Cystitis in pregnant women how to treat. Cystitis in pregnant women. Chronic cystitis treatment

Cystitis occurs in pregnant women quite often, and if we take into account the statistics, then every tenth expectant mother turns to doctors with such a problem, who had to face pathologically frequent urination, accompanied by cramps and painful sensations. The disease usually develops early in pregnancy. Many doctors even attribute it to indirect signs " interesting situation". The fact is that at this time the woman's body is undergoing global restructuring. Is changing hormonal background, the immune system begins to work differently. And any infection caught in urethra, can develop quite rapidly under such conditions.

Treatment of cystitis during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that not all drugs can be taken by a woman, especially when it comes to potent antimicrobial or antibacterial agents. In the instructions for most drugs, this position is on the list of contraindications. What to do in such situations and what can be done to successfully combat the inflammatory process? Let's consider in order.

The clinical picture with cystitis

The key to successful treatment is timely seeking medical help. The sooner the disease is detected, the easier it is to cope with it. Symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy differ little from its symptoms in other cases:

  • increased urination;
  • cloudy urine, and sometimes with blood impurities;
  • pain and burning during urination;
  • discomfort in the small pelvis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness.

Part of the symptoms of cystitis in pregnant women is initially normal state... For example, this position is often characterized by increased fatigue, frequent urination, especially on later dates... But, if a woman notices that the composition of urine has changed, signs of inflammation are observed, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible. It is important to understand why such a disease is dangerous, that in the absence of therapy it can cause complications, in particular, pyelonephritis, cause premature birth or fetal abnormalities. You should not delay contacting a doctor.

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of cystitis during pregnancy, especially with an acute course of the disease, doctors recommend the following:

  • bed rest;
  • drinking plenty of fluids if the woman does not have edema;
  • a diet that excludes salty, sour, spicy.

Sitting baths, which involve the use of not hot, but warm liquid, will also be quite effective, so they will not harm. It is better to take decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage as a basis. They will be very useful in this situation. Such treatment for cystitis during pregnancy is not enough for a complete recovery, but the procedures help relieve symptoms. The main thing is to do the baths correctly. The temperature of the liquid should be approximately 38 degrees, the duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. The depth of the container should be such that the liquid reaches the navel. More detailed information about the baths will certainly be provided by the doctor, so there will be no problems.

Continuing to talk about how to treat cystitis during pregnancy, one should not miss herbal teas and infusions. For example, it may be useful lingonberry, the dried leaves of which are sold in many pharmacies. There are other options that your doctor may recommend:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • bearberry leaves;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • birch buds;
  • St. John's wort or knotweed herb.

You also need to be careful with herbs, because they sometimes have enough on the body strong action, and it does not always benefit the pregnant woman and the fetus. Without consulting a doctor, you should not make appointments for yourself and self-medicate.

Treatment of complex forms of cystitis during pregnancy

If the test results show that the cause of the inflammation Bladder is bacterial or fungal infection, it will not be possible to do without the use of drugs. the main task doctor - prescribe pills for cystitis during pregnancy, which will inflict on the body future mother and baby minimal harm... The drugs will be selected here, where similar state is a relative contraindication, and they can be prescribed when the benefit to the woman outweighs the potential harm.

For bacterial infection of the bladder, the following drugs are most often recommended:

  • Monural is a strong antibiotic, but its beauty lies in the fact that it is taken once. This medicine is prescribed often enough;
  • Amoxiclav - shows nice results, including in the therapy of pregnant women.

If the patient's condition is not too serious, the doctor may recommend herbal preparation, for example, Kanefron. They have a lot about treatment positive feedback... Due to the fact that the medicine is made from natural ingredients, it does not cause serious harm to the body of a woman and a child. Indicators of the effectiveness of the tool are quite high.

When there is a fungal infection that causes inflammation of the bladder, the use of suppositories is most often recommended. Suppositories have a local effect, cause minimal harm to the fetus. Of the most common names, we note:

  • Betadine;
  • Hexicon;
  • Methyluracil.

The duration of therapy is determined individually, as well as the frequency of use of suppositories. Gotta be here careful women prone to allergies. For example, Betadine contains povidone iodine, which can cause allergic reaction.

