African party costumes. Scenario for the New Year "Party in African style

The cradle of humanity frightens with its primitiveness, but fascinates with its pristine splendor. hot african party original theme for any holiday when you want to forget about the sometimes oppressive burden of civilization.

And it's bright, fun and very colorful! Thousands of ethnic groups, a unique rich fauna among the burning deserts, endless savannahs and shady jungles. Incendiary rhythms of music that banishes not only evil forces, but also gray thoughts. And what will your African-style party be like: safari, wild tribe, eerie Voodoo, national entourage?


The most interesting thing is that these ideas can be combined. Within the framework of this theme, congestion with details and insane color solutions. A priest with a mobile phone, a pygmy in a shaggy skirt on the streets flooded with thousands of lights - this is Africa!

Of course, if you are celebrating an anniversary or other important date (format on highest level), it is better to choose one direction. It is not necessary to go to extremes, just focus on something specific, and the rest of the details will complement.

We offer design ideas for an African party for adults:

  • drapery with zebra/tiger pattern or recognizable geometric pattern. Multi-colored pillows, wicker rugs from bundles of fabric, bamboo, reed. Skins anywhere. Bright decor looks beautiful on a plain fabric like burlap;

If the room is small or the holiday will be outside, it is easy to imitate a hut with the help of drapery. Small huts made of branches and leaves sketched on top can be placed in the hall for entourage.

  • photos or pictures of nature, scenes from tribal life, girls. This is a very popular trend in art - it is easy to make a selection through the search and print the pictures you like;
  • headdresses, shaman masks, fake horns on the walls. Driftwood will go by the horns, or you can cut out foam plastic by painting it from a spray can. Cardboard masks paint with acrylic - peep the ideas of African-style patterns on the net;
  • musical instruments, primitive weapons, tools. If there is nothing similar, print a photo, glue it on a dense base and hang it on the walls for entourage. Or make props from improvised materials - spears, bows, batons, drums will come in handy as photo accessories;

  • African-style wicker and earthenware, souvenirs, figurines - ask your friends, you will surely find something suitable. For example, many have figures of African women, cats, elephants, turtles, monkeys;
  • at a party with an emphasis on originality, beads made of "bones", skulls (ashtrays), garlands with feathers, straw dolls and other Voodoo passions are appropriate;
  • fire - fake fire, thick candles in "greasy" bowls, biofireplace, candle lanterns. If the light in the room is dim, wrap the vines electric garlands- Very beautiful!

  • live and/or artificial palms, broadleaf plants, leaves in floor vases . It is easy to make a palm tree from disheveled strips of paper, packaging bags, peat cups - hide the stick, attach paper leaves on top. At the celebration of the new year in African style, an elegant palm tree will replace the traditional spruce;

Are you more attracted to desert or savannah than liana palms? Use dry twigs, sun-bleached driftwood (paint), succulents, sand with pebbles in transparent containers in the design.

  • creepers, ampelous plants, exotic flowers(potted, bouquets). To make a creeper, wrap brown paper tightly around nylon thread and glue the leaves randomly. You can fearlessly hang a massive decor on it - it will not tear;
  • elephants, giraffes, parrots, crocodiles and other hippos. Dark silhouettes against the backdrop of a red sunset create a very colorful atmosphere. Plus the already mentioned figurines, photos, paintings. If the format is friendly, you can fool around - the theme has: funny children's pictures, drawings on large cardboard.

When it comes to Safari party, more greenery and animals. National flavor - colorful drapery, ethnic dishes, objects folk art. Wild people - masks, tools, skins, weapons.

For creating festive atmosphere hang garlands of beads, beads, feathers, bright motley or striped-spotted ribbons. Through the network you can order stylized Balloons. For your birthday, make a congratulatory banner from the letters on the "skins", leaves, flowers, animal tracks.


Consider the nuances of your African party scenario and format as a whole when considering invitation design ideas. The theme is very multifaceted, and the invitation should reflect the main direction of the holiday.

  • postcards in the form of an animal, to whom what or the same;
  • fake ticket / passport with a map of the mainland, "customs" seals, silhouettes of animals;
  • a miniature traveler's suitcase made of thick embossed paper or "crocodile skin";

  • coconut invitation card plastic ball cover with coconut fiber. It is sold in florist shops, and spinning balls are easier to order through the network (blanks for crafts);
  • invitation card decorated with feathers, beads, fruits cut out of ornamental cardboard. Print a suitable texture or buy paper in the department for needlework (scrapbooking, decoupage).


There are more than 3,000 ethnic groups on the second largest continent, so the definition of "national African costumes" is incorrect. This is a huge variety of conceivable and unthinkable "styles" from the most different materials. And if you approach the choice with humor and fantasy, the ideas for costumes for an adult African party are almost endless!

  • frank "palm" outfit, from raffia, feathers and other gifts of nature. It is not necessary to adhere to naturalism - an imitation of fabric ribbons over closed underwear will also look authentic;
  • cape of "skins" to the knees or open suit from scraps - a primitive man, a warrior or a shaman of a tribe, a voodoo priest;
  • a colorful dress / shirt with ethnic patterns, a traditional very loose or an elegant modern cut - in the collection of any fashion house there is clothing in African style. You can look at the photo and find something similar (the topic is very popular, the choice is huge);

  • zebra, tiger, giraffe or t-shirt material with thematic pictures. A funny lion cub or a sexy lioness, a traveler in the same pith helmet, a fabric banana skirt and a coconut bra and... Dream up!

Such a stormy extravaganza does not fit into the planned format? Specify the dress code in the invitation, otherwise everyone will perceive the theme in their own way.

It is better to darken the skin with a bronzer over foundation or with face painting paints + a fixer. You can buy a self-tanner (does not wash off), a special make-up for artists (dirty).

Make-up natural or deliberately bright, ethnic. Hair can be braided, curled into small curls, hide under the cocoon of a scarf or put on a magnificent wig. If you settled on a traditional look, don't forget large accessories made of beads, wood, leather, and feathers.

