How can you captivate a 4 year old child. Trough or inflatable pool. Development of motor skills and sensing

When the baby turns 3 years old, the question of what to do with the child at home becomes outrageous. He does not enjoy rattles and constant watching cartoons. During this period, the beloved child wants to imitate adults and learn about the world. If it's bad weather outside, you can involve your baby in home games. The main thing is not so much special play sets bought for future use, how much safety technology and imagination. At home you can find everything that can easily replace expensive toys.

Notes for parents

When the age of the beloved child has passed the threshold of 3 years, he already fully considers himself independent. That's the way it is age crisis... But individually, it can begin immediately after 2.5 years. The main features of this period that parents should consider when choosing games at home:

  • It is important for the child to learn the characteristic activities of this independent stage: ride a bicycle (not a two-wheeled one, of course), on a swing, climb the horizontal bars-spiders and hang on the wall bars.

The main thing! A visit to the park or classes at home sports corner Like any children's play, bathing and eating are considered the most traumatic. A small child should not be left without the attention of an adult for a minute. Do not take his categorical gestures and words "I myself!" literally.

  • Develop motor skills (sorting beads, sketching coins, hanging clothespins, threading laces).
  • Communicate with peers - at least share toys, as well as “help” parents. It is not necessary for a child of 3 to 4 years old to include cooking dinner or general cleaning Houses. But to support his desire to wash vegetables for dinner or give a broom in his hands means already to keep the baby busy. It will be interesting to him.
  • Development of musical abilities: sing along with audio recordings from the Internet or mobile phone, learn simple instruments - playing on spoons, metallophone, drum.

Bathing with watering cans, cups of different sizes, and plastic bottles can be included in the list of mandatory daily joys.

Prepare in advance

For a child 3 - 4 years old, you can choose in advance, buy or order from friends always “helping out” gifts that will not only entertain, but also contribute to his development.

  • Special attention is paid to children's literature.

For children aged 3 years who already understand up to 1500 - 2000 words, it will be interesting kind fairy tale With in large letters and bright, but not catchy pictures.

  • "We teach social roles". Babies at 3 years old want to imitate their mother-housewife and father-doctor. Dolls with light hand daughters quickly go to bed in a quiet hour, and then try on mom's jewelry and learn how to apply expensive makeup French cosmetics... The son may be interested in open-end wrenches and self-tapping screws.

The main thing! Better for parents to give the child safe, intact and unnecessary things from their own use.

  • Needlework. Modeling their salted dough (half a glass of flour and salt is taken for a glass of water) with the addition of watercolors is the most budgetary and relatively safe material for classes.

Drawing with your palms on paper or leftover wallpaper is fine. You can paint with your fingers soiled in paints on everything that mom is not sorry for - decorate a plastic bottle and make a small vase out of it, sculpt a portrait of dad out of plasticine, or draw a postcard for the upcoming holiday for grandmother. On top of a face moisturized with baby cream, a mask of an animal painted in watercolor (makeup) always looks interesting.

  • First puzzles. Large jigsaw puzzles can already be used to engage the child in something informative and entertaining.

As available option parents make coloring books or such puzzles on their own. You can print, make a photocopy of your favorite plot for more thick paper- and work for half an hour for a little bit is guaranteed.

  • Sports Equipment. Large rubber balls, skittles, a small basketball hoop and darts with Velcro throwing balls will help even adults to have fun at home.
  • Musical instruments and toys - wooden spoons, tambourines, pipes and a drum - will be able to develop a sense of rhythm. The metallophone is an ideal toy: it does not require batteries, develops hearing and is not loud.

Fit musical toys, in which pressing the buttons leads to the appearance of different sounds, melodies, the name of letters and numbers.

Among developing and entertaining games for a toddler who is 3 years old, the choice is wider than for younger children. It is already possible to purchase folding toys, with smaller buttons, on remote control... But you cannot leave the crumbs unattended with these fun. Some parents want to buy a tolokar for their child. This will certainly become one of the best gifts for your child.

Home chest

Children at 3 years old have unique feature- they see in familiar things that which is not available to adults due to their stereotyped thinking. Simply put, ordinary household items become the most interesting toys.

You can prepare for the future small box(and together with the baby - decorate it, glue it over). Let it have a place for large buttons, unusual lids, old brooches, fridge magnets and other "treasures". The main thing is that they are not eaten by the baby, shoved into the nose or mouth, therefore, safety must be remembered first of all.

But even from ordinary objects that are in every house, you can collect a decent base for the gameplay.

