Haircut oriental for September. Preparations for relieving skin symptoms. List of days in September when the haircut will be successful

When is the best time to cut hair in September - the main characteristics of the calendar for cutting hair for this day, necessary for drawing up a haircut horoscope. Cut your hair only on favorable days.

Lunar day today

14th lunar day

This period is not included in the days favorable for hair cutting. This can disrupt the emotional state and undermine mental stability. There is a risk of depression.

However, the lunar calendar of haircuts advises to dye your hair in a different shade. This will help you achieve success in your career. In the hairstyle, you must adhere to the maximum simplicity and ease. Parting is beneficial.

In terms of behavior, the Moon will affect you with an influx of activity. There will be a desire to do a lot of things and sit back as little time as possible. You should make the most of your chance.

This figure in this paragraph is approximate ... The exact value of the beginning and end of the lunar day, for regions in different time zones, differ significantly. What is the lunar day today for each city in its time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this, you just need to choose city ​​name and fill in time, date, month and year... This will help you know when is the best time to cut your hair on lunar days that are favorable for haircuts.

Haircut on Thursday

The day has an impact on the formation of you as a person. The likelihood of raising self-esteem and strengthening influence on others is high. This leads to an uplifting of the inner spirit, which makes it easier to cope with problems.

Even. if you have figured out exactly when is the best time to cut your hair in auspicious days, be sure to check the main page - section " 10 secrets of a correct and safe haircut«.

Several simple tips based on folk signs, will help to preserve as long as possible natural strength and the beauty of your hair. Hair trimming in unfavorable period negatively affects not only the hairstyle, but also significantly reduces the human energy field, worsens health and well-being.

Moon in the sign of Pisces

Today it is advisable to give up washing your hair, as there is a risk of

dandruff. The moon in this zodiac sign has a negative effect on the scalp. The same goes for haircuts.

The quality of the hair on this day leaves much to be desired. Any perm or color change can ruin them even more. The styling will not last long, you will have to fix it all day. but moon horoscope haircuts advises owners of naturally unimportant hair today to carry out a set of procedures for their recovery. The effect will not be long in coming.

Moon calendar haircuts for September indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days for hair cutting. The lunar calendar of haircuts will allow you to almost always be aware of when you can cut your hair according to Oraklu. The haircut lunar calendar for September will be able to assist you in planning a visit to the hairdresser and will be able to help you determine favorable and unfavorable days months for hair cutting. In the lunar calendar of haircuts for September, various events have specific action to cut the hair of a man. By choosing the most favorable day for a haircut, you will preserve your positive forces and get rid of everything negative, find harmony with yourself and the outside world.

With the lunar calendar of haircuts for September, it is necessary to take into account that many people, after summer season, due to dry skin, dandruff occurs, and hair dried by the sun breaks easily. In order to eliminate brittle hair and get rid of dandruff, there is a simple recipe. Wash your hair with egg foam. To do this, you need to small amount water, beat an egg and rinse your hair with this resulting composition. Finally, rinse your hair thoroughly, simple and comfortable. warm water, and then slightly acidified, you can acidify citric acid or squeezed lemon juice. To prepare the rinse, you can prepare an infusion of dandelion or mint. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. chopped plant and pour 1 cup boiling water. We insist the solution for 30 minutes, filter and the infusion of the beauty and health of your hair is ready.

When is the best time to cut hair in September for women?

The lunar calendar has long been used to determine the days on which it is preferable to cut, curl or dye your hair. Naturally, the health of your hair depends on proper nutrition and care. The use of vitamins for hair growth, strengthening masks and special care products cannot be replaced by hair cutting. To know when you can cut your hair according to the Oracle, you need to be guided by the lunar haircut calendar for September. Adhering to simple recommendations, You can increase the effect of proper care for hair and will be able to enhance the positive result of hair care procedures.

How does the phase of the moon affect hair cutting?

The moon phases in September primarily affect hair growth. A haircut on a certain lunar day can speed up hair growth or slow it down. On some days, you need to refrain from going to the hairdresser to maintain healthy hair: the tendency to hair loss may increase or, for example, dandruff may occur. This affects not only hair cutting, but also other procedures: hair coloring, perm etc. If you are addicted to changing hairstyles quite often, then it is obviously very important for you that in September your hair grows quickly. In this case, for hair cutting, it is better to opt for the date when the waxing moon is located in the first or second quarter. If, on the contrary, you prefer to rarely visit a hairdressing salon, choose an auspicious day when the moon is in a waning phase. A haircut on the waning moon will strengthen your hair roots and prevent hair loss, but they will grow back rather slowly. On the new moon, you need to give up hair cutting, because these days a haircut shortens a person's life.

