Baby development 9 months what should. Outdoor games. Vaccinations for a child at eight months are not assigned

The ninth month of a baby's life is a period when the baby's body begins to prepare for upright posture. At this time, the main attention and development of the child should be directed to strengthening the bone apparatus. Great importance It has physical activity and psychological readiness.

At this age, the baby moves a lot, mother's hands interest him less and less. He realizes his curiosity by moving on the floor and picking up various objects.

Features of the physical development of the child

As the child grows, there is a gradual decrease in monthly weight gain. So, if in the first months a child could gain up to 1 kg per month, and in the period from 4 to 6 months - from 650 to 750 grams, then in the ninth month the child's weight can increase by 300-500 grams.

The reason for this decrease in monthly weight gain lies in the increase motor activity child. How more baby moves, the more energy is expended. She, in turn, affects the weight of the baby.

The average weight of a child at this age is 9 kg. In growth for this month, the child adds 1-2 cm.From the moment of birth, his height has increased by 20-21 cm.At the end of the 9th month of life medium height the child is 71 cm. At the same time, deviations of 3 cm are permissible, both above and below.

Skills and abilities baby at 9 months

  • The child feels confident in a sitting position. At the same time, he sits down on his own, can bend from this position and reach for the toys. A child can sit without support for about 10 minutes.
  • With support, the child can take an upright position. Can take timid steps. If there is a movable support in the form of a chair, then the child can move it, holding on to the back and try to follow it.
  • When using a walker, the baby can walk, squat and jump for an average of 10 minutes.
  • Active attempts to crawl. During this period, some children already get on all fours and crawl in the correct position on their palms and knees. Others prefer to walk on their stomachs. Both the one and the other method is a variant of the norm for 9 months of age.
  • The active development of fine motor skills is reflected in the fact that the child begins to use tweezers (two fingers) or pinched (three fingers) grip. He can lift this way small items and even crumbs. The sequence of actions: pick up, touch, shove into the mouth - this is what a child prefers to do at this age. Tearing paper to shreds is another useful and favorite pastime of the crumbs.
  • At the 9th month of life, the child has a rather strong grip. Taking something in his hand, he will not let go of the subject until he loses interest in it. It is quite difficult to take something from a child's palm by force. This is due to the fact that it is physically more difficult for a child to unclench his fingers.
  • The child knows how to actively show their desires and unwillingness. When trying to pick up the thing he needs, he will push the parent's hand away, turn away, or even completely walk away.
  • By the 9th month, children already have 4-6 teeth, and the process of their further growth is very active. However, all children are not alike, and their physical development may differ. So if your child has no teeth, don't panic and wait.

  • The actively developing fine motor skills give impetus to the development of speech. During this period, the child constantly speaks simple syllables, tries to put words out of them (mom, dad). Pronouncing them, he knows how to correctly associate words with objects. Intonation is actively used in conversation.
  • The child knows his name. When addressing him, he turns his head or shows other motor activity.
  • Emotional manifestations become more vivid: violent joy, loud laughter or anger - these are just a small range of emotions shown by the child.
  • He knows how to clearly formulate his desires with gestures. Shows exactly the desired object or direction.
  • Understands and reacts to simple requests, like “come to me”, can express agreement or disagreement with an appropriate nod of the head.
  • The child tries to take part in simple processes, pulls out the handles, helping to dress herself. He can pull off the hat himself.
  • While eating, he holds a cup with both hands, confidently holds a spoon. But he eats mostly with his hands.
  • Reacts accurately to a sound or voice, understands where it is coming from. In the process of playing hide-and-seek, it will easily find you, responding to "peek-a-boo".
  • Toys and various household items, such as pots, are usually not used for their intended purpose. Favourite hobby: knock on them or leave.

