Child development at 6 months boy. Nutrition and daily routine of the baby. Emotional development of the baby

How does the baby's body grow during this month? The next 500-600 grams of body weight and approximately 1.5-2 centimeters of height. In addition, the chest and head circumferences increase by 0.5 cm. Chances are high that by the end of the seventh month your child will “arm” his mouth with a pair of wonderful brand new incisors (usually the lower ones). Therefore, it is recommended to introduce fluoride supplements into the child's diet. Great importance This halogen for tooth enamel has been known to everyone for a long time.

Your baby is six months old! You noted how he has grown during this time, how smart he seems to you now. Changing at a fast pace physical development child and his cognitive interests. The main slogan of the second half of the year: "Movement is freedom in the development of space." The baby is no longer so dependent on mom and dad. If earlier he was able to touch and examine only what his parents showed - after all, it was they who changed his position in space, gave him toys and objects - now the baby strives for independence. The seventh month of life is a start in this direction. And the main incentive in the desire to act independently - rapid change motor skills.

Lying on his stomach, the baby needs to rely on only one hand to maintain balance, he independently turns from his back to his stomach. Lying on his back, the child amazes you with his acrobatic abilities - holding on to his legs, playing with them, raising his head high. Stretching out your hands to the baby, you notice his active attempts to take a sitting position - the child learns to sit down. Most babies sit well in child seat. In the sitting position, they confidently turn their head towards the sound source, reacting even to very quiet sounds, for example, the rustling of paper or the noise of a quiet rattle.

The development of muscles and coordinated hand movements help the baby master the grasping of small objects. He picks up toys from the floor, grabs objects with the whole palm (“palm grip”), traces with his eyes the fall of the toy that he has released from his hand.

What games and activities are possible with a baby at this age?

Have your child sit on the floor, close to the couch, so they can sometimes lean on it. Put a few toys on the side and in front of the crumbs. He will look at them with interest, reach out and take them in his hand. Can pull a toy into the mouth, bite it, lick it. Do not leave the child alone on the floor while he is sitting unsteadily without support. Sit around and play. If the baby did not notice the toy on the side of him, draw his attention to them. Tap your hand or a toy on the floor, ring the bell. The kid will definitely look to the side, see the toy and try to grab it. Put next to the small toys from different materials(rubber, plastic, wood, metal, cloth), different sizes and shapes. Don't forget to put balls of different sizes on the floor. Put the toys in cardboard box from under shoes or into a small plastic basket and put it next to the child. The kid is very interested in pulling out and throwing toys out of the box onto the floor. Sometimes a child can collect the toys back into the box on their own, but then pull them out again and throw them on the floor - it's so interesting! Now is the time to give the baby an "Activity Center" - this is the plane on which the different toys: buttons to be pressed, rotating balls and rollers, cords for which you can pull, bells, mirror. The kid now likes: rotate, press, knock, shake.

mental development

The kid carefully examines familiar objects and toys. When you hand a rattle to a child, you notice that he is trying to make a sound - he is shaking the rattle, listening and shaking again. This observation leads you to believe that a child is beginning to develop long-term memory.

But still, the main achievement of this age is considered to be a clear distinction between the reactions of the child at the sight of familiar and strangers. At the seventh month, the child begins to perceive individual differences in facial expressions and appearance, clear images of the faces of familiar people are formed in his memory. Appearance stranger leads to a slowdown in general movements and a wary study of the “stranger”. This behavior is due to the fact that the child does not know what to expect from strangers, because he does not have experience with them. If the mother starts talking to the friends who have come, smiles at them and encourages the baby, then he ceases to be afraid and after a while can smile at the stranger.

The closeness of the parents immediately causes animated movements, a smile and spontaneous chatter of the baby. He emotionally and expressively pronounces chains of syllables: “ba-ba-ba”, “de-de-de”, “me-me-me”, changing the pitch and strength of his voice. The similarity of such chains with the first words - “mother”, “woman”, “grandfather” - misleads many parents who think that the child is starting to speak. At this age, the baby actively shows his desire for communication, but the baby's babble only begins to resemble a request or a question.

