Is it possible to speak a sore throat in a child. Conspiracy on a chicken egg. For quick relief from pain

If tonsillitis does not recede and the person suffers from a sore throat. That will help a conspiracy from a sore throat or traditional medicine, but it is better to combine both options together. There are spells that can be cast for medicines. Thanks to such simple but powerful solutions, it was possible to achieve maximum effect in the treatment of a sore throat.

Sore throat conspiracy for children

“Sweetness is joy. Honey - chill, jam - petal. I will tell you, I will heal the purulent disease. So that the throat would not hurt, so that the redness would go away, speech flowed without pain. I will eat and drink, wet my throat with tea, I will heal with herbs, I will strengthen my whole body with you. The disease will go away, the throat will pass. Key. Language. Lock".

The magic potion is given 1 dessert spoon 5 times a day, preferably before meals.

ancient ritual

Provided that the child's temperature is below 38 degrees, then use magic against a sore throat. The text should be read three times every hour. Before starting the action, make a vodka compress on the throat. For children under 6 years old, make vodka / water one by one. Cover the child with a blanket and whisper the spell 3 times:

“The disease did not call you to itself, the servant of God (name) did not give you. Go away sore throat, disappear, and move away from the body. Do not be in this child, do not suffer from illness. I will sit next to my son (daughter) so that the illness goes away completely. Amen".

Conspiracy from severe pain in the throat

If you have a severe sore throat, and you do not have the opportunity to use the services of a doctor, then you can charge honey healing power. Add honey to hot tea and read 3 times the plot:

“Bees collected honey, they gave it to people. Honey heals everything, takes away sores, and saves the throat from redness and pain. A spoon for pain, a spoon for redness, a spoon for heat. I stir, I mix, I drink milk (tea), I swallow and I don’t know the pain. What is said, spoken, can not be returned back, not turned over.

Conspiracy for the treatment of tonsils

“The sore of the tonsils with honey melts, it allows you to swallow. It leaves the throat, does not return back. So be it. I say so. What came through the mouth like a sore, quickly left. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

Conspiracy for a compress from angina

If a compress helps a child or an adult get rid of a sore throat, then in without fail it must be done. There are only a few ingredients for compresses that are used in conjunction with conspiracies during the treatment of tonsillitis:

  • Vodka.

Each of them is good and effective, but is chosen according to the susceptibility of the organism. The most popular is the vodka compress. It is strong and powerful in itself, but its effect can be enhanced several times over. To do this, you can read the magical text directly during the adjustment and winding of the sore throat. It perfectly warms up the tonsils and removes inflammatory processes read the spell:

“Across the field, through the forest, along the road and along the stitch I will go, I look like. I will meet all the animals and birds, all God's creatures, talk to them and regret it. Lord, forgive, Lord, help! How to heal your animals and birds. Take away the illness, return my voice (or the servant of God (name)) return. To drink and take food, always glorify you for strength and power, for kindness and help. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

The main thing to remember is that for children, iodine and vodka should be diluted one to one.

Visit our page. And don't forget to leave your comment. How to deal with tonsillitis with scientific point vision. May God grant you happiness and health!

Before using magical remedies, consult a specialist, and initially consult a doctor.

Magic surrounds a person, it helps him and, with due perseverance, harms everyone who treats it without respect. With the help of various rituals, it will be possible to punish the enemy, improve your own life and get rid of health problems. Traditional medicine offers many ways to overcome infections or viruses, but it does not give any guarantee. Helping, medications can harm both the child and the adult patient, and a sore throat plot is always safe. For hundreds of years, problems in the throat, nose, or other organs of the respiratory system have been treated with prayer or spells.

Who is suitable for this treatment

Is it possible to apply such approaches to the treatment of babies? Children treated with antibiotics is completely harmful, unlike folk methods and magic, medicines weaken the immune system of a small patient and make him defenseless against new threats. Prayers against angina are absolutely safe, and you can read them both in the hospital and at home (yourself without the help of healers or magicians).

induced sore throat

Diseases that strike an adult or a child quite suddenly have long been associated with the negative magical effects of ill-wishers. Angina is a disease that literally eats away the throat, as if it does not allow a person to speak or express his own opinion. Magicians argue that the symptoms of the disease on the tonsils in themselves are an alarm signal that must be responded to without delay.

