Dangerous games in social networks. Who is at risk? What is known about the developers

Since the publication of the article on "groups of death" in " Novaya Gazeta"A year has passed. The news about the ominous "blue whales" (by the name of one of the groups), taking the lives of hundreds of children, has become a real "network Chernobyl".

We now know that groups in which adolescents were encouraged to commit suicide through play are not a new weapon of cultists and terrorists, but a cynical adventure by young people like them that has gone too far. The police connect only the smallest part with the Blue Whale teenage suicides that occurred for Lately. So, "passed"? Can you breathe out?

Alas, everything is not so simple. Discussions only fueled the interest of teenagers in games. Search engines were bombarded with requests like “Blue Whale, what a game”. After the demand came the offer - the games "resurrected" in new forms. Is this "renaissance" dangerous? What do "suicidal games" attract teenagers in general? How does their mechanism work and how can they be resisted?

Demand followed by offer - games "resurrected" in new forms

In April took place round table on the topic of dangerous online games, organized by the project social adaptation"Noon". Psychologists, activists, specialists working with adolescents discussed the most pressing issues, and we have collected answers to the main questions.

Why is this phenomenon happening right now?

Games with death were always and everywhere. Even before the advent of the Internet, there were test games: stand on the rails in front of the train and jump off into last moment, jump from the bridge into the water, hook on the trolleybus and drive to next stop. These are courage tests. Children go for it to get an adrenaline rush and be known as daredevils.

"Blue Whale" − new form organizing such games. Many processes that used to be intimate have become public on the Internet. Video bloggers discuss relationships with their parents, quarrel, worry, and do stupid tricks right in front of the camera. Forms of self-expression that exist "in real life" migrated to the Web.

Many teenagers play Blue Whale for the same reason they cut their hands and climb abandoned construction sites. They are driven either by the desire to get adrenaline or curiosity.

Why do teenagers need it?

Games with death usually begin at the age of 12-14. At this age, a teenager is aware of himself as a separate person, wants to disconnect from his parents, challenge their authority and prove his adulthood.

The assertion of power over one's body is also an attribute of an adult. “I can put a naked photo on the Internet, I can smoke, I can destroy myself if I want, my body belongs to me; my life belongs to me. I am an adult: I do not watch Smeshariki, but draw whales. I have common topic for talking to older children.

Most teenagers don't plan to die in the game. They do not believe in their death at all. This is too incomprehensible and distant event for them. They think that the game will tell them something about this phenomenon, but will not kill them.

Most teenagers don't plan to die in the game. They don't believe in their own death.

There are those who want to "replay the game". They challenge her. "I will play by the rules and win." When it appears popular topic for conversation, there are also those who are against it. But here you can be both a hero and a fighter.

There is a powerful movement of "dolphins" or "whalers" who are looking for administrators and fighting them. These are also children, they also play like that. Sometimes they just join the group, dissuade the members.

There is a group of schoolchildren who are officially looking for money to organize such death groups. Although they did not find the money, the very fact of such thinking shows that for them it is just fun and fashion theme, which you can play and even earn on it. But it is not a fact that these funds would go exactly to the stated goal.

Who is at risk?

There is a small group of children who seek to pay off in these games heartache to draw attention to yourself.

“Among the parents of children caught in the game, indifference is very common,” says Svetlana Volokita, president of the Family Support Foundation “ More life”, which is engaged in saving children from similar situations. - We called the father and said that trouble happened to his child, attention is needed. The child has been playing this game for more than 40 days, that is, close to suicide. The parent replies that he has no time. I managed to connect my brother, who had to be pulled out of the army for this. I am convinced that if a child wanted to die and thought it over for a long time, he would have done it. If he is looking for a game, then he needs attention.

“The root of the problem is the situation in the family and the problems of socialization,” Svetlana Volokita believes. She cites such a case. The girl lives with her mother. Mom is in her second marriage and takes care of children from her stepfather.

The root of the problem is the situation in the family and the problems of socialization

When the girl began to wake up at 4:20, cut herself, lock herself in a room with closed curtains on the windows, her grandmother sounded the alarm. At the appeal of the NGO employees, the mother only dismissed, and the father said that "this child is not included in his plans."

The only thing that made the parents turn on was the threat of a trial, since for passive behavior in emergency situations There are also criminal penalties. But after leaving the game, the situation has not changed: the girl still has conflicts with her parents, she is dissatisfied with her life.

The Blue Whale aims to draw attention to itself. There was a gray teenager, "quiet", an inconspicuous schoolboy. But as soon as he gets into the game, he immediately becomes the one who needs to be saved. He is involved in a "cool", adult and dangerous business.

They conduct a dialogue with him at a new level, not from a top-down position. He is perceived as a person who is able to manage his life. “Death threats are the most effective and fairly simple way to make yourself known and really attract attention,” emphasizes Svetlana Volokita.

When were these games created?

Initially, on sites and resources like "2ch", "Upyachka", "Ward No. 6", "Overheard", the "net-stalking" movement was born (net - "network", stalking - "stalking"). Its essence is in the search for "treasures" on the Internet - hidden pages, oddities, deleted (supposedly) videos.

Even a simple scrolling through the news feed in search of the unusual is the beginning of netstalking. Anyone who finds something interesting immediately attracts attention and becomes popular for a while. The first "suicide game" appeared on one of these sites.

How they are arranged

A person receives an invitation or writes a message on the Web himself, leaving the desired hashtag, keyword. The curator is assigned to the participant. The game lasts 50 days, and for each day the player is sent one task. He has to get up at 04:20 and do something.

At first, the tasks are relatively harmless: go outside without a jacket, read a book for 2 hours, listen to certain music. Then they become more dangerous: run across the road at a red light, go to the parapet and look down. The last five are extremely dangerous and can lead to death, and in the final, the player is directly told: kill yourself.

How it works? How does the game set you up for suicide?

“The curators of Blue Whale or other similar games manipulate the player to weaken their sense of reality and the instinct of self-preservation,” says Alexander Minkin, lead game developer at the Noon project. - First, sleep deprivation and emotional impact are turned on. The player has to get up at 4 am for several days in a row. This unsettles him, he becomes suspicious, anxious, easier to suggest. In addition to lack of sleep, the player receives depressive emotions from texts and music. So the participant matures to a state where it is easy to manipulate him.

