Eye makeup for women over 50. Basic makeup rules. Create expressive makeup in detail

The 5-year-old girl is much older than her parents think. Children of this age do big step forward in its development, and it often goes unnoticed by adults. Gifts and holidays for a daughter of this age should be special and appropriate to her psychological and physiological needs. It is worth talking in more detail about what to give a girl for 5 years.

Dolls and toys

At this age, girls are very fond of joint games in which roles are clearly assigned. My favorite game is the classic mothers and daughters. The doll is welcome and necessary gift... At the age of five, the child will be interested in an ordinary doll, but the interactive "ward" is fully capable of satisfying the child's need to show the incipient maternal instinct.

The most economical option is “ Shantou gepai Bonnie ". This is a doll that costs about 700 rubles, but playing it is a pleasure. The set includes clothes, a bottle and a nipple. The doll makes many very realistic sounds and requires care and attention, just like a real baby.

Inexpensive dolls from the manufacturer "Vesna" - Nastenka, Dasha and others. Their cost is about 800 rubles. They can pronounce up to 10-15 phrases, possess luxurious hair so that the girl can experiment with hairstyles. The manufacturer produces several dozen varieties of dolls - from bobbleheads to slender beauties.

Highly realistic interactive toddler dolls are marketed under the Lisa Jane brand. They are soft, only the handles and the head are hard. The dolls sing lullabies, talk, can sit and lie. Cost - from 1200 rubles.

Cartoon favorite of girls - Dasha the traveler and the Slipper from Fisher price... This is musical interactive doll... It differs not only in sound, but also in light effects. Cost - from 2600 rubles.

The selection of manufacturers is very large, but Barbie and Baby Born have been very popular for many years.

Toys for five-year-old girls are not only dolls, but also furniture, doll houses, strollers, small kitchens where a girl can cook lunch for her "ward", as well as sets for treatment, for organizing a real school, for doll trips ...

Impression gifts

Since at 5 years old it is already quite easy to play in a team, you can give the girl a quest game in which all her friends could take part. True, it is difficult to count on the help of professional animators, since most of the companies organizing such games make adventures for children from 10-11 years old, but you can search. For a 5+ company, it is quite possible to come up with a game yourself. Children will be able to search for notes, guess riddles, and search for a hidden birthday cake.

Experience gifts depend on the interests of the individual child. In some cases, these may be tickets to a circus or a zoo, in puppet show or at the cinema.

Presentations for musical and creative personalities

If the girl loves to sing, you can give her a toy piano, a synthesizer, a whole DJ console, which will allow the young talent to extract various sounds, sing, and also record the resulting compositions and joyfully demonstrate them to fans of his work - mom and dad. An interesting set for a little composer - "Project MC2" (cost - from 4500 rubles).

For girls who are very fond of dancing, you can buy a dance mat that connects to a TV or computer. Mats can have one dance place or 2-3 at once, to play with parents and friends, compete with them, dance in one team against a computer team.

There are dance rugs that not only provide an opportunity to move, but also teach counting and the alphabet. These include the Robot Bibo mat from the manufacturer Fisher Price. Little robot will praise the hostess if she completes the tasks correctly.

You can give the girl a set for creativity - to create doll dresses, pictures from stained glass, for sculpting candles, creating fridge magnets, 3D applications, engravings. The most interesting manufacturers offering such sets are Docha & Mama, Pony, Kalyaka-Malyaka, Limpopo.

Ideas for fidgets

Active and agile girls who cannot sit alone for a minute can be presented with something that will help them direct their energy in a useful direction - a bicycle, a gyro scooter, roller skates. The choice of gyro scooters is great today, the cost is different - from 7,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Rollers are the most popular gift Among many manufacturers, Amigo Sport Powerflex, Hello Kitty, Reaction Galaxy have proven themselves the most.

You should definitely buy a protection kit for a bicycle, hoverboard or roller skates, which will include a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads, ankle and hand protection.

Books and educational games

Regardless of whether the girl can read, you can buy and give her interesting book. Great option- donate an encyclopedia with 3D volumetric pictures. You can donate a book from the series "Class of Uzorova and Nefyodova" - these are collections of assignments for preparing for school, coloring books, publications with logic tasks, funny puzzles and quizzes. Any child will love a gift the big Book fairy tales - for example, “100 Favorite Tales” from the “500 Favorite Pages” series.

