What does the 3rd preparatory group mean. Pediatrician advice

Assessment of the medical team for the session physical education students with disabilities.

The first step to successfully solving a problem of choice correct dosage physical activity during physical exercises of students is their distribution into three medical groups - basic, preparatory and special. Allocation is done in advance by a pediatrician, adolescent doctor or general practitioner at the end of the school year. Final decision the doctor performs after an additional examination at the beginning of the upcoming school year. The main criterion for including a student in a particular medical group is to determine the level of his health and the functional state of the body. For distribution to a special medical group, it is also necessary to establish a diagnosis with the obligatory consideration of the degree of impairment of body functions. In case of difficulty in resolving the issue, it is necessary to consult a WFD specialist.

On the basis of a joint medical and pedagogical conclusion, the student is assigned to one of the medical groups.

To the main medical group(I group of health) includes students without deviations in health and physical development, having good functional state and age-appropriate physical fitness, as well as students with minor (more often functional) deviations, but not lagging behind their peers in physical development and physical fitness. Those assigned to this group are allowed to study in full according to the curriculum physical education with the use of health-improving technologies, preparation and passing of tests of individual physical fitness. Depending on the characteristics of the physique, such as higher nervous activity, functional reserve and individual inclinations, they are recommended to engage in a certain type of sport in sports clubs and sktsy, groups of DYUSSH and DYUKFP with preparation and participation in competitions, etc.

In this case, one should remember about the relative contraindications to sports. so for example, with myopia or astigmatism, boxing, jumping into water, ski jumping from a springboard, alpine skiing, weightlifting and motor sports; perforation of the eardrum is a contraindication to all types of water sports; with a round or round-concave back, cycling, rowing, boxing, which aggravate these posture disorders, are not recommended. Other sports are not prohibited.

To the preparatory medical group ( II health group) includes practically healthy students with certain morphological and functional deviations or physically poorly prepared; included in the risk groups for the onset of pathology or with chronic diseases in the stage of persistent clinical and laboratory remission for at least 3-5 years. Those referred to this health group are allowed to study physical education curriculum on condition of a more gradual development of a complex of motor skills and abilities, especially those associated with the increased demands on the body, a more careful dosage of physical activity and the elimination of contraindicated movements (health-correcting and health-improving technologies).

Test trials and participation in sports events are allowed only after additional medical examination... To practice most sports and participate in sporting events these learners are not allowed. However, additional activities are highly recommended to increase the overall physical fitness in an educational institution or at home.

Special medical group is divided into two: special "A" and special "B". The final decision on sending a student to a special medical group is made by a doctor after an additional examination.

Special group A (health group III) includes students with distinct deviations in the state of health of a permanent (chronic diseases, congenital malformations in the stage of compensation) or of a temporary nature or in physical development that do not interfere with the performance of the usual educational or educational work, however, requiring limitation of physical activity. Those assigned to this group are allowed to engage in health-improving physical education in educational institutions only for special programs (health corrective and health technologies), agreed with the health authorities and approved by the director, under the guidance of a teacher of physical culture or an instructor who has completed special training courses.

In health-improving physical education, the nature and severity of deviations in health, physical development and level functionality engaged. at the same time sharply limit exercises for speed, strength, acrobatic; outdoor games moderate intensity; walks (skiing in winter) and outdoor activities. Progress is assessed by attendance at health-improving fictional classes, attitude towards them, the quality of the exercise complexes - homework, the ability and skills of healthy lifestyle elements, the ability to exercise self-control of health and functional capabilities.

Special group B (group IV of health) includes students who have significant deviations in the state of health of constant chronic diseases in the stage of subcompensation) and of a temporary nature, but without pronounced disturbances in well-being and admitted to attending torretic classes in educational institutions... Those assigned to this group are recommended to mandatory exercise therapy classes in the departments of physical therapy of the local polyclinic, medical and physical training dispensary. Regular self-study at home according to the complexes suggested by the exercise therapy doctor. Obligatory is the strict implementation of the regime and other elements of a healthy lifestyle. Progress is assessed by attendance at health-improving fictional classes, attitude towards them, the quality of the exercise complexes - homework, the ability and skills of healthy lifestyle elements, the ability to exercise self-control of health and functional capabilities.

