Birthday gift 2 years old. Toys for a two-year-old baby - photo gallery. Other baby gifts. What can you choose for a gift

A long-awaited and joyful event on the occasion of a baby's birthday can cause a little confusion among relatives and family friends of a little birthday boy. What to give a child for 2 years? From the huge assortment of diverse toys, eyes run wide. It's good when parents can advise what to give their child. Otherwise, you will have to choose the present yourself. In such a situation, our recommendations will come in handy.

What can you give a child for 2 years?

  • Clothes, household appliances, or even more money, a two-year-old baby will not be interested. If we want to please the little one, and not his parents, it is better to opt for toys.
  • The chosen toy should be not only interesting and useful, but also necessarily safe.
  • Do not give items containing small parts and magnets. At this age, children often “taste the surrounding objects”, and therefore they can accidentally swallow such an interesting-looking, but completely inedible detail.
  • For the same reason, avoid gifts with batteries.
  • Do not give cars with a control panel, children's developing computers. In addition to the fact that they have batteries, it will be too early to give such “high-tech” things to a two-year-old.
  • Books with ordinary paper pages are dangerous - children can cut themselves on them.
  • If you don’t know how the parents of a young birthday boy feel about big soft toys, it’s better not to give them either. They take up a lot of space in the room, collect dust and can cause allergies.

For a celebration on the occasion of the execution of 2 years, it is better for a child to give large, bright and unbreakable toys.

Top 10 best gifts for a child at 2 years old

2 years is the period when the baby is in a phase of rapid growth and development. Therefore, developing and creative kitsa win-win. At 2 years old, it is better for a child to give:

  1. Set of plot- role playing.

Enough interesting option present. Girls can be presented with a "hairdressing salon", "shop"; boys - a set of toy tools.

  1. Designer with large details.

Using building blocks, parents can help a little girl build a house for a doll, and a boy a garage for cars.

  1. Tricycle.

With the help of this children's transport, the baby learns to keep balance and develops motor skills. And walking on the street will become more fun and interesting.

  1. Cute baby bag.

The first own bag in which the child can put his toys will delight him.

  1. Playhouse-tent.

Your cozy corner will appeal to both the girl and the boy.

  1. A book with thick rubber or cardboard pages.

Already with two years of age It is useful to instill an interest in reading. Together with mom, the baby will read with pleasure funny poems or short stories with large colorful illustrations.

  1. Set "Animals".

An excellent development kit that tells about wild animals and pets.

  1. Creator's Kit.

Kits for drawing or modeling promotes development fine motor skills, spatial thinking and imagination.

  1. Educational eco-toys made of wood.

It can be serpentines, 3D cubes, logical cubes with pictures and other wooden educational toys.

  1. Zaitsev Cubes.

Time-tested, unique visual material for learning to read early age. Special technique allows you to play and learn to read at the same time.

When looking for a gift for a child at 2 years old, first of all, you should ask if this product is certified. If the seller does not have supporting documents, it is better to make a purchase elsewhere. Give only safe and high-quality toys from pure heart with care and love.

Choosing a gift for a two-year-old child is not an easy task. The surprise should please the baby, be affordable, of high quality and evoke positive emotions the baby, and not settle as a motionless load in a pile of other toys. How to surprise the birthday man and arrange for him real holiday, we will talk in this article.

Selection rules

What to give a child for two years the invitee must decide depending on:

  • gender of the baby;
  • crumbs preferences (whether he likes to draw, sculpt, play with cars or build houses);
  • their financial capabilities;
  • the developmental level of the infant.

To please not only a two-year-old child, but also his parents, you should coordinate the present with them: perhaps loud musical instruments, a hammer, a gun with bullets or unhealthy sweets are banned in the birthday man's house.

Ask if the baby has what you are going to give: a duplicate of existing toys is unlikely to please little man.

What not to give

A two-year-old child is already a completely independent person, starting to show Creative skills actively developing physically. The baby has the skills to use various items, however, some categories of gifts for babies are still banned.

