How to distinguish the movement of a child from peristalsis. The number of movements at different stages of pregnancy. Video "What do babies do inside moms?"

What could be more beautiful than that the time when there is a baby in the womb of a woman? Recognizing the jolts of your unborn baby is an incomparable feeling. However, the movements of the crumbs can be felt only on a certain period its development. This article will tell you how to recognize fetal movement during pregnancy.

It is imperative to compare the motor activity of the embryo between different periods baby's expectations. It is also worth saying when it starts during the first pregnancy.

How important is it to feel fetal movements?

Surely every pregnant woman will remember for a long time the day when she felt the first tremors of the child. This period is also important for the doctor. All gynecologists who monitor the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy ask their patients how long the first tremors were recorded. This date is entered in a special card of the expectant mother. If a woman does not feel the first kicks for a long time, then the doctor may prescribe an additional examination.

The lack of movement in the second half of pregnancy may indicate that something is going wrong. Perhaps the child has a developmental delay. There are also cases when the reason for the lack of movement is a frozen pregnancy.

How to recognize fetal movement during pregnancy?

It is with this question that expectant mothers most often turn to their doctor. Doctors say that such a phenomenon cannot be confused with anything. When a woman feels during her second (or first) pregnancy depends on many factors.

Some of the fair sex say that the baby's first movements are very weak and quite easy to miss. They are more like or movement of bubbles. When a woman talks about the appearance of strong tremors, this means that she missed the very first touches of the crumbs.

How to feel the first movements and understand what they are?

How to recognize fetal movement during pregnancy? If it seemed to you that the child began to move, but you are not sure about this, then you can do the following.

Drink a glass of warm milk or eat something sweet. The entry of glucose into the blood will provoke the activity of the baby. At this moment, you need to lie on your back and put your palm on lower part belly. Do not press on the abdominal wall, otherwise you may just scare away the baby. Relax and close your eyes. Try to listen to yourself and imagine how the baby moves inside you. Most likely, you will feel light bubbles floating. This is precisely the first movement of the child.

How to recognize fetal movement during pregnancy yet? All babies in the womb actively respond to discomfort. Oxygen is supplied to the baby every second, and if the expectant mother holds her breath for a short time, then she may well feel the expression of the crumbs' discontent in the form of a kick or a push. Try this experiment. However, do not delay the flow of oxygen into the body for more than 10 seconds.

When does fetal movement begin during first pregnancy?

To begin with, it is worth saying that the body of each woman is individual. One expectant mother may experience the first slight tremors at 14 weeks, while the second will experience this phenomenon only after five months of baby development. Also, each subsequent pregnancy is fundamentally different from the previous one. If for the first time you felt the movement of the crumbs, for example, at 17 weeks, this does not mean at all that this time everything will be the same. The first movement of the fetus during the second pregnancy can be much earlier or later.

Throughout the medical literature, information is given that the first movement of the baby begins at about two months of its development. Let us consider in detail when you can feel the movement of the fetus during the first pregnancy.

Embryo age 8-10 weeks

At this time, the very first movements of the crumbs begin. However, the expectant mother still cannot feel them, no matter how hard she tries. At this time, the genital organ is located deep in the pelvis. The fetus is securely covered not only by the walls of the uterus, but also by the bones of a woman.

How to recognize fetal movement during the first pregnancy at this time? The only way to fix motor activity kid is ultrasound diagnostics. During the study, the doctor examines the uterine cavity with a special sensor and notes how the embryo moves its arms and legs.

Fetal age 12-14 weeks

At this time, the reproductive organ of the expectant mother begins to leave the pelvic area. Some women note that they feel the first tremors just then. Theoretically, this is quite possible. Feeling the movements of the embryo at 12 weeks during the first pregnancy is possible only if the expectant mother is very thin and does not have an elastic press.

Most often, at this time, women still do not feel the movements of the crumbs, but its growth becomes larger, and the bones are stronger. At this time, the baby can no longer only swing his arms and legs, but also clench his fists and even rub his face.

16-18 weeks

Most expectant mothers of a fragile physique can feel the movement of the fetus with Medica given term considered the so-called start. If you tell your doctor that you felt tremors earlier, then most likely they will simply not believe you.

At 18 weeks, the baby already knows how to suck his thumb and hide his face. During an ultrasound examination, he may turn away from the sensors that emit a signal that is inaudible to the human ear.

Fetal age 20-24 weeks

This period is also borderline. It is up to this point that doctors choose expectant tactics. If there is no fetal movement during pregnancy at 20 weeks, then additional diagnostics are most often prescribed. The expectant mother is examined with the help of ultrasound equipment and the condition of the unborn baby is noted.