Parents should systematically monitor the fate of children in all therapeutic, prophylactic, valeological measures. these students cannot be ignored by physical education teachers and the management of an educational institution.

Materials used:

The overwhelming majority of our schools do not know what a special medical group is and how classes in it should differ from exercise therapy. Here weakened children sit near the Swedish wall during physical education lessons, so to speak, "under supervision." But if classes physiotherapy exercises should be carried out only by methodologists, then it is the teacher who is called upon to teach the child the technique of movements, to choose the methods of training

Health and physical education lesson

Physical culture is the only subject in school curriculum which is directly related to the health of students. This does not mean at all that those children whose health condition leaves much to be desired should be exempted from physical education lessons. On the contrary, children (and adults) with poor health need physical exercise no less, and even more, than healthy ones. But physical activity must necessarily correspond to both the age and individual capabilities of the child, including the characteristics of their state of health.

The domestic system of physical education, at the origins of which stood such brilliant doctors and teachers as P.F. Lesgaft, N.A. Semashko, was conceived as a means of strengthening health, harmonious physical development and the acquisition of useful skills and abilities necessary in life, work and military activity. At the I All-Russian Congress on Physical Culture, Sports and Pre-conscription Training in 1919, among the most important were the issues of physical education of children and youth. The structure of the physical education system included age levels associated with the known at the time of their development age characteristics development. The Soviet system of physical education, created by many generations of Russian scientists and teachers, was a role model in foreign countries, including all of Eastern Europe and West Germany.

There is no need to repeat in Once again what concern is the state of health of today's children and adolescents. As can be seen in the diagram, doctors attribute only 20% of today's schoolchildren to the first health group, about 60% to the second, and 14% of children are seriously ill. Even school teachers do not always know what is the basis of the medical distribution of children into groups.

Comprehensive health assessment

It consists of an assessment of the levels and harmony of the physical and neuropsychic development child; the degree of resistance and reactivity of the body (the degree of resistance of the body to adverse factors); functional state of the main body systems; presence or absence chronic diseases(incl. congenital pathology). On this basis, students with a similar condition can be attributed to health groups:

health group I- children are healthy, with normal development and a normal level of functions, and children with external compensated congenital defects of development;

health group II- children are healthy, but with risk factors for the onset of pathology, functional and some morphological abnormalities, chronic diseases in the stage of persistent clinical and laboratory remission for at least 3-5 years, congenital malformations development, not complicated by diseases of the organ of the same name or dysfunction, as well as with reduced resistance to acute chronic diseases;

health group III- children with chronic diseases and congenital malformations varying degrees activity and compensation, with preserved functionality;

health group IV- children with significant deviations in the state of health of a permanent (chronic diseases in the stage of subcompensation) or of a temporary nature, but without a pronounced impairment of well-being, with reduced functional capabilities;

health group V- children with chronic diseases in a state of decompensation, with significantly reduced functional capabilities.

Based on the results of the medical examination of students, the doctor makes a conclusion about the state of health and the level of physical development of each student, paying attention to the peculiarities of the state of the musculoskeletal system and other organs involved in the performance of individual exercises. The assessment of the level of physical fitness is given on the basis of a sports history, an analysis of progress and observations carried out during the performance of test physical exercise.

Principles of conducting physical education

All schoolchildren, on the basis of a medical certificate, are divided into three groups: basic, preparatory and special. The main criterion for inclusion in a particular medical group is the level of health and the functional state of the body. For distribution to a special medical group, it is necessary to establish a diagnosis with the obligatory consideration of the degree of impairment of body functions.

