When is the main weight gain during pregnancy. What does weight gain depend on? When you need a doctor's consultation

An increase in the amount of subcutaneous fat layer of the expectant mother is an essential condition for a successful and full development baby throughout embryonic period... Usually pregnant women are more young age gain less weight than older women. But carrying, for example, twins or even triplets will significantly increase the weight indicators in mothers of any age period... In each of these cases, a pregnant woman in one way or another observes changes in her body weight, which is not always the norm.

To determine the weight indicators of a pregnant woman, you need to get used to correctly organized weighing:

  • It is recommended to measure body weight once a week, you should try to get into the same time interval before breakfast, which increases the accuracy of further calculations and dynamic evaluation of the results.
  • Weighing is done after emptying Bladder and the large intestine.
  • The same scales are used.
  • Each time, it is best for a woman to weigh herself in specially designated clothing (with the subsequent deduction of her weight) or without it at all.
  • For easier calculations and tracking the level of body weight, it is better to record the results in a special notebook.

The above tips are advisable only if the pregnant woman is weighed at home with her own weights. But in case future mom passes this procedure only at an appointment with a leading obstetrician-gynecologist, it is worth visiting him at approximately the same hours, and immediately before getting on the scales, re-empty the bladder.

Body Mass Index Table

When evaluating the results of the obtained body weight values, all specialists and trained pregnant women use body mass index calculation... This technique allows not only to simplify all calculations, but also with the same ease to identify redundant or underweight... To calculate the body mass index, special calculators have been created. The following values ​​fit into them:

  • weight before pregnancy (in kg);
  • height (in cm);
  • the presence or absence of twins;
  • the date of the start of the last menstrual period;
  • weight for this weighing (in kg).

In this way, the increase in body weight produced over a certain period of time from the beginning of pregnancy is calculated.

In the case we are considering, the weight consists not only of the mass of all organs and biological fluids of a person, but also reserves of the body's fat depot... In addition to the usual formation a certain amount subcutaneous adipose tissue, in the body of the expectant mother occurs growth of a new organism, which has constantly increasing from week to week of its intrauterine development.

Do not forget that to ensure normal development fetus the uterus increases in size education is taking place breast milk in the mammary glands, the placenta arises and grows, are constantly present amniotic fluid, the membranes of the fetus and the umbilical cord, which also contributes to the level of body weight.

Factors Affecting Pregnancy Weight Gain

  • The presence and degree of severity affects the body weight during bearing of the fetus, because with it there is an active loss of fluid through frequent vomiting leading to dehydration and weight loss.
  • Such pathological variants of the course of pregnancy, as well as the presence of pronounced edema syndrome, contribute to weight gain.
  • Gestation two or even three fruits at the same time provides a more pronounced weight gain than with a singleton pregnancy.
  • , the regimen and the amount of fluid absorbed during pregnancy has strong impact on the woman's metabolism, which indicates the direct influence of these factors on the formation of the fat layer, the growth of the placenta, uterus, the fetus itself and the formation of milk.

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy by week

How Much Weight Gain During Pregnancy? In women who have a habit normal physique and the correct build, an increase in body weight for the entire period of gestation of the baby according to the dynamic data obtained for assessing the mass index, including the child, should be 10-15 kg... For cases with reduced weight, the normal level of gain is from 12 to 18 kg, with obesity of the 1st degree - from 6 to 10 kg, with obesity of the 2nd degree - from 4 to 9 kg.

If a woman is waiting big addition to the family, then the scale of the rate of weight gain during pregnancy is slightly different from the scale indicated above. For normal mass body values ​​of the increase are from 15 to 25 kg, for obesity of the 1st degree - from 14 to 24 kg, for obesity of the 2nd degree - from 10 to 19 kg.

Thus, the thinner a pregnant woman is, the more weight she can gain when carrying a baby. Conversely, overweight ladies tend to gain less.

Weight gain during pregnancy by week: table

Pregnancy weight gain table by week

For the convenience of evaluating the results and analyzing the weight gain of a pregnant woman, experts have developed indicators weight gain rates during pregnancy by week.