  • Do-it-yourself sports games. You can spend Soccer game inflatable an ordinary ball falling in slow motion. This will amuse the player who is no more than 3-4 years old. Plastic bottles in the form of spaced pins and small ball in the "role" of a knock-out ball will be able to compete with bowling.
  • Playing with cars will be more fun if you make a garage out of boxes, and playing with dolls will become more productive if you carry a little baby doll with you, feed, pack and change clothes all day.

For parents planning a second child, this kind of fun will help prepare the baby for a possible addition to the family.

  • Tear pieces of paper and put them in a box, count coins and play in the store, sort out old clothes, buttons, as well as clinging clothespins and making a "hedgehog", "sun" or "butterfly" - can also come in handy.

You can make a game from everything, even putting in laces or trying to find a second glove. It is important to talk to your baby. Anything is suitable for games, or (an option for especially tired parents) you can watch a crumb. After 2.5 - 3 years, children themselves show interest in something exciting for them. You can just go on about and let them look at Mom's powder or Dad's drawing kit. Parents will be equally interested.

Parents are always interested in how their child is developing. I would like to find out in which areas he particularly excelled, and which should be paid closer attention. What should a modern four-year-old child know and be able to do:
- find and recognize a square, circle, oval, triangle;
- to understand the meaning of generalizing words - dishes, furniture, vehicles, toys, clothes;
- know several professions, the names of trees, animals;
- show items to the left, right, above, below;
- compare objects in size - length, height, width;
- to understand where there is one subject, and where there is a lot;
- accurately paint without going beyond the line;
- string beads, buttons;
- determine which of 4-5-6 objects disappeared;
- retell the content of the tale;
- to distinguish between weather phenomena, seasons, days;
- name common household appliances, recognize them by color, shape, purpose;
- know the detailed home address, names of mom, dad, grandfathers, grandmothers;
- consider a picture, toy, object and make a description of it from three or four sentences.

These are averages. Your child may or may not be ahead of them. You should not be upset, it is better to devote more time to its development. It is possible to attract specialists to help.

Baby care at 4 years old

At 4 years old, the child is quite independent and many daily procedures performs without the help of adults. It is only necessary to remind him occasionally if he forgot to wash, wash his hands, brush his teeth or rinse his mouth after eating. If a child is not yet accustomed to washing his neck, ears, and oral care in the morning, it is necessary to teach him this. He should have his own towel, comb, toothbrush and glass. To make the morning hygiene ceremony more interesting, you need to buy bright hygiene products and other accessories.

After each walk in the summer, be sure to wash your feet, rinse the child in the shower in the evening, and bathe more thoroughly at least once a week. The child needs to instill intolerance to dirt and slovenliness. He will quickly get used to cleanliness and neatness if parents show this by their own example. He needs to be taught so that all his accessories at the end hygiene procedures you need to put it in its places: put the soap in a soap dish, toothbrush rinse and put in a glass, hang a towel on a hook.

Adults should monitor the cleanliness of children's hygiene items: periodically wash a comb, a toothbrush with soap (the brush is changed to a new one after 1.5-2 months), and change the towels on time. Keep a washbasin, bath, mirror perfectly clean. It is best to cut your child's nails after bathing, while they are soft. They are usually thin and, when cut, form sharp corners. To prevent scratching, sharp edges can be filed with a file.

Nutrition for a 4-year-old child

The nutrition of children of four years old should be varied and balanced. The child is growing at a fast pace, so his body needs to be supplied daily useful substances... Even adults know what with what healthier product, the less tasty it is. And the children understood this long ago. Therefore, it is sometimes so difficult to get them to have a full meal. They already have their favorite dishes, which they are ready to eat from morning to evening. Soup, porridge or vegetable salad hardly included in this list. Parents need to be smart and smart at times in order to feed their baby healthy food. Arranging home concerts with the involvement of all family members in order to entertain the child, of course, is not worth it. But you need to talk to him like an adult. Explain that from healthy food he will grow up faster, like a dad, go to school, be strong.

Alternatively, you can serve the most common dishes in a new way. If your child does not eat fried or stewed zucchini, you can make delicious pancakes from them. Cut out figures from unloved vegetables and fruits and decorate the plate. Children are very fond of "octopuses". A sausage or sausage must be pierced with dry long pasta along its entire length in several places, then boil everything together. The boiled pasta will soften and resemble tentacles or rays of the sun. This is how the child begins to fantasize. And laying out a baked pumpkin on a plate, you can casually mention that this is the same pumpkin that turned into a carriage for Cinderella.

