Good night cream for combination skin. Night face cream. Advantages and disadvantages. Génifique Night Cream by Lancôme

During the day, our skin accumulates fatigue and stress, which negatively affect the functioning of cells. Despite the natural defense mechanisms, at night the skin needs extra care. Night time creates ideal conditions for self-regeneration of skin cells. While all systems and organs are resting, active processes of cleansing and cell division begin in the skin itself, which improves the texture of the stratum corneum. Active ingredients in night serums and creams are better absorbed. They help stimulate the synthesis of fibroblasts responsible for the formation of collagen, improve blood circulation and metabolism, and increase the protective barrier of the skin.

What is the advantage of night face creams compared to day creams or serums?

During the day, the skin has to defend itself against the aggressive effects of external factors, so the action of the day cream is aimed at activating the natural defense system. Night face cream contains more active substances that work in the deeper layers of the skin, helping to fully restore it from daytime stress. At night, the skin gets a good rest, is saturated with nutrients, so that in the morning it will again have a fresh and healthy look.

At what age should they be used?

It all depends on the condition of the skin. Night face cream can be used at the age of 20-25 years. If the skin is dehydrated or dry, then from the age of 18-20 you can safely purchase a night cream with good nourishing and moisturizing properties. At the age of 25-30 years, it is desirable to choose a cream that fights glycation processes in the skin.

What are the main properties of a night cream?

The night cream for the face has a denser texture due to the high concentration of active substances, but this does not prevent the skin from easily absorbing them. The main properties of the night cream are to restore and renew the skin, moisturize and nourish it so that it looks fresh and rested in the morning.


What is the difference between a night cream for young skin and mature skin?

The difference between night creams will be in additional active substances characteristic of a certain age. For example, the younger the skin, it is recommended to use night creams with nourishing and moisturizing functions. We all live in the unfavorable conditions of the metropolis, where even young skin needs protection, so a night cream with antioxidant protection will not be superfluous. For mature skin, a cream is recommended that will fight age-related skin imperfections, such as wrinkles, enlarged pores, sagging, dull color, dark spots. Night creams for mature age most often have a denser texture and a rich composition that easily penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and restores it from the inside.

How to apply? And do I need to remove the excess from the skin?

Before applying the night cream to the skin, it is necessary to first cleanse it of make-up and impurities received during the whole day. Complete the treatment with an alcohol-free tonic or lotion, which are called "conductors" of active ingredients. Due to the fact that after the tonic or lotion the skin remains slightly moisturized, the ingredients penetrate more easily and reach the desired layers of the skin. Night face cream is applied in a small amount with light massage movements. It is desirable that the palms are warm - then the cream will be absorbed even better. Sometimes the manufacturer recommends applying a night cream to the eyelid area, this allows you to save on additional care for this area. The night cream is ideal for skin care of the neck and décolleté. The night cream does not need to be rubbed into the skin. If you feel that there is too much on the surface, remove the remnants with a dry cloth. The skin does not need too much cream, the size of a “pearl” is enough.

Which perfect time for night treatments?

It is advisable to apply restorative night creams 1 hour before bedtime to useful material absorbed into the skin. If you neglect this rule, then most of the cream will remain on your pillow.

let yourself

Will a night cream work if applied during the day?

In order for the day cream and night cream to be as effective as possible, it is better to use them strictly for their intended purpose. The night cream does not have the amount of substances that are necessary to protect the skin during the day from UV radiation, free radicals, temperature changes, all kinds of skin stress, etc. Can they be used as masks? Indeed, night creams with the function of nutrition and moisturizing can be used as masks. Generously apply the cream on the face, avoiding the sensitive area around the eyes and lips, leave for 30-40 minutes. Residues do not need to be washed off with water. Take a dry cloth and blot the excess.

Is it true that if you use a night cream and sleep with your face in the pillow, there will be no benefit from it?

Apply the night cream at least 1 hour before going to bed - the pillow will not affect the final result in any way. If you sleep with your face in a pillow, this will lead to the formation of wrinkles and swelling.

1. Decleor Aroma Night Balm

This wonderful remedy is 100% natural: it is based on iris extract and essential oils geranium, chamomile and lavender, hazelnut, wheat germ and borage. This balm literally melts in your hands and is ideally distributed over the skin, instantly absorbed. At night, it stimulates and tones the skin, moisturizes and “repairs” cells damaged by free radicals. Before applying it to the skin, warm it in your palms and inhale the aroma: your sleep will be strong and calm!

The price is about 1500 rubles.

2. Moisture Expert Night Cream by L’Oréal Paris

This cream contains "youth acids" - omega-3 and omega-6. While you sleep, they restore the normal lipid barrier on the surface of the skin, renew it, make it smooth, velvety and hydrated. In other words, rested! Like after vacation.


The price is about 300 rubles.

3. Génifique Night Cream by Lancôme

Practically your personal geneticist. High-tech ingredients with unpronounceable names have been combined into an innovative Génifique Repair complex, which stimulates the activity of genes responsible for the restoration processes in the skin. As a result, after a week of use, you will notice that the skin in the morning is more elastic, fresh, dense and radiant. Time has turned back!

The price is about 5600 rubles.

