Abstract of a lesson on creativity in the preparatory group. Lesson on creativity "Watermelon". Non-traditional drawing techniques. Volume paints

Creative activity at preschool age is of great importance and is an integral part in the process of education of a comprehensively developed, harmonious personality child. The fairy-tale world of fine arts, into which the child is immersed in the classroom, has a beneficial effect on the emotional and mental state of the child, helps to relieve emotional stress, causes positive emotions, a sense of satisfaction from the work done, from the creation of a particular masterpiece. Development figurative thinking, non-standard, creative, is formed precisely in the classroom of fine arts. Thanks to the variety of techniques, techniques and materials used, the child has the opportunity to express their individuality and create extraordinary works of art. The main tasks that creative activity sets for itself are: the disclosure of individuality in each young creator, the development of the creative potential inherent in each child, the formation and enrichment of sensory processes, the clarification and expansion of ideas about the objects and phenomena of the surrounding world that the child will be depicted.

The structure of creativity classes has a somewhat non-standard format, since it is determined by age and psychological features every child. Despite the fact that each lesson is devoted to a specific topic, the range of views on it is very large and wide, since children's imagination and imagination sometimes know no bounds. And we consciously do not set limits and do not create boundaries. Children always have a choice in the technique and materials used. The theme can be general, and the execution depends on the choice of certain materials (gouache, watercolor, pastel, felt-tip pens, plasticine, sand, dough, clay, fabric, natural materials…) and technician (appliqué, drawing, sculpting, modeling). The classes pay attention to different genres of fine art, the lesson can be entirely devoted to the study of portrait, landscape or still life. Getting to know prominent representatives these genres - by examining and discussing reproductions. The main attention is paid to the development of artistic skills and abilities, children learn to use brushes, scissors, use paints correctly, taking into account their characteristics (gouache, watercolor, Finger paint), crayons (pastel, watercolor chalk), various types of paper (cardboard, drawing paper, corrugated paper). At the end of the lesson, children learn to be grateful viewers, we look at and discuss each other's work, looking for something special and beautiful in each work!


As a result of creative activities, children develop and expand their understanding of the world around them. different subjects and phenomena, they are already able to convey these ideas on paper or in a three-dimensional composition. Children become more courageous and confident, not afraid to express their individuality. Children are able to use different art materials, use different tricks to work in different techniques.

Ekaterina Lvovna

Educator, teacher of fine arts, higher education (Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen), teacher of fine arts.

1. Studio for painting ceramics "Own Plate"
From 3 years
Address: Krymsky Val, 10 (Central House of Artists, Shardam)

Here you can paint ready-made ceramic dishes or interior items, children are engaged with their parents. The studio will provide all the necessary materials for creativity: various models dishes or interior items, samples, stencils, brushes and paints (by the way, odorless). After you paint your product, it will be fired in the studio and after some time will be handed to you. Painting lessons can also be booked at children's day birth.

2. Studio "Let And Chagall"
From 2 years
The address: Krasnoarmeyskaya, 4

The studio is located near the Dynamo metro station in an amazing house of the beginning of the last century with bay windows and turrets. In the classroom here, children draw, sculpt, craft, copy artwork organize exhibitions and festivals. Each lesson is dedicated to a certain era, in the context of which art is discussed. Artists, art critics and psychologists teach at Letal And Chagall.

3. Hand made BUREAU by Katya Mikheeva in "Shardama"
From 3 years

Address: Krymsky Val, 10

From conventional materials here they learn to make the most incredible things: marble from paper, a mandala from threads, flowers from wool. The author of the course, Katya Mikheeva, decided to choose a bold experiment as her main artistic method, and this is the best thing that can be in children's workshops. “In my classes, I would like to stimulate creative courage. And it is important that the child has the opportunity to repeat at home what he has learned here, to surprise his parents and friends,” says Katya. Classes on Thursdays at 13.00.

4. Creative studio "At aunt Masha"
From 1.5 years
The address: Ostrovityanova, 53

The creative studio "At Aunt Masha" was opened by psychologist and Waldorf teacher Maria Timofeeva. The studio is incredibly popular with mothers living in the Belyaevo area. Here, kids are engaged in ceramics and needlework, make candles and felt wool. Children from 1.5 years old can arm themselves with noise makers on musical celebration or a concert. And you can enroll in a course of painting or modeling from Japanese clay. All classes up to 3 years old must be attended with mom.

5. Clay modeling in "Creative Workshops"
From 3 years
Address: 4th Syromyatnichesky lane, 1, building 6

In the workshops at the Winzavod, children are taught to work with a layer of clay, mold by hand and sculpt. You can create your favorite character or come up with your own. Here, young sculptures master a variety of decoration techniques, painting natural dyes and gouache, as well as experimenting with texture and color. All classes are aimed at the emancipation of the child (and parents, by the way, too) and the development of fine motor skills and imaginative thinking.
Classes on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

6. Culinary school at the Theater of Taste
From 2 years
Address: Novolesnoy lane, 11/13

Theater of Taste is a culinary theater and school aimed at families. A variety of activities take place at the school: here you can build a gingerbread village of gingerbread, make delicious gifts with your own hands and learn how to bake bread with the whole family in the Family Bakery. In addition, kids can go on a gastronomic journey with tasting in the play "Ship" or become mice - cooks in the play "Ratatouille". The Theater of Taste also hosts culinary parties, culinary wars and other culinary events that do not happen anywhere else in Moscow.

7. Shooting cartoons at the Animation Museum
From 4 years old
The address: Prospekt Mira, 119

The Moscow Museum of Animation has a children's studio where master classes in animation are held. Here you can shoot a cartoon with your own titles, and then the film crew will have a real premiere screening on the big screen. Also here you can take a virtual class on computer program"Your own cartoonist" or "Constructor of comics and cartoons."

8. Musical project "SemiNotka"
From 2 years
Address: different sites

"SemiNotka" was invented by Alexander and Anastasia Turchin, who introduce kids to the history of music, great composers, and famous pieces of music. Among the programs of "SemiNotki" are "His Majesty the Organ", "Princess Violin and her family", "Piano - and forte, and piano", "Brass band" and many others.

For 2 years SemiNotka has been holding a series of master classes “What does nature sing about?” for kids from 2 to 6 years old. The cycle is built around four elements - water, fire, earth and wind, children will learn how birds, insects and animals sing and play in different parts of the world. The host of the cycle Yulia Barkova is a multi-instrumentalist musician, singer, candidate of cultural studies, associate professor of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. In the classroom, children will see and hear the Indian ravantha violin, the Zulu drum and many other unique musical instruments from Yulia's collection.

9. Dolls in the Museum Dollhouse»
From 5 years
Address: Varvarka, 14

In the homely cozy museum "Doll's House" master classes on making a variety of dolls are held. Also here they talk about art and show chamber performances for children. The master class can be combined with a tour and tea drinking, or you can even come with your family or a separate group.

10. School "Labyrinths of chess"
From 4 years old
The address: Protochny Lane, 9

The school "Labyrinths of Chess" accepts children from 4 years old. The organizers are convinced that from this age children can already be taught chess and that this is great way intellectual development child. Chess teaches you to think independently, develops spatial imagination and help build character. New students are first tested, and then assigned to a group, according to the test results. So no standardization.