The books of the series “ Universal technique Robins ". These are books for studying the alphabet, counting, arithmetic, of English language and biology with "smart" slides, moving which with her fingers, the girl will be able to learn new words, concepts, syllables.

The kid will be able to quickly prepare for school if you give her the development center “I" M Toy 7 in 1. "A panel with wooden letters and numbers will help to master the alphabet and counting, a chalk board and a marker will be useful to consolidate the knowledge gained.

The board can be an easel, if a sheet of paper is fixed on it - with the help of special fasteners. There is a dial with moving hands, as well as a labyrinth and several logic games... The cost of the center is about 7,000 rubles.

Nice gift for active and sufficiently socialized children at the age of 5, there will be a set of mitten dolls for staging their own performances. Without exception, all girls at this age will be completely delighted if they are presented with a children's educational educational tablet - for example, "TurboKids Princess New" ( a good option- "Dora the explorer").

Clothing and jewelry

Many girls at the age of 5 are big women of fashion. For this reason Nice dress, sundress, stylish suit will come in handy.

It is best to choose such a gift together with the person to whom the present is intended, in order to take into account all the features of the figure.

The price range for children's clothing is incredibly large - it all depends on whether you want to purchase a branded item or are simply looking for a high-quality and beautiful dress at a reasonable price.

The little fashionista will also be very happy with this set of jewelry. It can be sets of elastic bands and hair clips, sets of bracelets and beads, sets of accessories for weaving braids. You can give the girl a book - instructions on weaving jewelry from beads, creating brooches, hairpins, bracelets (and a set of appropriate materials for their creation - beads, pieces of fabric, thread, braid).

Age makeup has several important differences, which must be taken into account before embarking on a "rejuvenation session" with the help of decorative cosmetics.

To achieve a lifting effect, do not use too much dark shades in eye and lip makeup. Instead of the usual clear arrows, make shaded ones, as smooth lines will inevitably become uneven on the skin with visible wrinkles.

Avoid pearlescent highlighters with visible sparkles or too much shine: they can significantly emphasize " crow's feet". Use a light one-to-two-tone liquid concealer instead. lighter than skin if you want to emphasize the relief of the face.

For shadows, choose matte or satin textures, without a strong shine. Metallic and pearlescent shadows accentuate wrinkles in the eyelid area.

For lips and cheeks, use delicate, refreshing colors: pinkish, peach, coral. Avoid matte lipsticks able to emphasize the relief of the lips, the best choice- glossy or satin textures with a moisturizing effect.

Now that you know all these beauty tricks, you can start step by step makeup. Follow the instructions.

Prepare your skin for makeup

Wipe your face cotton pad, dampened or toner to remove impurities, refresh the skin before applying cosmetics. Do not use a toner that contains alcohol (alcohol should not be listed on the ingredient list) as this can dry out your skin and cause irritation.

Apply a thin layer of foundation

Look for moisturizers with a light satin texture like Giorgio Armani luminous Silk (a list of other foundations that are great for aging skin, look). Such a cream will not clog into wrinkles and dry the skin during the day. Distribute concealer from the center of the face to the periphery, do not forget to walk lightly from top to bottom along the neck as well.

Apply concealer

With a light liquid concealer, one or two shades lighter than foundation, highlight the area under the eyes (in the form of a triangle), the bridge of the nose, the check mark above upper lip, a dimple above the chin. Make sure the layer is as thin as possible. Sink into foundation using a patting motion with your fingertips. With the same concealer, go over the visible mimic wrinkles- on the sides of the lips, on the chin, on the forehead, then gently blend with your fingertips.

Use creamy textures as a concealer

They spread more easily over the skin. Choose a warm shade to give your face a fresher look.

  • Darken the cheekbones a bit. To determine the application area, attach forefinger to the face along the cheekbone and feel the depression under the upper teeth, that's where draw a line. Correct correction gives a clear lifting effect, visually lifting the cheekbones.
  • Draw lines along the sides of the bridge of the nose, darken the tip. The nose tends to grow with age, and the tidier contours immediately make the face look younger.
  • To make the face oval smoother, darken the areas beyond its borders. Blend the concealer gently with the brush and check the face from all sides to make sure there are no clear boundaries.

