Do the pedicure by yourself or by a specialist. A beautiful manicure and pedicure gives me self-confidence, so I devote time to this all the time. A set of tools for a pedicure at home

You can put the legs in order yourself, without asking for help from the masters. A home pedicure will not take much time and effort, if you follow the sequence and important recommendations... The technique includes several stages, you should not neglect them in order to achieve the desired result.

Required tools:

  • towel;
  • foot cream;
  • medical varnish;
  • colorless finishing varnish;
  • colored varnish;
  • set for manicure;
  • cuticle softener;
  • nail polish remover without acetone;
  • separating pedicure pads;
  • components for preparing a bath;
  • peeling ingredients.

Preparing for a pedicure

Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to carry out a number preparatory activities working in the complex.

Stage 1. Foot baths
The recipes for the baths will be presented below. Choose suitable option and start cooking. The baths will soften the skin, relieve the feet of an unpleasant odor, heal cracks, steam out calluses and corns. Hot water is not able to fully steam the skin so that keratinized particles can be removed without difficulty. The components that make up the home remedies are designed for 5 liters of warm water. Choose a temperature that is comfortable for you so as not to get burned. The duration of the procedure varies from 25 to 40 minutes.

  1. Mix 80 gr. crushed sea salt with 60 ml. ammonia... Wait for dissolution and lower the legs into the composition. You can also only use sea ​​salt, while its amount per 5 liters of water should be doubled.
  2. Brew 150 gr. succession, 100 gr. plantain, 60 gr. parsley and 40 gr. mint leaves. Insist half an hour.
  3. Cut 2 lemons into thin slices and boil it in 5 liters of boiling water. Add 100 ml here. corn oil, 50 gr. ground cinnamon. Cool the mixture until comfortable temperature, pour in 150 ml. warm fat milk.
  4. Pour boiling water over 120 gr. oregano, 50 gr. burdock, 40 gr. plantain and 80 gr. horsetail. Wait 1 hour, warm up the mixture, add a drop of sandalwood ether, lavender ether and geranium ether.
  5. Take 60 gr. yarrow, 50 gr. lemon balm, 50 gr. calendula. Boil the plants, leave for 50 minutes, then warm up the mixture, add 30 ml. infusion of chamomile, 10 ml. ether of rosemary and 15 ml. ether of lavender. Insist for another 20 minutes, after which the bath can be used.
  6. Steam 100 g in hot water. sage, 100 gr. oak bark, 40 ml. birch sap and 10 gr. baking soda. Cool to a suitable temperature, then add 50 ml. vegetable oil.
  7. Dilute 200 ml. boric acid in 4 liters of water. In another container, brew 100 gr. chamomile in 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes. Mix both compositions, keep the legs in the bath for about a quarter of an hour.
  8. Brew 50 gr. bedstraw herbs, 60 gr. parsley seeds, 60 gr. flax seeds and 100 gr. basilica. Insist for 20 minutes, then add 50 ml. lemon juice and lower the legs into a bowl.
  9. Fill in hot water 100 g St. John's wort, 50 gr. nettle, 50 ml. aloe vera juice and add 100 gr. sea ​​or edible salt... Steam your skin for no longer than 25 minutes.
  10. Pour 30 ml into warm water. potassium permanganate, the solution should turn out to be pale pink. Do the procedure for no longer than 20 minutes to avoid burns.

Stage 2. Treatment of hardened skin areas
Use a pumice stone or a pedicure trowel to remove dead skin in a circular motion. Always start with your heels, work a small area at a time, then lower your feet back into the bath. Repeat the steps until you are satisfied with the result.

Do not use pedicure blades to remove keratinized particles. This method does not find approval from the masters, since it removes not only upper layer epidermis, but also living areas of the skin. If you do the treatment incorrectly, then you run the risk of treating the foot until it bleeds, after which it will be painful to step on it.

Stage 3. Peeling for feet
After you have treated your feet with a hard pumice stone, it remains to remove minor particles to smooth and soften the skin. The peeling procedure does not have a specific duration, look at the condition of the skin. Intermediate surpluses can be removed with warm water or a dry cloth. It is allowed to combine several formulations in one application.

