Makes her husband feel good. How to make a man pleased: the best ways. Lessons in seducing a husband

18 ways to make a man happy in bedAs the author of the "Sex" column in XXL magazine and sharing with the male population of the country the opinions of sexologists about what women want from us, I regularly receive letters not only from readers, but also from readers.

The young ladies as one insist: "Stop writing about what to do in bed with a man - write about what to do in bed with a man!"

I usually responded with something like: "Great idea. But completely out of the question. I'm afraid our readers will not like to see posts in their men's magazine like:" Feel free to play with your partner's penis ..."

But the idea of ​​such an article still haunted me. I discussed it with competent experts. With colleagues. With friends at the bar. analyzed own experience. And I found out one very curious thing: deep down, every man is sure that an ideal woman would come out of him. femme fatale. First, he would love to have sex. And secondly, he would know very well how to make sure that after a night spent with such a woman in bed, her partner would have one desire: to kiss her feet around the clock, howling with delight.

Ladies don't move!

Who said that anything is required of a woman in bed? Most men are sure that the main thing is that she is there - and then he will figure out what's what. Here the British, for example, somehow survived the entire nineteenth century under the motto "the lady does not move." And nothing, they created the world's first demographic crisis, despite the fact that the ladies honestly did not move ...

Nonetheless time runs, the laws of morality are changing, and today the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfemale virtues has changed radically. At the end of the nineteenth century was discovered female orgasm. Prior to this, it was taken for granted that a woman sacrifices herself to male lust solely for the good purpose of having a baby. And suffers terribly both morally and physically during the inelegant process of acquiring offspring. After this discovery, all men passionately wanted women with orgasms. And they still want to. Give us freedom, we would construct female body in such a way that during the climax, the partner starts flashing multi-colored lights and flashes "BINGO!!!" on the scoreboard. (So ​​that we can see that this time we hit exactly and all our efforts were not in vain. But what can I say, we would not mind the fact that at the same time the whole stadium began to chant: “What-pi-he!!!”)

However, I digress a little ... So, that's all I mean modern men clearly prefer women with temperament. With passion. Who do such things with us in bed! .. And what, by the way, are they doing there?

During the preparation of the material, I interviewed 165 men different ages, professions and social position. Everyone was asked one question: "What behavior of a woman in bed do you like best?" And the answers showed: there are about two dozen things that men dream about. (Reflections on the topic of group sex with two black women and one dildo were decided not to be considered.)

Before proceeding to enumerate them, I consider it my duty to make the following statement.

I'm not saying a woman SHOULD do it. She doesn't owe anyone anything. Simply, if one day she wants to (quite by accident) make her man pleased (if he, of course, deserves it) and experience something new herself, then this list will be at her service.

And please don't hit me...

1. Wear nice underwear

Yes, we men taste like old cocottes. This is true. We love the lace, the red and black color combination, the stockings with garters and the ruffles at the sides. Elegant unisex sports underwear turns us on a lot less than this outrageous thing with roses on different places. And if the young lady is still crawling into bed in high-heeled shoes ...

2. Leave the lights on

Unfortunately, nyctopia - the ability to see in the dark, as in the light - has only one man in a million. And everyone else is terribly jealous of this one. Because men, unlike women, are much more turned on by visual images than sound and tactile ones. We need to see the front of the work, you know ... At the same time, we do not at all require that the room be lit like an operating room. Enough nightlight. And by the way, if this night lamp has a pink or orange color- then the skin and figure of a woman will greatly benefit from this: warm color will mask any bumps or specks.

3. Leave something to chew and drink next to the bed

Every second man immediately after sex often experiences bouts of bestial hunger. This is fine. This does not mean that he is a dumb animal. He just needs to gain strength for the second call.

4. Pull out pre-games

The instincts of a man are like those of a chicken. If the chicken sees a worm crawling away from him, he rushes in pursuit. If, on the contrary, potential prey crawls towards a small yellow bird, the chicken prefers not to contact the aggressor and retreats. No, of course, we, unlike a chicken, have intellect, will, worldly experience ... But the instinct of persecution has not yet been canceled. Therefore, we are especially excited when we are slightly beaten off. But only slightly.

