What is the fascinating baby 11 years old. Difficult years - how to cope with teenage "I do not want". Electronic wallet for the output of funds

The adolescence is conditionally running between 13-16 years. It is not in vain called transitional, since at that age the girl becomes a girl, the formation of her personality occurs, certain habits, character, individual glances are being formed life situations And, of course, certain hobbies appear. Unfortunately, not always hobbies of adolescents are useful for thembecause often children imitate their senior comrades or heroes computer gamesshowing a bad example.

That is why in the question of choosing hobbies important role parents girls should play. This does not mean that it is necessary to force it to do what Mom wants, but the child himself does not want. Parents should not be implemented in this way their unfulfilled dreams, but they are able to help the daughter to reveal their own potential and give impetus to the future, relying on her interests. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our material in which only useful and useful and actual informationconcerning a hobby for teenage girls. Perhaps you will be interested in some hobbies, hobbies, and you can attach your daughter to them.

Hobbies for girls 12-13 years

Aged 12-13 years optimal option For a girl can be a riding needlework. It can be a traditional embroidery beaded, Moulin, knitting or new-fashioned types of handmade, such as scrapbooking, diamond embroidery.

What can take a girl 13-14 years old?

Aged 13-14 years paulic ripening It is in full swing, so the girl begins to realize himself with a "girl." She becomes interesting to care for his body and no longer want to just watch the mother makes makeup or makes a manicure, I want to do all this myself.

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Hobbies for the girl 14-16 years

What kind of hobby is banned?

It is worth mentioning about dangerous hobbies for teenage girls. We will not talk about obvious things, such as smoking, etc., but sometimes quite harmless at first glance, hobbies can negatively influence your child. Unfortunately, among many schoolgirls, the passion for gel varnishes is common, the so-called "shellats". The fact is that applying gel varnishes and gels involves the use of harmful and chemically hazardous drugs , including acids, acetone, therefore, without special training, it is not recommended to get involved in such a hobby. In addition, in the process of growth of the girl and forming it nail plate Do not apply gel substances. If your daughter wants to learn this, then explain to her the consequences and offer to restrict ourselves to the creams and oil care oils, and allow the nails to paint only by ordinary varnish.

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Also, parents should be fascinated if their daughter was fascinated by anime or subcultures and tries to be similar to the senior comrades or hero from the TV. Such hobbies make the child live "outside reality" and in the end can lead to tragic consequences. Goths, emo, etc. just obeyed on the cult of death, so if you see changes in appearance The child and in his mood, then it means your parent authority and not enough attention, and maybe it is simply not. So throw your affairs and do your daughter as much as possible, invent interesting joint projects, Help her reveal his talents and become unique in real life.

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Soap bubbles can be allowed almost indefinitely. At least until the solution is over. So that it happens no soon, make a large stock: 3.5 liters of water, a glass of dishwashes, a tablespoon of glycerol. The barrel is ready!

22. Drawing without spots

If you pour a little shower gel mixed with dyes, in a durable hermetically closed package, the child will be able to draw futuristic paintings with fingers and not to get dirty!

23. Car wash with your own hands

Children can play for hours in a bathroom with a real car wash, which can be made of five-liter plastic canister, dishwashing sponges and moisture-resistant sticky tape.

From the canister you need to cut the sink housing with entry and departure. Cut the sponge for washing dishes on thin long sticks And glue them vertically to the ceiling of washing. Permanent markers Color the design. In empty jars from yogurt, place the shaving foam, take old toothbrushs and toy machines. Everything else will make imagination.

24. Scientific experiment with balloons

Show the child a chemical experiment in the kitchen. Pour B. balloon spoonful soda, and empty plastic bottle Pour vinegar. Put on the ball on the neck of the bottle and fasten tightly. Gradually, pour out the soda from the ball into the bottle. Neutralization reaction will be released large number Carbon dioxide that inflates balloon.