It often happens that even compresses, antibiotics and strong drugs do not help and the child still suffers from a sore throat. What should be done and how to get rid of suspicious inflammation? A sore throat conspiracy is a time-tested way to eliminate a threat to the health of an adult or child.

The nature of the magical rite for health

When is a conspiracy read and how effective are sore throat conspiracies for children? Rites and magical rituals with angina, they are as simple as possible and accessible even to a novice magician. caring parent you do not have to run for consultations to expensive sorcerers or healers. At strong desire it will be possible to read a conspiracy or prayer without their help. TO powerful rites approaching without preparation is unwise and dangerous, both for the person who performs it, and for the one whose healing is asked from higher powers. A conspiracy from a sore throat and various prayers should help the first time, and not waste the beginner's time.

Impact on energy is a kind of control that another person has mastered. Diseases are often a reflection of induced damage or evil eye. To prevent the consequences of someone else's hatred or anger is very difficult, and sometimes not at all possible. What can be done by a person who wants to avoid pain in the throat, nose or other organs respiratory system? Health Precautions:

  • cleaning the house and living quarters negative energy;
  • protections and blocks that a professional magician puts;
  • prayers for water for any symptoms of illness of one of the family members;
  • amulets and charms from negative external influences;
  • strengthening your own energy;
  • special attention to the close environment (most often the ill-wisher disguises himself as a friend or comrade).

A physically strong person must also be spiritually strong. A visit to the temple and confession will allow you to cleanse your soul and open it only to good energy. Negative influence only people with a weak inner strength exhausted by daily problems and internal fears. Nothing comes from outside, if inside, the vessel of the human soul is filled. Reading a conspiracy with angina without faith in the help of magic words is a waste of time and effort. But it is impossible to get rid of the disease forever only with medical treatment.

Treatment of a child from a sore throat with the use of conspiracies

Conspiracies for quick healing are completely different. Methods, known spells and rituals with a long history - all these means in the fight against angina are available to everyone. The conspiracy will work if you do not neglect the recommendations of healers and magicians. Popular and fast rites that drive away the disease in children:

Delicious ritual for sore throat

Before performing the ceremony, you should ensure calm environment and stay alone with the little patient. You can perform rituals at night or early in the morning. A strong conspiracy does not need witnesses or helpers and consists in the fact that a person literally charges water or other liquid right energy. It is especially important to carry out such rituals if you suspect that a child has been damaged or evil eyed. The kid should sit comfortably in bed and completely trust his mother or father (the person reading the conspiracy). It is possible to treat a disease even in an advanced form with a simple ritual.

Make a conspiracy for angina on chicken eggs

Read complex conspiracies needed only after careful preparation. Eggs should be pre-boiled and cooled. The principle of the conspiracy is quite simple - with the help of magic words and a rite, the patient gets rid of negative energy and damage. You need to speak eggs in the following words:

“With your prayer, Virgin Mary, I start, I drive out the heat and bitterness from the white throat. I drive out - I drive for thirty-three years. Thirty-three - winds, thirty-three - sides. As the first dream comes, the sore throat will go away. My words are not sculpting, but strong. Amen".

Then you should draw a knife over the throat (gently and without frightening the child), as if cutting off invisible threads. Then the eggs are brought to the throat (they take in all the negativity and extraneous energy).

Prayers and tea with honey.

From a sore throat will help the most simple and affordable recipe. In no case should you use hot tea for angina. Honey is added to the cooled liquid (preferably homemade or from a local apiary) and prayer words are spoken. It is necessary to perform the ritual in a whisper, without unnecessary noise and screams. The following words should be read:

“The pain is sharp, malicious and dull, let it dry up like a dry chip! Let my throat stop hurting and peace will finally come for me! Nature is mother, take your ailment to the red mountain ash, but domineering, and let him (or the name of the child) never bother me again! Amen".

Speak to strong conspiracies unnecessarily not worth it. Children will recover gradually, and even if not in a couple of days, but without harm to their energy. Strong rituals can end unpredictably and only harm the baby. Allowed powerful conspiracy from sore throat (purulent), when the health and life of the child is in danger.

