Lapis stone magic properties. Lazurites - magic properties of stone. History and origin

Beautiful blue, blue-purple, blue-green delicate stone Lazurit is known in ancient times. Once, for example, in ancient Egypt and Babylon, this stone was considered one of the most expensive gems. It is believed that the laws of Moses, who drove the Jews of forty years in the desert, are drawn on Lazurite. Stone, "Similar to the Heavenly Square, Using Stars" called Pliny lazuli. That is why lazuli always considered a stone approaching God.

Magic properties of Lazurita

The sky cleanliness of the Lazurita is able to clear the mind and soul of a person from bad thoughts and heavy memories, set up for a brilliant future, take a mischief. Stone sincere friendship and love call this stone: it can better any Gadlocking to return your beloved or beloved, strengthen the marriage bonds and strengthen friendship. This stone helps in any case if it is the fruit of the efforts of friendly people. Get a gift from Lazurita as a gift - it means to get the right confirmation of the sincerity and the honesty of the donant. Grinding lazuli in antiquity was mixed in a drug healing from poisoning kings and emperors.

Owners of products from Lazurita are configured to charity and become kinder and close to everyone who surrounds them. Lazurit gives its own owners to special sensitivity, the ability to feel someone else's pain as its own and heal near sincere sufferers.

This stone has long become a symbol of well-being and material prosperity. No wonder they say that blue is the color of wealth.

It is believed that lapisy helps to keep eyesight and even able to restore it. For this every day you need to keep this blue mineral Before your eyes: Contemplation, this allows the muscles of the eyes to relax, thereby removing the spasms, which are often the reason for reducing visual acuity. Generally their medicinal and magic power Lazurit gives, above all, to those who enjoy his beauty with the help of their vision: the longer look at this stone, the more it will benefit and health, and for peace of mind. The expression - "pleases the eye", probably, was born as a result of pleasure from the contemplation of the beauty of Lazurit. Future mothers, wearing jewelry from Lazurit, protect your, still unborn, child from diseases, and yourself - from premature and heavy birth, Fear before the upcoming pain and motherhood.

Lazurit helps restore forces, get rid of headaches, normalizes pressure and improves condition blood system, strengthens sleep and configures a healthy lifestyle. He can prevent lumbar pains, attacks of asthma, to drive insomnia, do not forget that the lapisy adorns any woman, jewelry From this heavenly beauty of the stone can be the detail ending the most refined toilet.

Lapis and zodiac signs

Lazuli, like. For them, oil products are simply necessary: \u200b\u200bthe natural restraint of the maiden under the action of Lazurit is weakened, the stone gives the opportunity to appear to the emotions to manifest, freeing their carriers from complexes and tension.


Physico-chemical properties of Lazuritis

Chemical formula: NA6CA2 (ALSIO4) 6 (SO4, S, CL) 2s
Singonia: cubic
Radiance: glass
Daily lighting color: blue shades
Coloring with artificial lighting: dark, gloomy
The magnitude of the refraction: 1,5
Hardness Indicator: 5,5
Transparency level: shines
Density indicator: 2,3-2,4
Color features: white
Cleavage: imperfect
Mixing: pyrit, Space

Lazults - natural mineralused by man more than 7 thousand years. The stone received its name from "Lapis" (from Lat. Stone) and "Azul" (from Arab. Blue).

Characteristics of Lazurit Stone

It is from this intoxication that creates the impression of the starry sky depends on how the stone lazuli looks like. Surprisingly, it looks like an ordinary stone with a lack of shine and transparency.

But the stone is obliged not only unusual color, and more - to change the color when changing lighting. In the artificial light, natural stone lazuli from saturated blue turns into dim and inexpressive.

Therefore, the day of mineral looks much more effectively. It is believed that in the bright time of the day, being blue, the mineral symbolizes the day sky, and with artificial light - dark night.

If you look at the photo, the stone lazuli has different shades, it is clearly visible. Lazuli can be blue or blue colorsometimes with violet, green, gray tint, with black and white spots.

The bright blue variety of mineral contains up to 0.7% sulfur. When calculating the stone in the fire, the color becomes much more intense. A breed, which has about 40% of Lazurit, is called Lyapis-azure.

The properties of the stone of the Lazurite include decomposition in a solution of hydrochloric acid, highlighting the characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide. And after evaporation, there is a precipitate - jelly-like silico.