The safest procedure for treating cystitis

If cystitis occurs during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester or earlier, when the fetus is just developing, doctors may recommend instillation (washing) of the bladder using special antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. The advantages of the procedure are as follows:

  • the active components of the drugs used penetrate directly into the bladder, do not harm the woman's body and the fetus;
  • due to the local effect on the inflammation focus, the symptoms disappear quickly enough;
  • choice medicines for such a procedure is wide enough.

The disadvantage of the procedure is only in the uncomfortable sensations that it can cause.

Of course, only a doctor can tell how to treat cystitis during pregnancy. He will match the complexity of the situation with general condition health of the expectant mother and baby, will find the optimal and safest solution. It is also important to follow the recommendations regarding the dosage of drugs and the duration of the course of treatment. In no case should you violate them. Smaller doses will render therapy ineffective and may lead to complications. Increased dosage causes a number of side effects.

How does it affect cystitis for pregnancy? And are there any features of the treatment of expectant mothers?

Cystitis is called inflammation of the mucous membrane Bladder. This disease can be independent, but it often accompanies a variety of diseases. urinary tract(pyelonephritis - inflammation of the calyx-pelvic system and kidney tissue; urolithiasis disease etc.) and genitals (for example, colpitis - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa).

Cystitis symptoms

Cystitis can occur in acute or chronic form. Acute cystitis low fever is characteristic (usually the body temperature is below 38 ° C, it can also be normal), weakness, decreased performance and characteristic local symptoms that suggest, and in many cases - make an unmistakable diagnosis.

TO local symptoms relate:

  • painful urination (cramps at the end of urination);
  • increased urination (every 30-60 minutes);
  • pain in the suprapubic region, aggravated by pressure and filling of the bladder;
  • very strong urge to urinate, regardless of the time of day and whether the woman is in motion or at rest;
  • the amount of urine with a single urination is small - no more than 20 ml;
  • the appearance of urine may change: it becomes cloudy, pinkish.

Acute cystitis lasts 7-10 days.

Cystitis in women

Women suffer from cystitis more often than men due to anatomical features urethra, since the urethra in women is short, wide and almost straight - therefore, it is easier for microbes to penetrate inside it. As a result, more opportunities are created for an ascending infection - a route of infection in which the pathogen enters from the lower-lying sections to the higher ones, i.e. from the urethra to the bladder, from the bladder to the ureters, and then to the kidneys.

In addition, in women, the bladder and genitals are directly connected by lymphatic vessels, through which the infection (in the event of inflammation in the genitals) freely enters the bladder.

It is also possible hematogenous (with blood) ingestion of pathogens into bladder from any focus of infection in the body, whether it is purulent inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis) or inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), etc.

If a woman suffers chronic cystitis, there is a high probability of its exacerbation during pregnancy. Against the background of pregnancy, the hormonal background of the body changes (the amount of progesterone increases), the violation of the vaginal microflora is more often aggravated, the body's immunity decreases - all this creates favorable conditions for exacerbating cystitis.

Exacerbation of cystitis It also causes hypothermia, which reduces local immunity, as a result of which the infection actively multiplies and is transferred to the bladder, causing an inflammatory reaction.

Cystitis: diagnosis of the disease

Cystitis is diagnosed mainly by a general urine test. In the general analysis of urine, a significant number of leukocytes is detected due to purulent discharge from the bladder, as well as red blood cells. Hematuria (the presence of red blood cells in the urine) is usually fixed at the end of urination and is the result of trauma to the inflamed mucous membrane of the bladder neck ( Bottom part Bladder). Erythrocytes are usually few, but if their number is still large, the urine becomes pinkish. They also do not find in urine a large number of protein and a lot of bacteria.

Since the main treatment of cystitis involves the appointment of antibiotics, it is necessary to conduct a bacteriological study of urine (culture), which allows you to determine which microbe caused the disease and to establish its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

In the general analysis of blood, the content of leukocytes is increased, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) can be increased.

Treatment of cystitis during pregnancy

Diet for cystitis during pregnancy... In the acute stage of cystitis of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to observe special diet... Any food that irritates the bladder should be excluded from the diet: spicy, salty, smoked, pickled. It is recommended to reduce the amount of protein (fish and meat, cottage cheese, beans, cheese, etc.), you should avoid foods that contain a lot of salt, starch (for example, bakery products premium and potatoes), as well as soda and sweets containing refined sugar.

