Necessary medical supervision, analyzes and examinations. What is a post-term pregnancy

At 41 weeks, the woman is ready for childbirth. The bag is collected, instructions are given to relatives, now we are waiting for the baby to appear. By this time, my mother had forgotten about preeclampsia, but constipation, gases and even hemorrhoids are annoying. Thrush is often present until the very birth. Should I panic and be on the alert? Let's find out.

41 weeks pregnant mother's feelings

The fetus is actively moving, its tremors are manifested even during my mother's sleep. Because of large sizes the child's intestines move upward, which causes constipation and a feeling of heaviness. Drotaverine will help get rid of pain with constipation. Moving, the child touches the stomach and liver, and the mother, in turn, feels sick, tormented by pain and overcomes insomnia. Changes in the ligaments of a woman leads to the fact that pulls the lower abdomen and back, especially when walking. Normalized protein in the urine. During this time, her weight increased by 11 or more kilograms, it would be nice to save a photo last days pregnancy. Because of this, when moving, the heartbeat quickens, which is why it is observed high pressure and headaches. The legs and fingers are also swollen. In the hot season, the head is very dizzy, and in winter on recent weeks a cold quickly catches on. It is better not to walk down the street without an assistant. Mommy also feels and hears the hiccups of the fetus. The baby's hiccups feel like a light push.

How to speed up labor, how to induce contractions at home

When a mother wants to give birth faster, you can simply induce labor at home. If this is your first pregnancy, no need to experiment on your own! Simple exercises will help speed up childbirth:
  • intensive walking
  • sit-ups
  • slopes
  • fitness ball riding
“Non-traditional” methods are still effective - male therapy (sex), hot shower and washing floors. Alternatively, many drink Castor oil. It acts as a laxative, so do not be surprised when diarrhea starts, then an enema will not be needed in the hospital. Some people may experience nausea and short-term runny nose from this oil. As the reviews show, after such a practice, the mother goes to the maternity hospital on the same day.

In the hospital, stimulation is carried out using a dropper. Often, a woman in labor is given Mifepristone (aka Miropriston and Mifolian), the temperature may rise from him and vomiting may open.

Harbingers of childbirth

If a pregnant woman carefully listens to her body, then she will never miss the harbingers of childbirth. It happens that there are no signs other than discharge amniotic fluid, after which the woman immediately begins to give birth. As statistics show, such cases do not occur often. Some precursors occur at 39 weeks, and if this is the second or third pregnancy, then they appear a few hours before delivery. Visit the baby blog, where mothers describe their feelings in detail.

Main harbingers:

  • hard, stone belly
  • water is leaking
  • edema is reduced
  • white clots stand out from the perineum
  • cork comes off
  • back aches
  • false contractions
Know that after such sensations you will soon need hospitalization. When pregnant rhesus negative blood or will do a caesarean, she is placed in the hospital in advance, without waiting for the harbingers. A few days before the approaching birth, swelling decreases. This means that you need to start preparing for the arrival of the child. Frequent urination And liquid stool They say that soon the pregnant woman will go to the hospital. Training bouts are also worth taking into account. As a rule, they are false and do not hurt. This body is trying to prepare the uterus for a huge job. We recommend to see thematic video about this question. For some women, such contractions may occur a week before giving birth.

Allocations as during menstruation

If you notice abundant bloody issues or bleeding has opened, you should immediately go to the hospital. When the blood began to flow, it means that an alarming pathology began. It could also be placental abruption. Therefore, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. Pink clots say that an inflammatory process is taking place in the body.

Pulls in the lower abdomen, turns to stone

These signs are also the precursors of childbirth. As mentioned, the stomach becomes stony, pulling sensations are felt. severe pain. The lower back hurts not only during movements, but also at night. Most of the multiparous noted that poor health at the end of pregnancy is the norm, soon the child will see life. write about pulling belly you can do a lot, better watch the thematic video.


Low water negatively affects the development and growth of the fetus. The normal volume of water should be 1-1.5 liters. If this number is exactly 0.9 or less, then labor activity is very weak and the woman is given a caesarean section. How many waters will your ultrasound show. With oligohydramnios for several months, prescribe drug treatment. Polyhydramnios is also considered not a good factor.

White discharge

Such discharge indicates that a cork is coming out. When the cork has gone, it means that soon there will be childbirth. The cork is represented by thick mucus, often white, but it also happens transparent color. It can also be slight white, yellow or beige highlights. In it you can find blood in the form of veins - this is normal. In some cases, corks are brown and brown.

