The destruction of the family of the family as the movement is called. The consequences of the destruction of the Institute of Family. Sustainability of the family of the family as a factor in Russia's national security

in Russia, the destruction of babies began.

Behind our back in the midst of the full information blockade is preparing not just the adoption of juvenile justice .. Forsight-project "Childhood 2030" is still steeper than juvenile justice! Since the parental protest wave was not fruitless and promoting Yu through the State Duma managed to stop, they decided to go to another way ..

On December 10, the Ministry of Regional Development took place the All-Russian Conference on Juvenile Justice. The congresses of the authorized for the rights of the child are held, the discussion of new "legislative initiatives" goes in all authorities. In late December, the Russian-American Commission for the Protection of Children will be held. The public chamber discusses the package of "legislative initiatives", meaning a radical change in our lives through the prism of "protecting children" without parental participation. Actually already created and actively lobbyted legal base For the intervention of various state structures in the family affairs.

December 27, 2010 at a meeting of the State Council, a package of draft laws for the introduction of juvenile justice in Russia on the topic "Protection of Children" will be presented to the President. If we are silent - it will be approved, presented in the State Duma "from above" and adopted. This can not be allowed. Exactly will miss the juvenile justice to Russia. And if only her ...

This is the destruction of the family in Russia. Information blockade need to break through. Tell everyone. Call, write. Be sure to come to parent standing 12/19/10 and 12/22/10. We need live signatures of living people who are not afraid to express their civil position.

If we are silent - how will we be justified before our children? (Already now in the pilot regions of Russia, where Juvenile Justice works, parents will have to pay a monthly 26,000 rubles for each child withdrawn. In the absence of such a possibility, movable and real estate. This is a business! 10 seized children in an orphanage and 260,000 rubles decreases monthly to the account children's house Without the slightest voltage for the state. budget !!!). And if only this was the case ..

Despite the fact that October 8, 2010 under pressure public opinion The State Duma rejected the draft law "On Juvenile Courts", all other legislative initiatives of the destruction of the Institute of Family in Russia remained in force, and therefore the destruction of Russia as a state.

November 27-28, 2010, in St. Petersburg, the All-Russian Social Forum was held allegedly on the "Protection of Children", which ranked the first "calls" of the new course of Russia's development. This course was presented in May 2010 in Shanghai at the International Expo 2010, as an "achievement", as the only official course of Russia's development for the next 20 years in the field of children's policy - Forsight-project "Childhood-2030"

In this project:

License to parenthood: "Parents must regularly undergo programs to improve their competence." If "Parents have a low qualifying rating" - they are deprived parental rights, the child is placed in the shelter;

Forced sterilization of incompetent parents, in exchange is offered "a robot child who is able to imitate the behavior of a real child. Such developments are conducted since the 90s of the last century, they will be massively integrated into society - to the parents' training programs, for selling those who do not want or cannot have real children. "

Universal introduction of some psychological centers - In order for children to be told their problems not to mom and dad, namely in these centers. In the future, these centers will be called "educational communities" (C), in which the cultivation of "competitive human capital" will occur;

Forced chipization: the child's ability is offered to "increase due to gene modification and chipization", "the constant connection of each individual with global information management networks should be provided. Nanoelectronics will be integrated with bio-objects and ensure continuous control over maintaining their livelihoods, improving the quality of life, and thus reducing the social spending of the state. "(C);

Introduction of a mandatory level material support, the discrepancy of which will entail the withdrawal of children by poverty (or non-losing license to parenthood), since "Poverty complicates the education of children, limiting the parental opportunities to create a rich developmental environment around the child";

The introduction of forced vaccination and sexual "enlightenment" (children's condoms already appeared in the EU);

Already on December 27, 2010, these proposals and "legislative initiatives" will be considered on the State Council. If the president approves and sign them, the monstrous course of Russia's development will be adopted.

We should not allow it! The crucial moment came when the people should express their true attitude To such "the development of the country" and turn the situation!

We must offer our Russian development strategy - a reliable strategy and loving family, safe childhood. The development strategy is not the "consumer market" and the cultivation of "human capital", and the strategy of the recovery of the nation, the development strategy of highly moral Russia.

