The power of stones as amulets and talismans. Which amulet stone is suitable for the Libra horoscope sign. The power and magical properties of protective precious stones, as amulets and talismans for women according to the sign of the zodiac and date of birth

Stones-talismans and stones-amulets

Continuing the topic of precious stones and minerals, let's talk about talismans and amulets, which can be played by various natural crystals. Each era had its own favorite stones. The Egyptians happily wore jewelry made of emeralds, turquoise, amethyst or rock crystal. The Romans valued diamonds and sapphires above all else. Well, what about us? What are we leaning towards? Completeness, you say. What stones, are they up to now ?! But we will not always live in times of crises, someday it will come white stripe... And then you will want Beauty! Secrets! Miracle! Magic! And that's all - Stones! It's not easy expensive jewelry... First of all, it is beauty, magic, mystery, health.

The brow of the ruler of any ancient state has always been adorned with a headdress set with precious stones. Moreover, the stones were necessarily selected taking into account the horoscope and the person's temperament. If the crown was made correctly, it protected the ruler from all adversity. And no one else could wear it without harm to themselves. For example, after the death of its owner, no one was able to put on the famous Monomakh hat. And in the Vedic chronicles there is a case when the king, wishing to defeat the ruler of a hostile state, presented him with a crown, which a few days later caused an incurable disease in the rival.

How to pick up talisman stones

The choice and time of wearing the stone in ancient times was put in a certain connection with the planets and signs of the zodiac. The most favorable for a person are stones associated with the planet that astrologically dominates his fate:

Stones of the Sun (patron of Leo): chrysolite, diamond, hyacinth, aventurine, ruby, heliotrope, chrysoprase, amber are associated with it.

Moon stones (patron saint of Cancer): opal, adularia (moonstone), selenite, aquamarine, beryl, pearls, coral are associated with it.

Stones of Mercury (patron saint of Gemini, Virgo): golden topaz, emerald, carnelian, agate, carnelian, jasper are associated with it.

Stones of Venus (patron saint of Taurus, Libra): light sapphire, agate, pearls, malachite, jade are associated with it.

Stones of Mars (patron saint of Aries, Scorpio): ruby, bloodstone, jasper, diamond, garnet, red coral, jasper are associated with it.

Stones of Jupiter (patron saint of Sagittarius, Pisces): turquoise, sapphire, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, amethyst, charoite are associated with it.

Stones of Saturn (patron saint of Capricorn, Aquarius): onyx, amethyst, dark topaz, jade, agate, morion are associated with it.

Further, stones are considered favorable for wearing, which are associated with the signs of the zodiac that prevail at the time of a person's birth. And vice versa, stones of the opposite sign will be in dissonance with the nature and energy of a person, they can disrupt his fate, the course of his life. Therefore, such stones should not be worn!

List of opposite signs of the zodiac:

Aries - Libra
Taurus - Scorpio
Gemini - Sagittarius
Cancer - Capricorn
Leo - Aquarius
Virgo - Pisces

That is, Virgos, for example, should not wear stones suitable for Pisces: amethyst, amethyst quartz, charoite, aquamarine, malachite, amazonite. But such stones are perfect for Virgos: citrine, Tiger's Eye, agate, rhinestone, sapphire, lapis lazuli, emerald. And of course, on the contrary, those stones that are suitable for Virgo are not recommended for representatives of the sign of Pisces. A complete table of gems by zodiac signs, compiled by the International Association of Jewelers, I will present a little later.

For the first time astrological connection precious stones with the signs of the zodiac was installed in the Middle Ages. These lucky stones tables have changed several times. In 1934, new tables were drawn up. On this moment there are whole series of tables: Eastern, Slavic, Germanic, Romanesque, American, Hebrew.

In the end, the International Association of Jewelers in the 70s of the last century undertook a special search, and then approved and corrected all the information and tables. Today in jewelry stores the following abbreviated scale, approved by MAJ, may be proposed, in which the month of birth and the stone favorable for wearing are indicated in Roman numerals:

I - garnet, alexandrite;
II - amethyst;
III - aquamarine;
IV - diamond, zirconium;
V - emerald, jade;
VI - pearls, agate;
VII - ruby;
VIII - moonstone (adularia), chrysolite;
IX - sapphire;
X - opal, cat's eye;
XI - topaz;
XII - turquoise, blue zircon.

As a talisman, you can select different stones of a certain energetic influence, depending on what traits and properties of character you want to strengthen or weaken in yourself.

How to pick up stones-amulets

The choice of an amulet is also determined by what you want it to protect from.... An amulet is a guardian stone. It must protect its owner from bad influences, negative energy, from misfortunes and ailments, from " evil eye"And" evil spell ", from lightning, from falling, from fire, etc. And the stone reliably fulfills its role, giving its owner confidence, programming the subconscious, giving psychological protection. For the right choice, there is stone properties table... Stone amulets can be conditionally divided into two categories: protectors from troubles and protectors from diseases. For example, coral, carnelian and almandine protect from the "evil eye", witchcraft and other unpleasant spells.
From intemperance and intoxication - amethyst, amazonite.
Jadeite, a cat's eye will protect from various troubles, misfortunes.
From bad dreams- Emerald.
From jealousy - malachite, from debauchery, family quarrels and disputes - carnelian.
Agate will save you from storms and hurricanes.
From poverty - turquoise.
The most interesting among the stones that protect against diseases is amber (translated from Lithuanian, its name "gintas" means "protection" from diseases). Since ancient times, it was believed that amber protects against all diseases. Remember, in order for your stones to work correctly, you need to periodically cleanse them from the accumulated energy.

The best talismans are stones, donated, inherited. Stones purchased from the store require a certain period for "affinity" with the owner. Stolen stones, according to the legend of the ancients, can never be talismans, since in this case they will most likely exhibit negative properties.

Also, when choosing a stone for a talisman and amulet, you should pay attention to the gender of the owner.... Since stones are also not indifferent to this, and according to European canons, it is believed that "male" stones are happy on a woman's hand, and "female" - on a man's hand. Women's stones have a weaker sheen and colder tones, colors and shades. Also, the "floor" of a stone can be determined by its transparency: transparent stones have a masculine energy, opaque ones - a feminine one. It is interesting to note that according to ancient Eastern philosophy, on the contrary, it was believed that men should wear male stones, to enhance their male characteristics, and women, respectively, female, to give them charm, beauty and charm. Since transparent stones are referred to the elements of Fire and Air, and opaque ones - to the elements of Earth and Water. Therefore, when choosing a stone in this context, one should take into account which character traits need to be strengthened, male or female.

In the same way, based on belonging to the element, you can determine whether a stone that you already possess is right for you, but you do not know its exact name. Knowing the element of your zodiacal constellation and determining the element of the stone you have by the degree of transparency, you will understand whether it suits you or not. For example, the element of my constellation Virgo is Earth, and the undefined stone that I have is opaque, which means that it also belongs to the element of the Earth and I can easily wear it.

