Analysis of programs in physical culture

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Comparative analysis of programs for physical culture FGT and FGOST. Moscow 2013 Performed by a student of group No. 173m-z Babakhanova E.A GBOU VPO MGPU

Comparison of physical culture programs FGT and FGOST. The program of the course "Physical culture" (Lisitskaya, Novikova). The Origins program. Direction "Physical development". Purpose: Protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children. Purpose: Preservation and support of the individuality of the child, the physical and mental development of children.

The program of the course "Physical culture" (Lisitskaya, Novikova). The Origins program. Direction "Physical development". Tasks: Wellness - the formation of ideas about physical culture to strengthen human health, the impact on human development, as a factor of successful study and socialization; mastering the skills to organize health-saving life activity; formation of the skill of observing one's physical condition. Educational - the creation of a "school of movements"; development motor abilities; acquisition of knowledge for independent physical education; formation of competencies. Educational - the formation of a sustainable interest in sports; harmonious personality development; formation of motivation for success and achievements. Tasks: Recreation - familiarizing children with the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle. Educational - to improve the technique of performing movements; to form the ability to consciously use the acquired motor skills in various conditions; continue to purposefully develop physical qualities; promote the development of self-control and self-esteem in the process of organizing various forms of physical activity; support the pursuit of improved exercise performance. Educational - ensuring the emotional well-being of every child; development of positive feelings of self; development of initiative, curiosity, arbitrariness, the ability to creative self-expression.

The program of the course "Physical culture" (Lisitskaya, Novikova). The Origins program. Direction "Physical development". Components: Basic - Forming the Foundations physical development... Variable - the choice of various means, taking into account individual abilities, the priority of sports activities. Components: Basic block - characteristics of age capabilities mental development, development tasks, development indicators, basic personality characteristics. Variant block - implementation, section "content and conditions pedagogical work».

The program of the course "Physical culture" (Lisitskaya, Novikova). The Origins program. Direction "Physical development". Selection principles: Principle of modification (age, gender, material and technical base, climate, national traditions); The principle of consciousness and activity; The principle of accessibility and individuality; The principle of observance of intersubject connections. Selection principles: Development principle; The principle of humanization; Integrity principle; The principle of conformity culture; The principle of variability.

The program of courses "Physical culture" (Lisitskaya, Novikova). The Origins program. Direction "Physical development". Course structure: Section "Fundamentals of knowledge of physical culture" - history of physical culture and sports, human structure, personal hygiene, physical abilities of a person. Section "Methods of physical culture" - acquaintance with possible movements human, mastering vital movements and skills. Section "Physical improvement" - the harmonious development of schoolchildren, all-round physical fitness and health promotion. Course structure: Section "Physical development" - characteristics age opportunities and the tasks of the physical development of children. Section "Health" - the daily routine, the organization of sleep and nutrition, hygienic conditions and tempering procedures, cultural and hygienic skills, conditions for strengthening mental health.

The program of courses "Physical culture" (Lisitskaya, Novikova). The Origins program. Direction "Physical development". "The content of pedagogical work": Organizing teams (formation in a line, column, rearrangement in a circle, opening, closing); Athletics; Run; Jumping; Throwing; Throws; Gymnastics; Acrobatic exercises; Applied gymnastic exercises; Ski training; Outdoor games; "The content of pedagogical work": General developmental influences; Basic movements (walking, running, climbing, jumping, rolling, throwing and catching the ball); Outdoor games and play exercises; Sports games (small towns, basketball, football, hockey, badminton, tennis); Rhythmic movements Exercises in organizational actions (building, rebuilding, finding a place, turning); Movement with technical means (sledding, skiing, bicycles, roller skating, scooters); Exercises for mastering movements in aquatic environment; Approximate motor regimen of the day for each age.

The program of courses "Physical culture" (Lisitskaya, Novikova). The Origins program. Direction "Physical development". Methodological support: Textbook; School student sports diary (workbook); Methodical recommendations for textbooks "Physical culture"; Methodological support: Manual "Developing activities with children" edited by L.А. Paramonova.

The program of courses "Physical culture" (Lisitskaya, Novikova). The Origins program. Direction "Physical development". Expected result: The student is focused on a healthy lifestyle, adheres to healthy regimen day, actively participates in physical culture and recreational activities, has hobbies for sports activities, shows respect to the results of their own and others' labor. Planned result: The beginning of the formation of a healthy lifestyle was laid, the need for physical activity based on "muscle joy", children adequately respond to environmental changes, have an idea of own body, are more health conscious, avoid danger.

Chernukhinskaya average

Comprehensive school,

Arzamas district,

Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Physical education teacher

Veselov Alexander Demyanovich


Features of physical training of students

in connection with the implementation of the section

"Sports games" in the school curriculum.

    General characteristics.

    The problem of physical training of pupils at physical education lessons in the section "Sports games".

    The specificity of the selection of means and the method of their use in physical education lessons.

    general and special physical training.

    physical fitness equipment

    physical training methods

    development motor qualities

    Features of the organization of physical education lessons in the section "sports games"

    Normalization of the load of schoolchildren for development physical qualities at the lessons of sports games.

    Distribution of the material of sports games at physical education lessons.

    Personal experience work on the section of sports games.



I work as a physical education teacher at the MBOU "Chernukhinskaya secondary school" of the Arzamas district of the Nizhny Novgorod region from grades 1 to 11.

The school has 563 students, of which:

    primary school - 185 people,

    middle level - 261 people,

    senior link - 117 people.

The school also includes 2 groups kindergarten in the amount of 41 people.

The educational process is based on environmental education and upbringing of students. The school is a laureate of the All-Russian competition "School of the Year -99".

On that academic year 441 pupils belong to the main medical group, to the preparatory group - 150 pupils exempted from the physical education lesson - 13 people, to the special group - 4 pupils.

In sports sections he is engaged in:

Orphanage for creativity - 85 people:

a) athletic gymnastics - 60 people;

b) table tennis - 25 people.

School - 110 people:

a) initial link - 20 people;

b) sports games - 45 people;

c) basketball - 30 people;

d) volleyball - 15 people.

The problem of physical fitness of students in the classroom

physical culture in the section "Sports games".

Sports games as an academic discipline include several types of sports. In our school, preference is given to three types - volleyball, basketball and football. In the course of physical training, special attention should be paid to improving the health of students, forming a correct and proportional physique, developing the ability to withstand adverse influences (infections, colds, injuries, etc.), promoting a healthy lifestyle. As a means of physical education, sports games have their own characteristics, without which fruitful pedagogical activity... The most typical ones.

    The complexity of the impact on the body of students, i.e. simultaneous development of basic motor qualities (strength, endurance, dexterity, speed) and functional capabilities of the body of students (breathing, blood circulation and others). However, this is not entirely true. Some physical qualities with the help of sports games alone do not develop enough (strength of the arms, abdominal press, flexibility, and others). Therefore, in classes on sports games it is necessary to include exercises that contribute to the all-round physical development and physical fitness of students. Therefore, in the lessons I use the developments of the Nizhny Novgorod developers, which are included in the school curriculum, as well as my exercises, simulators, etc.

    A sudden change in the game environment requires quick and rational decisions.

    The great emotionality and fascinating nature of sports games creates difficulties in organizing the educational process, both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. The desire of children to quickly start playing sometimes causes insufficient serious attitude to the general physical training of children, the study of the elements of technology, the learning of tactical combinations. Therefore, using specific examples, I convince children about the advisability of all types of training.