Place the time of the All-Russian Forum: December 22, Moscow: from 9-30 to 14-30 in the Cinema Concerned Hall of Pushkinsky (Moscow, Pushkinskaya Pl., 2, Metro "Pushkinskaya", "Chekhovskaya", "Tverskaya"), St. Petersburg: from 11-00 to 14-30, the venue is specified. Ekaterinburg: from 11-30 to 16-30 by places. time, the location is specified.

Contacts: Coordination Center (for regions): 8-343-273-7227, 8-343-273-7227, 8-908-638-0490, 8-908-638-0490 Moscow: 8-925-199-1464, 8-925-199-1464, 8-916-622-3545, 8-916-622-3545, 8-985-233-4584 8-985-233-4584, St. Petersburg: 8-812-929-4007 , 8-812-929-4007.

In Russia, the process of destruction of the entire family system is underway. Yes, it is fully fit into global trends, you will not argue. But, for some reason, as a result of this, women and children remain extremely in 90% of cases.

"I agreed with the head, to make a salary to do, let him try to put on the alimony," "Women can be a lot - the apartment is alone," the explosion with a trailer "," I got married, so that in a divorce someone else's apartment to cut "," why new husband Must contain other people's children, "" I need to give birth as many children as you can provide without a husband, "and so on.

After reading such and such opuses, it gradually becomes clear that gender In Russia, shifted very much. I am already silent about what to be a father has become more disinterested, it does not matter whether it is not necessary for any continuation of the kind. Running from families husband in most cases overnight forget that they have ever had children. Children become only a maternal responsibility and duty, as if the Father never happened. If you judge from the position of sociology, the matriarchy with all the resulting consequences is gradually established in Russia, since kinship is more than half of families and is established on the maternal line.

To a certain extent, this is associated with the availability of a divorce, as well as the fact that after the man is almost always becoming "enviable and with no burdened bachelor", and the woman "RSP". A woman in this situation is always in losing. And if the responsibility for the child was shared by absolutely half, the divorces would clearly be less.

In fact, at present, the optimal exit for Russia would be a complete ban of divorces. Why? Everything is simple enough.

It is clear that the number of marriages for this reason will decline sharply. But civil marriage No one forbade and big desire A man can live with a woman without registering his relationship with her. In this case, the woman will initially know that it does not have any rights to the property of a man (as well as he on her), children will be in law without a father and there will be no problems with knocking out alimony - it's only her child and her choice, she It will have a complete right to leave this man so soon, as he wishes itself.

Also in marriage. There will be no protracted and extremely extinguishing trials on the Property Property, will not be abandoned children without detention, there will be no middle-anger women who are constantly exclaiming "I gave him all my life, and he went to the young left," and the Institute of Lovers himself will be threatened. Since, even the earliest girl you will have to think about what is the mistress married man She will remain in this status forever, he will never be able to get away from old family And create a new one. And all the money, he will also invest in his family, and not to contain a mistress.

Where is freedom? And the freedom of choice is always - you do not know what you can live with this woman and your children are always, just do not marry or do not get married. And living in a civil marriage - just know that he can never turn into a permanent, and therefore, any woman in it will be a single mother. If it does not suit - do not strive in civil relations at all.

In the case of banning a divorce, no one should anything. Yes, it is likely that the birth rate will decrease, but it will definitely increase the sense of responsibility both from men and from women. A number nerve disorders And it will decline at all.

A fertility - well, there is practically nothing impossible here. The last burst of fertility, which so love to attribute " generic certificates"There was due to the fact that in the fertilian period, the generation of the mid-80s entered, when the Baby boom was in the USSR. Further - the demographic pit is almost 20 years old. It will not be worse anyway.

Nina's nun - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, the inhabitant of the Central Ural Women's Monasteryry in honor of the icon of Godto her Mother "Bribers Sporizer". Historical documents suggest that the basic destruction of the family of the family in our state occurred in the first years of Soviet power. It is the Bolsheviks who caused a crushing blow to the wellland system marriage in our country.