4. Clarins Multi-Régénérante Nuit Night Cream

Great product for skin with the first signs of aging. It contains a complex of three peptides that act on the nerve endings and immune cells of the skin. After all, skin aging is partly inflammation, due to which collagen and elastin fibers are destroyed. Increasing the immunity of the skin, the cream helps to smooth out existing wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones.

The price is about 4800 rubles.

5. La Nuit De Chanel Night Cream

Special technologies have allowed Chanel experts to encapsulate hyaluronic acid, vital for the skin, in microcapsules that gradually release acid molecules, thereby prolonging the skin's moisturizing process throughout the night. Frankincense extract instantly soothes the skin and prevents irritation. It is recommended to combine a night remedy with a day one - Le Jour De Chanel, but in the solo format you will notice the effect in a week!

The price is about 5700 rubles.

6. Shiseido Benefiance Night Cream

The result of many years of scientific work, this cream combines the power of plant extracts with the effectiveness of synthetic formulas. In our skin "lives" the pest enzyme: heparanase. So this ... infection initiates the formation of wrinkles, destroying the frame on which rests upper layer our skin. Shiseido research centers have been working for a long time to find a substance that would effectively inhibit the activity of heparanase, and found it: this is an extract of mucurossi, a medicinal oriental plant. It is thanks to him that the cream is so effective! We highly recommend.

The price is about 3500 rubles.

7. Vichy Liftactiv Nuit Night Cream

We would call it a perpetual motion machine, because immediately after applying the cream, recovery processes begin in the skin, which are so important for elastin and collagen fibers. What starts this process and makes it efficient and uninterrupted? saccharide plant origin called rhamnose: this patented ingredient acts on the papillary layer of the dermis and stimulates
renewal of the epidermis and the production of fibers in the deeper layers of the skin.

The price is about 2000 rubles.

8. Garnier Magic Night Cream

LHA molecules, adenosine, hyaluronic acid, needle, jojoba oil, lavender essential oil - these are just the most important ingredients of an effective and affordable night cream with a powerful anti-aging effect. Moreover, manufacturers claim that you will notice the result after the first application! Wrinkles will begin to disappear a little later, in about a month.

The price is about 300 rubles.

9. Clinique Turnaround Overnight Night Cream

This moisturizing cream provides the skin with the necessary energy for overnight renewal. He nullifies negative impact sun rays that make the skin dull; renews the skin, strengthening the protective barrier, and helps cells regenerate normal level moisture content. The skin looks silky and lifted, radiates radiance - as if at night you pressed the "Reset" button. This night cream is also fat-free!

The price is about 3600 rubles.

10. Ideal Resource Night Cream by Darphin

Darphin researchers have created a unique botanical trio: Line Polish Complex™ technology that performs two powerful functions - helping the skin switch to "night mode" and restoring its radiance. Acetylglucosamine and salicylic acid improve skin color and help accelerate cell renewal, effectively removing dead cells. Resveratrol, a well-known antioxidant, stimulates the growth of collagen fibers and smoothes wrinkles.

The price is about 4700 rubles.

Nonna Brown

Women different ages apply various face creams to keep the skin healthy, radiant and smooth. With the help of gentle care, you can maintain the freshness, youth and beauty of the skin for many years. And the most important task of the skin is to protect the body from foreign substances.

According to some representatives of the fair sex, the use of a night cream is optional. They are sure that the skin needs rest and complete peace of mind at night. This opinion is wrong, because skin cells are activated and restored at night, and we need to help them in every possible way in this difficult matter.

The night cream contains a huge amount of active substances, and therefore its texture is denser than that of the day cream. Thanks to these active substances, the night cream renews, moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis.


Our task: to choose the right good night cream with ingredients that will help to fully restore skin cells.

So the skin daytime is in a tense state and its main task is to protect against the negative influence of factors, including external environment. At night, it is possible to compensate for the costs of the skin. appear good conditions for her rest. These include relaxation, stillness and calmness. facial muscles, darkness and silence. This is the period when blood circulation increases, and the ingredients of cosmetics become more receptive, and cell turnover becomes more intense. Therefore, the skin gets more benefit from the cream at night. According to cosmetologists, high-quality night creams are responsible for good skin condition.

The use of a restorative night cream depends on the age and condition of the skin. The older a woman is, the more skin care is required. Think about it by the age of 30, and use it systematically.

The use of this cosmetic product is also possible for young girls up to 25 years old if the skin is problematic and with acne. Therefore, the use of a quality night cream is highly desirable. In addition, the cream problematic skin acts on the skin, providing an additional positive effect.

Use and application rules

Before applying the cream, you need to clean your face with milk and rinse warm water. Apply night cream to the skin 1-2 hours before going to bed. This is the time when the muscles are mobile, and the cream can be absorbed normally. And if you go to bed immediately after applying it, the muscles relax, microcirculation is disturbed, and swelling may occur in the morning, especially around the eyes.

Special night creams are used for dry skin that absorbs enough fat, because it cannot itself produce the required amount of fatty lubrication. They are also used during the period when the epidermis has become temporarily dry due to illness, negative influences. environment.

Important: Remember that night products for dry and temporarily dry skin are different products.

