Homeopathy for dizziness in pregnancy. Homeopathy and pregnancy. Cramps of the calf muscles

All expectant mothers are wary of taking medicinal substances, since during pregnancy the use of a number of chemicals is prohibited. Any medications can harm the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, homeopathy has become very popular - this is a method of treatment that consists in the use of highly diluted drugs, which healthy people cause symptoms similar to those of the patient's disease. That is, the result of treatment depends on the dose of the substance taken. The dose is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

Homeopathy during pregnancy has become very popular in the world. Homeopathic medicines consist exclusively of substances of natural origin, not chemical ones, and are taken in small doses. If a woman gets sick during pregnancy, you should not immediately “eat” all the pills that are at home. Remember that in this position, a number of drugs are contraindicated or cause unwanted side effects. And then homeopathy comes to the rescue.

The most important thing for a woman is that the method of homeopathy can be used throughout the entire period of pregnancy. So, for example, toxicosis of pregnant women happens as early dates(up to 20 weeks of pregnancy), and later (after 20 weeks). Homeopathy in early pregnancy is used very often and gives nice results. The mildest forms of toxicosis: nausea, vomiting, salivation, aversion to certain smells and foods are treated exclusively herbal preparations. In this situation, the following tools help:

  • Colchicum. It is indicated for nausea, aversion to food and smells.
  • Sepia. It is used for nausea, gag reflex.
  • Nux womica. Shown at morning sickness, belching sour, increased irritability, tearfulness.
  • Pulsatilla.

A very common pathology among pregnant women: miscarriage. In such cases, the woman, no doubt, should be in outpatient settings under constant medical supervision. But do not take only chemical drugs, combine them with more healthy medicinal substances that a homeopathic doctor can prescribe:

  • Arnica. It is recommended for the threat of miscarriage due to a fall, injury, impact.
  • Belladonna. Shown at pulling sensations lower abdomen and bleeding.
  • Aconite. Used for anxiety.

Homeopathy is very relevant during pregnancy: for colds and flu. Homeopathic remedies strengthen immune system women to protect against viruses and bacteria. The body becomes more resistant to negative factors external environment. To increase the body's resistance, a homeopathic doctor may prescribe:

  • Anaferon is very popular drug, which generally strengthens the immune system of a pregnant woman.
  • Porcelain is used for the first symptoms of a cold, stuffy nose, sneezing, runny nose.
  • Allium cepa 30. Indicated for runny nose and lacrimation, intense cough and the first symptoms of bronchitis.
  • Euphrasia 30. Indications: intense headache, conjunctivitis, scleritis, flushing of the face, runny nose.
  • Hina 30 - is used for general weakness of the body, when it seems that it hurts to touch the body, with headaches, fever, sweating.

During childbirth, drugs are used that soften and open the cervix, preparing it for the passage of the fetus. These drugs include:

  • Cimicifuga
  • Caulophilum

Homeopathic remedies found wide application and in postpartum period, which is dangerous for bleeding. To prevent this complication, apply:

  • Sabina
  • Sekale

The problem of lactostasis is very relevant - this pathology, in which a woman's milk stagnates in the mammary gland. In this situation, it will help:

  • Conium

Homeopathy is a unique method of treatment that makes it possible to maintain pregnancy, stop nausea and vomiting, normalize the mental status of a woman, eliminate feelings of fear, depression, and irritability. During childbirth, homeopathic preparations prepare the birth canal of a woman for the unhindered passage of the baby, that is, they facilitate childbirth and prevent perineal rupture.

In any pharmacy you can find all these drugs, but their use without the advice of a homeopath is strictly prohibited. Action medicinal substances depends on its dose, which should be selected by the doctor individually. Do not risk your health and the health of your unborn child.

Many women develop diseases during pregnancy that require mandatory treatment. It is known that any medical preparations negatively affect the baby's body, the only safe means are only those who have natural basis. These drugs form a group of homeopathic remedies.

