Material on the topic: New Year's contests and games. Musical games in the senior group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institutionKindergarten No. 392 of the city of Yekaterinburg

Lesson script for grade 1



music director

Sevostyanova Violetta Vladimirovna

Yekaterinburg city



Tasks. Involve children in national traditions. Cultivate interest and emotional attitude to folk culture. Show creative initiative in a variety of ways artistic activity. Enrich your musical experience emotional sphere children.

Equipment. House, two pairs of boots big size, a horse on a stick, a samovar suit and 6-7 cups, grandfather and Dunyasha, musical instruments of a noise orchestra, a fake needle, brushes, paints, a felt boot base made of primed canvas, a projector, a computer.

Characters. Host, Dunyasha, Omniscient Grandfather

The course of the holiday

Children enter the hall with the song “You are winter-winter” r.n.p.

presenter: How frost freezes the nose on the street,

Doesn't tell you to stand for a long time, tells you to serve soon

Or a warm pie, or butter, cottage cheese.

Why don't we go to someone's house to sing?

Do you agree? Here is someone's house standing, it is covered with a carved roof. Sing along guys funny carols!

Children with a leader approach the house, sing a carol:


"Hey mistress, don't be stingy,

If you don’t give a pie, we are a cow by the horns.

And if you don’t give cakes, we’ll break the windows!”

Dunyasha looks out of the house

Dunyasha: Who's pampering here? Ah-ah-ah ... yes, these are kids, girls and boys. Hello! Grandpa and I welcome all guests. Yes, but the pies are not ready yet, we must wait, let them rise.

Presenter: And you, Dunyasha, come out to play with us, take a walk, lie in the snow, go sledding. And there, you look, and pies will do.

Dunyasha: And that's true, soon the end of winter and winter fun.

Dunya leaves the house to the children


Music and lyrics: L. Olifirova

Dunyasha: Okay, yes, you sing well. And the song is good.

want to play? Then we will play, repeat after me:

"We're going for a walk,

They quickly dressed. (walk)

Boots and a hat, a fur coat and gloves,

Sweater and pants, scarf and socks

Do we put on quickly when we go for a walk? Once again...

The pace of the game gradually accelerates.

The teacher shows incorrectly, confuses children, raisingmood


I see from afar

Vanya is coming to us here,

Goes straight to the round dance,

Make way, honest people!

Round dance "LIKE ON A THIN ICE"

r.n.p. arr. M. Jordanian

Girl: Oh. Vanyusha, are you hurt?

Vanya: No! I fell pretend, I wanted to make you laugh a little!

Girl: And Vanyusha is our hero, only felt boots with a hole!

Dunyasha: So let's call my grandfather, he will quickly sew felt boots.

He is a master of all trades! (they knock on the window, they call, grandfather Omniscient appears)

And here is grandfather, Grandfather the All-Knowing.

Grandfather: My dear children, young doves! Glad to see you. Hello.

Dunyasha: Grandfather, help me out, heeled boots!

Grandfather: It's possible, it's not difficult. And you, girls, so that it would be more fun to work, you would please the old man, you would sing a song.

Presenter: Our girls are small, a little more felt boots,


(children sing, and grandfather sews)

ed: Guys, you know that felt boots are primordially Russian shoes. In the old days, felt boots were called pima, wire rod, chesanki, and they were considered the most valuable gift. Frosts and blizzards are not terrible in felt boots, therefore the best shoes no walking! They celebrated Maslenitsa, caroled, danced to the accordion. In games, felt boots helped to find out who is the strongest, most agile and fastest. Do you want to check yourself with a felt boot?


    Knock down skittles with a felt boot

2. Run around the snowdrift in large boots

Dunya: Guys, Grandpa the All-Knowing, lived a long time, saw a lot,

He knows everything in the world, he collects it in his sieve.

Grandfather: You would tell me something about felt boots, and I would put them in my sieve. I have a lot of things in it: riddles, and proverbs, and nursery rhymes.


    child: Bayu, bayu-bayinki, roll up Masha felt boots.

Felt boots on the legs, run along the paths:

To grandma for gingerbread, to grandpa for apples.

    child: Without a fur coat and felt boots - and winter is endless!

    child: Like Dasha's little combed boots, And her fur coat is crimson, and her face is ruddy.

That's what Dasha, our beauty!

Grandfather: Thank you guys, it has increased in my sieve. Here are some riddles for you:

    Not boots, not boots

But they are also worn by legs. In them we run in the winter In the morning in a garden, in the afternoon - home.

    They shake, ride, and drag the winter!

    All in wool, but no skin!

