Bottles for the wedding painted from a can. When such beautiful bottles come in handy. What materials are traditionally used for wedding bottles?

Glass and plastic bottles are excellent material for the manufacture of various original crafts which can be easily made by hand. So unique, stylish and very beautiful things you can decorate the interior of any apartment or house, making them even more comfortable:

And such crafts will become a wonderful gift for close people. To create various original gizmos from glass or plastic bottles, you can leave them in their original form, but they will look much more advantageous if the bottle is pre-painted.

What can be done from these bottles:

When such beautiful bottles come in handy:

  • How - see here

Using the same technique, you can paint any glass: glasses, jars and wine glasses

You should be very careful about the choice of paint, since the final result will depend on it.

  • Good fit regular waterproof paint, as well as acrylic paints, which are matte and glossy, transparent and dense, they are sold in cans and sprays
  • Acrylic paints you can use it as it is sold, or you can dilute it with water, it all depends on what effect you want to achieve.
  • Also on sale is universal paints which are perfect for painting glass and plastic bottles.

What paint to choose for a plastic bottle

How to paint a plastic bottle for crafts? For decoration, you can use exactly the same paints as for glass. It is best that they are not aggressive.

  1. Acrylic paints great for painting plastic bottles, but to protect the surface, you need to cover them on top with a still colorless acrylic varnish.
  2. Color acrylic lacquer is an the perfect way painting plastic bottles for crafts.
  3. Paint in cans also suitable for decoration plastic bottle.
  4. The most stable and beautiful effect is given car paints, plastic bottles painted with such paint will not change their color for several years.
  5. Can also be dyed with regular enamel paints.

How to paint: sponge, brush or aerosol

  • In order to paint a glass or plastic bottle, you can use nylon brush, but in this case it will be very difficult to achieve a perfectly flat surface.
  • Can use a sponge, and dipping it into the paint with dotted movements, apply to the surface. So the traces will not be visible, but you will have to cover the bottle with several layers of paint, each of which must dry, and this will take some time.
  • The fastest and in a simple way achieve smooth painting- this is to use spray paint, which dries very quickly.

But in the apartment you should not spray paint, because it has strong smell and fades for a long time.

5 painting techniques

All types of painting can be conditionally divided into several techniques. Two of them are the main ones: this is the application of paint from the inside of the bottle and from the outside. Each method has its own disadvantages and advantages. For example, painting from the inside makes it possible to achieve a beautiful glow from the inside, but limits the combination of colors and textures. And surface coloring gives full rein to your imagination: here you can use stencils, make gradient color transitions, create textures. Choose the technique that you like.

Teznika No. 1: We paint the bottle from the inside with acrylic

In order to paint the bottle for decoration from the inside acrylic paint you will need:

  • Syringe.
  • Acrylic paint.
  • Liquid for dissolving paint.
  • Unnecessary capacity.

Using a syringe, we inject the paint into the bottle and evenly distribute it along the walls

  1. Before proceeding with staining, you need to wash and dry the bottle well. In order for the tone of the paint to turn out to be uniform, and there were no streaks when staining, the paint must be poured into a container and mixed well.
  2. Then you need to draw paint into the syringe, insert it into the neck of the bottle and squeeze it inward.
  3. Now you need to slowly rotate the bottle so that the paint covers the walls and bottom over the entire area. In order for the excess paint to drain, you need to put the bottle upside down for a while.

We turn the bottles over and let the excess paint drain

If you paint the outside of the bottle, it can be easily cleaned with a solvent.

Bottles painted with acrylic can be used as original vases, besides, they do not lose the beautiful reflection of the glass, enlightening the bottom.

The original vase for the house is ready

Technique #2: Coating the outside

Coating the paint on the outside gives a lot of possibilities, for example, to create beautiful stripes or other stencil patterns on the surface.

Screen non-painting

Painting with electrical tape

In order to paint the outside of the bottle, you will need:

  • Paint (acrylic or water-based).
  • Degreaser (any alcohol solution can be used for this).
  • Brush or sponge.
  • Newspaper.


