How to quickly remove stains from clothes. How to remove a greasy stain? Paint and ink

It happens that an attempt to remove complex contaminants leads to more worst result, and the item is sent to the trash can. To prevent this from happening, decide on the type of fabric, and in no case soak the item in bleach or a prepared solution without checking its effect on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric. Before loading clothes into the washing machine, try removing the dirt manually.

A solution of ammonia, water and a cleaning agent helps well against greasy stains. The cleaning agent can be replaced with salt. For cooking, you need ½ tsp. salt for 3 tbsp. alcohol. Just apply ready mix to the contaminated area. You need to wipe off the dirt from the edges, gradually approaching the center of the stain. So you protect the thing from unwanted stains. If the stain is old, it is much more difficult to remove it, so take action as soon as it appears.

If the contamination is light, it is enough to rub the place laundry soap or powder before washing.

For difficult spots heavy artillery is being used. On the white clothes apply starch mixed with gasoline and wait for the mixture to dry completely. If there is no gasoline, rub the area with laundry soap, sprinkle with sugar and wash off after half an hour.

Engine oil can be easily removed with a cleaning agent. Apply soapy water to the area and the oil will be gone in 30 minutes. Talcum powder will help remove fat from a silk or wool product. Pour the powder on the dirt, put gauze on top and go over with an iron.


Over time, an ugly sheen forms on the trousers. To remove it, wet the shiny area with water, sprinkle with sand and lightly rub. When the sand is completely dry, rinse the fabric and iron it. If woolen things are shiny, use ammonia diluted with water: about 100 ml per 1 tsp. ammonia.

Iron stripes

Dilute 2 tsp. peroxide with water 200 ml, add a couple of drops of alcohol. This method eliminates tan marks in white and woolen items. To remove stripes from cotton fabrics, the concentration changes - 1 tsp. per 100 ml of water. After applying, you need to wait 30 minutes. Also, juice will cope with this problem. onion: rub the scorched place and you will see how quickly the black mark disappears.


If the ink is fresh, you can rinse it in boiled milk or use ammonia and salt. Old marks from the pen are hard to wash off.


It is enough to rinse the fabric under running cold water. Old blood stains can be easily removed with hydrogen peroxide. Previously, the thing is kept in a saline solution.

Berries, fruits, wine

If your child dumped a bowl of fruit salad or blueberries on his chest, it's okay. Immediately take off your shirt and pour boiling water over the dirty places, then treat with vinegar and warm water. (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 200 ml of water) Raspberries, cherries, apples - everything can be easily removed if you rinse the clothes in hot milk and then wash them by hand.

Do not use soap for grouting, otherwise you will no longer wash the berry patterns. Boiling water also copes with wine stains of red varieties. White wines and champagnes do not stand up to cold water and ice cubes. Try it and you will be surprised.

Coffee, chocolate, tea - nothing complicated. All the same ammonia and salty water work wonders! Coffee spots on a white T-shirt are rubbed with a piece of cloth soaked in vodka. If the stains are old, the clothes are kept in hydrogen peroxide for 15 minutes. If the tablecloth on the table is damaged, sprinkle it with lemon juice. Juice well removes tea, stubborn circles.

lipstick removed with alcohol, as are green grass stripes on jeans. Greens on white - hydrogen peroxide 3% and the addition of ammonia.

Attention! Everything the above ways only suitable for fabrics. pollution leather goods are cleaned exclusively with soapy solutions, without any alcohol impurities.

How to remove any stains: a complete and universal manual

There are a lot of letters, but each one has a purpose! Save this mega-useful text for yourself, and then just search for “fruit” or “ink” in the text and carry out an emergency rescue operation!

What are the spots?

  • Soluble in water. From food products containing sugar, from wood glue, from water-soluble salts, from some water-soluble dyes, and the like.
  • Soluble in organic solvents(such as alcohol or gasoline). From fat machine oil, oil paints, varnish, resin, cream, shoe polish, wax, parquet mastic.
  • Insoluble. Neither in one nor in the other. From liquid paints, oxides of salts and metals, tannins, natural and artificial paints insoluble in water, protein substances, from blood, pus, urine, mold.

Seven steps to purity

1. To remove each type of stain, special treatment is needed. Some (from coffee, cocoa, oil paints, fruit juice, wine, dust) should be removed not only with water-soluble stain removers, but also with grease and insoluble stain removers.

2. The action of chemicals is better in advance try it on a spare piece of fabric, on the stock at the seams or on the hem. It is not recommended to use too concentrated solutions. It is better to repeat the treatment with a weak solution several times, alternating it with washing.

Achtung! Remember that acetone dissolves acetate, triacetate, chlorine, PVC fibers. Acetic acid destroys acetate and triacetate fibers. On nylon, too, you can not remove stains with vinegar.

3. Before removing the stain, you need to thoroughly clean the thing from dust, first dry, then wet brush. It is recommended to remove the stain from the inside out by placing paper napkins or a small board covered with a white cloth in several layers under the fabric.

4. Clean the stain with a cotton swab or a soft white cloth, or with a soft brush. A swab is first moistened near the stain, then gradually move from the edge to the middle. With this method, the stain will not blur.

5. They begin to clean with a weak solution, if necessary, gradually increasing its concentration.

Ammonia and salt diluted in water - the best remedy removal of all sorts of stains of unknown origin.

6. Most fresh spots can be eliminated by washing them with water - first cold, then hot. Keep in mind that water spots also form on some materials. So the first thing to do is to test.