Haircut lunar calendar for September - when to curl your hair

For changing summer heat warm autumn days came. Hair is no longer subject to constant dryness sunbeams and keep curling easily. With the help of a curling iron, you can quickly and easily make a spectacular wavy styling... This method is great for long to medium hair.

Haircut lunar calendar for September - when is it better to dye your hair

Natural and natural colors- always fashion direction in the creation of comb and hair coloring. Natural effect can be achieved in several ways: persistent chemical dyes, tinting agents, as well natural dyes... Soft natural colors will accentuate your charm. For coloring in September, it is better to use days when the Moon in the signs of Libra is 3, 4, 5, Gemini - 21, 22, 23 and Virgo - 1, 2, 28, 19. Among the variety of colors natural palette you can distinguish brown, black, red and blond. Unique color is fair-haired - it suits almost any type of person. Brown shades usually soften facial features, so brown-haired people tend to look younger. Naturally red hair color is the least common, however, it is this shade that is at the peak of popularity in the coming season. It will give the image a defiant brightness, do not be afraid to stand out from the gray crowd! For those who are shy by nature, or those whose career requires them not to stand out, calm and muted shades of red are suitable: gold, sunny and sparkling copper. Red-haired tones suit women with freckles more than brunettes, especially young and young women.

Haircut lunar calendar for September - favorable days for haircuts

In order to add volume to thin and thin hair, you just need to pick up correct type haircuts, length and decide which shade of hair will visually make them more voluminous. Exists whole line haircuts that make hair look thicker. A lot of celebrities also have fine hair, but this is not conspicuous due to the right hairstyle. Most suitable haircut for thin strands, a bob and all its variations are considered. It is unpretentious in care, and styling with it does not take much time. Go to the hairdresser in September on the waxing moon - from the 3rd to the 16th, so that your hair grows back faster. Moon in Leo - 26, 27, Virgo - 1, 2, 28, Libra - 3, 4, 5 - the best time for a fashionable haircut.

Refuse to visit the hairdresser this day. All manipulations with hair are extremely unfavorable.

Perfect days for cutting your hair. Hair cut at this time remains beautiful and keeps its shape for a long time. Virgo days are especially suitable for perm, manicure, pedicure, and nail extension. When dyeing hair, the color will turn out to be intense and saturated, it will not be washed off for a long time. If you want to long hair, but are afraid of an unkempt hairstyle, then use following advice: Start growing your hair in March and cut your hair only under the sign of Virgo with a young moon for 6 months. If you want your hair to be strong and healthy, then make a strengthening or nourishing hair mask today. All cleansing procedures are favorable - baths, aroma and phytotherapy sessions. To improve your complexion, you need to take care of digestion. Drink more herbal infusions, cleanse the intestines. The lunar calendar for today under the sign of Virgo is that purity and naturalness are important in everything - in food, clothing, cosmetics. Take the opportunity to make a thoughtful and practical shopping experience - hygiene products, natural cosmetics and environmentally friendly products.

With the moon today, a haircut will go just fine - this is one of the most favorable days for cutting hair. All procedures with hair at this time contribute to their better growth, improvement and improvement of their structure. On the day of Libra, try not to get irritated and not scream: you risk getting wrinkles on your face that you cannot get rid of. Right now it is worth visiting your beautician to develop individual program skin care.

Neutral hair cutting days are slightly above average. It is better not to perm, it is not recommended to wash your hair, but the styling will turn out well. Do not use hormone-based creams and ointments with placenta extract, unstable cosmetic preparations natural origin. During the passage of the Moon through the water signs of the Zodiac, water acquires very strong dissolving properties and all the chemical ingredients of our shampoos and creams penetrate deep into the skin. To harmonize metabolism and prevention skin diseases in the days of Scorpio, more often look at blue sky, choose clothes blue... Don't buy new items for your wardrobe. For the use of decorative cosmetics, the time is also not suitable. Shown general massage- nettle or its decoction, active movements.

Neutral hair cutting days are slightly above average. But they grow back faster than on the waning moon. Make warm fruit masks to enhance your appearance. Massages, baths of field chamomile, poppy, willow-herb, electrophoresis and other procedures with electricity are very useful in the days of Sagittarius. For cosmetic masks during this period, natural fatty components are useful - mayonnaise, olive, Peach oil, egg yolks; tonic aromatic components - fir, sage, lavender oil. Those who are fragile and brittle nails, it is recommended to make warm oil baths for hands with the addition of a few drops of iodine. Moxibustion, tattooing, ear piercing are prohibited today.

