Will this training be useful for your subordinates, who, in turn, manage the divisions of the company? I. Functions and qualities of the leader

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Kindergarten combined type "Ryabinushka"

Psychological training for teachers:

"How to manage your emotions"


educational psychologist

Artamonova R.F.

Purpose: to acquaint teachers with the concept of "emotional self-regulation", to give an idea of ​​the various methods of self-regulation; develop skills to overcome negative emotional states.

1. Organizational moment

Let's greet each other. Each of you at the moment of greeting can show a smile, joy.

Our life is filled with various feelings and emotions: we are happy and sad, we love and hate, we take offense and admire. But what if our feelings poison our lives? If they destroy relationships with family and friends? Do you want to learn how to deal with resentment or fear, anxiety or jealousy? Do you want to learn how to enjoy life and direct the energy of emotions to the realization of your plans?

The modern technical era requires from us and values ​​in us, first of all, the development of the mind and intellect. Feelings seem to have faded into the background. Still, it’s uncomfortable with feelings!

An emotional person is open, it is easy to hurt, hurt. But how comfortable it is not to feel anything! No emotion, no pain. We get used to closing ourselves off. At first, we try not to show emotions to anyone. We are proud and strong! We do not cry, do not admire, do not admire, do not sympathize, do not worry and do not grieve.

We stop rejoicing, hoping, trusting. And suddenly one day we make an unexpected discovery: life has become gray, boring. Gone bright colors, juiciness, deliciousness of life. We wonder sluggishly: why? And everything is very simple: you cannot forbid yourself to experience negative emotions. This is how we are made: either we feel it or we don't. Emotions are the only human treasure!

Summing up the results of a certain period of their life, people remember neither titles, nor positions, nor cars or diamonds, but for some reason they remember the brightest emotionally colored events in life: celebrating a birthday or New Year, when you are still a child, the first September, the spring happiness of youth, declaration of love, the birth of their own children, moments of creative breakthroughs.

If emotional states are not remembered - life seems empty, if there are many of them - bright and full.

2. Conversation

We learn to live in such a way, to be happy, to be respected by others, to be successful in communication, to take place as a person, to live in harmony with ourselves, other people and the world around us.

Ancient parable

God blinded a man out of clay, and he had an unused piece.

What else is there to blind you? God asked.

Make me happy, - asked the man.

God did not answer, and only put the remaining piece of clay in the man's palm.

You can mold your life the way you want. You can choose whether to complain about problems, accumulate negativity, or

work on yourself, solve problems, so that your life becomes more harmonious, joyful, more successful and brighter.

Man is an emotional, reactive creature. We are happy, worried, afraid, annoyed, surprised.

With negative emotions and feelings, adrenaline enters the bloodstream, from which the vessels narrow, increases blood pressure, and all energy processes in the body are activated.

If emotions and feelings are very strong (with the loss of a loved one), then you need to give the body a release - you should not hold back tears, otherwise sadness, not expressed in tears, will have a bad effect on health.

Emotions - this is our way of communication, interaction and contact with the world and people around us. How do you deal with your emotions? Do you agree that some emotions should be hidden, suppressed, driven inside, in no case expressed?

Everyone should be able to manage their emotions and feelings. An effective means of preventing emotional disorders, stress is the use of methods of self-regulation and "rebuilding oneself." This is a kind of "safety technique" for everyone who wants to long years stay healthy.

3. Test "Emotional thermometer"

On a play sheet, try to compose an emotional portrait of your yesterday. Place a circle in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

Conclusion: People differ sharply in the stability of moods, in the dependence of moods on the behavior of other people.

To own and control your feelings, you need to know your own emotional structure very well.

4. Balloons

What emotions can be called our enemies?(anger, anger, resentment, envy, rage, sadness, contempt).

What emotions can you call our friends?(joy, delight, surprise, calmness).

On balloons in the first row we write positive, in the second row we write negative emotions. Let's paint the balloons (students write down emotions on their balloons).

What emotions are more? Negative or positive? Of course negative. You have to fight them.

5. Ways to get rid of negative emotions

There are two leaves in front of you: one yellow color and the other gray... Write on a black piece of paper those emotions that prevent you from communicating (fear, anger, anxiety, rage, resentment, contempt, sadness).

On yellow, those emotions that, on the contrary, help you communicate (joy, delight, surprise, calmness, pleasure). In turn, they name first those emotions that hinder them, and then those that help them. It was not by chance that we wrote negative emotions on gray sheets, but positive ones on yellow ones. How can you explain this? Color can affect our emotions and our mood.

And now I propose to tear up our gray sheets of negative emotions and thus get rid of them.

How else can you overcome your inner enemies?

Music can overcome negative emotions.

Can we say that music affects our mood, our emotions? Of course (if sad you can turn on cheerful music, if in anger - calm, slow).

Various natural techniques self-regulation:laughter, smile, humor; reflections on the good, the pleasant; muscle relaxation; communication with nature; music, dancing; mental appeal to higher powers.

6. Outcome of the training

Let's remember what question we asked ourselves at the beginning of the lesson?

Do emotions rule me or do I rule them?Will we answer in unison? I AM!

How can we manage our emotions by what means?

The color of clothes, crumple or tear paper, with the help of music, with the help of counting to oneself, a mirror (if Bad mood you need to look in the mirror and smile even if you really don't want to and your mood will also change; if you are offended, you need to laugh, or ignore, leave).

You see that there are many techniques that allow us to regulate our psycho-emotional state.

Let's evaluate our lesson - we go to the table, choose emoticons.

