Rules of behavior at the table for children memo. Class hour "rules of conduct at the table." worked hard to get this piece

The rules of behavior at the table were known even during the existence ancient egypt. Those people who used cutlery were considered well-mannered and educated. That is why the Egyptians tried to instill the skills of handling cutlery in their children with early childhood.

Peter's times

In Russia, cutlery at the court of the Grand Dukes and Moscow sovereigns was served only important guests. They were not included in the rules of behavior at the table of the hosts themselves.

Only Peter I decided to teach the Russian nobles European manners. It was he who compiled and published the book “An Honest Mirror of Youth”. It included table etiquette, rules of conduct in society.

What is important to know

At present, any well-mannered person understands that there are certain norms that must be observed in society. Here are some table rules for schoolchildren:

  • do not rush to take the first place at the table;
  • the boy should help the girl to sit down at the table, pushing the chair for her;
  • while at the table, you cannot refuse to eat: such behavior will offend the hostess, so you need to try the proposed dish;
  • do not try to eat everything in a row, not paying attention to other guests;
  • if the plate with the dish you want to try is far away, you don’t need to reach for it, it’s enough to ask other guests to pass it on;
  • food should be placed on a plate in small portions, without mixing several salads or second courses at once.

Going to a public place

These are far from all the rules of behavior at the table for children. What else is important to know when going to a restaurant, cafe? To protect clothes from greasy spots, do not put a napkin behind the collar, put it on your knees. She does not wipe cutlery, mouth or hands. To do this, in a cafe (restaurant) there are paper napkins, which are put on a plate after use.

While eating, you do not need to rush, talk with your mouth full, it is important to be careful. If someone asks a question, then before answering it, you need to chew or swallow food.

Use of cutlery

The rules of conduct at the table are inextricably linked with the peculiarities of using a fork and a spoon. For example, it is not only ugly, but also dangerous to eat something from a knife. The knife should be placed in the right hand, and the fork in the left.

What is table etiquette? The rules of conduct at the table do not allow shifting the fork to the right hand until the dish has been eaten.

If during lunch (dinner) a knife, spoon, fork falls, they are not picked up. Need to ask for another cutlery Try not to draw attention to yourself.

Children's etiquette

The rules of conduct at the table for schoolchildren are a separate topic that deserves close attention. For example, you can not make comments while eating to your classmate. If there is any inedible object on the plate, it is necessary to quietly get rid of it.

If offered meat dish, you need to cut it into small pieces. The rules of behavior at the table involve cutting off one piece, eating it, only after that you can proceed to new manipulations.

If you immediately cut the whole portion, the meat will cool down, and appearance plates will be absolutely unaesthetic.

It is necessary to eat silently, without champing, without knocking with cutlery, without sipping.

Chicken, turkey, goose, duck from a common plate should be taken with a fork, cut into small pieces.

The rules of behavior at the table for children include pulling out fish bones with your hands or a fork.

It is ugly to collect sauce on a plate with bread while in a cafe or restaurant. After the meal is over, dirty cutlery is placed on your plate.

What else does table etiquette provide? The rules of conduct do not allow leaving the table without the permission of the hostess if the child is visiting.

Important Points

In order for a child to develop the skills of beautiful behavior during meals, parents should be an example. It must be remembered that the culture of behavior at the table is integral part common culture modern man. All the rules of conduct at the table at receptions, at a party were formed throughout the history of mankind. Many of them are manifestations respectful attitude to those next to whom the child is at the table. It is unlikely that other people will be pleased to take sugar if you pulled it out with your hands in front of them. The basic rules of behavior at the table while eating are considered by students in technology lessons at school. The teacher not only talks about them, but also makes explanations for each item so that the children understand the reasons for their occurrence.

Table setting

To develop theoretical knowledge in labor lessons, it is provided practical work. What is the relationship between table setting and table manners? The guys find the answer to this question after they themselves place the items necessary for lunch (dinner) on the table. To begin with, a tablecloth or oilcloth is spread on the table. Then you need to mentally draw a line at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from its edge. Plates should be placed along it, each placed opposite a chair placed at the table.

When serving for dinner, first place a small plate, put a container for soup on it. To the right of the plates are knives, with a sharp end towards the visitor, to the left there should be a fork, the tip of which is directed upwards. Soup, dessert spoons are placed parallel to the edge of the table, pointing to the right with handles. To the right of the appliances, glasses are placed under juice or water, a napkin is placed on a plate. As an element of decor on the festive table, you can use a vase of flowers.

