Witching secrets of how to become a femme fatale psychology. What attracts the eyes of men. The vamp woman is a skilled manipulator

Who is a "femme fatale"? This is far from being only a literary character, although poets of all times, starting with Homer, sang hymns to her ... People also call her a "lover of love", someone sighs admiringly, and someone spits after her. She does not know the number of her victories, goes through life easily and confidently, breaking hearts right and left, and does not even look back to see what happened to them, the poor. How tempting to become a conqueror and ruler male destinies. At least for a moment feel like this!

Moreover, she is not a man-hater at all, sometimes it seems that she herself is not fully aware of her strength, this woman behaves so easily and naturally. And why, in fact, - "fatal"? Yes, because even a fleeting meeting with her a man will remember for a long time as something very important for him personally ...

Maybe it would be more accurate to call her "Real Woman"? What is her secret? And what is it - innate quality or a skill acquired consciously? Is it possible to become a "fatal woman"? As one classic said, "a femme fatale is a profession." A profession can and should be learned.

Not a beauty

To begin with, let's clarify right away: beautiful and "fatal" is absolutely different concepts. To make it clear what is at stake, I will describe the situation with which, with one or another option, each of us faced. So, in the company where you are, Beauty suddenly appears. For the first ten minutes, none of the women in the party's range can count on even a second of attention from men. Their eyes are riveted to the beauty.
However, after half an hour, or even less, the men for some reason stop paying attention to the Beauty. And now she sits, no one needs, alone.

Exactly beautiful vase, which they admired, and then put in place and went to communicate with living people. The heroine of our story is Beauty, but not a "femme fatale". And therefore, any attention to her literally in half an hour turns into indifference. And real "fatal women" men love for years. And for decades. At the same time, these women are by no means beauties, or rather, they are not at all required condition. Their appearance may be the most ordinary, however, it is at their feet (far from the most slender!) - the best men.

Confident and self-sufficient

One of the secrets of "fatal women" is that they know one simple rule for sure: not fullness, not crooked legs and not a big nose make us ugly! But our feeling of insecurity, which comes from the realization of our own "inferiority." and resent the whole White light: it makes us withdrawn, vulnerable, angry and touchy. A woman with such qualities is unlikely to attract
someone's attention, and appearance has nothing to do with it.

A real woman knows for sure: her flaws can be liked no less than her virtues, and sometimes even more. Dignity exalts us, involuntarily belittling the other. And the shortcomings allow others to laugh at them without malice, lift those around them in their own eyes.

Game by the rules

Another secret of the "fatal woman" is that she knows (or feels) male psychology to the point. When communicating with any man, she uses (not always consciously!) The same scheme, consisting of only four steps. This is really a scheme, because filling it is a purely individual and creative matter.

Step one: "You're so extraordinary!". step two: "Why does no one but me notice this?". Step Three: "Do you want me to help you become even better?". Step Four: And now look how extraordinary I am!

A very simple-looking scheme, but in all ages it has worked flawlessly for any man. It is only necessary to use it correctly and without falsehood. "Femme Fatale" knows how.

"Vamp" does not mean fatal

For many, the image of the "femme fatale" is identified with the "vamp" style, full of cold, cruel appeal. Do not confuse these two concepts. A vamp woman is not like an earthly woman. Her cold detachment, inaccessibility, elegant thinness, of course, attracts, but not all men. Or, to be more precise, very few.

A vamp woman can be worshiped from afar and platonically, but to love, to want to live with her all her life, seeing her every day - no. In this role, the "femme fatale" is much more attractive. She is earthly. Coldness is attractive only at the initial stages of communication (and even then only for those who like to overcome insurmountable obstacles). And then you need warmth, participation and ease of communication.

laugh together

Another secret of a real woman - sense of humor. It's not as trivial as it seems. For men, a sense of humor is an integral part of their psychological make-up. They need it, because men are constantly under the burden of responsibility - they are dominated by the need to succeed, achieve, provide. A sense of humor, laughter, helps to discharge, treat yourself, the situation is much easier.
Women who do not have a sense of humor tend to irritate men. Too much serious women remind men school teachers, strict mothers, and other fierce ladies dressed in power. Men, when laughing, seem to turn into little boys, therefore, refusing to joke with them, we hurt them with our seriousness. They open up to you, but you don't. Then they feel less secure and trust you less!

