Sizes at 16 weeks. The main medical appointments concern. What's going on inside of you

Most likely, it will pass unnoticed for you.

There are no special changes in your condition, you feel great, others are trying to please you in everything - rest and enjoy.

His face is almost formed, but the ears are still developing.

Respiratory system is not yet fully developed and the child receives a portion of oxygen through the placenta, however, like all other useful substances.

The child's blood already contains the required number of red blood cells, leukocytes, etc.

By the way, during this period of pregnancy, the fetus begins to perceive voices, feels streams of light and hears loud music.

Signs and sensations of a woman at 16 weeks of pregnancy

During this period, a pregnant woman feels the baby's movements.
Some are still weak, others hear clear jolts. The child is strong enough and has grown, now he has enough strength to dig with his feet.

The food system is already formed, various strange sensations can be felt, this is the movement of exhaust gases. Almost all women forget about toxicosis and can safely devote all their attention to themselves and their child.

Talk to him often, smile, stroke his stomach, the baby will certainly hear and feel everything and will definitely answer you.

Your weight continues to grow slightly, although your speed has decreased significantly.
The belly is rounded and quite noticeable.

The uterus is significantly enlarged and occupies the entire space of the small pelvis and part of the abdomen, therefore constantly presses on bladder... That's why, you started to run to the toilet a lot.

Now urination will become even more frequent. At long journeys, you should consider the possibility of frequent visits to the toilet. There is no need to hold back and endure in yourself.

Don't limit yourself in the use of liquids, on the contrary, a pregnant woman should drink a lot of water. During this period, there is a possibility of developing cystitis, and frequent urination prevents the risk of disease.

With the growth of the fetus, it becomes more difficult for a woman to cope with well-being. Dizziness often occurs, indoors without fresh air, fainting appears. The reason is constantly low hemoglobin.

The uterus needs a large amount of fresh blood flow, sometimes the body of a pregnant woman is not able to give out, and she herself has a lack of blood flow. Consequently, the required amount of blood does not enter the brain and fainting may occur in stuffy rooms.

This is very dangerous condition, when falling, especially if not nearby loved one, the fetus may be damaged and internal bleeding may open. That's why, doctors are at last months pregnancy, constantly measure hemoglobin levels, blood pressure and general state women.

Doctors will constantly measure the size of the abdomen and do not worry if they are very different from other women in a similar period of pregnancy. After all, a large amount of space is occupied by amniotic fluid, and only part of it is a fetus.
The main thing is not the size of the abdomen, but the size of the fetus itself.

A few words about discharge at 16 weeks of pregnancy

Allocations are present and so it should be. After all, the body is constantly cleansed of toxins.

But the discharge should not be too heavy. Their color is almost transparent without any special pungent odors.

The presence of white (milky discharge), indicates the appearance of an infection, as a rule, it is thrush.

When the temperature rises above 37 degrees, we can talk about an inflammatory process.

Any spotting is very dangerous for the fetus. Ranging from cervical erosion to internal bleeding.

If you see the selection is not transparent color and felt Strong smell(acetone), consult a doctor immediately.

A miscarriage is no longer dangerous, but another appears danger of fetal freezing.

A woman should constantly hear the movements of the baby. They can stop only during his sleep, and, as you know, the child, being in the womb, sleeps often, but very little. Otherwise, consult a doctor.

This state very dangerous for a woman's life.
Of course, you will not return the fetus, but with a frozen pregnancy, there is a threat of blood poisoning. In this case, carry out surgical intervention and the rehabilitation time is quite long.

Reasons for the appearance of a frozen pregnancy:

  • First and foremost, multiple abortions that preceded this pregnancy.
  • Lifting or carrying heavy loads.
    Often women in the village carry water in buckets, this is is strictly prohibited.
  • Bad habits, the use of alcohol or tobacco before and during pregnancy.
  • Unfavorable habitat. Rooms with acid content.
  • Prolonged stay in smoky rooms.
  • In rare cases, the appearance of an infection. By the way, it is the infection that your partner can transmit to you if you continue to have sex. Be sure to follow basic hygiene rules.

Fetus at 16 weeks of gestation

Don't worry about the baby - he continues to grow gradually and now his size is about 17.5-19 cm.

The movements become more active: the baby can turn the head from side to side, yawn, stretch and even fart (his intestines are working).

A unique fingerprint has been formed, the marigolds have practically grown, the arms and legs are fully formed and the baby can freely bend in the joints.

The 16 week of pregnancy is accompanied by activity. He is constantly tumbling, actively working with arms and legs.

