Husky breed description at home. The ideal sled dog is a husky: characteristics of the breed and its description, why do they howl? Pros and cons of the breed

If you like the Husky breed, and you want to buy a dog, dreaming that the pet can become a full member of the family, you should think about whether he will be able to live in an apartment. But don't worry. Although the dog is northern, you can keep it in the apartment. The main thing is that the care is proper.

It is important to create everything the necessary conditions for living. Remember that the Husky is not an ordinary breed. Therefore, it is worth knowing about the peculiarities of keeping a dog in an urban environment.


Basic principles of content

The animal is characterized not only beautiful eyes and fine fur. If you want to keep your Husky in the apartment, try to satisfy the need for movement. As shown by numerous reviews, the dog is energetic and active. She loves to spend a lot of time on fresh air... It is not recommended to constantly keep your four-legged friend locked up.

If you don't have time to combine grooming with regular, long walks, then you shouldn't buy one. Keeping the Husky within four walls for a long time will lead to a loss of energy. The pet will start sleeping around the clock. This will primarily have a negative impact on health.

As numerous reviews show, a four-legged friend will need a lot of space. It is important to purchase special toys so that the animal does not get bored. It is recommended to put the rug where there are no dark corners. Taking care of the dog means that the mattress should not be used as a bed. This will pamper the animal.

The rug should not be kept near the refrigerator, heaters, bed or doors. If during walks the pet cannot spend all the accumulated energy, then, bored in tight spaces, he will simply destroy everything in the apartment. For this reason, it is necessary to load the dog physically, to train it in the fresh air. The walks should not last less than an hour.

Raising a pet

Caring for a dog involves training. As the reviews show, this should be started as soon as the Husky appears in the apartment. Do not allow the puppy to do what is not permissible for adults.

You can not beat a pet, yell at him at the top of his voice. Due to this, you can only embitter the dog. But you can't do without punishment. The upbringing process should resemble a game. If the puppy does not obey you, point out this moment in a stern voice. If the command was carried out by him, treat him to a treat and praise.

The Husky is a freedom-loving dog. This must be understood if you want to keep her in the apartment. Parenting can be tricky if you are new to the business. Therefore, it is better to seek help from professionals who are versed in training.

In order to keep the Husky in the apartment, you must go through the process of socialization. The pet must be taught to communicate with people and other pets.

How This will be discussed in sufficient detail in the video.

Pet care

If you have decided to purchase a dog of this breed, know that caring for it is not as difficult as many people think. You should brush your dog only during molting. Words about unpleasant odor wool is just a delusion. It can appear only if the pet's fur coat is wet. For example, after walking in the rain.


Caring for a dog implies that the composition of the diet should be approached competently. You can feed your four-legged friend with balanced dry food. The best option will be products with medium-sized flakes. In such a situation, the food will become comfortable, the food will be easier to chew.

Canned wet food can be used. The compromise option is combined nutrition... In many situations, it is sufficient to take into account the recommendations on the packaging when feeding. It should be noted that there are many options for how to feed your pet.

Puppies under 20 weeks old should be given food 4 times a day. After reaching 6 months of age - 3 times a day. An adult must be fed 2 times a day. It is important to stick to the schedule.

If it was decided to keep the dog in the apartment, you should know that you can give it human food as well. However, experts do not recommend to abuse it. It is also important to know which foods can harm your dog. You can't feed scraps.

Useful should be considered egg yolks, curd products, vegetables and herbs. If the dog only eats natural food then be sure to include fresh meat in your diet. It is not necessary to add salt to food prepared especially for dogs.

It is necessary to take care of the dog responsibly, carefully. You should be aware that it is recommended to handle the treats with the utmost care. Save them for education and training. Otherwise, the pet will get used to them, which will negatively affect the effect of the treat.

How to give a pet as a reward? The best option is biscuits and other dog treats.

It is not recommended to forget that caring for a four-legged friend means adding vitamins, minerals and food additives... However, you should first consult with a specialist. He will help you figure out whether there is a need for them or not.

From time to time, you can observe a decrease in pet's appetite. He is able to refuse food at such moments. It is worth contacting specialists if this period lasts more than two days.

So that the pet does not get bored

If it was decided to keep a pet in the apartment, take care of him, one should not forget about entertainment. There are people who buy beautiful dog but do not do it. A similar attitude can lead to not very pleasant consequences.