For excessively dry skin, concentrated creams prepared without water on a base are suitable.

For temporarily dry skin, choose a not very rich cream that does not create a protective film on the dermis and contains restorative ingredients along with nutrients.

Applying the night cream should be a thin layer as thick layer lead to stagnation of heat and become an obstacle to perspiration. For good absorption of the cream, it is desirable that the palms are warm enough, for example, you can rub them together. After five minutes, blot the residue with a napkin. In addition, dermatologists support the opinion that a cream that has a lot of excess is decomposed by bacteria. This leads to skin irritation. mixed skin sometimes such a cream is also needed. But it must be applied to dry areas.

After correct use night creams in the morning you should notice that the skin is tightened, elastic. Tightened skin- it is nutrition with oxygen, vitamins, collagen. With proper application of the night cream, your skin will gradually smooth out and become silky.

How to distinguish a night cream from a day cream?

As we already know, the functions of day and night creams are different. So:

night creams are fatter than day creams;
they contain active substances in their composition that support skin regeneration at night;
, which protects it from negative environmental factors, including the sun's rays.
night cream has a regenerating and nourishing function.

For good results and great effectiveness, do not use the day cream at night, as it will harm the skin: the day cream is rich in moisturizing ingredients, and it can cause swelling.

Also, you should not use a night cream during the day, because it does not have so many substances that are needed to protect the skin during the day from ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes, aggressive influences external environment. Are they used as masks? Yes, night creams with nourishing and moisturizing functions are also used as masks, in which the cream is well applied to the face (except for the area around the eyes and lips) and left for half an hour. Do not wash off residues with water. Pat them dry with a tissue.

Many cosmetic companies began to produce universal creams, which are applied both during the day and at night. Such creams, using during the day, protect the skin, and in the evening they nourish it with beneficial substances. Such universal creams among the fair sex have become very popular because they are easy to use.

Let's summarize the features of using a night cream.

Apply the cream an hour or two before bedtime.
At night, check the complete absorption of the cream. If you need to remove excess, blot your face with a tissue. With these actions, you can prevent swelling and clogging of the skin pores.
Keep track of your skin's biological clock. In the evening, the dermis is actively renewed and by one in the morning it takes in useful substances and reaches its greatest activity. For getting the greatest effect from skin care, go to bed no later than midnight.
Skin regeneration occurs at night, from 2 to 5 am. At this time, the cream, penetrating as much as possible into the layer of the epidermis, activates it. The tone of the skin increases, it is moistened with nutrients, as a result of which it is restored.
In order for the day and night cream to complement each other well, they must be of the same brand. This will increase effective result effects on the dermis.
The cream should match the needs (nutrition of the face,) and skin type. You need to focus on their composition and consistency.

The difference between young and mature skin

Unfavorable environmental conditions contribute to protecting young skin. Girls are advised to use a product with antioxidant protection and apply creams with nourishing and moisturizing functions.

For mature skin, cosmetologists - dermatologists advise using creams that fight wrinkles, sagging, pale color, pigmentation and other age-related imperfections.

The concentrated composition and rich texture of the creams penetrate deep into the layers of the epidermis of mature skin and restore them.


The results depend on the correct choice of night cream.

Read reviews of new products from manufacturers and choose your favorite.
Creams choose, taking into account age. For example, lifting and enhanced rejuvenation are not suitable for young girls.
When choosing, consider the type of skin. The packaging indicates what type of skin this cream is intended for.
Read the ingredients carefully. If you only find chemical substances, refuse such creams. The composition of night creams includes vitamins, water, glycerin, collagen, chamomile, ceramides, coenzyme Q10 and other useful substances. By the way, coenzyme Q10 is the most powerful anti-wrinkle protection.
It is desirable that both night and day creams are from the same manufacturer.
It is better to choose night creams not in jars, but in tubes with dispenser tips. The chances of bacteria getting in are much less.
If you are using night products for the first time, it is better to check for an allergic reaction: to do this, apply a little cream on your wrist and watch the skin reaction.

Homemade night creams

There are many homemade night creams for different types skin. There are also nocturnal and crow's feet. Let's take a look at the recipes.

For normal or combination skin. Beat two yolks with 2 tbsp. l. carrot juice, 1 tsp. melted beeswax and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Then cool. This cream is desirable to use between seasons, during vitamin deficiency. At this time, even the normal type of skin becomes pale and flaky.
For oily skin. Mix 3 tbsp. l. raw protein yogurt, 1 tbsp. l. low-fat cream, ½ tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp. tomato juice. Whisk all this in a blender. Put in refrigerator. By using this night cream, you will forget about excessive oily sheen and black dots.
For dry skin. Mix 100 ml of strawberry juice with 1 tsp. melted butter and 1 tsp. crushed oatmeal. Next, beat with a mixer and cool. With this night cream, dry skin will be freed from flaking and dehydration.
Night anti-aging cream. Mix milk and pre-melted honey in equal amounts, and then beat in a blender. Place in refrigerator and chill until thickened. This anti-aging cream will refresh the complexion, make it clear, eliminate wrinkles and other age-related skin changes in a short period.

