How to write wedding invitations. How to fill out a wedding invitation. What are Save the Date cards

A wedding is one of the most significant events in the life of many people. Of course, newlyweds, and especially brides, dream of their wedding being the brightest, unforgettable and impeccable. To achieve these goals, it is important to think through every moment, not to miss a single detail. Just one of these little things are wedding invitations, because with their help you can prepare guests in advance for the style of the celebration.

Drawing up wedding invitations according to the rules of etiquette

On this moment, thanks to wide opportunities modern technologies, an incredible amount is available various ways invite relatives, friends and acquaintances to the wedding.

Friends of the young may like a modern invitation in the form of a video with humorous content, but will guests of a more respectable age appreciate such creativity?

Wedding invitations set the tone for the entire event. To compose and arrange them according to all the rules, it will take a considerable amount of time and skill.

Writing a text is a separate issue. Each country has its own wedding etiquette and its own characteristics of the content of the text.

For example, according to the rules of European wedding etiquette, several important points should be taken into account when drawing up.

The invitation should contain as much detail as possible about the place, date, time of the celebration, as well as a certain dress code, if any.

This is necessary if the wedding involves the presence of guests who are poorly oriented in the venue of the celebration. In addition, on the most exciting day for you, you would not want to face any problems, even the most insignificant ones.

Another important point: The invitation must require a response from the invitee. This will help you decide in advance on the list of guests so that you do not have to waste money that can be spent on more important things.

And the last thing: a wedding invitation, of course, can be drawn up in a dry, polite form, but, you see, it is much more pleasant to receive an invitation drawn up specifically for you.

The response will be much warmer and more sympathetic. Everyone is pleased with a special treatment, it is pleasant to feel like a necessary participant in the celebration.

by the most right time Sending wedding invitations is considered at least two months before the wedding. This is how much time should be given to guests so that they can adjust their own plans, pick up a gift and prepare an image for your event.

In a correctly drawn up invitation, the deadline for the response of the invitee must be indicated. You can also specify the form of the response message, but this can be easily opted out, since these rules are usually the same. The response must indicate the consent or refusal to attend the wedding celebration.

Also, answers usually start with congratulatory words to the bride and groom. Those invited must give a final answer no later than two weeks before the wedding.

Making wedding invitations

Naturally, appearance wedding invitations will be the way the newlyweds wish to make it. But it must definitely set the tone for the future event.

The modern market offers future spouses great amount various forms. A classic envelope with an invitation sheet is far from the only option at the moment. You can purchase an invitation in the form of a postcard, a scroll, a sweet present, etc.

It doesn't matter what the appearance will be, the most important thing is still the text. The most preferred text is typed in a beautiful ornate font and printed on a printer.

If you think that the fonts you found are not festive enough or do not reveal the chosen wedding theme, then you can always ask for help from professionals who can create a font of the desired style.

The other side is handwritten text written by you yourself. However, not everyone will be able to sign such a large number of invitations, especially since not everyone has an exquisite handwriting, which becomes less and less accurate over time.

Despite this, all more couples they choose handwritten invitations, and all because things made by hand are always valued more and a handwritten invitation is much more pleasant to receive than identical printed pages.

How many wedding invitations will you need?

Before you order, purchase or make invitations yourself, you should decide on the exact number of guests. Of course, it is not necessary to send them to each guest.

As a rule, one invitation can be enough for married couple and a child under 18. Single guests over 18 should make an individual invitation. You can specify that this guest can bring a couple with him.

There are times when you have to invite one family member. How, then, to declare that the second spouse or one of the couple is an unwanted guest at the wedding? Accurately hinting exactly will not work. You just have to send an invitation to one person.

If your wedding should not have children, then this must be indicated at the end of the invitation. Interestingly, the ban on children cannot be perceived by anyone as something offensive. However, it will still be better if you express some regrets about this.

So, as a result, it usually turns out that invitation cards will be required about half as much as the declared guests. But when ordering, it is always better to play it safe and buy a few copies more than necessary.