Visually, on the belly of a pregnant woman, you can see how small bumps appear and disappear.

Intestines, liver and kidneys are actively working.

Now there is a full bowel movement. After all, a child knows how to swallow amniotic fluid.

The heart has grown and strengthened, it is able to work at full capacity. At the same time, the number of beats is still large and amounts to 120-140 times per minute.

The endocrine glands begin to work, the adrenal glands are formed and are ready to perform their functions.

The genitals, prostate, ovaries and eggs develop.

A pregnant woman can constantly talk to her baby, he hears and understands her quite normally.

The fetus for 16 weeks feels the emotional state of the mother, reacts to light, warm and cold.

The kid is tumbling and awake more than sleeping.
The first signs and desire to see the light appear.
Sometimes this is manifested by strong activity and intense movements of the arms and legs.

Try to talk to your unborn child as often as possible - he likes it.

If you did not have time to do the SPL at 14-15 weeks, do not worry, you can go through now.

This analysis is carried out in order to identify pathologies of the brain and the presence of an extra chromosome (Down syndrome).

An ultrasound will show the location of the fetus, although the baby has not yet taken correct position... He can freely rotate in the placenta.

The condition of the limbs, their shape, size.

The doctor will determine how correctly the internal organs are developing, their correct location and the presence of possible pathology.

With the help of the equipment, a mother can hear the heartbeat of her future child.

The attending physician at the 16th week of pregnancy will now more often visually examine the pregnant woman, measure the abdominal circumference, and probe the position of the uterus.

Nutrition for the expectant mother at week 16

At the 16th week of a woman's pregnancy, the formation of the baby's skeleton is completed.

The baby already weighs about 110 grams. At this stage, you will feel the movement of the fetus within you, it is an unforgettable experience. For this reason, replenish your body with healthy foods.

It is necessary to eat foods containing protein, carbohydrates and fats in moderation. Nutritionists advise eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.

To make up for the lack of protein in the body, include in your diet:

  • meat,
  • legumes,
  • seeds and nuts.

The most useful meat is considered to be lean rabbit, turkey, chicken or beef.

Prepare fish dishes at least twice a week.

Ideally, you should eat complex carbohydrates, they take a long time to digest and replenish the body nutrients but you won't put on weight.

Complex carbohydrates include wholemeal bran bread, whole porridge, vegetables and fruits in the peel.

Replace table salt with iodized or fluorinated salt, reduce its amount to a minimum, and best of all replace it with soy sauce.

In the morning, do not limit yourself in the amount of liquid, drink clean water without gas, weak teas without sugar.

The amount of water consumed per day should not be less than 2 liters.

16 obstetric week of pregnancy is 4 months of waiting for the baby. A time when the focus is only on the unborn child.

What dangers may lie in wait for mom at this stage? How to prevent and avoid potential problems unpleasant symptoms at week 16?

16 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photos, how does the baby develop and feel?

Gradually, by the 16th week, the baby increased to 105 - 115 mm, its weight is 80 g... This rapid pace of development is considered normal. The child begins to perceive well all sounds, voices and music.

What has formed, what is happening, what does the child look like?

For a week, the following processes take place in the baby's body:

  • Hemoglobin begins to be synthesized in the blood.
  • The legs are lengthened.
  • The chest is trying to make breathing movements.
  • The adrenal cortex already produces all the necessary hormones.
  • Toenails appear.
  • Chaotic movements are replaced by more meaningful ones.

What is seen on an ultrasound scan?

On an ultrasound, the doctor determines the size of the fetus, the presence of a heartbeat, the state of the placenta. A mother can see her baby stretching inside her tummy, playing with arms and legs, opening and closing her mouth, and even spitting.

He can also smile sweetly, frown and rotate his head.

At this time, mothers usually find out the sex of the unborn child. In most cases, at 16 weeks, the doctor is not mistaken, so parents can safely choose a name for their baby.

Video: Screening for 16 weeks of pregnancy

Fetal heart rate at 16 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

The tiny heart of the future baby is fully functional at this time, and pumps about 20 liters of blood per day.

To fix the heartbeat at this time is possible only with the help of ultrasound. Now his rhythm is 140-160 strokes per minute.

What happens in a woman's body at the 16th week of pregnancy?

During this period, thanks to a noticeably rounded tummy, a woman begins to feel fully pregnant. Many people notice that hair and nails have started to grow faster.

In general, a woman at this stage of pregnancy looks very attractive.