  1. To begin with, the bottle must be washed well, cleaned of paper labels and dried.
  2. Then we degrease with an alcohol solution, if this is not done, the paint simply will not hold.
  3. Now you can start painting using a brush or sponge, in any case, you need to start from the bottom.
  4. We put the bottle upside down and leave to dry. After the paint dries, turn over and finish painting the top of the bottle.

We apply electrical tape to the surface of the bottle

Apply paint using a brush or sponge. After complete drying (1 day), remove the tape

Finished vase for decoration

In order to paint over all the gaps, you need to apply at least two coats of paint.

Technique #3: How to spray paint

This method is the easiest and fastest, but it is recommended to use it outdoors.

Gradient spray paint

It will require:

  • Paint can.
  • Alcohol based solution.
  • Newspaper.

Before painting, the bottle must be washed well, labels and traces of glue must be removed from them. Then they need to be dried and treated with a degreaser. The bottle must be placed on the newspaper and at a distance of 30 cm, start spraying paint on it.

Painting principle: the most dark tone, and then on top of it already lighter shades

If one layer is not enough, the procedure must be repeated. When painting bottles with spray paint, you can use various stencils or adhesive tape, resulting in unique, original patterns. Bottles painted in delicate light colors in combination with gold or silver paint look very impressive.

Great fall decor

Technique #4: Glitter Painting

Very pretty it turns out painting with glitter or sparkles. This is especially appropriate for a wedding or other celebration. Champagne bottles painted using this technology look very solemn and impressive.

Painting bottles with glitter and glitter

You will find more information about this decoration technique in the material “Champagne Decor”. Click on the button!

Technique #5: Textured Painting Technique

Everyone knows that according to tradition, at the wedding, the newlyweds put two bottles of champagne on the table, which the young people take away after the banquet and drink one bottle on the first anniversary, and the second on the birth of their first child. Therefore, the bottles must be beautiful and original. In order to make them such as in the photo, a textured coloring technique is used.

Painting a bottle with acrylic paint and a sponge

Paint application technique:

  • Clean the bottles, leaving the foil on the neck from paper labels.
  • Wipe with an alcohol solution to degrease.
  • Getting to painting, for this you will need white acrylic paint and a sponge.
  • Further, everything is simple, we dip the sponge into the paint and paint over the entire bottle with point movements.
  • Leave for 15 minutes, and apply the second coat of paint in the same way. After the paint has completely dried, you can start decorating the bottle.

Strictly speaking, only wine made in the French province of Champagne can be considered champagne. But in many other countries today they produce a drink that is given the same name. In any case, most people associate this wine with a holiday, which means that it should look solemn, so why not decorate it?

Materials and techniques

Many holidays are celebrated in a big way. The most put on the table delicious dishes, and, of course, not without alcohol (if we are talking about a celebration for adults). As a rule, the hosts offer guests a choice of drinks, but among them frequent guest- It's champagne. It is brought as a gift or bought in advance by the organizers of the event. In any case, a vessel with a drink requires special design.

For decoration, the following materials are usually used:

  • tapes,
  • braid,
  • beads,
  • corrugated paper,
  • acrylic paints,
  • patterned paper napkins,
  • beads,
  • lace, etc.

As aids craftsmen and craftswomen take colorless acrylic varnish, transparent and PVA glue, small sparkles and confetti. As tools, fan brushes are useful, thin (linear or font) for drawing small details or for applying text, as well as flat ones to cover the surface with varnish.

Techniques with which a real work of art can be obtained from an ordinary bottle can be used in a variety of ways:

  • decoupage;
  • crackle - coating the pattern with a special composition that creates the effect of cracking over time;
  • aging, or patting - application, and then partial erasure special paint;
  • gilding and silvering;
  • matting, drawing a picture using a stencil, etc.

All these methods are different in degree of complexity, and some of them should not be taken without experience.