A teenager is offered to get used to the idea that death is near, you can touch it

The second stage is aimed at dulling the instincts. The teenager is offered to get used to the idea that death is near, it can be touched. He ran across the road, stood on the edge of the bridge - that means he defeated death a little. At this stage, there are threats from the curator: to kill relatives of a teenager, to lay out some "compromising evidence" if the player decides to "jump off".

Some of these mechanisms are familiar to psychologists, because it is very similar to the formation of a habit. The participant is drawn in, gets used to performing tasks over and over again, obeying the curator. The game mechanics are well suited to this task: it keeps the player's attention and state in "flow".

What does "flow state" mean? Alexander explains: “Let's take a game of tennis as an example. We picked up a racket for the first time and are learning to hit the ball against the wall. After a few sessions, we can already calculate the trajectory and impact force. As soon as the results are visible, we are up against a coach who adapts to our level. It's hard for us, but we manage, and so on until the tennis championship.

We are constantly interested - we are "in the flow". But if the coach leaves us to practice against the wall for too long, we get bored. Conversely, if he plays full force- we experience stress due to constant failures.

In the Blue Whale game, boring tasks alternate with interesting ones. The first - intrigue, arouse curiosity. Then a few boring tasks make you languish in anticipation. Then again there are interesting ones, but the complexity is growing. Having overcome them, the players feel their victory.

If you increase the difficulty with each stage, it will be impossible to reach the end. And due to the intermediate points, the player remains in the "stream".

The weakness of the game is manifested where the curator has to threaten the participant. This suggests that the mechanics do not always cope with keeping a person in the game. Where interest fails to hold, fear comes into play. The participant cannot post a photo on the Web to tell what exactly is happening to him. And it works: someone stays because of the fear of losing their relatives, someone because of the prospect of being disgraced.”

Who benefits?

For the most part, people do not know how the game works, see no reason to play it, perceive all groups of death as a complex threat and easily draw the image of an enemy behind them. It's like there's a single villain running all these groups and games.

But there is no evidence of a connection between suicides and games, there is no visual picture, there is a lot of speculation around how it works. And there are no demands from any terrorist organization, as well as statements that someone assumes responsibility for these actions.

The death rate of adolescents as a result of such games is not so significant as to talk about the terrorist threat or the development of weapons. To support all curators and all groups is huge budgets with minimal results. Such performance does not suit any intelligence service.

These people have no secrets or power.

In addition, the information that the curator uses is always obtained from open sources in the most primitive way. These people have no secrets or power. These are not adult hackers, but active peers of the participants. Perhaps some of them have a personal grudge against their players.

Now it is impossible to say who exactly created the first game. Perhaps a psychologist, perhaps a teenager. Maybe it's someone graduate work. The format and versions of this game are constantly changing, and now it is organized by different young people.

As if we were walking from yard to yard and found the games that children play there: knives, hopscotch, rubber band, ball. It seems that everyone is similar, but the author is unknown and the rules are different.

And the process of the game, the mechanics and the image of the participants suggest that both the administrators and the participants are teenagers. This is especially noticeable by the fact that no one takes such a game seriously until the last moment. After all, a teenager does not believe in his own mortality.

It may seem to some that the "Blue Whale" is a unique and very complex phenomenon. This is wrong

It may seem to some that the "Blue Whale" is a unique and very complex phenomenon. This is wrong. Children play a lot of games - this is their norm Everyday life. And the number of games created by children is huge, especially on the Internet.

The "Blue Whale" was born at the junction of several phenomena - a craving for extreme sports, a search for new sensations, a desire to gain respect from peers and prove one's adulthood. Teenagers come into the game to get attention, get adrenaline, beat the opponent and pay off the heartache. The administrator and the participant come to the game in different ways, but already in the process they treat it the same way, they do not fully believe that the game will end in death, and strive to beat the opponent.

How to deal with it?

1. Don't be afraid

Stop talking breathlessly about the game. So we just add popularity to this topic. Our task is to bring this concept out of fashion.

2. Form values

It is hard for teenagers to realize what is really important and expensive in life. It is necessary to talk with children about family, work, friendship, to show by example what is really valuable. Read together classic literature, discuss films and storylines computer games. For example, the Noon project holds games for children from orphanages in which they can live through this or that situation and make a value choice.

3. Be vigilant

The child himself will not ask for help if he is already on the path of suicide. It's important to watch him. If he started playing, he has about 40 days. Changes in behavior are clearly visible: isolation, depression, sleep disturbances, cuts and injuries appear.

4. Be there

It is important to know what is happening with the child, with his environment, what worries him, what he feels, whether he is often lonely. And also teach him to call an adult for help in extreme situations.

5. Reassure

If a child has embarked on the path of suicide, declared this, he needs to be explained that there are people who will be upset because of his death. Does he want it? The answer may follow: "I have no friends, they do not care, no one needs me." Then we can say that even strangers to him will be upset, will empathize.

6. Discuss the topic of suicide

A teenager may perceive suicide in a romantic way, as a flashy gesture, a way to "leave beautifully." It is important to give him an alternative view - what pain and suffering this step brings to people, how distorted his life looks in the eyes of a suicide.

There are films and social videos that bring up these topics. Whatever you watch, be sure to discuss it with your child - it is important to find out about his impressions, thoughts and feelings about what he saw.

7. Interrupt the "flow"

As with other games on the Internet, for example, various farms, we get carried away and for some time we can “fall out” of reality. But it is worth interrupting for a week - and we no longer remember them.

If you are afraid that your child is already playing a dangerous game, isolate him from communications, take him to the country house for a week, let him sleep. At a minimum, he will stop taking the threats of the curator as real, and at the maximum, he will stop taking the game seriously. But remember it's not his decision internal problems, but only interrupting the "flow" state.

8. Give a replacement

Breaking contact is not enough to pull you out of the flow. Next, it is important to find something that the child likes, and give him the opportunity to do it. Support his hobby, some interesting activity for him.

If you push and punish, it will backfire. The child will find another way to commit suicide or return to the game - through friends, other people's accounts.

9. Consult a psychologist

Exist psychological centers that work with "kitten", you can find them on the Internet.

The story of the Blue Whale teaches us that children need attention. They are not just an object of education, they are living people with their own emotions, desires and aspirations. A “fashionable”, exciting topic shifts the focus of the problem: many are captivated by the idea of ​​​​a suicide epidemic, but they are not so interested in talking about real problems children - loneliness, failures in love, inattention or violence from parents.