If you felt the first tremors at an earlier date, then during this period the baby got stronger and reminds of itself more often and stronger.

Pregnancy development period 25-32 weeks

On the given period there is a peak of motor activity of the embryo. If for some reason you did not feel the baby until 20-13 weeks, then now it clearly reminds of itself with strong jolts.

At this stage, the baby is still quite spacious in the uterus. He spins and wiggles his arms and legs. You can also feel that the child is knocking on bladder, props up the stomach or presses on the kidneys.

The age of the unborn child is 35-38 weeks

During this period, a new fetal movement begins. The child pacifies his activity. Instead of obvious and strong pushes, you can feel stroking and sticking out of some parts of the body. Some mothers say that the baby is too actively exposes the arms and legs, as if stretching. These changes occur due to the strong growth of the child.

A few weeks before childbirth

Before the baby is born, many women note that the movements of the fetus have begun to change. The baby spends more time in peace. The baby can no longer actively roll over and kick. All this is an absolute norm and does not require any correction.

What determines the first movement of the child?

Most early movements during the first or second pregnancy, they directly depend on the woman's body and the position of the baby.

So, stirring is felt earlier if the fairer sex also has weight. When a woman is in good physical form, the movements of the baby may be felt later due to the elastic muscles. Also plump ladies note the late reminder of the child about their existence.

If the placenta is located behind, then nothing prevents the embryo from pushing the abdominal wall. When children's place is in front, the baby rests against it, and a pillow effect is created. The placenta softens the blows in this case.

Also a big role is played by the number of pregnancy in a woman. The second, third and fourth time, the uterus is already more elastic and remembers everything that happens to it. The organ stretches better and goes beyond the small pelvis earlier. In this regard, women for the second time feel the movements of the child for a shorter period.


Now you know how to recognize the first and earliest movements of the unborn baby in the womb. Of course, every woman wants to feel such processes in her body as soon as possible. However, the absence of sensations of movement of the baby up to 25 weeks is the absolute norm. Do not panic and sound the alarm. Be patient.

Have a good pregnancy and easy delivery on time!

” №8/2014 02.06.16

Of course, all expectant mothers are looking forward to the first movements of the fetus. Many women from this moment are truly aware of the fact of their pregnancy. At this stage, many questions arise regarding the activity of the fetus in the mother's tummy. We will answer the most popular ones.

1. The baby starts to move before you feel it.

The fetus begins to make the first movements early, already at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy. It was at this time that his first muscles and the beginnings of the nervous system were formed. From about 10 weeks of pregnancy, the baby begins to move more actively in the uterus, sometimes bumping into its walls. However, it is still very small, and these blows are very weak, so the expectant mother cannot yet feel them.

2. “Like a fish swam”: during the first pregnancy, fetal movements are felt later

The first movements of the fetus will be soft and as if tickling - as if a fish swam. The expectant mother will be able to feel tangible shocks a little later. If the pregnancy is the first, the first movements of the fetus can be seen for a period of 18–20 weeks, and with repeated pregnancy- at 16-18 weeks (a woman is already familiar with this sensation, she more accurately and earlier determines the movement of the fetus).

In general, the manifestation of the first movements of the fetus is very individual and depends on how sensitive the expectant mother is, as well as on her physique. For example, thin women may feel fetal movements earlier - even at 15-16 weeks, and larger mothers - sometimes after 20 weeks.

Women Leading active image busy lives usually feel fetal movements later, because when they are busy, they usually listen to their inner sensations less.

3. From the 24th week, the fetus already “communicates” with the mother with the help of movements

Fetal movements are an indicator of a normal pregnancy, good growth, development and well-being of the baby. At first, when the expectant mother only felt the first movements of the fetus (18–20 weeks), movements may not even be felt every day. From 24 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother already feels how the fetus changes position, moves its arms and legs. The motor activity of the fetus increases gradually, and its peak falls on the period from the 24th to the 32nd week of pregnancy. At this time, it becomes one of the indicators normal development baby, the child begins to "communicate" with his mother with the help of movements, respond to the sounds of her voice and emotional state. From the moment of “his growing up”, when the baby began to actively move, he “talks” to his mother, thereby informing her about his anxiety, joy, pleasure or his well-being.

In turn, the fetus is very sensitive to changes emotional state future mother. For example, when she is excited, worried about something or rejoices, the baby may move more actively or, conversely, calm down for a while. Fetal movements can vary in number and intensity even during the day. And this is normal.