  1. Mix 100 gr. sea ​​salt, 50 gr. oat bran and 120 gr. coffee grounds. Pour in 70 ml. vegetable or corn oil, and then proceed with the treatment of the feet.
  2. Grind 1 lemon, 100 gr in a food processor or meat grinder. apricot kernels and 1 tomato with the peel. Add 130 g. food or sea salt and 10 gr. soda.
  3. To prepare this peeling, you will need 70 gr. coarse oat bran, 1 radish, 50 gr. oily foot cream (suitable for children) and 50 gr. salt. Peel the radish, grate on a coarse grater and squeeze out the liquid with cheesecloth. Combine the gruel with the rest of the ingredients, proceed with the procedure.
  4. Mix in a homogeneous composition 150 gr. cane sugar, 50 gr. cocoa powder, 100 gr. chopped dried orange peel and 70 ml. olive oil.
  5. Grind 100 gr. walnut in a convenient way together with the shell. Add 80 gr. fat sour cream and 100 gr. thick honey. Thoroughly stir and process the feet.
  6. Dry in the oven 70 gr. orange or tangerine zest, 100 gr. lemon zest. Cut 1 banana into thin slices and send to dry too. Grind all ingredients and add 70 ml of milk.

Pedicure technology at home

After you've gone through everything preparatory stages, softened the skin and removed dead particles, you can proceed to the direct processing of the fingers.

  1. Squeeze some cuticle cleaner onto a cotton swab and gently brush the skin along the length of the nail. Do not touch too large a surface, only the cuticle needs to be softened. Wait a quarter of an hour, then with a dry cotton swab, begin to remove the softened areas, pressing slightly. After you have treated all 10 fingers, wipe them with a dry cloth.
  2. Using a manicure spatula, gently push back the cuticle that the product could not soften. Move from the edge of the nail, working inward and upward. Now you need to carefully cut it off with nail tongs, start from the sides, moving towards the middle. For girls whose cuticles are barely visible, it is better not to touch them. This won't make a pedicure look worse.
  3. Go to work with nails. Use a glass nail file to carefully cut glossy layer and possible irregularities. Do not get carried away, otherwise the nails will exfoliate during regrowth. Cut off the free edge with nail scissors, stick optimal length 1.5-2 mm. Otherwise, the edges will grow into the skin, which will lead to painful sensations... If your nails are too hard, soak them for 5 minutes in hot water, then dry well. Now take your regular hard file and file the edges, moving from the center to the edges. Give the thumb a straight shape, the rest - rounded.
  4. Apply cream to feet and massage. Knead your toes, heels, and the bend area well. Remove excess with a tissue, wipe your nails with acetone-free nail polish remover, or use disinfectant... It is necessary to degrease the surface before applying the varnish.
  5. Cover plate medicinal varnish in 2 layers. The "Smart Enamel" series restorer, which is sold in every pharmacy, has proven itself excellently (the price is about 140 rubles). The tool will not allow the colored coating to be absorbed into the nail, thereby eliminating fragility and delamination. Also in the " Smart enamel»Includes calcium and iodine, which strengthen the nails.
  6. Place spacer pads between your toes. If you have a talent for an artist, make an interesting design. Otherwise, cover your nails with 2 coats of solid colored varnish. Dry and apply another layer of clear coat to consolidate the result. Wait until it dries and voila, you are a happy owner of well-groomed fingers!

How to do a spa pedicure

The technique is widely used in Thailand, but no one forbids adopting the technique for carrying out the procedure at home. The technique is similar to a regular pedicure. To get started, indulge your feet with a bath without rigid components such as lemon juice and boric acid... Then exfoliate your feet to remove rough particles from the skin.

Apply a greasy cream and massage for 20 minutes. After that, remove the product with a dry cloth and make another layer, but much thicker. Place plastic bags or pedicure molds on your feet. Wrap them up with woolen socks and lie down to rest for 3 hours. You can easily do housework, after removing the "uniform" your feet will be soft, like a baby's.

Now you know how to carry out a pedicure at home. Prepare in advance necessary ingredients for baths and peels, take care of the availability the right tools in your manicure set... Do not neglect the preparation stages, a pedicure is not only beautiful nails but also gentle and well-groomed skin stop. Perform simple actions every 10 days so that your legs will delight you around the clock. Watch yourself and be irresistible!