7. One of better ways removing stains - treating them with bleaches. This method, however, is not applicable to colored fabrics, since bleaches can destroy their color.

How to recognize the type of stain?

To remove a stain, you need to determine its origin. And also - the material on which it was formed.

  • If the type of material is unknown, cut off from the hidden place of clothing (hem or seam) small piece and explore it. It makes sense to make the same stain on this piece of material and check the effect of the stain remover. This test is especially important when finished or colored materials are processed. If the sizing or dye is not resistant to the reagents used, after treatment, traces will remain, which are often worse than the stains themselves.
  • Fat spots do not have pronounced boundaries on the material. Their contours are blurred or appear in the form of rays spread in all directions. Fresh fat spots are always darker than the tissue on which they are formed. The older the fat spot, the more it brightens and acquires matte shade. In addition, old grease stains penetrate deep into the material and appear even on its reverse side.
    Easily soluble grease stains obtained from vegetable oils (olive, sunflower), butter, pork fat, wax.
    TO insoluble fat stains include stains from resin, varnish, oil paint.
  • Fat-free stains (from beer, fruit juice, fresh fruits, tea, wine) have a sharp outline of the borders. Color is yellowish to brown. The contours are darker than the spots themselves.
  • Stains containing fatty and non-greasy substances are among the most "popular". Their edges, depending on the fat content, are more or less outlined. Such stains usually linger on the surface of the fabric, and only the fats included in them penetrate deeper. This group includes stains from milk, blood, soup, coffee with milk, sauce, street dust.
  • So called oxidized spots have different edges and, depending on their age, turn yellow or redden, and some turn brown. They appear on old spots as a result of the formation of new substances under the action of light, oxygen and other factors. These stains are among the most difficult to remove. Stains from berries, fruits, cosmetics, tea, coffee, wine, mold usually oxidize over time.

Dirt stains

The contaminated area should be cleaned with a wet brush. When the matter dries, moisten it with warm soapy water. If the stain does not go away, lower the matter into a strong vinegar solution. If the contaminated item cannot be washed, the stain must be removed with hydrogen peroxide (10-12%), after checking its effect on a piece of cloth. Dirt stains on raincoats are removed with a swab moistened with a solution with the addition of vinegar (3 tablespoons of vinegar per 0.5 l of water).

Fat spots

  • Old stains from oil paint and tar it is easier to remove if the contaminated area is soaked in turpentine and then treated with the appropriate preparation. Fresh fatty and oil stains it can be removed from light fabrics by immediately sprinkling the contaminated area with chalk powder: the chalk is left for 2-4 hours, then shaken off. If necessary, the operation is repeated.

If on the collar outerwear dirty places appeared, wipe them with a cotton swab moistened with a solution of sodium chloride in 10% ammonia (5 g of salt per 25 g of ammonia). Sprinkle with salt and rub gently with bread or blotting paper. Salt should be changed several times until the stain disappears.

  • Grease stains can be removed by rubbing gruel from potato flour, previously dried over a fire, cooled down and mixed with gasoline. Plywood should be placed under the fabric. If the stain is large, you can sprinkle potato flour on the plywood, which will absorb excess gasoline.
  • You can sprinkle the stain with talcum powder, cover with blotting paper and iron it with a not very hot iron. Talc can be left until the next day.
  • Fresh grease and oil-resin stains easily removed with solvents such as gasoline. However, with this method of cleaning, a “halo” is often formed around the stain, which disappears only after dry cleaning.
    old fat stains wipe with white soap diluted in gasoline (1:10), and wash off with gasoline after an hour.
    Fresh grease stains woolen fabrics can be withdrawn with gasoline or ammonia half with hot water.
  • You can take half a glass of pure alcohol, add a teaspoon of ammonia and half a teaspoon of gasoline to it. Saturate the stains with this mixture and allow the fabric to dry.
  • Grease stains on cotton fabric moistened with turpentine and ironed through blotting paper with a warm iron. The composition with an admixture of gasoline cannot be used to clean jersey items on foam rubber.

stains from vegetable oil, sprats and other canned food in oil are easily removed with kerosene. The stain is wiped with a swab, then the thing is washed in warm water with soap.

  • There is another way: greasy spot sprinkled with crushed chalk, pressed more tightly against the fabric and left overnight. Then gently shake off the chalk and finally clean it off, lightly touching it with a brush. The stain disappears.
  • Fish oil stains can be removed with water mixed with vinegar.
  • egg stains it is necessary to withdraw in a timely manner, since the proteins that make up the egg eventually turn into insoluble compounds and cannot be removed. Fresh egg stains can be removed with water and ammonia, old ones with glycerin or a mixture of glycerin and ammonia. Glycerin is heated to 35-40 degrees, the stain is rubbed with a brush, left for 15-20 minutes, then the fabric is washed.
  • Fat spots on thick clothes synthetic materials sprinkle with potato starch and rub with a damp towel. After drying, brush off the starch. If the stain has not completely disappeared, repeat the operation.
  • Fat spots on velvet remove like this. Fill a linen bag with clean, dry fine warm sand. Use the bag to tap the stain until it disappears. If this is not enough, moisten the stain with gasoline and treat with a bag of sand.

Milk and ice cream stains

Stains from milk and other products containing proteins should be washed off immediately with warm, but not hot water. Otherwise, the protein will boil, and it is more difficult to deal with the stain.

