Premature maturation of the placenta 34 weeks of gestation. What is premature aging of the placenta during pregnancy. Treatment of a dangerous pathology

The placenta is called the embryonic organ, which is very important for the protection and development of the fetus. Its formation begins immediately after fertilization. The placenta naturally ages, reaching maturity by 37 weeks of gestation. IN individual cases early aging of the placenta is observed, this condition is dangerous and requires treatment.

General characteristics of the phenomenon

The placenta begins to form around day 12 after conception, when the egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. It is called chorion during this period.

For the first 3 months, the formation of the placenta continues, then it grows up to 8 months, after which the aging process starts. This order is natural.

Aging of an organ means that its functional capacity decreases. This condition is dangerous, since the placenta is necessary to protect the fetus from infection, external damage, to ensure the supply of oxygen and nutrients.

It is fair to say that premature maturation of the placenta is a rather rare phenomenon. In some cases, such a diagnosis is made erroneously due to the incompetence of the doctor or incorrect interpretation of the examination results.

The maturation of the organ occurs in stages. Each stage has a specific time frame:

  1. 0 degree. The beginning of this stage is timed to form the placenta, and it lasts until 27-30 weeks.
  2. I degree. This stage accounts for active growth placenta. It lasts approximately in the interval of 30-35 weeks.
  3. II degree. This period is considered the maturity of the placenta and lasts 35-39 weeks.
  4. III degree starts after 39 weeks. The end of this stage is childbirth.

Pathological organ aging is when grade II is diagnosed before 35 weeks or grade III before 39 weeks.

Early maturation is also often observed, when the I stage of aging of the placenta began at 27-29 weeks. This phenomenon can be considered the norm, but the further process of organ maturation and the compliance of subsequent stages of aging with the dates set for them should be monitored.

Week 21 is often referred to as the equator. At this time, the placenta should be well formed and strengthened. Its wall thickness should be approximately 23 mm, but not more than 30 mm.

At 22 weeks, the thickness of the placenta should increase to 24 mm. If it exceeds 30 mm, then there is a risk of premature aging.

In the future, the thickness of the walls of the placenta should increase by 1-1.5 mm per week, reaching 36.5 mm by 36 weeks. The maximum permissible upper limit for this period is 46 mm. If the growth of the thickness of the walls of the placenta is more active than normal, then there is a risk of premature aging of the organ.

The reasons

Organ aging earlier due date is a deviation from the norm. This condition can be triggered by many factors:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • placenta previa, its partial detachment;
  • little or polyhydramnios;
  • infection;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • the action of toxic substances;
  • preeclampsia (pregnancy complication);
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • Rh-conflict;
  • chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular system;
  • bad habits.

Summon premature aging the placenta can be either one of these factors, or a combination of them. For competent treatment, it is important to identify the exact cause of the pathology.

It is almost impossible to independently determine the pathology. This condition is asymptomatic.

The main measure for detecting inappropriate aging of the placenta is ultrasound scanning. Such an examination is normally carried out three times per pregnancy, but in the presence of any violations, it is resorted to more often. Ultrasound scanning is safe, so there is no need to worry about the consequences of its frequent use.

Scanning reveals thickening of the walls of the organ and the presence of calcifications in it. These deposits interfere with the full functioning of the organ.

Another important sign pathology in ultrasound scanning- the condition of the fetus. The baby may be lagging behind in development, his heart rate may deviate from the norm. Ultrasound examination allows you to estimate the size of the fetus and its individual parts. This is important for assessing the degree of development and identifying its compliance with the norm or deviation from it.

To confirm the diagnosis, a blood test (general and coagulogram) is also performed. Doppler ultrasound is performed to detect violations of the uteroplacental blood flow.

Additionally, fetal cardiotocography is often prescribed. Such a measure is necessary to control the condition of the fetus. The study allows you to determine if he has enough oxygen and nutrients.

Why is premature aging of the placenta dangerous?

