Consultation on the topic: rules for the use of household electrical appliances

At home, on the street and anywhere, young children are susceptible to different types injuries - these are cuts, and suffocation due to the ingestion of small solid particles ... What parents need to do, you need to know in advance and not raise a panic, do what is necessary - provide urgent assistance.

So, consider the signs of suffocation - the child cannot breathe, say something, his face first turns red, then begins to turn blue. If the child is small, then you need to sit down and lower the baby on your knee head down, hit between the shoulder blades a couple of times - not very hard, but not weak either. Carefully remove the foreign object from the mouth so that it does not push even deeper. If the object does not come out from blows to the back, put the child on his back, tilt his head back, raise his chin and quickly press upper part belly (next to the ribs) inward and upward. The main thing is to press hard, and if the first time does not work out, then we do a maximum of three more times, then you can repeat the pats on the back if the object has not come out.

If the child is already walking, then the steps to remove the foreign object will be different. You can get on one knee, put the child on the other, and supporting him with your hand under your chest, hit between the shoulder blades with your other hand. If the object does not come out, we sit the child on our knees, put one hand on the stomach and fist, thumb, press in the middle of the abdomen as deep as possible. It is necessary to do this with a strong movement, up to 4 times.

If the child suddenly lost consciousness, it is necessary to call ambulance. At the same time, you are performing the following operations: put the child on his back, tilt his head back and do artificial respiration if the baby is not breathing. A small child can inhale both through the nose and through the mouth at the same time, but you should not use the full power of your lungs, because your child is still small. If you feel that the air is not passing, then again do a few blows between the shoulder blades, as described above. Continue these exercises until the doctors arrive.

In order to avoid such situations, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child, remove small objects from his sphere of influence (seeds, nuts, lollipops, beads, etc.), do not give him plastic bags and laces that he can use right and suffocate.

If a small object gets into the child's nose, it must be removed with small forceps, or the child should be forced to sneeze (tickle the nose with a feather), an older child can be asked to exhale sharply through the nose, but in no case should air be drawn in through the nose. In the most severe case, it is urgent to visit an otolaryngologist. It is especially necessary to urgently consult a doctor if you went from Noma foul-smelling discharge- it is quite possible that the baby simply did not tell you that he put something in his nose.

If the child is picking in the ear, then it is likely. That he put something in there. If the object does not stick out of the ear, then you should urgently go to the doctor, and in no case should you pick in the child's ear yourself.

Be attentive to your child!

Terms of use household electrical appliances.

Why do you need to know the rules for using electrical appliances?

Electrical appliances - our faithful friends and helpers. Although they are not alive, but iron, you need to handle them carefully and carefully. Electric current, without which no device will work, can be very dangerous. In order not to suffer due to improper handling of electricity, let's get acquainted with the basic rules for using electrical appliances that everyone should know.

Rule one:

Do not plug into an outlet foreign objects!

As you already know, the socket is designed to plug electrical appliances into the network, and not at all for your fingers. However, it is dangerous to put not only fingers into the socket, but also foreign objects, especially metal ones: nails, wire, knitting needles, hairpins. These items are good conductors electric current! The current through them, like over a bridge, will instantly transfer to your hand, and strike as if you had put your finger into the socket.

Rule two:

Do not touch bare wires with your hands!

The wires through which the devices are supplied electricity, are insulated. This means that a metal wire, where electricity flows, is placed in another wire, plastic, rubber, with a fabric winding. Both rubber, and plastic, and fabric are insulators through which current does not pass and cannot harm anyone. But it happens that the insulating sheath of the wire is damaged, and the dangerous metal wire is exposed. It is very dangerous. If you touch a bare wire while the device is on, you can get an electric shock.

Therefore, before connecting the device to the network, check if metal wires peek out from under the insulating sheath. If yes, then never use such a device until it is repaired!

Rule three:

Do not touch the switched on appliances with wet hands!

Remember that water is a conductor of electricity. It, like metal objects, is a bridge through which electricity is transferred to a person. If you touch an electrical appliance with wet hands, you risk electric shock.


Before turning on, turning off or doing anything else with an electrical appliance, wipe your hands dry!

Remember, young friend:

Current does not like wet hands.

Before turning on the device.

You need to wipe your hands!

Rule four:

Do not wipe switched on electrical appliances with a damp cloth!

Water in a damp cloth acts as a conductor for electric current, just like water in wet hands. If you want, for example, to wipe the TV turned on, then first turn off the device, and then wipe the dust off it.

Rule five:

Do not use electrical appliances while touching water!

As you already know, water is an excellent conductor-bridge for electric current, so never touch water and an electrical appliance at the same time!

Do not hold one hand under running water and turn on the electric stove with the other washing machine. Never use electrical appliances while lying in the bathroom!

Rule six:

Do not leave the included electrical appliances unattended!

When leaving home, always check if the lights are out, if the TV, tape recorder, electric heater, iron and other electrical appliances are turned off. Electrical appliances left unattended often cause fires.

Rule seven:

Do not fall asleep with the TV, tape recorder, electric heater and other household appliances turned on!

Rule eight:

Do not connect more than three electrical appliances to one outlet!

Rule nine:

Do not wrap electric lamps with combustible materials (cloth, paper, oilcloth, etc.).