What is Project Noon

The project of social adaptation of children from orphanages "Noon" helps children from orphanages. Project volunteers develop and run games in which children live various situations and solve problems, learning to act independently, take the initiative, build boundaries, take into account the interests and needs of other people, take responsibility for their decisions.

The program has been running for six years. Now its participants are working not only in orphanages, but also in schools and institutions additional education in 23 regions Russian Federation- from Moscow to Vladivostok.

Website: thenoon.ru

Recently, a creepy entertainment has appeared on the net that provokes suicide of children with a weak psyche, like the suicidal game Blue Whale. Probably, it is already approaching Ukraine.

What you should know about this terrible game, who is its developer and whether there are cases of suicides provoked by a toy in the world - writes Channel 24.

"Momo": what is it?

A woman with bulging eyes, a big mouth and chicken paws suddenly appears in your WhatsApp contact list. All attempts to remove it are usually useless. Contact with a creepy avatar appears again and again. Then he begins to write that he knows everything about you and you will die in a few days. And also easily switches to the language of the interlocutor and communicates in simple phrases.

Then he threatens, sends files with scenes of violence, detailed information about you and instructs you to self-destruct. Sometimes this woman calls and scares you with crying, which turns into hysterical laughter.

According to the vice-president of the Ukrainian Association of Psychoanalysis Volodymyr Mamko, "Momo" is nothing more than a mother's prototype.

This game is a certain category of children who are dependent on the opinions of others. They want to live up to someone's expectations, to be loved by their parents. And if they hear a threat, it will be bad for their loved ones, for example, for their mother, then they are ready to fulfill all the requirements,
- said Mamko.

How does "Momo" get detailed information about the "victims"?

Obviously, this is not a demon, but an ordinary bot. Everything is simple. While you are watching the video sent by the "curator", the program reads personal data from the smartphone. A teenager sees his photos, videos, addresses and phone numbers unpublished on the network, does not immediately understand that all this is from his own phone, so he gets scared and begins to believe in the real "demon" of the network.

If a child among these data has something "hot" that he would like to hide, he can be blackmailed. And there are not far from suicide attempts ...

Has the game led to suicide?

It is not known, because the game appeared a month ago. However, the media reported that the suicide of a 12-year-old girl in Argentina on July 22 was due to "Momo". The girl's body hung on a rope, and a telephone lay nearby. Having “cracked” the password, they found a correspondence with a creepy character in the WhatsApp messenger, the police reported. How the investigation ended is still unknown. last news about the incident are dated 25 July.

The media also referred to statements by Spanish and American law enforcement officers who in July warned against contacts with users using images of a creepy woman on their profile picture. Then videos about her appeared in Polish and German 26 July.

The information virus has already reached Russia. "Momo" appeared in the Russian segment of the Internet also in late July - early August through YouTube channels about the Minecraft video game.

Over the course of a week, Russian video bloggers recorded dozens of videos in which they call numbers that allegedly belong to the "curators", they say horror stories about "Momo" or make humorous sketches. In some cases, they chat on WhatsApp and receive messages like "You will die." Who is behind this is unknown.

What is known about the developers?

Interestingly, the "Momo" image is a photograph of a sculpture by Japanese artist Midori Hayashi depicting a mother bird. It appeared in a horror museum in Japan back in 2016 and obviously has nothing to do with the creepy game that is rapidly spreading around the world.

"Momo" first appeared on Facebook on June 30th. Someone asked in a message for help and provided their phone number. Information spread quickly, and many people fell for this hook and called. Thus, according to experts, the Momo program spread throughout the world. This is if you take material side events. But there are many people in the world who firmly believe that "Momo" is a demon that lives and dominates the web and mobile phones.

How to save yourself?

Try to protect your children's smartphones from harmful effects using special programs, or completely remove the WhatsApp messenger. And it's better to spend more time with your children, and not give them to be eaten by networks.

"found out that it is important for parents to know that a 15-year-old girl from Mariupol was the last victim of deadly social groups

Illustration of "Vesti"

For a week now, the country has been discussing the suicide of a 15-year-old girl from Mariupol and the wave of teenage suicides that began six months ago in Russia and has now reached Ukraine.

Recall that on December 7, Vilena committed suicide by throwing herself from the 13th floor. As law enforcement officers later found out, the girl committed this act at the instigation of a suicidal group on VKontakte. The administrators of this community prepared teenagers for suicide by issuing "quest" tasks, in which children had to injure themselves on the rise. The apogee of the dangerous "game" was suicide.

And although the organizers of such groups skillfully push children to the irreparable, it is possible to save them from such a step, according to our experts: Valentina Shapran, a specialist in addictive behavior, co-author of the Mirny Children's Development Camp program, and Alexander Sagaydak, a suicidal psychologist at the Perfection training center ”, Candidate of Psychological Sciences.

They told how to recognize a dangerous group in social networks, what to do if a teenager has sudden and unusual changes for this age, and what to do if he is under the influence of a suicidal community.

A powerful antidote to passion and blind trust in “like-minded people” from social networks, experts call sincere relationship in the family: not only children and parents, but also mom and dad. Also give your child a harbor feel at home with family dinners, joint affairs in the evenings, common leisure every weekend and the introduction of the traditions of your family.

Vesti has prepared a hint for parents so that they can help their children who are addicted to murderous social networks

How to recognize a dangerous group

Logo: signs of the gods and knives

Each "death" group has its own logo. Most often, this is the symbolism of the gods - a child, thinking that he is a part of something important, ritual and accessible to the elect, perceives the logo as a tatem, which gives him power and impunity, subject to instructions. Images of knives, blades, razors, scars, incisions and drops of blood on a white background - all these pictures also abound on the site, accustoming children to the idea of ​​death and suffering.

Pictures and photos in grey, black and red

Sad photos in shades of gray, disturbing red-black drawings have a depressing effect on the psyche. When looking at them, the child's psyche enters a state of depression, a closed room from which there is no way out.

Black color- this is mysterious, mythical, therefore it attracts a teenager and awakens youthful maximalism, suggesting: in order to get to the "white" side of being, you need to go through the "black".

Grey colour- this is the fear of loss, melancholy and depression. Looking at the gray pictures, the teenager is more and more convinced that his life is colorless, unpromising and useless.

Red color encourages impulsive action without deliberation. And in combination with black, it awakens selfishness when a teenager is ready for a "revolution", even at the cost of his own life. Many virtual games in which the hero is killed, and after a reboot he comes to life, are drawn in these colors. The child no longer sees the difference between real and virtual world and perceives his death as an adventure, after which you can start all over again.