    The big problem of physical fitness is the regulation of the load in sports games. Even in the same class, the development of children is different. Some children are taller, which is important in volleyball, basketball, others, for example, are overweight. Therefore, children have big differences in overall coordination of movements, flexibility, etc.

Therefore, the teacher should study the results medical examination children, and know which medical group the child belongs to - basic, preparatory or exempt from physical education. And in the process of classes, carefully monitor each student and correctly distribute the load. The teacher, knowing the level of general physical and special physical training of students, can apply the principle of differentiated teaching, divide children into development groups.

In my sports lessons it looks like this. For example, children from primary school came to the middle level. I did not know the physical fitness of everyone. But in the course of classes with them a certain picture of the class developed. Some guys have mastered the basics of volleyball practically from the very first lessons. For example, they performed the transfer of the ball with two hands from above with only minor errors. But when they are engaged in general group with weak guys, they get nervous, and at this age they are very emotional, they start yelling at each other, they have to calm down both of them. And I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to divide the children into development groups. But again, everything rests on the material base. There are very few balls, so the ball does not work for a couple, even three balls are not enough. I put strong guys in a separate group and they work with pleasure and with great interest. And in the weaker group I get up myself. The guys are also happy to practice without noise and abuse. I am constantly correcting, suggesting mistakes in performing the exercise, and here there is more opportunity to work with each one individually. Over time, many move to the group of the strongest. Also in basketball and football classes. I believe that the principle of differentiated education is the most suitable for our school.

The specifics of the selection of funds and the method of their use

in physical education lessons.

For physical education of character, the complexity in the use of means, and the means should include, in addition to physical exercises, natural forces, nature and hygienic factors, but the leading and specific means of physical education is physical exercise.

The grouping of physical education means (physical exercises + natural forces + hygienic factors) includes the predominant functionality of each means. Any applied remedy has an effect on the body as a whole, however, each has a specific, inherent only accentuated effect on a particular system, on a particular organ.

Each group brings together certain quality typical remedies. Using one remedy, but with different intensities, you can get several options. Finally, each remedy is not used in isolation, but in combination with other means of various groups.

Our school does not have a ski base, so I allocate hours of ski training to sports games. But I use the tools in the complex. For example, during the warm-up sports lessons, I take the children outside and run several laps around the school, depending on the class. The guys get a very good emotional charge, and all the same, running exercises in the fresh air have a better effect on the child's condition than in the gym. When the air temperature is above -10, we do general developmental exercises in the fresh air. Then I take the children into the hall and continue the lesson. In some lessons, we practice for 10 minutes gym for the development of physical qualities: strength, flexibility, strength endurance. And then we are already engaged in purely sports exercises with a ball, be it basketball or volleyball. I play football only in spring and autumn. And at the end of the lesson, a two-sided educational game is mandatory. I made the lesson plan in different ways. And purely gymnastics, and purely volleyball, basketball or athletics, but with experience I realized that it is best to combine several means of both general and special physical training in one lesson. The lesson turns out to be very interesting, intense and the children after the lesson say that they are very pleased with the lesson. Warming up in the open air during a lesson in sports games, although it will not replace ski training for children, which would be very useful in terms of the health of students, but nevertheless brings very great benefits, here both tempering and hygiene, and at this level, very actual problem... Indeed, there are 20 students and 28 students in a class, and it is very difficult for a teacher to give each child what he loves. Some people like volleyball, just to play, while others like to run and work out on simulators and gymnastic apparatus. And in a comprehensive lesson, the interests of most of the children in the class are affected.

There may be an inorganic amount of such complexes of funds. This implies the provisions that the teacher must be guided by: a) the variety of means creates, on the one hand, great difficulties in choosing the most effective remedy, and on the other hand, inorganic possibilities in solving any pedagogical problems; b) the choice of means should end with the development of their complexes, a system of influencing students.

Let's consider specifically what physical exercise is. Physical exercise is a motor action specially organized for solving the problems of physical education in accordance with its laws.

Consequently, not every motor action can be called physical exercise. Physical exercises will be only those motor actions that are aimed at solving the problems of physical education and are subject to pedagogical laws.

Currently, there are several classifications of physical exercise.

    This is a classification of physical exercises based on the historical systems of physical education. This includes:

a) gymnastic exercises;

b) playing exercises;

c) tourist physical exercises;

d) sports exercises.

    Classification of physical exercises on the basis of the characteristics of muscular activity (or on the basis of the influence on the development of motor qualities).

a) sports and strength physical exercises;

b) physical exercises requiring endurance;

c) physical exercises for coordination of movements;

d) physical exercises requiring a complex manifestation of motor qualities.

    Classification of physical exercises by value for solving educational problems:

a) basic physical exercises;

b) leading physical exercises;

c) preparatory physical exercises.

    Classification of physical exercises on the basis of the predominant development of individual muscle groups: for the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, for the muscles of the trunk and neck, for the muscles of the legs and hip joint.

A person is in constant interaction with the environment. Constantly changing meteorological conditions can cause biochemical changes in the body, leading to certain physiological and psychological changes... Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the influence external factors when performing physical exercises by students.

The use of natural forces of nature in the process of physical education is carried out in two directions:

    Natural forces of nature, as concomitant factors, creating factors that create, with proper consideration of their actions, the most favorable conditions for physical exercise. They complement and enhance the effectiveness of the impact of movements on the human body.

    Natural forces of nature as relative independent funds healing and hardening in the form of special procedures: solar, air and water baths... With relative impact, these procedures, included in the regime of work and study, become a form of active recreation, increase the effect of recovery and create positive emotions.

For classes on the street, our school has a good material base. We have a good stadium with a running track of 300 meters, two jumping pits, a gymnastic town (seven crossbeams, two parallel bars, a walkway), volleyball, basketball courts, an obstacle course. All this is in one complex. In addition, there is a forest near the school where we run cross-country distances. Outdoor activities typically fall in September, October and early November, April, May, and summer break. Here we hold lessons, competitions, sports events, "Health" days.

The natural forces of nature have a fruitful effect on the development of the child's body. Fresh air better provides the child's body with oxygen, and hence all other body systems (cardiovascular, circulatory, digestive), better affects the metabolism in the body. Hence the results. I noticed that the results of testing students, developed by the physical culture center of the Nizhny Novgorod Department of Education and Science, are higher at the stadium than in the gym. Although, according to the methodological recommendations, it is necessary to conduct testing in the spring, in the fall (May, October). I take those tests that can be taken in the hall, and I conduct them in between even in the winter. There is no ski preparation, so there is enough time for this, and this is, as it were, preparation for spring testing. So the long jump from a spot in the stadium improves somewhere within 5 cm, depending on the physical fitness of the student, shuttle run 4x9, the same, the results improve. The chin-up is also easier to perform and the results are better than in the gym. It follows that natural conditions accompanies the improvement of physical fitness results and improves general state child.

Lessons at the stadium or in the forest, I do not only with the goal of developing some kind of movement quality, but to have a set of physical exercises. For example, in an athletics lesson, the topic of the lesson is a run of 2000m. And endurance goes well with strength. Therefore, it is not bad for the children to walk along the "rukkhoda" and pull themselves up. At the end of the lesson, you can give a two-sided game (eg volleyball). And when the children go to another lesson, they will have a very good emotional uplift.

Also in autumn and spring I conduct a football section at the stadium for three age groups. And when the mud, slush, snow starts, I go to the gym and lead the volleyball section. As if I adjust to the regional plan of sports work, I prepare children for competitions for the regional championship.