  1. Remember that the Husky is a sled, sporting dog. She needs constant movement. The pet will get tired of just running after the stick quickly enough. Therefore, you can go jogging and cycling.
  2. It is recommended that you learn the basic commands. You must start training your pet with early age... Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to convey something to your pet.
  3. Do not forbid your pet from contact with other dogs.

Providing proper care can make your pet not only beautiful but obedient as well.

There is nothing to be afraid of

Do not be afraid that keeping a pet in an apartment is impossible. If all the necessary living conditions are provided, then the dog will be able to feel comfortable and well. Do not forget that the Husky is a living creature that can feel. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire a dog only if you are ready to provide proper care and show love.

Video "Maintenance in the apartment"

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The Siberian Husky belongs to the factory specialized sled breeds, bred with the participation of aboriginal Far Eastern dogs. The breed is actively used by sedentary coastal tribes, represented by the Yukaghirs, Kereks, Asian Eskimos and the coastal Chukchi.

The Far Eastern dog is perfectly adapted for enclosure keeping, and also very easily withstands severe frosts, but it cannot stay in the open sun for more than an hour and a half, which is due to the peculiarities of the coat. It is for this reason that the open-air cage in the local area should be located in some shade..

The kennel requires special attention. The roof must be with a slight slope, which will allow the pet to jump up and rest. V winter period Adequate bedding of hay or dry straw is placed inside.

The area of ​​the enclosure should not restrict the free movement of the dog, as otherwise the pet may develop physical inactivity. As a fence, it is not recommended to use a painted mesh-netting, which is easily gnawed by animals and can cause injury. To protect against atmospheric precipitation, a canopy must be installed that does not interfere with natural air ventilation.

Aboriginal sled dogs of the Far East are one of the most ancient breeds. Currently, the Siberian Husky has gained great popularity as a companion dog and show breed, and is often kept in an apartment. The main advantage of housing is the ability to be in constant contact with the dog and involve it in the life of the household, which is especially important for such a sociable breed as the Siberian Husky.

Proper upbringing and training allows your pet to behave extremely carefully, even in a confined space. The main unpleasant moment with apartment maintenance, molting becomes pet, the duration of which is often three weeks. The Siberian Husky sheds a couple of times a year. During this period, the dog completely loses all of its undercoat. If the animal is kept year-round in warm conditions, in the absence of a pronounced change of seasons, molt occurs year-round, but is not too noticeable.

Not less problems delivers the ability of dogs of this breed to actively gnaw any objects. The interior, wires and shoes are especially affected by the teeth of playful and very inquisitive husky puppies. It is for this reason that it is very important to start raising a pet from an early age, as well as provide it with a sufficient number of special toys.

It is interesting! When housing an animal, a sufficiently cool place is assigned to which a dense and convenient bedding for hygienic processing is laid. If the dog lies on the bare floor, then long-lasting bedsores are often formed.

Optimal conditions of detention

Lack of space and exercise, and proper nutrition and hereditary predisposition can significantly reduce the life span of a pet.

On average, the Siberian husky lives for about fifteen years, but in order for the animal to maintain excellent health throughout this time, it must be provided with adequate walking and nutrition, education and training.

Walking Siberian Husky

The owner of a husky must adhere to the basic rule - never leave his untrained pet for a walk without a leash and supervision in any unfenced areas. When choosing an activity for a walk, you need to take into account the temperament and physical capabilities dogs. Very well suited for practicing during winter walks dog sledding and issijoring, which is also a sled sport but involves the use of skis. You can also engage in weight pulling - competitions in pulling loads over a distance, on foot and cycling, .

Important! As practice shows, the Siberian Husky is not a water dog at all, so any activities with such a pet in a natural and artificial reservoir will initially be doomed to failure.

When choosing a view motor activity while walking, you need to remember some breed characteristics that any Siberian husky possesses. Until a year, all the joints, ligaments and bones of such a pet are not fully formed, therefore they are easily damaged. Small puppies should not be allowed to run up steep stairs on their own, due to the risk of rupture of the groin and shoulder muscles. Long distance running with younger pets three months is categorically contraindicated. No-load sled running can be started at the age of nine months.