The dominance of words with the letter "C"

In the calls and posts of such groups there are a lot of words starting with the letter “S”. This technique is the "stress word" technique: words such as "death", "suicide", "fear", etc. are hidden between other words that begin with the letter "C". Thus, the child quickly gets used to the losses, which in fact should have frightened him; for him it becomes the norm, a part of life, which means that it is easier to push him to irreversible actions.

Photo of a rail, a sailing steamer, a retreating man in muffled gray tones they impose on teenagers the idea that everything in life is perishable, close people always leave in life and children are left alone.

Psychedelic music

Such groups are constantly replenished with psychedelic music (the most common are Psynergy Project, Twisted Mind, Beatroots, etc.), in which beats do not coincide with biorhythms human body, drive the mind of a teenager into a depressive trance, and it is very easy to control him in this state.

An abundance of phrases about the meaninglessness of life

At the same time, phrases about loneliness in this world, pain and disappointment in people are disguised as quotes from famous authoritative people or the words of priests. For example: “You are still a man, and I am a man, and to be a man is to feel pain” - Marina Tsvetaeva; “People are created in order to torment each other” - F. Dostoevsky; "I want to be human!" “Everything that is sinful, that is not real, is temporary, it is a fake, it is death!” - Archpriest Andrei Lemeshonok.

And calls to death are veiled behind beautiful philosophical verses. For example: “At 4:20 the whales do not wake up, In a quiet house, dawn does not wait for them. Stars from the sky on the roofs will spill. Are you playing with me? - I'm waiting for an answer.

Hashtag - symbolic words

For example, “#morekitov”, “#quiethouse”, “#deadsouls”, “#nya,bye”, etc. are the logos of suicide groups. There may also be hashtags f57, f58, d28, etc., where usually the names of such groups are written according to the algorithm: a letter - the administrator's name begins with it, a number - his serial number suicide.

The child has entered a dangerous community in social networks: four red flags

1. The child abruptly becomes obedient, but "detached"

If from the first grade a teenager was friends with Petya from a neighboring entrance and he had a company in the class, and now the circle of friends, and most importantly, interests has changed dramatically (within 3–5 days), this alarm bell. Especially if the changes are accompanied by "enlightenment": the teenager becomes detached from real life and begins to agree with everything he is told. After all, he believes that everything that happens is unimportant, but the main objective his life - in a virtual community, where he finally understood the meaning of life and found like-minded people.

2. His daily routine changes

Another alarming signal indicating that your child could have fallen under the influence of a dangerous group is a change in the daily routine (he began to dine in the room, changes the time of visiting sections) and enviable punctuality in observing it. Especially if the child sits down at the computer at the same time (no matter what). The administrators of such groups establish control over the teenager, cultivating blind obedience in him: the time is indicated when like-minded participants should enter it.

And when there are many children in the online space at the same time, dissatisfied with life, the mood "life - pain" is easier to maintain and inspire the idea of ​​"do this - and you will be fine." Visiting a group becomes a ritual - something important, forbidden and necessary: ​​to get the unlawful and feel like one of the chosen ones is very important for a teenager. Thus, the child is instilled herd instinct, and as you know, the crowd is easier to manage than thinking individuals.

3. Your teen is lethargic and doesn't get enough sleep.

If the lights out have a child in regular time, and in the morning he cannot be woken up for school - this is a sign of physical and nervous exhaustion: he does not get enough sleep. In the tasks of socially dangerous groups, there are those that need to be completed between 4:00 and 5:00 (there are groups “Wake me up at 4:20”), that is, in the pre-dawn period. In the tasks of such groups, the child must take a photo at this particular time, like a post in the group, comment on the administrator's post, etc.

This time is specially chosen: firstly, waking up at night tires the child and therefore he quickly gets tired, becomes irritable and, what the creators of dangerous sites need, is disappointed in life. Secondly, in the pre-dawn period, the body, tuning in to awakening, produces adrenaline, so getting up at this time causes anxiety and fear about the future.

4. Active constantly repeating patterns

All adolescents have demonstrative behavior: they want their actions to be noticed and appreciated (not always positively). Therefore, being carried away by something, teenagers begin to demonstrate it in drawings. At the same time, a child who has fallen under the influence of dangerous groups has previously uncharacteristic images associated with his new “ideology”, which he actively demonstrates without hiding. Alarm signals drawings of butterflies are considered - they live only one day, and whales (they are thrown ashore out of desperation). This is the symbolism of suicidal groups.

It is not a good sign if there are numbers in the drawings - 57, 58, the names of groups in VK that encourage suicide, or 50 - the title of the book "50 days before my suicide." There may be other numbers as well. It is important that they are repeated in the child's drawings (on the last sheets of notebooks, on the hands in the form of "tattoos", on school supplies etc.). The numbers are assigned by group administrators to new members in order to kill their individuality. After all, a person who does not have a name and surname is a faceless creature, just a figure without his own position, unnecessary questions and initiative. This means they are easy to manage. And this figure is the ordinal number of suicide.

A teenager is ready to commit suicide: signs

1. Sad thoughts in social media posts

If a child has suicidal thoughts, he will certainly voice them (remember, teenagers are demonstrators). First, on a page in social networks - there, as it seems to him, a "digital tribe" - his like-minded people who understand him, in contrast to his "ancestors".

Monitor the pages of the child (but so that he does not see this - then he will not hide and hide his interests on the Web). When you see the phrases “My time will come soon”, “I promise I will do It”, etc., immediately talk to the child. But you should not directly say that you are “wooling” his page. Start a conversation about how there are groups run by administrators - these are specially trained people, they manipulate weak, lost children of his age. Focus on the word "manipulator" - teenagers do not tolerate when they find themselves in the role of "puppet". Go to the trick and ask him if he knows how to recognize a person who is suicidal. Find out if there are any in his society (usually thoughts of suicide are a mass idea that comprehends children in whole companies).

2. There were injuries on the body (scratches, cuts)

In suicidal groups, they arrange the so-called incremental quest. First, they are given tasks to scratch, cut themselves and post photos of injuries on the Web, then - to kill some animal and take a picture again. Adolescents do this because of auto-aggression, which arises as a result of resentment towards others, but which they cannot throw out into society. Thus, they take out their anger on themselves, drowning out the physical pain of the soul. And the "quest" brings them to the line, removing the fear of death.