A child for 2 years should not give:

  • designers from small details;
  • objects with sharp corners, easily unscrewed nuts and screws;
  • fragile toys (porcelain doll, glass and porcelain figurines);
  • small decorations;
  • pets (the purchase of an animal should be coordinated with the parents);
  • sweets and sweet cookies (it should be borne in mind that sugar for children up to three years cannot be given)
  • small puzzles;
  • toxic paints and plasticine;
  • goods related to health (even if they are necessary) - a thermometer, an inhaler;
  • care cosmetics (cream, shampoo) without taking into account the characteristics of the baby's skin.

The list of what should not be given to a child for two years can be continued by his parents, so before going to the store for a present, the birthday boy should ask mom or dad what is better to give their child.

Educational toys

A surprise for a girl or boy should be not only interesting, but also useful. Two years is the age for developing skills, abilities, acquiring knowledge and answering questions. Why not take advantage of this and give a useful toy:

  • Lotto. Cards with animals, plants and household items teach associations, develop logic and strengthen the baby's memory.
  • Puzzles. For a child of two years old, it is worth choosing a mosaic of three or four parts, but gradually complicate the design with age.
  • Books. An excellent gift would be a 3D book with three-dimensional pictures, tactile drawings, poems and popular fairy tales, encyclopedias, magazines depicting animals and favorite cartoon characters (Barboskiny, Mermaid, Three Cats). Purchase talking books with the voices of animals and the sounds of cars - a two-year-old kid will like such a present, because he will be able to do it on his own.

Learning robot. Useful gadget for learning: develops speech, memory, some toys are designed for learning with a child of English language. cool toy for the baby, there will be a repeating hamster that imitates the sounds of your voice (with its help, my son was the first to say the word “hello”).

  • Cubes. But not simple, but speaking, synchronizing with a smartphone. With their help, the kid will be able to learn letters and numbers, animals and household items, and when he gets tired, build a tower or a house.

Entertaining gifts

A two-year-old child is actively interested in creativity, and it becomes easier to occupy him with drawing or modeling for a while than a one-year-old baby. You can give him for his birthday:

  • Finger paint;
  • safe watercolor;
  • markers on water based;
  • easel;
  • school board with crayons;
  • coloring books and albums;
  • plasticine;
  • modeling dough;
  • kinetic sand;
  • board for drawing with light;
  • glowing table with sand.

Options creative gifts for a child for 2 years is a lot, the main thing is to know about the preferences of the baby and present him with something that he will definitely be delighted with.

Like mom and dad

At two years old small man loves to imitate adults, so you can please him by giving:

  • a set of children's tools;
  • a stethoscope like the doctor's mom;
  • steering wheel as in the car of the pope;
  • sets of children's dishes;
  • vacuum cleaner or tiny broom;
  • a phone or tablet that mimics real gadgets;
  • handbag or beautiful accessories(a little fashionista will be delighted with cute little things).

Necessary gifts

Close relatives can help a young family if they purchase gifts necessary for a child:

  • bicycle or sled;
  • table and chair for drawing;
  • clothes or shoes;
  • sets bed linen;
  • blanket, bedspreads;
  • dishes.

Maybe a blouse or boots will not please the baby as much as a new car or doll, but the parents of the crumbs will definitely be delighted with the right purchase. But you can cheat, for example, order clothes or underwear with the image of your favorite cartoon character...

Important! Check with your relatives in advance what exactly they need (color, size) so as not to make a mistake in choosing and present a quality item.


Not all children at the age of two are familiar with sweets (according to the recommendations of a specialist, sugar can be given to a child from the age of three), but you can find healthy goodies that do not harm the baby:

  • fruit;
  • Fleur alpine biscuits without sugar;
  • natural fruit purees;
  • berry snacks;
  • healthy chips from vegetables and fruits with iHerb.

This option surprise fit for a guest who decided to drop by for a minute to visit to see the birthday boy. Speaking of surprises: chocolate egg big size with figurines of animals or cartoon characters will please the baby (unless, of course, you give him a sweet shell).