There are a number of products that can significantly reduce the burning sensation in the urethra at the stage of exacerbation of the disease. These are watermelons and carrot or apple-beet juices. They should be included in diet of a pregnant woman.

With cystitis, it is always recommended to drink a lot in order to remove the products of inflammation and the vital activity of bacteria from the body and reduce the risk of infection spreading to the kidneys: if there is no tendency to edema, then it is advisable to consume 2–2.5 liters of liquid per day. Better not to drink plain water, but cranberry juice, as it contains natural substances that resist bacteria. Cranberry juice has the same effect; but it is less acidic than juice.

Phytotherapy. For cystitis treatment use fees medicinal plants, which include bearberry, chamomile, rose hips and St. John's wort. These herbs are antibacterial. Prepare them as follows.

Medicinal fees for cystitis

  • Bearberry leaves (5 g);
  • Birch buds (3 g).

Mix, pour 400 ml of boiling water, boil for 30 s, leave for 20 minutes, drain. Drink 50 ml 6 times a day for 2 months.

Herbal tea recipe

  • Bearberry leaves (3 g);
  • Chopped rose hips (3 g);
  • Plantain leaves (3 g);
  • St. John's wort herb (2 g);
  • Birch buds (2 g);
  • Chamomile (2 g);
  • Knotweed herb (2 g).

Mix, pour 500 ml of boiling water, boil for 1 minute, leave for 20 minutes, drain. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day for 4 months, repeat the treatment after a break.

Medications. Cystitis in pregnant women is treated with antibiotics in pill form. In the first trimester, for the safety of the fetus, it is advisable to use only drugs from the penicillin group: AMPICILLIN, AMOXICILLIN.

From the 4th month of pregnancy, in addition to the above drugs, you can use NITROOXYQUINOLIN (5-NOK drug), nitrofurans: FURAGIN, FURADONIN, nalidixic acid drugs: NEGRAM, NEVIGRAMON, as well as antibiotics of the cephalosporin group: CEFALEXIN, CEFUROXYME.

The course of treatment lasts 5-7 days. The dosage of the medicine is determined by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease.

No thermal procedures (heating pads, baths) are recommended for cystitis: they can provoke abortion and increase bleeding (with hematuria). However, a woman should dress warmly and not overcool.

Cystitis: complications during pregnancy

Cystitis does not affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as the development of the fetus. This is due successful treatment cystitis in the vast majority of cases.

If the disease lasts more than 7-10 days, then along with the treatment of cystitis, an ultrasound of the kidneys should be performed, since the inflammatory process may have spread to the overlying parts of the urinary tract - the renal pelvis, kidneys - with the development of a disease such as pyelonephritis, which is more more dangerous during pregnancy than cystitis.

Pyelonephritis is a risk factor for the development of gestosis, a serious complication of the second half of pregnancy, in which blood pressure, edema and protein appear in the urine.
Pyelonephritis can cause premature birth or placental insufficiency when insufficient oxygen is supplied to the fetus and nutrients due to dysfunction of the placenta.

Cystitis: disease prevention

If you have at least once suffered from acute cystitis, it is recommended to follow some rules for the prevention of this disease in order to avoid repeated exacerbation, prevent the disease and help the normal functioning of the entire genitourinary system:

  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • Do not wear underwear made from artificial materials.
  • Drink plenty of fluids: simple clean water without gas, fruit drinks from berries (cranberries, lingonberries, currants, etc.).
  • Practice good personal hygiene.
  • During flushing, the stream of water should be directed from front to back, so you exclude the possibility of microbes from the rectal area entering the vagina and the external opening of the urethra located here.
  • Watch for regular bladder emptying, as prolonged stagnation of urine in this organ contributes to the development of cystitis.
  • After intercourse, it is recommended to urinate, as the stream of urine will wash away the microbes received from the sexual partner from the area of ​​the external opening of the urethra.
  • Visit your doctor regularly - a gynecologist and, if necessary, a urologist. Before each appointment, the gynecologist asks for a general urine test and evaluates its results during the visit. When cystitis begins, the doctor will see changes in the analysis and will prescribe treatment in a timely manner. If you rarely visit a doctor, then the disease can be started and it will be more difficult to recover.
  • Beware of swimming in polluted waters.

