Why comes a frozen pregnancy. Why does pregnancy freeze? Causes of frozen pregnancy. How to determine a frozen pregnancy? Terms of frozen pregnancy. Causes of frozen pregnancy in the early deadlines and in later development

There is nothing awful for the future mother than to know that the result of the pregnancy is unfavorable. Who is to blame at the embryo development stop? Was it possible to protect yourself? And most importantly - how to live on? These questions put in a dead end and cause panic even those who only plan to conceive.

Rambler / Family tried to answer the most important and disturbing of them and figure out what to do with frozen pregnancy.

1. How to determine that the fruit is measured and need to urgently consult a doctor?

To determine exactly whether the development of the fetus was stopped, it is possible to analyze blood to hCG - chorionic gonadotropin man. It is its presence in the urine that determines pregnancy tests. If the hormone level decreases or at least remains at the same time day of day, this is a clear sign of stopping the growth of the fetus. Ultrasound will also show if there is an embryo in fruit eggwhether it corresponds to sizes for its term. It happens that on the 5-6 week a fruit egg is much less laid, then the check is carried out after another 1-2 weeks. If it remains the same size, the specialist diagnoses a frasonal pregnancy, and if it has grown, then, most likely, the period was incorrectly installed, and then it is adjusted.

In the later timed, the reason to urgently contact the doctor serve bloody issues on the laying, painting pain At the bottom of the abdomen and even reinforced appetite, the disappearance of toxicosis and a decrease in the size and hardness of the chest.

But sometimes a woman does not know at all that she got a baby. "If pregnancy freezes on early timing, Most likely, a woman will face a latency of menstruation for several weeks. And after the pregnancy is interrupted, and the embryo comes together with menstrual discharge. It looks like an ordinary cycle failure, "explains the obstetrician-gynecologist of the Atlas medical clinic, the candidate medical Sciences Olga Terekhina.

2. What time can the problems arise?

Doctors conventionally divide the undeveloping pregnancy on early and late. The first one usually happens to 12 weeks, the second - in last trimester. "Most often, the abortion of pregnancy by type of fading occurs on 5-6 weeks and is associated with the genetic anomaly of the fetus, but the woman may not know about it and learn only on the 7-8 week of pregnancy," says the Gynecologist Sestrian City Hospital No. 40 Elena Konstantinova. . - Also stopping the development of the embryo can happen on the 7-8 week of pregnancy, which in most cases is associated with infection. After 10 weeks, as a rule, the reasons are the problems in the blood coagulation system. "

3. What is the reason for interrupting pregnancy?

The exact reasons for stopping the development of the fetus determine extremely difficult, but they are also directly dependent on the period on which it happened. W. early fading The main reasons are three: genetic disorders, hidden infections from the mother and violation of hormonal balance - development insufficient number female hormones or excess male.

"The same reasons may cause fading and at later terms," \u200b\u200bsays the Olga Terekhina Medical Clinic of Olga Terekhina, "but many others meet in addition to them:

  • antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)
  • activation of sleeping viral infections such as cytomegalovirus
  • complications after influenza or rubella
  • the anatomical features of the uterus (twin or saddot uterus)
  • eastic Cervical Insufficiency - pathological stateFrequently found in women who have made a lot of abortions having a history of miscarriage, cervix breaks in previous birth
  • low weight, shortage of trace elements and vitamins. It happens that women with a body weight are faced with a fading of pregnancy about 40 kg. Painly Hadu Personal Nature protects from the nipping of the child, because it can cause irreparable harm to her health. For the same reason, pregnancy is dried with a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body of the future mother
  • extracorporal fertilization (ECO). A woman pregnant contrary to natural laws, so natural selection is included at later pregnancy, although this is usually happening in the first 12 weeks.

4. All of the wine genetics?

The notorious natural selection prevents the appearance of unwinievable individuals. This phrase from the textbook on genetics sounds cynical, but actually happens. In the first trimester, the fruit with genetic violations that are incompatible with life dies. Usually during this period, miscarriage occurs, but sometimes it seems to be interrupted halfway, and the fruit simply stops growing, although the woman still puts it out.

"This is the so-called" unsuccessful embryo, "explains the obstetrician-gynecologist of the female center of the clinical hospital Lapino, Candidate of Medical Sciences Anna Agranovskaya. - he has a wrong chromosome set - not 46, like everyone else healthy people, and 45, 47 or even 92. "

5. Do I have psychological reasons for remembered pregnancy?

Sometimes there are strange cases of fetal fetal when all analyzes speak about the absolute health of parents and the very embryo, but he is unable to survive. And so comes from time to times. Systemic family psychotherapist Tatyana Belyaeva believes that the reason for this can serve psychosomatic violationswhen psychological condition Future mom affects her physical health.

"Very often my clients with frozen pregnancy do not want children, although even rarely confess even themselves," says Tatyana Belyaeva. - The case is the first: the husband and relatives insist, the woman gives care, but the level of anxiety is so high that the child dies, not having time to be born. A history of four frozen pregnancy. The second mom is large - lacking forces on the next baby, it is depleted permanent childbirth Physically and spiritually. She has seven children and two frozen embryos in a row. My other patient infantile - agreed to the birth of a child, provided that her mother will be engaged in his upbringing, she herself will save his career. When Mom refused the proposal, my patient had no inner readiness for the change of lifestyle, and the fruit was killed at the 38 week of pregnancy. The subconscious fear drives the parents with disabilities and children with pathology. They are afraid to repeat the traumatic experience, it leads to the death of the fetus. And sometimes the value of pregnancy is much higher than the child, because of increased attention Muga and relatives, all kinds of help in the house, which stops with the birth of the kid. Therefore, in the family of one of my clients, which has already for three children, four frozen pregnancy in a row happened. "

Ultrasound of a pregnant woman

Often you can hear the complaints of women on the fact that the gynecologists "did not rule out", "did not bother" and "not saved." When stopping the growth of the embryo at a later date, this is really possible if the mother immediately appeals to the hospital at first suspicious symptoms - the absence of the movement of the baby, the bloody or brown discharge, and drawn pain at the bottom of the abdomen or in the lower back. But to determine and all the more prevent the pregnancy of pregnancy early stages It is almost impossible, not a single doctor will not cope with this, even if the woman will visit it daily. Even if we assume that it is possible to constantly do the HCG analysis to determine whether the fruit is growing, it is not possible to save it at the same time, because the exact causes of fading will not be known.

At the same time, the gynecologist can really be to blame for the fact that he failed to recognize a frasonable pregnancy for a long time. In the body of a woman who is carrying dead embryoThe infection will develop, which will cause a lot of problems up to sepsis and fatal outcome. Therefore, as soon as the tests and ultrasound will definitely confirm the death of the embryo, it is urgently removed from the uterine cavity - they conduct a procedure similar to a conventional abortion.

7. What is the result after fetal fetal?

Almost always because of the fetal fetal in the body of a woman there is inflammation, so in addition to the procedure for cleaning, it has to be medicated by antibiotics. Doctors will try to determine the cause of failed pregnancy to prevent the future situation repetition.