Gifts for a boy

In my opinion, choosing a gift for a boy's birthday is easy. car theme, active games and designers are almost always interesting for little men, so buy:

  1. A car (a set of small or large trucks, with a remote control or a private car).
  2. Lego, consisting of large parts ( various options lego duplo), designers Chikko or Polissya.
  3. Parking for cars with garages. a pit, a car wash and several floors, for example, from Polesie or Nordplast.
  4. Tolokar, balance bike or bicycle suitable for the age of the infant.
  5. Children's wall in the room, home swing.

As a gift for a girl and a boy, you can purchase:

  • tent;
  • house for games;
  • slide;
  • children's kitchen.

At two years old, kids love to organize their space, look for their own corner, so a small cozy plastic apartment, wigwam or tent will be a great place to play.

Gifts for girls

The girl is also interested in constructors, mosaics and cars, but often their favorite toys are:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • baby dolls;
  • plastic or rubber animals;
  • safety jewelry sets;
  • houses for animals.

DIY gift

If you do not want to purchase a stamped gift or do not have a lot of free funds, create a gift for a child with your own hands:

  • knit a sweater or hat;
  • make a toy out of fabric or thread;
  • make an educational toy from colored cereals and small figures;
  • bake a healthy cake (without sugar, butter and dyes, for example, based on oatmeal cakes, cottage cheese and berries).

Give the baby an exciting excursion (to the zoo, dolphinarium), take them to the theater or cinema for sessions for kids.

What to give a child for two years will tell you fantasy and knowledge of the preferences of the birthday man. Do not worry that the baby will not like the toy: two years is a wonderful age when girls and boys play with the same passion with a penny machine and a designer for several thousand. Arouse enthusiastic emotions with a spectacular gift presentation, decorate a box, buy colored balls, show how many games you can come up with with a simple lotto or a train - the kid will be happy. After all, the main thing is attention.

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Two years - perhaps the first birthday, when the child is gradually beginning to understand that this holiday is especially for him. This fact imposes a special responsibility on all those who are going to please the baby with a gift - you can’t make a mistake! At the same time, the baby is still small enough so that you can get a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat exactly she wanted to receive, so you will have to start mainly from the general preferences of children of this age.

Features of choice

In the very young age a birthday present for a little birthday boy is chosen with strict reference to how old he is. The second birthday in life is not the best difficult task for adults, but still, one of the most difficult. At this time, the choice of possible gifts is greatly expanded, compared to one year, but many things still cannot be given.

There are obviously plenty to choose from, however, if you don’t have your own children yet, it can be not so easy to figure out what is possible and what is not, especially considering the interests of the baby.

For good choice an understanding of the needs of a birthday person of this age is necessary.

He already walks quite well and even runs, and therefore any toys and accessories for active pastime definitely worth considering.

Approximately on the same life stage creative searches begin, so that various matching sets may also be relevant.

But the baby is still very small, and this should be taken into account when choosing a gift: there should not be too complex toys, it is also unacceptable for the present to have small details that you can choke on.

If you deviate from colors, then the bright should still attract the attention of the child, however, less colorful options are already acceptable.

Best gifts from parents and grandparents

Probably, at the age of two, gifts begin to be divided into those that are appropriate from the closest relatives, and those that suit the rest of the guests. In any case, parents and grandparents are unlikely to ignore such an important family event, so we need ideas of what could be given as a gift.

Usually, from close relatives, babies receive the most valuable gifts- Let's take a look at them:

  • Children's furniture. A little older children may not like such gifts, but at the age of two they are both practical in their application and beautifully complement the interior. Of the common options - a children's table with a high chair, an inflatable chair, or even a bigger bed - so that the grown child fits. Thanks to a thoughtful design, this solution can cause real delight.
  • Personal transport. The first car is still far away, but the scooter or tricycle are already appropriate. But stop: who said it's too early for a car? If you have the appropriate financial capabilities, you can give a child a car now, of course, a toy, but a big one, already with a motor and on remote control, allowing you to take small walks on it under the control of elders.
  • Sports goods for kids. Level motor activity now enough to start thinking about where to put it. Ideal Solution- if the child has a small sports ground right at home. In the conditions of an apartment, this can be a small trampoline, an inflatable slide, a Swedish wall or a dry pool - not the one in which they swim in the water, but the one filled with small balls.
  • Clothes and bed linen. Here we are talking about warm clothes for winter and various outfits- dresses for a girl or a beautiful official suit for a boy, which will successfully fit both for photo shoots and for visiting. Useful and beautiful gift there will also be a bathrobe or a towel with ears. Let's assume the variant with bed linen from natural fabric.

Naturally, the options do not end there, however, it is precisely such things that the closest relatives most often give.

If you want to give something themed, choose from creative, memorable and sports gifts.

Useful Ideas for Developing Creativity and Intelligence

At two years old, a child is an already formed personality who is actively looking for himself. In this regard, it is from the age of two that it makes sense to give something that is focused on the development of creative impulses.

It's probably too early for an electric guitar, but the set wax pencils or finger paints will already be appreciated, in a sense, coloring books also fit in here.

It is too early for plasticine - because of the eternal desire to taste everything, it is dangerous for the baby, unless we are talking about a special, environmentally friendly variety.

If you want to develop musical ability birthday, you can pay attention to special children's toy instruments - most often they look like a piano, but there are also various pipes, guitars and even harmonicas.

Concerning intellectual development, then here it is very important role sets will play, for example, animals, or vegetables and fruits. Such gifts, in addition to purely gaming, have a very practical application: they help to learn the names of shapes and colors, and they develop memory along the way.

The children's play first-aid kit, which also removes the fear of doctors, and tool kits for boys have similar functions.

Cubes, designers and mosaics develop an understanding of the whole and its details, contribute to the development of motor skills. Beautiful the big Book with pictures should also be of interest two year old.

Toys and souvenirs

At two years old, the child still wants to just play, without thinking about whether it is useful for his development or not. For this reason, most toys, unless they contain small parts, remain perhaps the most popular gift option.

The choice of a particular toy largely depends on the gender of the child: by the second birthday, children already understand the difference between boys and girls and usually already follow the generally accepted interests for both.

The girl will definitely appreciate beautiful doll, especially the one that can bend arms and legs, as well as a stroller for her, and everything else that imitates household- from toy dishes to similar furniture.

The boy's interests are much closer to technology - he will like cars, trucks and cranes. From what children of both sexes will like: wheelchairs with handles, as well as toys that can talk.

There is important point: if your gift says or publishes any other loud sounds, it is better to consult with parents in advance whether it is worth making such a present. The fact is that many adults are annoyed by the constant noise, and then they simply pull out the batteries from the toy, as a result of which all the "genius" of the donor's intention is lost.

Concerning memorable gifts, then this is usually the lot of godparents. Most often, for this purpose, they give a cross, but in fact, any gift “for growth”, up to jewelry, will fit as a memorable present.

The best games and sports equipment for the fidget

At two years old, the understanding of the child is already accessible to the most simple board games. First of all, we are talking about puzzles and lotto - preferably special ones, designed for such small children. Perhaps the kid does not yet fully understand the whole meaning of the fun, and does not plan to strictly adhere to the rules of the game, but he is already interested, and, experimenting with the details, he will slowly begin to learn and develop logic.

As for sports, it's time for it! Here are some of the more popular ideas:

  • Tricycle. This is an absolute hit in the world of gifts for young children, because as soon as the baby learns to ride it on his own, his delight simply will not have a limit. Application of this sports equipment acceptable in the apartment: it does not yet take up much space. But the benefits are the sea: and various groups develops muscles, and the vestibular apparatus.
  • Dry pool with balls. All parents must have seen this popular children's entertainment- it is often installed in large supermarkets and shopping centers. Its meaning is that there the child can perform any active acrobatic stunts without the risk of hitting or getting injured. This allows you to throw out the seething energy without negative consequences.
  • Balls. Another very actual gift, which for girls will soon lose its relevance in many respects, but for boys it will pleasant surprise up to 30 years and older! Simple at first glance, the toy is very developing gross motor skills, and also teaches to interact with other children - it is still better to play the ball with at least two.
  • Trampoline. It is no secret that children are very fond of jumping and beds and sofas often suffer from this, and there is always a risk that the child will fall and hit from there. Another thing is to put a trampoline right at home! Firstly, the result will be simply amazing, because the trampoline is springy, allowing the child to jump much higher, which leaves no kid indifferent. Secondly, such entertainment is usually protected around the perimeter by a high soft net, which prevents the jumper from falling outside the soft surface.

This list could be continued indefinitely, however, when choosing, keep in mind that the coordination of the movements of the birthday man is not yet very good, so it’s too difficult exercise he's not ready. In addition, the main emphasis should be on injury safety.

original variants

All of the above gifts will surely resonate in the soul of a little birthday boy, but they are too banal, and there is always a risk that the child already has exactly the same or very similar thing. Many guests, in an effort to stand out and be unique, would like to give two year old something original. This is not so easy to do, but it is possible.

Actually, the most common among atypical presents is a gift not so much for a birthday person, but for the whole family. It's about professional photo session, as an option - even thematic. The kid is unlikely to understand what is happening yet, but it may be interesting for him to at least just visit among the bright scenery and try on fancy clothes. But in a couple of years, he will be happy to look at photographs of himself as a little boy in a special suit, and such a gift will delight him even twenty years later.

AT recent times The fashion to give small children vintage wine is rapidly gaining popularity, but this trend is not yet well known.

The idea is to give the little birthday boy an expensive alcoholic drink with the wish to drink it on the day of majority. In his two years, the baby is still unlikely to fully appreciate any gift, but imagine his surprise when his parents give him such a reminder from the past for his eighteenth birthday! Especially since good wine it only gets better over the years.

Another interesting option is a tree seedling. A two-year-old child himself can already take a symbolic part in his landing on personal plot, and the photograph of this moment is in danger of becoming one of the best in life. Besides, it's a tribute ancient traditions of our people, and if the birthday boy is also a boy, then he can safely put one of the three checkboxes for himself - he planted a tree, it remains only to build a house and raise a son!

Children are the happiness of parents. I always want to please them, especially in holidays. What to give children? 2-3 years - the most interesting age in the lives of kids. During this period, different educational toys are needed.

What should be considered when choosing gifts?

We will talk about what to give a child for 2 years later in the article. But you need to consider not only the age, but also the gender of the child. It is also necessary to remember about the characteristics of the character of each baby. Then it will be easier to choose suitable gift. Remember that already at the age of two, kids distinguish between shapes, they can collect pyramids.

Books and coloring

What can you give a child for 2 years? At this age, kids are very restless, eager to learn as much as possible. Therefore, they will gladly appreciate a variety of gizmos.

Thinking about what to give a child for 2 years, pay attention to interesting books. Literature must be bright pictures about transport or about animals. Books can be both musical and voluminous and folding accordion. Frames-liners will be a great gift for a child. They stimulate the development of logic and thinking.

If you can’t decide what to give a child for 2 years, pay attention to coloring. Together with adults, kids will learn not only to draw, but also to hold pencils in their hands.

Educational gifts

When thinking about what to give a child for 2 years, pay attention to inexpensive and educational toys. They are perfect for kids of this age.

So, you can give a child:

  • A set of dough for modeling or plasticine. Such things are good for developing imagination and motor skills.
  • Puzzles with large elements. They can be wooden or soft.
  • An easel for drawing.
  • Magnetic board.
  • Finger paint. Helps develop imagination and fine motor skills.
  • Musical game centers with lots of buttons.
  • Educational toys.

sports gifts

For a two-year-old child, it is extremely important physical development. Therefore, you can give the baby equipment and sports items. For example, it could be:

  • pool with balls;
  • trampoline;
  • wheelchair horse and more.