Relevance of information: January 2012

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 2 "Sun" combined type"

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in senior group:

"Miracles from the theater suitcase"

(based on the work of Y. Entin)

Budko Ekaterina Yurievna music director I qualification category MDOU No. 2 "Kindergarten "Sun" combined type"


Murmansk region


Target: acquaintance of children with the work of the poet Y. Entin through the integration of musical, theatrical and artistic and speech activities.


Musical activities:

    to enrich the musical impressions of children in the perception of works based on the poems of the poet Y. Entin;

    to promote the development of expressive performance of figurative musical and rhythmic movements.

Theatrical activities:

    improve artistic abilities, skills and performance skills in puppetry;

    develop the ability to play theatrical sketches, puppet performance;

    develop fine motor skills.

Artistic and speech activity:

    develop intonational expressiveness of speech (reading poems, performing a fairy tale in roles), voice power, diction.


    cause a positive emotional interest in the work of Y. Entin;

    bring up careful attitude to theatrical puppets;

    develop the ability to coordinate their actions in a joint creative activity(stage performance).

Vocabulary work:

usage in speech: poet, stage, puppets, riding puppets, glove puppets, finger puppets, live hand puppets, puppeteer, screen, curtain, scenery, makeup, wig.

Materials and equipment:

multimedia installation, tape recorder, theater suitcase with different types of puppets, screen, puppets for the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", bird hats, bee and ladybug costumes.

Musical repertoire:

“Where Wizards Live” music by M. Minkov, “Chunga-Changa” music by V. Shainsky, “Chatushki Babok Yozhek” music by M. Dunaevsky, “Bird” music. D. Tukhmanova, songs from the cartoon "Wolf and seven kids on new way» music by A. Rybnikov.

Preliminary work: talks about the work of Y. Entin with a show multimedia presentation, watching cartoons based on the works of Y. Entin, making equipment, learning the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids in a New Way" by Y. Entin, learning the poems "Ladybug" and "The Doctor named Bee", learning the musical and rhythmic repertoire.

Lesson progress:

Audio recording of "Where Wizards Found"music by M. Minkov .

The children enter the room. They stand next to the chairs.

Musical director(music guide):

Hello dear guys! Today on our musical lesson guests arrived. Let's say hello to them. Sit down. (posture guidelines)

Our occupation is unusual: we will visit the puppet theater with you. The screen will help us with this.

(points to the screen, asks questions)

Music guide: What's this? (children answer) Before you is a real theatrical screen. What do you think it is for? (children's answers: show a puppet theater, put on a play)

What else is there in the theatre? (children's answers: actors, puppets, scenery, stage, curtain)

The puppet theater is wonderful world, where puppets and things come to life from the touch of puppeteers.

Musical hands draws the attention of children to the theater suitcase.

I have a wonderful theatrical case. Shall we look into it?

One, two, three, four, five,

Do you want to play?

Do you want to become artists?

Then tell me friends

How can you change yourself

To be like a fox

Or a wolf, or a goat,

To the princess, to Yaga,

To the frog in the pond?

(children's answers: you can change your appearance with the help of a costume, makeup, hairstyle, wig, headdress)

Musical hands takes out the bird hats from the suitcase

Who can you turn into with these hats? (birdies)

One-two-three-four-five, let's close our eyes.

And now we open our eyes and fly like birds.

Children with a teacher go out, stand in a circle, children in bird hats stand in the middle of the circle, the rest of the children repeat the movements behind the “birds”, sing a song.

The warm-up "Bird" music by D. Tukhmanov is performed

Children sit on chairs

Music guide: Let's see what other dolls are in our theatrical case.

Musical hands takes out finger puppets, calls 2-3 children, invites them to put them on correctly, asks questions.

What are these dolls called? - Why? How can they be driven? (How can they be controlled?) (Children's answers: finger (put on a finger), the music teacher offers to move the puppets on the screen).

Next, all other puppets are considered (glove puppets (put on the whole hand like a glove), riding puppets (they are led along the top of the screen), puppets with a “live hand” (puppet hands are put on their hands), puppets (on strings)).

That's how many different puppets there are in our puppet theater. Together with them, you can play and show many different fairy tales, performances.

There is always music in the theater. What is it for? (children's answers: to make it interesting, with the help of music you can portray the character of the hero of a fairy tale) If there is no music, what will happen to fairy tales? (children's answers: without good music, without funny songs performances will be boring, uninteresting)

Pay attention to the screen.

A portrait appears on the screen

Who is it? (Yuri Entin, poet)

Who is a poet? (a person who writes poetry)

Yes, this is Yuri Sergeevich Entin. He is a children's poet, writes poetry and fairy tales. Songs for cartoons and movies were written on his works.

And today, in our puppet theater, cheerful songs based on poems by the poet Yuri Entin will sound.

On the screen is a fragment of the cartoon " flying ship". The water song sounds.

Do you recognize this cartoon? What is the name of the character who sings this song?

What heroes of the cartoon "Flying Ship" do you still know? Naughty Babki Yozhki in this cartoon sang ditties. Chastushki for Grandmothers Yozhek was invented by Yuri Entin.

There are puppets in the theater case that will help us bring these characters to life. The action in our theater begins, the puppets come to life.

Musical hands takes out dolls with a “live hand”, helps children-artists to put them on.

The etude "Chatushka Babok Yozhek" music by M. Dunaevsky is being performed

The artists bow, remove the dolls, sit down

Music guide: We continue our show.

On the screen is a fragment of the cartoon "Katerok". Song Chunga-Changa.

Did you recognize this song? The words of this song were also written by Yuri Entin.

What cartoon is this song from? This is a cartoon - "Katerok", about the exciting and dangerous journey of a small paper boat, which sails to the island of Chunga-Changa. Cheerful music from this cartoon will sound in our theater, and we will also imagine that we are residents of the island of Chunga Changa. And we'll do a funny dance.

Dance "Chunga-changa" music by V. Shainsky

Children sit on chairs.

Musical hands takes out a bee and a ladybug hat from a suitcase.

Music guide: From our theatrical suitcase I take out hats. Who do you think can wear them? (presumed responses of children) Yuri Entin wrote humorous poems about insects called "About many six-legged". Let's listen to them. And the artists of our theater Vika and Ksyusha will perform them for us.

The music director puts on hats for the children. Children sing poetry.

Poems "About many six-legged"

Yuri Entin

A doctor named Bee.

If illness comes to you,

Body bursts with heat

Doctor named bee

Your prescription will be:

Get over the flu

Accept fake honey!


Sky Cow

She sat down on her palm.

I will throw it up deftly

And shout to the path:


Fly to the sky

Bring me bread

Pies, cheesecakes,

Crackers and dryers,

And a pack of cookies

And, of course... chewing gum!

The artists bow. They sit on chairs.

Musical hands pulls goat dolls out of a suitcase.

Music guide: And again we look into our theatrical suitcase. What fairy tale can be played with these dolls? (children's answers) These are the characters of the Russian folk tale"The wolf and the seven Young goats". Yuri Entin invented modern history about naughty but cheerful kids and a gentle and caring mother goat.