Premature maturation of the placenta can provoke the development of fetoplacental insufficiency. In this case, the risk of miscarriage increases tenfold, since the most important functions of the placenta are disrupted. This is especially true of the blood supply, in the violation of which oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the fetus in an insufficient volume. This leads to a lag in his development.

Fetal hypoxia on the background early aging the placenta can cause asphyxiation. In this case, antenatal death occurs due to lack of oxygen.

With abnormal aging of the placenta, there is a risk premature birth as the body receives certain signals. This is dangerous because the fetus is not yet able to function normally, so the chances of a favorable outcome are significantly reduced. But true premature aging of the placenta is extremely rare.

Premature aging of the placenta does not necessarily mean a threat to the fetus. If the violations are minor and do not negative impact on the fetus, then you should not worry. In this case, treatment may not be required, it is enough to control the further aging of the placenta and the condition of the fetus.

Ultrasound specialist E.N.Susidko tells about the stages of maturation of the placenta, the causes and degree of danger of pathology:

Treatment methods

With aging of the placenta, treatment is necessary ahead of time. It is carried out in a hospital setting.

The goal of treatment in this case is to normalize blood flow, to maintain the vital functions of the fetus. To achieve the desired result, you need A complex approach, including the use of the following means:

  • Drippers to prevent oxygen starvation fetus. Usually resort to Curantila or Actovegin. These drugs are important not only for the prevention of oxygen starvation, but also for the normalization of umbilical cord blood flow.
  • Euphyllin. This drug is a vasodilator, helps to normalize metabolism in the placenta and microcirculation.
  • Aspirin. Essential for thinning blood and improving blood supply.

If the premature aging of the placenta is caused by an infection, then appropriate drug therapy is necessary. For its appointment, the pathogen is preliminarily identified.

The list of necessary drugs can only be determined by a specialist, focusing on the diagnostics performed and the individual characteristics of the woman's body and her pregnancy.

Even drug therapy cannot reverse the process. Treatment is necessary to slow down the aging of the placenta, maintain its necessary functions and maintain pregnancy until safe time delivery.

In case of detection of pathology, a pregnant woman must refuse bad habits if she hasn’t done so before. It is also important to strictly monitor your diet and daily routine, spend more time outdoors.

Proper nutrition means avoiding fried, salty and smoked foods. It is better to steam the food. Flour products and sweets should be excluded.

It is necessary to stabilize the psycho-emotional background. Stress and emotional overload should be avoided. You can take sedatives if necessary. Better to choose herbal remedies like Persen or motherwort tincture. Any medication should be discussed with your doctor.


With the timely detection of pathology and competent treatment, the prognosis is favorable. An important condition at the same time, it is compliance with the regime, proper nutrition and all doctor's prescriptions. If these rules are followed, childbirth will take place in set time, and the baby will be full-term and healthy.

In most cases, with diagnosed pathology, it is enough to conduct drug therapy... When severe complications premature delivery may be required. This option is only appropriate for critical situations when the risk of negative consequences is high, so there will be more benefit from the development of the fetus outside the womb.

Premature delivery is usually resorted to when the III degree of organ aging is ahead of schedule. Childbirth is carried out by caesarean section.

Aging of the placenta is an inevitable and natural process, but it should proceed in accordance with certain timeframes... Premature aging of the placenta can pose a threat to the health of the fetus, its normal development and even life. It is important to start treatment in a timely manner in order to maintain the pregnancy and avoid possible complications.

Premature aging of the placenta - this term is used by Russian doctors to frighten many expectant mothers. Why is this diagnosis so dangerous, on what basis is it made, and how is the pathology treated?

The placenta, and in the people - "child's place", is an organ that is formed in a pregnant woman and functions until the birth of a child. It is thanks to the placenta that the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the child is possible. And the development of the baby depends on the state of the placenta. If he does not have enough food, there is a high probability of a delay in his development, and in severe cases, even death.