A kid at the age of two can be pleased by giving him some kind of transport. For example, it can be an electric car or a tolocar. You can also pay attention to the balance bike with a removable handle for parents.

Cubes, constructors for kids

The designer is a great present that can be given to a child for 2 years. Interestingly, both girls and boys will like these toys. Note that the designer can be floor or desktop.

When choosing such a toy for a child, consider the size of the parts. They should be large so that it is convenient for children of this age to connect them. Kits with small parts are dangerous because a child can swallow them.

Choose constructors for a two-year-old child made of plastic or wood. Metal options are suitable only for older children. You can also give your child cubes that help develop logic.

Practical gifts. Reviews

Sometimes parents order gifts for guests. Moms and dads say that custom-made presents are the most necessary and desired. According to parents, practical presents can be attributed:

  • various clothes(undershirts, panties, suits, etc.);
  • bedding sets for children;
  • dishes for the child;
  • shoes (for example, boots or boots);
  • lamp in the nursery;
  • bright chair with a table;
  • bag chair;
  • an illuminated clock or a starry sky projector lamp (such things will be a great gift if the child is afraid of the dark).

Stuffed Toys. Which ones to choose?

The girl turns 2 years old - what to give the child? This question worries the parents of a little princess. The girl will definitely be pleased soft toy. Such a gift, of course, is a classic present. But, despite the primitiveness, the toy gives a lot pleasant emotions. In addition, it can be made in the form of your favorite cartoon or fairy tale hero. A plush backpack would also be a nice gift. Soft interactive toy - lovely present for a child. He will definitely be pleased with how such a toy sings and dances. Interactive models are interesting for children from two years and more.

Musical gifts. Reviews

Also, the child will be pleased. It can be:

  • microphone;
  • children's xylophone;
  • children's drum;
  • piano (toy model) and so on.

When choosing a musical toy, pay attention that the sounds it makes are not too loud so as not to frighten the baby.

In the reviews, parents write that many children like such toys, and so much that they are ready to play with them all day. Other mothers have a different opinion. They say the loud toys scared their children. Therefore, they believe that it is necessary to approach the choice very carefully.

Other baby gifts. What can you choose for a gift?

If you are thinking about what to give a child for 2 years, then know that at this age, kids spend a lot of time outdoors during the warm season. Great gifts for children there will be things that will be useful for spending leisure time in the specified environment. It can be a table, a sandbox. Also useful gift there will be a pool. In addition to it, it is worth presenting water toys and more. Also an interesting gift for a two-year-old child, there will be an outdoor playhouse or a folding tent.

gifts for a boy

If you are thinking about what to give a child (boy) for 2 years, how you can please him, then consider a gift for a baby in the form of a car or another type of transport. Such a toy may differ not only appearance but also functionality. For example, some cars will open the door, and the other - the trunk. There are also inertial car models that children especially like.

Large children's dump truck - great option what to give a child for 2 years. The boy will be able to carry it on a string, load pebbles and sand into it. a good gift for the child will be a radio-controlled car. The boy will also be pleased with a set of modern tools, which consists of: a variety of keys, drills, hammers, pliers and more. You can also give the baby knightly, pirate and other armor.

What should not be given?

We figured out what to give a child for 2 years. Now let's talk about what you should not give kids. This category of presents includes weapons (except for a water pistol). Psychologists believe that machine guns and pistols can lead to the development of hostility or aggression.

Baby gifts. What should be chosen?

What can you give a child for 2 years? A girl can be presented with such gifts as: dolls (for example, these can be baby dolls or Barbie dolls, interactive models). You can give the baby outfits and related attributes (carriages, pacifiers, pots).

If you don’t know what to give a child (girl) for 2 years, pay attention to doll houses with toys different subjects(dishes, furniture, clothes). The little ones love these sets.

As mothers say, such presents will not leave indifferent any beautiful lady. Little princesses are very pleased after receiving such gifts.

A small conclusion

Now you know what to give a baby who is only two years old. As you can see, there are a lot of options. Choose gifts with soul!