The genetic material of the fetus is investigated to understand how often the "chromosomal breakdown" is found. If rarely, it means, this is a terrible accident, a nature error, a failure, the repetition of which is unlikely. Otherwise, parents will be offered to make extracorporeal fertilization to determine in advance the most viable embryos and suck them.

"The same diagnosis is recommended to do in the case of any ECO, - commented by the obstetrician-gynecologist of the Atlas Medical Clinic Olga Terekhin, - after all, this procedure itself increases the risk of pregnancy. And adding the most viable embryos, you can enhance the chances of a prosperous outcome. "

8. How to survive the loss of kid?

As soon as the woman affirmatively answers the question of the doctor: "Leave?", "She becomes mother, and perceives the embryo as a living being, a native child. And his loss is the loss of the native man in the world.

"A woman, as a rule, is experiencing her very hard, - notes psychologist-sexologist, family, children, perinatal psychologist Elena Shamova. - To survive this loss of morally and psychologically, release the situation, the psyche must go through all the stages of experience in traumatization or grief, and it takes about a year, and someone is even more, since each case is individual in its own way. It is necessary to burn, let go of this frozen pregnancy. Otherwise, on emotional level There will be a replacement of one child to others. In the future, such "children-deputies" live as if for two, it is difficult for them to make decisions, to be determined, often they are closed and closed in themselves. More than an adult age, they sounded - "I live as if someone else", "as if two people live in me."

But to blame himself - non-constructive. Please accept the idea that you could not do anything, could not help, it was not in your power. "Here is very important a doctor's role, which should be competent and accessible to the patient, what happened and how it can be avoided in the future," said the chief physician of the center of reproduction and planning a family "Medica" an obstetrician-gynecologist, a reproductologist, a gynecologist-endocrinologist Elena Tangchuk, - Understanding the reason for what happened, the couple who lost the child, in particular the woman, will be able to get rid of the unreasonable feeling of guilt and fear of the new pregnancy. "

9. Will there be more children?

"There can be no unequivocal response," said the obstetrician-gynecologist of the female center of the clinical hospital Lapino, Candidate of Medical Sciences Anna Agranovskaya. - Each case is individual and depends on the period on which the previous pregnancy and the reasons that caused it came out. As a rule, it takes from 3-4 months to the year to restore the body. "

After this time, you can try to get pregnant again, but be more enjoying, listening to yourself.

"Sleep, food, day, walks, a psychological background, a relationship in a pair - all this is extremely important for the health of the future kid, - notes the system family psychotherapist Tatyana Belyaeva. - with the slightest signs of mental discomfort, the emergence of a feeling of anxiety (especially irrational or unfortunate), disorders of sleep, fears of childbirth, or fears related to the child, you need to immediately seek help from specialists! "

10. How to reduce the likelihood of fetal to a minimum in advance?

If the frozen pregnancy has already happened, then at least one will have to eliminate the reasons that caused it. Only this will be hoped that the sad case will not happen again.

Gynecologist Sestroretsky City Hospital No. 40 Elena Konstantinova advises to pass careful examination, eliminate the presence of any infections, not only a woman, but also her sexual partner.

"Then it is worth checking the function thyroid gland, hormonal backgroundIf there are or had ever disturbances of the menstrual cycle, the specialist comments on, to check the blood coagulation system. If a history of close relatives had heart attacks or strokes under 45 years of age, thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, then required to visit the hematologist and an additional examination. "

In the case of pregnancy and stop the development of the fetus, the main thing is to remember that your life and your family does not end, you can still have healthy children. And even more so do not blame yourself, doctors or someone else in what happened. All the strength and energy is better to spend on finding out the reasons and full examinationSo that with new forces and crystallic health to begin new attempts to conceive the kid.

Family pregnancy - pathology, the reasons for which until the end is not studied. Frightened pregnancy in medicine is called an invalid abortion. The probability of development of the problem does not depend on the age of a woman, her social status and the number of previous pregnancies. The causes of pathology have not yet been studied until the end. According to statistics, the frozen pregnancy meets every 176th woman planning to become a mother.

What is a pathology?

Untrevive pregnancy is the intrauterine fetal death associated with irreversible processes flowing into its tissues. Pathology does not have pronounced signs, such as miscarriage. For this reason, it is important to know about the first signs of pathology, in order to ask for help to the doctor in a timely manner.

Important! In gynecology, it is often encountered such a concept as an empty fruit egg. The condition is observed when the egg fertilizes and attaches to the endometry. However, the cell itself does not contain an embryo.

Causes of undervolving pregnancy

The most common cause of the child's unbearable is gene mutations. It was in 70% of cases that cause the death of the embryo on a period of up to 8 weeks. Numerous factors are able to lead to genetic failures in the body: chronic or hereditary diseases, drug reception, alcohol use by future parents.

Important! During pregnancy, screenings prescribed by a gynecologist and genetic should be held. This study will allow you to detect gene anomalies in the child in the early stages.

Probability unfeute abortion increases if the future mother can not refuse harmful habits: smoking, irrational food, drinking alcoholic beverages. Provoke various deviations at the fetus capable medication toolswho pregnant takes without consent to the doctor.

Therefore, in the first trimester, potent drugs are prescribed only in extreme cases, for example, with severe infectious diseases. After 10 weeks of pregnancy, a solid placenta is formed, which protects the fetus from an external negative impact. In this case, the reception of drugs will not be so dangerous.

To other reasons of measurement pregnancy, include:

  1. Resh conflict mother and fetus. The problem is especially relevant for women who have undergone numerous abortions. Gradually, antibodies to the embryo accumulate in the body of the woman, which reduce the likelihood of a successful course of pregnancy.
  2. Heavy infectious and viral diseases. Future mothers are vulnerable to the pathoral flora, so they are quickly infected during epidemics. Some diseases (rubella, windmill, cortex) can not only provoke the death of the embryo, but also to cause physical and mental abnormalities in the child in the future. In such cases, Mom may agree to an abortion or decide on the birth and upbringing of a special kid.
  3. Hormonal failures. The cause of the child's unbearable may become a lack of prolactin or excess testosterone. If, before conception, the woman was observed irregular menstruation, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about it.

Risk factors for the development of frozen pregnancy:

  • combining women whose age exceeds 35 years;
  • numerous abortions in the past;
  • the presence of defects in the structure of the uterus;
  • ectopic pregnancydiagnosed earlier.

If there are at least one risk factor, a woman put on special control to the gynecologist. The risk group for abnormal pregnancy also includes women who refuse to be observed from specialists.

Important! Each pregnant woman should be registered with the gynecologist for a period of 7-8 weeks of pregnancy.

Deadlines for measuring pregnancy

The problem occurs on any gestation period (even a few days before the delivery). Exploring statistics, doctors noted several periods most dangerous to form the fetus:

  • 3rd and 4th weeks from the moment conception;
  • 7-11th week;
  • 16-18th week.

After the 20th week, the cases of stopping the development of the child are not a few. In the overwhelming majority, the problem occurs on the period of up to 14 gestational weeks. The cause of the anomaly in the first trimester is genetic deviations and hormonal failures, in the second-third trimesters - infectious diseases.

