How to forget the girl forever. Reliable ways to forget the girl. A sworn girlfriend will help

Fate every person is constantly preparing strikes and checks for strength. Way, stand it - there will be a reward. Testing love is the most painful of them. How not to break and find the forces to live when your favorite is no longer around?

Love is the only thing for what a person is born: learn love and give love. This great feeling, giving power and creative miracles, is given to everyone.

This love is not guided by money, social Regulations, level of education and even moral appearance, so often does not work as simple, but for many, unfulfing the formula of happiness: together forever.

The reasons for the separation of lovers a lot. Favorite left, and love remained. How to live with it?

How to forget the girl you love

What could happen if you need to forget the girl quickly, which you love very much?

In general, there are three reasons:

  1. It pulls it, but meetings or life with it for some reason is impossible;
  2. She left herself;
  3. She is an unattainable dream. Untreated love.

Any parting is a strong emotional shock. The one who remains alone suffers peacefully and physically and brings anxiety to relatives and friends.

At such a moment, the perception of life becomes sharply negative: it seems that everything is good in the past and never will be anything else.

Vulnerable male pride Adds oil into the fire: disappointment in yourself and people. All this develops in distrust to all (even to itself), then the meaning of life is lost. This is already called depression. And from her hand to submit to a more terrible - suicide. Stop.

The gap has already happened. It is necessary to take it as this (even if it is guilty). First, very emotional days Already behind.

Life continues anyway. So let it continue well and without it. But for this you need to find time for yourself and your thoughts.

We part with the past

Of course, it is impossible to erase the eraser, and everything will not be forgotten. Yes, and you should not do this. it life experience. From how to treat it and what conclusions to do, the future depends.

And yet, with the "stimuli" of the past, it is necessary to part in the literal sense:

All these actions are needed, regardless of the causes of separation. If it was necessary to leave it, then such a "wall" will take place from unwanted invasions and reminders, from unnecessary explanations and complaints.

If she left, then even more so - every appearance on the "horizon" will force the heart to hope. But what?!

Change consciousness

You must always adhere to wise Council The fact that when it is impossible to change the situation, you can change the attitude towards it.

It is worth realizing that the girl disappeared from your life, not love. Your love stayed with you. It will take time, and this love will take another, the one she will bye.

In the meantime, you need to let go of the situation, which means let go and go former love in new life. Write to her a letter (electronic or paper), in which thank you for the meeting, for all that good that she gave.

If there is a sense of guilt, then it will be right and ask for forgiveness. This message does not necessarily send the addressee, it is important, first of all, a writing.

The presentation on paper of feelings and thoughts is as if liberation from them.

In the head, they can be "drive" for a long time "from the angle into the angle, but without exit they can get stuck there for a long time and lead to diseases (heart, stomach ulcer, pressure, etc.).

Need to leave without losing own dignity And respecting another person. Proven psychology: only the strong man of men can forgive and thank you.

Cleaning thoughts

So, in her house there is no more. All the latter good words For her are told. The soul was a little more left and even breathing became freer. Now you can use a methodology that will help if not getting rid of memories, then remove them from them, make them forever colorless.

As soon as it starts to cover the attack of longing (it is better not to wait), you need to start breathing "with meaning."

It is necessary to imagine that the air breathing through the nose is all the brightest, kind, positive.

This is a new life and new forces, new perspectives and new relations. And the exhaled (required mouth) air is the yield of all negative, patient, past errors and failures.

Distracts from the experiences of the memory workout: always useful to teach poems and wise statements Great people or to memorize foreign words.

No month, as the law of transition of quantity in quality will give themselves to know: intelligence will develop, vocabulary It will increase, communication will become much free.

Strengthen the Spirit

Although they say that no power is not given, still the power of the Spirit must be strengthened. A believer will find reinforcement in the church: in prayer, confession and communion. He has the opportunity and to talk to the father, who can tell what and how to do to get rid of obsessive memories and thoughts about a former girl.

You can use autotraining exercise. Imagine yourself by a prisoner, which is all overshadowed by heavy chains, so do not move.