And, besides, a woman with a sense of humor simply cannot be a fool. "Femme Fatale" can never be stupid and superficial. It's a myth that men like charming silly girls. They can from time to time "condescend" to them, but break life because of them and not sleep at night - never!

Use your wealth tactfully

Another property of "fatal women" - sense of tact. None of them will ever use their attractiveness, sexuality to manipulate a man. Because they know for sure: men cannot stand empty sexual flirting. They instantly recognize him - and even if outwardly they show that they like this behavior, inside they will not take this woman seriously. Smart women do it all more subtly.
And the last: smart women who have mastered the above secrets become "fatal", able to understand and accept men as they are. They are the Muses of great achievements and discoveries, they are worth it!

Elena Egorova, psychologist

femme fatale (la femme fatale), as a rule, they do not become it, they are born, receiving from nature and from mom and dad a whole set of external and internal qualities that are intertwined in the most intricate way and as a result do not allow their owner to be forgotten.

She can change a man’s life in any way, leave him, push him to a variety of actions, but he still continues to lust for her or, if you like, love her, and constantly strives for her like a moth to a candle flame.

Many girls dream of becoming la femme fatale - the image of a fatal beauty playing with the fates of men for some reason attracts them extremely, but not everyone knows what is actually hidden behind this definition. A fatal woman is a person who, pursuing some of her goals (not necessarily commercial), draws representatives of the opposite sex into her web, and then destroys them. Often the phrase "black widow" becomes synonymous with la femme fatale.

Fatal women in their bulk are unhappy creatures. Yes, they are loved, but they themselves rarely experience this feeling, and if they suddenly fall in love, then various misadventures most often occur with those who aroused love in them - these men almost never die a natural death. However, those who have not received reciprocity also do not leave relations with la femme fatale safe and sound. They are burned by some special passion for destruction inherent in fatal women, even if these ladies themselves do not realize it.
A sad picture is emerging, isn't it? But if you still want to become a femme fatale, we will tell you how to get closer to this image. And we hope that there will be no fatal consequences.

We change appearance

A femme fatale is not always undeniably beautiful, but she has a certain unique charm, there is always something to cling to in her face, it is difficult to pass by her without feeling her powerful energy. Therefore, if you want to become la femme fatale, then you will have to carefully work on your appearance and on your manners.


Start reincarnation by looking for the very “zest” in yourself that gives la femme fatale a bright personality. No need to dye your hair black and do rhinoplasty, work with what nature has given you. Even big nose, an asymmetric face and light brown curls can become your trump card. Find what makes you different from the women around you, and emphasize this particular trait of yours.
It makes sense to contact a competent stylist and ask him to choose the most winning hairstyle and appropriate makeup for you. Experiment with images. You should be comfortable in your new image, as only naturalness will allow you to get used to the role. femme fatale.

Of course, you will need to change your wardrobe. La femme fatale always knows what to open and what to hide. She never shows too much, she only slightly opens up - a sectional leg long skirt, a piece of skin in the neckline, shoulder line. So down with shapeless jeans and miniskirts. You have to be feminine, so opt for timeless classics, but be sure to add something that will indicate your own unique style.

Also, forget about outfits that hint that deep down you are a child or an infantile teenager. A femme fatale will never wear a T-shirt with kittens, a pink blouse with ruffles and a short skirt with funny spats. This is a different image - Lolita, nymphet, and it has nothing to do with la femme fatale.


The second thing to focus on is the look. In a femme fatale, he is confident, tough, but at the same time slightly condescending. She seems to be saying to men: “Of course, you are not perfect, but if you try a little, then it will be quite possible to deal with you.” And men try, do for such a person everything that she only hints at.

Practice in front of the mirror, beat different situations. Learn to beckon, reject, punish and pardon with your eyes. Try to make indifferent eyes, but not empty ones - at their bottom there should be the depth of the night and, of course, a mystery. No matter how trite it sounds, but it is the mystery that flickers in your eyes that will attract men to you.

Gait and movement

The third thing to focus on is movement. A femme fatale may be impetuous or slightly lazy, but she always has a straight back, a determined gait and an independent look. Even if la femme fatale vertically challenged, men look at her from the bottom up. This lady moves down the street or through the corridors as if there is no one else around. She looks deep into herself and pays attention only to what, in her own opinion, is worthy of her noticing.