Leakage of amniotic fluid at 41 weeks pregnant

Leakage of water means that the end of pregnancy has come and will soon give birth. But it can happen differently (especially with the firstborn): the waters leave much earlier. IN this case it is dangerous for mothers with premature births. It was that the infection got to the baby, so the bath would have a negative effect. Overlapping is strictly prohibited! The most dangerous thing is when there is little water coming out, they dissolve in the urine and come out with urination. Don't put off going to the gynecologist until tomorrow!

Nausea, gestosis

This stage of pregnancy is not accompanied by preeclampsia. However, some food causes nausea. Wine, champagne, chocolate, fried foods - all this again provokes heartburn. Nausea can also appear from a sharp push into the intestines and stomach.

Uterine tone

The tone and opening of the cervix sheds light on the imminent appearance of children. Previously, the length of the cervix was 4 cm, but now it is very open, where the baby's head fits, and the narrow part looks like a tube with a hole for one finger. This change is not visible to women. The doctor notices him when examining the vagina or shows an ultrasound. If the activity of the uterus is immature, that is, excessively contractile, then Giniprol is prescribed. At this time, the mucous membranes are open to infections, so you should not take a bath, you can do with a shower.

Do not worry if the baby's movements are infrequent before the birth. He is quiet and waiting for the "exit". Sometimes the due date is delayed, it's okay. It is possible to overbear the fetus. Experienced mothers say: “When you go with a boy, the overgrowth drags on for a week, with a girl - for a couple of days. I’m giving birth and I already miss my tummy… So enjoy!”

The 41st week of pregnancy has begun, but the birth does not begin?

It is generally accepted that pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. But in fact, normally it can take from 38 to 42 weeks.

After all, every future woman in labor is an individual, and the date of the onset of childbirth cannot be predicted 100%.

And 41 weeks is a period considered extremely normal.

Naturally, this is the case when prenatal processes proceed naturally, health future mother and a good baby waiting to be born. In a word, there are no problems and reasons for concern.

What happens to the baby

Naturally, only a doctor can confirm that the pregnancy is proceeding without deviations, the baby has no postmaturity and continues to develop.

The advantage of such a long stay of a child in the mother's womb at 41 weeks is that he receives antibodies from the parent in the maximum amount.

They will be very useful to him: they will be his shield during difficult passage in the birth canal and will help after birth.

41 weeks is characterized by the same size of the fetus as the future newborn baby.

  • The average weight is about three and a half kilograms,
  • The height of the child is approximately 50-54 cm.
  • Baby face wrinkle free
  • Skin is pink.
  • The cartilage on the ears was compacted.
  • The nails have grown.
  • Noticeable hairs on the head. Sometimes babies are born with fairly thick and long hair.
  • The kid "worked up" the required mass of subcutaneous fat.
  • There are almost no hairs on the body.
  • The baby's lungs will open when he begins to breathe on his own, without mother's support.
  • Digestive system also ready for digestion and assimilation of food.
  • In the intestines of the baby, the original feces appeared, which will come out after the birth of the baby.

On current term the child began to move less. Every day it becomes closer to him in "his nest", so the movements become less frequent.

41 weeks of pregnancy is the time when the baby needs especially careful monitoring.

You should listen to the movement of the fetus, and if there are no signs of movement of the baby for more than an hour, you should be alert.

What happens to mom: mom's feelings

Perhaps you do not suspect anything yet, because. there are no contractions, but the body is quietly preparing for the work ahead of you, because 41 weeks are already underway.

The fetus is trying to change its position in the uterus and take the most suitable positions for the upcoming birth, which may be only a few days away.

  • The baby's head clings to the entrance to the small pelvis, and the woman may feel pain in the back, abdomen and hips.

Pain in a future woman in labor occurs due to next reason: the pelvic bones also gradually change their position in order to create a child the necessary conditions during the passage of the birth canal.

  • Disappeared.
  • The shortness of breath eased a little, because your tummy sank.
  • But the pains in the pelvis and perineum began to bother me a little.
  • An attentive woman should notice: discharge has appeared.

Most likely, a prolonged pregnancy is approaching childbirth.

Very thick transparent selection testify to.

Usually this happens two weeks before the birth, but this does not mean that the birth will be after the named period. Now they can start at almost any time, because. the entrance to the uterus is open.

The discharge of the cork has certain obligations for the pregnant woman: the path is open not only for the exit of the fetus, but also for any infection.