  • If the stain is light fabric quite large, the thing is immersed in warm water and soap, then rinsed.
  • If the fabric is colored, it is better to use a mixture of 2 tablespoons of glycerin, 2 tablespoons of water and a few drops of ammonia. The stain is moistened with the mixture, placed between two layers of white cotton fabric and ironed.
  • Colored woolen fabrics are impregnated with glycerin heated to 35 degrees for 10 minutes, after which they are washed off with soap and water, rinsed in warm and cold water.
  • Stains from ice cream and milk can also be removed in this way: gasoline soap is rubbed into the stain, moistened with water, allowed to foam and rubbed. Then rinse with warm water from the middle to the edges.

Stains from chocolate, coffee, tea

  • chocolate stains it is enough to wipe with a solution of ammonia or rinse with heavily salted water. Old stains on white things can be removed with hydrogen peroxide by soaking the fabric with it and holding it for 10-15 minutes. After that, the thing is rinsed in cold water.
  • Coffee stains or strong tea removed with a brush dipped in warm water. Then the whole thing is thoroughly washed in a warm soapy solution (half a teaspoon of soda ash or 1 teaspoon of ammonia per 1 liter of water). After that, rinse twice in warm and once in cold, slightly acidified with vinegar water.

A stain from coffee or tea on a suit is wiped with a wet brush and squeezed out in a towel.

  • On light fabrics, such spots are removed with heated glycerin. They lubricate the stained place, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and dry with a towel.
    Fresh stains can also be removed with a mixture of ammonia and glycerin (1:4).
    Old ones on light fabric can be removed with a solution oxalic acid(half a teaspoon per glass of water) or hyposulfite solution (1 teaspoon per half glass of water). After the thing has been cleaned with one of these products, it should be washed in soapy water, adding two teaspoons of ammonia to 1 liter of water, and rinsed well in warm water.

Oil paint stains

Wipe with a cotton swab moistened with turpentine or kerosene, then, if the color of the fabric does not change from this, with ammonia until the stain disappears.

  • An oil paint stain can also be removed with gasoline soap, mixed with turpentine in a ratio of 1: 1. The mixture is rubbed into the stain. After dissolving the stain, the paint is carefully cleaned off, then wiped with a damp cotton swab.
  • It is better to moisten the old stain with turpentine, and when the paint softens, clean it off with a strong solution of baking soda and rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  • Oil paint stains can also be removed in this way: smear a little margarine or butter, and after a while wipe it with kerosene, turpentine or gasoline, having previously tried it on a piece of cloth. Then the product must be washed.

Lacquer stains

Remove with a mixture of denatured alcohol and acetone, taken in a ratio of 1: 1, or with wine alcohol. stains from oil varnish remove in the same way as stains from oil paints.

Red wine and berry stains

On colored products, they are removed with a mixture of glycerin and raw egg yolk (in equal parts), which is smeared on dirty places. After a few hours, they are washed with warm water. Fresh stains are removed with a gruel of table salt and water, washed with soapy water after half an hour, and then the product is rinsed in warm water.

In addition, stains from red wine can be removed with a solution of potassium permanganate, wetting the stained area with it, and after a few minutes, wipe it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water).

Stains from white wine, beer, champagne, liqueurs

Remove from white and strongly colored fabrics with a solution of high-quality soap, baking soda and water (5 g of soap, half a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water). Moisten the stain with this solution, and after a day, wash it off with warm water and rinse thoroughly.

You can scrub the beer stain with an ice cube. If there is no ice, take very cold water.

old white wine stains it is recommended to remove with a mixture of white soap (10 parts by weight), turpentine (2 parts by weight) and 10% ammonia (1 part by weight). Rub the mixture on the stain, wash it first in warm soapy water, then rinse in cold water.

beer stains on any fabrics are usually washed with soap and water. Old stains should be cleaned with a mixture of glycerin, wine and ammonia in equal parts. Three parts of this mixture is added to eight parts of water and rubbed on the stain.

Fruit and fruit juice stains

Remove with a mixture of glycerin and vodka in equal parts. Old stains will come off faster if you hold the cloth over a vessel of boiling water and wipe it with vinegar or lemon juice, diluting it in half with vodka or denatured alcohol. Then wipe the fabric with a swab moistened with a solution of water and ammonia.

Fruit and vegetable stains on jersey cleaned with gruel washing powder or a mixture of equal parts of gasoline and pharmacy glycerin (without perfume additives). Warm alcohol or vodka is also used.

blood stains

Blood, in addition to protein, contains non-protein nitrogenous substances (for example, amino acids), carbohydrates, fats and dyes. Launder first cold water and then warm soapy water. Soak stained laundry for several hours before washing.

Old stains are first wiped with a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon per glass of water), and then with a solution of borax (1 teaspoon per glass of water), after which the linen is washed in warm water.

Spots are removed from thin silk products with potato starch mixed into dough in cold water. The resulting composition cover the surface of the stain and allow it to dry. Then the starch is shaken off, and the thing is washed.

sweat stains

With silk lining such stains are removed with a mixture of ammonia and denatured alcohol in equal parts.

Sweat stains on woolen products removed with a cloth soaked in a strong salt solution. If the stains are still noticeable, you need to wipe them with alcohol.

Collars and cuffs are cleaned with gasoline soap mixed with an equal amount of ammonia. The composition is rubbed into places heavily contaminated with sweat, washed with warm water and rinsed in warm water with vinegar.