25. Frozen Dinosaur Egg

If the child loves dinosaurs, show him how the ancient lizards hatched from eggs. In the balloon, put a dinosaur figure and fill it with tinted water, then send the ball into the freezer. When water is frozen, call young paleontologists. Remove the ball with eggs from eggs, consider the dinosaur in the thickness of the ice. You can get a toy with a small hammer (just to do it in glasses for swimming, so that small ice floes do not damage the eyes).

26. Ice cream from bananas

Make a fruit ice cream can be made from one ingredient. Take the bananas (better having fun), remove the peel and cut into thin pieces. Put in the freezer. After a couple of hours, you get frozen bananas and mix in a blender until the mass become reminding thick sour cream. Ice cream can be used immediately or decompose in the molds and freeze again. Older children will cope with the preparation of themselves!

10 years for a girl (and for the boy) it is not only a "round" date, but also the beginning of a crisis pubertal (adolescent) period. This is the time associated with huge number emotional reactions (mostly negative, since most of them is provoked by the misunderstanding of their condition).

The girl at 10 years old passes from childhood to adolescence

Age peculiarities

Most of the changes at the age of 10 - 11 years occur on the hormonal level, psychology also changes. In behavior, a certain independence appears, gradually disappears the exceptional dependence on mom and dad. Every parent must take it with understanding and accept the fact that the child has a need for communication outside the house and the interests that he can spend his personal time (And they must be placed).

Girls in 10 years begin to feel like girls

Attempts to excessively control the circle of communication and the activities of an adheating girl can turn around:

  1. Bunt, explicit demonstration of non-obstacles (accompanied by anger, aggression, the desire to act "contrary to" is poured into truly unreasonable and life-threatening solutions).
  2. Indifference (ignoring all the requirements of the mother and father).
  3. The conditioned humility that disappears as soon as the child turns out to be out of sight of the parents (accompanied by a false and development of mistrust to others).
  4. True humility (accompanied by a drop in self-assessment, lack of initiative, a tendency to self-dissemination).

Fully submissive behavior is dangerous to raising an inappropriate personality

In each individual case, one of these tactics of behavior is predominant, but in general they can alternate among themselves. This is due to variability emotional stateThat typically for the girl aged 10 - 11 years. You should not worry about such instability, you should not only need to show that you are ready to understand your child if he wants to explain to you or decide to discuss my condition.

Features of education

It happens that having a good intention to grow a "decent person", parents raise their child in the conditions of numerous "should" and categorical "no", not supported by any explanations. The presence of such groundless (from the point of view of children) of prohibitions is very hard tolerated by an adult person, since cognitive processes still active wish to explore the world - Also, just the parent disagreement is already insufficient argument to stop.

Do not rely only on prohibitions

Remember: Explain your child your solutions.

No matter, girl is or boy - if your children know, for what reason you are waiting for them certain actionThey are much more attentive to your requests. Speak with them about the consequences of possible misconduct. Not about punishment, but about what misconduct will be broken personally for them.

How to keep dialogue

You need to be able to talk to the child 10 - 11 years old. Never press up on your age, and do not say that you are "better know." If you know, explain if you are worried, then tell me. Show the child that you are not just a parent, authoritative, power having a face, but also loving manwho is experiencing and tries to protect from trouble.

If you think it is so understandable, then the likelihood is that you are wrong. Prophonate your reasons, your attitude. But be prepared that, even after listening to you, the child will come in his own way. It is inevitable, he gets his experience. It is possible that you will flare about this - it is natural, but it is necessary to explain that the reason for your anger is not the fact that the child itself is bad and naughty, but in your experiences for his life and health.

Need to learn to talk with a child

Also, in the process of communication, do not compare children with their brothers and sisters, or with other people's children. It makes them depreciate themselves and doubt their abilities. Especially no need to scream.

Understand: It is in the ability to control yourself and manifests adhere.

It does not mean here that an adult is a robot. Of course, we are all experiencing emotions, but precisely as adults are acquired by self-control. It is impossible to demand a similar from the child, but you can submit an example.


To compare children with someone can not only in negative, but also in a positive plan.