Symptoms of pathology in the early stages

A frossable pregnancy woman may not notice immediately, especially if it does not manifest clinical signs. Nevertheless, the condition represents a threat to the life of a woman, since the decaying fruit poisoned the body and harm reproductive system. However, with a careful study of his condition, a woman may noted the following signscharacteristic of underdeveloped pregnancy:

  1. Abnormal discharge. The woman's body is trying to get rid of the fetus after his death. Within 48 hours, it may have whitish allocations of a conventional consistency. After that, bloody bodies appear in the mucus. Gradually, bleeding is becoming more abundant.
  2. Change the intensity of toxicosis. After an implantation of a fetal egg, many women feel vomiting the urge. They are associated with increased hCG production. If the fetus dies, the production of hormone stops. In a day, a woman may feel the relief of the state. 4-6 days after the death of the fetus, the signs of toxicosis disappear at all. Not always this symptom indicates pathological processes in organism. The intensity of toxicosis can decrease as a result of a physiological addiction of a woman to the fetus.
  3. Deterioration of general well-being. A long-decomposing in the body of a woman embryo provokes intoxication of the body. Initially, the condition resembles a cold and accompanied by fatigue, decay forces. Two weeks later appear brighter signs of pathology: dizziness, anxiety, abdominal spasms, temperature.
  4. Sharp changes of basal temperature. In pregnant women, the indicator is at a level exceeding 37 degrees. After the fruit is dying, the mark on the thermometer drops to 36.7 degrees, and at the time of the decomposition of the embryo rises to 37.5 degrees.

Symptoms of pathology in late pregnancy

From the second trimeste, other manifestations are joined by the listed symptoms. Bright clinical picture Problems are related to the fact that the fruit has large sizes.

The main manifestations of undeveloped pregnancy in the second-third trimesters include:

  • lack of fetal movements more than 24 hours;
  • drawing abdominal pain;
  • water leakage with an unpleasant grinding smell.

The lack of movements in the fetus may also signal an insufficient oxygen into it. The situation occurs when taking the neck or the baby's body cord. If a woman turns to a doctor in a timely manner, then the baby can be saved from suffocation.

One of characteristic signs Failure to pregnancy in late dates - change in breast size. If the zb arose until the 25th week, then the chest returns to former sizes A few days later. At later deadlines after the death of the fetus it is possible to release a colostrum from the glands.

After the death of the fetus, not only the chest is reduced in size, but also the stomach. This is due to the fact that after the tragedy reduces the number spindle water. The listed features will be observed by a woman in one or two days after the fetus death. In the later period of pregnancy, the body is trying to get rid of the deceased child for the 4-5th day.

Diagnosis of frozen pregnancy

The survey at measuring pregnancy includes the following types of procedures:

  • visual examination of the gynecologist;
  • blood fence on hgch;
  • measuring basal temperature

The first two ways are considered to be basic in identifying signs of frozen pregnancy, the rest are auxiliary.

Important! If before the 7th week there are suspicions of the frasonal pregnancy, then the abortion is postponed before re-ultrasound. It may happen that the device did not find the vital functions of the embryo or the doctor a mistake was made in the calculations of the conception time.

Signs of frozen pregnancy on ultrasound:

  • early term - improper location Fruit egg or its damage;
  • late term - the lack of heartbeat in the fetus and the inconsistency of its sizes.

Data ultrasound is not enough to form a final diagnosis - ZB. Due to hormonal failures and psychological loads in women, the delay in the development of the fetus can be up to four weeks. In this case, repeated ultrasound is carried out in two weeks. If the fruit did not increase in size, then this means that it is dead.

Treatment of pathology

A popular way of freeing the uterus of the uterus from the dead fetus - medical abortion. In Russia, it is held on the period of up to 9 weeks of pregnancy, in European countries - up to 12. For therapy, drugs are used by drugs and mizoprostol. This method gives an effective result, but has a list of contraindications:

  • blood coagulation disorders;
  • severe anemia;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

If a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed on the 13-22th week, then resort to artificial stimulation of labor through one of the methods:

  1. Intramial. A 20% sodium chloride solution is introduced into the fruit bubble with a thin needle.
  2. Isolated. Introduction to the vagina of mifepristone or misoprostol with oral administration of one of the drugs.

If a the above methods The removal of the fetus did not bring results or have contraindications for carrying out, the doctors resort to overlaying the cargo to the preposition of the fruit bubble department.

In the third trimester from the deceased fetus, they get rid of artificial bodies. Perform a cesarean section in this case is prohibited, since blood infection can occur. A woman will have to give birth to a deceased child without anesthesia in an emergency.

After the treatment, a woman will need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Accept hormonal drugs For the speedy restoration of the endometrium.
  2. Drink antibiotics to prevent endometrial infection. Preparations of groups of macrolides or cephalosporins are prescribed.
  3. Pass physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at regenerating damaged uterine tissues.
  4. Take drugs to strengthen the immune system.

Another way to remove the fetal egg - scraping. Under a period of up to 12 weeks allowed vacuum aspiration uterus. Standard procedure Scraps are carried out only in extreme cases, as it can lead to irreversible damage to the epithelium.

Indications for traditional scraping:

  • inefficiency medical therapy;
  • purification of the uterus from the rest of the fetus after incomplete miscarriage.

Scraping is appointed to women after ultrasound, blood test and electrocardiogram. Suppully advice with a doctor who will perform anesthesia.

The progress of the scraping procedure:

  1. An intravenously introduced anesthesia, which begins to act within a few seconds.
  2. The genitals are processed by antiseptic means.
  3. The doctor with the help of a mirror fixes the cervix with tongs and expands the cervical canal.
  4. The procedure for cleansing is performed by a curette equipped with a loop at the end. With the help of it, all the mucous membranes of the cervical canal and the uterus are scattered.
  5. After scraping in the uterus, drugs that stimulate the reduction are introduced. The processed zone is disinfected with iodine solution.

After the end of the operation, all fixing gynecological tools are removed. On the belly, a woman is placed cold, which contributes to the narrowing of small vessels and leads the uterus in the tone. The menstrual cycle of a woman should recover after 6-7 weeks after scraping. The operation is allowed to carry out to the second trimester (less often at later timing).

Consequences of frozen pregnancy

Pregnancy Interrupt - Stress for female organism, regardless of the selected method of treatment subsequently. It will be possible to recover after the operation only after 6 months. Throughout this time, a woman will need to drink hormonal agents.

Complications after a frozen pregnancy:

  1. Psychological trauma associated with the fear of the unsuccessful flow of the following pregnancies or the impossibility of conceiving a child.
  2. Infertility. To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to comply with the recommendations of the doctor and regularly examine the gynecologist. Symptoms for an emergency visit to the gynecologist - an increase in temperature, severe vaginal bleeding.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus. Complication is often developing after traditional scraping. During operation, mucous membranes are removed children's OrganWhat makes it more vulnerable to the pathoral Flora.
  4. Flashing processes. The inflammation of the uterus leads to the fact that its individual plots are glued together. The deformation of the organ cavity in the future becomes the cause of infertility.