Traditional mascot stones for the corresponding zodiac signs

Aquarius - garnet, zircon;
Fish are pearls;
Aries - diamond, brilliant, cubic zirconia;
Taurus - turquoise, sapphire;
Gemini - agate, chrysoprase, beryl;
Cancer - moonstone, emerald, chrysoberyl;

Since time immemorial, humanity has used the power and energy of all kinds of stones and crystals to achieve various goals. Despite the fact that some convinced skeptics consider such a phenomenon a relic of the past, modern science managed to prove: stones and crystals are really capable of emitting special energy outward through a certain type of vibration - the so-called. vibrations.

Energy of stones

This discovery seriously allows us to assert that the stones talismans can still help a person, which, in fact, continues to be used by knowledgeable people.

Where does energy come from in stones?

Where did she come from

As you know, any minerals in nature are formed as a result of the crystallization process. So, for high temperature minerals are part of a solution or liquid melt. However, as the liquid cools down, it solidifies, which gives the minerals their unique structure with a clear arrangement of atoms.

Depending on the peculiarities of the internal structure, each mineral acquires the ability to balance the energies of other bodies by acting on them with its own electromagnetic oscillations. Each mineral has its own frequency of these vibrations, and knowing these or those properties of the most popular stones, you can learn to use their beneficial and healing effects.

Talisman stones and their variety

Huge variety

To date, mankind has discovered over 4 thousand different types of stones, and every year this number is replenished by no less than fifty names. However, for the designated purposes, not all are used. known species, but only those that are included in the capacious category of "jewelry stones".

  • precious stones - rubies, emeralds, diamonds, etc.;
  • semi-precious - agate, turquoise, pomegranate, etc.;
  • ornamental - lapis lazuli, malachite, etc.

It is a mistake to believe that the energy of precious stones is more powerful than that of other species. Their sometimes substantial value is usually due to their rarity, since semi-precious and ornamental stones are considered more common in nature.

As an example, here is the well-known rock crystal. This amazing crystal is often found in nature and is by no means a rarity, but it is it that is extremely highly valued precisely for healing properties and inexhaustible natural potential. By the way, rock crystal is one of the most powerful spiritualistic crystals due to the purity and power of its energy.

The effect of talisman stones: what's the secret?

What is the secret of strength

Eastern, or rather Indian, medicine can largely explain how talisman stones act on a person. As you know, all bodies have their own energy field or aura. Disharmony or energy disorder in this field just leads to both physical and mental illness.

In an effort to restore the disturbed balance, human energy radiation begins to look for other fields, fed from which it can recover. It is such a charge in themselves that they carry natural stones talismans. By choosing a talisman suitable for himself, a person can get rid of various problems, protect yourself from loss of energy as a result of contacts and communication with ill-wishers, restore health and peace of mind.

The easiest way to choose a mascot

Choosing a talisman

Of course, determine which stone is right specific person, without specific knowledge it is not easy. Moreover, by choosing the wrong talisman from a stone (for example, simply being flattered by its beautiful appearance or high cost), a person runs the risk of independently violating his own energy balance- especially if the talisman was purchased for permanent wearing.

The easiest way to choose a talisman stone for yourself involves referring to your own horoscope. So, it is known that:

  • for people born under the sign of Aries, diamonds are suitable;
  • Emeralds are recommended as a talisman for Taurus;
  • It is advisable for Gemini to wear jade (jade and jadeite);
  • for those born under the sign of Cancer, a ruby ​​is recommended;
  • Astrologers advise Leo to use topaz as a talisman;
  • Sapphire is extremely suitable for Virgos;
  • for those born under the zodiac sign of Libra, opal is prescribed;
  • for those born under the sign of Scorpio, hematite is recommended;
  • Turquoise suits Sagittarius as a talisman;
  • for Capricorns, a pomegranate is recommended;
  • Amethyst is preferable to Aquarius as a talisman stone;
  • for those born under the sign of Pisces, astrology prescribes aquamarine.

Talisman stones and their properties

Properties of stones

As already mentioned, each stone has its own unique internal structure, which determines a certain frequency of its electromagnetic oscillations and, as a consequence, the presence of one or another spectrum of properties. Let's try to study in more detail the properties of known and not so famous stones and minerals that can be used as a powerful talisman.


Aventurine is a fine-grained variety of quartz. Possessing an amazing golden tint, this stone, by its very appearance, is capable of causing a tide. joyful emotions and admiration.

Since ancient times, aventurine has been attributed to the property of giving a person confidence, forcing him to easily overcome internal barriers, embarrassment and shyness. With the aventurine talisman, every timid person can finally move forward, getting rid of inner fears and conflicts with himself. This stone is also recommended for depressed, dejected people who are mired in their own sad thoughts.


From time immemorial, agate was considered one of the most valuable varieties of chalcedony. However, he was revered not only for its spectacular color and unusual pattern. Ancient beliefs attributed medicinal and magical properties to this stone, so it was believed that agate could act as an antidote to the bites of poisonous snakes, scorpions and spiders.

Agate talismans to this day are surrounded by rumors that thanks to them, any conflict between people, even the most serious, can be smoothed out. Especially in the old days, amulets made of this stone were valued among men, because agate was also attributed to the property of bringing success in love affairs.


This stone is rightfully considered the master of all gemstones. Crystal clear, shining and playing in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow - a diamond can enhance the beauty of any jewelry.

From time immemorial, it is believed that diamonds as talismans contribute to the development of courage, firmness and determination in a person, because this is one of the most durable stones on earth. In addition, there is a belief that a diamond brings good luck and loses its luster as soon as a hypocrite, traitor or liar touches it.

Others are attributed to Almaz amazing properties- for example, since ancient times, this stone was considered the personification pure love, wisdom and reconciliation. The ancient people believed that wearing a diamond allows you to drive away any fears, relieve nightmares and protect from ghosts and evil spells.

It is curious that another very unusual property is attributed to this extraordinary stone: according to ancient beliefs, for a person who acquired a diamond dishonestly, it will bring only one misfortune. And even after the death of such an owner, the diamond will store a charge of powerful negative energy for a long time (or even forever).


This unusually beautiful lilac-violet quartz was highly revered by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Jews. It was believed that a person carrying this stone with him would not be able to get drunk during a feast (it is noteworthy that in ancient times the color of amethyst was compared to the color of wine diluted with a large amount of water).

According to old beliefs, amethyst helps its owner find the path to truth, therefore it is recommended to contact his help at those moments when a person is at a crossroads of fate. The same stone is credited with the ability to eliminate conflicts, give peace and humility.

Placed under the pillow, amethyst will banish nightmares, activate mental capacity and will even attract prophetic dreams. It is also recommended to take it with you as a talisman when traveling and traveling.


Two unproven theories are associated with the origin of the name of this unusual bluish-green stone. The first version is associated with the Amazon River, although this breed is not mined there. The second - with the Amazons themselves - mythical women warriors who, according to some legends, allegedly loved the color green.

