Inflammation of the male organ treatment. Diseases of the genital organs in men. prostate abscess

Sexual infections are a number of diseases of an infectious nature that affect the urine reproductive system. Most of the list of such diseases is occupied by sexually transmitted diseases (hereinafter referred to as STDs). However, the list of diseases called sexual infections is more extensive, and contains various diseases that are transmitted in different ways. Sexual infections in men have some differences from female diseases. This is because reproductive system there are significant differences by gender. At the first sign of illness, seek medical attention medical advice and get tested for sexually transmitted infections. Only a medical specialist can determine which method of treatment to choose and prescribe medications. It is possible to cure most sexually transmitted infections, you just need to see a doctor in a timely manner and start treatment.

Diseases can then spread to deeper organs human body. Gonorrhea. In this spelling, gonorrhea is the best known infectious disease in the United States. The organism attaches itself to the epithelial cells of the male and female urethra, causing urethritis. Transmission occurs during sexual contact, and males show more extensive symptoms than females, with pain on urination and whitish discharge from the urethra.

Causes of male diseases?

Treatment with tetracycline, penicillin, and other antibiotics is usually successful. Complications of gonorrhea can involve many organs. For example, in females, the fallopian tubes can be blocked by scar tissue, thereby preventing the passage of eggs and leading to infertility. A similar complication can occur when the epididymis and vas deferens are blocked in men. Many women suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease, inflammation of the pelvic organs such as the uterus, cervix, and ovaries.

General signs

The symptoms of all sexually transmitted infections in men are quite similar, although there are differences. Sexually transmitted diseases often occur in early stages asymptomatic, but by certain signs they can be noticed. To general symptoms genital infections include:

  • atypical discharge from the penis, a change in their consistency, appearance and smell;
  • itching,;
  • sharp pains when emptying Bladder;
  • impurities in the urine: blood, pus and others;
  • inguinal lymphadenitis;
  • pain that occurs during sexual intercourse and during ejaculation;
  • drawing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • atypical pigmentation on the genitals, skin ulceration, rash, redness, pimples.

Such symptoms are characteristic of all sexual infections. The degree of their severity depends on the stage, type and severity of the disease.

Infection can also occur in the rectum, pharynx, meninges, and joints. The disease is often referred to as non-gonococcal urethritis to distinguish it from gonorrhea. This is accompanied by pain during urination, frequent urge to urinate and watery discharge. It is believed that several million people suffer from it every year. Tetracycline is used in therapy. Pelvic inflammatory disease can complicate the condition.

Sterility is also a long-term complication. Chlamydial ophthalmia can occur in the eyes of newborns. Mycoplasma and ureaplasma urethritis. Both organisms cause infection of the urethra, with symptoms similar to those of gonorrhea and chlamydia. Syphilis has been known to exist for many centuries and was once known as the Great Smallpox. Transmitted by sexual contact, the etiological agent causes the disease, which occurs in three stages. The primary stage is accompanied by a chancre, an elevated, severe, dry, stinging disease that occurs at the site of infection.

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Symptoms of some sexually transmitted infections in men may not appear for a long time from the moment of infection. Therefore, it is important to undergo preventive examinations regularly, at least once a year. If you took tests and they did not reveal the presence of infections, but there are first signs, then you should take the samples again, since some infections are not detected in the early stages, even by laboratory tests.

Spirochetes observed from the chancre constitute the diagnosis. Penicillin therapy at this stage is successful. The secondary stage of syphilis occurs a few weeks after the disappearance of the chancre. This stage is accompanied by a flu-like syndrome. respiratory system, skin rash on the body surface with spirochete-infected lesions, hair loss and mild fever. At this stage, the treatment continues to be successful. This is followed by a latent period, and in a small percentage of cases the disease recurs in the tertiary stage.

This step is probably an immunological reaction. It is characterized by sticky, rubbery masses of damaged tissue, called gummas, occurring in the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In the most severe cases, aneurysms and paralysis can develop, and mental disabilities can become severe. Treatment at this stage is not always successful.

Types of genital infections and transmission routes


A disease that affects the mucous membrane of the penis and the organs of the urinary system, transmitted in most cases through sexual contact. The danger of ureaplasmosis lies in the fact that this disease does not have a clear clinical picture and often occurs in the absence of severe symptoms. Without experiencing any signs of the disease, the man does not go to the doctor and does not treat the disease, and in the meantime, the number of pathogenic microflora increases, which leads to the development of urethritis (inflammatory process of the urinary canal). Urethritis is manifested by more pronounced symptoms, such as a sensation of itching in the genitals, severe sharp pains when emptying the bladder and discharge with an ammonia smell.