Video: classic pedicure

I started doing manicure and pedicure on my own in the sixth grade. At the same time, I started to apply various face creams. But if the effect of the cream is not noticeable to anyone, then well-groomed and painted nails allow you to instantly stand out favorably among others.

For masters of manicure and pedicure, we have developed special rules disinfection of hands and objects, and sterilization of instruments. According to them the pedicurist is obliged to wash her hands before working with the client and at the end, applying an antiseptic... After use, the baths must be treated with a disinfectant.

Sterilization requirements for pedicure masters meet the requirements for medical professionals... But whoever has visited at least a dentist can easily tell the difference. When cutting the cuticle, small cuts often occur and bleed. If it gets on the instrument in the absence of proper disinfection, it is fraught with consequences.

Why do a pedicure

In the summer, it's understandable. After all, fingers peek out of sandals and open shoes. Yes, and playfully run to the water on the beach will not work without evidence of a serious attitude to their appearance.

In winter, this becomes important when visiting the pool. You feel better when visiting a doctor and being in a hospital. If a woman is married, this is a reason to make her husband happy. It is believed that this is done to please him, because others do not see.

But there is another reason - psychological... Even if others are not aware, a person is constantly aware of what kind of underwear he is wearing, whether his tights or socks are torn. And whether the nails are in order. This is involuntarily reflected in the demeanor, gives confidence to the expression on the face and courage in actions.

How nice it is to take care of yourself

Any self-care creates positive attitude, which psychologists consider the direct path to finding happiness. Pedicure is an art. After all, everything ends with painting - applying varnish on the nails.

Modern fashion dictates not boring application of one color on each nail, but exuberant imagination. One month it is customary to alternate colors that do not match with each other, in the next - one nail should be slightly longer than the others. Moreover, sparkles should shine on it, which can be purchased in the store.

Self-care drives away boredom and Bad mood... Doing yourself a pedicure and at the same time languishing with boredom will not work for anyone. A woman begins to treat herself better, which is always reflected in her appearance. If a pedicure is done regularly, feet are constantly being cared for, then it can be done quickly and with pleasure.

Finally, mastering any new knowledge, any of us becomes freer and more independent.

Required tools and accessories

For home pedicure you will need:

  • Ceramic or plastic foot bath.
  • Towel.
  • Heel grater.
  • Fine-grained pumice stone.
  • Tweezers.
  • Various types of files.
  • Machine.
  • Nippers.
  • Scraper equipped with small heel blades.
  • Nail scissors.
  • Emollient cream.
  • Finger spacers.
  • Varnishes of various colors.
  • Acetone and cotton swabs for correcting minor defects in varnish application.
  • Deodorant for feet.

Foot baths

The pedicure procedure begins with a warm bath... Steaming of the feet takes place in it. At the same time, they soften, which facilitates further processing. Ingredients can be added to the water, such as herbs, different kinds sea ​​salt with additives, essential oils.


Mix sea salt, which has the ability to strengthen nails, and essential oil. You can enhance the effect by adding dried mint. The proportions may vary.


Pour into water baking soda... For a bath of water - four tablespoons. This soda bath is suitable for both treatment and prevention of fungal infection.... Eliminates odor.


Add infusion of herbs- calendula or chamomile. The infusion is prepared by pouring two tablespoons of dried plants with a glass of boiling water. It should be infused for half an hour. This composition provides a strong disinfecting effect.


Add four tablespoons of vinegar to the water ( not to be confused with acetic acid ). Will fit and Apple vinegar... The duration in this case is limited: no more than 15 minutes.


Pour table salt... Dip your feet into the water for a few minutes. Add two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the water with salt.

After taking the bath, the feet are wiped dry with a towel.