Use eyeliner

A long-lasting eyeliner dark brown paint over the top lash line. If you are planning a more evening make-up, line your eyes along the upper lashes as well and gently blend the borders.

Distribute the shadows

Apply shadows with a light matte or satin texture over the entire movable eyelid with your fingertips or with a flat natural brush.

Accentuate the orbital line with matte shadows

They should be darker than skin color. Use a natural fluffy brush to blend to create a beautiful, harmonious haze.

Thoroughly paint your lashes with black mascara from root to tip

IN evening makeup use false eyelash tufts in the outer corners of the eyes: this visually lifts the upper eyelid and makes the look more open. We talked about how to properly glue false eyelashes in the video.

Paint your eyebrows with a pencil

Use a shade lighter in color hair and try to draw a wider shape, but do not go beyond the border of the eyebrows by more than 1 mm, so as not to make the eyebrow makeup too obvious. Your guideline is light and fluffy eyebrows, they create a fresher and more youthful look than dark and thin ones. Comb through the brows with a brush to soften the lines of the pencil.

Apply lipstick

Use a fresh product peach shade on the lips, as well as on the apples of the cheeks and cheekbones. Blend the blush with your fingertips or a tone brush.

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Striving to be beautiful - natural desire any woman, regardless of age. But the ways to achieve this goal, of course, differ: if you can look attractive at 20-25 years old, practically without making any efforts, then after 50 years, well-groomed appearance is the result of daily and careful work on your appearance. And makeup is extremely important to achieve this goal, and women in mature age it is necessary to perfectly master the art of applying make-up, which makes you visually younger.

Despite the fact that by a certain age every woman already knows what type of makeup and what color scheme suits her best, anti-aging makeup has a number of its own characteristics. First of all, it is not recommended to use eyeshadows with a shiny or satin base, in relation to foundation, on the contrary, the matte texture of the product will emphasize all the shortcomings of a mature epidermis. The older a woman gets, the more calm she becomes. color range she should choose to create makeup.

Highly great attention it is necessary to pay to even out skin tones and correct the oval of the face using special cosmetics... The rule, which is valid for all types of makeup, - the emphasis on the eyes or on the lips, also applies to age-related make-up.

Despite these nuances, it is quite easy to make anti-age makeup (rejuvenating) even at home. The main thing is to have in the arsenal the necessary high-quality cosmetics, created specifically to solve the problems of mature aging skin, and a clear algorithm for future actions.

Features of mature skin care

The passage of time is relentless and age-related changes skin cannot be avoided. Decreased production of collagen and elastin leads to a decrease in skin density, wrinkles and increased dryness of the epidermis. Even those women who are young age were owners of oily skin, after a certain age notice that it has become drier and care products need to be selected taking into account new features.

Any make-up is a load on the skin of the face and neck, even the highest quality cosmetics create a fairly dense layer on the surface of the epidermis. therefore daily care skin care is necessary for women over 50 years old who want to maintain their beauty and look younger than their age for as long as possible.

Face and neck skin care after 50 years includes the following points:

  • Cleansing the skin must be carried out using the most gentle and non-traumatic means.
  • Daily use of a moisturizing day and nourishing night cream will keep your cells hydrated. This will do skin smoother and more uniform, which means the makeup will look better and hold more firmly.
  • The obligatory application of the cream on the décolleté and neck area, dry and saggy skin in these areas often spoils the image of 50-year-old women.
  • Increased pigmentation is one of the markers mature skin, to combat it, it is necessary to use creams with whitening properties.

  • It is necessary to pay Special attention selection sunscreen, since the aggressive influence of ultraviolet radiation has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the skin, activating and accelerating photo-aging. Optimally select daily cream with an SPF factor of at least 20-25, and on days of stay under scorching sunbeams, you should use funds with more high level protection.
  • In order to look younger, you need to regularly carry out special procedures: application of masks, non-abrasive peeling and lifting. Some procedures can be performed at home, while for others it is worth contacting cosmetologists (for example, mesotherapy or contour plastic oval face).

Correction of age-related changes

Create expressive makeup in detail

It is at such a mature age that the balance of moderation and appropriateness in makeup must be maintained. A complete rejection of the use of cosmetics and an excessive amount of it can make a woman visually older.