How and why the placenta ages

During pregnancy, the placenta changes and slowly develops its resource. Doctors know 4 degrees of maturity of the placenta: 0,1,2,3. 0 - the placenta is in perfect order. Grade 3 usually occurs for a period of 38 weeks or more. These degrees are determined by the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics. The structure of the placenta, its structure and thickness are taken into account. Premature maturation of the placenta is set at the slightest deviation from the norm.

Why is the “child's place” for some women quickly “aging”? Usually a whole range of problems are to blame for this. This is an uncontrolled reception of various medicines(including biologically active additives, vitamins), viral diseases(influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.), smoking, taking alcohol and drugs, etc. But more often the causes of premature aging of the placenta remain unclear.

What is the danger of pathology and what are its consequences

Perhaps you need to start with how this diagnosis is correctly made. Many doctors write it without reason. And ripening " children's place»Is considered accelerated if the degree of maturity for a period of up to 32 weeks exceeds the second, or the doctor puts the third degree for a period of less than 36 weeks. And then, this "diagnosis" is not a diagnosis at all, but a moment to which the doctor should pay attention, and, most likely, spend additional examination... And this is an ultrasound scan with a study of fetal blood flow and cardiotocography (CTG). That is, premature aging of the placenta at 32, 33, 34 weeks is not a sentence at all, and often not even a reason for worry. As for the incorrect diagnoses, our Russian doctors are very fond of talking about this pathology, exposing the first one for a period of up to 30 weeks instead of the zero degree of maturation. It is not right. What consequences of premature aging of the placenta are still possible? It all depends on how bad the condition of the placenta was and to what specific disorders in the development of the child it led. Most often, this is the birth of children with low birth weight.

How to treat?

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to return the original state of the "child's seat". Many mothers, after reading about the dangers of premature aging of the placenta, ask their doctor to prescribe medications that will help the child get the nutrients and oxygen he lacks. But you need to try to do something only if there are signs of fetal suffering. And they are detected by Doppler ultrasound and CTG, ultrasound also assists in diagnosis, because with it you can measure all parts of the child's body and say with a very high degree of probability whether he has a developmental delay. If so, and it is more than 2 weeks, the woman will be admitted to the hospital for treatment. IN difficult situations may be offered a caesarean section before the onset

Inconsistency of the degree of maturity of the placenta real time requires immediate medical attention. Imperfect functioning of the placenta leads to negative consequences for the health and life of the child.

By week 32, the baby is gaining significant weight and height. At this time, the parameters of the fetus already depend on the individual hereditary predisposition, which is transmitted from the parents.

A pregnant woman is well aware of the child during periods of its activity. The weight of the fetus during this period can reach 2 kg. There are only a few weeks left until delivery, so expectant mother it is especially important to monitor your condition.

On the this period the placenta reaches a significant size, and after a month its aging normally begins. Inconsistency between the degree of maturity and the term is an unfavorable sign.

Placenta functions

The placenta is a disc-shaped organ that appears exclusively during pregnancy, performing an intermediary function between a woman and her child. The placenta, supplying the baby with oxygen and nutrients, simultaneously removes waste products and toxic substances.

The organ begins to form after the fertilized egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. The formation of the organ ends by the end of the 12th week, after which the period of its growth begins. The placenta grows until the 8th month of pregnancy (36 weeks), after which it begins to age.

The placenta has the following functions:

  • protection of the fetus (from blows, damage);
  • supply of nutrients;
  • oxygen supply;
  • removal of toxins and waste products;
  • protecting the uterus from infections, which prevents the fetus from getting infected.

Stages of maturity of the placenta

There are four levels of organ maturity: 0,1,2,3. The discrepancy between the gestational age and the level of maturity indicates the presence of disorders that can have an adverse effect on the health of the child.

The level of maturity is determined most often as a result of ultrasound diagnostics based on the following signs:

  • organ structure;
  • the thickness of the walls of the placenta;
  • gestational age.