Prevention of undervolving pregnancy

Each pair, which is planning a child, must first pass a research complex, which includes blood test on infections, ultrasound of a small pelvis organs, genetic tests. It is recommended to refrain from conception in the event that less than 6 months ago one of the partners got rubella, wind shelter or severe influenza form.

Other events aimed at preventing frozen pregnancy include:

  • performing preventive vaccinations;
  • visit genetics;
  • normalization of the hormonal background;
  • conducting a healthy lifestyle;
  • abstinence from flights in the first months from the moment of conception.

With proper planning, the probability of successful pregnancy is about 90%. This also applies to those cases when a woman suffered unsuccessful attempts to endure a child in the past. It is important not to ignore visits to multidisciplinary specialists who will make a competent treatment plan after frozen pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a very responsible period in the life of any woman. Upon learning of her interesting positionThe woman begins to build new plans for the future associated with the prospect of the child's appearance. Everything seems to go fine and pregnancy is already on late stage And suddenly she gets an unexpected, terrible message about the fact that pregnancy is no longer, and so long-awaited and gently beloved baby died and not born

After a long period of depression and nerve stress The painful questions begin to emerge: what led to such a terrible event as measuring pregnancy? Why froze pregnancy?

Was it possible to prevent this?

Let's look at the answer to these questions.

In its essence, s amerza (frozen), or undivided, pregnancy It is one of the types of non-banking pregnancy.

Initially, everything goes according to plan. The embryo formed due to successful fertilization reaches the uterus, implanted. However, on a certain stage Its development stops.

Despite the fact that the fruit no longer develops immediate interruption of pregnancy, which is accompanied by the detachment of the fetal egg and remove it from the uterus may not happen.

Therefore, during this period, all signs of emerging pregnancy continue: the uterus continues to increase in size, there is a chorionic gonadotropin in the blood - a kind of pregnancy indicator, besides, are present subjective sensationsCharacteristic of pregnancy. All signs are saved until the placenta is tramping.

With the disclosure of the placenta, the gradual disappearance of all objective and subjective signs pregnancy.

One of the options for frozen pregnancy can be considered a case at which the embryo does not even occur, instead, only extraordinary organs that are called frucent shells.

This is the so-called "empty fruit egg."

What consist causes of frozen pregnancy?

A final response about the entire complex of the causes of pregnancy leading to the "fading" of pregnancy is not yet able to give. However, almost everything converge on the fact that very often pregnancy ceases to develop with serious genetic violations.

The autoimmune violations also play, in particular the so-called antiphospholipid syndrome. First we turn to the medical encyclopedia.

Antiphospholipid (APS) syndrome is a complex of disorders associated with the formation of antibodies in the body of some natural phospholipids. Phospholipids are universal membranes (i.e. shells) cells and some cellular structures, therefore clinical manifestations These violations are very diverse, or, as doctors say, systemic. One of the AFS manifestations is the formation of blood clots in the smallest vessels - capillaries, at the level of which is exchanged by oxygen and nutrients between blood and tissues. The formation of such microtrombov during pregnancy can lead to necrosis (destruction) of part of the placenta, impaired placental blood flow and even to the death of the fetus. The role of AFS is proved in the formation of underdevelopment pregnancy, delay intrauterine development Fetal, up to the death of the fetus in the II and III trimesters.

Agree that, for a person in medicine, such an explanation will deliver more questions than the answers will give. Let's try to explain all this more affordable language.

The death of the embryo can be caused by hormonal disorders, various infectious diseases of the genitals. And of course, the risk group includes women who are abusing alcohol that use drugs, and smokers.

Symptoms / signs of frozen pregnancy

It is almost impossible to determine the surcedine pregnancy. The future mother may feel the disappearance of such symptoms as nausea or whims, but this does not mean that pregnancy stopped developing. Diagnosis of a frozen pregnancy can only be delivered by a doctor based on surveys. When examining, the gynecologist notes the lag in the sizes of the uterus from the alleged period of pregnancy. But the main method of determining frozen pregnancy is ultrasound. In some cases, the diagnosis of an embryonium is made, i.e. Empty fruit egg (lack of embryo), therefore pregnancy can not develop. The lack of heartbeat is also a sign of frozen pregnancy.

One of the analyzes on the basis of which the doctor will be able to identify a frasonal pregnancy is to stop and reduce the level of hCG in the blood.

But all, some symptoms of frozen pregnancy, a woman can observe and herself

It is deterioration of well-being, an increase in the temperature is higher than normal indicators for pregnant women (37-37.5), chills, pulling pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt and at the bottom of the abdomen, a reduction in belly in the volume, the lack of fetal movement.

But these signs may not appear immediately, they can only appear in 5-7 days after the freezing of pregnancy on any time.

But you should not panic immediately, with the appearance of such symptoms you need to immediately consult a doctor.

How do doctors make a diagnosis of frozen pregnancy?

Often, the undeveloped pregnancy is determined with the planned ultrasound. Doctors immediately pay attention to the inconsistency of the alleged period of pregnancy and the size of the embryo, as well as in the absence of heartbeat.

Also in the process of detachment, the placenta may appear bleeding, and periodic pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

Conding blood tests on hCG It is necessary to remember that the Beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) serum has a property remains for two to three weeks, therefore, even after the fetal death, the positive result of the study is likely.

What do you need to do when a frozen pregnancy is detected?

After the pregnancy, the products of the decay of the tissue of the deceased fuce egg begin to be absorbed into the blood, which leads to poisoning of the parent's organism.

If these processes continue for more than four weeks, there are violations in the blood coagulation system. In the blood flow of the mother, tomb tomboplastin comes, which can cause thrombotic complications and bleeding.

In addition, the development of inflammation of the uterus can occur.

Therefore, when a meal pregnancy is discovered, it is not necessary to wait until the pregnancy will interrupt spontaneously.

The deceased fruit and his shell need to immediately remove from the uterus.

The removal of the embryo is produced by scraping the uterine cavity or using vacuum aspiration

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

When preparing for operation, women conduct research on blood reducingness, and also set blood rhesus.

How to prepare for next pregnancy After measuring pregnancy?

At the very beginning, careful analysis should be carried out and try to identify the reasons that led to the death of the embryo.

It should be noted that most often cases of the death of the embryo in the early period of pregnancy are due to pronounced defects of development.

Therefore, to identify infectious diseases that could cause the death of the embryo, a histological examination of tissues, which are obtained by scattering the uterine cavity. Also, both partners are required to undergo a survey for infectious diseases of the genital organs.

With the help of a cytogenetic study of the tissues of the fruit egg, you can determine the presence of genetic anomalies. The complex of medical measures also includes a study of the hormonal and immune status of a woman.

If a woman had a case measuring pregnancy, she should refrain from subsequent pregnancy for 6-12 months. So advise doctors.

At this time, it is necessary to intensively prepare your body to a new pregnancy: to be examined, to treat discovered violations, to fully eat, take a complex of polyvitamins, and completely refuse bad habits.