4. If there is no movement, the baby can just sleep

Starting from the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby should move on average 10-15 times per hour. If the baby does not make itself felt within 3-4 hours, it is possible that he is just sleeping. In this case, the expectant mother needs to eat something sweet and lie down on her left side for half an hour. If these simple steps do not help, it is worth repeating them again after 2-3 hours. If the baby still does not make itself felt, this is an occasion to consult a doctor.

After 32 weeks of pregnancy, the number of fetal movements gradually decreases due to the fact that the baby is growing up, and he simply does not have enough free space. But their intensity and strength remain the same or increase. This becomes especially noticeable at the time of childbirth.

Seek immediate medical attention if:

  • there is no motor activity of the fetus for 12 hours or more,
  • the fetus was overly active for several days, and then abruptly subsided,
  • you notice only rare and weak fetal movements (this may be caused by a lack of oxygen - fetal hypoxia).

5. How to count fetal movements? 2 special tests

It is recommended that every expectant mother count the number of fetal movements, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy (after the 28th week) - there should be at least ten of them during the day. There are 2 fetal movement tests to assess fetal activity

"Count to ten". On the special map(you can get it from your doctor or he will tell you how to make it) the number of fetal movements is noted daily, usually from 28 weeks of pregnancy. The essence of the test of fetal movements is that the expectant mother counts the movements of the fetus for 12 hours, for example, from 9 am to 9 pm. If the fetus makes less than 10 movements per period, this is a reason to consult a doctor for an examination.

There is another way to count fetal movements - Sadowski technique. They spend it like this: in the evening after dinner, the woman lies on her left side and counts the movements of the fetus. At the same time, everything must be taken into account, even the most small movements fetus. If 10 or more fetal movements are noted within an hour, this indicates that the baby feels good. If the fetus moved less than 10 times in an hour, then its movements are counted for the next hour. Evening time for this method The scores were not chosen randomly. It is in the evening, especially after dinner and the associated increase in glucose, that the greatest activity of the fetus is noted. If the number of fetal movements is less than 10 times in 2 hours, this should be considered as a sign of a violation of his condition and additional studies should be carried out.

6. Fetal movements can be a little painful.

Sometimes the movements of the baby cause pain to the expectant mother. In this case, she needs to change the position of the body (lie down on the other side, walk, etc.). After that, the discomfort should pass. If for a long time, for several hours, fetal movements remain painful, the expectant mother should definitely inform the doctor about this, as this may be a sign of problems during pregnancy (for example, with oligohydramnios). In addition, most expectant mothers note some soreness in the hypochondrium, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy- and this is not a deviation from the norm, since the uterus has risen high enough for the baby to “get” already in these areas.

7. Nimble baby: why are the fetal movements too active?

The baby can move too actively, as already mentioned, when the emotional state of the future mother changes, in addition, he can react to external noise in this way (from about the 20th week of pregnancy, when the hearing aid was formed and the bones in it began to ossify in order to conduct sound ). Therefore, if the expectant mother comes to an apartment that is being renovated, or watches a movie with strong sound effects in a cinema, she will most likely feel quite frequent tremors in her tummy.

8. What is the oxygen starvation of the fetus?

There is a widespread belief that the increased activity of the fetus is a sign of its oxygen starvation, but this is not always the case. Indeed, at initial stages fetal hypoxia is noted restless behavior the baby, which consists in increasing and strengthening his movements. However, with a prolonged or increasing lack of oxygen, the movements of the little man weaken, and may even stop altogether. Therefore, rare (less than 10 per day), weak fetal movements (especially after 30 weeks) or increased activity after a “calm period” should cause alarm, which requires urgent consultation with a doctor. If the doctor suspects something is wrong, he will send the expectant mother for an ultrasound or CTG (cardiotocography), with which you can figure out why the baby is behaving this way. And if necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment to normalize the condition of the fetus.

It is very important to listen to the sensations in your tummy and notice how often and intensively the baby moves. Then you can feel the changes in the nature of his movements and consult a doctor in time to make sure that everything is in order with the baby.

9. The little "cosmonaut" is always on the move

At the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus makes about 200 movements per day, and between the 28th and 32nd weeks of their daily amount reaches 600. Naturally, future mommy does not feel all the movements of the baby, but only a small part of them. So, after 28 weeks, the frequency of fetal movement, according to the sensations of a woman, is usually 4 to 8 times per hour, with the exception of periods of his sleep (3-4 hours in a row). In the third trimester, a pregnant woman may notice that the baby has certain sleep and wake cycles. Children are usually most active from 19:00 to 4:00 in the morning, and the "rest" period occurs more often from 4 to 9:00 in the morning.


What does a woman feel when the baby moves for the first time and how to recognize this moment? Such questions, no doubt, are asked by all expectant mothers. Therefore, consider the main signs that indicate the movement of the child.