Since, it can sometimes cause allergies, so you have to use anti-allergenic creams from well-known brands and manufacturers. Carefully and carefully choose cosmetics, consult with professionals in this field. Make the right choice.

January 6, 2014

During sleep, the skin begins to actively regenerate. Night Revitalizing Cream is designed to speed up this process. It helps to relax the facial muscles, eliminate mimic wrinkles. Depending on the composition, the cosmetic product may have additional properties: toning, matting, softening, etc.

Is a night cream necessary?

As we age, the skin becomes less firm and elastic. The night cream prevents cell dehydration, restores the natural balance of trace elements, and normalizes blood circulation. Day emulsion for the face has a different purpose. It provides protection from UV rays, creates a thin film on the surface of the skin that retains moisture and does not allow harmful substances to pass through the epidermis.

Composition and application

Each component that is part of the cream has unique properties. They determine the functional purpose of the skin care product. Some women think that the more substances in a cosmetic product, the better, but this is not true. Vitamins and herbal ingredients when mixed, they can interfere with the assimilation of each other. Often the following substances are added to cosmetic products:

  • Glycerol. Natural moisturizer, used to relieve irritation and cleanse the dermis.
  • Tocopherol. Vitamin E protects the cellular structure from exposure ultraviolet rays, dehydration and premature signs of aging.
  • Collagen. Under natural conditions, it is produced by the dermis to maintain elasticity and firmness, but with age, the production of this protein decreases. Collagen in the composition of emulsions and balms improves complexion.
  • The secret of the snail. It has a strong moisturizing effect, gives radiance, positively affects the process of cell regeneration.

How to use night cream

The tool is used before bedtime. First you need to cleanse the skin of the face from cosmetics and secretions of the sebaceous glands. The effect of the use of emulsions is cumulative, so it is necessary to treat the dermis with them every day. Professional cosmetologists advise using day and evening cosmetics of the same brand. This will enhance the effect of regular cosmetic procedures.

Can it be used during the day

The night cream for the face has a denser and richer texture. It contains oils, complex trace elements. Daytime products are lighter in texture. The ingredients that make up their composition quickly penetrate the dermis, leaving no shine or thin film on the face. During the day, girls suffering from increased dryness of the skin can use a night emulsion. For the rest of the fair sex, it is better to use this type of product before bedtime.

How to apply

First you need to cleanse the skin with milk or micellar water, and then wipe it dry. If present severe peeling, first you need to remove dead cells from with the help of a light peeling rolls. Night remedies are applied to the skin 1-2 hours before bedtime. If you carry out the procedure later, the emulsion will not be completely absorbed. As a result, in the morning the face will be swollen and a little oily. When using night funds, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The product is easy to apply in a circular motion massage lines. Do not put excessive pressure on the skin, because. this will prevent the penetration of nutrients through the epidermis and lead to the formation of new wrinkles.
  2. Check the absorption of the product before going to bed. Excess emulsion should be removed with a napkin.
  3. Monitor the biological clock of the skin. The dermis begins to actively renew itself from 10 pm, and closer to midnight it completely absorbs useful substances. Cell regeneration occurs from 2 to 5 am.


The type of a tool directly determines its properties. Currently, more and more combined products appear on the cosmetic market, i.e. combining the qualities of different types of gels and bio-creams. It is suitable for women who are faced with several types of dermatological problems. The following categories of night creams are presented in cosmetics stores:

  • Protective. Contains components that restore the epidermis and retain moisture. A significant disadvantage of such balms is their dense consistency, which is not suitable for every woman. The advantages include high efficiency. Protective products well prevent moisture loss and flaking.
  • Mattifying. They have a special composition designed to neutralize the secretion of the dermis. Not suitable for dry or sensitive skin. The main advantage of matting gels is the quick and long-term elimination oily sheen. The downside is the strong drying of the epithelium. Girls who constantly use matting gels often have peeling.
  • Therapeutic. With these remedies, the healing of wounds / cracks is accelerated. Healing balms are used to relieve inflammation. Their pluses include excellent regenerative properties, and from the minuses one can single out an excessively dense consistency, which often leads to the appearance of acne and subcutaneous acne.
  • Anti-aging. The main purpose of using these products is to stimulate blood microcirculation. Anti-aging balms, bio-creams and gels have a pronounced smoothing effect. Their essential advantage is the vitamin-rich composition. There are no cons to anti-aging emulsions, if they are selected according to the age of the woman.
  • Purifying. Designed to remove deep skin impurities. Cleansing night emulsions are considered universal, i.e. suitable for all types of skin. Their plus is that they help pores to clear. The disadvantages of regular use of cleansing cream products include dry skin.
  • Nutritious. Contain vitamins, minerals and other substances that improve collagen production. The advantage of this type of cosmetic products is the rich composition. After 2-3 weeks of regular use of the nourishing bio-cream, the color of the epithelium will improve, and the natural water balance will be restored. The downside is that such emulsions are very difficult to match to a specific type of dermis.
  • Moisturizing. These products are light in texture. They are used to restore the water balance of the epithelium. Moisturizing balms and bio-creams have no disadvantages, and the advantages are in restoring the water balance of the dermis, eliminating inflammation.