Essential for women over 50 to mask the following age-related manifestations: dark circles, increased pigmentation, wrinkles (mimic and pronounced nasolabial folds), double chin and sagging skin (change in facial contours).

Beautiful and neat makeup will help any woman look more attractive and younger, the main thing is to make it right.

Stages of creating a rejuvenating makeup for women over 50:

  • Apply a moisturizing day cream to the skin, spreading it thin layer along massage lines.
  • If the day cream does not function as a makeup base, then it should be evenly distributed over the skin a few minutes after the day cream.
  • After complete absorption, you should proceed to correct the skin tone using foundation... The coverage area should also extend to the neck, open neckline and earlobes. Make sure your foundation matches your skin tone perfectly, otherwise it can make all the wrinkles visible.
  • With a light corrector, highlight the center of the forehead, the bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose, the area under the eyes, and the chin. Use dark powder to highlight along the lash line, on the cheekbones, under the chin and on the neck. With the help of these cosmetics, you can properly sculpt the face, achieving the desired lifting effect.

  • Apply the base under the eyeshadow to the entire upper eyelid, it can also be replaced with a creamy eyeshadow in a neutral color.
  • It is allowed to cover the upper eyelid with shadows of a satin texture of a light shade to the very eyebrows, more dark color paint only the moving part.
  • Highlight the area of ​​cilia growth with dark shadows, about one third of the eye from the outer corner.
  • In evening make-up, you can make an additional accent with the darkest shades, matching the color to the main ones, in the outer corner, then you should carefully shade the color transitions. Thus, you can get a fashionable smokey ice make-up, which is already for a long time is very popular.
  • Stretching the skin of the eyelid, draw a line of eyelash growth with small strokes, outer edge the arrow should be thickened and pointed upwards.
  • Women over 50 are advised to dye their eyelashes in one layer, the lower ones may not be dyed at all. The optimal mascara color is brown or dark gray.

  • Eyebrows in age makeup should be of moderate width and of the right color. Surplus dark color the hairs will age, so the eyebrow pencil can be at most one or two shades darker than the hair color. It is necessary to draw a line of eyebrows with small abrupt strokes, then the color of the pencil should be evenly distributed over the hairs and skin using a special stiff brush.
  • To look younger, you should definitely use blush, they give the make-up completeness and freshness and radiance to the face.
  • Via contour pencil circle the lips, shade them, and then cover the lips with a thin layer of nude lipstick. With such a common problem as lowered corners of the lips, this area should not be painted with either a pencil or lipstick.
  • You can complete your makeup with easy mineral powder, the brush should barely touch the sheet to avoid the porcelain mask effect.

You have probably begun to notice at times that the skin of the face is no longer as elastic as in youth. Barely noticeable wrinkles have become a little deeper, and the complexion is not as even as we would like. And sometimes the make-up that has not been applied before does not hide the age so much. Thoughts about old age creep in ... Stop, this is not so - at 50, life is just beginning.

This is exactly the age when the children grew up, and therefore, there was a lot of free time for yourself. After all, we are not living in the Stone Age, there are now many makeup technologies developed. You just need to learn how to look after your appearance in a new way. You will be convinced that the beauty has not faded! This will happen much later - at 85, no better at 90, or when cosmetics cease to exist. So, we will learn how to do makeup for a woman of 50 years old step by step right now!

What does age tell us the most?

Eyes. They primarily talk about age, or rather, bags under the eyes, wrinkles, and so on. This is not about that, the age, or rather its absence, betrays. Admit it, you have ever met young women without such a lady you can easily throw on a dozen or two years, despite the fact that she is beautifully made up and looks impressive, she looks tired. Have you met women who use the rules after 50 years old, whom you will not give even 30 years old? Have you ever wondered how they do it? They just love life, love themselves, so they always look perfect, despite their age.

So, for this, love yourself for who you are - with all the shortcomings known only to you, believe me. Get more rest, go in for sports, be always cheerful and cheerful, the rest will be corrected by cosmetics. After all, the only thing that cannot be corrected with makeup is fatigue and a dejected look. therefore Bad mood and is considered the main traitor of age. More optimism! Did you agree? Then you can proceed to the next question. How to do it after 50 years at home?