It is worth stocking up with acrylic paint and varnish, patterned napkins, lace, PVA glue and brushes with synthetic bristles:

  1. To begin with, the vessel must be soaked in ordinary water to easily remove all labels. Wipe dry.
  2. Cover it with paint 2 times to get an even layer without “bald spots”. Lacquer is applied on top.
  3. After the varnish has completely dried, it is necessary to cut or tear out the desired pattern from the napkin. put it down front side to multifor.
  4. Dampen the cloth by sprinkling water on it. This must be done carefully so as not to tear the thin material.
  5. When the drawing is completely wet, it must be applied to the wall of the vessel, pressed and slowly removed the multifora.
  6. Dilute PVA glue with water 1: 5 or even stronger, gently cover the drawing with it.
  7. After the glue dries, they move on to the decor: wishes are written on the neck with paint with a thin brush, a braid or lace ribbon is glued along the edge of the transferred pattern.

Each next layer of decor is applied only after the previous one has dried. If there is a desire to glue rhinestones or beads, then this should be done at the very end of the whole work.


Champagne is a drink, no doubt, festive. Therefore, it cannot be missed at an event such as a wedding. Of course, decorating all the bottles that were purchased for the celebration is long and expensive. But those that will be placed on the table near the bride and groom should be decorated.

Often they just get by with flowers, beads and bows, but sometimes they take two vessels at once and decorate them as figurines of newlyweds:

With the "groom" everything is much simpler: you can leave a bow tied under the cork or glue a piece of the same ribbon vertically under it and decorate it.

Often, glasses for newlyweds and candles that are lit at the celebration are decorated in the same style. Sometimes as a decoration they use a photo of the bride and groom printed on self-adhesive paper, or their initials.

New Year

New Year- a holiday that everyone associates with something of their own. For some, this is fluffy snow, for others - unbridled fun, others do not represent fabulous night without the smell of tangerines, and the fourth definitely needs the sound of an opening sparkling drink and bubbles that tickle your nose.

The bottle with thematic pictures drawn on it looks very nice. But this can only be done by those who have the talent of an artist and some experience in applying paint. fine brush on curved surfaces. A simpler option is to decorate with braid and ribbons.

It is best to take 2 tapes different color: blue and silver, green and gold, etc.

Does the bottom look unfinished? You can simply dip it into the glue for about 1-2 cm, and then into small sparkles or confetti. You can also arrange a New Year's drink using the decoupage technique, transferring a pattern with paper napkin, or just wrap corrugated paper and decorate with beads, cones and small Christmas decorations.

Some people are so fascinated with decorating bottles that over time they begin to make them to order. Today good masters are highly valued and big holidays the demand for them is great.

Dreaming to spend beautiful wedding? Then our 4 master class on how to unusually paint a bottle of champagne for a wedding is just for you! An economical, hand-made decoration will not leave guests indifferent and will significantly reduce spending on trifles. But a beautiful bottle painted with safe acrylic paint is also pleasant to open and pour into glasses!

Do you want to know how to paint a bottle of champagne for a wedding so that guests exhale in admiration? Then hurry up and cook necessary tools and let's start!

Painting with gold and glitter

To make wonderful gilded bottles, we need the following tools:

Let's start by cleaning the bottles from the labels - you can rub them with dishwashing detergent, soda or try to heat them with a hairdryer, from which the label should easily fall behind the bottle.

Lay out newspapers or waste fabric, arrange the bottles. Put on gloves so you don't torment your hands after wiping them off the paint. We begin to paint the bottles with gold spray paint.

Apply 2 coats and let dry. If you are painting for the first time, then you should read in detail the technique of painting a bottle with spray paint in this article.

STEP 3: how to coat only part of the bottle with glitter.

Thus, you can decorate the most different bottles and build your collection!

Also, based on this master class, you can experiment with color and texture. For example, champagne in red or covered with colored glitter looks gorgeous at a wedding.

Also, do not forget to decorate the glasses for the newlyweds in the same style. You can also make chic candlesticks for table decor from glasses - click on the button!

Candlesticks from glasses for a wedding - 30 ideas

Silver painting and texture creation

To transform these bottles you will need:

We take a bottle with colored glass and clean it from the label. We glue the tape or paper on the bottle as your imagination wants. Be sure to run your finger along the pasted part to remove air bubbles.

Lay out newspaper/cloth and put on gloves. Apply 2 coats of paint to the bottle and let dry. Carefully remove the paper or tape;

Take your time to avoid jagged edges.