5. Ask what he wants

Each of us has our own little fantasies that we rarely manage to put into practice. And it doesn't have to be sadomasochistic games or sex with camels - no, most of us have much more modest requests. For example, someone may dream of having sex with a woman in a nurse's coat with a stethoscope. Someone throws erotic shudder at the thought that a partner can spank him with a skipping rope. Some people dream of having sex in the water. But, afraid to frighten away the sensitive and timid doe, sniffing under our left armpit, we prefer to keep silent about our wonderful ideas in a rag. So that we are not accepted for maniacs, not even an hour.

6. Get moving

Any man, except for a necrophile, likes it when a woman moves during sex. And the more active, the better.

7. Caress his chest

We also like to have our nipples licked and bitten. True, if you do it too vigorously, exciting sensations will be replaced by tickling and difficult to bear. And if it takes too long...

At least one man in the world has fallen victim to his girlfriend's addiction to his nipples. The thirty-eight-year-old Englishman Robert S., after two years life together with a new girl friend appeared breast milk. And then the guy was treated with hormones for a long time. mechanism of lactation breastfeeding- is still quite mysterious. It is known that in some animals (for example, rats and cats), males can sometimes feed offspring if it remains without a mother and persistently pulls at the male's nipples for a long time. Therefore, experts advise not to abuse the stimulation of male nipples, allowing yourself this pleasure no more than one and a half hours a day.

And also sigh, whisper, mutter food, squeal, moan, ask for mercy and sing the Russian anthem. For a man, the cries of a partner (with the exception of those cases when old parents, children and cousin from Vitebsk) are always pleasant. This is again from the realm of instincts - the cries of the female indicate that the penis has entered deep enough so that after ejaculation, fertilization occurs with the maximum probability.

8. Depilate the bikini area

165 men have opinions on the topic: how women should look pubic hair, divided as follows:

Removed completely -15

Depilated in the "bikini area" - 144

Growing naturally - 6

10. Don't call the police

If he suddenly offers you anal sex. The idea of ​​such sex worries the vast majority of men because: a) it is taboo, b) they are interested in experiencing new, perhaps very painful sensations, and c) in men themselves, this area is much more erogenous than in women. Because we have a prostate - a very sensitive organ located close to the rectum. (For some diseases, doctors massage our prostate. And all patients have an erection, and some even ejaculate.) No wonder we think women should like anal sex. Although, according to statistics, only one woman out of five likes him.

11. Drink a liter before sex

Not necessarily "Dom Perignon", you can get by with mineral water. The point is that when filling Bladder stimulation of the point (located on the front wall of the vagina) during intercourse is more active - and you will get more pleasure from sex. And we really like it when a woman feels good with us. Perhaps this is the main thing that makes us happy - that's how brutally noble we are.

12. Improve your technique

We are all big fans of oral sex. Even if a woman does it for a deuce with a plus, of which a plus is solely for enthusiasm, but not for the technique of execution. Even if she pays all her attention to the hole in the center of the head and completely ignores the frenulum - the strip of skin that holds foreskin. Although it would be better to do the opposite! The technique of oral sex itself is very simple thing. To bring a partner to a frenzy, it is not necessary to do tricks in the spirit of Cicciolina the sword swallower. (What we didn't see in those tonsils!) Using the penis like a straw for a cocktail, trying to influence it with a vacuum, is also a waste of time. The easiest way to act is not with your mouth, but with your tongue and palms.

13. Give him a compliment

Even the most ambitious machos are not always sure that they are doing everything right. We are actually afraid of not being liked by you - even if our meeting was short and without prospects for the future. Therefore, any compliment to our modest contribution to the common cause will be taken with sincere gratitude. It is not necessary to seek out lush images and weighty praises. It's enough just to say: "I've never had anything like this before!" (Even though the true part of this statement will refer to the fact that no one has ever had sex with you in socks.) 14. Kiss him on the ears and neck

Ears and neck erogenous zones not only in women and cats. In this we are no different from you.

15. Play with his best part

We are proud of our penis. We talk to him, we give him affectionate nicknames. But this does not mean that the penis is everything for us. In addition to him, men also have two very important paired organs packed in one container. we really like it when they are touched, touched and felt. By the way, on both sides of the penis there are special "pockets" in which the testicles are sometimes hidden during all sorts of extreme events. Mechanically, they can also be attached, although this is not so easy - they always strive to slip out of there. But the process will surely please your man.