Even out the complexion

If earlier it was possible to do without a layer of foundation and powder, now it is a prerequisite, to create perfect makeup for a woman of 50 years old. Follow the suggested recommendations step by step in order to carefully hide the small spots with a brownish tinge that appear on the skin, they treacherously hint at the age of others. Therefore, it would be better to apply a tinting cream before makeup.

If there are more serious problems with spots, apply corrector to these places under the base. Sparsely, in moderation, special enthusiasm is not needed, since there will be more powder at the end. Work with the brush most of the area around the eyes, the corners of the mouth. By the way, choose more warm colors foundation, since cold ones unfavorably set off wrinkles, and sometimes even emphasize. After application, distribute the rest of the foundation well, try to paint in a well-lit room. To control the quality distribution of the base, sit on a windowsill - nothing can replace daylight.

Selecting the eyes

It is important not to overdo it here, it is enough to make the gaze open and clean. Your goal is not only to make up, remember this for sure. When you apply makeup on the eye area, the main task- correction of deficiencies. You can be congratulated if they are absent, then you can safely paint as you like. But correction techniques are also used by young people, so do not take what has been said about age. The goal is to raise the corners of the eyes, hide around them fine wrinkles, visually lengthen the eyes, remove the overhanging eyelid. Try it yourself professional makeup... For a 50-year-old woman who completes all the steps step by step, this will not be difficult. Change your look for the better!

Try to use natural tones, rather than colors, if possible. You don't need many colors, you can buy shadows for every day in two, maximum four tones. It is desirable that the box contains shadows of the same palette, for example, from light beige to dark brown, and from light gray to black.

Raise the corners - on outer corner apply dark shadows and blend towards the eyebrows. Apply a light shade to the inner eyelid. Wins very much smooth transition, so blend the two colors well together with a small dense brush.

Do not use a pencil for clear lines, it will be possible to shade it using the same shadows. To do this, draw lines in the form of arrows on the outer eyelid, and then, dipping the brush in the shadow, shade the pencil. This technique gives the eyes a mystery and makes them more expressive. can be reduced in the same way - draw a line with a soft brown pencil in the place where the fold should be, then blend from bottom to top.

Although it is not recommended for women over 50 to apply mascara thickly, sometimes it is the abundant application that wins. But everything is individual. If you are used to dyeing your eyelashes brightly all your life, and suddenly switch to more modest makeup, it will look faded. Others may feel like you are tired or sick. It is necessary to perform makeup for women after 50 years of age, step by step, but taking into account your preferences, habits and characteristics.

House sidelines

“There was an ant in the world without eyelashes and without eyebrows” - sounds ridiculous, right? Without beautiful arches above the eyes modern woman indispensable, the days of Mona Lisa are gone. Firstly, it is fashionable now, and secondly, curves can convey all kinds of emotions. The look becomes more mysterious, as if proud, or something. If you have always trusted the eyebrow shaping salon masters - do not stop, keep it up! Most likely, you are familiar with the feeling when the eyebrows look perfect and it is pleasant to admire your reflection.

Now there is such a service as eyebrow tattooing, you can take a chance, it will not be worse for sure, especially if your own and light ones. The main thing is to find experienced master and determine the correct shape.

Dyeing your eyebrows black is not recommended, unless you are a brunette, it is better to choose a dark brown or gray-black color. You will need a sharpened pencil. Start from the outer ponytail with dashed lines (simulating hairs), moving from the head to the edge. Blend a little (it looks like a small toothbrush).


The natural contour of the mouth sometimes loses its boundaries. Make lips expressive and correct flaws correct makeup for a woman of 50 years old, performed step by step. Try not to use too provocative colors, of course, there are exceptions, for example, to maintain the image, etc., but not every day. Choose soft pinks closer to natural colors... The pencil for the contour should be two tones darker than the lipstick from the same palette. Additionally, you can emphasize the color of the lipstick with gloss. Most likely, you already understand everything with the lips, we paint as usual, just not defiantly.

After reaching the age of 50, many women notice that their usual cosmetic techniques begin to work against them: the foundation only emphasizes wrinkles, powder clogs pores all the time, and your favorite lipstick looks defiant. But even at this age, you want to look attractive and young.

