Khromchenko Evelina: advice for women from a fashion critic. Evelina Khromtchenko - Fashion tips

She was born in Ufa. Her mother worked as a teacher and her father as an economist. The family howled was forced to move to Moscow when the extraordinary girl Elea was only 10 years old.

At school, she showed herself with better side: recited poetry, gave hope to become a successful musician. Contrary to the wishes of her parents, the girl entered the Moscow State University for journalism, graduating from the university with honors.

Today Evelina Khromtchenko - fashion expert and the idol of women of all ages. WITH young years she made her way to the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, wrote articles and talked about new trends. Due to her tenacity, at 27 she became editor-in-chief of L "Officiel.

Over the years, she has shared with the public the golden rules of style, which are valued along with the beliefs of great fashion designers.

Tip # 1: Determine Your Body Type

It is necessary to choose outfits for the type of figure. The "right" elements will highlight the strengths and hide the weaknesses.

Tip # 2: Color is the heart of the look

The theory of color types is the basis for stylists. The color of the eyes, hair and skin sets the main shades of the wardrobe.

Tip # 3: What things should you have in your wardrobe?

The base for everyone, without exception, is four dresses: black, red, pink and white. Appropriate in any situation.

Tip # 4: How to predict trends?

Follow the news of culture, cinema, music and painting. Over time, you will learn to grasp the subtleties and trends of upcoming fashion shows.

Tip # 5: Explore the Internet

Copy images found on the Internet. Save in a separate folder, look for matches - and the list is ready for the next shopping.

Tip # 6: Image harmony is not just words

Popular gizmos of the season are often not associated with previously purchased clothes. A real lady knows that with classic style the most daring accents look.

Tip # 7: Decide to experiment

Do not buy under any circumstances similar friend on other things. Don't be afraid to experiment - unique style consists of non-standard clothing.

These fashion tips from Evelina Khromchenko help girls who are just looking for their own style, and ladies who are correcting existing images.

At the very beginning of the path critical aspect is an basic wardrobe... If you have each item, all the looks will come together without problems and questions, and accessories will help to surprise those around you. They are - true fashion for women. Evelina Khromchenko offers a list to follow:

  • Classic coat in winter and trench coat for warm weather
  • Black pantsuit
  • Navy blue jeans
  • Several light-colored T-shirts
  • Long Sleeve Vest
  • Dark Sheath Dress and Pencil Skirt looks
  • Two classic bags different sizes and clutch
  • Silk scarf
  • Solid stiletto heels, ballerinas and beige sneakers
  • Pearl necklace
  • Metal watches and aviator glasses

Following this list, a girl with any type of figure and financial situation will be able to afford basic things.

Evelina Khromchenko's style

She has become a kind of fashion icon in the country, but not only with the help of outfits. Her image is adult serious woman... A fatal beauty, capable of both having fun and incinerating eyes.

Evelina Khromchenko's style- this is a classic and rigor, combined with new trends. Glasses with original frames are the highlight of the image. Delicate blondes with a fragile figure, they usually do not choose this shape.

Short blonde hair speaks of a practical character, she has not changed this hairstyle for many years.

We also emphasize this serious look with makeup. Evelina prefers naturalness: noble and not pretentious.

Evelina Khromtchenko - clothes

Talking about tips for creating personality, it is impossible to forget about the main thing: “Rules can be broken!”. She speaks about it herself Evelina Khromchenko. clothing which she prefers is not always close to the classics.

At events, she can afford bright dress and extraordinary accessories, but in most cases it is formal suits and skirts with a crisp print.

Find your own style, go through a journey full of experimentation. The main thing is not to look at others, but to listen to your heart.

Evelina Khromchenko is a leading specialist in the fashion world with rich experience and a large number of fans (by the way, she has her own official website, where women of fashion can find a lot of interesting and videos from her interviews). Being a true professional in her field, she won fame and a large number of admirers.

She became famous after participating in the popular TV show "Fashionable Sentence" on the first channel. After the release of the first programs, her life changed dramatically, as millions learned about her. Before that, she always remained in the shadows, choosing the stars beautiful outfits to go out.