Amazonite as a talisman was used in ancient times by amateurs gambling... It was believed that a person carrying this stone in his pocket will never be deprived of good luck. In addition, the properties of a talisman are attributed to the Amazonite, capable of balancing the feminine and masculine principles in a person - yin and yang, thereby contributing to peace of mind and harmony.


This beautiful gemstone is often called the “heavenly stone” for its amazing color. At all times, this stone was prescribed to be worn by people prone to depression, as well as by those who aspired to independence and independence.

Talisman made of turquoise helps its owner in learning higher sciences, promotes self-esteem and the ability to find mutual language with loved ones. With this stone, a person will quickly achieve his goal, having acquired a solid life position... It is also believed that a person wearing a turquoise talisman will not die from an accident.


Belomorite, or, as it is also called, belamorite, is a type of feldspar mined in the White Sea in Karelia. This stone has a truly unique color, backed by an incredible magical glow.

It is believed that a person using Belomorite as a talisman can get rid of anxiety and chaos in his life. This stone makes people calmer, forcing them to reason more soberly and clearly. Such a talisman is recommended, first of all, for overly emotional people who would like to get the best of their feelings. By the way, it is also believed that this stone promotes childbirth, so talismans from it can help childless couples who dream of offspring.


This stone is easily distinguishable from other minerals and stones due to its unique color and characteristic metallic luster. In ancient times, it was widely used for jewelry purposes, but by now, unfortunately, it has ceased to be so highly valued among gemologists as it used to be.

Magical and therapeutic properties are attributed to this stone - so, since ancient times, there was a belief that hematite is able to stop bleeding from wounds and alleviate ailments of the circulatory system.

Also, hematite is the personification of wisdom and courage. The ancient Egyptians wore rings made of this stone in order to give themselves courage and scare away ill-wishers. The talisman from it is able to help its owner gain confidence to make important decisions in difficult life circumstances.


In ancient times, people believed that rock crystal crystals are nothing more than frozen ice forever. The purity and transparency of this quartz allowed it to deserve its place among the stones used for the manufacture of all kinds of jewelry, decorative crafts and figurines.

Rhinestone talismans are great for meditation and spiritualistic sessions. The powerful energy of this stone allows you to quickly restore strength, normalize the balance between mind and feelings. In addition, many therapeutic properties are attributed to this extraordinary stone - for example, the ability to relieve headaches and toothaches, eliminate intestinal and digestive problems. Modern esotericists believe that drinking water, in which there was a rock crystal, has a very beneficial effect on health.

Jade (green jade)

In the 19th century, the French researcher Demur determined that this name should be understood as two almost indistinguishable from each other, but at the same time - completely different minerals: jade and jadeite. Taking into account the fact that it is almost impossible to visually distinguish them, a collectively generalized term was adopted - zhad.

Green jade is considered a sacred and very popular stone in the East, where magical and healing properties... In the old days, it was believed that talismans made of green jade help a person get rid of hidden grievances that poison life and existence.

According to ancient beliefs, green jade amulets and talismans have the ability to neutralize negative energy emanating from the external environment and arising in the person himself. Moreover, this property manifests itself in them so clearly that to this day, green jade is attributed to the ability to prevent accidents that could happen to the owner of the stone. There is an opinion that the green jade talisman shatters to smithereens shortly before the accident, overflowing with negative energy accumulated over its owner, which preserves his life and health.


Emerald - amazing stone, which is a silicate of beryllium and aluminum. For the first time this dear and extraordinarily beautiful green stone began to be worn by the ancient Egyptians - about twenty centuries BC. To this day, the emerald is a kind of indicator of the special status of its owner, and meanwhile, it also acts as its magic talisman.

It is believed that the emerald bestows wisdom on its owner, drives out any sorrows and pessimistic thoughts from him. You can resort to the help of a talisman made of this stone in any difficult life situation, and do not doubt that the energy of the emerald will indicate the very the right decision... For people in love, emerald talismans help to distinguish true love from falling in love, admiration from lies, sincerity from falsehood.


In nature, there are opals that have the most delightful and incredible colors - pink, red, milky and even completely transparent. The most beautiful is considered to be fire opal, striking the imagination with the brightness of its deep red color.

In ancient times, this stone symbolized inner purification, love and passion. As a talisman, opals are ideal for people seeking to achieve emotional balance and harmony. When the mind prevails over feelings, a person wearing a talisman made of opal will be able to learn how to correctly prioritize life, overcome blues and lack of will, which together will allow him to achieve his goals.


Even according to ancient Indian texts, created around 2300 BC, the ruby ​​was mentioned as the king of precious stones. Despite the fact that this stone has a dizzying number of shades (from red-orange to lilac), the most expensive rubies are piercing carmine color.

Wearers of jewelry with rubies can turn any jewelry into your own talismans, because according to ancient beliefs, this stone is endowed with amazing energy. So, talismans with a ruby ​​have the property of increasing self-esteem, awakening in a person's soul interest and love for the world around him and himself. This stone gives its owner a charge of positive energy, and helps him to avoid the machinations of ill-wishers.


This stone has been used by mankind since the times Of the ancient world... To this day, talismans made from topaz are attributed to antidepressant properties. It is believed that topaz helps to restore a person's lost interest in life and gain inspiration.

Such a talisman is also recommended for people who are worried about their own psycho-emotional state, because its wide range of properties also includes the ability to relieve fatigue, soothe nervous system and eliminate the negative effects of daily stress. In addition, beliefs say that talismans made from topaz help you get rich and soon gain financial independence.

Lapis lazuli

The name of this stone is of Arabic-Persian origin, meaning "sky", "blue". The beauty of lapis lazuli was appreciated in ancient times - according to historical sources, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt carved sacred scarabs from this stone more than 3 thousand years ago and decorated the decorations of priests and high-ranking lords with them.

The lapis lazuli talisman is best suited for people who dream of broadening their horizons and learning objectivity. This stone promotes calmness and overcoming fears, and, in addition, it attracts love, success and financial well-being to its owner. Lapis lazuli will become a real helper for someone who at the moment needs to make an important decision, casting aside doubts, fears and timidity.


This stone is a kind of chalcedony, and its name, translated from the Old Russian language, means “pleasing the heart”. According to this interpretation, the spectrum of application of carnelian as a talisman is explained - in particular, it is recommended to be worn by people who dream of taking own emotions under control.

He is equally successful in helping those who want to overcome depression, and those who are prone to outbursts of negative emotions and nervous breakdowns. Carnelian talisman attracts pure positive energy, which has a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the spirit. It is believed that a person who wears a carnelian talisman will never be overcome by despondency and despair.


Obsidian can rightfully be considered the most mysterious stone used to make talismans. Belonging to rocks of volcanic origin, obsidian is volcanic lava that solidified with lightning speed after an eruption.

This attractive black stone (less often - black with white splashes) from ancient times symbolizes justice, the power of life and natural energy as well as the ability to survive. Talismans made of obsidian have such powerful vibrations that they are able to drive away evil spirits and ghosts, at the same time, relieving their owner from unreasonable fears and nightmares. By the way, it is recommended to closely contact the talismans made of this stone on the eve of serious exams, interviews, qualification tests, as well as in the process of achieving any set goals, since it brings good luck in all good deeds.