Every day, the diet of children 4 years old should include half a liter of milk, not necessarily in pure form... This takes into account kefir and other fermented milk products, as well as milk used to make cereals. It is better to give heavy, high-protein food in the first half of the day, so that it has time to be digested, and in the afternoon, lighter food - carbohydrate, milk-vegetable. The child moves a lot, so he loses moisture, especially in summer period... Watch for dehydration. In order not to kill the appetite, instead of sweet compotes and juices during the day, it is better to drink freshly boiled water, mineral water without gas or weakly brewed tea.

Child's day regimen at 4 years old

If the child has a certain daily routine, he has already become a habit of doing basic things in certain time... He has enough time to play and rest, he is less capricious, does not delay sleep and lunch, becomes more collected and organized. His meal, as before, is divided into breakfast with lunch and afternoon tea with dinner. With intervals between doses of 3.5-4 hours. But the need for sleep has decreased. Now he needs 12 hours to sleep. Of which 10 hours are allotted for night rest, 2 hours for daytime. To make his sleep more healthy and useful, the room must first be ventilated. In the warm season, if possible, day rest better move to Fresh air- equip a place on the veranda, balcony, in the garden.

Classes with a child at 4 years old (how to develop)

At four years old, children are very mobile, active, inquisitive. They are interested in literally everything, so you need to support their interest in time and do some educational games together. For example, modeling, painting. They sculpted and painted in more early age, only the technique was pretty primitive. Now you can show them how to hold a brush or felt-tip pen in their hand, show them how to draw shapes correctly. You can trace the pictures along the contour, or draw using a stencil. Be sure to buy coloring pages for your child so that he fills in black and white pictures with color. In addition to the development of imagination, fine motor skills develop in this way.

Using plasticine, clay, you can no longer just crush a piece in your hand or sculpt simple figurines... At 4 years old, you can already listen to a whole thematic composition - an underwater or forest kingdom, New Year's, on the theme of animals. When walking in the park, it is advisable to pick up acorns, tree leaves, chestnuts in advance, and then use them for crafts. Various buttons, beads, matches or toothpicks are also useful.

If earlier the child made an applique from ready-made parts, then at 4 years old he can be given scissors in his hands so that he cut out the figures himself. No need to demand to cut something complicated. Draw large circles, squares, triangles for him on colored paper, and let him cut it out. You can glue not only paper, but also sprinkle the paste with beads, cereals (semolina, buckwheat, millet) or colored sand.

If your child hasn't mastered counting yet, it's time to catch up. Walking down the street with him, count trees, steps, cars, people, houses, birds. You can try to explain simple mathematical actions- addition and subtraction. For convenience, using fingers, matches or counting sticks... You can start teaching your child to read by memorizing ready-made syllables. It is very convenient to have ready-made cubes with syllables or buy a magnetic board with letters. If he has difficulties or he starts to be capricious, do not insist, postpone classes until later.

Games and toys for children at 4 years old (how to entertain)

Four years is an age quite suitable for taking a son or daughter to the circus or theater for the first time. children's performance... You shouldn't buy tickets to the front rows right away. You do not know how your child will react to loud clowns of clowns, claps, roars of animals. Therefore, it is better to take other places, from about the tenth row and above.

Children at the age of 4 can entertain themselves well by collecting constructor sets, mosaics, puzzles. Only tasks need to be complicated by adding more details and reducing their size. The Lego constructor is very good, the sets of which are designed for different age categories children. From it you can collect not only simple houses or cars, but also space or pirate ships, planes, castles, robots, bribing additional details.

At this age, you can meet one or two friends, play together in the yard or take turns taking the children to visit. It will be interesting for them to play together, and their mothers will have some free time. Usually girls play with dolls, hospital, family, boys - with cars or constructing. Children can be kept busy for hours by giving them a box and asking them to build a house. Let them cut out windows, paint walls, arrange furniture, and populate toy inhabitants.

Medical supervision at 4 years

The child undergoes a routine medical examination every year. He needs to be examined by such specialists as a dentist, orthopedic surgeon, otolaryngologist (ENT), neurologist, ophthalmologist. And also do once a year general analysis blood, urine, feces on the eggs of the worm. It will not be superfluous to examine internal organs for ultrasound and do an ECG. If something bothers or hurts the child, you should contact your local pediatrician. He will prescribe an in-depth examination and direct you to more narrow specialists.