How to behave in the event of an electrical fire.

We hope that all appliances in your home are in perfect working order and will never light up. But, unfortunately, due to different reasons electrical appliances may ignite and cause a fire. In order not to get into a dangerous situation, you need to know the basic rules of behavior in case of ignition of electrical appliances.

Rule one:

If the device catches fire and the parents are at home, then you need to immediately inform them about what happened!

Rule two:

If you are alone, then you need to remember the basic rule:

Under no circumstances should the appliance be extinguished with water while it is plugged in!

First you need to turn off the device, that is, remove the plug from the outlet, and only then

fill with water. If there is no water nearby, you can cover the device with a blanket, fall asleep

sand, earth.

Rule three:

If you see that you cannot cope with the fire, then you need to leave the apartment or house and call adults.

To call the fire department, dial 01.

Rule four:

If it’s impossible to leave the house and you don’t have a phone, then you need to look out the window and attract people’s attention.

It is necessary to shout loudly and persistently: Fire! Fire! Dial 01!

Information for adults! How to help a child injured by electric shock.

Sadly, our children do not always listen to us and sometimes act in their own way. In order for the child not to be harmed by electricity, it is necessary to take measures in advance.

All sockets must be provided with special current-proof plugs.

Try to hide all the electrical wires so that it is difficult for the little ones to reach them.

If the child nevertheless puts a finger or an object into the socket and it is shocked, it is necessary to push or pull the baby by the edge of the clothes or the belt. For safety, you need to stand on a dry board, a rubber mat, a stack of newspapers or books. Wrap your hand in a dry cloth or wear a rubber glove.

If a child grabs a bare wire, immediately disconnect the device from the mains. If for some reason this is not possible, then you should cut the wire with an ax with a dry wooden handle or have a bite to eat with wire cutters with well-insulated handles. You can move the wire with a dry stick.

After the current has stopped, it is necessary to lay the child on a flat surface, cover him and immediately call a doctor.


We hope that our children will never find themselves in such situations, and that the electric current, without which no electrical appliance can work, will not harm anyone!

Negative indication do not rush while eating do not choke guinea pig don't shout out loud don't kick don't pull out of your hands don't draw on the wall

Positive indication let's eat slowly hold the guinea pig gently speak softly

feet should be on the floor Masha also wants to take it

draw on paper

Reward follows immediately after performance, especially when the child is small. The following are some programs for developing self-care skills for aunts in their second year of life.

Fundamentals of age diagnostics mental development v early childhood(, Minsk, 1993)

Age of its formation

Uses a spoon (Gez.)

1 year 3 months

Removes stocking (X)

1 year 3 months

Self-eats liquid food with a spoon (Pech.)

1 year 4 months - 1 year 6 months

Uses a spoon well (Gez.)

1 year 6 months

Drinks from a mug or cup unaided (X)

1 year 6 months

Eating with a spoon is still awkward (X)

1 year 6 months

Removes coat on his own and assists with dressing (X)

1 year 6 months

Proper use of a spoon (Gez.)

1 year 6 months - 2 years

Tries to turn the doorknob (Gez.)

1 year 6 months

Partially undresses with a little help adult (takes off shoes, hat) (Pech.)

1 year 7 months - 1 year 9 months

Some programs include only a few skills, others many.

Depending on age and level, as well as on your abilities, you can build your classes in different ways: either work with only one or two groups from each development area at a time, or with several groups from each development area with all at once or in turn. In other words, you can act in a way that is more convenient for your child and for you.

Helps put things away

Be sure to include your child in joint activities. Let your child help you when you do the cleaning. For example, collect and put back the toys scattered by the child.

At first, start cleaning yourself, and let the baby bring the last toy. Be sure to praise him and say: “Well done! You took away the toys! Encourage him. Leave him two toys next time, then three, and so on. Ask your child to collect and put away toys and other scattered items. When the child has already taken the thing, do not immediately tell him where to carry it, say: “Do you know where her place is? Take her there."

If it turns out that the child does not know, explain to him and, if necessary, help. Be sure to encourage your child to participate in the work.

Puts an item back in place

Always ask your child to put the toy back when they have finished playing with it. If the child puts the toy in the wrong place, correct it. A very strict order in the arrangement of toys on a shelf or in a drawer can be difficult for a child.

Do not scold him - it is necessary that he enjoys the work.

Gets household items from permanent places at the request of an adult

It is very helpful to have your child help you with various household chores. For example, bring the thing you need.

The thing should be well known to the child and be within reach for him. If the child returns without this thing, shows uncertainty or embarrassment, explain to him where this thing is, go with him to find it.

3. Let the child take this thing and bring it to where you asked.
Be sure to express pleasure that the baby helped you. Need to

the child has a growing desire to work with you and help you.

Retrieves a familiar object from a permanent location in another room

Keep your child's toys in a specific place. Show the child where everything is, attract his attention when you take out any thing and return it to its proper place. Always say what needs to be put where.

After the child has learned to comply with your requests, when you and he are in the room where he is necessary thing, go with the child to another room. Tell him: "Bring me ...", now without naming the place where to get this thing.

If the child does not fulfill your request, go with him to the room where this thing is. Then on the same day, check if the child remembers it.