If you find yourself in a difficult life situation, always remember what you own. You have experience, knowledge, feelings, desires, hope, faith, the ability to love, and many more wonderful things.Remember this and do not get lost!

Step over, people, through sadness!

You smiled, then everything is in order.

Laugh often, rejoice and let

A smile will become a morning exercise!

And it doesn't matter age or appearance,

Hair color is all nonsense.

After all, tenderness is not measured by growth,

And not in centimeters - kindness.

It is always easier to destroy than to build.

It's easier to offend than to forgive

And it's always more convenient to lie than to believe

And pushing away is much easier than loving!

Get used to being happy!

I sincerely wish you emotional stability!

Training program

The training "Effective Leaders" is held in the format practical training preceded by a little theoretical training. Both group and individual training is possible.

The training program is drawn up individually for each client based on an analysis of the existing problems in the company and weak points... However, it has general structure, which includes the following sections:

  1. Formation of skills of an effective leader.
    1. Personal training of an employee with the development of management skills. Detailed consideration of the main management functions.
    2. Selection of an individual leadership style, identification and consolidation of leadership qualities.
  2. Detailed consideration of the stages of management.
    1. Planning. The study essential rules making plans based on the priority of goals and the availability of resources.
    2. Delegation. Study of the zones and levels of delegation with an analysis of frequently repeated errors in the transfer of authority.
    3. Control. Study of methods and strategies for evaluating the work of subordinates. Establishment feedback with the team.
  3. Implementation of effective personnel motivation systems.
    1. Consideration of the main schemes of motivation and their most effective application.
    2. Studying the methods of personnel development.
  4. Formation of coaching skills in managers with development individual plan training subordinates.

This training will not only unite employees into a single team under competent leadership, but, as a result, will contribute to the growth of productivity and profitability of the organization.

Detailed program description

Topic 1. Management functions and skills of an effective leader.

I. Functions and qualities of the leader

  • What should be the leader.
  • Personal preparation of an employee to work as a manager. Disclosure of personal mechanisms and barriers that prevent effective work.
  • Creation and elaboration of a portrait of a modern chief.
  • Required qualities of a modern leader:
    • Employee training and development;
    • Ability to achieve efficiency;
    • Ability to evoke loyalty and trust in the company and the leader;
    • Work management;
    • Collaboration within the team and outside of it;
    • Personal influence;
    • Talent development;
    • Ability to be a catalyst;
  • The process of interaction "manager-subordinate-manager". Key principles of communication.
  • Key principles of a mentor's work.
  • Rules of interaction and management of the interaction process.
  • Manager's functions: optimization of work, ensuring the productivity of work, regulation of work.
  • Leader abilities: lead, involve, make decisions, take responsibility, solve problems.
  • The relationship between the functions and abilities of a leader. Skill Spiral: Mindfulness - Competence.
  • Effective meetings.

II. Leadership

  • Leadership characteristics and styles: directive, motivating, encouraging, delegating.
  • Definition own style management and improving its efficiency.
  • The personality of a leader as a formal and informal leader.
  • Situational leadership.

Topic 2. Basics of leadership: Planning. Delegation. Control.

I. Planning

  • Rules for setting SMART goals. Prioritization: signs of hard and soft targets. Classification of cases by importance and urgency (Eisenhower matrix)
  • Rules for the development of an action plan leading to the achievement of the set goal and facilitating the implementation of other management functions.
  • Determining the resources required to implement the plan.

II. Delegation

  • The purpose and merits of delegation. Delegation zones and levels.
  • Tools for delegating tasks and powers. Delegation stages and rules.
  • Factors holding back from delegation. Difficulties in delegation. Ways to overcome difficulties in delegation.
  • Major mistakes.
  • 4 steps in delegation.
  • The choice of strategy depending on the professional maturity of the employee.

III. Control

  • The reasons for the need to introduce an assessment of the work of employees.
  • Signs of effective and ineffective work. Measuring work efficiency.
  • The relationship between the objectives and the result.
  • Feedback (evaluation of the work of subordinates). Rules for Constructive Feedback.
  • Practicum: practicing the acquired skills.

Topic 3. Motivation of staff.

I. Planning

  • Motivation schemes. Material and non-material incentives for employees.
  • Types of people: helping, directive, consolidating, adaptive. Motivational approaches to them.
  • Finding out the factors that motivate subordinates. Rules for constructing motivating indications.
  • Motivation to complete the plan and special tasks. Motivation to promote current promotions.
  • Motivation for learning.
  • Meeting motivation.
  • Individual motivation.

II. Staff development

  • Resolution of the question: to develop or not to develop employees. Determining the steps in the employee development cycle.
  • Objectives that can be set for subordinates.
  • The actions of the manager in case of a decrease in the employee's efficiency.
  • Effective feedback.
  • Rules for organizing discussions with employees.
  • Practicum: practicing the acquired skills.

Topic 4. Personal coaching and team building.

I. Coaching

  • Coaching for success.
  • Opportunities for success.
  • Success model.
  • Coaching skills in the work of a leader.
  • Coaching to improve performance.
  • Coaching to Resolve Performance Issues.
  • Employee development methods: search, direction.
  • Watching video, discussion.
  • Development of an individual coaching plan.

If you want to skillfully influence the team - develop! Experienced HR-ry shared the secrets of what trainings for managers are needed for professional growth, how to find time for training.

From the article you will learn:

An overview of the best executive coaching

Before choosing which direction to move in, determine what qualities you need to develop at the moment - personal or professional. Don't try to learn everything at once. Otherwise, you will not be able to assimilate the material, work out the application of theory in practice and consolidate skills.