In most cases, when the fetus moves, a woman feels small tremors. However, on early dates pregnancy, they are not very pronounced. In this case, the expectant mother feels only some movements of the fetus. As a rule, women begin to feel the movement of their child at the gestation period from 19 to 21 weeks.

It is quite difficult to unambiguously describe the feeling experienced by a woman at the first stirring of a child. Some expectant mothers note that this feeling has many similarities with increased intestinal motility. Other women say that the movement of the child is like a fluttering butterfly, rolling objects, or a swimming fish. In any case, such sensations are completely painless for the mother herself and do not cause her discomfort for a longer period of pregnancy.

Only as enhanced growth a child, a woman can feel the movements of the baby, more pronounced than in the first months of pregnancy. The activity of the fetal movement is associated with the time of day, the movements of the mother and her physiological rhythms. Having learned to recognize the movements of the baby, the mother can even control their activity by adjusting the modes of eating, as well as sleep and wakefulness.

For a woman, especially a primipara, the first stirring of a baby is an extremely touching moment in her life. At this moment, for the first time, she can feel a living person inside herself, which for many expectant mothers is an incentive for a more responsible attitude towards her pregnancy.

Due to the individuality of the body of each woman, expectant mothers feel the first movement of their child in completely different ways. The timing during which the first movement of the fetus occurred may also differ. It depends on the body type of the woman and also on whether the woman is primiparous or multiparous.

It is noteworthy that women carrying their first pregnancy begin to feel the movement of the fetus much later compared to women who have already given birth before. This is due to the fact that in primiparous women, the walls of the uterus are much less sensitive.

The first fetal movement is an exciting event for every mother

The nature of the movements of the child

How can the nature of the child's movement help the expectant mother to diagnose the condition of her child, and what signs should cause particular alertness? Every woman needs to know this in order to take the necessary measures in time, as well as to better understand her child.

It is noteworthy that the embryo first begins to move as early as the seventh week of pregnancy. However, these movements are so small that the expectant mother cannot recognize and feel them. Most often, the fetus begins to move from the 14th to the 26th week of pregnancy. In the event that a woman does not feel any fetal movements at twenty weeks of pregnancy, her doctor may advise her to undergo ultrasound examination to make sure the baby is developing normally.

Women describe the first fetal movement as pushing, kicking, trembling, bumping, or fluttering. However, in some cases, primiparous women may mistake the movement of the child for movement in gastrointestinal tract. Perception intensity future mother child's movements to a large extent depends on its weight and constitutional features.

Experts have noticed that women with overweight bodies can feel their child very little, and vice versa, thin women note the pronounced signs of fetal movement. Also, it depends on the activity of the pregnant woman. During the period of movement, the expectant mother may not recognize the subtle signals given by her baby. In turn, in a state of complete rest, a woman has an ideal opportunity to listen to the movements of the child.

Around the 28th week of pregnancy, the frequency of fetal movement increases. At this time, expectant mothers may notice the almost constant movement of the child. A woman needs to learn how to control the activity of the fetus in order to The biological clock woman and child matched.

In the event that a pregnant woman accidentally takes an incorrect position from an anatomical point of view, the child may suddenly and abruptly begin to move. This usually happens when a woman lies on her back or crosses one leg over the other in a sitting position. As a rule, when changing the posture, the expectant mother stops feeling the rapid movement of the child. However, if the frequency of movements has not decreased within a few hours, a woman needs to urgently consult a doctor in order to diagnose and prevent such a fetal condition as oxygen starvation.

By the nature of the movements, you can determine the condition of the fetus

The frequency of the baby's movements

Many modern pregnant women are wondering what frequency of fetal movement is considered normal. Such experiences are quite justified, since too rare or too frequent stirring may indicate a problem.

Upon reaching the gestational age of 24 weeks, the baby can move up to 15 times per hour. However, sometimes the movement stops for several hours, which should not bother the expectant mother, since at this time the child is just sleeping. Reason for immediate appeal a doctor can only serve complete absence any fetal movements within twelve hours.

If a woman notes that the nature and frequency of the child's movements have somehow changed over the past few days, this is also serious reason in order to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. Any change in fetal activity that has not been observed before should alert the expectant mother.

In order to reliably assess the frequency of a child's movement, there is a special Pearson test. After the gestational age exceeds 32 weeks, the expectant mother should regularly record the time of every tenth fetal movement. It is recommended to choose a time interval for such observation from 9 am to 9 pm.

In the event that the number of marks is less than ten, this may indicate the development of oxygen deficiency in the child, which, of course, should not be ignored, since such a condition can lead to the death of the fetus. A pregnant woman should see a doctor as soon as possible with this problem.

Many expectant mothers also note that the number of movements of their baby increases markedly in the late afternoon, which is quite normal. Also, a woman should be aware that the child is most active between the 24th and 32nd weeks of pregnancy. However, as the third trimester approaches, the end of the baby's movements may decrease. This is especially evident immediately before the birth itself. However, it should be remembered that the intensity of the movements of the child must be the same as before, so that it can be argued that everything is in order with the child.

Thus, a simple procedure for counting the number of fetal movements can tell the expectant mother a lot of important things about the condition of her baby.

It is necessary to control the frequency of fetal movements

Movement of the baby in the third trimester of pregnancy

What should a woman look for Special attention in the third trimester of pregnancy? Consider the most important points for a woman during this period of time.

The third trimester begins around the seventh month of pregnancy. At this time, the child is already almost formed. On the this stage its organs and systems are completing their development, and there is also a rapid, compared with the first months of pregnancy, an increase in the growth and weight of the fetus. Due to the fact that the child at this stage is becoming stronger and stronger, the expectant mother may notice an increase in the intensity of shocks and movements.

It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus can still freely rotate in the uterine cavity, taking a variety of positions. However, upon reaching 30 or 32 weeks, the fetus is already quite large and by this time takes its permanent position.

In most pregnancies, the baby is positioned head down in the uterine cavity. This position, called cephalic presentation of the fetus, is the most anatomical and allows the baby to easily pass through the birth canal. However, in some cases, there are conditions such as breech presentation of the fetus. In this case, the child is placed legs down, which makes it difficult or impossible for natural delivery.

In order to give the fetus the position necessary for the natural course of childbirth, obstetrics use special tricks, with the help of which the doctor gently changes the position of the fetus by pressing in certain places of the abdomen.

Already at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother can determine by her feelings what position the child is in. As a rule, in the case of head presentation, a woman feels the active movements of the child in the upper part of the uterus. If the fetus is located in the uterus with legs down, a woman during pregnancy feels active movements in the lower abdomen.

With the onset of the third trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother can already recognize the sleep and wakefulness patterns of her baby. Moreover, she already knows what positions she needs to take during sleep so that the child does not experience oxygen starvation. It is known that when a woman is lying down, the blood vessels in the uterus are slightly compressed, to which the child, as a rule, responds with intense movements.

In the third trimester, the mother already knows the regimen of the child

Diagnosis of the condition of a woman by the nature of the movement of the child

How can a woman diagnose her condition and the condition of the child by the nature of the child’s movement, and also notice in time the presence of any abnormalities during pregnancy? This question is asked by many women who know the detrimental consequences of an inattentive attitude to the signs that the human body gives.

For any deviations in the behavior of the child, a woman should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist for an additional examination. If the expectant mother cannot quickly get to the doctor, it is necessary to call an ambulance specialist who will listen to the fetal heartbeat. Normally, it should be from 120 to 160 beats per minute. After that, the doctors will send the woman to medical institution for further diagnostic procedures.

Even if there are no abnormalities in the fetal heart rate, the doctor prescribes the woman to undergo a cardiotocographic study (CTG), which will determine if the child is experiencing oxygen starvation. During the examination, the doctor attaches a special sensor at the level of the anterior abdominal wall woman's belly. The expectant mother holds a button in her hand, which she presses every time she feels the movement of the child. This information is displayed graphically and the doctor can determine the condition heart rate baby. It should be noted that CTG method Most effective at gestational age from 30 to 32 weeks.

The constant movement of the baby and the increase in the woman's belly in size indicates normal flow pregnancy. The expectant mother should remember that the only way to tell about her condition in a child is just stirring. Therefore, a woman should approach the assessment and diagnosis of the child's movements with the utmost responsibility.

First of all, by the nature of the movement of the fetus, a woman can independently suspect an incorrect presentation of the fetus, which often entails the need for surgical delivery. This will enable her to apply for a qualified medical care. With timely treatment, the position of the fetus can be changed with the help of special obstetric appointments, after which the woman will be able to give birth to a child in a natural way.

Why expectant mothers need to listen to the movements of their child

What are the benefits modern woman basic medical knowledge? How with their help the expectant mother can prevent mass undesirable consequences for yourself and your child? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to consider the main problems that may arise with the health of a woman and a baby during pregnancy.

One of the most dangerous states for the child is hypoxia, which occurs due to a violation of the normal blood flow to the placenta, as a result of which the fetus begins to experience oxygen starvation. First of all, it threatens the appearance of various disorders in the nervous and cardiovascular system of the child. If the child does not receive enough oxygen for a long time, this can in a certain way affect both the mental and physical level fetal development. At the same time, women should remember that such a condition is equally likely to occur both in the early and more later dates pregnancy.