Asking to get something and bring it is part of normal home life. It is only necessary to check how well the child remembers the location of things.


After taking a series of steps to make the home safe for the child, stimulate the child's exploratory behavior. Place his favorite toys in unfamiliar places, in corners, on and under the table, in closet drawers where the child can look without much difficulty.

First show the child where you put the toy, then hide the toy so that it can be seen a little. Let the child search.

Executes complex instructions correctly

Including the child in your work, asking to perform certain actions, pay attention to the complexity of the instructions that you give to your baby.

If the child brings or gives you one object at your request, then he executes a command from one part, referring to one object. Start moving on to more complex commands, namely two-part commands. For example: "Take the doll and put it on the sofa." Or: "Take off your socks and bring them to me." If the child is following two-part commands, move on to three-part commands.

    1 action and 3 objects: "Bring me a doll, a hair dryer and a comb." 3 actions and 1 object: "Take a spoon, take it to the kitchen and put it on the table." 3 objects, bound by action: "Take socks, shorts and put in the washing machine."

Always help the child so that he can complete the task (for example, open the car in advance; name things that are easy for the child to reach; point to objects if necessary). Express admiration for his success.

Imitates the behavior of adults with things

Get in the habit of telling your child what you are doing. Let him try it too.

For example, if you are sweeping, show your child a pile of rubbish and how you clean it up. Give your child a small brush so that he can help you sweep the garbage onto the dustpan.

Give the child a rag and wipe the dust with him, putting your hands on his.

If you are using a hammer to fix something, give your child a toy hammer and a plank.

Watch the child play: will he imitate household chores in his game? If the child does not do this or does it, but very rarely, show the child one of these things, involve him in joint work.

The child will still need toy replicas of common household items to play home life with the doll.

Drinking from a cup

In order to start learning this skill, it is necessary that the child already knows how to drink from the cup that you are holding. Take a plastic cup without a handle or a glass that is narrow enough for the child to wrap their arms around easily.

Fill the cup about a quarter full with your baby's favorite drink. Practice at a time when you think your child might be thirsty first,

and you are not very busy. When you both get used to this new program, it will be possible to engage with the child at any time, whenever he wants to drink.

Have your child sit in a chair that is high enough to provide adequate comfort while drinking. Height regular chair can be increased, for example, due to thick ones. Note that the drink itself should be a sufficient reward, of course, along with praise.

Stand behind your child throughout the lesson. Wrap your arms around the cup and place your hands on top. Do the following steps one by one.

Bring the cup to his mouth. Tilt the cup and let the child take a sip. Put the cup on the table. Remove your hands and his. Say: "Well done! You're drinking from a cup!" Repeat these steps until the child has drunk the entire contents of the cup. Make sure that your help is not excessive and that the child also

took part in the work.

Of course, you have insulated the heating radiators so that the child cannot get burned, and you do not leave the iron, computer, TV, boiling kettle and electric fireplace unattended. You removed heavy books, watches, valuable items and documents were safely hidden. However, it is too early to calm down! Throughout the development of the child, one of major tasks his parents is to create a safe environment for him. And the first rule for this is to reduce the level of domestic injuries. But the number of problems for worried parents increases as their child grows. When he begins to walk, even a minute is enough to slip away from the vigilant at first glance. parental controls and literally seconds to get a domestic injury in such a cozy and safe house!

Make sure that all cabinet doors are equipped with locks and latches.

The most traumatic place is the kitchen. Cooker with boiling kettle and pots and knives (also other cutlery), and included Appliances, and tableware that can, if broken, injure a baby - everything should be out of reach for a young researcher. Ideally, tableware should be unbreakable (at the same time, then it will be possible to quickly teach the child to use "adult" tableware). Tuck the corners of the tablecloth so that the baby cannot pull it off and drop what is on the table onto itself. Hide caustic substances and household chemicals on the upper shelves.

Close the door to the bathroom tightly. Move the inner lock higher so that your child does not accidentally lock himself in it. Immediately after washing, drain dirty water, safely hide detergents, cosmetics and shaving accessories. When washing, make sure that the child does not fall into the bath of water and climb into the drum of the washing machine.

Almost all drug poisonings at this age (and somewhat later) are due to parental oversight. Even if you constantly use some drugs and keep them at hand, do not allow them to catch the eye of your child. As a rule, small children put everything they see into their mouths, and especially willingly swallow bright tablets in a shiny sweet shell. Close the package tightly medicines. Get rid of them without delay if the expiration date has passed. And if your baby still swallowed drugs, even if it's just vitamins, urgently contact your local pediatrician.

Garden and indoor plants, even if they are not poisonous, can still cause toxic poisoning in a child. Teach your baby not to touch plants without asking, and even more so not to put leaves and earth in his mouth. Most houseplants are bitter tasting and a child will most likely spit them out after chewing them.

When it comes to pets, opinions differ significantly. Proponents of natural parenting argue that in families where there are pets, it is better is developing child, he acquires innate immunity (besides toxoplasmosis), does not suffer from allergies to animal hair. In contrast, many years of research conducted in our country and abroad show that the presence in your home at the same time pet(especially taken before the birth of a child) and a newborn baby is not at all such a natural and conflict-free situation as many would like. At a minimum, the animal is a latent source of infections and minor injuries. This will only get worse when the child grows up, begins to move around the house and actively get acquainted with the outside world. What's more, animals get jealous too!