This week, the uterus begins to grow actively, the amount of amniotic fluid in it increases. This entails some inconvenience. Uterine pressure on sciatic nerve causes pain that spreads to the buttocks and lower limbs... The pressure on the diaphragm makes it difficult for a woman to breathe.

The tummy grows - and this causes pain in the back, hips, groin. Problems such as itchy skin and stretch marks can also appear.

A pregnant woman may notice that the shoes have become tight. This is partly due to weight gain and partly due to edema. Perhaps, during pregnancy, the expectant mother will have to buy shoes one size larger.

Changes in the body of a woman at the 16th week of pregnancy, obstetric term

Changes in a woman's body at the 16th obstetric week of pregnancy

Breast and belly of a woman at 16 weeks of gestation

There are no significant changes in the breast, compared to previous periods. Its size does not change, and for some it continues to grow. A venous pattern appears on the chest.

In addition, in many pregnant women, the nipples increase in size. Painful tenderness of the nipples and breasts may disappear, but this does not always happen.

If fluid is constantly leaking out of the breast, it is very important to maintain good hygiene, otherwise infection may enter the milk ducts.

If this is the first pregnancy, in tight clothes, the grown tummy is already visible to others.

At multiple pregnancy it grows much faster. Therefore, by the 16th week, the size of the abdomen may already be impressive in size.

The first movements during pregnancy

Usually, the first, barely noticeable, thrusts of the mom are noticed between 14 and 26 weeks, but most often - only after 18.

If a woman does not yet feel the baby's movements, do not worry. Up to 20 weeks, there may be no perturbations at all.

Expectant mothers need to remember that the baby's activity during this period is not constant, therefore, the movements are still unstable.

Video: 16 weeks pregnant

What can and should not be for a woman at the 16th week of pregnancy?

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, doctors recommend that mothers continue physical activity... But all movements should be smooth and unhurried.

From this moment, due to the growing tummy, the woman becomes less graceful. Therefore, now expectant mothers need to be very careful.

Unpleasant moments of this period:

  • Pregnancy makes a woman distracted and forgetful. There is no point in dealing with this, and in order not to forget anything, it is useful to make lists of important things and purchases.
  • Digestive problems are often a concern for pregnant women. To reduce discomfort, you need to eat dried fruits every day, drink kefir at night. Do not forget that breakfast should be hearty and dinner light.
  • Poorly cooked food raw eggs and milk is undesirable during this period, as it can cause serious poisoning - and harm the child.
  • During pregnancy, it is better to abandon cosmetic experiments, since some products can cause unwanted allergic reaction... Especially sensitive women can switch to special cosmetic lines for pregnant women.

16 weeks of pregnancy - how to know that everything is good?

The thought that something is wrong with the child haunt many pregnant women. Such fears are explained by increased emotionality, and often have no basis whatsoever.

On this stage pregnancy, such a fear is unnecessary. If the woman is not bothered by frequent and intense pain and is absent bleeding, then with a probability of 99% everything is fine with her and the baby.

Regular visits to the doctor will help the pregnant woman stay calm at all times.

Popular questions about pregnancy at week 16 - the specialist answers

16 weeks of pregnancy - obstetric versus fetal - how is it different?

  • Obstetric term invented by doctors in order to make it convenient to calculate the date of birth. It is two weeks ahead of the embryonic period, since it begins on the first day of the last menstruation.
  • Fetal term always counted from the moment of fertilization.

Is discharge at 16 weeks pregnant - the norm or the threat of miscarriage?

At 16 weeks, pregnant women have increased amount discharge. Normally, they should be transparent - or milky, watery, without a pungent odor.

A deviation from the norm may indicate the presence of an infection in the vagina.

It is due to the preparation of a woman's birth canal for childbirth. Pregnant women need to pay special attention to careful hygiene of the genitals in order to prevent infection of the genitourinary tract.

Too much watery discharge may talk about leakage of amniotic fluid. In this case, a consultation with a doctor is required!

If at 16 weeks of gestation you cannot hear the fetal heartbeat?

It should be emphasized that at this time, the baby's heartbeat can be heard only during an ultrasound examination.

The lack of cardiac activity in the fetus, in most cases, means its death. But in order to confirm this diagnosis, the ultrasound procedure will need to go through several more times.

If at 16 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen?

A normal pregnancy is always accompanied by minor abdominal pain. All this is the result of the enlargement of the uterus.

However, if a woman feels cramps that resemble menstruation, this is alarming symptom. Better, without wasting time, go to the hospital.

Worried about pain or tingling in the ovaries at 16 obstetric week - causes?