Neutral hair cutting days are slightly above average. But, trimmed for the waxing moon, they grow back faster than if they were trimmed for the waning moon. These days, procedures to strengthen the hair roots and to improve their growth are very favorable. Nourishing wraps, washing hair with beer, and massage are useful. auricles and scalp. When the Moon is in Capricorn, you can take care of your nails. Do manicure, pedicure, nourish hair and nails with creams, lotions, masks, strengthening baths. Nails trimmed in the days of Capricorn become harder and more resistant to impact. Also, when the moon is in, Capricorn is the best time for skin care. All nutritional procedures are shown. In the body, the tendency to stagnation increases, therefore, the need for the use of tonic, alcohol-containing agents, biologically active creams and masks increases.

Neutral hair cutting days are slightly above average. But the hair grows back faster than on the waning moon. In addition, Aquarius contributes to everything that is original, fantasy. So if you are a lover of extravagant hairstyles, then this is the time for you. Treatment of inflammations and cracks in the skin of the legs will be successful. Dental operations, removal of neoplasms, pedicure, manicure, Permanent makeup... Procedures that enhance skin regeneration are useless in the days of Aquarius, and plastic surgery will generally not have positive result... With the Moon in Aquarius, various electrical procedures, herbal decoctions, masks, and creams are intensively nourished. Great importance v cosmetic procedures have anti-stress masks and face balms, soothing herbal preparations, vitamins A, C and E, citrus fruits in nutrition and for cosmetic masks, creams that contain silicon (the homeopathic element of Aquarius).

Not favorable time for hair cutting. Hair these days is disobedient, it does not lend itself well even to the most wonderful master, after that it is impossible to give a haircut desired view, the hairstyle turns out to be shapeless. In addition, a haircut these days leads to dandruff. You should also refuse to wash your hair. Not suitable for perm. But the most the right time for hair removal in the ears and nose. They will become thin and will not inject. With the Moon in Pisces, the vulnerability of the skin increases, the danger of allergies and fungal diseases increases. Take care of your skin - it needs to be cleansed and renewed. Freshness and purity of the skin will help to maintain cosmetic masks from natural, environmentally friendly pure products, general tonic massage, baths with valerian, chamomile, daytime sleep, nourishing masks... For cleaning the skin, it is advisable to use only soft remedies- gels, cosmetic milk, cereals... Moisturizing creams for the face and body, infusions will work well medicinal herbs in the form of warm compresses.

Unfavorable period for visiting a hairdresser. There is Great chance dandruff, hair can become brittle and unruly.

Unfavorable time for cutting hair. Hair these days is disobedient, it does not lend itself well even to the most wonderful master, the haircut after that cannot be given the desired look, the hairstyle turns out to be shapeless. Cutting today leads to dandruff. You should also refuse to wash your hair. Not suitable for perm. These days, the vulnerability of the skin increases, the danger of allergies increases, and the threat of fungal diseases increases. Take care of your skin - it needs to be cleansed and renewed. General tonic massage, baths with valerian, chamomile, daytime sleep, nourishing masks will help to do this.

A very unfavorable time for cutting hair. When the Moon is not in Aries once again to touch your hair in general, it is better not even to comb it. At this time, the hair is very vulnerable, and then their damage will have to be restored for a long time. If you cut your hair several times in a row on these days, then your hair may become thin and brittle, begin to fall out and bald spots may appear. The same goes for shaving. When the waning moon in Aries is a good time to do skin smoothing, exfoliation, deep cleansing, removal of papillomas, warts, ingrown nails, acne, acne, freckles, age spots and "other troubles." All kinds of cleaning are shown - internal and external. Your skin will be responsive to blood circulation enhancers - massage, hardening procedures, physical exercises for the muscles of the body.

Neutral time for hair cutting is slightly above average. But, on the other hand, styling, coloring and perm will turn out very well. A perm done in the days of Taurus will last a long time. Also, very favorable days for healing the scalp and strengthening gray hair by using nourishing lotions, masks and massage. With the Moon in Taurus, facial skin care procedures are very effective, especially those associated with a deep effect on the skin and tissues. Therefore, clean your face before applying the mask. Are effective vacuum massage and passive gymnastics on this area of ​​the body.