The second birthday marks a remarkable stage in the development of the little man. Coordination of movements and sense organs are actively developing. Knowing the world, the baby tastes everything. Fine motor skills are being improved, so the crumbs' pens are constantly busy with work. What to give a child of 2 years, can be solved knowing the features of this age. The kid will not be interested in clothes, household appliances or money, he needs, first of all, toys. The modern toy industry offers the widest selection products.

When choosing a gift, one should not be guided by the principle that the more expensive and tricky, the better. The toy must be safe, interesting and useful.. Parents who know the interests of their child, it is easier to choose a gift. Are you going to visit where they will honor a two-year-old birthday? It is not shameful to ask in advance what toys he already has, what the baby is interested in and what his parents recommend to give. From the options provided, select the gift that is available to you. With this approach, you can avoid unnecessary purchases and make the little birthday boy happy.

What gifts can be useful and interesting for a two-year-old

Balloons, soap bubbles

Cute and affordable gifts for everyone, there are a great many options. Playing with them develops coordination of movements, perfectly relaxes. Bubble balls cause a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdelight in crumbs. Playing with the baby, you will get positive emotions and communicate well with the baby. Given the peculiarity of the age of two to try everything “by the tooth”, do not leave the child alone with such gifts.

Finger paint

Absolutely safe. They allow the baby to throw out emotions, to express themselves in creativity. Develop motor skills. Since the centers of movement and speech are located in the brain in the neighborhood, active classes contribute to the development of speech. Subsequently, you can use finger paints for brush painting.

Wax pencils

Do not pose a danger if ingested. Have bright colors do not get your hands dirty. They draw well on paper (except glossy), wood. Because two-year-olds love to draw on things around them, always be in control of the creative process.

colored crayons

You can take them for a walk. The child will breathe air and decorate the asphalt with bright patterns. Allow the baby to express creative potential are easily washed off.

Easel, sketchbooks and coloring books

Usually they are given together with paints and pencils. Drawing develops creative thinking and fantasy. Do not be upset if the child works with the coloring in a peculiar way, for example, paints over the sheet in solid, as if not seeing the contour - these are the features of perception at this age. The contour for a two-year-old is not a limiter, but the basis on which he applies his images. Most artists will learn to use coloring for its intended purpose only after three years.

Plasticine and dough for modeling

Modeling contributes to the improvement of fine motor skills, the development of speech and thinking, and has a calming effect on excitable children. The lesson requires the mandatory participation of adults, otherwise, the plasticine will be molded into one large lump or scattered and smeared across the floor. It's not always easy to clean everything up. Now plasticine has appeared on sale, which is perfectly laundered and even edible. Modeling dough is more pliable, easy to wash off and safe for the child.


Preferably specimens from thick cardboard, since two-year-olds love to tear paper on small pieces. The book should have bright pictures and a small amount text (with easy-to-understand fairy tales and poems). Two-year-olds love to listen to descriptions of pictures, and in multiple repetitions. Later they will become more interested in the content, and the time will come, they will read the text on their own. Thus, a book donated at 2 years old will last a long time.


These are educational toys. They allow you to train fine motor skills, prepare the child for writing. Contribute to the development of mental abilities and speech.

Puppet theater, finger puppets

Glove or finger puppets are great for simple role play. Stimulate imagination and speech development.

Sets of plastic and rubber animals

It is better to choose medium-sized animals with a realistic appearance. You will find wild and domestic animals for sale. With your help, the kid will find out who they are, what sounds they make, where they live, what they eat, and gradually begin to use animals in story games.

Carriage for a doll, toy furniture, sets of dishes, hygiene items, Aibolit set

Two-year-olds copy adults. Children will be happy to engage in toys that resemble "adult" things. For classes, the participation of mothers and grandmothers is important. With the help of kits, you can teach your baby some skills, somehow use a comb or a towel. Great value have toys for simple role-playing games that children start playing as early as the age of two. It is useful for acquiring emotional experience and communication skills.

Toy sets of vegetables and fruits

Used for learning and playing. With the help of the mother, the child will learn to recognize vegetables and fruits, tell what taste is inherent in each of them, and practice to determine the color and shape. In the future, it is possible to use sets in story games.


Buy only designers with large parts. The toy develops fine motor skills, thinking, imagination. Contributes to the formation of perseverance, which is still absent, due to the peculiarities nervous system.


Good big ones soft cubes. Two-year-olds will be able to build simple things out of them - a tower, a house, a fence. Already in such young age children memorize the letters depicted on the cubes, comment on the pictures. If your child tends to throw things around the room, such a cube cannot damage anything, moreover, they can be played like a ball. Wooden cubes are also suitable for two-year-olds.


Many kids enjoy playing with them. Buy only large mosaics. The toy is useful for the development of fine motor skills, thinking, perseverance.

Children's musical instruments

Guitars and pianos, harmonicas, drums, trumpets and rattles diversify the child's leisure time, expand his understanding of sounds. Musical toys It is better to give with the consent of the parents.


There is no need for discrimination, at this age girls are no less interested in cars than boys. Preferably trucks with a bulky body, in which you can transport other toys and items.


Don't buy dolls large sizes They are not suitable for two year olds. kids love dolls medium size, made of soft materials, with rotating limbs so that they can be sat down, do gymnastics, etc. You can give a doll with a small sewn-on wig, the baby will practice combing it. Two-year-old boys and girls are equally interested in dolls.

Soft toys with ball fillers

Rolling balls, the two-year-old receives new tactile impressions and massages her palms - this is important for correct operation internal organs. It is desirable that the toys are made of synthetic, easily washable materials, because babies at 2 years old still often take them in their mouths.


All babies need different size and invoices. Thus, little testers will be able to study the properties of objects. Playing ball with someone, a two-year-old trains coordination, gains invaluable communication experience.

Rocking horse

Remains a favorite children's toy for several more years. If you did not buy it for a year, the horse will delight a two-year-old and an older child. The toy helps to strengthen muscles, train the vestibular apparatus and develop imagination.


Suitable three-wheeled with a handle that can be fixed in different positions. It is unlikely that a two-year-old will pedal on their own, but the baby is interested in traveling on such transport. If you lower the handle of the bike to the bottom position, the baby rides it with pleasure, copying mommy. After three years, the baby will start pedaling and driving without support without compulsion. Classes help to train the respiratory, of cardio-vascular system, strengthen the nervous system, develop leg muscles.


Many kids want to get them. There are models with handles that are rolled by parents or the child himself. Instances without handles perfectly develop the muscles on the legs of babies.


If the size of the home and finances allow, buy a trampoline, it will help save sofas and beds from destruction. Many kids just love to jump on them. Such exercises perfectly develop muscles and a sense of balance, deliver a lot of positive emotions.

Swimming pool

Children love water fun. The pool can be used in the country house and on the shore of the reservoir. Will give the baby a lot of joy. At reasonable approach helps to harden the baby.

Cartoon discs

You can give it if the parents are not against the early introduction of the child to the blue screen. "Good" cartoons are recommended, for example, "Luntik", "Engines from Chuggington". Dosed display of cartoons allows the child to expand vocabulary, It has educational value brings positive emotions to the child.

What toys should not be given to a two-year-old:

  • with small details, they are usually allowed for children from the age of three;
  • battery toys - there have been cases when the crumbs swallowed batteries, which led to serious consequences;
  • musical and talking toys if the parents did not give their consent to them;
  • expensive toys - children tear and break them with the same frequency as ordinary ones, show interest in them no longer than in other toys;
  • soft toys of large sizes;
  • books with thin pages;
  • toys designed for older children (Barbie, interactive dolls, radio-controlled toys, children's computer and other);
  • finely detailed puzzles and constructors.

Buy only certified toys. This rule applies to all ages.
If you approach thoughtfully the question of what to give a child for 2 years, you can do right choice. Failed to guess with the toy? Give your child your attention. Communication is no less important for a little man than gifts.