From her we often heard such an expression as a basic wardrobe. V this case stylists mean a set of clothes and accessories that a woman should have in her closet so that she can create beautiful stylish looks for all occasions. The list of required purchases is not long and is standard for any age and body type. Therefore, a little more detail about fashion tips from Evelina Khromchenko (basic wardrobe).

The basic wardrobe is also called the notorious classics, where all the elements are universal and perfectly combined with each other. That's what it is main secret! Absolutely all wardrobe elements are combined with each other. As a result, we get the minimum costs and the maximum effect.

The fashion expert offers 25 carefully selected, stylish classics.

  1. Double-breasted coat beige colour(for autumn and winter).

2. Black trench coat (khaki can be used).

3. Beige or gray cardigan.

6. A white blouse(similar to men's shirt).

8. Black pantsuit.

10. Black or gray sheath dress.

13. Beige or black hairpins.

15. Beige or black ballet flats.

16. Gym shoes (very relevant this year).

18. Medium-sized bag with a chain.

19. Big bags with two handles.


20. Universal glasses "Aviator" (this form suits everyone).

21. Bright shawl-square (square).

22. Pashmina (for the cold season).

23. Wide belt(he will transform a simple dress into an evening outfit).


24. Long string of pearls.

25. Clock male type(the shade can be gold or steel).

With such a versatile set, you can create great amount images for all occasions.

Fashion style tips from the best fashion expert in Russia

Evelina also gives a lot of practical advice for those who want to always look beautiful. I propose to discuss the most common questions that a modern girl asks a stylist.

What to walk at home

Evelina strongly believes that stretched T-shirts and all other old things are not suitable for wearing at home. With your family, you should not relax and walk around like a mess in an old washed bathrobe. T-shirt and comfortable shorts, knitted dress, cotton pants with a T-shirt - perfect solution for those who decide to spend the day at home with their family.

Makeup must be present on a well-groomed face beautiful lady... But do not overdo it and abuse it. Well-groomed eyebrows, solid color faces, beige shadows, natural color lipstick and dyed eyelashes will do the trick. In addition, such a make-up will be appropriate for any event.

Stylist secrets for short and petite girls

Evelina Khromchenko is far from the best tall woman(they say that her height is no more than 160 cm). But she learned to add a few missing centimeters with a heel. You will never see her on flat sole since she believes that comfortable shoes there may be hairpins, the main thing is to find those in which you will be comfortable and comfortable. As a result, you spend the whole day in beautiful shoes, and the legs will not know fatigue.

Also short girls she advises to wear shoes to match the trousers and have a pair of beige stilettos.

First of all, the stylist insists on getting rid of all the huge shapeless hooded things that add volume and do not decorate at all. Secondly, it is worth purchasing a set of shaping underwear. And only after that it is worth starting the selection of clothes.

Fashion expert tips on "how to dress curvy women":

  1. All recommendations regarding the basic wardrobe are relevant and applicable for overweight ladies.
  2. Choose pencil skirt!, the length of which is just below the knee (this is best friends girls!).
  3. A wrap dress is suitable for any type of figure, so feel free to purchase such a model in the store.
  4. The dress should fit the figure. An outfit that is oversized turns the wearer into a shapeless person.
  5. Tight dresses only have a place if they are made of thick fabric.
  6. Refusal from jeans with embroidery, sequins and rhinestones (applicable only for small and young thin girls). They should be slimming and corrective.
  7. Low-waisted trousers cut the figure and focus on volume, so choose a slightly high-waisted one.
  8. A heel or platform can visually make you slimmer.
  9. Beware of outfits with large prints, but adds unnecessary volume.

How to wear a little black dress

Small black dress Is the perfect outfit for any occasion. The main thing is to choose the right accessories.

For office work, you can add a jacket, a bright scarf and shoes for low heel... For more evening option black or beige hairpins, bright women's accessories (a string of pearls, for example) and a neat clutch are suitable.

For the cold season as outerwear you can add a parka jacket or a mink coat with a hat (the most successful headdress for spring and winter).

Such an outfit is suitable, for example, if you cannot decide what to wear for a New Year's corporate party or you still don’t know how to dress properly, if you decide to celebrate New Year in the family.