Stepanova's conspiracies

Conspiracies of the famous Siberian healer- Natalia Stepanova is so popular for a reason. Years of practice folk healer showed how strong the power itself can be strong energy in the universe, the one that is hidden in every person (it should be found only in oneself). A conspiracy from a sore throat will only work when a person gives in return a sincere unshakable faith. Stepanova's spells and rituals help from many diseases related to the body and mind. For the treatment of children, such conspiracies are best suited, because any words spoken during the ceremony will not be able to harm the baby. The healer has repeatedly said that everything comes from God and everything returns to him. As if the eternal, inexplicable cycle of phenomena in nature for a person, not only harms, but also helps. Absolutely all Natalya's spells are based on the principle of balance and balance.

Universal health conspiracies can help in cases where the cause of the child's ailment is not fully understood. Read magic words allowed only on the waning moon. For a conspiracy, water, milk or tea is suitable. Left alone, you need to say:

“I speak to the servant of God (name) All twelve pains, All twelve ailments. From day and night shaking, From midday fire, From twitching and shooting, From blinking and blindness, From lakes and yawns, From overthrow and from stabbing, From dokuki and hunks, From damage and black sickness, From the deeds of a nimble sorceress. You, evil shaking, calm down, You, blindness and deafness, pump out, You, pain and overthrow, stop, You, sharp stabbing, get rid of, You, damage and evil, shrink. It's enough for you to mock, It's time to obey, Otherwise I'll drown you in holy water And I'll pitch you in a barrel, I'll let you go across the sea-ocean. Key to my words, Lock to my deeds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen."

Stepanova suggests treating a child's illness as an occasion to pay attention to the lifestyle of the whole family. Are all friends sincere, do all relatives give love and leave envy beyond the threshold of the house? Illness is a reflection, collected together thoughts and intentions of everyone who enters the house. Children are the most sensitive and receptive in the family, so their illnesses cannot be ignored. After treating the child, a complete cleaning of the living quarters should be carried out, and then a few more conspiracies should be made on good health children and adult family members. The book of the healer presents a variety of spells and rituals that will help improve life and restore health to every household.

Sore throat conspiracies

If you cannot read the prayer words yourself, you should consult with a specialist. For a child, help from a familiar person will be less stressful, so magicians or healers should be called only in extreme cases. It is important to create all conditions for the future ceremony. The position of the moon and celestial bodies can also play a cruel joke on a beginner mastering a magical craft.

What should parents know if their children suffer from angina? Medical treatment the baby may need, especially when worsening general condition little patient. It is also not worth neglecting any help, because traditional medicine shows nice results in the treatment of childhood diseases. After the baby recovers, you should begin to find out the reasons that contributed to the development of the disease.

Magic will help you heal

With sore throat, sore throat or tonsillitis, it is necessary to take all possible measures to quick release child from a problem. Children suffer from such diseases with pronounced symptoms, and helping them is a paramount task for any parent. Along with conventional medicine treatments, there are options that few people know about. There are a lot of rumors and misconceptions among the people about conspiracies and rituals that relieve acute symptoms and reduce inflammation.

Prayer for sore throats.

How to cure a sore throat without medicine.

Can words in prayer or conspiracy help with an infection or disease in the throat? The world around consists of riddles that a person has only to solve, whether to believe in them or not is the choice of everyone. Daily conspiracies help overcome unpleasant and dangerous ailments without consequences or complications.

Many people are currently in no hurry to turn to magic in order to get rid of colds, including inflammation or infections of the throat. But our ancestors in the fight against similar ailments always used conspiracies and prayers, with the help of which recovery was faster. A conspiracy from a sore throat will help you get rid of it faster unpleasant symptoms diseases, help the body recover faster after an illness. But don't forget about traditional methods treatment. Magic should not be a panacea, it is only an addition to drug therapy.

When conducting rituals, one should not forget about traditional methods of treatment.

All rules must be followed

In order not to have a sore throat, a conspiracy for a sore throat is good helper in treatment. At the same time, it is important to treat infectious and inflammatory processes with the help of medications prescribed by the doctor. They can be successfully combined with prayers and conspiracies. V this case the help of magic words is enormous - they contribute to speedy recovery, help get rid of the disease, reduce the intensity of unpleasant symptoms and help the body recover faster from past illnesses.

