Decorating a room for your birthday. How to decorate a room with your own hands for a birthday. Ideas with a photo: decoration with balls, tinsel, paper crafts. Children's holiday table

Birthday - Holy holiday. Whether it is a child or an adult, he longs for an enchanting celebration. In order for the holiday to be a success, it is necessary to carefully prepare. First of all, you need to create a festive atmosphere by decorating the room.

How to decorate a room for a birthday - decoration selection criteria

A well-decorated room is a pledge Have a good mood. When choosing decorations for a room, follow criteria such as:

  • safety, jewelry should not be fraught with danger;
  • price, do not spend a lot of money on decor, as you can create better and cheaper with your own hands;
  • color, choose bright, holiday colors, but do not forget about the style of the holiday being prepared;
  • size, large decorations are the first to give the impression of a holiday, posters, balloon figures are the very thing;
  • easy to use, choose the decor that you can do without special efforts remove and return the room to its original appearance.

Decorate room for birthday with balloons

Colored floating in the air Balloons give the holiday lightness and fun mood. Decorate a room with balloons most quickly and cheaply. You can make various compositions from balls, for example:

  • hang balloons in the corners of the room;
  • cover the floor with balloons;
  • fill the balloons with helium and spread over the entire area of ​​​​the ceiling;
  • make a garland of balloons;
  • create a figure
  • install an arch of balls.

Decorate room for birthday with flowers

The room can be decorated various colors. Choose the birthday man's favorite flowers and arrange them in vases throughout the room. You can also compose flower arrangements. Remember that an overabundance of smells in the room can spoil the holiday. Do not forget about homemade paper flowers. They will never wither and they can decorate both the ceiling and furniture, floors, walls. It is best to make them large and bright, and you can also write wishes on their petals.

Decorate a birthday room with a tree of happiness

Very unusual decoration for the room, in honor of the birthday, is the tree of happiness. To create a branched tree, you must:

  • tree;
  • pot;
  • wish cards.

To create such a wonderful decor and gift, you need to cut a branch in the likeness of a tree. Also, the branch can be opened with varnish or paint. You need to firmly fix it in the pot. Pre-prepare decorations for him. The decor for the tree of happiness can be both greeting cards and photographs, sweets, toys, homemade flowers, butterflies, etc. You can also draw a tree on a piece of paper and the guests who come will be able to write wishes on it. The result depends only on your imagination.

Decorate a room for a birthday poster

Recently, everything that is done with one's own hands is appreciated. Valuable and soulful decor for a birthday will undoubtedly be congratulatory poster. You can do it yourself unique gift which will serve amazing decor. What will be the congratulatory poster - it's up to you. Photos can be pasted on it, characters can be drawn, sweets, wishes, etc. can be attached.

Defining a birthday theme

The decoration of the room depends on age category birthday boy. For children, you can create an unforgettable fabulous holiday. All decorations must be made in the same theme, color scheme. A parent, like no one else, knows all the preferences and wishes of the child. Someone wants to turn into a princess, and someone wants to turn into a pirate, astronaut, driver, etc. For adults - more succinctly. Women deserve elegant jewelry, and men deserve courageous ones, but at the same time, the decor should be festive.

There are a lot of ideas for decorating a room for a birthday. You only need to decide on your dreams and desires. Think over everything to the smallest detail so that the holiday leaves an unforgettable mark on your memory and the memory of the birthday man. The most precious gift is the one made with my own hands and from the bottom of my heart!

Parents annually ask themselves how to decorate a room, what kind of cake to bake, what style to choose, they look for and share experiences with friends. After all, this holiday happens only once a year, and the baby is waiting for it with special trepidation. We decided to make it easier for moms and dads and collected a few original variants and tables with balls and other decor. So, let's begin?

Before you buy necessary decorations for your birthday, check out our tips for celebrating:

  • Examine photos of cakes and festive interiors in the Internet.
  • All room and table decorations must be safe.
  • Choose bright decor.

Advice! Jewelry must have light weight, easy to dismantle and when folded take up little space. This will allow you to store them at home and use the decor for future years.

  • It is advisable to arrange a room without extra costs. This is quite real, because you can bake a cake yourself, and every home has everything you need to decorate a birthday.

Design and ideas

You can come up with thematic decoration of the house and room for children's day birth in the style of scientists. Baby scientific programs are becoming more and more popular. Proof of that - a large number of photo on this topic on the Internet.