They are still dependent on the type of constitution of the mother and her personal body mass index, but most importantly, they reflect in detail the weight gain for each stage of pregnancy. This greatly facilitates not only the work of leading obstetricians and gynecologists, but also the understanding of their pregnancy by the expectant mother herself.

The change in the weight of a pregnant woman in any of the cases depends on the characteristics of her metabolism, the nature of nutrition and the needs of the fetus, which only confirms the individuality of these weight parameters.

For women of normal body weight:

1-17 weeks - an increase of 2.35 kg;
17-23 weeks - an increase of 1.55 kg;
23-27 weeks - gain 1.95 kg;
27-31 weeks - 2.11 kg gain
31-35 weeks - an increase of 2.11 kg;
35-40 weeks - an increase of 1.25 kg;
for the entire period - an increase of 11-15 kg.

For women with grade 1 obesity:

1-17 weeks - an increase of 2.25 kg;
17-23 weeks - an increase of 1.23 kg;
23-27 weeks - an increase of 1.85 kg;
27-31 weeks - gain 1.55 kg
31-35 weeks - an increase of 1.55 kg;
for the entire period - an increase of 7-11 kg.

For women with reduced body weight:

1-17 weeks - an increase of 3.25 kg;
17-23 weeks - an increase of 1.77 kg;
23-27 weeks - an increase of 2.1 kg;

35-40 weeks - an increase of 1.75;
for the entire period - an increase of 12-19 kg.

When carrying a multiple pregnancy:

1-17 weeks - an increase of 4.55 kg;
17-23 weeks - 2.6 kg gain;
23-27 weeks - an increase of 3 kg;
27-31 weeks - gain 2.35 kg
31-35 weeks - an increase of 2.35 kg;
35-40 weeks - an increase of 1.55 kg;
for the entire period - an increase of 15-20 kg.

Weight loss during pregnancy

Weight loss in pregnant women should be considered for the trimester of pregnancy.

  • In the first trimester weight loss is most often obvious sign early-formed toxicosis, in which a pregnant woman loses kilograms due to dehydration of the body and the woman's frequent refusal from a full meal.
  • For the second and third trimesters the reasons for weight loss are very similar and are expressed in the wrong diet of the pregnant woman (most often due to the fear of gaining overweight, which is absolutely unjustified and dangerous aspiration for the future baby) or the presence of somatic pathology of any organs or systems.

In any case, a woman should be sure to consult with the gynecologist leading her pregnancy.

Large weight gain during pregnancy is far from safe. The reasons for its occurrence can be considered due to the weakening of the excretion of fluid from the body, the aforementioned high-water pregnancy and the presence of hypothyroidism with a reduced release of thyroid hormones into the blood.

In the event that a gynecologist discovers the presence of such a large weight gain during pregnancy, untimely and irrational assistance to them can lead to the development of gestosis in pregnant women, and the Rh conflict between the baby and the woman.

Of course, these causes are pathological for both the mother and the fetus. But also physiological reasons(for example, great age mothers and a genetic predisposition to obesity) are no less dangerous in this regard.

Adequate treatment pathological increase in weight during pregnancy is:

  • no high-calorie foods;
  • limiting water intake;
  • in the most complete laboratory, instrumental and apparatus examination of a woman;
  • in regular walks and reasonable home physical activity future mother.
  • in the introduction of fasting days.

This type of therapy and prevention of overweight in a pregnant woman is recommended for no more than one or two times a week.

Fasting day is eating products of the same type and water in an amount of about 1 liter. The expectant mother can experiment and independently decide on the menu for fasting days however, it is still worth discussing your plans with the leading gynecologist.

Examples of fasting days:

  • Vegetable(zucchini or pumpkin with the addition not a large number sour cream).
  • Apple(a kilogram of fresh apples or baked for 6 meals).
  • Fruit(using the same apples, but all the fruits at the request of the mother and the doctor's recommendations).

Pregnancy Weight Gain Videos

For a more complete acquaintance with the topic weight gain during pregnancy you can see the video, which popularly covers the issues of the causes of increased body weight, rules and recommendations for weighing and calculating mass indices, as well as normal values weight gain during each week of the embryonic period of the fetus.

A general discussion will only help you fully understand the pregnancy weight gain schedule, therefore feel free to ask and share to their own experience with other people. Your reasoning will help not only you, but also girls and women planning pregnancy, which is important for their moral preparation for pregnancy.

Watch the video " important facts about weight gain during pregnancy "

You are pregnant, which means that you must gain weight. Good news lies in the fact that at least once in a lifetime, these few extra pounds are not a cause for concern. In fact, it is healthy and necessary part process. But what kind of weight gain is considered normal during pregnancy? How much is too much weight gain or too little? What determines how much you add? We will try to answer all your questions that may arise on this topic.

How much weight can you gain during pregnancy, how much is considered normal?

This question worries every woman. Obviously, during pregnancy, weight should increase significantly. However, this does not mean that you have to "eat for two." Some, on the contrary, limit themselves to food, because they are afraid of large weight gain. These two extremes are unacceptable. Absence necessary elements and lack of body weight can lead to numerous problems during pregnancy, difficult childbirth or the birth of low birth weight and weak children. Overeating and overweight are also very unhealthy. Keep your weight within the normal range, then pregnancy and childbirth will be easy.

How much weight gain during pregnancy is considered normal?

Normal weight gain during pregnancy is 7-16 kg. If a woman is fragile, her weight gain can be up to 12 kg, if a large woman - about 17 kg. Women who are pregnant with twins gain from 14 to 22 kg, which is the norm.

Weight gain during pregnancy depends on several factors. One of them is your pre-pregnancy weight. Underweight women often gain more during pregnancy, overweight women gain less.

How is weight gain during pregnancy?

In the first months of pregnancy, a woman must accumulate a layer of adipose tissue in order to prepare for milk production and breastfeeding... This fat reserve remains after childbirth. It usually disappears within a few months if the woman is breastfeeding and doing gymnastics. Weight goes not only in adipose tissue... More than half of the weight goes to the placenta, amniotic fluid and the baby. Let's calculate how, on average, 11-13 kg gained during pregnancy are distributed:

  1. fruit - 3400 g;
  2. placenta - 650 g;
  3. amniotic fluid - 800 g;
  4. uterus (increases in size during pregnancy) - 970 g;
  5. mammary glands (increase in size during pregnancy) - 405 g;
  6. an increase in blood volume by 1450 grams;
  7. an increase in extracellular fluid - 1480 g;
  8. body fat - 2345 g.

Total: = 11.5 kg

Weight gain relative to Body Mass Index (BMI)

A special Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to determine if your pre-pregnancy weight is overweight, low, or normal for your height.

Body Mass Index = weight in kg / height in meters ^ 2

Example: your height is 1.70 m, weight is 60 kg, your BMI = 60 / (1.7 * 1.7) = 20.7

Weight gain during pregnancy:

If your pre-pregnancy BMI was less than 20, it means that you had low weight body before pregnancy. The recommended weight gain for you is 13-16 kg.

If the pre-pregnancy BMI is between 20-27, then this corresponds to the normal weight. In this case, it is recommended to gain for pregnancy is 10-14 kg.

If your pre-pregnancy BMI is over 27, you are overweight. If more than 29 - you are obese, but this does not mean that you should starve during pregnancy, trying to lose weight. Attempting to lose weight during pregnancy can negatively affect intrauterine development baby. Therefore, even if a woman has excess weight she still needs to gain weight during pregnancy, usually around 7 kg.

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy by week

Week of pregnancy BMI<20 (итоговое значение в кг) BMI = 20-26 (total value in kg) BMI> 26 (total value in kg)
2 500 500 500
4 900 680 500
6 1350 1000 590
8 1590 1180 680
10 1810 1270 770
12 1990 1500 900
14 2700 1860 1000
16 3170 2265 1360
18 4530 3620 2256
20 5440 4760 2850
22 6795 5660 3400
24 7700 6400 3900
26 8600 7700 4983
28 9740 8154 5440
30 10200 9000 5900
32 11330 9970 6390
34 12460 10870 7250
36 13600 11780 7880
38 14500 12680 8600
40 15200 13600 9060

Weight gain in every trimester of pregnancy

The average weight gain in the first trimester of pregnancy is 1.5-2 kg. It should be noted that on this stage weight loss is also possible. (The most common cause of this is toxicosis. If you notice a weight loss, consult your gynecologist.)

In the second trimester, you will gain up to 6-7 kg.

During the 7th and 8th months of pregnancy - 0.5 kg per week.

In the 9th month of pregnancy, you will lose 0.5 kg per week - so the total gain in the third trimester is 4-5 kg.

When neededto a doctor's consultation about weight gain during pregnancy?

If your weight is within the normal range and not sharp jumps up and down - everything is ok! You should consult your doctor if:

  • your weight is significantly different from the norm;
  • you do not gain or lose weight in the first trimester of pregnancy. Especially if you have lost weight suddenly and in a short period of time and all this is accompanied by poor health;
  • you gain more than 1.5 kg per week in the second trimester;
  • you gain more than 1 kg per week in the third trimester;
  • You do not gain weight for two weeks in the second or third trimester.

Important! The figures given are not absolute figures and are not strict rules for estimating weight gain during pregnancy. Only a doctor can determine what is normal for you.

Weight gain during pregnancy questions and answers

  1. Nutrition during pregnancy. How much more should I eat?

During pregnancy, the amount of calories consumed should be increased. In the first three months of pregnancy, you need an additional 100 calories per day. In the next six months of pregnancy, your energy requirement rises to 300 calories per day in addition to your normal daily calorie intake.

  1. How to lose weight after childbirth? Will it be easier to return to my normal weight if I gain less pounds during pregnancy?

No. Recent studies have shown that the percentage of women who managed to regain their original weight is independent of the weight they gained. It is obvious that women who breastfeed their babies lose the weight gained during pregnancy more easily and faster.

  1. What determines the size of the abdomen during pregnancy?

The size of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus (length between pubic bone and top uterus) depends on the duration of pregnancy. The size of the abdomen also depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. Sometimes it matters anatomical structure: at petite women with narrow pelvis bellies stick out more often in comparison with tall women with lush hips. The size of the belly also depends on your total weight during pregnancy.

  1. Weight gain during pregnancy. Why am I gaining weight too quickly?

Sometimes rapid increase weight means that you are eating too much. However, eating in moderation does not guarantee normal weight gain during pregnancy. Some women accumulate too much fluid in their bodies, for example, due to poorly functioning kidneys. Therefore, if a pregnant woman is gaining weight too quickly, she should compare the amount of fluid she drank and the amount of urination per day. Have healthy women more liquid will come out than consumed. Fluid retention in the body leads to weight gain. Not only external, but also internal organs swell.

You do not need to eat for two when you are pregnant, but you do need to eat so that your baby gets enough nutrients while he is in the womb. Balanced diet guarantees healthy growth baby, because he will receive all the necessary nutrients. However, overeating during pregnancy can negatively affect your health and the health of your baby. The weight you need to gain during pregnancy depends on how much you weigh now. If you weigh too little now, you will have to gain more weight a. After reading this article, you will learn how to gain the right weight during pregnancy.


Set a goal for yourself

    Determine how many pounds you should gain during pregnancy. Consider your height and size when doing this.

    Understand the importance of this issue. Correct set weight is not only important for your baby's health, but also just as important for your well-being.

    Find out how much weight you should gain during each trimester of pregnancy.

    Remember that gaining weight during pregnancy is essential and that not all pounds are body fat.

    Gaining extra weight

    1. Choose the right food. If you want to gain extra weight, which is essential for the development and growth of the fetus, it is very important to include in your diet foods that are high in nutritional value.

      • It is not difficult to gain weight by eating fast food or similar foods with empty calories, but your goal is to provide for your baby nutrients necessary for its growth and development. As mentioned above, stick to the following ratio: 20% protein, 30% fat, and 50% carbohydrates. Include nutrient-rich foods in your diet.
      • Sugary drinks and juices should be avoided as they are the main source of empty calories in the form of sugar. The main liquid consumed during pregnancy should be water.
    2. Eat more often. it general principle, which should be followed by women who are trying to gain weight. Ideally, there should be about 5-6 small meals a day. This advice has helped many women gain required weight during pregnancy.

      • Include more carbohydrates in your diet so you can gain weight. Eat pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, cereals, and other grains.
      • In addition to carbohydrates, which help you gain weight, you should get enough protein (meat, nuts, eggs, fish, and so on), as well as vegetables and fruits.
    3. Include fatty cheese and crackers, ice cream and yogurt, dried fruits and nuts in your diet to gain weight during pregnancy. This will not only increase your calorie intake, but also get all the nutrients you need.

      Include fat in your diet, such as sour cream, cheese, or butter. You will increase your calorie intake without having to eat a lot.

    Deceleration of weight gain

    1. Buy healthy, less fatty foods, avoiding spices and conventional condiments so that your weight does not increase too much during pregnancy.

      • Switch to 1% milk and low-calorie cheese instead of fatty dairy products. Include dairy products 3-4 servings per day.
    2. Eliminate foods that contain empty calories from your diet. Write down what you eat. Thanks to this, you can identify foods that contain "empty" calories (do not have nutritional value). Once you've identified these foods, eliminate them from your diet.

      • For example, when choosing drinks, choose those that do not contain sugar, as this can lead to weight gain during pregnancy.
      • Avoid high-calorie snacks such as cakes, cookies, candy, and chips. These foods will not benefit your child. Eat more fruits instead.
      • Reduce your intake of foods high in carbohydrates, such as pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, cereals and other grain products. These foods are very high in calories and contribute to unwanted weight gain.

Pregnancy is a period in a woman's life when every kilogram gained is perceived joyfully. And if in the first trimester the weight of the expectant mother changes slightly, then since it begins to grow steadily. During this period, it is important not to go "beyond the bounds of what is permissible" and not to gain excess weight, which can significantly complicate the process of pregnancy and, accordingly, the birth itself.

We weigh ourselves correctly

Weighing is an obligatory ritual of a pregnant woman. The most accurate readings can be obtained by getting on the scales in the morning before breakfast. For this procedure, choose one piece of clothing and try not to change it at each weigh-in: this way you will see the most accurate indicators of weight change. Write the resulting numbers in a special notebook.

In addition, once a month (after 28 weeks - 2 times), before going to the doctor's appointment, the expectant mother is weighed in the antenatal clinic.

Average weight gain during pregnancy

A woman during pregnancy should gain from 9 to 14 kg while waiting twins - from 16 to 21 kg... It is worth emphasizing that this indicator is calculated on the basis of average data, and may vary upward and downward.

V first trimester weight does not change much: a woman usually gains no more than 2 kg. Already starting from the second trimester it changes more rapidly: 1 kg per month (or up to 300 g per week), and after seven months - up to 400 g per week (about 50 g per day). A bad signal will be complete absence weight gain or a rapid jump.

Such a calculation does not always show the real picture of weight change, because some women can greatly gain weight at the very beginning of pregnancy, while others, on the contrary, get fat before childbirth.

How does a woman gain weight during pregnancy?

The main part of the gained kilograms falls on the share of the child himself, whose weight, on average, is about 3-4 kg. Exactly the same amount is allocated by doctors for body fat. The uterus and amniotic fluid weigh up to 2 kg, the increase in blood volume is about 1.5-1.7 kg. At the same time, the afterbirth and enlargement of the mammary glands (0.5 kg each point) are not lost from attention. The weight of the extra fluid in a pregnant woman's body can range from 1.5 to 2.8 kg.

Based on these calculations, the expectant mother can gain up to 14 kg of weight and not worry about extra pounds.

Factors affecting the number of pounds gained

A number of factors affect how many kilograms a woman will eventually gain during pregnancy:

  • the initial weight of the expectant mother

It is interesting that thin young ladies are gaining weight much faster than ladies in the body. And the farther from the norm was their "pre-pregnant" weight, the faster it will change in positive side in the process of carrying a baby.

  • tendency to corpulence

Even if you stuck strict diet and carried out effective physical exercises before pregnancy, during a happy wait, nature will still give you a couple of extra pounds.

  • large fruit

This is a natural indicator. A woman expecting a large baby is gaining more than average herself.

  • dropsy of pregnant women

Swelling signals the accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the body, which also tends to "weigh down" its owner.

  • toxicosis of the first and preeclampsia of the third trimesters of pregnancy

The nausea and vomiting that often accompany these conditions can lead to weight loss.

  • increased appetite

This factor, directly related to an increase in estrogen levels, a pregnant woman simply must take under control, otherwise she faces a set of extra, absolutely unnecessary, pounds.

  • polyhydramnios

Increasing the number amniotic fluid also affects the number of kilograms shown by the arrow of the scale.

  • age

V mature age a woman is more prone to exceeding the weight gain standards set by doctors.

Formula for calculating the rate of weight gain during pregnancy

Each pregnant woman can independently calculate the weight gain permissible for her physique during pregnancy. First you need to get your body mass index (BMI). It is calculated very easily: you need to divide the weight in kilograms by the height in square meters.

Pregnancy weight gain chart

There is a conditional division of women by body type, based on the body mass index:

  • Group 1 (up to 19.8) - thin women;
  • Group 2 (19.8-26) - women of average build;
  • Group 3 (from 26) - obese women.

Knowing the index, just check your readings during weighing with the numbers in a special table:

Week of pregnancy BMI<19.8 BMI = 19.8 - 26.0 BMI> 26.0
Weight gain, kg
2 0.5 0.5 0.5
4 0.9 0.7 0.5
6 1.4 1.0 0.6
8 1.6. 1.2 0.7
10 1.8 1.3 0.8
12 2.0 1.5 0.9
14 2.7 1.9 1.0
16 3.2 2.3 1.4
18 4.5 3.6 2.3
20 5.4 4.8 2.9
22 6.8 5.7 3.4
24 7.7 6.4 3.9
26 8.6 7.7 5.0
28 9.8 8.2 5.4
30 10.2 9.1 5.9
32 11.3 10.0 6.4
34 12.5 10.9 7.3
36 13.6 11.8 7.9
38 14.5 12.7 8.6
40 15.2 13.6 9.1

When calculating allowable increase in weight, you can also use the average scale physiological gain, which is used by doctors from the 7th month of pregnancy. Based on the data of this scale, the expectant mother should gain about 20 g per week for every 10 cm of her height.

Weight gain during pregnancy is a concern for every woman. After all, you don't want to get in shape for a long time after giving birth and get rid of extra pounds. In addition, there is a rate of weight gain during pregnancy. If this indicator is exceeded, there is a danger for the development of the baby and an excessive load on the woman's body. If you analyze pregnancy, the weight gain per week is approximately 300-400 g.

What Factors Affect Weight Gain?

A girl belonging to the middle weight category normally gains from 10 to 14 kg for the entire period of pregnancy. However, this process is very individual and depends on many factors:

  • Height - the taller a woman is, the more weight she will gain during the entire pregnancy. Weight gain per week can vary significantly in each trimester.
  • Age - young mothers gain less during pregnancy and quickly return to shape, this is due to a good metabolism of the body.
  • Availability early toxicosis - severe toxicosis in the first trimester will provoke larger set weight for the rest of pregnancy, as the body seeks to replenish the reserves of vitamins and minerals lost due to early toxicosis.
  • Fruit size - the main weight gain is provided by weight developing fetus, therefore, the larger the fetus, the more weight the mother will have. The beginning of the rapid growth of the fetus is the 23rd week of pregnancy. Weight gain during this period can be maximum.
  • Increased appetite - many pregnant women have a significantly increased appetite, this requires a careful approach to their diet daily nutrition, otherwise the doctor may prescribe a diet if the pregnant woman's weight grows rapidly.
  • Predisposition to puffiness - fluid retention in the body contributes to weight gain; if often observed severe swelling, you must adhere to a specific diet.
  • High or low water - quantity amniotic fluid also affects weight gain.

While waiting for the baby, it is very important not to go to extremes and not starve, but at the same time, you should not overeat too much, it is better to use healthy meals in moderation.

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy by week

In the first trimester, the increase is the smallest and is, as a rule, only about 2-3 kg. During the second trimester, it is 300-350 grams per week. As a result, throughout the entire waiting period for the baby, the woman's weight increases by 12-15 kg.

The rate of weight gain during pregnancy by week is a purely individual indicator. Normally, a woman should gain approximately the same weight every week. This will indicate the correct and systematic development of the fetus and the good work of the body of the expectant mother.

Features of the distribution of the gained weight over the entire pregnancy

Weight gain per week affects the final weight when a woman is admitted to the maternity ward. a pregnant woman does not indicate the accumulation of body fat, it consists of many components:

  • fruit weight - from 3 to 3.5 kg;
  • the weight of the enlarged uterus is about 1 kg;
  • placenta weight - 400-500 g;
  • amniotic fluid weight - up to 1 kg;
  • the weight of the mammary glands - up to 500-600 g;
  • the weight of circulating blood, the volume of which increases significantly during pregnancy, is about 1.2 kg;
  • tissue fluid weight can reach 3 kg;
  • adipose tissue weight - up to 2.5 kg.

As a rule, in the first days after childbirth, the bulk of the gained mass leaves. To fully regain your prenatal weight, all you need to do is turn on a small daily physical activity and stick proper nutrition... It is quite difficult to accurately calculate the weight gain during pregnancy, since it is almost impossible to determine where the weight is concentrated at home.

Calculation of the increase

How to Calculate Pregnancy Weight Gain? Rapid weight gain occurs at the end of the second and third trimesters. Most often, the weight begins to grow after weighing is carried out at each visit to the gynecologist, in addition, the doctor measures the volume of the abdomen and determines the position of the fundus.

All these indicators characterize pregnancy well. How much weight gain will last after childbirth is very difficult to know. It depends solely on the rate of metabolic processes in the mother's body.

If a woman has excessive weight gain, the doctor may prescribe a specific diet and fasting days. In no case should you make such decisions on your own, because women during pregnancy are very sensitive and may be unreasonably worried about the state of their figure and their own weight.

Calculation formula

You can calculate it yourself. To do this, you need to know that for every 10 cm of a pregnant woman's height, an increase of 22 grams is allowed. That is, if the mother's height is 160 cm, then the formula will look like this 22 x 16 = 352 g per week - the rate of increase for a particular girl.

Even despite the presence of such a formula, one should not forget about individual characteristics the body, the age of the mother and the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. When you do not go to extremes and dwell on this issue. It is necessary to monitor the diet and try to maintain active image life.

The table of weight gain during pregnancy allows you to clearly control and track weight fluctuations and pay attention to the presence of any deviations in time.

How to track weight gain correctly?

To be able to draw adequate conclusions about an increase in body weight, the following rules must be observed:

  • you need to weigh yourself once a week, on a specific day;
  • weighing is necessary in the morning and always on an empty stomach;
  • it is better to get on the scales in the same clothes so that the testimony is as truthful as possible and does not depend on the weight of the clothes;
  • before the procedure, it is imperative to visit the toilet.

Compliance with all regulations will ensure correct control for weight and relieve you of unnecessary worries.

Weight gain table

Pregnancy Weight Gain Chart Shows normal performance and allows you to track possible deviations from the norm. Having such a table with you, it is easy to monitor the fluctuations in your weight.

Weight before pregnancy Increase during pregnancy, kg
Exceeding the norm8-12

The table allows you to regularly monitor changes in weight throughout the pregnancy. Weight gain per week in a woman may change with different pregnancies... With age, weekly weight gain increases, which indicates a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body.