Legends of love and heart. Parables about love are beautiful and wise

This is an excerpt from the book Bobykina N. Yu. "Ornaments, myths, fairy tales." Legend of great love. As they say, a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows (and red girls).


It was in the old good times when people lived in harmony with nature and each other. There were no wars, murders, deceit and betrayal. People deified the planet Earth, on which they lived and worshiped the Goddess of the Living Earth. They built temples for her, brought the fruits of their labor. In one of the villages in the temple of the Goddess of the Living Earth, twelve beautiful maidens lived. They helped the Chief Priestess in her numerous rituals inspired by the Great Cosmos, and in their free time from rituals they loved to ride frisky horses across the steppe, swim in deep mountain lakes, swing on the branches of trees in dark woods. The girls were strong witches. From many villages they brought their daughters to the priestess so that she would teach them her magical arts: to turn into various animals, to extract from the air various items never get old. But out of many thousands of applicants, only twelve girls were selected by the Grand Priestess according to one principle known to her. The girls were trained in healing and sorcery, they knew how to instantly disappear and suddenly appear, they stopped arrows and spears with their eyes. After a year of study, the girls took the rite of passage into the priestesses of the Goddess of the Living Earth and went to other villages to serve in temples dedicated to the most powerful Goddess of the planet.

All of them were different from ordinary people extraordinary light. When the girls were galloping together across the steppe, a column of light coming from them was visible for many kilometers. They could heal any disease with a single glance or touch. From the strength of their love, surprisingly talented children appeared, and husbands became great masters. Wherever such women lived, the arts flourished, love and beauty reigned. Far beyond the borders of the country of the Goddess of the Living Earth, there was fame about the students of the Great Priestess, many men wanted such women as their wives. But the love of such a girl was not easy to earn. Each of them knew how to read minds, could find out her future and her unborn children. If a student left the temple, then another girl from many thousands of applicants was chosen to take her place. But the wheel of history has turned. There were men who thought they were stronger than women and the Chief Deity must be male. They began to change the rites at their discretion, to appoint men as priests. But without the power of the great priestesses, the male deity was weak.

One day, a terrible Black sorcerer appeared on earth. He wanted to become the ruler of the entire planet. With the help of his black sorcery, he learned that the love of one of the dedicated high priestesses could make him the most powerful Priest. The sorcerer gathered his warriors and went to war against the country of the Great Goddess of the Living Earth. The planet Earth groaned. For the first time people began to kill people, violated Great world and cosmic balance. The warriors tried to capture the sorceresses, but the sorceresses knew why the sorcerer needed them, and were not given to the warriors alive. Warriors approached our village. The Chief Priestess calculated that the warriors of the Black Sorcerer would soon appear, gathered her students for advice. Together with the villagers, eleven girls went to defend the village. The twelfth sorceress, her granddaughter Zarina, was kept by the priestess. This girl was one of the most powerful sorceresses and had to eventually replace the Chief Priestess in the temple of the Great Goddess of the Living Earth.

Already at the age of five, the girl's abilities appeared. Even without initiation, she shone with a special light, and caravans stopped from the radiance of her blue eyes, animals and birds bowed before her, the sick were cured. The main priestess began to think how to save the girl and her magical fate, how to preserve the knowledge for posterity, invested in a small head. After all, even the uninitiated saw a bright glow around the girl, the light of blue eyes betrayed her magical properties. The priestess, as best she could, began to muffle the radiance of the girl, performing over her magical rite. The girl's outer light faded, but the blue glow of her eyes remained. But also magical abilities temporarily lost Zarina. And the soldiers of the evil sorcerer have already captured the village. There was not enough time for the Priestess to complete the rite. She hid the girl under a black cloth and sent her to the children who were hiding in the temple. The door was already broken, the soldiers ran into the temple, seized the Chief Priestess, dragged her out into the yard.

And in the yard on a horse, the leader of the Black Sorcerer's troops, the priest of the male deity Tollion, was waiting for her. Only he was entrusted with the secret by a black sorcerer. The leader had already counted eleven apprentices of the priestess among the fallen defenders of the village. Where is the twelfth? Only a handful of children and a few infirm old people remained from the inhabitants of the village. Which of them? The warriors began torturing the Chief Priestess, but she silently endured all the tortures. The leader began to circle around the children and the elderly, and, lowering his eyes to the ground, with his intuition looked through which of them would give himself away. The High Priestess groaned, and Tollion saw the eyes of a little girl flare with blue light. He ordered to take the girl in his convoy, and to kill and burn the rest of the inhabitants, including the Chief Priestess. One of the warriors grabbed the girl, wrapped her in the cloth with which she was covered, laid her across his horse and touched the reins. Zarina heard only the screams and groans of her dying friends. The leader of the warriors did not tell anyone that he had found the apprentice of the priestess, the great sorceress. The girl was too small. He doubted his choice, decided to watch her.

