Congratulations to the tiger. Happy birthday to the tiger

Although you are a cat breed,
But I'm not used to purring,
Your surroundings hears
The often formidable Tiger roar.

Not a minute on the spot
All in motion, in struggle,
Full of passion, full of life
The tiger walks through destiny.

I wish for the Tiger
Combine risk with luck,
Always be successful in business
And in love to become happy.

Our heroic Tiger!
You are used to always being bold.
Smart leader, commander -
Any business can handle.

Congratulations, Tiger,
And we wish the sea happiness.
The world will submit to you
And let fate be good!

Congratulations to the charming enthusiastic tiger. The eastern horoscope says that the tiger is lively, rebellious, decisive, courageous, strong, confident and noble. So let it all only lead to desired results in life, high success and performance cherished desires... I wish you to always show your enthusiasm and courage, to be reliable friend and happy person.

Tiger is an inborn leader and rebel,
By nature, domineering, like a king.
The tiger is very adventurous and risky,
Whether he gains or loses everything.

We sincerely want to wish the tiger
All problems can be easily solved
Stay on a par with others
But, never in my life, be at the bottom!

Life is like a striped tiger
Both luck and luck
Once again they will come to you,
Raising the mood.
Well, the main thing in the stripes -
That they are surmountable
And, falling into another plane,
The life behind them flames
A red flame will fly up,
And, like the Tiger, not otherwise,
Further you will follow it,
Forgetting bad luck!


Tiger man is strong in spirit,
He is energetic and smart
Straightforward, non-conflicting,
Ideas, plans - everything is with him!

Happy birthday, congratulations
We wish him many years
Such friends, excellent, loyal,
No more in the whole world.

The tiger is polar
One is brave and kind, almost perfect,
Another is stubborn and obstinate,
Irritable, proud.

A revolutionary is often
He resorts to risky actions,
Can be selfless with friends
And unforgiving with enemies.

By nature, the Tiger is public,
Bright, at times, selfish,
With Horse and Dragon
Can find happiness

With Dog, Rat,
Find a family with a pig.
We wish him love, victory, strength,
So that life wonderful gifts presented!

Tame your obstinacy
We wish you, like a Tiger,
Treat positively
To the outside world.

To be sincere is not to growl
Take step by step with a smile
To complete the business with success,
Seduce everyone with natural charm.

"T games" - a royal people,
Exalting his whole family!
Power is given by nature itself,
Gentle, sincere care.

"Tigers" are always leaders,
Their energy is strong.
Their appearance is charm,
The look is well-deserved attention.

Be well, you, such forever,
Your life is perfect!
Strive only for the best,
And in your work - do not be lazy!

You are a worthy person
The best lumberjack knowledge.
Good luck to you
And it couldn't be otherwise!


The Tiger woman is always on the parade,
Her smile never leaves her face
She is strong-willed and businesslike
He will complete any business.

We wish her good luck and strength,
Comfort in the family and all sorts of benefits,
Let, despite any adversity,
Warms up with warmth family hearth!

Gord, serious, he has no time for games.
Charming, proud and smart.
In the Chinese horoscope he is a Tiger
And in business, like no one else, he is strong.

It attracts good luck, success.
And no one will understand why.
To be always and in everything the best
From the bottom of my heart I wish him!

Who is it with us who growls so confidently and boldly? Probably our most dear and beloved birthday boy! Tiger's courage and strength, everyone noticed long ago, your true features. You can always find protection and receive valuable advice... It is difficult to imagine even one day of our life without him. He is a unique person, there is no other such person and will not be! The main thing that I want to wish him, with full confidence that the wish will definitely and quickly come true, is tiger's health, endless and sparkling happiness, especially personal, because it is the basis of harmonious and wonderful life each person! And, of course, so that he does not have a shortage of meat in the refrigerator, because, as everyone knows, tigers are predators! Help express all your wishes in one big and beautiful congratulations our warm and sincere words congratulations.