Someone is proud of a scarf knitted with their own hands, someone likes to weave lace napkins and pots. Finnish artist Lisa Hietanen uses yarn, crochet and knitting needles to create real people. They look like living people not only in height. Facial features, hairstyle, clothing details - the authenticity of the knitted figures is amazing.

Lisa herself comes from a small village. Obviously, to brighten up the long evenings, the talented artist took up needlework, and this is what happened in the end. Now it is more than just fun and entertainment. And this is not only a way of expressing oneself. The craftswoman receives many orders for the production of knitted people from photography or even from nature.

But that is not all! The artist creates entire installations of plants, household items and even food. Her goal is to reproduce her neighbors and their hobbies. It all started with a model of myself and my beloved dog.

Unimaginable, but she can really knit with knitting needles almost any object from nature - how do you like a glass of milk with a plate of porridge, don't you want to treat yourself to it?

And now about the mundane, namely - about the technique of creating such unusual "bundles". First, Lisa takes a photo from different angles. Then it creates a wireframe from the reinforcement. after that he sculpts the figure out of plaster and cement. And then "dresses" the statue with crochet and knitting needles. To create one human figure v full height takes up to 4 months. That's patience, that's patience! And the eye and accuracy are simply unimaginable.

It is not entirely clear, however, how to use these shapes then. As a decoration or as an honorable item in your personal collection of souvenirs and trophies? you will definitely stand out among your friends if you acquire such a sculpture.

Is a friend showing off a self-portrait taken on vacation by an unknown artist? And now you can order yourself from woolen thread full length from the famous author. Lisa's work attracted the attention of hand-made fans from all over the world. Today, almost 6 thousand fans have already subscribed to her Instagram account.

Take a look, you will also like it, even if you are not fond of knitting and do not really like crafts. It turns out that from multi-colored yarn you can create not only fashionable sweaters and warm beanies with mittens. There is always a place for creativity and talent in this world! Of course, these knitted figurines will not keep you warm in the winter cold like a pullover and a hat. But they will warm your soul, touch, awaken warmth and tenderness. And perhaps they will inspire you to create something of your own, the same unusual and beautiful.

Add these 3 trends to your outfit for a special occasion and no one can resist

All girls prepare a special look for a holiday or party. Its main difference from all the others is the abundance of color, shine and detail. Festive look admits maximum concentration colors and extraordinary ideas. However, even when creating such a colorful image, it is customary to take into account the fashion trends of the season. You should not take all the trends at once, but some of them are just what you need to create an image that no one can resist.


A great alternative to fine flaking glitter and good decision for smart image- sequins. Do not get carried away by these sparkling details - let them only be adorned with part of the costume: skirt, top or accessories.


Embroidered with rhinestones and shiny threads floral or frosty pattern- another trendy idea for a smart look. The style of embroidery is also important - stick to the trendy oriental motifs and the Victorian era.

This image will successfully complement laconic accessories and jewelry with stones.

Pure color

For a holiday, create a mono-bow in trendy shades: the palette of the season consists of 17 trendy tones, but for a special event, bright saturated colors are suitable.

Opt for iridescent fabrics and pay attention to the details - they can match the outfit in color or create contrast. For example, gold or silver total look can be completed with black accessories.

Renowned journalist, aspiring writer, leading numerous television programs and Chief Editor popular Russian edition of the magazine called "L’Officiel". You probably already guessed who we are talking about - of course, about Evelina Khromchenko: the advice of this stylish and elegant woman regarding the selection of wardrobe, they help the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to become even more charming. Following her recommendations, even a gray mouse can turn into a real queen, the main thing is to learn how to create harmonious images, correctly combining things, accessories and shoes.

Not every person has an innate taste and sense of style, but, as you know, by making every effort, you can master any skill, and the ability to wear clothes is no exception. Following the advice of Evelina Khromchenko and putting the knowledge gained into practice, you will learn how to buy quality things, combine them with each other, and as a result, you will always look elegant and fashionable despite the weather outside the window, your mood and other circumstances.

Portrait of Evelina Khromchenko

Agree, you should only listen to the advice of the past and successful person otherwise they are of no value. Therefore, before starting to follow the recommendations of a woman who today is rightfully considered a style icon, let's first find out what kind of person she is.