Congenital syphilis can occur if spirochetes pass between a pregnant woman and her fetus. There are numerous diagnostic tests to detect both spirochetes and antibodies produced against spirochetes. Chancroid. Sexual contact is a mode of transmission. Vaginitis. The bacterium is a Gram-negative rod commonly found in the vagina as an opportunistic organism. Often the infection is associated with the destruction of lactobacilli, commonly found in the vaginal tract.

prostate abscess

In therapy, the drug metronidazole is used. The disease is characterized by lesions at the site of infection followed by swollen lymph nodes. Transmission occurs during sexual contact. Tetracycline is used for therapy. Reproduction is the fundamental process that allows all organisms to perpetuate continuity through their offspring or offspring. There are many different ways reproduction of living organisms, however, there are two main methods of reproduction.


Chlamydia, getting into the body of a man, are mastered within three to five days. After that, pathogenic microorganisms infect the tissues of the epithelium of the genital organs, destroying cellular structures. Symptoms of chlamydia in men include clear, thin discharge from the penis and sharp pain during emptying of the bladder. In the absence of proper treatment, chlamydia causes urethritis, as well as inflammation of other reproductive organs and organs of the urinary system.

They are asexual and sexually reproduce. A small organism, including a bacterial one, reproduces asexually. In bacteria, this method is called binary fission. Some plants produce asexuals, and some small insects, including worms, also reproduce asexually.

Let's look at sexual reproduction. This presentation is in two parts. In higher animals, sexual reproduction involves the copulation of both male and female partners leading to the process of fertilization of the egg. In many small organisms, the male sprays sperm after the female has laid her eggs in a convenient spot. The essence of sexual reproduction is that each offspring requires two parents who contribute genetic material to the offspring. Therefore, unlike asexual reproduction, as shown in binary fission or budding, where all offspring are identical, sexual reproduction offers a genetic combination and unidirectional offspring.


It is the most common disease of the reproductive system. In the early stages, it proceeds without visible manifestations. When neglected, it leads to the development of infectious prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis. Very often, trichomoniasis occurs in conjunction with other sexually transmitted infections. The first sign of this disease in men is painful urination. In some cases, itching, irritation, redness on the skin of the penis may occur.

Diversity in offspring promotes the survival and evolution of species as an added benefit. sexual partners produce sex cells called gametes. The male germ cell is the sperm cell and the female germ cell is the egg. These two cells are naturally empowered for their roles. The role of the sperm is to fertilize the egg, which will become the zygote. The sperm is intended for swimming using its flagella, as well as for depositing its head, which carries 23 chromosomes.

On the other hand, the egg also contains 23 chromosomes. It is protected in tissue that requires sperm penetration. Thus, it is supplied with food within its walls. The reproductive systems are made up of the primary sex organs, which produce sex organs, and the secondary sex organs.


A very dangerous infectious disease of bacterial origin. Men, as a rule, are carriers of pathogenic mycoplasmas. The disease is characterized by the absence of pronounced symptoms, but can manifest itself against the background of a weakened immune system or after prolonged stress. Often leads to inflammation of the prostate or testicles. Some types of pathogenic mycoplasmas cause complications in the form of lesions respiratory tract and lungs.

Secondary sex organs are all organs other than the sex organs that are involved in reproduction. Secondary sex characteristics are characteristics that are characteristic of men and women and appear in certain periods development. They include facial hairs, a deep voice, and mustaches in males, and chests, among others, in females.

  • The primary sex organs in males include the testicles and ovaries in the female.
  • In men, they include the ducts, glands, and penis.
  • In women, they include the fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina.
Each sex cell contains 23 chromosomes. 22 of these chromosomes are autosomes and 1 chromosome is for the germ cell.

HIV infection

To date, one of the most severe infections, transmitted most often through sexual contact with an infected partner. The main danger of the human immunodeficiency virus is that modern medicine does not have a cure for this disease. There are drugs to suppress the activity of the virus, but it is impossible to destroy it. HIV destroys the cells of the human immune system and makes it defenseless against bacteria. If a man does not treat the infection, does not take pills to increase immunity, this leads to the development of a dangerous AIDS disease and death. FROM HIV infection you can live full life and even produce offspring that will not show symptoms, if the recommendations given by the doctor are strictly followed.