Each term corresponds to a certain degree of maturity of the placenta:

If at 32 weeks the 3rd degree of maturity has already begun, then we can talk about its premature aging. A similar condition organ is unfavorable, because it can lead to problems in the development of the child, or the onset of childbirth before the due date is reached. The threat of premature birth appears as a result of the inability of the placenta to provide an already formed and viable fetus with everything it needs.

Causes of Premature Aging

The reasons why the placenta ages ahead of time may be related to the state of health of the pregnant woman or her lifestyle:

  • alcohol, tobacco, drug addiction (during pregnancy, or in the previous period of life);
  • previous abortions;
  • endocrine system diseases;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • gestosis;
  • diabetes;
  • viral diseases (ARVI, ARI, influenza, etc.);
  • pregnancy with twins;
  • placental abruption;
  • taking medications without consulting specialists (including vitamins, food supplements).

Most often, the reasons why a pregnant woman experienced premature aging of the placenta remain unknown.


Premature aging of the placenta leads to a decrease in the functionality of the organ. The loss of the placenta's ability to function fully leads to an insufficient supply of oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood to the baby. This negatively affects his condition. The baby begins to develop hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

Lack of oxygen poses a great danger to the fetus, as it may have the following problems:

  • disorders in the brain;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • in the worst case, fetal death can occur.

Aging of the placenta is a signal for the woman and the attending physician, which speaks of the need to take all possible medical measures to prevent possible deterioration the condition of the child.


It is possible to establish whether the gestational age is combined with the degree of maturity of the placenta as a result of the ultrasound procedure. If the structure of the organ and its thickness correspond to a later period of pregnancy, then the doctor concludes that the placenta is prematurely ripening.

At the 32nd week, the third degree of maturity of the placenta is considered a deviation from the norm. In this case, we can talk about its premature ripening. It is not possible to change the degree of maturity of the placenta, but there are ways to help the baby to improve the supply of oxygen and nutrients.

The final diagnosis is made not only on the basis of ultrasound, but also on CTG results fetus, dopplerometry. The data obtained will lead to a conclusion about a possible lack of oxygen and nutrients supplied to the child. Also, tests for infections may be ordered. Only the receipt of data on the deterioration of the fetus will be the basis for prescribing drugs.

Treatment is usually carried out in a hospital setting. A pregnant woman is prescribed medication, droppers.

Timely Taken measures will support normal condition baby and avoid hypoxia. Subject to all medical advice a patient with a premature aged placenta has every chance of giving birth healthy child in due time.

If the child's condition raises concerns, doctors may decide premature birth by cesarean section.

Video - what is the placenta, what it is for, how it is located in the uterus

All vital organs are formed in humans long before birth. And it seems that there is no such thing that any organ suddenly takes and appears from a person in the process of life. However, it is possible. A similar organ is the placenta, which is formed in women during pregnancy.

Children's place

The placenta is a medical term. People call it a children's place. So, the placenta is an organ that is formed during pregnancy. It is through her that the baby receives oxygen and all the necessary nutrients. The placenta allows you to remove waste products of crumbs and carbon dioxide. It is endowed with the most important function - it protects the child from reactions. immune system mother and various infections.

If we consider the placenta with scientific point vision, it is a small disc (20 cm in diameter) weighing about 5 kg and about 3 cm thick.One side of it is directed towards the fetus (it is from this side that the umbilical cord departs), and the second, consisting of villi, is attached to the uterus.

In the placenta itself, there are arteries and veins, through which blood is exchanged between the mother and the unborn baby.


Aging of the placenta during pregnancy - enough frequent diagnosis, which doctors give to future women in labor. The specified diagnosis is made on the basis of an ultrasound scan and has essential for normal development fetus.

The placenta goes through 4 stages of maturation:

Zero, which is typical for pregnancies up to 30 weeks;

The first, which lasts from 30th to;

The second, which corresponds to pregnancy from the 34th to the 37th week;

The third, typical for that is, from the 37th week until the moment of childbirth.

Depending on the stage, the placenta is modified and possesses characteristic features... Aging of the placenta during pregnancy is a decrease functionality the specified body. This does not mean at all that the placenta, which has, for example, the second degree of maturity, ceases to perform its functions. This body is simply gradually reducing the volume of its capabilities.

In this regard, the identification of a similar pathology on later dates pregnancy should not be a serious concern. It is much worse when the aging of the placenta during pregnancy is detected in the first or second trimester.

Details about the stages of aging of the placenta

Placenta age - the most important indicator, which reports on intrauterine development and fetal formation. It happens that the outcome of pregnancy depends on this indicator.

As already mentioned, there are 4 stages of maturation of the placenta.

Starting from the 12th week of pregnancy, an organ such as the placenta begins to form and actively grow. It thickens every week. In the period from the 12th to the 30th week of pregnancy, the degree of maturation of the specified organ is normally zero. During this period, the structure of the child's seat is smooth and uniform. At the zero stage, the placenta fully performs all the functions assigned to it: it actively saturates the fetus with oxygen and nutrients, removes carbon dioxide and waste products of the unborn baby.

Stage one

The normal course of pregnancy in the period from the 30th to the 34th week corresponds to the first stage of maturation of the child's place. It is characterized by the fact that it is during this period that the first signs of aging begin to appear on the placenta. They are expressed by the appearance of small irregularities and inclusions. At the same time, the specified organ does not lose its functions: the placenta continues to actively help the baby to develop, grow and eat.

Sometimes this period is called the period of development of the placenta, since it is on the specified time the fruit is actively growing and developing.

Second stage

The second stage of maturation (aging) is characteristic of the gestation period from the 34th to the 37th week of pregnancy. Ultrasound procedure placenta in the specified period shows the appearance a large number inclusions, change in relief this body... gradually begins to decrease, which leads to a decrease in its functional tasks.

However, for the period from the 34th to the 37th week of pregnancy, the placenta performs all the necessary functions: the baby receives the amount of nutrients that he needs for correct development and growth.

Final stage

The third (final) stage of maturation is observed at 36 weeks of gestation. Aging of the placenta is entering the home stretch. The functioning of the child's seat is significantly reduced, and natural aging occurs. This stage is typical for full-term pregnancy and indicates that the fetus is ripe and the mother's body is ready for childbirth. Externally, the placenta at this stage has many inclusions and deposits of salts. Its structure is very heterogeneous, large waves are visible on the placenta, the depth of which in some places reaches the basal layer.

Any deviation from these norms is considered a pathology and requires systematic observation and treatment. However, the placenta is not a sentence at all. Timely identification of this deviation will help stabilize the condition of the fetus and bring the expectant mother to a successful birth.

Aging of the placenta during pregnancy: causes

You can see a photo of the organ in the article. The placenta, like any other organ, wears out due to excessive stress. There are many factors that cause aging of the placenta during pregnancy. The causes of this pathology most often boil down to the following:

Infectious or endocrine diseases of the future woman in labor, the presence of pathologies in her circulatory system, as well as diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;

Rhesus conflict between mother and fetus;

Overweight (or insufficient) weight of the woman in labor;

Drinking alcohol and smoking;

Having an abortion or having a difficult previous birth;


Improper nutrition;

Chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, arterial hypertension;

Multiple pregnancy.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for premature aging of the placenta during pregnancy. This and chronic diseases, and acquired viral and infectious diseases, as well as inappropriate behavior of the mother during pregnancy.

It is worth remembering that such a diagnosis as premature aging of the placenta is made in cases where the second degree of maturity is diagnosed for up to 32 weeks, or the third - for up to 36 weeks.

How to find out and understand?

You can find out about only by conducting an ultrasound scan. Since this pathology proceeds without any symptoms, it is impossible to independently understand that the placenta cannot cope with its functions.

It is also possible to establish the development of this pathology with the help of an optical cardiac monitor. He shows heartbeat fetus and its changes.

However, despite the fact that it has no visible symptoms, it is still possible to suspect that something is going wrong by the behavior of the fetus.


