When and what to introduce complementary foods to the child. When and where to start the first complementary foods, how to introduce new products correctly: basics, tips and rules. Basic rules for breastfeeding

Complementary foods are called food prescribed to infants when they reach certain age periods and physiological norms. Such food is designed to supplement mother's milk or artificial mixture, whose composition and calorie content can no longer satisfy the increased needs of the baby.

Since the foundations of the future lifestyle and health of the child are laid in the first 12 months, each parent needs to imagine at what age it is better to start feeding babies, how to properly introduce complementary foods and what kind of food should be given each month.

The question of how many months you can feed a child worries every newly-made parent. But there is still no clear answer, there are only recommendations.

It should be realized that the “symptom” of children’s readiness cannot be only age, several factors must be taken into account. important features child development, For example:

The complex of all signs of readiness is manifested in different children at their age. As a rule, the introduction of complementary foods occurs in the interval from 5 to 8 months (everything is individual).

At breastfeeding when the child's requests are the main nutrients ah, they are completely satisfied with milk, it is not worth rushing with the introduction of complementary feeding. Children who are on artificial feeding, give complementary foods at 5 months.

What are the dangers of early feeding?

Parents should understand that it is better to be a little late with complementary feeding than to introduce it prematurely.

For example, complementary foods at 4 months are fraught with not the most favorable reactions from digestive tract not yet ready to accept new products.

Too much early start feeding leads to the following problems:

  1. Due to the lack of necessary digestive enzymes, abdominal pain may occur, intestinal colic, regurgitation, stool disorders. That is, complementary foods from 4 months will be in best case useless, because the products are not digested.
  2. Another serious consequence is allergic conditions, the cause of which is the increased permeability of the intestinal walls for allergic particles and the immaturity of the child's defense system. At the same time, the immunity of babies suffers, as a result of which they get sick more often and for a longer time.
  3. Complementary foods at 4 months and earlier can even pose some danger to the baby if he still does not know how to swallow food that is thicker than milk or formula. An undeveloped swallowing reflex can lead to vomiting, loss of interest in food.
  4. The increased load experienced by the unformed internal organs(liver, kidneys and organs of the gastrointestinal tract), can result in their chronic diseases.

Another probable consequence- The introduction of complementary foods before 6 months of age leads to a reduction in breastfeeding, resulting in the possibility of cessation of lactation.

Of course, this rule does not work if the baby is.

Thus, it is better to start feeding a child at an appropriate age and only after the approval of the doctor who observes the baby.

So that the first feeding of the baby goes without "accidents" and leaves the mother and child only pleasant experience, it is worth knowing the rules for the introduction of complementary foods.

They look like this:

  1. giving New Product need a child who is absolutely healthy and is in good location spirit. You should not start acquaintance with complementary foods if the children were vaccinated.
  2. The first complementary foods should be one-component, that is, consist of only one dish. If the baby is used to a new product, they give the next one and so on. Last but not least, cereals with fruit additives, vegetable mixtures with a meat component should be given.
  3. Be sure to check the ingredients list before buying any commercial food to avoid products that include highly allergenic ingredients.
  4. It is imperative to feed the baby with an unfamiliar product in the morning to track the response. child's body. During the day, mom needs to pay attention to the condition skin, feces and general activity.
  5. Offer new foods when your baby is hungry and then supplement them later breast milk(if he is breastfed) or a mixture (if artificially fed).
  6. The optimal amount of complementary feeding is half a teaspoon (or 3-5 grams), gradually the volume of complementary foods increases to age indicators.
  7. Do not refuse the product, even if the child brushed it off once. To get used to a new taste, you need to taste it well. This should be done at intervals of 3 days. If the little one continues to refuse the dish, do not insist, but replace the product with a similar one (rice for buckwheat, pear puree for apple).
  8. Follow temperature regime. This should be done to avoid burns of the oral mucosa (the dish should be warm, not hot).
  9. Make sure that the dish is homogeneous (homogeneous). Lumps cause difficulty in swallowing and rejection of the product in the child.
  10. Refuse to feed your baby directly from an industrial container. Food is laid out on a plate, otherwise saliva will fall into a jar, as a result of which the dish will become unsuitable for further storage.
  11. It is necessary to give the next dish only after the kids are completely used to the previous one. Usually the time period is about 2 weeks.
  12. Combine multiple products. For example, you should not give two liquid (milk and juice) or two thicker (mashed potatoes and porridge) dishes at one meal.

Children need to be fed very carefully and with great patience. It will take a long time for a baby to learn to swallow foods that are thicker than breast milk or formula. That is why you should not be nervous and worried if something does not go the way you would like.

Baby's first foods

The first complementary foods should include foods that have a neutral taste. This is necessary so that the bright aftertaste does not make the baby reject new food or, on the contrary, exclude the preference of one dish for everyone else.

That is why, for example, experts do not advise introducing sweet and aromatic juices or fruit purees into the first complementary foods. Of course, they are much more attractive than zucchini or meat products, which is why it is necessary to exclude the formation of incorrect taste preferences at an early age.

It doesn’t matter at what age you start introducing new foods - complementary foods at 5 months with artificial feeding follow the same principles as feeding from six months with breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding table by month

Age Products
half a yearVegetable puree: squash, pumpkin, carrot and cauliflower or broccoli.
6-7 monthsThe baby's menu includes cereals, gluten-free are best. You can make porridge from buckwheat, rice or corn grits.
7 monthsThe child can be given mashed potatoes from the usual vegetables, flavoring it with olive oil. It is also allowed to make vegetable soups for children.
8 monthsFor a grown-up baby, boiled meat products (chickens, turkeys, rabbit meat, beef) are suitable, they also give egg yolks
9 monthsIt is already possible to give fermented milk products - low-fat kefir and cottage cheese.
10 monthsAt this age, fish dishes are given - low-allergenic cod, pollock. Suitable for kids and completely new dishes - berry puree, natural yogurt. For crumbs, mashed apples, pears or peaches are prepared (unless, of course, the child is allergic to them).
11 monthsThe child is offered soups on meat broths without frying. You can give a small piece of bread, oatmeal, millet, barley porridge.
YearMost of the dishes available in the adult diet are suitable for the baby.

This table is for informational purposes only. It should be understood that the amount of complementary foods will depend on the type of food.

With natural feeding, milk remains the main product, and with formula feeding, the main “dish” is the mixture.

In addition, the table also shows how the consistency of complementary foods changes. After six months, the baby's chewing power grows, so he can eat various purees (vegetable, fruit). After 7 months, when chewing skills are more perfect, they give mashed, chopped dishes.

And only after 12 months, the babies have a stable work of the jaws, at the same age, chewing becomes more adult. Usually at the age of one, the baby is transferred to family table with some reservations.

WHO advises introducing vegetables into the first complementary foods, but if babies are underweight, it is better to give cereals. We will focus on the recommendations of the World Health Organization.