TO main medical group when doing physical culture, health group I belongs entirely, and also partially health group II (in cases where the existing disease does not impose significant restrictions on the motor regime). These are schoolchildren without deviations in health and physical development, having a good functional state and physical fitness corresponding to age, as well as students with minor (more often functional) deviations, but not lagging behind their peers in physical development and physical fitness. For example: moderately pronounced excess weight bodies, some functional disorders organs and systems, dyskinesia of some organs, skin-allergic reactions, flattening of the feet, mild neurocirculatory dystonia, mild asthenic manifestations.

Those assigned to this group are allowed to train in full according to the curriculum of physical education, preparation and passing tests of individual physical fitness. They are recommended to practice a kind of sport in sports clubs and sections, groups of youth sports schools and youth sports schools with preparation and participation in sports competitions, tournaments, sports days, sports events etc.

To the preparatory medical group include children of the II health group with a lag in physical development; insufficient physical fitness; minor deviations in health. The special purpose of physical education of children with insufficient physical and motor development (preparatory group) is to increase their physical fitness to normal level... A weakened state of health can be observed as residual effects after acute diseases, during their transition to the chronic stage, with chronic diseases in the stage of compensation. Children are engaged in physical exercises according to the general program, but this requires adherence to a number of restrictions and special methodological rules, in particular, large volumes of high-intensity physical activity are contraindicated for them.

To a special medical group(SMG) include those children whose health condition requires physical exercise according to a separate program that takes into account the characteristics of their health. This in no way means that they need to be exempted from physical education, which is so widely practiced, because it allows them to dismiss the problems of children who need physical exercise (properly organized!) Even more necessary than healthy ones. Physical education classes for children referred to the SMG are compulsory and are included in the structure of the student's general educational load.

However, unfortunately, a typical picture for most schools is the gym, in which, during a physical education lesson, the guys from the same special medical group sit sadly and breathe dust on a bench, with which it is easier for the only teacher for the whole class not to study at all. There are no standard programs for them due to great variety diseases, additional gyms, teachers, special equipment (for example, fitballs) are not provided. True, the administration of some schools really cares about the health of their students and finds a solution not provided by the state to the problems of preserving and strengthening not very good health children. First of all, it is important to understand what are the features of the physical education of children with poor health.

The main tasks of physical education of students assigned to the SMG

  • Health promotion, elimination or permanent compensation of the disorders caused by the disease.
  • Improving indicators of physical and motor development.
  • Mastering vital motor skills, skills and qualities.
  • Gradual adaptation of the body to physical activity, expanding the range of functional capabilities of the body.
  • Hardening the body, increasing its defenses and resistance.
  • Fostering a conscious and active attitude towards the value of health and healthy way life.
  • Developing the skill of regularly performing health-improving exercises recommended to the student, taking into account the characteristics of the disease he has.
  • Learning ways of self-control when performing physical activities.
  • Mastering the rules of personal hygiene, rational regime work and rest, good and balanced nutrition.

Within the framework of the special medical group, subgroup A is distinguished with abnormalities in the state of health of a permanent or temporary nature (after injuries and past illnesses), requiring a limitation of the volume and intensity of physical activity, but allowing the implementation of a specialized curriculum in physical culture in educational institutions in a sparing mode. If the health and physical development of these children improves, they can subsequently be transferred to the preparatory group. Students assigned to subgroup A are engaged in physical education according to a special program in educational institution under the guidance of a physical education teacher.

Subgroup B - children with significant deviations in the state of health of a permanent or temporary nature, including serious chronic diseases that require a significant limitation of the volume and intensity of physical activity (depending on the nature and severity of the disease) and the performance of therapeutic physical exercises (exercise therapy) or health improvement character under the supervision of a qualified teacher and doctor. Students assigned to subgroup B are engaged in physical education in a polyclinic, medical and physical dispensary or in an educational institution under the guidance of a qualified teacher and specially trained medical worker according to individual programs.

With a progressive improvement in the state of health, children of subgroup B can be transferred to subgroup A on the recommendation of the attending physician. Transfer from one medical group to another is carried out after additional medical examination and pedagogical testing at the end of the academic quarter, six months, academic year. Below are the brief recommendations, taking into account the peculiarities of conducting classes with children of a special medical group.