Report number 1 promulgated on round table in State Duma RF 23.04.2013 Organized All-Russian Organizing Committee "For Lenin's Reaching"
"The role of the Bolsheviks and their leaders in the destruction of family and marriage."

Family - the basis of society. At all times, all peoples are economic, the political stability of the state depended on the strength of the family. And the strength of the family is from the spiritual and moral state of the people from which it consisted.

Currently, the crisis of the family institute is celebrated in Russia. This problem has become the subject of close attention of domestic demographers, sociologists, psychologists (A.I. Antonova, V.N. Arkhangelsky, T.A. Repina, V.A. Syystenko, A.G. Kharcheva, etc.). Scientists argue that rapid transformation public relations Throughout the twentieth century, he led to significant changes in the system of marriage family relations.

Historical documents suggest that the basic destruction of the family of the family in our state occurred in the first years of Soviet power. It was the Bolsheviks that caused a crushing blow to the well-established system of marriage family relations in our country. They consistently and mercilessly destroyed traditional spiritual, moral and culture for our culture economic bases Building harmonious family. During the years of their rule, traditional way family life And the whole complex system of family installations, norms, values, sexual behaviors have undergone significant changes. In general, it can be argued that by the end of the Soviet period, the centree-old patriarchal family manner In our country, almost completely destroyed.

How did it happen?

In pre-revolutionary Russia, the main system of value orientations, regulating the vital activity of most of its inhabitants, was determined by the Orthodox religion. State ideology lined up on the same basis, since until 1917 the church was not separated from the state. For Russia of this period, almost universal marriage was characterized: unmarried men and unmarried women It was less than 8%. Marriages were weddings (church marriage). Divorces did not exceed the level of 2-3%. Families were many families and multi-octoles: not only parents and children, but also grandparents lived together. At the end of the first xi - early twentieth centuries. There was a significant increase in the population. During the reign of Nicholas II in less than a quarter of a century (in 22 years), the population of Russia increased by 62 million people.

It should be emphasized that in Orthodoxy there is a clear distribution of sexual duties, expectations, models of behavior based on the complementarity of floors and recognition of the family as unconditional value. At the same time, a man must be the head of the family, the "mining", the defender. From women are expected, above all, the fact that she will be a good mother, wife, hostess. Children are perceived by their parents as the "gift of God" and are raised in respect for the elders. It is on these grounds that were built family relationships Orthodox population in pre-revolutionary Russia.

The Oktyabrsky coup persecuted not only the change of political system, but also ideology. The Soviet government was trying to build a new state, "destroying to the ground" the old and above all his ideological core - Orthodoxy. Understanding that the family is a carrier of moral principle in society, Lenin's Bolsheviks immediately after October revolution Leaked with her consistent and decisive struggle.

So, on December 18 and 19, 1917, the decrees of the Central Bank of the Russian RSFSR were published "about civil marriage, about children and the conduct of the books of acts civil status"And" On the termination of marriage ", in which it was envisaged:

a) complete removal of the church from solving issues of marriage and family;

b) freedom of marriage and divorce;

c) full equality of personal and property rights husband and wife;

d) equation in the rights of extramarital children with children born in marriage.

A year - October 22, 1918 - a separate family legal act was adopted - "Code of laws on acts of civil status, marriage, family and guardianship." The code has expanded the list of obstacles to marriage. At the same time, the terms of divorce were as easily simplified. The judge solely dissolved marriage on the application of one of the spouses. From the applicant, no evidence was required to decay the family, as the Code of 1918 did not impose any obligations on joint cohabitation and loyalty to the spouses. As a result, in 1921 in Petrograd, every third marriage (33%) decayed during the first year. living together.

According to the famous Russian demographer A.G. Vishnevsky, in general, the 1920s was marked by a rapid displacement church marriage civil, which actively contributed to the policies of the authorities, as well as the rather wide distribution of unregistered marriage unionsespecially among urban youth.