16. Smile

Many women, even those who sincerely love sex, consider it their duty to do in bed as if next to them is not an attentive and sensitive partner, but an eagle pecking out their liver. At the same time, when the man stops and begins to ask: (is it bad for you, did a pea roll under the feather bed? - they answer that everything is amazingly good. After that - again! Twenty-five: grimaces of horror and crying faces. I don’t know who taught them that it's sexy and that you can't smile and be happy during sex.Yes, you can, but!!!Men don't want to feel with tormentors and rapists at all - we wouldn't like a more friendly interface much more.

17. Hang a mirror in the bedroom

In paragraph 2, it was already said that for a man! visual images are very important. And when these images become twice as many ...

18. Stop him from reaching orgasm

Want more, but he is already clearly reaching the finish line? And I'd love to stop, can't I? Help the person. There is such an old, quite effective "stop tap": if at this time you pull the man's testicles down, ejaculation will be delayed. Only you need to pull without much excitement - otherwise it runs the risk of lingering too long.

To be the one and only is the ideal that every seductress strives for.

Wise Women know how to always remain loved and desired for their chosen one.

Little “tricks” and knowledge of how to make a man feel good in bed and at home can maintain harmony and sensuality even in long-term relationships.

How to make a man nice: psychological subtleties

Scientists have long proven that women are sensitive and impressionable, while men are less vulnerable, prudent, cold-blooded creatures. In practice, things are a little different. Representatives of the stronger sex, no less than their emotional halves, need tenderness, care and affection. Compliments to listen to or a nice gift to accept, they are also not averse. Therefore, psychological "tricks" should be given special attention.

Respect. Even the last loser blooms next to the woman who reveres him. It is known that for the fair sex, the most important thing is the care of the second half. For the men direct evidence love is respect. It's important to accept it life position, opinion, friends. Be sensitive to personal space, interests and habits.

Regular insults and attempts to humiliate dignity are incompatible with the concept of tact, so angry statements should be kept to yourself. A woman herself can feel secure and happy only with a chosen one respected by her, therefore, in the absence of this important criterion in a relationship, you should think about parting.

Attention. Strict control can scare anyone. Otherwise, things are with unobtrusive care. The question of how the working day went or who won yesterday's match will let a man know that he is interesting to his beloved. Is your loved one sick? Who will cook the broth and tuck in the blanket, if not a charming girlfriend?

It will not be superfluous to show interest in the form of flirting and coquetry. Men adore proactive and playful women! To maintain interest in a relationship, it is necessary to find the strength and time every day to pay attention to the object of adoration. Otherwise, the forgotten partner will start looking for him on the side.

Compliments and flattery. Who said that only women love with their ears? Representatives strong half humanity are vain and need approval, admiration, compliments. The object of praise can be character traits, appearance, actions. Subtle flattery is also appropriate (not to be confused with obvious lies), in which the abilities of the chosen one will be slightly exaggerated.

Subordination. The role of a man as a dominant is determined by nature. He should feel in charge, even if most of the decisions are made by the second half. True femininity is inseparable from moderate humility and the ability to compromise, so that your obstinacy should be pacified as often as possible. It doesn't matter who has the decisive opinion. The main thing is how a woman gives the arrangement of roles in the family. A man can be henpecked for his beloved, but at the same time he must feel dominant in a relationship.

How to make a man pleasant: joint life

It is easy to charm a man you like, but not every seductress can do it so that he feels good and comfortable. The representatives of the stronger sex love comfort, and to cohabitation they have certain requirements.

1. Satiety. "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." The well-known truth is 100% true. It is not necessary to come up with amazing recipes - even fried potatoes and mouth-watering pies cooked with love will help to conquer male heart.

2. Romance at home. It is believed that a man should take care of the object of love. However, the strong halves of humanity also do not mind getting touching SMS, a nice confession note or nice gift. Maintaining a romantic "spirit" contributes to harmony in any relationship.