Grandfather: Yes, there is only one answer - felt boots! How are felt boots made? (children talk)

Do you want to see?



If at home, at work

You have boots in high esteem,

Then we are you, our friends

We invite you soon

To us for a holiday - to dance,

Show your prowess!

A. Stelchenko

Grandfather: And I know one fun: in the old days they guessed with felt boots. You just need to say: “I’ll throw a felt boot over the fence, go, felt boots, to the little girl in the yard”


Children take turns throwing a felt boot, on which pair of children the toe of a felt boot, that pair is dancing

Grandfather: Grandfather: Oh yes, fun, everyone is surprised!

Dunyasha: Let's make new felt boots for grandfather, beautiful, painted.


(they give felt boots to grandfather, Dunyasha)

Grandfather: Thank you guys, now I will walk in such beautiful boots. I walked through the woods and got a little hungry.

Grandfather: And what about Dunyasha, you won’t be full of songs and fairy tales. Are the pies ready?

Dunyasha: Ready, grandfather. Yes, and the samovar is puffing and boiling with might and main.

Grandfather: Well then, girls, get up, meet the Russian samovar! Take apart the cups!


Music "Puffed Samovar" Lyrics by Yuri Entin, music by David Tukhmanov

(Children take turns)

We are glad to invite you all

drink plenty of tea.

We love meet guests,

Treat sweet tea

Pies and pancakes

Pretzels, rolls.

Tea with jam, tea with cookies.

tea with good mood,

Raspberry leaf tea

Bring everyone to the table.

Famous everywhere for good reason

Russian tea from a samovar

strong tea fragrance

Amazes everyone!


Who wants to be healthy

I should drink more tea

He is a balm for all diseases,

And there is no better drink.

I invite everyone with a bow!


We are glad to invite you all, Drink plenty of tea!

List of used literature

Competitive program on the street.
Venue: Square near the Palace of Culture.
Decoration: a corner of the hut with a stove, a large matryoshka doll, a bench, a table with a large teapot or samovar (Fig. 1). All elements are flat, cut out of fiberboard and painted. The back of the stage is decorated with homespun rugs.
It is necessary to prepare flags according to the number of commands. Having completed the task, the team captain raises the flag, after which the jury records the result.
In the Palace of Culture, an exhibition of decorated felt boots, children's drawings can be arranged, a master class on decorating pims can be held (Fig. 2).
The version of the poster is shown in Fig. 3.
Characters: Alesha, D, asha, D e d Egor, B, a b k, a M, a t r e n a.
Jury assistants: Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Zima.

Before the opening of the competition, Russians sound folk songs. Alyosha and Dasha appear.

Alyosha. Oh and nice day
It's going to roam!
Look, people
Gathering together!
Dasha. They can’t sit, it’s clear that they are at home by the window,
Kohl sings in the street
Russian harmonica!
Alyosha. Good day, friends!
Dasha. Hello people!
Alyosha. We have a holiday here today!
Let's have fun!
Dasha. Frost is not a hindrance to us,
They won't hold the cold.
More snow, more laughter
There is a place to go for a walk!
Alyosha. Ride famously from the hill
And sing songs with a blizzard.
To make our holiday a success,
You just have to want!

They sing songs about winter.

To all, friends, who are old and small,
To everyone who is cheerful and daring,
Today we announce:
We praise Russian felt boots here!
Dasha. If at home, at work
Valenok you hold in high esteem -
It's time for the holiday.
Let's start gentlemen!

The call signs of the holiday sound. Grandfather Yegor comes out in bast shoes.

Grandfather Egor. Matryona! Ah, Matryona! Where are my boots? ( He looks at the bast shoes, then, taking a step, collides with the nesting doll, jumps back in fright and screams.) Fuck you, sir! You can die with fear. Matryona, where are you?

Grandmother Matryona comes out from behind the matryoshka.

Matryona. Why are you yelling like a catechumen? How do I know where your boots are? I put it here yesterday.
Grandfather Egor (looking at the matryoshka). Who is this?
Matryona. What are you doing, Grandfather Yegor? Didn't recognize Matryoshka? Yes, she is present at all Russian holidays as a symbol. And today we have Russian festivities!
Grandfather Egor. What, what? What kind of party?
Matryona. Holiday of Russian felt boots! You see how many lovers of this type of shoes have gathered!
Grandfather Egor. Like a holiday, like a festivities? Why don't I know anything? And where, finally, are my boots?
Matryona. And how do I know? Maybe granddaughter Dashenka put on shoes and ran to Alyoshka. She was going to invite him to the party. They have love. Here!
Grandfather Egor. They have some love, but I was left without boots! (Looks at bast shoes.) And where do I go now?
Matryona. Come on, lament to you, go and look behind the stove, there were old ones somewhere, hemmed. Now you don't care what.