Unfavorable days for hair cutting. Hair can become thin, brittle and begin to fall out if your haircut falls into this period several times in a row. These days it is not recommended to do manicure, pedicure, build up gel nails, shape eyebrows, curl the tips of eyelashes. But this beautiful time for aromatherapy, inhalations, massage and hand baths, baths. Among cosmetics, light, fast-absorbing moisturizers and nourishing creams with herbal extracts and bioactive additives from seedlings of cereals. V decorative cosmetics it is permissible to use more bright colors and expressive accents.

Unfavorable days for hair cutting. Hair will be very unruly and shaggy if cut during this period. The hairstyle fails to give the desired look, it turns out to be shapeless. Do not perm, wash your hair and apply chemical agents for hair care. During the passage of the Moon through the water signs of the Zodiac, water acquires very strong dissolving properties, and all the "chemistry" easily gets into our body. Today it is useful to do deep cleaning faces. Wellness baths with sea salt and herbs will have a beneficial effect on the appearance: they will promote rejuvenation.

Favorable time for hair cutting. Trimmed these days, they are getting stronger and fuller. Since the moon is waning, hair will grow slowly, but it will become thick and healthy. Do not dye your hair - the paint will wash off quickly. But in the days of Leo, perm and hair styling work well - they turn out to be especially curly. For those who do not seek to get a curly mane, but prefer light curls, it is not recommended to do a perm today. Wait for the Moon to enter the sign of Virgo. Appearance will benefit if you take mineral and radon baths these days, as well as steam baths and hot masks - they refresh well.

A very favorable time for hair cutting. Hair cut at this time retains its shape and beauty longer. Since the moon is waning, hair will grow slowly, but it will become thick and healthy. Do not dye your hair - the paint will wash off quickly. A very good time for curling. Virgo days are suitable for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. All cleansing procedures are favorable - baths, aroma and phytotherapy sessions. To improve your complexion, you need to take care of digestion. Drink more herbal infusions, cleanse the intestines. For the skin, you can prepare a mask of honey and salt - it relieves swelling well and restores blood circulation, the skin begins to "breathe". The Moon under the sign of Virgo is purity and naturalness in everything - in food, clothing, cosmetics. Take the opportunity to make smart and practical purchases - hygiene products, natural cosmetics and organic products.

Favorable time for hair cutting. All procedures with hair at this time, contribute to their health and improve their structure, however, hair will grow more slowly than with the growing moon. Libra days are favorable for plastic surgery on the face and neck, correction of the shape of the nose, ears, chin, transplants hair follicles and restoration of damaged eyebrows and eyelashes.

Haircut lunar calendar for September - how to curl your hair correctly?

Use a comb to divide your hair into six sections, and secure each section with a clip. Roll each section with a large diameter curling iron, holding it in the direction of the hair down. To get perfect waves, warm up the curling iron well before use, but do not overheat. After winding all the strands, tilt your head down, shake the curls with your hands, and then secure with varnish, lifting them up for more volume. Do a perm on auspicious days, when the Moon is in Gemini - 21, 22, 23, as well as in Libra - 3, 4, 5, and the curls will be lush and natural. The waxing moon will last longer - from the 3rd to the 16th.

Unfavorable days for haircuts according to the lunar calendar in September

It is not recommended to visit the hairdresser on the Full Moon -17, New Moon - on the 2nd, as well as on the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th lunar day, in September it is the 11th, 17th, 24th, 30th. Hair can be successfully treated! Oily strands seem thinner, so wash your hair using suitable shampoo. Special means for the care of thin hair, a protective film is created on the surface of each hair, which provides its protection, and also creates additional volume. The easiest way is to rinse your hair after washing with acidified water and vinegar.

Useful Tips

September 2016 in the first half of the month the moon will grow, which means that at this time it is good to have a haircut for those who want to see their hair rapidly growing... You can schedule hair coloring, curling, hair straightening at this time. This is the most appropriate time for this.

In the second half of the month, the moon will wane, so it's better not to dye your hair at this time: paint will wash off quickly... Now it is good to have a haircut for those who do not like to frequent hairdressing salons and who want to keep their hairstyle longer.

If you want to sign up for a very complex procedure for the restoration and treatment of hair, do a perm or other complex manipulations, we advise you to avoid days when the moon will change its phase or when it will follow signs that are unfavorable for working with hair Cancer and Pisces: 1, 9, 15, 16, 23, 24, 30 September 2016.