Anatomy of the male reproductive organs

In the fetus external genitalia identical up to 8 weeks post-pregnancy. Three folds are formed: phallus, urogenital and labyroscrotal folds. In women, the structures above form the clitoris, labia minora, and labia minora, respectively. In the male, the phallus elongates to form a penis; the urogenital folds form the urethra, and the labiocrotal folds form the scrotum and testes. Phallus; Urogenital folds and labioscrotal fold. . The scrotum is the hanging sac that contains the testicles. The testicles hang lower in the left pouch.

human papillomavirus

According to the WHO, a third of the world's population is affected by this virus today. Like HIV, it is incurable. Depending on the type of virus and the protective capabilities of a person, papillomavirus can manifest itself with such signs as the appearance of condylomas, papillomas and other neoplasms on the genitals. Later they spread throughout the body. The danger of this disease is that neoplasms can be malignant and lead to the development of oncology.

The bag has a rich supply of sensory innervation, hair, sebaceous glands and darker pigmentation than skin. It is divided into two halves by a median septum that protects the testes. Fibrous filaments divide the testis into 250-300 wedge-shaped lobules. Sperm production takes place in the seminiferous tubules, a series of coiled lobules. The walls of the tubules are made of diurnal cells that nourish nutrients to germ cells. The cells also produce inhibin, a hormone that regulates spermatogenesis.

The testicles are supplied with testicular arteries and veins. Between the seminiferous tubules are clusters of endocrine cells called interstitial cells that secrete androgenic hormone, of which testosterone is the most effective. Nerves from the autonomic nervous system are also depleted on the testes.


Gonococcus affects the mucous membranes and provokes inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system. Spreading deep into the body, the disease leads to prostatitis and inflammation of the testicles. The first signs of gonorrhea are itching and burning in the penis. In the future, pus flows out of the male genital organ, in the first stages it can be seen by pressing on the head, then the pus flows continuously. Gonorrhea is often complicated by a combined course with other diseases. Infection affects the organs genitourinary system men, in the absence of proper treatment causes erectile dysfunction, impotence and infertility.

Spermatogenesis involves the process of sperm formation. The process begins in the spermatogonium, which lines the sides of the seminiferous tubules. Sperm cells contain 46 chromosomes. . Accessory ducts: Accessory ducts transport sperm from the testicles to the point where they ejaculate from the penis. The following channels transport sperm.

Accessory glands add their secretions to the semen as they pass through the ducts. These glands are the seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulburethral glands. The combination of fluids that are produced is called semen.


Syphilis is a particularly dangerous infectious disease. It is easy to determine it, because, unlike other common sexual infections, the symptoms of syphilis have pronounced signs from the very beginning. Progressive syphilis leads to dangerous pathologies male genital organs, multiple inflammatory processes, and in the absence of timely treatment causes damage to the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Tertiary syphilis leads to soft tissue necrosis various bodies. Syphilis also “loves” cartilaginous tissues, everyone has probably heard about a falling nose at the last stage of the progression of the disease. In rare cases, advanced syphilis causes necrosis of the tissues of the penis, which leads to amputation of the affected organ.

Seminal vesicles: Secretory sacs that produce alkaline secretions, provide nourishment for sperm, and help neutralize vaginal acidity. The bulburethral gland neutralizes any urine in the urethra and lubricates urethra. Semen: secretions from the seminal vesicles, prostate and bulburethral glands, and semen together make up semen. Semen contains over 90% water, energy-rich fructose, vitamin C and inositol; calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper and sulfur and high concentration. prostaglandins. The prostate gland makes sperm mobile and neutralizes vaginal acidity. . The penis has two functions: to transport urine from the bladder to the outside during the transfer of urination semen from the ducts through the urethra during ejaculation.

Genital herpes

The first sign of genital herpes is the appearance small pimples and vesicles on the genitals. Then ulcers and erosions may appear. skin. The disease is manifested by burning and itching of the penis, swelling, redness of the skin, inguinal lymphadenitis. With absence adequate treatment leads to bacterial damage to the external genital organs, a decrease in the immune properties of the affected area and the body as a whole. With advanced genital herpes, diseases develop that affect nervous system and chronic prostatitis.