Grandfather and Matryona leave. The song "Valenki" sounds.

Grandfather Egor (appearing). Well, old ones, not old ones, but I found some. (Admiring the felt boots, coming up to Matryona, fashioning.) And in general, I still oh-oh-ho, yes, even where!
Matryona (hands to the sides). No, you look, good people! A hundred years at lunch, and he is there! Anywhere else!

Cheerful Alyosha and Dasha in felt boots run out.

Dasha. Grandma, Grandpa, Alyosha and I are already ready to go to the holiday. Do you quarrel at all?
Grandfather Egor. What are you, granddaughter! This is Matryona and I talking about life, about love. (Hugs Matrena, she moves away.) And tell me, young people, what do you know about felt boots, what can you tell the people?
Dasha. We know a lot of things, Grandfather, and we will share with the guests. Really, Alyosha?
Alyosha. Of course, Dashenka! (To the audience.) Friends! You probably know that felt boots are primordially Russian footwear. Felt boots, pimas, wire rods, combs - how much affectionate names gave the Russian people this magnificent shoe! Valenki are beautiful comfortable shoes! They are not afraid of frosts and snowstorms, so there were no better shoes for walking in Russia! They celebrated Maslenitsa in felt boots, caroled, danced to the accordion, went on a date!
Dasha. The people loved felt boots and dedicated songs to them. And in the old days they were considered a valuable gift, and it was prestigious to have your own felt boots. This was considered a sign of prosperity. In games, they helped to find out who is the most dexterous, fastest and most daring.
Alyosha. And what does this say? It's time to have some fun!
And the fun is the game!
Dasha. competition game,
That is a competition!
Alyosha. And those who wish not to count
And we have teams!
Dasha. And not to waste time
We will represent them.

Represent the teams that participate in the competition. The presence of the motto, the form of clothing is assessed. After the business cards of the teams, all the characters come out.

Grandfather Egor. Oh good! Fine and funny! Hey, where are my little ones?
Matryona. Come on, Yegor, you look, and we will fit into something.
Dasha. Grandpa, Grandma, don't worry! You will give gifts to the winners and help the jury so that strict but fair decisions are made, the teams are not offended. (Represented by the jury.) And the owners of this season will help them - Mother Winter, Snow Maiden and, of course, Grandfather Frost!

The named characters appear to the music.

Father Frost. I'm glad you love it beautiful time year - winter. Do not sit at home, do not be afraid of frost, but arrange happy holidays!
Winter. You are not afraid of cold and blizzard,
And my blizzards are not terrible,
There is an opportunity to meet a friend
with a friend
And have fun from the heart!
Snow Maiden. You came up with a good holiday -
All about Siberian felt boots to tell.
We will have fun with you too.
I really want to sing and dance!
Alyosha (referring to fairy-tale characters). Welcome dear guests! We are very glad to see you at our holiday! (To commands.) Are the teams ready for further struggle for the title of Honored Felt Lovers? Then we move on to the competition.

Competition "Winter bowling". Opposite the teams, 5 boots are placed (like skittles), and each player tries to knock them down. At the end, the total of the knocked down boots is calculated. The team that knocks down the most boots wins.
Competition "Horse racing". Teams are given wooden horses. Each player on a horse runs to the boots and, returning, passes the horse to the next player, and so on until the team finishes the game. The team that finishes the race first wins.
Competition "Shoe boots". Opposite the teams are placed boots and galoshes according to the number of people in the team. On a signal, the player runs to the boots, takes one, puts on a galosh and, leaving the boots with galoshes, runs back, passing the baton to another. The team that puts on all the boots first wins.

Dasha and Alyosha come out.

Alyosha. Dasha! Isn't it time for the teams to take a breather and chat with the guests?
Dasha. You are right, Alyosha! What if they know something about felt boots? So let them win prizes too! But first, we will please them with a song to make them more interested in thinking.
Alyosha. Exactly! Gotta loosen up
In the dance famously come off!

There are songs about winter.

Dear guests, while you were dancing, we composed questions for you.
Dasha. And who will answer best of all - will receive gifts from us! Grandfather Yegor, Grandmother Matryona, you help us so that there is no confusion.
Alyosha. They shake, ride, and drag the winter. (Felt boots.)
Dasha. Everything is wool, but no skin. (Felt boots.)
Alyosha. An adult knows
Even the little one knows
In order not to get sick in winter,
They put on ... (Boots.)
Dasha. Does anyone know how boots are made? And from what? (Felt boots are the only shoes made entirely of natural materials: wool is sheared from sheep and processed. Then the wool is treated with boiling water, knocked down into a total mass - felt - and rolled first on the table, and then on a block of the desired size.)
Alyosha. Do you know, Dasha, in the old days felt boots were used for divination at Christmas time.
Dasha. And who will tell you how they guessed? (They threw it over the fence and, when it fell, looked in which direction the sock was looking - the cute one lives there.)
Alyosha. How much our guests know about felt boots! And we again invite teams for further competitions!