The result of the ideological transformations of the Bolsheviks was the preventionification of moral standards in the population. O. Greig notes: Venusical diseases became a real scourge of working youth. In 1927 It turned out that half of the workers "Red Triangle" is infected with syphilis and other diseases. At the same time, young people have not infected from prostitutes, but from each other. The number of cases, compared to the pre-revolutionary period, has grown ten times! By the way, in the 20s. In the structure created by Trotsky, the Red Army was even "hero" - parts, entirely consisting of syphilitics. They also existed Komsomol and party cells, held meetings "[Cyt. by: 3, p.141].

In 1918, decree was adopted "On the introduction equal payment For equal work of women and men, "secured the economic equality of men and women in the context of a new state. During this period, instead of traditional for our culture (and the Orthodox, at its base), the idea of \u200b\u200bgender equality, including economic equality, began to promote the complementarness of floors. In order to "destroy to the ground" former installations on family values In women designed to be the "custodians of the home focus", the Soviet government has developed a number of specific actions aimed at the "Refraction of Women" from "Bourgeois Morality". Decree of 1918 was one of the links to implement this plan. At the same time, the leader of Bolsheviks V.I. Lenin believed that the "real liberation of women, real communism" will begin with when it will be able to "release a woman from small household... eternal and exceptional furnishings of the kitchen, children's ... draw into social and useful work. " Thus, this decret in addition to the declared open economic tasks, has also solved the most important ideological and ideological task. He was well thought out and an important stage In the series of government actions aimed at destroying traditional family values \u200b\u200band obstacles.

On November 18, 1920, with the leadership of the country V.I. Lenin, abortions were officially allowed. In pre-revolutionary Russia, an abortion was considered the murder of unborn children and treated the category of criminal offenses. The legalization of abortions in the Bolshevik state led to their sharp growth and a decrease in fertility in our country.

A.G. Vishnevsky notes that rapid liberation from traditional restrictions led to the creation of a value vacuum, which was destructive for very many families and for the family of the family as a whole. The family of the family began to degrade rapidly. By 1935, the number of divorces, compared with 1913, increased 68 times. In the country, the birth rate began to quickly decrease, the number of abortions increased, a massive nature acquired children's carelessness.

In the 1930s, a sharp decline in fertility began while maintaining a high mortality rate. So, in the second half of the 20s, Russia's population increased by 3 million people per year, then over the period of 1931-1936, it increased by approximately 3.5 million people. The Soviet government was forced to take urgent measures Upon normalization of the demographic situation in the country.

Thus, under the Bolsheviks, the basic destruction of traditional family values \u200b\u200boccurred, new models of sexual behavior are imposed. Men and women were equalized in the rights and obligations, all the equality was guaranteed, the same recoil of physical and intellectual forces were expected. Sexuality As part of this ideology, it simply did not matter, since it was primarily important to the function of the employee. The family ceased to be considered as unconditional value.

Such a state family policy of the Bolsheviks led to a whole complex far-reaching negative consequenceswhich state domestic scientists so far (Yu.E. Aleshina; A.S. Volovich; A.I. Antonov, V.M. Medkov, V.N. Druzhinin, etc.). The most significant among them are the following:

1) Male Polzoleva (Gender) Stress. He arises in a situation where the representative of a strong sex is difficult to meet standards male role. Studies show that in our culture the requirement for a "true man" in family communication Practically did not change. At the social stereotype level, the image of the "head of the family", "Kormiltsy" and "Master" has been preserved. But at the same time, at the level of the State Family Policy, there is a situation where the estimated "chapter", "cormalets" and "master" with large labor It can provide economic prosperity in his family or when it receives a salary not exceeding the wague of his wife. How do men behave in this case and that they are experiencing?

In psychology, the phenomenon was opened, the name "compensatory masculinity". Under it is understood as a combination of qualities, with the help of which a man is forced to compensate for its inconsistency with the generally accepted polo-role standard. According to the American psychologist, Pleave, when a man does not correspond to one of the aspects of the sexual role, he begins to demonstrate exaggerated masculinity in another area, thereby compensating for its inconsistency. It was found that compensatory masculinity can manifest itself in emotional and physical stiffness, subordinate women and behavior associated with risk.