Programs and trainings for leaders



Trainings are more like extended programs with theoretical and practical information for personnel management. During the trainings, you can learn new management technologies, ways of motivation, methods of identifying problems and eliminating them. offers 9 programs that you can go through convenient time... After successful testing, a diploma of professional retraining or a certificate of advanced training is issued.

Personnel management

The manager learns the secrets of building relationships with subordinates, ways of influencing problem employees and resolving conflicts. At the trainings, they discuss methods of creating teams, rallying participants in them. After completing them, you will learn to maintain authority, arouse self-respect, and make adequate and balanced decisions.

It could be the program " " or " ».

Personal growth and development

The goal of the programs is to learn how to manage yourself, your emotions, in order to more effectively influence your subordinates. Impulsive leaders are incapable of assessing situations soberly - they make unreasonable decisions that harm the company. If you notice something like this, visit trainings and seminars for managers aimed at personal development .

Leadership, leadership style

The seminars examine the main styles of leadership, teach how to choose effective methods management. You will find answers to the most common questions, you will understand how to adhere to the chosen style and be a leader. for managers, you can go remotely.

By planning

All managers must be trained in planning. If you do not learn to set tasks for subordinates, to determine the main and secondary, you will not be able to achieve effective work of the unit. The basics of planning should be learned early in your career and then improved. For example, take the training " ».

Recently, trainings in public speaking, meeting techniques, and time management have been gaining popularity. But these are rather auxiliary programs that should be completed only after the main ones.

Important! When choosing trainings for leaders, look not only at the names, but also the content of the programs, their duration. Study several sentences, compare them with each other.

Where to get executive training

Trainings for executives sales department or other units are conducted in licensed schools. Keep in mind that some workshops and courses do more harm than good. When choosing where to get training for leaders, be extremely careful - weigh the pros and cons.

  1. Private trainers

The law does not regulate who can conduct trainings, so seminars are organized by all and sundry. Often they consider irrelevant information, give false facts, which disorients novice managers. If you want to improve your skills, but there is no way to go to schools, choose trainings organized by renowned experts. Their main advantage is the small time spent on training.

In the "Personnel System" you will find many interesting seminars and webinars useful for managers. Galina Tikhonova, HR Director of Orange, will talk about staff motivation during the crisis - “ Non-monetary motivation and other ways to save money».

  1. Licensed schools

In schools, you can take not only business trainings for managers, but also full-fledged courses personal growth and development, programs for personnel motivation, strategic and operational management. For busy people who devote a lot of time to work, distance courses are suitable.

Important! Choose licensed schools that issue a diploma or certificate after training. With the help of the document, you will be able to confirm your qualifications, achieve a salary increase, career growth.

  1. State organizations

On the basis of state institutions, it is also possible to undergo trainings for managers. Most often, the opportunity is provided to those who are currently studying in the organization. This option for the development of personal, professional qualities and skills suitable for managers who have just started long way to the head.

Sistema Kadry experts told how to choose a suitable training format what to look for. The material compares the pros and cons of professional training, presents expert opinions. Seminars, trainings, webinars and other forms of education are considered separately. Having studied the information, you can avoid mistakes when choosing educational institutions and programs.

How often to attend executive training

Management does not stand still - new methods of personnel management appear, more effective ways motivation, encouragement, punishment. In general, the process of interaction between managers and subordinates is changing. If you want the company to occupy a leading position, to be appreciated and respected by your colleagues, grow professionally, develop as a person.

Track changes periodically, see what training for leaders is provided by experts. Take an accelerated course every 5 years professional development... Work on yourself every day, analyze successes and failures, the causes of problems at work and in life.

Tips on how to find time for trainings and seminars for leaders

Council number 1. Plan your time

Make a to-do list for tomorrow, for a week, for a month. During working hours, do not be distracted from the tasks assigned. Strictly adhering to the schedule will not work, but you will not accumulate tasks on which you have to spend time on weekends or in the evening. In planning, you can take an hour or two to complete leadership training.

Council number 2. Delegate authority

Leaders who do not know how to distribute responsibilities do not succeed in anything. Constant stress leads to nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue... Delegate authority, choose who is responsible for this or that work. This will enable you to engage in personal and professional development.

Council number 3. Develop in free moments

Study new information on the way to work or home, at lunchtime or on a smoke break, because your career directly depends on your education and skills. Do not be distracted by empty talk- they are rarely useful. But this does not mean that communication with subordinates should be minimized. Listen to colleagues when employees need it, and do not initiate dialogues about the weather, entertainment.

Council number 4. Choose programs carefully

Avoid executive trainings and seminars that address everything at once. They are time-consuming but not practical. Choose thematic programs in compressed format.

Council number 5. Consider distance learning

If you do not have time for trainings, take distance learning. For example, makes it possible to study the material, take tests when it is convenient. You do not have to leave work or take time off earlier, take student leave - all courses are available at any time of the day.

If you are an aspiring manager, complex rather than concise programs are for you. Think about what you are doing the hardest, what problems you are experiencing. Only then proceed with the selection of trainings for leaders. Do not forget about training subordinates, because an educated team is the most powerful weapon in the fight against competitors

The ability to independently plan time appears at about 9 years old, and only by 12-13 years old the child's brain matures so much that it can mentally correlate the past, present and future. And this is the most the right time to begin consciously building relationships over time.

“Crossroads of Opportunities” is the name of the training program for adolescents, which is conducted by Olga Kardashina, a gestalt therapist and psychodrama therapist. The task of the training is to help high school students to normalize and harmonize relationships with the time of their lives. And also - be aware and express feelings associated with difficulties in relations with the past, present or future. The psychologist uses elements of the gestalt approach, psychodrama and futuropractice. I was able to attend one of 12 classes called "Touching the Future."