Parent errors in raising

That is, to say "you are beautiful (smart, kind and so on)" will be true, and the option "You are beautiful (smart, kind), like ..." - wrong. First, in children, with such comparison, the feeling may appear that they are not unique, they are not valuable by themselves. Secondly, there is a risk that the desire to imitate that other personality, to which they turned out to be similar, which leads to the loss of individuality.

Incomplete families

In incomplete families, a special situation and, if a girl lives with a dad, it will be advisable to make sure that she has a senior "girlfriend" (grandmother, aunt, nanny), which is with his own, female, position will help in solving certain issues. If you perform such a mentoring role, then we will treat it with all seriousness, do not disclose the secrets trusted to you and do not ripen the immature solutions to your ward.

Incomplete family requires special relationship To the child

It is possible that the girl at 10 years old will not dare to discuss any of the exciting problems, therefore it is necessary to carefully "try" the situation, the lacarounds affecting the "complex" topics and noting for itself the reaction. Fear of discussion is associated with fear show its ignorance, stupidity or awkwardness. If you find out exactly what the child hits, then you can tell something funny about yourself on this topic. Let him see that there are no failures and absurdity, and that there are no forbidden for discussion.

Business on house

First of all, you have to learn to consider a teenager 10-11 years not only as a child, but also as a person who wants to make decisions on their own, without regard to what they will say or think about it. It is possible that home duties will not consider not as objectively required action, but as an act of submission to someone else's will.

Discuss with the future hostess that you cannot catch everything around home and wisely (if it is already an adult enough) to divide care with her. Take her "territory," for which she will answer, instruct it a certain one (but strictly limited) a list of cases that are in its jurisdiction.

At 10 years old, a girl must clean his room independently

ATTENTION: If your child has a separate room, you do not need to try to control the process, the quality and frequency of guidance in it.

Better instead:

  • Keep your room in order (feed your personal example).
  • Discuss the consequences of such negligence (occurrence allergic reactions and frequent diseases Due to excess dust and bad hygiene, the appearance of clothes unpleasant odor On which classmates may well react).
  • Be able to show a moderately positive reaction to the fact that the daughter still took care of cleaning (turbulent enthusiasm, as well as ignoring, can cause negative relationship Teenager to the experience of the economy).

If the daughter is 10 years old outside the regulated list, then be sure to note how much it helped you, because it is not included in her duties, and she spent his free personal time for care for family and home affairs.

Joint rest

According to the majority of parents, modern baby By 10 years, it is not interested in anything except phones, games and walks. But not children who often have been granted to themselves are to blame. They have no only habits, but even a single experience of other pastime options. Give him such an experience, do something together, agree that for one day (or at least for a few hours) you will postpone the phone, the TV, the computer and take care of something else.

Joint walks and rest are very close

It does not have to be "useful" leisure, it is possible and will be refined, but in a special way. Practice joint creative activity.

But! Always be prepared that the child will not agree with your offer. He needs to be able to delight himself, try to negotiate. You can alternate days when classes plans your child, and when you yourself. Do not attempt to correct her plans for your needs, children feel and may be seriously offended or losing motivation. But it is possible to make reasonable comments regarding practical moments in a calm no criticism.


Parents who want to achieve respect from their offspring should understand that there is also power personal example. No need to indulge in all the whims of the child, but refer to him respectfully.

In general, for girls, more tactful behavior and greater sense of responsibility. They are easier than boys, understand someone else's point of view, and, consequently, respectful (as well as compassionate), the attitude towards others is most characteristic of them to a greater extent.


In 10 - 11 years old girls may be interested in psychology. Support this passion, try to deal together in your inner world. Read the appropriate literature, pushing the child to think about your inner condition. Self-knowledge, self-development is exactly what will allow the child to develop confidence in itself, to socialize safely.

Psychological help Parents will help the child to understand themselves

As one daughter said to his mother on the question of how to behave with children at 10 years old: "Be sincere and natural. And do not load unnecessary information. "


Universal laws how a boy or daughter should be brought up in 10-11 years (and in any other age) does not exist. Just be careful to your children. This is actually individual personality who a priori should not need anything. But if you want, you can become them reliable friend and beautiful teacher. Then they will listen to you, and help on your own will, not from under the stick, and this, you see, much more pleasant.