You can buy a periodic table and diagrams of physical laws for walls. Alternating them with balls, place flasks filled with colored liquid between treats on the table (ordinary fruit juice), hang a small board on which to write congratulations with chalk.

Garlands and flags

We recommend that you decorate the children's room for a birthday handmade decor. For example, you can use fabric or paper garlands and checkboxes.

This decor can be bought in specialized stores, but it will be more interesting to do it yourself! We offer you the following algorithm:

  1. on the thick cardboard draw a base template in the form of a butterfly, bird, sun, flower or any other shape;
  2. carefully cut the workpiece;
  3. attach it to a sheet of colored paper or trim, circle and cut;
  4. prepare the required number of figures and fasten them on a dense thread, keeping a distance of 10-15 cm.

Idea! V Lately Since vertical garlands are becoming as popular as horizontal garlands, it is advisable to combine both types of decor.

For superhero lovers

Advice! As wall decor use the inscription "Happy birthday!" Cut out of the comics. Complete it with balloons. You can also buy Thor's hammer, Wolverine's artificial claws or a Batman mask.

Harry Potter style

Parties in the style of the famous characters of the books by JK Rowling are popular even among the older generation - what can we say about the kids! To make the house bright children's holiday a la Hogwarts, you need to prepare well.

Animators for children and invitations

Advice! great idea for a holiday in the style of Harry Potter will be an invitation to a group of children's animators for a birthday. They can play the roles of Hogwarts teachers or any other characters that your child likes. Activity and cheerful mood are guaranteed for everyone involved in the process!

As for the invitations, they should resemble the letters received by the students of the magical school. To do this, use artificially aged paper (soaked in strong tea or coffee) and plasticine seals with the emblem of Hogwarts.

You can buy special magic wands or use improvised means - for example, bread sticks. Put a Quidditch broom in the corner, decorate the walls with posters and pictures of Harry, Ron and Hermione. And do not forget to put on the legendary round glasses on the hero of the occasion!

Idea! You can not do without the famous red brick wall. V hallway fasten between the ceiling and the floor panel wallpaper with a brick pattern and make a vertical slot in it, through which guests will enter Hogwarts. After passing the wall, give everyone a robe and a hat.

Children's holiday table

As for treats, it is advisable to include dishes mentioned in books or films on the menu. It can be chocolate frogs, pumpkin cookies, eclairs and the famous molasses cake.

Of course, some of these props will have to be bought, but everything else for a child's birthday party in the style of Hogwarts can be made at home!

Decor with balloons

Multi-colored balloons have been and remain the most popular and budget option decoration of premises for children's holidays. On the Internet you can find many photos of complex balloon compositions, as well as simpler and more concise decor.

Advice! First of all, decide on the type of balls. They can be helium or ordinary inflatable. The first type balloons are filled with helium, a substance that allows them to float under the ceiling, while simple balls can be placed on the floor or on the walls.

Balloon flowers look very pretty. It's not hard at all to make them. Inflate a few round balls of the same color and connect them together so that you get petals. Decorate the middle with a yellow ball.

Advice! Also, for decoration, you can use inflatable figures corresponding to the age of the birthday person.

Another simple but effective decor is suspended from the ceiling. big ball with surprises. It can be filled with confetti, serpentine, sweets. At the solemn moment, the balloon needs to burst so that the kids have time to catch their surprise.

A very simple, but attractive option for decorating a room with balls is randomly scattered on the floor. bright balls. You can be sure: the kids will appreciate this decor!

So, it is not at all necessary to be a master of aerodesign in order to create original decoration birthday balloons. In the presented photos you can see very simple and memorable balloon compositions.

For every child, his birthday is magical holiday. In order to truly experience the miracle, you need the appropriate environment and surroundings. Parents in this holiday give gifts, set the table and invite guests. But this is not enough to create an atmosphere of magic. Be sure to take care of the festive decor of the room. for a birthday? The child will certainly like at least one of the options below festive decoration premises.


Via balloons you can create festive atmosphere in the child's room. This way of decorating a room is quite simple to implement. The main thing is to approach this process creatively.

How to decorate a room with balloons for a child's birthday? These will look bright and festive air decorations with helium, if placed under the ceiling. A birthday gift can be surrounded by small inflated balloons. Helium-filled decorations tied to each of the chairs at the festive table will look interesting.

Also, balloons on a stick are used to decorate the room. They make beautiful impromptu bouquets that can be placed in a room. They look spectacular in the shape of a heart, a car, a flower or a funny animal.