Amber is nothing more than the fossilized resin of conifers that grew on Earth about 120 million years ago. Surprisingly, despite the fact that amber is a substance of organic origin, according to many of its characteristics, it may well be classified as a mineral.

Many people are still convinced that amber has miraculous powers, keeping in itself a part of the real solar energy... It is believed that talismans made of real amber give wisdom and tranquility to their owners.

In ancient times, it was believed that amber has the ability to strengthen the heart and mind, relieve migraines and seizures, and even prevent epileptic seizures. He was also prescribed the ability to heal skin and eye diseases, attributing this feature to his powerful force field.


Jasper is one of the varieties of chalcedony, known to man since ancient times. This massive rock, possessing only her inherent, characteristic shine, and an unusual pattern, the intricacy of which depends on the abundance of inclusions in the structure of the stone.

The ancient Sumerians and Assyrians believed that a person carrying a talisman of jasper with him acquires the qualities of an unsurpassed orator capable of leading a crowd (a little later this belief was adopted by the ancient Greeks and Romans). It was also believed that a talisman made from this stone is able to increase the physical endurance of a person, giving him agility, strength and awakening the will of the spirit in him.

From the point of view of alternative medicine, jasper talismans have been credited with the ability to stop bleeding and prevent miscarriages. Modern magicians claim that jasper has impressive protective properties that allow to protect its owner from witchcraft, evil eye, damage and love spells.

A little about metals

Useful about metals

Metals, like stones, have their own energy, and many of them have been widely used by alchemists since ancient times. As you know, the most common metals for making jewelry are such as:

  • gold - noble metal, contributing to the strengthening of self-esteem and the development of leadership qualities in a person;
  • silver - a metal that protects against evil spirits and negative emotions, allows you to open up to new ideas and overcome pessimistic obsessive thoughts;
  • platinum is a metal that, unlike gold and silver, is relatively young. However, according to some researchers, acting as a setting for certain stones (especially for amethyst and amber), platinum enhances their energy and greatly increases their beneficial effect on humans.

When giving preference to a particular stone, try to learn as much as possible about it and its properties. Remember that an improperly selected mineral can aggravate an existing problem or cause a deterioration in overall well-being, therefore, in order to avoid unforeseen consequences, do not try to carry a talisman with you all the time.

At first, contact with the talisman stone should not exceed twenty minutes. As time passes, the duration of wearing the stone can be gradually increased until the talisman finally gets used to the energy field of its owner. However, if while wearing the stone, you experience discomfort or suddenly feel a deterioration in well-being, move the stone away and do not touch it any more, because, obviously, your fields with it are absolutely not suitable for each other.

If you want to improve your life, select mascot stones by date of birth that can safely, quickly and effectively solve many problems.

In the article:

Rules for choosing amulet stones

There are several ways to decide on a talisman stone. The most common is selection. You can conduct it according to the date or month of birth, the article will discuss this method. But first, some important tips.

The best talisman is a gift. At the same time, the mineral takes time to get used to you and start working. Most long period grinding in a diamond that does not tolerate separation from the owner.

If you are going to buy an amulet, be sure to purify it and recharge it after purchase. The mascot collected energy on the counter where people touched it. How correctly, you can find out from the relevant material on the site.

Each mineral has its own character. Indiscriminate wearing can lead to unpleasant consequences: from a change in character not in better side before the quality of life deteriorates. Not all fit, so be careful.

Often a person does not like stones that are suggested by the selection by the zodiac or by date of birth. The best way- personal feelings. The main thing is that it evokes positive emotions.

Dangerous stones by date of birth

There are minerals that have a strong impact on the wearer. They can only be worn by those born in certain period... Exceptions are rare.

Opal is suitable for those who were born at the end of September. The rest of the jewelry can lead to melancholy and apathy.

Pearl recommended for Pisces, other signs must adhere to certain rules. For example, Aquarius should not wear it during the sad period, so as not to aggravate the situation, and Scorpios should better give preference to black pearls. He threatens Virgos with the development of weakness. Leo and Aries are categorically not suitable.

Amber better . For those born under a different constellation, he will not be able to become a talisman.

Amazonite suitable for Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio, not recommended. He has a peculiar character, it is very problematic to please him. By-effect- laziness, which is difficult to fight.

Grenade it doesn't matter when you are born. He loves emotional, bright, initiative people. Negative effects - tendency to envy, dissatisfaction with life.

Sapphire does not tolerate those who wish to harm others, deprives them of joy, love, friendship. There is no confidence in the purity of thoughts - choose another piece of jewelry, even if it is your amulet.

Wear hematite should not be a person who cannot resist his own desires. He provokes cruelty, rudeness.

Amulet by date of birth - day of the month

take into account the day, day of the week and month of birth separately. The following list- to determine the talisman by date of birth.

  • 1, 10, 19, 28 - coral, opal, topaz, ruby.
  • 2, 11, 20, 29 - cat's eye, jade, opal, pearls, tiger's eye.
  • 3, 12, 21, 30 - amethyst, emerald, coral, topaz.
  • 4, 13, 22, 31 - aquamarine, diamond, garnet, opal, sapphire.
  • 5, 14, 23 - diamond, light sapphire, zircon.
  • 6, 15, 24 - aquamarine, beryl, emerald, green opal, peridot.
  • 7, 16, 25 - pearls, moonstone, opal, tiger's eye.
  • 8, 17, 26 - lapis lazuli, opal, sapphire.
  • 9, 18, 27 - garnet, coral, ruby, red opal.

Talisman stones by date of birth - day of the week

Day of the week plays at least important role in the selection of amulets:

  1. Monday- pearls, moonstone, opal, others white or having a light base.
  2. Tuesday- hematite, coral, lapis lazuli, ruby, sodalite, jasper, blue, red, dark minerals.
  3. Wednesday- aquamarine, turquoise, sapphire, blue topaz, other heavenly shades.
  4. Thursday- amethyst, fluorite, charoite, other violet.
  5. Friday- emerald, malachite, jade, tourmaline, peridot, chrysoprase; green or with such inclusions.
  6. Saturday - smoky quartz, dark minerals.
  7. Sunday- topaz, carnelian, zircon, amber, others of warm golden color.

Amulet by month of birth

Options to choose an amulet by the month of birth for those who wish to acquire a reliable and powerful amulet.