So, Evelina Khromchenko is the wife of the owner of one of the Russian PR agencies and a woman who successfully combines work and personal life. At the age of seventeen, she entered the Faculty of Journalism in Moscow State University, and a year later she first tried herself on television, getting on the staff of the All-Union Committee on TV and Radio Broadcasting. Khromchenko started with the usual position of an assistant and after three years of hard work took the place of an observer. Later, she was entrusted with leading author's programs about youth fashion on the radio, however, being an intelligent, energetic and ambitious person, young Evelina was not going to stop there. Doing everything possible for her development, she worked hard, read, self-taught, and all this soon bore fruit. The girl began to publish in Izvestia, Ogonyok, her materials appeared in Cosmopolitan, Elle, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Interlocutor and other publications known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

Khromchenko, 22, already managed her very first magazine project, and two years later became the owner own business... At the age of 25, the girl got a job in the L’Officiel magazine, which for quite short term from an imperceptible gloss it has become a very popular, readable and intelligent fashion publication. As its editor-in-chief, Evelina Leonidovna patronizes the shows of famous Russian designers and takes Active participation in the cultural life of the country. She discovered such talents as Alena Akhmadulina, fashion designer Igor Chapurin, Denis Simachev, Lilia Pustovit and many other talents.

In addition to the fact that Khromchenko is a real professional in her field, she is, first of all, a woman. As Evelina herself notes, even being smart and strong, it is necessary to skillfully pretend, playing the role of a weak girl. “If at one time I used girlish techniques and tools, I would be even richer than today. Many ladies, making a career, focus on their professional abilities, brushing aside small female tricks... But do not despise and abandon them, because they are a very effective weapon! Unfortunately, our world is ruled by men, but you notice this only when you reach a certain level, where strong half of humanity is beginning to compete with you, ”says Khromchenko, wise with experience.

Evelina advises to rely not only on your intelligence and abilities, but also innate beauty, to use it as a weapon in the struggle for a place in the sun. “Men only help until the moment when you are not a competitor for them. When weak girl turns into a woman with clear goals and objectives, she starts to pose a danger, ”the editor of L’Officiel notes. - “With age, you realize that you could have achieved more if you had used your femininity, which sometimes opens even tightly closed doors... Men will still bale you for being women, so give them your gut with your skillfully applied makeup. " The advice of such a wise, educated and successful lady is certainly worth listening to!

Dressing stylishly with Evelina Khromchenko

Evelina Khromtchenko has an innate taste and sense of style, thanks to which she not only looks stunning herself, but also helps to dress correctly Russian women... As a fashion critic has repeatedly noted, “ unkempt girl will never raise wages. " Therefore, if you want to make good money, make an impression and just feel confident, study a few recommendations of the editor-in-chief of L’Officiel, following which you will always be in the spotlight:

  • The first rule of a stylish wardrobe is that things must be of high quality. You don't have to buy crazy expensive clothes, because domestic firms can also produce good quality products. Also, don't go after fakes. famous brands... Louboutin shoes made by the Chinese in an underground factory will look tasteless.
  • When buying fashionable things, wear them immediately, otherwise what is popular this season will lose its relevance in the next. At least once a year, clean your wardrobe from old, worn things that only clutter up your wardrobe. The main rule: if you have never put on a jacket, dress, skirt, trousers and so on in twelve months, then you can safely get rid of them.
  • Don't blindly follow fashion trends buying up everything from the latest collections. Such things quickly go into circulation, but the classics are eternal. Therefore, try to acquire elegant clothes calm tones, which over time does not lose its relevance, but turns into "vintage", thereby becoming even more valuable and sophisticated.
  • Forever forget about ruffles, artificial stones, beads, embroidery, lace, fringe and rhinestones on classic cut clothes. Such elements look too provocative and tasteless. The only exception is expensive designer clothes, but even such an exclusive must be worn skillfully. So, for example, if you put on jeans with an unusual bright pattern or rhinestones, then the rest of the wardrobe should be discreet.
  • Things may not be too expensive, but as for shoes, this rule does not work in this case. Good quality and, most importantly, comfortable shoes, sandals and boots are often quite expensive, but this price justifies itself with a long wear. Cheap shoes, firstly, it looks ugly, and secondly, it affects your health: an uncomfortable last and an unstable heel injure your leg, lead to varicose veins veins.
  • Always buy things based on your body type and color range that suits you. After all, even the most Nice dress, but incorrectly selected, can emphasize the flaws in appearance. the main task clothing - cover where necessary, and draw attention to the virtues that a woman possesses.
  • When choosing the trend of the season, try not to be too fashionable, that is, in moderation. Otherwise, under new jacket or boots will have to change the entire wardrobe.