The main thing is to configure yourself optimistically. No need to blame anyone in what happened. This, as they say, will not help, but will only lead to even greater disappointments and development depressive states. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the underdeveloped pregnancy is a kind of one of the factors of natural selection, with the help of which the incurable person is prevented by the emergence of the emergency person. Measuring pregnancy is not a sentence. It does not mean at all that in the future you will not have children.

It is rather a signal indicating the need for more thorough and thoughtful preparations for this event.

"I have for the second time in a row! - Crying girl at the reception at the obstetrician-gynecologist. - Six months ago, pregnancy froze for 11 weeks, now at all on 6-7. What is wrong with me? My husband and I really want a child ... "

Doctors have calculated the timing on which the embryo is most vulnerable: 3-4, 8-11 and 16-18 weeks. It is at this time that the likelihood of miscarriage and frozen pregnancy is great. This is the time bookmarking of vital organs of the future kid and changes in the mother's body.

Cenner 1: Hormonal Violations

The most significant changes in the first trimester of pregnancy undergoes the endocrine system of women. Hormones of placenta and fetus are influenced by the production of maternal hormones. From the moment of conception in the body, the number of female sex hormones increases: progesterone and estrogen, and it is important not only for their presence, but also a balance.

So one of the hormonal causes of frozen pregnancy and spontaneous abortion is the lack of progesterone, without which the embryo cannot firmly "settle" in the uterus. Approximately 20% of women during pregnancy increases the level of male genital hormones - this is the second possible reason for the pregnancy of pregnancy.

These violations can be foreseen on hormonal status analyzes before pregnancy and begin treatment in advance.

Cenner 2: Genetic Disorders

Genetic fetal anomalies show themselves pretty early, many of them are incompatible with life. Genetic "breakdowns" get the embryo both from the mother and from the father, or arise with an unsuccessful combination of parental genes. It is believed that if the second, third and more pregnancy is pregnant, the genetics is faithful. However, to say with accuracy doctors make it difficult.

Cenner 3: Infections

Pregnancy is a state of immunosuppression, oppression of immunity. Otherwise, how could the mother of the mother come to terms with the appearance on the territory of the "strangers", half of the genetic information of which is completely different? The immune system It would instantly respond to a serious aggression on such a "half-compatible transplant", and the baby would have had a tag.

But nature all provided - the child is reliably protected from antibody attack by the placenta and the fetal shells. On the other hand, a hormone of pregnancy is a chorionic gonadotropin (the one, from which the second strip appears on the express test) is powerfully suppresses the immunological fees from the mother's body. Approximately there are placenta hormones, yellow Body, adrenal glands and fetus itself. The baby is good, but the mother turns out to be vulnerable to different infections.

Pregnant women are exacerbated by all infectious diseases. "Local" harmless flora, having received freedom, breeding without measure, delivering a lot of problems. Flora vagina is activated, and danger arises intrauterine infection fetal. In this sense, mycoplasmosis is unfavorable, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia and all sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.).

Irreversible changes and multiple defects cause cytomegalovirus (CMV) and rubella virus. However, infection is dangerous only during pregnancy, the "old" infection, on the contrary, creates an incentive to develop an IgG class antibodies and prevents the aggravation of the disease. But IGM antibodies - a sign of "fresh" infection and a reason for serious concern. I do not want to scare, but the disease is rubella in the first trimester of pregnancy - a mandatory reading for its interrupt. Cytomegalovirus is less aggressive, but much more often is the cause of undeveloped pregnancy.

Another danger is the flu epidemic. In pregnant women, banal ARVI takes place hard, because immunity is working in prisons. And the danger proceeds not so much from the pathogen itself, how much common symptoms: intoxication, increasing the temperature, which leads to blood flow violations in the system of "mother-placenta-fruit". The embryo lacks oxygen and nutrients, and it may die. Therefore, during seasonal flu flashes, pregnant women recommend vaccine vaccinations.

Cenner 4: Wrong Lifestyle

Doctors argue: In favorable conditions, pregnancy, as a rule, proceeds without complications and is easily transferred. For proper mode There is no need to make substantial adjustments. And now show me a woman living in the right mode ...

A frozen pregnancy often comes from stress and overvoltage. The baby is unlikely to like it if the mother will spend full-time in a stuffy room, staring at the computer, and get out of the chair only to drink a couple of coffee cups and brew "Dashirak" for lunch. Such conditions can contribute various complications, eg, early detachment placenta, and lead the uterus in a state increased tone. And that, and the other breaks blood flow, and future child Gets little oxygen and nutrients.

Pregnancy, especially her first trimeter, is a reason to care and even pamper. IN public transport It is recommended to conduct no more than an hour per day. Nervous shakes are generally contraindicated. Need healthy food, a lot fresh air and positive emotions, moderate mental and exercise stress, preferably in the form of walks and non-hard exercises.

According to labor legislation, pregnant women cannot be involved in work at night, overtime work, work related to the rise and movement of weights, vibration, exposure to high and low temperature, noise, radiation and some chemical substances. Important healthy sleep On eight or more hours per day. It is not recommended to stand for more than three hours a day. .

Foreign trips are also not deprived of risk. First, happen that unforeseen, medical care In full, someone else's country will not. Secondly, distant flights and even more reaches, changing time zones, unusual diet and climate change require great effort from the body and can damage. The fruit in the early terms does not tolerate acclimatization, and this can also be the cause of undeveloped pregnancy.

Autoimmune violations

The autoimmunes are called processes when antibodies are not formed not to alien agents (bacteria and viruses), but to their own cells of the body. These antibodies during pregnancy can affect both the fruit, which leads to his death.

Quite often, the cause of repeated regressing pregnancies is anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS). In this case, antibodies are formed to their own phospholipids, which are involved in the formation of cell walls. Before pregnancy, this syndrome may not manifest itself. Substitute AFS can be used in repeated regressive pregnancies. The survey includes both the analysis specifically on the APS markers and the analysis of blood coagulation (at AFS, the coagulation increases, which leads to the formation of microtrombov, incl. In the placenta vessels, which leads to a disruption of fetal nutrition, and in the absence of treatment His death).

Often, the reason for the regression cannot be established, but usually, with repeated regress, a detailed examination still helps to identify it.

Necessary surveys after regressing pregnancy

Minimum surveys after regressing pregnancy includes:

Uzi small pelvis organs;

Blood test for hormones (usually surrendered to sex hormones, analysis to other hormones is surrendered if there are some symptoms indicating about possible violation work of hormone-producing organs);

Analysis on infections;

Spermogram (a child has two parents, the reasons for regressing pregnancy can be found not only at mom).

This list can be significantly expanded depending on the specific situation, it should be individual for each woman, depending on the results of the general inspection, the nature of the menstrual function, heredity, the presence of some diseases in the past or at present.

With repeated regressing pregnancies, the survey is more detailed. It is necessarily a survey on antiphospholipid syndrome and the study of karyotype (chromosomes) of the father and mother.