The teams are lining up.

Our next competition will be creative - "Wall to Wall", where teams will compete in the performance of ditties about felt boots.
Dasha. The condition is this: teams put up two people who will perform ditties in turn. If the team, while Santa Claus counts to three, cannot sing a ditty, she is eliminated from this competition. The team that sings the last ditty wins. During the performance, the teams dance, and this is also evaluated by the jury.

The competition "Wall to Wall" is taking place.

Variants of ditties for the competition.
Play it, harmonica
Play fast!
I stomp a little with a felt boot,
I'll call the guests to dance!

We sang and danced for you
Dear public,
Valenki were glorified here,
Do not spare the ruble!

Don't look at what we have
The mittens are small
But we dumped ourselves
Here are some boots!

Zimushka does not scare
Blizzard and powder.
We are being warmed today
The boots are good!

Oh, I'm stomping my foot
And I'll stomp another!
I will quickly find felt boots
I'm going on a date!

Let's go, girls, guess
Let's throw boots.
Suddenly yes the truth is lucky
Darling will call for marriage!

I got up early today
And guessed at the boots.
Showed his sock
Where does my friend go?

Oh girls, no power!
I love Gosh
On my birthday I gave
To boots galoshes!

We are not afraid of frost
We are not afraid of the cold!
Valenki, like a miracle stove,
Always keep us warm!

Vasya and Petya drunk
Went to the market
And girlfriends instead of shoes
We bought boots.
Alyosha (after the competition). While the jury is deliberating, the general dance for all begins!

Harmonists are playing. The jury sums up and awards the teams in the nominations "The fastest boots", "The most vociferous boots", "The most fun boots", "The most fervent boots", "The most dancing boots". Grandfather Yegor and Matryona are presenting prizes.

Father Frost. We played here with you
Well, time goes by.
Where is the trio dashing,
What will take us next?
Winter. Our road is far
Through blizzards and snow.
Happy New Year everyone again!
It's time for us all to leave!
Snow Maiden. The holiday was unforgettable!
Have fun, honest people!
We promise you for sure
We'll be back in a year!

Winter, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are leaving.

Grandfather Egor. Here he came
Good New Year.
Looking forward to everything
What will he bring.
Matryona. We wish finance
You weren't let down
good luck a lot
And great love!
Alyosha. Appreciate boots
In our cold
Hurry to the holiday to us,
We are always glad to see you!
Dasha. Let them rush in a trio
December January February.
Have fun, dance and sing
Walk, people, as of old!

There are songs about winter.

Picture 1

Figure 2

MOAU DOD "Center children's creativity»

game program

"Christmas Carols"

Compiled by:

Targets and goals:

1. Preservation of the national cultural heritage, folk traditions and customs;

2. Stimulation of creativity and initiative;

3. Strengthening interpersonal relationships;

4. Satisfaction of communication needs;

5. Creation of favorable conditions for uniting the children's team;

6. Entertainment, organization of leisure of pupils.

Decoration (on the wall): - event title;

Image of a Russian hut, stars, snowflakes.

Equipment: - costume of the owner (vest, hat, felt boots);

Hostess costume - skirt, scarf;

Pliers - 3 pcs.;

Peas or beans - for the "Host's Choice" contest;

3 blue markers;

3 sheets of A4, fixed on the wall - for the contest "Choice of the hostess";

2 A4 sheets for scoring and summing up;

Costumes for mummers;

Cards with texts of old Russian carols (Appendix 1);

Snowflakes for the contest "Help Santa Claus" (40 pcs.);


Cards with tasks for the competition "Boots" (Appendix 1);

Cards with numbers for the contest "Queue";

Training: divide the participants of the event into two groups (place gray and black chairs against opposite walls, pupils on chairs different color are members of different teams).

Characters: leader, mistress, host.

Leading: Hello guys.

Do you know what caroling is? (Answers of children).

At what time did carolers go around the yards with songs? (Answers of children).

In ancient times, on the eve of Christmas, caroling was the main occupation of young people. A group of carolers, dressed in rags and masks, walked around the yards singing carols - special songs.

Why did they sing carols? (Answers of children).