Diet and nutrition of the dog

When composing a diet on your own, you need to correctly determine the main type of food and take into account all the features of metabolic processes. For feeding such a dog, you can use ready-made industrial dry food or natural food. Siberian husky has digestive system, which perfectly assimilates fatty and high-protein meats, which is due to protein-fat metabolism, atypical for other breeds of dogs.

When choosing ready-made feeds, preference should be given to high-quality mixtures produced under proven brands and intended for medium-sized dog breeds. Such feeds are completely balanced in their composition, as well as optimal in terms of nutritional value... It is advisable to feed a puppy and a young dog up to one year old with dry granules soaked in water or meat broth. On food for an adult dog, husky is transferred from the age of ten months.

The basis of a natural diet should be 75% meat products, including beef, veal, lamb, rabbit and poultry. Such products are given to a pet raw, but scalded with boiling water, as well as boiled, cut into small portions. Also beneficial are offal and boiled sea low-fat fish, peeled from bones. It is important to remember that the Siberian Husky does not have chewing teeth, so minced meat cannot be fed to dogs of this breed.

The natural diet must necessarily include vegetables, represented by carrots, spinach, beets, lettuce, pumpkin and zucchini, cucumbers. Vegetables should be served grated, raw or fresh filled with vegetable oil... Of cereals, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice cooked in meat, vegetable or fish broth are best suited. About 10% of the diet should be low-fat fermented milk products.

Education and training

Husky training is the basis for the problem-free keeping of such a breed at home. The Siberian Khaksky is by nature a very energetic and active pet, which from an early age needs not only proper training and education, but also discipline. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a dog completely uncontrollable and completely disobeying the owner's commands.

It is interesting! As practice shows, the training process is especially difficult for inexperienced and novice husky owners, so it is advisable to entrust such events to experienced dog handlers.

The breed has a difficult character, which can significantly complicate educational process... It is believed that the Siberian Husky is quite difficult to train due to its very independent disposition, as well as quick wits and closeness to wild wolves at the genetic level.

It is very important to start raising and training your pet as early as possible, immediately after the puppy has passed the period of adaptation to the new conditions of detention. Basic commands that are required for training: "Place!", "You can't!", "Near!", "Come to me!" and "Voice!"

Care and hygiene

A dog from a very early age must be accustomed to the examination, as well as to such basic procedures as bathing, grooming and combing. Any Siberian Husky has a very thick and rather heavy coat, so the annual shedding when kept in an apartment can, with improper care, very quickly turn the whole room into a solid “fur rug”. The pet needs to be brushed regularly with a special wide-toothed comb and a massage or long-bristled brush.

The Siberian Husky is a very clean and completely self-sufficient breed, so, as a rule, there are no problems with leaving. It is important to remember that between the toes of the husky there is a fairly long and thick coat, which is designed to protect the paws from freezing in very severe frosts.

However, housing maintenance presupposes the obligatory shearing of this wool. It is also necessary to regularly brush your teeth or purchase special chewing bones, inspect and clean your ears and eyes, and trim your nails.

Hardly anyone will remain indifferent, having met on a walk the clever piercing gaze of the transparent blue eyes of a dog with an unusual color, making it look like a wolf with human face... This is a husky. Much more positive emotions cause adorable puppies of this breed - funny lumps with thick paws, fluffy black, gray or beige backs, light masks in dark "glasses" on their faces.

Appearance and character

Per attractive appearance hides a friendly, cheerful, but firm character. Huskies are brave, hardy, hardworking, loyal to their owners, reverently treat children.

Having decided to have such a dog as a pet, the owners should know the peculiarities of upbringing, training and caring for this breed. If the owner shows due attention and care to the animal, follows the rules of its maintenance, then the husky will definitely reciprocate and become a loyal and reliable friend.

History of the breed

The name "husky" comes from the distorted "Eski" - the designation of the northern people of the Eskimos. Eskimos, as well as Kereks, Chukchi and other northern peoples living in Eastern Siberia, have long used dogs of this breed for sledding purposes.

Animals in a harness could run tens and hundreds of kilometers, transporting goods or people. Food for them usually served dried fish... Incredible endurance, the ability to get by with a meager ration and loyalty to the owners have been entrenched in the husky breed for years.