Sweat stains go away if you add a little ammonia to the water during washing (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

ink stains

Removed with glycerin. To do this, the stained fabric is kept in glycerin for at least an hour, then the thing is rinsed in warm, slightly salted water. If traces remain, they are washed in warm soapy water.

  • fresh ink blots can be removed sour milk. It is necessary to put the fabric for several hours in warm milk. If the stain is large, the milk should be changed several times. Then wash in warm soapy water, to which add a little borax or ammonia.
  • You can use a solution of ammonia and baking soda(1 teaspoon of alcohol, 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda per glass of water).
  • To remove stains from white fabrics use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water). A cotton swab dipped in the solution is applied to the stain, after which the fabric is washed with warm water.
  • old ink stains on colored fabrics, pour a mixture of turpentine and ammonia (1: 1), and after the stains disappear, wash and rinse the entire product.
  • Silk fabrics stained with ink(black or red), they clean it like this: they put mustard gruel on the stains and leave it for a day, then the gruel is scraped off and the clothes are rinsed in cold water. Fresh stains of red ink can be cleaned with a solution of ammonia, then rinsed in clean cold water.
  • From the skin ink blot it is best to reduce with warm glycerin or a mixture of glycerin and denatured alcohol, which are rubbed into the stain. The discolored place is tinted.
  • Ink stains on leather can be cleaned with salt. To do this, cover the stain with a thick layer of wet salt and leave it for two days. Then shake off the salt, wipe it with a sponge or cloth moistened with turpentine, and polish to a shine.
  • When removing ink stains, it is recommended to use a protective paraffin circle, so that the stain does not spread. They do it this way: melt paraffin and petroleum jelly in equal parts, then wrap a cotton wool around a match and, dipping it into a hot alloy, encircle a protective paraffin circle so that the alloy soaks the fabric through and through. When the alloy has cooled, they begin to remove the stain, after which the matter is sprinkled with baking soda and rinsed in water. Then the protective paraffin circle is ironed with a hot iron through blotting paper or paper napkins, which are changed several times until complete removal paraffin.

When removing an ink stain, potato flour is poured under it, which absorbs excess liquid and prevents the stain from spreading.

  • Ink stain from velvet can be removed by immersing the stained area in warm milk for half an hour. The milk should be changed until the stain is gone, then washed in warm soapy water and rinsed.
  • If the ink stain on the woolen fabric is already dry, it must be moistened with kerosene, after a while rinsed in clean kerosene and washed in clean water, then hang the thing up in the wind so that the smell of kerosene disappears.
  • Ink stains on silk and wool fabrics can be wiped with a cotton swab moistened with purified turpentine, changing it several times as it gets dirty, then rinse with warm water.
  • For colored products, a mixture of glycerin and methylated spirits (2 parts glycerin to 5 parts alcohol) is suitable.
  • From any fabric remove the ink stain immediately, if you pour salt on it and pour lemon juice on it, wait until the stain disappears and rinse the fabric several times.

Stains from soot, soot, coal

Wipe with a cotton swab moistened with turpentine, wash with soapy water and rinse thoroughly. On the old spots turpentine mixed with egg yolk to the density of sour cream works well. The mixture is gently heated by placing the jar with it in a pot of hot water. The stain is wiped with a mixture, then the thing is washed with soap and rinsed several times in clean water.

Fresh small soot stain can be cleaned with a crumb of bread or washed in warm soapy water.

Hot iron stains

Moisten with onion juice and leave for several hours, after which the thing is washed, and the stain disappears. If the stain is large, put a gruel of grated onion on it and leave it for a while, then rinse well in cold water.

You can also wet the stain boric acid, and then wash the fabric in water at room temperature.

It is good to remove tan marks from white fabrics with a mixture of half a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia.

In addition, burn marks from the iron can be moistened with water and sprinkled with borax. Shake dry clothes. If the spots persist, soak them in hydrogen peroxide and iron them out.

Stains from potassium permanganate

Such spots disappear without a trace if the contaminated area is soaked in whey or yogurt. From a white cloth, such a stain can be removed with a solution of oxalic acid (1 teaspoon per half a glass of water) or a 10% solution of hyposulfite. The thing is washed first in hot, then in warm water.

Resin stains

They can be easily removed from dark woolen materials with a thick cloth dipped in purified turpentine, and from white ones with soapy alcohol. It is good to remove resin stains from cotton fabrics with turpentine or gasoline, and then wash them with soapy water. If the stain is large and old, you should first moisten it several times with turpentine, and when the resin dissolves, wipe it with alcohol and then rinse with water.

And one more way. Resin stains are scraped off and poured with a mixture of alcohol and turpentine (1: 1). The fabric is ironed through blotting paper and wiped dry. Stains from mastic for the floor and shoe creams Wash in a soapy solution with ammonia. If after that they do not disappear, you can apply a hyposulfite solution (1 teaspoon to half a glass of water). Then wash the item in warm soapy water.

Henna stains

Moisten with a solution of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and water in a ratio of 1:5:5 and wash off with warm water after 15-20 minutes.

Stains from iodine

They fall asleep with baking soda, pour vinegar on top and leave it overnight, and in the morning they rinse the thing in water. An iodine stain can also be moistened with water and rubbed with ordinary starch until it disappears, then washed in soapy water.

Old stains from iodine on light fabric can be removed by putting the fabric in a liquid gruel of starch for 10-12 hours, and then rinse in warm water with soap. Rinse with a solution of water (1:10) and rinse the fabric several times in clean water.

rust stains

These stains consist of iron oxides, on light fabrics they are orange in color and penetrate deeply into the fabric. With a long stay on the fabric, rust destroys the fibers.