Our ancestors believed that during the winter solstice, what is sung in the song will come true. Therefore, carolers praised the owners of the house, wished them health, happiness and wealth, and asked for treats for themselves, they took out lard, pies, eggs from their houses.

And today, children and even adults continue this tradition.

Which of you caroled during the New Year holidays? (Answers of children).

Do you know carol songs? (Answers of children).

Good. And for whom will we sing carols? I suggest you choose the mistress and owner of this hut (on the wall).

1. Competition "Choice of the owner"

I will make winter riddles for boys, whoever gives the correct answer is allowed to participate in the competition, the winner of which will be the owner of the house.

Riddles for boys:

1. They are shaken, rolled, dragged all winter. (Felt boots)

2. The skids run with their socks up. (Skis)

3. In the round window, the glass is broken during the day, inserted in the evening. (hole)

Before you are three contenders for the role of the owner of the house.

Each participant is given pliers, and peas or beans are scattered on the floor in front of them. At the command of the leader, the players begin to collect peas with pliers. The one with the most peas wins. The winner is appointed by the owner of the house, dresses up in a suit and sits near the house.

2. Competition "Choice of the hostess"

Riddles for girls:

1. Boards and legs run along the path. (Skis)

2. Two sisters, two braids

From sheep wool thin.
How to walk - so put on,
So that five and five do not freeze. (mittens)

3. The man is difficult:

Appears in winter

And disappears in the spring

Because it melts quickly. (Snowman)

Each participant receives a marker. In one minute, the girls must draw snowflakes on an A4 sheet, fixed on the wall. The participant who managed to draw the most snowflakes wins. The winner of the competition becomes the mistress of the house, dresses up in a costume. At this time, the host invites the children to remember the carols.

3. Competition "Good evening"

Leading: When the carolers came to the owners, they greeted each other and sang such words as “Good evening, good evening, good people, we have come, good people, we have come!” The hosts let the mummers go home and that's when the carolers sang carols to them. Our competition is called "Good evening"

Team members take turns singing carols. The team that completes the largest number songs. Each student who sings a carol receives a prize - candy. The hosts give points to the teams on the sheets for summing up, for each carol performed - 3 points.

4. Competition "Carol came"

Leading: Guys, we said that carolers went dressed up.

Several participants leave the team, dress up in costumes, sing carols according to the written text. For a carol - 5 points (Appendix 1).

5. Competition "Help Santa Claus"

The host says that in the coming year it snowed in the city an insufficient amount, and since, due to a misunderstanding, a certain amount of snow flew into this hall, he asks for volunteers to help Santa Claus.

Volunteers stand one after another at the start line.

There is a chair on the opposite wall, on it lies a certain amount of snowflakes. Participants take turns running to a chair, take one snowflake each, pass it to the owner and the hostess, who are standing at the start line. The first team to complete the task is the winner and gets 10 points. for an invaluable contribution to the cause of Santa Claus, the losing team earns 5 points, because they also worked hard.

7. Competition "Queue"

The teams line up one after the other. Each participant receives a card with a number. The number of cards corresponds to the number of players in one team. At the command of the host, the participants in the game must line up in numerical order.

6. The game "Boots"

Leading: Do you know that in the old days winter holidays sure you guessed? Such a fortune-telling was very common: The girl threw a felt boot through the gate, went out into the street and looked in which direction the felt boot fell with her toe, where the toe of the felt boot pointed from that side and the groom would be.

I suggest that the first team stand in a circle. The host turns his back to the center of the circle, throws the felt boot into the center, the player, whom the toe of the felt boot points to, goes out of the circle, so you need to choose three participants from each team.

Each participant must pull out a piece of paper with a task, read the task aloud and complete it. If a player finds it difficult to complete a task, a friend from his team can help him.

Tasks see (Appendix 1).

7. The game "Ears are frozen"

All players are carolers, stand in a circle. The host explains that it is cold outside, and while the carolers walked around the yards, they froze, who will warm them, if not themselves. The players move one after the other. The host says: “We are frozen right hand". After that, each participant takes his neighbor by the right hand and continue to move in a circle.

“Our left leg froze”;


"... elbows";

"... sides";

"... right shoulder";


"... right little finger";

"... left knee";

"... heels."

9. The game "Lunokhod"

All players stand in a circle. One participant, squatting down, begins to walk around the circle, repeating "I am a lunar rover wee-wee alone ...". If someone laughs, he should squat down and move after the first participant, repeating the "call sign". Each laughing participant joins the "moon rovers". The last participant brings his team 5 points.

Leading: You had a lot of fun today, sang a lot of carols, wished the owners good, health, happiness. For this, the Hostess and the Host want to treat everyone with candy gifts.