To determine the compliance of your baby's development with established standards, you can conduct a small test, which includes the following checks:

  • Lying on his stomach, the child crawls in the direction of the toy or reaches for it.
  • Sitting, he can hold the back for 10 minutes, he can take objects lying on the side, which means he can unfold the body.
  • The kid tries to get up and tries to take steps, holding onto the support.
  • At the table, he knows how to hold a mug with both hands.
  • Imitation of gestures. An easy way to show your child how to drum on a surface. Usually babies repeat this.
  • The child should recognize loved ones, name them using simple syllables.
  • The child should be able to firmly hold the object in his hand when trying to pick it up.

If the lack of any skills in the child's behavior worries you, then you should consult a pediatrician or neurologist.

During this period, the main share nutrients the child receives from complementary foods. However, breastfeeding with a decrease in its share in the total diet still remains.

By this age, out of five meals a day, three are meals that are all complementary foods.

The breast or formula is offered to the baby on awakening and on the last feed before bedtime.

All the main foods participate in the baby's diet within the recommended daily allowance:

  • Vegetables - up to 200 gr.
  • Porridge - up to 200 gr.
  • Fruit - up to 100 gr.
  • Yolk - ½ (given twice a week).
  • Cottage cheese (kefir) - up to 50 gr.
  • Juice - up to 90 gr.

Bread and butter, vegetable and butter must be present in the diet.

During this period, fish begin to be introduced into complementary foods. Low-fat varieties of white fish are used to start complementary foods. The maximum daily dose is 30 grams. It is necessary to take into account the increased allergenicity of fish and carefully monitor the reaction of the child's body to its introduction. Fish dishes should be on the menu no more than 2-3 times a week.

The meat can be served as meatballs or finely chopped in soups.

Vegetable purees can contain several types of vegetables and herbs.

Cereals are also becoming more varied. You can try to cook multi-component porridge from several types of cereals. And adding fruits and berries to the porridge will improve its taste and give nutritional value... It is not recommended to give the child only semolina, in view of the fact that its digestion in child's body is going very slowly.

Mode - sleep and wakefulness

Most babies at the age of 9 months sleep 8-10 hours a night, and daytime sleep is 2 periods of 2 hours.

Some babies sleep three times a day: two 40-minute naps in the morning and evening and a 2-hour afternoon nap. This suggests that the child is not yet ready for prolonged wakefulness. But this is a variant of the norm.

9 one month old baby can already sleep all night long without feeding. However, children in breastfeeding continue to wake up at night demanding mom's breast. This does not mean that the baby did not have enough food at the last feeding. Such awakenings are associated with the psychological need to be close to mom. The problem of nocturnal awakenings will be resolved after the withdrawal of breastfeeding.

At this age, sleep disturbances are common, usually caused by the presence of external stimuli and uncomfortable temperature regime in the bedroom.

A well-structured daily routine with minimization active games and unnecessary contacts just before bedtime, as well as the creation of a favorable microclimate in the room will normalize the child's sleep.

  • For harmonious mental development, it is important for a child to feel the closeness of the mother. Therefore, no matter how much your baby weighs, try to take him in your arms more often.
  • Develop your speech. To do this, read books more often with bright pictures, show and name items. Give preference to poetry and short stories.
  • Teach your baby to crawl. There is a series for this physical exercise... And also a motivating factor works well - a toy that you can reach.
  • Build pyramids and towers together. The child will mainly destroy them, but may also try to put the cubes on top of each other. After joint games ask your child to assemble the parts in the box.
  • Allow your child to wrinkle, rip, unwind and rewind the paper. The ideal remedy for these purposes is a roll of toilet paper.
  • Examine body parts. To do this, in the arsenal of a child's toys, regardless of gender, there must be a doll or bobblehead. By placing him next to the baby, you can show the eyes, nose and other parts of the body together. The doll can be fed, put to bed. In the future, such a toy will become a full-fledged participant in role-playing and situational games.
  • Playing with water, pouring from container to container, pouring onto your hand, washing toys. In addition to have a great time, it is also wonderful development tactile sensations.
  • Introduce your child to new textures. Not a bad option, combine the pieces in one box different materials, various small items. Just do not forget about the desire of the baby to put everything in his mouth.
  • Use cereals for creativity. You can arrange excavations different toys, previously hidden in a plate of cereals.