Despite all the minor troubles associated with cosmetics, at the age of 50, in no case should you give up makeup. You just need to know a few little secrets that will help you perform makeup in such a way that it not only does not add years, but also makes you younger, emphasizing all the advantages of appearance and hiding its flaws.

Skin rejuvenation

In women over 35 years of age, the process of dying off skin cells slows down, and dead cells remain on the surface of the skin of the face for a long time, and therefore its texture becomes rough and rough. There is no that velvety, tenderness and smoothness that were inherent in the skin in youth, the tonal base or powder only emphasizes its imperfection.

Nevertheless, this nuisance can be eliminated if it is used once a week. mild scrub for face. In addition, every time before applying makeup, you need to do a gentle facial massage. wet towel(they must be moistened in warm water).

Moisturizing the skin

Most women in adulthood have dry skin. If your skin lacks moisture, then it begins to draw it from decorative cosmetics when you apply makeup. And since they contain not enough moisture to nourish the skin, and indeed not intended for this purpose, then the face becomes puffy, with an uneven skin texture.

This problem can be easily dealt with if you apply a moisturizer on your face before applying makeup, selected in accordance with its type and age. It will create a barrier between the skin of the face and decorative cosmetics preventing it from clogging pores and fine wrinkles.

In order for the skin to receive a sufficient amount of moisture, you need to apply a moisturizer not to dry skin, but to slightly damp skin after washing.

Elimination of minor defects

More often, wrinkles form around the eyes. To prevent this, you should impose fat cream(this must be a cream for the skin around the eyes) before and after applying the concealer.

The foundation should be light, but at the same time oily - so it will lay down more evenly on the skin. And you shouldn't apply tonal basis a very thick layer, it is better to do without it altogether, if possible. If you need to disguise dark spots, dark twists under the eyes and other minor skin imperfections, it is preferable to do this with a concealer.

Color introduction

With age, the skin loses its natural glow and becomes pale. So, it's time to add a little color to the face, and a special tinted moisturizer will help in this to a tone darker natural color faces. Such products have a wonderful texture - they are quite light and pro

transparent, do not create an effect artificial leather... Another important advantage is that they do not clog pores and do not accentuate fine wrinkles.

If you do not have such a special tinted moisturizer in your arsenal, then you can get out of the situation by mixing moisturizer and foundation in equal proportions.

Powder application

After 50 years, it is advisable to completely abandon the powder. The only exceptions are women with oily skin, and even if you have oily skin, prone to shine, do not apply powder to the entire surface of the face - it is better to limit yourself to the T-zone.

Applying blush

In adulthood, it is not recommended to use loose blush, as they only emphasize fine wrinkles and give the face an unnatural look. The best option- a cream-based blush that adheres smoothly to the skin and looks natural.

After 50, it is imperative to use blush, even if you do not really like bright makeup... In this case, just pick the most light shade... With blush, you will look fresh and rested.

Eye makeup

When choosing eyeshadows, remember that they should not blend in with the color of your eyes, but emphasize it. Therefore, you should not choose too bright, dark or shiny shadows.

Eyeliner should not be black, preferably gray or brown. An eyebrow pencil can be up to two shades darker than your hair color.

It is better to limit the use of mascara and apply it in only one layer. It is preferable that it is not black, but dark brown or dark gray.

Lip makeup

After 50 years, it is advisable to stop using a lip liner. The maximum that can be allowed is a neutral body pencil or pale pink... The lipstick should only be applied with a brush, and it is better that it be tough - this way the lipstick will fit evenly and neatly on the lips.

When purchasing lipstick, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is certainly moisturizing, since the skin of the lips in adulthood becomes very dry.

How to protect your skin

It is necessary to use cosmetics, including decorative ones, very carefully and carefully in relation to the skin. So, you should not rub it into the skin of the face, but on the contrary, apply it very gently, trying not to clog pores and fine wrinkles. If you notice that your makeup has blurred a little throughout the day, do not apply additional layers of makeup, which will only create a crust on your face. It's best to simply pat your skin dry with a clean, damp cloth.

Color spectrum

In adulthood, it is advisable to abandon the bold and bright colors... Now come to the fore pastel shades which look elegant and noble on women over 50.

The main thing is to always remember that age is not a hindrance to beauty, but competent makeup emphasizes your unfading attractiveness.