Until recently, you dreamed that your child started faster talk. Now you want him to be silent at least sometimes. The time has come when your restless "why" is interested in absolutely everything: "Why does the dog bark and the cat meows?", "Why is the grass green, and the sky is blue?" and many more “why's”.

Children not only want to know this, but also to realize it, i.e. understand why this is happening. Sometimes these “why” makes the parents dizzy, especially when the same question is asked several times and everything needs to be explained anew. The main thing here is to show patience and wisdom. To stop the pressure of your inquisitive child a little, you can ask him how he thinks. You will give him the opportunity to reflect, listen to his reasoning, and at the same time get a few minutes of rest.
Sometimes he can ask questions quite sensitive topics... Do not try to shame or shame him. After all, there are no taboo topics for children, they are just driven by curiosity. It is better to try to find words that are suitable for his understanding and give an exhaustive answer so that he understands everything the first time and does not return to these topics again.

A child aged 3-4 becomes very active. Many mothers are tormented by the question: "What to do with your child?" After all, the baby should spend time with benefit. At this age, children need to be developed, to instill in them communication skills.

Of course, the kids are all different in character and temperament. Someone at the age of 3-4 years can play alone all day, while someone needs a variety of activities.

At 3-4 years old, children already play meaningfully and they need developmental activities

Note! Occupying a child's home for 3-4 years with any business, be sure to be there. Babies at this age should not be left unattended. Be nearby, organize your affairs so that there is a small distance between you and the child.

What features of this age group should be taken into account

3-4 years is the period when the baby begins to become aware of himself. He has a more perfect system of coordination of movements, he begins to move more smoothly. Children show musical ability they like to dance and sing.

Kids can already play in a company, they are busy with games, they show an interest in design, vocabulary is growing rapidly. The child begins to use words that he has heard from adults, turns of speech become more difficult, he begins to express his opinion.

Children 3-4 years old are already playing with their peers

During this period, relationships are formed with peers, adults. He becomes a participant joint games, begins to perceive the rules of behavior in games.

Children at this age have many questions, they develop life experience... The information that a child can absorb during this period is simply colossal in its volume.

And, of course, the task of parents and teachers is to choose such educational games that would help shape the child's personality and skills, as in children's institution and at home.

Age 3-4 is beautiful time in order to develop Creative skills children. You can sculpt from plasticine or salt dough. Drawing lessons are interesting for a child aged 3-4 years. Young artists they draw with equal pleasure with pencils and paint with paints, they like felt-tip pens and crayons.

Games for the development of hand motor skills and imagination

Note! Children themselves cannot draw at this age, but they can paint to their liking and power. There are special coloring books on sale, you can also print coloring pages from the Internet.

Parents of artists need to be careful, because at the age of 3-4 years, children like to draw not only on paper. They like walls and doors. An interesting option there may be drawing boards. It is convenient to install such a board at home - it takes up little space.

Great idea- mosaic - a game for creativity

At this age, children can be occupied with constructors. For 3-4 years old, designers from plastic parts... Children are especially interested in towers and houses, which they are happy to build. At home, you can allow children to create houses from scrap materials - pillows, chairs, blankets.

In the period when the child reaches 3-4 years old, parents begin to think about additional developmental education.

Moms and dads choose for their crumbs, mugs or sections. Children are taken to swimming, gymnastics. If you start learning a foreign language, the result will be very good.

But you can work with children outside the home. A child of 3-4 years old is useful to stay in the air.

Sandbox games are loved by all children

Outdoor activities are varied. Children of this age are attracted by the sandbox, where they are happy to play and build. Playground Is a place where the child can play and relax in comfort.

Fine motor skills: kids 3-4 years old are happy to lay out mosaic patterns, look at pictures in books. They are interested in moving toys.

What types of activities can be used at home

The child's home can be occupied by the following:

Almost all the proposed options are educational: the kids are not only busy with an exciting and useful business.

If mom makes something from dough, then give the child a piece - let him contribute.

There is also an interesting lesson: take large beans, pasta and some peas, shift and instruct the child to disassemble into three containers. Beat like help needed to you around the house. Be sure to praise.

In general, the kitchen attracts both girls and boys - fantasize, and your little helper will be happy to complete tasks.

Children in the kitchen will be happy to help

How to keep your baby busy outside the home

Often, being outside the home, kids 3-4 years old suffer from the fact that they do not know what to do.