With the onset of the "gold rush" in North America and in Alaska, the demand for this type of breed increased sharply, and dogs began to be exported overseas. There they not only served economic purposes, but since 1908 they participated in dog races, were in demand and were actively bred.

At the beginning of the 20th century, sled dogs were considered unpromising in the USSR, they were to be replaced by air and motor vehicles. The husky was excluded from the general register of dog breeds in Russia, and it is registered in the United States.

Husky puppy care

So you've decided to start true friend and a reliable assistant - a husky dog.

It is better to purchase a puppy from a trusted breeder at the age of 5-8 weeks. Until this moment, babies should be with their mother. At the age of 1.5-2 months, the character begins to form in dogs, they become susceptible to education and training.

Before the pet finally settles in your home, you will need to purchase:

  • utensils for food and water;
  • collar;
  • leash, halter;
  • muzzle;
  • dog toys that you can chew and gnaw on;
  • a weighted backpack to keep the young dog from being active;
  • cooling helium mat;
  • furminator for combing wool.

Taking care of your husky is easy. The main thing is to give the dog maximum. physical activity and proper nutrition.

A small husky will not be able to develop normally without sufficient physical activity. The owner will have to come to terms with the fact that with the appearance of the puppy, he will have to spend 3-4 hours a day with him for walks so that the pet can throw out the raging energy. And no matter what the air temperature is - the baby will perfectly adapt to temperature regime from -20 to +25 degrees.

Just jogging down the street while walking is not enough. The puppy needs at least half an hour a day outdoor games outdoors: in summer with a ball, in winter sledding in a sled (from the age of nine months), as well as endurance exercises.

If your pet will live in a city apartment, you need to take into account that the husky is not a decorative sofa toy, they need space and movement. Since the breed is peaceful and benevolent, then watchdog from a husky, too, will not work.

You will have to walk a lot with the dog for a long time, otherwise you will have to prepare for damage to household items. The interior, wires, shoes from paws and teeth of inquisitive puppies can especially suffer. For this reason, it is necessary to start education and training from an early age. Dog toys will partly help in solving the problem.

Sometimes for puppies they use a cage for isolation during the absence of the owners of the house. A sleeping mat is laid on the floor of the cage, arranging for the baby cozy house... When you return home, do not forget to open the door immediately so that the puppy can move freely in your presence.

So that the funny naughty kid does not turn into an ill-mannered, annoying dog, it is necessary from the first days of life not to allow him to do what will be forbidden for an adult dog: jump on people, sleep in the master's bed, climb onto furniture, beg for food from the table.

Huskies feel great when kept in the courtyard of a private house. However, it should be borne in mind that easily withstanding severe frosts and snowfalls, these dogs in the heat in the sun can withstand no more than an hour and a half. Therefore, the owners need to take care of a canopy to create shade and protection from precipitation, as well as a comfortable kennel with a roof, allowing the tenant to jump upstairs and rest there.

For dogs of this breed, enclosures of a sufficient area are built so as not to restrict their free movement. When equipping the aviary, take into account the freedom-loving nature of the pet. Smart dogs love to dig tunnels, they can easily jump over the fence and get out on their own in pursuit of adventure and neighboring chickens.

Therefore, the perimeter enclosure is carefully strengthened, a steel mesh fence with thick rods is made high enough, and the ground is covered with a solid covering of wooden boards or paving slabs. A puppy raised in the fresh air will delight its owners for a long time. strong immunity and thicker and fluffier than that of relatives, hair.


TO hygiene procedures you need to accustom the baby as early as possible.

Molting a shaggy pet can be a hassle. Adult dogs molt twice a year. However, if the animal lives year-round in warm conditions, without a pronounced change of seasons, the change in coat becomes less pronounced, not too noticeable.

The puppy is taught to brush as early as possible. This should be done at least twice a week using a wide-toothed comb or furminator that does not damage the living undercoat and guard hairs. After 5-6 months of age, the interval between combing can be increased to a week.

Caring for Siberian Husky puppies, in addition to regular combing, includes:

  1. Bathing. Dogs of this breed are very clean, their coat does not have a specific smell, therefore water treatments once a year with pet shampoo will suffice.
  2. Cleaning the ears and eyes every two weeks. The eyes and ears are wiped with a cotton swab moistened with disinfectant liquid. This breed is prone to eye diseases, so ophthalmic drops are used prophylactically.
  3. Prevention of dental plaque. When calculus appears, it must be removed, preferably in a veterinary clinic.
  4. Trimming nails and fur on the paw pads. Claws are cut with nippers, pads in the cold season can be lubricated with wax to avoid cracks. Excess hair can be uncomfortable for the dog, so it is best to remove it.


