smile, roll over, sit, climb on all fours and much more.


For the first time, an ophthalmologist will examine a newborn in the maternity hospital for congenital eye pathologies. A scheduled examination of the baby at 1 month will allow the specialist to examine the fundus of the baby, the condition of his lacrimal glands and assess the tendency to squint and other visual impairments. The doctor will check if the baby can focus on a separate subject... During the examination, the eyelid and obstruction of the lacrimal ducts are most often diagnosed.

Often the diagnosis of a neurologist depends on the diagnosis of an ophthalmologist - in last years many children in the first year of life have certain problems with the vessels of the brain and fundus.


A medical examination of a child at 1 month necessarily includes a visit to an otolaryngologist. A child at this age will have to undergo otoacoustic testing for the first time. It does not hurt at all and is safe for the baby. The specialist will use a special device to check the child's hearing, as well as examine the tonsils and nasal passages.

During the examination, the ENT doctor may reveal the following problems in the baby:

  • hearing impairment complete absence any reaction to sound stimuli;
  • sulfur plugs;
  • difficulty or absence of nasal breathing;
  • ear pain, otitis media;
  • foreign bodies in the ENT organs.

Also, a specialist can advise a young mother about why her child is bad or refuses to suck from a bottle: this may be due to ear pain. If everything is in order, then the next examination by an ENT doctor is not expected soon - at 12 months.


The surgeon assesses the child's reflex development, the presence of muscle hypo- or hypertonicity, diagnoses umbilical and inguinal hernias. In male infants, the external genitals are carefully examined to exclude such pathological conditions like cryptorchidism, dropsy and non-prolapse of the testicles into the scrotum, hypospadias.

Also, the surgeon can note deviations in the structure of the newborn's body. Most often, abnormalities such as lymphangioma, vascular lesions and internal organs... If necessary, the specialist gives a referral for a massage for children or explains how to work with a child at home, which muscle groups it is important to pay attention to.


An orthopedist examines a 1-month-old child in a polyclinic, assessing the development of his musculoskeletal system. A doctor may detect conditions such as clubfoot, congenital dislocation of the hip joint, dysplasia, or underdevelopment of the hip joints. Dysplasia should be detected as early as possible, until the baby has learned to stand up. To exclude this diagnosis, almost all children are prescribed an additional ultrasound of the hip joints.

During the examination, the orthopedist will carefully examine the newborn, actively bending and pushing his legs to the sides and performing other manipulations. The kid may not like this approach, but this is important, since the doctor can detect the most different pathologies development of the musculoskeletal system. For example, torticollis, in which the child can only turn the head in one direction. Also, the specialist will give recommendations on home gymnastics and the treatment of dysplasia, which must be followed.

Vaccination room

If the newborn in the hospital did everything necessary vaccinations, then in 1 month you need to do another one - for hepatitis. The vaccine is injected into a large muscle of the baby - the buttock or lower leg. Before visiting the vaccination office, it is imperative to show the child to the local doctor. The pediatrician will assess the readiness of the body for vaccination, exclude the presence of infections. Vaccination can be carried out only under the condition of absolute health of the newborn.

Additional examinations

Tests for a newborn at 1 month must be taken. As a rule, it is general analysis blood and urine. To carry out tests for a newborn at 1 month, you need to collect any portion of urine, preferably the first morning.

Unfortunately, this is not always possible with such young children, as newborns urinate more often than adults. Therefore, it's okay that a portion of urine for testing in newborns at 1 month will not be the first, no. The most important thing is to wash your baby well before collecting urine. For convenience, you can use a special urine collection bag. Blood for analysis of a newborn 1 month old can also be taken at any time, regardless of the meal.

As an additional examination of a newborn at 1 month, the doctor prescribes an EKG (electrocardiogram), the purpose of which is to diagnose diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in particular, to exclude heart disease, cardiopathy and much more.

Screening a baby at 1 month must include ultrasound procedure brain and hip joints.

It is prescribed for all children who have reached 1 month to identify abnormalities in the nervous system. The first ultrasound examination is mandatory, in the future they can be prescribed by a neurologist at his own discretion.

Ultrasound of the brain is most important in patients after complicated pregnancy and childbirth, with low results in terms of, with neuropsychic and physical delays development, with hypo- or hypertonicity of the muscular system.

Ultrasound examination of the hip joints is also mandatory for all newborns. The study helps to timely diagnose congenital hip dislocation and hip dysplasia. Treatment of these pathological conditions is effective only in the first year of life, while the baby has not yet begun to get up and walk on his own.

Of course, the observation of a newborn in the first month of life and his first visit to the clinic to a pediatrician and narrow specialists is very important point in the life of the baby and his parents. The latter may in again make sure their child grows and develops according to age.

If any deviations are identified, there is no need to panic and sound the alarm. Most pathological conditions are successfully treated in the first year of life, the main thing is not to delay the prescribed treatment and follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Useful video about the examination of a baby by a pediatrician

The first year of life is very important for the baby, because it is during this period that all systems and organs of the child's body are formed.

The baby's nervous system and its physical parameters are developing rapidly.

These indicators determine the health of the child. Regular visits to the clinic during the entire first year of life are extremely necessary, even if your child is completely healthy.

Purpose of visiting doctors at 1 month of age

The main tasks of prophylactic medical examination of children are monitoring their development in dynamics, timely implementation of health-improving and preventive measures.

Until one month you were examined by a pediatrician at home, and now you must make your first visit to his office. But it is even more important that at this age you will be consulted by other specialists: neurologist, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, surgeon.

The purpose of these consultations is to identify previously unnoticed deviations from the norm and diseases. Having identified any deviations in the early stages, it is possible to prevent the development of the disease, and in the presence of an existing disease, it can be treated as early as possible and, accordingly, more effectively.