For most of the month, the planet of beauty Venus will go home Libra (until September 23). That is why now is a good time to find a new one. feminine image , do beautiful hairstyle, which will help to transform. Also at this time it will be easier for you to find your master.

Use the mostgood daysfor working with hair:2, 11, 12, 19, 20, 26-29 September 2016.


SEPTEMBER 1, Thursday. 30th lunar day,1st lunar day from 12:03. VIRGO

NEW MOON at 12:03 PM. Annular SOLAR ECLIPSE at 12:07

This day is not particularly favorable for complex procedures, since this is the day of the shift. lunar phase despite the lucky day of the Virgin. Especially today it is not recommended to sign up for any very complicated procedures like hair extensions. You can think about a new image, look for new looks or a new hair color, but it is too early to start any specific actions.

Effect of haircuts on hair : negative, better postponed.

: can attract fatal adverse events.

A great day to go to the hairdresser. Today you can curl, straighten hair, weave braids, do different types hair coloring... After cutting, the hair will grow quickly, be healthy and strong. Don't miss this day if you want to improve the condition of your hair!

Effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, hair strengthening, getting rid of hair loss and dandruff, hair changes for the better.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will have an excellent effect on intellectual ability.

Today it is good to work with thin hair, you can make masks to increase the volume. Good also cutting hair and do light air styling. Today it is also good to dye your hair, do highlighting, coloring, etc. Good day for going to the hairdresser thanks to the connection Moon and Venus (until 14:30).

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help you understand the relationship and attract the right partner.

Lunar calendar haircuts and coloring

Lucky day for a haircut healthy hair , especially if you have Thin hair... A haircut will not have a special "healing" effect on your hair, so if you have sore hair, it is better to choose a more successful day for a haircut. It is good to wind your hair with curlers, do light styling with a curling iron.

Effect of haircuts on hair : Fast growth, but does not affect hair quality, hair may become more fluffy.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help in relationships with the opposite sex.

Moon without course until 15:38

We do not recommend planning for the first half of the day new procedures, especially medicinal. Today, various oil-based nourishing masks will work well, and masks for increase in volume... It is good to fight dandruff in the evening.

Effect of haircuts on hair : neutral, no particular effects.

The psychological impact of haircuts : neutral.

It's good to take action today anti-dandruff, if you have such a problem. In addition to various masks and other means, you should also improve your lifestyle, go to proper nutrition... Often the appearance of dandruff is not associated with any external reasons, but with internal ones. Therefore, before starting to fight the disease, you should find his reason and eliminate it.

Effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, shine.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will attract money.

Today is also not a bad day to fight dandruff... In addition, allowed different masks to strengthen hair and give it shine. Try to find exactly the tools that work best for you. For example, various vegetable oils , which are often used to repair damaged hair.

Effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, shine.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will attract money.

Today neutral day for haircuts and styling, however, we do not recommend using very hot styling tools. Use a hair dryer more carefully, it is better to set the most gentle drying mode. Be sure to use thermal protection.

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts

Auspicious haircut days according to the lunar calendar

The second phase of the moon from 14:50

Hair cutting is not prohibited, although it will not have much effect on the hair. Today it is better to give up some complicated hair procedures. Also, we do not recommend doing thermal haircuts and using hot styling appliances.

Effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, but the structure of the hair and their appearance will not change.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help in moving towards a goal or in finding it.

Moon without course until 15:55

With the Moon without a course, don't start anything new. For example, if you would like to try new procedure for hair, wait for the moment when the moon is in Capricorn (after 16:00). Otherwise, the result may turn out to be zero, or you will be unhappy.

Effect of haircuts on hair : after 16:00 - rapid growth, improvement of hair structure, strengthening of hair follicles.

The psychological impact of haircuts : after 4:00 pm - help in promotion.

Good day for hair care, haircuts and styling. Choose this day if you prefer classic strict hairstyles, without asymmetry or new trends. Masks to strengthen hair will be effective.

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts

Haircut days according to the lunar calendar

Moon without course from 13:00

After the haircut done today, the hair will be grow rapidly will be strong and obedient. Try to contact a trusted master, whom you know well, and who has already done haircuts for you.

Effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, improvement of hair structure, strengthening of hair follicles.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help in promotion.

Neutral day: you can get a haircut today, but if you don't have any hair problems. Good to do masks for hair volume, light air styling. You can use colored hair crayons to find a fresh new look.

Effect of haircuts on hair : will have no effect.

The psychological impact of haircuts : can help to become more free and uninhibited.