The main stages of a pedicure:

  1. Foot baths.
  2. Remove any residual nail polish applied last time using a product specifically designed for nail polish remover.
  3. Shorten the length of the nails. Do not file them, but cut them off with small tweezers.
  4. Soften cuticles. Apply an emollient to the nail surface and sides.
  5. Treat the heels by removing rough skin from them. A special machine is driven along the surface towards the edges of the heel. Remove rough skin thin layers trying not to injure the lower layers.
  6. Sand the surfaces of the feet with a coarse filed file.
  7. Tweak the cracks on the heels with tweezers. They should be positioned along the crack during work.
  8. Remove the keratinized skin on the fingertips. With a soft file, grind the surface of the pads and the places where the fingers touch.
  9. Treat the cuticle. Wipe this place with wet wipes. Use a special spatula to move the skin from the middle to the edges.
  10. Treat the edge of the nail. With a saw to give it square shape to avoid ingrowth.
  11. Treat the nail plates with disinfectants.
  12. Apply to heels nutritious cream, preventing the appearance of cracks.
  13. Massage your feet.
  14. Cover with varnish. It is possible in several layers. Additionally, a colorless varnish can be applied on top.

Errors when making a pedicure

The most common mistakes:

Do not soften the feet in too hot water. The temperature should be no more than 30 degrees... You can hold your feet in the water longer.

Do not use scissors or a blade when removing calluses and calluses. This can lead to cuts. To do this, use a pumice stone or scraper.

Do not cut corners of the nail to avoid ingrowth. Cut your nails in a straight line.

Do not use a cuticle machine.

Heel treatment

There are two types of heel processing tools. If the condition of the heel is not very bad, the use of a float is sufficient. Otherwise, machining is required.


It is better to choose a grater with a wooden handle, not an iron handle. The processing surface is made of pumice, plastic, nickel, of stainless steel... The rough surface is created by laser incisions.

Having steamed the legs, first, the heel is treated with a harder coating, moving in one direction - from the sides and from the back to the middle.

Then grater the corns at the bottom of the fingers and on the side of the thumb. The leg is placed back in the tub. They take it out, dry it with a towel and treat the second leg in the same way.

Then the first one, taking out of the water and drying, is treated with the side of the grater with more soft cover, increasing the processing area. The second leg is processed.


When buying a machine, you need to pay attention to the material of the blade. Better to choose surgical steel. Its advantage lies in its increased wear resistance. The blades are included with the machine.

The preparatory step is to steam the legs with the addition of the desired components. Then the feet must be wiped dry. With light movements, without creating excessive pressure, begin to process the foot, paying attention to the most coarse areas. Direction - from the edges to the center of the heel.

The final stage will be the repeated immersion of the feet in the bath, and then the processing of the skin with a sanding file. Finally - applying the cream.

Cuticle treatment

The function of the cuticle is defense. The base of the nail is protected from infections entering this area. With a pedicure, the task is to get rid of dead cuticle cells. Growing, the cuticle dries up, which causes the appearance of burrs. Nails grow more slowly, they get worse appearance... Only constant care the condition of the cuticle will make it healthy and give it a well-groomed look.

Trimming method

The way when the cuticle is worked out by cutting with scissors or tweezers. Preference is given to tweezers made of hand-sharpened high-quality stainless steel.

Spread your legs in the tub. Take out one leg and dry it with a towel. Apply a softening agent to the cuticle area. Hold it on your nails for a while. Take wet wipe and remove the remaining funds.

Take out the spatula from the pedicure set and begin to gently push the cuticle away, moving from the edge of the nail to its middle. Then remove the pointed tool from the kit and walk through it, scrubbing the skin of the thin layer that builds up on the nail. Do it gently without scratching your nail.

Take a pair of tweezers and trim the skin around your nail. Trim your cuticles in one go to avoid burrs. Lubricate the cuticle area with a dedicated oil. Treat the second foot.

Unedged method

With this method keratolics are used instead of tweezers... When applied, the cuticle softens. Then she pulls back with an orange stick. Then you need to apply the cuticle remover. After some exposure, the cuticle is pushed back again. The pedicure ends with a cuticle oil treatment.

The advantage of this processing method is safety. With this method, only keratinized areas of the skin are removed, and the living ones remain protection from infection by bacteria.

Hardware method

Unlike the classic, hardware - does not require steaming legs... A special oil is used for softening. The tool acts selectively only on keratinized and dead skin. Live areas are not touched. The effect of healing and disinfection is provided.

Processing is carried out by grinding attachments and cutters of the device. Cuticle cutting does not occur. The occurrence of injury is impossible.

The set includes nozzles of various diameters. Large diameter tips are used when it becomes necessary to treat the feet, especially the heels. Small nozzles with a semicircular shape are used when the places between adjacent fingers and the skin near the nail are processed.

The design consists of an apparatus and a handle on which the attachments are attached. First, the legs are treated with a coarse nozzle. Then, at a large number removed keratinized skin are replaced with more delicate ones. There are attachments designed for different areas of the foot. Nails, cuticles, periungual skin, calluses, heel cracks are subject to care.

Stages of the

  1. Apply the softening cream for about fifteen minutes.
  2. Remove dead and rough skin using attachments.
  3. Using cutters, remove corns, process corns.
  4. Sand the cuticles.
  5. Use a nail file to shape the nails to the desired shape.
  6. Polish.
  7. Grind to final gloss.
  8. Apply an emollient cream.
  9. Massage your feet.
  10. Apply varnish.

The technology for performing hardware pedicure is clearly shown in the video below:

Callus processing

The pedicure apparatus includes callus remover... She removes calluses delicately, without injuring the skin. A cream is placed in the remaining hole, which removes the roots of the processed corn.


During the treatment with the device, massage is constantly carried out. As a result, blood circulation improves, which has a beneficial effect on skin covering Feet.

After a pedicure performed with a hardware method, the skin that has been removed does not begin to grow as quickly as when the pedicure was performed with a trimming method. Skin more for a long time retains its elasticity, becomes much less coarse.

Cream application

A pedicure done at home should be completed with a cream that softens the skin. With very rough skin of the feet, there is an option when the cream is applied at night, and socks are put on the legs.


Massage improves blood circulation in the legs. If the feet are dry, then nourishing creams can be applied. At profuse sweating a deodorant agent should be used. If the legs are tired at the end of the day, it is advisable to apply a cream with a tonic effect. Any vegetable oil can be used.

Varnish application

When applying varnish convenient to use finger separators... This will save you from accidentally getting varnish on the neighboring nail, especially if it was assumed that they would have a different color.

Before you paint your nails, you need them degrease with an acetone-free product... A special base must be applied under the varnish. The varnish is applied in two layers with a special brush. The procedure is completed by applying the fixer.

Maintenance and care of pedicure

Do not forget apply oil to your nails daily... At proper care it will become noticeable that the cuticle becomes more elastic, it begins to adhere much more tightly to the nail. The growth of the nail becomes faster, its surface is smoother.


Do pedicure regularly- a useful and pleasant habit. Doing it yourself is not at all difficult. This saves time and money. The effect will be noticeable after a short time.

Any girl always wants to see her legs well-groomed. To save money on trips to the salon, you can do the pedicure yourself at home. Let's take a look at how to do a pedicure at home for yourself. At the same time, if suddenly it seems difficult to you, then you can take training courses in manicure and pedicure. Compliance with the following simple rules will help you to always feel “on top”.

How to prepare properly, step by step instructions

First you need to prepare. The first step is to wash your feet and remove the nail polish. So, you should fill the tray warm water... The water should be at a comfortable temperature. Sea salt, previously enriched with aromatic oils, can be added to the water.

  • A rosemary fir bath will help to cope with unpleasant odor legs.
  • Mint - tones up.
  • Lemon - softens the skin.
  • Lavender promotes relaxation.
  • Tea tree deodorizes the skin of the feet.

When the bath is ready, you can make yourself comfortable and spend at least five minutes in peace and quiet. After steaming the legs, the hardened skin on the feet and corns is removed. You will need a pumice stone, as you won't be able to do a pedicure at home on rough and unprocessed skin. The pumice stone will easily remove excess hardened skin. The pumice stone should be used carefully, without injuring healthy skin.

The second step for the perfect home pedicure

The next step is the pedicure grinder. A little scrub is applied to it. Here it will fit like special tool for a pedicure and a regular body scrub. If you don't have a scrub at hand, sea salt, calcined sand, or semolina mixed with olive oil can replace it with a pedicure. The feet should be well treated, especially outer edge, heels and fingers.

Particular attention should be paid to pedicure thumb, since very often it grows rough and rough skin... Next, we move on to massage. You should massage the areas of the foot that are experiencing the greatest stress when walking. Move correctly from the ankle to the toes. Massage is a useful and pleasant procedure.

Using nail scissors, the nails are carefully trimmed. Use a nail file to shape the nails. Better if it is square, this shape prevents ingrown nails. Specialists in the ideal pedicure do not recommend choosing coarse, hard files. They injure the nail plate. With her, the marigolds will acquire an attractive healthy appearance. In addition, it does not grind, so it will last longer.

The third step of a beautiful pedicure

The cuticle is gently pushed back with an orange pedicure stick and removed with nail tweezers. Next, the nails are polished with a special double-sided file for polishing. First, they work with the hard side. This will rid the nail plate of various irregularities, then apply the other side. The nails will become smooth and shiny.

An important role in the beauty of the heels is played by their obligatory hydration. A nourishing cream or lotion is applied to the feet. For this purpose, it is also suitable olive oil, peach oil and grape seed... On the legs, you need to put on cotton socks to the maximum long time, better at night.

The final stage of the pedicure, applying varnish

The final stage is the application of varnish to the nails. The remains of the cream should be removed from the nail plate with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover without acetone. The varnish will adhere better. To prevent your fingers from touching each other, you should use the special finger spacers. To begin with, the marigolds should be covered with a special transparent base-base. It will increase the strength and smoothness of the coating. Then you can apply two layers of varnish. suitable shade and a protective layer.

The result of a home pedicure will be overwhelming! In general, it is not difficult to understand how to do a pedicure at home for yourself. The main thing is that the process is enjoyable. You need to pamper yourself with this procedure once every two weeks and then the legs will look dazzling! Have you tried doing a pedicure yourself? Share yours or read the secrets of our visitors.

If you are thinking how to do a pedicure at home, but do not know how to properly perform it, then the photo and step-by-step instruction will help you with this. If you want your legs to always look just perfect and at the same time have heels like babies, then for all this you just need to do correct pedicure... And for this you do not need to go to the salon and spend finances, all this can be done at home, you will get the same amount of pleasure, and you will save time and money. If you have never done this yourself, and just do not know where to start, then our recommendations will help solve all your questions.

Step-by-step instructions: the path to beautiful nails

Let's talk about how to make a pedicure at home step by step, photos will help us with this.

Step 1

To begin with, before starting the pedicure procedure, you need to steam your legs well enough, this will not only help you in the future, but also relax you, relieve the accumulated stress. This stage necessary for preliminary preparation directly to the skin itself, which will allow it to soften a little.

To achieve a spa-like effect, you can add a little sea salt, a shower gel, and some of your favorite essential oils to the warm water bath, and shea butter, orange and grapefruit oil are great for relaxing.

After your bath is completely ready, you need to lower your feet into it for about 10-15 minutes, this time is enough for all the dead and coarse particles to soften well. After that, take the prepared in advance soft towel and use it to dry your feet, so that your feet are completely ready so that you can proceed to another stage.

Step 2

Now is the time to process the cuticles, this is also very important if you want the legs to look just perfect in the future. For this procedure, you will need special scissors, it is also allowed to use simple nail clippers, choose the tool with which it is easier and more habitual for you to work.

Cut off the protruding nail, remember that the nails should not be too long or too short here, everything should look natural and natural. Do not forget that the shape of the toenails must necessarily be only square, otherwise there is a risk of their ingrowth into the skin. Take a special file and file down the cut and all the ends quite a bit, while observing the direction from the edge to the center.

After that take orange stick or a manicure spatula and carefully, gently push the cuticle back into in this case you can also use a specific emollient if available, but you can do without it. Then, simply use a spatula to remove all excess cuticles. Also clean the area directly under the nail itself where dirt may remain.

Step 3

If you have no idea how to do a pedicure at home, then the video and step-by-step instructions will help you understand this issue. In fact, everything is very easy, so you can repeat the procedure yourself.

Now is the time to start directly on the skin of the feet, this is also very important, because this way you can form corns from the hardened skin, and this, in turn, does not look very beautiful. For this stage, you need a pumice stone, it is she who will help remove all unnecessary and rough skin. Here it is advisable to repeat the procedure for steaming the legs to achieve perfect result and keep them in warm water for another 8-10 minutes, then use a pumice stone to treat the heels and feet themselves.

For an even more noticeable effect, you can use various peels and scrubs. Then lubricate your feet and heels with any good fat cream possessing nutritional properties, for faster absorption, you can massage and rub the dermis.