The good thing is that such conspiracies can be used at any stage of the disease, without fear negative consequences. Everything magical rites simple, most of them do not require the use of special paraphernalia, so anyone can carry them out on their own at home.

In order for this method of treatment to bring maximum effect, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Pronounce all words strictly according to the instructions, without a hitch. If it is difficult to learn by heart, you can read from a piece of paper. But remember that those words that you learn by heart will act faster and much more efficiently.
  2. Strictly follow all the actions indicated in the ritual.
  3. It is better to perform rituals from a sore throat for a child in his presence. As a last resort, use the most recent photo.

Observing simple rules, magical conspiracy will be a very effective remedy in case of a sore throat.

Effective conspiracies from angina

Some conspiracies involve appealing to the forces of nature

There are also conspiracies from sore throats, which involve an appeal to the forces of nature. For example, you can read the following words:

“Zoryushka-lightning, red maiden, help get rid of roots with roots. Let them not be here, do not revel in red blood, do not break white bones, do not put pressure on the slave (name). Let them go where the sun does not shine, and the wind does not blow.

After the ceremony, you should spit three times over your shoulder.

The following rite can help get rid of pain in the throat. Light a candle, heat a glass of milk, dip a spoonful of honey into it. Read over the drink:

“I will pray for my child, I will ask the Lord God, I pray to the Mother of God. Help me, holy powers. Help my baby. May he be healed of ailments and adversities, terrible, insidious.

Warm milk to give the baby, let him drink completely.

On an egg

A conspiracy from the throat can be done with the help of an egg. You need to boil two eggs, when they start to cool, read the following text 12 times:

“I beg you, Mother of God, take away the illness, help me get rid of it forever, forever and ever. Let them leave the servant of God (name). I will take away, take away the illness, pain and heat from his flesh. Let the sore throat go away when the first lightning touches the dawn sky. Amen".

After the ritual, the eggs must be attached to the child's throat

Repeat this spell 12 times. Then attach the eggs to the child's throat. May they draw out pain, fever, inflammation, all diseases and negative energy. After the ritual, the eggs must be buried as far as possible under a tree or in a wasteland where people do not go. It is very important to ensure that the eggs do not break or crack on the way. Otherwise, the disease may worsen.

On fire

Conspiracy on sore throat from adenoids should be used as part of complex therapy diseases. Is not independent remedy, it cannot be considered a panacea, especially when it comes to a child. Such magical actions can help in the treatment, enhance the effect of medications.

A plot on adenoids is a good helper in the treatment of the disease. You just have to believe in him. magical power. Plant a sick person near the fire (pre-light a fire or heat the stove). This ritual, which helps in healing, is performed only in the open air. Read speeches like this:

“I will speak your tonsils, servant of God (name), save them from fire and flame, from unclean forces, they will not be in your body, they will not torment white body, do not torment red blood, a zealous heart, a violent head. Wherever the smoke goes, there the ailments will go, to distant plains, to deep swamps, to dense forests. May everything that is said and spoken by me come true in a bright and pure hour.

A sick person should be seated in front of a fire

While reading the text of a sick person, they sit in front of a fire, set fire to a piece of paper, drive it over the head of the sick person. If you do everything right, you can quickly cure ailments with the help of conspiracies, get rid of the abscess.

On flowing water

A conspiracy from a lump in the throat is recommended to be carried out in the bathroom, standing with your back to the sink. Open the faucet, let the water flow. It is also better to conspire against pharyngitis in the early morning, before the first sun rays. With this magical effect, it is necessary that during the reading of the slander, water constantly flows. Repeat the text three times, spitting over your shoulder after each time:

“Just as water fills the world with life, so let me be filled with happiness and health. As the sun goes far beyond the horizon, my ailment will go to distant lands, it will never return. May it be so".

Such a ritual will be even more effective if, instead of a tap, you stand near living running water - a river or stream.

For tea with honey

Disease will go faster if you use tea with honey

With angina, a conspiracy will help cure the disease faster if you additionally use warm tea with honey. Pre healing drink says:

“Let the sharp pain in my flesh, the servant of God (name), disappear forever, let the bad pain leave my throat forever, let the sickness run without looking back, on its own way, to distant lands. May she be no more. Higher powers, grant me blessings and help, help me get rid of prickly, evil and biting ailments. Let the healing power be filled. May it be so".