Menu, serving

African food for a party is an endless choice, as with costumes, because we are talking about a huge continent. The menu is equally appropriate Algerian, Moroccan, Nigerian, Ethiopian, South African cuisine. General trends - love for fried / stewed meat, legumes, spices. One of recognizable features– adding fruit to meat/fish.

Only now, many recipes cannot be repeated due to the lack of key ingredients in our stores. We chose simple options, from which you can make a menu for an African party (recipes are on the net, products are available):


  • Couscous with vegetables or meat
  • Soya - looks like a barbecue, pieces of meat with peanuts, soy sauce, paprika
  • Boboti - meat (beef or lamb) casserole with almonds, dried fruits
  • Shakshukha - poultry meat, vegetables, noodles - very tasty and satisfying
  • Beef with cheese and bananas
  • Meat baked with kiwi
  • Trout Moroccan

Salads and appetizers

  • Moroccan shergi with vegetables and oranges
  • Banana salad with ham, raisins and cream
  • Algerian eggplant
  • Fetcook with tuna - small bite-sized patties


  • Kroki - striped biscuit cookies
  • Charek - a very delicate nutty treat, similar to cookies
  • Banana cream with raisins and milk
  • Banana cupcakes, fried bananas (simple, tasty and atmospheric, perfect for a party!)

Any fruit salads and desserts will fit into the theme, fresh Exotic fruits and dried fruits, figs, dates, nuts. Drinks - grape and honey wine, tangerine liqueur, fruit cocktails (both with and without alcohol), coffee.

Injera "pancakes" made from corn or wheat flour are served with a variety of snacks - sauces, meat / vegetable stews. Snacks in separate plates, the guest himself takes what he likes and eats injeroy like pita bread. Behind common table different snacks put on a huge "pancake", which is lined with a common dish.

When there is no time for culinary experiments, you can limit yourself beautiful presentation. Let the food be familiar - the “African” design will fit the table into the general surroundings. Simple ideas:

  • buy stylized napkins, tablecloths, dishes (if disposable, then paper is better, not plastic);
  • decorate the dishes with thematic drawings with acrylic using a stencil. Glue the silhouettes of animals, plants to transparent dishes / glasses;

  • line the appetizer dish with “palm” leaves cut from a thin disposable tablecloth;
  • zebra stripes with black and white chocolate on desserts (melt, draw with a medical syringe without a needle). Tiger stripes - chocolate and apricot jam;
  • there are a lot of MKs on the net, how to make animals from mastic, vegetables and fruits to decorate any food;

  • cocktails in pineapple, desserts in coconut shells, jelly in orange, fruit salads, punches in watermelon / melon crust - bright, atmospheric.

A simple option is the background monochrome dishes and an abundance of thematic attributes. Toppers on toothpicks, garlands, paper "zoo", figurines, masks, etc., which is used to decorate the room, but in miniature.


It is not difficult to come up with a plot scenario for an African party: a war between two tribes, the initiation of young hunters, or the struggle of natives with alien whites. But at an adult holiday, a common outline is hardly necessary - you can just have fun, participate in competitions, dance to ethnic music.

Make a track list, including national African songs and music, modern dance compositions, sounds of nature for the background (minutes of rest).

We offer games and competitions for an African party in a friendly informal atmosphere.


Guests are divided into two teams. From each you need to choose 1 person who will play the role of prey, the rest are hunters. Team A "hunts" a player from B, and vice versa. Give the hunters a block of office stickers.

You can't touch the prey with your hands and somehow impede its movement, you can only stick stickers on it. The team with the least sticky player wins. You can “drive” common loot together, then you need multi-colored stickers (how many teams, so many colors). Whose stickers will be more on the "skin of the beast", they won.

stubborn elephant

Strong nylon rope or rope tied so that common center 2-4 ends diverged (according to the number of players). The rope must be tied around the waist. The guests stand with their backs to each other, on command they pull each in their own direction. The one who outweighs the rest deserves the title of the most stubborn elephant and a bag of peanuts.

Pygmy mating dance

A playful test of artistry for men. Ladies sit on chairs, their friends / gentlemen perform mating dance to the sounds of "tam-tom". You can come up with nominations - the most original, sexy, funny dance.


An African game known throughout the continent. It looks like our tags, but the one who was taunted stands behind the driver (holds by the clothes or by the waist). The Mamba gets longer with each tagged one, it is more difficult to control it, and there are fewer and fewer players to be tagged. The winner is the one who remains the last not to join the mamba.

Antelope running

Players stand at the start in twos - one in front, the second holds him by the waist. The goal is to be the first to jump (namely, jump like an impala) to the finish line without disengaging.

Riddles with a trick

For a break from active games, towards the middle of the party. Answer together or each for himself (write down), fighting for the title of the wisest monkey (turtle?). The list can easily be continued by redoing similar riddles:

  • How far into the jungle can a monkey run (to the middle, then he already runs out)
  • Which animal is most likely to get hit by wheels (zebra)
  • Under what trees do lions hide from the rain (under wet)
  • Small, speckled, very similar to a giraffe (calf or "giraffe")
  • What does half a pineapple look like (the other half)
  • The Angolan says: “Everything is better here than in Namibia - food, women, climate. They only have one better." What is this? (neighbours)
  • What is from an elephant or even more, but weighs nothing (elephant's shadow)

Limbo, dice games, twister, any competitions for dexterity, strength and, of course, accuracy will fit into the scenario of an African party - shoot from a bow with suction cups, throw spear darts, throw rings on bottles or coins in cork hats.

Prepare memorable gifts - souvenirs, jewelry, stationery, key rings. Animal shape or print, tiger/zebra stripe or giraffe/leopard spot.

Read more thematic ideas.

April 3, 2016

If you want a holiday with minimal conventions and restrictions, and a maximum of open tanned bodies, we invite you to familiarize yourself with African party. Another great idea how to celebrate a birthday in the summer!

An African safari-style party attracts active youth not only with the bright appearance of the participants, but also with the absence of special requirements for behavior and dress code: just a perky, liberated “chunga-changa”!