V summer time children 3-4 years old are attracted by the sandbox. Everything with sand is developing. Building different figures, breaking grooves, the baby learns shapes and volumes through his hands. Exposure through the hands has a beneficial effect on speech activity... It is interesting and very convenient to play on the sand:

  • from wet sand, you can "stick" a lot of figures using molds. For example, ask your child to create a sand park or make cakes for a puppet dinner.
  • on a flat surface, you can "paint" a picture of sand.

Place plastic pins or bottles in the clearing, let the child learn to "drive" the ball between them.

A great idea for a summer residence - homemade paths

There is a mini-ring on the playgrounds, give the ball and offer to throw it into the basket, moreover, from different distances.

Give your child crayons to paint on the pavement. Show how to draw cells - the kid will be happy to jump on them.

How to keep your baby busy in the country

At the dacha in the summer, it is simple to take the baby:

How to keep your baby busy in the park

In the autumn park, invite your kid to collect a collection autumn leaves... Before going out, prepare a bag or box where he will put his treasures.

Another option outdoor games Is to offer the kid a run, for example, to a green bench, to big stone, to rowan, etc.

How can you play with your baby in the winter park?

How to captivate a child 3-4 years old on the road

It happens that a family with a child of this age has to go on a trip. Restless kids it is difficult to sit still in transport. How to distract him?

  • In the car, you can play like this: who is the first to see the car, for example, red or blue roof.
  • You can simply ask to name those objects that he sees.
  • Offer your toddler observing the clouds - what they look like, how they change.
  • Prepare a box with small toys, let him take them apart and play. Ask for a story about each.
  • Play yes-no. For example, does the kitten bark? The child answers: "no."
  • Read poems on the road, remember songs for children.

Travel games can be purchased as a set

You can safely take markers and albums on the train - let the child draw what he sees through the window or depict a train. Give the child wet wipe- let him wipe the table and doors.

On the plane, you need to let the child look around. It is better to choose seats for children by the aisle. This will provide a place to stand up if necessary. Show him a pillow, belts, porthole, folding table.

You can keep your baby busy with magnetic puzzles - they are specially designed for travel - they will not crumble. Look in children's stores for travel games - these are cards and special tasks.

What parents of a baby 3-4 years old should know

  • For a baby at this age, rest is an opportunity to move, to be active.
  • Of course, classes and assignments need to be gradually made more difficult, but still to classes simple type we must also return. For example, if a child is sick, he has feeling unwell, then there is no need to come up with complex tasks for him.
  • Please note that the child during this period of life endows with consciousness inanimate objects.
  • The child develops an understanding of the world, so try to form the fundamental concepts correctly.
  • Do not rush the kid - he will gradually understand and learn everything.

Cereal games develop imagination

The child needs the love, patience of the parents and their attention. Then he will complete any task with pleasure.

Similar materials

When the child is in kindergarten, moms have nothing to worry about. There he studies, and communicates with the same children, and plays according to the curriculum. A completely different environment at home. How to keep a 4-year-old child busy at home? This question is asked by parents who work, and on short weekends are forced to find time for household chores, rest and communication with children. The difficulty is also in the fact that the selected activities are:

  • useful for the development of crumbs;
  • gave the right direction in the formation of attitudes towards the world around us, towards ourselves, people;
  • so that they help create an atmosphere of trust and understanding between the adult and the child;
  • taught the kid to set goals, be active, independent.

How does a child develop at 4 years old?

So, in order to figure out what to do at home for children 4 years old, you need to know something about the features of this age. At 4 years old, a child:

  • the body is actively growing, flexibility, dexterity, coordination develops;
  • the stock of knowledge is growing every day, the horizons are expanding, which gives rise to asking new questions, looking for answers to them from parents, in the world around them;
  • vocabulary becomes larger, speech becomes clearer, more correct;
  • children's imagination, creativity is clearly manifested;
  • the child seeks communication with other children, tries to make friends, learns to interact with society.

What conclusion can be drawn? If you are looking for what to do with your child at 4 years old at home, be sure to consider:

  • his physical abilities;
  • character traits, psychology;
  • personal preferences and interests of the baby.

Affordable activities at home for children 4 years old

Children at the age of 4 enter a period when they greedily take knowledge from the world around them. And the parents are the basis of the children's universe. They must organize correct activities useful for general, physical and mental development baby. What you put into the little one now will become the basis for the development of his habits, life principles and personality.

A simple option of how to keep a 4-year-old child busy at home, how to attract his attention while mom is cooking or relaxing - turn on a cartoon, let him play on a tablet or phone. Disputes about the benefits of such an activity for children of 4 years old do not subside. Psychologists, on the other hand, confidently declare that a long session computer games, TV programs, even quiet operation of the TV in the background are harmful to small children. They lead to a problem social adaptation, mental disorder, development of "clip" (unstable) attention.