3. Comfort. Many single men live in their apartments like bears in a den. Scattered things, confused socks, unwashed dishes ... The appearance of a woman in the house is associated with bringing coziness and comfort to housing, because it is not for nothing that the representatives of the weaker sex are called "keepers of the hearth."

4. Personal space. Every person needs privacy with himself. It is important to give your partner time to personal interests and hobbies, relieving him of annoying control. How freer man feels, the more he becomes attached to his beloved.

At the beginning of a relationship, it is unlikely that anyone would think of checking their beloved for “professional suitability” in economic affairs. And yet, there are relatively fewer lovers of sloths and egoists than those who prefer to put on a shirt ironed by their second half in the morning and return home in the evening, where a delicious, hearty dinner awaits.

Washing, ironing and cooking are not forced actions, but what man would not be happy with washed and paired socks, ironed clothes and freshly prepared dishes?

We please the eye or how to make a man pleasant with his appearance

Contemplation female body gives great pleasure to the representatives of the stronger sex. To make viewing even more exciting, you need to carefully monitor your appearance.

Women have heard a lot about the fact that a skilled seductress is obliged to meet her missus in sexy clothes, with makeup and elegant styling. This, of course, is a win-win option, but its constant maintenance is almost impossible. However, even in long term relationship a woman should be beautiful. What do men pay attention to?

Hair must be washed and tidy. Unpainted roots, tangled strands and dandruff can scare away the most persistent suitor.

Nails must be clean and tidy. An intricate manicure is a whim of a woman, men usually notice either a torn off or a bright acid varnish.

Properly selected clothes emphasizes the merits and hides the flaws, besides attracts the representatives of the stronger sex. It should be neat - torn and dirty branded items are significantly inferior to clean and ironed wardrobe items purchased somewhere on the market.

A woman must smell delicious. Not a single perfume is able to "interrupt" the smell of sweat and unwashed body.

Every man has his preferences female figure. Someone loves slender beauties, give others girls with "curvy" forms. However, the proportionality of the body, its neatness and elasticity is encouraged by everyone without exception.

Clean and well maintained leather always attractive without makeup. Problems that a woman herself cannot eliminate should be solved with the help of specialists (beautician, dermatologist).

To always look good, you do not need to visit beauty salons every day and stand in front of a mirror for half a day. It is enough to regularly maintain neatness and beauty, steadily devoting at least an hour a day to self-care.

Do not neglect the tricks available only to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Lace underwear, sexy stockings, thin heels and other "things" drive any man crazy! Seductive wardrobe items can add passion to relationships for both newly-made and "experienced" couples.

How to make a man feel good in bed?

Representatives of the stronger sex quickly “turn on” and do not need lengthy preparations for an act of love, like their partners. But this does not mean that you can deprive your chosen one. foreplay and games. Erotic dance, relaxing massage and tender kisses will make the seductress in the eyes of her beloved even more desirable.

Cold and closed partners during sex reduce a man's self-esteem and interest. The realization that the second half experiences pleasure during intimate contact, even more inflames the passion of a lover. Furiously screaming and replaying, of course, is not worth it. But languid moans, barely restrained screams and other manifestations of ardent emotions will drive the partner crazy.

How more active and assertive the impulse of a mistress, the more desirable she is in the eyes of a man. No need to be ashamed of feelings, you can and even need to declare your erotic desires to your beloved! But the lack of initiative will make the partner doubt his own sex appeal for woman.

Every man has in stock love scenario, which he dreams of realizing in life. As a rule, fantasies are simple in execution: sex with a maid, in public place or in handcuffs. Realize the erotic dream of a partner easy, besides a brave deed help bring diversity to intimate life and for a woman to feel even more desirable.

The naked body of a partner excites and drives a man crazy, so during sex you should not hide under the covers and turn off all light sources. Complexes associated with the imperfection of the figure should be removed with clothing. In a fit of passion, a lover will not notice cellulite or stretch marks, since the image of a woman is perceived by him holistically. From shyness and timidity in bed must be abandoned. Experiment with positions, influence the erogenous zones of your partner, do not disdain oral caresses and fantasies of your man, and then he will consider you the best mistress.

Working on relationships and improving in love science helps to always maintain the interest of the object of adoration. However, theoretical knowledge about how to make a man feel good in bed and beyond is not enough without sincere feelings and emotions. Love, be relaxed during sex, benevolent in society, housekeeping at home, attentive to the chosen one, and then he will not go anywhere from you!

You can, of course, deny it, but people still know very little about themselves. And if you can safely score on some things, then in the following simple ways once again To “stroke” your senses is simply unreasonable to neglect. Well, who else will make us happy, except for ourselves?

So, here they are.

(Total 5 photos)

Utopia for the ears

It has been scientifically proven that a cat's purr is the most pleasing sound to the human ear. The experiment showed that these “high” vibrations with a frequency of 150 Hz have a truly healing effect for us, capable of restoring the heartbeat, relieving the general tension in the body and raising the mood in just 5 minutes of listening. Fortunately, YouTube is now full of special relaxation recordings with this lulling sound. Try it. Photo:

tactile paradise

Since childhood, we have been told about the benefits of walking barefoot. And for good reason. Literally 5 minutes of walking without shoes during the day - especially when it comes to earth, grass or small pebbles - can literally reboot the entire body, destroy fatigue and invigorate the whole body. Therefore, before it gets completely cold, do not miss this opportunity - look for a pleasant lawn in the park closest to your house or office and give yourself a five-minute supermassage. Photo:

The brightest taste

No matter how much unscrupulous manufacturers try to accustom us to different amplifiers and glutamates, the most in a simple way strengthen taste sensations from eating at home remains a simultaneous combination of sweet and salty accents. Experiment a little with finding the right proportions of salt and sugar (or their natural substitutes) in the preparation of familiar dishes, say the same soups or sauces, and you will notice how great their taste will be enriched. Photo: Ahd Photography / flickr

The most pleasant smell

For each person, the ideal, most favorite fragrance is his own. For someone it is freshly cut grass, for someone it is flower or citrus flavors, someone loves the smell of the sea breeze, and someone is closest to woody notes or the so-called smell of rain. Meanwhile, aromatherapists around the world almost unanimously agree that the most effective natural antidepressant smell is the aroma of cinnamon. Do not be lazy, running past the spice shop, buy a few cinnamon sticks. Carry them with you in your bag or put them in a conspicuous place at home so that in case of emergency you have this quick and easy nice way"relax in one breath." Photo:

SPA for eyes

The eyes are everything, of course. They account for 80 percent of the load on the perception of reality, and, of course, they should be given special attention. There are a million options for relaxing eye exercises to help relieve spasm and reduce pressure inside the eyeballs, but the best thing you can do for them in this harsh computer age is to choose the right monitor. And it's not even about anti-reflective coatings and the quality of the picture itself, but simply about the shape of the monitor. The human eye own image and likeness always prefers soft rounded shapes as opposed to flat and angular. That is why an ambient monitor, where the distance from the eyes to the edges of the screen is the same everywhere, has strain on the eyes and stress on cervical muscles will be minimal.

Let's see right now...