Another way to prevent cystitis is to follow a diet that restricts salty and spicy, spicy and fried, pickled and canned, i.e. anything that can irritate the bladder. Food should be as natural as possible, you should refuse dishes with the addition of dyes, enhancers of taste and smell. Dairy products, coarse fiber foods, fruits and vegetables are recommended.

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When acute bacterial cystitis manifests itself in pregnant women, it is worthwhile to urgently start treating the disease, since untimely medical care can harm the health of the expectant mother and child. It is necessary to treat cystitis during pregnancy based on the recommendation of a doctor who directs it for diagnosis, and then makes a decision. What are the symptoms of cystitis in pregnant women, what to do if the disease persists and how to treat cystitis?

Inflammation of the bladder in pregnant women often occurs against the background of hormonal and physiological changes.

Causes of the disease

Inflammation of the bladder during pregnancy is caused by different reasons, but the most common is the infectious nature of the disease. Escherichia coli, getting into the vagina, multiplies rapidly, affecting the mucous membrane of the organ and provoking the development of inflammation. In women, the peculiarity of the structure of the genitourinary organs is such that, under favorable conditions, microorganisms easily penetrate into the body, multiply there and cause illness. If a woman does not follow the rules of personal hygiene, often changes sexual partners, the risk of infection increases.

At 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, cystitis is due to a decrease in the protective properties of the body and a hormonal surge. A weakened immune system does not resist foreign bacteria poorly, as a result of which chronic inflammation appears and joins infectious complication... A pregnant woman wants to go to the toilet regularly, so many perceive cystitis as a sign of pregnancy. Before childbirth, an enlarged uterus puts pressure on the urinary organs, interfering with their normal blood supply and a full outflow of urine. As a result, the organ does not function well, residual urine is thrown back into the ureter, where pathogenic inflammation develops. This is dangerous for pregnant women, so you cannot self-medicate at home, but seek medical help from a gynecologist.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy manifest themselves in this way:

  • a constant urge to empty, even when the urine is empty and the woman has just emptied;
  • a small amount of urine excreted;
  • burning and strong pain when urinating;
  • urine of a cloudy and dark color with a bad smell;
  • feeling of pain below abdominal cavity, and with pyelonephritis - in lumbar;
  • the temperature rises to 38 degrees, which cannot be brought down;
  • when urinating, blood particles are visible in the urine.

Signs of acute cystitis

They develop rapidly, within a few hours. A pregnant woman has pain and discomfort when going to the toilet, sometimes incontinence appears. The body temperature rises, fever and chills worried. Acute cystitis with blood is dangerous, the disease cannot be ignored and self-medicated. If you do not provide timely medical assistance, bacteria will begin to multiply and infect neighboring organs, there is a high risk of kidney damage, which causes pyelonephritis during pregnancy.

Chronic course

When a pregnant woman is diagnosed with chronic cystitis, the symptoms are less pronounced, the period of remission is replaced by relapses, therefore, before conception, cystitis of the chronic form should be cured completely. After conception, warn the gynecologist that there was such a problem so that the doctor knows about the causes of the exacerbation and can take timely and adequate measures to cure the disease.

Why is cystitis dangerous during pregnancy?

Often, women confuse signs of pregnancy with cystitis. Hormonal changes and other changes occur in a woman in the first weeks of pregnancy. The blood supply to the uterus increases, it becomes excitable and even a little urine is felt in the bladder, and you often want to go to the toilet. But this is not dangerous and does not require therapy. It is easy to distinguish cystitis from such a symptom. With inflammation, a woman's temperature rises, pains and other characteristic symptoms appear. Therefore, the opinion that cystitis can be a sign of pregnancy is erroneous, since the nature of the origin frequent desire going to the toilet is different. An urgent need to call a doctor, since urea inflammation without treatment provokes kidney inflammation, and this is unsafe, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Diagnostic procedures

If cystitis is suspected, the expectant mother should visit the doctor without delay and undergo the necessary procedures.