In a spacious room, chairs are arranged in a circle. 17-year-old Dima and Oleg, 15-year-old Anya and five more boys and girls of this age quickly exchange remarks - they laugh, joke, flirt. They manage to discuss politics, school affairs, relationships with parents. This is the sixth lesson in the group, so everyone knows each other quite well. There is only one newcomer to the company - me. But teenagers diligently pretend that the presence of an outsider is not a hindrance for them. The psychologist sits down in a circle with everyone, and the hum quickly dies down.

It is difficult for a teenager to talk about the future, because he has not figured out his past well, it has not yet been sorted out on the shelves.

Today we will talk about the time of our life, - Olga Kardashina begins the lesson. - Everyone has their own time, and everyone experiences it in their own way. There are, for example, people who are chronophiles - they have a good relationship with time, they like to think about it. They start weeklies, make to-do lists, and then meticulously cross out what has been done. And then there are chronophages - people who do not hesitate to take other people's time and enjoy it. They can talk to you for a long time on the phone, although you said three times that you are late. There are also chronophobes - they are afraid of the troubles associated with time.

What is your relationship with time? I suggest you show with both hands that:

  • you respect and value time, you have a good relationship with it (stretch your hand palm up),
  • you are more of a chronophagus (showing your fist),
  • you are more likely to be a chronophobe (stretch your hand palm down).

You can show two options: for example, if you know how to plan your time, you can interrupt the conversation if the interlocutor distracts you, but the topic of time still makes you tense. Or you yourself are on good terms with time, but other people "eat" it. Or you yourself eat it from others. One can simultaneously be a chronophage and a victim of a chronophage. Imagine a beautiful clock as a monument to the time of your life. Show how you perceive it.

Teens are focused. You can see how difficult this exercise is for them. Finally, everyone completes the task. Most stretch out two arms at once.

Psychologist's comment

Teens are either afraid of time or overestimate their capabilities. They say that everyone will be in time - and they do not. We are sure that they will finish the game and will do everything. Therefore, the first task of the training is to show that time is interesting, that it is subjective and how differently we perceive it. The first exercise develops reflection: who am I? What kind of people are around me, how do I deal with them? Do I give my time to others or do I protect it, hold it back? It can be difficult for adolescents to formulate, find the right words, so I ask them to listen to their sensations: on which word of these three (chronophobes, chronophages, chronophiles) do you get an internal tremor? I teach them to feel with their body.

I am glad that many of you have a good relationship with time, - Olga continues. - What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase "time is running out"?

Lessons. You sit in class and wait for everything to end.

When I'm late and someone wastes my time, but I have everything calculated up to the minute.

A very long road.

The guys continue the discussion.

While you were listing, I noticed one minute on the clock, and now it is over, - the coach explains. - Was it a long or a short minute? What do you think?


And this is the subjectivity of the experience of time. For some, the minute was short, for others it was long. It happens. And time is also irreversible. I cannot go back ten minutes when I entered this room.

You said about the beginning of classes, and I immediately got a picture of how everything went ...

Flashbacks, huh? Memory takes us back to the past. We understand that we cannot return to childhood. But do you remember your childhood photos?

Me not. I don't think I even saw them.

I only remember that I'm fat on them.

I remember quite vividly.

And I don't remember anything at all.

Psychologist's comment

It is difficult for a teenager to talk about the future, because he has not figured out his past well, it has not yet been assimilated, has not been decomposed into shelves. This happens a little later, in adolescence... The teenagers have not yet lived, have not "digested" the past. And if there was a traumatic experience in their story, a strong tendency towards repression arises, and then the teenager says that he does not remember childhood, his childhood photographs, some periods in the past. I often ask my child to draw what their feelings look like, or describe a safe place in their past or present. The teenager does not say, "I am afraid of the future," but the images are quite eloquent. Someone draws a nuclear mushroom, someone, talking about test tests in grades 10-11, describes their experience as follows: "The feeling that I was walking on green grass, and now I found myself in the desert." The use of metaphors helps to release tension and painlessly approach the traumatic experience.

The training continues.

Time either gives strength and urges us, or vice versa, takes strength, says Olga Kardashina. - And then we start to get nervous. There are days endless and boring, and there are happy days when we "do not watch the clock." Imagine your hands are scales. What days in the last couple of months have you had more: happy ( left hand) or gray-boring (right)? By the way, there can be a balance between them.

Teens show. Many raise their right hand.

So, there was time that "ran" and that that "dragged on." What in these months depended more on you, and what - on the circumstances: the weather, school, family? Perhaps your time is managed not only by yourself, but also by something else - for example, school or family matters?

It all depends on the family and on the circumstances.

Probably from myself and from the circumstances. Family and school are not particularly affected.

I depend on school - 100%!

From family and circumstances.

Okay, now imagine what will happen soon. What will happen to humanity, and what will happen to you as an individual?

The apocalypse will happen.

Marijuana is legalized.

Robots will take over the world.

What about you as an individual?

I will create resistance to suppress the robot rebellion.

I'll get a bad mark in social studies.

I'll be registered for a fight at school.

And they called me asocial and said that prison awaits me.

Anxiety related to study, illness, bad behavior are clearly coming to the fore. The adolescents, together with the psychologist, reproduce the chains of past events and construct the situations of the future. Pay attention to the circumstances that preceded the troubles, and those that may follow them with varying probability.

Next - a new exercise: in the hands of the participants there are sheets of paper that represent the three times. One sheet - "future" - can cover the "present", cast a shadow on it. The "present" can serve as a support for the "future", and the "past" can pull the "present" back, preventing it from moving on. Teenagers, together with a psychologist, analyze how these time spaces are connected in their lives, how they influence decisions and actions, as a result, creating a single stream of time.