Texts for a wedding invitation

As we have already said, it is most pleasant to receive individual invitations made for a specific person or couple. But in the event that a lot of guests are planned, then you can use similar templates for several invitations.

It is easy to guess that invitations in the same style are unlikely to suit close friends and a second cousin. Therefore, we recommend that you immediately select some groups of guests, for example: distant relatives, close relatives, university friends, work friends, close friends, etc.

Surely the participants in these groups will have something in common and the same templates will suit them. In the invitation, you can immediately set the tone for the future event by using a strict business style or rather free colloquial.

However, you should consider who the invitation is addressed to: friends can be allowed a little more jokes and liberties in the message, and older guests can simply point out the atmosphere of the wedding.

You also need to understand that if quite young people are invited to the wedding, but you are associated with them business relationship, then the liberties in the invitation to them are definitely unacceptable.

An interesting fact about the European wedding etiquette: as a rule, invitations are signed with the name of those who organize and pay for the wedding. Usually these people are the parents of the newlyweds or older brothers and sisters.

But in modern Russia such a signature may seem ridiculous and simply absurd. Well, it's not like that with us! Therefore, for Russian wedding invitations, the names of the bride and groom are suitable as a signature.

How to address invitees?

Given the rules of etiquette, and not only wedding etiquette, any official appeal should begin with the words "respected / respected." But a wedding invitation is not exactly a formal letter.

Undoubtedly, such an appeal would be appropriate for distant relatives or work colleagues, but for friends and close acquaintances, you can get by with a less formal tone.

For example, you can address friends, classmates, close acquaintances as “dear / dear”. Grandparents, brothers, sisters and closest friends can be called "beloved / beloved".

In general, you can pick up absolutely any word that characterizes your attitude towards this guest, especially if in real life you often refer to him with that word. If you think that you can do without such appeals, it's up to you.

Perhaps the refusal of an official address would be appropriate for an informal event and free communication, but if the celebration is planned to be serious, in strict classical style, then the appeal should be appropriate.

Another important point that will reveal to guests your politeness and savvy in matters of etiquette is the sequence of names. Did you know that in the invitation of a couple or spouses, the name of the woman (girl) is put first, and only then male name? The same applies to the signature: the name of the bride is put first, and then the name of the groom.

Indication of the place and time of the celebration

Perhaps it will turn out that the registration and the banquet will take place in different days. In this case, you will have to choose whether you need to invite some guests for registration or an invitation to the banquet part will be enough.

Such a choice may arise even if the marriage and official part will happen in one day. Perhaps some guests in the first half of the day should be at the workplace or will not be able to visit the registry office for some other reason.

You need to immediately think about which guests to which part of the celebration should be called. If you are only inviting someone to the second part, then be sure to indicate the exact place and time so that the guest does not have an unpleasant search for a restaurant or cafe.

The dress code should also be specified in the invitation, because if, for example, a wedding is planned in a church, the girls are too revealing outfits or with an uncovered head they may simply not be allowed in.

Carefully consider every little detail that should be included in the wedding invitation.

Of course, small flaws can't ruin anyone's impression of your wedding, but it's better to know that you organized it flawlessly.

Text No. 1


We invite you "___" ___________ 2014 at ____ hours to open with us new chapter our history at the celebration of our marriage in _______________________ at the address: _________________________________

The registration ceremony will take place at _________ in the Wedding Palace at the address: ____________________________

Share with us our joy on this unforgettable day, and we will gladly give you a piece of our happiness.

your names

Text No. 2

Expensive _________________________________________!

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the marriage registration ceremony, which will take place on ______________ 2014 at ______ hours at the address: ________________________________ We invite you to the celebration, dedicated to the event, at _____________________ at the address: ______________________ at ____________ hours.

We look forward to sharing this happy day with you!

WITH sincere respect, your names

Text number 3.


Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our whole life. We want to unite our destinies and our hearts on "__" __________ 2014 and we would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared this joy with us. The celebration dedicated to our marriage will be held at the Palace of Celebrations at the address: _________________________ at __ hours __ minutes. The banquet will take place at _____ in the restaurant "_____________________" at __________________________

your names

Text number 4.


Save this invitation as a keepsake of this important event for us, and we will keep your nice words and wishes in our heart.

We are waiting for you on "___" ___________ 20___ for the registration of marriage and the celebration dedicated to this event.

Registration will take place at the Wedding Palace at: ___________________________

at __ hours __ minutes. The wedding celebration will be held in _________ in the restaurant "__________"

by the address: ___________________

We will be happy to see you!

your names

Text number 5.

Expensive ____________________________.!

We are pleased to inform you that "" _________ 2014 at ___ hours ___ minutes a solemn celebration dedicated to our marriage will take place. We sincerely wish and ask you to spend this unforgettable day in our lives with us.

The wedding will take place at: ________________________________

your names

Text No. 6.



We have the honor to announce that we have chosen the first day of our life together and we will be very glad to see you on festive celebration on the occasion of our marriage, which will take place on "__" ________ 2014 at ___ o'clock in the restaurant "_________" at the address: _________________

your names

Text No. 7.

Expensive ______________________!

You have opened this delicate transparent envelope, and we invite you to open it with us. new stage our life - the same tender and transparent. We will be happy if you share our joy on this unforgettable day - "__" ___________ 2014.

We are waiting for you at: ____________________ Wedding Palace ____, at ___ hours ___ minutes.

your names

Text No. 8.

"___" ______________ 2014

It can pass like an ordinary day and you won’t remember anything special… Or it can become one of the most nice days not only for us, but also for you! We look forward to seeing you at our happy holiday- our WEDDING!

The registration ceremony will take place at ___ hours ___ minutes at the Wedding Palace at the address: ___________. The celebration dedicated to this event will be held at the ______________ Restaurant at the address: ______________________________ Please confirm your presence in advance. We also invite you to the celebrations on the occasion of our Silver wedding - "___" _____________ 2039 and the Golden wedding - "___" _____________ 2064

P.S. The format of the evening involves the presence of guests in evening dresses.

your names

Text No. 9.

The celebration will take place in the restaurant "___________________" at _____________________________. Gathering of guests at ___ hours ___ minutes

Now we dream together about everything in the world. About eternal youth boundless happiness and a house on the coast. We believe that these dreams will come true. Love makes us happy and does not let the soul grow old.

your names

Text No. 10.


The Theater of Consciously Lost Freedom invites you to the performance:

"Then they lived happily ever after"

Characters: Your names

Act I "For the Soul"

Marriage "___" _____ 2014 at ___ hours

Wedding Palace No. 3

Act II "For the body"

Reception at "___" hours - restaurant "_____________"

Act III "After the wedding night"

Without public participation

Text #11

The Theater of Consciously Lost Freedom is pleased to invite you to the performance "And then they lived happily ever after ..." Characters: Groom and Bride Picture First "Merry" Bride's ransom at 10 o'clock at: ____________________ Picture Second "Soulful" Marriage at 2 pm address: _________________ Intermission Walk around Moscow Picture the third "Appetizing" Banquet at 18 at the address: ________________________ Picture Four "Tempting" Without the participation of the public;)

Text #12

The Honorable...

We, as it should be in Rus', thought 7 times and, relying on Eastern wisdom, decided to be together for the next 1001 months in sorrows and joys. We have one love for two, but there are two weddings on the same day. We invite you on this day - "___" ________ 2014 - to a bright and cheerful Russian wedding, as well as to a wise and mysterious world oriental wedding 1001 nights. For our health, eat pancakes and drink a cup in Russian wedding ceremony in the morning at ___ hours and taste real oriental pilaf in the evening ___ hours ___ minutes. Only Magic power Love can turn different and distant into close and similar.

your names

Text #13

Dear, dear, beautiful, wonderful, radiant, and of course, the most important person for us on the planet (third from the sun)!!!