Guests at the table

What else is important to consider the rules of conduct at the table? Grade 1 is the age when the guys are happy to get involved in a variety of role-playing games. That is why in the lessons of service labor, the teacher, talking about etiquette, for working out theoretical material attracts "guests" and "hostess" by organizing an impromptu reception.

What is important to know the 5 rules of conduct at the table?

  1. Guests of honor are given a place in the center of the table. If a birthday is planned, then this place is occupied by the birthday person. At the festive table new year holidays the seat of honor belongs to the host or a respected older guest.
  2. Grandparents sit down so that younger relatives can take care of them.
  3. The hostess of the house takes a place at the table so that she has the opportunity to quickly go out, carry or bring something.
  4. Allowed at the table socialite talk not related to specific cases and problems. If 30-40 people have gathered, then the conversation is conducted between people who are at the table not far from each other. B consider it unacceptable to talk about the health of any of the guests, wages, material income, problems with management.

What else is important to know the rules of conduct at the table? They are briefly discussed in technology lessons so that children have an idea about the culture of eating.

Of course, in order for children to acquire the skills of food culture, it is important not only to listen, but also to practice theory. That is why it is so important to include school lessons role-playing games aimed at the formation and development of table setting skills, behavior during meals.

"Delicious" lessons

How to turn into an exciting activity learning table manners? Grade 5 - the time when girls in the lessons of service work first take apart theoretical aspects and then assigned hours for practical work.

Future housewives can invite boys who will become "guests" at the festive table, and will be able to evaluate the skills of their classmates. For example, such a lesson can be held on the eve of February 23 in order to congratulate the guys on the upcoming holiday in an unusual setting. In addition to the tea party organized by the efforts of the girls, you can consider unusual contests, hold a regular lesson in the form of a holiday.

We offer a scenario for such a lesson, which will not only generate interest in the subject "Technology", but will also allow schoolchildren to develop teamwork skills, broaden their horizons, and increase the level of culture of behavior at the table.

The teacher, welcoming all the children, announces the topic of the lesson, introduces the jury members who will determine the winners. Boys act as experts.

The program consists of five competitions, presentations, and greetings for each team.

Girls are divided into groups, each comes up with a name, motto, emblem.

During the event, the following competitive tests are offered:

  • warm-up;
  • you should know it;
  • features of etiquette;
  • "musical dish"

First competition. In order to make it interesting for those present, each team announces its name, pronounces the motto, introduces all members of its group. The maximum score for this creative test is 3.

In the second competition, participants are offered riddles related to the theme of the event. For example, the facilitator offers a part of the phrase that mentions the rules of behavior at the table:

  • when I eat, then (deaf and dumb);
  • was born in water, grew up in the sun, and dies in water (salt);
  • I will take it dusty, I will make it liquid, and I will throw it into the flame, there will be a stone (bread);
  • two ducks, where they pass, they tear the wall (scissors);
  • two ears, four legs, one nose, and a belly (Russian samovar);
  • under the ground the fire sits, and outside the smoke is visible (carrots);
  • a white sheepskin coat without a rib is sewn (egg).

For a correct answer, the team receives one point. The right to answer is given to the group that first raises the flag.

The third competition is dedicated to serving and decorating holiday table. The teams are offered certain items, from which they must decorate the table, using the skills gained in the theoretical lesson.

Each team has ten minutes to complete the task. Among the items that are offered to young housewives may be: cutlery, paper napkins, scissors, colored paper, tea-set. What is evaluated by the jury members when summing up the results of this competitive test?

Five points ( maximum amount) is set for the following indicators:

  • reflection festive atmosphere in table setting;
  • compliance with the rules and requirements for the location of cutlery, arrangement of dishes;
  • creativity and aesthetic results.

At the table, which will be named the best members of the jury, then a festive tea party of the whole class will be arranged.

The fourth competition is dedicated to the rules of etiquette. Teams take turns choosing cards that offer questions related to the culture of behavior at the table. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. If one team answers incorrectly, other groups have the opportunity to get an extra point.

Here are examples of questions in which you need to find the correct answers.