The ideal way to keep a 4-year-old child at home is to engage him in play. It is good if other children or adults also participate in the game. What tools do caring parents have in their arsenal?

1. Any kind of creativity:

  • modeling from plasticine, soft clay;
  • drawing with paints, pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens;
  • applique made of paper, cardboard, newspapers, natural materials;
  • needlework;
  • design.

Children's stores offer for children 4 years old such a selection of materials, tools for creative pursuits that the eyes run up. With their help, you can keep your baby at home for at least a few hours, if you alternate different types classes. By the way, try it yourself to take part in creative process... So it will be interesting for the child, and you will learn something new with him. You can play creativity with children even when you are busy. It is enough for parents to show interest - to ask what the baby is drawing, suggest ideas, help in choosing a color.

2. Cultural education:

  • love of books;
  • acquaintance with art;
  • musical development.

How to teach children to love reading? From the age of 4, reading together interesting and useful books should be yours family tradition... There should be a lot of illustrations on the pages of the book so that the kid can imagine the characters, the atmosphere of a fairy tale. While reading, you can talk about the actions of the heroes, invent your own version of the denouement of the story. If there is no time for live reading, use audiobooks. They develop auditory memory, phonetic hearing.

A kid can fall in love with music and art through positive emotions, through the game. For example, what can you do for a 4-year-old child at home if not singing naughty children's songs? By the way, this kind of entertainment is also suitable for long trip, and for a walk.

3. Physical development

These include active games and charging. Usually children compensate for the need to move on the street. But if for some reason a walk is not possible, then you need to think about what energetic games to take children at 4 years old at home without consequences for the interior. Great options- dances, competitions with adults "who is more ..." (sit down, make bends).

What to do with the children at home while the parents are busy?

Combining adult activities and communication with children can be difficult at times. The wrong approach leads to the fact that both areas of life suffer, and parents feel guilty. But there is one unique tactic that will allow you to keep up with everything. It is offered by the well-known author, mother part-time, Anna Bykova in the book "Developmental activities of a" lazy mother ". In her opinion, there is no need to invent difficult ways and spend a lot of time to do something useful to keep children 4 years old at home. It is enough just to show a little imagination, take an interest in the baby's games, and the most mundane things will turn into useful developmental activities.

When you are cooking, your child will be happy to help. Trust him to wash vegetables or fruits in a bowl, stir salad in a large bowl, set the table with napkins, spoons, and other safe items. The kid will definitely like to roll the dough on the table and sculpt figures out of it while mom prepares dumplings or pies.

You can take a crumb and things that are not related to yours. While you are at the stove, have your little one do the edible art next to you. He will be delighted with the opportunity to play with spaghetti, make an applique from pasta shells, coffee beans and then paint it in bright colors.

There is something to do for the crumbs and in the cleaning process. Children 4 years old can be entrusted with sorting laundry after washing, wiping off dust, cleaning toys.

As you can see, if you have the desire and ingenuity, there is always something to keep children at home at 4 years old. And it is not difficult to get the kids interested - they are always happy to play something new.

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Children at 4 years old are real tomboys. But unlike one year old babies who are interested in literally all the things around them, older children are more conscious of their leisure. If you are one of those conscientious parents who are worried about what to do with a child at 4 years old other than a TV and a tablet, this article is for you. In it you will find the most affordable ways for every mother to organize leisure.

A properly organized child's leisure time is not only a guarantee of his timely development, but the parent's ability to interact with the child in an interesting format. What to do with a child at 4 years old? What should be useful games and activities for a child aged 4?

Age features

Consider the basics age characteristics development typical for children 4 years old:

  • The most preferred activity is play.
  • Active physical development(agility, flexibility, coordination).
  • Expansion of cognitive skills (obtaining information about the features of the surrounding world).
  • Enrichment of vocabulary.
  • Formation of the correct sound pronunciation.
  • Pronounced creative development.
  • Development of the imagination, which can manifest itself in the child's personal experiments.

How to keep the children busy at home?

According to pediatricians, children of 4 years old are susceptible to any information coming to them through the auditory, visual and sensory channels. Simply put, everything that the child hears, sees and can hold in his hands will be interesting to him. Therefore, games can be composed in a certain complex, which will help not only to entertain the child, but will also stimulate his development in an understandable play environment.