Related Materials

This period in the life of children is very difficult to make it easier to cope with changes in the mood, it is important that the child is busy and passionate, and also received enough attention from parents. If you need to be at home, it is important for the child to take yourself with a useful or interesting thing.

Naturally, you do not need to impose your desires in what to do with a child of 11 years at home. Offer your options and give teenage the right to choose, definition, based on your desires and aspirations. However, do not forget that in addition to his hobbies and classes, he must have certain duties in the house, suturing help parents. This will help distract the child from temptations, which today are too much both on the street and at home. From idleness and boredom, children sit on the Internet, sometimes, falling there in questionable companies and clubs.

It is important to organize classes with children of 11 years at home so that the child is passionate about the new ideas and classes, he himself wanted to play, create or work, and not you forced him to do from under the stick. You can interest the child with development logical thinkingIntelligent improvement. This can help playing chess or checkers, soloing the plas, Sharad, crosswords, games in a monopoly or similar to it, the passage of quests. Also simply occupationwho fonds for a long time, will be simple and interesting game In the phantas

If the child will refuse to refuse the task you offered - do not insist. Now he has a special psychological periodWhen he proves his independence and right to his own opinion. Therefore, you should not reboot the situation in your favor - just make worse. Offer, but do not insist - perhaps the interest will be wanted a little later.

What to take a boy of 11 years at home

Naturally, children are all free time They strive to conduct the TV or on the screens of computers, bolding into the gadgets. However, this is not the most appropriate time, and the boy needs to take useful and interesting deeds. First of all, you need to attract it to home work, self-service, cooking or other assistance. Many boys are interested in helping dad in repair and small house repair, let dad attracts it to such matters. No less useful will be care for pets, care for younger children, but without push, not forcing.

It will be useful to engage in creativity, make, draw, or sculpt, paint, collect models from designers. If the child appeals to you for help, do not deny. Pay him a few minutes of time, giving advice, helping to figure it out, or just supporting. And it is worth putting a love for children to read, this is one of the most useful studies for children at home.

What to take a girl 11 years old

Girls also do not lag behind the boys in terms of commitment to modern gadgets and a computer, TV. Therefore, it is important to find for girls useful classes. Naturally, they are also like boys, should help at home - to clean, follow the condition of their clothing and linen, prepare as far as possible, care for the younger, as well as animals, plants. It is useful to instill girls love for reading and needlework, these are useful skills for any future hostess. Show the girl the basics of sewing and knitting, needlework, perhaps it will inspire it and interest.

What can collect girl 11 years

Hobbies at this age helps the child to take free time and find friends for interests. At this age, there may be a variety of hobbies and hobbies for girls 11 years. This is Macrame, knitting, weaving from beads, picking up toys, statuettes, dolls, badges, etc. You can tell a child about your children's hobbies, it will help in many ways to think about your.

Many specialists believe that modern children achieve much earlier than past generations: not at 13-14, and from 11 to 13 years. What is "to be a teenager" is understandable to everyone, because any adult man passed this period.

It is from 11 to 13 years old, parents can still affect the formation of a person, character and child habits. On how to prepare for " hard age"I say - parent.

Child development in 11-13 years

Physical development of the child

The baby's body begins to change rapidly. In girls, this process is happening faster, boys - a little slower. A child can add a lot in growth, the body weight can both increase and decrease. Based on puberty. Some children change on physiological level They may begin earlier, others - later. Due to the fact that the body has changed dramatically, the child has coordination. Teens are a bit awkward, because so far only get used to their new appearance.

Intellectual development

The child at this age is learning to argue, prove his point of view, has an abstract thinking developing more actively. Nevertheless, adolescents often live today. They do not think about the consequences of their actions. For example, can try smoking, although they know how bad it affects health. But the child does not think that these consequences will affect it.