It is recommended to develop in the child the ability to make decisions. Now the baby can hold a toy in both hands. Show him the third toy and ask him to take it. At first, it will be difficult for the baby to understand how to take the third toy if both hands are occupied. But soon he will learn to free his hand to take a new toy. Hide a tape recorder or an alarm clock under a handkerchief or sheet of paper and place them on the side of the baby. Turn on music or set an alarm. The child will try to determine where the sound comes from.

The unthinkable speed of growth and development of a child in the first half of life is simply mesmerizing: only recently the baby was born, and after two or three months he confidently holds his head and smiles at his mother. After another month, the baby accurately distinguishes between “friends” and “strangers”, tries to catch and hold a colorful toy. This is how - not by the day, but by the hour - and your sun grows.

At 6 months, a child is already a full-fledged person who has a character and type of temperament.

But the steepest change occurs at 6 months - having reached this age, the baby changes so rapidly and learns so quickly that you can only wonder. That's what a child can do at 6 months, we'll talk with you. And let's start our conversation with a discussion of the diet and some changes in the menu.

Pediatricians, speech therapists, dentists have been arguing on the topic for several decades now. Some people think it slows down speech development, leads to mispronunciation sounds. What do experts think about this, our article will tell.

Nutrition for a six month old baby

Long-term studies and experience of previous generations indicate that up to the specified age breast milk fully provides the growing baby with all essential substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

But why exactly six months old baby Is it possible and necessary to introduce the first complementary foods?

The thing is that by this time the body of the baby reaches a certain level of development:

The first complementary food should be replaced with one of daily feedings. And here are a few tricks:

If you listen to the above tips and do not rush, you can brag to your friends about your healthy and cheerful child who is not naughty and eats only healthy and tasty food.

Physical and emotional development of the baby at 6 months

At 6 months, the child should show a sufficiently high physical and emotional / mental activity.

Here is a list of the main skills and abilities that baby for this period:

  1. Without assistance, he rolls over on his side and on his stomach.
  2. Tries to move in space - crawls.

    Well then I crawled!

  3. Makes the first attempts to independently take a sitting position.
  4. Confidently stands on a flat surface when held by the body.
  5. Independently picks up toys and other objects that are not very far from him.
  6. Can fix their attention on a certain subject for 1 - 3 minutes.

    You can look at these beauties endlessly.

  7. Able to express positive and negative emotions.
  8. If you hide your favorite toy, the child begins to look for it, turning in all directions.
  9. Taste sensations are well developed.
  10. He knows how to eat from a spoon, squeezing it with his lips, he drinks well from a cup held by one of the adults.
  11. Turns his head to the person who called the baby by name.
  12. Listens to music, calms down when a melody is played.

    Quiet! Can't you see I'm listening to music!?

  13. Reacts to a change in facial expressions of a person who is nearby.
  14. Enthusiastically looks at objects that move.
  15. He does not let go of his mother for a long time, as the child wants to play with someone, and not alone.

    Mom is my best friend!

  16. Begins to pronounce the first syllables - to babble.
  17. This period is characterized by a decrease in the duration daytime sleep. But since the baby needs to systematize a lot of new information, you can’t follow his lead and reduce the amount of daytime sleep: let the child sleep for a short time, but more often.
  18. On average, the weight of girls at 6 months is 7.3 kg, and their height is 66 cm. Boys at this age are somewhat larger - their weight is 7.9 kg, and their height is 68 cm.

To smile at a baby, you need to use 17 facial muscles It's very difficult for a child to do this. Some mothers see already a few days after birth, while others do not smile even after a month. Each baby begins to smile at its own time, so do not panic, you just have to wait a bit.

Some young mothers do not know how the child should gain weight correctly and in what time frame this should happen. will answer all the most important questions.

Learning and playing at 6 months

After reading the information from the previous chapter, many mothers may be concerned that the baby does not perform some actions: he cannot sit or grab toys with his hands, does not babble, or weighs less than normal.

I am strictly individual.