So, aging of the placenta during pregnancy has the following symptoms:

The fetus has an increased heart rate. This occurs as a result of oxygen starvation and nutritional deficiencies. This symptom suggests that the placenta is not coping with its functions;

Due to oxygen starvation, the expectant mother can feel sharp jolts in the abdomen (starting from the second trimester): the baby begins to actively move, kick and push with arms and legs;

Due to a lack of nutrients, the fetus may stop moving and stirring altogether.

These symptoms in most cases indicate the premature maturation of the child's place.


What can happen if the aging of the placenta is established during pregnancy? The specified pathology has the most negative consequences for the child.

On the early dates(in the first trimester) similar diagnosis, as a rule, leads to miscarriage or the so-called frozen pregnancy.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of this pathology can lead to a delay in physical or mental development the future baby, as well as the birth of a child with a reduced body weight. In addition, premature aging of the placenta can cause the death of brain cells.

However, most often this diagnosis is made in the third trimester of pregnancy. IN this case doctors recommend using methods of artificial induction of labor. With the help of droppers, special gels and injections, you can speed up the onset generic activity and give birth healthy baby 3-4 weeks before the preliminary due date.


So, the expectant mother was diagnosed with premature aging of the placenta during pregnancy. Treatment in this case will be carried out in a hospital setting. Moreover, in most cases, doctors will use medication to eliminate the pathology that has arisen.

It is worth knowing that it is impossible to cure this pathology. In this regard, the treatment will be aimed at helping the unborn baby.

Depending on the cause of the untimely maturation of the placenta, the pregnant woman may be prescribed droppers or injections. If the reason for this diagnosis was an infectious disease of the mother, she will be offered a course of medication depending on the type of infectious agent.

Most often, droppers and injections are prescribed, which can prevent the development of hypoxia in the fetus. Such drugs include "Actovegin", "Curantil", as well as essential phospholipids and other medicines.

These drugs are also used to reduce the tone of the uterus and improve blood circulation. Respiratory failure the baby can be restored with glucose preparations.

However, there are situations in which treatment medically doesn't make sense. IN similar cases premature delivery is used, which is carried out using a cesarean section. As a rule, such emergency measures are characteristic when aging of the placenta is detected at 34 weeks of gestation and at later stages.

To a similar urgent measure physicians resort to cases when it is reliably established that intrauterine development for a child is more dangerous than premature birth.

Preventive measures

The complex of preventive measures, thanks to which it is possible to avoid premature aging of the placenta, is quite simple. A pregnant woman is advised to give up any bad habits, be it smoking, drinking alcohol, and even more so drugs... Mom-to-be should be avoided stressful situations, physical activity and spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

An important preventive measure there is also a systematic visit to a gynecologist. After all, the timely detection of pathology will help to take appropriate measures in time and avoid unpleasant consequences.

You should not refuse to visit a day hospital: it should be remembered that the condition of the fetus during early maturation of the placenta directly depends on medical supervision, qualified and adequate medical care.

Instead of a conclusion

Often, pregnancy is accompanied by the appearance of various pathologies and abnormalities. One of the most common diagnoses for expectant mothers is premature aging of the placenta during pregnancy. The causes and consequences of this pathology can be completely different: this and wrong image the life of the mother, and the presence of infectious diseases, and even congenital diseases.

So, we talked about what aging of the placenta is during pregnancy. The consequences of early maturation of an organ depend on the period of their appearance and detection. However, a timely visit to a gynecologist, fulfillment of all doctor's prescriptions, as well as healthy image life can reduce the likelihood of this deviation occurring.

It is worth knowing that in most cases, when diagnosed with "premature aging of the placenta", doctors manage to stabilize the condition of the fetus and expectant mothers give birth to absolutely healthy and full-fledged children.

Carrying a child is not always cloudless. Sometimes this process is complicated by the occurrence of various pathological conditions, requiring close attention, adequate correction, and sometimes the adoption of urgent therapeutic measures. Therefore, the expectant mother should be very careful about her well-being, systematically visit the doctor and go through all necessary research... After all, only a timely examination can reveal premature aging of the placenta at 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 weeks.

The placenta is essentially an embryonic organ. It performs many functions - it protects the fetus from infectious lesions, produces a number of necessary hormones, ensures the delivery of oxygen and various nutrients... All kinds of violations in her activities can harm both the baby and the expectant mother.

The formed placenta looks like a disk-like organ. Its diameter is approximately two hundred millimeters, and its weight is about half a kilogram. By the time of its formation, this organ has a thickness of thirty to forty millimeters. The thickness of the placenta corresponds approximately to the term + - 4 mm. The placenta is exposed natural process aging, but in some cases it occurs pathologically quickly.

Why does aging of the placenta occur at 30 and earlier weeks?

Early aging of this organ can be caused by certain individual characteristics of the maternal organism, as well as pathological influence directly on the placenta.

Sometimes premature aging of a child's place occurs when severe toxicosis(gestosis), which developed in the second half of gestation. It can be provoked by the aggressive influence of toxic substances, the presence of Rh-conflict and various injuries of the uterus. TO possible reasons this violation also includes smoking, taking alcoholic beverages, not enough correct diet, the presence in the mother of chronic ailments of the kidneys, heart, liver and blood vessels.

Sometimes premature aging of the placenta is observed when multiple pregnancy, in the presence of a history of abortion and difficult childbirth. It can be caused by the presence of endocrine diseases, placenta previa or its partial detachment, as well as the development of infectious lesions in the uterine cavity.

How to recognize premature aging of the placenta at 30 - 36 weeks?

Early aging of the placenta occurs completely unnoticed by a pregnant woman. Sometimes on similar phenomenon indicates a sharp decrease in intrauterine activity of a growing fetus, or vice versa - excessive activity... Usually, a similar pathology is diagnosed during a planned ultrasound scan, which shows a decrease in the volume and area of ​​a child's place, which makes it possible to judge its inconsistency with the timing of development.

To confirm the diagnosis, doctors perform ultrasound dopplerography, it shows the presence of abnormalities in the uteroplacental blood flow. In addition, doctors can perform cardiotocography, biochemical or general research blood.

Many doctors are sure that the permissible norm is the first and second degree of maturity of the placenta over a period of more than twenty-seven weeks of pregnancy, and the third degree of maturity over a period of more than thirty-two weeks.

Why is early aging of the placenta dangerous at 30 - 36 weeks of gestation?

In fact, premature aging of the placenta does not always indicate the presence of any serious problems for a child. If, during a routine ultrasound, doctors detect early aging of the placenta, they will conduct a series of studies to find out how the child is feeling.

After all, if the placenta is aging especially actively, a delay may occur. intrauterine development baby caused by a lack of nutrients. In this case, the baby may also encounter hypoxia (lack of oxygen) varying degrees severity. Therefore, with the active aging of the placenta and a strong threat of hypoxia, doctors may insist on an early delivery to save the child.

But, as practice shows, even pronounced aging of the placenta does not always indicate the suffering of the child. Nevertheless, the baby's condition must be monitored.

Is Premature Aging of the Placenta Treated?

Therapy for early aging of the placenta can be carried out in an inpatient department only under the supervision of qualified doctors. The expectant mother is given a set of measures that are designed to normalize blood flow and support the vital functions of the fetus. The therapy helps to cope with the cause of the aging of the placenta. For example, if doctors find bacterial, protozoal, or viral infections, they use various medicines to eliminate them.

To avoid hypoxia (oxygen starvation) in the baby, use different types droppers, in order to normalize blood flow, are usually used vitamin remedies, essential phospholipids, zufilin, aspirin, actovegin, courantil, etc.

It should be noted that the detection of premature aging of the placenta for a period of more than thirty-two weeks, most often allows the expectant mother to successfully achieve pregnancy and give birth to a completely healthy baby. However, a pregnant woman needs regular medical supervision and ultrasound control.