Careful observance of hygiene, refusal to take a bath, sex - should be mandatory conditions for security purposes.

If in these secretions, you should immediately go to the hospital, because this indicator may indicate the placenta has passed.

  • When the pregnancy is delayed, although there are no contractions, leakage of water is considered the norm.

They may for some time stand out in small portions.

But only if the waters become greenish color, you should really sound the alarm: such signs indicate that the fetus begins oxygen starvation. And then the doctors face the question of the need for delivery.

In the maternity hospital, you should also immediately gather in case of discharge of water instantly in one large volume.

Yes, it's 41 weeks, no contractions, no signs of childbirth. Pregnancy, in your opinion, dragged on a little.

But the doctor does not call for stimulation.

So, calm down, just relax and devote this time to yourself, your beloved.

Soon you won't have that free time!

First of all, listen to yourself.

  • If you want movement, move!
  • Sleep if your soul desires!
  • Eat when the body has shown a desire to eat.
  • Will there be a desire to have sex? Do something nice for yourself and your partner! Moreover, it is believed: sex can serve as a stimulation for childbirth.

Even the absence of a hint of contractions and signs of childbirth should not cause you despair.

Just state given fact, but do not rush, without the approval of a doctor, to a hospital. Only if it is clearly impossible to do without it, for example, in diseases such as rheumatism, hypertension, diabetes, in cases of bleeding and overt childbirth.

By the way, now that the child can appear at any moment, tk. 41 weeks are coming and the pregnancy will soon be resolved by childbirth, it is quite acceptable to allow yourself to eat what was previously forbidden, to cheer yourself up with a piece of your favorite cake or smoked meats.

  • Now the load on the legs has increased many times due to the great severity and the need to pump a large amount of blood.

By the end of the day, the legs swell, get tired, become heavy, and there is no strength.

So, you should give the legs the best medicine: lie down and put them on a folded blanket or pillow, so that the feet are higher than the head.

A good effect from the morning rubbing of the legs with a stiff brush, directed from the fingers to the thighs.

It is useful to massage the thighs, calves and feet well after a shower.

Then rub the legs along the veins with an ointment that strengthens the vessels. It is better to choose an ointment on the advice of a doctor who knows how much weight your legs can withstand when the pregnancy is so long.

As you know, the duration of the gestational period is 40 weeks. That is how much time a pregnant woman bears a child. However, delivery does not always occur at this time. Sometimes it happens that the 41st week of pregnancy is already underway, but there are no signs of childbirth. Let's try to figure it out similar situation and name possible reasons such a phenomenon.

What can cause late labor?

First of all, it must be said that in obstetrics they speak of overgrowth only when the pregnancy lasts 42 weeks or more. Upon reaching this period, as a rule, doctors conduct stimulation birth process.

As for the direct reasons for this situation, when it is already 41 weeks pregnancy is coming, and there are no signs of an approaching delivery, then first of all it is necessary to eliminate the calculation error.

The thing is that quite often the doctor, when calculating the gestational age, is mistaken in view of the fact that future mom gives an inaccurate date last menstrual period. This often happens to those women who have an irregular menstrual cycle.

Also among the possible reasons late delivery it is worth noting:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • oligohydramnios;
  • multiple pregnancy.

It is worth saying that when a woman has a second birth, then at 41 weeks of pregnancy there may not be any signs of an approaching birth process. IN similar cases rare, so-called rapid delivery when the outflow of amniotic fluid is observed with the first contractions. In such cases, the baby is born in 3-5 hours.

What are the signs of imminent delivery?

The first thing a woman notes is a prolapse of the abdomen, which is associated with a change in the position of the fetal body. As a rule, this is noted 2-3 weeks before the onset of labor. However, in multiparous women, omission can occur in just a few hours before the onset of the first contractions.

The discharge of the mucous plug is one of the main signs early delivery. As a rule, its release is noted 10-14 days before the baby is born. However, in some women, this also happens just before the outflow of amniotic fluid, i.e. literally a few hours before the first contractions.

The appearance of pain in the lumbar region, radiating to the perineum, also indicates early start childbirth.

However clear sign the beginning of the birth process are contractions. Quite often, especially women giving birth for the first time, they confuse them with training ones, which can also be observed at the 20th week of gestation. They, unlike generic ones, have a lower intensity, occur at any time, never intensify and have an inconstant interval, i.e. observed at different time intervals.