Unpredictable behavior of the animal towards the newborn, which has become a source of anxiety for the whole family and, moreover, began to receive much of the attention that previously received completely pet. This is especially true when the animal is large and aggressive (dog, cat). It would be desirable to isolate the newborn from pets until the time when he is older.

The worst enemy for a child's health is house dust. It contains pathogenic bacteria, fungal spores, dust mites and their metabolic products, allergic. In the fight against it, not only daily wet cleaning is needed, but also regular cleaning. upholstered furniture, walls and soft toys with a vacuum cleaner. Ideally, you should purchase an air purifier.

Your own home can be a very dangerous place for a child. Children often drown in bathtubs and indoor swimming pools (the second leading cause of child deaths in accidents after traffic accidents). Burns, poisoning, suffocation with foreign objects, falls - this list can scare anyone. There is no need to be afraid, but one should always be prepared for such incidents. Can significantly reduce the risk child injury if you try to make the house as safe as possible for the child. Of course, the baby must be constantly supervised. But it is also very important to think through all the questions in advance, even before the birth of the child.

How to ensure how to keep your child safe

First of all, you must be sure that absolutely all the things that are already in your house and that are just being purchased for the baby will not harm him. Quality certificates can serve as a certain guarantee of safety, so do not hesitate to ask the seller for them. However, do not forget that in the “new democratic Russia” everything is now sold and bought, and if you do not have “special knowledge”, then you should only rely on your intuition. heightened love for the baby.

You must be sure that absolutely all the things that you get for the baby will not harm him.

If you are using items that have already been used, be sure to pay attention to their strength and reliability, especially for items equipped with wheels, locks, seat belts, etc.

It seems that everything is obvious and understandable, but let's let Dr. Neverest explain something.

The world we live in is much more complicated than we sometimes think. It can be assumed (and there is great amount each of us confirms) that in addition to the three-dimensional material world that we perceive with the help of our senses, there is another, “subtle” (or “spiritual”) world. Any person, using certain things, toys, clothes, etc., leaves his “invisible mark” on them and maintains an “invisible connection” with them. Therefore, "be careful and careful with "used" things, regardless of whether you bought them for yourself or for a child, you got them "inherited" or a friend gave them to you. Try to find out the history of these things. former owner healthy, successful and happy man, then you can practically not worry ... But if you got things from a sick, unfortunate, unlucky person, then it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible. It's not worth the risk if past life» of this thing is unknown to you.

So, you are thoroughly prepared to ensure that your charming baby is comfortable and safe! The most beautiful and environmentally friendly “clothes” and toys were bought, the most reliable strollers and pieces of furniture were purchased or taken from friends.

However, this is only the beginning... Growing up, your new "tenant" will taste and test everything he can get to. And your most important task is to preserve his priceless health; there are secondary tasks, one of which is to keep your property safe and sound!

Be careful when buying any goods for the baby! There are many "Chinese" items on the market today that are made from toxic materials. Many products are not durable, break easily and are traumatic in operation.

Take care of the health of the child: for example, it is better to buy a few quality toys from reputable manufacturers than a lot of their cheap and "poisonous" fakes.

Perhaps you have already made sure that the stroller and crib, which are the main "habitat" of the baby in the first months of his life, are equipped in accordance with all safety rules:

  • plastic film (or better - a special children's oilcloth on a cloth basis) must be securely fixed on the mattress - otherwise the baby may accidentally twist into it and even suffocate;
  • there are no laces, ribbons, ribbons in the child's reach, the dummy also does not hang around his neck - all this eliminates the possibility of accidental strangulation;
  • large Stuffed Toys, pillows and other large items should never be placed in a crib or stroller. Climbing on them, the child can easily fall out or even suffocate, entangled in soft objects.

Time flies so fast that before you have time to look back, the baby will already begin to look around the expanses of the room with curiosity - “that would be where to roam!” - and insistently demand to let him go to explore the surrounding space. This period in a child's life is considered one of the most traumatic due to the "inexperience" of the baby. And experience - “the son of difficult mistakes” - will come only with time, and how many bumps will be “stuffed” during this period - also depends on your sensitive leadership. This later kid will begin to understand the words “high”, “prickly”, “hot”, etc., but for now - believe me, as soon as you gape, how a child lying next to you on the sofa can end up on the floor!

To ensure the safety of the child (and at the same time protect valuables), we can recommend the following:

  • never leave a baby who has already learned to sit unattended in a stroller - he may fall out. The same applies to any other places where a child might fall:
  • chairs, sofas, changing tables, slides ... An adult simply does not understand how pleasant and interesting it is - to swing on a high chair for feeding like on a swing ... And then - a fall, hitting a sharp edge dining table with hot food standing on it and all the troubles that followed; ,
  • central heating batteries for a while winter season it is better to hang - the child can get burned;
  • equip sharp corners on furniture with special “nozzles”; if necessary, set to doorways special portable limiters to prevent sudden slamming or swinging of doors; remove the laces and ropes from the curtains and blinds from the reach of the baby - pulling on them, he can dump something on his head, up to the eaves, or, entangled in them, even strangle himself;
  • do not leave the iron on ironing board- in addition to being heavy, it can also be hot;
  • bottles of alcohol, cigarettes, medicines, scissors, needles, and other potentially dangerous items must be removed in places inaccessible to the baby;
  • do not leave an infant in the care of other children (or adults with inappropriate behavior: drug addicts, alcoholics, mentally unbalanced, sexually preoccupied, etc.);
  • do not leave the baby alone with pets.