These pains are often caused by stretching of the muscles and nodes that support the uterus. Most pregnant women feel them. The pain can be spasmodic or stabbing, and most often appears with a sharp change in position.

Resting in a comfortable position should bring significant relief.

If pain is accompanied by fever, tremors, bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappeared at the 16th week of pregnancy, stopped vomiting, do not feel pregnancy, bleeding?

Changes such as blood from the vagina indicate possible threat termination of pregnancy. A woman needs to see a doctor immediately.

If there is no blood, but toxicosis has disappeared, this is quite natural for this period, and should not cause concern.

16 weeks pregnant with IVF - what do doctors do?

Now doctors are doing an ultrasound scan to exclude possible pathologies in the development of the baby. Also, like the rest of the pregnant women, the woman undergoes the necessary tests.

All organs in the baby are already formed, which means that the risk of miscarriage at 16 weeks is decreasing. Therefore, women who become pregnant with IVF can enjoy their position.

Is it possible to determine a frozen pregnancy at 16 weeks, or does it rarely freeze during this period?

It is possible to determine the freezing of the fetus if you carefully observe your well-being. The disappearance of all pregnancy symptoms is the first sign of fetal freezing.

The following symptoms appearing after a few days - brown discharge, elevated temperature, dizziness, nausea. This condition is dangerous because the frozen child remains inside the uterus - intoxication and infection can threaten the life of the mother.

Are SARS, flu and other diseases dangerous at 16 weeks of gestation?

Mostly, colds dangerous in the first months after conception. The older the child gets, the more protected he is.

But there are diseases that pose a potential threat to the health of the baby, even at later dates... These include: rubella, sexually transmitted diseases, infectious inflammation of the urinary tract.

It is important for all pregnant women to understand that only a doctor can advise the safest treatment..

At the 16th week of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good

Due to the fact that the hormonal background stabilizes at week 16, many women notice an improvement in their well-being.

But this does not mean that you can now relax. See your doctor regularly and eat right you need it all the time.

It seems that until recently you learned about a happy event in your life - the birth in your body future life, and already 16 weeks of pregnancy have passed.

How many months is it? One obstetric month has 28 days. So, four obstetric months have passed.

What happens in a woman's body?

Everyone is left behind unpleasant moments the initial period of pregnancy - constant nausea, lack of appetite, frequent urination. The best period in all respects has come when you can rejoice every day in such a wonderful situation.

  1. At the 16th week of pregnancy, the condition of the expectant mother improved significantly, and her appetite increased. It seems that you can afford whatever you want, but you should not be led by your appetite - this is fraught with complications. Weight per past period should increase by about 3 kg. If the increase is much greater, and you feel good and there is no edema, you will have to reconsider the diet - to limit the consumption of starchy foods and sweets.
  2. Strength, calmness appeared, the mood does not change every minute under the influence of hormones, peace has come.
  3. All unpleasant sensations, soreness, discomfort in the chest are gone. Preparing for lactation, it swells and continues to grow. The blood flow increases, as a result of which a venous pattern appears. At 16 weeks of gestation, a woman may have colostrum secretion from her breast. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze it out. This can irritate the nipples, which will increase the tone of the uterus and lead to the threat of miscarriage.
  4. In the uterus, the amniotic fluid increases and reaches 250 ml. The weight of the uterus by the 16th week is about 250 grams. It is located in the area between pubic bone and the navel. You can feel it yourself. As the uterus grows at 16 weeks, pain occurs in the abdomen, back, groin and hip region. This is due to stretching and thickening of the ligaments. An enlarged uterus can also provoke a negative bowel reaction: bloating, diarrhea, heartburn.
  5. The blood supply of the expectant mother increases - after all, the body at 16 weeks must receive oxygen, as well as nutrients not only for itself, but also for the baby. As a result, the mother may suffer from bleeding gums or frequent nosebleeds.
  6. By the 16th week of pregnancy, many women may experience changes in skin pigmentation or the appearance of age spots.
  7. The intestinal muscle mesh is sluggish, as a result of which constipation occurs, fraught with the threat of miscarriage. It is necessary to consult a doctor to resolve the issue of regular bowel movements.
  8. The hormonal effect of progesterone at 16 weeks of gestation can cause pyelonephritis, which threatens premature birth. An expectant mother should be careful with various infections genitourinary system.
  9. The center of gravity in a pregnant woman shifts, the body weight increases - the load on the legs increases. The woman gets tired faster, there is heaviness in the legs, a characteristic "duck" gait.

Photo of the tummy during this period

How does mom feel?