2) Female polishet (gender) stress. It is caused by the fact that in conditions modern Russia The situation is observed when a woman is presented a double standard of requirements by performing which it can correspond to the characteristic of the "real" or "ideal". So, at the level of production relations (and the state), the significance of a woman is often determined by how well it performs the function of the "advanced workers", as her career is promoted, and at the level of traditional stereotypes - a "good mistress", "caring wife", "loving Mother. This double standard forces a woman to strive to fit both and other waiting at the same time, which leads to excessive workload of women at work and at home. This circumstance inevitably leads family women To chronic psycho-emotional and physical overloads.

We are convinced that the presence of male and female sex and stress in spouses in considerable degree affects the indicators of divorce in our country. And if in pre-revolutionary Russia, the percentage of divorces was held within 3%, then at present in most regions it corresponds to 70%. But for the word "divorce" there are always hiding tears, the mountain of real adults and their children forced to live in a mutilated, dissected in a family.

Reducing the value of the family and the destruction of traditional polo-role models in men and women led to the following phenomena:

1) to the growth of divorces. According to the UN Demographic Yearbook, Russia leads the list of countries with the highest divorce.

2) to a decrease in the value of maternity. After the October Revolution, there were sharp changes in the adopted patriarchal lifestyle, which resulted in a decrease in the value of motherhood in our country.

The sense of maternity is not congenital. Scientists have established that it develops from a woman how thinking, will, imagination develops. It can be formed, but can be suppressed.

The ideology of the Soviet state was aimed at raising young generations, including young women in the light of solving socially significant and socially useful tasks. Family values \u200b\u200band family interests were not prioritized and sometimes not taken into account at all. In the girl since childhood, a setting on social activity and professional growth. Moreover, even premenhenev, young women brought up in this spirit, not immediately rebuilt on the strategy maternal behaviorinvolving suspension from public and professional activity and focus on family concerns.

3). Reducing the value of paternity. The basic destruction of paternity value has happened due to the ideological and legislative action of the Bolsheviks, destroying the internal structure traditional family In our state.

Under the Soviet power, social and economic transformations, repression, military Liphethey led to the fact that men for a long time were removed from family interaction. In these periods, the whole cargo family problems, including the material support of the family and care for children of children, soviet women They were forced to carry themselves. At the same time, the responsibility for the upbringing of the younger generation in the Soviet period was largely entrusted to the state. These circumstances led to a decrease in the value of paternity. The domestic researcher V.N. Miroshnichenko, notes that in the Soviet period there was actual extrusion of the spiritual authority of the Father by the state and the leader. And the basis of this was laid by V.I. Lenin

4) to an increase in the number of neglect children due to chronic emotional overloads from the parents. In this case, parents are not able to devote their own children of sufficient time so that the children feel like their loved ones.

5) to reduce the number of children in the family. According to the director of the Institute of Demographic Research, Igor Beloborodova, in our country, 65% of families are single-dollar and only 5% - more families. The mass separation of the family leads to the fact that the socialization of the child in most cases passes through the monopoly of the mentoring of the parents in the absence of socialization in the group of brothers and sisters. Such a child grows with selfish, neurotic and, in essence, lonely. At the same time, the company encourages himself to cultivate social infantilism, the formation of such life facilities in which an adult person avoids the adoption of responsible solutions in significant situations.

Thus, the Bolsheviks inflicted a crushing blow to the Institute of the Russian family. Having loosening the family, they undermined the foundations of statehood. As the Igumen Filaret celebrates rightly, "the strongest and organized state comes into a state of decline and destruction, if the family is laid out and there are no durable female family life and education ...".

From what lessons we extracted from the history of our country, not only the well-being of individual families will depend on, but also the future of Russia.

Old man of Paisius Svyatogorets "Family Life".
"Priest Elijah Shugaev" once and for life. "
- Igumen Georgy (Shestun) "Orthodox family."

Movement "Resistance to the new brow order". Actual news, important and useful publications. website

I don't want to believe in it, but the problem does not disappear from this. I don't want to know about it, but the situation is only worsening! What happens to us? Where did all these misfortune come from? Why does this wildness exist among people? Exact answers to these questions already have. Unfortunately, this is not a mirage, not a dream and not draw. On earth really exist might powerseeking to enslave the population of the planet. These forces created religions and use them for their own purposes. Almost all and almost all governments are subordinate to them. They want to make an obedient herd out of us. And in the herd can't have a family. Only males and females.

That is why this black shabash continues the centuries, which is why all the stupidity and ugliness are given us, so the favorite "world rulers". And now they took up our children. They decided that it was much more profitable to re-educate adults, and immediately from children grow stupid, cowardly, gray and corrupted animals, which could be easily managed, and who would not even be thought of disobedience or, God forbid. These unhealthy "rulers" are the authors of the charter, which creates on our planet. We call them "Financial Mafia", and many details about them are best set out in the book of Academician Nikolai Levashov. "

UN Fund: family destruction - not a crisis, but triumph

One of the heads of the UN Fund in the field of population (UNFPA) stated that the destruction of the traditional family is not a crisis, but the victory of human rights.

Speaking at Mexico City, Ari Hokman, a representative of UNFPA, said that high level Divorces and an increase in the number of extramarital children are not an indicator of the society's crisis, but "a triumph of human rights over patriarchalness," reports

"From the point of view of conservatives, these processes indicate that families are experiencing a crisis. What crisis? - This is a weakening of the patriarchal device as a result of the disappearance of its economic base and the lifting of new values \u200b\u200bbased on the recognition of fundamental human rights. Every day Mexico is becoming more and more diverse, and some it seems to be a crisis, as they recognize only one type of family, "he said.

This statement followed almost immediately after the end of the World Meetings, which was held in January. Its participants stressed the value normal family And its role in the transfer of social values \u200b\u200bto new generations. The meeting was opened by President Mexico Felipe Calderon, who noted that the increase in the number of divorces and extramarital children is partly responsible for a surge in crime and violence in the country.

Member of the Papal Council for the Leonardo Casco Family Affairs noted that he was not surprised by the statements of the representative of UNFPA. "Of course, these bureaucrats in the service of death denied the crisis - they themselves created it," he said. - "Forty five years old they have planted control over the birth rate, contraceptives, disrespect for marriage and the birth of children. Hence the violence, crime, disrespect for women and children. Everyone will say that they destroyed the family and family values, it is obvious - because they have to deny everything. "

What to do with "juvenors", perverts and "seprosvet"?

What it is?

This is a system of legislative acts regulating at the state and international level allegedly protecting the rights and prevention of child crime. And in essence, this is a well-thought-out technology of the selection of your children with the goal ... And what could be the goal? .. Let's think together ...

There are a number regulatory documentscontaining detailed description legal basis The functioning of the juvenile justice system. One of the main documents is the European Social Charter, on this moment Already adopted by Russia (think about - it is already part of our Russian law)!

What does it say this document and the practice of its use in European countries?

1. Introduction of compulsory sex education in school, inclusion in the curriculum of relevant thematic courses from the first (!) Class. In, for example, in its enlightenment already reached the discussion of pornography in school lessons.

2. Introduction of a mandatory system medical examinations. Includes preventive inspections And mandatory vaccinations.

3. Introduction of a system for protecting the rights of children. With the right to select any child from any family, in case of violation of his rights.

At the same time, the specified system of juvenile justice bodies actually and legally no one is controlled, in fact, and legally, it is represented by independent special courts and authorities with so extensive powers that even the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may envy.

At the moment, in Russia, there are still no relevant laws in Russia, but there is a propaganda of the system of juvenile justice, there is a propaganda of the system of juvenile justice (we have articles of "victims of juvenile fascists", "Juvenal vampire must be killed!" And others. - D.B. ). And the money of Western non-profit organizations with highly loud names about the protection of the rights of children is held pilot projects. For example, in Rostov regionwhere this system is running through, you can already withdraw a child from the family as follows:

1) the invisions of children's dairy kitchen;

2) all the vaccinations required from the point of view of the state are not made in a timely manner (read, from the point of view of the giants of the pharmaceutical business);

Straighing? And not in vain, because in the West is exactly what everything works!

Please read more about this on the Internet at the following links:

What to do?