To protect your child from electric shock:

  • put plugs on unused sockets (you can just stick them with electrical tape); it is even better to purchase spring "anti-child" plugs for all sockets;
  • do not leave a child alone in a room with electrical appliances turned on; turn them off when not in use;
  • place outdoor wiring along the walls in protective boxes.

According to statistics, in all developed countries of the world, injuries stubbornly hold on to the third place among the causes of child mortality after cardiovascular and oncological diseases. On average, boys die from injuries 6 times more often than girls.

There are cases when parents took care of the child so diligently that this " over-concern' led to his injury.

Therefore, take our recommendations seriously:

  • do not throw the child high up: you can either hit his head on the ceiling or chandelier, or simply not catch it;
  • while rocking the baby in your arms, be careful: sometimes tired parents accidentally hit his head on the door jamb or the corner of the closet.

The kitchen is the baby's zone heightened danger. The kitchen is the center of a large number of hazardous household appliances, not to mention boiling water and hot food.

How to avoid injury in the kitchen:

  • put all sharp, sharp or breakable kitchen utensils in lockable drawers;
  • do not store any detergents and cleaning agents in an accessible place;
  • keep bulk products (especially peas, beans, etc.) in places inaccessible to the baby;
  • keep trash in a locker with a lockable door;
  • do not let the child touch the oven door, especially if it is in working order;
  • teach yourself to turn the long handles of pots and pans to the wall, then the baby will not be able to easily tip over their contents; try to use not near, but distant burners;
  • place teapots, cups, plates and other containers (especially with hot food or drinks) away from the edge of the table;

Let's face it, the baby has nothing to do alone in the bathroom. Therefore, the doors to it must always be closed, as in the toilet.

While bathing, do not leave the child in the bath unattended even for a couple of seconds; all necessary accessories prepare in advance or somehow do without them. Even a “couple of seconds” is enough for a baby to slip, and then, as luck would have it, hit, choke on water, or at least get scared. When bathing a child, never lower him into the water without measuring its temperature. When mixing bath water, first pour cold water, and then gradually add hot water. Recall that you can quickly “determine” the temperature of water by lowering your elbow into it.

Water and child safety

About 1,000 children under the age of 14 drown in the United States each year. Four times as many children are taken to hospitals immediately after being pulled out of the water. Unfortunately, some of them by this time already have irreversible brain damage. Children under the age of 4 are at risk 2-3 times more than other age groups.

For kids preschool age the most dangerous place is the bath. There are cases when children climbed into an empty bathtub, opened the tap and drowned. The child may fall headfirst into the toilet or into a bucket of water and choke. Never leave empty buckets in the yard or outside. They can collect rainwater. In addition to promoting mosquito breeding, the child, head down in a bucket, it can choke. Close the toilet with a lid. The lids can be equipped with plastic latches to insure against irrepressible children's curiosity.

Water safety rules

Parents must supervise their children at all times and abide by the following rules. They must also be brought to the attention of the person you trust with the care of the child.

  • Never leave a child under 5 in the bath for a minute. A child can choke and drown even if the water barely covers the bottom of the tub. Do not leave a baby in the bath in the care of an older child who is under 12 years old. If you have to get out of the tub while bathing, take your baby out of the water.
  • Keep an eye on your child when they are near water, even if lifeguards are nearby. If the child is already a good swimmer and mature enough to assess the degree of danger, then at the age of 10-12 years old he can be allowed to swim without adult supervision, but always in the company of other children.
  • If you have at home inflatable pool for children, remember to empty it of water and turn it upside down when not in use.
  • If you have a swimming pool, it must be enclosed on all sides. The fence should be at least 1.5 m high, and the gaps in it should be no more than 10 cm wide. Install a lock with a latch on the gate. Do not consider the wall of the house as a pool fence, as a child can fall out of the window into it.
  • Do not rely too much on signaling devices installed in swimming pools. They only work if something (or someone) falls into the water, and that might be too late. The best thing is to install an alarm on the gate of the fence.
  • Do not let anyone near the pool or other bodies of water during a hurricane or tornado.
  • Stay away from frozen ponds and lakes until the ice is strong enough for skiing and skating.
  • All water tanks and tanks must be securely locked.

Swimming lessons

If you think that learning to swim can reduce the risk to infants and preschool children, then you are wrong. Practice shows that this is not the case. Even if a child under the age of 5 can swim, he still lacks the strength and coordination to save himself in a dangerous situation. early lessons swimming only increases the risk, as it inspires false feeling confidence for both parents and children.

Smoke poisoning and burns

Fires are one of the main causes of death for children. Approximately 75% of fire deaths are caused by smoke poisoning, not burns. About 80% of fires occur in residential buildings, and half of them are caused by an unextinguished cigarette.