When working with your child and coming up with new games, take into account his mobility. Dance, do gymnastics. In the process of playing, be sure to communicate with the child and monitor his reaction. Your 9 month old baby can already suggest a suitable development path for him!

Baby 9 months old (video)

By the end of the ninth month, your baby's third trimester of intensive development is over. Growth rates slow down: its weight, depending on individual characteristics, from 7.5 to 10 kilograms, and sometimes more. Average growth from 70 to 75 cm.

Physical development in the ninth month

In the ninth month, the baby is very active: he crawls in different directions, is able to crawl over several steps of a ladder, is able to turn around by crawling (rotates around its axis). The child's arms are already well enough strengthened, so he can easily get up from any position, for example, grabbing the side of the bed, steps over the legs along the support. He tries to stand on his own, however, he still cannot maintain balance for more than a few seconds, so the baby falls, then rises again. He walks more confidently with the support of both hands.

One of the features this month is an intensive development small movements brushes: the baby can already take small objects with a large and forefinger, masters the pointing gesture - “there”, “there”, “this”.

Mental development in the ninth month

A nine-month-old baby already understands speech well enough, at the request of the parents performs simple actions: points at various familiar objects, plays joint games with adults - hides when playing "peek-a-boo", laughs and moves away when playing "there is a horned goat."

A nine-month-old baby already knows many parts of the body: nose, mouth, eyes, ears, hands, that is, those that mom most often tells him about. At the same time, he understands and can show not only body parts on himself, but also on his mother, on the doll.

Can show many emotions: joy, interest, surprise, discontent, anger, disappointment. Expresses emotions in smiles, laughter, tears.

Starting from this month, the child is guided by the assessment of his actions by adults: he repeats the approved action, enjoys the rewards, gets angry or offended by the comments, can do something in spite of the adult's prohibition. The reaction of an adult to a child's action is very important for him, so you need to be careful in your assessments, and if your baby loves to pull his hat off his head, do not consider it mischief, try not to be angry and not scold the child, but to accept it as an indicator of normal development.

The development of memory allows the child to successfully memorize the sequence of actions in nursery rhymes: he claps his hands with pleasure, closes his eyes with pens and stomps his feet at the right moments.

Games and toys in the ninth month

A nine-month-old child loves to assemble and disassemble matryoshka dolls with his mother, build a tower together, serve cubes, roll a toy car and a ball. Many people like to spin the whirligig, sit in the sandbox and sort through the sand, so a set of molds and a scoop are perfect for playing outside (just make sure that the child does not gorge on sand!).

Teach your kid to find and show different parts of the body, if he already knows and shows arms, legs, learn more difficult things - elbows, knees, heels, etc.

The child looks at himself with pleasure in the mirror, makes faces and smiles. He likes to look at pictures in children's books, listens with great interest to explanations for pictures.


On this stage the child continues to expand his vocabulary with sound combinations. He masters two-syllable sounds: ma-ma, yes-yes, nya-nya, ta-ta. The kid not only pronounces these words, but also associates them with people. Many people begin to pronounce the first words, for example, "mea" - a ball, "ku-ka" - a doll. He babbles for a long time - now loudly, now quietly, then even goes into a whisper.

For communication, the child already uses not only facial expressions, but also various movements, sounds, gestures, postures, for example, pulls his hands to his mother when he wants to her. Understands the word "no". Simulates various sounds: cough, tongue clicking.


Distinguishes the nature of the melody: he will dance to the cheerful rhythmic music, he will listen to the slow melody calmly. Sing more songs and melodies to your baby: funny, quiet and loud, calm and fast. Children are very fond of dancing with them in their arms to different music.

Vision in the ninth month

The child already clearly reacts to red, yellow and green colors able to distinguish geometric figures... Playing with a ball with a child is great visual perception as tracking a bright ball in motion strengthens the muscles of the eye.

Cut out simple geometric shapes from colored cardboard and show the baby what they call: red circle, green square, yellow triangle.