An important question that arises immediately when buying a puppy is what and how to feed a new family member?

Up to two months of life, the baby should receive six meals a day, from two months of age - five meals a day. At four months, the puppy is transferred to feeding 4 times a day, after six months, three times are enough. This diet must be maintained for up to 10 months, then you can switch to two meals a day.

An adult dog (from one and a half years old) can be fed once or twice a day. It is imperative to follow the regimen and give food to the pet at the same time. From the age of four months, they begin to add vitamin and mineral complexes to the diet:

  • vitamins A and C increase immunity, help the body resist the effects of pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
  • vitamin B keeps the coat, skin, muscles healthy;
  • vitamin D strengthens bones and joints, prevents rickets;
  • vitamin E is involved in the formation of reproductive function;
  • calcium, copper, iron, zinc, iodine are necessary for the formation of the skeleton, nervous system, blood cells and tissues, and the formation of a correct metabolism.

The veterinarian will tell you which vitamins to choose for your pet.

Owners can choose the type of food - prepared food or prepare food for the dog from natural products.

Natural food

If the owners decide to feed the puppy with natural products, then they need to know a few rules:

  1. 50-60% in the diet are sea ​​fish and lean meats - beef, rabbit, turkey meat. Husky sometimes has an allergy to chicken meat, so it should be introduced into the puppy's menu carefully, in small portions. By-products are useful - liver, heart, lungs, scar. They contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Raw meat can be boiled or served raw. Bones for little huskies are more a toy than good nutrition... They can be given to puppies up to 4-5 months of age, until the teeth change.
  2. Puppies and adult husky dogs are useful porridge made from buckwheat, rice, millet, oats with the addition of chicken yolk or quail egg... These foods make up approximately 10-20% of the total food intake.
  3. 20% of the baby's diet is dairy products- yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk.
  4. 10% must be allocated to vegetables - carrots, beets, cabbage, squash, pumpkin, tomatoes.

Dry food

It is very convenient to feed the dog with dry prepared food and canned food. But not every pet store product will benefit your dog. You need to choose premium and super premium food that is easily digestible. Cheap products contain a lot of starch, and gastrointestinal tract the husky does not tolerate it well.

You can sometimes diversify the menu of puppies with canned food, because dry food is boring. The puppy's diet should be balanced in terms of the content of vitamins and minerals, complete and high quality, with a high proportion of meat products in the content. Mixing of dry food and natural products is not allowed, with the exception of vegetables and fermented milk products.

If the owners decide to transfer the four-legged baby to dry food, then they need to take into account that this should be done gradually. Within 7-10 days, it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount natural food consumed by the dog per day, and at the same time increase the proportion of dry. The first three days this combination will be 75% to 25%, then three more days 50% to 50% and the last days 25% to 75%. Then the amount of dry food can make up the complete diet of the dog.

How healthy and strong the puppy will be depends on the correctly selected diet of the puppy. adult dog in the future, and the choice of the food option is up to the owner.

Training and education

From the first days of a little husky's life in a new house, it is necessary to pay a lot of attention and care to him. Walking, feeding, exercising, and grooming together strengthens the bond between owner and pet. For the first six months, owners need to be especially patient, persistent and consistent. The reward for this will be an intelligent, obedient, infinitely loyal friend.

Once your toddler adapts and gets used to the nickname, it's time to prioritize and discipline him.

Husky puppies should not be allowed to play with household items and household items - socks, slippers, etc. Wean a grown dog from this bad habit it will be impossible. Several recommendations for raising owners:

  1. The basic rule: the owner is the main one, the leader. He should be the first to start eating, enter the house, walk along a narrow path, etc.
  2. Violence is unacceptable. The owner must be firm, consistent and calm, use the words "no", "stop", "no", ignore the dog's wishes before executing the command. In case of disobedience, the puppy should be taken by the withers, pressed to the floor or the ground so that he cannot move and release when he stops resisting and relaxes.
  3. There should always be an alternative: this is not possible, but this is possible.
  4. Reward for good behavior or the command executed. Praise and recognition in the form of a treat or approval in an affectionate tone should follow immediately after the action or action of the puppy.
  5. A list of specific rules that must not be violated. They will be different for each family: do not go into any room, sleep only in a certain place, sit at the feet of the owner if he stops during a walk, etc.
  6. A list of commands that must be strictly followed by the dog under all circumstances. These can be the words "stand", "seek", "sit", "place", "to me", etc.

