Psychology of a child at 7 months. Dr. Komarovsky about early sitting - video. Sleep and wakefulness

Those parents who closely monitor their baby are interested in knowing what a child should be able to do at 7 months. There are norms for the development of infants, on the basis of which they judge the health of the child, correct his behavior. Up to a year, a baby must master a lot of skills, so it is important not to miss anything and be ready in right moment help him get used to the world around him.

At seven months, the weight gain is approximately 600 grams, and the baby grows by 2 centimeters. Body proportions are changing more and more, and girth chest should be larger than the circumference of the head. Normally, children at this age weigh 7.6-8.3 kilograms, and their height is 67.3-69.2 centimeters. Boys are usually larger than girls. Head circumference - 43-44 centimeters, and chest - 44.5-45.5 centimeters.


Minimum and Weight Limit for a healthy girl at 7 months is 6.0 and 9.8 kilograms. Height varies from 62.7 to 71.9 centimeters.


The boy's weight limits are 6.7 and 10.3 kilograms, and they grow from 64.8 to 73.5 centimeters.

What skills develop at 7 months

An important component of the development of a 7-month-old baby is the ability to independently move in the surrounding space, improve fine motor skills and the emergence of more complex emotions, fears.

neuropsychic development

The child is well aware of the speech of the parents. He learned not only his name, but also the word "No". The baby in the seventh month understands the meaning of the prohibitions, and they are very upsetting to him. He can point his finger at certain objects. He understands that the hidden toy did not disappear without a trace. By facial expressions, gestures and voice, he distinguishes what emotions others experience.

More than intensive development the right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for the left side of the body. If the child began to use left hand, this is a temporary phenomenon.

Knowledge of the world around

He learned to hold small objects in his hands with two fingers, he is good with both hands. He is interested in all "sounding" toys, and the child consciously makes noise with them. Baby rattles rattles, knocks on buttons musical toys. He is interested in opening and closing boxes. He continues to try everything and discover new properties of objects.

He likes to listen to nursery rhymes, poetry, looks at picture books, can turn pages if they are thick and not torn.

Improving motor skills

The main skill of this age is confident sitting. But all babies develop in their own way, so by 7 months they can:

  • roll over from back to stomach and back;
  • sit up on their own, but still cannot sit down themselves;
  • crawl, sometimes backwards, on all fours or on the stomach;
  • stand at the support and try to take the first steps, holding on to the fence;
  • try to stand up on your own, grabbing onto supports and hanging things.

Attention! You can’t leave tablecloths hanging down on the table, throw hot and cold on the table and close to the edge. sharp objects. The baby can overturn everything on itself.


He is very attached to his mother, and her absence causes crying. He can hide on his shoulder, embarrassed by some people, or, conversely, considers those who are interested in him. He expresses his emotions by turning away or clinging to a person. Can make friends with other babies.

Speech develops

The babble becomes much more difficult. At the seventh month, children confidently use syllables where language is involved: ma-ma, ba-ba, la-la, ta-ta and others. He can line them up. He continues to experiment with the volume and tonality of sounds, sometimes sings along to the music. It is very important to speak in his presence only in a friendly tone.

Vision and hearing of the baby

At this stage of an infant's life, vision and hearing are fully developed. The child reacts even to quiet sounds, can turn around when they are addressed to him. During daytime sleep leave the sound background (TV, radio) so that later he does not wake up from the slightest rustle. He perfectly sees even fast moving objects, distinguishes shades of colors.

Developing the ability to make decisions in a child

Let the child pick up a toy. We offer him a third. At 7 months, the baby will think and drop one of the toys to get a new one.

During turns, he learns to make decisions about where to turn if he is nearby. hard object or a barrier.

What can you give a baby from food

Many have already cut teeth, they confidently eat from a spoon and can drink from a bottle on their own. They can be started to drink from a cup, holding. By this time, the baby’s diet already includes vegetables and cereals. One-component cereals, gluten-free: corn, buckwheat, rice. From fruits they give to try pear, plum, peaches, apples and prunes. New vegetables are added: carrots, spinach, pumpkin and potatoes.

If complementary foods were started at 4 months, then they are introduced to meat (veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey) and egg yolk. Already 1-2 feedings are completely replaced by regular food.

By what signs to determine that the child develops correctly?

Every baby develops at its own pace. But there are several signs that should alert parents at this age:

  • makes no attempt to roll over or sit down;
  • does not play, does not knock cubes on the table, does not repeat actions after her mother (perhaps this is caused by simple fatigue);
  • there is no emotional connection with parents, does not react in any way to hugs, their movement, absence;
  • does not react to sounds, does not try to attract attention;
  • does not try to talk, does not babble;
  • does not feel objects and does not try to try them on the tooth;
  • in a vertical position does not rely on the legs;
  • does not follow moving objects with his eyes, tries to catch them.

Baby Development Test

Understanding what skills a child has already acquired is very simple:

  1. Lay the child on the back. He turns on his side for a toy, on his stomach in both directions.
  2. Sit with your child at the table. He can shift things on it, knock with his hands, grab the edge.
  3. Ignore the child, this should make him demand attention: whimpering, trying to catch your eye.
  4. Fear of strangers recedes, the baby is interested in new people.
  5. Cover the face of a lying child with a diaper, he will free himself from it.

Necessary examinations of a seven-month-old baby

This month with a child you need to go through scheduled inspection pediatrician, no other doctors visit. According to the vaccination schedule, there is no vaccination unless there is a schedule shift.

Problems that may arise

At this stage of child development, parents may be concerned about:

  • problems with sleep and falling asleep due to strong physical activity during the daytime;
  • fear of strangers - the child distinguishes his own from strangers well;
  • refusal of complementary foods - the baby gets so used to the breast that it does not want to try an unfamiliar product;
  • pain during teething.

Enough to surround the child with love and care to help overcome fears, relieve pain.

What to do in case of deviations

If a child lags behind his peers in his development, this should alert parents. It is advisable to keep a diary where all the achievements of the baby are recorded. This will help to identify the pathology at an early stage.

Which doctor should be contacted

All questions related to development at 7 months are asked experienced pediatrician. He can analyze the performance of the child. If necessary, a consultation with a neurologist is prescribed, a therapeutic massage is prescribed.

Games and activities for the child

Every day, kids learn to do something new, acquire new skills. It is very important for parents to encourage curiosity, continue to exercise, teach how to play with new toys. At this age, they are interested in pyramids, tumblers, tops, books.


This is a game version of morning exercises that helps to strengthen emotional connection with parents. Along with reading the verse, you need to repeat the actions.

"Pulls, sips,
Pulled away from the pillow.
Legs pulled up
They chatted.
Hands raised,
Mom was hugged.
Smiled, twisted
And they fell back!”

Learning parts of the body

Offer a big baby rag doll. Let him touch various parts of it himself, move his arms and legs. Accompany all his actions with comments - what he does and what part of the body he touches.

Finger warm-up

Stimulate the development of fine motor skills of playing with fingers:

  • on the open palm we draw snails;
  • we pass the ribbon between the fingers;
  • we bend and unbend our fingers, playing as a family (fingers turn into grandparents, mom and dad, and the little finger - the baby itself);
  • "dress" fingers in curlers.

hide and seek

We play with toys. There are two game options. In the first case, the mother hides the toy under the covers or behind the chair in front of the child. The kid must reveal her location. The second option is when the toy is partially removed, so that part of it remains outside, but the child does not see the “hide and seek” moment. Then he is asked to find her. If these game options have already been mastered, you can move on to real hide and seek.

ball games

The handles are well developed enough to handle small rubber balls. Teach your child to roll them in front of him and throw them on the floor or in a box. A larger rubber ball can be tied and hung over the child. Show him how he swings when hit, let him repeat himself.

Bath games

While swimming, floating rubber or any other objects can be lowered into the water. Let the baby catch them with their hands. Accompany his actions with invented stories about toys.

Teach him to swim on his back by taking 5-10 centimeters of water and leaving him to lie down. Watch your child move their arms and legs.

Before bedtime

To help the child fall asleep, you can start evening rituals. A seven-month-old child can read a book with his parents before going to bed. It must contain large bright pictures. Let the child, sitting on the lap of mom or dad, turn the pages himself, and the pictures should be accompanied by stories. Turning off the light should be accompanied by the appropriate phrase. Very soon the child will understand its meaning.

A joyful event happened in the life of young parents - the baby turned 7 months old! Yesterday they took away from the maternity hospital a baby wrapped in diapers, who looked at others with a puzzled look and sniffed displeasedly. And today he is already laughing happily, seeing the familiar mother's face, and begins to mutter cheerfully.

The seventh month of life is full of events: the baby learns important skills that will become the basis further development. And parents will monitor their correct and timely formation. What should a child master by the age of seven months?

Physical development

During the seventh month of life, the baby adds 600 g of weight and 2 cm of height ( normal indicators height is considered 66-70 cm, weight - 8-9 kg). A grown-up kid is taken to actively explore the world and learn new skills.

Ability to roll over

By 7 months, the baby masters turns from the back to the tummy. It first refers to new opportunity wary and turns over to one side. But already 6 weeks after the first successful attempt, the baby quickly and confidently rolls over from one side to the other or from back to stomach in any direction.

If the baby is in no hurry to master a new skill, provoke the first roll over yourself. Attract the attention of the crumbs with a toy and slowly take it to the side. A child, carried away by a little thing, will reach for it and turn around.

First steps

At the age of seven months, the baby tries to take a vertical position, leaning on the bars of the bed or playpen. And he succeeds! From a prone position, he kneels; then, with the help of a support, he rises to his legs and sorts them out, taking small steps in place.

The child walks happily when the parents support him under the arms. He performs dancing movements with his legs, crouches and straightens up sharply, bouncing up. This gives him great pleasure.

If the child does not show initiative and does not want to step and jump, help him "get into the taste." Lift it under the armpits, put it on hard surface and show the necessary movements.


The seven-month-old toddler is already trying to sit. This simple skill is much more difficult for him than walking in place: he does not hold his back well, leans forward, and quickly gets tired. It is still difficult to take a lying position again, so the baby will probably cry and scream.

Help your baby learn to sit by stretching out your hands so that he can cling to them and change the position of the body. The ability to keep the torso in a bent position will come with time, so do not try to ease the child's work by placing a pillow under his back.


At 7 months, the little one begins to crawl. So far, it looks awkward: the baby either backs up, then runs sideways briskly, or barely moves in a plastunsky way. Don't worry: after a few weeks, he will be able to crawl quickly in all directions.

Sometimes the skill appears later or is skipped: some babies immediately make an attempt to stand up and walk. It ends in painful falls. But if the child does not show concern about this, you should not worry.

The inability to crawl does not indicate a delay in physical development. If other skills are well developed, parents have nothing to worry about.

Improving fine motor skills

A seven-month-old child confidently uses his hands: he grabs things, holds them for a short time, shifts them from palm to palm, picks up fallen objects and throws them again. This means that it is time for the baby to offer new toys - a pyramid-constructor, cubes, cups of various sizes, balls, toys with large buttons.

To make sure normal development fingers, test the baby:

  1. Sit him on your lap with his arms free and offer two of the same item. Physically developed child will be able to grasp both things and hold them for a short time.
  2. Put the little one on his stomach and offer him bright toy. Perfect result is as follows: the baby will be able to take the little thing and hold it for at least 3 seconds in one hand, while leaning on the second.

If you are convinced that the baby is developing normally, start working on fine motor skills. At this time, it is useful to carry out gestures and finger games("Horned Goat", "Ladushki", "Magpie").

Potty training

Since the baby is already starting to sit, introduce him to the potty. Try to ensure that the first experience does not cause negative sensations: heat the seat, seat a well-rested and peaceful child on it and hold it for 10 minutes.

Don't expect a baby at this age to be able to signal you to poop. bladder or intestines. This ability will come much later. For now good result there will be a reflex formation: you have achieved your goal if the baby feels the urge at the sight of the pot.

Speech skills

At 7 months, the baby masters new sounds, learns to express joy or discontent with their help. At this moment, the child is especially active cooing, laughing, snorting or purring, signaling his emotional state.

Now he can pronounce not only vowel sounds, but also consonants, as well as their combinations: “na-na”, “ma-ma”, “ta-ta”. In order for the correct articulation to form faster, help the child: lean over his crib and clearly pronounce individual syllables. He will observe your facial expressions, movements of the lips and cheeks, and later try to repeat them.

It's time to teach the child the simplest gestures:

  • "hello" (waving the pen from side to side);
  • "bye" (waving the pen up and down);
  • "I'm hungry" (stroking the tummy);
  • "patty" (clapping one hand on the other).

The child continues to babble incoherent sounds, but recognizes given name and understands the speech of others. When they talk to him familiar word(mom, dad, kitty), he turns to the named object.

It is not difficult to test a child's ability to understand simple words. Ask the question "where is mom?" or "where's daddy?" The kid will immediately look at the person he is looking for.

mental development

At the age of seven months, the fear and alertness that the child showed in early age To strangers and objects, is replaced by genuine interest. In the mind of the baby are activated cognitive processes He becomes inquisitive and inquisitive.

The correct mental development of a seven-month-old baby is manifested as follows:

  • he unmistakably recognizes relatives, and demonstrates deep affection for his mother: he smiles, fulfills her requests, accepts protection and gets upset when he does not find her nearby;
  • is interested in his body: enthusiastically looks at the reflection in the mirror, feels himself, puts his fingers in his mouth;
  • shows no less interest in relation to adults: grabs them by the nose, hair, feels and tries to taste every curious detail;
  • listens to soft music with pleasure and tries to sing along, plays with musical toys;
  • understands the word “no” and gestures meaning a ban, distinguishes between gentle and formidable intonations;
  • learns to show own feelings: can affectionately snuggle up to a person or turn away in displeasure.

A seven-month-old baby is able to do without constant maternal supervision. But parting with his mother is a difficult test for him. He does not want to let her go: he wants to constantly sit on his hands, feel touches, feel and hug her.

Do not be afraid to spoil the baby: now he is developing the ability to show feelings. If you give him such an opportunity, you will avoid many problems associated with future socialization.

intellectual development

The intelligence of the baby continues to develop actively. And the main achievement of this age is the ability to distinguish various items and their position in space.

The child awakens interest in the arrangement of things. He can twist some little thing for hours, trying to understand what parts it consists of, whether it can be disassembled or deformed. Such a keen interest in one subject and the ability not to break away from work for a long time indicates that the baby is developing the ability to concentrate.

During this period, it is important to satisfy curiosity as much as possible. The peanut already understands the word “no”, but do not abuse the prohibitions. Let the kid explore any interesting object, twist and turn it, break it, bend it or scatter it.

If the child wants to touch hot mug or other dangerous object, organize an experiment: bring his palm to an object of increased interest and clearly demonstrate what happens. Under your supervision, the baby is not injured, but it will satisfy curiosity for a long time.

Premature babies develop a little slower. They have similar abilities appear 2-3 months later than babies born at term.

Daily regime

At this age, the baby needs to be accustomed to a strict routine. If you strictly adhere to a certain regime, there will be no problems with development.


The need for sleep is determined by the character, psychology and physiological features child's body. During the day, the child should sleep 2-3 times for 1.5-2 hours. By 7 months night sleep the child is normalized, becomes deep and calm. The baby can oversleep until 10-11 hours.


At 7 months breastfeeding is not enough: in the child’s menu, it is necessary to gradually introduce vegetable purees and one-component cereals, then fruit purees.

If complementary foods were started earlier, then by 7 months, lean meat (chicken, rabbit, veal) may appear in the child's diet. It must be boiled and ground in a blender to a puree state.

Feed the baby should be 5 times a day (at night - if necessary).

Determining that a child is ready for a new food is easy:

  • he shows interest in food lying on the plate of his mother or father, pulls it into his mouth;
  • does not choke on cereals and pureed food, easily swallowing the proposed dishes;
  • knows how to show disgust for disliked food or spit it out;
  • sits confidently, does not fall on its side and does not fall.

You need to carefully monitor the condition of the child. If new food causes indigestion, vomiting or a sharp change in stool, it is better to postpone complementary foods.

In order for a seven-month-old baby to grow properly, parents must give him a lot of attention. The baby needs massage, hardening and gymnastics, educational games and constant communication with mother and father. Only with loving and responsible parents does a child become a harmonious and comprehensively developed personality.

Seven months behind, and your child has learned to sit up, get out of the stroller, clap, sing along and even be embarrassed.

*Data are indicated according to the centile tables of domestic pediatricians

What should a child be able to do at 7 months?

Look for an object that has fallen to the floor;

It is good to stand on your feet when mom supports under the armpits;

Sitting without the help of adults (but only if someone helps to sit down);

Express new emotions: embarrassment, joy, fear;

Act with both hands at the same time;

Pick up objects with your fingers.

When does a baby start crawling?

Imagine the joy of a child who suddenly realized: it turns out that you can get to the ball lying at a distance of several steps on your own. And you don't have to ask your mom for help. You just need to get on all fours and move forward. True, the child does not learn to crawl in this way immediately. First, he will lean on his palms and straighten his legs. And in this position, back away, flop on your side or ass.

Crawling for a child is the first way to move around, which means discovering something new. But pediatricians warn: there is such a thing as "injuries of the seventh month." The fact is that it is at this age that the baby learns to move independently. But he is not yet able to calculate his strength. So it turns out that the baby can easily slip off the sofa or try to get up, clinging to the tablecloth.

It is important to give the child the opportunity to move more on his own. And you stimulate his activity. For example, lay out the toys on the floor, at some distance from each other - in a straight line or in zigzags. Let the child crawl along the new route. Build him a tunnel of high pillows. Real adventure!

Child safety at home

Your baby feels like a pioneer. Now he is exploring new "lands" - a corridor, a kitchen, a kitchen, a hallway. Do not leave your child in the playpen for a long time. After all, he does not allow him to move, and therefore, to develop. It is better to make the space of the apartment safe. Remove fragile jewelry and vases from open low racks, tablecloths from tables. The child now likes to reach for the very top shelves. Every time he does it gets better and better.

Speech development in children 7 months

At 7 months, the child has an understanding of speech: he is able to understand the simple phrases “no pacifier”, “give me a cube”, “knock the drum”. Then the child pronounces the first words: mom, dad, woman, give, ava.

Talk to the baby more often, do not lisp, otherwise he will not reproduce speech correctly.

At seven months, it is no longer enough for a child to exchange only declarations of love. In the seventh month of life, it is vital for him to listen to comments on his actions and connect words with deeds. He tries to copy you all the time, including repeating various sounds after you.

With a child of 7 months, you need to play finger games. Sing nursery rhymes and accompany the words with simple gestures. The child will be happy to repeat after you, and by the end of the month you will already be able to perform in public with small skits.

Educational games for children 7 months

1. Bach and Buch!

The child sits on his high chair and shows you with all his looks that he really needs a napkin, which mom has in her hands. When he gets his way, he immediately throws the napkin on the floor and watches the flight with curiosity. A spoon, a ball, cubes fly after her - everything that falls into her hands. Mom patiently picks up fallen objects, the baby smiles! At seven months, these games have become your child's favorite. True, he used to like to have fun in this way. But in the second half of the child's hands become more dexterous and strong. Now he does not just shift the ring from palm to palm. He can combine several simple movements in one chain in order to better study new item. The child takes a rattle from mother's hands, knocks with it (tests for strength), gives it to mom, then picks it up again, shifts it, tries to bend it and finally throws it on the floor. What a great job done!

2. In and out!

Even at this age, the child discovered that you can play with several objects at the same time: for example, string rings on a stick or put cubes in a box, and then take them out. Take the bowls different color and size, put them one inside the other

Pour into the largest colorful balls, and let the child turn over and pour everything on the floor.

Exercises for children 7 months

Right! Left!

Lay the child on his back. Grasp his legs so that they are large and index fingers they held their shins, and the rest lay on the kneecap. Straight legs lift up and slowly lower. Then change the exercise a little: lift them alternately. Repeat the movements 6-8 times.

How to teach a child to crawl?

From a position lying on your stomach, put the child on all fours (arms straight, legs bent at the knees) and interest him in the toy, thus causing a desire to crawl towards it. At the same time, the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, arms and legs are trained. Do this exercise until the child learns to crawl on his own.

Downloading the press

The child lies on his back. Take it by the wrists and slowly lift it into a sitting position. Do not jerk sharply, otherwise you can damage the joints. From this position, lay the child on his back again. This exercise will strengthen the abdominal and neck muscles. It is enough to repeat it 5-6 times.

What if at 7 months:

- the child is unable to sit

The only time to really worry about a baby not being able to sit is when the baby is 9 months old. If a child has not learned to sit independently before 9 months, developmental delay can be suspected.

Exercise and massage help teach a child to sit. There is also a theory that a child is genetically programmed from birth for a certain pace of development.

Consider whether your child has enough opportunity to practice? Perhaps you prefer to carry him lying in a stroller or carry him in a backpack and feed him in a crib - in this case, the child does not feel the need to sit.

- the child has dark and gray spots on the teeth

Some children at the age of 7-8 months develop pigmentation on milk teeth. Most likely, this is not caries, but the result of taking iron-containing vitamins and medications. It is not dangerous, there is no harm to the teeth from stains. They disappear on their own when the child stops taking vitamins in the form of syrup. However, continue to brush your child's teeth, preferably with a clean bandage, this will make the pigmentation less noticeable.

If your child does not take vitamins, and spots appear, then it is probably tooth decay. Or the innate effect of tooth enamel. Be sure to show the child to a pediatric dentist.


The baby is 7 months old and you constantly notice changes in him. This is not the newborn baby that you brought from the hospital. The changes also affected mental development, and physical, daily routine, nutrition. The development of a child at 7 months has its own characteristics.

Physical development

The kid has become more independent, he already does a lot. Consider what a child can do at 7 months, whose development and nutrition is the main concern of his parents.

  1. The child learns to sit up on his own, some children can sit without support.
  2. He actively tosses from side to side, but his movements are still awkward, so parents need to be on the alert. The activity of the baby has increased, leaving him unattended is very dangerous.
  3. In the arena or crib, he gets up on his knees or completely on his legs, holding on to a support.
  4. If you support the baby under the armpits, he tries to take the first steps.
  5. At 7 months, the baby can crawl, often in a plastunsky manner, because it is still difficult for him to lift his body.
  6. Meaningfully plays with toys, shifts from one hand to another, picks up and throws a toy again. He hits it on the table, pulls it into his mouth, examines it.

emotional development

The seventh month for a child is a period of active psychological maturation and emotional development child:

  1. The kid begins to recognize his name and understand that it refers specifically to him.
  2. He likes to play educational games, he is attracted to books with thick, durable cardboard pages and bright illustrations.
  3. The hands of the crumbs are already very well developed, he confidently takes toys, is very interested in sounding objects.
  4. If we talk about speech skills, that a 7-month-old baby communicates intensively with everyone, babbles enthusiastically. The kid already quite consciously calls adults, for example, “ma-ma”, “yes-yes”, “pa-pa”.
  5. The child knows native people well and is wary of strangers. The child has his own preferences, some of the strangers impress him, some do not.
  6. The baby develops long-term memory He recognizes his toys, his clothes.

A child at seven months needs regular, not episodic, contact with loved ones.

Developing classes

All parents face the question - how to develop a child at 7 months? Favorite pastime of children at a specified age - active games. For this, it is better to choose soft cubes, balls of small diameter, special children's rugs.

Basic requirements for choosing toys:

  • small size, no sharp parts;
  • convenience for gripping;
  • bright color;
  • sound (should rattle, squeak or ring);
  • easy to wash or clean;
  • toys should not be very small so that the child cannot swallow them.

Do not give more than 2-3 toys at a time, the baby can get tired, it is better to change toys regularly. Not bad if the toys are different in texture: smooth, rough, soft, hard. To make classes with a 7-month-old child useful and fun, you need to have rattles, tumblers, pyramids, a sorter, cubes, balls.

Bathing the child will be much more fun if you take it with you rubber toys. Evening bathing of the baby can be carried out in big bath using a special mat for safety. You can give the baby a toy watering can or a bucket, manipulations with the transfusion of water will not only interest the baby, but will also contribute to the development of his intelligence and fine motor skills.

To improve (even appear) the baby's speech, rhymes with rhythmic repeating letters (syllables) are useful. Having memorized these sounds, the baby will begin to reproduce them himself.

We need to pick up a small plastic bucket, the child will learn to put more small toys. Large-diameter beads, wooden and clay figurines strung on a cord or a tourniquet, are very popular with kids. Sorting through these objects accelerates the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the child begins to distinguish objects according to the material of manufacture and shape.

It is desirable to diversify gymnastics with all kinds of elastic cylinders and sticks or elastic rings. Also get a small fitball, you can jump on such a ball, do exercises, even a kind of massage.

Spend as much time with your little one as possible. Sing songs, tell stories, and you will see that the child will pleasantly amaze everyone with his abilities.

Possible problems

It is very individual what a child should be able to do at 7 months. Each baby develops at his own pace, but there are certain time frames in which the child must begin to sit, crawl, walk, and so on. You can check if the development of the child is normal:

  • the child does not show affection for mom and dad, does not react to parting with them;
  • the baby does not sit, at least uncertainly, does not try to sit up on his own;
  • the child does not pay attention to the sound, does not turn his head in the direction where his name is from;
  • the baby does not try to attract attention to itself with sounds or gestures;
  • when trying to put the child on his legs, he does not try to lean them on the surface.

If you have these problems, you need to consult with the local pediatrician. With some deviations, he will send for an appointment to necessary specialist- an orthopedist or neurologist who will help diagnose and understand this problem.

Anthropological indicators

Attentive parents notice that the proportions of the baby's body begin to change, approaching the proportions of an adult. The growth of a child at 7 months increases by 2.5-3 centimeters. At this age, the size of the circumference of the head and chest, as a rule, are equal and are 41-45 cm. The weight of a girl of 7 months is from 6800 to 8900 grams, and a boy - 7100-9500 grams. The growth of boys varies from 65.1 to 71.1 centimeters, and girls - from 64.1 to 70.4 centimeters.

Daily regime

The regimen of a child at 7 months is not particularly strict, the growing body chooses for itself the best option vital activity. At this age, quite a spontaneous restructuring of the usual daily routine is possible. This is due to a decrease in the duration of daytime sleep, the greater activity of the baby.

Here is a table with exemplary schedule days:

  • 6:00-8:30 - waking up, morning feeding, washing and hardening air procedures.
  • 8:30-10:00 - morning sleep;
  • 10:00-12:00 - second feeding, active wakefulness, gymnastics, massage, games;
  • 12:00-14:00 - a walk on the street, preferably a dream in the fresh air;
  • 14:00-16:00 - lunch, active educational games;
  • 16:00-18:00 - second walk, sleep on the street;
  • 18:00-21:30 - crumbs dinner, communication with family members, quiet games, evening swimming;
  • 21:30-22:00 - last feeding;
  • 22:00-6:00 - night sleep.

The table below is just an example of organizing a child's daily routine. She is in no way strict instructions. At this age, you can clearly see how individual the body of each child is. One baby still needs three periods of daytime sleep, and the other is already ready to sleep in the afternoon 2 times. Usually these babies have a longer night's sleep.

If your baby is doing well, active, good mood, mom should not try to put him to bed a third time. A grown child just needs a new daily routine. The daily routine of a child at 7 months must be strictly observed.

Baby feeding

Your baby is already sitting and leading a more active way of life, and you have a question about what to feed seven month old baby? It is quite possible to introduce previously unfamiliar foods into the diet of a child at 7 months. Most likely, the process of feeding has already begun, vegetable, fruit puree and the baby already consumes several types of cereals.

This age is the period of the beginning of the introduction into the diet of the child meat products. This is a supplier of protein important for health, original bricks for bone, dentin and cartilage tissue, vitamins A, B, B12. The baby is already allowed to eat lean beef, veal, rabbit meat. You can also try poultry meat - chicken or turkey. It is important to thoroughly rinse it, cook it, puree it in a blender. Before offering it to the baby, you need to add a little meat broth so that the meat is not dryish. If the child is prone to allergic reactions, meat must be selected taking into account its tolerance.

And, of course, we must not forget the rules for introducing all new dishes: first you need to give literally 1 teaspoon (about 5-10 grams) of meat and track the reaction. During the day, there was no rash or intestinal upset - the next day you can give 5-10 grams more.

For a child of 7 months, another product is introduced into the menu - the yolk, the most valuable part chicken egg. It is the yolk that needs to be added to the menu, and not the whole egg, since the protein is a rather allergenic product. Well, on the yolk of the baby is possible backlash. Pediatricians recommend introducing the yolk carefully, starting with crumbs, without mixing with other new products.

sample menu

The diet of a child at 7 months includes kefir and cottage cheese. If the child eats kefir well, introducing cottage cheese into the diet will not be a problem. One teaspoon of cottage cheese is diluted with kefir to a homogeneous consistency, daily increasing its amount to the required. Cottage cheese and kefir for baby food it is necessary to purchase only in specialized children's departments or in the dairy kitchen, ordinary kefir and cottage cheese are not suitable for children.

Babies who have reached the age of 7 months are fed 5 times a day. The breaks between feedings are 4 hours, this corresponds to the physiology of the child's body. Some babies need to be fed at night. The approximate diet of the child is represented by the following products;

  • breast milk or infant formula;
  • vegetable puree;
  • porridge boiled in water or vegetable broth;
  • egg yolk;
  • kefir;
  • meat puree;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fruit juices or purees;
  • cookies, drying, crackers;
  • bread.

Let's bring sample menu for a breastfed baby:

For a child on artificial feeding, breast milk is replaced with an adapted milk formula.

Babies at seven months must be offered solid food. Rusk, biscuits, drying will help stimulate the chewing process. This will make it easier for the baby to transition to foods containing small pieces and lumps. These are the answers to the main questions, how to feed a baby at 7 months.

A distinctive feature of nutrition at this age is the beginning of the formation of meals corresponding to future breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

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Changing at a fast pace physical development the child and his cognitive interests.

Physical development

How does the baby's body grow during this month? The next 500-600 grams of body weight and approximately 1.5-2 centimeters of height. In addition, the chest and head circumferences increase by 0.5 cm.

There is a good chance that by the end of the seventh month your child will “arm” his mouth with a pair of wonderful brand new incisors (usually the lower ones). Therefore, it is recommended to introduce fluoride supplements into the child's diet. Great importance This halogen for tooth enamel has been known to everyone for a long time.

Indicators of a child from 7 to 8 months

Growth chart and

And the weight chart


67.44-69.56 cm

8.250-8.920 kg

Head circumference

chest girth

Your baby is six months old!

You noted how he has grown during this time, how smart he seems to you now.

The main slogan of the second half of the year: "Movement is freedom in the exploration of space."

The baby is no longer so dependent on mom and dad. If earlier he was able to touch and examine only what his parents showed - after all, it was they who changed his position in space, gave him toys and objects, now the baby strives for independence. The seventh month of life is a start in this direction. And the main incentive in the desire to act independently - rapid change motor skills.

Lying on his stomach, the baby needs to rely on only one hand to maintain balance, he independently turns from his back to his stomach. Lying on his back, the child amazes you with his acrobatic abilities - holding on to his legs, playing with them, raising his head high.

Stretching out your hands to the baby, you notice his active attempts to take a sitting position - the child learns to sit down.

Most babies sit well in child seat. In the sitting position, they confidently turn their head towards the sound source, reacting even to very quiet sounds, for example, the rustling of paper or the noise of a quiet rattle.

The development of muscles and coordinated hand movements help the baby master the grasping of small objects. He picks up toys from the floor, grabs objects with the whole palm (“palm grip”), traces with his eyes the fall of the toy that he has released from his hand.

What games and activities are available?

Have your child sit on the floor, close to the couch, so they can sometimes lean on it. Put a few toys on the side and in front of the crumbs. He will look at them with interest, reach out and take them in his hand. Can pull a toy into the mouth, bite it, lick it.

Don't leave your child alone on the floor while he sits precariously without support. Sit around and play. If the baby did not notice the toy on the side of him, draw his attention to them. Tap your hand or a toy on the floor, ring the bell. The kid will definitely look to the side, see the toy and try to grab it.

Put next to the small toys from different materials(rubber, plastic, wood, metal, cloth), different sizes and forms. Don't forget to put balls of different sizes on the floor. Put the toys in cardboard box from under shoes or into a small plastic basket and put it next to the child. The kid is very interested in pulling out and throwing toys out of the box onto the floor.

Sometimes a child can collect the toys back into the box on their own, but then pull them out again and throw them on the floor - it's so interesting!

Now is the time to give the baby an "Activity Center" - this is the plane on which the different toys: buttons to be pressed, rotating balls and rollers, cords for which you can pull, bells, mirror. The kid now likes: rotate, press, knock, shake.

mental development

The kid carefully examines familiar objects and toys. When you hand a rattle to a child, you notice that he is trying to make a sound - he is shaking the rattle, listening and shaking again. This observation leads you to believe that a child is beginning to develop long-term memory.

The main achievement of this age is considered to be a clear distinction between the reactions of the child at the sight of familiar and unfamiliar people.

At the seventh month, the child begins to perceive individual differences in facial expressions and appearance, clear images of the faces of familiar people are formed in his memory. Appearance stranger leads to a slowdown in general movements and a wary study of the “stranger”. This behavior is due to the fact that the child does not know what to expect from strangers, because he does not have experience with them. If the mother begins to talk with the friends who have come, smiles at them and encourages the baby, then he ceases to be afraid and after a while can smile at the stranger.

The closeness of the parents immediately causes animated movements, a smile and spontaneous chatter of the baby. He emotionally and expressively pronounces chains of syllables: “ba-ba-ba”, “de-de-de”, “me-me-me”, changing the height and strength of his voice. The similarity of such chains with the first words - "mother", "woman", "grandfather" - misleads many parents who think that the child is starting to speak. At this age, the baby actively shows his desire for communication, but the baby's babble only begins to resemble a request or a question.

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7 to 8 months

  • from birth to 1 month
  • 1 to 2 months
  • 2 to 3 months
  • 3 to 4 months
  • 4 to 5 months
  • 5 to 6 months
  • 6 to 7 months
  • 7 to 8 months
  • 8 to 9 months
  • 9 to 10 months
  • 10 to 11 months
  • 11 to 12 months
  • 1 year to 1 year and 3 months
  • 1 year and 3 months to 1 year and 6 months
  • 1 year and 6 months to 1 year and 9 months
  • from 1 year and 9 months to 2 years
  • 2 years to 2 years and 3 months
  • 2 years and 3 months to 2 years and 6 months
  • 2 years and 6 months to 2 years and 9 months
  • 2 years and 9 months to 3 years
  • 3 to 4 years
  • 4 to 7 years old
  • 5 to 7 years old
  • 6 to 7 years old
  • 7 years and older