Yes, it's you!!!

You are holding in your hands not just a piece of cardboard, or some kind of postcard, but a real, unquestionable (exchange and return) invitation to a celebration on the occasion of our marriage, which will take place _______________ in the Palace of Happiness No. ___, at __________________, and subsequent eating wedding cake in the restaurant ___________, at the address: ______________.

Don't forget to take your good mood with you!

Text #14



Your life path

We both start

For family wedding

And friends are invited!

We are asking you very much

Come to visit us

Celebrate Together

The beginning of the way!

Together we decided forever

Connect your destiny

And we cordially invite you

To share our joy!

your names

Text #15


Deciding once and for all

Connect your paths

We invite you to the evening

To share our joy

Say a parting word

Exclaim "Bitter" (and more than once!).

We will be infinitely glad

See you at our wedding!

your names

Text #16

We decided to unite our hearts and destinies and intend to live happily ever after! We would be pleased to have you among our guests. The official part will take place at ___________ at ____ hours. Well, unofficial - a little later, at ____ hours ____ minutes in a restaurant __________. Please be present, have fun from the heart and rejoice for us

your names

Text #16

Dear and beloved mom and dad!

This magical day, this unique and unforgettable holiday... Holiday true love- Our wedding! The path to the birthday of our family was easy and joyful, and this is your merit. You have taught us a lot, and we will always try to remember that there is nothing more important than love, Understanding and Respect for each other! You are the main guests at this celebration! Without you, this day would not exist! We thank you and know that you will be with us on "___" ______ 2014.

your names

A wedding is the most joyful and significant day for the newlyweds. Newlyweds prepare for it responsibly wonderful holiday and carefully consider every detail. In a wedding celebration, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. This also applies to invitations that friends will receive from newlyweds. How to compose the original text of a wedding invitation?

Wedding invitations are business cards solemn event, because this is the very first part of the wedding, which guests can see a few days before the official celebration. Each text should not be stingy with emotions and is composed according to classical scheme. Naturally, there are generally accepted patterns that must be followed when compiling invitation text. But the more unique and interesting the text is, the more confident you will feel at your own event.

The invitation text is made in an official and classic style, but it can also have a funny and cool overtones, and be completely unusual. The most important thing is that it matches thematic focus wedding ceremony and its atmosphere.

Below is a sample of a classic invitation text on wedding celebration:

Example 1

“Dear ___________! We will be extremely pleased to see you at the celebration dedicated to the creation of our family. It will take place on __/__/_____ at __/__ at ______________.”

WITH deep respect, _________!

Example 2

"Expensive __________! We invite you to our first celebration dedicated to the registration of our union. Come __/__/____ to __/__ at _____________! We will be pleased if you take the time and become a guest at the wedding banquet!”

With gratitude and respect, your ________ and ________!

Such classic invitations can be sent distant relatives, work colleagues and other acquaintances whom you respect and would like to see on the guest list at the wedding.

Invitations for relatives

If we talk about invitations for the closest relatives, then moms, dads, godparents, grandparents, sister or brother, you need to choose the warmest words. Among the ready-made samples, you can use an invitation in verse.

Example 1

Our dear and beloved parents! We are happy to inform you that we are getting married! Therefore, we invite you to share our happiness and raise glasses for our union! We are waiting for you __/__/____ to __/__ at __________.

Sincerely, always your ____________!

Example 2

Sincerely, _______ and ________!

Invitations for friends

Wedding invitations for friends do not need to be formalized. They can prepare texts with humor, which they will definitely appreciate and look forward to the appointed date.

Example 1

"My dear friend _______! I'm gone! She was able to do it - she ringed me! Save me! The grandiose operation will take place on __/__/_____ at __/__ hours at _____________. I invite you to dance on the ruins of my bachelor life. Dying is so beautiful!”

Your friend, ______________!