The penis is made up of three erectile tissues: the carvernosus bicorporis, which runs parallel to the back of the penis, and the corpus spongiosa, which contains the urethra. The tip of the penis is called the head of the penis, which is erected when stimulated and engorged.

Secretion of testosterone from the testicles is controlled by follicle-stimulating hormone and leutinizing hormone from the pituitary gland, controlled by gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus. The female reproductive system is complex. He goes through his period menstrual cycles, produces the egg, maintains the fertilized embryo for nine months, and cares for the baby after birth. Below are the structures of the female reproductive organs.

In most cases, the above diseases are transmitted sexually. Infectious agents are not able to survive in an open environment, therefore they are transmitted only through close contact with fluid exchanges between partners. However, some microorganisms, such as the papilloma virus and Trichomonas, can be transmitted through the household, through shared towels, washcloths, bedding or underwear. There are known cases of infection with sexually transmitted infections through poorly sterilized medical instruments or by transfusion of untested blood.


Genital infections in men are treated by a urologist or venereologist. First, an analysis of complaints and examination of the patient is carried out. Due to the fact that the symptoms of various sexually transmitted infections in men are quite similar, it is possible to accurately diagnose the disease solely on the basis of laboratory research. The doctor will suggest general analysis blood and urine, as well as a specific analysis for genital infections. Bacteriological studies of a smear from the penis are also carried out. The most reliable and sensitive diagnostic methods at the moment are PCR tests and bacteriological urine culture. If any sexually transmitted infections (hereinafter referred to as STIs) are detected, the doctor also prescribes an analysis for latent infections.

Apply for medical care needed as soon as the first symptoms appear. The sooner an accurate diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the more likely it is that the cure will be quick and effective. Running sexual infections lead to the development severe complications and entail dangerous consequences appearing over a long period of time.

Treatment of all sexually transmitted infections in men involves a complete rejection of sexual contact during the course of therapy. Majority infectious diseases successfully treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. In each case, the doctor selects the appropriate drugs for the man to combat the causative agent of the disease. In addition to antibiotic, antifungal, or antiviral therapy, drugs may be prescribed to relieve symptoms. Together with the main treatment, a course of immunomodulatory drugs is carried out that strengthens the general and local defenses of the body.

Various drugs are used to treat genital infections, their choice is made by the attending physician, self-medication in such cases is unacceptable. Also, you should not listen to the advice of friends who have had venereal diseases, and drink the pills that they were treated with. This can lead to dangerous health consequences, since each case is individual, and treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.


In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, sexual infections cause various complications. Basically, they affect the sexual sphere of a man, potency and ability to conceive. Often sexual infections lead to prostatitis and the development of prostate adenoma. In the case of infection of the genitourinary system, the causative agent of the disease can penetrate the ascending path into the kidneys and cause kidney failure, pyelonephritis, cirrhosis and other serious diseases.

Some infections affect not only the human reproductive system and urinary tract, but can also penetrate other organs. Thus, syphilis, if left untreated, can cause severe organic lesion brain, leading to the development mental illness. A disease such as herpes is not cured completely and remains forever in a person, periodically reminding of himself.


The surest method of preventing sexual infections for men is to refuse unprotected sexual intercourse and maintain an orderly sexual life with a regular partner. The most reliable method of protection against infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, remains the use of a condom. It is recommended to use various local postcoital agents that depress infections. good remedy prevention is following the rules of personal hygiene, the use of individual washcloths and sponges for washing, shaving accessories, separate towels. Care must be taken when visiting public baths, swimming pools, saunas. You can catch an infection just by sitting on a shelf or sofa without first laying out a sheet or towel.

Some sexually transmitted infections can be protected by vaccination. It is also necessary to regularly undergo medical examinations, take tests for the most common infectious agents. Prevention of sexual infections includes educational talks in educational institutions, since the main risk group is sexually active young people.

Criminal liability

In legislation Russian Federation liability for intentional transmission of STIs. Lawyers distinguish two types of intentional infection of a sexual partner: criminal action and criminal inaction. Under the criminal act is understood the refusal to use protective equipment during sexual contact, and attempts to infect someone through the sharing of dishes, washcloths, linen, towels and other things. Criminal inaction is understood as a deliberate silence before sexual contact about the presence of a disease that is sexually transmitted.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

Do you have PROSTATITIS? Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.
The only way is surgery? Wait and don't act radical methods. Prostatitis is POSSIBLE to cure! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

This is a branch of medicine that studies the anatomy and physiology of men, diseases of the male genital organs, methods for their prevention and treatment. Andrology is closely intertwined with endocrinology, surgery, transplantation, sexology, psychology, genetics, immunology and even gynecology. An andrologist must have perfect knowledge in these related fields of medicine. As an independent discipline, andrology has recently emerged from urology. According to the WHO definition, the task of andrology is to maintain male reproductive health.