To protect her child from prolonged oxygen starvation, a woman should regularly monitor the frequency and nature of the baby's movements. To prevent the occurrence of such a complication, from the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman should move enough, eat rationally, and also devote enough time to sleep and rest. Also, the expectant mother should constantly monitor her weight. Excess body weight provokes the occurrence of shortness of breath in a woman, which is extremely harmful for both the baby and the mother herself. To avoid overeating, calories daily ration a pregnant woman should not exceed 1600 kcal / day.

Another complication of pregnancy that a woman can independently identify in herself is the incorrect presentation of the fetus. By carefully listening to changes in the nature of the movement of the child, a woman with an incorrect presentation will immediately notice changes in her body. Most often found cephalic presentation fetus in which childbirth proceeds most naturally. With a breech presentation of the fetus, the child is located in the uterine cavity with the legs down, as a result of which the expectant mother constantly feels strong activity in the lower abdomen. This should alert the woman and force her to see a doctor for a medical examination.

most dangerous in obstetric practice is an oblique presentation fetus, when the body of the child is located at right angles to the body of the uterus. With such a presentation, as the child grows, his movements cause discomfort to the woman, and even pain. In this case, self-delivery is not possible.

In order to prevent the appearance of a pelvic or oblique presentation of the fetus, during pregnancy, a woman needs to perform a complex special exercises that will allow the fetus to take in the uterus correct position. It is important to note that these exercises should only be prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist. Unauthorized and especially excessively intense exercises for a pregnant woman are extremely contraindicated.

By the nature of the movements, the mother can determine the position of the fetus

In order to stay healthy and safely endure pregnancy, a woman must follow all the doctor's recommendations, be under the supervision of a local obstetrician-gynecologist, and also eat right and varied, it is enough to walk on fresh air and maintain a sleep and wake schedule. She should also monitor the nature of the movements of her child, which can tell a lot about his well-being.

18.08.2017 / Heading: / Mari no comments

Expectant mothers are very worried and afraid to miss the first fetal movement during pregnancy. However, cute thrusts are not easy good feeling unity with your little miracle, but also an accurate indicator of the correct development and wellness baby. Even in the tummy, the baby can quite clearly explain to his mother what he wants. What movements indicate discomfort, and when should you run to the hospital? How to keep a record of fetal activity?

When did the baby learn to move?

The baby starts to move a lot earlier the moment when mom feels the first tremors.

Muscular activity manifests itself long before the formation of the nervous system, skeleton and other organs. Already on the 21st day of pregnancy, a small heart beats. By the beginning of the 9th week, nervous system, the first reflexes appear. At the ninth week, the baby swallows amniotic waters, which is actually quite a complex movement.

From school biology lessons it is known that the muscles human face consists of several dozen muscles. He may hiccup. Week 10 small miracle is able to independently change the trajectory of its movement, but is still unnoticed by the mother. At the 16th week of development, the baby is able to distinguish sounds and respond to them. Distinguishes intonation, feels the mood of the mother. A week later, he opens and closes his eyes, squints.

At 18 weeks little man already knows a lot:

  • touches the umbilical cord with tiny hands,
  • clenching and unclenching fists
  • touches the head
  • changes body position.

At what gestational age do babies learn to manipulate their mother and create comfort on their own?

In studies, some covered their faces with their hands when they heard unpleasant or loud sounds.

In the early stages, the concept of comfort is formed and the understanding comes that it is able to influence the intensity of external stimuli. The baby will make mom roll over from her back to one side with strong pushes or remind her that it is important to remain calm when the pregnant woman is nervous.

Motion the only way communicate with your mother, report your feelings. By the nature and intensity of the movement, mothers and doctors judge the condition of the baby.

How to recognize the baby's first greeting?

From the day when the baby first kicked her mother's tummy, women perceive the fetus as a child, feel like a future mother to the fullest. That's what psychologists say.

Moms are afraid to miss the first movements of the fetus during the first pregnancy, because they do not know what they look like. But later they say: "... it cannot be confused with anything, it is unforgettable."

Pregnant women often describe their feelings like this:

  • an air bubble rose to the surface;
  • the fish startled;
  • a butterfly in closed palms is trying to take off;
  • the ball rolled over.

In addition to beautiful poetic comparisons, most of all women attribute the similarity of the baby's first movements with banal flatulence. Since during pregnancy the digestive system “lives by its own rules” and often “pleases with surprises”, mothers can miss the first hesitant tremors of the crumbs, mistaking them for intestinal motility.