  1. If you plan to try a certain dish that is far away from you, you: a) get up, then go for it, place it close to you; b) reach for him from a place; c) ask the person sitting next to him to pass it to you.
  2. Bread should be taken from the bread box: a) with a fork; b) hands; c) paper towel.
  3. If meat is served for dinner: a) start cutting it into small pieces; b) you will cut one piece at a time, sending a treat to your mouth; c) prick a piece on a fork, you will bite it off, seizing it with a side dish.
  4. Entering any store, you: a) push people who are moving towards you, break through inside; b) give way to those who leave the store, only then go into it yourself; c) you will scold those who hesitated at the door, preventing you from getting inside.
  5. Who coined the term "etiquette": a) Peter I; b) Ludwig X1V; c) Vladimir Monomakh.
  6. Where should the used paper napkin: a) throw unnoticed under the table; b) crush, then put under your plate; c) put a plate under the side.
  7. You have finished your meal and want to tell the waiter about it. To do this, you: a) put the knife and fork on the plate parallel to each other with the handles to the right; b) put the knife and fork with sharp ends crosswise on the plate; c) Next to the plate, put the knife and fork on the tablecloth.
  8. On the table while eating can only be: a) elbows; b) fingertips; c) hands.
  9. If, after you finish drinking the compote, you find a bone in your mouth, you: a) spit it back into the glass; c) take it out of your mouth with your fingers and put it on a plate; b) imperceptibly, silently put it on a spoon, and then on a plate.

After all competitive tests are completed, the jury calculates the number of points scored by each group. At this time, the host holds an additional competition for fans.

For example, a certain ready-made dish is offered, you need to determine the ingredients used in its preparation, give it a name. For each correct answer, 1 point is provided. Fans can exchange their points for delicious prizes during the festive tea party.

The logical conclusion of this unusual technology lesson will be tea drinking.

Studying etiquette in preschool

It is important to talk about how to behave correctly in a restaurant, in a cafe, at a party, starting from kindergarten.

For the process of learning the rules good manners The teacher can use any outdoor games that involve the active activity of preschoolers. Role-playing situations where children have the opportunity to feel like the main characters are great way development of theoretical knowledge on the rules of etiquette. The basis of the game is an imaginary situation in which the child must show his knowledge of the rules of behavior at the table, away.

Thanks to the interaction of parents, teachers, pupils, maximum effect mastering the basics of etiquette by preschoolers. If the teacher has the opportunity to work only with groups of kids, then parents interact with a specific child, and therefore have much more opportunities to hone the skills acquired in the classroom in kindergarten.

After the introduction of new educational standards in the system additional education in many kindergartens, special programs have been developed aimed at developing norms of behavior at the table among preschoolers. As an example, here is the following lesson plan:

  • etiquette - a feature of people's behavior;
  • home beauty;
  • how to receive guests;
  • observance of etiquette in various public places.

Since preschoolers learn the material better during role-playing games, to work out the rules of etiquette, it is necessary to include plot fragments. For example, children are invited to play a family visit to a cafe on Sunday. Each of the children gets a certain role: parents, children, waiters in a cafe, other visitors. The teacher offers a specific task for each group, then, together with the guys, it is discussed whether the kids behaved correctly in the proposed situation. Changing roles, preschoolers get the opportunity to be not only as guests who do not know how to behave in public place, but also as a waiter who is forced to endure such violations.


Getting into any public place, unfortunately, not only small children, but also adults often forget about the norms and basic rules that must be observed. In order not to become a subject for discussion, not to look funny at a serious event, festive feast, it is important to first carefully study, remember, and then follow the rules of conduct at the table, in a public place. If work in this direction begins with kindergarten, in this case, the children form correct norms behavior, they will not feel uncomfortable in an unfamiliar society.

How to behave at the table

✓ If you are called to the table, do not be late, do not keep yourself waiting.

✓ Do not start eating until everyone is at the table.

✓ Don't move too close to the table, but don't sit too far away from it either. Do not lean back on the chair, do not fall apart on it.

✓ Do not tuck the napkin behind the collar. The place of the napkin is on your lap. Do not wipe your face with a tissue. She only needs to lightly wet her lips.

✓ Sit straight, do not bend over the plate.

✓ Don't reach over your neighbor's plate to get something off the table. Ask someone to pass on what you need.

✓ Do not prick bread on a fork. Bread must be taken by hand.

✓ Do not bite off a whole piece of bread and do not crumble it into soup. Bread is broken off into small pieces and only then sent to the mouth. In the same way, it is not customary to smear a whole piece with oil: you need to smear the broken pieces.

✓ Do not dip the bread into the sauce. In extreme cases, hold the bread with a fork, but do not reach into the plate with your fingers! In any case, do not wipe the plate dry with bread.

✓ If there is no spoon in the salt shaker, salt should be taken with the tip of a clean knife.

✓ Do not champ. Chew with your mouth closed.

✓ Restrain burping.

✓ Don't talk with your mouth full.

✓ Do not swallow food in large chunks. Firstly, it looks disgusting, and secondly, it is harmful to the stomach.

✓ Do not spread your elbows and do not put them on the table. Elbows should hang off the table and be pressed to the sides.

✓ Do not eat with a spoon what you can eat with a fork.