Tollion was always very harsh with women. After spending one night with them, the next morning he gave it to the first warrior he met from his detachment. The warriors thought that this time he would act as always. Although the girl was small, she was so attractive and beautiful that the soldiers began to argue who would get it. small miracle. One of the soldiers even stood guard at the leader's tent so as not to miss the moment. Imagine his surprise in the morning when the stern Tollion did not take the girl out of the tent. He left her with him. Day after day, the girl lived next to him, in the evenings she talked with him. Warriors after raids on neighboring villages and cities brought various dishes, and the leader fed Zarina from his own hands. Tollion saw that her Blue eyes had a calming effect on people, birds and animals sat at the feet of little Zarina, the wounds of his warriors healed by themselves. He did not allow anyone to her, ordered his soldiers not to tell anyone about the girl.

Neither more nor less time passed, the girl fell in love with the leader for affectionate attitude To her. He also understood how dear the girl became to him. In one of the quiet nights they knew the power of great love. But the lovers were careless in their feelings. In moments of love, their souls rose into the space of the Great Cosmos, weaved their energies, the blue light of love of the two great priests Tolion and Zarina sparkled brightly in the sky. The Black Sorcerer saw a pillar of bright light and realized that he had been deceived. He began to look for Tollion and Zarina, the only sorceress left alive after his raids on the Land of the Living Earth. The lovers could not get away from the chase, they were betrayed by a warrior who stood guard at the leader's tent. They seized the leader and the girl of the servant of the Black Sorcerer. The Black Sorcerer began to conjure, his dark forces ask the question: can he become the most powerful man on earth. And he learned that the matter could still be improved if he ate Zarina's heart and drank Tollion's blood. But the Sorcerer wanted to perform his bloody ritual in such a way as to teach a lesson to his former comrade, the leader of the warriors. The sorcerer decided that in front of Tollion he would kill the girl and eat her heart. The bound leader of the warriors was hung over the abyss, and a sacrificial table was placed nearby and a girl was placed on it.

Silently, the lovers looked at each other with love, realizing that they were parting forever in this world. But Zarina and Tolion knew that they were bound forever unearthly love. While the Sorcerer was preparing to perform the ritual, the little sorceress and the leader of the warriors swore that they would never part, that they would always meet in other incarnations and love each other, no matter what it cost them. Their great love already written on the waves of the Great Cosmos, and now also bound by a strong oath of two wizards. Then the Black Sorcerer tore out the girl's heart, it froze forever in its beating. With bloody hands, the villain put it in his mouth, quickly ate it so that no one could stop him. The leader shouted wildly, having lost his beloved. He could not remain silent and told the sorcerer that he would not succeed, because a strong oath forever binds him and the sorceress for all time. Howled, spun like a top Evil sorcerer. He will never be the most powerful man on earth. The only thing he could do was curse their love.

"Let this woman never know the feelings of love, and you, my old friend, in all ages you will serve women, and your the only love if you meet, you will not be able to be with her. In all ages!" With these words, the sorcerer cut off the rope on which the leader hung and threw him into the abyss. The soul of a person can come back to earth several times, incarnate in the images of other people. Zarina and Tollion were embodied many times, but could not reconnect in his love. And to prevent this from happening, the Black Sorcerer taught people to sacrifice the lives of boys and girls in honor of their male Deity. The more young people are killed on the altar of his insatiable God, the less likely it is to meet lovers in this life. To Great Love has never triumphed on earth.People, blindly trusting the black priests, killed each other without regret, gave their children to be torn apart by the Gods.

Animals took an example from people and also killed their children and comrades. For many thousands of years reigned dark time on the Earth where love has gone. The Earth itself has changed, darkened from grief. The sun covered its face from such a planet, began to shine with a different light, so as not to stain its pure rays with evil coming from people. Many thousands of years have passed since then. The Black Sorcerer has long been gone, the Male Deity, in whose honor young people were sacrificed, has disappeared forever. The sorcerer did not take into account that the Great Love is recorded in the Cosmic Chronicle, the Universe exists only when Love exists. She returned to Earth. I began to search and connect all lovers. The time will come, the little sorceress and the leader of the warriors will return to Earth and unite in their love so that peace, goodness and beauty will be restored on the planet again, as it was in the distant old days.

Incredible Facts

Do you believe in true love? What about love at first sight? Do you believe that love can last forever? Perhaps the love stories below will help you strengthen your faith in this feeling or renew your faith in it. These are the most famous stories love, they are immortal.