Music sounds, a large curtain opens.

Music guide: Artists of our puppet theater"Petrushka" prepared a surprise for you and your guests. They will show a fairy tale based on Yuri Entin's poems "The Wolf and the Seven Kids in a New Way". Get comfortable. Listen carefully and watch.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "The wolf and the seven kids in a new way"(see Attachment)

The artists take their bows. They put the puppets in a theatrical suitcase, sit down.

We would like to thank our actors for their performance.

A portrait of Y. Entin appears on the screen

Concluding our lesson, name again this wonderful poet.

Let's remember what works of Antin you know. (children's answers)

Yes, wonderful songs based on poems by Yuri Entin sounded in our theater today, you watched the performance. This concludes our lesson. Many thanks to you guys, you were wonderful artists, dancers, listened to me attentively. (individual praise of children)

I am giving you a disk with cartoons in which songs based on poems by Yuri Entin sound. Thank you for your attention to our guests. Let's say goodbye to them. See you again.


Wolf and seven kids in a new way

Y. Entin

Fairy tale with songs

The narrator: "The wolf and the seven Young goats".Fairy tale. But in a new way!However, fairy tales beginCame out old fashioned.Here comes the song,Well, almost folk:Goat: Oh, goats, you guys,You are left without a mother.I go to the garden for cabbage.Maybe the Wolf will come - I feel it with my heart.You lock yourself with seven locks.Just respond to my voice.Oh, I'm afraid for you guysOh, the signs would not come out! You have to sit, You hear, Quieter than water, Below grass! The narrator: Well, what is the answer of the kids?It is expressive and short:Goats: Don't worry mommyEverything will be all right!We know from a fairy tale:The wolf is terribly ugly!
The narrator: No... The goats didn't get bored...Only mother - beyond the threshold,They pounded in the rhythm of the danceExactly twenty-eight legs.The native house shook,The whole earth trembledThese are young goats.Blasted: la-la-la!
Dance of the goats We are powerless before fate ...Not five minutes have passed -Gray Wolf before the hut ...Of course, he's right there!Wolf: Open the door for mom.I'm tired. I'm hungry like a beast.I gave you water, gave you milk,And now my voice is not even familiar.At the threshold, apparently, I will die.Don't let your own mother in.Open! Don't play the fool!I am a goat. But slightly hoarse!The narrator: Here goats are a friendly choirThe wolf was sentenced:Goats: Your voice on mother's Not at all similar. You are in a thick voice Sing fake! The narrator: Lived Rooster - vocal master.And he worked miracles.Could give animals for happiness He is any voice. Wolf: Help me, Petya Learn to sing. Came to me in childhood Bear's ear!
The narrator: The teacher worked outWith Wolf exactly half an hour.Howling Gray said goodbyeAnd bleated like a goat:Wolf: “Open the door for mom.I'm hungry like a beast."The narrator: He only sang this phrase,The wolf was let into the house right away!The wolf's gaze lit up:Wolf: Basta, little ones!Dancing is over!The narrator: But the seven kids said:Goats: Dying like this with music!Sing, brothers!The narrator: They pounded in the rhythm of the danceExactly twenty-eight legs.For the Wolf to be greeted like that?Who could have thought?The native house shook,The whole earth trembledWhen the young goatsBlasted: la-la-la!What happened to the goatsI'll leave it for later...And the goat that went away,Finally back to the house!On the back in bags of cabbage,But what's the point of cabbageIf the house is empty...The wolf made the fairy tale come true!Goat: Oh, goats, where have you gone?To whom did you leave me?Didn't listen to their motherIt seems that you have lost your vigilance.They did not believe their mother -Got clues!You made an omission -The Gray Wolf entered the room.The narrator: In the distance, where the eyes look,The poor Goat is running.The goat rushes like a chamois,Through the forest, meadows, fields ...Whoo... it seemed like...Wolf voice: la-la-la!Before the goat in the meadowThe forest people are shocked.Before the goat in the meadowThe wolf sings with goats!Yes, friends, I dare say:I have never seenSo that the kids with the Wolf sang ...After all, they are his food!Someone will say: this is stupid!And in my opinion guys:All the most beautiful show group"The wolf and the seven Young goats"!
Dance of the goats
References: Yu.S. Entin "About many six-legged"Internet resources: Official website of Yuri Entin

Lesson on the topic "Folk Art"

Purpose of the lesson: Consolidation of the passed material on the cycle “Folk Art”, painting by choice.


  1. educational- To give children an idea of ​​the commonality of folk art crafts and their differences, an understanding of the forms of existence of folk and peasant traditions in modern life.
  2. Educational - Help children through conversation, didactic cards, visual aids, decorative drawing to develop imagination, memory, fine motor skills of the hand, a sense of light, aesthetic perception.
  3. Educational – To promote the formation in children true love and respect for their Motherland, for its historical past, for Russian original culture, for folk art and art.

Preliminary work:

Remind children about folk art crafts. Prepare stories for children to play the role of tour guides. Prepare silhouettes for painting.

Materials and equipment:

Pictures depicting various folk crafts. Crockery Gzhel, Khokhloma. Dymkovo toys. Silhouettes for painting. Paints, brushes, jars of water.

Lesson progress:

educator b: Guys, guests came to our lesson, let's say hello to them.

Children greet guests.

The music is quiet.

caregiver : You can fall in love with Russia only when you see all the beauty of Russian nature, let the tragic and heroic history of the Russian people through your soul, marvel at the beauty of architectural ensembles, listen to beautiful music, touch the true creations of the Russian people.

Our land, Russian, from time immemorial has been famous for its good masters, people who created and create fabulous beauty with their own hands.

In order to love, you need to see and know all this.

There are a great many folk art crafts in Russia ... And now we will take a tour of the most famous, most unique centers of folk art.

Children approach the first stand, greet the guide.

Child : I am a Gzhel craftswoman and today I will tell you about Gzhel.

In some kingdom Russian state, not far from Moscow, among forests and fields, stands the town of Gzhel. Once upon a time there lived, there were brave and skillful, cheerful and beautiful masters. Once they got together and began to think about how it would be better for them to show their skills, to please all people, and to glorify their land. They thought, they thought, they figured it out. They found wonderful clay, white-white, in their native side, and decided to make different dishes from it, but such that the world had never seen. But the Gzhel masters decorated their products not only with stucco, they painted their dishes with blue paint. different shades. Drawn on dishes various patterns from nets, stripes, flowers. The dish turned out to be very intricate, elegant, and they began to call it "a pale blue miracle."

caregiver : Thank you for your interesting story. Our guys are very fond of depicting Gzhel patterns, and they also know a poem about Gzhel.

Blue - blue roses, leaves, birds

Seeing us for the first time everyone will be surprised

Miracle on porcelain - blue drops

This is called - just painting Gzhel.

caregiver : Let's continue our tour. Look how beautiful the dishes are. What can you tell us about your masters?