The neurologist will conduct complex inspection your child: assess muscle tone, neuropsychic development, the formation of motor functions, check congenital reflexes. It is at the age of 1 to 2 months that perinatal (arising during pregnancy and childbirth) lesions of the central nervous system (central nervous system) are most often detected. These include: increased neuro-reflex excitability and central nervous system depression syndrome.

It is very important to diagnose and begin treatment in the first months of life, because at this time the nervous system is still maturing, and its impaired functions can be easily restored. The vast majority of deviations from the neurological norm at the age of one month or more are reversible.

A neurologist will definitely give you a referral for neurosonography (ultrasound of the brain). Sometimes such an examination is carried out even in the hospital, and in a month it is done again as prescribed by the doctor. Ultrasound allows you to determine possible changes in the structure of the brain: malformations, vascular cysts, expansion of the ventricles of the brain (hydrocephalus), intracranial hemorrhage, hypertensive syndrome (increased intracranial pressure).


First of all, an orthopedic specialist should check the baby for hip dysplasia, since they wrong development or underdevelopment in children 1–2 months old is by no means a rare phenomenon.

The doctor will examine the symmetry of the gluteal folds and evaluate the parameters of the breeding of your child's legs in the hip joints. If dysplasia of the hip joints is detected in such early age, when the joints are still forming, it can be easily corrected in a non-surgical way.

If this is not done in time, then improper formation of joints can lead to dysfunction. lower limbs child.

In addition, the orthopedist excludes the possibility of developing such congenital and acquired pathologies as dislocations, clubfoot, torticollis.


The purpose of the inspection one month old baby the surgeon is to identify such diseases as hemangioma (vascular skin tumor), inguinal or umbilical hernia (protrusion of part of organs or tissues through weak areas on the anterior abdominal wall), in boys - cryptorchidism (undescended testicles into the scrotum) and phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin) ...

Very often, in polyclinics, the specialties of a surgeon and an orthopedist are combined by one doctor.

Oculist (ophthalmologist)

At the age of one month, the baby should have the skill of focusing his gaze on an object. This ability will be checked by an optometrist. And besides this, a specialist will examine the fundus of a small patient in order to identify retinal pathologies and check the patency of the nasolacrimal canals.

Changes in the early stages are cured in a conservative (non-surgical) way. This allows you to avoid further violations of the functions of the eyes and the development of complications from the organ of vision.

ENT doctor

In the first or second month of life, a doctor who controls correct work baby ears, nose and throat, may prescribe special research to identify possible hearing pathologies. Indeed, already at this age, the ENT may suspect a hearing loss in a baby (hearing loss).

Early diagnosis of this disease is very important, since hearing loss in the future can lead to a delay in speech and mental development... Even such small patients are successfully treated and rehabilitated for this ailment.

Health groups

Based on the survey results narrow specialists the pediatrician assesses the child's health as a whole and, on the basis of this assessment, determines the health group.

There are 5 health groups in total:

  • The first - the child is absolutely healthy, physical and neuropsychic development corresponds to the age;
  • The second - children with minor deviations from the norm or at risk of pathologies;
  • The third is children who have chronic diseases in remission, with rare exacerbations;
  • Fourth - children with chronic diseases or significant deviations from the norm;
  • Fifth - children with disabilities or children with chronic diseases(frequent exacerbations and severe course).

Proceeding from this, each baby is given a period of observation by the attending physicians, measures for health improvement are developed (massage, hardening, physiotherapy), individual recommendations are given regarding the daily regimen, methods physical education etc.

A complete list of all doctors that a baby must undergo in the first year of life by months

During the first year of life, a mother and child should regularly visit various doctors who will monitor the development of the baby.

First medical examination at the maternity hospital

The first medical examination of a newborn baby takes place immediately after birth in a maternity hospital with a doctor called a neonatologist, he assesses general state child and indicators on the Apgar scale.

During the next 4-5 days, while the mother and baby are in the hospital, the neonatologist visits the baby every day, conducting an examination and observing the condition of the newborn. If necessary, the neonatologist can prescribe laboratory research blood, consultation of doctors of a narrower specialization, and give the baby a referral for an ultrasound examination of the brain.

When a woman returns home with her baby, during the first month of life, they are regularly visited by a pediatrician and health visitor from a children's medical institution. The doctor visually examines the child, checks his reflexes, feels the fontanel, gives the mother the necessary advice and takes measurements of the head circumference and chest.


The nurse shows the new mom how to handle the umbilical cord, cleanse the sinuses and auricles, swaddle and bathe the baby.

Examination table for babies in the first year of life

Child's age What doctors need to go through
1 month




2 months
3 months


4 months
5 months
6 months


7 months
8 months
9 months



10 months
11 months
12 months





Psychiatrist (according to indications)

Admission in 1 month

When the baby reaches the age of one month, visits from the clinic stop. The time comes for the first scheduled examination at the local pediatrician. During the appointment, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the child, listens to his lungs and bronchi, checks the condition of the mucous membranes of the nose and oral cavity, assesses how long the fontanelle is, listens to the mother's complaints, sends it to the vaccination room and tells which doctors the baby should go through.

The nurse measures the growth of the baby, the circumference of the head and chest, weighs it.

Such examinations by a pediatrician should take place on a monthly basis so that the doctor can monitor the development of the baby, evaluate its parameters and the general condition of the body before vaccination.

Along with visiting a pediatrician, at the age of 1 month, the baby needs to go through certain specialists:

  1. neurologist;
  2. ophthalmologist;
  3. surgeon;
  4. orthopedist;
  5. otolaryngologist.