Other skills and abilities in the ninth month

He himself can hold a cup and drink from it. It's time to put a spoon in your child's hand and teach him to eat on his own. Using a spoon early not only teaches the child to be independent, but also makes the process of eating for the baby more attractive.

He knows and responds to his name, many are already calm about planting on a pot, trying to communicate with the help of gestures, does not like loneliness.

First teeth

In the ninth month of life, the child already has 4 teeth (most often this happens at the age of five to six months, although the teeth may begin to erupt much later). At this age, as a rule, more

The ninth month of life brings many discoveries for the baby. The child becomes more active and mobile every day, he constantly crawls and explores the space around him. The kid is already quite comfortable in the apartment, but in unfamiliar places he does not feel quite confident. You need to help the baby improve old and learn new skills, and for this it is important to know how the baby is developing at 9 months.

Physical development: skills and abilities

  • a baby at nine months of age should be able to sit up independently from a prone position and sit long time;
  • the baby can crawl well on its bellies or already move on all fours;
  • can be able to stand up on the legs, leaning on the hands of adults, take several steps with support, some children can move independently with an additional step, holding onto the bed;
  • at nine months, the child should be able to fulfill simple requests - to give or pick up certain objects, to show the named toys or body parts in pictures;
  • the speech of an infant at 9 months of age begins to look more and more like meaningful; the baby should already master the pronunciation of most sounds and sound combinations with your help;
  • understands the purpose of objects and toys, based on their shape and material, rolls round objects, square and rectangular objects on top of each other in a turret, compresses soft, tries to put containers into each other;
  • a child at nine months old should be able to drink from a cup and gradually acquires the skills of independent feeding;
  • the baby knows how to repeat the movements after adults - clap his hands, raise his hands, wave them;
  • the child continues to develop a "tweezer" grip of the fingers;
  • an infant at nine months old can put small items in the container.

All your actions in the ninth month of a baby's life should be aimed at helping them master the process of getting to their feet. To do this, you need to strengthen his muscles with massage and stimulate him to active movements.

Emotions and psychological development

Emotional and mental development The 9 month old baby also does not stand still. The baby is actively exploring the world around him and the objects available to him. He searches for the source of the sound in musical toys, knows how to get small items from containers and sincerely does not understand why large ones do not fit there.

The attention of the baby is now attracted not only by the faces of the people around him, but also by other parts of the body. He watches with interest how your arms and legs move, and wants to be able to do the same. The kid is trying to learn these skills - he seeks to drink from a cup on his own, puts on his head as a headdress absolutely not intended for this thing.

Fear strangers in some children it completely disappears, and they warmly welcome guests, while in others it still persists. Looking closely at new people, babies gradually establish contact with them.

At nine months of age, a child begins to react very emotionally to the results of his actions. If the baby manages to open the box or find some kind of toy, he will vigorously rejoice at his success, and in case of failure, he will burst into tears. You do not need to be intimidated by such manifestations of emotions, this is a completely normal mental reaction of children of this age.

Nine-month-old babies become attached to certain things - the baby may fall in love with some kind of toy, blanket or wardrobe item, and parting with them can lead to resentment or even tantrum for the baby. The child becomes independent and subconsciously seeks to move away from the mother a little. To compensate for the loss of this connection, he replaces it with attachment to certain objects. If your baby asks to put your favorite toy next to him - do not worry, this is normal.


At nine months, the child becomes more independent every day. When bathing him in the bathroom, you can offer the baby a soapy sponge so that he can wash himself, believe me, this process will give him great pleasure. If the baby's skin care is not enough, gently offer your help. You can also let your baby towel dry himself.

Continue potty training for 9 months, praise for successes and be upset over failures. You cannot force a baby to sit on the potty against his will, scream and swear if he did not want or did not have time for the pot, this can scare the baby and cause him to emotionally reject this object.

Height and weight

During the ninth month of life, the child grows by 1.5-2 cm, his weight increases by about 400 grams. Head circumference and chest practically equal and on average 45 cm. According to statistics, a girl will have less weight and height than a boy.