Child : In the old days, people ate from wooden utensils. In the village of Khokhloma, skilled craftsmen made wooden utensils and painted them beautiful painting sent to other cities. People liked this dishware for its brightness, festivity, and patterns. Cups, spoons, ladles were a great success. Later they began to make children's furniture. Khokhloma residents make their dishes with great diligence. A lot of fiction and fantasy is used, they come up with patterns that they look out for in the surrounding nature. On the Khokhloma dishes weaves, spinning blade of grass, now red, then black. And a berry peeps out of it: currants, raspberries, mountain ash. Or flowers: poppies, bluebells, daisies.

caregiver : You have listed the elements, but in Khokhloma painting they are called differently - a curl, and the leaves are decorated with animation, in the form of veins. Find strawberries, currants, curls, leaves, flowers on objects. Well done boys! And you also wanted to tell a poem about Khokhloma.

The child recites a poem:

The dishes are not simple, but definitely golden!

With bright patterns of berries and leaves

It is called - Golden Khokhloma.

Children approach the exhibition of Dymkovo toys.

caregiver : Admire the guys, what a beauty! And the Young Lady and the whistle and the horses. What is this pattern?

The children answer that Dymkovsky.

caregiver : right guys. And now we will hear a story about the Dymkovo toy.

Child : Dymkovskaya Sloboda, which is not far from the city of Vyatka, is famous for its craftsmen. The famous spring fairs were held here, festivities, on which the first painted, marvelous toys appeared. Such a holiday is called "whistle". sang on different voices whistles, calling spring, driving away cold winter. Practically in every hut there lived craftsmen who mastered Dymkovo craftsmanship. From red clay mixed with sifted sand, various little animals were born, were born: mischievous horses, golden-horned deer, important turkeys, brave cavaliers, vociferous whistles, and fabulous, outlandish animals. A feature of the Dymkovo toy is a simple geometric ornament, consisting of bright spots, circles, zigzags and stripes of different thicknesses. For this painting, combinations are used bright colors: red, magenta, yellow, blue, green, orange, blue and of course black. As if from far away good fairy tale a miracle has come to us: funny little animals, marvelous Dymkovo toys.

caregiver : Guys, tell a poem that you know about haze?

The child recites a poem:

There is a corner in Russia

Where smoke comes from the pipes

famous village

Bright clay toy:

Whistles ringing

Colorful figurines.

Murka cats,

painted roosters,

chickens, turkeys,

Cheers, caresses the eyes

Motley Dymkovo pattern.

caregiver : Guys, what an interesting excursion turned out. Do you want to become craftsmen? (Answers of children). Then I invite you to our workshop, where you can choose any object for yourself and paint it based on artistic folk crafts.

Children choose silhouettes prepared in advance and color them.

caregiver : And for the work to be argued, on the easel you have the elements of the painting that you have chosen.

After finishing the drawing, the teacher sums up the drawing and invites the children to consider the work, choose the ones they like and justify their choice.


Oh, dear guests!

We have painted toys.

Painted them, tried

We were going to give you!


Approximate content of the teacher's stories about folk crafts
Snow-white porcelain teapots, cups, sugar bowls, candlesticks, watches, caskets, figurines of people and animals, decorated with blue painting, are called "Gzhel", after the name of the small village of Gzhel near Moscow. There live masters who make dishes with "heavenly" patterns. This dish is so extraordinarily good that its fame spread like a swift-winged bird all over the earth. Why did people like Gzhel so much? What is so special about her? This extraordinary color. It is always white and blue - bright and directly resonant, as if a bell in the cold is ringing “jin-jilin”. The masters’ dishes come out snow-white, and on top of this white canvas the artist draws a brush with a single paint - either he presses the brush weaker, then harder, then he puts the paint thicker and denser, then it is lighter and more transparent, then he draws with all the pile, then only with the very tip . The most favorite pattern among Gzhel masters is a tea rose, which is called Gzhel. decorative roses are not similar to each other. Some masters love large roses, which is why they paint with wide, juicy, bold strokes. Other masters love miniature roses, so they choose thin brushes and draw delicate small graceful flowers or only buds. In addition to roses, there are other flowers - daisies, bluebells, poppies, tulips, and next to them - birds, fish, trees, and even entire cities.

The village of Khokhloma, where fairs for the sale of wooden utensils and painted spoons have been held for a long time, gave the name to the whole craft. For many years, craftsmen have been making wooden ladles, supplies, and spoons. In our time, craftsmen have learned how to make modern sets of dishes - for juices, ice cream, jams, salads, as well as decorative dishes, candlesticks, and children's furniture. All items are very bright, elegant, festive, colorful. For this, the masters have to work hard. First, the dishes are cut out of wood or turned on a machine. Then covered with a layer of liquid clay, dried, impregnated linseed oil and slightly dry. After that, they are coated with a special metal powder and painted with beautiful patterns. At the end, they are coated with a special oil (linseed oil) and dried in ovens. Products are obtained with a unique golden sheen, because of which the craft itself and all products are called golden Khokhloma. Masters choose paint colors for patterns that are combined with a golden background: red, black, green, brown, yellow. Favorite patterns are twigs, bushes, berries, flowers. The twigs and bushes of the master are called "grass". Sometimes they draw grass as if all the leaves and blades of grass have turned into curls. Such branches and bushes are called curly (from the words - curls, "curly").

Dymkovo toy.
From the high bank of the Vyatka River, on which the city of Vyatka stands, you can see the village of Dymkovo. And why is it called that? In the old days - both in winter, when stoves were heated, and in summer, when fog, this village - as if shrouded in haze, everything is in smoke. Here, in ancient times, a toy was born, which was called “Dymkovo”. In the beginning there were whistles. All winter the women of Dymkovo sculpted them for the fair. From a small clay ball with holes, the whistle turned into a duck, then a cockerel, then into a horse. Nowadays, not only whistles are made. If we go into the workshops, we immediately see piles and bags of clay, boxes of paints, boxes of eggs. All this is necessary to create a miracle. Fairy-tale horses, turkeys that look like firebirds, rams in pants, ladies and gentlemen, carousels, even stoves - one with Emelya, and the other with kids, and all this is a real miracle. First, toys are molded from clay, then dried in an oven. Hardened, strong, sonorous figurines come out of the furnace. They are whitewashed with chalk diluted in milk, then they begin to paint. And patterns come out from under the brush: circles, straight and wavy stripes, cells, spots, dots. Everything is in its place and everything is burning brightly. The colors are crimson, red, green, yellow, orange, blue - colorful and fun, like in a round dance! But it turns out the work isn't over yet. Still to be "planted gold". The craftswoman wets the brush in a raw egg, lightly touches the golden square or rhombus and “plants” it on Right place- ladies and water-carriers for kokoshniks and hats, roosters - for scallops. Now the toys lit up and became even brighter.