These examinations are mandatory, despite the complete absence of complaints from the parents and the satisfactory condition of the infant. A competent specialist will be able to identify even a slight deviation from the norm in the development of the baby, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe timely treatment.


Examination by a neurologist is mandatory for infants and should be done regularly, once every three months. Such a frequent visit to the doctor is completely justified, since the neurological state of the baby is changing quite quickly, he is growing rapidly, he has new skills and abilities. The neurologist is able to assess the development of the child, his psycho-emotional state, timely detect the onset pathology and indicate to the parents what to concentrate on in the future.

On examination at the age of one month, the neurologist assesses the reflexes of the newborn, pays attention to the muscle tone, posture of the child, the shape of his head, the condition of the fontanel, the color of the skin and facial expression.

If necessary, the neurologist is obliged to send the newborn for a second ultrasound of the brain, which allows to identify changes in its structure, to exclude the formation of cysts, hydrocephalus and high intracranial pressure.


For the first time, an ophthalmologist examines the baby in the hospital to exclude the presence of visual pathologies. At the 1 month appointment, he investigates inner surface the eyeball of the newborn and checks it for a predisposition to strabismus.


Reception of the surgeon is carried out in order to detect various pathologies of internal organs, umbilical and inguinal hernia, torticollis and vascular formations on the body and head of the child. The surgeon should direct the baby for an abdominal ultrasound to make sure the internal organs are in place and functioning properly.


An orthopedic surgeon pays attention to the child's musculoskeletal system, to the presence of abnormalities such as congenital dislocation of the hip, torticollis or clubfoot. The orthopedist must check the symmetry of the folds on the legs, buttocks and arms of the baby, control their flexion and extension, exclude rickets in the newborn, and, if a disease is suspected, prescribe blood tests and ultrasound of the hip joints.


The first hearing examination in newborns is carried out in the maternity hospital, but at a scheduled appointment at the clinic, the otolaryngologist must repeat the audioscreening and, if any deviations are found, send the baby for further examination at audiological center.

Reception in 3 months

The little one is three months old and he is waiting for a small medical examination again, this time, in addition to the next appointment with a pediatrician, he needs to get advice from a neurologist and an orthopedist.

For the one who has achieved three months of age crumbs, examination by a neurologist is very important. On this stage the child's innate reflexes have practically died out, he learns to grasp objects, revives when familiar faces appear, holds his head in an upright position and tries to raise it from a prone position. If these skills are absent or poorly developed, the neurologist should advise the parents of the baby to undergo a course of massage or physiotherapy to relax his muscles and relieve increased tone.

At 3 months, the orthopedic surgeon re-examines the child for abnormalities in the development of the hip joints. At the beginning of life, the baby's body is in the phase active growth, and the orthopedist must assess how correctly his musculoskeletal system is formed and how the load on the joints is distributed. The direction of the crumbs for ultrasound of the hip joints will help to control the formation of the ossification nucleus in the femoral head and to avoid disturbances in the development of musculoskeletal locomotor system.


At the appointment, the orthopedist must check the baby for signs of such a serious illness as rickets:

  • wiped hair on the back of the head;
  • sweating of the palms;
  • not overgrowing fontanelle;
  • protruding ribs;
  • increased excitability.

Rickets occurs on the background rapid growth organism and is characterized by a violation of mineral metabolism.

Rickets negatively affects the musculoskeletal system of the baby, making bones fragile and muscles weak, condemning the baby to life with serious consequences.

Often, rickets can be detected in children aged from 1 month to a year.

For the prevention of rickets, the doctor prescribes the child to take vitamin D3 in preventive doses, 1-2 drops, and if there are signs - in therapeutic doses, 6-10 drops.

At timely treatment diseases of rickets in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is possible to avoid deformations of the skeleton in a child and disorders of his nervous system.

Reception at the age of six months

At the age of 6 months, a neurologist, surgeon and orthopedist are waiting for the baby again. By this period, the baby has already learned a lot, he independently turns from back to tummy and back, lying on his stomach, rests on his hands and raises his head and shoulders high, and some young talents are already trying to get up near the support. The kid confidently holds a rattle in the handles and is able to shift it from one hand to another, and the most developed children are able to sit, leaning on the back of a sofa or chair.

The neurologist should evaluate the acquired skills of the child, his psycho-emotional state and muscle tone, when visiting a medical institution at 6 months.

The surgeon and orthopedist should exclude rickets, pathologies of the hip joints, check the baby's musculoskeletal system, his ability to lean on his legs, roll over and sit down, holding the hands of an adult.

Medical examination at 9 months

By the age of 9 months, mom and baby visit the dentist for the first time, even if the baby does not have a single tooth. The children's dentist will assess the condition of the oral cavity, give it to mom necessary recommendations on her care and will examine the frenum of the tongue, which is responsible for the future speech of the child.

The neurologist re-evaluates the baby's new skills, his ability to stand and move with the help of his parents, and checks the development fine motor skills, wonders what words and syllables the child knows and whether he can repeat simple movements after adults.

Doctor visits per year

The list of doctors for a medical examination of a child who has reached the first milestone practically does not differ from the list issued to him at the age of one month, except that it includes a dentist. As a rule, by the age of 12 months, the baby has from 4 to 12 teeth, the dentist needs to assess their health and check the correct bite of the child.

An orthopedic examination is very important for a one-year-old baby, since the baby is already confidently on its feet and moves on its own or with the help of adults. At this appointment, the orthopedist must control how the baby puts his legs and rests on the foot, determine the proportionality of his body and head, check the work of the joints and the formation of the musculoskeletal system, and finally exclude rickets.