I want to reassure you - everything that is described above is averaged information. But Every child is unique and develops in their own way.- someone grasps everything on the fly, and someone is in no hurry. It is worth sounding the alarm only in some cases:

  1. When the baby practically does not respond to communication from the next of kin, feeding, playing.
  2. You observe twitching of the muscles of the face or limbs.
  3. There is no normal sleep pattern.

But if the child’s health is good, everything else can be taught by spending a little time on educational games.

Children develop faster in the company of their peers.

To teach your baby to hold toys well with his hands, often put small objects in his hands first, and then larger ones.

Try to give your child toys of various textures - smooth, ribbed, made of leather, velvety to the touch. Excitation of tactile receptors on the palms contributes to the formation of neural circuits in the brain - so the baby learns faster.

Motor activity will be more intense if, during the game, the child needs to reach for an object or person. Playing while bathing or swimming in the bath will strengthen the back and neck muscles, which will help your baby sit more steadily and roll over more easily. If a active games and splashing in the bathroom is not as effective as you would like, do it with a child special exercises Or take a massage course.

Water procedures both develop and soothe.

The speech development of a child at 6 months is easy to stimulate by talking to him for a long time. Tell children stories, sing songs, read poetry. The more the baby hears words, the faster and more fully it will form vocabulary. So that in the future the child does not have problems with articulation, put his fingers to your mouth - so the baby will remember the shape of the lips while pronouncing various words.

Books with big and bright pictures will capture the attention of the crumbs for a long time.

Play with your child more, show him toys, naming them, and then ask the baby to find one or another. Show the baby photos and name the people in them, play with the mirror, try to hide from the child, but so that he can easily find you.

In general, parents should remember that it is on them that the intellectual and physical development of children depends. Therefore, their responsibilities include:

  • properly organize the child's daily routine,
  • choose the best dish for the introduction of the first complementary foods,
  • come up with such games that will not only occupy the crumbs for a while, but also teach him something new.

Six months is the first significant milestone in life little man. At the age of 6 months psychomotor development the child enters into his own active phase. From about this age, all skills are constantly improved: literally by leaps and bounds.

Physiological development.

Six months for many organ formation processes and internal systems newborn are the period of the most active development, and some are entering their final stage. The weight and height of the child are now increasing less intensively.

  • Vision. At six months, the visual centers of the brain almost completely complete the formation: structures responsible for focusing an object on the retina of the eye; color perception is formed. The baby already sees the shades of colors.
  • Muscular system. The muscles of the back, neck and shoulder girdle have strengthened enough for the baby to begin to sit up and attempt to crawl. Since the muscles of the legs are not yet strong enough, the hands and back take the main part in this process.
  • The nervous system continues to actively develop. Links are being established between visual perception and the brain, the speed of information transfer is also growing.
  • Teeth. By six months, some babies already have 1-2 of them, and some are just entering the active phase of the eruption of the first tooth.
  • Improving swallowing skills. Vomiting reflex in a child, it shifts from the middle of the tongue to its base. The first chewing skills appear, because the strength of the chewing movements of the jaw changes.
  • Hearing. six month old baby differs in heightened hearing: it is able to distinguish different noises (creaking, steps, the sound of water, the sounds of animals) and reacts to loudness - it hears even a whisper well.
  • Digestive system. At this age, each stage of intestinal growth is no longer as acutely perceived by the baby as up to 4 months. The intestinal microflora continues to actively form, and in six months it is populated in its cavity coli and conditionally pathogenic flora. Being in normal ratio with beneficial lactic acid and bifidum bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms form local immunity and help fight many diseases.
  • The liver and pancreas gradually increase the production of bile acids and enzymes needed to digest starch, fat, and protein. That is why in given age Pediatricians strongly recommend already introducing complementary foods.

Important!!! Up to 6 months, the child's body is not yet able to process many foods. Therefore, complementary foods should be introduced in stages and strictly in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. The development of a baby at 6 months of age largely depends on the volume nutrients and trace elements that he receives.