How to be further

Of course, all women who have been tested as a "regressive pregnancy" are concerned about the possibility of favorable pregnancy in the future. The probability of this is quite high, as mentioned above, often the regression of pregnancy occurs due to the "random" effect of some factor, unsuccessful coincidence. And in the future it will never happen again. In some countries abroad, after one regression, they do not even recommend a detailed examination, and they are resorted to it only after repeated regressive pregnancies, since 80-90% of patients after a single regression of pregnancy normally carry pregnancy in the future.

However, I think everyone will agree with me that repeated regress is better to avoid. Therefore, it is necessary to be examined, and when identifying some violations to be treated. Be sure to get rid of infections if possible. When identifying hormonal and autoimmune violations, therapy is most effective if started at the planning stage, and not upon the occurrence of pregnancy.

Plan the next pregnancy is not earlier than six months. This time is needed to restore the uterus mucosa and hormonal background in the body. During this period it is recommended to take oral contraceptivesSince they not only have a contraceptive effect, but also help the body recover after hormonal stress, regulate the work of the ovaries and restore the menstrual cycle.

In the period of planning the next pregnancy, it is important to eat correctly, get a lot of vitamins (with food or in the form of multivitamine complexes), lead a healthy lifestyle. This will help the body during pregnancy to protect the kid from negative impacts. ambient.

Do not underestimate the role of bad habits. If "Girlfriend smoked all pregnancy and nothing," "Neighbor drinks and nothing," this does not mean that these factors are not harmful to the fetus. Someone the body will be able to protect, and there is no one, so the number of harmful factors should limit as much as possible. Yes, we will not be able to protect the future kid from everything, but maximize the amount harmful influences we must.

No doubt, a frozen pregnancy is a psychological trauma for a woman, so if you are tormented obsessive thoughts About the fact that you will not be able to have children at all, you set yourself up for failure, you should contact a psychotherapist. The role of psychological factors for pregnancy is recognized by most doctors.

I wish you all successful pregnancy and the birth of healthy kids !!!

The fruit froze is, perhaps, one of the most scary words From a doctor for a couple that dreams of children. You can hear them different reasons At the very beginning of the development of a new life (the most dangerous is considered from 3 to 4, from 8 to 11 and from 16 to 18 weeks from conception). Sometimes the diagnosis is made at the later date, but the probability of hearing is significantly lower. The analogue is the development of an empty fetal egg: in this case, the fertilization occurred, but the embryo does not develop. Pathology arises spontaneously, maybe several times in a row throughout the life of a woman. From her, unfortunately, no one is insured. Nevertheless, it is better to know the reasons and signs of frozen pregnancy in the early stages in order to take action on time and consult a doctor, as well as prevent the development of pathology before conception. Anything can affect the development of a small life. And the worst thing is to notice the changes not so simple.

Read in this article

The reasons for which pregnancy does not develop

Why is the frozen pregnancy in the early stages? This question worries and scares young moms. The reasons are actually quite a lot:

  • Genetic deviations occupy a leading place. They are stated in 70% of cases for up to 8 weeks. They are connected with many factors, including hereditary diseases, as well as the result of admission narcotic drugs One of the partners. That is why it is important not to give up screenings and other surveys proposed by genetic and gynecologist.
  • Excessive use is also able to provoke a stop of development. Especially dangerous if mom can't refuse bad habits Already after conception.
  • Medicinal preparations are also able to provoke the development of deviations. That is why the doctors themselves strongly recommend refusing any reception of medicines. Exceptions can only be severe diseases whose treatment folk remedies Just impossible. It is worth noting that for a period of up to 10 days and after 8-10 weeks, when the fruit becomes partly protected by the placenta, the effects of drugs are not so substantial. As for herbs, they should also be taken only under the supervision of a doctor, because some of them can provoke a breakdown or stop in the development of the embryo.
  • The reasons for remembered pregnancy in the early arrivals of the mother and the child. If the woman had abortions before that, then the chances of a happy development were not so big. Antibodies generated by the mother's body relative to the child accumulate over time. And after several abortions, conceived babe it is very difficult to confront such an attack.
  • Infections of both genitals and viral (, influenza) - serious threat At the very beginning of the birth of life. The mother's body is so weakened by a new position, so it is not difficult to get sick. But the consequences high temperatures, viral attack can be very heavy. The rubella is a formidable enemy, if the occurrence of which the pregnancy does not only freeze, the fetal is possible the development of heavy anomalies. And in this case, the mother will have to make a decision if it will be able to raise a special child or better to interrupt pregnancy.

Consequences of congenital rubella for a child
  • Hormonal disorders. Moreover, the undeveloped pregnancy in the early periods, the causes of the case are in this factor, it can measure both due to the lack of prolactin and excess testosterone. If a woman has regular menstrual cycle failures, then in obligatory It is necessary to be examined when planning, as well as regularly check the condition of the hormone after conception.
  • Harmful factors in production, diabetes, lifting weights, stress - all these factors can also cause the development of pathology.

Women who have the risk of developing pathology above

But not only in this it lies the answer to the question why pregnancy is pregnant. Doctors highlight a certain risk group, which includes:

  • combine or future mothers older than 35 years old;
  • in the presence of multiple abortions in the past;
  • if at the previous pregnancy were ectoped;
  • in the presence of congenital anomaly uterus.

In the presence of one or all factors, the woman will be under the permanent control of the doctor.

Future mothers who do not want to visit the gynecologist in the early stages fall into the risk group. The reasons for such a decision may be many, but the result will be a serious threat to health not only women, but also a child.

What signs will indicate a frasonal pregnancy

The sadness is the fact that the symptoms of frozen pregnancy in the early deadlines are expressed. Therefore, the future mother may not even suspect a change in the state of the fetus. Only a qualified doctor after inspection and destination additional examination Can state the lack of development of the embryo.

It is not necessary to look for the symptoms of undeveloped pregnancy in the early stages and, even more so, ask the Council from the girlfriends or on the forums. In each case, everything passes purely individually and depends on many factors.

Symptoms of the approaching catastrophe

At the later deadlines, the woman is easier to navigate, because it already feels the movement of the child. On the earliest it is very problematic. Measuring pregnancy, signs in the first trimester of which may be similar to less serious deviations, manifests itself as:

  • passes;
  • no more ;
  • lowered;
  • catching pains began to appear;
  • there are fettering (discharge, during frozen pregnancy, there are just such a consistency and red-brown color);
  • rose total body temperature.

When identifying any of the listed symptoms, a woman needs to urgently consult a doctor! If there are signs of pregnancy, it should also alert mommy and become a reason for visiting a specialist!

What feels pregnant in the development of pathology

Feelings for frozen pregnancy in women are the most different. Even the fact is affected by them, for the first time it happened or the same situation happened before. Fatigue, apathy, increased temperature - All this in any case should alert future mom.

It is worth noting that all the symptoms that indicate the development of pathology may be false! You do not need to immediately adjust yourself at the catastrophe approach. Quite often, they turn out to be similar with less serious or in the body just goes to reconfiguration.