Diseases of the male genital organs - the main causes and symptoms

To date, the statistics are disappointing - more than 55% of men in the age group from 24 to 55 suffer from various diseases genitals. Unfortunately, men's diseases are "getting younger" - if 10 years ago prostatitis, hypogonadism were considered diseases of men over forty-five years old, today very young people come to andrologists.

Currently, male diseases are becoming very common in the following reasons: malnutrition, poor environmental conditions, constant stress, a decrease in the immune forces of the body. Only a highly qualified doctor working on innovative equipment and using modern drugs can successfully combat such problems.

Unfortunately, today men turn to an andrologist only as a last resort. Psychological factor- the main reason for untimely treatment to the doctor. Improper treatment of male diseases leads to serious violations. As a result, the process is completely “launched”, which is especially dangerous in the case of oncology. Men over the age of forty-five should generally visit an andrologist every six months.

At the first appearance of symptoms of diseases, you should immediately contact the doctor. Early diagnosis and timely treatment help get rid of various male problems and return to normal life. Conducting an instrumental examination, taking blood and urine tests are procedures performed by an andrologist at the very first appointment. All this allows the andrologist to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Symptoms of diseases of the male genital organs

  • unstable erection;
  • pain in the organs of the scrotum;
  • rapid ejaculation;
  • hypogonadism ( reduced level testosterone);
  • itching and pain in the genitals;
  • infertility;
  • pain when urinating;
  • anxiety;
  • nervousness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • sudden mood swings.

Diseases of the male genital organs

  • acute and chronic prostatitis;
  • hypogonadism;
  • male menopause;
  • anorgasmia;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • BPH;
  • impotence;
  • chronic pelvic pain syndrome;
  • Peyronie's disease, tumor formations;
  • inflammatory processes of the testicle and epididymis;
  • congenital developmental anomalies.

Consultations in andrology

An appointment with an andrologist begins with a collection of complaints that concern the patient, a conversation about what diseases and injuries the man had. This applies to absolutely any disease, even seemingly insignificant in the patient's opinion. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance, ask your parents “what and when I was sick, when I was little,” and remember the details of previous injuries yourself. So, mumps - "mumps" reduces spermatogenesis, and passion for sauna overheats sperm, suppressing their activity.

First, there is always a conversation about episodes of the life history (for example, motor sports change the heat exchange in the scrotum). This is important so that you do not miss anything important during the inspection.

The examination is very important, because an experienced doctor at this stage may suspect hormonal or genetic disorders. An experienced andrologist will definitely pay attention to facial hair, mammary glands, waist circumference, the nature of pubic hair, the structure of the genital organs, the state of their tissues. For example, the size of the penis, testicles, scrotum depends on the condition endocrine system. Soreness on palpation of the genital organs occurs in the presence of inflammatory process. If a soft formation is felt in the scrotum, similar to a bunch of grapes or twisted ropes, then this indicates varicose veins testicular vessels.

Diagnostics in andrology

Diagnostics in andrology is aimed at early detection and correction of dysfunctions of the genitourinary system. Primary diagnosis begins with an assessment of complaints, examination and palpation of the genitals and prostate. As a rule, after the initial consultation, the andrologist prescribes to the patient certain research methods necessary for an accurate differential diagnosis of the disease. These can be laboratory and instrumental methods similar to those in the diagnosis of diseases of other organs and systems, as well as specialized techniques that are used only in andrology.

To maintain his male health, every man should undergo twice a year scheduled examination at the doctor-andrologist of the prostate gland and take tests for sexual infections. The passage of a regular examination is necessary due to the fact that many diseases of the genital area are asymptomatic. For the most accurate diagnosis, in addition to an objective examination, are used following methods diagnostics:

  • study of the secret of the prostate gland;
  • smear from the urethra;
  • determination of PSA;
  • spermogram;
  • PCR diagnostics of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum, penis, prostate;
  • study of the vessels of the genitourinary system.