The owner and hostess treat the children with sweets.

And we, teachers and administration, as the owners of the Center for Children's Creativity, would also like to give you - our guests - gifts (prizes).

Attachment 1

Old Russian carols

1) Carol came

On the eve of Christmas.

Bring forth, God, wheat

On a bull and on a heifer,

For a black lamb.

And the hostess - pancake,

And the owner - a son.

Happy holiday to you

Owner and hostess!

2) A carol has come -

Open the gate!

Lord, gentlemen
master's wife,
Open the doors
And gift us!
Pie, kalach
Or something else!

Be healthy!

3) Good aunt,
Give me sweet cookies.
Christmas Eve
Give it, don't break it
Give everything whole.
Do not serve cakes -
Let's break the windows.
Don't serve a pie -
Let's take the cow by the horns!

4) You, the owner, do not torment,
Donate quickly!
How is the current frost?
Does not tell you to stand for a long time,
Orders to serve soon.
Give you God
Full yard of bellies!
And in the stable of horses
In the barn of calves,
Into the hut guys
And in the litter of kittens!

Tasks for the contest "Boots"

- sing a song about the New Year;

- to tell a poem about winter;

- perform the dance of a frozen hare;

- sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" in the style of "rap";

- to say ten compliments to Tatyana Valentinovna;

- scratch your head ... (to a player from the opposing team).

Anna Penkova

At the end of December, on the blog of Elena Shugurova, I got acquainted with the script musical and physical entertainment « Felt boots, Yes felt boots» .

Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan

In this scenario, I liked the idea of ​​using sports equipment for relay races ordinary children's felt boots. By annual plan should have passed at the end of January outdoor entertainment"Winter fun" But there were severe frosts, and I offered to hold a holiday in the hall according to the scenario « Valenki yes valenki» . Colleagues supported me, two groups put forward their commands: "Snowflakes" and "Christmas Trees"

And now I'm quoting individual moments script and accompany it with our photos from our holiday.

I have already talked about individual exhibits of our exhibition, now look at its design.

First victory!

put on boots and hands, and they were afraid on their feet - it is traumatic. But with felt boots only on the hands the position remains stable, and the children ran very quickly on all fours.

This competition has been completely replaced, it is more suitable for outdoor games. Our children threw snowballs at boots, put on a stand. The team with the most hits won.

Felt boots they didn’t want to stand with us, they put them down, as in the previous competition, but they ran at once with the whole team, holding hands.

As always, friendship won. The teams were photographed for memory.

And the treat from the pike turned out to be oranges.

After the relay races at our holiday, diplomas were awarded for participation in the exhibition-competition for the best decoration boots. The diplomas were very beautiful, they were made in Photoshop by our teacher-psychologist Ekaterina Vladimirovna, and on each diploma of the participant of the exhibition-competition there was a photograph of the exhibit of this particular participant.


Happy child 27.11.2016

Dear readers, very soon the New Year and happy holidays. I encourage you to prepare ahead of time! Today on the blog we have made for you a selection of New Year's games for children. What to play with the whole family? What to do with kids different ages? How to properly organize the play space? What are the secrets in this issue? We will try to find answers to these and other questions in the article.

With my thoughts and ideas for games on New Year for children, Anna Kutyavina, the leading heading, will share. I give her the floor.

Hello dear readers of Irina's blog! Can you smell the frosty air outside the window? Snow, Christmas tree, tangerines ... At least according to the calendar until the most anticipated holiday of the year whole month many of us already have an expectation of a miracle in our hearts. After all, in new year's eve not only our children, but we ourselves often think of the most cherished desires sincerely believing that they will certainly come true! And from January 1, like in a fairy tale, a new life will begin ...

So, let's start and we are preparing for the festive fun? In order not to hatch later last hours December on the Internet, in a frantic search for new ideas for games, let's make important steps for a joyful new year right now. As long as there is time, strength, energy and desire. Also, there are plenty of delicious non-standard ideas for fun! Go?

For your convenience, we have divided all games into age categories. So it will be easier for you to navigate and choose what is best for the child. There are games near the Christmas tree, games with rhymes, New Year's musical games. Games for the whole family are a separate category - a creative space in which there is a place for everyone: moms and dads, grandparents, aunts and uncles and kids!

New Year's games for children under 2 years old

Let's start the consideration of fun with the smallest heroes of the holiday. Usually, children begin to actively engage in simple games from 1.5-2 years old. For even younger toddlers, we offer only the simplest: round dances around the Christmas tree in the arms of mom; funny poems and songs with parents. Remember that babies should never be overloaded with emotions, including positive ones! "Herringbone" for such children lasts no more than half an hour, and we certainly look at the condition of the child. If he is tired, give him time to rest.