Step 4

It's time to start the final stage, namely the application of the main varnish. If you want your varnish to last as long as possible, and the nail plate itself is shinier and smoother, then for this you need to polish them, this can be done with ease using a double-sided nail file designed specifically for pedicure.

The blue side of the file must be very carefully and carefully drawn over the entire nail plate, do not skip places in the cuticle area. Only after this procedure can you safely start applying varnish. To begin with, you should completely degrease the entire surface, because traces of the cream could remain on it, and then your varnish simply will not adhere firmly to the nails.

Separate your fingers by inserting cotton wool between them. Now you need to apply the base, it is most often colorless, so this will not affect the shade of the main base varnish in any way. This very foundation will protect your nails from all toxins that may be in a simple varnish after you have applied basic framework, it is necessary to wait until it dries completely, only after that it will be possible to start applying the varnish.

Which varnish to choose is up to you, but you should remember that for a summer pedicure it is best to give your preference to such colors as red, silver, gold, emerald, white, yellow, etc. But for the fall-winter season, colors are best suited: blue, purple, beige, burgundy, wine, black. Keep this in mind when choosing your next pedicure varnish.

Today we talked about how to do a pedicure at home, reviewed videos, photos and step-by-step instructions.

Do not forget next rule- you should always look perfect, the only way you will feel at your best, do not forget that a pedicure is just as important as careful hand and nail care.

Vitamins for nails are a great helper in nail care. Without them, they will look unhealthy.

To feel like a real queen, it is not at all necessary to visit very expensive salons and spend a lot of money on various spa procedures, all this can be easily done at home.

In this article, we will tell you in detail how to do perfect pedicure Houses, a step by step photos and video instructions will help you quickly learn how to care for your toenails at home. A woman's legs should always be beautiful, regardless of whether it is summer or winter.

Of course, a regular visit to a beauty salon will help you achieve this result. Every 14 days (at least), the pedicure needs to be updated, the shape of the nail must be corrected. But such procedures will hit your pocket hard and take a lot of precious time. The alternative is to do the pedicure yourself. Let's look at all the options for how to do a pedicure at home with your own hands.

For the procedure, we need the following items: two pairs of scissors (straight and with round tips), nail file and tweezers, orange wood stick, pumice stone, brush (soft).




- First, let's hold the legs in the bath. Bath cosmetics are now sold at every step; it is very convenient to use them for a home pedicure. There are antibacterial, emollients, and moisturizers to help sanitize and prepare your feet for your at-home procedure. You can simply add to hot water soda, tincture of chamomile, calendula, sea salt, vegetable oil is also suitable.

- Do one leg first, and when you put it in order, move on to the next. So, we take out the leg from the hot bath, wipe it thoroughly, use a special grater for the roughest areas of the skin, then remove the remnants of dead cells using pumice (with movements, as it were, we draw circles). When, after all the actions, the corns have not disappeared, do not rush to remove them with a razor / forceps, you can severely damage the skin.

- Now we process the steamed legs with a pedicure grinder with a lot of scrub so that not a single callus or corns remains on the feet. Beauty salons recommend using oils instead of cream. vegetable origin, and beloved aroma oil(we add it quite a bit) will allow you to enjoy the procedure to the fullest. Butter tea tree has antibacterial properties and prevents fungal attack, fir oil will have a deodorant effect, and lemon will have an emollient effect.

- Then carefully cut the nails with scissors.
The scissors must be held perpendicular to the nail, cut off the edges without rounding, otherwise the nail will begin to grow. As for the length of the nail, advice is superfluous, here as your heart desires.

- Using a wooden stick, gently push back the cuticle to the base of the nail. It happens that the nails turn slightly yellow, then it is advisable to peel with coffee grounds or just with a nail file. The effect will be amazing. The final touch - we attach with a nail file desired shape marigolds. Now we take varnishes and apply them to the nails. A pedicure will look like you just visited a beauty salon.

Now you know how to do home pedicure independently, without resorting to the services of expensive beauty salons. If you want to speed up the procedure for caring for your marigolds, then you can master hardware pedicure from video lessons and order an inexpensive machine with a set of cutters, burs, attachments. You can easily get your toenails flawlessly beautiful with our tips. Plus, your feet will always be healthy and well-groomed.