ADVICE: Bulk paint can be replaced with any thick glue, such as "liquid nails"

Using the same technology, you can make the letters of the newlyweds on the bottle: first we apply adhesive paper in the shape of a letter, paint it and remove it after drying.

Using the same method, you can Make vases from a bottle: photos and Workshops in read this article

Champagne bottle in white

To create such a beautiful little thing, we need:

We clean the bottles, prepare a place for painting. Don't forget to paint from a distance for uniform application. We paint in 2 layers.

Pour the salt into a flat dish. We apply glue to the neck of the bottle, roll it in a bowl and get a lovely snow-white bottle!

You can use absolutely any bottles for this - they will all look extremely elegant.

Look at different variants bottles and their coloring. Looks very extraordinary! Perfectly fit into any room, giving it originality.

Thread decor

It will be original if you carefully glue any thread on the bottle before painting. To do this as accurately as possible, it is best to place it with tweezers or an ear stick.

After the glue has completely dried, we cover it with acrylic paint as usual.

The bottle is shell structured

To create this magic bottle, we will take:

Take the shells and break them into small pieces. Let them dry and start applying with glue to the bottle.

Gently apply a napkin with hearts to the bottle and with careful movements, from the center to the edge, draw with a brush with glue. Keep in mind that this paper is very thin and will tear easily if you work hastily.

Take your time and you will succeed! You can apply the pattern to the entire bottle or to a part of it. To fix the result, it is ideal to cover with a matte or glossy varnish.

These are the stages our bottle went through before becoming a real beauty!

This decorated bottle will fit into any interior, adding romance and comfort.

This master class showed only a small part of the ways how you can decorate bottles for a wedding, making original bright accents on them.

Champagne Bottle Design Ideas

If you want to make your wedding more unique, or maybe add a little coziness to your home, we recommend that you look at more ideas for decorating and painting bottles. Unusual candlesticks, bride and groom attire, original pots and much more - and all this from ordinary glass bottles! You are sure to find the very option that fits perfectly into your life!

Liana Raymanova May 17, 2018, 13:12

For most couples, a wedding is an exciting and desirable event, so they approach preparations with all responsibility. At a wedding, you want everything to be perfect, even the smallest accessories must be designed in a single concept of the celebration. What wedding is complete without champagne? And it is this drink that the newlyweds give Special attention, bottles with this sparkling drink decorate and keep until the first anniversary.

How to decorate a wedding bottle: ideas

Many brides take an active part in preparing for their own celebration and cook with their own hands. various accessories and wedding decor, they remove a lot of attention and design of champagne bottles.

Before you start decorating, you need to remove the label from the bottle and prepare the surface. To do this, put champagne in a basin or pan and pour warm water by adding to it a small amount of dishwashing detergents. Leave for half an hour, and then easily remove the label, wipe the bottle dry and degrease with alcohol or acetone.

Do-it-yourself wedding bottle decoration options:

  • Decor satin ribbons the most popular and easiest option.
  • Textile, from which you can create absolutely any outfit for the bottle, usually this is the outfit of the bride and groom. The option is quite laborious and without necessary skills unlikely to succeed beautiful decor, so it is better to use the services of the masters.
  • fabric flowersgreat option wedding decoration champagne bottles. Combine them with painting, ribbons, rhinestones, paints.
  • Do unique decor possible with technology decoupage. Bottles with photos of young people look interesting, you can also place text on them.

DIY wedding bottle decor photo

  • Bottles of sparkling wine look original on the table, decorated with various hearts, flowers, birds and other elements made of polymer clay.
  • Rhinestones, sequins and beads. This decor can be very beautiful, the bottle all covered with sparkles looks bright and interesting.
  • Not the most durable decoration are Natural flowers. Most often they are used as an additional decor.

How to decorate two bottles for a wedding anniversary is up to you, but do not forget that they fit into the overall theme of the wedding, perhaps they were in a single color scheme with different decor

You can also decorate the box in which the champagne will be stored, but this is up to you.

How to make a dress for a bottle for a wedding with your own hands? Step-by-step instruction

The bottles of champagne, decorated under the wedding dresses. Today, many choose not classic outfits: White dress bride and groom's black suit, and dresses and suits in original colors. You can take your wedding dresses directly as the basis for the decor of the bottles.