Cosmetologists advise using night cream for wrinkles for women over 35 years old. Anti-aging products have a pronounced smoothing effect. They contribute to the elimination of age spots. Coenzymes, peptides, protein fibers are added to the composition of anti-aging cosmetics. Products in this category include Night Facal Cream by Mistine Caviar, Night Anti-Age Face Cream by Bremani Care.


Balms, emulsions and gels in this category improve the regenerative properties of the dermis. Revitalizing night cream should be used after peeling and other traumatic skin procedures. Examples of good cosmetics in this category are To-Plan Shea Butter Serum, Creamy Emulsion with shark oil, collagen and chitosan from LUCHIKS.


Means in this category are suitable for girls over 25 years old. Younger representatives of the weaker sex can use nourishing emulsions and bio-creams in winter when there is not enough fat in the diet. Lanolin, fatty acids and vitamin complexes are often added to cosmetic products. Nutritional cosmetics include White Night Facial Cream from Mistine Simply, Probiotic Night Cream from Yoghurt of Bulgaria.


All people face the lack of moisture to one degree or another. Moisturizing bio-creams will help to cope with this problem. Girls can use them from the age of 16. The composition of cosmetics necessarily includes glycerin, vitamins of groups A, E, B. Universal moisturizing products include Active Night Serum from Meitan, Coconut emulsion with honey grass and rosehip oil from Erilem Aurum.

How to choose a good night cream

Before you buy any cosmetic product, you should evaluate the needs of the skin and the state of the environment. Cosmetologists recommend active residents of megacities to use products containing glycerin, vitamin A and E. They will not only help the skin relax, but also eliminate the feeling of tightness. When choosing a night remedy, the following criteria should be considered:

  • Best before date. It is indicated on the packaging or on the bottle of cream, should not be less than 1 year.
  • Age category facilities. At the age of 25, you should not use balms marked "50+", because the components that will be present in them will harm young skin.
  • Compound. Allergy sufferers should beware of products containing excessive amounts of chemical or herbal ingredients.
  • Skin type.


Unfavorable environmental conditions have a negative impact even on a young organism. Girls from 16 to 25 years old should purchase night care products containing antioxidants, moisturizers and nutrients. These products include Pro-Young cooling cream gel from Eveline, Vichy Oligo 25 from Vichy. Women over 25 should look at emulsions that include a complex of acids, minerals and vitamins that stimulate collagen production (BIO REPAIR NIGHT CARE from Holy Land, Night Repair Melting Rich Cream from Mizon).

skin type

For each person, the dermis has certain genetic characteristics, for example, a tendency to rosacea or peeling. The condition of the skin can worsen during puberty, due to an unhealthy lifestyle or poor ecology. All balms, gels and bio-creams, regardless of the characteristics of the dermis, are applied 1-2 hours before bedtime. In online stores with delivery to the apartment, you can order creams for the following types skin:

  • For oily. Balms of this type are used to normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands. They include salicylic acid, copper, zinc, clay, etc. As a result, the shine from the skin disappears, the pores are cleansed, the face looks better. Christian Dior Capture Sculpt 10 Nuit night cream for oily skin will help achieve this effect.

  • For normal. In the absence of any problems with the dermis, women should use gels or balms that support the condition of the skin, for example, Dead Sea emulsion from Belita Vitex. They contain collagen, elastin, vitamins A, E.

  • For dry. Night Moisturizer - perfect solution for women suffering from constant peeling and redness of the skin. It contains lactic acid, glycerin, elastin. You can eliminate the dryness of the dermis with Black Perl Manufactring from E.l.Erman.
  • For combined. The composition of such creams includes restoring, matting, moisturizing components that can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and provide the epithelium with the desired level of moisture (triclosan, hyaluronic acid). An example of such a remedy is MelaKlear's White Melasma Brightening Night Cream.

  • For the fading. Products in this category contain a shock dose of anti-aging components designed to restore the elasticity of the skin, i.e. peptides, retinol and other vitamins. An example of such a tool is the Bio-cream Regeneration-Active from Dao de Mei.

  • For sensitive or problematic. The main purpose of such cosmetics is to relieve irritation from the dermis. A restorative evening gel will help achieve this goal. Skin Naturals Invigorating hydration by Garnier. In the manufacture of such products, panthenol, an extract of aloe vera, horse chestnut and Asian centella, lanilonic and lilac acids are used.

Purpose and result

Before buying cosmetics for evening care, a woman must decide on the purpose of its application. One type of product is used to eliminate peeling, and another type is used to eliminate oily sheen. Incorrectly selected balms and gels will seriously harm the dermis, disrupting the natural pH balance. Classification of night creams according to the result and effectiveness of the application:

  • toning;
  • nutrition;
  • moisturizing;
  • protection;
  • recovery;
  • matting;
  • getting rid of the first signs of aging;
  • softening;
  • pull-up;
  • pore narrowing.

What skin problems does it help with?

Emulsions and biocreams contribute to the active restoration of the dermis. They help fight excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, peeling, the first signs of aging. People with normal state skin, too, do not neglect night gels and bio-creams. They will help prevent the appearance of mimic wrinkles, keep the dermis in good condition.