Safari is a journey to observe the natural, primitive conditions wildlife and exotic animals. Once it assumed a real hunt, but at the present time, perhaps a photo hunt.

Africa- a huge continent that accommodates 61 countries and covers several climatic zones. This gives us the opportunity to roam "in a big way." But we are interested in that part of the continent where funny uneducated people still run and hungry predators roam.

And so, let's move on to step-by-step birthday planning, well, or whatever you decide to celebrate there!

1. Event organizer

An original celebration is best arranged outside the city: a lot of noise and reckless competitions are planned, therefore, the farther you are from the prying eyes of neighbors and ordinary passers-by, the more real everything will turn out.

Attributes for this event are quite extensive and cumbersome, therefore, it is better to start preparing three weeks before important date. Try to distribute responsibilities among the participants.

Orders will be something like this:

Tips for those who will independently experiment with dyes.

Each dye adheres to the skin differently. Everyone has to go to work on Monday, and the appearance there in the form of an evil African pygmy or a spree zebra may not be understood. Therefore, consider the following information:

  • Henna staying with you for 3 weeks is clearly not an option.
  • Theatrical makeup easily smeared during the walk and spoil the mood.
  • felt-tip pen for a tattoo comes off within 3 days, and with spots.
  • face paintinga good option high-quality drawing, and with a latch it will last until the first shower!
  • The easiest, most affordable and easy way provide yourself with dyes - cook it yourself by mixing the right colors gouache With a small amount glycerin or vaseline. Thus, the paint will be evenly applied to the body and will not crack when it dries! And you can wash it off as soon as such a desire arises. Before applying gouache, in order to avoid allergic reactions, it is better to apply on the body fat cream and let it soak in.

2. African party invitations

Call guests at 11.00 on a day off. While everyone is admiring each other's costumes, snapping selfies, it's time for lunch.

The invitation card can follow the shape of the African continent, or simply framed in the spirit of all the fun.

Text option for men:

“______ (name), ready to check how iron your balls are? Then drag them on Saturday at 11.00 to the appointed place. Prepare your full gear - let's go on a Safari! It will be dangerous, scary and you will want to squeal like a frightened little girl! Don't forget the dress code or I'll get mad and you'll start screaming before the Safari starts!"

Text option for women:

“They say that at your age a woman is brash and sultry, like Africa. Come Saturday at 11:00. to the appointed place and become the face of a Safari-style party".

3. Dress code and meeting guests

Both sexes, playing the tribal population of wild Africa, dress and adorn themselves in very similar ways. Loincloths, beads made from the teeth and horns of predators, feather ornaments, painted faces and bodies.

Hunters adhere to a sports-camping style.

Who wants to be reincarnated as animals, have the opportunity to become the brightest characters. Only body art is worth it. In principle, it is enough to decorate the hands or face. You can't get by without professional help.

If possible, think of a tent where the audience can change clothes and decorate the bodies before entering the festival area.

4. Making an African meadow

Rent a mini-bus or a couple of jeeps, just like on a real Safari.

It is necessary to divide the yard into two zones: desert and thickets. This will provide an opportunity to visit several geographical areas at once with their abundance of flora and fauna. Be sure to get and pour a mountain of sand on the "half of the desert", imitate sand dunes on it, place rubber creeping animals. And in the background is a banner with an image of an endless desert to enhance the effect. Here are the coolest photos!

The second half needs to be qualitatively decorated with artificial vines and other vegetation that they could get. You can fix all this on fishing nets or on those that summer residents use to weave cucumbers. Hang thickets on trees, be sure to attach peeking monkeys, real bananas, a couple of coconuts and colorful parrots. Bushes everywhere will also come in handy, and will help hunters hide.

It is necessary to prepare acoustic effects in advance: according to developing events, the voices of exotic birds, the crackling of cicadas, the growling of a lion, the hissing of snakes and the rumbling voice of an elephant during the mating season should be carried across the clearing.

Ideally fit into the scenario of the hut. From the outside, it must be decorated with dry reeds. And inside, decorate with attributes of the life of a wild people: masks, amulets, working equipment, hunting gear, skins of dead animals, their stuffed animals ... A fabric or a banner with imitation of rock paintings will look great.
The feasting part of the event will take place here.

Choose a secluded place where you can "figure out" the consequences of the fight of wild animals. Here it is necessary to scatter the bone models prepared in advance (you can use gelatin bones from a pet store) and pour a puddle of "blood" from red paint for credibility.

5. Menu and drinks

To maintain the theme of the party, you need to arrange an exhibit table, where all sorts of cool trinkets in the form of stone beads, feather crowns and everything you can build and get on the topic of Aboriginal treasures will be presented.

Serving involves maximum minimalism. We use napkins on the sly. We eat mostly with our hands. As a plot for a photo, you can play a small fight at the table for a juicy piece of meat.

Naturally, the dishes can be very varied, but the serving must match the style of the party: large, roughly and unevenly cut pieces of meat and slices of bread, "game" on the bone, sandwiches, potatoes and fish on the coals, vegetable salads coarse cuts and just whole vegetables on the dishes. The presence of a couple of cans of canned food (any) and canned carbonated drinks is mandatory: you can play a small comic moment at the table when a representative of the wild people takes these gastronomic finds from the hunter's backpack and tries to open them, tormented by guessing what it is and why.

The fruit assortment, in addition to the usual apples, pears, plums, peaches and grapes, must necessarily include an abundance of exotic choices. Coconuts, pineapples, bananas, figs, dates and mangoes will be appropriate.
Clay or wooden glasses are well suited.

From alcohol, opt for vodka, beer and wine.

6. Entertainment scenario

First of all, group photos and dances around the fire with the characteristic exclamations of the wild people (everyone slaps their lips with their palms, making the familiar sounds of Tarzan and wild Papuans). Secondly, contests.

"Get bananas for lunch."

Remember that there is vegetation with fruits in the yard. In the competition, we invite participants to knock down bananas using any materials at hand. The competition can be complicated: get only bananas, in no case touch the coconut; or vice versa - one banana and one coconut, etc. Organize everything so that there are options: reach out with a “spear”, climb a tree, shoot down with a boomerang. Let the natives be smart, and the people will be amused by their efforts. The requirements are met - we give a cocktail in a coconut.