Learn to walk like it's blowing in your back strong wind- he picks you up, and you do not shrink, do not close from him, but merge with his streams and allow you to be carried where you need to be. Keep this image in your mind's eye as you walk down the street, and you will notice that you turn around more often.

And further. The femme fatale does not wear ballet flats, only heels - albeit 4 centimeters, but she makes herself taller than she really is. This allows you to maintain a regal posture and demonstrate a slight disregard for the outside world.

It is worth watching both the hands and other parts of the body. In la femme fatale, the movements are always “talking”, that is, you can watch the game of her fingers for hours. And this is also part of the image. What she will not say in words, men will be told by her hands, elbows, shoulders. Therefore, learn to speak without words, conduct a monologue with one wave of your hand, turn your head, bend your back.

"Turn on" the bitch

A femme fatale takes from people only what she needs, and they are interesting to her as long as they can give something. As soon as their reserves are exhausted, la femme fatale stops noticing them even at the level of "hello - goodbye." That is why her power over men is so great. Few members of the opposite sex can frankly admit that they have nothing more to offer. Therefore, they throw at the feet of such a person everything they own, and what they borrow.

So you will have to learn not to ask with pleading eyes, but to casually express your wishes and sharply refuse to communicate with those who cannot satisfy your needs.

In addition, a femme fatale never belongs to one man and, as a rule, immediately puts another admirer in front of the fact that at any moment she can go to another or even combine two or even three relationships. This is also an indicator of the essence of la femme fatale, so if you want to become one, learn not to become attached to those with whom you sleep, and actively demonstrate your emotional independence from your partner.

Learning to say "no"

A femme fatale never runs out on a date at the first call. She always appoints the place and time of the meeting herself. Her inaccessibility is a guarantee that men will not lose interest in her. She constantly keeps them in suspense. Therefore, you will have to learn it.
Even if you really like someone, know how to pause. Give out your attention and your favor strictly metered. The first date should last no more than an hour, a maximum of one and a half. Then refer to urgent matters and leave. Don’t agree to a second date at all, throw it casually: “There will be time, I’ll call, then we’ll meet.” But do not disappear for more than 5-6 days, otherwise the initial interest of the man will simply fade away.

Later, the pauses between meetings can be made longer (or shorter if you need more than just his feelings from this person). However, in any case, the word "no" should sound more often than "yes". And, of course, no sex on the first date. On the second and third - too. Easily accessible women never become la femme fatale - having had enough, men quickly cool off towards them. So hint at enchanting passion, but delay the moment of first intimacy for as long as you can.

Actually, everything that we have told you about, by and large, should be in the arsenal of any lady, this makes her attractive to men and raises her own self-esteem. In general, the more often a woman feels her power over members of the opposite sex, the easier it is for her to find a soul mate.

However, everything is good in moderation. Do you know how the real la femme fatale differs from the one that wants to seem like it? The first, as a rule, is aimed at destroying those who gave her their heart (and money at the same time), and the second simply craves love, and for her all the above methods of seduction are just a way to achieve happiness.

In general, if you have firmly decided to become la femme fatale, then the main thing is to correctly prioritize and use the image of a femme fatale to satisfy love needs, and not for risky games with other people's lives, minds and wallets. Unless, of course, you have special reasons to take revenge on everything male gender and enjoy watching every broken fate.

In the event that they (reasons) still exist, then you, most likely, our advice is unnecessary. After all, as has already been said, la femmes fatale do not become, they are born. Or they are reborn into them without outside help, when some man in his youth or in his youth completely tramples the girl as a person and breaks her heart. In this situation, the fatal woman is the Phoenix bird, which has risen from the ashes, but you definitely don’t wish such a fate on anyone.

Hello dear ladies! Cinema and literature have revealed to us the image of a femme fatale. But what is it really, in life, in reality? What secrets does she hide behind her appearance as a sexy lady? How to become a femme fatale, the psychology of her behavior with men. Today I want to tell you about the heroines from the screen and the pages of books, talk about the external and internal content of such ladies.

A bit of history

Let's try to determine who such a femme fatale is.