Experts advise the following order of vegetable feeding:

First of all, you should mash hypoallergenic vegetables. Pumpkin and carrot dishes are among the latest to be introduced, as babies often have allergic reactions.

Once again, you need to start with one-component dishes. Mixing different vegetables is possible, but when the child enjoys them separately, and you note the absence allergic reactions. The novelty is given only to a hungry baby.

How to do vegetable dish on one's own? Very simple. Zucchini or broccoli should be washed under running water, peeled and seeds removed.

To understand how to introduce complementary foods in six months, you need to consider an example - the vegetable introduction table will show all the nuances of proper feeding babies.

Vegetable Introduction Table

Day Dish Quantity (in grams) Features of complementary foods
1 Zucchini puree5 The introduction of complementary foods is best done in the morning, followed by milk or formula.
2 10
3 20
4 40
5 70 From this day on, puree should be made with the addition of vegetable oil.
6 120
7 120
8 Zucchini puree and cauliflower dish5+115 Prepare 2 types of purees, which are first given separately (with a short break), and then mixed. You can add some olive oil.
9 10+110
10 20+100
11 40+80
12 70+50
13 A dish consisting of cauliflower and butter120 One-component meals are prepared for children.
14 120
15 Zucchini or cabbage puree with a dish of asparagus5+115 Prepare 2 types of purees. First - from already habitual fetus, the other - from asparagus cabbage. First they are offered separately, and then mixed. Add a drop of olive oil.
16 10+110
17 20+100
18 40+80
19 70+50
20 Asparagus puree120 The baby is fed with a one-component product with the addition of vegetable oil.
21 120

The table shows that the "introduction" of the three fruits in children's menu will take approximately 21 days. It is necessary to bring each dish up to age indicators carefully, since the indicated grams do not mean that the child must be forced to eat everything to the end.

Feeding at 7 months

Another option for both the second and the first feeding is porridge. It must be remembered that cereals must be gluten-free. Also, you can not cook porridge on cow or goat milk, since the organisms of children under one year old are not able to absorb this heavy product.

If the child refuses to eat dairy-free porridge, add a little of your own milk or formula to it. This will help the baby get used to the new product sooner.

Gluten-free cereals include rice, corn and buckwheat. Such an assortment will satisfy the needs of a small gourmet. Cereals containing gluten can cause severe pathological conditions intestines.

IN pharmacy chains and specialized departments of supermarkets, you can buy the most suitable porridge for babies. Some moms are afraid to buy them, but their fears are unfounded.

Made in industrial conditions are absolutely safe and enriched with all useful components.

You need to give cereals according to the scheme proposed in the table above. When feeding them, you need to monitor the condition of the child: does the stomach hurt, is the bowel movement disturbed, is there a rash on the skin. Combine various cereals it is forbidden!

At this age, the introduction of complementary foods becomes more diverse. The kid is growing up, which means that he is already allowed to eat more difficult dishes for the children's stomach:

Potatoes are introduced later than other fruits, since they are hyperallergenic vegetables. Mothers should give the child 5 grams first, and by the seventh day bring the volume to 50 grams. Potatoes should not exceed a third of all vegetables in the children's diet.

It is better to feed an eight-month-old baby with quail yolk, since it rarely becomes a source of allergies. This product is given twice a week. And for the first time, you should pour a pinch on a spoon, the next time - half a quail or a quarter of a chicken yolk.

In the next 7 days, a whole quail or half an ordinary yolk is given. Important Rule- you need to feed the baby with this product in the morning, rubbing it with milk or adding it to the porridge.

The most - turkey and rabbit. It is from them that mashed potatoes are prepared, then veal, beef meat and chicken meat are given.

Pork meat should not be given to a child under a year old at all. Enter meat purees should be at lunchtime, the volume is a teaspoon.

Good to know! If you want to make your own mashed meat, make clean minced meat, form small meatballs. Boil them in boiling water for 6 minutes, then freeze. You need to get them out of the freezer and boil them in a double boiler with vegetables, after which this mixture is crushed and given to the child. This method prevents the meatballs from sticking together.

In that age period children are introduced to fermented milk products and they are introduced very carefully. Of course, you can’t feed babies with cottage cheese, which is sold in packs, especially with various additives.

For a child, a special infant cottage cheese is suitable - for example, "Agusha", "Tyoma". The purchased dish should not contain sugar, fruit pieces.

First, a teaspoon is given, then gradually adjusted to 30 grams per day. For babies of this age - the optimal dose.

Kefir is given in the amount of 1-2 teaspoons. Of course, this drink must also be for the baby, for which the mother should choose a product without fruits, sugars and flavorings. Then the volume is brought to 150 milliliters. It is best to offer kefir and cottage cheese in the evening.

Important! Not every child has a positive attitude towards kefir and cottage cheese, but you should not sweeten the dish. Wait 2-3 weeks and offer the product again. Some babies do not like “sour milk” at all, but they develop and grow up quite normally.

Feeding a 10 month old baby

At 10 months, the baby is pampered with desserts in the form of sweet fruits. The most useful are fruits that grow in close proximity. Exotic fruits are saved for later.

First of all, mashed apples, pears or prunes are given. By this age, many children acquire teeth, as a result of which they are already able to crack fruit slices. Fruits are introduced from a small volume - about 5 grams of puree or a small slice. The daily "dose" is approximately 100 grams of the product.

Some mothers will be surprised when they read that healthy fruits given so late. There are many opinions on this subject, but experts are sure that with natural feeding there are enough vitamins in mother's milk, and for artificial babies they make mixtures enriched with vitamin complexes.

Thus, the fruits are not such a significant source vitamin complexes, the most important elements for the baby - protein and fat ingredients. In addition, sweet apples contain a variety of fruit acids, irritating mucous membranes of the mouth.

Another introduced product is fish. It should not be much, and it must be low-fat and low-allergenic - for example, hake, cod or pollock. Experts recommend giving your child a "fish day" when this dish replaces mashed meats. Of course, the initial portion is minimal - less than half a teaspoon.

At this age, the baby is fed homemade soups with fresh herbs. Undoubtedly, perfect option- borscht without frying with sour cream (now it is allowed). Green sprigs of dill or parsley should be grown in your own garden or in a pot on the window.

Bread spread with a piece of butter is ideal for a growing body.

At the end of 12 months, the child can also eat gluten cereals - barley, oatmeal and millet. However, they should be administered carefully to avoid negative reactions.

One-year-olds can already eat many dishes with parent table, but you need to forget about some of the favorite delicacies that some "unconscious" moms and grandmothers love to stuff babies with:

Feeding problems and mother's fears

Quite often, the start of complementary foods is accompanied by the occurrence of constipation, diarrhea, allergies, pain in the abdomen, causing the child to worry and cry.

If the baby reacted outside the box to the appearance of an unknown product in his diet, you should not completely refuse the dish.