V winter time our children play hockey. The hockey rinks in the village are all destroyed, so we are cleaning the skating rink on a natural reservoir. I do not run a hockey section, the material base does not allow, but we clean the rink with children all the time and they play hockey. Those who have skis go downhill. And during the winter holidays, the homeroom teachers go with the children to the forest. V winter forest very beautiful. After a lot of positive emotions.

But here I would like to make a small digression. The fact is that our village is located in a very unfavorable ecological zone. There is a plant for the reprocessing of spent rocket fuel seven kilometers from our school. This was often written about in the press and was shown on Nizhny Novgorod television. The public has long fought against the construction of this plant. But all the same, the plant has been built and is working. The atmosphere is often contaminated. Therefore, outdoor lessons must be taught with great care. There is a very heavy fog in the morning at the first lesson. Children complain of nausea and dizziness. Therefore, we urgently have to take them to the gym. And somewhere, in the third lesson, it dissipates, and the children are doing normally. This is a very urgent problem for us and we are not able to solve it ourselves.

    General and special physical training,

    Physical training aids,

    Physical training methods,

    Development of motor qualities.

The physical training of schoolchildren involved in sports is developing;

A) general physical training, aimed at educating and developing physical qualities that are not developing enough in this sports game;

b) special physical training, which ensures the improvement of physical qualities necessary for the game being studied.

The means of physical training in sports games include:

a) the chosen type of sports games (volleyball, basketball);

b) general developmental exercises;

c) special exercises;

G) outdoor games;

e) educational games, competitions;

Physical training methods include:

a) the method of strictly regulated exercise;

b) the method of learning in parts;

c) training exercises;

d) the method of learning as a whole;

e) game method;

f) competitive method.

Physical training forms and improves the functional systems of the body of those involved and therefore plays an important role in solving health tasks and ensuring motor activity. Physical training of students of general education schools is associated with the development of motor qualities - speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, dexterity. Knowledge of the existing patterns will allow the teacher to find a balance in the work on the technique of physical exercises and the quality of the result, to determine the age limits for the most effective development motor qualities.

Distinguish between simple and complex motor qualities. The motor qualities are constantly developing. This development proceeds in phases. In the beginning, the development of one quality is accompanied by the growth of another. In the future, the development of one quality can hinder the development of another. Age-related development of motor qualities is characterized by uniformity. This means different qualities reach their maximum development at different ages. Especially during puberty, multidirectional changes appear. The development of speed-strength qualities sharply increases, and the coordination of movements stops.

Periods characterized by significant changes in age development organisms were named critical. During such periods special training gives a higher effect for the development of certain qualities.

For the development of special physical fitness, special preparatory exercises with typical for the chosen type of sports games. Special physical training is based on the general motional readiness of the trainees.

In sports games, the development of strength greatly influences the development of other physical qualities. To develop strength in the classroom, I use exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups while lying down, squats, lifting legs in weight on a gymnastic wall, etc. Alternating different loads after a certain period of time, I make estimates. Knowing how many times the child does push-ups in the lying position (maximum), I find a small load and a large one. For example, a student does 40 push-ups. 70% of the maximum load will be 28 push-ups, the average load will be 32 times and 36 times large. In physical education lessons, for example, 2 times a week you need to alternate loads. In the first lesson 28 times, in the torus 32 times, in the third 36 times. And so during the month I alternate these loads. Then an estimate. The child is already doing the maximum push-ups, for example, 45 times. Now I find a small load, medium and large, based on the result obtained. And so on pull-ups and other exercises. I also achieve the development of strength through training on simulators. We have 5 of them and a barbell. For the development of special strength I use medicine balls, in volleyball I perform basketball transfers with children. For the development of speed-strength qualities, I alternate executions at full strength and at half strength. For example, do push-ups in the lying position once at a fast pace, one half-strength.

The efforts developed in isometric exercises allow you to exert maximum influence on the muscles in relation to the prose typical for this game. For example, I give movement in the stance of a volleyball player, a basketball player at every lesson. They can be performed with a 5-7 kg lead belt.

The speed of movement in sports games is very great importance... Speed ​​includes speed of movement, reaction to the ball, and speed of thinking.

To develop the speed of movement, I use short-distance running (10, 20, 30 meters), various types of shuttle running (4x9, 3x10, 10x10) in the lessons. In these types, the starting speed develops very well.

I train the reactions to a moving ball with passes in motion. I complicate the exercise by bringing the distance closer and changing the speed of the ball.

I develop endurance by running for up to 12 minutes. For high-speed endurance, I give running uphill, with a change in the speed of movement. I do these classes in a forest, where there are many ascents and descents. Running uphill by jumping. Jumping endurance is also developed here.

Flexibility largely depends on the mobility of the child's joints. But it is not enough. Therefore, you need to develop it. I usually use exercises in pairs for this: bends, lunges, etc. The gymnastic wall helps a lot in this. On it you can stretch the muscles of the legs, do the flexibility exercise according to Dolenko, etc. A simple exercise "bridge". Those who do not do from a standing position perform from a prone position. Torso bends, etc.

Features of the organization of physical education lessons

under the section sports games.

The practical implementation of the tasks of physical education of schoolchildren is carried out on a specially organized classes physical culture. The main form of physical education is a physical education lesson. At the lessons of physical education, the teacher creates conditions for solving all the problems of physical education and directs the independent work of students.

Lessons initially determine the content of other forms of physical education. All these circumstances bring the lesson to the rank of the main form of physical education of schoolchildren.

Lesson content often refers to only a specific set of physical exercises offered to students. Meanwhile, the analysis of everything that happens in the lesson shows that it is very important for the achievement of the intended result that the process of performing the planned exercises by the students and the various activities of the students associated with this performance. It manifests itself in listening to the teacher, observing and perceiving what was shown, comprehending what was perceived, practicing one's own actions and performing them, organizing self-control and self-esteem, discussing emotional manifestations in many other ways. The final result of the lesson depends on these elements of student activity. These elements of activity are the main content of the classes.

Physical culture lesson solves three main tasks: educational, health-improving and educational.

For the organization of sports games, the equipment of the sports hall is important. For example, in volleyball lessons, you can pull additional nets and parallel to the main one at a distance of 3-5 meters from it. It is advisable to install the grids at different heights for students with different physical fitness and the degree of mastering the skill of the game. In a large gym, a pair of sequentially connected nets can be pulled across the gym. With the appropriate markings, two volleyball courts are formed at once.

Basketball lessons will be more effective if the hall is equipped with 4-6 basketball backboards.

The analysis of the program allows us to conclude that many of the techniques are common for the handball and basketball, football and volleyball.

So, for a handball and basketball, the common ones are stands, movements, various methods of catching the ball, passing on the spot and in motion, dribbling, etc. When playing volleyball, basketball, such general techniques are used as standing positions, moving sideways and backward steps, lunge on the ball. This generality can be used at the initial stage of teaching sports games.

The measures to ensure the prevention of injuries during classes include strict adherence to order, the availability of the necessary sports clothing and footwear, the absence of items and equipment on the site that could cause injury. Ball exercises (especially with padded and basketball) must be performed at the command of the teacher.

The method of holistic teaching is the main method of playing sports. Dismembered training is used only when mastering complex technical and tactical actions. An important stage is learning techniques in conditions close to playing. From simple single movements they move on to complex, combined ones.

The final stage of mastering and consolidating skills is conducting educational games. For the development of tactical thinking, it is advisable to use specially selected preparatory outdoor games in the lesson. Their content should also ensure the consolidation of previously mastered skills and abilities.