Conservative treatment in andrology

The basis of conservative therapy inflammatory diseases in andrology are etiotropic and pathogenetic methods of its implementation. The main principle in treatment remains the impact aimed at eliminating the infection: pathogenic bacteria, viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasmas, microscopic fungi, aerobic and anaerobic infections, which can be detected with bacteriological cultures, immunofluorescence methods, molecular hybridization method, serological diagnostics, enzyme immunoassay methods, as well as gas-liquid chromatography.

The widespread use of antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs contributes to the variability of bacteria, most often with prostatitis, urethritis, vesiculitis, epididymitis caused by urogenital infection, when the immune system does not “recognize” the pathogenic microorganism, and their relapses occur, which further leads to a violation of the reproductive and copulative functions of spouses or sexual partners.

Conservative treatment of prostatitis, vesiculitis, urethritis, epididymitis also depends on the course of the disease. In the acute course of the disease, treatment can sometimes be started without taking into account the etiological factor, then antibiotic therapy should be timely and sufficiently intensive, combined with the appointment of desensitizing drugs. In the chronic course of the disease, it is necessary to take into account the etiological and pathogenetic factors. Treatment should be aimed at preventing relapses, antibacterial drugs should be selected depending on the sensitivity of the microflora to them, alternated with antiseptics, immunomodulators, physiotherapy, it is advisable to study the patient's immunological status.

Surgical treatment in andrology

Surgical direction in modern medicine develops very intensively, so many diseases of the male genital organs (including those associated with pathological processes), whose names until recently sounded like a sentence, today are quite successfully cured. Common andrological surgeries are:

Circumcision of the penis (circumcision) for phimosis

Sometimes circumcision is done cleanly medical indications. For example, with phimosis, when foreskin fuses with the head of the penis and interferes with its exposure. The circumcision operation is called circumcision and is performed by the surgeon in a few minutes under local anesthesia. Children are more often operated on, but circumcision can be done at any age.

Operations for the treatment of varicocele

Varicocele is an enlargement of the testicular veins due to reflux of blood through the testicular vein system. Varicocele occurs in 15% of the general male population. The relationship between the presence of varicocele and male infertility has been proven, and the combination of varicocele and primary infertility is observed in 35%, secondary infertility and varicocele in 80%. This makes the problem of diagnosis and treatment of varicocele extremely relevant.

Penile prosthesis

A penile prosthesis is a surgical prosthesis of the penis. Penis prosthesis is currently the most effective method treatment of organic forms of erectile dysfunction. Recovery of sexual function occurs in more than 95% of cases. Correct Definition indications for penile prosthetics is considered one of the main conditions that ensures good result operations. At the same time, it must always be remembered that the implantation of prostheses is the final stage in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, which means that in case of incorrect indications and, as a result, an unsuccessful outcome of the operation, the use of any alternative method restoration of sexual function is impossible. Modern models prostheses are functional, reliable and durable, which largely ensures high efficiency this method of treatment.

Thickening and lengthening of the penis

Penile lengthening can be performed conservatively and surgically. A conservative approach consists in the systematic use of traction or vacuum devices that stretch the organ for a long time and gradually (extender, vacuum pump). Hormone therapy is indicated for underdevelopment of the penis - micropenis. Surgical lengthening of the penis is based on an increase in its visible part by reducing the hidden perineal region (ligamentotomy), by filling the space between the head and cavernous bodies with cartilaginous material (one-stage method), etc. Sometimes they resort to combined techniques (ligamentotomy + traction with an extender).

Penile enlargement is a surgical technique for increasing the diameter of the penis. The main methods of thickening the penis are implantation of skin-fat flaps, lipofilling, autotransplantation of a vascularized muscle flap (rectus abdominis or serratus anterior), implantation of a resorbable organic matrix with fibroblasts, etc. It is not recommended to introduce synthetic gels into the tissues of the penis due to their uneven distribution, development of inflammation and fibrosis of the cavernous bodies, erectile dysfunction. The result of thickening of the penis is considered satisfactory with a uniform increase in its volume, the absence of deformations and contouring of the graft.

Operations on the prostate gland

Operations on the prostate gland - methods surgical treatment benign hyperplasia (adenoma) and prostate cancer. Operations on the prostate gland are performed by open and endoscopic access under general or epidural anesthesia. In prostate adenoma, open prostatectomy (retropubic extravesical, suprapubic transvesical), transurethral resection and laser vaporization of the prostate are performed; for prostate cancer - radical prostatectomy. For indications for surgery in benign prostatic hyperplasia, the amount of residual urine and the rate of urination matter, and in cancer, the absence of metastases.