You can feel your baby in the 13th week. When they say that each pregnancy is individual, we are talking about all processes. Doctors draw the attention of mothers to the period of 16-22 weeks of pregnancy, when you should carefully listen to the baby.

20-22 weeks - the period when the movements of the baby become more orderly and resemble a newborn. In 30 minutes, a five-month-old man is able to make 20-60 different movements. And if you consider that the baby has also grown up, then it is impossible to miss the hair or confuse it with something. At this time, the movements become distinct, and primiparous mothers should not be afraid that they will not be able to recognize them.

Important! If the baby does not make itself felt at the 22nd week of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor.

When does the period of tangible hairs begin?

Starting from the 24th week, the child continuously communicates with his mother in the only way available to him - movement. And a pregnant woman learns to understand the baby even before his birth. By the "behavior" of the crumbs, you can judge a lot.

The little man reports joy, anxiety, well-being, discomfort, even his temperament. And he will also be able to “say hello” to dad and loved ones who are looking forward to him. At 6 months, movement is felt on the surface of the tummy.

It is indescribably pleasant to feel the movement of the fetus, especially during the first pregnancy, and even the simplest and most the right way self-diagnosis. By reducing or increasing the activity of the baby, the mother should judge his condition and inform the doctor in time.

Important! Lack of movement for 12 hours is unacceptable. The activity rate for a six-month-old fetus is 10-15 movements per hour with breaks of 3-4 hours when the baby is sleeping.

Excessive activity may indicate discomfort. The child thus asks the mother to sit down or lie down more comfortably, or vice versa, to take a walk. When a woman lies on her back in a position, the fetus compresses large veins and receives less oxygen. Subsequently, the mother may feel intense tremors. The same effect can be observed if you sit in a cross-legged position for a long time.

It is enough to roll over on your side or sit down in a more suitable pregnant way: on the edge of a chair, legs slightly apart, so that the tummy falls comfortably. When mommy sits at the computer for a long time or on the road, you need to take breaks and do light gymnastics, stop and get out of the car more often. Otherwise, irritable kicks will not keep you waiting long.

It usually calms down some time after the elimination of the irritating factor. But if the child drums tirelessly for several hours or days, the movements cause pain to the pregnant woman, this should not be tolerated. The doctor will more accurately determine the cause of restless behavior.

The fidget is as mobile as possible in the period of 24-32 weeks. Further, the frequency of movements decreases, but the strength remains the same or increases. The 25th week of pregnancy is the time when the body is fully formed and now all that remains is to grow. So the house-tummy is getting tighter and tighter. When the stomach drops and the baby is inserted with the head into the birth canal, it becomes quite uncomfortable to move. It turns out only to stretch the arms or legs.

Many mothers note that before childbirth, the baby completely calms down and is preparing to be born. But there are also more temperamental ones who react violently to the constraint of freedom of movement.

Important! In the later stages, the movement of the child can cause discomfort and even pain. Most often in the hypochondrium. It's not scary - just the crumbs are very crowded.

Why do mothers feel their children at different times?

Primiparous mothers simply torment themselves with the question: when can you feel the cherished tremors? There are several factors that affect the sensitivity of the mother:

  1. weight - jerks big baby mother will feel earlier;
  2. individual sensitivity;
  3. the constitution of the mother's body - lean mothers feel stirring earlier than those who are intensively gaining weight;
  4. bowel problems;
  5. volume amniotic fluid.

Although the sensations of pregnant women are far from unambiguous, all children begin to move actively and orderly from 16-18 weeks. Prior to this, all movements are more like a reflex chaotic muscle contraction.

Important! Late wiggling not always a sign of deviations. Often this is the result of errors in calculating the gestational age. With an extended cycle, the difference between obstetric and real terms can be 1-3 weeks. But be safe and once again going to the doctor won't hurt.

What is the difference between stirring during the second pregnancy?

The second time or third pregnancy, the mommy feels her baby 1-3 weeks earlier, which is the only difference. First, it has to do with experience. A woman with knowledge of the matter will no longer confuse the long-awaited tremors with anything else.

Secondly, such sensitivity is also associated with the uterus, which did not fully return to its original state after the birth of the older child. The abdominal muscles become weaker, so the stomach is noticeable much earlier.

If movement is felt only in the lower abdomen

By the location of the shocks, the mother can determine the location of the child in the tummy. If the movement is observed above the navel, then the child is in the correct position with the head down. But the movement of the lower abdomen speaks in favor breech presentation, that is, legs or buttocks down.

But don't worry. Up to 32 weeks there is high probability that the baby will roll over on its own. In medical practice, there are cases when babies took the correct position a few days before birth. The doctor can also help the baby roll over. But even if he is stubborn and does not want to wait for the birth with his head down, then when modern medicine the outcome of childbirth will be positive in any case.