1. Romeo and Juliet

These are probably the most famous lovers in the whole world. This couple has become synonymous with love itself. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. The story of two teenagers from two warring families who fall in love at first sight, then get married, and later risk everything for their love. The willingness to lay down one's life for a husband or wife is a sign of real feeling. Their premature departure united the feuding families.

2. Cleopatra and Mark Antony

The true love story of Mark Antony and Cleopatra is one of the most memorable and intriguing. The history of these two historical characters was subsequently recreated on the pages of the work of William Shakespeare, and filmed by famous directors more than once. The relationship between Mark Antony and Cleopatra is a real test of love. They fell in love with each other at first sight.

The relationship between these two influential people put Egypt in a very advantageous position. But their romance was extremely outraged by the Romans, who feared that as a result of it, the influence of the Egyptians would significantly increase. Despite all the threats, Mark Antony and Cleopatra got married. It is said that while in battle against the Romans, Mark received false news of Cleopatra's death. Feeling empty, he committed suicide. When Cleopatra learned of Antony's death, she was shocked and then also committed suicide. Great love requires great sacrifices.

3. Lancelot and Guinevere

The tragic love story of Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere is probably one of the most famous of the Arthurian legends. Lancelot falls in love with Queen Guinevere, wife of King Arthur. Their love grew very slowly, as Guinevere did not let Lancelot close to her. In the end, however, passion and love overcame her, and they became lovers. One night, Sir Agravain and Sir Modred, King Arthur's nephew, at the head of a group of 12 knights, broke into the queen's room, where they found the lovers. Taken by surprise, they tried to escape, however, only Lancelot succeeded. The queen was captured and sentenced to death penalty behind adultery. However, a few days later, Lancelot returned to save his beloved. All this sad story divided the knights round table into two groups, thereby greatly weakening Arthur's kingdom. As a result, poor Lancelot ended his days as a modest hermit, and Guinevere became a nun, and remained so for the rest of her life.

4. Tristan and Isolde

The tragic love story of Tristan and Isolde has been retold and rewritten numerous times. The action took place in the Middle Ages during the reign of King Arthur. Iseult was the daughter of the King of Ireland, and had just become engaged to King Mark of Cornwall. King Mark sent his nephew Tristan to Ireland to accompany his bride Iseult to Cornwall. During the journey, Tristan and Isolde fall in love with each other. Isolde still marries Mark, but the love affair continues after her marriage. When Mark finally found out about the betrayal, he forgave Iseult, but exiled Tristan forever from Cornwall.

Tristan went to Brittany. There he met Iseult of Brittany. He was drawn to her because she looked like his true love. He married her, but the marriage did not work out because of his true love to another woman. After he fell ill, he sent for his beloved in the hope that she would come and be able to cure him. There was an agreement with the captain of the ship sent by him that if she agreed to come, then the sails of the ship would be white upon return, if not, then black. Tristan's wife, seeing the white sails, told him that the sails were black. He died of grief before his love could reach him, and shortly thereafter Iseult died of a broken heart.

5. Paris and Helena

Told in the Homeric Iliad, the story of Helen of Troy and the Trojan War is a Greek heroic legend that is half fiction. Elena Troyanskaya is considered one of the most beautiful women in all literature. She married Menelaus, king of Sparta. Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy, fell in love with Helen and kidnapped her, taking her to Troy. The Greeks gathered a huge army, led by Menelaus' brother, Agamemnon, to bring Helen back. Troy was destroyed, Helen returned safely to Sparta, where she lived happily throughout her life with Menelaus.

6. Orpheus and Eurydice

The story of Orpheus and Eurydice is an ancient Greek myth about desperate love. Orpheus fell deeply in love and married Eurydice, a beautiful nymph. They loved each other very much and were happy. Aristaeus, Greek god of earth and Agriculture, became interested in Eurydice and actively pursued her. Fleeing from Aristaeus, Eurydice fell into a nest of snakes, one of which fatally bit her on the leg. The distraught Orpheus played such sad music and sang so sadly that all the nymphs and gods wept. On their advice, he went to the underworld, and his music softened the hearts of Hades and Persephone (he was the only person who dared to take such a step), who agreed to the return of Eurydice to earth, but on one condition: upon reaching the earth, Orpheus would not must look back and look at her. Being extremely alarmed, the lover did not fulfill the conditions, turned around to look at Eurydice, and she disappeared a second time, now forever.