"Hunt the prey."

We organize a group of tribal residents, a group of hunters from the world of civilization and a victim - one of the guests in an animal role. We give time to the beast to hide, and send teams to hunt. In the course of the search, do not forget to photograph events against the backdrop of picturesque landscapes. The team that discovers the beast first wins, they receive a charm for the tribe as a prize. After finding the victim, play a small chase. The people are happier, and the photos are cooler.

"The Marriage Dance of a Lonely Papuan".

When the guests are a little liberated, it is worth offering the public bolder contests. Choose an active dancer and give the task to dance the Papuan dance in the process of seducing the woman you like. The prize is a kiss from a beauty of the dancer's choice!

"The Seductive Dance of the Wild Woman".

We repeat the previous competition, but already performed by a girl. The prize is determined by the dancer herself!

Group competition " Best Performance dance "Chunga-changa".

Everything is clear here. Two teams compete to win a ripe sweet pineapple. The more incendiary and synchronous "Chunga-changa" wins.


The dance is performed in pairs: two pairs at a time, until all the guests dance. The couple that "started" the crowd more than the rest wins. The prize - "drink of love" - ​​bright alcoholic cocktails for two.

"What is this?"

Prepare things from the world of civilization on the table in advance: a smartphone, a fork, a plate, matches, a condom, shampoo, toilet paper ... The daredevil (wild person) who volunteers must portray a vivid first reaction to each thing, offer his own options for using it or come to its intended purpose by trial and error. Now is the time to take pictures! Give the participant a "dream catcher" so that he will never forget the hospitality of his "compatriots".

"Countries of the African Continent"

Two contestants are invited to name African countries in turn. The one who remembers more states wins. The prize is a magnet in the form of the African continent or a keychain.

"Cross the bridge over the abyss"

As it usually happens, some of the guests will definitely “blur” more than others from the alcohol they have drunk. That's what we need! Lay two long ropes parallel to each other on the ground (the distance between them is a foot wide). This will be an impromptu bridge. We voice the task - to go to the other side and save the leader's daughter from the captivity of the warring tribe. The contestant will certainly “fall off the bridge” and earn a loud ovation. Well, and a medal from us "The most dexterous warrior of the tribe"!

"Datura potion"

Two teams are given the task of making an intoxicating drink for the elder. The birthday boy determines whose drink is tastier, more beautifully decorated and more “hit in the head”. The prize from the hero of the occasion is the medal "tribal healer".

"In the language of the tribe"

We propose to finish competitive program the most creative of all tasks. Two teams (all participating) are invited to write a short narrative on a free topic in a fictitious language. Let it be literally 3-4 sentences, but related in meaning. Example: “Koronok turned around from the karyamba. Pereben was thrashing the pipe. Koronok flashed and scandalized. Let the guests guess the embedded meaning for a long time. There will be a lot of options and each will cause a sea of ​​positive emotions.

More interesting contests look at nature.

7. Party music

Download on the Web a selection of nature sounds and the characteristic exclamations of the tribes during their ritual dances. Well complement the selection of the song "Island of Bad Luck", the song of the Little Red Riding Hood "Ah-ah, in Africa the mountains are so high!", "Chunga-changa", "Lambada", "Hakunamatata", a song about Barmaley, "Chuchuk". And then - just rhythmic compositions with wooden drums and everything that the "degree" of the guests dictates!

8. Presenting a gift to a birthday person

There is an opportunity to present a gift in an unusual way, within the framework of theme party. This can be done in the following way.

For example, our birthday boy or birthday girl at the beginning of the holiday - in the role of a hunter. Then, the wild tribe takes the hero of the occasion into captivity. In the course of a short communion, the captive is recognized as the messenger of the gods and exalted to the rank of leader. As a sign of reconciliation and to appease the leader, he is dressed in clothes, according to his status, the winner is painted and a valuable gift is brought as a gift.

Give what was agreed in advance, but wrap the value in the skin of an animal and bring it on a makeshift "stretcher", pretending that it is insanely hard for you to carry. Before handing, perform the ritual of “fumigation” with sacred smoke - a precaution against evil spirits. You can use fragrant incense or bakhoor. If you use ordinary smoke, the gift will quickly and permanently absorb the inappropriate smell.

9. End of the holiday

The festive glade is simply replete with corners for photo shoots and beckons to create memorable pictures throughout the celebration. But try to be "in shape" until the very end, in order to be able to take as many photos as possible with a cheerful warm-up crowd! After all, the most liberated and bold photos will be in the very final. Well, if "poisonous" drinks, after all, put you out of action, be prepared to see yourself the next day in the photo as a prisoner, bound hand and foot!

Have fun "Hakunamatata!", which translates as "without worries" from the Swahili language - the people of the African mainland.

hot african party original version to celebrate the New Year. Just imagine - it's cold outside, and around you people in bright colorful costumes are having fun and dancing to the incendiary drum rhythms. Every minute you are filled with the hot breath of a distant mysterious continent, forgetting about all the problems and oppressive burden of civilization.

You must have seen it on my blog. Today I will tell you how to have a real African party at home.

African Party Decor Ideas for Adults

Start preparing for this theme night no less than three weeks. In order for guests to get into the spirit of the holiday from the doorway, be sure to take care of the appropriate decorations.

You can start with the simplest, for example, sofa cushions and plaid. Let them be with a tiger, zebra or leopard pattern.

Order or make your own African animal silhouettes. For example, cut them out of ordinary chipboard, paint them, and place them along the walls. Or let them watch you different corners rooms Stuffed Toys- tigers, lions, monkeys, giraffes, elephants. Create the effect of the presence of wildlife in your home!

On the walls you can hang printed photographs from the life of African tribes, masks-totems. By the way, making an exotic papier-mâché mask is very simple and everyone can do it.

Find decorations, figurines, any decor items that match the theme of the New Year's Eve.