  1. Give the man a massage. If you don’t know how to do it yourself, call a masseuse (professional). But make sure she's not super pretty. Otherwise, you will regret your surprise. You will be nervous every second of the time while the masseuse is next to the man of your dreams.
  2. Make a man some tea or coffee. Bring to bed, although this is not required. You can simply make one of these drinks and bring it to where your desired one is. Along with a cup of drink, bring a thermos filled with it.
  3. Praise a man in front of your friends, girlfriends, acquaintances. He needs to hear your every word. Will he be pleased? Naturally! Undoubtedly! Undoubtedly! He will boast to people close to him of your act. In addition, you will "save" the state of his self-esteem.
  4. Iron your man's clothes. Show him that you are doing it with pleasure, and not for the reason that it is your responsibility.
  5. "Surrender" to his camera. Men go crazy when women allow their bodies to be photographed. Do not refuse a man if he wants to take pictures.
  6. Get a job at the organization where your man works. If this option is not successful, then settle down somewhere nearby so that you can come and go with your jobs.
  7. Don't scold him if he comes drunk on a Friday night. Get into his position and understand that a man also needs to relax, sometimes in this way.
  8. Take him to visit. Your loved one may be surprised by this, but pleasantly surprised!
  9. Admit that you think about him more often than not all the time. Feel free to say that all thoughts are occupied only by him.
  10. throw electronic boxes and "walls" in social networks postcards, pictures. The beloved will be happy. He will even be proud, because some postcards (pictures) will be seen not only by him, but also by those who are on the list of his “friends”. Can you imagine the "rise" of his self-esteem?
  11. Put his photo on the "desktop". It's nice, no doubt! Especially the first time.
  12. Think about what it would be nice for you to get from your man. Come up with? "Give" him what you want to receive. Then you definitely won’t go wrong with the level of “pleasantness”.
  13. Make a huge treat in the shape of a huge heart. How to decorate and what to cook from - decide for yourself.
  14. Get out the old albums and start looking at their contents with your favorite. He will be impressed, because he is unlikely to think of it before watching it.
  15. Turn off all the phones that are in your apartment and surround your young man with affection, attention, and care. He will be pleased that you behave this way. But before you do this, you must be sure that urgent calls for work (to him or you) are not expected in the coming hours.
  16. Say that you are ready to do anything for a person like him. You cannot even imagine how pleasant it is to realize, understand and hear it! And how nice it is to believe in the veracity of such words ....
  17. Stop spending a lot of time talking on your cell phone and meeting with your girlfriends. Then you will have more time that you can devote to your loved one.
  18. Give your loved one a rose hidden in ice. Buy the prettiest rose you can see. Look for a plastic bottle. Fill the bottle with water and place the flower in it. Put the flower bottle in freezer. Place directly where you store ice cream or meat. To extract a gift that a man will be happy to receive, melt the ice with a very hot water. But you can use another method (method). You need to find a cardboard box. Such that this beautiful, but cold (in every sense) flower could be completely “fitted” into it. Cover the inside of the box with cellophane material. Place a flower there and fasten it firmly - firmly. Fill it with water (any temperature). Place the box in the freezer or refrigerator. Wait six hours for the gift box to completely freeze. Ice, in turn, wrap in some beautiful wrapper that attracts attention.
  19. Have a little pleasant surprise beloved right in the bowling club. Come there in advance, while your "half" is at work or goes about his business. Agree with the director of the club and with the staff so that no one is allowed into the bowling club (from such and such to such a time). Naturally, you will have to pay generously for this “service”. But then…. Then everything should turn out great and super! Run to the store. In the shop, buy small candles, champagne and lots of sweets. Arrange it all in the club at your discretion. call your young man and ask him to urgently drive up to the club building where you are. While he will get to him, you do not waste time in vain! Put the kettle on to treat your loved one to hot coffee or tea (depending on what he likes more). It will not be superfluous if you turn on some light music. In such an environment, play bowling, combining the game with a romantic dinner and no less romantic slow dances.
  20. Ask your loved one which actress he likes very much. Step over your principles and your pride. Make up like this actress and dress just like her. It will be unpleasant for you to do this pleasant, but reassure yourself with the fact that it is only needed for one day! See how you can not go wrong with a surprise!

How to please a man whom you love very much?

Surprise him with a very close relationship! Think it's unrealistic? It is real, if there are feelings and there is no fantasy:

  1. Smile sincerely during such relationships. Smile and don't part with a smile until everything stops between you.
  2. Kiss a man in all places on his body, and not just in those that are used to kissing him.
  3. Don't be ashamed of your loud moans. Moans (and their loudness) are very exciting for men.

To please a man not only for the first time, having little experience, but in general, it is necessary to consider the behavior of a woman (girl). Therefore, consider what needs to be done before intimate relationship how to behave during and after sex.

How to please a man in bed for the first time

before intimacy.

Before the meeting, you need to calm down and not be nervous. Go to the store, buy beautiful Underwear. Try it on. You look great! Remember this well.

Many ladies are too picky about their appearance, so they experience not only excitement, but also uncertainty about their beauty. But in vain. After all, if a man wants to spend the night with you, then he does not care about the shortcomings of your figure.

Flirting before first intimacyrequired attribute relations. At this moment, both partners dream of uniting into a single whole. At this stage, various are good. Plus, if this is some kind of cat and mouse game, the outcome of which is clear to both the guy and the girl.