  • Removed with freshly squeezed lemon juice. The place wetted with juice is ironed with a hot iron through a cloth, then wiped again with a cotton swab moistened with lemon juice, and washed with warm water.
  • You can use acetic or oxalic acid (1 teaspoon per glass of water). Heat the solution almost to a boil a short time dip a fabric with a stain into it and rinse thoroughly by adding a pinch of baking soda or ammonia to the water. If the rust does not disappear at once, dip the stained cloth into the solution several times.
  • Rust stains from white fabrics can be deduced in this way. The fabric with the stain is dipped in a 2% hydrochloric acid solution and held until the stains come off, then the fabric is rinsed well, adding three tablespoons of ammonia to each liter of water.
  • They are removed from colored fabrics with a mixture of glycerin, soap and water (1: 1: 1). She needs to rub the stain. And after a day, the thing must be washed and rinsed.

Stains from wax and stearin

You need to scrape off, then put a wet cloth on the stain, cover with several layers of blotting paper (or paper napkins) and iron it with a hot iron. The paper should be changed until the stain disappears.

Stains on plush and velvet can be removed with alcohol or turpentine. You cannot use an iron.

Cosmetic stains

  • Lipstick stains remove the borax, which is covered with a stain. Then the fabric is rinsed first in soapy, then in clean water. Spots on dyeing fabrics are removed with a mixture of ether and turpentine (1: 1). On jersey products, the stain is first treated with a thick slurry of gasoline and talc, then wiped with hot glycerin. Chemical lipstick is removed in the same way as ink stains.
  • Cosmetic cream stains removed with alcohol or gasoline. Hair dye stains are removed with hydrogen peroxide mixed with an equal amount of ammonia.
  • Stains from cologne and perfume will disappear if they are immediately wiped with alcohol. Old stains from white fabrics can be removed with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide (1:1).
  • Perfume stain on wool first moistened with pure glycerin or ethyl alcohol, and then wiped with acetone or sulfuric ether. A stain on light fabrics can be removed in this way: first moisten with ammonia, then with a solution of hydrosulfite (4 g per glass of water), and after 2-3 minutes with a solution of oxalic acid (5 g per glass of water).
  • To delete nail polish stains, you need to apply blotting paper to the stain. Then dampen the back of the fabric with acetone. Continue, changing the paper frequently, until the stain is removed.

Kerosene stains

From a light fabric, you can remove it with a solution of ammonia and water (1: 8). Kerosene stains are removed from woolen fabrics with gasoline, and from cotton fabrics, they are washed off with warm water and soap, rinsed, and then ironed with a warm iron.

green spots

You can remove it with vodka, and even better - with denatured alcohol. In addition, grass stains are removed with a solution of table salt (1 teaspoon in half a glass of warm water). After removing the stain, the fabric must be rinsed in warm water.

With white fabrics grass stains removed with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, to which a few drops of ammonia are added.

A fresh herbal stain on clothes can be washed with warm soapy water, to which ammonia is added (1 teaspoon per glass of soapy solution).

fly stains

Remove with ammonia diluted in water (1:10).

Old stains are kept for 3-5 hours in a soapy solution with a small amount gasoline (the mixture must be shaken before use). Then the stains are cleaned with a brush dipped in soapy water.

tobacco stains

Rubbed with egg yolk mixed with denatured alcohol until sour cream thickens, then the cloth is washed in warm, then in hot water. If the thing cannot be washed, then the stains are removed with warm glycerin or denatured alcohol.

Mold and damp stains

On cotton fabrics, they are removed as follows: the stain is covered with a layer of finely crushed dry chalk. Blotting paper (or a napkin) is placed on top and run over it several times with a hot iron.

1. Spots that dissolve in water. These are stains from food products that contain sugar, stains from wood glue, from water-soluble salts, and from some water-soluble dyes.

2. Stains that are removed with organic solutions. Those are grease stains. engine oil, varnish, resin, oil paints, wax, cream, shoe polish.

3. Stains that do not dissolve in water and organic solutions. Stains from greasy paints, from tannins, from natural and artificial paints insoluble in water, proteins, blood, pus, urine, mold.

Each type of stain requires special processing. Some stains, such as coffee, fruit juice, wine, require treatment with both water-soluble stains and insoluble stains.

The chemicals you use to remove stains are best tested on a test piece of fabric, hems or seam stock. It is not recommended to use highly concentrated solutions. It is better to treat the stain several times with a weak solution, rinsing the fabric with water in turn.

Before removing stains, the fabric should be cleaned of dust, first with a dry, then with a damp brush.

The stain should be removed from the inside, placing under it white paper or napkins, you can also use a board wrapped in a white cloth.

It is best to clean the stain with a cotton swab or a soft white cloth. To begin with, you should moisten the area around the stain, then moisten the stain itself from the edge to the middle, so it will not blur.

Spots of unknown origin are best removed with a solution of ammonia and salt.

How to recognize the type of stain?

Fresh stains are best removed by washing the fabric with water, first with cold water several times, and then with hot water. To successfully remove a stain, it is very important to know what its origin is, but at the same time, the composition and characteristics of the fabric are also important.

Grease spots
usually do not have clear boundaries. Fresh grease stains are always darker than the fabric itself. Old greasy spots lighten and become matte. They are deeply absorbed into the material and appear even on reverse side fabric. This will help you easily deal with the stain and not damage your favorite item. If you are unfamiliar with the material, then cut off a small piece of fabric from the seam area and test the stain agent on it.