Moon without course from 18:31

In the morning, it's a good idea to go to hairdressers or salons. (until 9:40) while Venus is in favorable aspect with the Moon. This day is good enough for experimentation and selection of hairstyles using a computer... You can do hair treatment with state-of-the-art techniques ( until 18:30).

Effect of haircuts on hair : will have no effect.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help expand your social circle, attract new friends.

A bad day for working with hair, it is better today not to sign up for hairdressers and salons, not to make hair masks and not to wash your hair at all. You can delete unwanted hair in the bikini area, arms or armpits.

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts : can lead to disease

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring

Penumbra LUNAR Eclipse at 21:54. FULL MOON at 22:05

Unfavorable day: we advise today in general do not deal with hair... Especially complex procedures using chemistry should not be prescribed for this day: you can be very disappointed with the result, or you can get allergies and other unpleasant problems with the scalp and hair.

Effect of haircuts on hair : negative: hair may fall out more and split faster.

The psychological impact of haircuts : can attract illness and failure, depression.


SEPTEMBER 17, Saturday, 16th lunar day.ARIES

In the coming 2 weeks The moon will wane, so you can only go to the hairdresser if you don't want to grow your hair. Today we advise you to be careful with your haircuts. When styling, it is better not to use hot appliances: you can easily dry your hair.

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts

SEPTEMBER 18, Sunday, 17th lunar day.ARIES

Pay special attention today hair ends... It is best not to use hair dryers, irons and other hot styling appliances. Today, as well as yesterday, hair is very easy to dry out. You can only cut your hair as a last resort and if you know exactly what kind of hairstyle you want.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, the structure of the hair does not change.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help you become more decisive and active.

SEPTEMBER 19, Monday, 18th lunar day.TAURUS

Great day for a haircut, but if you're not particularly dreaming about rapid growth hair and want keep the shape of the hairstyle as long as possible. You can cut bangs, men cut their hair well. Use this day also for hair care procedures: they will benefit various masks, especially for cleansing and strengthening hair roots.

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts

Haircut lunar calendar 2016

SEPTEMBER 20, Tuesday, 19th lunar day.TAURUS

Another pretty good day for going to the hairdresser, for hair treatment and for procedures aimed at improving the structure of the hair. New cosmetical tools, styling products, various modern appliances for styling. Don't forget to use thermal protection every time you style your hair with hair dryers, irons and other appliances. Also, take care of the ends of your hair after drying so that they do not dry out or start splitting.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, strengthening of the bulbs, shine, improvement of hair structure.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help attract money, improve relationships with the opposite sex, for single: will attract the other half.

SEPTEMBER 21, Wednesday, 20th lunar day.TWINS

Moon without course from 06:32 to 08:53

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts

SEPTEMBER 22, Thursday, 21st lunar day.TWINS

Today you can cut bangs, do light air styling, as well as make various masks to increase the volume. Generally caring for thin and thin hair will give today good effect... You can use styling products, curl your hair with curlers.

Effect of haircuts on hair : hair structure and condition do not change, slow growth.

The psychological impact of haircuts : can make you more sociable, attract new acquaintances.

Haircut according to the lunar calendar

SEPTEMBER 23, Friday, 22nd lunar day.TWINS , CANCER from 11:34

Moon without course from 10:57 to 11:33

The fourth phase of the moon from 12:57

Bad day for complex procedures and hair cutting. Also, we do not recommend making hair masks. In general, it is better not to wash your hair. You can remove unwanted hair from the legs and face at home (in the evening).

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts

SEPTEMBER 24, Saturday, 23rd lunar day.CANCER

One more unfavorable day for hair care and haircuts. Better not to sign up for hairdressing saloons today. Unwanted hair can be removed.

Effect of haircuts on hair : negative: hair will quickly grow oily, dull and weak, slow growth.

The psychological impact of haircuts : can ruin family relationships.

SEPTEMBER 25, Sunday, 24th lunar day.CANCER , LEO from 16:49

Moon without course until 16:48

Until 17:00 it is better not to deal with hair and not get a haircut. Late in the evening it is good to do various procedures for strengthening hair, cleansing, peels of the scalp will be effective. Peelings are best done on the waning moon. Then the effectiveness of such a procedure will be many times greater. For example, you can easily prepare peeling mixtures from natural sea ​​salt ... The scalp, like other parts of the body, needs peeling to renew itself. In addition, you will stimulate new hair growth.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth

The psychological impact of haircuts : After 17:00, a haircut will help to become more popular.