It's great if moms love to sing, compose poems and fairy tales. It's time to fantasize and little by little include the crumbs in creative process. The main thing is the emotional involvement of parents, the desire to play and create. Even with yearlings you can do together small crafts, glue New Year's toy- boots from two cardboard parts, and then paint with colored sparkles. The baby just sits in the arms of the mother, and the mother does everything herself using the “hand in hand” method. Then the toy is solemnly hung on the Christmas tree, and each guest is told who made such beauty. And everyone is happy and satisfied.

It is good for kids to include short New Year's songs, under which you can clap your hands, stomp your feet, twist your booty. First of all, remember safety precautions: if there is a toddler in the house, the tree should not stand on the floor, especially hung with glass toys and garlands with lights.

New Year's games and competitions for children from 2 to 6 years old

Now let's move on to the most "grateful" age. Preschoolers are very fond of games and fun, they are active and sociable. We present to your attention a selection of games for preschoolers:

Game "Guess the gift"

Put a lot in a big bag various items and toys. Invite the child to feel to determine what came into his hand. If the child guesses the name of the object, he receives a gift.

Game "Owl and animals"

One driver is chosen - "owl". The rest of the children show various animals: birds, mice, butterflies, frogs, bunnies, etc.
The driver gives the command: "Day!" - and all the "animals" run and jump merrily. On the second command: "Night!" Everyone freezes and doesn't move. The owl flies to "hunt". Anyone who laughs, moves, changes position, becomes the prey of an owl.

The game "It's boring to sit like this ..."

We seat the kids on chairs near one wall. The facilitator reads the verse:

It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,
Look at each other.
Isn't it time to run
And change places?

On these words, the children quickly run to the opposite wall, trying to take the empty chairs. There are one fewer chairs than players. The one left without a chair is out of the game. The chairs are also removed one by one. The game is repeated until the winner takes the last chair.

Game "Fox and Hares"

Children move according to the instructions in the text:

On the forest lawn
Bunnies ran away.
Here are some bunnies
Runaway bunnies.
(Baby bunnies run around the hall)
The bunnies sat in a circle
They dig a spine with a paw.
Here are some bunnies
Runaway bunnies.
("Bunnies" sit down, "dig" roots)
Here is a fox running
Red sister.
Looking for where the bunnies are
Runaway bunnies.

(The fox runs between the kids. When the song ends, he catches up with the kids).

Game "Winter mood"

The host reads the poems, and the children answer: “true”, “false”.

1. Bloomed in the cold
There are big roses on the pine tree.
They are collected in bouquets
And the Snow Maiden is handed over. (Wrong)

2. With the Snow Maiden Snowman
Get used to the kids.
He loves to listen to poetry
And then eat candy. (Right)

3. Santa Claus melts in winter
And under the Christmas tree is bored -
A puddle was left of him;
On a holiday, it is not needed at all. (Wrong)

4. In February, on New Year's Eve
Kind Grandfather goes,
He has a big bag
All filled with noodles. (Wrong)

5. Toadstools do not grow in winter,
But they are sledding.
Children are happy with them -
Both girls and boys. (Right)

6. To us from hot countries in winter
Miracle butterflies fly
Snow warm sometimes
They want to collect nectar. (Wrong)

7. In New Year's celebration glorious
Cactus for kids is the main one -
It's green and prickly
Christmas trees are much cooler. (Wrong)

8. In January, blizzards sweep,
Spruce dressed with snow.
Bunny in his white fur coat
Boldly galloping through the woods. (Right)

Relay game "Fish"

The leader divides the children into 2 teams. Each team receives a small fishing rod with a hook.

Near each team lies a large blue hoop - a "pond". In the pond, toy fish with eyelets at the mouth, according to the number of participants. To rhythmic music, the captains go to the pond, hook the fish with a fishing rod, put it in the buckets of their teams. Then the rod is passed to the next participant. The winner is the team that finished fishing first.

And what is a holiday without music. Pick it up in advance, music always creates a festive atmosphere. And children always like such musical games.

The game "Round dance around the Christmas tree"

The easiest and favorite fun for kids! Turn on funny song: “A little Christmas tree is cold in winter” or “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, and go!

The game "Snowball in a spoon"

2 players participate at the same time. They are given a spoon in their mouth, in a spoon - a cotton snowball. At the signal, the children run to different sides around the tree. The winner is the one who runs first, and whose snowball remains in the spoon.

The game "Around the Christmas tree in bags"

2 kids play at the same time. They stand with their feet in the bags, supporting the top of the bags with their hands. On a signal, the players scatter in different directions around the Christmas tree. The fastest one wins. Then the next pair plays.