These chains are the thoughts and memories of the girl, from which it is hard to get rid of (her beauty, smell, behavior, figure, etc.).

And now inspire, feel inside yourself, smile and imagine how the reality that the will of the will these chains begin to ride and fall straight to your feet. And here she will will! Here to the place to remember the song Kipipelova "I am free!"

Raise the will and improve:

  • she called - Do not answer;
  • try to write poems (the rhyme is not important here, the rhythm of thought is important here;
  • read anecdotes, see KVN and humorous programs;
  • dance, jump to the music for at least 20 minutes, splash adrenaline;
  • dream about meeting her in a few years, when you will be successful, beautiful, in the circle of a devotee and a numerous family, and she ...;
  • understand that the tragedy did not happen, because everyone is alive, and with whom it is a choice of everyone. Just your hour has not yet come;
  • do not be lazy, do not be risen, hurry to do good to hear daily to your address, at least three times sincerely "Thank you!"

Create yourself to physical form

Sports - the best way Forget your favorite girl. To begin with, you can run in the morning (at least two times a week).

Half an hour of early jogging cold and hot shower, rubbing a towel will be treated, give strength and rejudices to live. Responsion will again appear.

And now push ups. Traditional technique: five approaches with rest for three minutes. And after a couple of months, the result will be noticeable. You are waiting for calm and equilibrium, driven hands and chest. You will look courageous and impressive.

Press. Press swing must be engaged daily. To do this, lie on the floor so that the stops completely relied on the floor, and lift the body. Number of approaches: five. Break: no more than three minutes. Do not immediately after eating.

To these physical exercises it would be good to add and pull up. Also five approaches with small pauses. If you can visit gym, do not miss it.

Classes at least a couple of times a week will help work on themselves: and inner strength strengthened forever and outer beauty Bodies will appear.

What to do if you see her every day

The most painful in parting with a loved one, especially if you love more Life - See him every day. And this need can be dictated not to the desire, and the coincidence of circumstances: Learn or work together. Living on one staircase, it is easier to avoid meetings than in such situations.

What to do? Take measures:

  • full ignoring other than polite "Hello" and "Goodbye" at the meeting;
  • it's time to sign up in the gym and change yourself outwardly - let him regret that he lost;
  • do not stay with her alone;
  • work can be changed;
  • get advice from a psychologist.

If she threw you

First of all, you do not need to think that the reason is just that you do not come to her. Maybe everything is the opposite: she cannot "reach out" to you, and she needs someone easier.

It is not easier from this much, so you need to act really:

The psychologist does not advise bad. Parting with your beloved, especially if you love for many years, is the case that requires understanding and consulting from a specialist. During this period, danger always walks nearby in anticipation of the next victim.

  • try to reduce scores with life;
  • pursue former girl;
  • threaten her or plot revenge;
  • treat with mountain alcohol or drugs;
  • to enter into the fleeting links to forget.
  • rejoice in every day of life;
  • thank fate for the granted experience;
  • prepare for new relationships.

You need to be an optimist and remember that everything that is done is for the better. And it is better to get a workaholic at this time and achieve results in work than becoming an alcoholic and to become anyone who is not necessary (first of all, itself).

Life is so unpredictable that in any second is ready for surprises, and if you believe in yourself, these surprises will be pleasant only.

Video: how to forget past love relationships

Standard history: yesterday near you was a favorite girl who seemed to be the ideal candidate for the role of life companions and mother of future kids. However, now you are alone - she left.

Maybe love is no longer there, her windy hearts occupied another guy, perhaps you yourself are to blame in the break of relationships. But yet there is no strength to specify the root cause, since spiritual suffering is becoming more stronger.

All your thoughts are now only about how to forget the girl you love, and that's right, because only getting rid of the fragments of the past happiness, you can prepare for a meeting of new love.

Each gap is the strongest emotional shock for a man left. During this period, everything around appears in a negative light, and it begs that nothing good is waiting for you. Men and women are experiencing a break in different ways. Of course, it is impossible to say that some of them is easier, just if it is pretty ladies to suffer from girlfriend and stroke into vests, the representatives of strong sex prefer to suffer silently.