An equally famous center of folk craft is the village of Filimonovo, Odoyevsky district, Tula region, where they make an amazing clay toy. According to legend, grandfather Filimon lived in this place, who made toys. Now workshops for making clay toys are organized in the village, where craftswomen A.I. Derbeneva, P.P. Ilyukhin, A.I. Lukyanova and others. People and animals made by artists differ in form and painting. The toys are funny, whimsical and very expressive - these are ladies, peasant women, soldiers with epaulettes, dancing couples, horse riders, cows, rams, a fox with a rooster, etc. All toys have elastic bodies, long or short legs, elongated necks with small heads . These toys are difficult to confuse with any others, as they have their own traditions in the interpretation of form and painting. The painting is bright, and mostly yellow, red, orange, green, blue and white colors prevail. Combining simple elements (stripes, arcs, dots, intersecting lines that form stars), craftswomen create amazing ornaments that fit beautifully on the skirts and aprons of the figurines. The faces of the figurines always remain white, and only small strokes and dots outline the eyes, mouth, and nose. Toys blaze with fire, shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, there are few moldings in the Filimonovo toy, when compared with Dymkovo.

A small child, first of all, sees fun in a Filimonov toy, a fantastic image of an object that awakens his creativity.


Kargopol is an ancient Russian city surrounded by forest. Since ancient times, the inhabitants of this city and its environs have been engaged in pottery. For the most part they made pottery: pots, pots, bowls, some craftsmen made clay toys. However, in 1930, the art craft fell into decline. Only the talented craftswoman U.I. continued to make toys. Babkin, it is her products that are characterized by the best features of folk toys. In 1967, the Kargopol workshops for the manufacture of clay painted toys were re-established.

Next to the bright, resonant colors of Dymkovo and Filimonovo toys, the plastic figurines of this northern region may seem strict. IN color scheme murals include black, dark green and brown colors. Among the toys there are many amusing images, molded simply, but with great warmth and folk humor. Basically, these are peasant women with baskets or a bird in their hands, dolls with spinning wheels, bearded men. The Kargopol toy is also characterized by multi-figured compositions - dancing figures, funny troikas with riders in a sleigh, etc. Kargopol masters also like to depict animals: a bear, a hare, a horse, a dog, a pig, a goose and a duck.

The Kargopol toy is characterized by conventionality in the interpretation of the image in terms of shape, proportions and color. All figurines are somewhat squat, with short arms and legs, they have an elongated torso, thick and short neck and a relatively large head. Animals are depicted as thick-legged and sometimes dynamic, for example, a bear stands on its hind legs - the moment of an attack; the dog's paws are spread and its mouth is open, a duck with outstretched wings, etc. Recently, to revitalize toys, craftsmen have added yellow, blue and orange colors. The main elements of the ornament are combinations of intersecting lines, circles, herringbones, dots and stripes. Toys are molded in parts, the joints of the parts are carefully smoothed. Products are dried, fired in a kiln and painted with tempera paints. Now hereditary craftsmen K.P. Sheveleva, A.P. Shevelev, S.E. Druzhinin. Everyone has their own style of modeling and painting, however, old folk traditions are the basis of all toys.


In the city of Torzhok, Tver region, clay toys, in particular, clay birds, decorated with moldings and paintings, began to be made relatively recently. Masters of this craft, creating a decorative toy, use a special range of colors. enamel paints: blue, cyan, white, black, green, orange, red. The pattern consists of strokes, circles and dots that create a festive decor. In addition to painting, the toy is decorated with moldings, which are well associated with its main form. The bright enamel pattern beautifully complements the figurines, laying down on a brown background, since the product is not primed and the background is the color of baked clay. Basically, the toy is static, but there are swan birds with sharply turned necks and heads, which gives them a special plasticity. Among the toys there are roosters, chickens, geese, swans, ducks.


Folk craftsmen in the village of Bogorodskoye, Moscow Region, create wooden carved toys, which, like clay ones, belong to folk art and can be successfully used in working with children in decorative modeling classes. For more than 350 years, wood carvers have been working in the village of Bogorodskoye near Sergiev Posad. In their skillful hands, wood blocks turn into funny figures. Toys are cut from linden, which must dry for 2 years before this. The main types of painted toys are chickens, birds on a stand with a movable device, etc. They cut figures from a whole tree, for which they make blanks different shapes. The surface of finished products from the old masters was cleaned sandpaper resulting in a smooth figurine. Now the toys are finished with carvings, which rhythmically lie on the surface and decorate the product. By tradition, some parts of the toy are made movable. The content of the toys is diverse - these are the plots of fairy tales, fables, sports and space, and they are all joke toys. The traditional image is a bear.

A well-known master of Bogorodsk carving is the hereditary carver N.I. Maksimov. For many years he taught carvers at a vocational technical school, sought to instill in them not only the skills and techniques of carving, but also a love for nature, for all living things. Bogorodsk toys are widely known in our country and are famous far beyond its borders.


Not far from Moscow in the Ramensky district is the village of Gzhel. Pottery has been practiced here for a long time, since about the 14th century. They made kvass, kumgans, plates and toys painted with brown and yellowish-green ceramic paints. Sometimes the dishes were decorated with stucco figures. Currently, Gzhel porcelain products have gained worldwide fame due to the uniqueness of their pattern and shape. Gzhel porcelain is easily recognizable by its blue painting on a white background. However, the blue is not monotonous, and if you look closely, you can see the finest halftones and shades, reminiscent of the blueness of the sky, lakes and rivers. Gzhel masters write on porcelain with strokes and lines, and leaves and flowers enter the ornament of the pattern: daisies, bluebells, cornflowers, roses, tulips and lilies of the valley. In addition to dishes, small sculptures and toys are made in Gzhel. Among them, you can see fairy-tale characters beloved by children: Alyonushka in a long dress and headscarf, Ivan Tsarevich with Elena the Beautiful on the Gray Wolf, Emelya with a pike caught, etc. Currently, the artists are working on creating new plots and compositions. Sculptures appeared depicting astronauts and athletes with Olympic torches. All the works of the Gzhel masters amaze with a deep sense of rhythm, harmony of form and content.

Abstract of the lesson in the senior group on familiarization with the outside world "Introduction to Gorodets painting"

Target : Acquaintance with the folk craft of Gorodets.

Program tasks:

Introduce Gorodets painting, expand the idea of ​​folk toys

Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of beauty.

Raise interest in Russian folk craft

Raise pride and admiration for the works of masters of Russian applied arts

preliminary work: collecting information about crafts together with parents, creating an exhibition of dishes decorated with Gorodets painting in the group, viewing books, encyclopedias about folk crafts

Lesson progress

caregiver : Today I brought you crafts made by wonderful craftsmen as a gift. And the master comes from the city of Gorodets. Gorodets stands on the banks of the Volga near Nizhny Novgorod. It was there that Gorodets painting was born.

Gorodets is the oldest Russian city - a fortress. (slide)

Here, a long time ago, people began to make dishes from wood and paint with various patterns.

Someone carved spoons, cups, bowls, salt licks, the supplies were sharpened on a lathe. (slide)

What were all these crafts made of?

Forests provided cheap and diverse material from which everything was made: from children's toys and cradles to dishes.

And it all started with spinning wheels.

What were spinning wheels for?

The spinning wheel consists of a comb, bottom and spindle. The bottom is a wide board on which the spinner sat. The bottoms of the spinning wheels were painted. After work, the spindles were put in a box, and the bottom was hung on the wall like a picture. Gorodets spinning wheels were especially famous. They were bought with pleasure largely due to the funny painted pictures on the bottom of the spinning wheel. (slide)

We have a place in the country

Where are the boards painted?

Here flowers grow on them

Unprecedented beauty.