Burns caused by other causes are also very common, but they are much less likely to lead to death. Approximately 20% of them are caused by hot tap water, and 80% are caused by tipping hot food and drinks on themselves. About half of these cases are severe enough to require a partial skin graft.

What can be done

To avoid such injuries, follow a few simple recommendations.

  • Install fire detectors in hallways and hallways (not bedrooms or kitchens). Change the batteries in them annually (the best time to time this is when you set the hands of all the clocks in the house, going to daylight saving time).
  • Keep a powder fire extinguisher in the kitchen.
  • Set the water heating level in the boiler to no higher than 50°. Manufacturers usually set the heating temperature at the factory to 65-70 °, but in this case Small child Gets a 3rd degree burn in less than 2 seconds! At a temperature of 50° it will take about 5 minutes to get such a burn. (It will also save you money on electricity bills.) If you live in an apartment building, install water limiters on all faucets that turn off the water if the temperature exceeds 50°C. In the end, the dishes can be washed at this temperature.
  • Open heaters, stoves, fireplaces and other heating devices are hazardous. Protect them with bars. Install protective screens on radiators.
  • Plug all electrical outlets to protect your child from electric shock if He tries to plug something in.
  • Replace worn and damaged electrical wires. Carefully insulate the connection points of electrical cords to extension cords. Do not allow electrical wires to run under carpets or across a child's path.

You can also reduce the risk of fires and burns by adopting the following good habits.

  • Don't forget to check the temperature of the water in the tub just before putting your child in, even if you've already done so a little earlier. Feel the faucets to make sure they don't burn you.
  • Never drink hot coffee or tea while holding your baby on your lap. Make sure that cups of hot drinks are not placed on the edge of the table where the baby can reach them. Do not use tablecloths and napkins, pulling on which the child can overturn all the dishes on the table.
  • When placing a frying pan or pot on the stove, always turn it with the handle towards the back of the stove so that the child cannot reach it.
  • Keep matches out of the reach of children. At the age of 3-4 years, children are very attracted to open flames, and it is extremely difficult for them to resist the temptation to play with matches.
  • If you use heaters, make sure they are not near curtains, bed linen or towels.
  • Clothing worn by children over 9 months of age should be made of flame retardant material or fit close to the body (in this case, there is no room under it for oxygen necessary for combustion). After repeated washing of such clothes detergents, not containing phosphorus, or soap, it loses its properties and can become easily flammable.

Also, teach your children necessary action, preventing the occurrence of fires, and how to behave if a fire does occur.

  • Explain to the little ones that there are hot objects and teach them not to touch them.
  • Discuss in detail with the children the rules of fire safety and actions in case of fire (for example, if the room is smoky, you need to crawl on the floor, where there is the least smoke).
  • Remind the children that if they smell smoke and suspect that the house is on fire, they should leave the house immediately. Firefighters can be called from neighbors.
  • Make a fire escape plan with two escape routes from each room and designate a designated meeting point outside the home. Practice with the whole family how to evacuate in case of fire.

Foreign objects entering the child's respiratory tract

Among the causes of death in children due to accidents is suffocation due to inhalation foreign objects ranks fourth. Young children constantly put everything in their mouths, and within their reach should not be small items(like buttons, peas or beads). They can easily get into the trachea and block breathing.

dangerous toys

For children under the age of 5, there is a risk of suffocation if toys or their parts are inhaled. This can happen to children of any age who have a habit of putting inedible objects in their mouths. A simple test allows you to determine how dangerous these items are. If the toy or any of its parts is so small that it fits into the opening of the roll toilet paper, it poses a danger to the child.

Also pay attention to those elements of toys that can break off during the game. Check them out for yourself. Often, children under 3 years old also choke on small balls or cubes from children's games. Try to hide older children's toys from toddlers, although this is not always easy to do.

Another fairly common cause of such accidents is fragments of bursting balloons, which, if ingested, are easily drawn into the respiratory tract. For this reason Balloons Better to keep away from small children.

Ingestion of food into the respiratory tract

At the age of 4-5 years, children usually easily cope with adult food. But if the child is younger, you need to be careful with some products. For example, nuts, hard candies, pieces of carrots, popcorn, grapes, raisins are especially dangerous for young children. Peanut butter is also very dangerous for them if it is eaten directly from a spoon. If it is accidentally inhaled, then no force will be able to remove it from the surface respiratory tract. Oil must be applied thin layer for bread.

Most The best way To avoid such troubles - carefully chew food. Children need to be taught this. If you set an example for them, they are more likely to follow it willingly, especially if you do it slowly. Do not let your child run around with lollipops or popsicles in their mouths, and do not allow them to eat lying down and never leave infant one with a bottle attached.

If the child chokes, take first aid measures.


Among children infancy strangulation is the leading cause of death in accidents. A baby up to a year spends most of the time in his crib, so it is necessary to take all measures to make this place safe for him.

As children begin to walk, they can inadvertently become entangled in ropes and cords hanging from curtains, sometimes resulting in suffocation. These cords must either be secured in clips, hidden behind heavy furniture, or tied up to make them shorter.

For older children, plastic bags are a particular risk. For some reason, they always strive to put them on their heads. Sometimes this can end in tragedy. Keep all bags in the same place where other dangerous things are stored - in boxes locked with a key.