If you are a lover of indoor flowers, then create compositions from living greenery. Give preference to broad-leaved plants. Monstera, dracaena or yucca will look spectacular. From flowering plants, callas, gerberas, orchids will decorate the interior.

If space permits, organize a photo zone. Order a large panel with an African landscape, arrange attributes that match the theme of the party. Surely your guests will want to take original photos as a keepsake.

The main decoration of the New Year holiday is the Christmas tree. But as you note New Year in African style, order a palm tree or an original arrangement of balloons instead of a green beauty.

For inspiration, I offer you a few more photos with African-style interior items.

Perhaps you or someone you know is interested in the culture of Africa, then collecting decorations for a theme party will not be special work. Remember, the more decor elements you find, the more realistic you will reproduce the flavor of African life.

What to eat at an African themed party

African cuisine includes the traditions of all countries of the continent. One thing unites them all - love for bread, legumes, cereals, meat. Also, the menu of the African people is replete with local vegetables and fruits.

Based on this, we can conclude that a deliciously fried meat dish (leg of lamb, turkey or chicken), exotic fruits, cocktails decorated with bright umbrellas must be present on the festive table.

You can experiment and cook real African dishes: couscous, boboti meat casserole with dried fruits and almonds, trout baked in Moroccan style.

For appetizers, serve: Algerian-style spicy eggplant and small pies stuffed with tuna with the interesting name “fetcook”.

Delicious desserts will delight and surprise your guests: banana cream, nut cookies"charek", pastries with bananas and other exotic fruits.

If culinary experiments scare you, limit yourself to a table setting that matches the theme of the party, as well as a beautiful and original serving of dishes.

The simplest option for table decoration is monochrome dishes and themed attributes placed everywhere.

What to wear to an African party

African costumes are a huge variety of materials, all kinds of styles, colors. Outfit ideas for an African New Year's Eve party are inexhaustible. It can be a frank "palm" outfit and a cape made of "skins of wild animals."

An excellent solution would be clothes of a modern cut with national ethnic patterns.

The main condition of this evening is that the costume should be bright in African style. Also, do not forget about large accessories made of beads, wood, leather, feathers.


Some decorations for a theme party are not enough. Be sure to think over the entertainment part that will not let your guests get bored. I propose to hold next games and competitions for adult company.

At the bottom of the ocean

To play this game you will need plastic cups by the number of invited guests, who will need to be divided into teams. Write on the bottom of each glass the word from the New Year's phrase-congratulations.

For example, you divided the guests into two teams of 4 people. Then you need to take 4 cups, at the bottom of each write one word: “with”, “new”, “year”, “congratulations”. Similarly, for the second team, the phrase is written: "We wish you happiness in life." Glasses are filled with drink. The task of the players to find out what is on the "bottom of the ocean" is to empty the glasses and read out the phrases.


A fun dance team competition to the famous children's song from the cartoon "Katerok". Let your guests arrange a real dance battle, in which the main prize will be a bunch of bananas. The winner is the team that will dance the most incendiary and synchronous "Chunga-changa".

Be sure to add creative contests to the program. Someone is good at dancing and singing, and someone can prove himself in something else. Pick up such entertainment so that everyone has fun.

rock painting

We call for participation a few guests who want to show off their artistic talent. Everyone will have to draw a symbol of the coming year on one condition - the artist's eyes will be blindfolded. We do not forget to reward the most talented with a memorable souvenir.

For the next competition, you need to stock up on balls and darts for playing darts.

lion hunting

Glue images of the king of beasts onto the balls. We fix it on one of the walls or on a specially constructed stand. We call the daredevils, we offer to arrange a hunt for African lions. We give the participants three attempts. We reward the most accurate shooter with a souvenir.

When the guests are sufficiently relaxed and liberated, you can arrange dance games and bolder contests.

mating dances

Choose the most active man, invite him to seduce any woman he likes with the Papuan dance. As a prize - a kiss of beauty!

We continue the game, only now the girl performs a seductive dance. Prize - the lucky one fulfills any desire of a hot African beauty.

For an adult company, you can hold cocktail making contests. It evokes strong emotions and fun. Especially for those players who taste the received drinks.

Shaman Potion

By the method of drawing lots or voting, we make one of the guests the “leader of the tribe”. The rest of the participants are divided into two teams. The task is to prepare a dope potion for the elder, who, after tasting the drinks, chooses the most delicious, beautifully designed and “knocking down”. After that, you can treat everyone present with a similar potion.

Another option for such a competition is the game "Festive Cocktail". Speak preparatory speech that Africa is a generous continent that indulges its inhabitants with an abundance of exotic fruits. It is customary to prepare a variety of cocktails here.

Divide the guests into tribes, each of which will have to prepare a refreshing New Year's drink. Not only the taste of the cocktail is evaluated, but also the festive decoration.

stubborn elephant

This game is for men, but great desire, you can let the girls play. You will need a rope or a thick rope tied so that several (according to the number of participants) ends extend from a common center.

These ends must be fastened around the waists of the "elephants". At the command of the leader, the players begin to pull the rope, each in their own direction. The one who outweighs the rest is declared "the most stubborn elephant" and receives a bag of peanuts as a reward.

The next game can be made a continuation of the previous one.

call of the jungle

Prepare leaflets with the names of African animals - cobra, giraffe, zebra, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, elephant, lion, crocodile, ostrich, monkey, flamingo and others. Put in a bag or box. Participants of the event take turns taking out papers, depicting a hidden animal.

To make it easier for others to guess, you can play the sounds of a wild animal. We are rewarding players with new playful titles: “King of Beasts”, “Cowardly Macaque”, “Swift-footed Ostrich” and so on.

The game described below may seem childish at first glance. But, as practice shows, adults are happy to play trackers.


We divide guests into teams. We each give a box with “footprints and hooves”, which must be printed and cut out in advance. One minute is given during which the players identify the animals by their tracks. The team that gives the largest number correct answers. The award is the title of "Best Hunter-Ranger".

Now on the Internet in the public domain you can find dance lessons that can be used to entertain guests.