Birds collect garlands

Horses play with their manes! (slide)

The painting that originated in Gorodets is difficult to confuse with any other.

What is depicted on this dish: rose flowers, cups with symmetrical leaves (slide):

By roses and cups

Gorodetsky horse gallops,

And all painted with flowers,

How beautiful he is (slide).

Riders, carriages, ladies, soldiers, gentlemen, dogs (slide).

Physical education minute

The flower says to the flower: “Pick up your leaf. (Children raise and lower their hands.)

Get out on the path, but stamp your foot. (Children walk in place, raising their knees high.)

Yes, shake your head, meet the sun in the morning. (Head rotation.)

Tilt the stem slightly - here is the charge for the flower. (Tilts.)

And now wash yourself with dew, shake yourself off and calm down ”(Shaking hands.)

Not a single Gorodets product is complete without lush garlands, bouquets of flowers resembling roses, and cups. Masters liked to depict walks of gentlemen with ladies, dashing horsemen prancing on horseback, scenes of tea drinking in rich interiors decorated with columns, wall clock, high windows with lush curtains, grand staircases. Themes more familiar to the masters were also often used: spinners at work, hunters in the forest, carpenters building a house, and many other scenes from folk life.

Consider the board.

What colors did the artists use?

This Gorodets painting is not like the others.

Used in painting different colors: pink, red, blue, cyan, yellow, orange, black and white. White color applied on top of the pattern - enlivens the pattern.

Previously, items were painted in workshops. Now this is done by artists at the factory (slide).

The game "Who will quickly fold the split picture"

Modern artists, as before, paint all kinds of wooden products. This - decorative panels, caskets, caskets, a variety of kits for the kitchen: cabinets, shelves, cutting boards, bread bins, salt shakers, as well as toys, children's furniture. People, as before, are happy to buy products of Gorodets craftsmen and decorate their homes with them. I invite you to our exhibition to once again admire the Gorodets painting.

Synopsis of educational and educational activities to familiarize children with Bogorodsk toy children of the middle group.

Target: formation of knowledge about the Bogorodsk toy.

Tasks: educate children's patriotic feelings, enrich children's knowledge of folk toys, develop the ability to distinguish Bogorodsk toys, introduce children to the art of Bogorodsk carvers, the mechanical properties of toys.

Equipment : painted chest; Bogorodsk toys - a man, a bear, a fisher bear, a lumberjack bear, a man and a bear.

Course progress.

I organizational moment.

caregiver : Guys, now I will tell you a fairy tale about a man and a bear, and I will not just tell you, but also show you. In my chest (shows the children a painted chest in which Bogorodsk toys are prepared) toys, but not simple ones, but movable ones. Well, sit down in a row, but listen well. Once upon a time there was an old man (shows a man’s toy), so one day he went to the forest edge for raspberries, and he sees a bear sitting on a stump and groaning (shows a bear’s toy).

He went up to him and asked: - “Why are you twisting your clubfoot, raspberries are not ripe?

And the bear answers him: - “The raspberries are so good, I ate too much, but I don’t know how I’ll get home. Until he reached the raspberry tree, he stopped all his paws, just don’t go here at least. What about you without a horse? Your house is farther than my lair, how can you get home with such baskets?

And the old man answers him: “Yes, it’s not hard for me.”

Bear: - "You probably know some magical secret?"

Old man: - “I know, you catch fish in the morning, shoe a horse in the smithy, plow the field, chop firewood and it will not be a burden for you to walk from the den to the raspberry bush.”

So the bear decided to heed his grandfather’s advice, began to catch fish (shows a toy fishing bear), chop wood (shows a toy bear-lumberjack), felt a surge of strength, and even began to help his grandfather in a blacksmith (shows a toy man and bear). And then the bear unraveled the secret of his grandfather ... ..

caregiver : Did you guess? (children's answers)

caregiver : Yes, it’s quite true that people get healthy from work, but they get sick from laziness.

II main part.

caregiver : Guys, let's see what toys told and showed us a fairy tale?

Children's answers: An old man, a bear, a bear is chopping firewood, a bear is fishing, a man and a bear.

caregiver Q: What kind of toys are these? What are they made of?

Children's answers: From wood

caregiver : That's right, these toys are made of wood, since ancient times the artisans of the village of Bogorodskoye have been carving them from soft woods - alder, linden, aspen. They say that a peasant family lived in a small village. They were poor people and had many children. The mother decided to amuse the children and make them a doll. I sewed it from fabric, but after a few days the children tore the toy. I wove it from straw, and by the evening the doll crumbled. Then the woman took a chip and carved a toy out of wood, and the children called her Auka. The guys played with the toy for a long time, and then the doll got bored with them. And her father took her to the fair. A merchant was found there, who found the toy interesting, and ordered the peasant to make many such toys. Since then, they say, most of the inhabitants of the village of Bogorodskoye have taken up the “toy” craft.

caregiver : And what is unusual about these toys? (children's answers)

caregiver : Yes, guys, Bogorodsk toys are kind, funny, "alive". You will pull the smiling Mishka-twitch by the rope, and he, welcoming us, will spread his paws to the sides. Blacksmiths Mishka and Muzhik - hit the anvil with hammers if you move the bars one by one. The lumberjack bear is mounted on a bedside table stand, inside of which a spring is inserted, which sets the figure in action.

caregiver : Guys, what do you think, did the bear from the fairy tale become strong?

Children's answers: Yes

caregiver : How else can we become strong with you?

Children's answers : Need to recharge

caregiver : Quite right, let's do exercises with you

III Fizkultminutka.

Every day in the morning

We do exercises (walking in place).

We like to do it in order:

It's fun to walk (walking),

Hands up (hands up)

Squat and stand up (squat 4-6 times),

Jump and jump (10 jumps).

IV Consolidation.

caregiver : Let's play a game with you"Shop of folk toys". In order for the seller to sell you some toy, you need to describe it, name it distinctive features. The “seller” must guess it. Try not only to correctly describe the toy in words, but also to be polite buyers.

caregiver : Well, our lesson has come to an end. What new toys did we meet today? (Answers of children).

caregiver Q: What toy do you like the most? (Answers of children).

Educator Well done.

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson on the formation of a holistic picture of the world and drawing.

Prepared by the teacher: Kuklenkova I.A.

"Russian folk toy - a cheerful matryoshka"

Types of children's activities:

Productive, cognitive-research, communicative, motor.

Integration of educational areas:

knowledge, communication, artistic creativity", "Physical Culture"



Introduce children to the matryoshka as a type of folk toy (history of creation, features appearance and decor, source material and manufacturing method, the most famous;

To teach children to distinguish between different techniques for painting nesting dolls;

Exercise in drawing various floral ornaments;

To develop the creative imagination of children, their independence in inventing a pattern of a sundress for a nesting doll; eye, sense of color, shape, rhythm;


Continue to raise children in Russian folk traditions to deepen their knowledge in folk art;

To form an aesthetic attitude to the world around;

Show the connection between all types of folk art: folk crafts, Russian folklore (songs, nursery rhymes, jokes), Russian legends and fairy tales;


Develop skills creative storytelling, compiling stories about a toy;

Strengthen communication skills.

preliminary work

Acquaintance with different types of folk arts and crafts;

Drawing up a collection of dolls;

Examination, examination and comparison of nesting dolls;

Didactic games with five-seven nesting dolls;

Drawing and coloring nesting dolls.