Labor contractions have the same interval, which shortens over time, but at the same time the contraction itself becomes longer. When the interval reaches 7-10 minutes, the woman needs to go to the maternity hospital.

What should a pregnant woman do when there are no signs of childbirth at 41 weeks?

First of all, it is necessary to exclude any kind of panic and worries. At this time, the baby is completely ready for birth - all organs and systems are formed, so you should not worry.

Second, instead of resorting to in every possible way (physical exercise, walking up the stairs), it is better to remember all the advice given by the doctor: how to breathe properly during childbirth, to push. All actions related to the stimulation of the onset of the labor process must be agreed with the doctor. So, some doctors recommend making love to your husband to increase the tone of the uterus, which can cause contractions.

As a rule, in cases where there are no signs of childbirth at a period of 41 weeks of pregnancy, a woman is placed in a hospital. Here, the expectant mother is under the control of doctors. If the opening of the cervix is ​​not observed at the beginning, doctors prescribe stimulation of the birth process.

Fatigue, both moral and physical, episodic pain, a constant state of expectation - all these feelings are usually experienced by pregnant women at 41 weeks. The expected date of birth is left behind, and for some reason the baby is in no hurry to enter this world.

We will talk about what happens to the baby and the expectant mother, as well as what can be expected from 41 weeks, in this article.

Norm or pathology?

In the understanding of the absolute majority of women, full-term pregnancy is a pregnancy that lasted 38-40 weeks. Many people think of 41 weeks as pathological condition. However, medicine looks at this gestational age more loyally - overwearing in the full sense of the word, it is not. Pregnancy at 41 weeks is called prolonged.

The waiting period for a child can be extended for several reasons. Firstly, calculus errors are excluded obstetric term pregnancy. Recall that they consider it from the first day of the last menstruation. However, if a woman had more late ovulation, then the implantation of the crumbs occurred later. In this case, the difference will be just about a week.

Prolonged pregnancy in "age" mothers who are over 30 years old is generally a common thing, especially if the birth is planned for the first time. Sometimes a woman will have a second birth, but signs of an approaching labor activity No. This is also not considered a pathology. Every pregnancy is unique in its own way.

Secondly, the fact that the baby is in no hurry to be born can be facilitated by excess weight mothers, her sedentary lifestyle. Large children weighing more than 4 kilograms, as well as babies whose mothers experience hormonal imbalance because the hormones in female body spend the whole preparatory work» before childbirth.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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What was the baby like?

The child is already fully prepared for the birth. All organs and systems have been formed in him, he has grown to a solid size, his weight is more than 3.5 kilograms, and his height is more than 50 centimeters. The baby's heart works like clockwork, the pancreas and liver are fully functional, the baby pees, drinks amniotic fluid, hiccups.

At this time, the fetus is usually the owner of a very rounded shapes body, because he accumulated a fair amount of subcutaneous fat, therefore, at birth, babies who were in no hurry to be born look more plump, “adult”, larger.

Children who lingered a little mother's womb, usually grow stronger and get sick less often. This is due to the fact that aging natural causes the placenta can no longer be a full-fledged barrier, and the child receives with the blood the mother's antibodies to various diseases, viruses, infections.

Children who were born earlier also have maternal innate immunity, but to a somewhat lesser extent than those who decided to "sit" in their mother's stomach for another week or two.

At 41 obstetric week women may notice that there is little movement. The baby is already so crowded in the uterus that he simply does not want to move, besides, the amount of amniotic fluid, which becomes much less, does not contribute to active movements.

Childbirth can occur at any time, and the baby is ready for this. His lungs have accumulated enough a special surfactant substance that will not allow them to stick together at the first breath - this means that the baby will be able to breathe on his own.

Despite the fact that the son or daughter is already big and it seems that there is simply nowhere to grow further, the kids find an opportunity to save up more fat and gain 100-300 grams to their weight, taking the opportunity. At 41 weeks, growth and mass gain continues, though at a less intense pace. than it happened before.

Also at this time, the baby's nails and hair continue to grow rapidly.

What is mom experiencing?

According to the reviews of expectant mothers left by them on the Internet, we can safely say that the sensations at this time in different women practically the same. Women feel tired and exhausted, many are prone to depression because of this chronic fatigue and fear of the upcoming birth.

Even if there are no distinct first signs of an approaching birth, almost all expectant mothers complain of pain in the area of ​​the pubic joint.