If you have an unused or broken refrigerator at home, remove the door from it so that the child cannot climb in and close it.

Weapons in the house

Many families keep firearms. Parents believe that they need it for self-defense, but all studies show that the cause of death of children (and adults) is much more likely to be a weapon stored in the house than one brought with them by a robber or burglar. In the United States, one child is killed by accidental gunshots every day. Therefore, the most best defense- refuse to store weapons at home.

Young children can also become victims of careless handling of weapons. If a child aged 7-10 wants to show a gun to his friends, then this can easily end up with him either killing someone or becoming a victim himself. It may not be very convenient for you to ask the parents of your child's friends if they have weapons in the house, but the tragic statistics make you think about it.

Adolescents, especially during the period of life when they begin to experiment with alcohol, may lose control and take unnecessary risks if they have access to weapons. In addition, adolescents who are depressed or who use drugs are more likely to high risk suicide if there are weapons in the house.

If you have weapons at home

Rifles and pistols must be kept unloaded, preferably in a locked box, and their ammunition elsewhere. In addition to taking firearms safety courses, owners should also familiarize themselves with the latest developments in the field of security, which include, for example, devices for blocking the trigger and electronic devices that allow only the owner of the weapon to fire.

Falling children

Falls are the sixth leading cause of child death and the leading cause of injury. Falls are the most common cause of death during the first year of a child's life. Every year, 3 million American children are admitted to hospital trauma departments. For every such incident, there are ten more falls, after which the parents did not seek medical help.

A child can fall from anywhere: from a bed, a changing table, a window sill, a porch, a tree, a bicycle, a swing, a ladder, and so on. Babies who have just learned to walk are at particular risk of falling from windows or stairs. Older children may fall off the roof or equipment placed on the playground. Most falls in children under 4 years of age occur at home. According to statistics, 40% of falls occur between 16:00 and 20:00.


To protect children who have just learned to walk from falling down the stairs, it is necessary to install closing gates at the top and bottom of the stairs (including on the porch), until the baby learns to confidently go up and down the stairs. Teach your child to hold on to railings and use them yourself at all times. setting an example for a child. Sprinkle ice-covered steps and walkways with salt or sand to avoid falls in winter.

Falling out of the window

Such accidents usually occur in cities, most often in spring or summer, and lead to the most grave consequences. There are many ways to avoid an accident. You can, of course, keep the windows permanently closed, but this is not an option. You can remove all toys and furniture from the windows. But as soon as the child grows up and can move the chair on his own, this method becomes ineffective. If possible, open only the top of the windows.

If you know how to craft, make metal stoppers that will not allow the frame to open more than 10 cm (or fix wooden blocks on the windowsill for the same purpose).

It can also be installed on lattice windows. The distance between the bars should not be more than 10 cm, and they must withstand a load of 70 kg. Install these bars on all windows. At least one window should have a grill that can be opened or removed without a special key or additional tools (which are usually never found when they are needed most, such as in a fire). Window guards for children have nothing to do with the bars that are installed to protect the house from burglars.

Baby walkers

Once they were considered necessary fixture for children, but today are seen as a threat to their health. Walkers give more mobility to children who do not yet know how to assess the degree of risk. A child can fall into them from the stairs and at the same time is completely deprived of the opportunity to prevent this fall. To do this, parents need only turn away for a second. In the US, thousands of children are injured in this way every year.

Children cannot be taught to walk with a walker. Conversely, toddlers who are used to walkers tend to develop the strength and coordination needed to walk on their own more slowly. Walkers without wheels are becoming more and more common, in which the child can only stand still. They give the baby a sense of independence and are safe at the same time. Make sure there are no springs in children's furniture where a child can pinch a finger.

Safe toys

Every year in the US, thousands of children are injured and damaged by toys. Hundreds of toys are confiscated from trading network, as it turns out that they are potentially dangerous for children. When purchasing toys, always read the instructions on the packaging for what age they are intended for. The law requires toy manufacturers to put a small parts warning on toys, but some manufacturers manage to circumvent this rule. Toys such as small glass or plastic balls, balloons, small cubes are dangerous for children under 3 years of age, as they can get into their windpipe and cause suffocation. Toys with sharp edges and protruding parts may injure the child. All kinds of shooting toys are dangerous to the eyes. Electronic toys intended only for children over 8 years of age. rubber toys may contain chemical substances, disease-causing kidney and other diseases.

Even the box in which the child stores his toys poses a certain danger. Make sure that there is a limiter on its lid that will prevent it from falling and hitting the child on the head. The box should also not have a lock so that the child cannot close in it, as in a trap.

Home security equipment

What to buy

Manufacturers of goods throw on the market a lot of useless devices for parents who are overly concerned about safety issues. All of them are not cheap, although they really do not give anything for safety. In fact, it only takes a small amount of devices to make your home safe. These include fire detectors, fire extinguishers, lockable cabinets for medicines and other harmful chemicals. If you have a weapon, you will need to purchase a trigger lock, a separate lockable storage box. Stairs in the house must be equipped with closing gates to prevent children from falling. If you live in high-rise building, you may need to install window screens.

Below is a list of other devices that are not expensive, but can be very useful. Most of them have already been discussed before. Remember that no fixtures can replace parental attention babysitting.