School physical education lessons are undoubtedly important for every student. But, average level loads are not suitable for everyone, certain categories of children are forced to attend physical training lessons and take the TRP on special grounds.

I group of health

This class is intended for those children who have no problems and who have good physical fitness. The legislation provides for special pupils from this category. For school graduates, they are relevant, the delivery of which allows you to acquire certain points upon admission to a university.

Students in this category, no additional medical advice may enter various sport sections and attend additional classes. Such students are allowed to fulfill the standards. For those children who have health problems, there is a special TRP preparatory group.

II health group

For students in the preparatory category of children, a limitation of physical activity is provided, therefore, the standards of the preparatory group for physical education at school are softer. Mostly children with congenital or acquired health problems study in it.

The decision to enter a specific preparatory category is made by the doctor. If it is necessary to limit physical activity, the specialist writes a certificate with the designation of the ailment and recommendations for classes at school in the classroom.

Also, measures are taken to control and the delivery of certain indicators, however, the conditions for their delivery are softer. Many are worried about the question of whether it is possible to take the TRP with a preparatory group for physical education? Children belonging to the preparatory category are allowed to fulfill the standards after an additional medical examination.

For such students, additional preparatory sections are organized in schools, which contribute to the development of the body and its training. TRP standards for the preparatory group for physical education are established at the legislative level.

III class of health

Those students who have serious problems with physical development, on the recommendation of a doctor, they are trained in specialized classes. The standards for the special group on physical education are established taking into account the state of the student. Schoolchildren from this health group are not allowed to fulfill the standards.

Many students are wondering about how. The answer to this question is yes. To pass the test, schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11 must download and fill out a special form.

    Hello!!! Med / preparatory group. Can participate in competitions and pass control standards. According to the Lyakhovsky program.

    Students with insufficient physical development, low physical fitness or those with minor deviations in health status belong to the preparatory medical group. Students are engaged in physical culture according to the program for the main group, but taking into account some restrictions in the volume, duration and intensity of physical activity (these restrictions apply to both competitions and passing standards). Restrictions for the preparatory group are approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and must be with every physical education teacher. The progress of students assigned to the preparatory medical group for health reasons is determined on a general basis, however, those types of physical activity that are contraindicated for them for health reasons are excluded.

    Hello Elvira Faatovna !!! The Lyakhovskaya program states that it was developed on the basis of standards for the main and preparatory groups. This means that the students pass the standards, both the basic and the preparatory group. (This turns out to be a mini competition among the students of the class) So they can participate in competitions (though you have to look at what deviation) I would like to read or see new restrictions for the preparatory group approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. After all, the Rufier test is not carried out on the students in the preparatory group.

    How is a child with a special group assessed?

    What are the indications for identifying the child in the special. honey. group?

    Hello. I would like to join the question of Lyubov Ivanovna Sinyak. How is a child with a special group assessed? Thanks in advance.

    A special medical group includes schoolchildren with a permanent or temporary health condition requiring limited physical activity. A special medical group for physical education implies: 1. Classes according to a special program or certain types state program, the preparation period is lengthened, and the standards are reduced. 2. Physiotherapy exercises. It should be noted that the transfer from one group to another is carried out with an annual medical examination schoolchildren. There are four criteria for assessing the health of children and adolescents: the presence or absence of chronic diseases; the level of functioning of the main systems of the body; the degree of resistance to adverse influences; the level of physical development and the degree of its harmony.

    Hello! My daughter is diagnosed chronic pyelonephritis... The doctor gave a certificate of admission to the preparatory group of physical education. What loads are provided for such a group? What are the limitations.