A good day for hair care procedures, haircuts and styling, but it is better to postpone coloring until the days of the growing moon. You can do hair extension... Also, any masks, including homemade ones, will be useful for cleansing and strengthening hair.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, strengthening, giving puffiness and shine.

The psychological impact of haircuts

Moon without course from 11:52

It is still a good time to trim your hair if you are not growing your hair long. It is best to sign up for complex procedures until 12:00 until the Moon went into "idle".

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, strengthening of the bulbs.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will give self-confidence, help in achieving goals, make more popular, attract the opposite sex, make the appearance brighter and more attractive.

Not a bad day for cutting hair, curling, straightening. The day is also suitable for hair treatments, going to the trichologist in case of any problems. Good to do feminine classic haircuts, without trendy trends. Hair dyeing is not recommended. You can cut your bangs.

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts

Moon without course from 13:05

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, hair strengthening.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help you understand yourself, make you more attractive to the opposite sex.

Moon without course until 10:52

Today it is better not to deal with hair and appearance, at least not to do new hairstyles, do not dye your hair, do not apply for complex procedures. You can only get a haircut as a last resort.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth.

The psychological impact of haircuts : can bring depression, Bad mood and disappointment.

Before heading to the salon to change your hairstyle or hair color, take a look at the lunar haircut calendar for September 2016: perhaps the day you have chosen, due to the unfortunate location of the planets, is completely unsuitable for daring experiments with appearance.

So, we are studying auspicious days for haircuts in September 2016:

Day solar eclipse- not the best time to change your image. Having decided to go to the salon, give preference to natural dyes with an organic composition, and it is better to refuse a haircut at all, as it can negatively affect your health.

Feel free to go to the beauty salon for a new look. New haircut will attract financial well-being into your life, and coloring in a light shade will help to acquire useful connections. Easy styling will cheer you up and set you in a romantic mood.

The lunar haircut calendar does not recommend cutting your hair on the sixth lunar day. A haircut can negatively affect both your health and general emotional state... Today hair is worth collecting in high tail or a bunch on top of the head.

Experiments with the image today are unlikely to be crowned with success. You will not be satisfied with the resulting shade, and the hairstyle will quickly lose its shape. In addition, even the smallest haircut today can negatively affect relationships with loved ones.

A haircut on this day will become not only a guarantee of a great mood, but also a real opportunity to get a little rich in the near future. A new shade of hair will bring good luck and success in all endeavors, and a high-quality styling will bring profitable business and commercial offers.

Most likely, you will be satisfied with the result of your visit to the beauty salon. Even a slight trimming of the ends and toning will have a positive effect on the condition of the hair: they are guaranteed to become stronger and thicker.

A haircut today will help lift your spirits as well as bring positive energy into your life. By choosing light shades in coloring, you will strengthen your position in society, as well as bring new positive emotions into life.

Coloring in a new shade will lift your spirits and become an occasion for an unplanned romantic date. Cutting your hair is not recommended today - changing your hairstyle can lower your immunity and negatively affect concentration.

A great day to experiment with the image. Finally, you can decide on short hair- the result will exceed all expectations. New color hair will help attract attention from the opposite sex and solve problems in your personal life.

Also a good day for a haircut: after visiting the salon you will be in great mood and easily solve the problem that has been bothering you for the past few weeks. You can dye your hair if you go to a trusted master.

A haircut on the twenty-eighth lunar day will bring into your life bright emotions and new acquaintances. But for now it is better to wait with coloring - the new shade will not live up to expectations and will quickly fade.

Postpone your visit to the salon until the first half of October - today the result of the stylist's work will cause sheer disappointment. Pamper your hair with revitalizing masks and oils: today, strands are more sensitive than ever to the absorption of beneficial nutrients.

The calendar is calculated according to Moscow time. For other cities, a corresponding amendment must be made.

Unfavorable day for cutting and dyeing hair. You can be influenced by bad thoughts.

3 September, Tue. (5 lunar day, Sun. 10:50 - Sun. 21:15), moon in Scorpio

Auspicious day for cutting and dyeing your hair. A haircut promotes acquisitions and wealth. A good day for lightening your hair.

4 September, Wed (6 lunar day, Sun 12:14 - Sun 21:36), moon in Scorpio

A haircut on this day contributes to the healing of the body, getting rid of negativity. It is better to refuse staining, you can bring conflicts in the team.