By the sixth month, weight gain in children becomes less intense and, on average, over these four weeks, its weight increases by 500-700 g. The growth of the baby increases by about 2 cm. In order for parents to have an idea of ​​whether the baby is developing normally, boundaries were determined and average indicators of physical development for each month of a baby's life.

It is important to remember that the table shows average values, and the physical development of a child at 6 months is individual and unique.

Psychoemotional features of development.

By this age, the first personality traits baby. Become noticeable character traits temperament, the foundations of the child’s character begin to be laid, it is already possible to get an idea of ​​​​the degree of his emotionality in the future.

  • Curiosity. A child in his six months shows an active conscious interest in everything that happens around him. Requires specific objects from those around him, can occupy himself for a long time: shifting toys from one hand to another, examining and “feeling” new things, at this age children especially like to knock objects against each other.
  • Children begin to manipulate their parents. They already have a clear understanding that specific people are a source of specific actions (they ask for a shout into their hands).
  • There is a constant replenishment of the passive vocabulary and understanding of the meaning of what is heard. The kid consciously looks at the called object.
  • A six-month-old child distinguishes the speech of constantly nearby people from strangers. Hearing nearby, for example, mother, the baby will surely attract attention with a cry or active sounds.
  • In thinking, cause-and-effect relationships are clearly formed. If the toy is thrown, it will fall; if you shake the rattle, a noise will be heard.
  • The kid is trying to make the first conscious choice: what toy to take, to whom to go in his arms.
  • Improved speaking skills. A child of 6 months tries to copy the speech of adults, babbling is constantly complicated by various syllable combinations.

Important!!! Talk to your child a lot. This age is characterized by an ever-increasing interest in the surrounding objects, their properties. Explain your actions to the baby, show pictures in books, so the passive vocabulary of children will be replenished.

Child's abilities at six months.

This age is still included in the so-called "lying" period of a child's life, but it is from six months to 8 months that babies become especially mobile. What should a child be able to do at 6 months?

Important!!! Show your child how to pronounce sounds and syllables. At this age, children willingly copy your every action and love to experiment with their tongue and lips.

Activities and games for a child in six months

It is impossible to teach something at this age, but it is quite easy to help improve what a child can do at 6 months. A variety of talking games and the simplest toys will help kids acquire new skills and abilities.

At six months, the baby does not yet need a large "arsenal" of toys. An ordinary pyramid will best help you master colors, deal with the concepts of more or less, trying to assemble and disassemble it, the kid trains fine motor skills and logic.

Give your child as often as possible massage ball or roller.

This activates all the receptors that are on the palms and fingers. Doctors say it's useful activity for the development of fine motor skills and speech skills.

Tumbler is a universal musical toy. With it, the baby can enthusiastically play and develop imagination, coordination of movements, attention, hearing.

Light rattles, best in pairs, train the baby's grasping skills and improve the still not very developed thumbs. It is convenient to shift two rattles from one hand to another, and knock them against each other favourite hobby child at this age.

Stretch marks and any hanging toys too great option for this age. A 6-month-old baby is always trying to reach them, training the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. Awareness of cause-and-effect relationships is consolidated: reached out - the toy makes a sound. Even with a regular module above the crib, you can play interesting and useful. Take the baby in your arms, bring it to the working module and show that you can catch toys on it in turn. This is a great training for attention, coordination and fine motor skills.

For development gross motor skills you can play with the baby, throwing his legs over his legs and swaying him on one leg up and down. Also, if you lie on your back and bend your legs, you can put the child on your shins and, holding him by the handles, make movements in different sides, in a circle, up and down. Such exercises perfectly train the baby's vestibular apparatus and coordination.

For training speech abilities any nursery rhymes and rhymes with a focus on syllables are suitable for the child. They must be read slowly so that the baby catches and remembers the correct articulation. Simple jokes with repetitive syllables consonant with babble and consisting of short phrases, you help the formation of the speech of the baby.

Important!!! Listen to what sounds the baby uses more often in his babbling. When jerky sounds are replaced by long ones, also try to focus your speech on the length of vowel sounds.

Show your child how more pictures. Passive vocabulary must be reinforced by visualization of images.