The best night face cream - rating

More than 1000 cosmetics for evening skin care are presented in online stores. Due to such a variety of products, it is difficult for inexperienced buyers to choose a high-quality emulsion or bio-cream for the face. For serious skin problems, it is better to use the services professional beautician. It will help you choose the product in accordance with the characteristics of the body. specific person. The consumer rating of night skin care products is as follows:




Price in rubles

Clinique Genifique Repair, 50 ml

Revitalizes the skin. With prolonged use increases the density of the epidermis.

Mizon Night Repair Melting Rich Cream, 50 ml

It is used to stimulate blood microcirculation. Increases the elasticity of the skin, smoothes wrinkles.

L "Oreal Paris REVITALIFT, 50 ml

It is quickly absorbed, well exfoliates damaged skin cells, hides unevenness. Elastin and natural yeast extract, which are part of the product, help to even out the tone of the face.

Librederm Hyaluronic 3D filler, 20 ml

Does not leave a sticky layer when applied, absorbs quickly. Suitable for any type of dermis.

Vichy Neovadiol, 75 ml

Intensively moisturizes the dermis at night, slightly tightens the oval of the face. The emulsion has a pleasant floral aroma.

Christina Elastin Collagen 60 ml

Has a cooling effect. Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, quickly absorbed.

Natura Siberica Sophora Japonica Night Face Cream, 50 ml

Suitable for sensitive skin. The extract of pink rhodiola included in the composition softens the dermis.

KORA Biocream night recovery, 50 ml

Deeply hydrates and evens out skin tone. Biocream consists exclusively of natural ingredients (sage extract, avocado oil, etc.), so it is quickly absorbed.

Black Pearl Self-Rejuvenation, 50 ml

Black Pearl

A distinctive feature of cosmetics in this series is hypoallergenicity. The emulsion moisturizes the dermis well, eliminates oily sheen.

Anti-Wrinkle Night Moisturizing Cream, 50 ml

It has an airy texture, suitable for all types of dermis. It is consumed very slowly, eliminates the feeling of tightness of the face, intensively moisturizes the epithelium.

Medical series (cosmeceuticals)

Over 70% of people continue to suffer from skin inflammation after completion puberty. Although the hormonal background returns to normal, acne and blackheads remain. A nourishing face cream with minerals can make your skin healthy Dead Sea by Naomi. With regular use of the product, the natural color of the dermis improves. The product is suitable for normal, combination and oily skin:

  • Advantages: useful composition, affordable price, cleanses pores, deeply moisturizes the epithelium.
  • Disadvantages: specific aroma.
  • How to use: Apply daily to a cleansed face before going to bed.
  • Price: 580 r. 50 ml.

Assila Argan Oil Anti-Aging Moisturizing Cream is an all-in-one, i. Suitable for morning and night use. It contains linoleic acid and vitamin E, which improve the regeneration of dermal cells, stimulate the natural production of collagen and help restore the hydrolipidic skin barrier. The product is intended for women over 45:

  • Benefits: herbal composition, deep hydration, eliminates wrinkles.
  • Cons: May cause allergies.
  • Application features: apply 2 times a day with massage movements on the face, neck, hands.
  • Price: 1100 r. for 100 ml.

Night face cream with edelweiss stem cells from MISSIORI is an effective remedy against inflammation and acne. The natural ingredients included in the product have a profound effect on all layers of the skin, helping to restore the fibers of the epidermis. Thanks to the applied Majestem technology, the product is able to prevent the appearance of mimic wrinkles:

  • Pros: rich natural composition, intensively nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
  • Disadvantages: can cause allergies, slightly clogs pores.
  • How to use: Apply every evening to cleansed skin of the face and neck.
  • Price: 590 r. 50 ml.

Cream for the night of the mass market segment

Vitex Ideal Whitening helps to cope with excessive pigmentation of the skin. plant extract bearberry and shea butter, which are part of the product, relieve irritation, itching, provide deep hydration of the epidermis. The manufacturer promises that the emulsion will eliminate not only age spots, but also freckles. Ideal Whitening contains no sulfates, so it is suitable for girls with sensitive dermis:

  • Advantages: affordable cost, well brightens and moisturizes the dermis.
  • Disadvantages: greasy texture, will not be able to completely remove age spots and freckles.
  • How to use: Apply a thin layer to the entire face 1 hour before bedtime.
  • Price: 140 r. 50 ml.

High-quality cosmetics are produced not only in Europe, but also in Russia, and the Hundred Recipes of Beauty cream is proof of this. An evening care product containing extracts of apples, licorice, cereals and aloe vera juice makes the dermis more elastic and supple. With regular use of the product, swelling disappears, bruises under the eyes become less pronounced, the color of the skin improves:

  • Benefits: deeply nourishes the epithelium, improves the oval of the face.
  • Cons: Contains sulfates.
  • How to use: Apply a medium layer on the neck and face 1 hour before bedtime.
  • Price: 120 r. 50 ml.