In general, she can be described as a sexy seductress, manipulating the representatives of the stronger sex through. An image of an alluring, intriguing, charming person who knows how to command immediately rises before your eyes.

In literature and cinema, such a heroine is not at all the one for whom she pretends to be at first, she has many secrets and secrets. But what is her secret? In fact, everything is very prosaic. She is located, for example. She does not work with him, so she uses other guys to achieve her goals.

You can see a similar image in the movie "Double Indemnity", "Detour" or "Gilda". Katalin Karady is one of the most famous Hungarian actresses, embodying the image of a fatal temptress on the screen. If we talk about literature, then we can meet the image of such a young lady in Shakespeare. Lady Macbeth is one of the brightest representatives of the beautiful, captivating, but destructively powerful and ruthless queen.

In addition, you can find this image on the pages of books such as " Carmen» Prosper Merimee or « Queen Margo" Alexandr Duma. It is from books that you can get the information that you need to create such an image.

Outer shell

If we are talking about the external component, then the fatal lady always looks like she has left the picture. Perfectly matched clothes that fit perfectly on her, each element of clothing is combined with another, there are no unnecessary details, it is not vulgar and not.

The cavalier becomes shy, falls to his knees and she gains power over him. For your man to be a fatal temptress means to always be dressed to the nines, with makeup and perfect hairstyle. There is no brightness or flashiness in makeup. Her main advantage is the look with which she can kill on the spot.

I bring to your attention the article "". Perhaps you will find useful and important information in it.

If you are going to create the image of a fatal lady, then you without fail necessary do style so that you can match clothes, choose the right suit. Buy one black Evening Dress With plunging neckline does not mean to become a fatal lady.

In addition to style, you will be very useful make-up course. Do not go deep into this activity, but make yourself easy and natural makeup you must be able to.

Manners and habits

Of course, appearance is not at all the main thing in the image of a femme fatale. The main emphasis is on her secrets, which she does not trust anyone. She knows how, knows when and what to say, owns an impeccable negotiating technique.

This lady is a great reader. She recognizes a confident man literally by his two gestures. Moreover, she is well versed in non-verbal communication in order to send the signals she needs. Remember the looks, smiles, hand gestures.

The fatal young lady is well versed in psychology. Thanks to this, she puts her manipulations into practice. To manage something, you need to know how it works. Since she deals with people, psychology is her main weapon.

She is confident and knows her worth. Here the article "" can be very useful to you. plays an important role.

A femme fatale is not an image for one weekend. It's a lifestyle. It's the manners and behavior that live in her long years. Practice and experience can help you change yourself. I recommend a book to help. Cara King "More than just beautiful." Just remember that a femme fatale is often the cause of a man's death, at least in cinema and literature.

Is this woman happy? Try to answer this question for yourself by watching movies and reading books.

Who is a femme fatale in your opinion? Can she be happily married? Why do men seem to lose their minds at the sight of such young ladies? What motivates you to create such an image?

Hello dear readers. Today we'll talk about how to become a femme fatale. Find out what needs to be done. You will find out what qualities such a lady should have, how to develop them in yourself.

General information

Perhaps you have thought about what a femme fatale means, where this concept comes from. The roots of the femme fatale lie in the French cinema of the twenties of the twentieth century. So the first description of such a young lady seemed special with stone heart that destroys the lives of men. It was about the ladies, through whose fault the men go to shoot themselves. Naturally, in modern life you won't see that. However, fatal girls to this day leave a serious imprint on the heart, and sometimes on the fate of young people. What is their irresistibility, what is the secret? Why is a man ready to sacrifice almost everything for such a woman? After all, often young people, having lost their heads from such a young lady, are ready to leave their families and even "sell their souls to the devil."

Psychologists believe that femme fatales are endowed with a fatal attraction, they radiate all the time positive energy which is literally over the top. Such young ladies are self-confident, absolutely satisfied with everything. It is felt by the men who appear next to them and teach at their feet.

Sexologists believe that femme fatales are those who intimacy demonstrate a strong desire to please a partner, show violent passion. Thanks to these qualities, they manage to control men and bring them to madness.

Features of the femme fatale

  1. When we talk about such a lady, we do not consider the option of unearthly beauty. In fact, we mean natural sexuality, mystery, attractive behavior, communication style.
  2. It is not always a seductive appearance, bright lipstick, fragrant perfume and slinky Short dress black color. The femme fatale is manifested by facial expression, special posture, gestures.
  3. Such a young lady will never look defenseless and confused, this Strong woman. She conquers a man with her courage and indefatigability.
  4. It may not look like other females at all.
  5. Such a woman likes it if there is a partner nearby who believes that she is in his power. Actually, it is not.
  6. When communicating with a fatal lady, a male representative will get the impression that she knows about all his secrets, as if she reads his thoughts, guesses desires.
  7. A man in the hands of such a woman is a tool for satisfying ambitions and personal goals.
  8. Such a young lady does not have to have a perfect body, beautiful skin And high growth. She can be short and her hair will be normal. The main weapon will be the recognition of body language and non-verbal signs.
  9. If a man falls into her network, he loses his mind for a long time.
  10. Such a woman will create a personal riddle for her partner, a mystery that he cannot solve.
  11. Young people pay attention to the true attractiveness that women have to perfection.
  12. When the fatal girl gets everything she needs from her partner, she leaves him. And the man will suffer, he can literally "go nuts."
  13. Qualities of a femme fatale:
  • a sincere smile that demonstrates love for oneself;
  • Confidence in your strength;
  • skillful flirting;
  • demonstration of mystery, self-esteem;
  • the ability to conduct a conversation, support, interest the interlocutor;
  • intelligence and sense of humor;
  • lack of tantrums;
  • Always good mood, the manifestation of heat;
  • manipulation of men certain stage when the partner is absorbed, the fatal lady will begin to satisfy her ambitions at his expense.

Other women do not like her, try not to compete. Men are losing their minds. The more a young man opens up when communicating with a fatal lady, the greater the mark she will leave in his fate.

I have one friend who cannot be called the standard of beauty, she has an ordinary appearance, a slightly plump figure. At the same time, she takes care of herself and turns men around as she wants. They literally lose their heads next to her, and suffer when she breaks off relations.

How to become a fatal lady

You can change your appearance by using classic look fatal woman.

  1. Opt for sexy, dark-colored clothing that draws attention, such as black and burgundy.
  2. It is important that the outfit emphasizes the dignity of the figure.
  3. If you choose to wear high heels, then you first need to learn how to walk on them.
  4. Start using interesting perfumes, the aroma of which will be not just sweet, but seductive and sexy. To do this, you can give preference to perfumes with lavender or sandalwood. They should be used in moderation.
  5. Can do interesting hairstyle, styling or haircut.
  6. If you dye your hair, then choose natural shades.
  7. To look more mysterious, you can hide part of the face with curls of hair.
  8. Opt for red lipstick. Choose one that matches your skin tone. Bright sponges will draw male attention to you.
  9. It is important to make sure that the makeup always looks fresh. Therefore, if necessary, you need to tint the lips, but do it in a place where no one sees, for example, in the bathroom, to maintain mystery. You also need to give preference to high-quality makeup that emphasizes the line of the eyes.

Great importance must be given to your personality.

  1. You need to become a mysterious young lady, mystery is a calling card fatal girls. In order to keep a certain secret, it is necessary not to talk about yourself, to keep your partner in the dark. The less information he knows about you, the better. You don't even have to talk about your family. Let the man himself find out information if he needs it.
  2. Even if the current day was very difficult and you Bad mood, it is unacceptable to demonstrate this to a partner. Fatal women are strong and strong-willed, they will never show weakness.
  3. You need to be smart, show your intelligence. If a girl is beautiful and smart, she is even more attractive in the eyes of a man. You need to demonstrate your versatility, speak on various topics, be interesting. It is unacceptable to pretend that you are a simpleton, such a man will not be hooked.
  4. It is necessary to be sexy, but it is unacceptable to be slutty. Fatal young ladies are seductive, but they know when to stop. So a woman with bare shoulders looks much sexier than a naked one. For example, you can come in a dress with a cutout on the back or with a neckline. Let the man imagine what is hidden under him.
  5. Of great importance good feeling humor. If you do not have this, then it is better not to try to joke. If there is, then use it.

Let's consider what your actions should be.

  1. It is necessary to communicate using a seductive voice, speak softly.
  2. It is desirable to learn men's affairs so that when communicating with a person of the opposite sex, to be able to communicate on an equal footing, to demonstrate abilities in those things that other women do not understand.
  3. Always think about yourself, not about a man. If you are happy and your partner feels good, your emotions can be transmitted to him.
  4. Do not let anyone influence your self-esteem or tell you how to behave, what to do. You need to be self-sufficient and confident, care and think about others, but never forget about yourself.
  5. You need to learn to be independent. Do what interests you, not someone else.
  6. Do not forget about self-development.
  7. Expand your circle of contacts.
  8. Remember that it is important to have your goals, plans for the future, and implement them.
  9. It is necessary to try to be a lady, but not too correct. It is important to take care of your posture, gait.
  10. No need to wait for a rating from a man. Fatal ladies will not sit with tears in their eyes, due to the fact that the young man did not call her. She will not become complex because of bad comments addressed to her, she will never allow someone to influence her self-esteem.
  11. You need to be completely confident in yourself, love your strengths and put up with your shortcomings.
  12. You don't have to be too accessible. Otherwise, a man will treat you like entertainment.

Now you know how to become a femme fatale. Remember that such a young lady cares about creating a comfortable atmosphere in a relationship. It will seem to a man that she is perfect, knows what not to do and how to behave correctly.

The fatal lady is erected on a pedestal by men and hated by other women. It is to her that poems are dedicated, for her they are ready to give their lives. Just one glance of such a woman is enough for a man to “disappear” forever.

What is she - a real heartbreaker?

That is why the question of how to become a femme fatale has always worried the fair sex. It paradoxically combines passion and cold, flame and ice. Outwardly, such a woman may seem completely unattainable, cold, but at the same time, she makes you want to be near her. Having succumbed to her charms, a man understands that it is almost impossible to get the attention of such a lady. However, the ancient instinct of the hunter, embedded in every man, takes over. He is ready to go to any danger in order to get this rare and valuable "game".

In order to win the fatal lady, men at all times were ready to give up their careers and leave their families. Often they even agreed to the role of page and servant. They were ready to do anything, just to get the attention of their inimitable goddess at least for a while.

Difference from other ladies

If ordinary women compared with a flower that pleases the eye with its beautiful appearance, then the fatal lady is compared with intoxicating wine, which deprives one of her mind and makes her commit rash acts. The beauty may be in the spotlight for a while, but it usually doesn't last long. Having met on my own life path fatal woman, a man will not forget her until the end of his days. Already this quality of such ladies, which allows you to kindle passion, is worth adopting. To do this, you need to know and be able to do what a femme fatale can do.

Knowledge of psychology

Long before psychology took shape as a separate branch of scientific knowledge, femme fatales were well aware of the patterns male behavior. Intuitively, they felt what exactly a man needed at a particular moment in time. It was always clear to them what their chosen one wants, when it is better for them to retire, and when to act actively. At present, knowledge of psychology is no less valuable weapon in the hands of a competent femme fatale. It provides many advantages and is useful not only for initial stages relationships to win a man, but also to keep him.


The fatal lady in any era had special manners, a sense of tact. She could predict the mood of a man. On the other hand, even after parting, he does not leave offended or humiliated, as often happens. On the contrary, it seems to him that the queen herself did him an honor, and now he feels more significant.

At the same time, the fatal lady will never manipulate her chosen one. She does not use her appearance or influence.


How to become a femme fatale? What is the secret of her unsurpassed charm? In fact, the behavior that turns out to be “catchy” for many men is available for mastering by every woman. And one of those rules is unusual.

Often you can see that people try to behave the same way, to be similar friend on a friend. The fatal lady is the one who strives to emphasize her individuality in everything. Her jokes are always unusual, and communication from the first minutes of meeting is fascinating. In clothes, she adheres to only one rule: she can wear anything, but this thing must express her individuality.


It is hardly possible to associate the image of a femme fatale with a housewife frying meatballs or sitting near the TV with knitting. The fatal lady is a true adventurer. She will always figure out how to fill her life with adventures, and at the same time involve a man in them. At first, such experiments can plunge him into a state of shock and surprise. Then he will wonder how it will all end. Well, then he will either not be able to live without this woman, or he will remember these adventures for the rest of his life. It can be anything - night walks in the cemetery or a date on the roof of a skyscraper, skydiving or climbing a snowy mountain peak.

It is because of this adventurism that most men go crazy for femme fatales. How to become such a lady is now becoming a little clearer: you just need to allow yourself to do extraordinary things, giving free rein to fantasy in action. You can, of course, not start with crazy adventures. To catch the spirit of adventurism, you must first do something unusual for yourself. In particular, classes that (so far) modest girl represent a challenge. For example, if a lady is shy about going to the gym or dancing lessons, you can start with these small steps. Then you can try something more complicated - for example, meet a man right on the street. Gradually, the incendiary spirit of adventure will become more and more a natural state.

Self confidence

Many books have been written about how to become a femme fatale and what is the secret of her charms, including on psychology. But in order to turn into such a lady, it is not necessary to look for psychological publications any special recipes or tips that would help “grow” the adventurer and conqueror in yourself male hearts. One of the "fundamental" properties of the character of the fatal lady is an unshakable confidence in her charms. She doesn't care what others say about her outfits or behavior. She's not going to waste her precious life meeting someone else's expectations. For her, there is no such word as “no” or “not accepted”. Therefore, the fatal lady causes fear in many men - because there is something dangerous in her.

Self-love as the basis of high self-esteem

This confidence stems from unconditional love to yourself. Often fatal women are those ladies whom both parents loved very much in childhood. Mother's love allowed her to learn to accept herself for who she is. Therefore, the fatal lady will never experience difficulties in expressing her own femininity. She has no rejection or irritation either towards herself or towards other women around. This trait makes her incredibly charming.

Father's love allowed me to learn how to communicate with men, not to experience fears or complexes in front of them. Therefore, the femme fatale communicates with representatives of the opposite sex on an equal footing - there is no place for hypocrisy or prejudice in her character.

Work on yourself to gain confidence

Is it possible to become a femme fatale, given these features? In fact, if a girl did not receive enough love in childhood and for this reason did not become self-confident, this does not mean that this shortcoming cannot be corrected. If desired, every woman can become self-confident by cultivating this quality. For one girl, it will take diligent independent work, the other can not do without the support of a professional psychologist.

How do you become a femme fatale - overnight or does it take months and years of work on yourself? If we talk about such inalienable quality heartbreaker like self-confidence, here the timing will be individual. To defeat a submissive and modest lady in herself, who fulfills all the whims of a man, it often takes a very long term. But due efforts will sooner or later give a result, and a woman will begin to love and respect herself more and more.

To develop the self-confidence inherent in the fatal lady, it is useful to use the following recommendations:

  • Dress nice. How to become a fatal woman for a man, if appearance says that the lady does not really pay attention to her clothes, makeup, hairstyle? A girl should allow herself to look much better than usual in order to gain a reputation as a fatal beauty. Also, the appearance should match the environment. It is unlikely that a femme fatale will wear a hippie outfit to an official party, no matter how individualistic she may be. But the outfit that is appropriate for this event, she completely stylizes for herself, so she cannot go unnoticed.
  • Movement control. Often insecure people try to borrow more comfortable position bodies when they are nervous. Or they don’t know where to put their hands, they start fiddling with something, scratching their nose or rubbing their ears. IN similar situations you have to train yourself to relax. After all, unnecessary gestures will immediately reveal to others that in front of them is not a fatal lady, but an insecure person.
  • To learn to control movements, to make them smooth and graceful, it is useful to pay attention to your body. For example, it may be a visit to the pool in order to relax the muscles. Or classes in stretching (stretching), which will make the gait smooth, and the posture - royal.
  • Be confident in your words. How to become a femme fatale to that lady, whose word is worth nothing? Talkers who every minute in the presence of a man engage in idle talk will not be able to gain a reputation as a fatal lady. Such a woman always knows the value of her word. If she decides to promise something, you can be one hundred percent sure that the promise will be kept. If she calls, it means that something really important has happened, and not just that she wanted to talk to a man about nothing.

Also, the fatal lady is always confident in her words, which she utters in a conversation. On the one hand, she knows how to admit her mistakes, but on the other hand, if her opinion is correct, she will select the right argument and prove her case.

How to love yourself?