Dance master class

Arrange not just a musical break, but give the party participants the opportunity to learn a real ethnic dance. You can also invite a dance coach for this purpose. It will be a lot of fun, unexpected and really memorable for a long time!

For the accuracy contest, which will be discussed below, it is best to divide the participants into two teams: women against men.

keen eye

We put two metal or clay mugs on the table. We divide the participants into teams. We give the first players a bowl of peanuts. The task is to get a nut into a mug from a predetermined distance (for example, 7 steps).

After the first throw, the baton is passed to the next team member. You can compete against time. Turn on the music that matches the theme of the party and start the game. Don't forget to reward the winning team.

You can complete the competition program by congratulating all the guests. Then arrange an incendiary disco until the morning.

New Year's greetings of the leader of the tribe

Choose from among those invited who can be the "leader" and say congratulatory speech. Let him sum up the outgoing year for your company: remember the fun and significant events. After that, your friend should give parting words to all those present and congratulate you on the upcoming holiday. Then he will knock on the tam-tam 12 times and everyone will clink their glasses to the cheerful, sonorous, friendly “Happy New Year!”

Now you know how to throw a real African New Year's party. It diversifies leisure, brings the sea positive emotions, energize next year. Happy, unforgettable holidays!

All photos used in this post are freely available from the Internet. I do not claim authorship.


The color scheme of the holiday in the style of SAFARI/JUNGLE:

1. Attributes / accessories for creating a thematic AR

Depending on whether there is a bias on the JUNGLE theme or on the SAFARI theme, there will be different accessories. For example, invited guests can be in the role of the animals themselves, or they can be in the role of tourists who came on a safari.

But there are a number of accessories that are necessary regardless of the specifics of the topic:

This is where indoor plants come in handy, especially green (not flowering) in the form of palm trees, and ficuses and other things will do, the main plants create a feeling of nature.

I really liked the idea of ​​decorating flower pots in order to give them natural style. You will need dry branches, rope / twine. Below small master class in photos:

In addition to real greenery, you can also use artificial plants to create a jungle, for example, artificial grass like IKEA:

Or artificial vines or vines from FIX PRICE:

By the way, on ALI EXPRESS there are a lot of these sold for ridiculous money.

You can also make your own palm tree. I liked the master class on making palm trees with my own hands.

You will need: a rod, cardboard rolls from toilet paper or paper towels, or from baking paper or foil roll, beige postal type wrapping paper or beige paper bags (torn into pieces), rope / twine, green colored paper, pot. I think the trunk can be made from some kind of thick stick, wrapping it with the same paper, or for thickness, wrap the stick with foam rubber and paper on top. Below is a master class in photos:

Looks great!

To create a background for a photo zone or a background for a candy bar, bamboo blinds will be very relevant (if we have, by the way, we have just such hanging on the loggia), as well as bamboo napkins for the table. Blinds will become the background, and napkins can be laid on the table of the candy bar, or you can decorate it yourself festive table(under each plate to the guest) or put in the middle of the table under the salad bowls. And in combination with artificial green cardboard leaves, it will work out great:

Also, soft toys accumulated over the years or rubber / plastic figures in the form of JUNGLE or safari animals (crocodiles, monkeys, tigers, lions, hippos, giraffes, snakes, elephants, etc.) You can use your own and collect from relatives / friends, I'm sure a whole collection will be gathered:

They can be planted in thickets of plants, hung from vines, along walls, curtains, etc.

For example, a snake or a monkey on a plate (make it from cardboard, plywood, boards in the country) with an inscription like “WELCOME to SAFARI” or “JUNGLE CALL” and so on will look original:

You can use soft toys or rubber snakes, or make a snake yourself by cutting it out of cardboard or sewing it from fabric:

Even for the entertainment of guests and competitions, such improvised bells and whistles are suitable, such as: tents, tunnels, canopies (not necessarily IKEA as in the photo, but those that are). They can be used for competitions as a refuge for tourists or a cave (tent) or as an obstacle in the form of a tunnel through which you need to climb through in the jungle, etc.:

If there are any wooden racks for toys in a child or racks on the loggia, they can also be used by placing plants on them, planting toys, etc.:

Small figurines of lizards or snakes will also come in handy, which can be used in the LIVING IN THE GRASS contest (for more details, see the post about COUNTRY DR):

I don’t really like balloons, but this is a matter of taste, so you can inflate animals and use balloons with a tiger / lion / cheetah coloring. This will also add atmosphere:

Another accessory that adds brightness to the theme, of course, are garlands. Now there are so many templates on the Internet, and you can buy ready-made ones:

Also food toppers:

If the bias of the holiday is on jungle animals, the following accessories will come in handy (dishes sets, animal masks, napkins, animal caps):

Masks and caps can be put on a plate for each guest, the table will look colorful!

If, according to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe holiday, the invitees will be in the role of safari tourists, then there will be such accessories (hats, panama hats, glasses, belts, scarves around the neck. You can ask guests to bring with them or prepare them yourself from the available assortment at home or with relatives):

You can also give tourists backpacks, cameras, and of course BINOCULARS (roll up from rolls of toilet paper or cardboard, tie ropes):

By the way, panama hats are sold in the FIX price list, there you can generally find a lot of cheap things.

2. Room decoration

Well, it’s clear that all the accessories will give the room a jungle feel, for example, you can make a liana yourself:

The photo shows that you need beige paper bags, cut them across, roll these bundles, connect with glue or a stapler better, also hang the leaves at intervals on them (cut the leaves according to the template from green cardboard), and the garland is ready! Wrap vines around a chandelier, curtains, etc.:

You can also make a vine from twine and leaves of the same cardboard:

Also, creepers can be imitated from corrugated paper in rolls (by the way, it is quite inexpensive), twisting it around itself, and also from satin green ribbons:

Well, the plants themselves on the shelves will give the room a jungle feel:

If the DR is completely babyish, then you can arrange a chair-chair for a baby like this (pieces of fabric with leopard, tiger colors, or simply in brown-orange tones):

Well, again, the balls:

3. Festive / sweet / children's table / candy bar

3.1. Shared table

Bright tablecloths, dishes with a jungle theme, balls in the holiday palette

Another option with READY suitcases in which there is already a set for each child (this is an option for children's table, for adults, of course, just food). Green leaves made of cardboard like napkins for plates, cardboard palms (ready-made for sale):

Another option: tiger-zebra-cheetah balloons for chairs to the backs, themed dishes, balloons in the form of animal figurines:

And one more thing: plates in the form of animals (such sets are sold ready-made), covers made of felt or fabric in the form of animals for chairs, a tablecloth in the theme, serving utensils wicker wood, caps for each guest:

And here I liked the idea of ​​​​decorating the THRONE of a birthday man (drape his chair in a zebra or tiger fabric or something like that):

3.2. Snack/candy bar/children's buffet

There are a lot of examples of candy bars on the Internet, so I will not show them here, I will only show individual ideas, that is, where I liked something specific on the table.