At the 16th week of pregnancy, some mothers still do not feel their condition, some do not even see their belly. Especially if this is the first pregnancy: the abdominal muscles are quite elastic. Its size increases rapidly in the following weeks. Below are photos of the belly of women at the 16th week of pregnancy.

At repeated pregnancy mom at 16 weeks can feel the first touch of the fetus. Those who are expecting the first child may feel the sensation of moving the crumbs in the stomach a little later - after 17 weeks.

Have different mothers different sensations, the child is not constantly in motion. It can even calm down for a couple of days. Nevertheless, the first gentle touches of the baby give an unforgettable experience - from this moment the awareness of motherhood comes.

Discharge during position

At the 16th week of pregnancy, blood circulation in the genitals increases, as a result of which the volume of discharge may increase, but not the color and consistency. If the discharge smells unpleasant, has a cheesy consistency, yellow or green coloring, you need to immediately contact the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. Such discharge can be a manifestation of an infection that also threatens the baby.

No less dangerous is too abundant or liquid, with brownish streaks of discharge, which can inform about premature birth. An urgent consultation with a gynecologist and treatment is required.

Possible pains and dangers

At 16 weeks of gestation, pain may most likely be a precursor to development pathological conditions... Of course, pain is possible with an increase in the distance between the bones of the pelvis due to the growth of the uterus. But it is better for any ailment with painful sensations see a doctor.

The belly at 16 weeks of gestation may hurt due to:

  • pressure of the uterus on the intestines. It is necessary to carefully and competently build a diet. Dishes from raw fish (sushi), poorly fried meat, raw eggs, milk without boiling are categorically excluded;
  • embarrassing clothing, linen, especially made of synthetic materials;
  • wearing high heels- there is a high risk not only of getting problems with veins, but also of falling and injuring the stomach;
  • uncomfortable posture during sleep - now it is better to sleep on your side. You can't sleep on your back either - the pressure of the uterus on the blood vessels can disrupt the flow of blood to the baby.

ProductsUseful material
Meat, dairy, seafood.The lack of protein in the mother's body is replenished, delivered required protein for fetal growth.
Cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, buttermilk, whey. Products must contain minimal amount fat.Calcium found in foods is essential for strengthening bones and teeth.
Boiled fish (at least twice a week), seafood.Minerals and trace elements (iodine, fluorine, copper, zinc) are vital for a mother and baby.
Lean meat of beef, veal, pork, poultry, special preference - rabbit meat.Iron, B vitamins.
Cereals, cereals.Complex carbohydrates.
Fruits vegetables.Various vitamins, trace elements, fiber for better digestion.

Fetal development and size

16 week of pregnancy - active period development of the baby. Fruit size reaches 11-16 cm, weight - 80-120 grams.

  1. The joints of the arms and legs are fully formed. The calcium accumulated in the body of the crumbs strengthens the bones. The kid trains his fingers - he can grab and squeeze the umbilical cord with his handles. An individual drawing is drawn on the fingers. The crumb can move the arms and legs, roll over, stretch, squeeze the fists.
  2. At 16 weeks, the baby holds the neck and turns the head. Ears and eyes move into place. The nose is formed, the eyelids are separated, cilia appear.
    The eyes are still closed, but the baby can move them in different sides... As soon as the eyelids open, he will begin to blink them intensively. Hearing is not yet formed, but the crumb perceives sound vibrations by the surface of the skin.
  3. The muscles of the face are fully formed. A child can frown, frown, smile, open his mouth, wink. The video shows footage intrauterine life baby at 16 weeks of gestation.
  4. The skin is still translucent small vessels shine through it. The subcutaneous tissue is improving. The skin forms a thin hairline- lanugo. Together with the primordial body lubricant, Lanugo protects the baby's skin and helps him pass the birth canal at birth.
  5. Internal organs are actively functioning: the heart pumps blood twice as fast as that of an adult. The immune system is being formed. The liver begins to produce bile. In the intestines, original feces are produced from bile. The stomach and gall bladder... The bladder also performs its function - urine is excreted into the amniotic fluid every 40-45 minutes.
  6. At 16 weeks, boys have fully formed genitals, but the testicles are still in abdominal cavity, not in the scrotum. In future girls, the formation of the uterus, vagina, fallopian tubes is underway.
  7. The necessary hormones are produced in the adrenal glands. The pituitary gland works. The blood is fully formed. You can determine the blood group and its Rh factor. The blood contains all the cells, as in an adult - lymphocytes, erythrocytes, monocytes. Hemoglobin is synthesized.