Up to the age of six months, upbringing is aimed at achieving the baby's attachment to the family and mastering the elementary rules of behavior. For grown-up puppies, training begins with a minimum number of teams and gradually increases to difficult exercises... A qualified dog handler will help you to train your dog professionally and effectively.

Diseases and vaccinations

Husky is an exceptionally hardy breed with strong natural health. Yet in order to avoid possible problems from an early age, puppies need to be vaccinated.

Weak points in the husky's body that are most susceptible to diseases are eyes, ears, skin, nervous system and joints. Sometimes puppies have digestive upset, manifested in the form of diarrhea, lethargy, lack of appetite. The body temperature may be elevated. Most often, these symptoms occur due to inaccuracies in nutrition. In this case, it is possible against the background strict diet give the baby sorbents.

If the disorder does not go away on its own within two weeks, you must contact your veterinarian for an appointment drug treatment... It will not be possible to save your pet from all diseases, but proper nutrition and maintenance will help minimize the risks.


Having decided to purchase a Siberian husky, you should take into account some of the requirements for the conditions of detention in an apartment and in a private house. Siberian Husky is mobile, sociable, loves to run, he needs exercise stress, and every day.

Therefore, be prepared for the fact that with your pet you will need to walk for 4-5 hours every day, and not on foot, but by jogging or cycling. Dogs of this breed need intense physical activity, if it is not possible to provide active walks, then you should pay attention to other breeds. You should not start a Siberian husky just because you really like the breed, as a result the dog will suffer, because often when keeping a husky in an apartment, lovers-dog breeders are too lazy to take walks for 4-5 hours, they are also active.

Keeping a Siberian Husky in an apartment

They feel good in the apartment, they easily adapt even to the conditions of a cramped apartment, the main problem is the need for active long walks and physical activity.

Dogs of this breed need at least 2 hours active walks, this includes playing with other dogs, training, running in an open area (in a field, park).

It should be remembered that dogs are quite active, eager to explore the area, so you need to walk with them on a leash.

When keeping a husky in an apartment, molting can become an unpleasant moment, which lasts for 3 weeks and happens twice a year. During the molting period, they completely lose their undercoat. The rest of the time, hair loss is negligible and not a hassle. It is noteworthy that when kept in a warm climate, where there is no abrupt change seasons, husky sheds little by little all year round... To reduce the amount of dirt during shedding, it is recommended to comb the coat from time to time.

Keeping a Siberian Husky in an apartment is also complicated by the fact that the dog is very fond of gnawing. For these purposes, there must be toys. Puppies are inquisitive and playful, they drag into their mouths everything that comes their way, for example, shoes, which are always in sight and in an accessible place in apartments. But even energetic adult dogs, devoid of intense exertion, can destroy the entire apartment, gnaw furniture, cords and other accessible and pleasant objects.

When keeping a husky in an apartment, he is given a cool place, for example, in a hallway with a tiled floor. But the animal should not lie on the bare floor, because it is too hard and as a result, bedsores, such as on the elbows, can form. It is best to construct a wooden platform located 20-30 cm from the floor or purchase a special mattress. A bowl of cold water should always be freely available.

With a lack of freedom, insufficient physical activity, improper diet, hereditary predisposition, the Siberian husky lives for 12-15 years. For a pet to live a long time, it needs physical activity, constant games, good nutrition.

Keeping a husky in a private house (on the street)

These Arctic dogs feel better in the cool, can withstand severe frosts, and live outdoors in winter. They can stay in the heat for no more than an hour.

If you plan to keep the dog outside, in a kennel, then it should be placed in the shade; in winter, lay a bed of straw or hay inside. The roof of the kennel must be flat, because huskies love to jump on it and lie down. If the yard has a free passage - access to the garden, vegetable garden, then it is better to put the dog on a chain up to 3-5 meters long.