Questions and answers on the topic "Andrology"

Question:I'm 63. It's not worth it anymore. I had a stroke last year. The doctor sentenced me, but I do not believe. What should I do?

Answer: Stroke is a severe dangerous disease which is reflected in many areas of a man's life, including sexual. In some cases, a person can fully recover and not experience problems with potency. But sometimes a stroke negatively affects sexual function or makes intimate life completely impossible. During the first months, active physical and psychological stress is contraindicated for the patient. After the normalization of the activity of damaged fibers, you can use the following proposed methods: the implementation of special sports complexes; increased stress resistance; taking drugs for sexual arousal. The choice of method is carried out only after consultation with a specialist. Often the patient is advised to use several methods at the same time. This will avoid possible complications.

Question:Hello. I have been living with a problem for more than a year - a very weak intermittent erection, practically complete absence sexual attraction. I live in a rural area - a local paramedic for an appointment with an andrologist in the regional center gave a referral for prostate ultrasound and blood tests for testosterone, without specifying which one (general or free). These analyzes are done only in a private laboratory and are very expensive. Tell me which testosterone should I take total, free or both to contact an andrologist with a problem of erectile dysfunction?

Answer: It is better to take free testosterone. This is a calculated indicator, that is, in this case, the total testosterone and some other parameters are measured, and then the content of free testosterone is calculated. You can donate total testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG, SHBG) instead of free testosterone. This will allow the andrologist to judge the content of free testosterone.

Question:Hello, Doctor. My husband and I have been unable to get pregnant for 1.5 years, we are 37 years old. Both he and I have children. They passed the tests and found out that everything is fine with me, and my husband has FGS 0.44 IU/l, LH 0.81 IU/l, Testosterone 17.75 Nmol/l. Ultrasound of the scrotum. Conclusion: on the grounds of a left-sided varicocele, a right-sided hydrocele, Spermagramma is all zero. The gynecologist said that with such tests it is impossible to conceive a child, she was surprised that my husband had previous marriage a son was born, who is 6 years old, she said that the pituitary gland does not work and maybe he has some kind of tumor in the brain or is it something congenital. She advised me to do an MRI and again pass on hormones and a spermogram, and also gave a referral to an andrologist. The andrologist prescribed only a spermogram, said that it would be clear from it what to do next and what tests to prescribe, but it won’t get into my head yet.
1. Did the andrologist make the right decision?
2. Whether really such results of hormones only congenital, instead of acquired value can have.
3. Advise what should we do, go for IVF or how can my husband be cured?

Answer: Hello.
1. Yes.
2. I will definitely not answer, and this is not important now.
3. IVF is possible if the husband has sperm, if not at all, then this procedure is impossible.

Question:Hello. How to cure paracentral lobule syndrome? I turned to urologists, andrologists, but there is no result. I've had this problem since about 1980. I am born in 1955.

Answer: Paracentral lobule syndrome (PCLS) is a congenital condition hyperexcitability centers of the brain responsible for ejaculation. This is not a disease, but a feature of the body, like the cut of the eyes, the color of the hair. Treatment of SPCD can be a problem, especially in men who have been sexually active for a long time and have had some problems (and they usually happen with accelerated ejaculation). Urologists and andrologists usually look "below the belt", and SPTS - in the head, in the brain. So it is better to communicate with a neurologist, examine intracranial pressure, make a tomogram of the brain, see the function of cranial nerves, etc. The treatment of SPCD is complex, including the normalization of the state of the brain and the fight against neurotic layers on the primary picture of the disorder. WHAT EXACTLY you need to use depends on the data of the examination by the neurologist and the research data.

Question:Hello. I am 29 years old. My problem is that ejaculation occurs without an erection or with a weak erection. As with masturbation, so with girls. sex life I started trying at the age of 26. I was very worried, the girl began to stimulate me orally, and I finished. Every time the same thing happens - when stimulated by hands or orally - the penis swells, but the hardness is not enough to enter. With further stimulation, ejaculation occurs, which I cannot control. If I try to get distracted, nothing comes out at all, I don’t get up, but I get excited - ejaculation. And so at least 3-4 times in a row. I'm very worried. I consulted an andrologist - he took tests, there were no infections, testosterone 23.89, prolactin 174.3. Dopplerography showed reduced blood flow, spasmodic type of blood flow PL-1.0, LR -2.0. I feel erections at night - they are good, but as soon as I regain consciousness, the erection immediately disappears. And if I masturbate, I ejaculate. There is nowhere to do dynamic dopplerography. In general, something similar was from my youth (the first time I finished at the age of 17). The first time - an erection arose good, and then - ejaculation, and the erection is weak. AT recent times I feel a decrease in sexual desire Please tell me what could be the problem and how serious it is?