To form interest in classes, it is advisable to alternate relay races and outdoor games with and without a ball during the lesson. Students should be trained to respond to the teacher's various sounds.

The transition to play should be gradual. First, a game is offered according to simplified rules and on a smaller site. The composition of the team is selected approximately equal in strength. In a small area of ​​the hall, students observe the game, on the instructions of the teacher, I fix the mistakes of the players or learn the rules of refereeing. The change of teams should be made after 5-6 minutes of the game.

The result of all work on sports games should be competitions within the class, between classes at work and after school hours, district and city competitions. It is worth inviting to the competition class teachers, director or head teacher for educational work, come up with a way of rewarding.

Each physical education lesson must be carefully planned and prepared by the teacher.

Let's take specifically sports games (basketball) in the 8th grade.

The lesson begins with the preparatory part: general construction, report of the duty officer, setting tasks. From the very first minute, it is necessary to demand ideal discipline from students. Otherwise, it will be further difficult to set the children up for a working mood. If I notice any disorder in the formation, I give the command to the officer on duty to start the construction again. But if the attendant cannot cope with the class, you have to achieve silence and discipline yourself. You give the command: “Be equal! Attention! " - and the class immediately understands what is required of them, and the person on duty continues to submit the report. It is precisely in the preparatory part that educational tasks, discipline in the ranks, order are solved. And if you don't put this in the beginning of the lesson right away, then you can miss the thread of the lesson. You can give drill to put things in order. Simple turns in place in a line also work. After the greeting, I set the task for the lesson. I explain the tasks clearly so that the children remember everything, so that there are no ambiguities. After walking, walking with assignments, I take the children outside for a run around the school. One circle is approximately 300 meters. If the weather is good, not cold, you can give two or more laps. And even carry out some of the general developmental exercises on the street. Then we go into the hall, the front door is two steps from the sidewalk. In this element of the lesson, a whole complex of lesson tasks is solved - educational, health-improving and educational. After running, I explain to the children the benefits of running exercises outdoors in winter: lack of oxygen in winter, sunlight. As well as hardening the body, fighting infections, etc. Children perfectly master and understand this. Moreover, in the physical education exam, these questions fall into many tickets.

For basketball, long running, jumping, various highly coordinated movements, quick thinking, power struggle are characteristic. A basketball player must have very good stamina to maintain a high pace of play. Therefore, during the warm-up in the gym, I also give short runs (speed-strength endurance). For example, wall to wall. The hall is small - 9x18, so eight sections of 9 meters each maximum speed will be sufficient. In one lesson, I combine both a long run at an average pace and a speed run on short intervals. Actually strength exercises give on the gymnastic wall: raising the legs in the hanging, jumping over the gymnastic bench, push-ups in the back support on the lower rail, and for girls in the back support on the gymnastic bench and bending the arms in the support lying. And having so well flexed the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, torso, legs, you can start working with balls. But here problems arise. We only have two basketballs at school. Last year there were a lot of balls: enough for a couple of balls. This is a more optimal variant of the special training of a basketball player. Of course, if there are enough balls for everyone involved, you can give a lot individual exercises basketball player. Here you already need to plan each lesson with a specific task.

Ball movement

Student movement

Player movement with the ball

We denote one of them by B, the other by A, the right column - C, the left - D. The exercise is as follows: player B makes a transfer in any way to the guide from column C, he runs out in a jump, catches the ball, takes two steps and throws into the ring. Player A passes the ball to the player in column D. He also runs out, catches the ball while jumping and throws it from two steps into the ring. Player A runs away at the end of Column C, and Player B runs away from Column D. The first throwers take the positions of Players A and B and the exercise continues. What is the relevance of this exercise? Firstly, for a student of grade 8, it is not difficult to complete the "two steps" element, but after running about catching the ball while running, it is already more difficult. Here we have an educational element. Children perceive my demonstration of this exercise, comprehend it, and translate the "two steps" element in their minds. Then they begin to perform these actions. Secondly, here it is created as if critical situation on the site like a playground. Balls fly in a nasty direction, and this is the education of students' reactions to a flying ball. The child must not get lost in order to complete the element without jogging, and not collide with a player from the other column, and whoever makes the transfer must make it so that the balls in the air do not bump into each other. Here, the student's game and tactical thinking develops, since the action is not performed individually by everyone, but is associated with the action of the entire group that is involved here. Here the educational task, the sense of camaraderie, collectivism, aesthetic education, the child tries to beautifully perform the element so that everyone will like it.

In sports games, there is such a thing as passing culture. This means you need to give a pass as accurately as possible so as not to create problems for your teammate to complete the element. I talk about all this to the children during classes.

This exercise for me is preparatory to the implementation of another, more difficult one. But after a few repetitions, the children perceive it and master it very well. In order not to waste a lot of time on rebuilding, I line up columns on midline and I get, as it were, oncoming columns, they turn the class to face one of the shields. I tell and show the students what functions each child will perform in this exercise.

Player A has the ball in column N. He passes to player C and runs out as shown. To set a screen for player V. I stipulate right away that I myself play the role of a defender. Children really like it when the teacher is involved in the classroom process, they are better mobilized, take a more responsible attitude to the task, and complete it much more efficiently. The teacher becomes, as it were, a senior comrade. In the first lesson of teaching children, not everything works out, sometimes they get confused where to run after one or another action in this exercise. So I, together with them, feel in this, then I constantly direct where to move, how to put up a barrier, etc. This exercise combines several technical elements at once: passing the ball, throwing into the ring in motion, setting a screen, picking up the ball under the ring and simply moving the player without the ball. And the student must do all this in a complex. Therefore, tactical thinking and all the technical elements that I have listed are developing very well here.

This task can be performed under two shields at once. There will be a large density of the lesson, and if there are additional boards and a lot of balls in the hall, then you can do it at each board, but this applies to large halls.

This exercise is also a preparatory exercise for combination actions in the attack. There is such a simple combination "Release the attacker from custody to execute a throw from an average distance." Pupils perform this combination in subsequent lessons. Very interesting too.

This is where the principle of learning "from simple to complex" is manifested. Children first consolidate the material they have passed, and then master new ones.

It is important to consider the pedagogical process as joint activities teacher and student.

A schoolchild who treats the teacher only as a person who sets and controls the work is formally included in the activity. A schoolchild who is determined to interact with the teacher, to cooperate with him, readily joins in the lesson and in the development of exercises.

All the exercises I have done can be complicated or simplified, you can come up with yourself. I have a lot of them in stock and I constantly alternate them in the classroom. Lessons are more interesting.

This is how the main part of my basketball lesson goes. At the end, I will definitely give you an educational game. In the game, I require the use of those elements that I went through in this lesson.

In the final part of the lesson, I summarize the results, give homework assignments, to reproduce the completed exercises in memory, so that it is easier to perform in the next lesson. I tell who needs to pay attention to the technique of execution.

This is how you can do basketball lessons with just two balls. The more the teacher has a supply of any combination exercises, the more interesting lessons can be done.

Normalization of the load of schoolchildren for development

physical qualities in the lessons of sports games.

One of the main reasons for the morbidity of schoolchildren is insufficient physical activity. Lack of rational physical activity primarily affects the development of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, neuroses, poor posture, flat feet, etc.

In order to get the proper health-improving effect from physical exercises, it is necessary to perform physical activity regulated by the structure and dose. When organizing physical education lessons, the teacher must correctly alternate loads of different intensities.

Loads are subdivided into training, competitive and control loads. Training loads are used to achieve the standard level of physical fitness of students.