Photo how to decorate bottles for a wedding with your own hands

So how to sew wedding clothes for bottles? The task is not difficult and even an inexperienced craftswoman can master the technology of tailoring clothes. You will need several small pieces of fabric different colors and structures, pearls, golden sequins, small flowers, tulle and any other decor of your choice:

  1. Pieces of white fabric (tulle, satin, velvet) are sewn in the form of flounces.
  2. Decorate the dress with sequins, pearls, beads, possibly flowers.
  3. Put on the neck of the bottle.
  4. You can additionally make a veil and attach it to the cork with a glue gun.
  5. Additionally, white ribbons will be required for decoration.
  6. Tuxedo for the second bottle of champagne is also not difficult to make. Take measurements of the bottle in terms of volume and height, cut out a square pattern. Cut out a square from black fabric, on which you need to sew a white flap, like a collar, sew on beads (instead of buttons) and make sleeves. The neck can be decorated with a butterfly, and put on a small black hat on the cork.

DIY wedding bottle design photo

DIY wedding bottles from satin ribbons: a master class

Easy and fairly inexpensive decor option - satin ribbon decoration. There are several ideas:

  • completely close the bottle with ribbons;
  • leave open the foil on the bottle;
  • cover the bottle with ribbons in several layers.

Photo of decorating bottles for a wedding with your own hands

The decoration of a bottle of champagne with ribbons looks beautiful when they somewhat repeat the dress of the bride and the suit of the groom. For example, in one bottle the style of the dress is recognizable, on the other - the ribbons are matched to the tone of the suit. The amount of decor depends on your desire and skill.

If wedding celebration sustained in one color, then it must be reflected in the table paraphernalia

To decorate, you need to prepare:

  • scissors, soldering iron, large needle and stationery knife;
  • two bottles of champagne, better to have them different shapes and magnitude;
  • satin ribbons of the desired color;
  • PVA glue, textile glue and liquid nails;
  • various decor (beads, sequins, rhinestones, a hat, hearts, etc.).

Weaving begins from the neck, it is the most difficult to arrange. The tapes are cut into small segments, and each subsequent fragment should overlap the previous one, while fitting snugly. The length of each subsequent segment should be slightly longer than the previous one, as the neck of the bottle expands. To choose better tape 2-2.5 cm wide, it is more convenient to work with it. It is better to cut off the tape after you try on the required length on the bottle.

All pieces of tape on the neck must be fixed with glue, while doing this carefully so that the glue does not show through the fabric. Your weaving should resemble a pigtail. Then the bottle is pasted over in a circle. It is difficult to give an exact answer on how much ribbon is needed to decorate wedding bottles. The narrower the tape, the greater the expense. With a standard tape width, it takes an average of 5 m, while remembering that you will need tapes of different colors.

Photo of wedding bottles from satin ribbons

The skirt for the bride is decorated with bows, a veil, possibly a wreath or a hat, buttons, a bow tie, a small hat or a top hat can become additional decor for the “groom” bottle. It all depends on your imagination and skills. Any of your ideas can be brought to life, the main thing is to do everything carefully and tastefully.

How to paint bottles for a wedding?

Look great bottles studded with sparkles or painted in bright colours. What else is used to color champagne bottles for a wedding banquet?

  • glitter and gold;
  • silver painting;
  • white paint;
  • any design of the bottle with paints.

Bottles decorated for the wedding with their own hands

What paint is being painted glass bottles? The choice of paint should be approached thoroughly, because the result depends on it. For these purposes, most often they use ordinary waterproof paint, acrylic (matte and glossy) paints, and there are also universal paints for different surfaces.

How to decorate a bottle with your own hands

You need: newspaper, gloves, bottle, white spray paint, simple salt coarse grinding, flat dishes larger than the bottle and glue:

  1. The bottle should be cleaned of the label and degreased.
  2. Prepare a place for painting, it is better to do it on the street. Apply paint from a distance outstretched hand in two layers.
  3. Pour salt into a flat dish.
  4. Apply glue over the entire surface of the bottle and roll the bottle in salt.

There are many options for decorating champagne bottles, choose to your taste, but do not forget that on wedding banquet champagne bottles play the role of decor and it is better to perform them in the same style with another wedding decor. Experiment, bring your bold ideas and then you will be satisfied with the result.

Step-by-step instructions in the video of the master class of wedding bottles with your own hands:

Helpful Hints

If you are preparing for a holiday, whether it be a wedding, birthday, anniversary or New Year, there must be a bottle of champagne on the table.

At the same time, by decorating such a bottle, you will also decorate festive table, which means, add another zest to the holiday.

How to decorate champagne as a gift with your own hands

In this master class, you can learn how to make a pink lady from a bottle of champagne.

You will need:

Bias binding (10-11 m)

Glue (preferably building glue)


Bow fabric

1. To do upper part dresses, you can use silver braid. You just need to glue it, covering the emblem on the bottle.

2. After which you made two overlapping rows, cook pink ribbon. Use very little glue to stick the tape to the bottle. Do it a little sideways.

When you get to the middle of the bottle, you should end up with something like this:

3. After that, you wound the fabric to the end, you need to glue its end in the place where you will approximately be covered with a skirt. This will hide all seams.

4. It's time to make a skirt. To do this, prepare a ribbon for a bow and collect it on a thread. IN this example the length of the tape is 1.5 meters, but you can choose it yourself, make it longer or shorter.

5. The skirt can be attached to the bottle with glue or string tied around the bottle.

How to decorate champagne. Hat for ladies.

In this example, you will be able to make the hat for the lady you prepared earlier. The only difference is the color chosen for the dressing of the bottle. In this example, it's blue, but you can leave it pink, or choose the color you like best.

* Prepare a bottle by decorating it as in the previous example.

cooking hat

1. Cut out a circle from a plastic bottle. The size of the hat will depend on the diameter of the circle.

2. Inside the cut out circle, cut out another circle - you will get the part of the hat that is attached over the champagne. This means that you need to measure the diameter of the neck of the bottle, and make the inner circle slightly larger so that the hat is slightly larger.

* Remove strips after one.

*Use a stapler to attach the cardboard to the plastic. Then use your imagination to decorate the hat. In this example, a satin ribbon and lace were used.

The photo on the left is a top view, the photo on the right is a bottom view.

How to decorate champagne with chocolates

You will need:

Tissue paper (2 orange sheets, 1 green sheet)

* Quiet it thin paper, also known as "cigarette". You can find it on the racks. gift wrapping, as well as in specialized art stores.

Sweets (in this example, there are 48 of them)

* Raffia is a long fiber found on the leaves of the raffia palm. They are popular with florists and are used in arts and crafts.

hot glue

Glue hot gun

1. Prepare orange tissue paper and cut out 7 x 7 cm squares from it.

2. Apply glue to the flat side of each candy. Now you need to glue the candy in the middle of the paper square.

* It is better to decorate the bottle with sweets from the bottom up in a circle.

* Try to glue the candies tightly to each other.

4. We make leaves. To do this, prepare green tissue paper and cut out narrow long leaves from it.

5. Leaves need to be glued together in several layers. Next, they need to decorate the neck of the bottle.

6. Your bottle will look even more like a pineapple if you wrap some raffia around the neck.

How beautiful to decorate a bottle of champagne

It is customary to decorate a wedding with beautifully decorated bottles of champagne. IN given master class you will learn about another original way decorate the bottle. A satin ribbon and your imagination will help you.

It is worth noting what is decoration fit not only for wedding table, but also for any other holiday, such as March 8 or birthday.

You'll need:

Silk fabric

Satin ribbons (2 colors, width of each ribbon at least 4 cm)

Braid of golden color

Bias binding


1. Preparing a dress pattern. It consists of a bodice and a skirt.

First you need to do it on paper. As a guide, take the size of a champagne bottle, and then transfer it to the fabric.

* It is best to use thick satin and silk.

2. Sew along the edge of the satin ribbon, loosening it on sewing machine thread tension.

* It is advisable to put bartacks at each end so that when working with ribbons, the tightened edges do not move apart.

3. With the help of tailor's pins, you need to attach the ribbon to the bottom edge of the skirt. Make a zigzag stitch on the machine.