For quick relief from pain

A conspiracy for a sore throat will help get rid of discomfort. When the disease is spoken, the pain will subside, the condition will improve much. After reading the plot, spit over your shoulder.

“Oh, you evil, sharp, burning and malicious pain, dry up, dry up. Become a dry chip. Stop the pain, get rid of your throat. Never come back to me again. Let it be so".

Magic spell for kids

If trouble happened to children, sore throat conspiracies for children will help get rid of diseases. For the treatment of a baby with adenoids, with pain in the throat, this will help improve the condition. Read over water:

“The grasses of the field, dry, the violent wind dried and ruffled you, shook you in all directions. May the illness leave the sick child, may the neck be healed. Go away, ailment, on the grasses of the field, dry. For all four winds, four directions of the world. Let them beat and shake you there. And leave my baby alone. Mother of God, help my baby, save my child from a malicious illness. Let it be so. Amen".

Prayers for angina

Prayer must be sincere

Sincere prayer can help against tonsillitis and tonsillitis. It should be read by an adult over a sick child. You can turn to God, the Virgin Mary, various saints and intercessors, guardian angels. These words addressed to God are very powerful. Reading them, after each time you need to overshadow yourself with a cross.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos:

“Mother of God, blessed be the Lord in your wives, blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls. Amen. With your prayer, Virgin Mary, I start, fever, bitter chills from the white throat - I will expel. I will drive out - I drive forever - eternal. We know four sides, we never visit the rest with our body. We meet messengers from there in a dream. As the first dream comes, the sore throat will go away. May everything that is said - spoken, come true, forever and ever. Amen".

Angina is a very painful disease that is very dangerous and requires mandatory treatment medications. For successful treatment It is important to follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of your doctor. But you can speed up recovery and recover faster with the help of magical rites.

Of course, any conspiracy from a sore throat should be read only if the main treatment is carried out using traditional medicine. The important thing is that you can use magic at any stage of the disease, there are no restrictions on the use of magical healing rites. They cannot be harmed, but if you do not believe in the power of magic, then magical influences will simply be useless.

This is very effective rite, which is easily carried out independently at home. First, you should prepare a special tea. It is better to use herbs for its preparation that suit you, that is, do not cause allergies. You should wait until the tea has cooled down, and then put a little honey in it and stir thoroughly. May honey is best, but any flower product can be used, as long as it is natural.

After that, tea is spoken with such magic words:

“I, the Slave (s) of God (s) ( given name) with my word and action, I drive away the sharp and vicious pain from the throat. I'll drink tea and it will dry up like a dry chip. The disease will recede from me and the sore throat will finally give me peace. I turn to you Mother Nature, take my ailment to the sprawling mountain ash and to the slender pine. I order that the sore throat leave me and never pester me again. So it will be! Amen!"

A warm charmed honey drink should be drunk in small sips and immediately go to bed.

With chicken egg

If the disease cannot be cured by initial stage development, then for the treatment of severe angina, along with the methods of treatment offered traditional medicine you can use magic. The rite in which the egg is used is very effective.

For the ritual, twelve eggs should be hard-boiled. They should be left in hot water.

And at this time over a sick person say this magic spell:

“With your prayer on my lips, Holy Mother of God, I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name), proceed to treatment. With my word, I drive away the heat and bitterness from the throat of the Servant (s) of God (s) (the name of the patient) forever. I remove the burning pain, let it blow it away with a gust of wind on all sides and it will never gather back. As the dream comes, so on next morning the disease will go away. My words are strong, but the deed is stucco. From now on and forever. Amen".

This magic spell should be pronounced in full concentration on the desire to help a sick person. When speaking words, you can not be distracted by anything. While pronouncing words, you need to hold a knife in your hand, the blunt side of which should be driven in the throat area at a distance of several centimeters from the skin.

After honoring the conspiracy and performing the described actions, the sore throat should be overlaid with warm eggs. After they cool down, the pain should let go and the healing process should begin.

Ritual for kids

Conspiracies from sore throats will also help in the treatment of babies. Moreover, it is necessary to use magic in this case, because angina is a very insidious disease that can give serious complications to vital organs. In this regard, every effort should be made to cure the child as soon as possible.

Moreover, doctors very often have to recommend various folk remedies for the treatment of angina in children. This is due to the fact that young children often suffer from allergies, so medications should be used with great care.

The healing ceremony is performed by a close relative of the baby, it is optimal if the mother or grandmother pronounces the magic words. When pronouncing a magical conspiracy, you need to constantly swallow saliva, if possible, it is necessary to persuade a sick baby to do this.

The healing words are:

“In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! (repeated three times). Natural willow, I order you, the Servant of God (her name) on the rights family ties take the pain out of my baby's throat. And if you don't take it, I'll swallow it whole and whole. Amen".

Such a magic spell is repeated three times a day with an approximate interval of about five hours. Typically, this ritual to a large extent enhances the effect of other medicines prescribed by the doctor.

In addition, it should be remembered that a very effective remedy for the treatment of angina in children is the well-known prayer "Our Father". It can be read multiple times throughout the day.

Any conspiracy from a sore throat is very effective remedy, therefore, do not neglect it, because in order to quickly get rid of the disease, all means are good.

If tonsillitis does not recede and the person suffers from a sore throat. That will help a conspiracy from a sore throat or traditional medicine, but it is better to combine both options together. There are spells that can be cast for medicines. Thanks to such simple but powerful solutions, it was possible to achieve the maximum effect in the treatment of a sore throat.

Sore throat conspiracy for children

“Sweetness is joy. Honey - chill, jam - petal. I will tell you, I will heal the purulent disease. So that the throat would not hurt, so that the redness would go away, speech flowed without pain. I will eat and drink, wet my throat with tea, I will heal with herbs, I will strengthen my whole body with you. The disease will go away, the throat will pass. Key. Language. Lock".

The magic potion is given 1 dessert spoon 5 times a day, preferably before meals.

ancient ritual

Provided that the child's temperature is below 38 degrees, then use magic against a sore throat. The text should be read three times every hour. Before starting the action, make a vodka compress on the throat. For children under 6 years old, make vodka / water one by one. Cover the child with a blanket and whisper the spell 3 times:

“The disease did not call you to itself, the servant of God (name) did not give you. Go away sore throat, disappear, and move away from the body. Do not be in this child, do not suffer from illness. I will sit next to my son (daughter) so that the illness goes away completely. Amen".

Conspiracy from severe pain in the throat

If you have a severe sore throat, and you do not have the opportunity to use the services of a doctor, then you can charge honey with healing power. Add honey to hot tea and read the plot 3 times:

“Bees collected honey, they gave it to people. Honey heals everything, takes away sores, and saves the throat from redness and pain. A spoon for pain, a spoon for redness, a spoon for heat. I stir, I mix, I drink milk (tea), I swallow and I don’t know the pain. What is said, spoken, can not be returned back, not turned over.

Conspiracy for the treatment of tonsils

“The sore of the tonsils with honey melts, it allows you to swallow. It leaves the throat, does not return back. So be it. I say so. What came through the mouth like a sore, quickly left. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

Conspiracy for a compress from angina

If a compress helps a child or an adult get rid of a sore throat, then it must be done without fail. There are only a few ingredients for compresses that are used in conjunction with conspiracies during the treatment of tonsillitis:

  • Vodka.

Each of them is good and effective, but is chosen according to the susceptibility of the organism. The most popular is the vodka compress. It is strong and powerful in itself, but its effect can be enhanced several times over. To do this, you can read the magical text directly during the adjustment and winding of the sore throat. It perfectly warms up the tonsils and relieves inflammation, we read the spell:

“Across the field, through the forest, along the road and along the stitch I will go, I look like. I will meet all the animals and birds, all God's creatures, talk to them and regret it. Lord, forgive, Lord, help! How to heal your animals and birds. Take away the illness, return my voice (or the servant of God (name)) return. To drink and take food, always glorify you for strength and power, for kindness and help. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

The main thing to remember is that for children, iodine and vodka should be diluted one to one.

Visit our page. And don't forget to leave your comment. How to deal with tonsillitis scientifically. May God grant you happiness and health!

Before using magical remedies, consult a specialist, and initially consult a doctor.