Eveline Cosmetics Hydra Impact 360 is a light night cream designed to moisturize and regenerate the skin. The unique formula of the product includes aquaphilin, silk proteins, hyaluronic acid, argan and almond oils. All these substances quickly penetrate the skin, enhance the process of cell production. Eveline Cosmetics Hydra Impact 360 is suitable for all ages:

  • Advantages: instant hydration, economical consumption.
  • Disadvantages: inconvenient jar, layered consistency.
  • How to use: Apply daily to cleansed face.
  • Price: 150 r. 50 ml.

Premium night cream

In the fight against age-related changes, women agree to use any products. One of the quality facial products that can eliminate shallow wrinkles and age spots is the Genifique Youth Activator from the Lancome brand. The funds include natural ingredients: yeast extract, bifidobacteria synthesized from fermented milk products. The Genifique youth activator has the following distinctive features:

  • Advantages: quickly eliminates wrinkles, instantly absorbed after application, eliminates redness.
  • Disadvantages: high cost, possible allergy to the plant components of the product.
  • Application features: apply a small amount of activator in the evening on cleansed skin of the face and neck.
  • Price: 5900 r. 30 ml.

Holy Land BIO REPAIR NIGHT CARE is another premium product designed to fight wrinkles and restore skin elasticity. A distinctive feature of the product is a dense consistency. BIO REPAIR NIGHT CARE can be used on the face, hands and feet. The average soak time is 60 minutes. BIO REPAIR NIGHT CARE consists of collagen, elastin, vitamin E, bifidobacteria lysate, lactic acid:

  • Benefits: Provides deep hydration and intensive nutrition skin, enhances regeneration.
  • Disadvantages: too dense texture, big time absorption.
  • Application features: apply a thin layer 30-60 minutes before bedtime.
  • Price: 2450 r. 50 ml.

Anti-aging cream Germaine de Capuccini Night High Recovery Comfort is designed for intensive restoration of the dermis. A complex based on zinc and glycine returns a healthy color to the face, normalizes blood circulation in the capillaries. With prolonged use, Night High Recovery Comfort noticeably strengthens the epithelium, normalizes intracellular water balance:

  • Advantages: quickly absorbed, effective against wrinkles.
  • Cons: not suitable for sensitive skin, cost.
  • How to use: Apply in the evening to cleansed skin.
  • Price: 4570 r. 50 ml.

Capture Totale by Christian Dior is an emulsion to restore the elasticity of the skin. hallmark this brand is high quality products. The basis of Capture Totale is Bi-Skin complex, obtained from seaweed. In combination with polymers and vitamins, it helps to improve the tone of the epithelium and eliminate small mimic wrinkles:

  • Advantages: pleasant aroma, light texture, moisturizes well.
  • Disadvantages: price, low efficiency against deep wrinkles.
  • How to use: apply before going to bed with light massage movements.
  • Price: 7665 p. 60 ml.



It is so nice to wash your face before going to bed, remove tons of decorative cosmetics and dust accumulated during the day and relax by applying a soft, airy night cream that will soothe irritated and tired facial skin. While you sleep, its active substances will work to take care of your appearance, relieving it of unpleasant cosmetic defects and inexorable age-related changes. What you need to know about this unusual tool, which should take its rightful place in the cosmetic bag of any woman who is used to taking care of herself?

Main functions

Not many people know how night face cream differs from, which sometimes leads to annoying misunderstandings, side effects and mistakes. Applying the latter to the skin before going to bed, you risk waking up with swelling and new wrinkles. After all, these two funds have completely different functions, each of them affects the epidermis in its own way. The mechanism of action of all night creams is reduced to the following effects:

  • nutrition;
  • moisturizing;
  • fight against aging: reduction of wrinkles, increase in the number of elastin fibers and collagen;
  • restoration of the forces spent during the day, good rest, relaxation;
  • cell renewal: darkness, relaxation and complete immobility of the muscles contribute to the process of self-regeneration;
  • structure alignment;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • softening of the skin;
  • the formation of new cells.

That's why you need a night face cream: to prevent early aging of the skin and give it a full, good rest after have a hard day and transferred stress. Without it, in the morning you can wake up rumpled and so tired-looking, as if you didn’t sleep at all. But if you provided this miraculous remedy work out all 8 hours of sleep, the whole next day you will not end up with compliments: everyone will notice how wonderful you look. But how to choose the right night cream for yourself?

This is interesting!. Night cream is most effective between 2 and 5 hours. It is during this time interval that blood intensively flows to the dermis, collagen production is activated, and cellular respiration is restored.

Responsible Choice

You need to know how to choose a night face cream, as the results will depend on this. So, when you go shopping for a desired product, carefully examine the packaging, read what is written on it and do not hesitate to ask questions to sales consultants. And even better if you start choosing your elixir of beauty and youth already at home.