4. Embellish the entire skirt by alternating ribbons in two different colors (in this case, white and burgundy).

* Leave no more than 3 cm between rows.

5. When stitching the tapes, make sure that the top row completely covers the seam of the bottom row join.

* If you want to hide the seams on the inside, you can use a lining. It is worth putting the skirt on the fabric, draw the outline of the part and make the lining.

6. Fasten all parts using pins. It is also worth fixing the edge with a machine stitch (see picture).

7. Now you need to turn over the edge of the product with an oblique trim.

8. We decorate the bodice with a ribbon. To do this, you need to put the tape on the bodice and then grind along the edge, i.e. fasten two parts with subsequent turning out.

9. The seam must be hidden by sewing on the bodice and skirt with ribbon.

10. Start decorating the dress with a bow (brooches, sequins).

How to decorate champagne with your own hands for a wedding

For the wedding table, you can prepare 2 colorful bottles of champagne and tie them together with ribbons.

You will need:

Champagne (2 bottles)

Paint in an aerosol can (color white)

Satin ribbons (color white and lilac, length 2 meters)

Outline on glass (in this example, lilac)


Stationery glue, electrical tape or tape

Cyanopane glue

Polymer clay flowers

Double sided tape

1. Remove labels from bottles by dipping them in cold water. Degrease the surface with alcohol or window cleaner and dry.

2. Using stationery glue, stick paper decorations on the glass of the bottle. You can use duct tape or tape instead, but no glue is used in this case (obviously). When you paint the bottle and remove the decorations, there will be clear glass in their places.

Patterns used in this example square shape, wavy stripes, blades of grass and butterflies.

3. Now the bottle needs to be painted. Using a can of white paint, paint the bottles in 3 layers (carefully read the instructions for using the can). You can try replacing the spray can with acrylic paint.

Make sure that after applying a new layer, the previous layer is completely dry. To do this, you may have to leave the bottles to dry for a day.

4. Carefully remove pieces of paper (duct tape, tape).

5. Time to decorate - glue the flowers on a clean glass, paint them with pastel and outline. The latter can also draw arbitrary patterns.

6. Places that are empty can be filled with beads glued with cyanopane glue.

7. Tie the bottle with a satin ribbon. You can use double-sided tape under the tape to keep it from moving. You can tie the ends with a knot and a bow.

The ends of the ribbon can be singeed over the candle. They can hang down to the bottom of the bottle.

How to decorate a bottle of champagne with your own hands

You will need:

Satin ribbon (1 chocolate color, 1 white color; length 2m, width 3cm)

White satin ribbon (length 60cm, width 6cm)

Base fabric

1. First you need to cut out a dress, focusing on the size of the bottle.

2. From satin ribbons you need to prepare shuttlecocks. To do this, lay a line along the edge and pull it off to make ruffles.

3. Sew ruffles onto the skirt.

4. The first row should consist of the most wide tape, which needs to be attached.

5. From the center of the waist line, you need to draw an equilateral triangle (see picture).

6. Sew white ribbons around the perimeter of the triangle, 3 cm wide.

* To make everything work out neatly, the product should be fixed with pins, and only then start stitching.

7. Close the edges of the triangle with a frill made from chocolate-colored satin ribbon.

9. Using a white wide tape (6 cm), cover the gaps in the drapery. On top of this ribbon, also apply a narrow chocolate ribbon (3 cm) and stitch.

* If you pull the end of the thread, then you will be able to pull off the tape and distribute the folds nicely and neatly.

* With the help of this detail you can hide not draped places.

10. Cook satin ribbon(6cm) and sew it onto the bodice of the dress. You can add sequins for beauty and sew on ties.

11. At the bottom, you can decorate the dress with white ribbon bows.

How to decorate a bottle of champagne with ribbons

For a wedding or anniversary, the following champagne bottle decor will also suit you.

You will need:

Satin ribbon (3.5 m)

Gold brocade ribbon (1.5 m)

Glue (preferably moment)


Champagne bottle with gold foil

1. Prepare the bottle and tape and measure the approximate length for the first layer. To do this, attach the tape to the neck of the bottle.

2. When you have measured the length, cut off the desired piece of tape and mark a few points on it with glue.