Exhibition of toys - Dymkovo, Filimonov, Bogorodsk.

Exhibition of nesting dolls - Sergiev-Pasad, Zagorsk, Polkhov-Maidan.

Silhouettes of nesting dolls cut out of a white sheet of paper.


Paints (gouache or watercolor)

Water bottles, napkins.

The pencils.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment

The storyteller of Russian fairy tales invites children to admire folk toys.

1. Tour of the toy exhibition

II. Narrator: Hello, my dears!

I'm glad you came to visit me. Do you know who I am? I am the keeper of Russian fairy tales. I know a great many of them and I can tell you.

Only today I want to show you fairy tales, not tell them. Here they are all standing, on tables and coasters. Surprised? See for yourself.

Here live fairy tales from Dymkovo.

You are already familiar with them. Who did you recognize? Here is a young lady - a water-carrier, and a brave soldier, a deer - golden horns, and a cockerel - a golden comb. There are so many of them, and there is a fairy tale about each.

And Filimonov's toys settled nearby - also bright, cheerful, kind and noisy. How they whistle - they know how to whistle.

The Russian people are rich in their love - for their native land, for their children. That's for them, for the kids, and folk craftsmen came up with all sorts of toys for fun.

But on this table there are toys from the village of Bogorodskoye, Moscow Region. These toys were made from linden. Bogorodsk craftsmen are especially fond of making bears.

Bogorodsk craftsmen came up with such a trick that their toys can move. They bring a lot of joy to people, and those thank you very much Bogorodsky masters say.

2. Matryoshka story

And here is another table. He is covered with a colorful scarf. What is on it? But guess, just listen to the riddle to the end, it will tell you a lot:

Like a river it is steep

And under the scarlet handkerchief on us

Looks fun, smartly wide

A pair of black currants - an eye.

Bright floral sundress

The hand rests on the wooden sides.

And there are secrets inside

Maybe three, maybe six.

Blushed a little

Our Russian ... (matryoshka)

That's right, the most favorite toys among the people, the children had nesting dolls.

And here's another, what a riddle about nesting dolls is, listen:

Growth different girlfriends

But they are similar to each other.

They all live in each other

And just one friend

(verses by A. Rozhdestvenskaya)

3. Physical education:

We are funny nesting dolls -

Sweeties, sweeties.

We have boots on our feet

Sweeties, sweeties.

In our colorful sundresses,

Sweeties, sweeties.

We are like sisters

Sweeties, sweeties.

(Hands bent at the elbows, forefinger right hand rests on right cheek. When pronouncing the words “Okay, okay,” the children clap their hands, show “boots” on their feet, alternately put each foot on the toe, on the heel and knock with their heels. Further spinning, hands on the belt)

4. The story of the matryoshka (continued)

It seems that the matryoshka came to us from the world of legends and fairy tales.

In fact, she is only a little over a hundred years old. It is known that the prototype of the matryoshka was brightly colored Easter eggs, which have long been carved from wood and painted by Russian masters. These eggs were hollow inside, a small one was invested in a large one. The first Russian nesting doll appeared in Sergiev Posad and consisted of 8 figures. Then they began to be made in many regions of Russia. The most famous are Semenov, Zagorsk, and also Polkhov - Maidan. All of them differed in the elements of painting, but each was “dressed” in a peasant costume: a painted sundress, a scarf, an apron.

The painting is dominated by red, blue and green colors. There are matryoshka dolls with painted eyes and blushed cheeks.

III. Drawing a sundress for nesting dolls.

Narrator: Well, did you like the toys?

And now sit down at the tables and try to draw a costume for a nesting doll yourself.

(Children are offered silhouettes of nesting dolls cut out of paper)

Design and draw a pattern for a sundress. Think about what the main color of the sundress will be. What floral or geometric pattern will decorate it.

2. Independent work children

IV. Summary of the lesson:

Please tell us where your nesting dolls came from, what is the difference between their costume and another, why is the costume like that?

What did you learn new about the folk toy?

Well done!

Our meeting with the matryoshka comes to an end.

And now let's make a "Matryoshka round dance" (exhibition of works)

Advice for parents

Consultation for parents "The influence of folk crafts "Dymka" on the aesthetic education of preschool children"

Aesthetic education in kindergarten is a daily work in all activities of the child. No most progressive technique can make a person who can see and feel the beautiful.

Issue resolution aesthetic education in class on visual activity will not lead to desired results. Therefore, it is necessary to try to teach children to see beauty in nature, hear music, feel in poetry and, as a result, convey what they see through the image.

For a long time preschool pedagogy recognizes the great educational value folk art. Through the close and native creativity of their fellow countrymen, it is easier for children to understand the creativity of other peoples, to receive an initial aesthetic education.

Start working on the inclusion of children preschool age to folk art, you can turn to folk craft - the Dymkovo toy, since it is the Dymkovo toy that has a versatile effect on the development of the feelings, mind and character of the child.

Before starting work, you need to study the materials relating to the history of the Dymkovo toy, clarify the methods and techniques used to familiarize preschool children with this craft and teach them to sculpt and paint.

Practical material can be done independently. These are flat and bulk products, painted with Dymkovo painting, and most importantly, draw the main elements of the painting in the order of their complication.

Children need to be told that the most complex pattern consists of the simplest elements: circle, arc, dots, peas, straight and wavy lines, etc.

Show how to draw a simple pattern, then invite the children to do it themselves. Gradually, children should learn the elements of painting.

Introducing children to products, it is necessary to present each item vividly, emotionally, using various comparisons, epithets. All this will arouse preschoolers' interest in folk toys, a sense of joy from meeting with the beautiful.

To make it easier to draw small rounded shapes(dots, peas) children should immediately use a stick with a cotton swab wrapped around the end.

Folk art, cheerful in color, lively and dynamic in drawing, realistic in images, captivates and charms children, meets their aesthetic feelings. Comprehending this art, children in an accessible form learn the mores and customs of their people.

Familiarization with Dymkovo toy has a great influence on preschoolers: it contributes to the formation of a deep interest in various types art, developing children's creativity and forms an aesthetic taste, brings up love for the native land.

V.A. very accurately said this. Sukhomlinsky: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, thin streams flow, which feed the sources of creative thought. The more confidence and ingenuity in the movements of a child's hand, the more subtle the interaction with the tool, the more complex the movements necessary for this interaction, the deeper the interaction of hands with nature, with social labor, enters into the child's spiritual life. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."


For preschool education development issues are particularly relevant creative personality, its spiritual potential. That is why it is important in the lives of children and in pedagogical process Kindergarten include a variety of artistic creative activities. It is in them that every child can express himself most fully and realize his creative activity. One of the most important means of aesthetic education and the formation of an active creative personality is folk art, which combines oral folklore, musical and art. The value of folk art is also determined by the fact that it affects the feelings of the child through the means of expression, and this effect is natural, non-violent. Because of this, it is available to children with different levels of development, and each child receives pleasure and emotional charge from this.