Adult diet food is taking up more and more space in the diet of a nine-month-old baby. Breastfeeding children continue to eat breast milk or formula 1-2 times a day, depending on the recommendations of the pediatrician and the needs of the baby.

The active growth of teeth and the development of the jaw require a constant load from the baby, so the baby needs to constantly chew something. Offer the baby solid pieces of apples, pears, carrots, biscuits and cakes, but do not leave the baby alone with food, as he may choke.


Since the baby should already have mastered almost all the sounds of the language by nine months, you just have to regularly study with him and support him in his desire to pronounce the words. To stimulate further articulation experiments, repeat after the child the words and phrases he said, confirm that you understand him perfectly.

To communicate with the baby, choose expressions that are familiar to him, constantly comment on what is happening around and the actions that you are doing. The child likes speech games, when you need to loudly, then quietly pronounce sounds.

Nine-month-old babies love to imitate animal sounds, meowing, barking, chirping, and mooing. And even though the baby may sometimes not quite correctly pronounce the syllables and words, encourage him to try and repeat after you.

Games and activities with the baby

A child at nine months actively learns the world around him and the properties of objects through activities with toys. For infants At this age, developing centers of activity will be useful, which have elements ringing, rustling and playing melodies. Various boxes with interesting contents will help the baby to explore the world, bags of cereals will develop fine motor skills baby.

Activities with a ball, pyramid and toys that have slots for inserting parts different forms, will ensure the development of coordination in an infant of the ninth month of life. Some children can already independently make turrets from cubes, and then destroy them with laughter.

The kid will be delighted with toys "come to life" with your help, dancing and jumping on the bed, nodding their heads, moving their limbs and talking in unfamiliar voices. The child may try to repeat these manipulations after you - and this will put the beginning of his learning. role-playing games... So that the baby knows how to use toys, draw his attention on walks to how cars, buses and motorcycles drive, how dogs and cats run, how airplanes, helicopters and birds fly.

At nine months, children begin to understand that the hidden object does not disappear, but is under the handkerchief, that the contents of the bottle can spill out if the container is turned over. Help your baby develop himself, study the properties and interaction of objects through games. Hide toys and ask the child to find them, put them in plastic bottle with a wide neck groats and show that the contents can be poured out - the baby will definitely repeat after you.

Cultivate neatness in your baby - ask him to place correctly inverted toys, and if there is plastic children's set utensils - serve an impromptu table for soft pets.

If the child is 9 months old, then the parents have to deal with his hatching independence. Changes occur in the physiological and psychological levels, it is important not to forget about the control of this process, so as not to miss anything important.

Baby development at 9 months

The baby's body is strengthened, getting ready to walk, the muscles become stronger and improves coordination of movements. He learns to build the simplest logical chains, to correlate familiar sounds with subsequent actions. A child at 9 months old knows how to show emotions, it is already possible to recognize not only joy and displeasure, his reactions become clear insult, interest, surprise and others.

Baby's weight and height at 9 months

Correct development is indicated not only by newly emerging skills, but also by the results of measurements. physical parameters... One of the most important is the baby's weight at 9 months. According to WHO, the mass of boys at this age should be in the range of 7.1-11 kg. For girls, the indicator is between the boundaries of 6.5 and 10.5 kilograms. During this period, the gain in body weight slows down somewhat due to the higher activity of the baby.

The growth of a child at 9 months by WHO is considered normal to be 67.5-76.5 cm for boys and 65.3-75 cm for girls. The increase in height for this month is 1-2 centimeters. In case of strong deviations from these parameters, an examination is required. Growth retardation can indicate liver disease, heart defects, endocrine or genetic disorders... When combined with a lack of weight, there is a risk of latent flow.

What should a child be able to do at 9 months?

At this age, children begin to actively consolidate everything they have learned earlier. They move more, become more curious. The pediatrician can tell what a child can do at 9 months, but these points should be taken as a guideline. Small discrepancies are allowed, you need to worry if there is not even a hint of acquiring a skill.