Diagnosis of Fetal Fractional Fact

Only the doctor knows exactly how to recognize a frasonal pregnancy early. To do this, he will do the following:

  1. will evaluate the state of the secreted mucus, asks for measuring the basal temperature.
  2. In the event of suspicion of deviation from the norm, the doctor will send pregnant to pass. However, it is worth noting that the HCG at a frozen pregnancy in the early deadlines can be completely within the normal range for several weeks after the fetal death. And yet, more often, urine analysis will show the underestimated hormone level, uncharacteristic for the first trimester.
  3. The last stage of the surveys will be an ultrasound. Via ultrasound examination It will become clear, and whether the heart beats at the embryo or not.

Which is characteristic, a test for frozen pregnancy in the early deadlines can show all the same two stripes. This is again connected in the level of hCG in the urine.

After a specialist make sure the diagnosis, he will choose the necessary set of procedures for the mother, as well as in the future will help her prepare for a new pregnancy.

What do doctors do if the fruit is measured

Depending on how frozen pregnancy is manifested in early terms, as well as directly from the number of days from the moment of conception, the doctor will choose the most alternative way Treatment. After all, when establishing such a diagnosis, we are already talking about the preservation of the life and health of the mother. There are two main methods of treatment:

  • Via medicinal preparationsprovoking. Applied for up to 8 weeks.
  • (Vacuum Aspiration). Under the anesthesia, a woman is purified by the uterus cavity using a vacuum suction.

In any case, professional assistance will be required, because in order to avoid adverse consequences Cleaning the uterus of the uterus (the residues of the oily-free eggs, which will indicate the ultrasound).

There is a third option, in which even a woman herself does not have time to realize that she was pregnant. This is a spontaneous abortion. If the fruit is measured almost from the first days of life, then the body can turn it away as a foreign body. At the same time, the woman will simply notice the delay of menstruation. Sometimes doctors prefer to watch the patient's condition, waiting for spontaneous abortion to once again not interfere in the body.

Why so scary in time do not consult a doctor

Sometimes a woman is not fully aware of how much for her may be severe consequences of frozen pregnancy. But not always the body itself turns the fruit. If the embryo that has ceased to develop, for a long time Located in the womb, it is quite likely to develop intoxication. In this case, the temperature is not only rising, the woman is beginning to torment acute pain and weakness, it is quite realistic to tighten the time before infecting blood by elements of the fetal decay.

If the term of pregnancy is more than 6 weeks, then in this case the woman has every chance to earn a distinguished intravascular coagulation (KBS syndrome). The danger lies in the fact that the blood loses the ability to coagulate. As a result, a woman can die from bleeding.

How to prevent fetal fruit during pregnancy

Couple, regardless of whether it is preparing to become parents for the first time or has children, must pass inspection. It is he who can reduce the risks and give an answer to how to avoid frozen pregnancy in the early terms in their case. The doctor will suggest to pass a few tests: hormones, genetic examinations, Ultrasound of the pelvis organs, blood for infections and other additional, which will be appointed with the history of parents. It is also recommended to refrain from conception for a period to six months after diseases such as ORVI, influenza, chickenpox.

If a woman works in a children's team, she will be prompted to do preventive vaccinations. Additional need to establish a hormonal background. Do not ignore a visit to genetics. Healthy image Life will only increase the chances of becoming parents. In the first months it is recommended to refrain from flights, a sharp climate change and long-term finding in the sun.

If the previous pregnancy ended in stopping the development of the embryo - you should not lower your hands! With proper planning, the chance to endure normally and give birth is 80% -90%. And how to prevent a frozen pregnancy at an early term will be prompted by a gynecologist engaged in conducting a pair.

Pregnancy after stopping the development of the fetus

Doctors predict good chances of conception only under the condition that the pair will not ignore the visit to the specialists, will undergo a course of treatment, and will also refuse the thought of the child for the next half of the year after unsuccessful experience. On average, such a period is necessary not only for a detailed examination and clarify the cause of the pregnancy of pregnancy, and also for physical recovery The organism of the mother.

It is neither sad, but with 100% confidence to say exactly the reasons for stopping pregnancy can be quite in rare cases. However, it is not necessary to despair to parents! Try to avoid stress, harmful factors, and also do not forget to pass the survey - and let you all succeed, and the baby will be born healthy and happy!

A frozen pregnancy is called the pathological condition of the fetus, when the embryo ceases to develop in the womb. Most often, such a phenomenon is observed on 5-6 weeks, when the placenta has not yet arrived in the uterus.

The causes of the anomaly set. The growth of the fetus is influenced both external and internal factors. The disease proceeds without pronounced signs. Only symptoms of normal pregnancy are observed: toxicosis, breast augmentation and halo, missing periods. It would seem that a healthy baby tool should not provoke any problems, but sometimes the fruit freezes that he entails serious consequences.

What is a frozen pregnancy

Measuring pregnancy (ZB) is an abnormal development of the embryo. When pathology begins to progress, the child ceases to grow and freezes inside the mother, as a result of which the child's death is observed. Pathological condition is also called failed miscarriageSince the fetal death passes arbitrarily without clinical signs.

Anomalous state comes in any trimester of baby tooling. Most often, the diagnosis is found in women whose age is more than 40 years. The pathological state of the advantage is observed in the first trimester for 7-8 weeks of development. If you do not immediately determine the problem, it will result in inflammatory processes in reproductive organs and provokes severe consequences.

The symptoms of the disease can not always determine in time, since initial timing fertilization they are like ordinary signs Leaks of normal pregnancy.

With each trimester, signs change and become more pronounced. Most often, pathology can be detected after 9 weeks of development, as the woman's health begins to deteriorate rapidly.

Why is the fruit can "measure"

There are many reasons for zb and provoking factors. On the initial stages There is an asymptomatic course of illness, which is detected using clinical examination. If the process is developing, then by the 15-20 week of progression, the girl will manifest heavy symptoms. In this case, the pregnant women hospitalize and provide emergency medical care.

To avoid the emergence of abnormal development of the fetus, the main reasons for the appearance of alend should be known. On time, eliminating negatively affecting factors, there is a possibility to avoid the pathological process.

To pathogenic factors that provoke diseases include:

  1. Genetic anomalies during the development of the fetus.
  2. Infectious diseases.
  3. Improper provision of Eco or complications after the procedure.
  4. The defeat of the placenta during the period of incoming infections transmitting sexually transmitted.
  5. Drinking alcohol, cigarettes, drugs.
  6. Later conceiving a child.
  7. Pulling placenta due to weak fixation to the walls of the uterus.
  8. Endometriosis.
  9. Endometritis.
  10. Antiphospholipid syndrome.
  11. Permanent stress, experiences, nervous breakdowns.
  12. Chronic diseases.
  13. Heredity.
  14. Physical overwork.
  15. Chromosomal and genetic anomalies

According to the reviews of doctors, the death of the baby in the womb is at a variety of reasons. However, there are the most significant factors that are able to cause a disease. These include:


Infectious body lesions are the most dangerous for the future child. For the most part, the virus infections are able to destroy the embryo in the initial timing, especially if the girl has not previously sick with such types of illness.

To the most popular viral diseases Believe:

  • herpes;
  • rubella;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • thrush;
  • gardnerella;
  • urealitikum.