When buying clothes, some women forget how old they are. Please note that youth clothes are designed for young girls, so they look harmonious in them, and adult ladies are often comical. Staying in the balzac age, you should pay attention to stylish classic things that will emphasize your status, position and position. A woman should look young, but by no means youthful, and it is this effect that is obtained if you follow the teenage fashion.

Stylish wardrobe excludes the presence of flashy vulgar and tasteless things, such as pink sweaters, leopard leggings, golden color bags. Evelina Khromchenko, who knows everything about fashion and even a little more, strongly recommends forgetting about tops, T-shirts and T-shirts that expose the belly, about shoes with long socks, and belts with massive buckles. Lurex, sequins, mother-of-pearl, lacquered boots, fishnet tights and animal prints also have no place in an elegant girl's closet.

As mentioned above, classic clothes never goes out of fashion, while it is ideally combined with any style and style, thereby creating an elegant look. As a professional and just an elegant fashionista, Evelina Khromtchenko knows what a girl's wardrobe should be like. Certain things make up its base, and by choosing the appropriate accessories for them, you can create an up-to-date ensemble that is suitable for any occasion. So, let's take a closer look at what, according to the expert's recommendations, should hang in the closet of every fashionista:

  • “Regardless of her age and position, a stylish woman must buy correct jeans"- assures Khromchenko. This means that they should be dark, solid and tailored in a classic style. No rhinestones and stones, embroidery and excessive accessories - these are strict clothes that need to be selected based on the type of your figure. For example, skinny jeans look great on skinny ones. tall girls, and models that are slightly flared at the bottom allow to hide full hips.
  • Must have from Evelina - White shirt with deep V-neck... It is suitable for any occasion: negotiations, work, going to a cafe with friends. With the onset of cold weather, you can put on a cream or light beige jumper on top of it.
  • Another indispensable item in the wardrobe of a stylish lady is a dark turtleneck. It can be worn with trousers or jeans, as well as with sundresses and skirts. If you want to give your look a "zest", pick up an original small silk scarf and tie it around your neck, beautiful beads are also suitable.
  • In the arsenal of every fashionista should be classic black trousers - the presence of rhinestones, stripes, artificial stones and other shiny items are prohibited. The ideal length is when the leg half hides the heel of your shoe, and to visually lengthen your legs, buy a model just below the ankle. Such clothes go well with light-colored blouses or shirts, jackets and cropped jackets.
  • Don't forget the little, elegant black dress that every girl should have. After all, this is an eternal trend since the days of the great Chanel!
  • As for footwear, Khromchenko recommends buying classic pumps with medium heels or stilettos. Also, another must have - beige shoes... When traveling, shopping or a picnic, pick up more convenient options: moccasins, ballet flats or sneakers.
  • Cream and beige shades go to almost all women, so the fashion guru advises buying a classic cashmere coat of a personal color. Pair it with dark trousers, pumps and matching accessories for an elegant, memorable look of a confident girl.
  • A stylish lady's jewelry should follow the principles of minimalism. No plastic bracelets or pseudo-gems in your ears! Fine thread is ideal natural pearls, graceful gold or silver earrings. Do not forget about shawls and scarves, learn to tie them beautifully, and you will always look elegant.

At social events, the editor of L’Officiel often appears with miniature clutches, which she recommends to purchase for other women. “I don’t understand girls carrying huge trunks with unnecessary things- says the expert. "The ideal bag should be small and made of genuine leather."

After studying fashion tips from Evelina Khromchenko and following them, you will eventually learn to "feel" things and combine them with each other. Remember that not only correct wardrobe but also self-love makes a woman truly attractive.

Evelina Khromchenko always claims that the most important thing in the life of any woman is to improve herself and discover new things in herself. Start with your wardrobe and a pleasant change will surely take place in your life. Evelina in Russia has become a very important person in the fashion world. That is why millions of beauties in all corners of our vast Motherland listen to her advice every day. In this material you will find an interesting interview with Evelina Khromchenko and find out what makes a woman look cheap. So…

Looking at the photographs with Evelina Khromchenko as a model, it becomes clear that if she wants, she can dress exclusively in the outfits of those designers whose stars she herself lit up. Evelina is one of those who created today's map of Russian fashion and put all the important names on it, it was she who once found talented and unknown students and helped them become those designers who today create the most desirable collections every season. It is not surprising that Khromchenko's fashionable verdict is not subject to discussion, and Evelina herself not only continues to supply new fashion talents to the market, but also launched the Evelina Khromchenko Fashion School educational project, thanks to which any woman can learn everything and even more about fashion.

- Evelina, once you said that, as a student, you mentally changed clothes for people on the subway. For seven years now, you have actually been doing this in the program " Fashionable verdict»On the First Channel. And in ordinary life still want to give advice to those who do not understand anything in fashion?
“I’m not sure that, for example, a doctor, seeing a passer-by on the street with obvious symptoms of an illness, rushes to him and, grabbing his sleeve, diagnoses him. Likewise, I do not bother with advice to those who do not ask for it. I already have a lot of work. In addition to participating in the "Fashionable Sentence", which is watched by 35 million viewers every day in Russia alone, I run my own Internet project with coverage of 30 million users - this is my website and pages on social networks. I also write books, advise fashion companies, do a great job of finding and developing young talents. Plus I constantly give lectures within educational project"Evelina Khromchenko Fashion School" in many large cities of Russia and the ex-USSR. Of course, I don't forget about Moscow either - in 2015, for example, four lectures are planned in the legendary GUM ballroom alone. Come!
- It was high time for you to open a fashion school.
- Paradoxically, but true: I agreed to my first lectures with reluctance: I was always sure that two Makarenko in the family are enough - a grandmother, a teacher German language, and mothers, teachers of the Russian language and literature ... But it was not possible to avoid teaching. First, I read a series of lectures at the Higher School of Economics. Then she helped create the program of the bachelor's degree module "Journalism of Fashion and Lifestyle" at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. And today I have worked through a whole cycle of public lectures. My school operates according to the principle “My address is not a house or a street”: I read at prestigious venues, in different cities, to large audiences. And I do it in a very accessible, entertaining way.
This type of educational entertainment has been popular all over the world for a long time, it is called edutainment: the name of the term comes from the crossing of the words education and entertainment. About eternal trends and specific trends of the next season. How to correctly decode dress codes for invitation cards... How to decide on a style - read: with a life role, which must be decorated with clothes. About how to effectively and economically invest in a wardrobe ... Having applied the formulas I have given in practice, my listeners are surprised to understand how they made their life easier. And they wonder why they themselves did not understand this earlier - after all, everything is elementary.
- Do you mean that people go to a fashion lecture after work instead of going to a club or a concert?
- This is true. However, one thing does not interfere with the other - today they will listen to my lecture, and tomorrow they will know what to wear to a rock concert, and what to wear to the conservatory. How to dress for an interview to be accepted, and what to wear to a corporate office to be promoted. How to go on the first date, so that the second takes place, and how to dress up to meet the groom's parents, so that they become father-in-law and mother-in-law ... Look, life will get better. After all, a woman, disassembling her wardrobe or planning purchases, actually plans her life, cutting off the unnecessary and equipping herself for new victories.