✓ Do not eat soup from the end of a spoon, do not sip. Open your mouth, bring the spoon with its side, tilt it slightly towards your mouth and, with a silent movement of your lips, remove the food from the spoon.

✓ Don't ask for a second serving.

✓ Do not try to grab the last piece of meat, scoop up the last spoonful of soup, etc.

✓ Do not look for better pieces on a common dish: take what lies closer to you.

✓ Do not spit bones, skins and other "extra" pieces on a plate. Put a fork to your lips and remove the bone from your mouth, then put the cutlery on a plate. Fruit pits should be removed from the mouth with a spoon.

✓ Do not play with cutlery, napkins or other cutlery.

✓ If you are visiting, do not sit at the table until you are invited to sit at the table by the host or hostess of the house. Remember that boys should not sit before girls.

✓ If you accompany a girl to the table, give her your right hand. It is not customary to serve left.

✓ If for common table a girl is sitting next to you, your duty is to talk to her, offer help.

✓ If you are sitting between two people and want to talk to one of them, do not turn your back on the other. Do not talk to another person through a neighbor.

✓ When sitting at the table, do not pick your mouth with a toothpick. At the very least, try to do it discreetly.

✓ Do not criticize the dishes that are served to the table.

✓ If you do not want a dish, refuse it without explaining the reasons. Do not say that you do not like it: this will offend the owners.

✓ Do not leave a teaspoon in the cup. After stirring the drink, place the spoon on the saucer.

For parents, the behavior of the child in society is very important. Many pranks beloved children commit for dining table. All the shortcomings and mistakes during lunch are visible to others. The patience of parents quickly runs out, but the children are not to blame for everything.

It is very important that parents work out the rules of behavior at the table together with their children, then there will be no reason for disagreements in the family.

In order not to be ashamed at a party, you need to teach your child. how to behave at the table

Some parents are sure that the child should a priori know the rules of behavior at the table, all training on their part comes down to shouting and punishing. You can observe how they constantly tell the child that you need to sit up straight, do not champ, close your mouth. Like all norms of behavior in human society the child must learn correct behavior at the dinner table.

As the child grows older, he makes “outings” on his own: children's holiday, birthday, events in educational institution. In such a situation, no parental control, this is the best indicator that will show all the skills and missteps of the child.

When to start training?

The average age for learning table manners is 2 years. At this age, the baby, of course, will not master all the subtleties of etiquette and possession of cutlery, but parents, by their example and explanations, should lay the foundation for a culture of behavior at the table.

Education should start from the first year of the child

Basic rules for teaching etiquette

  • A child learns by imitating adults, this is the first step on the way to etiquette. Development process good manners lasts up to about five years, during which time it is important to explain the basic principles of behavior.
  • The ideal way to learn the rules of etiquette is a game. Across game form the child easily remembers and learns the rules. The child will be carried away if you arrange a dinner for dolls and toys. In the process, it is necessary to set the table, seat the guests, serve dishes, have a conversation at the table, remove all appliances and see the guests off. In such a relaxed form, it is necessary to stipulate all actions, if necessary, correct behavior.
  • All children love to watch cartoons; while watching, you can discuss the rules of etiquette that the characters adhere to or violate.

Basic table manners in pictures


  1. Before eating, you should use a napkin, which is located next to the appliances. If you have not found it, you can tactfully ask others where it is. If the child is under five years old, then it is allowed to tuck the napkin into the collar, so the child will save upper part clothes from pollution.
  2. At the table, the child should sit straight, leaning on the back of the chair, feet parallel to the floor.
  3. Large containers can be handled with both hands to help prevent tipping.
  4. If you want to cough or sneeze, then you should turn your face to your shoulder, cover your mouth with a napkin or hand.
  5. While eating and drinking, silence should be observed, swallowing and chewing should not be very loud.
  6. If the child needs to visit the bathroom, then he should apologize and carefully leave the table; if the child is at home, then unnecessary comments are useless.
  7. If the desired dish or drink is far from the baby, then you do not need to reach out, you need to ask the people sitting nearby for help. After the transfer of the dish, you must thank the person for the service.
  8. If a jug with a drink is nearby, but it is too heavy, then you should pour it with both hands, if even in this case the task is not possible, then you should turn to the help of an adult.

Etiquette lessons in kindergarten

What can not be done?

  • Chomping and talking with a full mouth.
  • Gossip, interruption and rude tone of conversation.
  • Start eating until all guests have been served.
  • Licking a knife and other sharp cutlery.
  • Put your elbows on the dining table.
  • Swinging on a chair.
  • Consuming the last morsel of food without offering to others.
  • Biting off too large pieces of food.