The main thing is to think over the BACKGROUND of the table (the wall behind it), for example, print pictures and create cardboard bushes:

Or use all the same bamboo roller blinds or some kind of burlap fabric or in brown tones. Of course, the animals on the table (figures):

By the way, fancy straws look great if you tie them into bundles or put them upright in a bunch. Or you can also make a bundle from dry twigs like this:

And put a live flower in the center of the table at the back. And necessarily textiles in the palette of the holiday:

Whatman coloring paper can become the background, then use it for entertainment and competitions for children - color it all together:

Here is an option for a more baby and cartoon design: Just cardboard figures cut out or printed templates from the Internet and cut out:

And yet, the toys of animals betray the atmosphere of the holiday. By the way, in the last post I talked about artificial mini-lawns (they are sold for summer cottages to collect coverage, there is a fix price). Here you can use it as coasters for dishes:

3.3. Serving food

Such horns with tasty treats:

Grapes on skewers in the form of snakes:

Cookies in the form of figures of animals or in the colors of animals:

Sandwiches in the form of a snake:

Palm fruit:

Salads in the form of muzzles of animals:


Hang creepers on the wall, on the sides and top, hang a toy in the form of a monkey or a parrot or a snake:

Make a frame and decorate with accessories in the style of DR:

From whatman paper or large cardboard, cut out the silhouettes of animals, paint with paints or colored paper, decorate the muzzles by cutting out wide mouths (for guests' faces):

Against the background of a decorated room (choose the most decorated place):

I really liked the idea of ​​photographing guests in the form of safari tourists, against the background of indoor plants, and against the background of toys in the form of animals. As if they are sitting in the thicket and looking out for the beast:


There are a lot of all kinds of competitions, I will focus on the most THEMATIC, interesting in my opinion and easy to perform.


You will need: a box (decorated to look like a palm tree) with a slot, bananas

Again, she is the most)) in the form of an animal (muzzle or completely) in doorway can be hung inside sweets / sweets / or confetti


You will need: small figures of lizards, snakes, frogs, spiders, etc., jars for collecting. Who will find more


You will need: sheets with painted traces of different animals leading to the animal in the shelter, you need to guess which animal it is by the shape of the trail


You can even make a story series of contests and tests if the guests are in the role of tourists. Organize a trip to the savannah: walk along the bridge (lay out a narrow rug made of fabric), jump over the lake (hoop), collect all the snakes (jelly worms or the same lizard figurines, etc.), climb through the tunnel (just a tent, climbing tunnel, jump from mat to mat like from island to island (who has a sports corner and a couple of mats), etc.


For kids (3-4 years old), I think the competition “Oh, who is this? Oh, what is it? Guess all the animals in the pictures (the animals are representatives of the jungle and savannah) or by the sounds made by these animals (including the sounds of a tiger, lion, monkey, etc.).

For older children, this competition is suitable in a slightly different version: the child is given a picture of an animal, he must depict the beast with sounds, a pose.


We put a hoop on the floor inside the animal toy, but 1 less than the participants. The guys are behind the hoop. We turn on the music, the children dance around. As soon as the music stops - each kid needs to grab on 1 toy, whoever did not have time - he leaves the game. 1 toy is removed again and we continue to play. So until there is 1 winner.


The guys line up in 2 teams. The first participant is the head of an elephant. With his left hand he depicts a trunk, and the second he gives between the legs of his comrade from behind. To whom they extended their hands, he takes his hand, and gives his second in the same way to the third, and so on until the end of the column. The latter needs to depict the tail, with one he clings to the previous one, and the second shows the tail.

As the teams lined up, at the signal they start a fun race. Those who ran to the finish line and did not break the elephant are considered the winners.


Held to music. Children are given commands that they must follow, not paying attention to the actions of an adult. For example, the host says: “Sit down!”, And he jumps up, “Hands to the sides!”, And he bends over. Don't forget to take a picture of the whole motley "flock"!

You can also turn on the background (on TV or laptop) music in the style of the jungle, the sounds of nature, birds. It will be very atmospheric!

And you can also interpret the jungle theme a little in such as:

cartoon style MADAGASCAR


based on the game THE JUNGLE IS CALLED!

If you liked the collection, plz put "LIKE"

Have you already thought about where and how you will spend the New Year 2020? New Year's scenarios for a corporate party, just for home, as a rule, involve buying a Christmas tree, compiling a menu, preparing an outfit. But that's just the so-called props. New Year's scenario.

All these obligatory components of the holiday do not guarantee fun if you celebrate the new year with at least one other person. In this case, you need to think about what you will do for several hours until midnight and all the following night: maybe you are used to going to bed relatively early - an hour or two after the chiming clock, and your passion prefers to spend the first day of the new year without sleep and , for example, unlike you, does not tolerate television programs at all.

It will be even more necessary to take care of the fun if you plan to host many guests - friends or acquaintances - or even organize a sweeping party. In this case, scenarios for the New Year will not be complete without competitions, dances, drawings, which will become the basis of the New Year's Eve, and the President's congratulations are just a small fragment of it.