Objective of the project:

  • Cultivate love for folk toys.
  • Enrich and expand children's ideas about the toys of Slavic children;
  • Arouse interest and desire to obtain information about unfamiliar folk crafts;
  • To develop the ability to classify elements of different paintings (Dymkovo, Filimonov, Gorodets toys, Zhostovo painting, Khokhloma, Gzhel);
  • Encourage activity, independence and initiative.


  • To expand children's ideas about the variety of objects of arts and crafts.
  • To form the ability to see the relationship between reality and folk art.
  • Summarize children's knowledge of clay and wooden toys.
  • Learn to do comparative analysis elements of national


  • Continue to acquaint with oral folk art.
  • Develop Creative skills children.
  • To attach to the diversity and features of arts and crafts.
  • To expand children's ideas about the origin of this type of folk art.
  • To convey to the pupils that they are the bearers of the great Russian culture, the heirs of the great masters.
  • Activate and replenish the vocabulary of children.
  • Develop visual and logical thinking, communication skills, emotional sphere of communication.
  • To educate children's interest in folk art, folklore.
  • Build a sense of friendliness.
  • Raising a sense of pride in the talent and originality of the Russian people.
  • Involve parents in joint activities

Purpose: To develop in children a sense of patriotism and love for their homeland.


— Continue to form in children the idea of ​​Russia as a native country;

- form respectful attitude to state symbols;

- To acquaint children with the concept of the Motherland, small and large;

- instill in children love for the motherland,

- To form civil-patriotic feelings.

- Learn to answer questions from an adult, build simple common sentences;

— Expand vocabulary through nouns (parents, mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, home, country, city, Motherland) and adjectives (Native, native, big, small)

- Develop attention and memory - recognize flags and coats of arms in pictures

- Develop endurance, the ability to follow the rules of the game;

- Develop memory, ingenuity, resourcefulness.

Dictionary work: native, native side, Motherland, Russia, big Motherland, small Motherland, Trans-Baikal Territory, Chita.

Integration of educational areas:

“Cognition, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Labor”


— Map of the world, globe;

- images of the President of the Russian Federation, coats of arms and flags;

- visual and didactic aids;

- photos with views of cities, countries;

- slides with sights;

Audio recordings.

Preliminary work:

— Conversations about Russian symbols;

- reading poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland;

– reading works of art by Transbaikal writers;

- viewing photographs of cities;

— reviewing illustrations and performing work on coloring the Flag and coat of arms of the Trans-Baikal Territory and the city of Chita.

Course progress.

- Hello guys! Today we will try to uncover the secret of a new word. Are you ready to know the secret?

But first, let's remember one thing. familiar word. Listen carefully and remember his secret. This word is "native". There is a mother who gave him life - this is the dearest and closest person to him. Each person has motherland the place where he lives. All people have the most precious thing - this is their native country.

The game "Choose a word."You need to come up with the words "native", "native" the right words. Remember who or what we can call native.

- Answers of children: mom, dad, brother, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, house, Kindergarten, Country city.

Wonderfully picked. Now let's hear how this word can sound in a poem.

(Children sit in a semicircle) the teacher reads a poem:

Many mothers live in the world

Children love them with all their hearts!

There is only one mother

She is dearer to me than anyone!

Who is she? I will answer-

My own mother!

- What mommy? - Native. - Let's say again gently and affectionately: - dear mommy!

The same word can sound different.

- "Native side" what do you think it is? (children's answers)

“Native Side” is the place where we were born, where we live, where everything is native.

- Such a place is called differently - Motherland.

The teacher reads a poem by Z. Alexandrova "If they say the word Motherland."

If they say the word "homeland",

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

Or the steppe, red from poppies,

Golden whole…

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!

Audio recording "Where does the Motherland begin?"

- How many of you know the name of our huge country in which we live? (Russia).

- Yes, our Motherland is Russia!

The teacher offers to listen to the poem "And we live in Russia"

We live in Russia:

Our forests are dense

We have white birches

And astronauts are brave

And our sky is clear

And our rivers are fast

And Moscow - our capital,

There is nothing more beautiful in the whole world!

Look guys at the map. Please show me where our Russia is located (a child comes out and shows).

- Guys, what is the name of the capital of our country? (Moscow)

What is the name of the president of our country?

- Name the state symbols of Russia. (Coat of arms, flag, anthem.)

Find the flag of our country among others. (Images of flags are laid out, children choose the flag of Russia from the proposed ones.)


White color - birch,
blue sky color,
Red stripe -
Sunny dawn

- Now find the coat of arms of our country. (Images are laid out, children choose from the proposed coat of arms of Russia.) Poem:

Russia has a majestic
On the coat of arms is a double-headed eagle,
To the west, to the east
He could look right away
He is strong, wise and proud.
He is the free spirit of Russia.

- What is an anthem? (The anthem is the most main song countries. The anthem is listened to while standing.)

- Right! Each country has its own anthem. Now we will listen to the national anthem of Russia.

Listen to an excerpt from the anthem.

“Let’s all come together again to the map and see how vast our country is, how vast its borders are.

“Our country is huge, there are oceans and seas, rivers and lakes, mountains and forests. There are not one thousand cities in Russia, there are a lot of them. All this is our great Motherland! Let's listen to a song about our country with you.

Audio recording "Wide is my native country."

- Guys, what proverbs do you know about the Motherland?


Native land is a paradise for the heart.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

On the other side, the Motherland is doubly sweeter.

Learn to defend your motherland.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

To live - to serve the Motherland

Take care of your Motherland like the apple of your eye.

Native land and in a handful is sweet.

- And people say: "Where I was born, there I came in handy." What do you think this means? (children's answers)

There is a place in our country where we were born and grow up, where our parents and friends live, where our native home- this is our city, this is our motherland, this is our small homeland.

Listen to V. Stepanov's poem "What do we call the Motherland?"

What do we call motherland?

The house where we live

And birches along which

We are walking next to my mother.

What do we call motherland?

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs

Warm evening outside.

What do we call motherland?

Everything that we keep in our hearts

And under blue sky

Russian flag over the Kremlin.

- Each of us has a small homeland. What is the name of the city where we live? (Chita).

- The place where our city is located is called the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Many Transbaikalian poets, artists, writers dedicated their poems and paintings to their small homeland.

— Let's see what memorable places there are in our city?

View slides with views of the city.

- A lot has been said about love for the motherland wise proverbs: "A Russian person does not live without a homeland", "Native side is a mother, a foreign side is a stepmother."

It happens that a person finds himself in a foreign country, as they used to say in the old days - in a foreign land, and at first everything seems to him new, interesting: people, customs, and nature. But a little time will pass, and the heart will yearn, it will ask for home, to its native little side.

Summary of the lesson:

Guys, what did we do today? What did you like the most?

(children's answers)

Why do you love your small homeland(Children's answers.)

- Why do people say: "On a strange side, I am happy with my little funnel"? (Children's answers.)

— What should be done to make our Motherland become more and more beautiful over the years? (Children's answers.)

- Dear Guys! Love your country, big and small. Try to learn more about its people and history, take care of its nature, keep its customs and traditions.