The aviary should be spacious enough for the animal to move freely. The netting is not suitable for the aviary, because huskies gnaw it very easily, and paws can be injured on the edges. Dyed mesh is also not good, because the dogs chew on the cover and the mesh corrodes. It is better to use a metal mesh with a diameter of 0.5 mm or more for the enclosure. The aviary must have a canopy that provides protection from the scorching sun and rain. To create a canopy, materials are used that allow you to keep cool under it. The canopy is positioned so that there is good air ventilation inside. Better to cover the floor paving slabs with a rough surface or leave it earthen. However, the base of the fence should be strengthened, otherwise the dog will dig itself out.

The Siberian Husky loves to dig holes, wallow in the dug earth, in the snow, in the grass. By the way, flower beds also attract attention. To prevent the dog from tearing apart the entire yard, set up a special place for digging, add a pile of sand or put a box of sand.

When kept in the countryside, in the countryside, in a house where there are pets, such as chickens, geese, sheep, other small livestock, care should be taken reliable fences(at least 180 cm high), preferably dug into the ground or installed on a strip foundation. The Siberian Husky will not miss the opportunity to attack easy prey, being distinguished by ingenuity, he, in most cases, will be able to achieve his goal.

Today we will talk about how to keep a Siberian husky in a city apartment. We will also consider the basic rules for the care and correction of husky upbringing for comfortable stay in the apartment

Siberian huskies can be kept both in an apartment and in a separate house. Of course, preference is given to a private house with a fenced area for walking. Huskies are very clean dogs. Husky does not bark like many other breeds and therefore will not bother your neighbors outside the wall. When keeping a husky in a city apartment, you will have to use a vacuum cleaner during the active molting period (bitches usually molt twice a year, and males no more than once a year).

The advantage of the apartment is the possibility permanent contact with a dog, its involvement in your life, which is important for such a sociable breed as a husky. With proper upbringing, the dog behaves neatly even in a cramped room. Huskies often choose their own favorite place and sleep there for hours. Moreover, favorite places change depending on the season. It is desirable that the apartment has a balcony.

At first, you need to have a significant amount of time after the working day, to be firm and consistent in raising a husky puppy in order to train him for proper living in an apartment. Do not indulge his every whim, because you feel guilty for leaving him alone at home. Are you ready to take your husky with you almost everywhere you go?

Especially in the first six months of his life with you? Will you go to puppy courses, make every effort for him correct socialization? It is very difficult to be a husky leader when you are away from home most of the time. He may start to test your patience and try to solve everything on his own.

Consider your lifestyle: After work, do you go to a club, bar, or other activity that doesn't include a dog? Do you like to just lie in front of the TV? Many Siberian huskies, on their own long time may begin to harm your property by internalizing this behavior because there was no one around to correct it.

Learning to go to the toilet on the street will also be much slower. If you think you can just leave it in the house, nursery or aviary while you are at work, think again. While he is small, he needs your attention much more than you think. If you don't get your Husky the right skills, he may start howling or digging in an attempt to free himself from boredom and loneliness.

What will happen to socialization? You will need to buy a truck of interesting and safe toys, and perhaps “ pet»For a company (cats can be such a company). If you have a plan for how to deal with all of this, and you have a strong intention, desire and desire for it, OK - with the right husky puppy, it might work. But it will take a lot more effort than you might imagine.

Nevertheless, we recommend that you constantly stay at home with your husky puppy for at least the first two to three weeks. Then you can gradually increase the intervals of your absence. From a developmental point of view, these weeks are very important for the formation in the husky of those traits with which you will be comfortable living in the next 10-15 years. In some cases, older dogs may be a better choice.

Like any dog, the husky can be hot in the apartment and therefore needs enough drinking water and shaded area. If the husky lives in an apartment, let her find herself the most comfortable place for herself (it can be a tile on the bathroom floor or linoleum in the hallway or in the kitchen). Some huskies like it when in drinking water add ice to keep it cool.