  1. To get started, check out the ratings and reviews of night face creams from different manufacturers. Choose for yourself 4-5 you like.
  2. They must be age appropriate. Active lifting and intensive rejuvenation are hardly suitable for a 20-year-old girl.
  3. Choose products according to your skin type: for, or normal.
  4. The packaging must necessarily indicate that this is a night cream, not a day cream, and not even a universal cream.
  5. Ask to open the jar and smell the contents. If your nose feels sharp, let pleasant aromas, refuse to buy. Strong, perceptible odors can cause dizziness and insomnia.
  6. Read the composition of the remedy. If it seems to you that this is the periodic table in its entirety, chemicals will also have to be abandoned. Chamomile, vitamins, collagen, water, glycerin, dimethicone, lanolin, hyaluronic acid, peptides, ceramides, adenosine, coenzyme Q10 (this is the most powerful protection from wrinkles, which will reduce your years during sleep), AHAs, oils - these are what you should look for in the composition of a night face cream.
  7. If you are actively using day cream, night is recommended to choose from the same cosmetic line. They will complement each other perfectly.
  8. Jars are not the best packaging for a night cream. Cosmetologists say that the best night face cream is contained in tubes with dispenser tips. They are less susceptible to germs.
  9. The first night cream purchased for the skin of the face must first be checked on the wrist to see if it will cause you allergies. IN good shops you may even be given a sample to take home so you can evaluate the results before you make your final purchase decision.

Once you have decided which night face cream to choose, you should learn how to properly apply it to the skin so that it is as effective as possible. If you do it at the wrong time, for example, the results may not wait.

The art of application

First, study the recommendations of cosmetologists and knowledgeable people on how to properly apply night face cream: in what lines, at what time, dosage, frequency, course of application. If you ignore these tips, accumulated over the years, you can not only not feel the effect of the chosen remedy (sometimes very expensive), but also harm own skin. Therefore, be extremely careful.

  1. When can I start using a night face cream? Some cosmetics include it in their lines, designed for very young skin, from 20-25 years old. But if at this age there is still no special need to use this remedy, then after 30 you need to seriously think about preserving your youth and beauty at night.
  2. It is necessary to apply such a remedy not immediately before going to bed, but about 40-60 minutes before it, so that the consistency has time to be absorbed into the deep layers of the dermis.
  3. First, wash your face, cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics and dirt accumulated during the day.
  4. After that, apply a thin, neat layer of cream along the massage lines. You don't need to rub it.
  5. Now you can relax, relax and not disturb the facial muscles with excessive facial expressions. A minimum of emotions at this time will guarantee the effectiveness of the funds applied at night.
  6. Wipe your face after half an hour paper napkin to make sure that there are no traces of the cream left on the skin, that it is completely absorbed and has already begun to act.
  7. You need to do this daily.
  8. After a couple of months, it is recommended to change the product so that the skin does not get used to the same composition, otherwise it will simply stop responding to it.

The art of using this kind of means does not require special skills. Nevertheless, all these recommendations must be followed exactly. If you are wary of store-bought cosmetics due to their chemical composition, you can easily prepare a nightly face cream at home, which will contain only those natural ingredients which you choose yourself.

homemade recipes

Recipes for homemade night face cream usually include an indication of what type of skin it is intended for. So pay special attention to this.

  • For oily skin

Mix natural yogurt (3 tablespoons), raw protein, low-fat cream (1 tablespoon), Apple vinegar(half a tablespoon), tomato juice (1 tablespoon). Whisk in a blender. Leave to cool in the refrigerator. Homemade night cream for oily skin will give you a healthy, beautiful glow, and with regular use, you can forget about blackheads and greasy shine.

  • For normal (combination) skin

Beat 2 yolks with carrot juice (2 tablespoons), melted beeswax in advance (1 teaspoon), vegetable oil(the same amount). Cool down. Such a nourishing night face cream is good to use during beriberi in the offseason, when even with normal skin begin cosmetic problems in the form of pallor and.

  • For dry skin

Mix strawberry juice (100 ml) with pre-melted lanolin or butter(1 teaspoon) and chopped oatmeal(the same amount). Beat with a mixer. Refrigerate until thickened. The result is an excellent nighttime facial moisturizer that will relieve dry skin from dehydration and flaking.

  • For mature skin

Mix equal amounts of honey (pre-melted) and milk. Whisk in a blender. Cool in the refrigerator until thickened. This easy-to-make anti-aging night cream for the face in the most short time relieve you of wrinkles and other age-related changes that occur with the skin.

A homemade night cream does not always justify the money and effort spent on it, because due to the naturalness of its composition, it often causes allergies. So in some cases, you still have to turn to famous brands, producing modern cosmetics, in search of a life-saving remedy. To make your choice easier, we bring to your attention a rating of the best night face creams.

TOP of the best

  1. Deep Hydration by Sia Botanics (Germany). The perfect nighttime facial moisturizer.
  2. Repairwear Intensive from Clinique (USA). The best rejuvenating night face cream.
  3. Shop Aloe by The Body(England). Soft and very pleasant nourishing night cream.
  4. The Skincare by Shiseido (Japan). Such a night cream for oily skin will no longer be complex due to greasy shine.
  5. Healthy Skin by Neutrogena (France).
  6. TimeWise by MaryKay (USA).
  7. Positively Ageless by Aveeno (USA).
  8. Essential-C from Murad (USA).
  9. Ultra-Life from Garnier (France).
  10. Ultimate from Kinerase (USA).

After so useful information you are unlikely to have a question whether you need to use a night face cream: for those over 30, this is a must if you want to prolong the youthfulness of your skin. These tools will allow you to stay beautiful for a long time, despite your age and daily stress.