Answer: Hello. The situation is not entirely clear: is there an erection hardness or not? In reality - no, but in a dream it is difficult to be sure of what you feel or have. Moreover, it is not clear why sex life started only at 26, although testosterone is high. This complicates the evaluation of the blood flow situation. IF the blood flow is reduced, there is spasmodic circulation, then a vascular operation should be done. But IF there is a nocturnal erection, then the absence of an erection in reality is no longer regarded as a vascular, but as (perhaps) a neurotic reaction. And the operation has nothing to do with it. Think HOW you can check what is happening at night - it's easy if you're not alone, but difficult if you sleep alone. Further - according to the results.

Question:Hello. 6 years ago treated for STDs, including gonorrhea. The form was severe (testis and prostate were affected). The testicle was etched with lapis. After treatment, sex does not work more than 1 time, the erection has deteriorated much. We don’t have an andrologist at the polyclinic (and nowhere else in the municipal medical institutions of our city), I tried to go to a private clinic, where they gave me a pill from which everything returned to normal for one night, but they didn’t give me a diagnosis and didn’t prescribe treatment (they just did Ultrasound on which they saw "a scar on the prostate" - literally), but I don't want to "sit on stimulant pills". The problem is 100% not psychological. I really hope that you will be able to tell me something, since I have already despaired of finding an andrologist in our city. If something can help you: erection stimulants sold in pharmacies (Viagra, etc.) have little effect on my body. A Japanese acquaintance promised to send the meat of some snake snakes, but I think this is just a placebo effect. I really hope that you will be able to tell me something, since I have already despaired of finding an andrologist in our city. There was no STD after that time, it was checked twice. Can at least prompt what inspections to make, what products (vitamins), medicines to use.

Answer: You need to find an experienced urologist - the cause of your violations in the prostate gland. An adequate anti-inflammatory course is needed - physiotherapy, vascular and enzyme preparations, antibiotics and prostate massage - according to indications. Viagra and its analogues will not solve the situation. But they can be used periodically during the treatment period for faster recovery.

Question:Hello. Can you tell me if a urologist-andrologist can help with erythroplasia, if not, which specialist is better to contact? And how serious is this disease. Methods of treatment and is it necessary to use cytostatics if the disease is "fresh"? Thank you.

Answer: Hello! You can contact a urologist-andrologist, there is also a specialist oncourologist. Often a urologist may have a second degree in andrology or oncology.

Question:Hello! I am 23 years old. I want a baby! There is no andrologist in the city, so I have such a spermogram. Colour: gray white Viscosity: 1.6 s.m. Volume: 4.4 ml. Sperm concentration: 5 million immobile: 41% highly mobile: 2% poorly mobile: 57% normal form: 21% degenerative forms: 7% Spermatogenesis cells: 9-14% Leukocytes: 2-3 Lecithin grains: a lot! This is bad? what to do? I had osteoporosis as a child, could there be a connection? Can we have our own children? Is it difficult to heal?

Answer: Unfortunately, you cannot avoid a visit to an andrologist. There are serious violations in the spermogram, which require a detailed examination and questioning, followed by an examination. There are many reasons for such changes in the spermogram - there is no single miracle drug for correction. So look for a doctor. It does not have to be an andrologist - an experienced urologist will definitely help you.

Question:Good day! I am observed by a urologist-andrologist for chronic prostatitis, unstable erection and accelerated ejaculation. I consulted a neurologist because of sleep disorders (night awakenings and difficulty falling asleep), as well as problems with thinking and brain function. The urologist-andrologist prescribed vitaprost suppositories (14 days), a course of Cialis at a dosage of 5 mg per day, dapoxetine 10-20 mg (20 days). Neurologist Melaxen (melatonin) 1/2 t before sleep Mexidol 1 t / 3r per day (1 month). Are there any undesirable interactions between these drugs?

Answer: Good afternoon! Drugs prescribed by a neurologist do not affect others. Therefore, take as prescribed by the doctor.