There is information that in Ukraine, a similar bill was not accepted in the third reading, because a big wave of a national protest rose with a mass of written appeals to the official state bodies.

And many others, about which I do not know, but you know ... Write to my address: [Email Protected] Together we are power, bring us just no.

Today we witnessed all the increasing collapse and devaluation of the Institute of Family and Marriage. Enlightened young people successfully fighting this "remnant of the past".
What are the reasons? Main, I think, enlightened egoism and a complete change in lifestyle on a very poorly prepared for this soil.
Emancipation of women - beautiful and necessary thing. It requires the ordering of life in the state - care for children and their upbringing, material support. Be a breadwinner in the family, to make a career and at the same time give birth to children, raise, raise them, be a keeper of a homely hearth and stay well-groomed woman - It is impossible.
Today it is easy to get Velfer, a pension, insurance, treatment and a corresponding program from the state and employer, children cease to be vital "insurance policy", "live pension" in old age years, in case of disability, etc. If a woman earns as much as a man And sometimes more, then the husband ceases to be necessary. If sex for a man and a woman is no more than a "glass of water" (as the Bolsheviks taught), if you can have sex without fear to get pregnant and give birth to a child, then why marry? Especially since the child is so much trouble, and there is no help from today's offspring.
Love? And what is it? World Organization Health recognized today's love mental deflection. From now on, the international cipher of this disease F63.9. Love attributed to K. mental deviations, to "disorder of habits and deposits." Does the doctors bent? I'm sure. But this is the fact that insane love - emotions that are ephemery and quickly disappear. But what about this case, such emotions can be the main and only guarantor of the family?
And the life is one - short one. I want more diverse pleasures, novelty, change, and not to associate yourself with marriage. And "enlightened egoism" wins. In the USA by 2012, 50% of adults do not live in marriage. At the same time, 30% in general never consisted in marriage, and 16% - divorced. Average age For the first time in marriage today in men - 30 years, whereas in 1960 - 22 years old, and in women, respectively, 27 years and 20. It is necessary to live at least before marriage! Even worse in Europe. Middle age for the first time in marriage in European families of men 33 years old, women - 32.
But because the best age For first bodies from 18 to 25 years. Women who have gone after 25 years have recently called doctors late Rozhenniks - with all the resulting circumstances.
In Russia today more than 10 million single mothers. In the US, 35% of children are born out of marriage, in Iceland - 64%. Often not only a child, but the mother really does not know who the Father.
Sadness and painting with divorces - family breakdown. Thus, in Russia, the number of divorces currently is over 65% of the number of marriages in the same year, and among all marriages 50.3% decay. In the USA in 2007, 2.36 million people entered the marriage and 1.19 million was divorced. It is especially scary that in familiar families, children already diverge in four times more often than children from prosperous families, and three times more often not marry. Snowball is formed.
The collapse of the Institute of Marriage has terrible consequences.
The number of children in civilized countries is sharply reduced, and in backward grows. The indigenous population of civilized countries comes from backward countries.
In the United States, according to Obama law on health care, a child under 26 years old is officially dependent on parents - can enjoy their insurance. But for ten years in US schools, it is taught to use a condom. There, he often comes to drugs, knows perverted sex ...
Today in San Francisco 26% of "blue", while biologically homosexuality is only 1% of the population.
The destruction of the institute of the family changes the morality and mentality of a person - is ignored to live in society, a team, forms a lonely wolf syndrome. Everything that the religion called for the family was urged. The family lost her holiness, because he lost the foundations and causes of their being! What stands one rated chain: intercom - Cohabitation - civil marriage - Marriage registration - divorce ... Today women wear pants, and men are earrings. Industrial-information democratic market society professes other values. They must either canonize after good soil preparation, if they are not false, or refuse them. Marriage is needed to create a family - the continuation of the kind, satisfying sex needs, solving and material problems, finding a certain social status, love, mutual support in hard time, getting rid of loneliness in life. A man without a family is a flawed man.
But today the family is the main cell of the human existence - collapses. Sing the bitches on which we sit, is not just stupid - this is a crime before mankind!

Peter Appell, New York