    Dear Lyudmila Leonidovna Movement is the main stimulator of growth, development and formation of the body. With pyelonephritis are shown: stretching exercises; low-intensity exercises for the abdominal muscles, pelvic floor muscles, adductors of the thighs, gluteal muscles and back; coordination and balance exercises; relaxation exercises; diaphragmatic breathing is contraindicated: intolerable pain during exercise; high-frequency exercise; high intensity and speed-power orientation; hypothermia. with nephroptosis (increased mobility of the kidneys) are shown: exercises for posture; exercises for the muscles of the abdomen and back, ensuring normal intra-abdominal pressure and limiting the downward displacement of the kidneys; exercises with an even distribution of the load on the right and left hand; swimming; massage of the abdomen. Contraindicated: various jumping exercises; body vibration; at asthenic physique strength exercises should be excluded; prolonged standing in one place; physical exercise with great weights; table and tennis; hypothermia.

    Good day! My son is registered on bronchial asthma... What are the limitations of such a child in physical education lessons in the first grade?

    Dear Anna Sergeevna Indications for the appointment of exercise therapy: outside of an asthma attack. Contraindications to the appointment of exercise therapy: pulmonary heart failure III degree; asthmatic status; tachycardia more than 120 beats / min; shortness of breath more than 25 breaths per minute; temperature above 38 ° C. Do not forget to monitor the degree of load by heart rate and breathing before and after exercise. The pulse rate after exercise should not exceed 100-110 beats per minute, and breathing should not exceed 20-24. Within 5 minutes, the heart rate and breathing should be the same as before exercise.

    Dear Anna Sergeevna Indications for the appointment of exercise therapy: outside of an asthma attack. Contraindications to the appointment of exercise therapy: pulmonary heart failure III degree; asthmatic status; tachycardia more than 120 beats / min; shortness of breath more than 25 breaths per minute; temperature above 38 ° C. Do not forget to monitor the degree of load by heart rate and breathing before and after exercise. The pulse rate after exercise should not exceed 100-110 beats per minute, and breathing should not exceed 20-24. Within 5 minutes, the heart rate and breathing should be the same as before exercise. For children with this pathology, additional lessons on children's wind instruments, vocals are recommended. Useful to inflate air balloons and let bubble... Recreational swimming, walking in a forest-park area, calm skiing, riding a catamaran, cycling are also advisable.

    Good day! My daughter was diagnosed with MVP. The doctor gave a certificate of admission to the preparatory group of physical education. What loads are provided for such a group with this diagnosis? What are the limitations.

    Dear Tatyana Viktorovna Mitral valve prolapse, as a rule, is not considered life-threatening. A healthy lifestyle and regular exercise are fundamental to managing mitral valve prolapse. During training, the tone of the vegetative nervous system, which leads to a decrease in heart rate and a decrease blood pressure... Exercise is the most powerful drug for improving autonomic function. Exercise, including walking, running, swimming, cycling at a moderate pace for 30 minutes safe way to get started with mitral valve prolapse. When developing a set of physical exercises, the doctor takes into account the patient's condition and the degree of the disease. Physical activity is aimed at strengthening the state of health and improving the functioning of the heart, as well as adapting to gradually increasing loads. Physical therapy prevents the progression of the disease. Physical activity for patients with mitral valve prolapse is necessary, but their level depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease and motor mode, which is assigned to the patient. In order to achieve health-improving effect you should follow the basic rules of training. Loads with mitral valve prolapse should be periodic and continuous, depending on the person's well-being. Monitor your pulse and breathing. If shortness of breath occurs during exertion or pain, classes must be temporarily suspended and rest. Early activation and development of new safe physical training programs to improve physical ability in children with mitral valve prolapse, these are the main trends in modern physical rehabilitation of patients with this disease. Many people with this disease live their entire lives without any significant symptoms of the disease.

    Thank you, Zhanna Gavrilovna, for the complete answer

    Hello! My son is soon 7 years old. He has speech problems. He speaks badly. We have been studying with a speech therapist for several years. Separately, he pronounces all sounds (often not at once), but there is no progress in speech. speech apparatus no deviations were found. But I notice that a child, when, for example, learning poetry, turns his tongue to the left when he speaks. Can you comment on this somehow, give advice? Thanks in advance!