So, the parting happened, the past is not to return, so it is necessary to get used to these thoughts and continue to live. That's just how? , follow the next algorithm of action:

  1. Parting with the past.
  2. Change attitude to what is happening.
  3. Cleansing thoughts.
  4. Strengthening the power of will.
  5. Bring yourself to a good physical form.

First of all, let's say that it is impossible to get rid of feelings in the manual magic wand. It is possible to fall in love at first sight, but the desire, love, the passion from the heart will have long.

Clause No. 1. Resolve with the past

All that binds you with former beloved, it is necessary to throw away, destroy, forget, etc. To understand how to forget the girl who betrayed, you need:

  • get rid of items belonging or resembling her - photos, gifts, clothes;
  • make a full-scale cleaning indoor to clean everything, up to the hair and aroma of its spirits;
  • remove all its pictures and SMS from the mobile phone, to put the phone number in the black list, and your best change;
  • block the address of its electronic mailboxpepper friends in social networks and limit access to your own pages.

Such actions must be performed regardless of the cause of the break. If this you have become the initiator of parting, the measures taken will protect against unwanted visits. If the girl declared the end of the relationship, such steps will help you to accept the loss faster.

Clause number 2. Change the relationship to the happening

Try to follow the ancient wisdom that has been thinking that if it is impossible to change the situation, you need to change the relationship to it. To forget the girl, it is necessary to understand a simple fact: She disappeared. It was she, love (your ability to love) did not disappear anywhere.

Time will come, and you give your emotions of that that will not reject them, but, on the contrary, will accept sincere and gratitude. Now we lower the situation with the help of electronic or paper messages. In it it is worth saying thanks to the woman for everything good that you had it, apologize if your behavior was the cause of the gap. This letter does not need to refer, write it not for it, but for myself.

Clause number 3. Clean the thoughts

Getting rid of items reminiscent of her by writing her farewell letter, you can proceed to the techniques that, if you do not get rid of the experiences, will make them plumb a little.

  1. Imagine that the air that you inhale your nose is the best thing that is in the world. These are changes, updates, the desire to build new relationships. The air, going through the mouth, removes everything negative, eliminates past and errors.
  2. With each attack of Handra, try to distract - for example, take the memory. Start to memorize poems, aphorisms, foreign language. It will also bring real benefits.

Clause number 4.4 Will strengthen

How to forget the girl? Take advantage of self-sufficiency. Experts recommend to imagine themselves in the role of a prisoner, custodized with heavy skids. These shackles are feelings for the former beloved, memories of her. Presented? And now, dial more air, feeling how power is poured into you, and will tear these shacks effort. Let them fall to your feet.

Clause number 5. We give yourself to the best physical form.

Sport exercises, physical exercise - another effective method Forget the girl. Try scraping yourself from the bed, go around the jog in the morning, then the contrasting shower and others water treatments. It will take aside and give strength to new accomplishments.

Help return self-confidence:

  • push ups;
  • press swing;
  • tightening.

Regular lessons will soon bring not only balance, but also visible results. Agree that it is better to look for a new life companion with a strong press and hand-driven.

Another disturbing men question: how to forget your favorite girl if you see her every day. This is perhaps the most unpleasant type of parting, since it is very difficult to observe the object of desire daily, but to understand that you will never be together. How to be? Take the following measures:

  • fully ignore it, limited to the short "hello";
  • sign up at the gym (to regret the loss);
  • do not stay tet-a-tet;
  • change the job (if you are colleagues) or translate to another faculty (if you study together).

Answering the question of how to quickly forget the favorite woman, it should be understood that love is extremely strong emotional attachment. If you are hard to leave the former lover, besides general recommendationsOther tips should be performed.