  1. Not all babies are comfortable moving around on all fours, but on their bellies they are already willingly approaching toys or their mother.
  2. He sits down on his own and can stay in this position for up to 10 minutes, can reach objects of interest.
  3. He easily holds pieces of food, a spoon in his hands, but it is difficult to unclench his fingers. Therefore, it is difficult to take a thing away from a child.
  4. When a child is 9 months old, he tries not to take the object with his whole palm, but to use his fingers. He picks up crumbs, tears paper, painstakingly feels everything that is in his reach.
  5. Can stand holding on to a support. Some children take their first steps using a chair. In a walker, he touches his legs, does not get tired for about 10 minutes.
  6. Many people enjoy listening to music, jumping up and down and stamping their feet to the beat.
  7. It is not yet possible to fully pronounce the words, but the child repeats the syllables actively, imitates his parents, communicates emotionally.
  8. During this time, children try their hand, learn to pretend and manipulate their parents.
  9. If the child is 9 months old, then he already knows how to recognize his name. In response to the call, he will look or crawl closer. Can fulfill simple requests - take or throw a toy, stand up, find familiar things, or lie down.
  10. He masters gestures, points his finger at a place that he would like to see. Can play hide and seek and find parents by voice or rustle. Favorite idea - knocking toys or throwing them on the floor.

Nutrition for a baby at 9 months

This moment is individual, due to characteristics or diseases, separate recommendations can be drawn up. If it was started at six months, then the question of how to feed a child at 9 months should not cause difficulties - that's all basic products are already on the menu. It can be made more varied by gradually reducing the volume breast milk or a mixture. It should be no more than a quarter of the total diet. At the beginning of complementary feeding earlier than 6 months, there will be no novelties in food, only the portion size will increase.

Baby menu at 9 months

By this period, the composition of children's food has already included:

  • fruit and;
  • meat;
  • yolk;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • cottage cheese and kefir;
  • wheat bread;
  • porridge.

A child at 9 months should begin to receive:

  • lean;
  • steamed meatballs;
  • porridge made from a mixture of cereals in milk, except for semolina;
  • combined vegetable purees.

The diet of a 9 month old baby does not need so much breast milk or a mixture. They are left for the first and last meals of the day, and for washing down unusual dishes. Care must be taken with their introduction, because there remains the risk of getting an unusual reaction. To reduce it, you need to start with a small volume. Better to suggest something new in the morning so that you have time to evaluate the effect. if everything is normal in the evening, then food can be given on an ongoing basis.

How many times to feed a baby at 9 months?

To determine the amount of food that the baby should receive per day, you need to divide his weight by 9. The figure is approximate, the appetite of children may differ. To organize daily food, the diet of a child at 9 months is divided into 5 receptions. The intervals between them should be 3-4 hours so that the food is evenly distributed throughout the day. It is advisable to gradually introduce finely chopped food, replacing mashed potatoes with vegetables mashed with a fork.

Baby regimen at 9 months

At this age, curiosity increases, the desire to explore the world provides long wakefulness. A baby at 9 months hardly wakes up at night, and the regime daytime rest may change slightly. It is recommended to walk twice a day - in the morning and in the afternoon, it is allowed to organize sleep during this period. V summer time you can stay on the street longer to give the opportunity to learn new things and get the necessary hardening.

How much does a baby sleep at 9 months?

The total sleep time is 15-17 hours. It breaks down into three sections:

  • nighttime - 10-12 hours;
  • daytime - 2 times for 1.5-2.5 hours.

A nine-month-old baby will gradually shorten his rest time. Often active children refuse one daytime sleep or shortening it to 30-60 minutes, pediatricians do not think this is wrong. In this case, parents need to monitor the absence of overwork. The kid should not be capricious until the next laying, not lose appetite and remain curious. If all this persists, then you should not make him sleep a second time during the day.