Example 2

"My dear _____________! If you are reading this text now, then it is time to learn about it. I marry myself beautiful girl in the world. A master class entitled “How to live in marriage and not kill each other” will take place __/__/_____ at __/__ hours at ____________. All the funds that we manage to raise on this day, we will donate to the survival fund for a young family _____________! To all who came - a small bonus in the form of a piece of positive!

Sincerely yours ____________.

Remember that invitations of this kind, although they look quite unique, are not suitable for everyone. If you are going to invite elderly relatives, it is better to prepare for them classic invitations With official text invitations.

Brother or sister can make original, different from all the others, invitations. They can be issued in unconventional, in which both official and funny words. You can also do the same with invitations for witnesses. After all, these are the closest people who perfectly understand your jokes and lifestyle.

Inviting friends and loved ones to a wedding by handing or sending them personalized wedding invitations is a good and beautiful tradition. Let's figure out what you need to write in a postcard so that guests come to the wedding on the same day, in the same place and at the same time.

Photo: 1. Guest's name or leave a line in order to enter the name by hand. A personal appeal is always nice, especially in an invitation to a special holiday.
Example: beloved father and mother, dear Vasily Petrovich, dear Masha and Lenya

2. The date of the wedding. The day, month and year should be specified in full and selected from the general array of text.

Photo: 3. Venue address outdoor ceremony, banquet or gathering place for guests for transfer to country restaurant. It is important to indicate both the city, and the street, and the building number.
Example: Emerald City, st. Emerald, 1

4. The name of the institution where the holiday will take place. Without it, nowhere.
Example: Restaurant Leto, Hotel "Velvet season", Hotel and restaurant complex "Dreamers"

Photo: 5. Time for the gathering of guests, the beginning of the ceremony, the beginning of the banquet. If the collection time is not significant, it can be omitted. Also, if the guest is not invited to a banquet or ceremony, this can also be omitted. Everything is individual.
Example: 16:00 - gathering of guests, start of aperitif
16:30 - the beginning of the exit ceremony
17:30 - start of the banquet

6. End time of the event. If necessary, you can also celebrate the finale of the holiday, if the format is non-standard, so that this does not come as a surprise to the guest.
Example: End of the wedding at 19:00

7. The names of the young. This goes without saying. They must be emphasized.

Photo: 8. Dress code. If the wedding is planned in a certain format, style, color or theme, you can warn the guests about this and voice wishes about their appearance.
Example: Dress code: blue accessories for ladies and blue bow ties for gentlemen.
Dress code: comfortable shoes on a low run
Dress code: black and white

9. Wishes regarding gifts and other important notes for young people and guests.
Example: P.S. At the wedding ceremony, we are waiting for you not with bouquets of flowers, but with sweets that we will give to the nursing home.

Photo: 10. The literary text is holistic and logical, which consists of the above points. It can be arranged in the spirit: “On this day, our most long-awaited holiday will take place - the birth of a family. We would like to invite you to share this joy with us.” Variants of texts can be completely different: poetic, humorous or informative. It all depends on the size of the invitation, the format of the wedding and the desire of the young. There are no strict rules in this matter.

Photo: Place this information on invitation card one-sided or two-sided, large or small, square or rectangular, with or without an insert, you can do it in different ways. In this, the bride and groom are assisted by a designer who develops the design. But before he starts creating a layout, the couple must certainly think over and compose the text - its basis.

calling card invitations have always been considered a solemn wedding ceremony, since guests see them first and form their first impressions of the upcoming event.

That is why newlyweds pay a lot of attention to invitations emphasized the general theme of the holiday and reflected the relationship of the couple to each other.

As a rule, invitations are sent out about a month before the wedding, so that guests can plan their time. This method is the most reliable, because, having invitations on hand, it is difficult to confuse the date and forget about the time.

The text of the wedding invitation is drawn up in various styles, ranging from strict classical to humorous. Of course, if the predominant number of guests is older, then it is better to issue invitations in an official style.