Provoke a quarrel in which your child can speak out.

Do not punish him, even if the child's accusations are unfair and offensive to you. Continue each accusatory phrase of the child: “You are very important to me, I really need you, I hear that you are offended, I understand your reaction ...” The main thing is to let the child throw out everything that has accumulated inside him. Then the aggression directed at himself will decrease, plus he will understand that for someone on earth he is still important and necessary.

Whales are one of the symbols used by these groups. Photo: 2queens.ru

3. Starts giving away things

Thinking about committing suicide, the teenager wants to be remembered, talked about, cried when he is gone. In this case, he tries to leave a “trace”, giving away his things, and the most beloved ones. If you notice that the child's things began to disappear or he himself brings you collected packages with previously favorite clothes, books, game consoles with a request to distribute to friends - beware. Usually children at this age are owners, and even if they do not need books, they are kept as a memory of childhood.

Do not let him part with things - this can keep him from suicide. And tell stories about yourself in which you went through hardships at his age. Also, tell happy ending stories from the lives of his peers (who he knows). For teenagers, the only authority is peers and stories from their lives. Information can be obtained from the Internet, the media or television. It is only necessary to “slip” such materials, by the way. For example, you come home from work, start a conversation about how you are horrified by what is happening in the world and have no idea what would happen to you if this happened to your child. Bring the child to the dialogue: show him an article in the newspaper and ask him if he knew about the death of a 15-year-old girl from Mariupol and what he thinks about this topic.

4. Openly declares his imminent death

In a teenager’s conversation, the phrases “What would you do if I died?”, “What would you say at my funeral?”, “Interestingly, I would be beautiful in wedding dress in a coffin?"

Such phrases are a clear indicator of suicidal thoughts. Children want to know how others will behave if they are gone, in order to check later, often not fully realizing that there will be no “resurrection”. It is important to immediately show the child that the dead cannot look good and be liked by someone - show them a video from the funeral, photos of suicides and those who were not found immediately. Of course, these pictures are not for the faint of heart, but fear therapy is effective. Tell me that relatives in mourning clothes who will cry at the coffin are terrible. And the enemies to whom he wants to prove something will not care. Or maybe they will laugh, because they will remain alive.

What do we have to do:

Suspecting that the child is interested in inappropriate content, check the history of visiting resources through the browser, but only when the child does not see it. By the way, ask on which social networks he likes to “hang out” more and where his peers are. So you will find out what your child breathes, and show interest in the life of a teenager, which for his emotional balance on this moment important.

If the child is hysterical, say calmly: “Why are you doing this to me, I don’t behave like that with you.” The child needs trusting relationship, because at this age he feels lonely in this "hostile" world.

Therefore, add: "I trust you, do not offend me." Do not ask questions - after the sincerity and love seen in your words, the child will begin to open himself, even if not the first time.

Instead of the duty “How are you at school?” ask: “Do you like your class? Your teacher? Why?" Instead of "What did you eat today?" - “Did you like school lunch? What exactly?" Appeal to the feelings of the child makes him give detailed answers, and not “Everything is OK”, “Yes” or “No” - this is how you learn about his emotional state, plus the child, realizing (after a few days) that his feelings are important to you, will be ready for your questions about love and friendship, fears and disappointments in life.

What not to do:

Use phrases (even in a quarrel): “Because of you, my head hurts”, “Your behavior will bring me to the hospital”, “Shame on you, you brought your mother to tears!” etc. They cause anger in the child at himself, because in fact he loves his parents. As a result, auto-aggression occurs, which pushes the child to inflict physical harm on himself.

Get into the soul, asking questions that have not been practiced in your family before: “How are you on the personal front?”, “Have you already had sex with this girl?” etc. Firstly, the child will be ashamed to be frank and close. Secondly, if such topics have not been raised in the family before, the teenager will begin to suspect that he has been followed. Therefore, it will become even more “encrypted” - close your pages from other users, leave home for as long as possible, and it will be more difficult for you to understand the reason for the changes in his behavior.

How to live teen crisis and increase the child's confidence: advice to parents

Children at this age miss their parents and are ready for frankness if they are sure that mom and dad miss them too. Therefore, say more often that you missed your child all day, waited for a meeting and missed your conversations with him.

IN 13–15 years old adolescents manifest youthful maximalism: the child begins to feel his superiority, the society from which he wants to stand out is important to him. Therefore, an "anarchist" is manifested in his behavior. He needs outrageousness and tries to do everything that was forbidden to him before, feeling his "remarkable" strength.

Heartache, despondency and despair accompany this stage of growing up. They can only be neutralized with joy. And taking into account that the satisfaction of a teenager's main need - the recognition of his growing up, can bring joy to a teenager, allow him to previously forbidden pleasures and entertainment. Let dad take his son to bowling with his friends. And my mom will let me New Year Get your daughter a temporary tattoo.

IN 16–18 years old the confusion and whims of adolescents are connected with the fact that they begin to realize that with their conflicts and attacks they not only defended their independence, but also took on some responsibilities. In the end, they want to get advice from their parents, but their pride does not allow them to do it directly. Anger and resentment against parents appear, because they cannot guess about their problems and experiences.

Listen carefully to the stories of the child: his own problems are encrypted in the stories from the life of friends. But do not teach - the teenager will leave, slam the door, lock himself in the room and say: "You, as always, do not understand me." When he attacks, take a break for 20-25 minutes - such a time is needed for emotions to subside. And then talk calmly using the “I-messages” technique: “It hurts me that you are yelling at me”, “If you are interested in my opinion, I can give you advice”, “I want to help you”. Baby will go more willing to have a dialogue.

At risk are children from families with above-average incomes

At risk are not only children with unstable morale (due to incomplete family at divorce, after death loved one or when forced to move to another region), but also teenagers (13-18 years old) from wealthy families. With funds, parents can afford leisure - bowling clubs, saunas, SPA-salons, vacations several times a year at resorts. And most often, alas, apart. As a result, only the appearance of a family is created, when dad and mom only spend the night at home.

At the same time, such parents try to load their children with circles and extracurricular activities as much as possible in order not only to raise them “successful”, but also to shift the responsibility for the child from themselves to educators/teachers. As a result, children have a strong emotional overload, resulting in apathy for everything. And inflated demands give rise in the child to the fear of not meeting parental expectations, which translates into fear of the future. In addition, due to the virtual absence of parents in the life of a child, he does not receive an important thing - a sense of rear.