  1. Children as young as four, especially girls, often paint. Therefore, sometimes it is enough to give the child an album and many, many pencils, paints and felt-tip pens. If the child is not very fond of drawing, then you can offer him paints, a thick brush and give him a large piece of old wallpaper. Not a single child will refuse such a scale.
  2. Give your child a hole punch or stapler and a couple of old magazines, he'll be happy to punch holes. Better baby in this case, plant it not far from you so that he does not pierce the curtains for you while you are busy.
  3. Cut with scissors. You can give old magazine or the same wallpaper. Children will be happy to cut mountains of garbage for you. At 4 years old, many can already cut geometric shapes - show how to cut a triangle, circle and square. Let them try to repeat it from colored paper, and then together you can make applications.
  4. I still have stencils of letters, numbers and geometric shapes... Remember, they used to sign wall newspapers. Now they are helping me out well. They can be outlined and colored. If you do not have these, you can download letters, shapes, animals from the Internet - cut them out on cardboard and the stencil is ready.
  5. Modeling from plasticine. At the age of 4-5 years, children are happy to sculpt from plasticine.
  6. Clothespin play is more suitable for children 2-3 years old. But you can diversify this game. Pull the rope not high off the floor, give the child some small rags and let him hang the laundry.
  7. You can outline your arms and legs. Once I gave my child a blank notebook and showed how to outline her hand. For half an hour the child was not visible ... then he brought me a notebook, in it all the sheets were with outlined hands.
  8. Drawing through carbon paper. There used to be carbon copies and there was no copier.
  9. Since it is very important for preschoolers to develop fine motor skills, then a lot of my occupations are connected with drawing. Outline the money. Place a coin under the paper and paint over it with a pencil. It turns out paper money.
  10. A house made of pillows and blankets, you can put a flashlight inside.
  11. We have kinetic sand, he also helps out in cases of increased employment of parents.
  12. Children's stickers are sold in stores, buy a pack and show how to stick to an album or notebook. But usually kids are not limited to just a notebook, so there is a chance that the stickers will end up on mirrors, cabinets and wallpaper.
  13. Glue with tape. Give me a little tape and show you how to use it. You can allow your child to hang their drawings on scotch tape on the door.
  14. Sharpen pencils with a regular sharpener.
  15. Coloring pages. I download from the Internet those that the child chooses and let them paint.
  16. Labyrinths. I also print mazes from the Internet.
  17. Drawing by points. Perfect for those who draw poorly, connecting the dots makes a drawing.
  18. I have an old phone, but in working order. The child loves taking pictures or filming himself with the front camera. This occupation fascinates him for a long time. He records how he reads poetry, sings songs, makes reports - very funny. Recently, she also taught me how to delete the photos that he took so that the space on the phone does not fill up.
  19. You can prepare the applique in advance and give the child an album and glue. It is better to give a glue stick, or PVA, but pour it into a separate jar and give a brush.
  20. Piggy bank with coins. Coins can be loaded into a piggy bank or a truck.
  21. Box with different buttons... You just need to suggest, and the children themselves will figure out how to play with it.
  22. If you have a skein of old yarn, give it to your child. You will already collect the threads in a row :), but silence for half an hour is guaranteed.
  23. Magnifier. Show her how to look at objects.
  24. Mosaic. Sometimes the child can do the mosaic for a long time, and sometimes it is not enough for 2 minutes. But if you don’t have it, it’s better to get it, sometimes it really helps.

What to do with a child on the street

If you are puzzled with what to do with your child at 4 years old on the street with the benefit and comfort for you, take on board the following tips:

  • Ask your child to tell about the flowers that he sees: what color his petals are, how many of them, whether the flower is large or small. At home, with your child, draw what you saw on the street.
  • Feed homeless animals, pigeons. Interaction with animals is a real delight for most children.
  • Games with soap bubbles develop dexterity and coordination.
  • In autumn, you can walk into the park and collect beautiful leaves, chestnuts, cones, from which you can make original crafts.

For each season, you can arrange themed walks... For example, with the arrival of spring or autumn, you can go to the park to collect the incoming heat or, on the contrary, the approaching cold weather.

Mini football

This is beautiful addicting game for fidgets. So, we find a small lawn without holes, bushes and bumps. We use pins or ordinary stones to make symbolic gates. Purpose of the game: score as many balls into the opponent's goal as possible. If you include fans in the game, it will be a lot of fun.