Treatment of cystitis in pregnant women begins with the diagnosis of the disease. First, the doctor asks the woman about her health, what symptoms are bothering, how long they have been manifesting, the possible root causes of an exacerbation. Further surrenders clinical analysis blood, which will show the development of inflammation and the addition of a pathogenic infection in the body. Urine tests and bacterial culture will give the doctor the opportunity to identify the pathogen in order to prescribe an effective antibiotic for cystitis.

Instrumental diagnostics includes an ultrasound examination of the bladder and cystoscopy. Cystoscopy is performed using a cystoscope preparation, which is inserted into the urethra, as a result of which the doctor sees all the changes in the organ. But in most cases, research is limited to laboratory analyzes, since, for example, cystoscopy is contraindicated in severe inflammation and purulent complications.

Treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

Conservative and what you can take

Cystitis during pregnancy should be treated by a gynecologist, who prescribes a course of antibiotic therapy, with the help of which it will be possible to get rid of pathogenic microflora. Drugs for cystitis during pregnancy are chosen carefully, as they affect developing fetus and can cause the development of various pathologies of the unborn child. From cystitis for pregnant women, the doctor prescribes such pills as "Monural", "Amoxiclav".

In the 3rd trimester

At a later date, the choice of drugs is wider, since the fetal organs are already formed, but still, even in the 3rd trimester, antibiotic groups such as tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, sulfonamides and sulfonamides are contraindicated. The tablets provoke complications in the child's liver and the development of craniocerebral pathologies.

Cystitis is a rather serious ailment, often diagnosed in pregnant women. According to medical statistics, approximately 10% of expectant mothers suffer from bladder inflammation. Some even consider this disease to be a nonspecific symptom of a "situation of interest." And yet it is necessary to get rid of the inflammatory process, it should only be remembered that the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy in the early stages of mandatory should take place under the strict supervision of a physician. This will help avoid undesirable consequences.

Causes of the disease

Cystitis is a polyetiological disease, that is, it has several causes. The most common of them is the penetration of pathogens into the bladder. Most often, inflammation provokes colibacillus, somewhat less often - staphylococcal bacteria, chlamydial organisms, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and pathogenic fungi.

Why is cystitis so widespread during the period of gestation? The risk of infection in expectant mothers is high due to hormonal changes and associated changes in microflora internal organs... Pathogens can enter the ureter after unprotected intercourse or due to non-compliance hygiene standards after bowel movement.

In the first trimester, cystitis often becomes a consequence of a decrease in protective forces. The female body, in order not to reject the fetus, suppresses its own immunity, which can lead to the growth of conditionally pathogenic microflora, which is already present in the pelvic organs. In addition, inflammation of the bladder in expectant mothers leads to:

Prolonged use of certain medications exiting the body with urine and irritating the mucous membrane of the urinary tract;

Allergic reactions in sensitive women to detergents, medicines, certain foods, contraceptives, tampons;

Overheating or hypothermia, for example, frequent lying in a bath with hot water worsens the microflora of internal organs, and hypothermia in pregnant women is generally strictly contraindicated.

Stagnation of urine resulting from the relaxation of the bladder can also cause cystitis. The hormone progesterone reduces the tone of the uterine muscles to prevent miscarriage, but at the same time relaxes all the smooth muscles in the body. In the third trimester, the likelihood of an ailment due to stagnation increases due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder.

Malaise can also be provoked by:

Permanent negative emotions, depression, stress;

Inconvenient underwear made of synthetics;

Infections localized in nearby organs;

Constant tiredness.

There are many reasons for the development of cystitis, so it is extremely important to understand the likely "provocateurs" in order to be on the alert in time or even prevent the onset of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Inflammation of the bladder most often manifests itself sharply and unexpectedly for a pregnant woman. Within 2-3 days after exposure to the body negative factor(for example, infections) the woman feels soreness in the lower abdomen. The rest of the symptoms of the inflammatory process join almost immediately:

increased urge to emit urine (often deceptive), which are accompanied by its small output and a feeling of overflowing bladder;

Burning sensation in the urinary tract towards the end of the emptying of the bladder;

Clouding of urine and the appearance of a pungent odor;

The presence of bloody or purulent discharge in the urine;


Feeling of pressure in the peritoneum, aches in the lower back.