Competitive loads are used in various sports events, relay races, etc. Favorable emotional mood of the competition contributes to the formation of interest and motivation in the fulfillment of physical activities, the upbringing of the attitude and the need for systematic physical education.

Control loads are carried out in the form of tests to assess the level of motor actions, to compare the actual indicators of schoolchildren.

The effectiveness of classes in achieving and maintaining the normative level of physical fitness is largely determined by the rational structure and rationing of loads. Most of the students do not play sports. Therefore, it is at physical education lessons that they should receive the necessary dose of developmental loads.

The proper parameters of the loads, which need to be spent about 45 minutes, and to maintain them at the standard level, it takes about 30 minutes. However, it is practically impossible to allocate that much time, since in the lesson, in addition to the development of motor qualities, other tasks should be solved.

For example, the normalization of loads aimed at developing endurance should have an intensity in terms of heart rate in the range of 100-170 beats per minute. The load at a heart rate below 100 beats per minute practically does not affect endurance. Such loads are used for restorative purposes (active rest). For schoolchildren, there will be a load with an intensity of 150-160 beats / min. Sufficient volume for one lesson is 10-15 minutes. The supporting load has the same parameters of volume and intensity as the developing one, since when the normative level of endurance is reached, the body adapts to it.

On average, the fulfillment of normative loads, even with two repetitions per week, allows most schoolchildren to reach the normative level of endurance during the school year. At 3-4 times the load per week, this period is significantly accelerated. After reaching the normative level, it is necessary to perform normalized supporting loads at least twice a week, since otherwise the level of endurance will decrease. At the lessons of sports sports games, and this is mainly in the winter period, I use running from 1000-1500m. For the development of endurance in sports games, it is very good to use a two-sided educational game (basketball, football, etc.).

If, after exercising, schoolchildren feel good, have a good appetite and sleep and have a desire to continue, this indicates that the body is coping with the load. An important indicator is also the pulse rate. Schoolchildren should be encouraged to keep a self-control diary, in which they will regularly enter data on their body weight, heart rate before and after training, well-being, etc. The teacher should periodically check the diary, and if the child's health worsens, then you need to see a doctor.

The self-control diary can be completed as follows. On the first page, the height, weight of the child, chest circumference, muscle strength of the right and left bones at the beginning of the school year are entered, and by the end it will be seen how effectively the child did this year. On the following pages, directly the content of workouts 1, 2, 3, 3, ... etc. Fill in on training days: heart rate readings before and after training, what was the state of health, sleep, appetite. In a separate column - sports results, which also reflect the state and capabilities of the body.

Also, the size of the load can be determined by the density of the lesson. To determine it, the timing of physical education lessons is used. Density is general and motor. The data are recorded in the protocols, which take into account the time of the action, observation, listening to explanations, rest, pauses. If the total density should be close to 100%, then their motor density can be different depending on the lesson. For example, when teaching an element in basketball, volleyball, it takes more time to explain than to perfect it. Therefore, the motor density in younger students should be approximately 70% -75%, in older ones - 75% - 80%. It also depends on the physical fitness of a particular student. The loads should be normalized for the development of strength qualities, endurance, strength endurance separately.

Distribution of sports games material

Physical education lessons.

The process of forming knowledge, skills and abilities is inextricably linked with the task of developing the mental and physical abilities of students. Unified state programs provide for compulsory physical education lessons. They are complemented by physical activities during the day (gymnastics before lessons, physical education breaks, games during recess), as well as various forms extracurricular and extracurricular physical culture work.

Pupils of primary grades from 1-3 study "Outdoor games", and starting from the 3rd grade, the simplest team games are included in the lessons. It should be noted that among the games studied in lower grades, the so-called summing up sports games are also included.

The section "Sports games" is presented in the program of grades 4 to 11. The program material of this section provides theoretical and practical parts. The first is the rules of the game, and the second is the fundamentals of the technique and tactics of a particular game.

When drawing up thematic plan for the academic year, I took into account the fact that there is no ski training in our school. Therefore, I used a varied approach, based on the hours allocated for ski training, I pay more attention to sports games. But again, on the basis of the material base. Basically I spend my hours on basketball and volleyball. But I also pay great attention to classes with children in the section of sports games. This includes football. As I mentioned earlier, it all depends on the planning of the work of the district school Olympiad in physical culture. Sectional training is based on this principle.

In the physical education lesson lesson plan, I include all the elements of basketball, volleyball that are given in the school curriculum. I pay great attention to the development of students' physical qualities (OFP).

In special training at the physical education lesson, I plan all movements in the basketball player's stance (sideways, face, back forward), stopping with two steps and a jump, turning in place with the ball and without the ball, combinations of the mastered elements of the technique of movements (moving, stopping, turning, acceleration). All these elements, starting with the initial link and ending with the senior, are found in almost every lesson. Catching the ball, passing is also practiced in every lesson. Passing two from the chest, one from the shoulder, I plan one by one with alternation. Keeping the ball in place and in motion in low, medium and high racks in a straight line, and with a change in direction and speed, are also found in almost every lesson. Tactical elements of the technique of throws, passes, dribbling, screening, etc. I give an educational game in almost every class. First, play according to simplified rules, for example, without observing certain rules of the game in basketball (the rule of three seconds, the middle line, etc.). When sufficient game skills are shown, we play basketball according to the rules of the game.

In volleyball lessons, there is also a lot of attention to general physical training, and then special physical training. The main focus of the special training exercises for children is on mastering the technique of movements, stops, turns and stands, mastering the technique of receiving and passing the ball (passing with two hands from above in place and after moving forward, passing the ball over oneself, passing the ball over the net in a jump, passing one hundred back to the goal, etc.), receiving the ball from below with two hands on the spot and after moving forward through the net to the desired zone, etc., mastering the technique of the lower straight serve (serving the ball from a distance of 3-6 m. from the net, combination of serve with reception of service, supply to a given part of the site, etc.). In the senior grades - mastering the upper straight serve, mastering the technique of a direct attacking blow with throwing the ball by a partner and after passing.

Usually, the mastery of the technique of one or another element in sports games begins with the initial link, and further in the middle and senior levels is improvement. And the learning outcome is visible in the two-way training game... If a student is good at one element, but worse than another, it is necessary to individually work with it in subsequent lessons and the result will be evident.

I pay a lot of attention to sports games in our school, and at athletics lessons it is spring, autumn. The material base allows us to give a two-way educational game at the end of the lesson, here I include football, volleyball, and basketball. At the stadium good sites... For example, girls play with pleasure and play with boys. The lesson takes on a very interesting and funny tone. Girls' movements in football are not as technical as those of boys, so there is laughter, and excitement, and the joy of children. In general, you need to devote more time to the game. The time is difficult now, and children will not be superfluous from the game.

In sports games important element in teaching is testing. For the study of a particular technical action, I carry out a test. Appreciating the technique. I also give a credit lesson on the educational game.

Personal experience in the section of sports games.

I have been working in Chernukhinsky secondary school since 1989. Graduated from the Lukoyanov Pedagogical School (physical culture department, then Gorkovsky pedagogical institute(Faculty of Physical Education). I am the head of the methodological association of teachers of physical culture and life safety of our school.

During my work, I pay special attention to sports games. Prepared teams for regional and regional competitions. I see my work in close connection with other blissful schools. We regularly organize sports competitions with the Motovilovsky children, the Poshatovsky orphanage, and the Lomovsky school. Basketball is very poorly developed in our area, practically one of our schools deals with this sport. We have established contact with the guys from the Dalne-Konstantinovsky district. Now we constantly meet, we play in different groups.