The game "We are funny kittens"

The leader puts on cheerful music. Children break into pairs and dance.
The host says: “We are funny kittens,” and the couples are separated. Each shows a dancing kitten.

It is also very good to offer children various winter puzzles. Children are happy to tell poems and sing songs to Grandfather Frost. And they love to receive gifts.

Let's watch a video of how Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden play various interesting games with children! There are a lot of ideas here.

Games for children 6-10 years old

children given age can be suggested big variety New Year's games, including music games, dances, relay races, riddles. Good "goes" and various manufacture crafts, Christmas decorations. Fantasize and get involved!

Game "Christmas Castle"

Several people are playing. First, they are invited to carefully study the drawn drawing of the New Year's castle. Then everyone gets a set plastic cups. The players are blindfolded. They get to work.

The participant who most accurately and quickly reproduced the drawing wins the competition.

Game "Tangerine Football"

Children are divided into 2 teams. Tangerines are laid out on the table. Players using two fingers try to score a goal for the opposing team.

The game "The most accurate snow shooter"

Participants try to hit the target with snowballs - a target, or a bucket, a basket, big box. The most accurate shooter wins the competition.

Game "Winter Wind"

Players sit down at the table and try to blow off to the floor paper ball, a ball of cotton wool or a paper snowflake.

Games near the Christmas tree and musical games

Game "Decorate the Christmas Tree"

Children are divided into 2 teams. Near each of them, the presenter puts a box with unbreakable Christmas toys.

Not far from the teams are two dressed up artificial Christmas trees. Children take turns taking one toy from the box, run to the Christmas tree of their team, hang a toy on it and run back. The game continues until the last player. The team that decorates the Christmas tree first wins.

Game "Cap"

Children become in a circle. Cheerful music is on. Players begin to pass the New Year's hat in a circle. When the music stops, the one with the cap left in his hands puts it on his head and completes the task of Santa Claus.

family games

When for festive table going big family, it's time to play fun family new year games. They perfectly unite representatives of different generations, and the connection between close people becomes even closer and deeper. Also, such games can be offered to companies of teenagers and adults.

The game "Make a snowman"

For the game you need softened plasticine. Two players sit side by side at a table. Left hand one participant and the right hand of another work like the hands of one person, making a snowman. It is not simple! But very unifying! It's great if there are children and adults in each pair.

The game "Shoe for Cinderella"

All participants in the game put their shoes in a pile. The players are blindfolded. The host shuffles the shoes into a pile and commands: “Come on, find your shoe!”. Each participant, blindfolded, looks for his pair of shoes and puts on shoes. Whoever completes the task first is the winner.

Game "Cinderella"

Two participants are required. Everyone is blindfolded and told to take apart their slide. Peas, beans, nuts, dried mountain ash, and other ingredients are mixed in the slides. Blindfolded participants sort fruits into groups.

Game "Snow Challenge"

You need to take a small ball, or make a "snow" ball of cotton. The participants of the game become in a circle. "Snowball" is passed in a circle.

The leader says:

Snowball we all roll,
We all count to five.
One, two, three, four, five -
You sing a song!

Whoever has a “snowball” in his hands on the last phrase, he fulfills this wish. The last phrase changes: “You dance to dance!”, “And you read poetry!”, “Tell you a fairy tale!” and so on.

And here's a very interesting game for the whole family for the New Year. I suggest watching the video.

New Year's karaoke

How is the new year without songs? Pick up a list of “cons” in advance, such as:

- "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree",
- "Three white horses"
- "The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky",
- "The little Christmas tree is cold in winter,"
- "Five minutes",
- "Blue frost",
- "Song about bears", etc.
Turn on and have fun singing with the whole family!

Game-dance "Engine"

Adults and children stand in a column, put their hands on the waist of the previous dancer. And the locomotive is moving!

Our games are suitable for organizing a fun space at home, as well as in the conditions of matinees and corporate parties. Some of them can even be played outside.

Friends, I sincerely hope that you enjoy our New Year's games and competitions for kids, and you will certainly find something for yourself! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Anna Kutyavina, psychologist, storyteller, owner of the Fairy World website,
author of the book of fairy tales for adults "Piggy Bank of Desires" and

I thank Anya for great ideas. It remains only to think through everything to the smallest detail in order to have an interesting time with children.

My dears, and if you want to learn cheerful, perky songs for the New Year with your children, I invite you to the music blog page. These songs will create exactly the mood, they can be put in the background when you play games for the new year with children and near the Christmas tree, and musical ones.

Merry Christmas songs