Loneliness intensifies hormonal changes: in girls at 13-16 years old, boys - at 14-17. At this age, the child enters the third seven-year cycle of personality development, when he wants to find himself in the chosen society. If society does not accept him (the desired company, loved one, class), the teenager enters a state of depression, from which he tries to find a way out.

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This earlier parents they were worried that their child was disappearing somewhere on the street until late. And suddenly he contacted bad company? Now the situation has changed - a child surfing the Internet can cause anxiety. And it's not the notorious predilection for online games, but complete dependence on moderators. From now on, it is these unknown personalities who decide the fate of your child.

What parents need to know about dangerous groups, says "KP" in Ukraine".

"Whales and Butterflies"

The most widespread and dangerous groups today are the "death" communities. While one public is closed, three more immediately appear ... and so on ad infinitum. In their names, and it is important for parents to know, they use the words "whale", "butterflies". They were not chosen by chance - whales are washed ashore, committing suicide, and the life of a butterfly lasts only one day.

Each such community may have its own rules of the game, but basically it all comes down to one thing: teenagers receive quests that must be completed in a maximum of 50 days. The figure is also not accidental - this is a reference to the book "50 days before my suicide" by Stacy Kramer, in which the heroine must decide during this period whether she wants to live or die.

Teenagers sitting in "groups of death" ... Photo: vk.com

The result of the game in such groups is to commit suicide.

About "groups of death" in Ukraine actively started talking at the end of last year, when in Mariupol, performing a quest, a 15-year-old girl jumped from the 13th floor. In the public in which she was a member, moderators gave their subscribers terrible tasks: take a picture of any thing in the room, and then cut their hands against the background of this object, or simply injure themselves. A personal item is needed so that the moderator is convinced that the person did not "pull out" a picture of cuts from the Internet. That group was closed a few days after the girl's death. But she's one of hundreds of them.

Task groups have not disappeared. Although it is not easy to find them - usually the search engine gives ordinary pages of "whales" where they post music or sad pictures. To get to the "suicidal" public, schoolchildren leave special posts on their pages with the hashtags "kit", "hochuvigra" and so on.

Basically, moderators try to score not very a large number of people for games (100-1000 people). The fewer subscribers, the more likely it is to go unnoticed by law enforcement. "KP" in Ukraine was also able to join one of the small groups. The public consisted of a little more than 500 people - 33 of them are identified as Ukrainians. Many have fake pages, that is, false data - the real name was replaced with a nickname, instead of their pictures - shots from movies, musicians, etc. At random, we wrote to the first subscribers that came across on behalf of a teenager of 15. One of the subscribers answered us, introducing herself as a 13-year-old schoolgirl from Ukraine. She is subscribed to many groups with the "whales" emblem, although she admits that the quest is nowhere did not receive ... I did not have time because of the suicides.

“I subscribe, but I don’t play, and no one sends the task. But you’d better not take the quest,” the interlocutor advised. “It’s just that in the three groups that I was in, they banned me because someone died from suicide .But I still want to play, out of curiosity."

She talked about the emergence of another game - "Run or Die." No less scary and dangerous ...

"Run or Die"

About the quest "Run or die" in Ukraine started talking a few weeks ago. Its essence is that a teenager must cross the road in front of a nearby car. Either you get through or you don't.

"KP" in Ukraine" has already reported that Kiev taxi drivers have begun to complain en masse about this "death group". They say that there are more cases when children "straight through" the road. True, this information is not confirmed by the metropolitan police, although they say that in one of the regions of the country similar case did happen.

It can be assumed that schoolchildren simply became careless about the rules of behavior on the road. But the appearance on social networks of a group called "Run or Die" is alarming. True, those that we found were empty (without subscribers and records). However, it is possible - the game is new, it is just beginning, and participants will soon appear in it.

In any case, there are enough messages among users that urge not to get involved in a new dangerous "game".

"Disappear for 24 hours"

At the end of January, the game "Disappear for 24 hours" was reported. This is such a test when children disappear for a whole day without saying a word to anyone. They return the next day as if nothing had happened. The first incidents with the disappearance of schoolchildren have already occurred in our country - in the Kyiv region. They write on the Web: two teenagers disappeared with a difference of three days - there was no connection with them, none of the friends knew where the fugitives might be. But the very next day they returned to their parents safe and sound. Residents of Belaya Tserkov say that one of these cases occurred in their city. True, the police of the Kyiv region deny that they did not have such a thing. At least none of the parents approached them with a request to find a child who disappeared due to a group on the social network.

When a child leaves home, police officers begin a full check: they find out what the child did that day, who he saw, where, with whom he corresponded on social networks, and so on. But we do not confirm the information that there were cases of missing children in the region because of such a group," KP in Ukraine was told in the press service of the police of the Kyiv region.

However, police officers from many areas are already aware of this danger and are ready to search for children who are passionate about social networks at any time.


"Behind the groups are trained people"

The metropolitan police say that in Kyiv there have not yet been cases of death of children due to "death groups". But confirm - the problem really exists. Both children and teachers talk about it at preventive conversations in schools.

We monitor such groups, but since their main provider is not registered in Ukraine, we cannot influence them. We came to the conclusion that behind the groups are specially trained people who manipulate the personality of the child. They keep track of who wants to get into the group. During the conversation, they ask "correct questions" and try to check with whom the child communicates, what kind of relationship with loved ones. Naturally, they recruit those who are more closed - this is for them the target audience, - Larisa Zub, head of the juvenile prevention department of the Kyiv police department, told KP in Ukraine.

She gives an example of how quickly people "run" into such groups. Literally the other day at 8 am another "group of death" appeared, and by half past 11 am it consisted of more than 2 thousand participants.

Although there were no cases of death of schoolchildren in the capital because of such groups, in total last year 9 teenagers took their own lives.

The police advise parents to communicate more with their children. And they set another point as an example - there are times when parents start "fake" pages and subscribe to the same groups that the child is a member of, or simply start corresponding with him under the guise of a new acquaintance. So at least you can understand what the student has in mind.


"The way of self-expression and the need for recognition"

Psychologist Olga Babenko told KP in Ukraine why teenagers take risks and what parents should do about it.

Psychologists are aware of the dangerous trend of social media influence and are seriously concerned about the current fashion of teenagers to take risks. According to experts, in this way the child expresses himself, attracts the attention of parents and other adults who are significant in his life.