5 September, Thurs (7 lunar day, Sun. 13:35 - Sun. 22:02), moon in Sagittarius

An extremely unfavorable day for cutting and dyeing hair. Health and work problems may arise.

September 6, Fri (8 lunar day, Sun. 14:50 - Sun. 22:35), moon in Sagittarius

A very auspicious day for cutting and dyeing your hair. You will gain health and longevity.

7 September, Sat (9 lunar day, Sun. 15:56 - Sun. 23:16), moon in Sagittarius

Unfavorable day for cutting, dyeing and other hair manipulations. Disease can be attracted.

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Health may deteriorate. It will be useful to dye your hair with henna, this will increase your authority at work and strengthen your immunity.

September 9, Mon. (11 lunar day, sun. 17:35 - sun. 0: 07), moon in Capricorn

Auspicious day for cutting and dyeing your hair. A haircut will enhance your mental acuity and intuition. Staining gold or copper color can bring you profit.

10 September, Tue. (12 lunar day, Sun. 18: 09- Sun. 1: 06), the moon in Aquarius

Refuse haircuts and chemical hair coloring, you can bring troubles, quarrels. On this day, it is better to dye your hair with natural dyes, this will attract profit to you.

11 September Wed (13 lunar day, Sun. 18:34 - Sun. 2:12), moon in Aquarius

Auspicious day for hair cutting. A haircut will attract happiness, improve your appearance. But it is better to refuse staining.

12 September, Thurs (14 lunar day, ex. 18: 54 - sun. 3:21), moon in Aquarius

Auspicious day for cutting and dyeing your hair. The financial condition will improve. Staining with mild dyes is recommended.

13 September, Fri (15 lunar day, Sun. 19:11 - Sun. 4:31), moon in Pisces

Unfavorable day for cutting and dyeing hair. Health problems may arise. This day is successful only for those who color their hair in dark shades with natural dyes.

14 September, Sat (16 lunar day, Sun. 19:26 - Sun. 5:41), moon in Pisces

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. You will gain mental discomfort. Color curls only in dark tones natural paints... To conserve energy, wear your hair in a ponytail or bun.

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. There may be obstacles in business. Hair coloring in light or red shades will be successful.

Better to give up haircuts. Trouble will arise. Dye your hair the color that brings you luck and confidence.

A good day for cutting and dyeing your hair in natural colors. A haircut will improve your health.

18 September, Wed (20 lunar day, Sun. 20:23 - Sun. 10:25), moon in Taurus

Not a good day for cutting and dyeing your hair. You may not like the result.

19 September, Thu. (21 lunar day, Sun. 20:42 - Sun. 11:38), moon in Taurus

Auspicious day for cutting and dyeing your hair. A haircut will bring beauty and well-being. Good shades for coloring will be light and red.

September 20, Fri (22 lunar day, ex. 21: 08 - 12: 53), moon in Gemini

A neutral day for cutting and dyeing hair. A haircut promotes acquisitions. However, there is a chance to dial excess weight... Choose natural shades for coloring.

September 21, Sat. (23 lunar day, ex. 21:42 - sunset 14:05), moon in Gemini

Haircuts and dyeing can get you in trouble.

A very bad day for cutting and coloring. Health problems may arise. For coloring, you can choose natural dark shades, this will attract success at work.

September 23, Mon. (25 lunar day, Sun at 23:30 - Sun at 16:11), moon in Cancer

A very bad day for a haircut. Health problems may arise. Coloring can provoke conflicts.

September 25, Wed (26 lunar day, Sun. 12:45 - Sun. 17:32), moon in Leo

A haircut can attract depression.

26 September, Thu. (27 lunar day, Sun 2:11 - Sun 17:59), moon in Leo

Auspicious day for cutting and dyeing your hair. You will find warmth. A radical change in hair color will bring you health and profit.

Auspicious day for hair cutting. Others will like you. Do not dye your hair.

Unfavorable day for cutting and dyeing hair, you can lose positive energy facing financial problems.

An unfavorable day for cutting and dyeing your hair, you can lose positive energy, face financial problems. Corrects financial problems hair coloring tint balm or foam.

Unfavorable day for cutting and bleaching hair. A haircut will lead to waste. Dyeing natural dyes will help in career growth.

The growing moon in September - from 1 to 13 September and from 29 to 30 September. A haircut on the waxing moon will accelerate hair growth, contribute to profits.

The waning moon in September - from 15 to 27 September. A haircut on the waning moon will slow down hair growth and keep the shape of the hair longer.

Moon phase change: