Shadow application form. Basic appliances applying shadows. We choose the type of shadows

One of the key moments in the creation of makeup is shadow. With their help, you can easily adjust the shape of the eyes, make an emphasis on the merits and hide disadvantages, visually increase your eyes and make them more expressive. But you need to know how to apply the shadows right.

Before applying shadows, clean the skin with tonic and put the foundation in the eyelid, a small amount of Primera. It will help keep the brightness of the color and make it easier to decide. The basis can also serve concealer or powder. Choose three shades in one color palette: Blike (the brightest), transitional tone and contour (dark shade). Prepare Tools: Flat wide brush For applying shadows and a dense cone-shaped brush for cutting. On the entire surface of the century, from the line of eyelashes to the eyebrows, apply the brightest tone and grow it. Now carefully apply the shadow of the transition shade from the outer corner of the eye along the line of the upper eyelid. It is easy to find it, it suffices to find the protruding part of the skull bone under eyebrows. Employed the lower eyelid. Shadows apply a couple of millimeters below the line of eyelashes. The inner side of the eye should remain light. Take a tint, trying not to affect the rolling age site. In the upper eyelid, a combination of tones can be used, the brightest zone should always be near the inner corner of the eyes. Shadows Apply the movement from the eyelashes to the fold of the century. Most. dark tint Draw a small triangle in the corner between the upper eyelashes and the line of the folds of the upper eyelid. The plot closer to the nose must remain as light as possible. Well-grazing shadows so that the transition between three shades was almost impaired. The triangle shape and the design method allows you to adjust the size and shape of the eyes. For greater look expressiveness, apply light shadows under eyebrows, in the place of its bending and in the inner corner of the eyes. You can use pearl shades.

Matte shadows are used as for hedgehog day Makeupand for special occasions. They are easily chosen and allow making makeup more natural. Mask small skin defects and mimic wrinkles. Pearl shadows are more suitable for evening Makeup. They are brighter and used in combination with matte. Emphasize small wrinkles around the eye, it is worth paying attention to it.

Shadows can be applied in two ways.
  • Dry applying. Apply a dry tassel. Equally and smoothly distribute them. Scattered particles do not wipe, but remove a slightly wet cloth.
  • Wet application. Before dialing dry shadows, slightly moisten the applicator with water, such a makeup will be brighter and resistant.
Special meaning It has right choice Colors of shadows. It depends on the color of the eye and clothes. It is important to remember that the selected shade should not fully coincide with the color of the iris:
  • The brown eyes will profitably emphasize the entire gamma of brown, purple, purple, plum, some green shades. AT pearl shades You can use golden, white, copper.
  • Blue eyes are suitable for all shades of gray, dark blue, beige colour. Pearl shadows can use silver, blue, pink and white.
  • Green eye holders should be preferred by light yellow, purple, brown, beige or emerald shades. Pearl shadows will fit the golden, copper and iron tones.

Beautifully applied shadows can learn every woman. Only a desire, a little patience and practice.

Completed eye makeup involves the use of shadows.

It is they who make a look deeper and expressive, give the face a special charm and can even adjust the flaws.

How to apply shadows?

Here is the question that most worries newcomers.

In fact, nothing is difficult.

How to apply shadows: basic types of product

The modern beauty industry offers women a rich selection of shadows. They differ not only in color, although trendy shades Every season appear. It is necessary to make a choice between traditional dry shadows, which are perfectly applied, removed, stored, and their more "advanced" options.

Shadow-pencil: Wonderfully shine, look forward and generally look great. The disadvantage of the product is a complex decisiveness (almost do not carry), complicated application (With unaccustomed, it is difficult to perform neat makeup) and an unpleasant feature roll into the fold of the century.

Liquid shadows: Very persistent, beautifully look, but it is necessary to work very quickly, since the product dries instantly. Just as the previous version, rolled into the top of the upper century.

Mousse shadows: They are easily applied, perfectly drawn, pleasantly shine, but with them it is easy to overdo it. It will not be easy to remove the extra quantity, you will have to wash everything and apply makeup anew.

Qualitative shadows differ from cheap counterparts. They hold long, do not disappear from the skin after an hour and a half, retain brightness. They are easy to grow, they do not cause allergic reactions, not dried thin skin Century and do not roll into the folding of the upper eyelid.

Choosing the shadows, it is better to give preference to classic dry variants. They are suitable for any type of skin. But the shadow-mousse with oily skin will look inactively, spread and rolled.

It is worth paying attention to the baked dry shadows. They can be applied and dry, and humid way. In the second case, the color is obtained more saturated, suitable for evening makeup.

How to apply shadows: Tools and preparation

To work with shadows you need to have different brushes. Spontaneity, which manufacturers are invested in finished pallets or shadows-odnushki, are suitable only for hiking conditions: the real evening make-up they do not do. The main types of chains for shadows:

Barrel brush is used for soft rustice and application of pigment into the fold of the century;

A large brush with a semicircular slice is used to apply a base light pigment to the entire surface of the century;

The same brushes are smaller needed to apply acts of accents;

Flat short bruster needed for rusting pigment along the century;

A narrower and long brush is used for cutting boundaries between different shades.

Before applying the shadows, it should be properly prepared. In the eyelid, the base under shadow is necessarily applied. Usually this light cream white color. The tool softens the skin, retains and even increases the intensity of the pigment, allowing you to properly apply shadows and wear them all day. The database after absorption is needed slightly transparent powder. On this basis, it will be much easier to ruffle shadows, the product will not bother the fold of the century.

You need to apply shadows with good lighting. The day lighting lamp is ideal for this purpose, which does not discard the shadow on the face, but illuminates it well. Shadows are applied by driven, and not smoothing movements. This allows you to continue to achieve smooth transition, perfect mixing of shades.

How to properly apply shadows for day makeup and smoke-ice

The easiest option daily Makeup - Just cover all the eyelids from the eyelashes and slightly above the folds light basic shadows peach, beige tone or color champagne. This option refreshes the look, gives it ease.

More sophisticated day makeup Requires the use of several pigments. How to properly apply shadows according to such a scheme:

Apply the basic (the brightest) tone of a big soft tassel to the upper movable and motionless eyelid;

Stop the line from the outer corner of the eye until the middle of the fold of the century and draw it with a thin cystow, typing more dark color. The line must be good to grow and pass exactly along the border of the eyeball;

The main tone is told with a bevelled tip on the outer corner of the eye so that the tone is closer to the eyelashes. Stretch the pigment to the temple, grow the border towards the inner corner of the eye;

Thin tassel put lightly, almost white point in internal cornerok the eye (the reception will reveal the view), as well as on the very convex point of the moving age. Pretty growing light pigment.

A simple and fast option can be performed in different colors depending on the clothes and colors of the iris. The choice of correct shades in the color of the color will help to avoid the most frequent errors in eye makeup. How to properly apply shadows depending on the color of the iris? The main rule is to emphasize natural color eye.

Green iris. Pigment color dark green, golden, chocolate, purple.

Blue iris. Practically all the main shades of subdos: gray-brown, silver, gentle pink, golden, purple, lilac, saturated blue, soft lavender.

Gray iris. In combination with the most common eye color good all blue shades, turquoise, gentle green, dark brown, chocolate, purple, dark gray.

Koring iris. All shades of brown, olive, gold, rich blue, purple-lilac.

For the smoky makeup of the eyes you need a pallet that combined shadows. While no skill, you can buy ready set. As a rule, it includes four shades and allows you to quickly understand the principle of combining pigments.

For classic smoke-ais large number Shades do not need. It will take black, dark brown and beige pigment. Optionally, you can add a white shimmer tone to lave an inner corner. That's how to properly apply shadows for classic smoke-ice.

Align the tone of the skin of the eyelids by a consilement, to the upper eyelid to apply the base.

Round or fluffy tassel darkened fold, typing a dark brown or gray shade. Turn the line.

Shadows in the fold of the century need to be applied with open eyes. No need to close the eyes, otherwise the transition of the color will be unnatural.

A flat fluffy brush to dial a matte black shade and very neatly, driven by movement to almost all the moving eyelids, slightly not reaching the fold.

The same tassel, which darkened the fold, to grow the resulting black line, connecting a black and brown pigment.

Little thin brush and dark matte shadows Test a line of growth lower eyelashes. The line should not reach the inner corner of the eye about 5 mm.

To the other thin brush dial brown tint And apply on top of black, mixing them. Brown pigment to stretch to the inner corner.

Black eyeliner draw the top line of growth of eyelashes (you can take a pencil, liner or liquid eyelvering).

Brilliant light shadows emphasize the inner corner of the eye.

Light beige shade of shadows with a fluffy tassel to emphasize the space under the eyebrow.

Will remain on the eyelashes mascara, and spectacular Makeup Smokey Isa is ready.

There are subtleties that will allow beautifully and correctly apply the eyeshadow.

Creamy mousse shadows can not be applied to drinking eyelids, otherwise there will be a sloppy makeup with effect oily skin.

Shadows need to be applied first, before drawing arrows and painting the eyelashes of ink. But the eyebrows must already be decorated: Shadows will only need to emphasize from the lower edge.

Liquid shadows do not necessarily inflicts the applicator. The pads of the fingers will allow distributing the pigment to more evenly and do not overdo it with the product.

On the age centuries With an observative grid of wrinkles, shimmer shadows look ugly. Women after thirty should be abandoned by pearl options in favor of matte.

Shadows can be used to correct the form of the eyelid. If there is some lack, you can use the following recommendations.

The space between closely planted eyes can be visually expanded if you emphasize the outer corners and breathe internal white or very light shadows.

If the eyes are deeply planted, light pearlescent shadows can be applied on the century and draw the arrow above the upper cilias.

If the eyes are small, it is impossible to use dark shadows: they will visually seem even less. On the contrary, light shimmer shades "open" look will make eyes anymore.

The main rule of applying shadows is that the inner corners of the eye emphasize with light shadows, and the external - dark. Light shades make some kind of skin brighter, emphasizing them, and the dark are used for disguise. This rule works in relation to tone for face.

Instead of the base under shadow, you can use a consilet or tone cream, but only if the shadows high QualityBright, perfectly pigmented. Some cosmetic brands Bases in the form of cream shadows with a light pigment.

It is important to draw space between the cilia with a black pencil or fill in shadows. If this is not done, the look will not be expressive, and the makeup will seem careless, unfinished. it frequent error Newbies, from which you need to get rid of immediately.

When applying makeup, creating a certain image is best paid to eyes. This is the most expressive detail of the person to which first pay attention. Eyes can fascinate, enthusiastically, maim, intrigue, encourage. With such important "weapons" stands and seek skillfully. After all, even perfect shape can be ruined with negligence and hasty. To avoid disappointments and learn how to emphasize the beauty of the eyes, it is worth understanding the subtleties of their makeup. Let's try to find out all the nuances of how to properly apply shadows.

How to choose eye shadow

Do not forget that the area around the eyes, and the eyes themselves are extremely sensitive. Therefore, the shadow used should be hypoallergenic in order not to irritate the mucous membrane, and even more so not to be overdue.

In modern cosmetic stores, you can see the shadows very diverse not only in color, but also by consistency: dry, liquid, gel, creamy, shadow-pencil, shadow mousse, etc. They have and differences in the features of application.

Crumbling shadows

Are traditional and most common. This is due to the convenience of their use, accessibility, as well as a variety of textures and colors. Application: With the help of an applicator or tassel. The crumbly shadow is better to apply a slightly wet applicator to get a more rich color.


These shadows are presented in the form of twisted sticks - by type of lipstick. This form allows you to wear them in a cosmetics without worrying that they will get out. Palette Shadow-Stick is represented by a wide range of shades as matte, so pearl. Application: directly on the skin of the eyelid or by means of a tassel or fingertips. It is extremely undesirable to use the applicator to apply them.


Have a more silky texture compared to sticks. Most of them are pearl, but there are also matte. Application: directly pencil is applied in the form of a strip or the age of the eyelid is painted in the form required by the idea of \u200b\u200beach particular makeup.

Proper design eye

  • The first thing to be done is to hide all skin defects around the eye by consilers. To do this, it is pointing to problem zones And grows.

  • Next comes a turn of the primer, which is easiest to distribute on the agent of the pillows of the fingers and leave on half a minute to absorb. On its basis, any shadow will be smaller and brighter, and during the day the primer will protect them from non-psychic rolling in the folds of the rolling age and sinking.

  • First in the eyelid superimposed basic layer Shadows whose shade should be as close as possible to the skin color. The base plays the same role as the powder on the face - aligns the tone of the century.

  • Palette for natural Makeup based on brown gamma, ranging from pastel beige and ending saturated color Bitter chocolate. AT everyday version Makeup, as a rule, used two colors of shadows - dark and light. The bright shade is covered by an eyebrow area to the boundary of the mobile eyelid, and they should also be brought to the growth line of eyelashes in the lower eyelid using a thin brush or pointed applicator. More saturated tint The chosen gamma is applied to the external angle of the upper eyelid, followed by a decisive to its middle.

  • Now that the shadows are correctly imposed, it will remain to make an eye contour. To do this, you can draw interpreter space acutely sharpened pencil and ended in mascara.

Methods for applying shadows

The technique of applying eye shadows can also be several types: mostly it is wet, wet and dry technique.

For dry technology, the usual application of eye shadows with a brush or sponge. There is nothing complicated in it: you just apply the shadows in the eyelid, creating the desired drawing and gently distribute around the perimeter of the eye. This technique will suit both for daytime and evening makeup, made, for example, black shadows.

A wet method of applying shadows is designed mainly to create evening makeup. You need to slightly moisten the brush with water, gain the shadow of the desired shade on it and apply to the eyelid. Thanks to this technique, the pigment of the shadows will increase its color and will become much brighter. Also, the shadows imposed in this way will last in a century longer than the usual.

In this material we will tell you how to properly apply the shadows forever. Creating your own unique image In the process of applying makeup, it is important to pay special attention to the eyes. After all, the eyes are not only a "soul mirror", but also a very expressive part of the face - after all, many men pay attention to the first place. Therefore, there are small secrets that will help you apply the shadows so that the eyes look even more attractive.

Contemporary cosmetic Industry offers women a variety of shadows, which differ not only by color gamma, but also on consistency: shadows-mousse, creamy, helium, liquid, dry. And they all differ in the method of use. After you have led your eyebrows, they caught a blush, you can proceed to make eye. With the help of the roast or powder, the complexion is adjusted, and the eyebrows will indicate the border for which you do not need to go.

There is one very important rule: light shadows should be applied to the inner corners of the eyes, and dark - on the external, at the lower eyelid - shadows are darling, and on the top - brighter. With the help of light shadows, you can emphasize, highlight the advantages, and using dark - strain, disguise disadvantages. To gently apply shadows, use a wet sponge, sponge, tassel or applicator. In order to remove from the tassels excessive cosmetics Before you make makeup forever, you need to slightly slam down on the back side of the palm.

How to apply shadows. 4 important rules:

1. Near eyebrows.
It is recommended to apply brighter shadows, as they reflect the light, visually they raise the eyebrow as if it can be combined by several shades at once, the brightest should be placed over the inner edge of the eye, the shadow should become the outer part of the eye.

2. Top eyelid.
Samemia is applied here bright paint And it will be very good if it will fit the color range of clothes. Tone can be combined: on external region century lies the darkest paint, it goes to the central part - the most bright color And on the inner part we apply the brightest paint.

3. Contour.
With it, you can adjust the size and shape of the eyes. The contour is applied by Samoa dark paint through thin brushes Or the applicator, repeating every line of the upper eyelid. Very often the contour is chosen in order for its borders to be not very clear.

4. Lower eyelid.
At the lower eyelid, the shadows are applied to the same color as the contour or in the same gamma as in the upper eyelid. It is necessary to apply them from an outer corner of the eye so that the line does not turn out to be thick, the applicator must be barely concerned. To adjust, emphasize or change the shape of the eyes, the line needs to grow well.

Homemade makeup for the eyelids. Step-by-step master classes with photos:

> Tips for beginners with photos. Make an evening makeup, effect of expressive eyes .

> Bold evening makeup - how to paint your eyes in the style of "Feline View" .

> Pink, Matte Pearl Shadows for Fashion Makeup - Step-by-Step Guide with Photo .

Fast monochrome makeup of everyday use .

Different Makeup Options Blue .

> How to paint your eyes original - white matte shadows .

> Visually increase the volume of the eyes and the depth of view. How to gradually apply makeup .

> How to emphasize the color of brown eyes with shadows and eyeliner .

> Elegant Evening Makeup for Karego's Eye - Phased Master Class .

> Evening meikap in blue color scheme - smoky effect .

How to paint brunette eyes - different options .

Shadows - the product is quite complicated in use, and if you know how to correctly apply them, it means almost reached heights in makeup. In fact, use the shadows is quite simple, if you remember about 10 useful lifehak.

How to use shadows for the age

1. Align the tone

Before proceeding with eye makeup, you need to align the tone of the skin. Very often on the centuries, small capillaries are noticeable or there is a little bit greenish tint. So that these shortcomings do not spoil your makeup, you can use the usual tone cream - the same thing that is applied to the whole face. The main thing is not to overdo it - on a movable eyelid enough one small droplet of lightweight.

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2. Use the base

We are not talking for the first time and not tired of repeating: it doesn't matter what kind of shadows are, it is important which base for them. On the good primer Even the most inexpensive shadows will be held. It is necessary to use it immediately after you delivered a tonal agent, adjusting the hint of the eyelid. However, there are bases under shadows 2 in 1, which cope with two tasks - and adjust the shade, and help the shadows do not turn. For example, it is such a primer who has LancĂ´me brands or Urban Decay..


3. Buy cream shadows

Many girls are afraid to use cream shadows, and in vain! They are capable of holding a lot longer than crumbly. Moreover, with cream textures, the problem of squeezing does not exist at all. About cream shadows you need to know the following things:

  • They can be used as a base.Just fill cream shadows The desired shade is all the space of the mobile century, and then correct the makeup crumbly - select the outer corners with a darker color, and the internal one is light. Ready!
  • Apply to their fingers. The cream texture is best lighted, if used not to brush, but fingertips. The fact is that heat of hand warms the tool and helps him "reveal" - as a result, the shadows are applied more evenly and do not roll.

4. Choose the right beige shade

Beige shadows will save you in a situation where there is almost no time on makeup. To create the most simple meycapa in the style of Nude, you will need only the corrector, the base and the "the very" beige shadows. If we figured out the first two points, then finding "our" shade of shadows is not so easy. Hold simple rules: If you have a dark skin, then buy beige shadows with peach subtock.

If the skin of the eyelids has a slightly lilac shade, it can be "overlapping" with yellow-beige shadows. Below-skinned girls we advise to stay on the sandy shades, but the pinkish-beige goes at all! In the event that you are not sure you can choose correct color It is for myself, stop on pale pink.

5. Swipups under the eyes

Before proceeding to applying the shadows, prepare the area under the eyes - adjust the skin color by consilet, and then apply a generous layer of powder. The fact is that when you will use dark shadows, I will definitely have anything under your eyes. You will start to clean the shadows cotton disc - Save and consilet, and therefore it will have to start again. If you drink this problem zone well, then the shredded shadows then easily smartize the soft brush along with the powder.

6. Pick the shade of shadows under your color

The color of the shadows is better to select the color of your appearance, and not at the color of the eyes - then the makeup will look more solid and complete.

How to choose a shadow

  • Girl "Winter" with dark eyes, dark hair and light skin Must look at cold shades of shadows. Perhaps this is the only colorboard that is suitable for blue, plum, dark green. But the coffee and chocolate shades of the shadows are better to avoid.
  • If you are girl spring" With blond hair, slightly darker eyebrows and blond eyes (green, gray, blue), then your shades of shadows should be warm - it is peach, brown, green. However, if we are talking about cold shades, then choose a light lilac or even blue.
  • Girl- "Summer"(light or brown-ash hair, blue, gray-blue or green eyes) are suitable gray shades Shadows, gray-blue, lilac, light gold.
  • Finally girl- "Autumn"(with red, chestnut, copper hair and dark gray, green and by brown eyes) should pay attention to either on shades, combined with color mill (gold, bronze, ocher, peach), or on at all contrast colors. You, for example, are perfectly suitable plum, purple and bright green shadows. And in no case do not use blue or blue - this is definitely not your story.

7. Use pearl shadows (yes, it's not a joke!)

Many girls avoid pearl shadows - still, because they were injured by women's publications, promising that such shadows would definitely look terribly. In fact, in your arsenal must be satin and pearl textures. How to use pearl shadow? Light shadows with flicker you can feel free to highlight interior corner Eyes are a classic make-up reception, which really works. In addition, they will be useful for the eyebrow zone - light gloss There will not hurt anyone. But paint a moving eyelid pearl shadows really not worth it - it's not for any professional, so it is better not to risk.

8. Work with eye shape

We all strive for almond-shaped form Eye, and, if nature has not awarded, it can be easily achieved with makeup. And the shadows - yours best Assistant in this case!

The problem of the authorized century needs to be solved exclusively by matte shadows - the mother of pearl in this is contraindicated. The most upper eyelid, which hits a little bit, lay out with the help of shadows of medium saturation, and the fold between the upper and moving age is filled with a dark tint.

If your eyes are spread out, then you need to darken the outer corners of the eyes, without leaving the border of the century. That is, the blackout you make matte or shiny shadows From the middle of the moving century before its outer edge, in no case pulls the line like the arrow.

With the eyes that closely planted, it is necessary to proceed exactly on the contrary: dark shadows stretch from the middle of the century towards the temples with a beveled brush. And the inner corners of the eyes allocated light pearl shadows - then the distance between the eyes will increase visually.

If the outer corners of the eyes look down, then, first, do not highlight the lower eyelids and, secondly, work with upper century. Apply the dark shadows of any texture from an outer corner upwards towards eyebrows.

9. Use at least three shadow shades

Basic Makeup The eye consists of three shades - that is why in most ready-made shells there are just three. The simplest make-up is done in three stages:

  • First you apply the middle shade on the moving eyelid, completely filling it with the shadows.
  • Allocate the external corners of the eyes by the Dark Tint. It can be used for the lower eyelid, as well as for folds between the moving and upper age. By the way, the brush in this case is better to use the rounded, from the natural pile.
  • Allocate the inner corner of the eye most light tint. Ready!

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10. Own Wet Shadow Application

Wet shadow applies differs from the usual dryness only by the fact that you work wet brush. It is this technique that will allow you to save and turn the shadows for day makeup in the evening.

The beveled brush with a wet application is able to turn dark shadows into the eyeliner - apply them to the eyelash edge and growing. This technique is suitable for makeup smoky. Eyes, and you do not even need a pencil.

If you just want to achieve a more rich shade, then the waters of the round brush and apply the shadow just like you do it usually. It is worth noting that for shadows with glitter, this method is more suitable than for matte.

Thanks to these Lifehas, you no longer have to remain questions about how to use shadows for the age. And if questions still remained - ask them in the comments!