- Some people think that fashion is a closed club for the elite. Obviously you have a different opinion?
- Of course, because it's not true. I always thought so - and when I created children's magazine fashion for teenage girls, and when it published an adult fashion magazine for women aged 22 to 55. And in graduation class when I was doing a radio show for schoolgirls on Channel One radio, and today, when Channel One television gives me a unique opportunity work with a gigantic audience. Fashion is not supreme mathematics, it is a game. And not for the elite, but for everyone. I just know the rules. And I'm ready to explain them clearly.
- Who comes to your lectures?
- These are young, successful, beautiful, well-dressed listeners who, at first glance, do not need my help ... They just want to look even better. I want to invest knowledgeably in things that never go out of style. And to know exactly what to buy in order to correspond to the current season, because there are so many trends that it is difficult to understand them without the help of a professional. Also, sometimes everyone needs some friendly advice. For example, there is no clear vision of your own style, but you want to look dignified. Or you need to go on a responsible business trip and it is not clear what to put in your suitcase. Everyone is faced with a situation where the wardrobe is overflowing, but it seems that there is nothing to wear.
- Has it happened to you too?
- Of course, but fortunately, my dressing formula the required minimum I am not letting down - I always have a full set of magic sticks at the ready. And if I don't know what I want, then I just make an arbitrary combination from my basic designer wardrobe according to the schedule of the day. And voila!

- Are you a shopaholic or are you thinking about your purchases?
- I'm not a shopaholic for a second. I firmly know what I will buy in the upcoming season, and what trends are already reflected in my wardrobe, you just need to go into the dressing room and get what you need from my basic collection. My lectures about 25 profitable investment in the wardrobe are popular for a reason, I know what I'm talking about.
- Do you have items of contemporary Russian designers in your wardrobe?
- Well, of course. I have an impressive collection - cocktail solutions of Vika Gazinskaya, day dresses by Kirill Gasilin, jackets of Slava Zaitsev and Tatyana Parfenova, coats of Luda Nikishina and Victoria Andreyanova, trouser suits of the Ruban sisters, evening dresses Ulyana Sergeenko, Katya Dobryakova's sweatshirts, a tuxedo from Alena Akhmadullina, Kostya Gaidai's hats ... One can list for a long time. That's why trouser suit I do not have Dmitry Loginov yet, I need to correct this omission in the near future. But the vast collection of bijouterie from Russian creators can no longer fit in my house, only in a special storage together with my main collection of vintage jewelry. By the way, my antique bijou collection itself is now a subject of display in galleries and museums and lives a life independent of me. And I'm concerned about new products. Follow my “Bijou-Bazaars” - during these events I present new names in jewelry. We will make the next "Bijou-Bazar" at the beginning of summer, I think.
- You are a regular guest of the week l fashion in Paris and Milan. Still, there is a difference between the ideas about fashion in Russia and in Europe?
- Features of perception in different countries the world has not been canceled. Russian women like to be smart in the evenings, they like shine, high heels, catchy decorations, bright colours, and French women will choose restraint of decor in the evening, matte fabrics, small inconspicuous decorations and black color. An American woman wants to show her knees in the evening, and an Italian woman wants to show her neckline. A young Muscovite with all her appearance will demonstrate that she is already an adult, and a Parisian will try to convey that she is still a child. We are all different, which is good. The Russian loves dumplings, the Italian loves ravioli, the Chinese loves dim sum, the Japanese loves gyoza. There are many similarities between these dishes, but at the same time, the difference is obvious to everyone.
- Don't you think that modern fashion is too commercial in nature? That is, designers primarily think about how to sell, not how to create a masterpiece.
- Who needs a fashion masterpiece if you can't buy and wear it? Any masterpiece of fashion only then goes down in history when it is put on correctly - in the right time, v the right place, on the right person... The dress itself does not exist.
- What is bad taste for you?
- In a word, it's overkill. More specifically, an eyebrow plucked out in the shape of a "Moscow break", frankly "made" lips and breasts, nail design in any form, jeans "decorated" with embroidery, rhinestones or "equipped" with scuffs in the wrong places - people do not notice, how such visual effects disfigure their forms, shoes with long narrow noses, especially in men, men's belts with huge badges, an abundance of logos, a small dog in handbag in public, tracksuits are everywhere except the gym, but even in the gym there are plush suits color pink with cheerful ears shock me.