How to wipe your mouth funny picture

It is unacceptable to play with food, it is necessary to explain to the child that it is impossible to crumble bread, smear porridge. Food should be treated with respect. Pampering at the table is unacceptable for a child of 2-3 years old, not to mention older children.

Good Habits

Washing hands before eating food. Required for personal example show the child the importance hygiene procedures before eating. For starters, you can joint washing hands, in time it will become good habit. Doctors recommend washing your hands for several minutes, you can learn funny rhyme and sing it together with the child during washing.

Eating should take place in the dining area, with young years It is important to teach the child to this rule.

You need to dine at the dining table, you can have a conversation

In the future, it will be easier to clean up the entire apartment, a culture of eating will develop. It is not recommended to eat while watching TV, at the computer, reading the newspaper, it distracts from the process and minimizes communication with family members.

As soon as the baby learns to sit, you need to purchase a high chair, the top of which will be flush with the dining table, then the child will quickly learn the rules of behavior at the table.

Devices for the baby can be given from the 1st year

Use with meals linen napkin, which will protect the baby's clothes from pollution, then such an item will not enter into a stupor an already grown child. This rule will help you save time on washing your child's clothes, because children are not always neat when eating.

Be patient and consistent while teaching your child table manners.

Don't let your child play with food

Only these qualities will help to achieve a lasting result and keep friendly relations in family. Consistency is required from parents, the rules must be the same, if something is impossible today, it cannot be done tomorrow. The same rule applies when spending time with other relatives: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, nanny.

Teach your baby to thank the mistress of the house for dinner, if you are at home, then this is your mother. The organizers of the dinner are always trying, the gratitude of the guests is a sign of good manners and respect.

Explain to the child: you can not turn away from food

If the baby has violated the etiquette of behavior at the table for children, then you should not make rude remarks during lunch, it is best to work on the mistakes at home. You should not reproach the child, humiliate the person. All shortcomings and errors should be attributed to a specific situation, and not to the child.

Other important points

  • The landing of the child is important, the back should be even, you can lean slightly on the back of the chair, you can not swing in the chair.
  • During lunch, you need to sit comfortably, it is not recommended to spread your elbows, especially to push people sitting next to you.
  • Dinner is not only eating, but also talking. Mono enter into a dialogue only after the food has been completely chewed. The interlocutor will hear you better, the behavior will be tactful.

Teach your child how to hold utensils properly
  • For convenience, you need to use appliances, with the help of a knife and fork, you can cut food, absorb it in small pieces. In the process of eating, you should not rush, you need to calmly and measuredly chew food.
  • Anything can happen at the table, if you want to sneeze or cough, you need to turn away from the table and cover your mouth with a napkin. If the situation has not improved, you can apologize and leave the feast, visit the bathroom.
  • During lunch, behavior should be restrained, do not chain general attention, actively gesticulate, speak loudly. Active children often want to be the center of attention, but they must follow the rules and behave within the bounds of decency.
  • If the child likes a dish that is too far away from him, then you should ask the environment to pass the dish. You can not reach across the entire table, pushing others around, such behavior is unacceptable.
  • When the dish was handed over, you can’t dig into it in search of the best piece, it looks very unaesthetic. Before returning the dish to its place, you should offer a portion to your neighbors.

Teaching game etiquette

Teach your child! Children can sit down at the table after adults, it is considered indecent to leave the table if the meal is not over by all participants. If your child is not interested at the table, adult conversations have begun, then it is more acceptable to leave him, after asking permission. This behavior is considered appropriate.

For children who have mastered ground rules etiquette, you can proceed to the study of cutlery, the intricacies of their use. It is very interesting to use new cutlery in Everyday life, then there will be no surprises for the child, he will feel confident in any situation.

Interesting! If there are foreigners in your environment, you go to visit them with your children, then it would be nice to get acquainted with the culture of food consumption in other countries. This will broaden the horizons of the child, will instill respect for another culture. For children it is very interesting to study food traditions peoples of the world.

For what?

It will not always be easy for you and your child to master the rules of behavior in society, but you should always remember that they are an important part of adaptation. In human culture, many important decisions are made around food intake, positive impression from a shared lunch can provide workplace, friendly relations, the favor of a partner. Therefore, table etiquette is so important for children from the very beginning. early age. Free bonuses that parents have laid in their child will serve him all his life. The behavior of a person at the table says a lot about the status and education of a person.

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Irina Anfilova
Abstract of the lesson on the formation of table etiquette in children "On the main rules of behavior at the table"

Target - the formation of a culture of behavior at the table.


1. subject

introduce basic rules of table etiquette, teach them practical application;

develop ethical knowledge of students (politeness is an important component of the quality of a well-mannered person);


develop the foundations of thinking activities: memory, attention, imagination;

learn dialogue in interaction with people (listen to the interlocutor, answer questions in full sentences);


develop speech, expand lexicon students;

develop cognitive activity students;

to cultivate respect, attention to each other, elders;

educate the need for friendly communication;

contribute to the education of the desire to be a cultured person;

form in children ability to behave politely and civilly table.


learn to draw conclusions as a result of joint work with the teacher;

understand question asked, in accordance with it, build an oral answer;


learn to identify and formulate purpose of the activity lessons with the help of a teacher;

accept and save the learning task, plan their actions in accordance with the task;

apply established regulations;

learn to evaluate the results of their work;


listen and understand the interlocutor;

build statements that are understandable for the partner;


develop the desire to evaluate yourself, your achievements;

form personal identity (internal position of the student - acceptance and development of a new social role educated person).

Form of organization of work: group.


photos about food culture;

fairy tale illustration (boy Etiquette) ;

dishes (small and deep plates, spoon, fork, knife, glass; 20 forks, knives, spoons for training);

tables, arranged in a semicircle;

table, covered with a tablecloth;

Educational technologies used on lesson:

gaming technology;

student-centered learning technology (I. S. Yakimanskaya);

technology of cooperation pedagogy;

health-saving technology.

Methods, methods of activity:

physical education;

appeal to a fairy tale, plot-game basis classes;

reflection and reflection at the end classes;

self-checking the task;

training games "How ", "How right sit at lunch table»;


demonstration visual materials(photos about the culture of food, illustrations for the fairy tale (boy Etiquette) ;

role model (hero of a fairy tale; teacher's demonstration of how hold cutlery properly).

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

Teacher. Hello guys. Good to see you all.

You are set for a good job.

In the end classes Let's summarize your work. You will tell what you have learned.

II. Message topic and purpose classes

Teacher. You and I are visiting, in society, we invite you to our celebration, we travel, we go to Kindergarten, school. And everywhere you can not do without food, without food. In order not to blush, but to feel free, to look attractive, you need to proper use of cutlery, handle dishes, sit nicely and behave politely for table, i.e. observe table etiquette.

What's happened etiquette? What is table etiquette? What will we be learning?

The children answer.

Teacher. And help us master fairy tale table manners and then training games. You need to demonstrate your knowledge and skills.

III. Main part

Teacher. Listen carefully to the story to answer all the questions.

There lived a young man named Etiquette(show on picture). He really wanted to become famous, something to distinguish himself from others.

He thought, thought how to do it, but could not think of it, and then he went to good magician: "Help me come up with something that would make me visible among people."

You need go to such a country where no one has heard your name yet. And from the first steps to prove yourself so that everyone notices you and asked: "Who is it?" But in order for people to remember such a manifestation, they must like it. So, it should be beautiful, convenient for others. If you manage to show yourself like that, then people will ask: "Who does it so beautifully?", "Who looks so attractive?" And hearing in answer: « Etiquette» - will remember your name you too.

But I can't do everything.

And every time you think about what is pleasant and attractive for others, and then do it. Let's try.

Wizard waved magic wand and appeared in the clearing table, covered beautiful tablecloth, and a chair.

Sit down, - invited the wizard.

The young man approached table, sat down on a beautiful chair and, to make it more comfortable, leaned on table. And suddenly, from somewhere above, a demanding voice was heard ...

Teacher. What did the young man hear?

The children answer.

Teacher. "You can only put your hands on the edge table, but the elbows must be pressed to oneself.

Why do you need to remember about elbows? How else should you sit? table?

Children. Watch your posture.

Teacher. Why is it so nice to sit and right? This posture emphasizes beauty and modesty. behavior.

The young man tried, but he did not succeed.

I'll have to give you a magic mirror. It will show how right. And when you get it, you can move on.

And a wonderful mirror appeared in front of the young man in the clearing, which started talking: "Look at me carefully and remember".

A girl appeared in front of the boy light gait went to table, sat up straight, of course, straightening his shoulders and easily put her hands on the edge table while keeping your elbows pressed to you.

It's really beautiful, - the young man exclaimed, and he also walked easily and sat down beautifully to table.

And you right sit at lunch table?

Children show the ability to sit at dinner table. (Training game "How sit properly at the table» ).

Teacher. Right. Well done.

The wizard wished the young man Bon Voyage and good deeds. With these words of farewell Etiquette is on its way.

And we have a gym.

Physical education minute

Let's all raise our hands - this is the time.

The head turned - this is two.

Hands down, look forward - these are three.

Hands to the sides wider, deployed to four.

Pressing them to the shoulders with force is five.

All the guys sit down quietly - it's six.

How long, how short, did he walk, but his road led him to a city he had never seen before.

Hello, good people, - said the young man. - Would you allow me to visit your city?

Good afternoon, young man, the inhabitants answered him. Tell us your name and taste our food.

introduced himself Etiquette, approached table and sat down, as he remembers the reflection in the magic mirror.

Nice and well you sit. Tell me what dishes to serve you and what utensils to put you.

Let's help the young man etiquette. What dishes would you like to order? What kind canteens do you need appliances?

Children name dishes and say what cutlery needed.

Teacher. Which hand always has a knife and a spoon? How hold the fork correctly? Take it in your hand. How hold your fork and knife correctly? Take them. Take a spoon.

(sits down at table, demonstrates how use a fork correctly, knife and fork. Teaches (helps) hold the utensils correctly).

(Training game "How hold cutlery properly» . The teacher demonstrates photos, how to eat compote, how to use cutlery.)

IV. Summing up, reflection

Teacher. What have we learned today?

An educated person knows how to behave politely and beautifully for table.

Have you mastered the simple table manners that we learned about today? Sit like a young man Etiquette at the dinner table. What seemed difficult? Who hasn't forgotten about rules of courtesy in class?

Today we worked actively… Well done.

Homework: use a fork more often.

Goals and objectives of the classroom:

Introduce children to the rules of conduct at the table;

Learn to sit properly during lunch, use cutlery.

Description of class

parenting lessons

Teacher: Guys, so that you understand what will be discussed today, I suggest you listen to Andrey Usachev's comic poem "Education Lessons".

Several guys come out.

1st student:

Teaching a cannibal baby

Pope cannibal:

2nd student:

If you want to eat your neighbor -

Remember etiquette.

Don't throw yourself like a bone

For guests in the apartment:

If a guest enters the house -

Smile wider!

3rd student:

Let the neighbor be a hundred

Or hit ten

Help them take off their coats

And hang on a nail.

Yes, not a guest, but a coat!

4th student:

Eat in the hallway - no way!

Cannibal healthy

Eating in the dining room.

And remember from a young age

What do the ancestors say?

No lunch if not

There are napkins on the table.

5th student:

And don't forget beautiful

Lay out appliances

Otherwise they will talk about us

Rumors, talk.

Homeless people come to dinner

Or the queen

Put the knife on the right

Well, the fork on the left.

6th student:

Study it firmly.

Well, where is the spoon?

And don't growl at the folder.

I repeat baby

Whatever is in the plate -

Poison or poison

1st student:

Put the fork on the left

Knife and spoon on the right.

Now you can sit down

And decently eat a guest -

To be fed

You have to be educated!

Teacher: Although the poem is comic, but I think you understand what will be discussed? (Guys’ answer option: about politeness and culture of behavior at the table.) Everyone from childhood is well aware of one unshakable rule that must be observed before starting a meal: “Wash your hands before eating!” These words are perceived as a motto, a call, a guide to action! And it is true: it is fundamental, but not the only one!

Discussing the situation "How to sit properly"

According to the rules good behavior, sitting at the table, you should not spread your elbows wide and lean on the edge. An exception is made only for women. They are allowed to lean briefly on the table with one elbow. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this. In order to cultivate lightness and ease, in some families in the old days children were taught to operate instruments, holding large books under their arms.

At the table, you should not play with cutlery, glasses and cups. Do not stretch your legs to their full length - this will cause inconvenience to your neighbors.

During meals, the head is only allowed to tilt forward slightly, raising the spoon or fork.

Situation-workshop "Setting the table"

Teacher: But before you sit down at the table, you need to know the rules of behavior at the table. According to the rules of etiquette, the knife is held in the right hand, the fork in the left. Butter for bread is taken with a fork, not a knife. Pieces of meat are eaten with a knife and fork. The knife is not used when eating pasta, noodles, jelly, scrambled eggs or fish (except for a special fish knife). Do not use a knife when serving soft meat food - meatballs, meatballs.

Long pasta is eaten with a large spoon and fork: the spoon is held with the indentation down, and the pasta is wound with the fork, resting it in the indentation of the spoon.

In no case do not attract attention to yourself by smacking, sipping or champing. Eating and drinking should be completely silent.

Now we have no doubt that you know how to behave at the table. And still...

Sitting at the table, straighten up. It is best to sit straight, slightly leaning back on the back of the chair. For a chair, find the average optimal position - so that it does not stand right next to the table, but is not pushed too far. Naturally, it is not permissible to swing in a chair.

Do not put your elbows on the table - this is indecent: there is already not much space on the table, and it is inconvenient for you to use a fork and knife when your elbows are on the table.

Get used to the fact that at the table, hands should forget about the existence of your face: you should not stroke your forehead, straighten your hair, prop up your chin, not to mention the fact that the nose and ears at the table should be restricted area for hands.

At the table, you need to behave in such a way as not to interfere with others: in no case do not put your elbows on the table, put as much salad on the plate as you can eat, and try to prevent food from falling out of the plate onto the tablecloth and onto the knees of the neighbors on the table .

Do not fill your mouth with a large amount of food - so short and choke. Do not slurp, do not suck liquid noisily.

No matter how hungry you are and no matter how tasty the dish is, you should never fill your mouth with them and chew them hastily.

If you drink food with any drink - juice or sparkling water, then first you need to swallow what is in your mouth and wipe your mouth with a napkin, and only then drink it.

Sausage or cheese is usually taken from a common dish not with a hand, but with a fork.

If you want to try a salad that is at the other end of the table, you don’t need to lie down on the table and pull a dish towards you, it’s easier to ask a neighbor to pass a salad bowl.

If you don't like a dish, don't spit it out on your plate; try to chew and swallow or, without drawing attention to yourself, go to the toilet.

It is indecent to eat from a knife, even if it is wide and the food does not fall off it. Knives next to the plate lie in order to cut meat or hot sandwiches, while the knife is taken in the right hand, and the fork in the left.

When serving a knife to a neighbor on the table, you should stretch it with a handle, and not with a point.

Knives and forks should be held by the middle of the handle, and not at the very blade of the knife and fork. In no case should you lick the knife, it is very dangerous and indecent.

We always hold the spoon in our right hand - it lies on the middle finger, with the index finger we hold it to the side, and thumb above.

We always hold the knife in the right hand, the fork in the left, only when we eat food that is not cut, we hold the fork in the right hand. It is not supposed to first cut with a knife and fork, and then eat the cut pieces with one fork.

Take jam or honey from a vase with a special spoon, put it in a socket and only then start trying.

After you stir the sugar into the tea, don't forget to take out the spoon and place it on the saucer.

Having put sugar or salt on yourself, put the sugar bowl or salt shaker in its original place, without leaving it for a long time at your device.

You should not play with cutlery, fold the edge of the tablecloth and braid pigtails on the tablecloth, unsightly stretch your legs under the table, throw bread or tangerine peel at each other.

At the table it is not customary to talk about illnesses and troubles.

Do not start a conversation with a person sitting far away from you. It's exhausting for those around you.

Crumbs or pieces of food remaining on the tablecloth can be collected in a paper napkin with another napkin, but in no case should you brush it off on the floor or collect crumbs with your hands.

Leaving the table, try not to make a lot of noise.

Teacher: Now imagine the following situation: girls came to visit our boys. The boys invite them to the table and set the table. (An equal number of pairs should participate in this game. If the equality of girls and boys is violated in the class, then only a few pairs participate in the game.) So, the task:

1. Everyone get up.

2. The boys invite the girls to sit down at the table, but at the same time they push the chair back and help the girls sit down.

3. Girls place their hands correctly at the table.

4. The boys take a piece of paper (“plate”) and put it on the left side in front of the girl.

5. Now the boys take a pen ("knife") and a pencil ("fork") and put them correctly on the sides of the "plate".

6. Girls pick up a "knife" and "fork" and show that they are eating a piece of meat.

Teacher: Well done guys, you did a great job. And now, at the end of our conversation about etiquette, I would like to offer you "10 rules for schoolchildren" (author Muhammadi Quddus), and our guys will tell them with me.


For you, my friend, I made

Ten very important rules.

These rules are simple

You will remember them quickly.

1st student:

When you wake up - so get up:

Laziness will not give!

2nd student:

The dew washed the petal,

And soap will wash you!

3rd student:

Don't wait for prompting

Go to school on time!

4th student:

Before you slam the door

Have you taken everything with you, check it out!

5th student:

At school, in the classroom, do not litter,

You will see litter - pick it up!

6th student:

Do not carry chalk in your pocket, -

That, my dear, is not the point!

7th student:

Be careful in your clothes

Avoid holes and stains!

8th student:

Do not be rude to loved ones at home,

Sorry kids, love!

9th student:

Know: good grades -

Like fruits in a garden on a branch!

10th student:

To be proud of you

You must work hard!

Summarizing. After listening to the poems, the teacher sums up the class hour, where he again reminds the students how to sit at the table.