9 months old baby does not sleep well

Due to the increased activity, children may have difficulty packing and then wake up several times during the night crying. This is not always a sign of something serious, even waking up every hour may be normal.

  1. Breast-feeding. A child of 9 months does not sleep well at night due to the habit of feeling the mother's warmth, and having lost it, he ceases to feel safe.
  2. Teething. This process rarely goes smoothly, in such a situation bad dream is quite reasonable.
  3. Diseases. Colds, colic and otitis media often cause pain, which provokes increased anxiety for the baby.
  4. Wrong daily routine. A 9-month-old child may lack daytime activity, which he makes up for in the evening.
  5. Uncomfortable environment. Stuffy or too low temperature in the room, uncomfortable clothes, irritating odors can interfere with deep sleep.
  6. Strong impressions and tumultuous games in the evening may not let you calm down for a long time.

How to develop a baby at 9 months old?

The period is distinguished by greater independence and curiosity, a desire to explore everything around and learn more. Therefore, the main thing is what it needs nine month old baby- development. He can be offered new toys and more interesting activities helping to acquire new skills. To make him learn faster, you can try:

  1. Alternate arms to support the legs.
  2. Place from a blanket under the chest and gradually push forward.
  3. Build a house with a tunnel in which your favorite toys are laid out.

Games with a baby at 9 months

  1. Cubes. Towers and other structures can be folded from them. It is not always possible for children to completely repeat these actions, but they carefully observe the parents.
  2. Treasure chest. You need to put small items in the box with different texture- pieces of cloth, cardboard, sponge, bottle caps. A baby at 9 months, whose development includes the formation of grasping functions, will be happy to sort them out.
  3. Games in the bathroom. While bathing, you can teach how to pour water from glass to glass.
  4. Telephone. First, mom imitates a conversation on the phone, and then offers to repeat after her.
  5. Painting. For this are used Finger paint... Your child may like to tinker with salt dough... You can mold a cake from it, roll up small objects, and then offer to get them out.

Nine months is very interesting time in the life of a kid. Fades away crisis period, the little man becomes calmer, grows up every day and constantly pleases you with something new. Let's talk today what a child should be able to do at 9 months in order to pay attention to all aspects of the development of the baby.

What a nine-month-old baby can do

There are no standards for what a child should do and what he has achieved in his development, since at 9 months all children are quite different.

You should not be worried if the baby lags behind his peers a little: very soon he will catch up with them and overtake them!

The physical development of a child at nine months, as a rule, includes the following skills:

  1. The baby crawls well, and not necessarily on all fours. The kid may well move on his bellies, and this is not a pathology;
  2. Children confidently sit down and sit without support for a long time;
  3. The crumb stands at the support;
  4. At nine months, many babies take their first steps. This can be moving along the sofa or bed rail, or walking with mom, when she supports the baby by both arms or armpits. Read the article to find out when the baby starts to walk >>>

At this time, not all children are able to independently get out of the "standing" position, most often they need the help of an adult.

Toddler play skills

The psychomotor development of a child at 9 months allows him to acquire new skills and practice previously acquired skills. By the end of the ninth month of life, your baby may:

  • crumple and tear a piece of paper or plasticine;
  • play with two toys at the same time: knock them on each other or try to connect;
  • play "okay" (clap);
  • lift and examine small things using your thumb and forefinger;
  • independently choose the toy that he needs in this moment;
  • flipping through thick cardboard pages of children's books;
  • point your finger at familiar objects, including in pictures, upon request;
  • play peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek (hide under the blanket, look for an adult hiding under the blanket);
  • collect a pyramid (stringing rings in any order);
  • throw various objects;

In the development of a child of the ninth month of life, something new appears:

  • a baby at this age must remember some parts of the body, usually children learn where the arms, legs, eyes, nose are. The baby points to them at the request of an adult.

Walking is very useful for the development of the baby. At this age, you can go outside while the baby is awake.

  • at nine months little man it is interesting to watch how birds fly, how other kids play. Observing older children is one of the activities that help your baby's development.