Undoubted bad taste- this is a naked body in society. In any dose. A bare belly is appropriate in the country, on the beach, in the bedroom, but save passers-by on the street from the need to contemplate your bodies. I note that it is hard to suspect me of envy: my complexion and weight have always allowed me to be short, tight-fitting and low-cut in any ratio.
- Do the heroines of the "Fashionable Sentence" program, who put on a new dress, then really change their lives? Do they become happier by changing their image?
- I remember a woman who recovered after giving birth and could not lose weight in any way. Because of this, her husband, a lover of thin people, abandoned her. She became depressed and went to the point that her eight-year-old son asked her not to come to school, because he did not want her mother to be mistaken for a homeless person. After changing clothes and acquiring new makeup and her hair, the woman liked herself in the mirror so much that she suddenly began to lose weight - I noticed a long time ago that many are losing weight from happiness. And when our former heroine came to court to get divorced, she was pre-wedding size. The astonished husband did not want to get divorced, but she still filed for a divorce. And she began a completely new - beautiful and happy - life with a man for whom she was important, and not the size of her clothes.
I remember a woman who was in love with her foreign boss, but he simply did not notice her - she was so faded. And none of her professional achievements were noted for the same reason. After changing her clothes, the lady was immediately promoted. And, imagine, the very boss suddenly fell in love with her. They got married and went to his homeland, to Europe.
And here is a very recent story that happened in my own entrance. I was carrying a bunch of bags, and a stylish woman with a toddler in a sling helped me open the front door. “Oh, it's good that you finally moved to us, we have been waiting for you for so long. Don't you recognize me? She asked. "I was your heroine four years ago." "What was the name of the program?" - I ask. "The Sling Case." I say: “But, excuse me, how? After all, your baby less than a year... "Then the door of the apartment opens, and a little white girl of about five years old says in surprise:" Oh, mother, what is Evelina Khromtchenko doing here? " The young woman smiled: “But who was in a sling then?” And our editors have hundreds of such stories.

- Once you said: “Any woman can be, the main thing is to remember that she is not fat, but appetizing, not long, but stately, not skinny, but slender, not short, but petite. You need to appreciate what God has given you. " At what age did you come to this idea?
- I grew up with this thought. This is how I was raised in my family. Me with early childhood explained in detail: all people are beautiful, and I am generally the best, intelligent and pretty Baby in the world. I still think this approach is correct. It seems to some adults that children can be spoiled with compliments, that it is correct to inform babies about their shortcomings in appearance - and this is a huge delusion.
- Have you had your self-confidence since childhood?
- Exactly. True, I doubted something in my teens, but I quickly found a balance.
- You voiced the heroine Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada, who was the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, a domineering and oppressive woman. Do you associate yourself with her?
- I just voiced Meryl Streep, and she brilliantly played her role. What percentage of this movie do you think is about Meryl Streep?
- Can you be tough in life?
- You are not?
- But you manage to "turn off" the rigidity when the working day ends?
- I think this is a collective question for all women leaders. But in my case, the answer is pretty straightforward: I am - yes, I just don't have the energy after work. And if there were, I would spend them on redirecting the liberated energy into a peaceful channel. I would finally go in for sports, otherwise massage and massage.
- Tough character, exactingness interfere with personal life?
- Or maybe in my personal life I'm fluffy and unassuming, climbed under the wing of my beloved and quietly sit there?
- Your son Artemy is already quite an adult. Does he listen to your fashion advice?
- If, going to a meeting with friends, he spitefully puts on a baseball cap on the back of his head, then, dressing on the red carpet, Artemy ties his own tie, getting to the right length and making the correct knot thickness. His views on men's suit developed enough to be calm about everyone in a protest transitional age fresh ideas male fashion which I use in his wardrobe - both for cropped trousers and compact jackets. And with respect to everything else, he acts according to his own plan.
Well, for example, no one pressed him with the choice of a profession. He wanted to study business, although it is obvious to me that he has the objective data to become an excellent filmmaker. But here I am not going with my advice. This is his life. He is 18 years old. Advice will be needed, I will give it. But I know for sure that I have protected him from a lot of problems for a very long time, having clearly explained to him at his seven years old some simple things that some people cannot master even at 50. For example, my son knows from childhood that when a woman's question about how she looks, in no case should one answer: "Normal." He learned this lesson even before he learned the multiplication table. This is one of my most important achievements in life, I believe.