Every day you will be delighted and surprised by a child of 6 months, the intensity of development of which directly depends on your participation and attention.

Beloved baby has passed the first stage of his development and celebrated the first "anniversary". During this time, he grew stronger, grew up, acquired a lot of skills and knowledge. The development of a child at 6 months will bring new achievements.

The baby's muscles are getting stronger, which will allow him to sit on his own and prepare for crawling. The intelligence of the crumbs is rapidly developing. He learns speech and overcomes new logical tasks.


By the age of six months, the baby doubles its body weight in comparison with the weight at birth and grows by an average of 15 cm. The width of the shoulders should ideally be ¼ of the length of the body itself. Indicators of height, weight, head volume depend on many factors, but heredity plays the main role.

However, there is a norm that pediatricians and parents are guided by. Below is a table with data developed by WHO. It shows that the physical development of a girl at 6 months is slightly different from the development of a boy. Indicators for both sexes are normal if the data for height, weight, head volume are in the range from “below average” to “above average”, inclusive.

Height, weight, head circumference six month old baby



Head circumference, cm

Head circumference, cm

Very low

Below the average

Above average

Very tall

How to assess the correctness of development?

For every mother, it is important that the baby grows up healthy. You can evaluate the physical development of a child of 6 months on your own by conducting several tests. You should know that observations should be carried out when the baby is full and rested. Tests to check:

  1. If you put the baby on the tummy, then he, firmly leaning on outstretched arms, raises the body and head at an angle of 45-90 ° to the plane.
  2. In the supine position, you need to let the crumbs tightly grasp their thumbs and pull it up a little. The development of the child at 6 months, in contrast to younger age, will allow him to happily make an attempt to rise. At the same time, the baby controls the head well, and can also touch the chest with the chin.
  3. Putting the baby on its feet and supporting it under the armpits at the same time, you can see the new skill that the baby learned at 6 months. Development will allow him to keep his body weight on his legs for a couple of seconds, while straightening his feet.
  4. If you offer a child beautiful toy, then a six-month-old baby will be able not only to hold it, but also to shift it from hand to hand.
  5. It is necessary to interest the baby in a bright new object on the table, then, as soon as the child reaches out to him, begin to mix it and drop it on the floor. Interaction with the outside world is a skill that a 6-month-old baby has already mastered. Development at the age of six months is characterized by the fact that the baby will follow the object of interest to him until he disappears from sight.

Changes in behavior

A six-month-old baby begins to realize what emotions are. He manifests them in accordance with the situation and subtly feels the mood of loved ones. If the parents talk and joke merrily, then the baby also smiles and brightens up with joy. But an angry tone in communication spoils his mood. The baby frowns, is alert and may even cry.

Laughter, joy, revival, tears, gestures, changes in facial expressions are normal reaction on the the world that a 6 month old baby can show. The development of a six-month-old baby, in contrast to more early age, has another striking feature - it can clearly distinguish strangers and close people in the environment and reacts to them differently. If children at 3-4 months go into the hands of everyone indiscriminately, then at the age of six months they perceive strangers with caution. At the sight of a stranger, the baby freezes, carefully studies the new person, and then reacts with a smile, animation or crying. The appearance of close people, and especially mothers, he always meets with delight and babble.


The baby begins to understand the meaning of human emotions and look at the world consciously. The development of a child at 6 months is characterized by the fact that the baby knows the name of him, his brother (sister) and everyone else from his inner circle. With this comes understanding. simple words(“on”, “give”, “no”, “bye”) and expressions (“let's go eat”, “let's go for a walk”, “it's time to swim”). It recognizes items that are used daily or found in the same place, such as a pacifier, a bottle, a clock on the wall. At this age, a passive vocabulary is formed. Over time, after repeated study, hearing the repeated pronunciation of the name of the subject, the baby will look at it. Receptive speech skills come before the ability to pronounce words, so communication and activities with the baby are extremely important.