Grease-free stains. Stains from berries, beer, juice, tea, wine, etc. They have clear boundaries and their contours are darker than the spots themselves.

Stains containing fatty and non-greasy substances. Meet more often than others. These spots usually remain on the surface of the fabric and only the fats contained in them penetrate deeper. These are stains from milk, blood, soup, sauces, street dust.

Oxidized spots. Spots that appear on the sites of old spots under the influence of light, oxygen and other factors. These are the hardest stains. Stains from berries, fruits, mold, wine, coffee usually tend to oxidize.

How to remove dirt stains?

To remove dirt stains, it is best to first clean the stained area with a brush. When the fabric dries, wash off the stain with warm soapy water. If the stain does not go away, then it should be lowered into a strong vinegar solution. If the contaminated item cannot be washed, then the stain should be removed with hydrogen peroxide. It is best to remove stains from a raincoat with a cotton swab moistened with vinegar solution.

How to remove oil paint stains?

The stain from oil paint is wiped with a cotton swab moistened with turpentine or cuirassier. If the color of the fabric does not change, then the stain can be removed with alcohol. Oil paint stains can also be removed with gasoline soap mixed with turpentine in a ratio of 1:1.

If the stain is old, then it is worth moistening it with turpentine first. And after the paint gets wet, clean it off with a solution baking soda and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

How to remove oil stains at home

  • Stains from vegetable oil, sprats and other canned oil can be easily removed with kerosene. After treatment with kerosene, it is advisable to wash the fabric with warm water and soap.
  • A very common way to remove grease stains with chalk. The stain is sprinkled with crushed chalk, firmly pressed against the fabric and left overnight. In the morning, clean the fabric with a brush. The stain disappears.
  • Fish oil stains can be removed with a vinegar solution.
  • Oily spots on dense synthetic fabrics best removed with potato starch. Apply corn starch to the stain and then rub it out with a warm, damp towel. When the starch dries, clean the fabric with a brush. If the stain is not completely removed, repeat the procedure again.
  • Egg stains should be removed immediately, as they then create insoluble compounds that can no longer be removed. Fresh egg stains are removed with ammonia, old ones with glycerin and ammonia.

Removing dairy stains

  • If the stain is not applied white cloth and it is large enough, it is best to wash it off immediately with warm, soapy water and rinse.
  • If the fabric is colored, then to remove the stain, it is best to use a mixture of 2 tablespoons of glycerin, 2 tablespoons of water and a couple of drops of ammonia. The stain should be moistened with this mixture, placed between two cotton fabrics and iron with an iron.
  • From colored woolen fabrics, the stain is removed using glycerin heated to 35 degrees. It is applied to the fabric for 10 minutes, and then washed off with soapy water.

We remove stains from chocolate, coffee, tea

  • It is enough to wipe chocolate stains with ammonia, and then rinse with strongly salted water. If a white cloth is stained with chocolate, the stain can be removed with hydrogen peroxide. She needs to soak the soiled area and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
  • The stain from coffee and strong tea is removed with a brush moistened with warm water. The fabric is then thoroughly washed in warm soapy water. And rinse with a light vinegar solution.
  • On a light-colored fabric, such stains are removed with heated glycerin. Lubricate the stain with it, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and dry with a towel.

Removing stains from red wine and berries

  • From colored products, such a stain is removed using glycine mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with an egg. You can also remove such stains with a slurry of table water, apply it to the stain, and rinse with soapy water after half an hour. And then rinse with warm water.
  • Stains from red wine can be removed with a solution of potassium permanganate, wetting the stained area with it, and then treating it with hydrogen peroxide.

We remove stains from white wine, beer, champagne, liqueurs

  • From white fabrics, such stains should be removed with a solution of 5 g of soap, 0.5 tsp. soda and a glass of water. Apply the solution to the stain and leave it for a day. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Such a stain can also be rubbed off with a piece of ice.
  • Beer stains are best removed with soap and water. Old beer stains can be cleaned with a mixture of glycerin, tartar and ammonia in equal parts. The mixture is mixed with water in a ratio of 3:8.

Removing blood stains

  • Blood-stained tissue is first washed with cold water, then with warm soapy water. Soak for a few hours before washing.
  • Old stains are first wiped with a solution of ammonia, and then with a solution, after which the linen is washed in warm water. Blood is removed from thin silk products with the help of starch mixed into a gruel with cold water.

Removing sweat stains

  • Remove such stains with a solution of hyposulphate. The cleaned area is then washed with warm water.
  • From silk fabrics, such stains are removed with a solution of denatured alcohol and ammonia in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • Stains from woolen fabric are removed with a cloth moistened with a strong salt solution. If the stains remain noticeable, then they are wiped with alcohol.
  • Sweat stains also disappear if you add a little ammonia to the water when washing. A teaspoon per liter of water.

Removing shoe stains

The fabric is washed in soapy water with ammonia.

We remove stains from potassium permanganate and iodine

  • Such stains are well removed with whey or yogurt. Moisten the contaminated area with serum.
  • Good for removing potassium permanganate from light clothes oxalic acid
  • Stains from iodine should be covered with soda, pour vinegar on top and leave overnight. Rinse in clean water in the morning.
  • Can also be used to remove iodine stains potato starch and rub it on the stain until it disappears. Then wash the cloth with soap.
  • Old stains of iodine should be removed with a gruel of starch and water.