  1. January- pomegranate, hyacinth, cat's eye, turquoise.
  2. February- amethyst, pearls, hyacinth, Hawkeye, rhinestone.
  3. March- aquamarine, heliotrope, jasper, ruby, tourmaline.
  4. April- diamond, sapphire, agate, emerald.
  5. May- emerald, agate, carnelian, chalcedony, chrysoprase, tiger's eye.
  6. June- pearls, alexandrite, agate, turquoise, emerald, cat's eye, chalcedony, aquamarine.
  7. July- ruby, turquoise, carnelian, onyx, sardonyx, aventurine, chrysolite.
  8. August- chrysolite, alexandrite, sardonyx, topaz, carnelian, moonstone, ruby, citrine.
  9. September- sapphire, sardonyx, chrysolite, agate, smoky quartz.
  10. October- tourmaline, opal, aquamarine, beryl, lapis lazuli, garnet.
  11. November- topaz, pearls, coral, chrysolite.
  12. December- zircon, turquoise, heliotrope, ruby, chrysoprase, amethyst, agate.

Choosing stones-amulets according to the season of birth

For those who did not suit the distribution of talismans by months, we offer options for the seasons.

  • Winter- diamond, turquoise, labradorite, moonstone, sapphire, quartz, crystal. All light, white, blue, blue - like winter nature.
  • Spring- amethyst, green diamond, emerald, peridot, topaz, chrysoberyl, spinel; others having bright shades first greenery.
  • Summer- garnet, opal, topaz, ruby, chrysoberyl, zircon, spinel. They differ from spring talismans in depth of color and warmer shades.
  • Autumn- hyacinth, pomegranate, sapphire, topaz, yellowish oriental chrysolite. Those born in autumn are advised to use red, blue and yellow stones.

A snowflake pendant is suitable for winter people, and red for autumn zodiac signs. Maple Leaf... If you were born in the spring

Ring with amethyst

TALISMAN supports and strengthens positive properties character, attracting certain influences from the outside - in resonance with the corresponding natural rhythms (Earth and Space).

The AMULET is designed to protect the owner from unwanted influences, smooth out the disharmony between external and internal rhythms, protecting against misfortunes, ailments, from the "evil eye", disharmony.

Talisman increases in humans protective properties, can act simultaneously as an amulet. The amulet is not capable of being a talisman: it only protects, not enhances.

When choosing which jewelry to buy, you can also focus on what you want the stone to be for you. I like some stones more than others, some I want to wear constantly, it happens that at different times of the year pulls on different decorations- you can focus on your feelings, which can be supplemented with knowledge about traditional talismans and amulets.

TRADITIONAL AMULET STONES according to the Zodiac

Agate bracelet with elastic band

Aries is a bright pinkish-lilac amethyst,

Cancer - bright green emerald

Leo - blood red ruby

Virgo - green or yellow-red jasper

Scorpio - yellow topaz

Sagittarius - bluish green turquoise

Capricorn - yellow-green soft opal

Aquarius - blue-blue sapphire

Fish - yellow-green chrysolite


Lion - ruby, pyrope

Virgo - greedy, onyx

Scorpio - alexandrite, bloodstone, turquoise

Capricorn - chrysoberyl, zircon, obsidian

Aquarius - jade, chrysoprase

Fish - opal, aquamarine

Stones talismans

Earrings with onyx

Astral qualities of a stone and its strength are determined not by hardness, not by size, but transparency, coloration and color purity.

Ring with aventurine

Stones with a strong brilliance and play of light - demantoids are especially highly valued, and the presence of an asterisk or a harmonious inclusion enhances the positive properties jewelry stone... Defects, bubbles, cracks, chips and areas of opacity are believed to enhance the negative properties of the stone (but you need to watch - they can give the stone special properties). The cosmic true color of a stone is determined through a prism: if a diamond appears transparent to the naked eye, then under the prism it reveals a dark blue glow - indigo. The moonstone has the same property.

A simple rule of thumb is not to buy jewelry with stones that you don't like. If you like the stone - you can safely buy jewelry with it - on one day or another, perhaps you will feel that today is the time of this particular stone.

Agate is a layered chalcedony, a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz. Very varied in outward appearance... As a talisman it gives courage, calmness, promotes longevity.

My ametrine beads

Aventurine is a quartz stone, usually green in color (but there are other colors), with golden scales (although yellow-brown and other colors are found), gives a subtle balanced effect.

Aquamarine - as a talisman develops courage, maintains the unity of the spouses. Warns the owner with its darkening and reduced transparency about intrigues directed against him

Diamond - is considered a powerful talisman since ancient times, giving the owner strength, courage, invincibility in battle. Gives virtue, courage, drives out sinful thoughts, leads to a high social status.

Ametrine is an amazing stone that combines the qualities of amethyst and citrine.

Pressed turquoise ring

Andalusite is a stone named after Andalusia, the region of Spain where it was first discovered. Light orange-brown and yellowish green or gold.

Alexandrite is a type of chrysoberyl. It is emerald green in daylight and violet-red in artificial light. It has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Almandine - as a talisman, he is credited with the ability to excite vitality body and moderate anger

Amazonite is a member of the feldspar family and is usually a bright copper-green color. Sometimes there are stones of bluish-green color. Calms the nervous system, treats vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Lapis lazuli bracelet with elastic band

Amethyst - As an amulet protects from drunkenness and drug addiction, preserves memory, drives away bad thoughts, and under the pillow - sends happy dreams.

Beryl - as a talisman (usually worn in a gold frame) is magically associated with thinking, reason. Helps in scientific research and in the pursuit of philosophy. Bring the owner to the people who are significant to him.

Turquoise - lucky stone... The main property of turquoise is to reconcile everything hostile, pacify quarrels, establish peace in everything and divert the anger of the strong. She gives wealth and prosperity.

Jet - black not transparent stone with matte gloss, the stone of the night and night secrets. Magicians used it in contact with the souls of the departed.

Ring with rauchtopaz

Heliotrope - according to medieval ideas, “drops of Christ's blood” are seen in the heliotrope, spilled at the foot of the cross. Therefore, he was attributed Magic force... The heliotrope was associated primarily with verbal magic - the magic of the word.

Hyacinth (zircon) - according to the Spartan legend - a beautiful young man, accidentally killed by Apollo during sports. From his blood, beautiful lilac-red flowers grew, which received the same name. Later, among the Greeks, this word generally began to denote a similar color, hence the name of the mineral.

Eye stones, quartz - falcon, cat and tiger eyes. These are strong stones-amulets that protect their owner from accidents, attempts, diseases. Before the danger, the ring or bracelet begins to crush the finger / hand. Cat's Eye - Protects host from ‘evil eye’ and alcohol abuse. Relieves fatigue and irritability.

Natural tourmaline beads. The length of the beads is 60 cm.

Rhinestone - as a talisman, rhinestone strengthens constancy, and worn as a necklace, increases milk supply in a nursing mother.

Hair of Venus - in the East, this stone was considered the most precious and was called “ philosopher's stone East ”.

Pomegranate - according to ancient sources, pomegranate powder with water returns a blush to the face, soothes the stomach and cheers the soul.

Jadeite - In the pre-Columbian civilizations of Mexico and Central America, jadeite was a cult stone, valued more than any other material. From it, art products and amulets were made even by the Mayans, Olmecs, Aztecs and Toltecs.

Emerald - gives the warriors courage, the victors - mercy. Helps to foresee the future, relieves of the insidious spell of love.