The neurologist re-evaluates the development of the baby's fine motor skills, checks the ability to grasp small items with two fingers, asks my mother the name of which objects and which parts of the body he knows and knows how to show how many words he has in his lexicon. If any deviations are found, the neurologist can refer the child and his parents for a consultation with a psychiatrist.

A one-year-old baby must be examined by a surgeon to identify inguinal and umbilical hernias, if any. In boys, the doctor examines the genitals, checks whether the testicles have descended into the scrotum, whether there is accumulated fluid in them, looks at how they are located urethra... Examination helps to identify the presence of diseases at an early stage, and to prevent the emergence of serious problems in the life of a future man.

At the reception, the optometrist needs to examine the fundus and the optical system of the child's eye.

The otolaryngologist looks at the structure of the ears, nasal passages and larynx, identifies the curvature of the septum, if any, and once again assesses the baby's hearing.

How to lose weight after childbirth?

How to lose weight after childbirth?

Many women after childbirth are faced with the problem of the appearance excess weight... For some, it appears during pregnancy, for others after childbirth.

  • And now you can no longer afford to wear open swimwear and short shorts
  • You start to forget those moments when men complimented your flawless figure ...
  • Every time you go to the mirror, it seems to you that old days will never return ...

But effective remedy from excess weight is! Follow the link and find out how Anna lost 24 kg in 2 months.

The baby is one month old, what needs to be done and which doctors to go through

The child is one month old - which doctors should be visited in the clinic, what examinations should be taken, what to take to the clinic at the first visit, what vaccination is given in one month - we will answer these and other questions in this article.

What a baby can do at 1 month

In the worries and hassles of caring for a newborn, time passes quickly. It seems that just recently the baby was born, but now the "first birthday" has come, he is 1 month old.

During this time, the child "learned" many actions:

District doctor - pediatrician and nurse during the first month, we visited the baby at home, watched how it is processed umbilical wound and the daily toilet of the newborn is performed. Now the one-month-old baby needs to be shown to the doctors of the children's polyclinic, to go through the necessary medical examination.

What examinations should a newborn undergo at 1 month

A baby one month old is shown following procedures which are included in the mandatory screening of newborns in Russia:

Newborn audioscreening - hearing test, helps not only to notice the slightest hearing pathologies in time, but also to correct them (as a rule, this procedure is carried out in the maternity hospital);

Ultrasound of the brain - makes it possible to timely detect abnormalities in the development of the central nervous system; Ultrasound of the hip joints - contributes to the early detection of various pathologies: hip dislocation; dysplasia of the hip joints. If diagnosed, the doctor will give the necessary recommendations and direct them to remedial gymnastics and massage. The examination is carried out in a polyclinic, or children are sent to a hospital, where there are appropriate devices for these procedures.

Important! Early diagnosis of any pathologies in a child makes it possible to completely cure them or correct them in a timely manner. It is advisable to pass the examination data before visiting a pediatrician or neonatologist, so that he can adjust the visit plan based on the results obtained the right specialists.

First visit to the clinic with a newborn. What to take

How to attach to a children's clinic, what documents are needed and what needs to be done is described in detail in the article on our website.

Let's talk about what you need to take directly to the doctor's appointment on the first visit to the children's clinic, so you will need: - diapers in the amount of two pieces (one for the changing table, the other for weighing the baby); - sterile wipes; - pacifier (if the child cannot do without it); - favorite toy; - diaper; - water in a bottle if it's hot; - vaccination certificate; - the results of the performed ultrasound and audiological screening; - a notebook with questions to the doctor.

First visit to the newborn's doctor. What doctors need to go through in 1 month

Medical examination of the baby at one month is necessary for early diagnosis possible pathological deviations in his state of health. In the first month of a baby's life, it is necessary to visit following doctors: - neuropathologist; - optometrist; - surgeon; - orthopedist; - pediatrician.

Also, on the day of the visit, the child is given a second vaccination against hepatitis B, which is mandatory according to the preventive vaccination calendar in Russia.

Important! It is necessary to make an appointment with doctors of narrow specialization in advance, and not on the day of visiting the clinic. Usually, these doctors carry out the admission of children in certain days.

1 month examination by an ophthalmologist

An ophthalmologist or ophthalmologist conducts an examination to diagnose congenital and inflammatory diseases of the eyes and lacrimal ducts in a child.

Eye diseases most common in infants:

Congenital dacryocystitis (a disease in which the patency of the nasolacrimal duct is impaired and the lacrimal sac becomes inflamed); conjunctivitis; change in the fundus. If a disease is detected, the ophthalmologist will fulfill the appointment and give necessary recommendations... If there are changes in the fundus, the child is shown a consultation with a neurologist, as this may indicate a pathology of the central nervous system.

Examination at 1 month by a neurologist

The doctor - neurologist or neuropathologist examines the baby as follows: - checks the reflexes; - measures the circumference of the chest and head; - evaluates the results of an ultrasound of the baby's brain and examination of his fundus. If pathologies are identified, the neurologist will prescribe a course of treatment or send for further examination.

1 month examination by an orthopedic surgeon

Usually, a pediatric surgeon is also an orthopedic surgeon, if there is no such specialist in the clinic, then they must be passed separately. The orthopedic surgeon will carefully examine the musculoskeletal structure of the baby. This is necessary in order to identify the presence congenital diseases, such as: - dislocation of the hip; - clubfoot; - crooked neck; - flat feet.

Doctor surgeon in mandatory will check the boy's genitals, see if the testicles have descended, and examine the baby for a hernia. If treatment is required, the specialist will give the necessary recommendations.