Story of blue stone lapis and photo

The first mention of the mineral is associated with Badakhshana specks in Afghanistan, which are already being developed for more than 7 thousand years. From these developments delivered a mineral for tsarist Russia And China. And the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, at one time, equating him to gold, bequeathed to decorate the tombs.

Lazurist, starting with the XV century, was one of the most beloved gems in Europe. At the end of the 15th century, a new era began for stone.

At this time, Lazurites entered the fashion of the secular society of Europe. large sizes. Lazurite vases, countertops and panels appeared in each noble house, not to mention the decorations.

On the presented photos, lazuli and products from it look more than aristocratic.

However, not only for jewelers the material represented value. Lazurit became interested in even historians who the stone allows to trace the ancient trading paths, and on them already judge the relationships of peoples. During the excavation, it was found that gem was used in the earliest stages of the history of human development. And the mining of Lazurit in the mountains of Afghanistan and the Pamirs existed 45 centuries ago. Fragments of lazurite products were found in the tombs of the two-frequencies - a place where the city-state-state ur, which was the ancient center of human culture was opened.

Surprisingly, the stone is used even in painting. For this, it was his fat, while obtaining ultramarine pigment, resistant to ultraviolet. Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael and Michelangelo used paints. In Russia, the stone began to extract in 1851

With its help, the Isaakiv Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Lazurite panels and other products, were partially lined, and Peterhof was decorated, and in the Winter Palace there is a large vase of Medici from Lazurit.

Lazurita deposits: mining and application

The origin of the mineral metasomatic and metamorphic. It is often formed in marbles, on the contact of the alkaline erupted rock with carbonate. It can be found in crystalline limestone as a product of metasomatosis. The origin of the stone is associated with the interaction of the metamorphic carbonate layer with external environment. Its formation occurs at temperatures above 600 degrees.

Lazurist, whose deposits are not uncommon, is common in Africa, America, Korea, Burma, Angola and India. To the one precious fields Top deposits on the South Pamirs and in Northern Afghanistan. Especially valued stones from Afghanistan, mined in the mountainous regions of Badakhshan. It is there, at a high altitude, the most valuable field of Lazurita is located, a few thousand years known.

In Afghanistan, the mineral is already mined not only in the ancient Sar-E-Sang, but also in other Badakhshan fields: Piphur, Changdak, Dzhankalak. More recently, mining was only a few tons per year. BUT B. lately Lazurit production increased to 500 tons. Heavy work They are carried out in the conditions of mountains, mainly in winter, naturally, the oldest way. Such mining is not related to the fact that Afghanistan is not an industrialized country, but is due to the fact that precious stones almost all over the world are always mined manually.

In the territory of Russia, gem is mined in the region of Pribaikal. In all these fields, lags are mined, the characteristics of which correspond to the stone high Quality: Pure blue color, high level Brilliance, soft, pleasant translucency. Here less often than in samples from Central Asia, there are inclusions sulfur Creek. Sometimes violet, green, reddish differences can meet, the color of which is associated with the transition to another mineral view or eyelash.

Mineral is used in many industries: in the manufacture of paints, jewelry and interior products.

The stone is limited in the form of plates and cabochon. For the rim most often serves silver or non-oral metal. Bracelets, beads, earrings and rings with inserts from natural stone In its beauty, no one is indifferent. Given the Alexandrite effect, characteristic of Lazurit, such jewelry to wear better during the daytime. Lazurit - an inexpensive mineral, the price of which starts from $ 1-2 per gram for stones jewelry quality. Value depends on color and purity. More expensive are specimens of homogeneous color without inclusions, but with pyrite enclosures. Such interstitations, except for decorative, are indicator of the naturalness of the stone. More expensive are the stones of Sine-purple (Indigo) and dark of blue color With pyrite. Legal values \u200b\u200bare considered greenish blue and gray-blue shades.

Natural stone is distinguished by high temperatures. The manuscripts dated the XVII century say that the real gem must withstand the fire for ten days without losing its color.

It seems that massive countertops and large vases Out of one whole boulder. However, in fact, such an effect is possible due to the skill of the masters, stone mosaics are made of separate fragments.

In the ancient times of the mountain workers of the Lazurites, they were caught in the walls, and all the strangers, which were approaching the mines, sentenced to death penalty. And the right to own a valuable nugget was only by Emir.