How to remove rust stains

  • Such stains are well removed with lemon juice. Wet the stain with lemon juice, and then iron the wetted area. Then again wet the area with lemon juice and rinse with water.
  • Rust stains are best removed from white fabric with a 2% hydrochloric acid solution. Dip the cloth in acid and hold until the stains come off. Then rinse in water with the addition of ammonia, 3 tablespoons per liter.

How to remove wax?

  • Dried for a start should be scraped off, and then put a clean piece of cloth or a couple on the stain paper napkins and iron it until the stain is gone.
  • From velvet and plush, wax should be removed with turpentine, but in no case should it be ironed.

Removing makeup stains

  • lipstick stain can be removed with a drill. The stain is covered with it, then the fabric is rinsed in soapy and clean water.
  • Cosmetic cream stains removed with alcohol or gasoline.
  • Hair dye stain removed with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
  • Lacquer stains removed with a tissue and acetone. It is tedious to attach a napkin to the stain and blot it with acetone on top. Continue this until the stain is completely removed.

How to get green stains out

Such stains can be removed with vodka or denatured alcohol. You can also use for this purpose table salt. Rinse the fabric with water after removing the stain. A fresh herbal stain on the fabric can be washed with a soapy solution with the addition of ammonia.

Removing tobacco stains

Remove by rubbing the stain with a mixture of egg yolk and denatured alcohol, mixed to a thick creamy mass. Rinse the fabric with warm and then hot water. You can also use warm glycine or denatured alcohol.

Removing mildew stains

They remove it from cotton fabrics with the help of chalk, which is sprinkled on the stain, put a napkin on top and spend it several times with a hot iron.

Surely you had to experience an unpleasant feeling at the sight of an annoying stain on your favorite blouse or trousers, especially if because of this you had to part with your favorite thing.

There is no need to immediately throw away clothes, because many stains are easy to remove even without the intervention of dry cleaning. You can easily deal with them on your own. But you need to do this procedure with caution so as not to spoil your favorite thing even more.

123RF/Katarzyna Bialasiewicz

Before taking on the removal of stains, you need to establish their origin and composition. Many fresh stains disappear easily after washing with soap, soda or other detergents. Old spots are sometimes affected by complex chemical solutions, in this case it is important to find out the consequences of processing - whether the structure and color of the fabric will change. To do this, rub the product with a chemical in an inconspicuous place.

The stain is best removed with wrong side, while placing a piece of white cloth on the front.

When cleaning, use cotton wool, a cloth, a hard brush or a brush. To avoid streaks and halos, the fabric around the stains is moistened with water, gasoline or sprinkled with talc, starch. On small spots, the product is applied with a pipette or a wooden stick. Large spots are wiped from the edges to the middle. If you try to rub from the center, there is a high probability that the stain will “crawl” to the sides.

Grease spots

For removing greasy contaminants you can use ammonia diluted with water and detergent then iron the item through a clean white cloth. You can also deal with such stains by placing trouble spot between layers of blotting paper and ironed with a non-hot iron. Pollution can be sprinkled with salt, periodically changing it and repeating the procedure.

To remove greasy stains from clothes, you must immediately sprinkle the soiled area with tooth powder, talc or chalk, cover clean slate white paper and press it with something heavy. After a few hours, you need to carefully knock out and clean the contaminated area.

Grease stains from canned food, fish, sauces or milk are removed with a soap solution. If the stain is old, try first saturating the fabric with warm glycerin, and then wash the item thoroughly.

123RF/ costasz

egg stains

Never wash a thing stained with an egg in hot water: it will “cook” and it will be impossible to remove the yellowness from the fabric. For removing yellow spots from eggs, wash clothes in cold water, moisten cotton pad water with the addition of vinegar, wipe the place of contamination and only then wash the thing in hot water.

Sprinkle a fresh egg stain generously with salt and moisten a little with water. After waiting a while, remove the salt with a brush.

Drink stains

To deal with tea stains, it is enough to sprinkle the soiled area with sugar, leave for an hour, and then simply wash.

paint stains

If the contamination is not too great, moisten the stain with turpentine, kerosene or acetone, then wipe it with ammonia until the stain disappears.

Soften old stains with turpentine, clean with a solution of soda and rinse with warm water. water-based paint removed with a cloth soaked in aqueous solution vinegar in equal proportions.

123RF/ Antonio Diaz

Paraffin and wax stains

To remove a candle stain, you must first remove the wax from the fabric, and then with front side and from the inside put blotting paper and iron it with a not very hot iron. The blotter should be changed until the stain disappears.

Cosmetic stains

Spots cosmetics with the content of fats on silk and woolen fabrics are removed in the same way as grease stains. Stains of other cosmetics on white cotton, linen and woolen fabrics are removed with ammonia and washed with water.

Lipstick marks are removed with gasoline, trichlorethylene or pure alcohol. Nail polish can be removed with acetone or amyl acetate.

Pen and ink stains

Try to remove stains from ballpoint pen with alcohol or vinegar. Marker stains can be removed by washing the stained area of ​​clothing in milk or yogurt.

Chewing gum

If chewing gum sticks to your clothes, do not rub it, but put the contaminated item in the refrigerator for several hours. The chewing gum will freeze and be easily removed from the fabric.

It is very unpleasant when stains appear on your favorite clothes that do not disappear after normal washing. This fact not only spoils the item, but also undermines your budget, as there are unforeseen expenses for the purchase of expensive stain removers or new clothes. In order to avoid this, I will tell you how to get rid of stains on clothes, how to remove old stains, stains of unknown origin, and other hard-to-remove stains, without applying chemicals.