Twice a week I conduct sectional classes in sports games. 40 children were involved in the football section, they had to conduct classes every day, including Sunday. Conducted three groups. In the spring of this year, all groups were prize-winners of regional football competitions. In the younger age group 1988-89. The guys were born champions, in the 1987-86 group. took second place, and in the group 1985-84. - third place. The younger group took part in regional zonal competitions, but took 3rd place and did not make it to the main final. Arzamas and Sarov went there. But I think that next year we will perform better.

Previously, in football competitions, we were only twice regional champions, but we won prizes almost every year.

I myself play football for the district championship among rural administrations. It helps me a lot in my work. The fact is that the material base is very weak, and I organized the adult team myself. The money for the uniform had to be earned by ourselves. There is no one to expect help. A little money was given by businessmen, a little enterprises, but mostly they earned themselves. So far we have bought only football boots and balls. But by the spring the uniform will already be purchased. This is what I use in my work. There was an agreement with the rural athletes that our schoolchildren would also use boots and uniforms. Although all rural players are my graduates. Many of them were both prize winners and district champions among schoolchildren. And now they help me a lot in my work. In the adult team, there are also four children from the senior classes who study in my section. So the connection between generations has a very good effect on the upbringing of children. During the district championship games, 200 people gather at the stadium to support the village team. After the game, games are organized between those wishing to play. Someone immediately plays volleyball, basketball. Time passes very fun and interesting. In any case, there are so many positive emotions that it will last for a whole working week an adult, but they usually come here after a hard day. I myself live near the stadium and stay there until late at night, until everyone goes home. I collect inventory and so on until next time. On Sundays, they gather for training and all my students come here and also train with us. They learn a lot from their older comrades. What an honor for a child to play on the same team with his idols.

In this way, a lot of children are involved in physical education, and in the future, maybe in sports. Replacement of elders needs to be raised.

I also use this training method in volleyball classes. The men's village team goes to our school hall to train in the evenings. On the same days, I schedule training for the school's national volleyball team. Joint training has a much greater effect than if the children were engaged alone. And the attitude to training is responsible, and they train seriously. Some of the guys from the school team are recruited by adults to their team. They already consider themselves as adults and behave more seriously in their presence. The adult team also plays in the regional championship in volleyball, and I am its captain.

A little about basketball. As I have already said, basketball is not practiced in our region, so we cook in our own juice, as it were. But we have a lot of children playing basketball in the sections. Competitions are held constantly and in all age groups. And we enter the regional zonal competitions automatically and defend the honor of the Arzamas region. One has to compete in these games with city teams, and there are only sports schools there. But once we made it to the final. It was in 1995 and was called the final of the "Small Games of Goodwill". It was held centrally in Nizhny Novgorod from August 12 to September 10. Track and field athletics, volleyball, football, basketball - all these sports were in this grandiose celebration of sports. Athletes from Riga even came here. This sporting miracle remained in the memory of children for all their lives. And in all this action was the only village basketball team from the Chernukhinsky high school. All other teams were represented by national teams from cities like Leninsky and Prioksky districts.

It was truly a basketball holiday. The teams were such strong. All the teams from our zone Arzamas, Arzamas district, Perevoz, performed unsuccessfully, brought the guys of the wrong age, so they were in the tail. But that's not the point. The main thing is that the children gained a lot of experience, got acquainted with many Nizhny Novgorod basketball players. We lived on a motor ship during the competition. We drove the children along the Volga, there was fireworks all over the city, very interesting. Where else would rural kids see this. Maybe none of them in their entire life will have to see the ship in the eye. And here is such a holiday. The children were just happy. It seems to me that for the sake of this it is worth working at school, teaching children physical education. And now we come to power of people of sports, the physical culture movement must revive with great force. Let's hope for this and work with full dedication.


    Methodology of physical education of schoolchildren.

Moscow "Education" 1989, edited by G.B. Macson

L.E. Lyubomirsky

2. Fundamentals of the methodology of physical education of schoolchildren.

Moscow "Education" 1989 B.N. Minaev

B.M. Shiyan

3. Theory and methodology of physical culture.

Moscow "Physical culture and sport" 1991 L.P. Matveev

4. Dosing of physical activity of schoolchildren.

Moscow "Education" 1991

5. Sports games and teaching methods.

Moscow "Physical culture and sport" 1986 Yuri I. Portnykh

“Sports and outdoor games as a means of physical and spiritual development of the individual. Their place in the school physical education curriculum. "

Our life makes tough, sometimes cruel requirements for a person. Social instability, uncertainty in the future, in its significance, social factors put pressure on a person with a heavy load. It cannot but render negative impact to health.

And a person can lose health at the stage of growing up. I will not talk about how and what our children eat. What kind of load a child must withstand in order to successfully master the school curriculum. This requires him to spend many hours in a static position at school and at home. And also often it is just not to get the child out from behind the computer. Of course, this negatively affects, first of all, the organs of vision, the spine. The network of deviations and diseases is growing. Problems with being overweight can occur.

A variety of sports and health-improving methods and systems help to solve some problems. But not all of them are available and understandable.

Physical education at school is aimed at performing the following tasks:

Health promotion;

Development of motor abilities;

Teaching vital motor skills and abilities;

Acquisition necessary knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports;

Raising the need and ability to independently engage in physical exercises, use them for the purpose of rest, training, increasing efficiency and strengthening health.

Promoting the upbringing of moral and volitional qualities of the individual.

The section "Outdoor games" in primary school and "Sports games" in primary and secondary schools contains educational material, which is an indispensable tool for solving a complex of interrelated tasks of upbringing the student's personality, developing his various motor abilities, improving the skills and abilities necessary in sports activities and in life.

Even in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, games were turned into one of the most active means of education. Possibilities of using games in educational purposes extremely varied. Of particular value is the fact that during the period itself active formation, for children and teenage years, gaming activity takes the greatest place.

There are three main groups of games:




Do not forget about virtual games, but this is a topic for another conversation.

Sports games in their modern form began to take shape in the late 19th - early 20th century. They represent the highest stage of development folk games... A large content of motor actions, which make up the content of the game, contributes to the upbringing of conditioned, coordination, moral and volitional qualities. At the same time, games allow you to improve vital skills and abilities.

Basketball, volleyball, handball, football (boys) are recommended as basic sports games in a comprehensive physical education program.

One of the most popular games in the world in general and in schools in the country in particular is basketball. Games like basketball have been popular among different nations since ancient times. J. Naismith created a game in search of new forms and methods of physical education in order to revive the lesson. In December 1891, Naismith formulated the first rules new game and played the first basketball match. Naismith came up with an indoor game and described it like this: "Basketball is easy to play, but difficult to play well." December 1891 was the birth date of basketball.

The uniqueness of the game lies in the widest range of effects on the students. All major systems of the body, all major muscle groups are involved. Unlimited opportunities are created for the development of conditioning, coordination abilities, there is a multilateral influence on development mental processes students (perception, attention, memory, speed and rationality of thinking, imagination, etc.). Playing basketball fosters team spirit, the ability to subordinate oneself to the interests of the team.

Using the example of highly qualified players, one can see how high the requirements for conditioning qualities are.

Participating in competitions, a basketball player overcomes a distance of 5-7 thousand meters, while making 130-140 jumps, up to 120-150 jumps, while operating the ball for 3.5-4 minutes (if he plays all 40 minutes without replacement), and the rest of the time plays without the ball.