  1. Think about the fact that everything is over - you and she broke up forever, try to bother with this thought. Every time you distract yourself if there are thoughts about the ex-girlfriend.
  2. Think over the fact that attachment is more connected with drawn in your imagination perfect waythan with a concrete person.
  3. Try to pay attention to yourself, your beloved, and please yourself. In addition, you can figure it out, finally, what you want to seek what.
  4. Enjoy all sorts pleasant emotions From rapidly running minutes and days. Take yourself a favorite occupation, come up with a hobby yourself, maybe even extreme.
  5. You are free? There is something in it! Try to find several positive moments in your own independence and freedom. Now you are free to do as you want.
  6. Work more, turn on time in workaholic. We work so that for the return home remained only for dinner and sleep. Heavy labor is a good "medicine" from experiences and obsessive thoughts.
  7. Even if you feel your guilt in the collapse of the relationship, stop "peel". Wise that person who noted that both partners are to blame for the breakdown.

How to let go of the girl you love? Forget about the fact that it is so unique and unique. You are surrounded big number No less (and even more) cute and pretty young ladies. Start new relationships.

How to let go of a former beloved girl? It is necessary to understand that the gap is a multilateral phenomenon, in which emotions, actions, causes and motivation are closely intertwined. of different side. Psychologists recommend considering the situation of separation from several, sometimes unexpected points of view.

  1. Why do you part?

Think about how to let go of a girl you love, and why you need to let go. Perhaps she met another man? Are you married and decided to stay with my wife? Are your relationships to you? She is afraid that such relationships will destroy it? There are any obstacles?

Answer such questions and take a look at the situation "Fresh" look will help best friend or psychologist. By the way, the specialist is preferable because he can reveal true cause parting.

  1. Experience of rupture

Different in the problem and still part? It is necessary to go through the gap. Psychologists assure that love is a process in which the will almost does not participate. It turns out that only the will to overcome the attachment will not work. How to forget your favorite woman? Perform the following recommendations:

  • Parting is death, tragedy, grief, at least, so consider scientists. Therefore, it is necessary to survive this severe feeling, the psyche will not be able to cure ahead of time. Yes, the Council from the "Time Time" series.
  • Send discarded emotions, desires and sexy energy in a positive channel, for example, in creative activity. Take a drawing, drinking furniture (why not), photographing, sports, travel.
  • Think where you go. Simply put, what is your goal in life. Crash relationship - good timeto revise your own motives, ideas, vital tasks. If you are moving in the right direction, it will give you extra forces.
  1. New relations

Only in the case of a competent parsing of the causes and motives of parting, work on themselves there is a chance to build completely different, based on experience and knowledge, relationship with a girl.

How to forget former wifeWho do you like? What if your heart refuses to let go of your favorite girl? Options seem to be much, but not every man they will fit. Yes, time - good doctorTherefore, after a few months, the pain separation subsides, and you can start a new relationship. Perhaps they will become best page in your life.

Hello, I am the hope of carpenter. I successfully studied in SUURSU at a special psychologist, several years have dedicated to working with children with problems in the development and consultation of parents on the upbringing of kids. The experience gained, including, in the creation of articles of psychological orientation. Of course, in no case I pretend to be the truth in the last instance, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers to deal with any difficulties.

People converge and diverge. It is quite normal, so that the girl and the guy first love each other, and then diverged. If a person loves, he will most likely make everything to preserve the relationship. However, even loving man May break the relationship if it was betrayed. No matter how the situation is between partners, the question arises before the boyfriend, how to forget the girl you love. If love lives in the heart, you will have to make a lot of effort.

In solving the question under consideration there are many options ..

If you love, then let go

When disintegrate love relationship And usually one of the partners does not want to disperse with a loved one, they say that you need to let go, especially if you love. But how can you love and at the same time let go of love that goes? A person who does not want to part, just logic can not understand. Therefore, it is often stories about how people tried to return their loved ones, although in fact they fought no longer for love, but for something else.

Is the saying true: "If you love, let's let go?" Verne. And the logic here is as follows.

Love is understood as a feeling when you wish your favorite partner all the best. You want your girlfriend to be happy. And no longer matters exactly what it is pleased. That is why people often say that they do not like them when they forbid them to do what they please. And they are right. If you do what you are interested in and brings happiness, and your partner prohibits it, then he does not like you. He thinks about his interests and desires, and not about yours. In this case, he exhibits egoism, not love.