Homeopathy for pregnant women does not cause any harm, and using it, you can solve many health problems. All homeopathic remedies are known for containing natural ingredients, that's why side effects occur extremely rarely.

What is the essence of homeopathy?

Currently, the homeopathic method of treatment is the most popular in the world, especially when children, pregnant and lactating women become patients. The purpose of the technique is to help the body in the independent fight against the disease. If you use homeopathy during pregnancy, the likelihood of childbirth increases healthy baby by the woman's own efforts without inducing labor.

The use of drugs of this pharmacological group allows not only to correct own health expectant mother, but also to strengthen the body of the baby, because his condition directly depends on the health of the pregnant woman.

According to experts, this safe treatment makes it possible to prevent the development chronic diseases the baby in the future. Availability similar benefits methods does not give reason to doubt whether homeopathy is possible during pregnancy.

Do not confuse homeopathy with herbal medicine: the latter is based solely on the use of extracts medicinal plants. Homeopathic medicines are aimed only at stimulating the body's own forces, allowing it to fight against pathological processes, and natural components are used for this: plants, minerals, insects, chemical compounds.

Pregnancy planning

Sometimes, it would seem that absolutely healthy people fail to conceive a child, while specialists do not always know what to treat and what drugs to prescribe. In such cases married couple you can consult a homeopath. The technique allows to improve the health of future parents, to ensure a favorable course of pregnancy and childbirth.

Using homeopathy in preparation for pregnancy, even people who previously suffered from infertility can give birth to a child. Homeopaths recommend taking full course treatment for both spouses. After therapy, the blood circulation of the pelvic organs improves, the activity of the nervous and endocrine systems which increases the chance of conception.

Most often, experts prescribe such drugs in preparation for conception:

  • Lachesis;
  • witch hazel;
  • Carbonicum;
  • Apis;
  • Ovarium Compositum;
  • Gormel;
  • Galium-Hel;
  • Psorino-Hel.

Homeopathy is used not only in preparing the body for conception, but also during pregnancy, in the process of contractions and the birth itself.

Effective drugs

Pregnancy in each woman proceeds differently: some do not notice drastic changes in their body, while others disrupt their usual life due to feeling unwell. Nausea is a common pregnancy disorder that usually occurs early or late in pregnancy.

You can get rid of nausea with the help of homeopathy for toxicosis of pregnancy, which is represented by a large number of drugs. The following remedies will help eliminate signs of toxicosis:

  1. Sepia;
  2. Ipecacuanha;
  3. Colchicum;
  4. cocculus indicus;
  5. Lacticum acidum.

Each of these remedies for toxicosis should be taken 3 times a day until noticeable improvements. With the resumption of signs of toxicosis, the course of taking the prescribed drug can be repeated.

With the threat of miscarriage, homeopathic remedies can also help. At threatened miscarriage the prescribed remedy is taken 4 times a day until the dangerous situation is eliminated. Women who have previously had cases spontaneous interruption pregnancy, you should take the drug 3 times a day from the moment of conception to the 16th week of gestation.

  • Aconite - effective during a fit of anger, as a result of which an abortion may occur;
  • Arnica - when a threat arises against the background of an injury;
  • Belladonna - a drug is prescribed for profuse bleeding, pain in the back and lower abdomen;
  • Sabina - the drug is indicated for bleeding with blood clots, when sharp pain lower abdomen;
  • Viburnum - with the threat of miscarriage in early pregnancy, when a woman is worried about pain in the lower back, and then goes to the hips and stomach.

If you take homeopathy during labor, you can increase the labor activity of a woman, reduce pain and the likelihood of injury during childbirth. Such drugs are also prescribed for lactating women with not enough breast milk.


The use of homeopathy during pregnancy is justified in terms of benefits and safety! Absence side effects, risks, the naturalness of the components are just some of the arguments in favor of taking homeopathy.

Let's see how and what drugs homeopaths recommend using during pregnancy.


On the first day of treatment, 5 grains of homeopathy should be taken every hour, and starting from the second day, 5 grains 3 times a day until the pregnant woman feels improvement. Homeopathic grains dissolve in the mouth half an hour before meals or an hour after it.

PROBLEM#1 : itchy skin

The most common itching during pregnancy is the belly. The first reason is that the child inside you is growing, respectively, the stomach is also growing, and the skin is stretched. The second reason is that the growing uterus begins to squeeze internal organs and by the third trimester, it seriously tightens the liver and bile ducts, disrupting the outflow of bile. This is what causes itchy skin.
Homeopathy for itchy skin which is worse in a warm room and on a hot day: Apis mellifica.
Homeopathy if itchy skin pesters a pregnant woman at night: Rhus toxicodendron D12.

PROBLEM #2: Flatulence

With flatulence, herbal teas (peppermint, marjoram, thyme and dill seeds) will help.
Homeopathy for bad waste gases: Chamomilla.
Homeopathy if a pregnant woman feels that belly is like balloon, filled with air: Lycopodium.

PROBLEM #3: chest pain

Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands are the first signs of pregnancy. Be sure to get a comfortable bra.
Help from homeopathy Phytolacca.

PROBLEM #4: Anemia

Anemia is often diagnosed in women during pregnancy. Pay attention to the menu: more dishes from beets, carrots, red fruits; red meat, almonds and oatmeal.
Homeopathy for anemia: for constant weakness and pallor of the skin, take Ferrum phosphoricum.

PROBLEM #5 Homeopathy during pregnancy: infections urinary tract

The main symptom of a urinary tract infection is frequent urges and pain when urinating. If you have problems, consult a doctor, drink plenty of cranberry juice.
Homeopathy for infection: Cantharis.

PROBLEM #6 Homeopathy during pregnancy: fatigue

Fatigue during pregnancy is the norm, since this condition requires a lot of energy. Walk more on fresh air and rest.
Homeopathy for low blood pressure: Haplopappus.
Homeopathy if a pregnant woman ready to lie in bed all day drinking cool juice to weariness : Veratrum album.

PROBLEM #7 Homeopathy during pregnancy: back pain

Back pain, as a rule, is a consequence of increased stress on the spine during pregnancy. Moreover, in the formation pain syndrome“Guilty” and hormones of pregnancy. They also act on the joint-ligamentous apparatus, softening it. If you have back pain, lie down as soon as possible and put your feet on a pillow.
Homeopathy for back pain: Aesculus.
Homeopathy if lower back pain radiates to the leg, and the condition improves after warm compress: Acidum formicicum D12.
Homeopathy for lumbago and sciatica, when heat and motion relieve pain: Rhus toxicodendron D12.

PROBLEM #8: heartburn

Heartburn occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy when the growing uterus begins to press on the stomach. Because of this, gastric juice enters the esophagus, as a result, heartburn occurs.
Homeopathy for severe painful burning sensation right in the pit of the stomach: Iris.
Homeopathy for pain which are aggravated by stress, against the background of general irritability and nervousness (pain decreases in the evening and after taking water): Nux vomica.
Homeopathy if the burning sensation is very strong, and the symptoms are worse in a cold room or in a draft: Capsicum.
Homeopathy for sour taste in the mouth. Feeling better at night: Robina pseudacacia.

PROBLEM #9: Nausea

Nausea is another hormonal adjustment in the body during pregnancy. Hormones circulating in the blood affect many organs and systems, including irritating the vomiting center of the brain. Peppermint tea can help relieve nausea.

Homeopathy if nausea is accompanied by constant weakness: Arsenic album.
Homeopathy if you feel sick at the sight or smell certain products , and it gets better if you lie down in a warm bed: Colchicum D12.
Homeopathy for sour belching, persistent sour taste in the mouth. In addition, you often suffer from headaches. Feeling better if you move: Iris.
Homeopathy, if you often feel sick, and vomiting does not bring relief. You feel worse if you move: Ipecacuanha.
Homeopathy, if you feel such heaviness in the stomach even after a light snack as if swallowed a stone: Nux vomica.
Homeopathy for nausea that occurs immediately after waking up and after meals. Feeling better in open air: Sepia.

PROBLEM #10: Anxiety and insomnia

Self-hypnosis, meditation and calm music will help to cope with anxiety and insomnia during pregnancy. Before going to bed, drink a cup of milk with honey or lemon balm tea, which have a mild sedative effect.
Homeopathy for bad thoughts and fear of the upcoming birth. You feel better after walking: Aconite.
Homeopathy if you are constantly drawn to sleep, especially after eating: Cocculus.
Homeopathy if you can't switch off from current problems: Coffea.
Homeopathy for severe mood swings. Peace of mind improves when you move: Valeriana.
Homeopathy for Restless Leg Syndrome: Zincum metallicum.

Homeopathy during pregnancy: constipation

Constipation is another unpleasant consequence of the action of pregnancy hormones. Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, soaked prunes in the morning, you can add a little bran to food. Watch out to drink enough liquids.
Homeopathy for constipation without the urge to defecate. General feeling better in open air: Aluminia.
Homeopathy for hard stools and intense thirst: Bryonia.
Homeopathy if you painfully want to go to the toilet but nothing works: Nux vomica.

PROBLEM #11: Seizures

Cramping is a consequence of magnesium deficiency during pregnancy. With a strong cramp, to relieve pain, strain the reduced muscle as much as possible. It is better to stand on a cramped leg, transfer the weight of the whole body to it. Talk to your doctor, he will prescribe magnesium supplements for you. Also include in your diet more foods rich in this mineral: bananas, dried fruits, almonds.
Homeopathy if convulsions are accompanied by sleep disorders: Cuprum metallicum D12.
Homeopathy for severe and very painful cramps: Magnesium phosphoricum D12.
Homeopathy if together with calf muscles also reduces the muscles of the arch of the foot: Silicea D12.

The doctor talks about the use of homeopathic remedies during pregnancy the highest category, Head of the Gynecological Department of the Moscow Homeopathic Center Yulia Viktorovna Zakharyan.

Unlike traditional medicines, homeopathic medicines are safe for a woman who is preparing to become a mother and will not harm the health of her unborn child. Homeopathic medicines are not made only for pregnant women, so you can use those that help a woman. When prescribing a remedy, homeopaths indicate in the prescriptions not the content of medicinal substances in it, as is done for conventional drugs, but, on the contrary, the degree of their dilution. Our specialists mainly use drugs in dilutions indicated by the numbers 3, 6, 12.

Sometimes, if the medicine is chosen correctly, the degree of its dilution is not so important, since the body itself is able to regulate it. But in some cases, it must be indicated, especially during pregnancy. For example, there is certain type women - gentle blondes With blue eyes, very soft, impressionable, talkative. During pregnancy, their mood often changes - from laughter to tears and vice versa, and they can cry in public and love to be pitied. This type of women corresponds to Pulsaltilla, which can improve their mental condition. But it should not be a drug with a dilution of three decimals (with the addition of 3X to the name), as it can cause uterine contractions and provoke a miscarriage.

The same applies to Apis 3X, which is sometimes prescribed for the appearance of edema. In other dilutions, these drugs do not pose a risk to pregnancy. With toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy, women can be advised several drugs. They will help to cope with nausea and prevent vomiting Ipecac 3 and Nux vomica 3X 7 grains two to three times a day half an hour before meals or one hour after it. One after the other in any sequence with a break of a few minutes. You can get rid of nausea in the morning by sucking 7 peas of each of them immediately after waking up, after which you should get out of bed slowly, slowly. If the expectant mother feels nausea after eating something, then she should take the medicine half an hour after eating. Adding Colchicum 3;6 or Iris 3;6 to these two remedies will reduce profuse salivation. From headaches and muscle pains, palpitations, accompanied by fear of an unsuccessful pregnancy, Acteya racemosa 3; 6 or 12 will relieve. She will also relieve nausea.

Iris will help with heartburn. Usually, homeopathic treatment is considered more appropriate when taking one or two drugs at the same time, but more can be used in combination. If there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen, bloody issues, as the first first aid useful Magnesia phosphorica 6, Cuprum metallicum 6, Sekale cornutum 3; 6 or Sabina 6. And irritable, nervous woman in this case, you will need Hamamilla 6 or 12. It is desirable to have any of these drugs in the medicine cabinet for every expectant mother. If a woman has had cases of miscarriage and there is a risk of miscarriage, Arnica 3 should be used; 6 from the very beginning of pregnancy, once or twice a day, 7 grains, half an hour before meals or an hour after it. Some women who are expecting a baby sometimes feel dizzy. In this case, they can be advised during an attack to dissolve 7 peas of Kokkulus 3; 6, and if that doesn't work, repeat. Dizziness may come back, and to prevent it, Cocculus must be taken for some more time. If you get sick in transport, you can use it before the trip.

Moshus 6 will help with the appearance of lightheadedness with a sensation of a lump in the throat. increased nervousness and irritability caused by pregnancy will be relieved by sedatives - Valerian 6, Zincum valerianicum 6, Hyoscyamus 3X; 3; 6, Avena sativa 3X; 3; 6, Ignacy 6; 12, Hamamilla 6, Passiflora 3; 6, Coffee 6 or Moshus 6. And Ignacy is better suitable for a woman who keeps her feelings deep inside and does not like to cry in public. 7 grains of one of the drugs should be sucked during the day two or three times, half an hour before meals or an hour after it. For insomnia, any of these remedies should be taken at night or a few hours before bedtime, and if it does not work, try another. When the expectant mother is excited and nervous, and the child in her makes it clear that he is also bad, that is, he moves too violently and often, she needs to put 7 grains of Hamamilla in her mouth and suck and add the same amount if she herself and baby won't calm down. Can be taken for headaches complex drug, which includes Spigelia, Sanguanaria and Meniantes.

If a woman's head starts to hurt, usually from the occipital region and this is accompanied by reddening of the face, and then the pain spreads throughout the head, then Gelsemin belladonna is suitable for her. For those whose pain then concentrates in the right eye socket and at the same time turns red right cheek, it is better to use Sanguanaria. If the head hurts at one point, as if a nail were driven in in this place, Ignatia will help. All these drugs can act immediately after the resorption of seven grains. In another case, you can repeat their reception until the head stops hurting. Homeopathy can also be helpful for constipation. But in conventional pharmacies imported homeopathic medicines for constipation are sold, some of which cannot be used during pregnancy. Do not buy them without reading the annotations. Of our funds, expectant mothers can be advised to use Sulfur 6 and Nux vomica 6 in the complex. 7 peas of Sulfur should be absorbed half an hour before meals, and Nux vomica - an hour after eating. These medicines are prescribed three times a day - both when constipation lasts for several days, and when it becomes habitual. With an inert bowel, if there is an urge to stool, but the bowel is not emptied completely and in very small portions, it is better to try Nux vomica. When there is no urge at all, you can use Plumbum 6 or Opium 6, and if you feel that the stomach is as if drawn inward - Plumbum aceticum 6. Pregnant women are not immune from indigestion. If it is accompanied by severe pallor, weakness and chills, and the stool becomes too frequent and watery, then Veratrum album 3X should be taken; 3.

E If spastic pains in the abdomen join this, Cuprum metallicum 6 can be added. These two drugs must be absorbed in turn. With severe symptoms - 7 grains every hour. As you feel better, you can reduce the intake to one or two times a day half an hour before meals or an hour after, and when cured, stop completely. To get rid of prolonged diarrhea, you need to take Arsenicum album 6. You can do this in combination with other drugs, dissolving 7 peas in 15 minutes one after the other. Infectious viral diseases are very dangerous for the health of an unborn baby future mother. To protect yourself from them and strengthen the immune system, a pregnant woman should take Grippheel German company"Heel" or our Antigrippin two or three times a day half an hour before meals or an hour after it. If she usually catches a cold easily or has recently been ill, a remedy in Sandra tablets can be recommended. This drug, which is a strong immunocorrector, will suit most women.

As a preventive measure, one tablet should be sucked 3 times a day between meals. Sandra is very widely used for fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose. As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, one tablet should be taken every one to two hours, depending on the degree of their severity. After the disease begins to recede, the dose should be reduced. Ipecac 3, Drosera 3X can help with cough; 3 and Cuprum metallicum 6, Antimonicum krudum 3X is good as an expectorant; 3. Take them at strong cough followed by 7 peas every hour, with less intense - two to three times a day.

Many of these homeopathic medicines are cross-acting medicines, that is, they solve many health problems, so their names are repeated when different symptoms. After each reception suitable for you homeopathic remedy there should be at least a little relief, and if not, then this medicine is not for you. Any of the drugs should be used as long as there is any problem in the body, and if it was possible to get rid of it, then there is no need to drink the medicine anymore. You should not think that any of these remedies will certainly suit you, so consult your doctor if possible, especially if you have serious manifestations of any disease.

Many expectant mothers are worried about whether it is dangerous to use homeopathy during pregnancy, will it harm the unborn baby? Do not worry: homeopathy is absolutely safe medicines that are indicated during pregnancy. Since all homeopathic remedies are known for not containing real plant molecules, any side effects of any kind are extremely rare. In addition, they are highly diluted, so they are theoretically safe for all patients.

The basic essence of homeopathy

Today, homeopathic treatment is one of the most popular in the world. All this thanks to what it offers new opportunity: treat with absolutely harmless drugs. In addition, it can treat all kinds of diseases in those people who are at risk: newborns and breast babies, children, allergy sufferers, pregnant and lactating women and so on. Homeopathy inherits the ancient postulate that a disease can be cured by its likeness, that is, "like - like". That is why homeopathic medicines are mostly aimed directly at the disease, but they themselves can also cause disease - it all depends on the dose of the remedy taken. This is the main difference this method treatment.

All homeopathic remedies are used in microscopic doses. All of them are specially collected and processed substances of natural rather than chemical origin.

Homeopathic remedies during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is undesirable for a woman to get sick at all, but if it happened, then before mindlessly putting her hand into the first-aid kit, it is worth remembering that in interesting position many drugs are contraindicated for women, as they cross the placenta and cause serious harm to the unborn baby. The situation is exactly the same during lactation - many drugs fall into breast milk. But this does not mean at all that the disease should not be fought, especially if a chronic illness has aggravated or an acute illness, an allergy or a cold has arisen.

Homeopathy is recognized effective method fight against various diseases during pregnancy. The purpose of this treatment is to help the body to cope with the disease itself.

Homeopathy during pregnancy helps to strengthen not only the health of the expectant mother, but her baby. In addition, there is evidence that it was the homeopathic treatment that the pregnant woman took that prevented the risk of chronic diseases in the baby.

Help for pregnant women

Of course, before taking any medicine, you need to consult a gynecologist or midwife. You should not treat yourself on your own and on the advice of friends, especially when you are in an interesting position. But as a guide, below is a list of medicines that can be taken during a particular ailment.

  • Strong pain in the back, an unpleasant feeling in the uterus - aesculus, kali carbonicum.
  • Constipation - alumina.
  • Bleeding, threatened miscarriage - belladonna.
  • Toxicosis, lack of appetite - causticum.
  • Nausea, vomiting - ipecac, Arsenicum album D6.
  • Too sensitive sense of smell - Sepia D6.
  • Toothache - magnesia carbonica.
  • Feeling of fear, causeless anxiety - aconite.
  • Weakness in the legs, convulsions - Agaricus.
  • Universal pain reliever - arnica.
  • Preparation for childbirth, toxicosis - carbo vegetabilis.
  • Varicose veins veins, leg ulcers - hamamelis.
  • Depression - oils: arnica, bergamot, geranium, rose, rosewood or cedar wood, tea with St. John's wort.
  • Sleep disorder - Schussler's salt No. 7 (Magnesium phosphoricum).