Forget about it for 4-8 weeks, and then reintroduce it into the diet, carefully monitoring the well-being of the baby. The second time the product should be administered as slowly as at the very beginning.

Another common difficulty that often arises when weaning begins is that the child refuses the offered food. You should not insist, because the baby himself understands what he wants to eat and what foods cause discomfort.

In addition, a certain difficulty arises if you need to make a choice - cook yourself or buy ready meals. Some parents are categorically against purchased products for babies, others are confident in the quality of store-bought complementary foods.

Experts believe that everyone is right, since cooking at home is much more profitable, especially for an older child who can eat almost any dish. However, food in jars is no worse, it is only important to adhere to the following rules:

  • do not pay attention to the timing of the introduction of products indicated on the jars, be guided by age standards;
  • choose the most fresh food making sure they are not expired;
  • a children's dish should not contain various non-natural additives, flavors, flavor enhancers, ideal nutrition - containing a minimum amount of ingredients.

The correct introduction of complementary feeding and adherence to advice largely depends child health. However, it is important for parents to understand that all the recommendations described are approximate.

To say exactly how many months you can feed a child, only a district pediatrician can. And the joint efforts of the mother and the doctor will greatly facilitate the transition of the baby to adult food.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Many moms (as well as pediatricians, by the way) are captivated by the old recommendations - to start complementary foods with juices.
To date, the opinions of leading experts on the introduction of complementary foods are the opposite - you need to be very careful with juices and try not to introduce them into the child's diet until he has begun to consume adult food in sufficient quantities, including meat, cereals, fish, etc. (in this case, the juice is a stimulant for the enzymatic activity of the baby).

What are the disadvantages of early introduction of juice:

1. Juices are an allergenic product. In light of the increasing allergic reactions, this must be taken into account.
2. Juices - the product is heavy and poorly digested. It irritates the immature gastrointestinal tract of the child. Even for adults, it is recommended to dilute the juice in a ratio of 1: 1, and if a person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is completely excluded from the diet.
3. The likelihood of problems with the pancreas, kidneys.
4. The sugar content in the juice - such a small child does not need it at all
5. Juice gives a strong load on the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which, after a certain period, the child has consequences - gastritis, pancreatitis and other diseases.

Breast milk contains all the necessary vitamins for the child. If we talk about iron deficiency anemia (which is most often the basis for the introduction of juices) - the bioavailability of iron in mother's milk is very high (50-75% compared with the mixture, where it reaches only 20%).

It is best to start the introduction of complementary foods with vegetables.

If the child is not gaining weight well, you can make a retreat and start with cereals. What exactly to choose? Vegetables.
I do not advise you to start complementary foods with fruits.

They themselves have a sweetish aftertaste and already form a child's addiction to sweets.
Vegetables are much more suitable for introducing a new product.

The first vegetables in the diet are zucchini, cauliflower, carrot.

Later, potatoes are introduced (at first, try to soak for about an hour in water).

If the child has loose stools, it is better to introduce zucchini later.

We start the introduction of complementary foods with 1 teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume (2.4 and so on).

It is not necessary to bring the volume to a certain amount.
This is the mistake of many mothers, which leads to overfeeding the child and the subsequent refusal to eat. As soon as the child has turned away from the spoon, remove the food and offer the breast.

Complementary foods are best given in the morning and always offered to drink milk.

At first, monocomponent purees will be in the baby's diet.
Once a week, you can add a new product to the puree. There is no need to salt the cooked dish. It is advisable to keep a food diary and write down what and when you entered, how much the child was given, what was the reaction. If the baby reacted with a rash, liquid stool or constipation - exclude the product from the diet for at least a month. But remember that the stool can change, most often there are small pieces of food eaten, this is normal.

I advise you to cook your own food.
Before you buy a jar of baby food, check the expiration date.
I was always embarrassed that mashed potatoes that do not contain preservatives and other additives can be stored for 2 years.
Lately I've been seeing that jar food often gives an allergic reaction.

If you buy vegetables yourself, be careful in choosing. Vegetables receiving enhanced feeding most often look very beautiful, glossy. Give preference to vegetables "from the grandmother's garden."
You can also stock up for the winter.

Perfectly preserved in freezer - varieties of cabbage, sweet peppers, from fruits - raspberries, cherries, currants. Potatoes and carrots are perfectly preserved in the winter on the balcony. Experiment!

Best for cooking vegetables double boiler.
Vegetables cook quickly and vitamins are stored in greater quantities. Give your child a freshly prepared meal.

Mash The best way is with a hand blender. Closer to the year (10-11 months), start mashing the puree with a fork so that the child learns to chew on his own.

A month after the introduction of vegetables, you can please your baby porridge.

Rice, corn or buckwheat porridge is best for the first course. More suitable for a breastfed baby dairy-free porridge. If you buy cereals that do not require cooking, make sure they do not contain gluten. Do not introduce gluten-containing cereals (wheat, oatmeal, multi-grain) into the baby's diet before 8-9 months.
The principle of introducing porridge is the same - start with 1 teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume.

You can also cook porridge yourself. For this, the cereal is washed, dried and ground in a coffee grinder.

Observe the interval between the introduction of subsequent complementary foods - at least 1 month.

After porridge, you can start introducing fruit.(not brightly colored at the beginning), biscuits (not rich for children), meat (it is better to start with turkey, then introduce veal, chicken, beef, it is better to refrain from pork) fish (sea), etc., observing the time interval.

It is advisable to flavor complementary foods with oil (not from the first days of the introduction of complementary foods!) - preferably creamy (porridge) and olive (vegetables). Olive oil is best for the first feeding. Start injecting it with 2 drops. If the baby has constipation - you can add olive oil both in vegetables and in porridge (observing the volume so as not to achieve the opposite effect). On average, 1 teaspoon of olive oil is added to the dish.

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods

Such food is called pedagogical because the main purpose of complementary foods is not to feed the baby, but to introduce him to new food, teach to chew, teach to get food not only from mother's breast.
At about six months of age, babies begin to show interest in the contents of their mother's plate, and try to try it, it is this behavior that is called active food interest and indicates the baby's readiness to get acquainted with new food.

The nutritional interest of the baby is not associated with the feeling of hunger that arises in him, but with the desire to imitate his mother. He wants to do the same as she does, take some pieces from the plate and put them in his mouth.

What are introduction principles complementary foods with breastfeeding, if the mother wants to follow the biological line of behavior of the child?

They begin the acquaintance of the baby with the introduction of microdoses (microprobes) of products, namely acquaintance, without the goal of feeding the child with some portion.
A microdose for soft food is about as much as a mother can fit between the pads of her thumb and forefinger, if she squeezes them, or on the tip of a teaspoon. For liquid products - one sip, poured into a small cup on the bottom.