Starting from the age of six months, the child starts new period in the development of speech. At this time, he is already trying to take part in communication with loved ones. The baby does not just babble, but begins to train intonation. He raises or lowers his voice in response to the reaction of the interlocutor. The development of speech at 6 months allows the baby to consciously pronounce the first sound formations. He gets different syllables, consisting of vowels and consonants. The combinations “me-me”, “da-de”, “pe-pa”, “ge-he” and other similar formations make up the sound “repertoire” that the baby pronounces at 6 months.

The development of correct speech at the age of six months is not the presence of all the vowels and consonants listed above, but the changing height of intonation and tone, as well as stress in sound formations.

Problems in development

All parents want their baby to develop properly. But, unfortunately, there are some deviations that require correction and attention of a specialist. For example, if a baby at six months old cannot pronounce any vowel sounds, this is a reason for consulting a pediatrician. Parents should be alert to the following results of monitoring the baby:

  • his cooing and babbling stopped;
  • the baby absolutely does not react to the facial expressions of others, does not look in the face when communicating with him;
  • constant backlash on physical contact: the baby does not just repel loved ones with displeasure when he is dissatisfied, but always does it;
  • the child does not show emotions: there is no smile, gestures, animation;
  • lack of reaction to different intonations of the mother's voice or their inadequate perception.

Features in the development of girls

In an upright position, the baby opens the world in new colors. Sitting is one of the main skills that accompanies the development of a 6 month old baby. A girl differs in her physiology from boys, so the parents of daughters ask specialists a completely natural and timely question: "When can I sit down a baby with support?"

According to pediatricians, healthy six-month-old girls with normal development can sit with the support or support of a parent, and by seven months they are already able to do it on their own. In no case should you artificially plant a baby up to 6 months. If at the age of five months her muscles have strengthened, and she will take a semi-sitting position on her own, it makes no sense to lay the baby back in a horizontal position. The baby will still take the position in which she is interested. Leaving the daughter half-sitting for a short time, then you can distract her with something interesting, put her on her tummy or pick her up. It is necessary to observe that a girl at this age sits no more than an hour a day.

Baby 6 months: development, nutrition and first complementary foods

At the age of six months, the first teeth may appear in the crumbs. Most often, the lower incisors grow first. Sometimes, of course, the teeth are late, but a striking feature in the development of the baby is his interest in the food that the whole family eats.

Here comes the moment of the first feeding. According to research, today pediatricians recommend first introducing one-component puree of white or green vegetables into the child's menu. Zucchini, broccoli or cauliflower are perfect for dating. You can choose special finished product Or make your own puree. A new dish can only be offered to a healthy baby in good mood. It is better to do this in the morning. You need to start with one teaspoon, gradually bringing the portion to 180 g and replacing one milk feeding. When meeting anyone new product it is obligatory to control the reaction of the body (the nature of the stool and the condition of the skin).

Problems with the introduction of complementary foods

The baby is not always happy with new food. He may get upset and spit out the puree.

What should mom do? There are many tips, but each baby is individual. You can offer another vegetable the next day, for example, instead of not liking broccoli, give zucchini for testing. Some mothers add a little breast milk to the puree so that the taste of the dish seems familiar to the baby. If this does not help, then it is better to postpone the introduction of complementary foods for a few days, and then try again. The most important thing is not to scold or force-feed the baby. The main food for a six-month-old baby is breast milk or formula, so it is wiser to postpone acquaintance with new food for a while than to rush and cause negative emotions in the baby. 3-4 weeks after the successful introduction of vegetables, you can try cereals.

Entertainment and activities

On the proper development a child at 6 months is affected not only by a balanced diet, quality care and sleep, but also by classes in game form aimed at improving movements and developing intelligence. It is very important during this period and constant communication with loved ones. You can sing songs to your baby, read funny children's poems, look at picture books and just talk about everything, highlighting key words. For example, a bus passed, you need to indicate: “Look, a bus. Where is the bus? When communicating, a passive vocabulary develops.

At the age of six months, the baby will be interested in floating figures for bathing, lockable boxes with contents, thick picture books, balls, a spinning top, a pyramid, soft animals with a sound effect, a plastic mirror, chewing toys. Should not be given to a toddler small items. Any toy purchased for him must be safe and must be certified.