  • Lockable drawers in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Child-proof door hooks on bathroom doors and other areas where potentially hazardous items are stored.
  • Special latches that prevent children from getting into places where they can close (refrigerator, toilet, drawers furniture).
  • Plastic device for shortening ropes and cords hanging from curtains, preventing children from wrapping them around their necks.
  • Nozzles for water taps that automatically turn off the water supply if its temperature exceeds 50 °.
  • Plugs for electrical sockets.
  • Soft edging for sharp edges and corners of furniture.

Why do you need to know the rules for using electrical appliances?

Electrical appliances are our true friends and helpers. Although they are not alive, but iron, you need to handle them carefully and carefully. Electric current, without which no device will work, can be very dangerous. In order not to suffer due to improper handling of electricity, let's get acquainted with the basic rules for using electrical appliances that everyone should know.

Rule one:

Do not plug foreign objects into the socket!

As you already know, the socket is designed to plug electrical appliances into the network, and not at all for your fingers. However, it is dangerous to put not only fingers into the socket, but also foreign objects, especially metal ones: nails, wire, knitting needles, hairpins. These items are good conductors of electricity! The current through them, like over a bridge, will instantly transfer to your hand, and strike as if you had put your finger into the socket.

Rule two:

Do not touch bare wires with your hands!

The wires through which electric current flows to the devices are insulated. This means that a metal wire, where electricity flows, is placed in another wire, plastic, rubber, with a fabric winding. Both rubber, and plastic, and fabric are insulators through which current does not pass and cannot harm anyone. But it happens that the insulating sheath of the wire is damaged, and the dangerous metal wire is exposed. It is very dangerous. If you touch a bare wire while the device is on, you can get an electric shock.

Therefore, before connecting the device to the network, check if metal wires peek out from under the insulating sheath. If yes, then never use such a device until it is repaired!

Rule three:

Do not touch the switched on appliances with wet hands!

Remember that water is a conductor of electricity. It, like metal objects, is a bridge through which electricity is transferred to a person. If you touch an electrical appliance with wet hands, you risk electric shock.


Before turning on, turning off or doing anything else with an electrical appliance, wipe your hands dry!

Rule four:

Do not wipe switched on electrical appliances with a damp cloth!

Water in a damp cloth acts as a conductor for electric current, just like water in wet hands. If you want, for example, to wipe the TV turned on, then first turn off the device, and then wipe the dust off it.

Rule five:

Do not use electrical appliances while touching water!

As you already know, water is an excellent conductor-bridge for electric current, so never touch water and an electrical appliance at the same time!

Do not hold one hand under running water and turn on the electric stove or washing machine with the other. Never use electrical appliances while lying in the bathroom!

Rule six:

Do not leave the included electrical appliances unattended!

When leaving home, always check if the lights are out, if the TV, tape recorder, electric heater, iron and other electrical appliances are turned off. Electrical appliances left unattended often cause fires.

Rule seven:

Do not fall asleep with the TV, tape recorder, electric heater and other household appliances turned on!

Rule eight:

Do not connect more than three electrical appliances to one outlet!

Rule nine:

Do not wrap electric lamps with combustible materials (cloth, paper, oilcloth, etc.).

How to behave in the event of an electrical fire.

We hope that all appliances in your home are in perfect working order and will never light up. But, unfortunately, for various reasons, electrical appliances can ignite and cause a fire. In order not to get into a dangerous situation, you need to know the basic rules of behavior in case of ignition of electrical appliances.

Rule one:

If the device catches fire and the parents are at home, then you need to immediately inform them about what happened!

Rule two:

If you are alone, then you need to remember the basic rule:

Under no circumstances should the appliance be extinguished with water while it is plugged in!

First you need to turn off the device, that is, remove the plug from the outlet, and only then

fill with water. If there is no water nearby, you can cover the device with a blanket, fall asleep

sand, earth.

Rule three:

If you see that you cannot cope with the fire, then you need to leave the apartment or house and call adults.

To call the fire department, dial 01.

Rule four:

If it’s impossible to leave the house and you don’t have a phone, then you need to look out the window and attract people’s attention.

It is necessary to shout loudly and persistently: Fire! Fire! Dial 01!

Information for adults! How to help a child injured by electric shock.

Sadly, our children do not always listen to us and sometimes act in their own way. In order for the child not to be harmed by electricity, it is necessary to take measures in advance.

  • All sockets must be provided with special current-proof plugs.
  • Try to hide all the electrical wires so that it is difficult for the little ones to reach them.
  • If the child nevertheless puts a finger or an object into the socket and it is shocked, it is necessary to push or pull the baby by the edge of the clothes or the belt. For safety, you need to stand on a dry board, a rubber mat, a stack of newspapers or books. Wrap your hand in a dry cloth or wear a rubber glove.
  • If a child grabs a bare wire, immediately disconnect the device from the mains. If for some reason this is not possible, then you should cut the wire with an ax with a dry wooden handle or have a bite to eat with wire cutters with well-insulated handles. You can move the wire with a dry stick.
  • After the current has stopped, it is necessary to lay the child on a flat surface, cover him and immediately call a doctor.


We hope that our children will never find themselves in such situations, and that the electric current, without which no electrical appliance can work, will not harm anyone!