1. The child can "at one sitting" try what the mother eats and what he shows interest in up to three microdoses.

2. Only hard pieces are given to the baby’s hand, from which he himself will not eat much (hard apples, carrots, stalk, drying, etc.)

3. Microprobes are given within 3-4 weeks. During this time, the baby can already get acquainted with many products used in his family and learn to drink from a cup.

4. Complementary foods never replace breastfeeding! The baby can be introduced to new foods before, after and during breastfeeding. Often children wash down microprobes with mother's milk.

5. Gradually increase the amount of food, allowing the child to eat more.

6. Mom needs to keep the child's interest in food, to keep the desire to try. From six months to one and a half years, the child should get acquainted with all the products that are eaten in his family. To keep the desire to try, the mother should limit the child's food interest until 8-11 months: if the child has eaten 3-4 teaspoons of one product and asks for more, he should be given something else.

7. From the outside, the introduction of complementary foods should look something like this: the baby begs for pieces, and his mother dresses him, sometimes. In such a situation, the child is always happy to get acquainted with new food and does not overeat.

8. The child must learn to work with cutlery. Until 8-11 months, these are spoons (there should be a lot of them, because they fall all the time), the child has his own plate when he starts eating separately, usually after 8-11 months. Until this age, the baby can eat while sitting in his mother's arms and from her plate.

9. If the child is tired of eating, has lost interest, it is necessary to take him away from the table.

What to do with pieces of food, if the baby's food is not mashed, he can choke?

Food for the baby does not need to be crushed, but you need to start with small pieces-microdoses. If a child is given something from which he can potentially bite off a large piece, the child sits on his mother's lap and mother watches him, and as soon as a large piece is bitten off, the mother hooks her finger and takes it out of her mouth. The child actively learns and gradually learns to chew with his, as yet, toothless jaws, and then with toothy ones.

What if the baby spits out even very small pieces, or tries to burp them instead of swallowing?

Many children behave exactly this way: for a week or two they spit out all the pieces and periodically “choke”, then they begin to spit out the pieces “in one”, they swallow half, then, finally, they begin to swallow all the pieces. Mom needs to be patient and not insist. At the same time, the child must watch other people eat without spitting out the pieces.

Does the baby need extra fluids in connection with the start of the introduction of complementary foods?

The baby continues to receive the main fluid from breast milk. The child usually begins to be interested in water and drinking after a year.
Usually the baby is interested in the contents of his mother's cup and tries it, if you pour a little drink into the cup, on the bottom.

If the baby is almost 5 months old, he is very interested in any food, looks everyone in the mouth and demands to try, is it possible now to introduce pedagogical complementary foods to him?

The kid is developed and inquisitive child. He really wants to do with food the same as his mother.
But we must remember that gastrointestinal tract a child, at less than 5 months, is not yet very ready to get acquainted with other foods.

Enzyme systems are just beginning to mature. The situation in the intestines is now stable, it is quite dangerous to interfere in it ahead of time.
The task of the mother is to protect this stability from premature interventions.

Food interest in a baby of this age should be limited, in other words, take him out of the kitchen and not eat in his presence.
If you don’t really like such advice, you can do something, but only at your own peril and risk. We have already met with a situation where a mother, even knowing how to properly introduce complementary foods, is impatient and as a result of which the child received a breakdown in the digestive system, which had to be fought for a long time later.
It is not recommended to introduce complementary foods before the baby is six months old.

Why can babies who eat baby food at 7-8 months eat 100-200 g of mashed potatoes or cereals, but children who start with pedagogical complementary foods do not do this?

A child in the second half of life eats little because he does not want to eat yet.
He only imitates his mother in her actions. He eats milk. Perhaps there is a genetic mechanism in the human cub that does not allow him to eat much at this age.

A couple of thousand years ago, a child would probably have had big problems in the digestive system if he had been fed 100 g of game meat brought by his father from a hunt.
Another thing is that then it would never have occurred to anyone to do this with a child. Even our great-grandmothers, 100 years ago, who cooked food for a family of 5-10 people on a stove or a wood-burning stove, did not even think (and it was not possible), on the one hand, to feed the child with something specially prepared separately from everyone, and on the other hand, it was not even in their thoughts to give the baby more common porridge or soup to eat ...

Baby food is made in such a way that a child can eat a lot of it. And any baby can be fed with them, but is it necessary?
There are children who for the time being eat this “baby food” a lot and with pleasure, however, most of them have to be entertained during the feeding process so that their mouths open.

Many people have to entertain in the process of eating for quite a long time, some - until adolescence. Often there is a situation when a child who ate with pleasure and a lot, up to a year or a little over a year, becoming older, begins to refuse food and turns into a small child, which is simply torture for parents to feed. These kids are not interested in food at all. There are, of course, children who relatively “safely” bypass the stage of baby food.

"Safely" is put in quotation marks, because. now the long-term consequences of introducing large amounts of baby food to a child when he is not quite ready biologically for such a load are just beginning to be studied, the results will not be soon ...

Breastfeeding consultant Ekaterina Denisova

The topic of the introduction of complementary foods is a field for different kind conjectures and myths. What are they trying to feed the little ones! For example, it is argued that fruits in the form of purees and juices are not the first complementary foods at all, but only its predecessor, and that they are quite suitable for babies at 3 months old. There is an opinion that at 4 months the baby should already eat vegetable puree in the amount of 100 grams, and by 5 months - master porridge in milk.

Some people, from a lack of awareness, try to offer vegetable puree to children as early as 1-3 months.

Such a feeding technique existed before, it was approved by the Ministry of Health and the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences back in 1999, but a lot of time has passed since then and science has refuted all these provisions. Today, the introduction of complementary foods is carried out according to the recommendations of the WHO and the International Dairy League.

The question of the first complementary foods is very burning, so today we will dwell on all the exciting moments in detail. We will tell you about the timing of the start of complementary foods, signs of readiness of the body and other important facts.

Early feeding

A breastfed baby does not need any additional nutrients until the age of 6 months. This has been proven in a number of scientific studies by European pediatricians. Scientists at the American Academy of Pediatrics are convinced that the presence of breastfeeding does not require early introduction of complementary foods. Babies get everything they need from their mother's milk. The meaning of introducing early complementary foods to newborns is determined only by a number of weighty indications. Until the age of 4 months, the child’s gastrointestinal tract does not yet have the necessary enzymes that could digest food (for more details, see the article:). Sometimes these enzymes appear only by 6 months, and sometimes only by one and a half years.

What is the danger of feeding too early? It is important for all caring parents to know that the earlier the first complementary foods are introduced, the greater the likelihood of digestive difficulties in the future and the higher the risk of allergic reactions.

Early feeding can cause severe allergies in a child

This is due to the fact that the intestines of babies are in an immature state, in the process of development. The food introduced as complementary foods cannot be normally absorbed by the newborn due to a lack of enzymes, which means that the baby is not saturated. The World Health Organization has conducted a number of studies, during which it was found that early and premature onset complementary foods several times increase the risk of getting pneumonia and multiple otitis media. This is due to the fact that the overall resistance of the body is lower.