Management training

The modern level of management presupposes the development and active functioning of a wide range of managerial skills of managers. Currently, the critical factor for the leader is not so much professional knowledge how many are some of the personal characteristics that are associated with effective communication, cooperation between people, motivation, team building and the ability to work in them, the art of negotiating and reaching agreements. Organizational management provides for the management of intellectual, financial, raw materials, material resources in order to high efficiency activities of the enterprise (3).

A manager is a management specialist who develops plans, determines what and when to do, who and how will carry out the planned (personnel management), develops working procedures (technologies) of the management process, exercises control. That is, the manager plans, organizes, controlslays the main organizational processes, manages them. When creating the concept of management training, we relied on the theoretical behavioral model of K. JI. Wilson (5.6). He gives management the following definition, which forms the basis of his diagnostic concept and questionnaire (see Appendix), aimed at assessing management skills.

Management process- this is logical sequence or a chain of qualified managerial behaviors.

The success of a leader consists of two equally important skills: the ability to manage people and the ability to achieve a work goal (in traditional Russian terminology - focus on business and people). These two management skills should ideally be in balance and exist in a coherent chain of more frequent managerial skills. None of the skills listed below are more important than others; all of them should be represented by the manager at least to a small extent and, ideally, be in the balance sheet.

By turning Special attention in his theoretical concept of managerial skills, K. L. Wilson identifies them as basic and main in the "pyramid" of qualities that ensure the successful performance of a leader (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. "Pyramid" of the qualities of a leader, or the cycle of management skills

Management skills are something that is not only a consequence of special personal qualities (leadership skills) and acquired skills (administrative skills), but also a special property of carrying out professional activities.

The lowest level of leadership skills is administrativeskills: thinking over and transferring assignments, foreseeing the future and strategic planning, creating a working environment in the organization, analyzing difficult situations, training subordinates.

Next level - leadership skills. The main thing in leadership skills is foresight and the ability to influence other people, to direct them.

Level managerial skills is associated with the implementation of management goals, which provides clarity of goals, planning, problem solving, training, feedback, control over the performance of work, etc. It is these skills that basically preserve and support the "life" of the organization.

Social skills- the ability to manage working groups - reflected in the organization's employees in satisfaction from group membership, in improving the functioning and increasing the cohesion of working groups. These are skills that include the ability to successfully plan and manage a group and people.

Finally, the last, the most high level - special managerial skills, related to the specifics of specific professional management activities.

Management is seen as a sequential process or chain of actions of the leader. The effectiveness of the manager's activity, accordingly, depends on the continuity, integrity and completeness of this process.

Continuity, integrity and completeness C.L. Wilson calls balance, which is ensured by the performance by the manager of certain functions. Each function is a series of interrelated actions or tasks. Successful completion of each subsequent new task is possible only if the previous tasks are successfully completed.

No task is more important than others. Execution only of all tasks can lead to effective management of workflow and people. Consequently, C.L. Wilson emphasizes the importance of "balancing" the tasks performed by the manager.

Thus, the activity of a manager consists of solving a series of problems. Although the tasks differ depending on the situation, the nature of all management tasks is the same. The main steps or behavioral acts (actions) are constantly repeated, which is reflected in the concept of "The cycle of management skills."

K.L. Wilson presents 6 sequential phases of a manager's activity, of which Cycle of control functions(fig. 2).

Let's pay attention to the sequence of these functions. The manager first determines target (phaseI); otherwise, he is inactive and "marking time", because he does not know in which direction to move. People need to know the basic goals. If they are not there, then the motivation of subordinates will be low. When there is a goal, the leader can make plan to achieve it (phaseII).

Rice. 2. Cycle of control functions

Now it is necessary to put this plan into practice, and for this the manager must instruct the subordinates what and how they should do and how to help the group in the implementation of this plan by providing the necessary material resources, conditionsfor work, training, time, tools, etc. (phaseIII). In the process of completing the task, the manager must monitor how the work is going, constantly inform the group at what stage of the work it is and how successfully the work is progressing (phaseIV- feedback, reward). If there is no progress, then the manager should make changes to the workflow with the help of enhanced control (phaseV), up to changing plans, resources and even goals, and finally, when the work is done, the manager must encourage and whoreward subordinates (phaseVI).

Each of the six phases includes tasks that must be completed in order to carry out a particular function. The success of the task is due to the abilities, knowledge, and skills of the manager.

All phases of management assume the presence skills thatcan be diagnosed and developed during the training. The level of their actual development can be determined using the Wilson questionnaire (see appendix), based on the description of the key management skills presented below.

Phase I. Explaining goals and objectives to subordinates and explaining their significance

Typically, this is a discussion of goals with the team to clarify the business situation. The first step in managing people during a workflow is clarifying goals. Any task starts from this point. The leader must be sure that the subordinates understand what purpose he is pursuing, what ultimately needs to be obtained. This is the starting point for structuring your workflow, even more is Foundation stone management. The scores for this skill indicate how well the manager makes subordinates feel the significance of the task, how clearly he explains what he expects from people.

Phase II. Planning and solving technical and organizational problems

After clarifying the goals and their significance, the next step in the management process is to develop a plan to achieve those goals.

This is, first of all, relationship with subordinates.

This phase assumes certain type interaction of the head with subordinates: the head either listens to the suggestions and wishes of the team, uses the ideas of employees, or the lines of communication are interrupted. Encouraging the participation of subordinates in the planning and decision-making process enables the leader to better represent the situation in the group. This skill reflects the degree of participation of subordinates in decision-making, the ability to put forward their ideas.

Careful planning of the workflow is the organization of the workflow without failures. One of essential qualities the leader is orderliness. The leader must "get ahead" of the group, anticipate unfavorable circumstances.

Manager competence speaks of knowledge of the organization's policies, products or services produced or provided by the organization, etc. This reflects how well the manager knows the organization in which he works, its values, reward and authorization systems, how well he knows his area of ​​work and shares his knowledge with subordinates.

Phase III. Providing the necessary working conditions

Security the necessary funds, resources, tools, training, etc. to successfully complete the work, depending on the goals and plans. Once the work is planned out, the manager needs the necessary support from the team so that the subordinates can do their job and achieve their goals. Support refers to the necessary instructions, directions, advice, training, the right equipment, etc.

Phase IV. Feedback

Supervision of the head of the work of subordinates, fixing any progress in the work and reporting about it working group... One of the most important tasks of a manager is to inform employees how well they are progressing towards a set goal. If the indicator "relationship with subordinates" assesses the openness of a manager to the ideas of others, then "feedback" - the relationship with staff about the performance of work. Moreover, if the feedback is carried out often, and the relationship with subordinates is unsatisfactory, then this indicates more frequent criticism than support.

Phase V. Control

The manager must be sure that the quality and quantity of the work performed is within acceptable standards; for this, he controls the workflow. Control should not be too strong or too weak.

This phase of the management cycle primarily includes the following aspects.

Time control. This is according to the schedule. The organization requires the work to be completed on time. This scale indicates that the manager has the ability to manage the work process in such a way that the work is completed on time.

Parts control. Striving for detailed assignment. Many managers find it very difficult to keep track of the details of work without being overbearing. To prevent a leader from being perceived as being authoritarian towards their subordinates, the manager should focus on primary scores (phases I-IV) and try to balance tight control with good goal setting, careful planning, providing the necessary training and instruction, and constant feedback. ...

Goal motivation (pressure on subordinates). Encouraging subordinates to complete the assignment quickly and successfully. Although pressure on subordinates is sometimes necessary, it is necessary that people remain satisfied with the task and so that the pressure does not turn into a harsh dictatorship, it must be neutralized good relationship between the manager and subordinates, the credibility of the manager in the eyes of subordinates (phase I).

Delegation of authority. In this case, part of the responsibility for completing the assignment lies in the hands of subordinates. This is very important point in the work of a manager, but this skill must also be balanced with grades (above average) on scales from A to F, so that relationships with subordinates do not go over the line of connivance or vivid distrust in relation to subordinates.

Phase VI. Reward for a job well done

Recognition of the work done: praise, reward. When the task is completed, the leader should express gratitude to the working group. The manager may not be able to increase the salary of the staff, but can always praise for the completed task. This will provide people with moral satisfaction from their work and a good relationship between the manager and staff.

In addition to the managerial skills described in the Management Skills Cycle, for the effective work of a manager, it is extremely important psychological qualities, reflecting the system of interaction with subordinates. A good relationship between the leader and subordinates is a consequence of the successful completion of tasks by the manager in the cycle of management functions. These skills show how freely the leader interacts with subordinates, supports their ideas and helps to achieve professional success... All the qualities listed below are necessarily discussed at the training in the mode of individual feedback and special, sometimes personal exercises. You can indicate the main personal qualities of the leader, which are paid special attention to in psychodiagnostic procedures and training.

People orientation. This is an assessment of the manager's openness and friendliness, the desire to interact with people, the ability to establish contact and understand the personal needs of employees.

Ability to create a team. In order for the group to carry out tasks effectively, its work must be coordinated. The group should be a single team. This is another manager's task that affects the success of workflow and people management. Teamwork is based on good managerial intuition, the ability to assign roles, reward successful employees, train, etc.

Interest in professional growth subordinates. The best way to increase the motivation of subordinates is to give them the opportunity to develop professionally, to set tasks for the group that allow subordinates to learn something and grow professionally.

Trust of subordinates. As we have said, it is very important that there is a good relationship between the manager and subordinates, based on mutual trust... Trusting relationships allow you to avoid conflicts, and if they arise, effectively regulate.

Taking into account group norms and motivation. This helps to reveal the attitude of subordinates to work, to each other, to the leader and the organization as a whole. The manager provides strong influence on the attitudes of subordinates, while organizational policy and external factors influence the attitudes of the group. The leader plays the main role in the formation of group morality, group attitudes and, ultimately, staff loyalty.

The skills below are not covered by the Management Skill Cycle, but have great importance in the effective work of the manager. These are indirect characteristics of the success of his work.

Work involvement. This characteristic reflects not only how much the leader is involved in the work of the team, but also how interested he is in doing his work, and how interesting he makes the work for the team.

Professional competence of subordinates. The professional competence of subordinates is a reflection of the effectiveness of people management. An effective manager is always aimed at developing the professional and personal competence of employees, ready to transfer his experience.

Group cohesion and positive psychological climate. This characteristic is closely related to the ability to create a team, but the indicator of "group cohesion" reflects the atmosphere within the group, how the group feels regardless of the leader. In the opposite case, the group perceives itself as a single whole, but the leader does not enter into this whole, he is outside of it.

Favorable conditions for job growth. Not only can external circumstances positively or negatively influence the “growth-friendly environment” in an organization, but it also depends a lot on the manager. This characteristic assesses the ability to create in-house conditions for the job growth of subordinates, including motivation for career growth.

Tension level (ability to handle conflict situations). Three circumstances can affect the level of tension in a work group: the work itself, the conflict between the group and the leadership, and the general atmosphere in the organization. The leader can somehow influence all three of these circumstances and try to reduce the stressful situation in the group. That is, this characteristic concerns the leader's ability to settle conflict situations and thereby reduce the level of tension.

The basis author's program (V.A.Chiker)"Management trainingLeninist Skills " is the diagram of the cycle of control functions of K.L. Wilson, described above and presented in the literature (5,6). The program simulates the progress of participants along the path of understanding and objectifying individual and group aspects of the management process within this cycle, and also reflects some aspects of the formation of group norms, motivation, attitudes towards people, conflict regulation and team cohesion.

The purpose of the training is diagnostics and development of the most significant managerial skills for a specific activity of a manager within the framework of a consistent and balanced process of the cycle of managerial skills - a chain of manager's actions. The training program is adapted by the facilitator for managers of various ranks. As a rule, group members are managers of the same level. In addition, the program can be modified and expanded due to the complexity and specifics of solving managerial problems (the program presented below is designed for three full eight-hour days of classes). The targeting of the program is "enhanced" by the organizational and personal psychodiagnostics carried out during the training or carried out during the training, as well as by the analysis and analysis of the most significant, important and confusing cases and situations from practice (cases) for each specific organization and leader. The combination of training and diagnostic procedures makes it possible to build a system of recommendations and individual programs accompanying and consulting managers (coaching).

In general, the training program can be attributed to psychological programs behavioral orientation, in which attention is focused on the development of skills and abilities by understanding the level of their development and further training. However, the active use of elements of business imitation games allows dwelling not only on the psychological content of what was seen and lost, but also on the purely technological components of the management process (3).

In addition to the traditional procedures of behavioral training (discussions, role-playing games, psychological warm-ups), the training program is actively discussed theoretical aspects associated with the essence of management, and also used test psychodiagnostic methods (for example, the methodology for diagnosing management skills of K.L. Wilson - see the appendix). The arsenal of the methods used includes business games, which make it possible to bring the material under discussion as close as possible to the real activities of the organization. To improve the quality of feedback, it is desirable to have video equipment.


Target... Acquaintance and study of the basic concepts associated with the concept of the Management Skills Cycle, as well as the understanding that the activity of a manager consists of solving a series of problems, the nature of which in management is, in principle, the same. The main thing is that the effectiveness of the manager's activity depends on continuity, integrity and completeness of this process. This linked skill chain always starts with the ability to clearly formulate goals and understand their significance. Therefore, the traditional procedure of introductory conversation and introduction of training participants to each other (acquaintance) focuses on targets training itself and personal goals in the context of the problem under discussion. The emphasis is on the significance and effectiveness of achieving these goals, which determine the motivation for activities in any area. The group discussion is summed up by formulating the concept of "goal" (this is the desired state of affairs that people, departments, organizations are trying to achieve) and its components - steps to achieve it - "tasks" (a task is a goal considered together with the conditions for achieving it) ( 2). In the terminology of the Cycle of Management Skills, “phases of solving managerial problems” are considered as such.

Then the participants work in subgroups, developing their own vision of a complete, holistic and complete Management Cycle, then presenting it in the form of a diagram on a flip chart. Each project of the Management Skills Cycle is commented on by a representative selected by the group. It is advisable to make a video recording of the performances, since this material can later be used to analyze the development of the ability to influence the group and focus on people. At the end of the discussion and identification of the best project, it is compared with the model of the Cycle of Management Skills according to K.L. Wilson, which as illustrative material distributed to all members of the group. This model is then used as a theoretical basis for all subsequent work in the training. It is possible to discuss goal setting in such a way when considering the main requirements for goals, which must be formulated as precise and specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and consistent, and time-specific (SMART principles).

The role-play game, aimed at discussing the goals and objectives with the team and understanding the significance of the task, allows dramatizing the training procedure and bringing it not only to the operational, but also to the personal level. As such a game, a situation can be chosen that includes the development of a plan for the implementation of innovations in the organization (for example, a change in the product range or territorial changes). The main conditions of the game, a description of the specifics of the organization, a list of job positions are issued in an envelope by the leader of each subgroup (the number of such subgroups depends on the total number of participants). The assigned leader must be sure that the subordinates understand what goal he sets for them and what tasks need to be solved. In the speech of the leader (after the development of this plan in the subgroup), delivered already in front of the entire group, attention is drawn to the positivity of the wording, visualization, emotionality and the ability to correct in the presence of critical remarks from the entire group, which are initiated by the leader. It analyzes what kind of planning is proposed by the authors of the project: strategic ( common goal organization, mission), or preference is given to operational goals (aimed at specific, measurable results, often short-term).

Thus, the two games of the first day deal with the problems of the two phases of the Management Skills Cycle - clarifying goals and their significance, as well as planning and solving organizational problems. The analysis examines such skills of a manager as establishing relationships with subordinates, increasing their participation in decision-making and the ability to put forward their ideas, as well as careful planning, taking into account resources and unfavorable circumstances, and knowledge of the specific problems of the organization.

As necessary, during this and subsequent days, psycho-gymnastic exercises are carried out, aimed at relieving the emotional stress that have arisen, increasing the efficiency and cohesion of the group.

At the end of the day, before summarizing its overall results and traditional reflective analysis, group members are invited to describe difficult situations from own practice management and try to identify individual problem areas The cycle of management skills. All this can in the future become material for the creation, staging and analysis of business and role-playing games.

In addition, in our opinion, on the first day it is important to conduct a psychological diagnosis of managerial skills using the Wilson questionnaire. It can be both self-esteem and, under certain conditions ( good knowledge of all group members), expert judgment. Discussion of the results of psychodiagnostics is planned for the second day of the training.


Target. Practicing managerial skills III, IV and V phases of the cycle of managerial skills - creation necessary conditions for work,feedback and control.

The day traditionally begins with the restoration of contacts in the group, the creation of a working atmosphere. To determine the self-esteem of the current development of skills, you can carry out a warm-up called "Management skills tree", which can subsequently be correlated with the testing data.

Creation of the necessary conditions for work(phase III) assumes the presence of teamwork, interest in the professional growth of subordinates and their subordinates' trust. This skill can be trained in role-playing games, the main content of which is making a general decision (for example, holding a meeting).

As management practice shows, the most difficult thing for managers is implementation of regular feedback andtroll(phases IV and V) in balance with granting reasonable freedom to subordinates and delegation of authority. It is important that not criticism comes from the lips of the leader, but support, which is achieved by applying the rules for the implementation of feedback. These rules are aimed at achieving mutual understanding and correcting it. They are as follows: promptness, brevity and concreteness of feedback; description and analysis, not an assessment of what happened; criticism not of a person, but of an act committed by him; constructive comments from own name("I-statements") with a description of their own feelings and ways to overcome the situation that has arisen. At first, the rules for providing feedback are discussed in the course of a group discussion in a circle, in exercises in twos or threes, and then they are worked out in a series of role-playing games in which the training participants play a variety of status and role positions - both leaders and subordinates; both partners and competitors in work and business, the same approach can be used when developing skills delegation of authority: First, the circle discusses the importance of this managerial skill and the content of this concept, then the trainer proposes a delegation algorithm, which is worked out in pairs and in role-playing games. The delegation algorithm looks like this: getting in touch with the repaired one; a description of the purpose of the task; an explanation of his role and the role of other employees in completing the assignment; appointment of the exact deadline and date of interim control; determination of areas of responsibility and rights of a subordinate; a clear and precise description of the form of obtaining the result; appointment of time for possible consultations. V in this case of great importance is the orientation of the subordinate in the greatest possible number of circumstances of professional activity with the simultaneous control and maintenance of interpersonal relations.

After carrying out one or two role-playing games, it is possible to refer to the results of the test carried out the day before and discuss them. It is important to pay attention to balance managerial skills and describe "Promising zones" and "Risk zones" in the assessments of the training participants and, if possible, carry out a correlation between self-assessment and expert points, paying special attention to their discrepancy and thus analyzing the most “problematic” skills of managers. However, if all the estimates turned out to be consistent, then you can be doubly sure that they are correct. For a better understanding of the meaning of the measurements of managerial skills, the group members can be handed a Map of managerial skills and a group discussion possible options combinations of the studied qualities of leaders (5).

The day ends with a group reflection on the acquired knowledge and impressions. It is possible to carry out an express procedure to determine the sociometric status of the group members, which consists in answering the question: "Which of the group members would you choose as your boss?"


Target. Consideration of managerial skills related to psychological aspects and opportunities encouragement and punishmentniya subordinates (phase VI of the cycle of management skills), as well as questions influence on group norms and employee motivation and conflict management skills(psychological qualities of the leader's personality, reflecting the system of relationships with subordinates).

It is obvious that the increasing role of interpersonal communication skills of managers in organizing and regulating joint professional activities requires an understanding of the laws of effective communication. Therefore, at the beginning of this day, it is necessary to activate the existing basic knowledge of managers in this area (in this regard, it is desirable that the training aimed at developing effective communication skills preceded the training to improve managerial skills).

The leader of the group must select and present for discussion (the Balint session mode is possible) or playing (role-playing and business games) the most important situations declared by its participants as problematic on the first day of work. As a rule, the complexity of almost all of these situations is determined by the manager's emotional involvement in the problem, which is also the subject of discussion. In this part of the training, it is especially important to draw the attention of managers to the emotional components of the process of managing people, to consider situations associated with intense interaction (up to conflicts), the ability to control the situation and manage it, as well as their own feelings and the feelings of other people. We emphasize once again that this layer of managerial skills is closely related to the psychological aspects of the management process, and the high “burnout” of managers is often determined by poor understanding and underestimation of working with their feelings and experiences, as well as the emotions of subordinates. That is, in addition to the business component, the emotional component complicated relationship between colleagues, supervisor and subordinates, departments in the organization and partners. A special training program on conflict management, which can be used as an additional, continuing the cycle of management trainings, is described in Chapter 2 of this book.

Motivation of subordinates, group norms, psychological climate, level of tension, team spirit, involvement in work, trust of subordinates are associated with such basic managerial skills as ability to encourage and punish. This action is difficult for most managers and therefore receives special attention during the training. We are talking here about sanctions, which can be either positive (reward) or negative (punishment). According to the scheme of the partner conversation algorithm, techniques of refusal, conversation-punishment, dismissal and conversation-reward are being worked out (1). The training should end with a final, positive topic. The algorithm for practicing these skills does not differ from the traditional one. It is necessary to draw the attention of the training participants to the fact that the sanctions, being part of control and feedback for subordinates, in a correct and positive form, represent a powerful incentive to motivating employees.

On the final stage of the training management skills seem especially necessary obtaining each member of the group gives feedback on the results of his work in the group. Such a procedure can be planned by the facilitator in a variety of, but, as a rule, usual forms of training work.

The concept of training presented by us is aimed at understanding the integrity, continuity and completeness of the Management Cycle, as well as understanding the level of development of individual managerial skills within this Cycle. Therefore, further work can be focused on individual management skills that are especially important for managers and the organization.

The training is taken from open sources on the Internet.