A teenager is a maximalist who sees black and white, not halftones. It is important for him to somehow prove himself, - says psychologist Olga Babenko. - It is especially important to him how he looks at him social group his peers. Flashmob satisfies all these needs. Here he can express himself, demonstrate his attitude to any issue, satisfy the need for recognition from peers who also participate in these groups. In addition, these movements do not require rigid social role- participated and dispersed.

But it's one thing if the flash mob is harmless. However, depending on the group can be dangerous. This is where parents need to be careful.

A child who is fond of such “things” will definitely give himself away, the psychologist believes. - It should seem suspicious that he spends almost all his time on the Internet. A teenager can become silent, detached. It is absolutely impossible to scold, shout and punish for the fact that he suddenly disappeared for a day, or decided to spend the night in a supermarket, or slip in front of a speeding car. We need to talk to him and find out why he did it. And the best thing is to talk without waiting for any excesses. According to the psychologist, open and sincere conversations - the best prevention, giving excellent results throughout the rest of your life.


How to protect a teenager from someone else's influence?

Trusting relationship

For teenagers, methods of guardianship and control will no longer be suitable, since you have a formed personality in front of you. At the same time, it is not enough to be interested in how the child learns. You can ask the question "How was your day?" instead of the standard "How are you at school?" Be sure to ask "How are your friends?", "What good thing happened to you today?", "Do you need my help?" And then your child, without realizing it, will "merge" all the information, what he lives and is interested in. True, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will not recognize everything at once - communication will develop gradually. But when contact occurs, then it will be possible to talk about social networks, and about the dangers that they can carry, and about why your child is interested in this.

Take the kids time

It is not necessary to completely deprive children of social networks - this will cause protest, distrust and attempts to hide their lives from their parents. Make it so that they have little time to sit in front of a computer monitor. Enroll the child in the section, but only in the one where he wants, not you. Spend the weekend with the whole family - and not so that everyone minds their own business. General lessons and interests will help to become closer friend to friend.

Don't punish

If your child is already “inside” the flash mob movement, there is no need to slash, punish, prohibit and limit. Talk to him about it with full respect for his personality, try to understand. Do not understand - ask questions, only "without arrivals" and accusations.


How to figure out that your child is in the "group of death"

"Whales", "butterflies" are drawn on the child's hands. The same drawings or stickers can be displayed in notebooks, notebooks.

There are obvious signs of cuts or injuries on the body.

He gets up at 4 in the morning (it is at this time that the moderator gives the task). Complains about not getting enough sleep.

Becomes more closed, aggressive, does not want to talk about "personal" topics.


"24 challenge"

Do not retreat in popularity and the group "24 challenge" - translated as "challenge 24". This quest is suitable for extreme people - you need to record a video about spending the night in "forbidden places" - a mall, a restaurant, a store, a subway. And don't get caught by the guards.

Such "challenges" appeared in the West more than a year ago, now they have also been brought to our country. There are already a couple of records with Ukrainians on the Internet: the guys brag about how they were able to walk through closed shopping malls, hardware stores and other places.

These records are watched by millions of people. If some after viewing the maximum put "like", then others may have an idea to recreate what they saw. Perhaps this will not lead to death, but a night in the police station, if caught, is guaranteed.

True, the bloggers themselves, who create crazy, at first glance, videos for their subscribers, believe that the "challenges" are only entertaining, in contrast to the "groups of death", where the main task- morally crush teenagers and manipulate them.

The founders of "death groups" are most often mentally unbalanced people who are well aware that small children die from their communities, and this most likely brings satisfaction to them. And the "challenges", where you need to spend 24 hours in a closed mall, are more harmless and are of an entertaining nature for the viewer in the first place. Everything needs to be filmed and uploaded to YouTube. True, such actions are most often performed by popular bloggers in order to amuse their viewers, and always with a call "not to repeat this." How do I do it, for example. I always write in the description that I don’t need to repeat what I saw, ”Odessa blogger Rodion Shchukin told KP in Ukraine, who recently became famous throughout the country thanks to a video sending his friend in a box by mail.

At the same time, the blogger adds: more teenagers have begun to appear, who are more pleased to look at what others are doing, and not to do something themselves.

They even play games less, watch more, as others do. Such a generation has gone,” the blogger added.

Death games have appeared on social networks. The organizers of these games bring teenagers, children to suicide. Some professional psychiatrists have stated that this cannot be. Other figures - guardians of freedom - said that this was a provocation, a special stuffing to limit the freedom of the Internet in Russia. To our horror, it turned out that teenagers and children are really involved in this devilish game and commit suicide. The motives of the organizers are not yet clear. But of course this is extremely dangerous people. These are maniacs.

Suicide is still largely a mystery. Previously, it was explained more as a pathology, mental disorders. Later they began to talk about suicide as a social phenomenon.

Here are the suicide statistics in our country over the past 30 years. The graph shows the number of suicides per 100,000 people. You see the rise in the 90s, but since the early 2000s, the number of suicides has been steadily declining. And if in 1992 46 people out of a hundred thousand committed suicide. That in 2016, 16 people. Decreased by almost three times.

Then in the 90s, millions of people lost the purpose of their activities. They were confused, they didn't know what to do. The old social and state structures have collapsed. The everyday life itself - the one to which people are accustomed, has become completely different. And very many did not find themselves in this new life. And someone decided to leave this life. Hence the rise in the number of suicides.

There are fewer suicides now. But there should not be dizziness from success. The figure of 16 suicides per 100,000 people is still a lot. The norm, if we can speak of a norm here at all, is substantially less than ten.

Behind each story is the cut short life of very young boys and girls who played a terrible game with death. Tomorrow at 4:20 am you will receive your first assignment. But look, if I don't see you read my message right away, you're out of the game. A speedy death to you, my whale.

Scientists have not yet figured out why the whales are thrown ashore - but the authors of the so-called death groups on social networks have turned this riddle into a terrible suicide conveyor belt. A series of tasks from a harmless, at first glance, picture on the hand to the very last step in life under the guidance of an invisible curator - the account of children's deaths is open and does not stop.

Irkutsk. This week, classmates Yulia and Nika stepped from the 12th floor - on Yulia's page on the social network, all the same whales and the last entry: "I broke all records." The girls were 15 years old. And after all, no one noticed anything suspicious - only now younger brother Niki recalls: once she mentioned the game and showed a video on the network.

Nika managed to warn the brothers. It must have seemed to her that there was no going back. That's how the system works.