Things are more complicated with transverse presentation. The child is in a supine position, that is, the legs and head are on the sides, and the shoulder is facing the birth canal. In such situation natural childbirth excluded. The baby is born by caesarean section. However, there is no need to worry: transverse presentation- a very rare occurrence.

It also leads to movement in the lower abdomen low tone muscles of the uterus and abdomen. Sometimes it is accompanied unpleasant sensations in the perineum. Most often observed in mothers with a second pregnancy or more.

Myoma or uterine fibroids make their own adjustments to pregnancy, as they interfere with the baby in a tight tummy. And if the head does not have enough space next to the neoplasm, then there will be legs.

Polyhydramnios allows the baby to constantly roll over and it is difficult for doctors to predict exactly how the child is going to be born. But the mother, by stirring, will understand in what position the baby is.

Insufficient amount of amniotic fluid, on the contrary, hinders movement and the baby may not have time to take the correct position.

How to understand the baby?

There are several methods for counting the number of baby movements, which are based on the "count to ten" principle. The only difference is the time frame and subject matter. The most famous are:

  1. md Pearson;
  2. md Cardiff;
  3. Sadowski test;
  4. British test.

The first three methods are most commonly used. D. Pearson's technique is based on maintaining a special calendar of movements starting from the 28th week. Mammy listens to the stirrers from 9:00 to 21:00. The time of the tenth stirring is recorded in the calendar.

Calculation algorithm:

  1. fix the time of the first stirring;
  2. movements of any nature are considered except for hiccups: pushes, rolls, flips;
  1. the time of the 10th perturbation is entered.

What the results say:

  • a twenty-minute interval between the first and 10th stirring signal proper development crumbs;
  • the duration of the study of 30-40 minutes is also acceptable, perhaps the baby was resting or has a calm character;
  • when an hour or more passes from the beginning of the count to the 10th perturbation, the mother should not hesitate to go to the doctor.

For the Cardiff method, the same table can be used. In this case, the key point is the rate of movement in the same time frame of 9:00-21:00. In other words, if in the allotted 12 hours the baby reminded of himself at least 10 times, then everything is fine. When Mom Can't Count required amount tremors, it means the baby is feeling unwell.

Sadowski's method monitors the baby's reaction to his mother's meals. A pregnant woman should listen to movements within an hour after eating. If you managed to count 4 or more, then everything is fine.

If the reaction is weak, you need to repeat the study after next appointment food.

Important! A deviation of 1.5 times from the norm in one direction or another indicates problems with the health of the baby.

Strong movement of the baby often signals hypoxia. in running state, excessive activity is replaced by sluggish inexpressive movements.

For timely diagnosis perform ultrasound and CTG (cardiotocography). CTG allows you to evaluate the baby's heartbeat and make the correct diagnosis. The study lasts about 30 minutes, during which the mother notes all the movements of the child using a special sensor. During movement, the frequency should increase by 15-20 beats.

Important! The baby's heartbeat should not be monotonous. The heart rate varies from 120 to 160 beats per minute.

Hypoxia is evidenced by:

  • 60-90 beats per minute;
  • monotonous heartbeat;
  • lack of response to movement.

Minor deviations from the norms are corrected special therapy aimed at improving blood flow in the placenta. Severe hypoxia is an indication for immediate caesarean section if time permits. Also, mom can be prescribed dopplerometry. CTG is recommended to take place once a week, starting from the 28th week of pregnancy.

Is it possible to force to move or calm the baby?

Moms note that the baby often “moves” when mommy tries to lie down or sleep. Also, the baby responds after a delicious dinner. Doctors say that the baby has more energy to move.

Babies in the tummy like a slight swaying while going to the store or doing household chores. At this time, they sleep more often. After birth, this habit persists for quite some time. Many have to be lulled for a long time, carried in their arms, pumped in a stroller. And when mommy tries to lie down, the baby, apparently, becomes bored and uninteresting.

To stir up the crumbs, you can eat something tasty and lie down to rest. Or do the opposite light gymnastics, take a walk, listen to music, and then relax. The kid will definitely please his mother with a friendly kick. In addition, at rest, the mother becomes more sensitive.

Also important is the communication of the pope with the little miracle. The touch and voice of the father calms both the baby and the mother after suffering stress or excitement. And vice versa, the baby will want to thank dad for talking and stroking his tummy.


Panic is not the best adviser in any situation, especially when carrying a beloved child. At what stage of pregnancy a woman is, timely the right decision and awareness of all issues will get rid of most problems.