You can tease, provoke your soul mate through correspondence or in conversation. But do not overdo it, otherwise a man may get too excited (and this happens).

What can surprise a man in bed

Once in bed with a man, you need to follow 5 rules, if, of course, you want to continue the relationship.

What will a man like in a woman in moments of intimacy:

  • . You must radiate it. Nobody likes complex people. Feel free to be naked. For a man now you are irresistible.
  • Interest. Nobody wants to be in bed with snow queen". Show that you enjoy the process through strokes, kisses and caresses.
  • temperament. She is able to unrealistically turn on any guy. Men love (almost all) when the initiative in bed comes from a girl. Throw him on the pillows, kiss him passionately, tear his shirt. Although no, the last point is better not to perform. You never know. Maybe it's his favorite shirt. Or the only one.
  • caring. No, you don’t need to drag a pot of borscht to your beloved to bed. But you must strive to please your partner. Inexperienced girls can simply ask questions during sex. Of course, you don’t need to step over yourself and do things that contradict your principles. But trying to please a man is necessary.
  • Emotionality.

Men love to talk during sex. No, not about your new blouse or shoes.

But such thrown phrases as:

  • "I want you so much" (during foreplay)
  • or "so good"

are exciting.

Light groans and screams will also do. It's just not worth the hassle. So, the sounds made indicate that you like everything. Silent partners introduce a man into bewilderment. Does she enjoy the process? Unclear. So feel free to talk about your feelings to your partner. But again, do not overdo it, extra chatter will interfere.

What to do in bed to make a man like it

Many try so hard to please their man in bed that they start doing things that they have never done before. For example, everyone knows that men love oral sex. However, if you are inexperienced, hand caresses will suffice. With clumsy movements, you are more likely to scare him away. He will think that this is how you always act, and you can forget about the next date.

I'm not saying no experience oral sex you don't have to do it at all. But experimenting with sex with a new partner is better not worth it.

As one wise lady I knew said, first you need to skate compulsory program. And then start improvising.

Fussiness and sex are incompatible. Don't try to immediately put on your clothes and hide in the bathroom. After intimacy a man wants to enjoy the moment, lie down in the arms of his beloved woman.

Caresses are the most important thing in intimacy. Even with a lack of experience, you will be up to the task. A man likes it when a partner strokes his hair, goes down to his back and buttocks. Since guys are very sensitive to their dignity, you need to pay attention to him. Many are crazy about light biting and licking the earlobes, or kissing the ear.

Change positions during sex(be proactive about this too) . In addition to missionary, there are many more options! Almost all men love it when a girl is on top. They are also not averse to lying down and having fun. However, don't you like to be in control of the situation yourself?

Scratches on the back are considered a sign of a woman's satisfaction. That's what he mostly thinks beautiful half humanity. Some male half thinks about how to get rid of marks and complains about pain. Of course, a couple of scratches in a fit of passion is understandable. But I don’t understand the backs torn by nails.

Do you want to encourage or torment a man? If you feel good, you can hug tighter, scream louder or whisper something pleasant. Another thing is when your man likes to experience pain. True, I think he will tell about this not during the first intimacy, but when your relationship becomes more stable.

Guys don't like fewer women. After intimacy, it's time to praise your partner. But be careful, your praise should not sound false, implausible.
For example, instead of the phrase “You are just God!” (well, obviously too much), it's better to say something like "I just can't get over it, it was great."

Also, do not talk after sex about your ex boyfriends. A man does not need to know about the quantity and quality of your previous partners. Even if he is magnificent and incomparable compared to them, this knowledge is useless to him.

ask about former relationship You don't need a man either.

  • First, it is unlikely that he will tell you the whole truth.
  • Second, why are you doing this? Set yourself the goal of becoming the same gymnast as his previous passion? Or will you torture yourself with diets in order to become like that Zina (Valya, Olya, Anya)? Now the man is with you.

He likes you. Therefore, you do not need any drastic changes.

In the end, to please a man in bed, everything is simple - relax and have fun. It doesn't matter if you have experience or not. Especially the first time, usually more man worries that the woman was pleased. He also needs to show what a cool "macho" he is.

Sincere love to all!