The intensity of pain can be different, it all depends on the severity of the disease and the level of pain threshold in a pregnant woman. Temperature indicators do not always rise, a sharp jump is possible when an infection has joined the inflammation.

Inflammation of the bladder occurs in both acute and chronic forms. Often, it is during the carrying of a child that a relapse occurs, during which the symptoms listed above occur. When the flare-up goes away, the symptoms become less pronounced.

Is cystitis the first symptom of an "interesting situation"?

A similar opinion can often be found among mothers and even some specialists. However, bladder inflammation should not be equated with frequent urination really indicative of an "interesting situation."

Cystitis is an inflammatory process affecting the mucous membrane of the bladder, and frequent urge to emptying the intestines in expectant mothers can happen and completely for objective "non-pathological" reasons, for example:

With conception, the load on the renal pelvis begins to grow, which work with a vengeance;

Due to increased blood and lymph flow in female body the kidneys have to filter more fluid.

Normally, the expectant mother with increased urination does not feel discomfort and painful sensations, which is characteristic of the inflammatory process. By the 14th week, the hormonal background ceases to "malfunction", the uterus rises to its proper place, and the pressure on the bladder gradually stops (up to the 3rd trimester). As a result, women will go to the restroom less often.

Thus, cystitis is not characteristic symptom the conception that occurred, but also the frequent emptying of the bladder, accompanied by pain, fever, and other negative signs, should not be ignored. The best solution the future mother will visit the doctor, who will establish the correct diagnosis.

Diagnosis of the disease

Doctors determine the diagnosis based on the complaints of the expectant mother. To confirm cystitis, the patient is sent to important procedures and the study of analyzes, the main one among them is the study of urine. It is from these secretions that the specialist determines the presence of inflammation. And, for example, urine bacterial culture establishes a possible infectious source of the disease.

If an inflammation of the bladder is suspected, doctors usually prescribe:

Examination by a gynecologist - a smear of the vaginal microflora is taken;

Clinical blood test - most often the indicators are normal, only signs of what has begun in the body are found inflammation;

General urine test - the diagnostician evaluates the number of red blood cells, with a significant number, it is concluded that pathological processes in the bladder;

The study of urine according to Nechiporenko is a special test that involves a more in-depth study of urine for red and white blood cells;

Bacterial urine culture - determines the causative agents of the disease or pathogenic microorganisms connected to the inflammation, helps to establish the type of antibacterial drugs for treatment, that is, this is the main test for choosing a treatment; 

Ultrasound - is prescribed for severe illness in order to exclude possible deformations, which often become a consequence of the inflammatory process.

In private medical institutions women may be offered an accelerated test for cystitis. Express methods allow you to make an accurate diagnosis literally on the day you visit the clinic.

Important! In any case, before diagnostic procedures, a woman needs to wash her vagina in order to exclude the corresponding secretions from entering the urine analysis.

Is cystitis dangerous?

Yes, inflammation, moreover complicated by infections, can be harmful women's health and a growing child. The risk is especially increased if the expectant mother is engaged in self-diagnosis and self-therapy, delaying a visit to a doctor and hoping for self-healing.

There are only two main complications and undesirable consequences of cystitis during pregnancy:

1. Infectious inflammation can spread to kidney tissue and cause pyelonerfitis. This ailment is characterized by fever, one-sided pain in the lumbar region. If the disease affects both kidneys, then a threat to the mother's life begins.

2. In the case of an incorrectly chosen treatment tactics or refusal of therapy, the disease becomes chronic, that is, the symptoms of the disease will arise in a woman for the rest of her life, worsening not only her well-being, but also her mood.


A neglected ailment that has turned into pyelonephritis is dangerous for a child. With the defective functioning of the excretory organs, toxic substances accumulate in the mother's body, poisoning the developing fetus. The result can be a shortage of weight by the baby or premature birth.

That is why, at the slightest fears, the expectant mother should immediately consult a doctor. This will allow you to choose the safest medicines or folk remedies. In addition, the doctor will advise and recommendations for changing lifestyle.