What do they write in wedding invitations? How to compose a text?

Since there are many options for designing the text part of the invitation, we will give an example of the most popular ones:

1. Official style text in invitation- suitable for strangers, colleagues and just important people in the lives of newlyweds. Here, in the official format, full information the date and place of the celebration.

Dear ________________________! We have the honor to invite you to solemn registration our family union, which will take place on ______ of the year at _____ hours at ________________________________.

Sincerely _________________________.

2. Soulful text style in the invitation- it implies that the couple emphasizes the importance of each guest and means that this date is very important for them, and they would be happy to share it with loved ones.

Our dear ____! We want to invite you to the birthday of ... our family! On this day, we are going to say “yes” to each other, surrounded by the closest and dearest people.

We decided to connect our hearts and destinies of _________, at _________ hours, at __________.

We will be very glad to see you at our first family holiday!

3. Poetic style of the text in the invitation- used to invite relatives. The best option it is considered the one when the poem is composed by the newlyweds themselves and mention their names. If there is no such gift, you can find the poetic text of the wedding invitation on the Internet.

We just dreamed of each other.

Then they suddenly fell in love.

wished, dreamed, suffered,

Laughing, cursing, forgiving.

We caught the firebird of happiness:

Let's get married on Saturday!

Dear (th), we are waiting for you ____years, at ____ hours for our holiday at ______.

4. Thematic style text in invitation- original lyrics wedding invitations can be if the theme is clearly defined (Italian wedding, pirate wedding, retro style)

Our couple of adventurers are happy to inform you that after for long years wandering the seas, we found our treasure!

On the island of Tenderness in the ocean of Passion, we found a treasure Mutual love just enough for two!

We invite you to a friendly feast dedicated to such significant event!

We are waiting for you _________ of the year, at ________ hours, at the address ____________.

Bring wooden legs for dancing, parrot monkeys for contests and chests of gold!

All for the wedding boarding!

Basic mailing requirements

It seems to many that there are no requirements for wedding invitations. However, this is a delusion!

To begin with, it is worth noting that the distribution of invitations should be carried out in sealed envelopes. Postcards with thematic images can become invitations. When is it held special celebration, the invitations state that the guest should remember to bring certain accessories.

It is also necessary to indicate where a person is invited - to a solemn banquet or to painting.

Wedding text - invitation design

Of course, creative newlyweds start creating invitation cards with my own hands. Such author's design always looks more original than ready-made templates.

For the manufacture, you can use paper, colored cardboard, ribbons, lace, burlap, decorative paper etc. Invitations can be painted with watercolors, pencils, decorated with rhinestones and beads, feathers and other original details.

Invitations may be various shapes and types, such as frames, calendars and movie posters. 3D format invitations are considered popular today.

The text in the wedding invitation with special symbols - what does it mean?

  1. Towel in wedding invitation - symbol of the beginning of unity life path, meaning the merging of lives into one. Now the newlyweds will share all the problems and joys together.
  2. pair of doves accompanying the text of the invitation to the wedding, are a sign of eternal affection, a long and faithful marriage. Swans also belong to the same “paired” series, when their necks are intertwined, a heart is formed.
  3. Loaf - a sign of family wealth and wealth. In addition, this symbol means the guarantee of the patron god of the Sun. The loaf on the invitation means the upcoming rich and tasty celebration.
  4. Cherubim and Angels - these deities with arrows of love mean gratitude to fate from the newlyweds, for the fact that the case brought them together.
  5. Two hearts - the most common symbol meaning harmony and sincere love a newly formed family that decided to take such a responsible life step. At the same time, there must certainly be two hearts, one is considered a bad omen.

remember, that invitation cards for a wedding celebration are a reflection own attitude to the event and specific person who you invite. That is why the choice of style and design of the invitation should be approached as responsibly as possible. If you show attention to future wedding guests, they will certainly answer you in the same way, and on the wedding day they will sincerely rejoice with you!