Particles of viruses such as herpes and cytomegalovirus are all life in the human body in a state of remission. The chronic view of the disease is less dangerous for the future child, since the immunity of a woman already knows how to confront him. But sometimes the aggravation of the ailment leads to deposits.

Significantly increase the likelihood of the death of an infection embryo transmitted directly by the sexual way. Such viruses as HPV, chlamydia, mycoplasma and ureaplasm cause strong inflammations of the genital and reproductive organs. In addition, there is a negative for the development of the fetus and the health of the future mother to affect flu and colds. Such diseases are especially dangerous from 3 to 5 week of carrying, when the egg has not yet fastened.

The death of the embryo due to infection is observed for several reasons:

  1. Harmful bacteria, hitting the inside, has a direct impact on the egg, hitting her shell.
  2. With damage to the body, additional biological components are produced in it, which helps to fight the virus. Such a process disrupts blood blood to the egg, oxygen fasting and the embryo dies.
  3. With chronic inflammation of the walls of the uterus weaker, the placenta cannot be fully consolidated. Because of this, the desired amount of nutrients does not reach it.

Because of the big risk, losing the baby in the early fees of fertilization, a woman after re-fertilization should be more attentive to his health. It is not necessary to transfer, walk in wet and raw weather, visit places where there is a high probability to get infected with influenza, and during sex to protect contraceptives.

Hormonal violations

When the girl puts out a child, a cardinal restructuring is observed in her body. In 1 trimester, the hormonal background changes, so they can observe his jumps and failures. Because of this, there is a shortage of progesterone and estrogen. These components transport nutrients to the fetus. With their deficiency, the outflow of oxygen and trace elements decreases.

Sometimes the pathological state of the egg arises due to the failure of the ovaries or the thyroid. Failures in the work of the organs worsen the state of the uterus, and the fruit does not take root in the womb.

Autoimmune pathology

Autoimmune violations are observed due to large number Antibodies in blood plasma. The disease is the cause of the appearance of the ailment in almost 6% of cases. If fertilization is observed for the second time, the disease is observed in 35% of women.

Due to autoimmune pathology, thrombophilia is formed in the body, and the diagnosis of the genetic predisposition of the fetus is most often raised. Complications with such a diagnosis occur if the age of a woman is over 30 years old. The older woman, the higher the likelihood that the embryo will not be able to develop normally inside. Therefore, before becoming pregnant, it is worth passing a full medical examination, and to identify whether there are any health problems that may be a threat to the life of the mother and the future child.


Teratozoospermia is an abnormal state of spermatozoa. When progressing the disease, sperm is deformed and its structure is changing. Pathology is characterized by thickening or strong bending of the tail. And also at the spermatozoa sometimes there is no chromosome.

Problems with the growth of the baby in the mother's womb often arise due to a bad spermogram. The development of teratosis in the subsequent leads to the infertility of a man. But sometimes in the ovaries not all spermatozoa die, and the woman can become pregnant. Such fertilization in the end will lead to miscarriage or premature birth. The progression of the disease due to the presence of teratosis per man is observed in 55-60% of the development of anomaly.

Wrong lifestyle

During the planning and tooling the baby, you should not forget about such an important factor as the way of life of the future mother. Harmful habits, improper nutrition, non-compliance with the day of the day - all this is capable of adversely affect the health of the mother and the future kid.

The presence in the body of toxic substances or some active ingredients Medicines are able to negatively influence the placenta and destroy it. Therefore, before receiving the tablets, you need to consult with a gynecologist and find out if it does not harm it. And also need to adjust your meager diet and completely abandon the bad habits, stress, hard work.

Other factors

The growth of the embryo has a negative impact: climate, stress, breakdown. Any negative emotions thrown into the body enzymes that delay the rising infant.

Do not forget about previous abortions. If the girl has already made several abortions and mechanical cleaning After miscarriage. There is a possibility that the uterus, ovaries or the fallopian tubes. The uterus's declaration can also be the reason why the fruit did not fit and died. In cases where the girl did Eco, the subsequent natural pregnancy proceeds, as a rule, it is hard and the fruit risks even in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Who is in the risk group

To the risk of the appearance of the fading of the embryo during the period of toaling, girls are subject to:

  1. Age whose older than 30 years old.
  2. Made abortions at an early age.
  3. If there were multiple abortions and arbitrary miscarriages.
  4. Who had a previously ectopic pregnancy.
  5. With the presence of pathological diseases of reproductive organs.

It is impossible to determine what an anomaly develops on their own at home. During this period, nausea and vomiting often occurs, as well as in the normal beating flow.

Treatment methods

Only a gynecologist after examining a girl and a laboratory study is capable of putting the final diagnosis. The doctor inspects and feeling the belly of a woman. When deviating from the norm, there is a small expansion of the uterus. Put an accurate diagnosis helps such a diagnostic method as an ultrasound.

Sometimes the aembrionia is diagnosed (the absence of an embryo in a fetal egg). With this diagnosis, pregnancy also does not develop. It is also worth noting that the sign of the toddler's heartbeat is a sign of frozen pregnancy in the late launches. And also talks about problems low level HCG and elevated prolactin in the blood.

If this diagnosis was established, the treatment is carried out within the hospital walls. In the hospital, doctors spend different therapeutic measures depending on the period of pregnancy.

Treatment is as follows:

  • In 1 trimester - a medical abortion is made.
  • In 2 trimester, oxytocin is used to expand the uterus and the natural yield of the baby (in rare cases they make a cesarean section).
  • In the third trimester - natural childbirth or cesarean section.

If the antennal death of the embryo was installed, then observed spontaneous miscarriage. If the loss of the child occurred for 10-16 weeks of toasting, a girlfriend is prescribed by medication treatment.

In cases where the fruit came out of the body partially or badly damaged the uterus, it can be carried out surgical intervention And cleaning the body from the remnant of the placenta. After the operation, a woman is appointed a medical course of rehabilitation in the hospital, if necessary, psychological assistance may need.

How to avoid frozen pregnancy

If the girl had problems with the hatching of the baby, and the pregnancy was interrupted, then it is not necessary to despair. There is always a chance to get pregnant again. But you need to know how to avoid negative consequences Zb and the next time to give birth healthy baby. Women must undergo a full examination in the clinic. It is important that both parents passed, since the reason for the interruption of the tooling can be walking in a man.

A woman needs to reconsider his lifestyle. Exclude alcohol and nicotine. Power must be balanced and useful. Best abandon fat, salty and harmful food. Play sports and move more.

It is important to constantly visit the gynecologist. This minimizes the risk of infection with infections and prevent the development of serious diseases in the body. In the life of the girl should be positive emotions and warm atmosphere. Only then the risk that two frozen pregnancy will arise in a row will be minimal.

Learn more about the reasons for the emergence of abnormal development of the embryo in the womb, you can watch cognitive video For future mothers:


Delay in the development of the fetus in the mother's womb can occur at any period of toal. This serious pathological condition leads to the death of the embryo, the causes of the appearance of the ailment are different. Therefore, it is important to plan a future baby, with responsibility to approach the new position and regularly visit the gynecologist to prevent problems in the period of toal.