Fetal ultrasound

At 16 weeks of gestation, general blood and urine tests are done. According to their testimony, the obstetrician-gynecologist makes a decision - to give it to a pregnant woman additional analyzes, or not. In the normal course of pregnancy, this need does not arise.

Sometimes during this period, an ultrasound examination may be prescribed. Ultrasound is performed when possible pathologies... At this time, you can determine the sex of the child, although mistakes are not uncommon due to the small size of the fetus. Photo of ultrasound of the fetus at 16 weeks of gestation.

Baby's first ultrasound

Girl or boy?

Before the advent of ultrasound, people tried to predict the gender of the future baby using various folk methods. One of these methods is determination by the shape of the abdomen. Although doctors deny the reliability of this method, many mothers claim that it is quite effective.

Let's see the differences.

  1. With a boy, the tummy is neat, sharp, protruding forward.
  2. It is difficult to mistake a woman from behind for a pregnant woman. The figure remains almost until the end of pregnancy.
  3. With a girl, a tummy oval, oblong, blurred on the sides.
  4. The level of the abdomen is higher than with the boy.
  5. The abdomen increases to the sides and up. The waist expands noticeably.
  6. The belly is visible even from the back.

The photo shows the bellies of pregnant women expecting boys at 16 weeks of gestation.

The kid has already grown up and got stronger enough, his organs and systems are actively developing, a skeleton is being formed, due to which he can already keep his head straight. In girls, eggs are laid, the ovaries take their place in the pelvis, and the amount of urine secreted by the fetus gradually increases. This increases the number amniotic fluid, and speeds up the mother's metabolism in order to more actively remove the waste products of the fetus. The tummy has begun to grow and is already protruding a little, it's time to undergo a screening to identify fetal malformations - a triple test. Very soon you will be able to feel the first movements.

What happens to the body at 16 weeks

The sixteenth week of pregnancy corresponds to the second trimester, this is the fourth obstetric month. Now your position is becoming more noticeable, and soon you will already reach the equator of pregnancy, there are only four weeks left. Now the tummy is already slightly protruding, although in loose clothes it is still imperceptible. Toxicosis completely dull, it was replaced by a good appetite and a period of weight gain. The waist is already rounded and smoothed, your vernal view gorgeous. Many women literally bloom, hair becomes thicker, nails are strengthened. The baby is actively growing and developing, all threats of the first trimester have passed, and you have become calmer. The placenta has formed and took over the functions of producing hormones, and by this time supportive medications (dyufaston il utrozhestan) are usually canceled, the intake of vitamins and mineral supplements remains, calcium, iron and iodine can be prescribed.

Fetal development at sixteenth week: weight, size and gender

The baby is already big enough - it is still measured from the crown to the coccyx (fetal KR), which is about 11-12 cm, while he has already gained about 110-120 grams. Due to the active supply of calcium through the placenta, the skeleton is strengthened, the legs become longer than the arms, strengthen, marigolds form on the toes. Due to the formation of the vertebrae, the baby can already support the neck straight, and the head does not lean towards the chest. Gradually, the ears and eyes approach their rightful places, making the face more expressive and beautiful.

Internal organs are actively working - the heart pumps blood through the vessels, it can be up to 24 liters per day, and the liver has taken over digestive functions instead of hematopoietic ones, and is now actively producing the first bile. The stomach and intestines are included in the work, the gallbladder joins them. While they digest only small portions of amniotic fluid, gradually forming meconium in the intestines, the original feces (it will leave only after childbirth). Meconium is made up of digested cells and amniotic fluid mixed with bile, and is dark green or nearly black in color. The kidneys are actively functioning, they supply urine to the bladder, which the baby excretes into the amniotic fluid every 40-60 minutes. Due to this, the amount of amniotic fluid increases and they are actively renewed up to ten times per day. The bone marrow is completely ready for work, and it took away the functions of hematopoiesis from the liver, now all blood cells are produced in the fetus, the blood type and Rh factor are determined. there is now a lot of special fetal hemoglobin circulating in the blood to maintain a sufficient amount of oxygen, which will disappear immediately after birth. There is still little ordinary hemoglobin, since it is the fetal hemoglobin that can carry many oxygen molecules.

The external genitals are already well developed, and you can determine the sex, girls are actively laying eggs in the ovaries, boys develop testicles, but they are located deep in the abdominal cavity and will descend into the scrotum closer to birth.

Feelings of a future mother

Now pregnancy feels like the most pleasant time - there is no more debilitating nausea and vomiting, you do not need to go to the toilet so often, breast tenderness and tenderness disappear, although the breast continues to grow in preparation for the breastfeeding process. unpleasant sensations... A sharp emotionality and anxiety, a feeling of eternal lethargy and drowsiness pass, strength and mood appear, a feeling of calmness and slowness comes. No sharp changes mood because of hormonal background, the wife gradually plunges into her happy motherhood, forming in the brain a special “dominant of pregnancy.” This is a special state of the body that directs all forces towards a favorable outcome, protecting from unnecessary extraneous thoughts and feelings. Appetite appears after a long period of almost complete absence due to toxicosis, the pregnant woman begins to eat well and gain weight, often not caring at all about her figure. But you need to be wise in food, so as not to gradually gain too much.

In this period, thin mothers or multiparous ones can feel the first, barely noticeable movements of the fetus. They are so light that they are often taken for the work of the intestines, but gradually mom learns to distinguish them from everything else. But if you still do not feel the movements, this does not mean that the process is proceeding incorrectly - the children are different, and the time for the sensation of the first movements ranges from 16 to 20 weeks, you will soon feel them.

Condition of the uterus

Height uterus is coming intensively and it reached a weight of 250 grams, while it is already well felt through the abdominal wall, as it rose from the scarlet pelvis, now its bottom is determined about 7 cm below the navel. At each appointment, the doctor will determine the standing of the bottom, and compare it with the date. Also, the doctor will feel the tone and consistency of the uterus, determine the position of the fetus and parts of its body. Measurements of the abdominal circumference are also made, which also have a certain growth dynamics. The growth of the uterus puts pressure on the intestines and displaces it towards the spine. This can disrupt his normal motility and lead to bloating, heartburn, or constipation.

The growth of the uterus leads to the appearance of a small, rounded tummy, clearly protruding forward. During the first pregnancy, the tummy may be smaller, and with repeated pregnancies, it is usually more visible due to the elasticity of the muscles. abdominal and ligaments. The pigment strip from the pubis to the navel appears more clearly, it will be with you until the birth, and then it will gradually disappear.

Ultrasound at 16 weeks

One of the most exciting events for parents-to-be every time is an ultrasound scan. It helps to see the baby, to make out his body parts and face, movements, movements and reactions to external stimuli. The kid can already express dissatisfaction or joy with facial expressions. Determine the gender, it is also possible to see the baby during 3D ultrasound. The doctor measures certain indicators on an ultrasound scan - height and weight, the amount of amniotic fluid, the girth of the head and chest, the length of the bones. This gives an idea of correct development and the term. The doctor also carefully examines the structure of the placenta and the place of its attachment, the walls of the uterus and the area of ​​its neck, the blood flow in the umbilical cord.

Discharge from the genital tract

The abundance of secretions increases somewhat, but they are still whitish or transparent, of a uniform consistency and practically odorless. This is a way to protect the neck from the penetration of infection from the vagina into it; there should be no discomfort with such discharge. If there is a burning sensation in the genital or vaginal area, itching and redness, soreness in the lower abdomen - this may be a sign of infections. Signs of infection can also be a change in the consistency of secretions - they can be cheesy or heterogeneous, the appearance of green, yellowish or gray color, mucus, lumps or foam in the discharge, as well as the appearance bad smell... The likelihood of colpitis or vulvovaginitis is also not excluded. All of them require immediate treatment in order to exclude the penetration of infection into fetal membranes.

Personal hygiene and washing of the genitals are especially important for the prevention of vaginal microflora disorders. Only breathable natural underwear should be worn.

Brown discharge, indicating the appearance of blood, can be dangerous. This could be due to erosion, placental abruption, or other threats. Particularly dangerous are bloody discharge or the appearance of scarlet blood, this can be a placental abruption or a sign of abortion. Must call immediately ambulance.

What tests to take

At the 16th week, tests are to be done, and these are not only standard blood and urine, but blood biochemistry, coaguloramma. A screening blood test (triple test) is also prescribed in which the levels are determined:

  • AFP (alpha-fetoprotein),
  • hCG level,
  • NE (unconjugated estriol) level.

Progesterone is no longer detected, since its level is not indicative and does not provide important information. But the previous indicators, if there is a significant deviation from the norm, sometimes indicate a deviation in the development of the fetus, they suggest the presence of malformations or developmental defects, chromosomal abnormalities, about anencephaly, Down's syndrome, cranial hernias or defects in the spine. But only the data of the analyzes is not a sentence, they may be wrong. However, deviations in these analyzes indicate the need for additional invasive methods diagnostics. These include amniocentesis - sampling of amniotic fluid for a detailed study of the composition.Under ultrasound control, a puncture of the uterus is carried out with the introduction of a needle and a sampling of material, which makes it possible to identify up to 40 different malformations. However, such a study is associated with the risk of termination of pregnancy, therefore, this test are resolved only with serious suspicions and the question of the further fate of pregnancy. If a woman does not want to carry it out, she has the right to refuse.

Pain in the abdomen and lower back

Usually in this period there are no painful sensations in the abdomen or lower back, since the abdomen is still small and the center of gravity is not very displaced. However, uncomfortable sensations may occur, radiating to the right side or left, due to the tension of the wide ligaments of the uterus. These sensations are weak, fickle and disappear after a change in body position.

Low back pain can occur when wearing high heel shoes, prolonged standing work, or health problems. In such cases, you need to rest as much as possible, raising your legs or lie down. It is worth choosing for yourself comfortable posture for sleep, it is no longer possible to sleep on your stomach, you can sleep on your back or on your side. Sometimes sleeping on your back can give back pain and dizziness.

Dangerous can be pain in the lower abdomen of a cramping nature - these can be signs of uterine tone or inflammation of the bladder. It is worthwhile to see a doctor and be examined.

Colds and runny nose

In this period, the placenta is already actively functioning and does not allow viruses and microbes to reach the fetus, therefore, in this period, the cold is no longer so terrible. But in itself, a runny nose, cough and fever can be dangerous in terms of negative impact on the baby, including due to medication. With a cold, if the temperature rises, a strict bed rest and calling a doctor, only a doctor can prescribe treatment. It is imperative to fight a runny nose, since shortness of breath leads to fetal hypoxia. Cough is no less dangerous, due to the tension of the front abdominal wall it can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus.


By this time, you can add about two to three kilograms, although so far the weight can be restored after the loss due to toxicosis of the first trimester. From this time on, the weight will arrive quickly enough due to a good appetite, but too much weight gain is also not worth it, especially with a tendency to be overweight. In this regard, it becomes relevant proper nutrition.

You also need a full four or five meals a day in small portions with light snacks between meals. for a pregnant woman, a full hot breakfast, lunch with the first course, should become a must, but dinner can be made lightweight. It is good to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, juices and dairy products between meals. If you really want to eat, you can drink kefir or yogurt at night.

Strong restrictions there is no food in the diet, only alcohol is strictly prohibited. Strongly salty and spicy dishes should be gradually excluded from the diet, they provoke thirst and puffiness. You should also avoid smoked fried foods that are difficult for digestion, pickles and pickles, a large number sweets and flour dishes. It is worth giving up carbonated drinks and fast food products, they will not be beneficial, and there are an abundance of calories in them, they give bloating and heartburn. Food poisoning is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman, so you need to eat only fresh food, carefully check all shelf life of products, its good quality by appearance and smell. Meat and fish dishes, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, eggs, cheeses are obligatory in the diet.

Additional nutritional supplements vitamin and mineral complexes, with special attention to such substances as iodine, iron, magnesium and calcium.

Sex in the sixteenth week

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, sexual relations between partners are not prohibited, they will bring new sensations and diversify the life of a pregnant woman. it favorable time for lovemaking, the tummy is still small and does not interfere with sex, the choice of positions largely depends on your preferences. Do not be afraid to harm the baby, it is reliably protected by the cervix and amniotic fluid, and the release of pleasure hormones will benefit both the mother and her baby. Feelings during sex can change in better side- fear disappears, the woman becomes more relaxed and sensual, due to the blood filling of the genitals. The sensations may be more acute.

Contraindications for sex at 16 weeks may be the threat of termination of pregnancy, isthmic-cervical insufficiency or low placentation with the threat of detachment.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is an arrest of intrauterine development of the fetus for a certain period, usually this occurs in early dates pregnancy, but it is possible at 16-18 weeks. with a frozen pregnancy, the child dies in utero as a result of infection, chromosomal pathology or developmental anomalies incompatible with life, the influence of external negative factors... This is an ordeal for any woman.

With a frozen pregnancy, the belly ceases to grow and the bottom of the uterus rises, sensations in the chest disappear, the fetal heartbeat is not heard and its movements are not noted. In the presence of precise indications a frozen pregnancy must be terminated, since a dead fetus can become a source of infection for the uterus and the mother's body. Carry out the procedure induced abortion on medical indications... In the future, long-term rehabilitation and planning of pregnancy are required at least in a year.