If love is to please her loved one and allow him to do what he glances, then his departure from his relationship is also joyful for him. Do you understand? If relations disintegrate on the initiative of your favorite person, then he does what he brings him.

If you love, then you wish you happiness with your girlfriend. And if she breaks relationships with you, it means that it will make it happy. Accordingly, let go of a beloved person who leaves you, means to show love.

You can understand a person who loves and does not want to break relations with his favorite partner. But sometimes you really just let go. It will hurt and bitterly. But over time everything will pass. And perhaps you will love again, but another person. Only now in new relations, do not make the mistakes that you have been made in the past and led to parting.

How to forget your favorite girl?

Let go well. On the physical level You can part with the girl, no longer see with her. However, in thoughts and soul, she can still stay. It is necessary not to just stop meeting the girl, but also forget your loved one. How to do it?

  1. Throw everything that reminds of it. It will be done very hard, because in the depths of the soul you are hoping to return it, think about her, dream and even imagine how you return. This is exactly what it does not allow you to forget it. Since you hope, it means that they have not let go of the girl in the shower. It is necessary to take the first step, which will be that you throw away all things that are reminded about it: photos, her things, her gifts, etc.
  2. Take yourself work. Better, if this work will be enthusiastic and rejoice very much. It is also ideal for work that requires concentration. To get rid of the girl in the shower, you just need to think about it. But since at first it is very difficult to do it, it is better to distract yourself with some concerns, intellectual work etc.
  3. Get out sports. Of course doing exerciseYou can think in parallel about the girl. But the benefit may turn out to be in order. Sport you distracts at least from drinking.
  4. Do not be alone. Yours own thoughts You are just tortured. You will not be able to quickly forget the former until there is nothing new in your life. More. More often walk somewhere. Start communicating with other girls. We do not invite you to start a new relationship, just at least communicate with the girls.
  5. Do not contact former. If she left or you quit her objective reasons, You should break any contacts with it. There are no visits to her pages in social networks, no attempts to pass by her house, no desire to find out from the general friends. Do not contact the girl in any way, wrap anyway anywhere.
  6. Understand that it is not the only and not the last one. Undoubtedly, now, while you love her very much, it seems to you the only one that you will love. However, it is not. Soon time will passAnd it will become easier. Your feelings will pass, and you can meet a girl in which fall in love with no less than the previous one. Just give yourself a time to calm down a little feelings, then start wondering by other young ladies.
  7. You separated - and that's good. In the first days it may seem that nothing good can be in parting. However, over time, you can change your opinion. You will soon realize that the girl was not perfect, she made things that were insulted, but you forgive them. Surely, your relationship was far from normal, otherwise you would not part. Good I. strong relationships Do not disintegrate. If you did not notice serious problemsThis does not mean that they were not at all.

Let's let go of the left love

Stories unrequited love and betrayed a beloved person familiar to many people do not care. There are people, and such a lot that in their own skins were worried unrequited love Or love when a loved one leaves, throws or cheating. If you have already broken up, but still feel longing for the departed love, then you are in a difficult period for yourself. And how long he will last, more depends on you.

  • First, you are in the soul, in brains, in feelings should sincerely want to let go of the left love. Yes, you broke up, but have it really to put a cross on yourself? You are alive, healthy, beautiful, smart. You are destined to find another beloved person and build relationships with him. So, you must sincerely want to let go of the past and start living a new life, without a former girl.

It does not prevent here to wish and find a new partner. Start dreaming about how you have already met your new soul mate, along with it time, build your relationship, etc. Do you have and reprove your dreams.

  • Secondly, imagine how you let go of your former. Inside, you must trim the string that keeps you with the left love. Imagine how your former beloved person leaves, you wish him happiness and even pleasing to what a new love appears.
  • Now you are free! This is the third step. Tell me yourself: "I'm alone! I am free!". If at first it can pronounce sad, then try to rejoice at it. Shout with a smile on your face, rejoice, be happy from the fact that you are alone, free, that is, ready to find yourself such a person who will love you and want to be with you very and very long.