7. Napoleon and Josephine

Having married her by calculation at the age of 26, Napoleon clearly knew whom he was taking as his wife. Josephine was older than him, a wealthy and prominent woman. However, over time, he fell deeply in love with her, and she loved him, however, this did not stop both of them from cheating. But mutual respect kept them together, all the burning passion in its path did not fade away and was genuine. Yet, in the end, they broke up, because Josephine could not give him what he so wanted - an heir. Unfortunately, their paths diverged, however, throughout their lives they kept love and passion for each other in their hearts.

8. Odysseus and Penelope

Few couples understand the essence of sacrifice in a relationship, however, it was this Greek couple who understood it best. After they were separated, it took a long 20 years before the reunion. Shortly after marrying Penelope, war demanded that Odysseus leave his new wife. Although she had very little hope of his return, Penelope still resisted 108 suitors who sought to replace her husband. Odysseus also loved his wife very much and refused the sorceress who offered him eternal love And eternal youth. Thus, he was able to return home to his wife and son. So believe Homer who said true love is worth the wait.

9. Paolo and Francesca

Paolo and Francesca are the heroes of Dante's famous masterpiece The Divine Comedy. This real story: Francesca was married to a terrible man, Gianciotto Malatesta. However, his brother, Paolo, was the exact opposite, Francesca fell in love with him and they became lovers. The love between them became even stronger when (according to Dante) they read together the story of Lancelot and Guinevere. When their connection was revealed, Francesca's husband killed both.

10. Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler

"Gone with the Wind" is one of the immortal literary works. Margaret Mitchell's iconic creation is laced with love and hate in Scarlett and Rhett Butler's relationship. Proving that timing is everything, Scarlett and Rhett never seemed to stop "fighting" each other. Throughout this epic story, this tempestuous passion and their turbulent marriage took place against the backdrop of the events of the civil war. Flirtatious, fickle and constantly pursued by fans, Scarlett cannot decide among the many contenders for her attention. When she finally decides to settle for Retta, her mercurial nature pushes him away from her. Hope finally dies when their romance is never rekindled, with Scarlett saying at the end, "Tomorrow is a new day."

11. Jane Eyre and Rochester

In Charlotte Bronte's famous novel, loneliness finds its cure in solitude by keeping each other company. Jane is an orphan who took a job as a governess in the home of the very wealthy Edward Rochester. The couple bonded very quickly as Rochester had a rough appearance turned out to be a tender heart. However, he does not reveal his penchant for polygamy, and on their wedding day, Jane discovers that he is already married. Heartbroken Jane escapes, but then returns after a fire destroyed Rochester's house, killed his wife, and left him blind. Love triumphs, lovers reunite and live out their days in each other's company.

12. Layli and Majnun

A well-known classic of Persian poetry and one of the most famous poets of the medieval East, who supplemented Persian epic poetry colloquial speech and realistic style, Nizami of Ganja became famous after he wrote his romantic poem "Layli and Majnun". Inspired by an Arabic legend, Layli and Majnun is a tragic tale of unattainable love. For many centuries, it was told and retold, and the main characters were depicted on ceramics and written about them in manuscripts. Leyli and Kais fell in love with each other while studying at school. Noticing their love, they were forbidden to communicate and see each other. Kais then decides to go into the desert to live among the animals. He is often malnourished and becomes very emaciated. Due to his eccentric behavior, he becomes known as Majnun (crazy). In the desert, he meets an elderly Bedouin who promises him to win back his Layla.

The plan fails to materialize, and Layla's father continues to refuse to be together with the lovers due to Majnun's insane behavior. Soon he marries her to another. After the death of Leyla's husband, the old Bedouin facilitates her meeting with Majnun, however, they could not fully be on the same wavelength and understand each other. After their death, they were buried next to each other. The story is often interpreted as an allegory for the soul's desire to connect with the divine.

13. Eloise and Abelard

This is the story of a monk and a nun whose Love letters became world famous. Around 1100, Pierre Abelard traveled to Paris to study at the school of Notre Dame. There he gained a reputation as an outstanding philosopher. Fulbert, a high-ranking official, hired Abelard as a tutor to his niece, Heloise. Abelard and Heloise fell in love with each other, conceived a child and secretly married. However, Fulbert was furious, so Abelard hid Eloise in safe place in the monastery. Believing that Abelard had decided to abandon Heloise, Fulbert had him castrated while he slept. Heartbroken, Eloise became a nun. Despite all the troubles and hardships, the couple continued to love each other. Their emotional love letters were published.

14. Pyramus and Thisbe

Very touching love story which will not leave indifferent anyone who reads it. Their love was selfless, and they were sure that even in death they would be together. Pyramus was very handsome man and from childhood he was friends with Thisbe, a beautiful maiden from Babylonia. They lived in neighboring houses, and fell in love with each other as they grew up. However, their parents were strongly opposed to their marriage. One night, just before dawn, while everyone was sleeping, they decided to sneak out of the house and meet in a nearby field near a mulberry tree. Thisbe came first. While she was waiting under a tree, she saw a lion approaching a spring located near the tree to quench his thirst, his jaw was covered in blood.