And, of course, do not forget about the good old sand, in which all the kids love to tinker. You can build incredible towers and caves from it, you can use molds to make interesting figures... Let's start with the most basic games:

  • The child walks on the sand first with each finger, and then leaves a mark on it with all five.
  • He scoops up a bag of sand, closes the cam, but leaves a small gap between the palm and fingers, from which the sand will pour out in a stream.
  • Grind the sand between your palms.

Be sure to tell your child about the rules for playing with sand: it must not be thrown at other people and after playing with sand, you must definitely wash your hands.

The best games in the country

In the warm season, it is difficult to think of a place that is more healthy for the child than Vacation home... Here you can run, and lie in a hammock, help parents in the garden - in a word, there are many activities. We will consider the most interesting activities for children 4 years old on the street, which they are unlikely to give up.

Water procedures

Most wonderful way entertain a child on the street - arrange water procedures for him under the sun. To do this, we collect water in a small swimming pool, leave it to warm up in the open air or we collect it in advance warm water, we seat the child and give him suitable hands for water treatments toys. 4-year-old children can splash in the water for hours with great pleasure, but it is very important to observe safety measures.

If the pool does not have a roof by the structure itself, be sure to install it in the shade, and not under straight lines. sunbeams... Do not forget to wear a panama hat over your child's head and use a high-quality, completely environmentally friendly sunscreen.

Kite or balloons

Buy in advance kite or pieces of 10 balls. Set aside a safe area in your dacha where your child can run around with the snake and not stumble or crush Grandma's tomatoes. If there are a lot of trees in the garden, then balls that can be thrown, caught and even popped are suitable!

Young gardener

Children given age you can already safely join in gardening work. At 4 years old, children adore nature, show to it constant interest... Therefore, any " adult work"- weeding flower beds, harvesting - they will accept it with great pleasure.


If you have a hammock, you can hang it at a height that is safe for your child. A 4-year-old kid will be happy to frolic in it!

Fun in kindergarten

A separate layer of games and activities that can be used in kindergarten. In this context, it is advisable to apply team games that will develop team spirit and help children build social bonds:

Game "Delicious Candy"

Children sit in a circle, one child holds a bag of imaginary sweets in his hand. Approaching every child, he gives him a symbolic sweetness. The task of the child: to show with the help of facial expressions and gestures what delicious candy he got.

Game "What they call you"

Children sit in a circle and take turns telling how affectionate words their homes are called by their parents and grandparents.

The game "Sunshine"

Children walk in circles to the music. Their pens are sunbeams... Suddenly the music turns off, and the teacher points to one of the children, and names the part of his body that is frozen: "Children, look, Alyosha's hands are completely frozen." The task of the children: to warm up the frozen hand with their rays.

In kindergarten, the principle of child freedom must be applied to self-choice play and partner for her. The task of the teacher is to provide optimal conditions for safe and educational gameplay.

Developmental activities: what are they made of?

For the organic development of the baby, it is very important to combine play with useful activities, which in an intuitive form for the child will stimulate his logic, imagination, spatial thinking. Also, classes will help you learn basic concepts: counting, writing, reading.

Learning the basics of good parenting

We consider drawings "good-bad" with the child. We demonstrate to the child pictures with images of children in different situations(for example, on one - the child plays football in the house, and on the other he helps his mother around the house) and ask you to explain in which picture the child is behaving correctly and in which not. Lotto games, where “bad” pictures must be covered with “good” ones, will be excellent helpers.

We tell a fairy tale from pictures

By the same principle, you can ask a child to tell a story by analyzing the images that lie in front of him.

We create crafts

With the help of scissors and colored paper, you can make bright and unusual figures, cut out characters from cartoons, fairytale heroes... Then you can create an impromptu theater, for which, together with the child, come up with stories.

Physical exercise

In conjunction with developmental activities, physical ones must also be present. It can be elementary gymnastics for the neck, arms, squats, buckles in place.

Child's day regimen at 4 years old

If the child has a certain daily routine, he has already become a habit of doing basic things at a certain time. He has enough time to play and rest, he is less capricious, does not delay sleep and lunch, becomes more collected and organized. His meal, as before, is divided into breakfast with lunch and afternoon tea with dinner. With intervals between doses of 3.5-4 hours. But the need for sleep has decreased. Now he needs 12 hours to sleep. Of which 10 hours are allotted for night rest, 2 hours for daytime. To make his sleep more healthy and useful, the room must first be ventilated. In the warm season, if possible, it is better to move the daytime rest to fresh air - to equip a place on the veranda, balcony, in the garden.