Watch the stone lapis on video:

Lazurit - very beautiful stoneIf you look at him in the rays of the sun. The color gamut of this mineral corresponds to its name - this is a rich blue color, which is often called "heavenly". The beauty and brightness of the color of this mineral led to the fact that decorations and souvenirs from it are in constant demand. Such things bring beauty and sincerity to human.

Lazarite has several names

Lazurites can be found under other names - Lazurik, Lyapis-Azure, Heavenly Stone. In the Middle Ages in eastern countries This mineral was called "Bukhara Lazurit" or "Armenian stone".

Lazuritis is absolutely opaque and distinguished by glass glitter. Sometimes basic blue tone Mixed lighter stripes. Minerals with purple shades are especially valued, their brilliant overflows resemble the glitter of high-quality silk fabric.

The main range of colors of Lazurit is blue, but there are stones with a greenish tint, an indigo color and mixed white-violet tones.

Lazurit Niw - the most expensive type of Lazurit

The cost of the stone is determined by its color tone. The most expensive stone is "Niw", this is a bright homogeneous-blue mineral or an indigo color. The lightest blue color of the Asmani stone or the green-blue "Sufsis" is valued much less.

Where are Lazurita deposits?

The lags are mined in the USA (California), in Russia (Transbaikalia) and in Afghanistan (Badakhshan). On the Pamir, the history of this mineral has over seven thousand years. The eastern rulers lazuli was a favorite decoration for his palaces. The beauty of the stone was very impressed with the ambassadors and merchants. Egyptian pharaohs Also did not take care of this mineral - the finds of archaeologists confirm this to the fullest. It is the Egyptians who came up with jewelry from Lazurita, recovering the cut stone precious metals, mainly gold.

Powder from Lazurit has long been used in artistic painting

Western European artists found a mineral of a different application - they crushed it to the state of the powder and stirred by oil. So there was a well-known paint ultramarine. First, only temple walls and church iconostasis painted this new amazing paint.

From the conquered east, the lazuli came to Europe, instantly conquering to know and the rich workers who began to fill their homes various products From this stone.

Russian emperors went even further - after the detection of the Lazurit deposit in Transbaikalia, they began to build whole buildings from this mineral. Thanks to this today, we can admire the columns of Isakia and the whole lazurite halls of Patoes Peterhof.
For a long time, up to the XIX century, the deposit of this mineral in Afghanistan was the only one in the world. In Russia, the lazurites were found in the XVII century, but the development of the field was not carried out, while in Transbaikal, fisheries and hunting were the main fishing. Regular development of the Russian field began only at the end of the XVIII - early XIX. centuries.

How to distinguish natural lazuli from artificial?

Fake precious and semi-precious stones walk around the world for many centuries. Even in antiquity, the Egyptians have learned to make imitation of natural minerals using glass and glaze. IN modern world Mastery of manufacturing fakes only increased. And lazruts in this case, no exception, on jewelry and souvenir counters you can see many options for artificial analogues.

Real natural lazuli can imitate:

  • "Swiss Lyapis" - Jasper or Chalceedon, coated with icing;
  • low-quality lapis-azure impregnated with synthetic dyes;
  • artificially grown minerals synthetics with gluttony gold grains for analogue with natural splashes; Synthetic minerals are often stained with cobalt oxide;
  • minerals will create and azuris, externally similar to the lapisite, and often offered for sale under the guise of the "heavenly stone".

Significantly authenticity of the Lazurite can be defined only in a special laboratory, where the composition and density of the mineral will be appreciated.

You can try and independently carry out authenticity, but the accuracy of the result may be low. Checking minerals, just plunging the stone into the water. After the stone was taken out of the water, genuine lazuli will be evenly wet, and the fake, most likely, will be in small droplets.

Another way to check is true, not so harmless - checking fire. Natural Lazarite has a rare property - high fire resistance. There is information that this mineral has withstood the fire casing within ten days. The fake stone will not endure and several hours of location in the fire.

Well, of course, a purely visual way of determining authenticity: the natural mineral at the shadow lighting is not distinguished by bright beauty, its properties are such that it literally flourishes only solar raysFakes are beautiful at any lighting.

Lazurit and his magic properties

Lazuritis has long been symbolizing sincerity, success and assistance in the implementation of the intended purpose. The Egyptians believed that it helps to communicate with the highest beings.

Indians believe that a lazurite powder can save the poisoned, and the stone itself is designed to strengthen the spirit and body. Europeans, presenting a gift to the decoration with this mineral, thereby designated the friendly and sincere feelings To the man who receives the gift.

Lazurit will help to establish relationships, will lead the negative, minimizes quarrels

In the modern world, it is believed that lazeri eliminates the negative from the old conflicts, protects its owner from unrighteous actions or thoughts. It will help spiritually develop his owner, if the latter is committed to this.

Therapeutic properties of Lazurita

Lazuli - one of best Oberegov For pregnant woman

The mascot talisman will be very useful to women waiting for a child. It will provide normal flow Pregnancy and lungs. This mineral is also useful for those who are predisposed to allergies, skin disease, rheumatism and epilepsy. It is well affected by a stone for sight, and also helps with insomnia.

Lazurites can be used hypertensive and people with violation of the internal secretion glands.

Apply the mineral just - they do acupressure And wear on the neck like decoration.

Magical properties of a stone lapis for zodiac signs

Astrologers recommend lazuli as a talisman doctors (especially psychologists), librarians and diplomats. Mineral awakens self-awareness, allows you to achieve professional peaks, get the result in research work.

A bracelet with a lazurite will give confidence in its own power, will lead to life

The mascot with this mineral will give its owner a sense of internal equilibrium, peace of mind, confidence in their abilities and will help reveal new abilities.

Lazurit is a stone of purity and sincerity, he will save his owner from evil thoughts and incorrect actions. It will get a great amulet - the key to love and loyalty, real spiritual proximity and sincere friendship.

Amulets and talismans with a lapisite are best to have gold rims.

Lapisy stone properties Lyapis photo jewelry to whom the value is suitable magic properties blue
Mineral Zodiac Sign Application

English name Mineral - Lazurite

Lapis lazuli For history at all the most interesting stone. The finds allow him to restore trade routes and for them to judge the mutual relations of the ancient peoples. Lapis lazuli Used at the earliest stages human history, to confirm this, you can refer to many museum exhibits In our and foreign museums.

Synonyms: Azurevaya (Lazorovo) Stone - Lasurestein (Him.), Pierr d'Azuz (Fr.); Lapis-azure (Lapis-Lazur) - Lapis-Lazuli (Lazule) (English), Lapis-Lazzuli (Ial.); Sapphirus (Sapfiros) - Sapphirus and Kyanos (Kuanos) - Cyaneus (dr. Greek); Chesbet - Chesbet (Egyptsk.); Chrysosapphyr - Chrysosapphire; Lyjward - Lajward (Ind.), Arminakun (Armenian Stone) - Armenakun (Armenian) (Armeniurh Stone - Lat.), Ultramarine - UltraMarine (Lat.). Sodalite Group

origin of name

The name comes from Arabic "Azul" or Persian "Lazvard" - blue sky. Known since ancient times, is mentioned more than 4,000 years ago; For the first time it is described in detail by Boethiis de Bottom in 1636 as "lapide-lazulli" - a stone azure (the name does not apply to mineral, but to a lazuribid-containing breed). As an independent mineral described by Fisher in 1869

Lazlazit. Irkutsk region. R. Fast Si 6 O 24] (SO 4) 1,4SO0, 6

Chemical composition

By chemical composition, all structural modifications are close to each other. The ratio Si: ol \u003d 1: 1, Na and Ca Cations are dominated among the cations, and the anionic part - sulfate and sulphide sulfur, in significantly smaller quantities - CL, it, CO 4 2-, very rarely F. Spectral analysis in this mineral from the Carpathians The following impurity elements (%) were found: VA - 0.6; Sr - 0.2; Zr - 0.006; Mo - 0.0006; Be - 0.0003, Ga and Cu- 0.0001; PB, LI, Y, LA, NB, NI, CO - traces.

Lazurit varieties

Structural: triclinic, monoclinic, rhombic.

Jewelry: Nili - Nili - Due-blue; Asmani - Asmani - Indigo, Heavenly Blue; Sections (Suvsi) - Sebsi (Suvsi) - green blue.

Crystallographic characteristic

Singonia Cubic

Symmetry class. Hexethetrahedrician

Crystal structure

The isolated structural varieties are close to chemical composition, indistinguishable macroscopically and by paragenetic associations, but are distinguished by the optical properties, dimensions and symmetry of the elementary cell, modulation of crystalline structures. Cubic lapisitis is characterized by a three-dimensional disproportionate modulated structure in which the modulation period is incredituted by the subject's period; Rhombic, triclinic and monoclinic - commensurately modulated structures, which causes the appearance of additional superstructural reflexes on the diffraction patterns around the cubic cell reflexes. There are two types of superstructures in relation to the axes of a cubic subject: close to four-time and six-time.
The structure was decrypted in 1929. Herger on a sample of artificial ultramarine. Subsequently, its refinement was repeatedly carried out.

The basis of an idealized structure is a sodalite-type frame, in whose voids of S 2- and SO 4 2 in a tetrahedral environment of Na and Ca, forming clusters 3+ and 3+. It is assumed that part of the sulfur replaces oxygen in the frame.

In the real structure in the framework of the thermal parameters Si and ALL have large values Compared to those in Sodalite. It causes them to displace them in the frame. Oxygen atoms are statistically aimed at two positions 24 (i), which determines the presence of two fragments with left and right rotation in the framework of two fragments. Na and sa are in three positions. It is assumed that part of the sulfur can enter the cavity in the form of clusters. Crystal chemical formula Na 6 Ca 2 (SO 4) 1.4 s 0.6.
The framework of the rhombic modification is characterized by the complete ordering of Si and Al tetrahedra. The cell along the z axis is divided into two parts, which are distinguished by a pair of tetrahedra. In each of the parts of the diortogroup of one orientation, the angle of turning is varied, which leads to the tripling of the period C. These turns are a consequence of the natural displacement of the atoms of AL and SI along the x and y axes from the middle positions of the cubic cell. The modulation of the tetrahedral frame determines the natural change in the shape of the cubooktahedra - cavities formed: the skeleton oxygen, caused by the displacement of the extra-accumulated Ca and Na atoms.
The coordination of all major cations includes oxygen vertices of S-tetrahedra and sulfide sulfur atoms. The latter form a group and corner group. Crystal chemical formula (Z \u003d 6) (Na 6.51 Ca 1.33 K 0.06) 1.3 S 0.29 (S 2) 0.11 CL 0.1.

The triclinic modification frame differs from the cubic change of the ideal M of the ASTU by joint rotation of tetraheders around the axes of the cubic cell. The frame is divided along the z axis into two equal parts, tetrahedra in which differ from each other by the type of reversal. The reversals are formed due to the roar rotation of tetrahedra (synchronous-diortogroups) in opposite sides Around the axes z and y for the first and second parts, respectively. The displacement of tetrahedra from medium-sodalite positions occurs in a periodic law, the nature of the deviation is determined by the direction of crystallographic axes. Compared with the frame of the sodalite, tetrahedra is waveched out of private positions. Along the directions and in the structure, there is a periodic compression and expansion of the fragments of the sodalite frame, and the corrugated tapes are formed along. SO 4 groups occupy six eight cavities, each SO 4 tetrahedron is deployed by about 90 ° around one of two diagonals of the edge of the cubic subjects that coincide in the direction with the X and Z axes of the triclinic lazurite, and the central cations S (L) and S (6) Shift from centers of cavities. In two cavities are s2 or H2S molecules. Ions S (7) -S (10) are not included in the coordination of Na atoms.

Cations Na and SA occupy various positions. In the cell there are two clusters 3+ with centers in S (3) and S (6) and four 4.5+ with centers in S (L), S (2), S (4) and S (5). Crystalochemical formula (Na 7 Ca) (SO 4) 1.5 (H 2 S 2) 0.30. The main factors determining the phase transformations of the lazurite are the activity of sulfur dioxide in the gas phase and temperature.

Form of finding a lazurite in nature

The appearance of crystals.Crystals are rare, usually robbododkahedrical appearance with the subordinate development of the faces of the Cuba, Tetragushedron, Pentagratyctahedron and TetragonTrixthedra, present in the form of vertex dumps. The faces are uneven matte surfaces With numerous vicinals, the presence of growth layers is characterized by a phenomenon of crystal splitting. There are zonal methacrystals with a porcilate structure and case-like crystals, often forming graphic accretion with other minerals.

Aggregates.Solid fine or fine-grained units; The crystal is rare, usually the size does not exceed 1-1.5 cm; Sometimes up to 4-5 cm in diameter.

Physical properties


Bright blue, dark blue, blue, greenish, greenish yellow, white, rarely pinkish, purple pink and crimson. Often heterogeneous within one grain. The painting of the lazurite binds to the presence of paramagnetic centers S - 3, S - 2, SO, and SSO -, and the blue - with a radical S - 3. Green (400-600 nm) - S - 2 + S - 3, Yellow (400 nm) - S - 2. Blue binds to the S - 2 ion, unstable in the free state and forming polysulfide - ion S 4 2-. Increasing the intensity of blue painting during calcination is due to the transition of sulfate sulfur in sulphide. According to the EPR, the coloring and its intensity is determined by ion-radicals SO - 4 and S - 3, and the stability of the color is due to the presence of paramagnetic centers having a hole nature.

  • Damn. Light blue.
  • Glitter glass
  • Ghirling
  • Transparency. Shines, occasionally transparent.


  • Hardness 5-5.5.
  • Density 2.38-2,48.
  • Spidity of software (110) imperfect, in triclinic software (110) and (001).
  • Running uneven, sink.

Chemical properties. Dissolves in HSL and HNO 3 with highlighting H 2 S.

Other properties

In the sealed tube, when heated, moisture highlights.

Behavior when heating

Samples from the baffin land when heated to 1000 ° is gradually losing in weight 2% (H 2 O) in the range of 250-910 °. At 910 °, a strong sulfur smell is felt. When heated, the triclinic modification is irreversibly moving into cubic. The transformation occurs in the range of 500-600 °, and with more high temperatures (700-900 °) The transformation occurs instantly. On curves of DTA, there are no sharp thermofectors. When heated to 500 ° acquires persistent, more bright coloring And different differences are painted in blue tones.
When calculating cubic lazuritis from the Baikal film (800 °, 25 h), the cationic composition does not change, and water, chlorine, carbon dioxide and sulfide sulfur is partially destroyed, the sulfate sulfur content increases, the amount of general sulfur decreases, while the sample is discolored. The color is reduced by annealing by annealing (700 °, 24 h) at a pressure of a saturated pair of sulfur. According to the structural features of the response at 700 ° cubic lapisters from the Baikalia (S-Sodalit) closest to the CL-Sodelitis, however, it retains the relics of the initial lazurite and occupies an intermediate position between the sodalite with a single Na-position and SO 4 - Lazarite (and Gajin), In which Na atoms are statistically distributed in three positions. Crystal chemical formula Na 6.5 Ca 1.4 Si 1.65; Z- 1; Density 2.29.
In the range 1100-1200 ° goes into the nepheline. The interplanar distances of the calcined sample on the position of structural lines are close to the Lazurit from the fields of the Southern Pamirs.

Diagnostic signs

Similar minerals. Sodalit, Nosaan, Gaiune.

From similar in color of the sodalitis, the reaction to chlorine and the release of H 2 S is distinguished when dissolved in acid, from the commander - a smaller light and a lack of or very low binding; According to the position of the characteristic reflection bands in the IR spectrum in the middle range (cm - 1): 1160-1150, 1040, 467-470 and diffuse reflection in the visible range (Nm), 410, 600-640.

Origin and finding

Rare. It is usually included in the contact-metasomatic formations resulting from the diffusion interaction of chemically non-equilibrium rocks (aluminosilicate and magnesia-carbonate) with the participation of high-temperature post-accomplishment solutions. Required conditions crystallization of this mineral are high concentrations Alkali and hydrogen sulfide. Lazurite rocks are formed at 545-600 °.

Change mineral.

It is replaced by analzim and zeolites.

Place of Birth

Rare deposits are timed to the contacts of alkaline erupted rocks (shenites, granites and their pegmatites) with carbonate rocks. In Association
With him, except for calcite, it is often observed in a pyrite in the form of small grains, well visible on polished samples, as well as cancrinite and other minerals, with the exception of quartz. Occasionally detects in alkaline lava (Vesuvius).

Famous field in Russia - Major-Bystrino, is located in the Tunky mountains, on r. Slyudyanka in the southern Baikal region, where the lazrium was formed by metasomatic pathway as a result of reactions between pegmatite and dolomite rocks. Here it is accompanied by a light-painted diopsyid, a scapolite, flogopit and calcite, cannitis, sometimes pyrite and native sulfur. The first finds of the Lazurit in the area were made in 1784 (at the direction of local peasants).

An oldest deposit used by Great Fame and the Marco Polo (1271) described, is the Sara-Sang field in Badakhshan (Afghanistan), where the masses of Lazurita different shades (from indigo to blue) was formed by metasomatic means in limestone. A similar field of Ladjavardar is known near Sarysanga, on the West Pamire (Tajikistan).

Practical use

As a beautiful diverse amine lazuli attracted attention from the long time. About this stone We find mention from writers of the ancient centuries different countries. In ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, lazuli enjoyed special glory as raw materials for when preparing durable and beautiful paint. Detailed the history of use in antiquity is considered in a separate article - lazuli in the ancient world.

Vintage products made of lazuritis in the form of cups, caskets, rings, figurines, amulets and sets of baubles are widely known. In the XVII century Lazurite stone is used to finish jewels, decorating furniture and fireplaces. In the form of a fine facing material, it was inlaid in a combination with gold, bronze and other metals. Especially appreciated the difference between cornflower color with pyrite recreation.

Lazurite products are very widely represented in the Hermitage and other museums of our country. Like malachite, lazuli was used in the manufacture large products According to the method of Russian mosaic. Of course, this did not require such a thorough selection of structural pattern, as was done for Malachite.

The most remarkable products from Lazurit within our country, of course, are the famous columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral. This is a Russian mosaic from the dense-blue homogeneous Lazurit type "Star Night", where the numerous golden sparkles of pyrite are visible against the background of blue stone. It is known that it was originally intended to make columns from Slyudyansky Lazurite. In essence, it was done, but Architector Monferran, built St. Isaac's Cathedral, these columns "did not like", and they were re-made from the Afghan (Badakhshansky) Lazurit, and the columns already made from Slyudyansky Lazurit were in the house of Monferran On washing.

In addition to the main application as a decoration, lazuli in antiquity and especially in the Middle Ages, another type of use was found - as a blue paint. Valery in his textbook of mineralogy, published in Russian translation in 1763, writes: "Gentle and high color having a azure paint, which is made from a worm up a nazurevaya stone and is used to paint and painting." This paint was called ultramarine - "overseas", and, as you can read in some guides, no other paint transfers so the blue sky and all its shades like ultramarine.
Valery describes complex technique Production of ultramarine from Lazurita: the babble of Lazurita, in which the color of the mineral becomes curly, its crushing, laundering different oils and in water and rubbing with different varnishes. Naturally, this paint was in the full sense of the word on the weight of gold and belonged to the type of paints, which "the owner issued painting strictly normally." It is reported that at the beginning of the XIX century. The cost of a kilogram of ultramarine in France was about 3000 francs, which was a huge amount.

Lazurit - a stone whose properties are determined by it chemical composition. This is an aluminosilicate in which sulfur is present. And on its quantity depends on everything - color, brightness, saturation and value of this natural diverse stone.

Unusually revered in antiquity

Back for the Millennium BC, this gem was highly appreciated by jewelers. Even analogies with sapphire were carried out, and not only because of blue, but also because of golden spots. And in Lazarite, and in precious sapphire It is the splashes of pyrite. Sapphires with the effect of asterism called star. In antiquity, the lazuli is generally quoted much higher than now. Pliny Senior (Writer-Erudite from Ancient Rome, who lived in the first century to our era) writes about the diverse satellite gamma of this mineral - from the azure to a very rarely purple.

Mineral structure

In all articles it is indicated that lazeries is not a separate mineral, but their combination, combined in one mountain breed. And indeed it is. Such a breed is obtained as a result of a dense capture of various minerals of the type of dioxide and calcite and sodalite with lazurite grains. This diverse composition of the breed and explains a large number of Impacts and residences that make every gem unique. However, the most valuable are the monophonic stones of a saturated dark blue and violet flowers. And mesh-covered or various patterns Good for different crafts - ashtran, different figures, written sets and so on. Plates cover columns, walls, fireplaces.

Properties used in medicine

Lazurit is a stone whose properties allow you to use it not only as a decoration. In the same antiquity, he was very widely used in medicine. The stone was pulled into powder added to the compositions saving from scorpion bites and snakes. IN nordic countries His endowed others healing properties It was believed that he had strong soothing properties, helps with asthma, allergies, toxicosis. It was recommended (and now in folk medicine it is practiced) pregnant women in the form of suspension right on the stomach. Endowed him and strong anti-inflammatory qualities, it was used in migraines and increased pressure. One word, the stone was incredibly popular with the ancient healers. His values \u200b\u200bcontributed to a limited number of deposits - mined lazuli then only in Afghanistan. From there, he was taken to the courtyards of all the kings and kings.

Artistic properties

Lazurit is a stone whose properties due to their uniqueness were very widely used in painting. He was even unarked by the "Stone of Artists". Thought up in dust, he was the basis for the preparation of such a pigment as ultramarine, which, depending on the composition, can have blue, purple, white, green and even red shade. All this is explained by wealth. color Gamma. Mineral himself.

Ultramarine was widely used by artists and when writing paintings, and when painting the web used for sewing clothes. The material obtained as a result of the use of this pigment was guaranteed unfavorable brightness of the color. Unusually beautiful stone lazuli. The photo proposed below transmits its uniqueness and uniqueness.

For what and now lazuli is appreciated

And now this stone is very valuable, since the crystals of the Bukhara Stone in nature are very rare. They are very beautiful form - in the form of an octahedron having 8 triangular faces, or rombodowcahedron, a duodenate, consisting of rhombuses proper form. Most often, the lapis is found in the form of residences in marble.

In Turkey, the mineral called "Lazuritic grid" is white stonePeaped with streaks of Lazurita. If the mountain rock is contained up to 40%, it is called Lapis-Azure. Such a breed is quite highly appreciated. The richest deposits are in Afghanistan - a country where the lazuli was mined in a few millennia to our era.

Best - Afghan

Local rocks are divided into several types. The most valuable, indigo-blue is called Nieli. Heavenly color Asmani is also valued, but not so high. The cheapest from the Afghan Lyapis-Lazari is considered to be Sufsi. He has a greenish blue color. In this country, lazuli of the highest quality is mined. Most of the deposits are located in the province of Badakhshan. Located highly in the snow-covered mountains, the Sar E-Sang deposit (up to 5000 meters above sea level, it is believed that there is a lapisy that absorbs the blue of heaven) is known from the IV Millennium to our era. It was the only field in the world of the "Ladurn Stone" deposit until the XVIII century. Therefore, the lapis is a stone, the price of which in antiquity was equal to the price of gold, despite its mediocre physical properties - It is fragile, very susceptible to third-party exposure, even water. That is, as an amicing stone, he is very negotiable. But this is in our time when large deposits Open around the world - in the south of Pribaikalia, in Chile, USA, China, Egypt, Tajikistan and Brazil.

High quotes at all times

But now the natural pure dark color of the stone without a strey, except with the splashes of pyrite, speaking about the naturalness of the mineral, is valued quite high. This semiprecious stoneSo revered in ancient times, find in burials related to the IV millennium BC - decorations from it lay in the tomb of the king of the ancient city-state Hur. But the most important thing, lazuli is a stone, whose properties made it possible to consider it by gem, which has strong magical properties. The plume of this glory stretches for him so far. Since ancient times, it is considered one of the most "good" stones. Known and read it was in ancient Babylon. There is a belief that the commandments received by Moses on Mount Sinai were drawn on the scrubles from Lazurit. Most often, gem is used to clean the aura. For this, it is enough to constantly wear a product from this mineral.

Strong magic stone

Lazurit - stone, whose magical properties in different countries Allowed to attribute to him a different action on the human body. So, in India, it was believed that gem unusually strengthened the mind, consciousness, as well as the body. In ancient Egypt, the lazits were generally considered a stone of gods, which contributes direct communication with them. In Europe, it was called the sincerity stone, not at the same time and other properties. He was a symbol of good luck and well-being. In all countries, the fame of the gentle contributing to the spiritual development of the owner behind it.

For people, sincerely believe in the power of minerals, the value of the Lazuritian stone is difficult to overestimate, because now, as in antiquity, he personifies sincere friendliness, so genuine that contributes to the implementation joint projects buddies. Who will refuse such an amulet? The fact that the stone is in demand and has retained its meaning and now, says the fact that it is very actively fought, and, in Germany, and at all on an industrial scale. Get such a product from jasper and called "Swiss Lyapis".

Suitable for all

It is not always possible to distinguish the fake, even with special devices: German quality. Those interested to buy a product from the real Lazurita must be remembered characteristic feature The latter - with sunlight it is unusually good, and with artificially losing significantly.

It is necessary to emphasize that absolutely everyone helps the magical properties of such a gem, like lapis. Stone, the zodiac sign of which is a Taurus, is also a talisman of the scales and Capricorn. To everyone who is wearing with love and trusts him, lazuli guarantees a change in life for the better, the emergence of new interests and greater sincere love.