Drug treatment

How to treat cystitis during pregnancy should be decided only by the doctor. Inflammation of the bladder requires a special approach to therapy, since the vast majority of antibiotics, which should defeat infectious pathogens, are contraindicated in women in position.

Most often, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs for cystitis, and the medication is chosen the one that reaches the highest concentration in the tissues of the bladder. The most effective and harmless antibiotics for the treatment of cystitis in expectant mothers are drugs such as:

- Amoxiclav- two-component medicinal product whose active substances destroy various pathogenic microorganisms, disease-causing urinary system. This antibiotic is quite safe, has a minimum of "side effects" and contraindications.

- Monural Is another safe and extremely effective antibiotic. Positive results visible after the first application medicated powder! If the disease has become severe, you will need to use the second sachet of medicine.

Another popular "anti-cystitis" drug is Canephron N tablets. This product contains herbal ingredients that allow you to short time improve the condition of the pregnant patient. Kanefron N combines well with other medicines, therefore it is often prescribed for complex treatment inflammation Bladder.

During the carrying of a baby, they are often used and modern way- instillation. In this case, antibiotics are injected through a tube directly into the inflamed organ, which allows the systemic circulation to be bypassed. Of course, such a treatment technique is possible only in a stationary setting.

Folk recipes for cystitis

The most popular "anti-cystitis" plant is, of course, lingonberry. There are ready-made herbal preparations, which include lingonberry, birch, currant leaves, dill, rowan berries and other natural ingredients.

Let's list the most popular unconventional ways treatment inflammatory processes localized in the bladder.

1. 4 teaspoons of dried lingonberry leaves pour 2 cups of boiled water. Put on low heat and boil for a quarter of an hour. Then the broth is cooled and a little honey is added to taste. Drink the resulting lingonberry infusion in the first half of the day, 100 ml.

2. 2 tablespoons of rosehip berries, 2 tablespoons of lingonberry leaves, boil with boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Then strain the infusion and use it throughout the day, adding a little honey for taste.

3. One piece lingonberry leaves and 3 parts of red rowan fruits are brewed with 200 ml of boiling water, infused for 3-4 hours and filtered. Drink infusion of 100 ml 3 times a day, adding a little fresh honey to taste.

Treatment of cystitis during early pregnancy folk remedies quite acceptable. but similar methods treatments are still not a priority. It is also worth understanding that non-traditional recipes should be previously agreed with the attending doctor.

Prevention of bladder inflammation

Like other ailments, it is better to prevent cystitis during the period of gestation than to struggle with it painfully. Moreover, prevention methods inflammation bladder has long been known and not very difficult to implement in practice.

1. First of all, even before conception, you need to completely in order to detect running infectious processes and cure them. For example, even caries can provoke the transfer of infectious agents to the urinary organs.

2. Hygiene is also extremely important. The expectant mother should wash herself daily. warm water, exclude a hot bath, take a shower, so that the ingredients detergents did not penetrate the vagina and did not lead to inflammation.

3. Underwear it is also important to choose the right one. For example, the so-called thongs are contraindicated because they do not protect a woman from inflammation. It is best to purchase panties of a standard cut made of cotton or linen.

4. A woman in a position is simply forbidden to overcool. To this end, expectant mothers should exclude a long stay in the cold and wear warm clothes during the cold season. Of course, short walks will only be beneficial.

5. Frequent visit restroom desirable. With regular emptying of the bladder, pathogenic microorganisms are excreted more quickly and cannot actively multiply in the body. Therefore, when urging a woman does not need to endure.

6. It is also necessary to monitor the diet. The consumption of salty and pickled dishes is excluded, especially if cystitis had already made itself felt before pregnancy. Also banned coffee and caffeinated drinks. But fruit drink from cranberries and lingonberries, rosehip broth will only benefit.

If the expectant mother works in an office, it is necessary to take care of physical minutes. After half an hour or an hour, you should get up from the chair and walk a little, warm up. This will prevent stagnation in the bladder.

Thus, inflammation bladder disease is not a disease whose symptoms can be ignored. Treatment of cystitis during early pregnancy at home is carried out with the help of medicines selected by the doctor, folk recipes... The task of the expectant mother is to pay attention to the signs of the disease in time and consult a doctor. Thus, she will save herself and the baby from the likely negative consequences.