It's not just that many ladies are tormented by the question of how to become a femme fatale. Psychology has accumulated a lot of knowledge on this subject. But if a girl cannot use them, if she still asks this question, this indicates a lack in her of those qualities that are inherent in fatal ladies. Self-love, on which the confidence of such a woman is based, - Foundation stone her behavior, education, tact, as well as an inherent thirst for adventure.

A femme fatale loves herself and her life - that is why she will not waste her years serving one man, cooking borscht and washing diapers. It would not be an exaggeration to say that such a lady is a real egoist in the positive sense of the word. To love yourself and become like her, you can start with following recommendations:

  • Love yourself regardless of whether there is a man nearby. The fatal lady is unlikely to evaluate herself depending on whether there is a strong shoulder nearby. Both things and people are all temporary attributes that do not define her personality. One of the main qualities of a femme fatale is self-sufficiency. Rather, her presence next to a man will determine the well-being and self-esteem of the latter, rather than she will suffer and suffer from loneliness. However, what kind of loneliness are we talking about? The fatal lady is not aware of this concept. If a man did not honor her with attention, it is unlikely that this will hurt her. After all, there are still so many worthy boyfriends nearby that it’s just a pity to waste time regretting some kind of misunderstanding.
  • Complete acceptance of yourself. The fatal lady accepts herself for who she is. To become one, you must accept yourself with all the shortcomings, forgive for the mistakes made. Often people tend to condemn themselves for what they have done. But it is necessary to realize that at some point in time, exactly the decision was made that seemed the only right one. And even if it was wrong, it is still necessary to love and accept yourself, despite these mistakes. After all, they make a woman stronger, stronger and more experienced. The fatal lady is the one who will never reproach herself for what she has done or gnaw her elbows about missed chances.
  • Reasonable goals, proper prioritization. Every person wants to be the best in the business he undertakes. But it is impossible to be able and know everything, and also to achieve heights in every undertaking. A femme fatale will not spend herself writing an annual accounting report without a single mistake, or reproach herself for an extra crease at the waist. She does not see the point in condemning herself, but such a woman sees it in self-improvement. She does not need to set sky-high standards for herself in order to prove to herself and the world what she is worth. And to the boss’s question, “Can you stay two hours longer today?” she will not dutifully agree - at first such a lady will objectively assess her desires and possibilities.

The heart of the "crowned" person

That girl who has learned to love herself, began to look after herself and developed a sufficient level of confidence is already halfway to becoming a true femme fatale. How to become it completely and how to radically transform your personality? To do this, you need to put yourself and your interests first.

At first, some girls may be afraid that others will consider them too arrogant or narcissistic. If this fear arose, you need to ask yourself again: what is a femme fatale? A notorious and insecure person who is afraid to buy herself an extra tube of lipstick with her husband's money, or a lady who loves herself and puts her interests first? Is this the one who is afraid of not pleasing her mother-in-law, having slept until dinner, or is it a lady who does not really care what others will say about her?

What does "fatal woman" mean in the understanding of men and girls different ages, social status? For some it will be an incomparable temptress, for others it will be a destroyer. family happiness, for the third - an example to follow. But whoever this lady is, she will always remain in the first place for herself, and no one can move her from this pedestal.

Runes to help novice heartbreakers

Easily conquer men and achieve your goals will help runic becoming"Femme fatale". In the photo, he is depicted on a pendant. But runes can be used in another way: they are drawn on notebooks or dishes, scratched on candles, tattoos are made with their images.

There are two runes in this stav: Fehu and Gebo. Fehu is a symbol of a great worker. It means a strong union of will power, inner desires and an all-pervading mind. Namely, these properties are the main trump cards of the femme fatale. The rune in this stav makes it easy to find out the necessary information (including about the motives of the surrounding men), realize your sensual desires and achieve goals. It is this sign in the stave that allows you to become a real “magnet” for the opposite sex, since it combines sensual desires with intelligence and willpower.

Gebo represents the quality of the air. The rune allows you to control any situation. The booty itself will go into the hands of the one who uses this Scandinavian sign. Gebo also allows you to find the desired peace and confidence.

Girls who want to become fatal ladies should remember that such women are not always happy. They live by own laws different from generally accepted stereotypes. Becoming a fatal lady, it is very difficult to return to previous models behavior and become the same as before.