The first half of a baby's life is restless and difficult period. By the end of it, the six-month-old baby has achieved a lot:

  • freely controls the head and torso;
  • can turn in any direction;
  • takes the toy he likes with precise and coordinated movement of the handle;
  • easily rolls over from stomach to back, and vice versa;
  • knows his own name;
  • sits confidently with support or support;
  • he has teeth;
  • for the first time he pronounces conscious sound formations, including consonants;
  • receives the first food for adults;
  • demonstrates his mood and emotions;
  • matches objects and their names.

All of the above skills are healthy child 6 months. Development, nutrition, care and love of parents played leading role in all the achievements of the crumbs. The care and support of mom and dad will help the baby overcome all difficulties and grow up as a healthy and smart child.

By his first "anniversary" the child achieves incredible success. Comparing photos and videos of a newborn baby with the little man who is now walking in his crib, you will find a huge difference.

If you start summing up the results of the past period, you will be amazed at how much your baby has grown and gained weight in six months, how many skills and abilities he has mastered. But the baby is not going to stop there, and your task will continue to help his development, because there are still many goals ahead: the child must learn to crawl, talk and walk.

To help your baby learn new skills, you need to have an idea of ​​what a baby needs to be able to do so you can figure out how to develop a baby at 6 months old. You can be guided by a child development calendar, which outlines what achievements babies should have in six months.


The physical development of children in the sixth month of life continues to go at a rapid pace. The baby puts a lot of effort in order to master new skills and bring those already acquired to normal level. The child development calendar indicates only approximate dates for when and what the baby should learn and what should change in his life. If the girl next door can already crawl, and your boy has just learned to roll over, you should not worry that he is lagging behind in development. Even if by the end of the sixth month the child does not master necessary skills, doctors give another two weeks for their development.

  • at the sixth month of life, all children should begin to crawl; without lifting the stomach from the surface, they move forward, backward and in a circle;
  • the level of coordination of hand movements allows a six-month-old child to use two limbs at the same time for grabbing, throwing and clapping, the baby can roll over while holding a toy; also, by the end of the sixth month, the baby should be able, looking at objects, to take them with his right and left hand.
  • fine motor skills develop, a baby at six months old can open boxes, can turn the dense pages of children's books, insert cups into each other;
  • a child at six months old should be able to sit up independently or with support;
  • rising in the prone position, the baby should be able to do this without the participation of the forearms;
  • at six months, the child should be able to hold the head in an upright and sitting position;
  • a change in the position of the body in space triggers the stimulation of the vestibular apparatus, so the child constantly asks to be held by adults, he likes to be rocked, raised to the ceiling or circled.


Six-month-old babies, as a rule, already have their first teeth in their mouths. The timing of their eruption depends on hereditary factors, in some babies they appear before six months, in others only by 7-8 months. The order of teeth growth may also differ from the standards. Parents should not worry if the time for the appearance of the incisors is delayed or they grow in a slightly wrong order.

Tooth growth in six-month-old babies is associated with profuse salivation, pain, itching and fever. Therefore, you need to have a supply in the first aid kit. certain medicines in order to take care of the baby's painful gums in a timely manner and bring down his temperature. In addition to age-appropriate antipyretics and pain-relieving gels, it will be useful to purchase several teethers for the baby.

Continue to bathe your baby daily in the bathroom, do gymnastics with him to strengthen muscles.

Since a baby at six months old may not be interested in sitting in an arena, you should organize for him the most comfortable and safe "sex" life. Place a thick blanket on the floor and let your child play on it. The baby will play and exercise in crawling, while there will be no risk that he will fall from somewhere. You will need to produce daily care behind the surfaces on which the baby crawls.

Emotions and behaviors

The manifestation of emotions in the baby is still bright, all experiences are reflected on his face. Since the baby is already beginning to learn toys that require precision movements, sometimes he may begin to cry due to failure. Moods can also arise if the child does not get what he wants or is forced to endure what he does not like.