Much of the above can be attributed to the rest of the sports games recommended in the program. In the course of each game, operation of any power is possible. Therefore, students develop a high level of both aerobic and anaerobic performance,

Following from the above, we can conclude that teaching a child to play sports can be started from early school age. In the first, in the second grade, we study the movement racks, simulate catching and passing the ball. We learn to catch a ball thrown over ourselves, thrown by a partner from below. Very carefully, without violating the principle "from simple to difficult", you need to gradually complicate the tasks, move on to dribbling (with two, one hand).

In 3-4 class relay races with elements of basketball. Outdoor games leading to the game of basketball (ball to the captain).

In the middle link, starting from the fifth grade, skills in passing and dribbling are consolidated. We widely use relay races.

In grades 6-7, playing practice is used in an educational game according to simplified rules.

In the 8th grade, we fix the two-step rhythm in stops, passes, throws into the basket.

In the 9th grade, consolidation of skills to act in defense and attack. Mastering a jump throw. Improving the transfer of the ball (in pairs, in the three). Complete gaming practice.

In grades 10-11, the skills obtained in previous grades continue to be improved. Along with this, the mastery of more complex technical and tactical techniques continues. Regular use of sports games in high school significantly increases interest in physical education.

Another universal means of physical education deserves attention - rounders. Lapta is one of the oldest Russian games. She is reckless, spectacular, requires the development of many physical qualities - in this she is not inferior to the now widespread games, or even surpasses them. It is available for boys and girls of all ages. It is very important that rounders are of military-applied importance.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the depth and versatility of the impact make games an irreplaceable means of educating the younger generation. The use of games in a certain system and in combination with other means of physical culture ensures high efficiency of upbringing the necessary conditioning, coordination and personal qualities of pupils.

One cannot but agree with the expression of A.M. Gorky: "Play is the path of children to the knowledge of the world in which they live and which they are called to change."


    Basketball. Edited by Yu.M. Portnova.

    Outdoor games for children. Lapta. Lepyoshkin V.A.

    Programs of educational institutions. Lyakh V.I., Zdanevich A.A.

    Sports and outdoor games. Edited by Yu.I. Tailors.

    Theory and methodology of physical education and sports. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsova V.S.

    Physical education of students in grades 5-7. Lyakh V.I., Meykson G.B., Kopylov Yu.A.

    Physical education of students in grades 8-9. Lyakh V.I., Meykson G.B., Kopylov Yu.A.

Today, experts believe that the main tasks of physical culture and sports work at school are the formation of physical culture among students and teaching them a healthy lifestyle, instilling interest in physical culture and sports activities, developing the skills of regular physical exercises, promoting emotional, intellectual, moral and aesthetic personality development. the formation of creative abilities.

New school programs for physical education are aimed at solving precisely these problems.

In new school curricula in physical education, a larger number of hours is provided in comparison with the old programs, allocated for outdoor and sports games as well as a greater variety of games.

In our country, there are four main approaches to rethinking the content of physical culture and sports work in schools and other educational institutions... The first focuses mainly on the assimilation of certain knowledge by students in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as motor skills and abilities. The second approach focuses on a meaningful training effect and high level development of physical qualities by increasing the volume of compulsory physical education. Third , sports-oriented, the approach is based on a rational combination of classroom-lesson and sectional forms of practicing certain sports. The task is to form students' habit of systematically engaging in selected types of physical activity. Within the framework of the fourth - health-improving approach, the health of students and the corresponding level of their physical development, physical fitness are considered as the highest value.

During the search innovative approaches to the organization of training sessions with children and adolescents, psychologists and specialists, the special significance and attractiveness of play activities for them was revealed. Outdoor and sports games allow you to solve a whole range of important tasks in working with children and adolescents: satisfy their need for movement and stabilize emotions, teach them to control their body, develop not only physical qualities, but also mental, mental and Creative skills, moral qualities, etc. The systematic use of outdoor games at physical education lessons, in extended day groups, at extended breaks in schools helps to optimize the motor regime, improve health, and increase mental performance. Sports games can rightfully called a means of comprehensive physical training of students.

Planning the educational process in physical culture for conducting lessons on sports games with schoolchildren.

Sports training planning

In universities, when working with student-athletes, special documents are used: annual work plans, schedules of the educational process, competition calendars, individual plans, and lesson plans. The documents stipulate the principles of sports training, taking into account the volume and individuality of the load. At the same time, the classical system of training highly qualified athletes provides for the beginning of classes at the age of 8-11.

Lesson is the main form of organizing sports games.

The main form of organizing and conducting classes on sports games is a lesson , which is carried out with a permanent team of students on a fixed schedule and under the guidance of a teacher. Achievement of high sports results is impossible, moreover, without systematic performance of morning exercises, independent work on technique and tactics, participation in competitions.

Each individual lesson should be linked to both previous and subsequent lessons. The lesson is compiled according to a specific plan , which makes it possible for the teacher to distribute the material in the desired sequence and provide for the organization and methods of conducting classes, depending on specific conditions.

Before each lesson, specific tasks are put forward arising from the general tasks of the educational and training process. When determining the tasks of the lesson, one should take into account the composition of the students, their preparedness, the state of the material base and the ultimate goal of classes with this group. Based on the specific tasks of the lesson, its content is also determined.

Lesson structure on sports games, it provides three parts - preparatory, main and final, each of which has its own primary tasks and typical means.

The first part of the lesson is preparatory.

The main purpose: the organization and preparation of those involved in the subsequent activities.

Objectives: 1. Organizing a group for classes, mobilizing attention and increasing the emotional tone of the trainees.

2. Preparation locomotor system and increasing the activity of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

The second part of the lesson is the main one.

Main purpose: teaching and improving special knowledge and skills.

Objectives: 1. Increasing the level of physical development and fitness of those involved.

2. Further development and upbringing of motor, moral and volitional qualities, preparation of those who go in for increased stress.

3. Mastering the technical and tactical skills of the game. Typical remedies: special preparatory exercises,

exercises in technical and tactical techniques and actions, game exercises and prep games, team games (volleyball, basketball, football, hockey, etc.) - the third part of the lesson - the final one.

Main purpose: end of the lesson.

1. Gradual decrease (sedation) of the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous and muscular systems.

2. Preparation for the subsequent (after the lesson) activities.

3. Summing up the lesson.

Typical means: slow walking, jogging at a moderate pace, drill exercises, exercises for attention and relaxation, play exercises that do not require high intensity of action, analysis of mistakes and notes on the lesson.

Organization of students' activities (physical exercises) in the lesson of sports games.

Features of conducting sports games with schoolchildren of different ages.

At this age, children cannot concentrate enough long time, and therefore it is necessary to change tasks more often, to make wider use of the game, competitive form, to conduct training mainly in a holistic way with a large share of demonstration and leading exercises.

Sectional classes in sports in the education system are carried out sports teachers sectional preparation children's youthful clubs of physical training at the regional regional centers of physical culture and sports. A teacher of sports-section training, in contrast to a coach of narrow specialization in boxing, judo, football, taekwondo, etc. is a general sports specialist. Along with knowledge of physical education, he must have basic knowledge of playing sports and martial arts, perfectly master the teaching methodology, taking into account developmental psychology, human physiology.

Sports section training in sports is carried out according to the curriculum and curriculum calculated in the main, high schools 1.30 academic hours three times a week, in secondary specialized, higher educational institutions 1.30 academic hours four times a week for 52 weeks of section classes, competitions, sports and health camps and according to individual plans of students for the period of their active rest during school holidays.