    Svetlana, have you drawn the attention of a neurologist and / or dentist to this complaint?

    Hello! my daughter underwent 4 microsurgery operations to remove hemangeoma, angeokeratoma, phleboctasia of the left hand! can she engage in physical education and what loads are shown and contraindicated for her?

    Dear Marina Vladimirovna You are shown classes in the exercise therapy group with the selection special complex exercises aimed at strengthening muscles and developing the ligamentous apparatus

    Hello! Son diagnosed with instability cervical spine. To which group for physical education does it need to be attributed: preparatory or special? Thank you in advance for your response.

    Special group... The indication of the FZK group should be indicated to you by the neuropathologist in the certificate (if dispensary supervision at least 2 times a year), which you then submit to the school.

    Thanks for the detailed answer

    Hello. My daughter has mixed astigmatism, myopia. We are monitored at the regional ophthalmological hospital (twice a year). The doctor gave a certificate of admission to the preparatory group for physical. culture. What are the loads and restrictions for this group? Thank you.

    Dear Tatyana Pavlovna When organizing classes, you must know and follow the following guidelines: 1. Physical education should be carried out systematically, at least 3-4 times a week. Morning hygienic exercises and eye exercises - daily. 2. Exercises and methods of their implementation must correspond to the state of health, the degree of myopia and fitness of the body. 3. Lesson in physical. culture usually consists of preparatory, main and final parts. In the preparatory part, respiratory, general developmental and special exercises... They are selected in such a way as to prepare the body for the exercises planned in the main part of the classes, as well as to provide its training and vision correction. It is advisable to include games in the main part, if possible. In the final part, slow walking, deep breathing and muscle relaxation exercises are performed. 4. Exercise stress should increase gradually both in a separate lesson and from one lesson to another. By the end of the lesson, the load decreases. The pulse can rise to 130 - 140 beats per minute. It is undesirable that you feel very tired after classes. The degree of neuromuscular tension during exercise should be moderate, so as not to cause significant fatigue of the body and decrease in visual acuity. 5. The lesson usually begins with walking and deep breathing (4 steps inhale, 4 - 6 steps exhale). It is desirable to combine exercises with rhythmic breathing. Inhalation is more often performed when raising the arms, unbending the trunk, exhaling - when bending the body and lowering the arms, etc. The lesson usually begins with walking and deep breathing (inhale by 4 steps, exhale at 4-6 steps). It is desirable to combine exercises with rhythmic breathing. Inhalation is more often performed when raising the arms, extending the trunk, exhaling - when bending the body and lowering it is forbidden to engage in power sports, lift weights, perform exercises in which the head is below ur

    My child is 10 years old. in the current academic year not a single vaccine was given (including Mantoux). What vaccinations were to be delivered? And who should be responsible for this? Classroom teacher sends to a nurse who works part-time and it is almost impossible to meet with.

    Dear Galina Vyacheslavovna The vaccination calendar for 2012 for children aged 7 years and older includes the following - 7 years Revaccination against tuberculosis Second revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus (name of the vaccine BCG, ADS) - 13 years Vaccination against rubella (girls) Vaccination against viral hepatitis B (previously not vaccinated) - 14 years The third revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus Revaccination against tuberculosis The third revaccination against poliomyelitis (ADS, BCG) - Adults Revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus - every 10 years from the moment of the last revaccination (ADS) - 12-13 years Human papillomavirus (girls) - vaccination (threefold) Vaccination against human papillomavirus is not yet included in the approved vaccination schedule, if desired. National calendar preventive vaccinations- a document approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and determining the timing and types of vaccinations carried out free of charge and in large quantities in accordance with the compulsory medical insurance program. Current edition National calendar preventive vaccinations were adopted by Order No. 51n of 01/31/2011 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. As you can see for your child everything is done correctly, the only thing is to check with Mantoux, but this is not a vaccination, it is a test for the effectiveness of the anti-tuberculosis vaccination carried out earlier. Vaccinations are kept by the nurse.