Good that your former woman Gone! Better now than it would happen later. After all, now you have the opportunity with a calm soul to find a person who does not want to leave you who will love you and appreciate much more. Thank your youthful love for giving away, because now you have a chance to meet a stronger and sincere love.

And last: remember more often that you are now alone (not in terms of loneliness, but in terms of freedom). You are now free and free to do whatever you wish. Start thinking about the future, about what life you want to live on, what partner would like to see next to you. Start to prepare all this. Start creating just such a life that you dream about. Stop thinking about what was! Start thinking about what will happen about what pleases you, about what you want to see in your life. And start working for it - create the future where the person who wants to stay with you on very for a long time!

Release and forget

Did you throw a girl? The process is based on one phenomenon - care of valuable and expensive from your life. But this is life. This happens to everyone several times throughout life. It is stupid to hope that you will only acquire. Decision of something important and valuable is part of the acquisition process. You find it, then lose the law.

Release and forget what you left. If it comes to the girl, then understand that she is already adult enough to understand the consequences of his actions. If she did so that you leave or she herself left you, then it was her decision. Well, take it. Continue to live, have fun, rejoice. Why do you need to grieve? Due to the fact that someone threw you or betrayed? Calm down. Nothing bad happened to you: a man left you who did not appreciate you and did not value you. Wish him " have a good trip", Because in his life there will still be a lot of grief if he does not know how to be honest and enjoys people.

Release and forget what you left. Life goes on. You once were already in the same situation as now, that is, without having what you have recently had. But you were able to achieve what you pleased? Could. And this means that you can again achieve the same and even more.

If someone left you or you lost something, do not flaruse, do not be angry, do not worry. Understand that you only harm only yourself. Your emotions interfere with you to enjoy life and achieve the desired. Relax: "Gone - so gone! From this my life has become even more rich and interesting. " See all the advantages of what you have lost something. Girl left you: the advantage is that you have led you an oblasting person, and therefore, there is an opportunity to find someone who truly will love you.


Do not grieve. Why do you need this? Live further, have fun and forget about what happened. Do not think about what you were thrown. Do not suffer that you have lost. All can be reappearing. And it is better to take care that you were good and comfortable. Take it in order to make yourself happy man. To do this, you finally need to think about yourself love.

The partitions are inevitable, as well as the pain inevitably, they caused. It's not easy to cope with her, many people cannot master themselves for a long time, surviving the break of relationships.

This article will talk about what to do young manIf a girl went from him, and he feels that the soul rushes to her, that he needs only she. But at the same time comes to understand that the beloved does not return. And the only question of him is the only question: a girl?

Men are experiencing parting no less painful than women, but weak semi It is easier to cope with your pain. The girls can open their feelings - cry, complain, and the surrounding will emphasize them.

Men are often forced to keep everything inside, without giving the grief to spill out.

Recall how boys are brought up: "Do not cry, a real man Shouldn't cry! Do not complain! You're a man!" - This is only a small part of the usual instructions, which are accompanied by upbringing. Good or bad - it's hard to say. Nevertheless, these installations have to live and learn to manage themselves. In the question of overcoming the sufferings of undivided love men and women's ways do not match.

When a young man in despair again and again asks the question of how to forget the favorite girl, you can advise him to "not put pressure on" emotions, especially with the help of alcohol. Excessive restraint only extend the experiences, but will make life unbearable. Also, no need to spill emotions to a person who caused this pain. This will not help you with anything, but you can spoil my life and former beloved you can.

Questions about whether psychology is considering very detailed because they are eternal and common to all people.

Parting with close people Psychologists classify as very serious stress, according to the degree of impact on the body and the psyche comparable to the rupture of relations, many people feel abandoned, unnecessary and powerless to change anything. This pain becomes sharper if the separation was associated with betrayal. And the period is inevitable when you need to afford to grieve to negative emotions Found a way out, and stressful state is gone.

Here are some tips that will help get rid of relentless thoughts about the object of love and start a new life.