Huskies are very fond of swimming in the summer pool in the yard, in a river or pond. In an apartment, this can be replaced by a cool bath. Siberian huskies molt just before summer, which helps them withstand the heat better. It should be remembered that you must not expose the dog to work and hard exercise during the heat. Only practice with your dog in the early morning or after sunset.
Once the Husky has adapted to the climate, he usually does not experience any particular inconvenience, since he knows how to adapt well to environment... Never lock your husky in a car in a straight line. sunbeams or in the shade for a long time, even if you leave the windows ajar. This can lead to heatstroke. Never cut your husky's coat "to keep it cooler." The coat has an insulating function, protecting it from direct external heat, preventing the dog from overheating in the sun in hot weather.
Usually a person buys a wonderful husky puppy. The puppy grows up and only then the owner begins to understand that he missed his upbringing and he has a real sled dog, which begins to destroy the apartment and run away from him on walks. In general, it does not behave as he expected..

Even if it is experienced owner dogs, for example, he had shepherd dogs all his life, and he got himself a husky, he is faced with the fact that it turns out that the training methods that were applied to a shepherd do not work with a husky. This dog is difficult to keep around without a leash. He is a born hunter, he will gladly kill all small animals - birds, rabbits, cats.

The whole reason is animal instinct. Initially, when the breed was created in aboriginal form in the north, the animals were used only in winter, and mushers were fed only in winter. As soon as the snow melted, the dogs were simply released and they hunted for living creatures. Then the snow fell, the animals became scarce, and the dogs again became the right people and came to the camp.

They were harnessed and, in principle, the animals were on a leash or in harness all winter. Hence, the husky has such a great craving for shoots. The husky must be constantly on a leash or actively trained. it the only way keep the pet.

Factory bred huskies can be kept in apartments. They feel great in the apartment, but only need a large number movement. And, of course, you shouldn't forget that they have a very thick coat. In general, the husky has the so-called double coat, that is, the coat is two times thinner, and the undercoat is 2 times thicker than that of ordinary dogs. When a sled dog sheds, especially a husky, and she does it 2 times a year, it's hard to go through, because the whole apartment is littered with wool, no matter how you scratch and collect it.

Owners, faced with the problem of keeping sled dogs in an apartment, often abandon their pets. A lot of huskies are attached to kind hands, the owners simply cannot cope with these dogs. Many dogs get lost while walking. The most optimistic way of development is when the owner realizes that he has a sled dog that needs a lot of movement and goes to play sled sports. Thus, quite often sled dogs make their owners athletes.Room content is enough large dog, as a husky brings individual inconveniences to both the animal and the owners. By sticking to some rules, you can keep them to a minimum. Set aside a designated resting area for your dog. It should not be located in a walkway, near heat sources, or in a draft.

Never put your husky in the kitchen, on the balcony or in the bathroom! This can be a secluded corner in a hallway or in a room. Use a thick, easy-to-clean mat as a bedding. You will often have to brush the wool and clean the apartment, there is no getting away from it. However, brushing the dog regularly with a furminator can help.

One more important point- walks. For full development and the health of the pet, especially the one kept in the apartment, high-quality and full-fledged walking is required. Minimal amount walks - twice a day for an hour. Jogging, skiing or cycling required

In the conditions of a city apartment, huskies are still deprived of the fullness of those life sensations that many generations of dogs in the wild North have experienced for millennia. Even daily 2-hour walks in the park area cannot replace the hard, but free life in the snow and tundra.

Ideally, huskies should live and work in the open air almost 24 hours a day. Suitable for the life of Siberian huskies are cottages, estates, summer cottages, that is, any private households.

A husky breeder must have a good understanding of their natural needs, take into account the traditional requirements for their upbringing.

It is necessary to protect the husky in the apartment from overheating in the sun, cold and other unfavorable factors and gradually accustom the dog to new conditions of detention.
It is advisable that the place of the husky in the house was determined in advance and remained unchanged in one winter and another in summer. It is recommended to avoid crowded places and dark corners.

A resting place for your husky can be made by laying down a rug, rug, or mattress. This bedding is easy to clean every day. Do not use a mattress for the bed, as it is less hygienic and can pamper the animal.

When placing a husky in a room, strict adherence to sanitary and hygienic rules is required that apply to animal owners. First of all, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the husky. Remember to hide live cables from puppies.

It is recommended to place the bed at some distance from heating appliances, refrigerators, doors, beds, upholstered furniture... When constructing a resting place for an animal, it is necessary to take into account the size of the husky: the dog must be freely placed on the bed in any position.