Pay attention to the crown chips for corporate evenings:

  • Painting a picture» Invited professional artist with easel and paints. On a large canvas, the guests of the evening, under the strict guidance of the artist, draw a joint work of art. Then this picture can be hung in the office or at the factory as an example of corporate work.
  • Caricaturist At the party, the artist draws express caricatures of the guests, which further enhances the entertainment part.
  • Percussionists Drums of the Peoples of the World will be the most interesting guests of the evening! Under their hot rhythms, dancers with oriental and Latin American dances will perform.
  • Butterfly salute or live invitation….

New Year's script "Around the World"

New Year's holiday according to the scenario "Around the World" combines the maximum number of show numbers with an ethnic bias, which makes this scenario one of the most spectacular, beautiful and interesting.

The premises of the corporate New Year's holiday according to the scenario "Around the World" are designed in accordance with the name of the scenario - in the style of different countries, styles and architecture. The design of the premises may contain elements of the most famous places in the world, wonders of the world and memorable countries and cities.


In accordance with the scenario, all waiters and service personnel must be dressed in certain outfits (negotiated in advance).

Meeting with guests

While guests arrive at the New Year's corporate party, according to our scenario, they should be greeted by various interesting surprises: you can take a picture with a tiger or a panther that are waiting for guests at the entrance, you can submit to a caricaturist who will draw your portrait in a fighting hunting style, you can listen to the beautiful ethnic music of the Indians from Ecuador and even take a picture with them.

New Year's menu

This New Year's Eve guests will be presented with cuisines from different countries. In the process of traveling around the world, participants in the corporate new year will be able to try and experience taste preferences peoples of the world. The diversity here is not limited to anything: rare fruits from Indonesia, South America and Africa; meat dishes Georgia, Mexico, East; fish snacks from Scandinavia and Japan, various dishes from all over the world…

Artists and show groups

Scenario of the New Year “Around the World” is a real New Year's holiday. The brightest national and ethnic shows throughout the New Year's Eve will surprise and entertain guests New Year's corporate party. African drummers and dancers will scare you a little, but will set a rhythm that will be impossible to resist, guitarists from Mexico will bring a little romance, but will immediately amuse the guests, and the Brazilian show with stunningly beautiful girls will not leave the male part of the team indifferent. From popular performers on new year event in such a scenario, artists from different countries can be invited, for example, Boney M or other similar artists can be invited as a headliner.

New Year's Disco

The corporate New Year's party ends with a noisy and cheerful disco, where you can break away to the sounds of different countries, to the most famous hits of the last 20-30 years. A variety of compositions in modern dance arrangements will not let you stand still and the New Year holiday will be remembered for a long time, and a good mood will be present in your team for a long time to come!

Scenario “African Party”

(a holiday for lovers of adventure and exotic)

This scenario of the corporate New Year will allow guests of the holiday to visit different countries to feel the color and originality of the peoples of the Earth. Brazilian feather dancers, African drummers, Mexican musicians and many other surprises await guests at the New Year's party.

Decorating the New Year's scenario in African style

Bright, colorful, multicolored - the scenery should convey the spirit and mood of Africa.

The African-style New Year's scenario will be decorated with an abundance of palm trees, both real and artificial, made from balls or plastic bottles.

Paintings depicting Africa, ethnic masks and caveman tools will add a special atmosphere to the party. Do not forget to decorate the hall with juicy fruits: bananas, oranges, tangerines, pineapples, etc.

It is better to lay leopard-colored tablecloths on the tables.

Meeting guests for the New Year's scenario in African style

Guests are greeted by girls in traditional African costumes. Festive mood create ethnic rhythms.

The most daring guests can take pictures with the main character of the celebration - a python (a snake can be both real and fake). If you hold on to the tail of an animal and make a wish, it will certainly come true.

Fruits, multi-colored cocktails, skewers on skewers - a light African-style buffet should be not only tasty, but also colorful and bright.

African New Year's Eve Program

To the rhythms of the drums, the host of the festive program of the New Year's script in African style appears - a dark-skinned shaman (in extreme cases - a very tanned shaman).

After a welcoming cry, the shaman divides the guests into tribes. Ahead - many adventures and acquaintance not only with new year traditions Africa, but also with rituals and rituals associated with the veneration of the main animal of the coming year - the Snake.

Competition for the New Year's scenario in the African style "Christmas Coloring"
Newly minted tribes will decorate their faces with the help of face painting. The main thing is to turn on fantasy and imagination, and paint your face with bright ethnic symbols.

Competition for the New Year's script in African style " Christmas costumes»
For the New Year, the people of Africa prepare their own festive costumes. This is what the guests of the holiday will do: skirts made of bright ribbons, necklaces made of stones and shells, straw skirts, leopard and tiger capes, multi-colored feathers, pigtails, scarves with ethnic patterns - the outfit should be colorful. Each tribe presents its models of festive costumes to the incendiary African rhythms.

Competition for the New Year's scenario in the African style "Festive Cocktail"
Africa is a generous continent. All year round nature gives a lot of fruits, and for the holidays, and especially for the New Year, it is customary to cook here delicious cocktails. Each tribe will have to prepare a refreshing drink: the taste of the cocktail and its unusual design are judged.

Competition for the New Year's script in the African style "Portrait of a snake: rock art"
Guests will be able to show their artistic talent by capturing a snake. But which one is decided by the tribal council. In any case, this drawing will bring good luck in the New Year of the Snake.

Competition for the New Year's scenario in the African style "New Year's Palm Tree"
In Africa, the main New Year's beauty is a palm tree. It is customary to dress her up, which is what the guests of the holiday will do. And the most originally designed palm tree will be awarded the main prize - a dance around it.

Santa Claus is also Santa Claus in Africa. But on the hot continent he is dark-skinned, as well as his faithful assistant Snegurochka. For guests, they will hold interactive ethnic New Year's dances around a palm tree, they will organize a competition for collecting and eating bananas, as well as a wild lion safari (pictures depicting a lion are attached to the balls, participants throw darts on command, the one who “kills” more predators wins).The program of the New Year's scenario in African style can be supplemented by performances of black drummers, circus performances with animals, a bartender show, a master class in making African dolls or masks.
Author of the idea: Anastasia Zadorozhnaya