Angelina died in December 2015, she also jumped from a height. The girl was in the seventh grade. Her mother also did not notice anything unusual until the very end, but after the death of her daughter, she decided to figure out why the seemingly happy child suddenly takes her own life and registered herself in the death group, completing the tasks of the curators one by one.

“I remembered that my child once showed me his hand, not long ago, she had some scratches on her hands. No, not deep cuts, just scratches. My question is: what is it and why? It was she who said that this is a cat, this is our beloved cat. Cat, yes, indeed. And I believed. But then, when I went through all these stages, yes, they give us a similar instruction that if mom suddenly sees, you say that this cat scratched you, that's okay. This is real murder. It is murder by such skillful manipulations,” says Elena Davydova.

To resist such manipulations, Elena, together with other parents, opened a center for saving children from cybercrime, she says, she has already managed to help many escape from the deadly game. And everyone who was rescued either by volunteers or police officers then tells their story of tasks that almost cost their lives.

“The administrator of the group on his own behalf wrote all sorts of instructions regarding life and death, that after death it will be better, why live, why suffer. He told me to throw myself off the roof or open my veins on such and such a date, ”says the girl.

Also, curators often ask players to find someone who will film a suicide on a smartphone - the so-called shock content on certain sites at a price. And those who at the last moment refuse to take their own lives are threatened with reprisals against their families.

“In general, we call it nothing but a terrorist attack. Because why blow something up if they themselves jump from the roofs? - says the chairman of the movement "Emergency Youth Aid" Anton Androsov.

Anton, together with his friends, began his hunt for baby soul hunters. Volunteers create fake accounts and join death groups to warn those who are there, and to transfer information about the organizers to the police. The system works - that's just with the punishment for driving to suicide, Anton says, there are problems.

“Gap in the legislation. Article 110 of the Criminal Code says that only violent bringing with a note that if there was still intent. If they put a gun to your head, they said: “Hang yourself”, then something will be for it. There is nothing for the propaganda of suicide, non-violent bringing - nothing, ”says Anton Androsov, chairman of the Ambulance Youth Aid movement.

This will surely be used by the lawyers of Philip Budeikin, his nickname on the network is Philip Lis. Investigators call him the curator of the deadly game and believe that he drove 15 teenagers to suicide. A few days before the arrest, the St. Petersburg.ru publication published an interview with Budeikin, in which he gives a terrible answer to the question why.

“The planet just doesn’t need this bio-garbage. This unnecessary biomass. She ruins the world and environment", - said Philip Budeikin.

Little is known about Lisa himself, journalists wrote: he was 21 years old, lived in Ukhta, then moved to Solnechnogorsk, seemed secretive and uncommunicative to his acquaintances. It is unlikely that he is drawn to the collective image of a maniac, but Budeikin is not the only administrator, there are others. And the motive, psychologists say, is different for everyone.

“The motivation, I think, is different for these administrators, there are sociopaths, there are sadists who look at what happens and who manipulate our children. It can be completely ordinary people, neighbors in your stairwell. You do not know what they do in the evening, sitting on the Internet? Therefore, from the point of view of manifestation in everyday life, these people may not differ in any way from you and me, ”notes psychologist Elena Feigin.

And at the same time bring death. But their intent - to take the life of a child - still needs to be proven, and even in this case maximum term- three years. This legislative gap has long been noticed in the Office of the Commissioner for Children's Rights.

“We came up with an initiative to toughen punishment for calls for suicide, including through social networks. And this bill has already been developed and is in the cabinet of ministers, in the government. That is, we expect that it will be adopted in the near future. These are the norms of a legislative nature that must inevitably be adopted, they will really help to find these people who are engaged in this activity and there should be subsequent punishment, ”said Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children’s Rights under the President of the Russian Federation.

Severe punishment, however, is only part of the fight against the new virtual evil. The social network VKontakte, where, in fact, the first death groups appeared, every day blocks all new pages both at the direction of Roskomnadzor and as a result of its monitoring, but there is another effective way.

“The most important vector in this fight is our own users, whom we actively encourage to complain about any type of content posted in social network. They have such an opportunity to send a complaint about a photo, a video text - in general, about any thing. Recently, we have also added calls for suicide to the lists of those complaints. This allows our moderators to respond to this even more quickly, to make appropriate decisions on blocking this or that content, ”says Evgeny Krasnikov, spokesman for the VKontakte social network.

And if you publish one of the popular hashtags of the death game on your page, your account will be temporarily blocked and a list of questions will be offered, the answer to some of them will automatically redirect you to the website of the psychological help center.

No one speaks on the phone here - a feature of the work of the Your Territory Foundation. After all, teenagers are used to chatting - such help is closer to them. And not only to those who were drawn into another suicidal group, because danger can lurk even in a seemingly harmless childish game.

A video review based on an episode of the popular Minecraft game ends with the suicide of a character named Alena, and before that, for several days, there was a heated discussion on the page of the author of the video about what to do with this Alena - forgive or not. And, despite the results of the survey, the author decided not to forgive - the result is known. Whether it can be considered suicide propaganda is a question for lawyers, but while playing on this platform open to creativity, ten-year-old Artem met a certain girl in a chat, then nightly correspondence and mysterious calls, after which, mom says, her son was changed.

“He ran away from the tutor, a Russian language teacher comes to us, always at the same time, he knows this very well, he always clearly fulfills her tasks. Grandmother already wanted to go to the police, almost write a statement, he was not at school. And then he came as if nothing had happened, said: "I went to the cinema." As if this is not my child, but some notorious teenager, ”says my mother.

Artyom himself noticed that something was happening to him. Grandmother and mother suddenly seemed angry, and younger sister too noisy. Mom decided to take her son to a psychologist and now promises to spend more time with the children. This, experts believe, The best way don't miss the moment. They also advise not to be silent about the problem, but, on the contrary, to speak as much as possible. So did the guys from Yekaterinburg, filming a series about child suicides - it contains all the troubles of teenagers through their own eyes and the search for a way out.

And this way out is not to step into the void. A beached whale is actually a mountain of rotting flesh and no romance. This is worth remembering for those to whom playing with death seems like a mysterious adventure.

Law enforcement authorities took over the organizers scary games, these maniacs. There are already suspects, one has been arrested. Society should be absolutely intolerant of these rascals. We support the work of the investigation. And legislators need to think about correcting the punishment under the article on incitement to suicide. Today, this punishment does not scare anyone.