The child will be delighted if his beloved comes to visit on his birthday fairy tale character. To date, specialized stores have wide range of such large inflatable foil figures.

It is the balls that will help parents decorate the room on one year old baby will experience joy and surprise when he wakes up in the morning and sees bright and colorful aerial decorations floating under the ceiling.

If the parents decided to turn to professionals when decorating the room, then the room can be decorated with arches or

What else can you use to create a festive atmosphere if the birthday boy is a baby? In addition to balloons, there are other options for how to decorate a room for a birthday. Is the child 2 years old? This means that the design should be bright, colorful and safe. In this case, all kinds of paper decorations are ideal. More on this in the next section.

Paper decorations

Most famous paper decoration for a holiday - this, of course, is a banner with the inscription "Happy Birthday!" But, besides this, there are many other decor options using such material. For example, you can make beautiful volumetric balls and flowers from multi-colored corrugated paper and hang them at the top of the room using threads. Such decorations sway from side to side with the slightest movement of air, attracting attention.

Lungs and air garlands of butterflies is another option on how to decorate a room for a birthday. The child will definitely like these decorations from colorful paper located on the walls and doors of the room.

If you don’t have time to make such holiday decoration elements, they can be purchased at specialized stores. In addition, there you can also buy paper or cardboard figures of fabulous or cartoon characters that the child likes and place them in the room. The kid will be happy with such magical guests.

One more interesting idea- flower throne for the birthday boy. To create such an element holiday decor stock up on large paper flowers. You can make them yourself, or you can buy them in the store. In order to make a festive throne, you need to decorate a chair with a back with compositions of such flowers.

You can also decorate the room with photos for the child's birthday. More on this in the next section.

Photo posters

If the child turns 10 years old, then you can decorate the room with posters with his photographs. This design of the room will delight both the birthday man himself and the invited guests.

The theme of posters can be varied. For example, you can stick a few good photos of your child on the Whatman paper, and parents, relatives and friends will write congratulations and wishes on the remaining empty places.

You can also make a poster on which photos of the birthday boy will be posted from the very first pictures to the most recent ones. Those present at the celebration will be able to see how the child has grown and changed since the moment of his birth.

A collage made from funny photos of the birthday boy or pictures in which he smiles will cheer you up.

The surprise tree is another way to decorate a birthday room. The child will surely like such a surprise. The next section provides detailed description how to make this decoration.

surprise tree

In order to make a tree of surprises, you need a dry branch quite big size, a vase or pot for her and an aerosol can of paint. First you need to clean the future “trunk” of the tree of surprises from dirt and dust. It is recommended to do this outside. After a clean branch, you need to paint it in the selected color using a spray can.

Next, you should fix the base of the tree in a vase or pot. After you need to decorate each process of the branch small surprises. To do this, it is recommended to hang multi-colored paper or fabric bags on a tree, inside which there will be various sweets. This room decoration option is sure to please a five-year-old child and his friends.

Inflatable toys

The use of inflatable toys will help to quickly and unusually decorate the birthday room. If the child is already large enough, say, he is 5 years old, you can set inflatable pool small size. It should be filled with special small colorful balls plastic, which are often used in children's play areas. The kid will "swim" with pleasure in such a pool. In addition, in the most unexpected places rooms can accommodate various children's inflatable toys. The child will be pleasantly surprised, meeting them on his way.

Table of sweets

Candy Bar is another option for decorating a room for a birthday party. An older child and his friends will certainly like this idea. Such a small table should be placed separately from the festive one.

The treat will be vases with bright and tasty dragees, small "bouquets" of lollipops, original cookies or small cakes. It is also recommended to decorate the table of sweets with balls or garlands.

Decorating a room in a certain style

If a child is expected themed holiday then the room needs to be decorated in a certain style.

How to beautifully decorate a room for a child's birthday, if the holiday is held in the spirit Jolly Roger, which parents can make from fabric or paper. Each chair at the festive table should be decorated with a black pirate flag. The birthday boy should have a parrot on his shoulder. It might just be a toy. A paper bird made by the hands of parents will also look original. Or you can hang a cage with a parrot in the corner of the room. It is recommended to place a chest with piastres near the wall. And of course, black eye patches for all guests.

If the birthday girl wants to be a fairy, then you should decorate the whole room with shiny or pink flowers, bows, garlands and balloons. For a little princess, you can make a throne, which was already mentioned in the article.


There are many options for the festive decoration of a child's room. For decoration, you can use balloons, paper flowers, inflatable toys, photographs and sweets. Get creative with this process. Wait until the child falls asleep, and decorate his room late in the evening. And let on next morning joy and admiration in beloved children's eyes will become the best gift for you on your baby's birthday.


Often the question "How to decorate an apartment?" becomes relevant on the eve of any holiday. Birthdays, New Year, Easter and many other red days of the calendar are an excellent occasion for decorating rooms. To create a truly festive atmosphere, it is enough to know several ways to decorate your home with your own hands.

How to decorate an apartment for a birthday?

Regardless of the age of the birthday person, everyone wants to create a festive and festive atmosphere in the house on the eve of the birthday. cozy atmosphere and adequately prepare for the arrival of guests. Despite the fact that the celebration usually takes place in one room, it is better to decorate the entire apartment at least a little so that it completely pleases the birthday man and invited guests. In the room where celebratory event, almost everything is decorated: walls, ceiling, curtains, arch (if any); signs are hung and holiday posters. Most popular materials for decoration: balls, ribbons, garlands, etc.

Advice! Choose decorations that match with the overall interior design in terms of color and style.

In addition to standard jewelry, it is easy to find various decorative elements, which creates unique image holiday. It can be:

  • candles;
  • candlesticks;
  • coasters for bottles;
  • unique trays;
  • napkin rings, etc.

Corrugated Paper Jewelry

All kinds of decorations from corrugated paper are quickly and simply created. Corrugated paper is versatile material to create holiday decor. It is easy to give her desired shape, it looks spectacular and is perfectly fixed. Flowers, tassels, fringes, balls, pompoms and other decorative details are made from it.

For example, to make a garland of brushes with your own hands, you need to decide on their length and cut out a narrow strip of corrugated paper twice as long as the estimated length of the brush. The strip is folded in half, and the fringe is cut out with scissors. Each tassel is attached to one common thread. The result is a beautiful garland.

Looks very stylish and impressive paper pom-poms. They decorate the walls, they are hung from the ceiling or chandelier. To make your own pom-poms, all you need is corrugated paper, scissors and tape or thin wire:

  1. Eight to nine sheets of paper 50 cm wide and 75 cm long are folded together.
  2. Folds are created with an accordion of about 2 cm along the entire length. With the help of a wire (45 cm), a loop is made in the center of the paper folded with an accordion.
  3. The ends of the paper are cut with scissors, they are given a rounded or pointed shape.
  4. The layers of paper are separated by hands one by one, forming a ball.

The result is such beautiful decorations:

Festive table decoration

Particular attention is paid to the design of the festive table. beautiful table setting, stylish table textiles, expensive dishes, beautifully folded napkins in rings are indispensable attributes of table decor. In addition to the mandatory attributes, you can decorate the table with fresh or artificial flowers. It can be both standard bouquets in vases and buds floating in a transparent glass. The main thing is that the flowers are not too large.

Candles of all shapes and sizes create a cozy and romantic atmosphere. They are complemented by candlesticks. You can choose one tall exquisite candlestick or many small ones and place them around the table. Near the cutlery of each guest, you can put a small souvenir gift and supplement it with a card with a personal greeting from the hosts. It will emphasize non-standard approach to the cause of the birthday man and will cheer everyone up.

Features of decorating the interior for a child's birthday

Children's holidays allow parents to show all creative fantasy in the design of the celebration. All children are very different in character and preferences, so there is no the same rules for room decor for a child's birthday. Someone loves ruffles, flowers and bows, and someone loves flowers or flickering lights. However, there are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Jewelry must be safe. No sharp corners or fragile glass structures.
  2. Pick up bright decorations unusual shapes, which will only call positive emotions in children.
  3. Choose light-weight decorative pieces that are easy to install and dismantle so that they can be used repeatedly.

Jewelry options

Garlands: paper or textile. One of the most accessible and simple solutions. You can make a garland with your own hands together with your child. This is a fascinating process, the result of which will not only please its creators, but also enliven the interior of the room.

Simple paper garlands curtaining the entire wall will completely transform the room. Take note of this white and gold scale

It is easy to make a garland out of colored paper. Identical rectangle blanks are cut out, from which a cylinder is formed using glue or adhesive tape. If you connect a large number of such multi-colored cylinders, you get a beautiful and unusual garland.

If there is not enough time to create jewelry with your own hands, in specialized online stores you can order ready-made kits. Most often there are paper garlands in the form of flags that say "Happy birthday" or "Happy birthday".

Making a room for a birthday celebration is a responsible, rather complicated, but at the same time a creative task. Therefore, birthday decorations are chosen in advance, taking into account the age, character, and hobby of the birthday person. As a rule, they decorate an apartment or a house, although you can choose a decor for any room where a holiday is planned - a cafe, restaurant, school class, night club etc.

General features of the design of birthdays

Balloons, garlands, holiday inscriptions are the main decor elements that are used to create a festive atmosphere. Birthday decoration must meet the following requirements:

  • Harmonious combination with other decorative elements. Whether it is necessary to decorate a room or Big hall restaurant - the main thing is that all the scenery should be sustained in uniform style;
  • The design of the walls is selected based on the preferences of the birthday man. It is not enough to choose balloons or garlands - you need to decorate the walls accordingly. For example, when celebrating the anniversary of people of the age, you can decorate the hall with several balloons with an inscription. bright balls full wall - an option already for a child aged three, four, five years;
  • Flowers. Required attribute any birthday, except, perhaps, children's. Beautiful bouquet on the table in any case will create a festive atmosphere - whether it is the birthday of a man or a woman. Floral decor for a birthday, it does not have to be made from fresh flowers. You can make or buy flowers from fabric, paper, other artificial materials;
  • Confectionery. The traditional and most anticipated decoration for a child's birthday is a cake. To order confectionery it is possible both in the online store and in the nearest confectionery shop;
  • Fireworks, fireworks. V summer time of the year fireworks- quite a successful final decoration for a child's birthday. However, any girl will be happy if fireworks are arranged in her honor. With us you can also.

Don't know what holiday decorations to choose for decorating a boy's room? Remember that decorating a child's birthday should create a festive atmosphere for your baby and all his guests, and not just adults. Therefore, you can choose:

  • Balloons and products from them in the form of favorite cartoon characters. These can be walking figures or complex compositions in the form of Shrek, Spider-Man and other cartoon characters that boys like. Usually this option is suitable if the boy is eight or ten years old. The main thing is that the birthday decor remains unforgettable;
  • fairy tale style in the boy's room. In the online shop for decorations for the holidays, you can find decor items to decorate the room in the style of Harry Potter. Edible magic wands, sweets and cookies in the form of wizards, an atmosphere of mystery - all this can also be created by hand, if you have imagination and free time;
  • pirate style. A child's birthday decoration can also be in the style of pirates, if the boy and his friends are real fidgets and adventurers. Get ready to make decor on the wall, cabinets out of paper, build an invincible pirate schooner (there is endless scope for the imagination of adults), give safe swords to the hands of young pirates and go ahead - conquer the seas, ships and islands.

In our online store you will find complete sets for decorating a boy's room in these and other styles. Please see photos to choose interesting option decoration of the room and apartment.

Girl's birthday

For a girl’s birthday, you can choose a ready-made festive set or create a unique atmosphere by creating fabulous compositions from various elements. Birthday decoration for children in this case can be made in the style:

  • Princesses. What girl doesn't dream of being a princess? You can create a royal atmosphere even in the most ordinary room - you can make garlands with your own hands or buy ready-made ones, decorate the nursery with princess attributes - several towers against the wall (for example, made of fabric), stretching from the ceiling, holiday invitations with a real print royal family. Every small detail creates a unique atmosphere;
  • Sorceresses. If the girl went to the fourth or fifth year, then she can be on her birthday real fairy, a sorceress. Can buy magic wand and a fairy costume, decorate the room with any figures and balloons in the form of fairy creatures. In general, all decorations for the birthday of a child of 5 years old should be fabulous, because childhood is the time when the baby still believes in miracles;
  • Fashionistas. If a girl is twelve years old, she loves everything fashionable in clothes, make-up, then you can make a holiday in the spirit of a party high society, haute couture. In Moscow, you can easily order everything you need for this. Glitter of diamonds and neon, bright decor can be easily replaced with sparkles and LED lighting, and the rest is just a fantasy of parents.

Before preparing for a birthday, you can order balloons in the form of a number indicating the year. Is the baby one year old or is it his third birthday? Or the hero of the day is 50 years old? Then just order the appropriate number.

The online store offers decorations for a child's birthday in a large assortment. You can look at the photo and choose the options that are suitable for your case.