The child in the sixth month of life continues active communication with loved ones. He has already formed his own “vocabulary” - a set of certain sounds pronounced with different intonations helps the baby to report that he doesn’t like something, or he is glad that his dad is coming home from work or the appearance new toy. This " children's language» far from an adult, but attentive parents understand even these sound combinations and understand what exactly the baby wants.

At six months, babies already know their name and react when they are addressed, feel comfortable with familiar people, and when strangers appear, they are alert and may even cry. Do not worry, this is a completely normal reaction of children at six months to other people's adults.

Children not only experience own emotions, but also successfully copy the expressions of our faces. If you try to “make faces” with the baby, he will repeat after you angry, joyful, sad facial expressions. At six months, the child is well able to feel our mood and can copy it, so keep a benevolent and calm atmosphere so that he is always in good location spirit. For a baby, not only physical, but also emotional and psychological development is important, so being in a tense environment will negatively affect his personality.

Height and weight

At the end of the sixth month of life, the baby should add about 600 grams of weight and grow by 2.5 - 3 centimeters. The proportions of the child's body change, gradually approaching the ratio of body parts to the adult model.


The speech skills of an infant in the sixth month of life continue to improve. New sounds are added to his articulatory arsenal, he combines them in different ways, repeats them many times, sings and pronounces with different intonations.

Continue to constantly talk to the baby, and read fairy tales with different intonations. Children may enjoy playing the dialogues. Of course, their speech is far from perfect, but taking turns talking with adults gives them visible pleasure. When telling the baby about something, pause for his remarks, and he will definitely “skip” something.


In children on breastfeeding diet changes. As a rule, they begin to wake up less often at night and eat the most 2-3 hours before full morning awakening. Because of this, in the first half of the day they eat reluctantly. By following your pediatrician's advice, you will continue to introduce complementary foods to your baby's diet as scheduled. Children's doctor will take into account the developmental features of your baby and his physical state, and he will tell you when and what products the baby can try.


Due to the fact that in children in the sixth month of life increases physical activity during the day, they night sleep becomes longer and stronger. Some children may sleep until the morning without waking up. day rest takes place in two stages, lasting from an hour to two. Average duration sleep six months old baby shorter by as much as 4 hours than the sleep of a newborn. Freed from rest in the crib, the baby spends time on active physical development and exploration of the world.

Games and toys

At the age of six months, the fingers and hands of the baby move very actively, normal coordination is established, therefore, the nature of the toys that suit the child changes markedly. Baby can now play with containers different sizes and flowers, putting them into each other.

The research interest of the baby can be satisfied by buying him developing products with different details: rustling and ringing. You can also sew small bags, fill them with different cereals and tie or sew tightly. By touching and feeling their contents through the fabric, the baby will develop fine motor skills and enrich his tactile experience.

Children continue to "open" their body, the boy can get carried away playing with his reproductive organ.

Don't panic, this is completely normal behavior. There is no need to pull the baby, because in this case he can be capricious, try to distract him with some bright toy and occupy his hands with it.

A six month old baby might be interested musical toys, children enjoy the process of pressing large buttons, after which melodies or sounds begin to play. The development of hand coordination allows kids to be able to stick small parts into holes and watch them fall. You need to be close to the baby, teach and guide him.

In an effort to be like you, the child will enthusiastically turn the dense pages of a children's book, and may even try to babble, pretending to read it. If you often showed him pictures in books and told him who was depicted on them, by the end of this period, the baby can touch your finger to the corresponding depicted hero to your questions (Where is the grandfather? Where is the turnip?).

Games with adults in the sixth month of life will be associated with the development of the vestibular apparatus to prepare for active crawling and walking. Children are delighted when they are rocked on a blanket, like on a hammock, they also like the role of an "airplane".

The development of the vestibular system by the end of the sixth month is very important, because very soon the baby will begin to crawl on his own. In order for the child not to fall on his side after rapid movements, he must be able to withstand such spatial overloads. From the newborn period to six months, the baby lay, and if he changed his position, he was securely held by his parents. Now he begins to move independently, and for this you need to train the vestibular apparatus.