Seeing this terrifying sight, Thisbe rushed to run to hide in the depths of the forest from a lion, but on the way she dropped her handkerchief. The lion followed her and came across a handkerchief, which he decided to taste. At this time, Pyramus approached the place, and seeing a lion with bloodied jaws and with a scarf of his beloved, he lost the meaning of life. At that moment, he pierces himself with his own sword. Unaware of what had just happened, Thisbe continued to hide. After a while, she came out of hiding, and discovered what Pyramus had done to himself. Realizing that she has no reason to live, she takes the sword of her beloved and also kills herself.

15. Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy

In fact, Jane Austen embodied the two attributes of human nature, pride and prejudice, in her characters Darcy and Elizabeth. Darcy belongs to high society, he is a typical educated representative of the aristocracy. On the other hand, Elizabeth is the second daughter of a gentleman with very limited means. Mr. Bennet is the father of five daughters who were given the right to grow up as they wanted, who did not receive a school education and were not brought up by a governess.

Elizabeth's very indulgent mother and irresponsible father never thought about their daughters' future, taking it for granted that they would do well. "All is well" in the understanding of the mother of girls meant to marry a rich and prosperous man. For a person like this social status, which Mr. Darcy possessed, the shortcomings of the Elizabeth family were very serious, and absolutely unacceptable to his polished and refined mind. He falls in love with Elizabeth, however she turns him down, but she later realizes that she cannot love anyone but Darcy. The story of their union and the birth of love is very interesting.

16. Salim and Anarkali

Every lover knows the story of Salim and Anarkali. The son of the great Mughal emperor Akbar, Salim, fell in love with an ordinary but very beautiful courtesan Anarkali. He was fascinated by her beauty, so it was love at first sight. However, the emperor could not accept the fact that his son fell in love with a courtesan. He began to put pressure on Anarkali, using all sorts of tactics to make her fall in the eyes of the prince in love. When Salim found out about this, he declared war on his father. But he failed to defeat his father's gigantic army, Salim was defeated, captured and sentenced to death. At this moment, Anarkali intervenes, who renounces her love in order to save her beloved from the clutches of death. She was buried alive in a brick wall in front of Salim.

17. Pocahontas and John Smith

This love story is a famous legend in American history. Pocahontas, an Indian princess, was the daughter of Powhatan, who was the leader of the Powhatan Indian tribe, who lived in what is now the state of Virginia. The princess first saw Europeans in May 1607. Among all, she drew attention to John Smith, she liked him. However, Smith was captured by members of her tribe and tortured. It was Pocahontas who saved him from being torn to pieces by the Indians, and later the tribe adopted him as their own. This incident helped Smith and Pocahontas become friends. The princess after this incident often visited Jamestown, passing messages from her father.

John Smith, severely injured after an accidental explosion of gunpowder, returned to England. After another visit, she was told that Smith was dead. Some time later, Pocahontas was taken prisoner by Sir Samuel Argall, who hoped to use her as connecting link between him and her father in order for the latter to release the English prisoners. During her captivity, she decides to become a Christian and, taking the name Rebecca, was baptized. A year later, she married John Rolfe (John Rolfe). Having traveled to London through certain time, she and her husband met with his old friend John Smith, after a long 8 years. This was their last meeting.

18. Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal

In 1612, a teenage girl, Arjumand Banu, married 15-year-old Shah Jahan, ruler of the Mughal Empire. Then she changed her name to Mumtaz Mahal, bore Shah Jahan 14 children and became his beloved wife. After Mumtaz died in 1629, the grieving emperor decided to create a worthy monument in her honor. It took 20,000 workers, 1,000 elephants and almost 20 years of work to complete the construction of this monument - the Taj Mahal. Shah Jahan did not have time to complete the construction of a black marble mausoleum for himself. Deposed by his own son, he was imprisoned in the Red Fort in Agra, where he spent lonely hours looking across the Yamuna River at the monument to his beloved. He was subsequently buried next to her in the Taj Mahal.

19. Marie and Pierre Curie

This is a story about partnership in love and science. Unable to continue her studies in Poland because the universities then did not admit women, Marie Skłodowska-Curie came to Paris in 1891 to enter the Sorbonne. Marie, as the French began to call her, spent every free minute in the library or in the laboratory. The hard-working student once caught the eye of Pierre Curie, director of one of the laboratories in which Maria worked. Pierre actively courted Maria and several times proposed to her to marry him. Finally, in 1895, they got married and began working together. In 1898, the couple discovered polonium and radium.

Curie and scientist Henri Becquerel received the Nobel Prize in 1903 for the discovery of radioactivity. When Pierre died in 1904, Marie made a promise to herself to continue their work. She took his place at the Sorbonne, becoming the school's first female teacher. In 1911, she became the first person to win a second Nobel Prize, this time in chemistry. She continued to experiment and teach until her death from leukemia in 1934, driven by the memory of the man she loved.

20. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

This is a love story English queen who mourned her dead husband for 40 years. Victoria was alive cheerful girl who was fond of drawing and painting. She ascended the English throne in 1837 after the death of her uncle King William IV. In 1840 she married her cousin Prince Albert. Although initially disliked in some quarters for being German, Prince Albert was later admired for his honesty, hard work and devotion to his family. The couple had 9 children, Victoria loved her husband very deeply. She often used his advice in matters of state, especially with regard to diplomatic negotiations.

When Albert died in 1861, Victoria was devastated. She did not appear in public for three years. Her prolonged seclusion drew public criticism. There were several attempts on the Queen's life. However, under the influence of Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, Victoria returned to public life, opening a session of Parliament in 1866. However, she never ended her mourning for her beloved husband, wearing black robes until her death in 1901. During her reign, which was the longest in English history, Britain has become a world power on which "the sun never sets."

A young man lived in a village. And he was in love strongly and unrequitedly with the first beauty in the whole district. The girl owned the hearts of almost all the young men in the district, but she did not give preference to anyone.

And then the young man decided to become a strong and courageous warrior. He rose to the rank of officer, distinguished himself in battle, matured and returned as a hero to his native village. But she didn't even look at him.

And again about the main thing - about mutual understanding.
Someone once (whether it was John Gray with his useful books about relationships, or someone before him) came up with the idea that Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Everyone has heard about it, but no one takes it seriously. An intricate invention - nothing more. Artifice. But after all, like any good metaphor, it can help to better understand and see what we sometimes forget. And it's good when someone appears who will remind you of this.

This is perhaps the most famous legend of the Carpathians.

In one Carpathian village there lived a guy who was nicknamed Prut.
Somehow he earned money in the mountains and decided not to go home, but to spend the night right in the forest. He found himself a tall, slender spruce and settled under it. And he had a strange dream - as if she had come to him beautiful girl, all in green. The girl stroked his hair and sang a song. But, as soon as the guy extended his hand to her, she immediately disappeared. He woke up and no one was around. I noticed only a green ribbon on a branch.
The girl sunk into his soul, and he decided to find her.

The next evening he again settled down under the same spruce, but did not sleep. It was already dark, and he saw that girl appear from under the ground and go straight to the place where Prut hid. As soon as she approached the tree, the guy jumped out and hugged her. He asked her name. At first she looked at him in fear, but then she smiled and said: “Goverla.

I fell in love with Prut Goverla. This love was sincere, joyful for both. But Goverla was the Daughter of the King of the Mountains and could not, simply did not have the right to love simple guy. But love cannot be hidden from human eyes.
The king found out about it. He forbade Goverla to go on a date with Prut. But the power of love was higher than the prohibition of her father, and Goverla secretly fled to the mountains to the Prut.
But the king found out about this and became angry. He went to the sorcerer and told him to hide Goverla. In the morning people woke up and saw a new peak among the mountains, covered with snow, as if with a white cap.

It was Goverla, which the sorcerer turned into a mountain peak.

For a long time I was looking for Prut Goverla, I met an old grandfather in the mountains. He told him: “If you want to see Goverla, then you need to go east to the top of the mountain and the mountain peak will again become your favorite.” But you have to be there before sunrise.
And Prut went. I struggled through the thicket, wet my feet in the mountain streams. So the sun is rising, but Prut does not have time to climb to the top. He sat down under the tree and wept bitterly. From this place, where he wept, a river flowed down, which hugged the mountain for centuries.

/ Prut and Hoverla / Legend /

Once the teacher asked his students:
Why do people scream when they fight?
“Because they lose their calm,” said one.
“But why shout when the other person is next to you?” the Teacher asked. Can't you talk to him quietly? Why scream if you're angry?
The students offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher.
Finally he explained:
– When people are dissatisfied with each other and quarrel, their hearts move away. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The more angry they are, the farther they move away and the louder they shout.
What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak softly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? continued the Teacher. – They do not speak, but only whisper and become even closer in their love.
- In the end, even whispering becomes unnecessary for them. They just look at each other and understand everything without words.

There were two of them - He and She.

They found each other somewhere and now lived one life, somewhere funny, somewhere salty, in general, the most ordinary life of two most ordinary happy people.
They were happy because they were together, which is much better than being alone.

He carried Her in his arms, lit the stars in the sky at night, built a house so that She would have a place to live. And everyone said: “Still, how not to love him, because he is an ideal! It's easy to be happy with this!"

And they listened to everyone and smiled and did not tell anyone that She made Him an ideal: He could not be different, because he was next to Her. This was their little secret.
She waited for Him, met and saw off, warmed their house, so that He would be warm and comfortable there. And everyone said: "Still would! How not to carry it on your hands, because it was created for the family. No wonder he's so happy!"

And they only laughed and did not tell anyone that She was created for a family only with Him, and only he could feel good in Her house. It was their little secret.
He walked, stumbled, fell, got frustrated and tired. And everyone said: “Why does she need him, so beaten and exhausted, because there are so many strong and confident around”.

But no one knew that there was no one in the world stronger than Him, because they were Together, and therefore stronger than everyone. This was Her secret.
And She bandaged His wounds, did not sleep at night, was sad and cried. And everyone said: “What did he find in her, because she has wrinkles and bruises under her eyes. After all, why should he choose a young and beautiful one?

But no one knew that She was the most beautiful in the world. Can anyone compare in beauty with the one they love? But that was His secret.
They all lived, loved and were happy. And everyone wondered: “How can you not get bored with each other for such a period? Don't you want something new?"

And they didn't say anything. It’s just that there were only two of them, and there were many of them all, but they were all one at a time, because otherwise they wouldn’t have asked about anything. It was not their secret, it was something that cannot be explained, and it is not necessary.

A young girl was walking along the embankment with her friend, who was an old sailor.
In the life of the girl, not everything was smooth, she was tormented by some of her life problems, and she walked, immersed in these worries. The girl pretended to listen to her friend, but she sighed heavily every now and then.
Naturally, a friend noticed the girl's feelings and could not remain indifferent.
He asked her:
– Do you think that if I fell into the water now, I would definitely drown?
The girl leaned over the railing and looked down at the raging cold waves.
Of course you would drown! she said and shuddered.
But the sailor said:
- I doubt! I have never in my life seen anyone drown just because they were in the water. I'll only drown if I stay there.
“Look how strong the waves are and the water must be icy!” - said the girl, wrapping herself in a coat. “Even if you stay alive, you will definitely end up in the hospital with hypothermia.
“Only if I stay in the water too long,” her friend persisted. - I'm a sailor! I've fallen into the water many times, so I know exactly what I'm talking about. When I first fell, I was terribly scared. But then I realized that nothing threatens me if I quickly get out back.
The same is true of your problems! - the friend turned to the girl affectionately. – Instead of sighing and suffering, you better think about how you can get out of all this as soon as possible!

More often than not, the problem lies not in the problem itself, but in how we perceive it.

Legend. We fell in love

- So, - summed up the Reason, - we fell in love. That's great, but who do I have to thank for this?
“Us, of course,” said Eyes, “we saw her first!”
“Ha,” said Ears, “do you think if he were blind he wouldn’t fall in love?” No, it was through us that he heard a gentle voice!
“Fools, it’s all about the pheromones or whatever! Nose chuckled. - Modern chemistry proved that it was through the smell ...
“But we touched her first!” - Ruki interrupted.
“And if it weren’t for us, he simply wouldn’t be able to approach her,” Nogi concluded importantly.
- And what were you doing at that time? Mind turned to Heart. It blushed:
- And I ... nothing ... I'm so lost...
And the Mind smiled 🙂

Once a boy at a school party gave flowers to the wrong girl. The girl was surprised, but she took the flowers. Thus ended the story of female friendship and began a love story.

This story is as old as the world. One day a boy at a school party dedicated to the day March 8, gave flowers to the "wrong" girl. The girl was surprised, but she took the flowers. Thus ended the story of female friendship and a love story began.

A legend roams the world that when a person comes to this world, his soul splits into two and then these halves look for each other to unite ... But there is nothing in nature more dissimilar than male and feminine. She is an excellent student, quiet. He is a bully and a loser, the dream of girls, tall, strong, confident.

Here I would like to tell you what the boy said to the girl that evening. important words, and the girl reciprocated, but this, probably, happens only in fairy tales or does not happen at all.

In the evening, the girl returned alone, and the boy escorted home "that" girl, whom he was supposed to give flowers. And it seemed that this story ended before it even began.

But they met after high school. She became a pretty girl, and He remained a bully and a joker, confident in himself and in his ambitions. Then they decided to get married. He proposed to her and she accepted.

After a few years, doctors told her that she would not be able to conceive. I will not bother readers with medical terms, almost every fifth woman is diagnosed with infertility in Russia. It was then that the worst began. She began to abuse alcohol, and he began to walk, and the halves of one soul, which was destined to become one, suddenly found themselves in a terrible void.

Do you believe in magic? Probably, if it weren’t for faith in the best thing on earth - love, which still saved my heroes, I would never have been able to write this story, except to invent it.

On December 25, 2001, a pregnancy test showed those cherished two strips that He and She had been waiting for for a long 8 years. He was crying as he knelt before her. And then there were flowers, a sea of ​​flowers, and it seemed to her that now the whole world lay at her feet.

On January 22, 2002, they got married. And in the light church candles the two halves seemed to wake up from a long sleep, merged into one, and the soul found peace. Their names were entered in the Church Book of Fates.

10 years after the day in which the boy gave flowers to the “wrong” girl at a school evening dedicated to March 8, those important words were finally spoken that marked the beginning of a new life in which He, She and not yet a born little angel became a Real Family.


Beautiful story albeit a bit sad

04/13/2008 21:20:06, Lutz

I think I have found my soul mate...

01/17/2008 21:19:12, Irina

At the end of the story, I cried: how good it is that in our complex, cruel and sometimes unfair life there is a place for a miracle.

Comment on the article "The Legend of Love"

british romantic comedy"Real love" (Love Actually), becoming canonical almost immediately after the release in 2003, having gained worldwide fame, thirteen years later returns to the fans. In March 2017, director Richard Curtis will present a 10-minute video Comic Relief Actually, telling what happened to the characters " real love". "We're really happy to see you again after so many years, it's such a nostalgic moment and we hope something comes out in the end...

From 26 to 29 March 2017 in St. Petersburg international creative festival "You are a legend!", where talented children from all over Russia and the CIS countries will demonstrate their achievements in different types art. The winners will have the opportunity to participate in international competitions and study in specialized educational institutions with a worldwide reputation! Festival "You are a legend!" is a unique art platform that combines competitive and educational program. For the preparation of...

There are two tickets to the Bolshoi Theater for the ballet "The Legend of Love" on February 9, 19 hours. Mezzanine, box 1 (closest to the stage), row 2...

Advise something about love, so that it directly hooks, so as not to come off? Keep your pants on in the aquarium" Cynthia Lord, love, but different:) "Looking for love" Nancy...


Ishiguro "Don't Let Me Go" I got really hooked :)
I do not get tired of praising "Playing Go".
And under the "flowers for Algernon" I will subscribe.

Watch Anna Todd "After". The book grabbed me, I couldn't put it down. Written very interesting. There is no vulgarity, but here are passions and emotions ... right through the edges! I was under the impression for a long time after reading. Very captivating book

There are many legends about the rose. It is known from history that she was worshiped, sung. In ancient countries, brides decorated their outfits with roses, strewn with petals the path of victorious warriors when they returned home from the war; many religious temples around are surrounded by rose gardens of indescribable beauty. With ongoing excavations, scientists still find coins that have images of roses. And in Ancient Rome the rose adorned the houses only of very rich people. During the celebrations pink...

My ten: - Best deal; - Legend of autumn; - Pride and Prejudice 05/02/2014 19:21:53, Antre. The English Patient is probably one of my favorite love movies.

There same "Legends of autumn." For me, the whole film was about love and family, even, I would say, only about love and family.


I watched the movie "One Plus One" the other day. I checked it out the next day with my husband.
"Giant" - both children and adults enjoy watching.

And from the Russians ... (only please don’t laugh at me)
Winter cherry
Moscow does not believe in tears
Station for two
Love affair at work
Love and pigeons
Can't say goodbye
bean princess
Winter Romance
Come see me (I don't know why, a special film for me)
Christmas mystery with Chulpan Khamatova
Angel Wings with Alena Bondarchuk and Baluev
Moscow saga
The most charming and attractive
The Irony of Fate
Well, this is so far ... offhand takskzat))))

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Under the window - a mother and a teenage son. Probably, he was guilty again, because she screams: "I am for you ... everything for you ... I am educating ... all my life ...". The teenager replied to a long speech a short phrase: "I didn't ask you." I feel sorry for my mother, but I catch myself on a seditious thought: "And the boy is right!" "Children don't need you" to give them best years life" and put their whole life on them. The only thing they really want from you is your unconditional love. If your love for a child is unconditional, that is...

One of my favorite books is Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, I was attracted by an unusual, mystical plot. On the one hand, the action takes place in a completely real life. No fictional worlds for you, which science fiction writers love so much, but which personally do not arouse interest in me. Mysticism in Bulgakov's novel, I would say, folklore: demons, witches, talking cats- all this seems to be from the pages of Russian fairy tales. On the other hand ...

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