Success in this matter largely depends on the age of the stain. It is best to start removing them as soon as they appear. This will make the task much easier.

Removing dirt from clothes is not such a difficult process, if you take into account some of the nuances. First, you need to find out where it came from. You also need to know the composition of the fabric, it can be found on the tag on the inside of the clothes. Based on this information, decide on the removal option.

Even if you are confident in the product you have chosen, you need to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric. If everything went “smoothly” and the fabric was not damaged, you can begin to remove the stain.

Stain removal options

There are many ways to remove stains from clothes. We will consider the most effective.

  • Hydrogen peroxide

Only white things are processed with peroxide, as it has a bleaching effect. colored clothes may lose color. Most often, hydrogen peroxide is used to remove traces of sweat. It not only removes the stain, but also prevents its appearance for a long time. You can use concentrated peroxide, but this must be done carefully. Therefore, it is still better to start with a solution. Mix peroxide with water (50 to 50). And if necessary, add peroxide. It is necessary to place the thing with contamination in the solution and leave for half an hour. Next, the item should be washed in cold water. If the yellowness remains or is not completely removed, the process must be repeated, only to increase the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. It is also great for stains from wine, chocolate, etc.

With the help of this product, you can also return white things to their former whiteness or remove stains. Baking soda has many advantages over professional bleaches. It can be used to remove dirt from children's clothing. It does not contain chemicals, unlike store funds, which means it will not harm the health of the baby. Using soda, fabric fibers will not be affected. Washing in washing machine together with soda, you will bleach things and protect your car from unwanted scale. Because it softens the water. And, of course, its big plus is the price. Baking soda can be used as a standalone bleach or mixed with other products. It is often combined with hydrogen peroxide.

  • Vinegar

Vinegar can also remove stains. Although he is better known as food supplement To various dishes. It consists of 95% water, while it contains various acids, namely: acetic, citric, malic, tartaric, etc., as well as esters, aldehydes, minerals and complex alcohols. This composition allows you to use it not only for food, but also to remove stains. It easily tackles grease, mustard, ballpoint pen, deodorant, and more. It also tackles hard water or smudge marks. washing powder. Vinegar has other benefits as well.

For example, if new thing wash with the addition of vinegar, it will remove aggressive substances that could be used in production. Still he d disinfects clothes and softens them.

This seasoning is necessary not only in the kitchen, but also to remove various contaminants on clothes. It will easily cope with fresh stains of fat.. It is enough just to sprinkle the stained place with it and rub it lightly - it will draw in the fat and the divorce will disappear. Also kitchen salt used to remove fresh stains from various berries, wine, blood, sweat.

  • Alcohol

Ammonia is a clear liquid with a very pungent odor. It is used for its intended purpose in medicine, but it is also indispensable assistant in the economy. Ammonia is great for getting rid of stains on clothes. It is better to use it for synthetic fabrics. To enhance the effect, it can be combined with other means. Be sure to wear gloves when using alcohol.

There are contaminants that are difficult to remove. We'll take a look at those.

How to remove a rust stain

Removing green stains

  • Here will help you hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a swab with peroxide and apply it to the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing. With colored things you need to behave more carefully.
  • Also suitable ammonia. It must be applied to the trail of brilliant green and wait about 7 minutes. Wash at the end of time.

Getting rid of grass stains

  • Take half a glass of warm water and stir 1 tablespoon in it salt. Soak a cotton swab in this solution and rub the grass mark. Next, wash the item in a concentrated soap solution.
  • You can also remove traces of greenery ammonia. Get wet in it tissue paper and rub the stains until they are gone. As the napkin gets dirty, it needs to be changed. This method is suitable for any fabric.

How to remove stains of unknown origin

Sometimes we have to deal with spots, the nature of which is difficult to determine. But do not despair, you can fight with such pollution.

First you need to still try to determine the origin of the stain - this will increase the chances of

Salt can also help with grass stains.

saving things. So:

  • If the spot has a blurred outline, it matte color It's most likely a grease stain.
  • If the pollution is dark, has brown shade- Maybe it's blood.
  • Also brown spots can be from coffee, tea or juice.
  • The red or brown color of the stain is more likely from wine or juice.

If the hints didn’t help you, and you couldn’t determine what left the mark and how to remove it, try this method: pour a little baking soda on the dirt and rub it a little with a brush. Then prepare a solution, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 4 tablespoons of water. Moisten the stained area with it. Leave for a while. Then wash.

Features of removing stains from white things

Marks on whites are more visible than on others. It is necessary to remove such stains to the end, otherwise it will be impossible to wear this thing.

For white things, you need to use effective methods, but sparing. Before you cleanse your beloved white thing from the stain, read the important information.

How to remove stains from colored items

  • Before use, be sure to test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric, for example, on the inside seam.
  • Do not forcefully rub the contaminated area. So you can break the structure of the fabric, and this place will look worn out.
  • Do not wash the item in very hot water. Most likely, the thing will shed, and the pollution will not be removed.

How to remove old stains from clothes

Probably, every hostess wondered how to remove old stains from clothes and whether these stains can be removed at home. The answer to your questions is below. So:

Most often, old, stubborn dirt is not removed immediately. And most likely you will have to carry out the procedure again. But still, it is better than chemicals that destroy both the structure of tissues and your health.