(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Congratulations, dear Tiger,
Happy birthday, anniversary!
Forgotten the time of games
But we do not regret about him:
Carried away by the hunt again,
Reckless ... very angry
If convicted of treason,
Your sweet Tigress.
Let your eyes burn with fire
Carbines are firing past
And a lot of Tigers
They give you kindness and affection !!!

The tiger always goes forward
He leads others.
Magnetism enchants him
And the enthusiasm will bewitch.
He is a fighter and a warrior in love,
Himself is great worthy of love,
Loves to play chivalry -
You will not be bored with him.
Tiger, we dream to be with you.
We prefer your style,
And we approve of everything in you,
We love, appreciate, respect.
And your motto for yourself -
On horseback or at the helm!

In the year of the Tiger was born - Tigress -
Queen different cats you!
Therefore, they cannot help but dream
Forests, freedom and flowers.
On your day we give it to you -
Spring of hopes and wind whistling,
More: love and friendship summer
And a farewell leaf to autumn! ..
It is banal to wish a jeep and a dacha!
("Millions of bucks!" - they say ...)
We wish good luck companion
And with the Tiger - a lot of Tigers !!!

So that in the New Year we strive for peace,
You should sit down quietly and gently at the table.
No need to growl and no need to get angry
As if you are a Fire Tiger or a Tigress!
And it follows more friend play with a friend,
And the quarrels of the past can not be remembered.
You need to love more in the Year of the Tiger children,
To be with them calmer, smoother, kinder.
And we should remember in the New Year,
That there will be no happiness if we are not in tune:
With a wife or husband, with friends, with children!
Take this good advice in the Year of the Tiger.
And for those who want to marry in the Year of the Tiger,
He must say goodbye to wine in the year of marriage:
Many cripples are born
Because a person drinks without restraint!
You can't go back in evolution,
By conceiving drunken children give life.
In the Year of the Tiger we wish: fewer things,
More healthy, cheerful children.
Smaller package, planes and guns.

Protected by its year
The tiger is inspired by hope,
Can do whatever he wants
Lucky him, in short.
Tiger, we want to congratulate
Happy New Year! Be loved!
Always be invincible!
This year you are the master!

Here is your motto for yourself -
On horseback and at the helm!
Tiger, we dream of being with you.
We prefer your style
We adore everything about you
We cherish, we love, we respect.
You are a fighter in love, a hero,
And great love is worthy
Do you like to play fun -
Don't let us all get bored.
You take the direction
You lead others.
The attraction will enchant
And the enthusiasm will bewitch.

The tiger is not your cat!
If his life snags,
That is a predator with a mighty paw
He will disperse the clouds above him.
We wish the Tiger a richer life,
So that failures are bypassed by the side.
If the lottery is winning
If beauty is perfect
If love is endless
And if friendship is eternal!

Years of birth of the Tiger - 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010.

The tiger, like the patron saint of 2017, Rooster, is a fighter for justice, a hard worker who is used to achieving everything himself.

According to the 2017 horoscope, for people born in the year of the Tiger, it will be the starting point for new achievements.

An active and optimistic Fire Rooster will allow you to successfully complete any business.

The stars have not been so supportive of the Tiger for a long time, so do not miss the opportunities presented by the Universe.

But, a favorable forecast for 2017 does not mean at all that you will not have problems, just, with an active life position, you can easily deal with them.

In 2017, the Fire Rooster will allow you to take any bar. You will be able to feel your strength and confidence again.

You will simply be incredibly lucky in all areas of life. But, of course, so that luck always remains with you, you cannot sit idly by. The rooster only helps active individuals. If you see potential opportunity then proceed. Don't be afraid to show your positive traits and be bolder.

For many Tigers this year it will not be difficult to raise their authority. Already at the beginning of the year, you may notice that others are drawn to you and listen to your advice. You will be able to significantly strengthen your position in society. But do not forget to prioritize correctly, otherwise there is a risk of not being in time.