The main forms of work of DYUKFP are:

Sports section training (individual and group);

Sports section training at training section camps;

Participation in competitions;

Educational-sectional process in a health-improving sports camp;

Medical rehabilitation measures;

Theoretical studies;

Instructor and referee practice;

Viewing and analysis of educational films, video programs, sports competitions;

Drafting long-term plan and analysis of the work for the year.

Classes in sports-section and sports-health-improving groups are held in general education schools, in secondary specialized educational institutions using the existing sports facilities, sports equipment and equipment. To ensure year-round educational training and active recreation of students during the holidays, health and sports camps are organized at educational institutions.

DYUKFP organizes and conducts educational work with students according to the plan approved by the director. Educational work should contribute to the comprehensive harmonious development personality, love for the Motherland and responsibility to the team and carried out taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the level of sportsmanship.

The DYUKFP conducts educational section training, mass sports events in sports after the end of the lessons of general subjects, weekends, holidays and vacations among boys and girls separately 5-6,7-8,9-11 grades, under the general guidance of the National Scientific practical center of physical culture.

2,25Tasks and content of the preparation process in the CYSS (1)

The orientation and content of training young volleyball players are determined primarily by age-related characteristics of the functioning of organs and systems of the body, psychological characteristics and are guided by the model characteristics of highly qualified athletes.

According to the characteristics of the psychophysiological development of school-age children, volleyball players in the CYSS are conventionally divided into the following age groups: 8-10 years old, 10-12 years old, 12-14 years old, 14-16 years old, 16-18 years old.

8-10 years old(groups of initial training). Until the age of 10, there are no significant differences in the growth rates of the development of the body in boys and girls.

Ossification of the arms, legs, pelvic bones in initial stage... The underdeveloped muscles of the back with increased loads can cause deformation of the vertebral bends.

Functional indicators nervous system are still far from perfect. Extreme inhibition is sharply expressed. The perception of new movements is contemplative. The most memorable details of the movement are highlighted, and important parts of the exercise are omitted. Attention and accuracy of movements are poorly developed, especially when learning movements. Therefore, directed training in volleyball technique is impractical.

The main tasks of preparation:

1. Teaching the technique of performing physical exercises for the formation of motor skills and abilities.

2. Promoting the harmonious development of a growing organism, strengthening health, developing dexterity, speed-strength abilities, general endurance, flexibility.

3. Acquaintance with the basics of volleyball technique.

4. Identification of promising young athletes for training in the sports school.

Teaching physical exercises is carried out using the methods of visualization, the use of words, the method of exercises, game and competitive in compliance with the principles of training - from simple to complex, from known to unknown

Planning of the educational and training process for sports games in sports sections, groups, teams.

When planning educational work on the physical education of schoolchildren, it is necessary to remember such an important component of it as activities of sports sections and competitions.

Care must be taken to ensure that sport sections were organized primarily by the types of physical training included in the curriculum. This will provide an opportunity for the physical education teacher to prepare an active person who can help him with lessons and sports events.

The participation of schoolchildren in sports competitions allows you to better consolidate the educational material of physical education lessons. For this, the calendar plan of mass sports events, including competitions, should be maximally linked to the schedule of the educational process and the work plans of teachers. It is optimal when, depending on the type of physical exercises studied in the lesson, sports competitions are planned. For example, after learning the technique of the game, it is necessary to hold school-wide competitions in sports games and involve the maximum number of participants in them.

2,26Training Planning Basics

The goal of the sports reserve training system is to ensure that the preparedness of young volleyball players who have completed a long-term training course meets the requirements for teams of the highest ranks. These requirements serve as a guideline in programming the training of young athletes and the development of standards.

The effectiveness of planning essentially depends on the indicators on the basis of which the plans are developed and the evaluation of the training is carried out. All indicators that accompany training work are reflected in the program material for the youth sports school (training regimes, time distribution for types of training, etc.).

The process of high-quality training work will achieve high efficiency if it is carried out systematically, on the basis of a long-term plan, developed taking into account age characteristics a growing organism, the fitness of an athlete, his mode of life, study.

Follow the sequence in setting goals. The first two or three years of classes in the CYSS are the creation of a solid foundation for all-round readiness and education sports equipment. Further - the development of physical qualities and the improvement of sports equipment and tactics in accordance with age characteristics.

The preparedness of an athlete will progressively increase only if the training and competitive loads at all stages of work fully correspond to the functional capabilities of the body of a young athlete.

Each period of the next annual cycle should begin and end at a higher level of training loads than the previous one.

For young athletes, it is advisable to draw up long-term plans for 2-3 years; for older people - for longer periods.

Long-term plans are developed both for the group and for one athlete.

Perspective The (group) plan includes the following sections:

Brief description of the group;

The purpose and main tasks of long-term training;

Stages of preparation and the main focus of training in stages;

Sports and technical indicators and control standards characterizing the fitness of athletes;

Pedagogical and medical supervision. Annual the plan deciphers a specific year of the long-term plan and consists of the following sections:

team characteristics;

The purpose of sports training;

The main focus of the work on the periods of the annual cycle;

Fixed training facilities and their distribution throughout the year;

Participation in competitions;

Control of preparation.

Programs for educational institutions:

Currently, educational programs are used in the practice of educational institutions: Comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11 (compiled by VI Lyakh, AA Zdanevich. - M .: "Education", 2005); Programs of educational institutions. Physical education. Primary school (grades 1-4). Basic school (grades 5-9). secondary school(Grades 10-11) (compiled by A.P. Matveev. - M .: "Education", 2008).

Program structure on physical culture on the example of a comprehensive program for students in grades 1-11 (compiled by V. I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich. - M .: "Education", 2005).

Explanatory note includes: the goals and objectives of F.V., the content of the program material of the basic and variable (differentiated) parts. Base component constitutes the basis of the state educational standard in the field of physical culture. Variable part physical culture is due to the need to take into account the individual characteristics of children, regional, local and national characteristics.

Part 1. Main sections of the program(1-4 grades, 5-9 grades, 10-11 grades): 1.1. Targets and goals. 1.2. Organizational and methodological instructions. 1.3. Approximate distribution of study time for various types of program material (hours schedule). 1.4. The basic part of the content of the program material: 1.4.1. Fundamentals of knowledge about physical culture. 1.4.2. Sports games. 1.4.3. Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics. 1.4.4. Ski training. 1.4.5. Elements of martial arts. 14.6. Swimming. 1.5. The variable part of the program material (national types of physical exercises, games, martial arts, applied types sports, etc.).

Part 2. Physical culture and recreational activities in the mode of academic and extended day (gymnastics before training sessions, physical education, physical training pause, physical exercises and outdoor games for extended breaks). Part 3. Extracurricular work(sport sections). Physical culture and sporting events(days of health and sports, sports days, tourist rallies, hikes, sports holidays).

Technology for developing a plan-outline of a physical education lesson at school.

Lesson outline- a document for planning the pedagogical process in physical education for each lesson based on the work program and is a complete detailed scenario of the upcoming lesson. It indicates: the tasks of the lesson: educational, educational, health-improving (example), time, place, date, inventory and equipment, the content of the lesson is determined in accordance with the State Educational Standard and the work program, are selected necessary funds(exercises) indicating the parameters of the load (number of repetitions, intensity, duration in minutes, seconds, etc.), organizational and methodological guidelines are being developed.

When developing the content: 1) determine the means and methods; 2) clarify inventory and equipment; 3) develop methods for organizing student activities in the classroom (frontal, group, etc.); 4) determine the evaluation criteria.

Outline of a physical education lesson in …… class

Lesson Objectives:
