Where to get jadeite stone. Jewelry with jade stone and its magical properties. The healing qualities of the stone

R we will talk about a very interesting, mysterious mineral Jadeite and its use in sauna stoves. Even in the near Soviet years in Russia, he knew about jadeite and had an idea about it only very narrow circle"initiates" related to the geology of ore materials. Now the Internet and supermarket shelves in the "Products for the bath" section are full of offers for the sale of the "miraculous" semi-precious stone. Times have changed.. Buying a jadeite stone is not a problem... Let's try to figure out what jadeite is, what properties and characteristics it has. Let's start with a little history...

Jadeite has been used by mankind for a very long time, especially the Indians of America succeeded in this, who made ritual items, jewelry from this stone, and also used this stone to treat kidneys, heating the stone and applying it to a sore spot like a heating pad. For the ability to keep warm for a very long time, they gave the name to Jade "piedra de hijada" (" kidney stone")

On this topic, you can see a photo gallery of products, cult objects and jewelry made from jadeite from the times of "pre-Columbian" America.

In China, jadeite and products made from it were also valued and revered with the only difference that until 1863, jadeite and jade did not distinguish and called the common name Jade (Jade). Nephrite and Jadeite look very similar!

Jadeite is aluminum and sodium silicate belongs to the class of silicates, that is, minerals basic framework of which is Silicon, more often oxide or silicon dioxide expressed in the form of quartz. The jadeite formula is Na Al Si2O6.

Jadeite's full passport :

Class : silicates

Subclass: Inosilicates ( Chain ribbon silicates)

Family: Pyroxenes

Subfamily: Clinopyroxenes.

More about the origin of pyroxenes

The basis of this mineral is silicon dioxide, the ore component of jadeite is represented by the metals Aluminum and Sodium. The presence of metals gives the mineral high hardness and heat capacity. In addition, as an impurity, Jadeite contains a number of rare earth elements, which presumably also affects its medicinal qualities when correct use giving strength, health and immunity to the body. If we consider jadeite as a medicine, then it is purely " for outdoor use". The reason for this, as mentioned above, is the presence in the composition of the mineral, as impurities rare earth elements. See chemical analysis table.

After reading, the desire to “purify” water with jadeite immediately disappears (especially if it is drinking water .... Jadeite is a mineral whose effect on the human body is carried out by emitting heat waves when heated. This is the main property of jadeite! As a stone for a sauna stove, jadeite has a dual use: First of all, this mineral is able to withstand long time temperature changes (warming up and sudden cooling) without cracking or collapsing. And also for a long time to release a large amount of heat. Jadeite real heat accumulator ! "

How to choose jadeite for a bath? Having no experience with this stone. And is what you are offered exactly Jadeite, and not some other stone? Let's try to figure it out..

Let's start with the fact that jadeite is a semi-precious ornamental and even jewelry stone. and is divided into three varieties (according to the international category):

1. Imperial - looks like green bottle glass (lighter or darker). This is jadeite in its pure form, without impurities. He is extremely rare! The cost of one gram (5 carats) of jewelry jadeite can reach up to $50,000. It is mined mainly in Burma. The volume of production is from one kilogram per hundred tons! A cube of such a stone 1x1 cm should shine through.This is a gem! Such jadeite is especially appreciated by Chinese stone-cutting workshops!!

More (article in English)

2. Commercial is a semi-precious semi-precious stone with a range of color shades from white to dark green. It is a valuable stone-cutting material. The mineral jadeite as a raw material is used to make various decorations, cabochons, inserts, dishes and other stone products. The grace of jadeite brings beauty and harmony to the house, it is especially revered in China and Southeast Asia. Carving on jadeite and jade in China is considered highest point professionalism in stone-cutting art and is highly valued.

3. Utility - the most common jadeite variety used as a raw material of the second category in handicrafts, and for technical purposes, in particular for baths.

Therefore, when purchasing a stone under the Jadeite brand, you must take into account the fact that you are dealing with an ornamental stone for which the aesthetic component matters. That is, a stone on a chip or on a cut should have a beautiful, noble structure, and not look like gray paving slabs... The whole "essence" of the structure of the stone in its "wild" form is exposed if it is moistened with water!

Hardness . And this quality is not a little important for jadeite! It is equal to 7 on the ten-point Mohs scale and the stone with a sharp corner of the chip should leave a scratch on the glass. Jadeite has a high density, viscosity, it is noticeable when cutting a stone. If you hit the stone with a hammer, it produces a characteristic "clashing" (ringing) sound, as a result of its very high density and hardness. When polished, an experienced craftsman can bring the jadeite surface to a glassy sheen (unlike matte serpentine).

Crystallization of jadeite: grains of different sizes visible to the naked eye, teeth, petals. Jadeite crystals are extremely rare in nature!

Most offers to buy jadeite for a bath are presented in the form of chopped gravel of a large fraction packaged in plastic buckets with a beautiful label.

Jadeite - "skalnik" is mined industrial way using explosives, a jackhammer and heavy equipment to crush a vein in the rock. This leads to its microfracturing, and in the future may affect the physical properties. Therefore, it is better to purchase a stone for a bath, either tumbled or sawn. But both of them are much more expensive due to labor intensity. As an alternative, it is a river pellet of jadeite. Both in tumbled stone and in river pellets, all soft impurities are mechanically washed out with water. River-washed stone has a thin, hard weathered crust a bit reminiscent of a white "plaque". environment covered with a thin crust of oxidation (weathering), very similar to patina (a bluish-greenish coating on ancient copper monuments). To The stone will not crumble when heated and cooled. But on an industrial scale, jadeite pellets are not mined due to the rarity and insignificance of the deposits. In any case, cut, tumbled or rounded by the river jadeite will serve much longer than chopped! This is worth focusing on. Perfect Size fractions 5-10 cm (plus or minus)

The use of jadeite in the kiln. Jadeite melts at a temperature of 1200 degrees Celsius, and therefore, it needs non-contact heating. The fire transfers heat to the walls of the furnace, and the stone itself heats up from the walls, radiating heat waves. Jadeite has a very high heat capacity and retains heat for a long time. This is one of its main properties when using jadeite as a stone for baths and saunas. In addition, they react trace elements of rare earth substances in small quantities having a tonic effect. Jadeite in the bath and sauna can be used not only as a stone for sauna stoves. Jadeite can be lined with individual elements of the steam room, which are in close contact with the human body. It all depends on design feature steam room. The main thing is to follow one simple principle: " The more jadeite and the closer it is to the body in a heated state, the better. When heated and cooled, jadeite darkens, becoming dark green, turning into a brown color. best stone for a bath, civilization has not yet come up with it, except that jade can compete with it, and even that is in question ....

The number of jadeite deposits on earth is relatively small, moreover, most of them are located in hard-to-reach areas, the volume of reserves is very limited. In turn, the number of proposals for the sale of this stone in Russia is disproportionate to the reserves and production volumes, which leads to very bad thoughts about the amateurism of sellers ....

Varieties in color. Jadeite is traditionally white to dark green in color. The bright green emerald color of jadeite is due to chromium, and the cloudy and yellowish green color is due to iron, which has replaced aluminum in the crystal lattice of the mineral. The chromium content in a transparent emerald green variety does not exceed hundredths of a percent, and in an opaque, so-called chromium jadeite ( chlormelanite) can reach up to 7% or more. Color palettejadeite is well shown.

One of the varieties of jadeite - chlormelanite has a dark green structure with the inclusion of large granules, grains and spots of dark green chromites (chrome spineloids). It has a high chromium content. Chromium gives jadeite a "dense" dark green saturated color.

Jadeite saunas have gained great popularity abroad. The most fashionable and prestigious bathing complexes consider it their duty to equip their saunas with jadeite, including "Lux" rooms. Sandunovsky baths in Moscow. The cost of staying one hour in a jadeite sauna Juvinex in New York(on 32nd Street, between 5th Avenue and Broadway) costs US$100.

In the photo: : Jade sauna in New York on 32nd street.

In the photo: an example of finishing a steam room with jadeite for even distribution of heat inside the room.

Photo: 12 kg jadeite river pellet on the cut. The color of the texture shows the presence of a large amount of chromites (chromium spineloids). This variety of jadeite is called chlormelanite (chloromelanite) and is one of the most hard species jadeite!!!

Jadeite (Chloromelanite) river pellet in the alluvium of a mountain river (pictured)

Pictured: The world's largest 102 ton monolithic block of jadeite. The boulder mostly consists of white jadeite with green and blue spots. Located in a private museum.

We hope you enjoyed this article. All material is based on scientific experience and historical facts.

P&C "Stone Flower"2014


Jadeite is a stone whose properties are characteristic of both the pyroxene group. According to the chemical composition, it is a mineral, which is a silicate of sodium, aluminum and iron.

The jadeite stone owes its name to the French mineralogist A. Demur, who in 1836 established that the jade known at that time was represented by two different minerals: jadeite and jade. The name "jade" itself comes from the Spanish "piedro de jade", which means "kidney stone". Other names for the stone and its varieties: imperial jade, chlormelanite

jadeite properties

Jadeite is a stone whose properties are characteristic of both the pyroxene group. According to the chemical composition, it is a mineral, which is a silicate of sodium, aluminum and iron.

Physical and chemical properties of jadeite

Chemical formula: Na2O Al2O3 4SiO2 or NaAlSi2O6
Syngony: monoclinic
Shine: glass
Color in daylight: green, white, light green, green, gray green
Coloring under artificial light: does not change
Hardness index: 6,5-7
Dash color: white
Transparency level: opaque or translucent
Dispersion: missing
Density indicator: 3,25-3,36
Break: spiky, conchoidal

It has been established that the composition of the stone contains more than 60 elements from the periodic table. The stone is considered quite rare, although considering the composition, it is in the interval between nepheline and albite.

These materials have the same chemical composition but different densities. As for jadeite, its specific gravity is lower than that of nepheline, but higher than that of albite.

Such a significant increase in density is explained by the unusual structure of the crystal, which is responsible for elasticity.

The structure of jadeite is tangled-fibrous. Very rarely it is formed in the form of prismatic crystals, most often it can be found in the form of needle aggregates, granular and cryptocrystalline masses.

The best varieties shine through almost to transparency. It is characterized by high viscosity, but to a lesser extent than jade.

Also unlike jade, it melts into translucent glass. Jadeite, whose properties differ from those of jade, dissolves in acids.

The mineral also belongs to metamorphic rocks. The sodium present in its composition is often replaced by calcium, and aluminum by iron, magnesium and chromium. Crystals of natural origin always contain an admixture of chromium, manganese, iron, potassium and magnesium. It is chromium that causes the bright green and emerald color of the stone. A hazy yellowish green color formed in the presence of iron, which has replaced aluminum. At the same time, the chromium content in the emerald transparent variety, as a rule, does not exceed a hundredth of a percent. While, in an opaque variety, the so-called chrome jadeite - more than 7%.

Varieties of the jadeite mineral and their photos

If you look at the photo, jadeite can be different, most often differing in color. Samples of jewelry stone are highly valued. For jewelry, high-quality Burmese jadeite is usually used, which is represented by several commercial grades:

Imperial is an almost transparent material of bright green, emerald color. A jewelry product comparable in price to an emerald;

Commercial is not transparent stone green and gray color with a huge amount of emerald green translucent inclusions in the form of thin veins and light spots;

Utilities - a gray or bright green variety with a patchy color.

In addition to these, there are other varieties of the mineral. The dark green variety with black spots is called chloromelanite. A saturated green with black spots aggregate of jadeite and albite is called jade-albite or albite jadeite.

Origin and deposit of jadeite

Mineral jadeite for a long time was a mystery to geologists. Most researchers believe that its origin is hydrothermal, that is, the stone was formed under conditions of medium temperature and pressure as a result of a complex multi-stage process. Today there are different views about education. Thus, it is believed that jadeite mineralization can be of igneous, metamorphic, and hydrothermal-metasomatic origin.

In addition to the formation, the places of primary deposits remain incomprehensible, because all known deposits are secondary river deposits. Even today, only a few primary deposits are known.

The mineral occurs as a monomineral rock - dense viscous needle-like crystals with different grain sizes. It is extremely rare to find well-formed jadeite crystals.

If you are interested in jadeite, its deposits are already known to everyone. There are a little more than a dozen of them in the world. There is a stone in Primorye, China, Mexico, Burma, Japan, the USA and Indonesia. On the territory of the Russian Federation, jadeite can be found in the Urals and the south of the Krasnodar Territory.

Good quality raw materials come only from Burma. White and green jadeite has been found in small quantities in Japan, but is no longer available from there. USA (California) and Guatemalan jade are usually dull in color and are of no value, as some of the material from Guatemala is coarse grained, making polishing more difficult. In addition, it contains diopside and its density is lower than the usual mineral.

The use of jade stone

Jadeite has gained great popularity in massage and beauty salons, fitness rooms, baths and saunas. This is the only semi-precious stone whose properties allow it to be successfully used in a bath. After all, it is one of the most durable materials for filling the heater. Its amazing strength led to its increased thermal stability, that is, the ability of the material not to collapse under thermal stresses due to changes during heating and cooling.

Jewelry varieties of the mineral are used to make jewelry.

Not only rings, brooches and pendants are made from it, but also vases, cups, caskets. Above all in jewelry business the Imperial variety is valued, distinguished by its translucency. A jadeite cube measuring 10x10x10 mm should shine through.

Watch the stone jade on the video:

ancient excavations in different countries indicate that the gem was widely used by people millennia ago. Moreover, the main purpose of a rare mineral was considered to be a protective effect, protection from dark forces giving joy, confidence in the future.

Jadeite is not easy magic amulet but a natural source of miraculous power.

History and origins

It is historically known that the gem, which looks like jade, became popular more than 40 centuries ago. The name jadeite comes from the word "jade", which means "lumbar stone". This definition was given to the mineral by the Spaniards, who used the amulet to heal from kidney disease.

In ancient China, the green gem was commonly known as healing stone, with the help of which healers got rid of many diseases. Jewelry with stone was popular at the court, among the Chinese nobility.

The outfits of the emperor and his entourage were generously embroidered with jadeite. Buddha figurines were carved from a viscous mineral, unique samples have survived to this day and have historical value.

For many peoples, jadeite stone is a sacred artifact that was used for religious sacraments. The Aztecs, worshiping the sun god, used the power of emerald-colored crystals. Figurines of idols and amulets were carved from jade. Today, in many temples in Mexico, carved embellishments from the mineral have been preserved.

The French geologist A. Demur, in his studies conducted in 1863, divided the green mineral ore called "jade" into two subspecies, which are now also called jadeite.

Place of Birth

The rock-forming mineral is also found in the form of a monomineral rock. Formations of jadeite crystals are much less common. Natural stone from the pyroxene group has several primary localities. A little more than ten deposits are known, located around the world.

In China, Mexico and Burma the most ancient products from jadeite were found. In Indonesia, Japan and America, there are also rare fossil reserves. On the territory of Russia, the stone is found in Primorye, in the south of the Krasnodar Territory. There is also a deposit of jadeite in the treasury of the Urals.

Physical properties

The mineral has a viscous structure, therefore it is popular as an ornamental material. Judging by the high physical indicators gem, is also used in jewelry craftsmanship. If the stone looks transparent, with a glassy sheen, then it is used for making jewelry.

FormulaNaAlSi2O6 or Na2O Al2O3 4SiO2
Hardness6,5 - 7
Density3.25 - 3.36 g/cm³
Refractive index1,654 - 1,667
kinkSplintery, sticky.
SyngonyMonoclinic (planned).
TransparencyTranslucent or opaque.
ColorGreen, rare black, white, grayish green.

Medicinal properties

AT modern life more and more often there are supporters of non-traditional methods of treating diseases. Apart from drug treatment There are many old ways. They make a choice according to personal preferences, someone is cured with herbs, and someone with the help of lithotherapy.

Oriental healers, sorcerers from other states, using ancient knowledge, use jadeite to get rid of many diseases. healing power stone helps to solve the following problems in the body:

  • disorders in the genitourinary system. Contributes to the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • relieves infertility. An amulet on a pregnant woman helps to bear a child and be favorably resolved from a burden;
  • relieves impotence;
  • normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens cardiovascular system. Stabilizes the work of the heart, relieves hypertension;
  • helps to strengthen the immune system. Increases the body's resistance to infections, accelerates recovery and restoration of the body;
  • relieves irritation, has a calming effect after experienced stress. Favorably affects sleep, so it is recommended to keep the amulet at the head of the bed or under the pillow;
  • preferably used for preventive purposes. The mineral protects against infection with seasonal viral diseases;
  • the healing properties of the crystal help strengthen the nervous system;
  • the mineral has a healing effect on psychological and mental disorder. It has a positive effect on mood, gives a positive energy charge, relieves apathy and depression.

In Eastern practices, the gem is used to improve circulation. energy flows. It is known that jewelry with a stone contributes not only to the purification of energy, but gives health effect for the whole organism. Jadeite is useful for cleansing the biofield, therefore it is applicable in meditation.

Important! For achievement positive result the systematic use of the gem is recommended.

magical properties

Compatibility of the mineral with the owner of the artifact on energy level, contributes to an increase in the impact force several times. The amulet, which has a huge supply of energy, continuously affects the life of the owner of the stone.

Owner magical talisman miraculously manages to avoid trouble, smooth out the "sharp corners". The energy of the mineral helps to resolve conflicts at work, in the family, to avoid aggressive people on the street. Jadeite is an invaluable assistant in bringing happiness, joy and harmony into everyday life.

The green crystal is recommended for those who suffer from psychological complexes helps boost self-esteem. Strengthening self-confidence, the amulet helps the owner of the gem to broaden his horizons, awakens optimism, and revives the desire to make plans for a happy future.

A positively minded person assesses the situation more objectively, chooses the most rational ways to solve life issues.

The magic stone jadeite gives a positive charge, therefore it is completely useless in "black" rituals. For many peoples, the mineral is sacred, contributing to the performance of virtuous, merciful deeds. It is not for nothing that the gem is kept with them during meditation. The crystal helps in spiritual development, brings good, lofty thoughts to the head.

A jadeite amulet helps to improve relationships after a breakup, helps to restore a fading feeling. The talisman of the family in the form of a figurine will save the hearth from everyday troubles.

It does not allow misunderstanding, strife to arise in marital relations and protects from negative impact to a couple of third parties. Helps lovers to get rid of jealousy and distrust, to maintain a tender feeling for many years.

Family cohesion is of great importance for a person. Quite often, newlyweds with their parents cannot get along under the roof of one dwelling. A magical artifact unites several generations, has a calming effect on all members of the family.

The amulet helps to reason with the rebellious spirit that wakes up in children during adolescence. The mineral helps to find a common language between fathers and children, helps adults find a suitable educational technique.

Important! Jadeite helps to distinguish truth from lies, helps to expose a conspiracy, to bring the deceiver "to clean water."

Jewelry with a mineral

Gemstone jewelry is at the peak of popularity today. Many fashionistas have changed their image, opting for romantic necklaces or cabochons in ethnic style. Everyone wants to buy a green crystal for a talisman or make a precious embellishment with their own hands. Since jadeite is combined with different metals, anyone can create jewelry on their own.

  • jadeite tumbling from South Africa, 1.5×2 cm in size, costs $1;
  • a fragment of a mineral from southern Africa, 2×3 cm in size, costs $1.2;
  • a translucent crystal from Italy, 3.2×1.6×0.2 in size, costs $30;
  • cabochon, from deposits located in Russia, costs $35;
  • a polished cut of jadeite brought from Khakassia, 11.6 × 5.4 × 2 in size, costs $52;
  • a ball of Khakassian jadeite, 5.6 cm in diameter, costs $67;
  • cabochon from the Yakut mineral costs $160;
  • a luxurious bracelet made of solid stone, brought from Khakassia, costs $730.

Judging by the proposed list, the market price of a gem depends on the deposit, type, color and size of the stone.


Gems are found in different shades, differ in transparency and brilliance. On the valuable jewellery there is a high-grade gem, samples of which are found in Burma. In nature, there are three types of jewelry jadeite:

  • Imperial;
  • Utilities.

Each of the varieties is interesting in its own way, but they have big difference in cost. For example, instances belonging to the class "imperial" are transparent, have a bright green tint. This stone is similar to emerald in color and price.

Samples "commercial" are not transparent and with a larger grain size. The shade of the mineral is from pale green to color. This type contains a small amount transparent veins and spots.

"Utility" jadeite is not transparent, has a non-uniform color and a shiny surface. The gem is characterized by shades of gray, blue and green.

Chloromelanite is a variety of dark green rock with black inclusions. Albite jadeite is a bright green mineral with dark, almost black spots.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

Before you buy a natural stone sometimes you have to cope with some doubts regarding the originality of the product. In order not to be disappointed in the purchased jewelry, a step-by-step instruction is offered on how to worthwhile thing to distinguish from a fake.

  • To know more information about jadeite, study appearance, manufacturers. Deposits of expensive samples are located in Burma.
  • Familiarize yourself with the varieties of synthetic imitations. Serpentine, aventurine quartz, or sometimes passed off as jadeite.
  • Examination in bright light or with a magnifying device. Graininess, blotches, fibrous weaves indicate that the stone is of natural origin.
  • A gem that has a high density is somewhat heavier than it looks. By tapping the fragments against each other, it will be possible to determine the deep, resonant sound of natural stone.
  • The natural crystal, remaining in the palm of your hand, remains cold, creates a feeling of soft and slightly soapy material.

Important! Jadeite is a hard mineral that can leave a mark on a metal surface.

Caring for stone products

  • Storage conditions. It is better to keep jadeite in special cases, covers or caskets. The stone is quite hard because of this, other gems are scratched.
  • protect from sun rays because the minerals lose their color when exposed to sunlight.
  • Avoid contact with chemical components. Aggressive ingredients detergents destroy the structure of the stone. It is recommended to wash jewelry with soap and running water.
  • Keep away from heating devices, do not keep it in a room with high humidity for a long time, which negatively affects the properties of the stone.

With proper handling of the amulet, a positive energy charge will remain for a long time.

Compatibility with names and signs

The astrological properties of the gem are replenished with cosmic energy sent from Venus, Saturn and the Moon. Each sign of the zodiac, which is under the auspices of the elements of the Earth, counts on the help of an amulet with jadeite.

(“++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+
  • Taurus, being under the tutelage of the mineral, receive support in love relationships, harmony among friends and employees, well-being and health.
  • The energy of a magical artifact helps virgins to feel at ease, wherever they find themselves, in any company.
  • Capricorns, receiving a positive charge with the vibrations of the stone, are able to do business, create and create.

Names that jadeite is compatible with:

  • Anatoly, with the help of a mineral, receives courage that encourages him to solve important problems.
  • The talisman helps Vadim fulfill complex obligations.
  • Daria, building a sports career, receives many victories.
  • Diana gets the shortest path to spiritual enlightenment.
  • Zoya unlocks the ability of clairvoyance.
  • Eleanor receives energy that develops creative activity.

Important! A feature of the properties of jadeite is the ability to awaken empathy, a sense of compassion. Representatives of the "water" signs have excessive emotionality, so the use of the mineral is not recommended.

5 (100%) 1 vote

There are many minerals that can inspire even the callous. One of them is thirsty. The stone fascinates with its color and finds application in various spheres of human life.

This stone has been known for a long time. Moreover, it has become widespread both in the old world and in the new. In the era of the last kingdoms of the Maya, it was valued even more than gold: it was used to make figurines of the gods and for various rituals important for the Indians.

In Asia, in medieval China, jadeite was used by craftsmen. There were magnificent masters, capable of carving amazing examples of oriental art, mostly figurines. Now it is China that is the center for the production of most green mineral products, and therefore massively buys up the corresponding raw materials.

The stone is easily confused with jade. However, it is valued above its counterpart, because it is stronger and harder. It got its name from the common name of jade and jade - jade. It is very viscous, it is not prone to luminescence at all. Glass luster is characteristic, transparent samples are quite popular.

Found in different points planets - USA, China, Mexico. This rock is monomineral, granular. In view of its fame and demand, it will be mined and processed by the world's best craftsmen for a long time to come.

Appearance description

Jadeite has many shades, and they all look interesting. However, it is worth noting that it is light specimens with maximum transparency that look most luxurious. Some elements of the rock may have a special graininess, while in others it may be almost not observed. Both options may well be suitable for jewelry delights of the most sophisticated aesthetes. This is a much more attractive stone than the same jasper or amethyst.

Physiochemical properties

In fact, jadeite is aluminum silicate with sodium. High viscosity and hardness are combined with imperfect cleavage and monoclinic syngony. There is no dispersion at all in the mineral. It comes in a variety of colors, including:

  • white,
  • the black,
  • blue,
  • violet.

Extremely popular bright green color, similar to emerald. This color is due to the presence of chromium in the crystal structure. However, if the mineral is transparent, then there is very little chromium there.

Varieties and colors of jadeite

There are several common options:

  • Utilities- gray or green, has a non-uniform color, is opaque. It is considered an ordinary ornamental stone.
  • Commercial- It is sometimes used in jewelry. Color gray or green. It has bright green translucent spots of small size.
  • Jadeite Imperial- the main asset of the breed. An almost transparent or translucent mineral with an emerald green sheen. This variety is always used as a jewelry material due to its chic.

Lucky stone (video)

Where and how is jadeite mined

There are deposits in different parts of the world and states. And in Russia this beautiful stone is mined. However it is not easy to meet its deposits, after all, there are a little more than ten of these deposits! Extraction goes in two ways: explosive, or with the help of a special tool. It is clear that in different cases the stone looks different, and this difference is by no means in favor of the explosive method of extraction. From the quarry they can bring both high-quality specimens, and significantly spoiled by an incorrectly chosen mining method.

Unlike some other minerals, jadeite is easier to mine, because the rock is a monolith, and you do not need to spend money on separating one specimen from another. This also affects the relatively low cost of the stone for the end user.

You can find good nuggets from America or Asia, Siberian, mined a few hundred miles from the city of Krasnoyarsk.

Gallery: jade stone (45 photos)

Application area

In addition to jewelry and decorative arts, jadeite, like serpinite, is used for heaters of saunas and baths, and is called bath. The difference between such a stone and the rest is a large blockiness. It is no coincidence that this particular mineral has found distribution in this area: it withstands temperature extremes and does not change from heating up to 1000 degrees. Tumbled jade - that's really good for a bath.

It is also common to use the mineral in various areas of an esoteric nature: it is believed that it has many mystical and healing properties. There are many products from the mineral of this direction, for example, health balls.

Jewelry and souvenirs from jadeite

Why are jewelry made from this mineral in demand? The answer is simple - they are relatively inexpensive, but they are attractive. That is why the popularity of the stone is so high among those who are partial to precious brilliance and luxury. Not very bright varieties are great for the souvenir business. Most often jadeite is used for the manufacture of the following products:

  • Earrings - great option that complements an elegant dress in the color of the product;
  • Beads are a good addition that is suitable for a black or white dress, against which they can shine;
  • Bracelets - products that can emphasize a person's success in life, if he likes to once again remind him of his achievements;
  • Ball - interesting option, made of Khakass material, able to decorate the house and bring a special atmosphere for those who believe in esoteric properties stone;
  • All kinds of figurines are a frequent way to use the breed, because the figures are elegant and catchy;
  • A jadeite ring is an elegant solution, especially if no other jewelry is expected;
  • A silver signet is a luxurious choice for a business person.

In addition, jadeite can be used as inclusions in the aquarium soil. This will give the tank a special aesthetic zest.

If you want the stone to last longer, you need to choose specimens highest quality. Alternatively, Orasug jadeite may be suitable. High-quality samples are unpretentious, they are not afraid of either light or heat. However, even such a durable mineral has endurance limits, and you should not forget about it.

Medicinal and beneficial properties

Jade is not only jewelry. It is called renal, because it is believed that it can help with various diseases of this organ. However, the mineral only enhances the effect of the drug. There are many opinions about how positive properties has jadeite: some believe that it regulates arterial pressure, others believe that it allows you to avoid stress.

The stone has found distribution in oriental medicine. Some believe that it is suitable for the prevention of various diseases, not only of the cardiovascular, but of the digestive system.

magical properties

  • In some cultures, it was believed that when making a deal, you need to firmly squeeze the jadeite crystal in your hand. In this case, according to belief, the transaction should have been successful.
  • This mineral was considered the owner great power capable of influencing nature. This property explains why in ancient times people tried to control the weather using jadeite. For example, the Indians thus called for rain and other important forces of nature. This was deeply reflected in the culture of not only South America, but also Central.
  • It is believed that a green natural talisman can improve personal life. Thanks to such a talisman, people will not be given groundless jealousy, and their aspirations and relationships will be elevated and prosperous.
  • It is believed that the mineral prevents its owner from doing wrong things.
  • Both amulets made of jadeite and talismans, which have become widespread in antiquity, are popular. The amulet is able to protect against liars, envious people and other unpleasant personalities.

Jadeite and signs of the zodiac

According to believers in special connection between birth and starry sky, not for everyone suitable for a horoscope this stone. For example, it is harmful to Scorpions, Pisces, Capricorns and Cancers, and will only lead them to apathy. But to whom the mineral is most suitable, it is Libra and Virgo. So when choosing a talisman for esoteric purposes, you should pay attention to who the person is according to the sign of the zodiac.

How to distinguish natural jadeite from a fake

Jadeite can be imitated. Such products may contain aventurine quartz, chrysoprase, prehnite and much more. To accurately determine if this is a fake, you need to bring the product to a strong light source. If a 10x magnifier is available, it can be an excellent tool for inspecting the internal structure.

The difference between real jadeite will be that it has grainy weaves. Even if the sample passes the test, it may not be of the highest quality. For example, it is possible that chemical bleaching was used, as well as dyeing. Such an instance will change its shade over time due to contact with a direct light source and for other reasons.

There is a very simple test to identify authenticity. You just need to lightly toss the stone in the palm of your hand. The fact is that the density of this mineral is significant, and it will most likely be heavier than it seemed visually.

It must also be said that both jadeite and jade give characteristic tactile sensations: These are somewhat soapy, soft and cold stones. It is especially convenient to determine the authenticity, having one hundred percent real copy of the same size, and even better - the same shape.

It is important to remember that it is never superfluous to contact an experienced appraiser.

Although jade - semi-precious stone, a lot of beliefs, conjectures and other hype revolve around it, which is not even around diamonds. It is so popular that celebrities like Stallone and Van Damme have worn it in Rambo 2 and Double Impact. It can also be found on the heroes of other films and TV shows. Books are written about this stone, and no wonder, because you can get tons of information about it! Basically, it is shades of green, and not, say, yellow or blue.

In 1980, at an Asian fair, the largest specimen in the world was presented, worth approximately 2 million US dollars. Well, if you delve into the ancient artifacts of an informational nature, you can find many references to certain supernatural qualities of the stone.

Jadeite is a stone shrouded in legends and rumors. One thing is for sure - in its beauty, magical and healing properties, it is not inferior to many precious minerals.

We greet you! And again the most interesting thing about natural stones. This time we will talk about jadeite stone and its unique properties. Did you know, for example, that a mineral is often faked? Simple ways to spot imitation will teach you how to make the right purchases. By the way, jadeite is not another name for jade, as many people think. Stones differ in composition, properties and even applications. Read on, you will find out the most interesting.

Jade and jade - what is the difference, the history of appearance

Let's start with the fact that the mineral really has a lot in common with the famous jade. Visual similarity - yes, but the composition is radically different. What is jadeite? It is a mixture of aluminum and sodium silicates.

The mineral is much harder than its counterpart, and although it has similar shades, it is not so common in nature. Jade is a tangled fiber of amphiboles. The stone is popular not only in the world of jewelers, but also as an ornamental one. For many centuries in a row it has been actively used to create and decorate jewelry, dishes, religious products.

Ancestors believed that jadeite had a unique ability to influence the weather, causing the desired changes. The name of the mineral was due to the ancient Greeks. They called it "sciatica" which means "pain in the hip". Until a certain time, jade and jade were considered varieties of the same mineral and even united them under the name "jade".

The inhabitants of Central America gave the stone a name similar to the Greek, indicating its properties "piedro de jade", which means "kidney". Varieties of the mineral are imperial jade and chlormelanite.

Only in the 19th century did it become clear how jade differs from jadeite and the minerals were finally separated.

Chemical and physical properties of jadeite

The composition of jadeite includes more than 6 dozen chemical elements. Relatively rare, the mineral is similar in composition to nepheline and albite. The exception is density indicators. In jadeite, the specific gravity is higher than that of albite, but lower than that of nepheline. This is the main difference, which can be explained simply by the non-standard structure of the mineral. It is she who is responsible for its elasticity.

Another feature of the stone is its fibrous structure. In nature, it is most often found in the form of needle-shaped and granular crystalline masses, in exceptional cases - in the form of a prismatic crystal.

The best specimens have almost no inclusions. Jadeite melts at high temperatures, turning into translucent glass, does not show resistance to acids.

The mineral belongs to the group of metamorphic and igneous rocks. Stones of natural origin include impurities that are responsible for the bright green color. This is chrome.

A hazy specimen is more yellow than green. As part of more iron replacing aluminium.

Jadeite, unlike jade, is not so common. There are only a few dozen deposits in the world where the rock is mined. In Russia, this is the territory of the Urals and Krasnoyarsk Territory. Work is being carried out at the Borusskoye and Pusyerka deposits. Both were the result of the discoveries of Russian geologists and are deservedly considered the largest and richest in the world.

Varieties, colors and varieties

The properties and unusual color of the mineral attracts jewelers. Stone encrusted:

  • pendants;
  • pendants;
  • brooches;
  • rings;
  • beads;
  • bracelets, etc.

The more transparent stone with rich color, the higher its price, and, accordingly, the jewelry inlaid with it. Three varieties of jadeite are generally accepted:

  1. Imperial– emerald-colored minerals are almost transparent, ideal for making exclusive jewelry and decor items.
  2. Commercial- green, or with a shade of gray, almost opaque with spots and streaks of green. They are also decorated with jewelry, widely used as an ornamental stone.
  3. Utilities- green and gray minerals of a non-uniform color, used exclusively as ornamental.

The price of the mineral is quite high, although it differs depending on how the stone looks and what type of processing it was subjected to. Quality stones are sold according to approximate price 1000 rubles per gram. Cheap samples from the utility category can be bought for a few dollars per kilogram in chopped form. Expensive specimens of the "imperial" variety can be close to emeralds in price.

Medicinal properties: what to expect from the green counterpart of jade

Already only by the names that the mineral has received during its existence, one can conclude that it has obvious abilities to affect health. It is believed that the stone is able to improve the functioning of the kidneys, enhance the impact medicines on a natural herbal basis. In addition, people believe that the stone will do:

  • with liver diseases;
  • toothaches;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • migraine;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • insomnia.

Also attributed to jadeite beneficial features associated with recovery male power and reproductive function. At regular use the stone will help strengthen the immune system and normalize blood pressure.

Magic properties: only truth

Jadeite was actively used by representatives of the ancient civilization of Central America. Among the Aztecs in Mexico, by the arrival of the Spanish colonizers, the mineral was considered no less valuable than gold. The stone was also appreciated in China. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire applied their centuries-old experience of working with jade to create unique jewelry, talismans and amulets from jadeite. And all because they considered the mineral magical, capable of solving a number of problems.

From the moment of acquaintance with jadeite, people believed in its ability to bring peace, help in achieving spiritual harmony. The stone was used as a talisman, trying to protect oneself from problems and hardships. It was believed that the owner of the gem would never get lost in difficult situation will find a way out even from a difficult situation.

That is why jadeite figurines (including Chinese ones) were in such demand. They were considered and continued to be considered domestic talismans, able to give the family warmth, love and understanding. Families with such amulets quarreled less, lived in harmony with each other and the world around them.

Who suits the gem according to the horoscope

Astrologers focus on the compatibility of jadeite with Virgo and Libra. With the help of a mineral, representatives of these signs will be able to strengthen family relationships, increase self-esteem, become self-confident and sociable.

But such a zodiac sign as Cancer should try to limit contact with the stone. The same rule applies to Sagittarians with Capricorns. For representatives of these signs, a green gem will bring misfortune, strengthen negative qualities and drown out the positive ones, hindering spiritual growth and development.

Features of the use of jewelry and rules of care

Store jewelry with natural stone in a separate box, wrapped soft cloth. Keep products away from mechanical damage, direct sun, excessive humidity. Do not wear them to the bath, swimming pool, sauna or solarium.

Clean the mineral twice a year without chemical aggressive means. To remove traces of use, a warm soap solution and polishing with a dry cloth to a shine.

Applications outside of jewelry

Analyzing the value of the mineral for the signs of the zodiac, healing and magical properties, not everyone knows that its scope is not limited to dishes, figurines and jewelry. Recently, the mineral is fashionable and wonderful option for kindling Russian baths and saunas. As well as volcanic rocks, jadeite:

  • complies with safety requirements;
  • has a sufficient level of heat capacity;
  • strong;
  • healing.

As a natural material, jadeite is ideal for a sauna or a Russian bath. Medium, coarse-grained rocks are used to maximize the preservation of heat and "light steam", which the stone contributes to.

In terms of processing options, the most successful is a chipped mineral. It lasts long enough, accelerates the temperature rise to 10 degrees, and noticeably faster than any other stone in the furnace would do. In the bath, where jadeite is used to breathe easily and pleasantly, aromatic substances are actively distributed throughout the room.

The question remains: chipped or polished - which better mineral to choose for a steam room in a bath or sauna? Experts tend to favor the first option. The choice is explained by the ability of the chipped to raise the temperature faster and evaporate water due to the increased surface area.

In addition, keep in mind that in order to grind the mineral, a tumbled drum and abrasives are used, the particles of which, when moisture evaporates, will enter the steam room air. Given their chemical composition, this can be hazardous to health.

How to distinguish a genuine mineral from a fake

We note right away that you cannot do this from the photo. It is necessary to carry out a series of manipulations that prove the authenticity of the stone and without the opportunity to touch its result will not be.

Start by inspecting the mineral. Don't let its color fool you. In nature, there are indeed not only green specimens, but also white, orange, purple and even black jadeite. The main thing is that there are no frozen air bubbles in the rock.

Try tossing a stone in your palm. If it is real, then the weight should be more than it seems during visual inspection. At the same stage, determine the temperature of the stone. A real gem will remain cool even when in contact with the palm of your hand.

Another way is to try tapping beads on an unknown stone. The sound should be deep and trumpet.

Carefully, without damaging the cut of the product, test it for hardness. Natural stone should scratch glass, while remaining unscathed.

Finding the difference from a fake is not so difficult, it's another matter if you have a natural stone treated with a fraudulent method. This also needs to be defined. Depending on such methods, the mineral is divided into three groups:

  • Group A - natural stones with natural processing and natural color.
  • Group B - bleached rocks with a polymer for transparency and a plastic coating. Short-lived and unnatural. Such stones can have pink and even blue color.
  • Group C - bleached chemicals change color over time.

Buy products with stones of the first group A, be sure to require certificates confirming the quality. Only in this case, the gem will last a long time and prove itself. the best way pleasing to the eye and heart. Do you like colored stones? You can also buy them, this is not a fake, but just a type of processing. That's just the colored gems will not last long. This is the fee for custom color and artificially created transparency.

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