1 month examination by a pediatrician

When examining an infant, a pediatrician performs the following actions: - weighing; - measurement of growth; - assesses the physical and neuropsychic development; - prescribes the intake of vitamin D for the prevention of rickets, determines its dosage (as a rule, water-soluble vitamin Dz 500ME, 1 drop 1 time per day); - directs for vaccination against viral hepatitis B, in the absence of contraindications. Vaccination data must be entered on the vaccination certificate.

At the end of the medical examination, the pediatrician will give the necessary recommendations for caring for a one-month-old baby, and will also issue a referral for blood and urine tests for the next visit, which will take place at 2 months of age.

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What doctors do you see in 1 month? Medical examination of a newborn in the first month of life

Immediately after the baby is born, it is examined by pediatricians, neurologists and neonatologists. This is necessary for all children. At this stage of life, doctors pay attention to the reflexes and skills of the baby. After discharge from the maternity ward, all documents for your child are transferred to the children's clinic. It is here that over the next years the baby will be monitored. Many mothers are worried about what kind of doctors are newborns at 1 month. After all, it is at this age that the first trip to a medical institution is made.

This article will tell you about how the physical examination takes place in the 1st month. Which doctors to undergo will be described below. You will also learn the basic nuances of such medical procedures.

Medical examination of a newborn in the first month of life

What kind of doctors should a child undergo at 1 month is always told by a visiting nurse. Before going to the clinic, the baby should be examined at least twice at your home. In most cases, the doctor visits a small patient in the first week after discharge from maternity hospital... After 2-3 weeks, the nurse visits. It is she who talks about the need to go through certain doctors.

It is worth noting that both health workers must examine the child. The doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to the lungs and heart. The nurse examines the skin, reflexes and skills of the baby. In addition, patronage celebrates living conditions in which the child resides. If new parents have any questions, then doctors always give answers and help with advice.

What kind of doctors do you need to undergo in 1 month?

So, your baby is about 5 weeks old. It’s time for some experts to appear. For a start, it is worth visiting a pediatrician or approaching a nurse. She will write you the necessary directions for examination. If your clinic provides for the issuance of coupons, then you need to take care of getting them in advance.

Which doctors you need to go through in 1 month depends entirely on your baby. For healthy child it will be a neurologist, surgeon, orthopedist, ophthalmologist and pediatrician. You will also have to get tested and visit the vaccination office. When the crumbs have congenital pathologies, the list of specialists can expand. Let's try to figure out how a child's medical examination goes in the first month of life.

Surgical room

What doctors do you see in 1 month? One of the first on the list of specialists is the surgeon. The doctor always examines the undressed child. That is why it is necessary to take a diaper with you to the consultation.

The doctor examines the skin. They must be clean. After that, the surgeon probes the baby's lymph nodes in armpits, in the groin area, on the neck and back of the head. An increase in these areas should not be noted. Next, the belly is probed. It should be soft and painless. However, many children at this age have intestinal colic... This is noted on the map, but, as a rule, is not considered a dangerous pathology.


What doctors do you see in 1 month? The child must be shown to an orthopedist. Also, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination of the hip joints for all babies. Depending on the work of the clinic, diagnostics can be carried out directly by an orthopedist or another specialist. However, you need to go to the doctor's appointment with the obtained research result.

The orthopedist examines the baby's legs and pelvis. The limbs must have equal length... The feet are also evaluated in the staging. However, at this age, this indicator do not sharpen their attention. An orthopedic examination is necessary in order to exclude hip dysplasia. It is this pathology that is often found in newborn babies.

Neurological office

What doctors are undergoing in 1 month yet? Not the least on this list is the neurologist. Before going to the doctor, you need to do an ultrasound of the head, which is called neurosonography. This study allows you to assess the blood flow to the brain and mark possible pathologies.

The neurologist evaluates locomotor activity baby. The doctor also checks reflexes. Quite often, neurologists prescribe a kind of treatment for children. Some babies really need it. Do not give up on correction, because the lack of treatment can lead to serious pathologies in future.


What other doctors pass in 1 month? V mandatory list an optometrist is present. Of course, the baby will not yet be able to name the letters and thereby show his eyesight. However, the doctor can measure the baby's eye pressure and examine the organs of vision.

Some babies develop eye problems after birth. Pathologies such as dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis and so on appear. It is these diseases that the doctor can identify at an early stage of development. Timely correction will help avoid vision problems in the future.

Vaccination room and the first vaccine in the clinic

If your child is maternity hospital were vaccinated, then in one month it is necessary to carry out another one. This is the hepatitis vaccine. The drug is injected into the baby's muscle. For this, the shin is predominantly selected.

Remember to visit your pediatrician and get permission before getting vaccinated. The doctor should measure the temperature of the baby, examine its throat and listen to the lungs. The vaccination is done only when the baby is completely healthy.

Additional diagnostics of the health of a newborn child

What other specialists do you need to go through with a month-old baby? All children need to check their ears without fail. For this, a special ultrasonic instrument... The instrument is directed into the ear of the baby and receives a reflection from the eardrum. Such a device allows detecting deafness in a baby already in the first month of life.

Also, the baby needs to do an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity in one month. It will allow you to evaluate the work of organs and exclude possible pathologies. diagnostics are performed strictly on an empty stomach. Before the examination, the child should not be fed for 2-3 hours. Otherwise, the result will be distorted.

Blood and urine tests are also performed at the age of one month. In this case, you can collect any portion of urine, it is not necessary to use the morning one. Remember that the baby needs to be washed before taking the material. Use a urine bag for convenience. Blood can also be donated after meals. Surely a child at this age eats exclusively breast milk or an adapted mixture.


You have learned which doctors you need to go to with your baby in the first month of life. Remember that such studies help to identify pathologies and start correcting them as early as possible. Never give up going to the children's clinic. Regularly undergo examinations and follow the recommendations received. Also try to stick to deadlines vaccination. This approach will help you avoid health problems for your baby. If you have any questions, please contact your local pediatrician. Health to your child and correct development!

What doctors do newborns undergo at 1 and 2 months: a list of specialists and examinations as part of a routine medical examination

Regular visits to the clinic are a must for mom and newborn. The development of the child in the first months of life is progressing at such a pace that constant monitoring is indispensable. An examination by a pediatrician helps to identify diseases, if any, at an early stage. The presence of hereditary ailments, the risk of pathologies are checked. If the child is healthy, the doctor determines the level of development of the baby, takes parametric measurements, and prescribes tests.

If the child is completely healthy, the doctor simply takes anthropometric measurements and writes them down, prescribes tests

Further scheduled inspection(clinical examination) is aimed at monitoring the dynamics of the child's development, conducting necessary vaccinations and wellness programs... The pediatrician visits infants up to 1 month at home (at least 3 times). These examinations are called patronage. It is advisable that up to a month old the child was examined by an orthopedist, ENT, neurologist, surgeon, ophthalmologist. When the baby is 1 month old, it's time for mom to go with him for the first medical examination at the clinic.

What things need to be taken for examination at the clinic?

When going to an appointment with a pediatrician with a newborn, you must take certain things and documents with you. An indicative list consists of:

  • two diapers (one for the changing table, the other is placed on the scales);
  • a pacifier (if the baby takes it) and a rattle to keep the baby busy while waiting for the reception;
  • wet baby wipes and an additional diaper;
  • if the visit to the doctor takes place in summer time, take a bottle with a drink;
  • a certificate of vaccinations and a certificate of the results of ultrasound and audio screening;
  • a notebook or notebook with questions that have arisen to your doctor during this period (keep your mother's diary right after the hospital).

We will tell you which specialists need to go through, what tests need to be passed, what they check on the newborn. Our review will help you stop worrying and understand how important these examinations are for your monthly baby.

It is advisable for mom to prepare questions for the doctor - they should be written down throughout the entire period between visits


A pediatrician is a doctor whom a mother and her treasure should see once a month until the child turns 1 year old. The clinic specifically sets aside one day a week when doctors examine only infants. "Baby day" allows crumbs to avoid contact with other children, which prevents the risk of disease. By calling the registry, you can find out what date this day falls on, how your local pediatrician accepts, how to make an appointment with him.

READ ALSO: Features of the development of a baby at 1 month

The main activities at each appointment with a doctor are aimed at measuring anthropometric indicators crumbs. Weight, height, chest and head circumference are measured. The results obtained help the pediatric therapist find out how correctly and successfully your little treasure is developing. The pediatrician should evaluate functional state organs, he can coordinate the daily routine and give advice on feeding the crumbs.

If the examination showed no problems, and the baby is healthy, a referral for the vaccinations planned for each age is issued. The next after the first, which is done in the hospital, is carried out against viral hepatitis. Negative reactions this vaccine is extremely rare, usually babies tolerate it well.

In addition, the doctor will tell you about preventive measures against rickets. Traditionally, newborns are prescribed vitamin D (1 drop - 500 ME) or water-soluble vitamin D3 taken once a day. Perhaps the dose will be calculated by the doctor based on physical condition crumbs or he doesn't need to take additional supplements at all. For kids who are on artificial feeding, the doctor writes a prescription for food in the dairy kitchen.

Additional research

Special studies are also carried out as prescribed by the pediatrician. When the doctor is alarmed by the results of the initial observation of the infant, he may send the baby for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Additional diagnostics are necessary to check the functioning of the kidneys, liver, spleen, gallbladder, and pancreas. Allows to identify in time pathological processes in the indicated bodies.

Having found a murmur in a child's heart, the pediatrician usually prescribes a cardiogram (ECG) for the child. Echocardiography is performed if there is a suspicion of a defect in the heart and blood vessels. If any diagnosis is confirmed, the child is registered with a cardiologist. You can find out the time of appointment at the reception, the doctor himself will tell you the frequency of visits. Difficult cases are in the competence of the medical commission.


A neurologist checks the child's nervous system. The specialist examines muscle tone, checks the baby's congenital reflexes, sets the parameters of neuropsychic development and checks motor skills. The mother should understand that the examinations of the neurologist are very important for the child. Some lesions of the central nervous system that occurred during the period of gestation can be detected precisely in 1 month of life.

The neurologist checks the child's reflexes, the purpose of the examination is to identify diseases of the central nervous system in the early stages

Are carried out special procedures, capable of identifying the syndrome of depression of the central nervous system, syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability. Having discovered a pathology, the neurologist prescribes treatment, which is especially important to start in the first month. The baby's nervous system continues to form, therefore, timely correction and elimination of the identified violations activate the reversibility mechanism. This means that the baby gets help needed and continues to develop normally.

Among the methods of examination there is also neurosonography (ultrasound of the brain). The first examination should be carried out at the hospital. If it is not done, the neurologist will definitely prescribe it. The procedure is aimed at detecting malformations, signs of hydrocephalus, hypertensive syndrome, vascular cysts, ventricular dilatation, intracranial hemorrhage.


A child needs an orthopedist to examine the locomotor system. The first method allows the doctor to determine the presence or absence of hip dysplasia in the baby. By spreading the legs of the child in the hip joint and examining the gluteal folds for symmetry, the specialist is clearly convinced that there is a problem or not. An ailment established at an early age is well treated with a correction method. If a violation is triggered, the child will need the help of a surgeon who will have to correct more complex changes. An orthopedist can identify congenital clubfoot, muscle torticollis, dislocation. An ultrasound of the hip joints is prescribed, which confirms or reveals their dysplasia.


Surgeon's investigations reveal an inguinal or umbilical hernia, hemangioma (a tumor on the skin of a vascular nature), cryptorchidism (when the testicles did not descend into the scrotum), phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin). The listed diseases are typical for boys. Early diagnosis of pathologies ensures the correct and successful cure of the identified ailments.

If violations are diagnosed so early, the doctor will carry out the necessary treatment, preventing the formation of more complex changes... The hernia causes squeezing of the mass contained in it by the hernial orifice. Unrepaired phimosis leads to an inflammatory process in the glans penis (balanitis or balanoposthitis). Perhaps you will be assigned to visit only the surgeon, since in some clinics the doctor combines two specialties, an orthopedist and a surgeon.


Oculist Research Field - Vision nursing baby... Naturally, the child is not offered any table at the age of one month. The doctor examines the fundus to exclude retinal pathology, checks the focus of the gaze and the correct patency of the nasolacrimal canals. Having established that there are violations, the ophthalmologist draws up a conservative treatment plan that helps to save the baby from dangerous complications in the visual organ.

An early eye examination is necessary to detect possible congenital or acquired impairments


The task of the ENT is to check the child's hearing for impairments using the audiological screening method. Having found deviations, the specialist issues a referral to the audiological center. Doctors of the center conduct more in-depth research on the subject of hearing loss. Hearing is very important for a child, as it affects his mental and speech development... Early diagnosis and treatment can help avoid more serious problems.

The baby is 2 months old, which doctors to visit?

The basic examinations have already been completed, so at 2 months you should only visit your pediatrician. The doctor will continue to monitor overall development baby, will acquaint you with the findings of ultrasound for dysplasia and abnormalities in the work of internal organs, with the results of the tests performed. They may be asked to take tests again. What events are waiting for you in 2 months:

  • Parametric measurements of height, weight, chest and head circumference. Weight gain calculation. If problems were found on the first visit, the doctor prescribes a re-examination for them.
  • Testing the child's possession of pens. Hearing and vision tests. If the child is healthy, the doctor may limit himself to an external examination.
  • In addition, they will remind a mother who is breastfeeding about the importance of a child taking vitamin D or fluoride if it is found to be insufficient. For a baby who is bottle-fed, a pediatrician may prescribe iron-containing drugs.

  • What doctors do you need to see a month?
  • Why do you need an inspection different specialists? What can they find in a baby?
  • Can I skip the check-up if my child is sick?
  • Why would such little child do an ultrasound of the brain and hip joints, as well as the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract?

The plan of examination and monitoring of your baby is determined by the pediatrician. First of all, the doctor will establish a health group and a risk group for your child in the neonatal period. The health status of the baby, heredity, the peculiarities of the course of your pregnancy and childbirth, as well as adaptation in the first week of life are taken into account. Also, the pediatrician and the visiting nurse must know living conditions, the material security and lifestyle of your family. Depending on this, examinations by a pediatrician and specialist doctors are planned. First healthy child is invited to the children's clinic for an appointment with a pediatrician at the age of 1 month. The baby will then be examined by specialist doctors.
A pediatric neurologist is a specialist who carefully monitors the development and maturation of the child's nervous system. During the examination, he will determine whether the neuropsychic development of your baby corresponds to his age: he will assess the formed reactions to light, sound, as well as motor and psychoemotional activity. The neurologist pays attention to appearance month old baby, shape and size of the skull, facial expression, posture, color skin... Certain diseases of the nervous system long time do not manifest clinically, however, their timely detection and treatment contribute to a favorable prognosis. For early diagnosis of brain lesions, neurosonography (NSG) is performed. Neurosonography is absolutely safe and reliable method, allowing through the fontanelles to see changes in the structure of the brain and signs of increased intracranial pressure.
A preventive examination by a surgeon reveals congenital surgical diseases. In infants, malformations of the anterior abdominal wall: inguinal, inguinal-scrotal, umbilical, peri-umbilical hernia; communicating dropsy of the membranes of the testicles, cryptorchidism and others.
Also, the baby must be examined by an orthopedic doctor. This is done for the timely diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment of the pathology of the child's musculoskeletal system. Some violations may long time not show up and not disturb the baby, his parents and even the pediatrician. But gradually forming serious illness, in some cases leading to disability. First of all, this applies to hip dysplasia and congenital dislocation of the hip. Ultrasound of the hip joints helps detect dislocation, subluxation, dysplasia and physiological delay in the development of the hip joints. Currently, this research method is carried out for all children, regardless of the presence or absence of signs of the disease.
Ultrasound of the abdominal organs is performed in order to exclude congenital malformations and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.
The above consultations and examinations are screening, that is, mass. They are carried out for all children at the age of 1-2 months for a more accurate and timely assessment of their health status. Based on the results of the examination, the baby will be recommended health and preventive actions... You should also understand that the treatment of diseases detected in a timely manner is more effective than treatment. running forms... Therefore, it is possible to postpone preventive examination and examination if the child is sick, but then it should be carried out. "

When the child reaches the first year of life, he must be examined by a number of specialists. The physical examination allows you to identify possible pathologies in the baby. Therefore, you should not ignore it.

Why go through a commission in 1 year

Young children may have diseases that are asymptomatic and manifest themselves only after a while. When passing the medical commission, doctors can detect the symptoms of pathologies and start treating them in time. If you delay the examination of the baby a year, then the risk of problems with admission to the kindergarten increases greatly.

In addition, a health group is assigned to the child at regular medical examinations. The first includes children who do not have deviations and disorders in health and development, the rest are ranked as the second or third.

Also, in case of detecting any violations of the baby's health, the doctor puts him on record with a specialized specialist, which allows him to keep the disease under supervision.

Mandatory specialists

The mother and child must visit the pediatrician's office before going through the commission. He will give out directions to lab tests and will tell you about which doctors you need to undergo in 1 year.

After bypassing all the specialists, you will need to enter the card to the pediatrician to output about general health baby.


The task of the neuropathologist is to assess motor functions baby, his physical, mental and mental state.

As a rule, at the reception, the specialist communicates more with the mother, making the big picture the life of the baby and the period of pregnancy. During this time, toys may be offered to the child to distract attention. But when talking to mom, the doctor will closely monitor the patient. These observations are sufficient to identify possible deviations.

If they are found, the baby will be registered in the dispensary and will have to undergo additional examinations. Also, massages, physiotherapy or medications may be prescribed for the child as a treatment.

Before taking it, you should pay attention to the child's sleep, jaw trembling, habits and support of the limbs.


A specialist examines the child to identify possible problems with the musculoskeletal system. To prevent their development, the doctor will give the mother several recommendations on the selection of shoes, mattress and pillows.

If violations in the structure of the skeleton are found, the baby is assigned special procedures.


For some reason, many mothers are afraid of receiving this specialist, but these experiences are completely in vain. It is not in vain that this specialist belongs to the list of those doctors that children undergo at the age of 1 year. Its main tasks are:

  • revealing possible violations in the work of internal organs;
  • determining the severity of the injuries received;
  • examination of the navel and umbilical ring for a hernia;
  • referral in case of deviations to specialized specialists.

In boys, a surgeon examines the testicles for dropsy and prolapse. Therefore, it is simply necessary to pass it at this age.


An eye doctor, who is also an ophthalmologist and ophthalmologist, examines the baby's organs of vision and treats their diseases. At this age, a specialist can detect myopia, strabismus, astigmatism and other pathologies in a child.

First, the doctor will drip into the eyes special solution, and then examine the fundus, veins and assess the ability to fix the gaze on the object. If there are violations of their functions, the ophthalmologist will give the necessary recommendations for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.


As a rule, at this appointment, an ECG is done to the child, which is able to identify diseases as accurately as possible. of cardio-vascular system... If they are found, the doctor may ask to undergo additional tests.


This specialist is better known to parents as ENT. At the reception, the doctor examines the ears, throat and nose of the little patient, checks the baby's breathing, examines the condition of the adenoids. In the case of frequent colds in a child, the otolaryngologist gives recommendations for hardening and treating the crumbs.


You need to go through a dentist at 1 year regardless of the number of teeth. At the doctor's appointment:

  • will appreciate the child's bite;
  • examines teeth for caries;
  • will review the condition of the frenum and jaw;
  • will give advice on oral hygiene.

Exactly short bridle often causes the child to speak poorly. To solve this problem, it is pruned. And in the case of a short jaw, exercises must be done to enlarge it.


This specialist is not prescribed by all pediatricians, but it is imperative to go through it. Many parents are unreasonably afraid this doctor... In fact, at the reception, he only conducts an external examination for the fusion of the labia, the presence of a fungal infection and sufficient hygiene.


This specialist was recently included in the 1-year mandatory list. The examination is very formal, but it is often simply necessary.

The specialist will look at what the baby can do at his age, whether he distinguishes relatives from strangers, whether he sleeps well, how he plays, and asks whether there have been cases of mental disorders and diseases in the family.

Dispensary registration

They are not afraid that the doctor has prescribed dispensary registration for the child. Such a closer supervision often allows you to get rid of the disease within 1-2 years.

Additional research

The pediatrician gives his little patient directions for blood, urine and feces tests for worm eggs. The former are necessary to identify anemia due to malnutrition... Then the pediatrician takes measurements of the child's height, weight, head circumference, chest and abdomen to determine the level of his physical development... The doctor listens to the lungs and examines the skin for breakouts.

Also, at the reception, the doctor finds out how the child is doing with vaccinations. Indeed, today there are frequent cases of complete refusal of vaccination. The clinic does not provide vaccinations in case of illness or allergy. In such situations, vaccination is usually delayed for some time.

Normally, a child per year should have a Mantoux test and vaccinations against mumps, rubella and measles. These diseases pose a serious danger to the health of the child. Mumps is followed by infertility in boys, and girls are more likely to have babies with rubella abnormalities during pregnancy.

There is a vaccination schedule that parents must adhere to, with a possible offset of several months. Vaccination is not prescribed only for sickly children prone to allergic reactions.

Preparing for a medical examination

Before going through specialized specialists, parents must learn the following rules:

  1. It is not worth making an appointment with several specialists at once. At this age, children get tired too quickly. A a large number of people in the clinic can frighten or overexcite the baby. The nervous state of the child can lead to incorrect diagnoses and erroneous opinions about him mental state... Therefore, considering the list of which doctors pass in 1 year, it is better to prefer appointments with several specialists to visit one.
  2. The child's clothing should be as comfortable as possible so that you can quickly take it off and put it back on during the examination.
  3. You should bring anything you need with you: a diaper, a change of diaper, drinks, food, distraction toys, or a pacifier. If the child has already started to walk, it will not be superfluous to change his clothes into replaceable shoes.

Before visiting a certain specialist, a mother can familiarize herself with the terminology characteristic of her specialization via the Internet. This will make it easier to understand what is written in the card and what the doctor himself says.

Why you have to pass

Having learned which doctors to undergo for a child at 1 year old, many parents refuse such visits. They think it is too long and not worth their attention. In fact medical board for the most part, it helps to identify deviations and disruptions in the functioning of the child's body. Therefore, first of all, the baby needs it, and it is not his mother who should decide which doctors to go through in 1 year, but the pediatrician.