Important! At 9 months, a lot of attention is paid to the safety of the baby. Make sure that he is not left alone on the sofa or chair, remove small and sharp objects, hide the wires.

Emotions that the baby is experiencing

At nine months, the baby becomes calmer, he is quite capable of playing on his own for several minutes while you wash the dishes or have breakfast. At this time, you can already judge the development of the future character of your baby. Educational techniques from the course "My Beloved Baby", will be a great help to you and will save millions of nerve cells. >>>

There are children who are on the move all the time, there are those who prefer to sit at toys and books. The kid can be a destroyer of order and a destroyer of closets, or he can be more interested in cubes and rattles.

At nine months, the child has for the first time to feel the difference in the development and upbringing of little ladies and gentlemen: differences are outlined between what a girl should be able to do and what a boy can do:

  • Girls develop faster in emotionally, they are more attached to adults, but even if they play on their own, then they play “meaningful” games: they shift objects, roll cars, leaf through books.
  • Boys tend to be more independent and curious. They want to crawl all over the apartment, throw things out of the closets, climb onto chairs, fall from there, throw and break something. These, at first glance, barbaric actions are necessary for the development of future men. Read more about how to explain to a child what is not allowed >>>
  • Often boys want to be led by the arms, sometimes they do not want to do anything else throughout their waking hours. Find out what to do if your child is afraid to walk on their own >>>
  • Girls are often more affectionate, clinging to adults;
  • Boys at this age are already trying to hit, pinch. You should not worry about such a feature of the child's development, because at 9 months old children do this not because of their evil nature, they are just interested in the result of their actions. This is one of the stages of a baby's development. Read more about this: why does the child not obey? >>>

Do not be afraid to stop the fighter's hand and explain in a calm, indifferent tone that this should not be done.

Important! If adults do not give out emotional reaction on the actions of the kid, he will soon get tired of making attempts to fight. In the same way, you should suppress the desire to bite someone's crumbs.

The mental development of a child at nine months allows him to capture the mood of others and respond to it. For example, a toddler might laugh with their parents or whimper if their mom is sad.

At this age, children actively express their opinions about various events. The kid is very happy when he meets his father from work, and cries bitterly if he does not want to change his clothes or if something does not work out for him.

Baby Speech at Nine Months

By the age of nine months, the baby clearly pronounces various syllables, combines them. Sometimes it seems to adults that their child speaks some "own" language.

The child's speech development reaches such a level that at 9 months of age the baby is quite capable of repeating after the parents simple words... At first, let it be one syllable from a word, or even one sound. With a little practice, your little one will get better and better.

Keep reading to baby short rhymes and nursery rhymes, singing songs, this will show him good speech examples, help develop a sense of rhythm and subsequently encourage him to recite poetry. At 9 months, the child is interested in melodious lines, he is able to repeat after you simple moves; If you don't know what he should be able to do, a video recording of nursery rhymes for toddlers will help you navigate.

Nine months old is the time to expand the passive vocabulary; showing objects at the request of an adult is something that both a boy and a girl should be able to do at this age. More often tell the baby about everything that surrounds him, comment on all his activities.

See also my video tutorial on child development at 9 months:

If the baby was born prematurely

Development premature baby at 9 months practically does not differ from the development of his peers born on time. Children can sit and sit, stand up at the support. Toddlers can express their emotions and try to pronounce the first words.

However, the development of hurried babies depends on the gestational age at which the birth took place, and on the subsequent nursing. Deep premature babies can lag far behind their peers.

What you should pay attention to

All children are individual, and parents should not worry if their child does not walk and does not try to pronounce the first words. However, moms and dads keep track of what the child can do, and should be alert if at 9 months:

  • the baby does not know how to sit or sit;
  • apathetic, moves a little and reluctantly;
  • not interested in toys, books, or household items.

In this case, the condition of the baby should be discussed with the pediatrician and pediatric neurologist. Most often, deviations in the development of a child of the ninth month of life can be easily corrected by the parents themselves with the participation of specialists.