  1. No need to be ashamed of your feelings, but you should not indulge. Please accept what in your life has come new stage, And it is not time to risks.
  2. No matter how difficult it is to find the strength to admit that your favorite has the full right to live in its own way. If she decided to leave, you must take it.
  3. Surviving crisis stages in life, we become an adult and acquire new experience. Try to understand what experience you received.
  4. Taking care of the answer to the question of how to forget your favorite girl, do not forget about yourself. Think about the fact that now you have the opportunity to start another relationship, enhancing them as always dreamed.
  5. Preferably at first break all contacts with the former beloved. No need to pursue her or constantly call her. It will not add you advantages in her eyes, rather, she will no longer respect you.
  6. Try in similar situation Do not lose respect. Let my beloved will be the most worthy act.
  7. Take up important deedsTry to communicate as much as possible with people.
  8. To overcome apathy, the compilation is very well helped detailed Plan Affairs for a day. Hang it on the wall and follow it strictly.

Answers to the question of how to forget your favorite girl, psychology gives many. It is important to understand what is suitable in your case. Anyway, time treats any soul woundsAnd gradually you will begin to feel gratitude to the person with whom you conducted an unforgettable minute and gained an important experience of close communication.

This video is about how to forget the former beloved girl.

It will give you a soberly look at the situation and tell me what to do if the girl threw.

Look at the video and think if you need to steam about how to return the former and generally think about her.

If you do not know how to forget the former girl is already the need. The need is repelled and unattractive. You live in the abundance of girls, there are many of them, they are everywhere. Go outside and kill. Do not try to return her, it is useless!

The best model of man behavior: he respects himself and he has a choice - sad or having fun! Have fun in any better. And if he chooses to have fun, he does not be sad in any situation: he threw his girl or did not leave. He goes and makes his business!

You yourself decide, keep thinking about it without ceasing or not. You yourself do not want to forget the former and clinging for old emotions. You cling to old tactile sensations, the feelings of the proximity that she used to give you.

Not needy guy does not need equally both in things and in people! He does not think about the former girls.

Having lost all close people and staying alone with them a man should feel comfortable! Women can not live like that.

Paradigm in that - what you have, but never afraid to lose! And if you were afraid to lose a girl, you lick it as a self-safe prophecy.

My video

A man and a woman tearing relationships, but some of them begins to suffer or experience the pain of losses.

In this video, Denis Skvortsov explains how to relate to the fact that the girl threw you, and a lot of interesting things.

What to do now

If your favorite girl threw you - then do not even try to return her! No need to try to do something to return the relationship. It is such events in your life make you strong! You threw - it's great! Change your perception. It makes you strong. Next time you will not perceive it to heart and it will be for you the normal course of things. This will be like a kick for you to continue to act and move forward . Having pain, we grow.

Change perception: what happened what should happen and nothing of what should happen. Sooner or later you had to part. Nobody threw you, the man himself struck himself. In this world, everything is temporary, coming and leaving. No one and nothing will be with you forever. Give it to be, do not resist. It is useless to resist and go against the universe.

Your jamb is that you took a condition from the girlYou tied to her and suck emotions from it. Therefore, you do not know how to forget your favorite. You did it because I wanted so that you lovedSince you did not feel sufficient love towards yourself. Well, she went away - you continue to live!

Male - Rag is afraid to lose a girl. Therefore, in the relationship, it rolls under it, for It is afraid that he will no longer be. But sooner or later it happens - the girl throws it. And now he cannot forget the former, because it is afraid to approach and meet other girls.

: Find out how beautiful to part with the girl, no one offended.

Under the age of 25 and after - understand better women, find out all the reasons why sometimes everything is difficult with them.

: Learn all the advantages and disadvantages from the novel Soshnikov.

If a man even has a woman who resonates with him, and he believes that he doesn't need anything else, then He still has to be able to communicate with other women without any problems! Even if you are in monogamous relationships.

Remember that you know how to approach every woman you like!

You can meet new women anywhere! You see that they are beautiful, come up and make your adventure.

Now you won't get lost and always know what to do if the girl threw you.