Horoscope for 2017 for Tiger man

First of all, attention is focused on work.

Before the men of this sign is quite Difficult choice- remove your ambitions and stop trying to achieve something through conflicts and constant clarification of relationships, or, finally, leave this place of work and start looking for something else.

In the first case, pacifying your pride and ambitions will allow the Rooster to see by the end of 2017 that all this was not done in vain.

The financial situation will stabilize and even improve, the career ladder will begin to climb, albeit slowly, but steadily. Over time, ambitions will return, but with them the understanding that in some cases you need to behave a little differently, removing the demonstration of your dissatisfaction and criticism.

The management will certainly appreciate a highly qualified employee, see him as a responsible employee, who is not strange to entrust a responsible job. It is also worthwhile to show initiative at work, as far as possible, this will also not go unnoticed by the management.

Relations with others will mostly be even, because everyone is already well aware of the explosive nature of the men of this sign.

In 2017, some will have to face a rival who may appear next to a woman they like. Tigers are owners and it will be seen right away, conflicts are also possible on this basis.

If the Tigers work hard, then their financial situation will even out and even improve significantly, there will be an opportunity to have a good rest on vacation or pamper yourself with the thing that you have long dreamed of.

Despite such a financial upswing, you should treat your free funds correctly. It is better to try to invest them in a profitable business and make a profit than to spend everything in one day, and then find yourself on the edge of a debt hole. Don't let your emotions get the best of your mind.

Astrologers pay the attention of men of this sign, then they should learn to ask for forgiveness from those whom they have offended. First, you need to accept the fact that they can hurt, and then try to sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness.

Such an attitude towards others will help to earn additional patronage of the 2017 mascot.

Despite the fact that the Tiger man has many advantages, he also has disadvantages. First, you should try with all your might to get rid of your laziness, the Rooster will not forgive a lazy person who lies on the couch and complains about his fate.

Each person builds his own life, so you need to rely on your own strength, and wait in bulk for heavenly help.

Horoscope for 2017 for Tiger woman

Women who were born in the Year of the Tiger can already begin to get acquainted with what the star luminaries have prepared for them in the 2017 Year of the Rooster.

Astrologers pay attention to the fact that the chosen active life position, dedication and desire to achieve the set goal in 2017 will be justified.

Women will receive well-deserved rewards for their work and well-deserved recognition from colleagues and leadership.

Those women who want to move forward and not stop there will certainly set new goals to which they will go, destroying all obstacles and troubles on their way. This attitude cannot stop anything.

Many ladies will try with all their might to constantly be in the spotlight, both in the work collective and in their family.

The rooster will be close by for almost the whole year and help in situations that sometimes seem insoluble.

Some representatives of this sign in 2017 will be in a creative search. The chosen occupation has been mastered, but interest may fade away, especially if such a hobby or new job will not bring. Such searches can last until a feeling of self-sufficiency and freedom appears.

Almost all year, the representatives of this sign will have the opportunity to buy expensive things for themselves or go on vacation.

Material stability is what the Rooster can reward in 2017, but only for good and worthwhile work... It's also important to be mindful of your money.

Any financial investment must be weighed and carefully considered. In such a case, you need to leave aside all your advisers and friends, because they did not earn money and they will not lose it in case of failure.

You should be careful when planning your budget, sometimes one thoughtless and unnecessary purchase will cause a monetary crisis. You better try to procrastinate small amounts so as not to worry about what will happen tomorrow.

Astrologers several times focus the attention of women - Tigresses on the fact that they should try to moderate their ardor, slow down a little and begin to carefully watch what is happening around. All actions should be carefully considered, you should not give in to your emotions and act impulsively.

It's best to learn to model different options situations. Then it will be possible to preliminarily imagine what can be obtained in the end from the decision.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Tiger

For lonely Tigers in 2017, there is a high probability of meeting a couple (if they themselves want it, of course).

By the way, it is quite possible that this will happen with the help of your friends.

But, just do not be mercantile, because true feelings and calculation are different things.

In order to understand whether the chosen one loves you, or only "plays" with feelings, look at how he behaves in everyday life.

In the summer, the Tiger will prove itself true romantic, so there will be no fans left.

Even the Rooster will be amazed at how wonderfully and excitingly the Tiger will spend the summer.

In Tigers in a pair, the relationship can go to new level.

The horoscope for the Tiger for 2017 reminds that love is not sighs on the bench, but hard and joint work.

Be prepared for the unexpected: wedding, pregnancy, anything can happen.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Tiger

A difficult and unpredictable beginning of the year will make the Tiger think about changing jobs, his pride and vanity does not tolerate petty squabbles and footsteps instructed by the Rooster.

Do not rush to conclusions, a tit in hand is better, you have reached a certain level in your company, do not let envious people turn strategic plans against you.

Enlist the support of trusted colleagues, then the obstacle course will seem like a little exercise in your mind and skill.

In the fall, a proposal for the development of a new branch of business in your company is possible, educational trips and meetings with partners will take you to a new level of business relations.

At the same time, there is a high probability of large financial receipts from new clients and previously unknown relatives.

Astrologers advise sponsoring a business close friend, here you will definitely not lose anything, not to mention the possibility of quick income.

Do not spare money, now you can sow in order to harvest later.

2017 health horoscope for Tiger

Tigers are different good health, but they are often indifferent to him.

The Year of the Rooster will change the situation. Many Tigers will suddenly become interested in the state of their body, refuse bad habits will go to healthy image life.

Serious illnesses are not expected, but it is better to take measures against possible violations in the work of the kidneys and nervous system.

Self-medication - no, in case of problems you need to contact the professionals. But the Tigers will benefit more from preventive measures.

They need to exercise regularly (any kind will do) and prefer outdoor activities.

Massages and a visit to the pool can help you cope with fatigue.

It sounds somewhat strange, but the Tigers are shown not at all a predatory menu - vegetables, fruits, and if meat, then a dietary one. Then they are unlikely to have health problems.

Horoscope for Tiger 2017 by month

Horoscope for Tiger for January 2017

Already from the initial dates of the upcoming new year, many representatives of the star sign will understand that a rather tense period in time awaits them ahead. The inconsistency of life plans and situations that arise in life will provoke the appearance of such thoughts.
It is important for the tiger not to move according to the proposed will of fate, it is required to independently try to "get out" from difficult fateful situations. By the way, you cannot count on the help of relatives and people dear to your heart. Each of them has personal concerns in their own lives. The representative of the sign should rely only on himself.

Tiger horoscope for February 2017

The Tigers need to devote almost the entire month that ends winter to professional achievements. This moment of the year ideal way suitable for taking active actions aimed at improving personal career... But it is definitely impossible to “go over the heads” of your colleagues. Aggressiveness or selfishness will not become an assistant either.
During February, the Tiger may be required to make an emergency decision. It is important to carefully reflect on the situation several times, and then to translate it into real life what was intended.

Horoscope for Tiger for March 2017

And what awaits the Tiger in 2017 by eastern horoscope then when the world comes green spring? With the arrival of the wonderful time of the year, the mood of the representatives zodiac sign improve markedly. This is facilitated by the attention and interest emanating from persons of the opposite sex.
If the Tiger has a real opportunity, then in March you need at least a week to take a break from all the events taking place nearby. Ideally, if the representative of the zodiac sign succeeds in organizing a romantic trip together and useful trip... If the Tiger is lonely, then on such a journey he can meet an interesting person for him.

Tiger horoscope for April 2017

But the delusion will already become active period of the year. If earlier the representatives of the sign needed rest, now activity and determination will settle in their souls. At this moment, it would be good to set a clear goal for yourself and start actively pursuing it. You can even put forward a few of your ideas, and then systematically try to implement them in reality.
Such a position in life will be pleasant to few, therefore, the Tiger may be surrounded by gossips and open envious people. It is important to immediately identify such unfavorable people and try to remove them further from their own well-established life.

Horoscope for Tiger for May 2017

Bright and green May will contribute to the fact that the representatives of the star sign will need a manifestation of love and others tender feelings... If the Tiger belongs to family representatives, then this period is good for strengthening partnerships, as well as for joint romantic trips.
In that case, if the Tiger is still alone, then in May he will have an ideal opportunity to find a faithful and reliable partner for his life. But it is not recommended to trust everyone you meet. It is important to stop communicating with those in whose souls there is material benefit in relation to the representative of the star trek.

Tiger Horoscope June 2017

If the representatives of the star sign are offered a business trip abroad, then they should not refuse it. On such a long trip, you can work well and have a wonderful rest.
June is the period active work in the garden. Nature lovers - Tigers - will benefit from fresh air and work with plants. The same Tigers who do not own summer cottages or garden plots can be advised to spend their free time more often. personal time Outdoors. Of course, it will be difficult to enjoy nature alone, so it is recommended to take either your loved ones or faithful friends with you on vacation.

Horoscope for Tiger for July 2017

Real chinese horoscope for 2017 for the Tiger, he will advise you to devote the entire July to fruitful work. The representatives of the zodiac will have a real opportunity for sharp advances up the career ladder. During the same period of the year, you can get excellent material support.
The time is ideal for changing your profession or permanent job. But before committing important step, you need to know for sure that the new job will be much better than the previous one. Great importance here he also has a future earnings.

Tiger horoscope for August 2017

The positive influence of the stars continues. For representatives of the zodiac sign, a wonderful time comes when you can actively translate your ideas into reality. The month is wonderful for love relationship, especially for those Tigers who are still in limbo.
The end of summer is also ideal for starting to implement reliable prevention methods against possible emergence various diseases... It is ideal to start eating right, and you should not shy away from the most active exercises on fresh air... Avoiding harmful habits in your life will also help your health.

Horoscope for Tiger for September 2017

With the onset of golden autumn, you can take care of pleasant pastime... It is now recommended for tigers to go on a healthy and healthy journey, for example, to the sea coasts or to countries such as the waist or Egypt. If there is simply no opportunity for such trips, then it is important to devote free minutes of personal time to long walks in the forest, fortunately, mushrooms begin to grow in the forests at this time of the year, so you can combine the useful with the very pleasant. It is important now to remember about distant relatives or long-forgotten comrades. A simple call will delight both parties.

Tiger horoscope for October 2017

After the weather changes in nature, changing from warm September to rainy October, the Tigers may worsen chronic diseases... Right now you need to take care of own health, it will not hurt to use reliable methods of prevention against the development of serious diseases.
In October, as the eastern (Chinese) horoscope for 2017 for the Tiger advises, the latter will have small problems. Such troubles can affect completely different areas life, even though it will be a career, even love. As these difficulties appear, it is important to find correct outputs from unpleasant situations.

Horoscope for Tiger for November 2017

And again a period comes, favorable for the personal life of the representatives of the star sign. It would be good for Family Tigers to think about the continuation of their kind, this is facilitated by the end of autumn. It would be good for a lonely representative of a star sign to think about constancy. Even for those who are not yet ready for family life, you must already think about something serious and long-term. For now, you can start with simple communication, which will gradually develop into a positive acquaintance. But after all this, it will be possible to think about creating a strong and very happy family, as well as about the birth of long-awaited children.

Tiger horoscope for December 2017

With the onset of the final month of the specified year, many representatives of the zodiacal constellation will think about the results that they managed to achieve over the entire duration of this period in time. If something has not been decided yet, then remember, you can still have time to do it. It is important for tigers to think about who they caused problems or who offended. Right now, you need to ask for sincere forgiveness from people and not leave anger and sadness in your soul for next year... Closer to the onset of New Year's celebrations, it would be good to take care of family values... Even lonely Tigers will still have time to find their soul mate before the end of this year, because fate itself wants this.

Horoscope for Tiger by element

Horoscope for 2017 for the Water Tiger (1962)

Unlike those who were born under the sign of a different element, the Water Tiger will be quite balanced and calm. He will radiate absolute confidence in his abilities, and in this he will be absolutely right. The Fire Rooster, the patron saint of 2017, is supportive of those born under the sign of the Water element, so good luck will accompany the Tigers throughout the year. Water Tigers know how to rationally spend their own resources and objectively assess their capabilities, which will greatly help them in achieving their goals. Representatives of this sign will not torment themselves with doubts and indecision. The Year of the Rooster will bring them a lot pleasant moments who will be associated with positive changes in their lives, the conquest of new heights and the fulfillment of old desires. Already at the beginning of this year, the Water Tigers will clearly plan their actions and set specific goals for themselves. Certainty and decisiveness will become the main trump cards in the game that the Tigers create themselves, so all their plans and strategies will be successfully implemented. Representatives of this sign will easily take risks, experiment and get their way. A wave of success will overwhelm the Water Tigers in the second half of the year, and only then they will breathe a sigh of relief and be able to allow themselves to relax and unwind.

2017 Horoscope for the Wood Tiger (1974)

Despite the fact that the element of the representatives of this sign is a Tree, they have a sharp mind and high intellectual abilities... The Wood Tigers are excellent team players, so the Rooster will bring them many opportunities and prospects in teamwork as well as in interpersonal relationships... Wood Tigers are very friendly and sociable, they easily make contact, but at the same time defend their point of view to the last. The Red Rooster will reward the representatives of this sign with amazing organizational skills, thanks to which they will easily and naturally come to their goals. Everything that previously seemed so distant and impracticable will be tough for the Tigers this year. With their powerful grip and ambition, the Tigers will be able to restore justice, and get what they rightfully deserve. Tigers, born under the wooden element, quickly grasp everything on the fly. This quality will be useful for them in learning a new craft, getting an education or mastering new skills. They will show their observation and ingenuity, and use the information received in an absolutely unpredictable and new way. Thanks to this, their well-being will improve, and with it financial opportunities.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Fire Tiger (1986)

The representatives of this Chinese zodiac sign, born under the element of Fire, will be very successful and adventurous in a year. Fire Rooster... And the thing is that they are the owner of 2017 of the same element. The Rooster will endow them with inexhaustible energy, which will incinerate the Tigers from the inside. They will want to do something all the time, to run somewhere. In their every deed, action, the decision fire will be visible. They will be ready to do anything for the next dose of adrenaline, so you shouldn't be surprised if they suddenly do something that no one expected from them, or suddenly, for no reason at all, get ready for a trip. The main horse of the Fire Tigers in the Year of the Rooster will be their energy and unpredictability, which will lead them to their destination.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Earth Tiger (1938, 1998)

Earth Tigers are more rational and pragmatic people. They will never make unnecessary gestures unless the need arises. Cases of representatives of this sign will go up sharply, from which their confidence and self-esteem will increase several times. They are able to make decisions in a balanced and deliberate manner, and also easily and persistently overcome obstacles that arise in their path. There is practically no surprise for Earth Tigers. They are capable of any turn of events and will never get confused. Creativity to the solution of many problems will help the representatives of this sign get out of the water and surpass themselves. They are executive and responsible, for which they will be generously rewarded by the ruler of 2017, the Fire Rooster.

2017 horoscope for Metal Tiger (1950, 2010)

Those whose element is Metal will show only positive human qualities in the year of the Rooster. Their altruism and generosity will push them to do good things, so many of the Metal Tigers will spend most of their time organizing. charity events and activities. Their main goal will be to help those in need. This is what they are all about. But the more the Tigers give, the more they will receive. This also applies to the material sphere, and financial, and even warm and sincere feelings... Tigers will warm their relatives and friends with their warmth, and in return they will receive a hundred times more.