Psychological development

Most often, the child is concentrated on communicating with his peers. Study is moving into the background. In addition to communicating with friends, it may occur to opposing semi. Friendship at this age is very expressive, any quarrel can destroy it. In general, the child can become emotionally. Or, on the contrary, "get into yourself".

From 11 to 13 years old with a child there are many different changes. Of course, an exploring person wants to be sure that everything is in order with him. Many things parents can tell themselves. Sometimes kids independently ask questions. But often moms and dad are afraid to pass the stick with excessive revelations. Therefore, the easiest way to give a child, in which it will be a simple language written about the physiology of adolescents.

2. Watch the power

In the early matners, the girls feel the need to be attractive to boys, and vice versa. But on the way to beauty there are obstacles - excess weight, acne. For a teenager, it is very important to correctly pick up the power. It should be traced for the presence of a large number of vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator. But baking, roasted and sharp better exclude. In pursuit of perfect weight, the teenager can start starving - it is better to avoid.

3. Follow the mood

Changing hormone emotional background - The perfect environment for. Do not "dishaw" from the problems of a child, even if they seem to you trifle. At the same time, you should not withdraw a teenager to talk "in souls."

Give the initiative to the child yourself. In case of protracted poor mood Pay back more attention, spend the day off. If the child goes sullen for a long time - perhaps this is a reason for appealing to.

Children aged from 11 to 13 years old to exaggerate their own problems. Any trifle may be tragedy. Let the child understand that all his difficulties can be solved. Pick up a few good books And films about teenagers with a positive ending.

If the experiences are strong, you can compose together with the child about how the hero looks like a child finds a way out of a difficult situation.

What is the role of parents in the process of sexual self-identification and what films worth seeing adhent boys will tell an expert of the site, a clinical psychologist Ekaterina Bluckter.

5. Perform the promise

Teenager is characteristic of everyone to doubt everything. He is aware of the world around differently. In order to maintain the confidence of the child, adults must be followed by the fulfillment of their promises. And punishment, and encouragement should be implemented in the dates marked by parents. This concerns not only the triangle "Mama-Dad-Child", but also the parents themselves, relations inside the family.

6. Integet to the life of a child

Parents of the teenager are worth not only interested in school estimates, but also by other affairs who worry a child - relationships with friends, teachers, his first love. Do not impose a child straight Talk, and then, having learned something that is not with best side characterizes a teenager, scold it. Appreciate any trust conversation with the child. If he tells about something, it is really important.

7. Let the child make a decision

The biggest talent of the parent is the ability to start letting your child on time. Of course, children from 11 to 13 years still require guardianship and control. Nevertheless, there are solutions that the teenager must take on its own. After all, it is at this age that the identity of the child is formed. Let the student choose his clothes to choose his clothes, decide the interior of his room, listen to his opinion.

8. Watch out for compliance with the sleep mode

Teenagers are needed for eight or nine hours. Without compliance with the sleep mode, it is impossible to learn and perform physical exercise In the quantity that falls on this age. The teenager himself may not understand this. In order not to go to the conflict, it is necessary to designate inside the family. One of them is the time of "abundance". It is important that parents also comply with this rule. The words "we are adults, and you have to obey" only increase the abyss between parents and a child.

9. Perform the prevention of bad habits

Unfortunately, tobacocco, drug addiction and toxicizing in Russia are constantly "younger." For the first time, cigarette or psychoactive substances, children often try in 12-13 years.

Do not start suspecting a child from scratch. No need to swear and scare terrible consequences. All the conversations on the "sharp" topics should be balanced and occur in those moments when parents and the child are calm and emotionally relaxed.

10. Do not cease to show your love

Of course, the teenager must realize that it grows up, its responsibility increases. But this is not a reason for parents to distance yourself from the child. Parents can call a schoolboy affectionate words, as before, and unobtrusively exercise their care. A teen needs love no less than little children. Often it is this love that serves as a reliable rear that allows the child to resist the problems, temptations and grow confident adult man.

Elena Kononova