Children who received only mother's milk up to six months, compared with peers who had already received their first complementary foods by this age, they mastered crawling and walking much earlier. When should you start introducing complementary foods to your baby? Based on all the data obtained, pediatricians in most countries, including Russia, came to the conclusion that the most appropriate time for the introduction of complementary foods is from 6 months.

Basic principles

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How to introduce complementary foods correctly? At what age can a child be fed? The main condition for the start of complementary foods is that the child is six months old, regardless of the type of feeding. Breastfed, formula-fed or formula-fed infants should receive complementary foods based on the following important factors:

  • The main food is milk or a mixture. Be sure to keep breastfeeding or formula feeding as a priority for up to a year. WHO experts are convinced that breastfeeding is justified until two years of age and older. Such conclusions are based on studies of the composition of breast milk, which, with the growth of the crumbs, adapts to the changing needs of the child's body. It contains useful material for the proper formation of the brain, nervous and immune systems.

If possible, breastfeeding should be continued for at least a year.
  • Complementary foods are introduced for familiarization. In no case should the volumes indicated in the norms be exceeded, otherwise there is a danger of overfeeding the child. The first feeding of the baby is not intended to saturate; for this, breast milk or an adapted formula is preserved, which have a great nutritional value. Adult food allows you to introduce the baby to a variety of tastes, helps to teach correct work jaws, ensures the socialization of the baby and teaches correct reception food.
  • No violence when introducing new products. The introduction of complementary foods should be based on the desire and interest of the child in food.
  • Do not use recreational methods when feeding. Fairy tales, jokes, and even more so cartoons are absolutely inappropriate at the table. The child should be interested in the new process, and this can be achieved by regularly placing the baby at the common parental table.
  • Pay attention not to the deadlines, but to the child. Starting from six months, you can start the first initial feeding, but if the child is not yet ready, there is no need to rush and artificially adjust it to the indicated norms. Focus on the level of his health and development.

Signs of readiness to introduce complementary foods

External indicators of the baby's readiness for new food:

  • ability to sit independently;
  • the appearance of several teeth;

The appearance of the first teeth - a signal of readiness to chew food
  • the food ejection reflex disappears: the food that enters the baby's mouth is no longer pushed back by the tongue;
  • weight gain two times relative to data at birth (for premature babies, this figure should triple);
  • the baby may turn away if he does not like the food;
  • the number of attachments to the breast increases, and when fed with a mixture, the baby is still hungry;
  • the time of interest in the contents of mom and dad's plates begins.

Types of complementary foods

  1. Pedagogical. When a baby begins to show interest in adult food, this does not mean that he is not saturated with what is available. He is attracted to the pleasure that parents experience while eating, and he wants to experience something similar. The principle of pedagogical complementary foods is to feed the baby with microdoses of all the dishes that adults eat. The dose is equal to the volume of a match head.
  2. Pediatric. traditional look complementary foods according to WHO recommendations. New food is offered in small doses of ½ teaspoon.

With pediatric complementary foods, the child is gradually offered different types food

Feeding technique

How to introduce complementary foods to a baby? Feeding rules are as follows:

  • The child must be healthy. teething, colds, viral infections, the presence of temperature, the time of preparation for vaccinations or immediately after vaccinations - all of these factors indicate the impossibility of starting trials of food novelties.
  • Initial doses are minimal - from ½ teaspoon. "Adult" food is offered before formula or breast milk. The portion size is gradually increased.
  • Attention to the well-being of the child. A possible allergy is not a matter of two hours, it can manifest itself much later. Follow the child for two days after the introduction of a new product. Most often after the first feeding backlash the body of the baby is a rare occurrence. The most likely occurrence of a rash or peeling after repeated use. As a rule, it is possible to notice something wrong only by the third attempt to try the introduced product. Reactions such as constipation or diarrhea can manifest themselves within the first day. Any ailments in the baby require the immediate cancellation of the novelty.
  • The volume increases gradually. Do not set yourself the goal of feeding the baby with the amount indicated in the norms - this is the upper limit. It is impossible to give more than this, but less - please.
  • No more than one new product per week. In the first week, the child has an increase in the volume of new food, in the second - getting used to it, and only from the third week is it allowed to introduce another new food.
  • It is strictly forbidden to offer two new products at once.
  • Lack of interest in the product or unwillingness to eat it requires some pause. Try again after a few days.

Only mono-component purees can be used to test new products.

Product sequence

In what order should new foods be included in a child's diet? For many years optimal products there were fruits in the form of purees and juices. Specialists in Pediatrics European countries consider this approach extremely wrong. The acids contained in fruits have an extremely negative effect on the baby's digestive system. In addition, there is a lot of sugar in fruits, so they are generally not recommended for introduction into children's diets under the age of one.

Starting from the age of six months, the child begins to experience a lack of a number of minerals, including zinc and iron. To make up for this deficiency in a baby, complementary foods are recommended to start either with cereal cereals or with vegetables that contain easily digestible forms of these microelements.

In the presence of poor digestion, combined with loose stools, it is better to start with cereals, and with a fixed stool - with vegetable purees.

The second part of feeding will be either vegetables or porridge, and the third part will be meat puree, after which we will introduce everything else into complementary foods. The second complementary foods are offered to the baby at the same time as the previous one. Below we will talk about the timing of the introduction of complementary foods.

Meat puree is introduced into the diet only after vegetables and cereals

Vegetables - from 6 months

Children on any type of feeding in a healthy state receive vegetable puree as the first product. We first introduce vegetables that grow in the region of residence into complementary foods: zucchini, potatoes, cabbage. Next, babies are fed with carrots and legumes (we recommend reading:). Closer to the year, introduce your baby to tomatoes and onions.

All vegetables are pre-washed in running water without the use of soap, then peeled and seeds are removed. Prepared vegetables for the first feeding of the baby are cut into small pieces. Before cooking, it is recommended to soak the potatoes in cold water so that they lose all the starch. You can cook your own meals in several ways:

  • For a couple. This method of cooking is considered the most useful.
  • In the oven. Chopped vegetables are laid out in the form, almost half filled with boiling water. Cover the top with foil and let cook until done.
  • In a saucepan. Pour water into the container, wait for it to boil, put the vegetables and cook until cooked under the lid.

All vegetables are prepared in different ways: zucchini - 5 minutes, pumpkin and cauliflower - 10 minutes, carrots and potatoes - 25 minutes. According to the recipe, boiled vegetables should be ground with a blender or rubbed through a sieve, then adding a little broth to make the consistency uniform. Having crushed everything with a crush, it will not be possible to get rid of hard-to-chew fibers, so it will be difficult for a child to eat such mashed potatoes. You can add milk or a mixture to the puree for flavor. Avoid sugar and salt. Start adding vegetable oil to your baby's meals 1.5 months after the start of the introduction of complementary foods. remember, that this product is also new, so be careful when entering it.

Kashi - from 7 months

When the baby is gaining weight poorly, porridge can be offered first. For children whose indicators correspond to the norms, cereal cereals should be given after the development of vegetables and fruits by the crumbs.

First, gluten-free cereals are introduced: rice, buckwheat, corn, because the risk of allergies when eating them is minimal. For children older than 8 months, it is allowed to cook millet, oatmeal, semolina. The cereal is pre-ground in a coffee grinder, and then boiled in water without adding milk. At first, the consistency of porridge is more liquid, corresponding to the proportion of 4 servings of water per 1 serving of cereals, and closer to the year, the porridge is made thicker, reducing the amount of water to 2 parts.

First of all, gluten-free cereals are introduced into the diet.

By purchasing ready-made cereals for children, opt for dairy-free products. Such cereals are very convenient for cooking: the contents are poured with a small amount of water and mixed for uniformity. Treat a one-year-old baby with cereals in milk, prepared in a 1: 1 ratio with water.

Is it possible to cook porridge for the introduction of complementary foods on my own? You are able to do everything yourself, only before cooking the cereal should be processed:

  • cereals are washed in water;
  • dried in the air or in the oven;
  • grind dried beans in a coffee grinder.

Ground flour should be stored in a jar with a closed lid. The recipe for this is:

  • Pour 100 ml of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Put a teaspoon of porridge in a small container, pour 2-3 tablespoons of cool water, mix thoroughly.
  • Pour diluted porridge into boiled water, mix and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. When cooking, porridge should be constantly stirred. By pouring ground porridge into boiling water, you can end up with lumpy porridge.
  • After this time, the fire must be turned off and let it brew for about 15 minutes. During this time, the grains will swell, and after cooling, the porridge should be served at the table. You can dilute the porridge breast milk or a mixture. Do not add salt, sugar, butter, or cow's milk to the first cereals.

The first cereals should not contain salt or sugar

Fruit - from 7 months

The introduction of complementary foods on the menu continues with fruit. Usually fruit purees are tried by children in the following sequence: apple, prunes, apricot, banana, pear (we recommend reading:). You can supplement them with any fruit that grows in your area. Crumbs with great appetite eat canned purees. They help improve bowel function, so the available earlier problems with digestion immediately pass. When preparing fruit puree at home, remember that it is better to pre-peel all products from the skin and seeds.

Meat - 8-9 months

Meat purees are offered from low-allergenic meats: turkey, lamb, pork of lean parts. Those varieties that are now the most common have a higher allergic index: chicken, veal. You can still eat them, but keep in mind that children whose mothers regularly ate the specified meat, the risk of negative consequences will be much lower.

Fresh meat should be passed through a meat grinder twice, and then boiled. Meat, like any new product, is introduced in small doses. Carefully observe the reaction of the child's body to the novelty. Meat broths are not prepared for children under one year old.

Yolk - from 8 months

relation to this useful product complex and ambiguous. In Soviet times, it was recommended for introduction as early as 4 months, but now the timing of the introduction of complementary foods from the yolk has moved closer to 9 months. When testing, be sure to monitor how the child's body reacts to a new product. You can enter it by adding it to cereals or vegetables. It is undesirable to make meat purees with yolk.

Cottage cheese, kefir - from 9-10 months

How many months should a baby be to be ready for cottage cheese and kefir (more in the article:)? Approaching the age of 1 year, mothers begin the introduction of dairy products. The protein of cow's milk is foreign to the child's body and the enzyme required for its breakdown appears in the intestine only after 10 months of age. Babies receiving either mother's milk or adapted mixture, do not need too much dairy products. For children on an artificial type of feeding, the introduction of cottage cheese into the diet even before the year is more justified, because their body must have time to readjust to the processing of this food before the mother removes the usual mixture from the diet.

Your child is already four months old, and a compassionate neighbor who raised four children every day strongly advises to “feed” the baby ... Is it worth listening to her? Maybe it's better not to rush and wait with new dishes? And if you do give, what exactly and in what quantity? A lot of such questions worries young mothers. And it is not at all accidental, because the first complementary foods are a real revolution in the crumbs menu. By 4-6 months, child the need for additional energy, vitamins and minerals increases. Since breast milk or its artificial substitute does not fully meet the requirements of the baby at this age, to increase the calorie content of the diet, it is necessary to introduce to kid extra food. First courses complementary foods are vegetable purees and cereals. In addition, they teach child to the perception of denser food, develop chewing. These dishes complementary foods designed to replace breastfeeding. Therefore, they are considered replacement foods.

When to start

Why for the introduction of the firstcomplementary foodsan interval of 4 to 6 months was taken. This is due to the fact that before this age the bodychildphysiologically unprepared for the perception of new dense food. And later than six months it is undesirable to start, perhapschildthere will be problems with adapting to food with a denser consistency than milk. Therefore, according to most experts in the field of baby nutrition, the first complementary foods should be introduced in the period from 4 to 6 months of life. However, it should be remembered that the timing of the introductioncomplementary foodsare individual. With artificial feeding, complementary foods can be started with4.5 months, with chest - with5–6 months.

Appetizing puree

The choice, firstly, depends on the statechildat the time of the introduction of a new food. Ifchildhas a lack of weight or unstable stools, it is better to start with cereals. Conversely, with excess weight and a tendency to constipation, it is recommended to introduce complementary foods with vegetable puree. If your baby is devoid of such troubles and is absolutely healthy, then the advice of pediatricians and nutritionists is currently reduced to starting complementary foods. with vegetable puree . Why? Many mothers may object that it is rather difficult to introduce vegetable puree first. It is not easy for a child to go from the sweet taste of breast milk or a substitute to a completely unsweetened vegetable. And here you have to be patient. You should offer a new dish not once, but at least 10-12 times, and only after the baby stubbornly refuses it, move on to another type of vegetable. Afterchilddid not accept this or that vegetable, parents, as a rule, switch to cereals, making big mistake! It is highly likely that the baby will not want to eat vegetables at all after the introduction of sweet porridge. Moms make another mistake when they additionally sweeten porridge. industrial production. It should be taken into account thatchildhe is only getting used to new tastes, and his future eating habits depend on how well he is taught to eat in the family. As a consequence, the habit of sugary foods can lead to obesity and related diseases. So, we introduce vegetables. It is better to start with foods such as zucchini, all types of cabbage, potatoes, they are the least likely to cause allergies. Later, you can try carrots, beets and tomatoes. The modern children's industry offers a wide range of different types of purees. According to the degree of grinding, they are divided intohomogenized, which are offered to children from 4.5 months, puree for children 6–9 months andcoarsely ground(9–12 months). Canned vegetables for children are prepared with a small amount of salt, and some manufacturers leave the taste of vegetables natural without adding salt at all. It should be remembered that when buying ready-made food, you should not add salt to it and add vegetable oil. Foreign manufacturers, in an effort to improve the taste of their products, use legumes (beans, peas, etc.), tomatoes and tomato paste, onions, garlic, and spices (in particular, pepper) in the manufacture of vegetable puree. They recommend in this case to introduce them from 5-6 months. This does not meet the requirements of domestic pediatricians and nutritionists. Such purees should not be given ascomplementary foodsbabies aged 4-6 months, since tomatoes, which are among the vegetables, are especially often causing allergies in children, it can be introduced into the diet no earlier than six months. Tomato paste containing salt is best administered with6–7 months. Legumes, which contain a high level of plant fibers and special types of sugars that can cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa and increased gas formation not earlier7–8 months. Onions and garlic containing essential oils that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, kidneys - only with8–9 months, spices - with 9 months and older. Can cook vegetable food on your own, using both fresh and frozen vegetables. To do this, they must be boiled, then mashed (in a blender or using a regular crush). Add a little vegetable or melted butter (in a volume of no more than 3-4 grams). Oil another new productcomplementary foods, with which children get acquainted from the moment the vegetable puree or porridge is introduced. It is a source of nutrients, energy, and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E). Vegetable oil is allowed to enter with4.5 months, creamy - not earlier5–6 months.

Porridge is our food

Two weeks after the baby gets used to vegetable puree, you can start introducingcereal complementary foods . Dry instant porridges are the most convenient. To prepare them, you only need to mix the dry powder with warm boiled water and mix. The advantage of these products (as well as canned baby food) is their guaranteed chemical composition, safety and saturation with essential vitamins, calcium, iron and minerals. You can also use dry milk porridges that require cooking, flour for baby food, as well as ordinary cereals, previously ground in a coffee grinder. It is important to emphasize that as the first cerealcomplementary foodsshould be used gluten free cereals - rice, also buckwheat and corn flour; other cereals - rye, wheat, barley, oats - contain gluten. This is the main protein of cereals, in babies it can cause such unpleasant phenomena like pain and bloating. The principles for introducing cereals are the same as for other types.complementary foods- start with one type of cereal, gradually, a week after the introduction of the first porridge, try another type, even later - you can switch to porridge from a mixture of cereals.

We introduce a new product

  • You need to start with one type of the least allergenic product. Interval between administration various dishes complementary foods should be at least 5-7 days. While the baby begins to try something new, you should carefully examine the skin daily for the appearance of any rash, and also monitor the stool. If rashes appear or the nature of the stool changes (frequent and liquid), it is necessary to cancel the dish complementary foods and see a doctor.
  • A new product cannot be introduced if child unwell or during preventive vaccinations, it is undesirable to start in hot weather.
  • It is recommended to give "novelty" before breastfeeding- then hungry child most likely to react positively to food. In addition, it is better to offer a new dish in the morning in order to monitor the baby's condition throughout the day.
  • Complementary foods give baby only from a spoon, not through a nipple.
One should not strive for excessive variety in the diet of a smallchild, for starters, 2-3 types of vegetables introduced progressively (one per week) are enough. It is necessary to adhere to certain schemes for introducing new foods into the baby's diet.

An example of the introduction of cereals and vegetable purees:

1st day - 1 teaspoon (5g) 2nd day - 2 tsp. (10g) 3rd day - 3 tsp. (15 g) 4th day - 4 tsp. (20 g) 5th day - 50 ml (50g) 6th day - 100ml (100g) 7th day - 150 ml (150g).

An example of the introduction of vegetable and melted butter:

1st day - 1 drop 2nd day - 2 drops 3rd day - 5 drops 4th day - ¼ tsp 5th day - ½ tsp. (3d) 6th day and beyond - 1 tsp. (5–6d).

Diet child 4-6 months (the volume of porridge and puree is up to 150 ml, the frequency of feeding is 5-6 times a day)

First feeding. Formula or breast milk 160–200 ml
Second feeding. Porridge 150 ml
Third feeding. Vegetable puree 150 ml
Fourth feeding. Formula or breast milk 160–200 ml
Fifth feeding. Formula or breast milk 160–200 ml
Sixth feeding. Formula or breast milk 160–200 ml

When to introduce complementary foods

Complementary foods for a child: when to introduce complementary foods, complementary foods by months, complementary feeding scheme How well a child will eat in the first year of life depends on his health and attitude to food in the future. So bring up a real connoisseur of healthy food!

The most delicious and healthy food for a child during the first six months of life is considered to be mother's milk. If, for some reason, the mother cannot breastfeed the child, then he should receive a high-quality adapted formula. But there comes a time when a growing body needs other food.

You will recognize that it is time to introduce complementary foods according to several basic criteria: interest in adult food, the ability to sit confidently, the appearance of the first teeth. So, it's time to think about how to introduce complementary foods to the child.

First food

Formerly a doctor advised mothers literally from the age of two weeks to include juice drop by drop in the children's menu. Now, nutritionists are increasingly talking about the dangers of early introduction of complementary foods to a child, moreover, they support their words with irrefutable evidence.

When it comes to babies who are breastfed, then World Organization Health recommends that they begin their acquaintance with new products no earlier than six months.

And an artificial child must be fed from five and a half months. However, this does not mean that you should seat the little one at the table on a well-defined day. Wait for the moment when he asks you for what you eat.

Most likely, the baby will do this out of pure curiosity. But the result of the research will pleasantly surprise him! Give your baby a slice of a peeled apple or pear. You can also offer from your plate half a teaspoon of boiled potatoes, buckwheat porridge on the water.

Pediatricians call this method pedagogical complementary foods. It differs from the usual one in that its task is not so much to feed the baby as to introduce him to adult food and the rules of behavior at the table.
Everything has its time

Do not rush to transfer the child for common table. While not everything that adults eat suits him. Although digestive system the baby is already quite developed, he still cannot eat fried, salty, smoked, fatty. Semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, some raw vegetables, sweets, cakes are also prohibited.
Important Rule

Let your child decide when to finish the meal. Do not force him to finish eating, do not force feed - and then you will not have problems with food.

We introduce complementary foods

To start, offer your little gourmet half a teaspoon of the new dish before the main meal. It is advisable to do this in the morning. Then immediately supplement your baby with breast milk or formula. The next day, you can give a whole spoonful. The main thing is to monitor the general condition of the child.

Redness, skin rashes, and abdominal pain are warning signs. Eliminate this product from the diet immediately and refuse to introduce anything new for at least three days. Did the meet and greet go well? Gradually increase the portion. And a week later, feel free to introduce another product.

From the moment you completely replace one meal with complementary foods, start giving your baby water or tea. Offer a drink after meals and between meals. As for artificial baby, then he has long been familiar with water. In this case, be guided by his desires.