Softening occurs under the action of the hormone relaxin. pelvic bones, this will help the child to overcome the birth canal more easily. The load on the bosom is great - the baby is already large and noticeably presses down, so pain at this time, if they are not of a constant painful nature, if they do not restrict movement, are considered quite normal.

at 41 weeks many women suffer from bowel problems. Nausea, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, less often vomiting - the consequences of squeezing the intestinal loops by the large uterus. Even light food can cause discomfort and flatulence, because the loops are shifted upwards.

Pain in the right side just below the ribs indicates a violation of the outflow of bile, since the gallbladder "gets" it, it is squeezed from below. From the significant pressure of the uterus on lower part, bosom and inferior veins so long term a woman often manifests hemorrhoids, the coccyx hurts.

Baby's movements can be quite painful for his mother especially if she has a slim build. It is also quite physiological and natural feel, because there are fewer waters, and depreciation has decreased.

Against the backdrop of experiences, not the best physical condition and well-being in pregnant women at this time, sleep is often disturbed, they begin to suffer from insomnia. Some even claim that insomnia is a harbinger of childbirth, but no direct connection to medicine has been found.

But there is a direct connection between the number of training contractions and the onset of the birth process. The more often the stomach “grabs”, tension is felt, the tone of the uterus, the more likely it is that childbirth will begin very soon.

Signs of readiness for childbirth

If at 41 weeks a woman's lower back is pulled, the nature of the discharge has changed, this may indicate that childbirth will begin very soon. WITH light mucous discharge or with impurities of blood and clots may indicate that the cork has come off, which for all nine months reliably closed the entrance to the cervical canal.

By itself, the cork can move away completely or in parts at once. Sometimes the process of discharge goes unnoticed, the cork can leave its place simultaneously with urination or when water is discharged. The waters themselves can also depart instantly, pour out, or they can depart in small portions..

Water leakage can be seen watery discharge colorless and odorless. You can distinguish them from other secretions using a pharmacy test.

Leakage of water is dangerous, so it is better for a woman to contact the maternity hospital, because anhydrous period dangerous for the baby, it can lead to hypoxia and death of the crumbs.

In the maternity hospital, the amount of remaining water will be assessed by ultrasound and a decision will be made. In some cases, a puncture of the bladder and stimulation of labor is indicated. Also, you should be sent to the hospital if there are spotting, as well as when contractions have begun.

Actions of doctors and examinations

At 41 weeks, if a woman is not worried about anything, except characteristic symptoms, in a consultation at the place of residence, they will conduct a scheduled appointment - they will weigh, evaluate the height of the uterine fundus, measure the level blood pressure. Given that the period, which was determined as expected, has passed, an unscheduled CTG can be performed to assess the condition of the fetus.

If there are disorders that may be the result of fetal hypoxia due to aging of the placenta, Doppler ultrasound (USDG) is performed, and the amniotic fluid index is also measured.

At 41 weeks, if a woman is sure that she does not have harbingers of labor, she can be examined on a gynecological chair, the task of which is to establish the degree of readiness of the cervix. Before childbirth, it shortens, becomes more rounded, opens slightly.

If the cervix is ​​immature, it is long, the entrance to the cervical canal is closed. As it opens by 1 finger, by 2 fingers, and so on, one can judge the estimated time of the onset of active labor activity.

They can start preparing the neck, administering special preparations, turundas, to the woman. Such therapy is carried out in a hospital setting. Also surrenders at 41 weeks general analysis urine, by the way, it may contain protein. IN small quantities this is also considered acceptable late term gestation.

Many women are afraid that childbirth will be stimulated. Stimulation is mainly carried out using hormonal drugs (for example, "Mifepristone"), which block the production of progesterone. Without this hormone, prolongation of pregnancy is impossible, the uterus begins to contract, and the birth process starts in a completely natural way.

At 41 weeks, labor is stimulated only according to indications, usually they try to wait another week. If women goes 41-42 weeks or 43 weeks have already begun, but there are no contractions, stimulation is more likely.


Having sex is not only allowed, but welcomed, because on this period sexual intercourse improves the blood supply to the genitals, helps the birth canal and cervix to prepare for the crucial moment.

However, after the mucous plug comes out of the cervical canal, bathing in the bathroom and having sex is not recommended.

cervical canal opens, the communication with the uterine cavity near the vagina occurs directly, the risk increases intrauterine infection baby.

  • calmness. Despite stress and fatigue, a woman needs to try to remain calm. Extra stress only block the production of relaxin, and the body prepares for childbirth at a slow pace. If the doctor does not mind, you can drink herbal sedatives.