Cacholong - in one of the eastern legends, Cacholong was called fossilized milk clots.

Coral - fossilized polyps that came to us from the sea. In ancient times, in the East, coral beads were worn as a talisman against the evil eye. Clergymen had coral beads, supposedly protecting them from demons, temptations and evil spirits.

Bloodstone (hematite) - in ancient times it was considered a stone of warlocks, it was worn in the form of a ring during sacrifices and magic. Strong amulet.

My jasper set - beads and bracelet, from here.

Labrador - protects the house from uninvited guests, develops stamina, endurance, it is good to put it in the living room, hallway. Enhances inclination towards mysticism and visions.

Lapis lazuli - in Asyria, Babylon and Egypt was considered one of the most expensive stones, served as a measure of value. V Ancient egypt sacred scarab beetles were carved from lapis lazuli, rolling the Sun and symbolizing immortality.

Moonstone - as a talisman enhances the lunar qualities of the owner (emotionality, protective instincts, love for home, craving for changing places).

Malachite - a stone is hung around a child's neck to protect against diseases and dangers. In addition, it is believed that it relieves attacks of asthma and rheumatism, expels melancholy, and normalizes the activity of the heart.

Morion - Gloomy, mysterious and gloomy stone. Properties are specific, can be used for magical purposes.

Jade is a black-green to almost white jade color. White translucent jade is called jadeite. Until now, in China, it is called a clot of love and they believe that the stone of spirits gives sweet dreams, victory over dark forces both outside and inside a person, preserves beauty, protects against diseases.

Obsidian - volcanic glass dark gray, gray, less often yellow, brown or red. It releases energies that harmonize the mind and emotions, absorbs bad intentions, therefore it can be used as an amulet. "Tears of the Apaches" is also certain kind obsidian.

Onyx - in ancient times, onyx was called the talisman of warriors and leaders. A favorite stone of the Greeks, Romans and Scythians, who made amulets from onyx. The best onyx, according to the Arabs, is black with a white stripe in the middle.

Opal is a stone of melancholic people, but possessing high and pure thoughts. In addition, it is a stone of visionaries and dreamers living in a world of illusions and unrealizable hopes.

Pyrope - The name of this fiery red variety of pomegranate comes from the Greek piropos - similar to fire. It can be assumed that the stone will become a good amulet for people whose activities are associated with fire.

Rauchtopaz - smoky crystal (smoky quartz) is a very beautiful crystalline brown quartz of various depths, from a barely noticeable haze to a brown and dark brown veil.

Rose quartz - it is common to age in the light and acquire grey colour... However, he is loved, as he is a symbol of complete health.

Ruby is a scarlet transparent stone that was prized in the East above diamond. Its main property is to give birth to an attraction to the great. On the hand of a noble person, he leads to victories, gives happiness in love and warns of the danger of a color change.

Sapphire - promotes spiritual development... It communicates concentration and purity of the soul during the hours of meditation. Strengthens faithfulness, chastity, cools excess passion.

Sardonyx - helps to get rid of fears of the future, protects a person while traveling and traveling.

Carnelian is a stone of the color of blood, the color of life, in connection with which the ancient peoples of the East attributed to it the ability to protect the living from death and disease, to bring love and happiness. Mongolian healers made balls with a diameter of 30-50 mm from yellow CORNEL, which were used in meditation sessions. Carnelian suits everyone.

Topaz - attracts friendship, favor, the location of the environment to the owner. Brings wealth and recognition.

Tourmaline - tourmalines of all kinds keep a person youthful and strong. The most valuable are red tourmalines. They are used to decorate the frames of icons, church vessels, royal regalia.

Zircon - deprives a person of unnecessary doubts, torments, bestows indestructible conceit and self-confidence.

Citrine - this stone (sometimes also called "citron") got its name from the bright lemon blossom... Citrine has always been considered the patron saint of those who are honest and straightforward and who do not resort to lying and dodging, trying to present themselves in a favorable light in the eyes of others.

Chalcedony - protects from strife and litigation, protects against misfortunes while traveling. If a rider with a spear is engraved on this stone, it was believed to help defeat their enemies.

Chrysoberyl - bestows peace and peace of mind, strengthens family relationships.

Chrysolite (olivine, peridot) - the stone harmonizes the atmosphere in the house, makes its owner more sentimental, neutralizes quarrels and conflicts, contributes to family happiness.

Chrysoprase is a talisman against dangers, relieving the acuteness of life unforeseen situations.

Charoite is a stone of modern times. Teaches unconditional love, breadth of understanding and acceptance, gives a feeling of unity with all that exists. Charoite contributes to our spiritual development and conscious life, awakens intuition.

Spinel (lal) is one of the favorite stones of Fortune, known since ancient times. It was believed that this mineral bestows happiness in love, wealth and affection for others.

Amber is one of the very first precious stones known to mankind... The symbol of the Sun - amber adorned the crown of the famous Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. It is believed that if you touch an amber stone with your fingers, it strengthens both mental and physical strength. It is a stone of health, happiness and love. Mighty talisman and amulet.

Jasper - unusual stone, one of the most interesting on Earth: jasper comes in almost all colors: green, red, blue, almost black. It is called the mysterious painting of nature.

Stones for women by zodiac sign.

Women not only become more beautiful with chic jewelry, but they can also receive support in many areas of life with the right choice stones in their own products. Let's take a closer look at what jewelry stones should be worn, taking into account the date of birth and astrological sign.

The power and magical properties of protective precious stones, as amulets and talismans for women according to the sign of the zodiac and date of birth

The energy of stones and knowledge about them have come to us since ancient times. Shamans used various stones for communication with the elements of nature.

Now this knowledge has dissipated a little, but in vain. After all, a correctly selected talisman protects against problems and is a very strong amulet.

Women often pick up talismans by associating them with the date of birth. And do it right, because for a long time the astrological sign and date of birth have been successfully combined with various minerals, which for a person born on a certain day had a special power.

But, in addition, you should also focus on personal preferences. After examining the stones that are suitable for the date of birth, look at the proposed options and listen to yourself. So you can choose an amulet that will become dear to your heart and soul.

"He who owns knowledge owns the world." Let's apply this saying and master the knowledge of stones together. Ladies, get ready to learn some interesting information.

What gemstone talisman and amulet is suitable for an Aries woman and which one should not be worn?

Each woman is very individual and interesting in her own way. Therefore, let's try to choose stones for the fair half, not only by astrological sign to which she belongs, but also given the decade in which she was born.

Aries rule with March 21 to April 20... Those born in the first decade, that is, at the beginning of the period and until the end of the month, are very purposeful. Therefore, women should choose products with such precious stones:

The hematite ring on the index finger promotes energy saturation and relieves depression.

From the beginning of the month of April until the 11th, women are born, who are the keepers of the family hearth. Decorations are suitable for them with:

  • Amber
  • Pearls
  • Cat's eye
  • Heliotrope

It is the red heliotrope that will help to further connect the Aries woman with blood relatives.

Aries stones
  • Ruby
  • Diamond
  • Sapphire
  • Pomegranate

The first two stones will attract wealth to a woman and further emphasize her romance and femininity.

IMPORTANT: If it is difficult for a woman to become pregnant, then she should constantly wear products with a green diamond. It will not only help you get pregnant, but also make childbirth easier.

Aries cannot wear stones such as:

  • Coral
  • Lapis lazuli
  • Amethyst
  • Malachite

What gemstone talisman and amulet is suitable for a Taurus woman and which one should not be worn?

The Taurus woman is the real keepers of the hearth. In addition, women are very confident in themselves. Most strong talisman for Taurus it is a sapphire. In addition to sapphire, precious stones are also amulets for a woman:

  • Aventurine, which reveals and enhances leadership skills the beautiful half of humanity. Also, this stone is a strong defender against magical effects.
  • Women born from April 21 to the end of the month should choose products with jasper. Negative energy and depressive state women will be abandoned if only a ring with this stone appears on their finger.
  • Agate for women born in the first decade, it is an incentive for disclosure to communication. Women, having such a mineral in their jewelry, become pleasant companions, and also forget about health complaints.
  • For women of age, the cat's eye is ideal, which contributes to the appearance of self-confidence even at a respectable age.
  • May 2-11 is perfect coral. It not only relieves fatigue, but also prevents depression. You will feel how the vitality of your body will increase when you get this stone.
  • The keepers of the hearth will need to have a product with chalcedony. He brings peace and prosperity to family life women.
  • Ideal for business women chrysoprase. It helps to attract material wealth and career luck.
  • Born from May 12 to May 20 should only have diamonds. This is the main talisman of Taurus women of this period. Nice, after all.
  • Women who want to find friends and a loved one should take a closer look at products with pomegranate. In addition, the stone helps to heal after serious illnesses.

Taurus stones

It is forbidden to wear products with:

  • Amber
  • Amethyst
  • Obsidian
  • Pyrite

What gemstone talisman and amulet is suitable for a Gemini woman and which one should not be worn?

  • Women born from May 21 until the end of the month are generous and hospitable people. For them excellent option is Moonstone and Beryl. But the first mineral should be worn only when the moon is waxing. It should be in silver product, better ring that a woman needs to wear on ring finger left hand.
  • Beryl is used as a natural medicine, especially effective in female diseases... Gemini is also often exposed to colds... In this, the precious stone is also a salvation for them.
  • From June 1 and the next 10 days, women are born under the rule of Mars. Therefore, they have a warlike character. That is why the Tiger's Eye suits them, which is able to smooth out the nervousness of the sign. It is better to wear it as an adornment on a bead or pendant.
  • Products with citrine are suitable for careerists. It is they who help build courage in communicating with a large audience, subordinates and colleagues.
  • From June 11 to June 21, alexandrite and tourmaline stones are suitable for women born. But remember that products with Alexandrite must be paired.
  • Tourmaline should be worn in a gold frame on the index finger if you want to attract stability and success in business. Use red for these purposes. Pink tourmaline wear on your ring finger. He attracts love and romance into relationships.

Gemini stones

For Gemini, stones such as

  • Aquamarine
  • Nacre
  • Coil
  • Nephritis

What gemstone talisman and amulet is suitable for a Cancer woman and which one should not be worn?

So, let's move on to Cancer, the most summer signs. Their period is from June 21 to July 22. Cancers love stability, cherish memories, and cherish their family. For them the best choice are:

  • From the beginning of the period until the first day of July, modest and quiet personalities are born. They are always friendly with people, and they need stones that are gentle and almost invisible. Therefore, products with a precious stone are suitable for women of the first decade: rock crystal, amethyst, hematite, emerald, tourmaline, moonstone and carnelian.
  • The second day of July opens the second decade of the sign, which lasts until the 11th. Jewelry with sardonyx is suitable for the representative of the sign, natural pearls, turquoise, opal, heliotrope and chrysoprase.
  • From July 12 until the end of the period, creative and charismatic women are born. And emphasize them best features capable of: emerald, ruby, aquamarine, cat's eye and beryl.

IMPORTANT: The strongest amulet for Cancer is a gem called an emerald. It will help to get rid of and protect against diseases, and is also necessary as a permanent amulet for a pregnant woman.

Stones for a Cancer woman

Banned for Cancers stones are:

  • Chalcedony
  • Diamond
  • Rauchtopaz
  • Topaz

IMPORTANT: Only Married Cancers can wear pearls. This stone is prohibited to unmarried young ladies.

What gemstone talisman and amulet is suitable for a Leo woman and which one cannot be worn?

Lions are a very majestic and proud sign, born from July 23rd to August 23rd. Lionesses should pay attention to such products with precious stones:

  • Those whose birthday falls in the first decade - from the beginning of the period to the third of August, you should pay attention to ring with jasper which a lady should wear on forefinger... All jewelry of a woman should be in the shape of the sun and only gold or bronze. If you want to start life from scratch, then purchase amber necklace, which can help you get through difficult times.
  • August 4-12 - the second decade of Lviv. During this period, people are born who like everything to be according to the rules. Cat eye ring is a real talisman for the ladies of this period. But earrings, where the main stone is carnelian, will reveal all your talents in the best way possible. Pendant with heliodor will help the Lioness find a worthy boyfriend who will brighten up her loneliness in the best way possible.
  • The most powerful and powerful Lionesses are those who were born in the last decade - August 13-23. Set with amber is an excellent protection against the evil eye and damage, you really need it. Active ladies born in this period will come in handy garnet decorations. It is this stone that is able to restore and increase the strength of the active representative of the sign.
  • Older women need ruby, it is this stone that stimulates activity and simply ignites vital energy in the heart of the Lioness.

But for strong and domineering Lionesses, there are also forbidden stones, namely:

  • Aventurine - with him, women become indecisive and timid, and this absolutely contradicts the character of Leo.
  • Amethyst
  • Pearl
  • Chrysoprase
  • Turquoise

What gemstone talisman and amulet is suitable for a Virgo woman and which one should not be worn?

Virgo women need to pay attention to such products with precious stones:

Born in the first decade - from August 24 to the second day of September are very conservative. A great gift will:

For Virgo

Born September 3-12 have the patroness Venus. For the virgins of this period, their own inner world... For meek ladies, you should choose products that include:

Stones for Virgos

September 13-23 is the third decade, which characterizes women as silent and shy. To prevent women from being too passive, they should have talismans with a small gem:

  • Emerald
  • Sapphire
  • Pomegranate
  • Topaz
  • Chrysolite

In addition, you can choose stones, taking into account the area in which you would like to excel:

  • Jade can attract good luck in both love and professional life.
  • Beads with pearls will give the owner material stability.
  • A ring with carnelian will serve as a keeper of your feelings and relationships with your beloved man.
  • Malachite is an excellent helper if you need to calm the nervous system. It will relieve the stress that has accumulated after a hard day.

Stones for Virgos

Virgos should never have stones in jewelry or as amulets such as:

  • Ruby
  • Tourmaline
  • Turquoise
  • Nacre
  • Onyx

What gemstone talisman and amulet is suitable for a Libra woman and which one should not be worn?

  • Libra women who were born from October 24 to October 2 should wear stones that will add a little hardness to their overly soft character. Therefore, pay attention to precious stones: jasper, quartz, amethyst, moonstone, rock crystal, diamond.
  • If you were born in the second decade, namely October 3-13, then you are very hardworking and modest. Often women in the second decade underestimate their work. To teach yourself a loved one to spend more time on own body and soul, you should pay attention to products with: zircon, emerald, amethyst, opal, ruby, topaz, sapphire, tourmaline.
  • Refined ladies of the third decade, which begins on October 14 and lasts until October 23, should choose jewelry with: aquamarine, diamond, topaz, chrysoprase, beryl.

Stones for a woman-Libra

Libra women should not have jewelry where the main stone is onyx, hematite, rhodolite or serpentine. And also discard all stones with a red color, except for those that suit you according to the period of birth.

What gemstone talisman and amulet is suitable for a Scorpio woman and which one should not be worn?

The period from October 24 to November 22 refers to the astrological sign of Scorpio. Representatives of this sign should pay attention to the following minerals:

From the beginning of the period until November 2, very energetic girls are born who definitely need precious stones:

  • A tiger's eye in a bracelet that will protect a woman from the evil eye and other influences. In addition, women of this sign are very jealous and it is this stone that is able to save you from betrayal.
  • Sapphire, which will look best in a ring, will save you from problems and mental burden. If you are engaged in science or research, then this stone will be perfect for your development in the field of knowledge.
  • Coil

From the third to the thirteenth day of November, courageous and strong-willed women are born. For them the best amulet there will be earrings and rings with a stone:

  • Coral
  • Turquoise
  • Sardonyx

Scorpio stones

From November 14 until the end of the astrological period, passionate natures are born. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to:

  • Increasing sexual energy hematite
  • Intuition-Enhancing Alexandrite
  • Youth-preserving topaz
  • Opal of Fidelity and Family Harmony
  • Stone for attracting a loved one - carnelian

The stones destroying for Scorpio are:

  • Pearl
  • Agate with amber

What gemstone talisman and amulet is suitable for a Sagittarius woman and which one should not be worn?

Sagittarians are very gullible by nature. Therefore, in order not to fall into a trap or not be deceived, amulets and amulets should be worn. Let's select the protective minerals according to the decades of birth:

  • From November 23 to the second day of December, truth-lovers were born, who often find themselves in unpleasant adventures in the struggle for the truth. Protective amulet for women there will be products with agate, lapis lazuli and tiger's eye.
  • From the third day of December to the 12th of the same month, women have changeable mood and wild imagination. Gems suit them: onyx, hairs, opals, chalcedony and turquoise.
  • In December, from 13 to 21, the sign of Sagittarius completes its cycle. Such women love a chic and luxurious life. Therefore, the stones for them should be the best - these are emeralds, rubies, sapphires and garnets.

Stones for Sagittarius

Also keep in mind that if you:

  • if you want to attract love into your life, then your choice should fall on a ring with topaz or turquoise
  • feminine wisdom will give you a set of earrings and sapphire rings.
  • Pearl
  • Citrine
  • Alexandrite
  • Nephritis
  • Black opal

There are also certain conditions for women:

  • Topaz and sapphire should only be worn in platinum or silver jewelry, not gold.
  • Turquoise with lapis lazuli is permissible for women after 30 years.

What gemstone talisman and amulet is suitable for a Capricorn woman and which one should not be worn?

Capricorns are a very strict and reserved sign. Let's find out which gem is the best talisman for him:

Born in the first decade, namely from December 22 to January 2, are very calm and purposeful people. They go through life, gain experience and material wealth. Therefore, for them ideal option there will be products with:

  • Agatom
  • Serpentine
  • Tiger's eye
  • Amethyst
  • Malachite

Stones for Capricorn

From the third to the thirteenth day of the first month of the year, the second decade comes into force. This sign in this period you need constant replenishment, otherwise in the middle of the path, his enthusiasm can fade away for a very long time. In this case, women need:

  • Ring with onyx or opal
  • Earrings with chrysoprase or chalcedony
  • Pendant with heliotrope or sardonyx

In the third decade (January 14-20), people are born with unrealistic hard work. But they have moments of confusion when life, it would seem, has lost its meaning. It is for these periods that women need to pay attention to the presence of beautiful stones, such as:

  • Garnet
  • Zircon
  • Ruby
  • Tourmaline

But there are stones forbidden for Capricorn:

  • In order not to lose happiness in love, you should not wear pearls.
  • To preserve internal energy and vitality, give up products with sapphires.
  • In order not to be led by vice and excitement, do not buy products with citrine.
  • In order not to turn into a hermit, not to close even deeper in your world, forget about jewelry with emeralds.

What gemstone talisman and amulet is suitable for an Aquarius woman and which one should not be worn?

Romantic Aquarius born in the first decade (January 21-February 1) should not only emphasize their romance, but also gain courage, as well as get rid of melancholy. Products with precious stones will help them in this:

  • Jade or amethyst rings
  • Earrings with aventurine or obsidian
  • Pearl necklace
  • Bracelet with jasper or serpentine

From the second to the eleventh day, the second decade is in force. Women of this period are wise and respected. They just need:

  • Amber or turquoise beads
  • Pendants with onyx or lapis lazuli
  • Ring with amethyst
  • Earrings with sardonyx or chrysoprase

Stones for Aquarius
  • Tourmaline
  • Aquamarine
  • Pomegranate
  • Alexandrite

Aquarius women cannot have such stones:

  • Turquoise, which is not desirable for all married women of this sign
  • A diamond that will add unwanted stubbornness to a sign
  • Citrine, which will strengthen and open negative qualities sign

What gemstone talisman and amulet is suitable for a Pisces woman and which one should not be worn?

The last sign of the astrological system is in the period from February 21 to March 20. In the first decade, that is, from the beginning of the period to the 1st day of March, romantic persons were born who yearn for constant changes. They just need such strong amulets with a precious stone:

  • Aventurine
  • Moonstone
  • Tiger's Eye
  • Amethyst

From 2 to 11 March, the main feature of the sign is honesty and openness. They are very worried about the opinions of others. To achieve positive feedback from the outside they will be helped by products with:

  • Hairy
  • Pearls
  • Coral
  • Opal

Stones for Pisces

From March 12 until the last day of the period, women have a cheerful and sociable nature. They try to achieve everything in life on their own. They can be helped in this by:

  • Diamonds
  • Tourmaline
  • Alexandrite
  • Sapphires
  • Emeralds
  • Chrysolites

Highly undesirable for Pisces:

  • Nephritis
  • Sardonyx
  • Obsidian
  • Onyx
  • Olivine

Video: What stones suit your sign?