Literally immediately after the introduction of a new product, you will notice changes in the child's stool, he will have bad breath. Don't worry: everything is fine. It's just one of the stages of physiological development.
Behavior rules

Do not expect your child to obediently sit at the table and carefully wield a spoon. Even if you put a bib on him, he will still get dirty. And, no doubt, he will touch the food with his hands, smear it on the table or on his knees. Experiments are also ahead with a spoon: the baby will probably want to clamp it in his teeth, knock on the plate.

Naturally, the child will not immediately begin to use the spoon on his own. But the sooner you give it to your baby, the sooner he will learn it. At the same time, feed him with another spoon. The most convenient and safe plastic cutlery. You - with a flat handle, the baby - with a curved one.

A little later, offer the child a fork. Believe me, it's never too early to start mastering it. But provided that the devices are used correctly by adults themselves.

Rules for feeding a child

Complementary foods for a child: when to introduce complementary foods, complementary foods by months, complementary feeding scheme When collecting information about feeding a child, you probably noticed that there are no unambiguous opinions and recommendations. Pediatricians and nutritionists advise starting to introduce complementary foods at four months, then at six. The indicated ages on jars of baby food generally confuse mothers.

However, all this should not confuse you. Firstly, in some countries where mashed potatoes and cereals are produced, there are other norms for the introduction of products. Secondly, they are designed for artificial children, who are supposed to be introduced to new foods earlier than babies. To date, most experts adhere to the following complementary feeding scheme.
Complementary feeding scheme

Complementary foods for 6 months It is better to start with porridge or vegetable puree. Grind corn, rice or buckwheat in a coffee grinder and boil it in water (let the consistency be liquid) or use similar commercially produced cereals.

As for vegetables, boiled zucchini, cauliflower or potatoes are suitable for the first time. Grind them with a blender and offer the baby. A serving of 100-150g will be optimal.

Complementary foods for a 7-month-old baby You can cook a little gourmet mashed potatoes from several vegetables already familiar to him, cook soup by adding vegetable oil and egg yolk (¼ teaspoon no more than twice a week).

Complementary foods for an 8 month old baby it's time to find out what dessert is. Fruit puree from apple, pear, peach are ideal for the baby. mix them with porridge or offer them as an independent dish. But keep in mind: if before that the baby ate 70 g of vegetables, then let's give no more than 50 g of fruit.

In addition, it's time to try kefir (full serving - 100 ml) and cottage cheese (50 g per day). Cook them yourself using sourdough - you will do well. But also special food will fit too. Just do not forget that beneficial bacteria live from 5 to 14 days. If the packaging says that the product can be stored longer, then there are no probiotic cultures.

Complementary foods for a 9-month-old baby Start eating meat. Beef, rabbit, turkey - it's healthy and tasty! Boil the meat, and then chop it in a meat grinder or with a blender. Baby food is fine too. For the first time, give half a teaspoon of meat along with vegetables. Gradually increase the amount to 3-4 teaspoons per day.

Just don’t cook soups with meat broth for your baby - a small stomach can’t digest it complex dish.

Complementary foods for a 10-month-old baby Meat should be constantly on the baby's menu now. At the same time, nutritionists advise to arrange one “fasting” day, replacing meat with fish. Choose low-fat varieties (hake, cod, sea bass). At the same time, do not forget that the first portion of the new product is half a teaspoon, the full one is 50g.

At this age, you can already offer the baby borscht. Just first check his reaction to bright vegetables - beets and carrots. Try also pumpkin, berry puree, yogurt, baby biscuits.

Complementary foods for an 11-month-old baby Soups are perfectly complemented by fresh herbs (it is better if you start growing dill and parsley on the window, so as not to doubt their environmental friendliness). Borsch will taste better with sour cream. Bread with butter the little gourmet will also like it. Feel free to cook semolina, barley, barley, oatmeal and millet porridge for him - they will certainly please him.

Complementary foods for a 12-month-old baby The baby's menu has already expanded quite a bit by this time. He probably has a favorite food too. For example, an apple with celery or steam meatballs. Now it would be good to introduce juice (cook it yourself and at first dilute it with water 1: 1) and milk (designed specifically for children).

cooking lessons

Complementary foods for a child: when to introduce complementary foods, complementary foods by months, complementary feeding scheme Of course, you care about the health of your baby, strive to feed him only healthy and freshly prepared foods. However, the concept proper nutrition» in relation to the child has a number of features. For children's dishes there are laws.

Boiled or steamed Vegetables from a double boiler or cooked in a small amount of water have a rich taste, and their texture is more tender. In addition, with this processing, vitamins are better preserved. In no case do not fry anything, even dressing for soup or borscht.

Without salt and sugar All products contain some of these natural ingredients, so teach your baby to the natural taste. But what you can safely add to soup or mashed potatoes is a little bit of vegetable oil. And only closer to the year, start slightly salting the dishes using iodized salt.

As for drinks, sweeten sour compotes and jelly with natural grape sugar or honey - provided that the little one is not allergic to it.

Wiped Usually, at the time of the introduction of complementary foods, only one or two teeth erupt in a child, that is, he cannot chew on his own. Therefore, food must be mashed to a state of puree (homogenized). A little later, at 8-9 months, it will be enough to knead it with a fork. And by the year - cut the food into small pieces.

The freshest Try to prepare food for the baby for one meal only. Never offer your child something that he did not finish last time. And even more so, do not cook from the evening to tomorrow.

To drink or not?

Nutritionists advise not to drink during meals - only after it, preferably after 10-15 minutes. So do not put on the table everything that you want to offer your baby. It's better to do it one by one. Purchase convenient dishes for tea, compote and water. You should not pour the drink into a bottle with a nipple, immediately teach your baby to drink from a cup. Choose a model with a convenient spout and a blocker: if the baby knocks over the cup, the liquid will not spill. For older children, models with a straw are suitable.

food allergens

Nutritionists note: cases of allergic reactions in young children have become more frequent. There are several causes of the disease, including incorrect or untimely introduction of complementary foods and intolerance to any food by the child.

Gluten Wheat, oats and rye contain gluten protein, which is poorly absorbed by the child's body up to 5-6 months. First of all, introduce gluten-free cereals: corn, buckwheat, rice. Wait a little with other cereals, as, however, with bread and cookies. Offer them to your baby only after 8-9 months.

Cow's milk Up to a year, the enzymatic systems of the child are not ready to digest this product. If you want to pamper your baby with milk porridge, dilute it with breast milk or formula.

Eggs Allergic to protein - quite frequent occurrence. Therefore, up to a year, give the child only the yolk (in a small amount).

In addition to these products, rashes on the cheeks can be caused by fish, honey, beans, lamb, vegetables, berries and fruits of red and orange flowers. Be careful with them, never offer your baby several new foods at the same time and keep a food diary, especially if the allergy still manifests itself. Write down the dish, how it was prepared, and the baby's reaction. This information will help you easily identify the culprit for the appearance of red spots on the skin of a child!